The Ithacan, 1966-03-18
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1965-66 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 3-18-1966 The thI acan, 1966-03-18 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1966-03-18" (1966). The Ithacan, 1965-66. 19. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1965-66 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. A Weekly Newspaper, Published by and for t}:ie Students of Ithaca College. Vol. 38--No, 19 Ithaca, .New York March 18, 1966 ,Gamma .Delta. Pi Claims EUB Sponsors Simon & Garfunkel 5t• Patricks Day Today Brandywine Singers This Weekend Simon and Garfunkel and The Insists on Calendar Mix-up Brandywine Singers will perform in concert on Sunday, March 20, By Eloise Dudley Birdland To in the gymnasium. The concert will begin at 3 p.m. Gamma Delt still maintains stag and 75c drag. All money re Simon and Garfunkel, famous that the calendar is wrong. St. ceived will go to the further Raise Money for their "Sound of Silence" as Patrick's Day is actually March maintenance of various Irish tra- well as many other records, rep 18 and not the traditionally in- ditions for those away from the resent a new breed of singers- correct March 17. Although this homeland. for New Wing the urban folk singer who sings social sorority has been unsuc of the unique joys and trials of life in the megapolis. In contrast, cessful in changing all printed "Birdland," an evening out of The Brandywine Singers typify calendars, they will show the the Roaring Twenties, will be pre G T the current pop-folk music. non-Irish of the world in action reene 0 sented by EUB next Saturday rather than deed. Paul Simon, a native of New night at 8:00 p.m. in the Recrea ark, N.J. and Art Garfunkel, a Therefore, the Gamma Delta Lecture on tion Room. Included in the bill of New Yorker, met in the sixth Pi dance will be held on Friday, , entertainment will be singers, grade and have been singing to March 18 in the O'Egbert Union uss R ch· honky-tonk pianists, and even go- . gether since they were fourteen. Recgreenation Room from 8 p.m. I In8 Initially confining their vocalizing go girls. until mi~h~ The dance must The growing rift between the to school functions and private stop at DUdmght. for all the Soviet Union and Red China will Featured at "Birdland" will be gatherings, they eventually leprec~auns gather then for their be discussed by an authority on a complete casino set up with stepped out into the world of pro own Irish fete. Asian affairs in a lecture Tues- poker, blackjack, dice games, a fessional performing at the well The Flames, beaded by day evening, March 22, at 8:15 numbers game, and roulette. known Manhattan Center of the Michael Thomas Patrick Mc- in Egbert Union. Gambling will be conducted with folk world, Gerde's Folk City. Namara will provide the musi,i?. Raphael Green, whose lecture Since then, Simon and Garfunkel, play money which must be bought , As traditional with the wee is ,Pat! of the . "World Around who write and arrange most of people good ol' Irish beer will Us lecture series sponsored by for cash. All profits made by the their own material, have been be se~ed. Naturally the beer is the Egbert U~on ~oard, has house will be donated to the heard at the Gaslight and the Bit green and was, incidentally, im- dtravelled exftAsen~1velhy m tthh e ~oalr· Union Building Fund. Further ter End, in New York City; in ported from Orange, New Jersey; e~ areas o _1a w ere . e riv more, according to Wanda Whit· concert at Columbia University this was done to placate any clauns of Russia and China con taker, if the venture is successful, and the Edinburgh Folk Festival; Anglophile who might feel un- front each oth~r. A former mem· "Birdland" may become a tradi· at the Troubador and the Enter welcome otherwise her of the,.Wh1te House staff, he tion. Starting next year, it will be prise, both in London, and at the There will be a ~ght donation ~ccompanied. Ambassador. Pauley represented at the beginnin·g of Streets of Paris, in the French for the dance. Tickets are SOC m a. reparations survey m Man· each spring semester. capitol city. chur1a and North Korea, and was The admission to "Birdland's" Rick and Ron Shaw, twins, and in the first party of Americans casino will be free if the student Les Clark comprise the Brandy ~ to enter Outer Mongolia.