Land Forces Academy Review Vol. XXV, No 2(98), 2020 REMOVAL OF A GENERAL – THE REBIRTH OF A LATENT CONFLICT BETWEEN TWO SOVEREIGN STATES: USA AND IRAN Diana CHIȘ-MANOLACHE “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, Romania
[email protected] Ciprian CHIȘ “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, Romania
[email protected] ABSTRACT Generally speaking, the relations between different states of the world, but especially between the states that represent world powers or have a certain type of arsenal, are able to influence the stability and the state of calmness from a certain region of the world, but also the notion of peace at the globally level. The 2020 year began with such a situation, in the sense that United States of America and Iran, which have been for a long period in relations not among the most well, have arrived at a moment that could represent, to a very large extent, the starting point of a conflict that will enter in the world history. The elimination of a very important Iranian general by US troops in early January 2020, by a surprise attack amonk Iraqian teritory, markedly aggravated relations between the United States of America and Iran, but also between the great world power and Iraq or other major global players who have harshly criticized the US attack. KEYWORDS: Iranian general, security, agression, drones, ciber attack 1. Introduction state), has aggravated, in a visible way the The two states that have been for a tensions between the United States of long time in the relations, not one of the America (hereinafter referred to as the best, rather tense than peaceful, seem to USA) and Iran, which anyway were not the have reached in 2020, again, at a point that best, but also, in the same time, between the could lead, with a veru high probability, to USA and Iraq.