The Oxford Democrat : Vol. 65. No. 31
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The Oxford Democrat. VOLUME 65. SOUTH PARIS. MAINE. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1898. NUMBER 81. iuu water ana uitu bark ι t*r\.Aii and the «boot· HELP IN HAYIN'. IN THE LAND OF THE BLUEBELL stream he loved so whose murmur face of awoep hrr irfo hrr ngnin, • CITY well, THE MOHAMMEDANS. now an Last after a little more dal- well intentioned and AMONG THE FARMERS. Well, hayln' U over and If ever Γ β glad ANO HEATHER. U eternal requiem, the Lay a«aiu. Finally, itiR. though pro- Beeches" the Minstrel h ended! The Guns for Cuba, it aettled on the «teamer and lit wan in uim "The of anything, I'm glad of that, and all of Great liance, digious in quantity, poor Vtif (Jon>r J'-1 π r In Whlrh Thr y MU A white dove ha· left her the air because 1 bad seech dern'd uiean help. snowy pin- her and tbe of water on which ah· The ballet* whisped through l'p K«-ogi«n and Mardtr. PARIS HILL, ME., NO. 15. on emblem ring How did 1 ter sech ion the silent temple—a fit on tbo like · h til bapp«o git help? nwarn a a lantern and pelted plating Tin· otolith of Ramadan, in which the SANZTARXUM. of the white soul of him whose ashes By CUTCLIFFE HYNE. like obip in picture. on practt· ai agricultural tuple· Well, I'll teat fell yer. storm, and ouo of them flicked out tbo ..i ?r*«\ ThurwUy an·) Correapon.tence Carnfortb «wore aloud, and flr<f of Mi·· Koran in said to bave tou·.η la »oVlle*l Α·Ι<Ιγμ* All communication» In Here about three week· afore reat beneath—and with reverence the Captain jcirf ν Kl«N |ri< M along the < r on »,· Vnh»>m Ily, *·»«<». ( Krocn Democrat'· Furvljp) Correspondent.) brains f «Lu- Dttuisb quart.»r:ni't. ten ir·! for thtc It-partmenl to H*!»*» l> Ma* hand reaches In the iron Kettle lit a freib cigar. Tboee of the b» >ti r»'.« l«> ! ih oUwvi d as a fast .ml ihr R«*»t Cur» Term· rv**.iiablr 'twas time ter I a letter through grating 1M·*, Uie Author.) \% by I;,; Hord, agricultural Editor «»*fo«>t liemucrti. beglo hayln' got Feb. «8. (Copyright· by the but Kettle took the ι*«··*1 \Mitm l»r C. r HAMMOND. Ahhottsk>ri>, {Scotland, 11, to add tills tender memorial to the sac- crew who were on deck went Linage, M« from my fust wife's sister, who lives in mongrel all Mohammedans. Tin· fart extend* I'Hi·, "Caledonia! «tern and wll«l frotu bin bande, and a moment later the Borstin, her two oldest had red keepsakes to carry back across the below to tbeir tag* sayln' boys Mm·» nunc for a poetic child! pack stem crushed into aver tin whole "monthof raging heat" I» Bl"» BRA, from would of Nruwn Ami ntuunrr sea. rcoxnxT'KD.] said Kettle Saltan of B«*ueo's fc.'Ki.K jest got through college and Laud hrath wood. "Well, air," cheerfully, and self denial and the Flood We our aide involves extraordinary tike ter make me a and at the same l.aul of the Mountain turn away and retrace foot- wo are. That'· a the gunbor.t's unprotected just visit, "here Spanish gim- No or drink of THE WAY OF THE RAIN. —Lay of the Last Minstrel back to classic Abbotsford. and Tbc from that time onward " nf her starboard and self eoutrol. food Counsellor at Law, time git a leetle outdoor exercise, aud steps voyuKo Ixuit, with aearcbligbt, all complete. abaft the nponson but "Hushed 1$ the wnx Kettle a of cou- any kind may br taken from daybreak would like nothiu' better than ter help No wouder this country makes poets of enter, Harp—the for Captain period hi» and astern gnu. main» !I« acrewed up eyes gazed quarter at ia mk'Ki» ► alls, I heart an « il fannrr talk ··■«- -la*. me it. said had beeu ter Us nod make Minstrel not for a •taut It would uot be trot· kirked bis- anril the appearance of the stars hay She they (teople, the people poetry gone," yet gone, watcbfulneM. "She's tbe hoela on The steamers thrilled Iiko TVinne hi* IWtener· how Presence still is where meditatively. got work in the sort of a uia- of their Scotland has to here, everything to tliut be never took off bid clothe* u uoiae went into nightfall. >1 y \k>s. In lb*· wVle. o« w country, tar away. gimna«iuiu (a country. given wiy about Ove knota, I should cuit boxen, aud up is as be left in Ills he na, too. by a The raluia.l follow» the