DIRTY RUSHING This week's lead edito­ rial points out the bla­ tant disregard of the IFC tEtye Butte Chronicle rules. See Page 6.

Vol. 4G—No. 19 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, February 23, 1951 Les Brown Will Play for S V S SVSandHVH Bixby To Assume Lead Phi Kappa Sigma Leads Adjust Schedules Spring Rushing Season Of Next Year's WFAC For Friday Night Molly Bixby will succeed Patt McAIister as the chairman of the Uncertain Roster Ends With 236 Pledges Woman's Advisory Council for Causes Economy After a week of handshakes and hotboxes, formal rushing the coming year. came to a hectic finale late Saturday afternoon as 218 freshmen The Freshman Advisory Coun­ Les Brown and his "Band and 18 upperclassmen returned bids to the fraternity of their cil is composed of about forty of Renown" will add to the choice and officially became pledges. upperclass students who are festivities of the Shoe 'n' Slip­ Phi Kappa Sigma leads the pack in number of pledges with chosen by the House Council and per week end, April 20-21, if 20, while Sigma Alpha Epsilon .... Joe Han Upperclassmen: Jim Chamberlain. the former Freshman Advisory he puts his signature on the and Lambda Chi Alpha have 19 Kappa Sigma Council. The members of this contract, promised Bob Renfrow, each and : Beta Theta ~" Wayne Cunningham, Don Kovegno, Joe council aid in the freshman president of the organization. Other fraternities ranged from ]Healey , Hugh Johnson, Robert Trcbus. Peter Goubert, William Smith, Marvin Decker. orientation program and serve 15 to 2, with the average num­ Charles Brown James Farbei, James Bradr, as guides and friends to their Brown will provide the music ber of pledges being approxi­ group of girls throughout the on both Friday and Saturday mately 11. nights. Because the Hoof 'n' Lambda Chi Alpha year. Each freshman group con­ Of the 320 freshmen eligible John Collins, Jim Wylly. William Maddox. sists of about ten girls. Horn's last show is also on April Dick Ware, Lee Barnes, 5a 20, Friday's will start at to join fraternities this semester Robert Brannoo, John Nessen, Dean Miss Bixby will assume lead­ 218 became pledges. They rep­ UttOO, S^iv-in Piersen, John Adams, John 9:30 while H 'n' H will begin its Lawther, Dick Brennen. Bill Hames. Pen Str­ ership of the council in March presentation 15 minutes earlier resent 36 per cent of the fresh­ ict. Drayton Justus. Kim Watson. when the new Freshman Ad­ than usual. man class. Eighteen upperclass­ Upperclassmen: Bill Williams. visers are appointed. Her posi­ men also pledged Saturday. (Continued on Page Four) In answer to expected com­ Staggering Pledges tion also entitles her to be the plaints about having only one parliamentarian and ex - officio band for the week end, Renfrow Many fraternities had "st member of the Woman's Stu­ explained, "The draft and vol­ parties for their new pledges dent Government Council. Saturday evening. Candidates Vie unteers may have cut down our 1 She has been active in campus membership, and we do not Bids were sent out to under- ~r XJ • E * J affairs and is a member of Ivy, elections are the chairman of the know at this time the exaet ros­ classmen and upperclassmen Fri-: J_ fj, MTT'\'Ze JTJJXalS dean's list, Pegasus, Glee Club, Student Forum Committee to ter of the club. Because it is a day after a series of open houses' Freshman Advisory Council, Re­ replace Wink Boone, chairman proportional cost affair, and be­ which the 20 campus fraternities j Finalists for Angier B. Duke ligious Emphasis Week Commit­ of the Student Coordinate Board cause there was a slight financial sponsored for the purpose of | Scholarships from the eight re- tee, and the-Kappa Alpha Theta to replace Joanie Craig, the loss on the last dance, this econ­ better acquainting freshmen and'' gions of North Carolina will sorority. chairman -of the Campus Chest, omy is being planned." fraternity men. Accepted bids;meet here March 16-17 for final The selection, marks the first and the members of these com­ Two Packages were returned to the respective j selection of nine prize winners, of several appointments to be mittees and Sandals. All these In the history of the club, sections at 5 p.m. Saturday, and j These finalists are being se- made in East Campus politics. organizations are subsidiary there have been only two "pack­ rejects were given to Dr. How-, lected in regional contests this Others to follow after the March groups of the WSGA. age" dances in which more than ard Stroble, head housemaster,,. week. Five candidates from each one dance band participated. In by 4 p.m. the same afternoon. : region will be chosen for the the spring of 1950 Glen Gray, The following students pledged : final contest. Charlie Spivak and Blue Barron Saturday: | John M. Dozier, executive sec- Phi Beta Kappa Elects Fifteen all played here and last fall Alpha Tau Omega i retary of the prize committee, Vaughn Monroe and Tex Beneke Singlet . . shared the bandstand. Perry, Clay Willi. Little. Ken OrV, Die* , a maximum of $3,000 for study To Ranks of Honor Fraternity .