Deliberative Diplomacy: the Nordic Approach to Global Governance and Societal Representation at the United Nations International Relations Studies Series

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Deliberative Diplomacy: the Nordic Approach to Global Governance and Societal Representation at the United Nations International Relations Studies Series DELIBERATIVE DIPLOMACY: THE NORDIC APPROACH TO GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND SOCIETAL REPRESENTATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS STUDIES SERIES Series Editor Patrick James University of Southern California Editorial Board Mark Theodore Berger, Naval Postgraduate School Annette Freyberg-Inan, University of Amsterdam Ewan Harrison, Washington University, St. Louis Axel Huelsemeyer, Concordia University Steven Lamy, University of Southern California Stephen M. Seideman, McGill University VOLUME 11 DELIBERATIVE DIPLOMACY: THE NORDIC APPROACH TO GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND SOCIETAL REPRESENTATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS by Norbert Gtz DORDRECHT 2011 Cover Design / Illustration: studio Thorsten / The Royal Library Copenhagen This book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ISSN 1570-6451 hardbound ISBN 9789089790583 paperback ISBN 9789089790590 Copyright 2011 Republic of Letters Publishing BV, Dordrecht, The Netherlands / St. Louis, MO All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Republic of Letters Publishing has made all reasonable efforts to trace all rights holders to any copyrighted material used in this work. In cases where these efforts have not been successful the publisher welcomes communications from copyright holders, so that the appropriate acknowledgements can be made in future editions, and to settle other permission matters. Authorization to photocopy items for personal use is granted by Republic of Letters Publishing BV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA Fees are subject to change CONTENTS Preface vii List of figures and tables ix List of abbreviations xi 1. Introduction 1 The problem 1 Why do the General Assembly and Norden matter? 10 Theory and methodology 24 Prior research 32 2. Challenges and traditions 49 Delegation and representation at the United Nations 49 Democracy and dilemmas at the UN General Assembly 68 Nordic diplomacy at the League of Nations 83 Unisex state actors and the representation of women 114 3. Parliament and UN delegations 141 The Scandinavian model: Denmark 141 An anachronism and parliamentary stronghold: Norway 198 Routine, squeeze-out, routine: Sweden 248 Between Lilliputian and full-scale representation: Iceland 301 Metamorphosis or parliament lost: The Finnish Sonderweg 308 4. The participation of civil society 345 Scandinavian model revisited: Denmark 345 The return of the body-snatched: Norway 371 Corporatism and double universalism: Sweden 401 Short stories: Finland and Iceland 416 5. Conclusions: On the way to deliberative diplomacy 421 Archives 437 Bibliography 439 Author Index 477 v PREFACE This study is the product of historical and political interest in the peculiarities of Northern Europe and the United Nations, as well as a belief in democracy and the need to find timely global solutions to current problems. It was begun at the University of Greifswald, continued at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, and concluded at the University of Helsinki. The manuscript was finalised at Sdertrn University. The Danish Institute for International Studies and the University of Oslo hosted me as a guest researcher. The book has benefited from all of these scholarly environments. Among the numerous individuals and colleagues to whom I am indebted, two stand out: Jens E. Olesen and Henrik Stenius whose support and friendship were crucial for writing this book. I would also like to express my gratitude to Tomas Ries, Pertti Joenniemi, and Helge Pharo for their generous hospitality. The chapters on Finland could not have been written were it not for the committed assistance of Tiina Saksman-Harb. A key passage from Icelandic was kindly translated by Hartmut Mittelstädt. The continual encouragement of my long-time mentors Bernd Henningsen and Heinrich August Winkler has meant much to me. Jens E. Olesen, Thorsten B. Olesen, Reinhard Wolf and an anonymous reviewer have commented insightfully on earlier versions of the manuscript. Henrik Stenius and my friends at the EINO-seminar at the Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Helsinki, have discussed several draft chapters and been a source of inspiration. Apart from my employers in Germany and Finland, funding for the research and writing of this study was mainly provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Wenner-Gren Foundations and the Norwegian–German Willy Brandt Foundation also offered benefits and financial support. My host institutions all graciously waived