plow. chioe shop. 1 take It,.) ana were all hard- the world more volumes of poetry than it, study—the peri or never bat whether he was in an of boiler Th·· rigor with which Mohammedan ^. «Upt, Just look at the flames out the bot nigbt sky 10,000 ened aud would make extra twice Its size on the wrote the last words with, the desk and Miy. coming ob-vrves thin fast and the be- Attorney & Counselor, up, good any country globe in the ( hnrtbnu<» or whether rj all a rivet at once. great gulf "A* ta»t a* break It the armchair In which we must sit pjjuuiae of her funnel*. Aren't uiaki healing up they up. you «ce, help. So 1 wrote her ter tell 'em ter In the library at Glasgow are 6000 great they just giving tween its oh*· rvanc·»· and obedience to MAINS. A tvl turn ibr heart to tin· «un, be wtit* «ittiiiK ou an upturned giugiT On both the stopped NORWAY. come. volumes of Scottish and look around upon the walls levied her ginger down in the atokebole. rbipti propellent A· the* opet the furrvwe-W-ep m l frw. poetry, represent- to th·· moral c**l«· an both illnetrated by a with books 011 all the beer eat»· under tbo ebelterof one of the an if iust.uct, and then, in answer vu nk- lUnk BulHlng Ami the I· Jest about three arter I wrote authors and besides the verse sides, great picture Hbontiiitf will aud tbe by Ullaicv beyun days ing .1,000 ; bcgiu directly, told in th·· lif·· of «m»» of the he- of horses and warriors over the mantle upper ran van with bi* the collier backed story her, I got a letter with a ten-cent stamp of this illustrious land there Is no litera- bridg·) dodgers, otlu r I lai ashore have apparent- the telegraph, grimy HARLOW, k^narda ro« « of Joint Nicholson. The earth m« an I more an I more and underneath the massive and tired HHhut aud tbe red beard the war steamer did not India, Major nr>w« Ih'W. on it, tellin' me ter meet 'em on the 10:Λ> ture in the world so musically, tenderly, elegant eyi peaked all aboat ne. There ian't a astern. But H fcobl· a»I «en<!« V the ly forgotten Ν"ί··1ι<·!.**· ι» in I ν, 4 wan jOrtN *ky traiu the couiiu' as the Scottish literature. fireplace framed lu black and white mar- move. Her watt broken down While deputy A nivjlnlurr h never ha I hvtorv. Tueaday. vividly poetical liuht machinery at ble. is the with more anywhere." coiuiuismoih r in liuiinu, a native kill·*! Attorney Law, « hea the ta· « w%* harl an·! So when ihe arrived I harne*«ed W hen we think of the names it has library a lint toward dry day great Adjoining are to dor" aaked fcbo bad already got heavy and more one wonders if "What yoo going was up old l»obbin and rode down ter the to Chalmers. bonks, till it second the bin brother and was aire*t«<L He MAINS. given letters—Carl) le, her wounded side, and every ΙΜ\ΓΙΪ1.1>. An·) »o, wherever the rue. «tatlon. train that morula' was could be for one to read Carnfortb. I* f '!·»· on n hot plowshare- The Hume, Kim»ey, Thomson, Furgurson, possible person wan an the water brought Nicholson rery The clou'l· run instruc- litit increasing poured overnea·!. two but I arcuud and It all those volâmes in a lifetime. "Follow out Mr. (Jedge'a 1 about hours late, hung and greatest of all, Scott Burns, Hang- iV' limy. 1'x'kiiiy and exhausted, : I» HAKR, An the *41 Uvat w.<rk« ami let* In the «un, in the shattered Her jutn'hed KART " on the the a thin on the through plate*. WIUi water la fe·! town 'till she come in. seems almost a marvel that this little ing wall in armory Is huge tions, air, and put cargo and It alway* crew were with disorder It for In· bad wi^kd many miica, ^ old Border war-hirn which he on<- Whether the old Saltan buzzing 1 w»s ter see a of six land, not much than the State of got beach. goea < '«pectin' couple larger a was the m aith f Ramadan. 1 «>>D'ler If while his wan evident that the νeasel had bot Licensed Auctioneer, t*>ai oM farwer knew with their own tools, and contain a ar- the country with remaiua to be aeen." " footers, hayln' Main··, could such gigantic day scouring there, too, Nicholson. 'Me it The half of hi· «Impie « onl. friend who abort time to ewirn. and their Wby," exclaim·*! M * INK. all to work, but here I s dis- of Shortreed, says, "How greet "That will cut off in a louger ■»· ·Ι ΓΜ r\RIH.