• Brown is an alumnus of the Bartlett, Dick Linden. at Duke will be awarded to Phi Beta Kappa elected 15 un­ head of the Department of class of '36, and during his four Upperclassmen: R. N. Norton. three girls and six boys from dergraduates to the scholastic English at George Peabody Col­ years here led an orchestra, "Les Beta Theta Pi representative regions through- Tom Dulin. Bill Bryant, Bob Mayer. John „,,* «._ c-ta+o honorary fraternity, Wednesday, lege, Nashville, Term. Brown and his Blue Devils." At Reed. Charles Novak. Doug Smiley. Stan Col 0L"i, ™ *™le; ' Feb: 21. that time Johnny Long, also an nie Wingerter•rijjL-nt-., Charles Schuck, Ken, Establishe-_d in 1946, the An- Receiving an honorary elec­ r Gerbt Juniors who received the hon­ tion was Dr. Walter McKinley alumnus of Duke, played at feio^'jol D&. n£%£" Randl<:' ! §ier Dul^e prize Fund is design- or are Welty Kenney Withers, Nielsen, professor and chairman dances in this section, creating 'ppt.-r Farquhar, Dewe; ed to aid and encourage out­ Sally Prosser Verner, George of the Physics Department at competition between the organi­ Chi Phi standing students who are resi­ Edward Binda, Olin H. Ingham, Duke. zations. Morgan Brenner, Richard Van Zandt. dents of North Carolina. Herbert Trice Dukes, Ernest Dr. Furman G. McClarty was In 1949 Frank Sinatra named Delta Sigma Phi Gene Reeves, Robert Matthew elected president of the Duke Les Brown's orchestra "the best William YenzSC James Cedetstrom. William Wiita and Roy Stanley Wood. all-'round band of the year." To Roberts. Franklin Rufty. Wilburn Herring. World War Threat chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The Delta Tau Delta Most are pre-medical students. other officers were Dr. William add |o his success, his recording Peie W'aldrop. DcLeon Stokes, Perry Stewart. i Six seniors who were elected F. Stinespring, vice-president; of "I've Got My Love to Keep Thomas Progler. Donald Richardson. Warren Thwarts Chronicle i.iebfricd. Stephen Karpman. An Holmes, are Mary Elizabeth Trimmer, Dr. James Cannon III, secretary - Me Warm" sold one million James Fulton. James Cranwell, Charles Cooley Robert Laird Van Dyck, Carl copies. Albert Bragg, George Freeze. George Fesper- Complications arising from treasurer; and Dr. Paul J. the present international situa­ Preston Rose, Walter Edward Kramer and Dr. Theodore Ropp, The saxaphone-playing leader Hudgins, Doris Lee Crowell, Ar­ Kappa Alpha tion have thwarted efforts of members of the Executive Coun­ has composed several songs, his Rudy Lacy, Duane Wolfe. Fred Farmer. the CHRONICLE to publish two thur Weir McConnell and Alan cil. best known number probably be­ Henry Boshamer Ralph Paris, Don Roberson, William Sliker. John Neely, Bill McGuinn, Tom Price, Fuller issues per week, as it had stated The annual Phi Bete initiation ing "Sentimental Journey." Glass, Pete McGarry. Jimmy Redwine, Paul it would do this semester. Roy Prentice Basler, Ph.D., and dinner will be held Wednes­ i In an article appearing in a Duke '34 was also elected to the day, March 21, in the Union I last-semester issue, the CHRON- scholastic fraternity. Dr. Basler Ballroom on West Campus at Dick Johnson Gets Top Chanticleer • ICLE announced that it would 6 p.m. Dr. Goodrich C. White, return to its old policy of semi- president of Emory University, l weekly editions, which had been will speak. Business Post in Pub Board Election i discontinued two years ago. But Reserve Lowers 1 the printers were unable to fit Business manager of the 1952 i the added paper into their al- Professors, Staff Chanticleer is Dick Johnson, I ready heavy schedules because Grade Standards elected Wednesday afternoon by 1 of the recent loss of three press- Back Development Pub Board. He was the only 1 men to the Armed Forces, College seniors may apply for candidate for the office, succeed­ i The five-column format, how- commissions in the U. S. Naval Duke faculty and staff mem­ ing Bob Peterson. ! ever, will be continued. CHRON- Reserve 120 days before gradu­ bers have rallied to support of Elections for editor-in-chief of ! tcLE editors believe that the ation under reduced academic the Duke Development Fund the yearbook have been post­ 1 present format, originally pro- requirements, reported C m d r . with contributions totalling $81,- poned until Wednesday, Feb. 28, Clyde Van Arsdell, executive of­ 951 from over 441 subscriptions, • oosed last spring by Associate at 4 p.m. because of the illness Editor Fred Tybout, has many ficer of the local unit. Frank de Vyver, chairman of the this week of candidate Ronny faculty committee announced advantages over the old eight- Instead of the former 12 se­ Nelson. Opposing him will be column CHRONICLE. mester hours of mathematics and this week. Helen Eklund. 6 semester hours of physics, com­ This means that a majority of Elected assistant editor was pletion of mathematics through the 600 faculty and 80 staff Bob Spivey, copy editor for this Inside the Chronicle trigonometry in college or sec­ members have made pledges to year's edition. He defeated Jane ondary school is now the only the Development fund already, Gleason and Pete Hull. Rowdyism: requirement. Applicants for the de Vyer added. Willie pulls up stakes Tina White won the coed edi­ J supply eorps must still present With a goal of $8,650,000, the torial post in competition with on West I 2 45 semester hours in one, or a drive officially got under way Polly Perry, Jerry Cates topped Basketball: combination, of the following: on Feb. 6, simultaneously with Ed Wallace for assistant busi­ Groat guns for records P 9 economics, commerce, business the opening of the Mecklenburg ness manager, and Anne Tatum Facnlty: administration or textile engin­ County drive. The over-all total was named coed business man­ wk. JHfSH Profs relax for eering. for the campaign on that date ager. She and Johnson were un­ talent show P -.1 A change of area assignments was $5,761,748. opposed for their posts. flUIIilillR i ^m sHHHH Politics: has also been made, which has Alumni and friends of the Uni­ Elections for Archive and Archive positions open are for East names Tobacco caused the state of North Caro­ versity are at present moving CHRONICLE business and editorial editor, coed editor, assistant edi­ God Monday P 5 lina to be transferred from the forward to raise the three mil­ posts are scheduled to follow tor, business manager, coed busi­ C ommun ications: Washington office. lion dollars needed to match the during the next two months. Ar­ ness manager, and associate busi­ More phones creep All inquiries concerning ap- three million dollars offered in chive elections tentatively are ness manager. On the CHRONICLE onto campuses P 2 pointmentsto commissioned contingent gifts. scheduled for the second week elective posts are editor, coed WDBS plans invasion rank in the U.S.N.R. should now The all-out national campaign in March, with CHRONICLE posts editor, business manager, and as­ of East P. 12 be made to the Macon office. is scheduled to close on June 30. to be filled during April. sistant business manager. • Page Two THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, February 23, 1951 From the N e, Amazed Students ^ <*ieon Gibson Announces Seat Preferences Bid Fond Goodbye Chain Fence Antagonizes Will Go to Holders of Season Passes As an addition to last week's season sometime next week. At To Old Busy Tone announcement that holders of the present they are debating Willy-End Posts Remain Duke Players season books will over ten plays that were sub­ be given a preference over new mitted to them for final ap­ Installation Adds BY NICK HENNESSEE Sometime later a chief wan­ customers due to the seating ca­ proval. The last production will Lines, Telephones Clanging chains, sounds of dered by, and wondered who had pacity of Branson Building, be a "name" comedy. physical labor and the resound­ done the foul deed (while, no president Bud Gibson said at an Victor Michalak, the technical Installation of the new switch­ ing thud of steel rods dropping doubt, he was reassuring him­ director of the Players has an­ on the soggy ground broke the executive council meeting Wed­ board last week will improve self as to the comforts of the nesday, that the period of grace nounced his set designs for the telephone