INDEX See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), 48 (Halifax), 108 Bell, Alexander Graham, 149 Art Gallery of Nova Scotia National Historic Site ARP, 38 A (Western Branch; (Baddeck), 150 Acadia, CSS (Halifax), 107 Yarmouth), 85 Bell Island, 319 The Acadian Coast, 82–84 Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Bell Island Community Acadian Lines, 33 Shop (Halifax), 112 Museum and Mine Tour, The Acadian Peninsula, Atlantic Film Festival 319 211–215 (Halifax), 105 Berry Hill, 283 Acadia University (Wolfville), Atlantic Jazz Festival Berry Hill Pond Trail, 282–283 69 (Halifax), 105 Biking and mountain biking, Accommodations, 6–7, 40, Atlantic Salmon Interpretive 41 43, 47–50. See also Centre (St. Andrews), 175 New Brunswick, 167, 180, Accommodations Indexes ATMs (automated-teller 194, 189–190, 202, 206, Adventure travel, 42 machines), 35–36 209, 216 Air travel, 31, 33 Auk Island Winery Newfoundland, 268–269, Aitkens Pewter (Fredericton), (Twillingate), 292 274 196 Automobile organizations, Nova Scotia, 65, 77, 79–80, Alexander Graham Bell 326 92, 145–146, 162 National Historic Site Avonlea (Cavendish), 227 Prince Edward Island, 222, (Baddeck), 150 238, 258 American Express, 326 The Bird House and traveler’s checks, 36 accalieu Island, 307–308 Binocular Shop (St. John’s), Amherst, 126–127 B Baccalieu Trail, 306–311 318 Amherst Marsh, 126 Backcountry camping, Nova Birds and bird-watching, Amos Pewter (Mahone Bay), Scotia (Kejimkujik National 19–22 98 Park), 78 New Brunswick, 167, 199, Anglican Cathedral of St. Backcountry hiking and 200 John the Baptist (St. backpacking, New Newfoundland, 269, 308 John’s), 314 Brunswick, 167 Nova Scotia, 65, 155–156 Anglo Rustico, 230 Backroads, 39, 42 Prince Edward Island, 253 Annapolis Royal, 72–76 Baddeck, 136, 149–152 Black bears, 16 Annapolis Royal Tidal Power Baker’s Brook Falls Trail, 283 Blockhouse National Historic Generation Station, 72 Balancing Rock, 80 Site (St.
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