The British American Navigator, Or, Sailing Directory for the Island And
Tin-: >"» -I BRITISH AMERICAN NAVIGATOR; -V, - OH SAILING DIRECTORY FOR THE ISLAND AND BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, THE GULF AND RIVER OF ST. LAWRENCE, Breton Ssilanlr, M NOVA SCOTIA, THE RAY OF FUNDY, AND THE COASTS THENCE TO THE RIVEll PENOBSCOT, &c. ^ I i i i OniOINALLY COMPOSED By JOHN PURDY, Hydrographer; AND COMPLETED, FROM A GREAT • VARIETY OV DOCUMENTS, PUHUC AND PRIVATE, By ALEX. G. FINDLAY. ^ A LONDON: PRINTED FOR R. H. LAURIE, CHAKT-SELLER TO THE ADMIRALTY, THE HON. CORPORATION OF TRINITY-HOUSE, kc i! No. 53, FLEET STREET. 1843. i>_ " •'*•.'?•>. : ->'t ^\^jr' ;:iii2£aa£; .i.":. rriar- r._. — 187056 y ADVERTISEMENT. The following Charts will be found particularly adapted to this Work, and are distinguished by the seal, as in the title-page : 1. A GENERAL CHART of the ATLANTIC OCEAN, according to the Observa- lions, Surveys, and Determinations, of the most eminent Navigators, British and Foreign; from a Combination of which the whole has been deduced, by John Purdy. With parti- cular Plans of the Roadstead of Angra, Terceira, Ponta-Delgada, St. Michael's, of the Channel between Fayal and Pico, Santa-Cruz to Funchal, &c. On four large sheets. tit With additions to the present time. \6s. sen ',• The new Chart of the Atlantic may be had in two parts, one containing the northern and the other the southern sheets ; being a form extremely convenient for use at sea. 2. The ATLANTIC, or WESTERN OCEAN, with Hudson's Bay and other adjacent Seas ; including the Coasts of Europe, Africa, and America, from sixty-five degrees of North Latitude to the Equator ; but without the particular Plans above mentioned.
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