service between East lethargic silence outside my padded chairs in the Union Lob­ coming arena production of The by or Varsity D Club Room). will only be the first three days and West campuses, Duke offi­ tickets are on sale. Ascent of F-6. cials estimated today. It was 10 o'clock last Satur­ He Won't Since much of the action of Many kinks in the improved day night. Lacking the preferred This ."student" should be the play takes place on various service are yet to be worked out, four-wheel personality, I was brought before Judicial Board During this time only bearers crags and peaks of a mountain­ administration members ad­ reading a book neglected during for recommendations to the Uni­ of season books will be allowed side, and since the main thought mitted. A mass of confusion re­ rushing. The occasional entrance versity Disciplinary Committee. to reserve seats for The Ascent behind the play's obvious ad­ sulted last week when conver­ of others into the quadrangle He won't—unless he appears be­ of F-6, thereby making certain venturous plot is mental and ab­ sion to the new switchboard was had caused little distraction to fore them on his own accord. His that all those who want to see stract, he has decided on an ab­ made, and inconveniences will a most monotonous evening de- friend called his name out, but the show and who have already stract setting which will consist continue until the complete spite frequent boisterous re­ there are dozens of "Willy's" on paid for it via the student book of one squared level platform •changeover is made. marks to some friend ahead, be­ campus. subscription will get seats. After with interior settings near its hind or in his room above. New telephone directories There were many who stop­ that period of time has elapsed corners. were distributed during the But these new sounds were ped to watch his folly, as did I, anyone who desires a ticket will With such a set-up he can fa­ week end to each public campus not common ones; what is com­ but none stopped him; nor did be able to secure one. cilitate the split second scene phone, but most of them had mon about physical labor on any bother to detain him until The play selection committee changes from the mountain, to been removed by Sunday noon West Campus except possibly in another could find a chief. He of the Players will announce its a living room, to a radio station by unknown individuals. The building? A quick check assured pulled up a dozen poles, even selection for the fourth and final and back to the mountain again, new 78 page directory is the first my contention: a chain fence in those weighed with concrete major production of the present with comparative ease. complete listing of all campus Craven had antagonized some­ bases, in less than five minutes. numbers because hospital num­ one. Who has ever found a chief in bers previously were listed sep­ Pronely Silent less than fifteen? arately. As was the rebel's stated in­ Theory and Practice For Reservations More East Lines tention, he left only the end Theoretically, responsibility When the folks or that someone special plans a visit In addition to providing more posts standing; the remaining for this lies in the individual lines for conversation between dozen lay promptly silent when students. But, theoretically, this East and West, more telephones he marched away with a friend incident should not have hap­ DUTCH VILLAGE MOTEL for each girls' dorm are now (or brother) to the coke ma­ pened. Therefore, practical Modern Restaurant provided. chine, his original destination means should be not only con­ Close to West Campus — Phone X-6554 or X-6871 before the fence challenged his sidered but also used. Theoretic­ Each East campus house still Mrs. Edith Masser, Res. Mgr. lists only one number in the new energies. His "work" was ac­ ally, we are gentlemen. In prac­ telephone directory but relays in complished. tices, well the individual dormitory switch- boards provide a method through which two telephones can be operated, it was ex plained. Extra Handling Most East dorms now have a telephone in each hall, and two telephone calls can be handled 6etty*y simultaneously through use of the switchboard. Present plans for West include repairs and replacements in available booths, with promises that new telephones will be in­ stalled after the depleted net­ work has been repaired. Distribute on East Many East numbers have been changed in order to distribute the lines over the entire campus system and prevent a blockin; of channels. Previously, ten students o n West conversing with East blocked out all service to East dorms whether or not every dorm phone was busy. This situ­ ation occurred last fall when in­ stallation was begun of second phones for each dorm and a pos­ sibility of more than ten phone calls to East occurred. The telephone improvements were planned for 1942 and 1943, and money had been provided from the University budget. The war and resulting shortages in terrupted plans. Travel and study ABROAD this summer