· He has shows a ticket to the Sunday con wine Singers, a group of pop-folk I and We Creeds a1so travelled in many areas of cert; otherwise the admission will artists of national acclaim. Their the Soviet Union itself. For many cost fifty cents. origin as a professional group be Topic in 2nd years he was on the staff of the The newly organized Union gan on the campus of the Univer University of Minn~ta. Building Fund is set up to raise sity of New Hampshire where the :Part of Dialogues The area that Mr. Green will money for an addition to the Eg ~ins joined voices and guitars in discuss-an area where both bert Union. "Birdland" will be the song. After singing with other . Dr. Harcourt and Mr. Kaufman Russia and China have claims- first function to raise money for schoolmates at :fraternity parties presented part II of their discus- includes Siberia, Outer Mongolia the fund. Hopefully, with students and other functions, an effort to lion of the ''Radical Reformation and Manchuria. While the area making the first contributions to achieve the ultimate in harmonic Today" on Monday, March l4. The is largely undeveloped, it pos- the organization, others will. do intonation was made as Mr. Milt sesses vast mineral and other na nate · money and the school will Okun, musical director for Peter, toplc for this discussion was "The tural resources which have been help· finance the addition. Tenta Paul and Mary, The Brothers :Problem of Creeds". relatively untouched. It is a re tive plans !or the new section in Four and The Mitchell Trio, se- Dr. Harcourt began the discus- gion of great grazing lands, ex clude offices for student organiza lected Les Clark as the third .sion, by remarking that, "Chris- tel_lSive. forests ~d ":a1?~ power tions, meeting rooms, and possibly member of The Brandywine Sing tianity is a creed writing religion. but which is still pnm.i~ve and a gallery, lounge, and reading ers. Since then, the group bas de . backward in an agricultural room. veloped into one of the nation's · · · appl~g rational methods to sense. (Continued on page 2j The Brandywine Singers leading singing acts, appearing on the mysteries of religioQ.." Many numerous college campuses. of these .creeds were written ------------------------ I Tickets for this Sunday after noon concert can be purchased in :::.::.:..~~=: Birth Control Discussed By Puccini's Suor Ange ica the union for $1.75 for bleacher t seats, or for $2.00 or $2.25 for other seats. e~:::::~sa::.8::1a'S OthroW Prominent: Campus Leaders ·s d Aft r O 3 30 The two men had spent the past Over 150 persons attended the othinr.pgbysriceaplresacetn; tin~athg erthite isshsoarmeed- un ay e n on : drawing up their own Forum sponsored discussion on s, which they felt best ex- Birth Control Thursday evening, love experience. Puccini's one act opera, "Suor chuk, Jean Brown, Cathlene Lewis, d their respective positions March 10. Professor Graf of the At this point, Dr. Graf inter- Angelica," will ~ _presented in Mary Jane Merrifield, Elaine Mary Levy Gets the church. psychology department, Father jected with his point of view as a Ford Hall Aud1tonum, Sunday Merrey, Anita Ranucci and Pam· · kr. Kaufman, an Anabaptist or Graf, the Catholic priest, Dr. behavorial scientist. Be said that afternoon, March _20, starting at ela Thompson. Hon. Mention onite read his creed which Blauvelt of the biology depart- even though man is a rational be- 3:30. The opera will be produced Michael Kaye is director of the "c~o'' or I belie~e, .and ment, and Professor Shackelford ing, he is also a functional being. ~d performed by m~mbers o! production. "Suor Angelica" will For Wilson Grant s the individual's position: of the philosophy department.par- Graf questioned whether the ap- Sigma Alpha Iota_ soroi:ity. Assoc1- be the first opera to be performed Mary Levey, Senior French ticipated in this discussion. peal to responsible parenthood is ate Professor Prins will conduct. by Ithaca College students in major, has been given Honorable · man, created in His Image, Lou Barsky, moderator, opened strong enough to guide the sexual Leading singing roles will be eight years. Mention for the Woodrow Wilson · Believe in one eternal God, the discussion with the question, activities of the individual in the taken by Valerie Boyce as Sister ------------ Nation Fellowship. sinful because I a "Is there more than a practical 20thPcentury. He added that the Angelica; Sharon Markowitz as man, OF SPECIAL INTEREST Last January, Miss Levey went believe in my salvation aspect involved in the problem of sex act is more than a desire for the Princess; Elizabeth Spann as IN THE ITHACAN to Syracuse University for an through Christ,- the Son of birth control?" He then asked procreation, and that the act itseH the Abbess; Judith Nicosia as THIS WEEK interview with various graduate , God, my Saviour.