overhead charges, thereby enabling me to conduct research that would otherwise not have been possible. I feel privileged to have been able to work at a point in time when academic institutions still felt they were able to afford the luxury of non-paying guest researchers. Friends and family had direct influence on this study; it was in a conversation with the late Alfred Maria Polczyk that the idea of writing about the Nordic countries in the United Nations first emerged. Alexandra Widl, Christa Gtz, Hans Norbert Gtz, and Volkmar Gtz provided significant support under extraordinary circumstances. Other friends and family were always there for me. Finally, the research and writing of this book were made delightfully more complicated and enjoyable by the vii PREFACE presence of Linus, Joella, and Philine. The greatest ‘thank you’ of all goes to Alexandra – for sharing her life with me, despite this book. Stockholm and Helsinki, March 2010 Norbert Gtz viii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: Peoples representation in Scandinavian UN delegations Figure 2: Swedish delegation to the UN General Assembly, 20 October 1949 Table 1: Women in selected delegations to the General Assembly (by percentage) ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ~ Probably, approximately AGMA Alva and Gunnar Myrdal’s Archive BOA Bertil Ohlin’s Archive BPCAH Brage Press Cutting Archive, Helsinki CAMDUN Campaign for a More Democratic United Nations CM Cabinet meetings D.C. District of Columbia EC European Community ECA Ernst Christiansen’s Archive ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (United Nations) EO Embassy Oslo ES Embassy Stockholm EU European Union EW Embassy Washington FA Foreign Affairs FM Foreign Ministry FMAH Foreign Ministry Archives, Helsinki FMAO Foreign Ministry Archives, Oslo FMAS Foreign Ministry Archives, Stockholm FS Filing system of GA General Assembly GGC Georg A. Gripenberg’s Collection HLA Halvard Lange’s Archive ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions ILO International Labour Organisation INFUSA International Network for a UN Second Assembly INGO(s) International non-governmental organisation(s) IO(s) International organisation(s) IPU Inter-parliamentary Union KHC Kerstin Hesselgren’s Collection KNA Konrad Nordahl’s Archive LPA Labour Party Archives LPG Liberal Party Group LMAC Labour Movement Archives, Copenhagen LMAO Labour Movement Archives, Oslo LMAS Labour Movement Archives, Stockholm M.P.(s) Member(s) of Parliament MS Manuscripts’ Section NAC National Archives, Copenhagen xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS NAH National Archives, Helsinki NAO National Archives, Oslo NAS National Archives, Stockholm NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NGO(s) Non-governmental organisation(s) NLS National Library, Stockholm N.S. New Series PLO Palestine Liberation Organisation PM Permanent mission to the United Nations PMO Prime Minister’s Office REC Ralph Enckell’s Collection SCAH Swedish Central Archives, Helsinki SDPG Social Democratic Party Group SG Secretary General SPP Swedish People’s Party (of Finland) UK United Kingdom ULA Ulla Lindstrm’s Archive ULG University Library, Gothenburg UN(O) United Nations (Organisation) UNA United Nations Association UNCIO United Nations Conference on International Organization (1945) UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNIO United Nations Information Office UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNPA United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (suggested) UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration US(A) United States of America USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics WAWF World Association of World Federalists WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions WHC Women’s History Collections WTUC World Trade Union Conference xii Die UNO zeigt der Weltffentlichkeit doch mehr als die Diplomatie der einzelnen Staaten. Ein Organ der Menschheit – und sei es noch so miserabel – 1 zeigt sich der Menschheit –––––––––––––– 1 Karl Jaspers. Die Atombombe und die Zukunft des Menschen: Politisches Bewußtsein in unserer Zeit. Munich: Piper, 1958. 218. In the American edition of the book, this sentence was translated as: “The UN shows us more than the diplomacy of its members. An organ of mankind, however wretched, appears to mankind” (Karl Jaspers. The Atom Bomb and the Future of Man. Chicago: University Press, 1984. 157). 1. INTRODUCTION THE PROBLEM “Everyone’s a delegate”, declared the television and billboard ads promoting the 2005 United Nations World Summit.1 The publicity campaign surrounding the descent of UN representatives from all over the world on New York City tried to make the disruptions occasioned by the event more palatable to residents and visitors alike. The idea was to convince everyone of the Summit’s relevance and create
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