Full-credit... all-expense.. university-sponsored... study tours via TWA Plan now for this perfect Spend half your time sightseeing in Europe, the other half in residence study. Tours planned for this sum­ mer (4 to 9 weeks) in: Switzerland, France, England, Ireland, Spain, Italy, India and General European (no residence). All air travel by lux­ urious TWA-Constellations. For information on tours, mention countries that interest you mos: when writing to: John H. Fur bay Ph. D., Director, TWA Air World Education Service, 80 E. 42nd St.; Sew York 17, N. Y. TWA Friday, February 23, 1951 THE DUKE CHRONICLE Page Three Duke Glee Club Virginia Receives 'Artery Banks' H 'n' H Director Fixes Shows Skillful State Documents To Aid Future Deadline on Properties Work, Training From Duke's Files Heart Surgery Mel Lord, technical director for Hoof 'n' Horn's spring musical BY BEN FEATHER comedy, has set a deadline of March 24 for the completion of new Duke University will trans­ "Artificial hearts and 'artery scenery for the club production of Belles ond Ballots on April The Duke Men's Glee Club fer certain county and local banks' similar to today's blood 19-20. proved Friday that good music records of Virginia, preserved banks are in store to aid sur­ The three weeks after spring vacation will be devoted to iron­ does not necessarily originate on for over 20 years in the Duke ing out technical details, famil­ Library, to Virginia for de­ geons in the near future," Dr. Conjunction Broadway. Their concert was Howard B. Spague, president of iarizing the cast with properties, Costumes and scenery have one of the most successful per­ posit in the Virginia State Li­ and practicing rapid scene set­ brary, President Hollis Edens the American Heart Association, been designed in conjunction formances given here this sea­ predicted yesterday at Duke in ting, Lord said. with each other so as to achieve son. From Mozart to Rachiman- reported today. an interview on new research The decision t o transfer Four complete new sets have effective color contrasts and to inoff, from Wagner to Gilbert developments. been designed for the turn-of- provide a vivid background for and Sullivan, there was hardly a these documents was made known in a letter from the Dr. Sprague said that an arti­ the-century musical of a wom­ the unusual election campaign. lag in the varied program of an's campaign for mayor. Con­ classical, popular, novelty and Duke President to Randolph ficial heart now in the experi­ Claude Wagner is coed pro­ Church, State Librarian of mental stage will permit sur­ struction of properties has al­ duction manager; Pam Wace, barber shop music. The 150 ready begun, and the painting of voices blended well and showed Virginia. "While Duke Uni­ geons to conduct delicate heart stage manager; Art Jefferson, versity acquired these papers operations in a "bloodless field." drops was to begin today. master carpenter; Suzanne Park­ the result of serious training Scenery Meeting under an excellent instructor. many years ago," President Blood will be side-tracked er, mistress of properties; Sue around the heart into the arti­ McMullen, scenic artist; Mary The program was high-lighted Edens said, "we believe that (Lord said there would be a they belong in the archives of ficial organ, thus enabling the meeting Monday afternoon, Feb. Lib Harris, costume designer; by several vocal solos and a surgeon to operate without the Ron Underwood, paint director, piano solo by the assistant ac­ Virginia where research might 26, of all persons interested in be better served if they were handicap of blood constantly be­ scenery painting, whether they and Jeannette Kinnikin, make­ companist. Bill Beck, baritone, ing pumped through the heart. up director. sang "Vision Fugitive," from joined with similar documents have already signed up to work "Herodiade" by Massenet. Beck's in the Virginia State Library." "The discovery that human or not. The meeting will be in excellent voice and self-confi­ Duke's collections of more arteries may be preserved at the Ark at 2 p.m.) dent stage personality combined than 1,500,000 manuscripts, low temperatures for several New sets being built and Freshman Dates to give a very pleasing perform­ built around the Flowers col­ days will probably lead to the painted for the period comedy Freshmen received more con­ ance. His encore, "I Must Be Go­ lection o f Southern Ameri­ widespread establishment of ar­ include a city square in a small venient dating regulations for ing to the Dogs," portrayed, in cana, are now a leading tery banks," the specialist assert­ mid-Western town; the front the coming semester. Added to exaggerated operatic style, the source of information to schol­ ed. porch of Patience Pennypacker, the new privilege of attending amusing story of an opera singer ars on the historical, literary Harvard Disease woman campaigner; a picnic site more than one late dance a and economic life of the who was reduced to selling hot Dr. Sprague, who is a member in a park, and the back room of week, freshmen will be allowed 'dtogB for a living. It was obvious South. a saloon. of the Harvard Medical School to take their three dates on any that as long as operas demand They range from plantation faculty, pointed out that scien­ The sound system employed good baritones Beck will never account books to the secret night in the week. Phone calls tists are making encouraging in Page Auditorium is being will still be limited to Friday, face that dilemna. archives of the Confederacy headway on the prevention and studied by a professor in the Kenneth Taylor's interpreta­ and from the correspondence cure of many heart ailments, College of Engineering with the Saturday and Sunday nights. tion of "O Sole Mio" was re­ of poets to that of presidents such as the dread rhumatic heart aim of correcting past mistakes The dating week will begin on ceived enthusiastically. His' en­ of the United States. disease which struck thousands and improving pick-up and re­ Thursday and end on Friday of core, "A Little Bit of Heaven," of soldiers in World War II. ception, Lord said. the following week. was presented in fine taste. Coed High Moment also sang "Marching Along To­ The two guest soloists were gether" and "Rigoletto Quartette Miss Matheson and Miss Thomp­ (A Travesty)." son, both Duke coeds. Miss The Barbershop Quartet com­ Matheson's presentation of Schu­ posed of Messrs. Nelson, Lassi- bert's "The Omnipotence" pro­ ter, Putnam and Krieder sang a vided one of the highest mo­ medley of old favorites in au­ ments of the concert. Her rich, thentic barbershop style. powerful voice shows unusual Guy Spann, accompanist, did promise as a dramatic soprano. more than his share in making Miss Thompson's lyric soprano the concert a success. This is voice blended well with the 13 Spann's third year as accompan­ male voice ensemble in "Italian ist for the Glee Club and he is Street Song," from "Naughty now an integral part of the Marietta." The male ensemble group. CORSAGES For The Pan-Hel Dance SPECIAL VALUES - ORDER NOW

Orchids, Reg. $6.00 Value Only $3.50 One Gardenia, Reg. $2.00 Value Only 1.50 1 Gardenia, Reg. $2.00 Value Only 1.50 2 Gardenias, Reg. $4.00 Value Only 2.50 3 Gardenias, Reg. $6.00 Value ..Only 3.50 Roses, Reg. $5.00 Value Only 3.50 Roses, Reg. $4.00 Value Only 3.00

To participate in these exceptional values, we must have your order not later than Tuesday so we can assure ourselves of the proper supply.

Phone Vs or See Our Representative Joe Gilbert — C-209

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117 N. Mangum St.

Store Phone L-195 — Nite Phone 7-6352 Page Four THE D U KE_ CHRONICLE Friday, February 23, 1951 — RUSHING — Pre-Mecls Sponsor Pledges, Brothers (Continued from Page One) Phi Delta Theta Occupational Film Celebrate in April Max Barnhart. Frank Camhen, Buddy Hor- • : C.ULV. Ij,-k M:lkT. William Macroy, kit Rjy, r%ri! Sttphtus. Jerry Wrlkins. The Duke Pre-Medical Society Liniierdassmen: Shi-rh- Jojits. IV-V. will sponsor a movie entitled, -..: •••:-.. : RESTAURANT With Greek Week "The Doctor," on Tuesday, Feb. Phi Kappa Psi 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the chemistry Fraternity solidarity will be pdLty lecture hall. The film deals with the theme of this year's Greek Rjrker. Rc.-K-i the life of a general practitioner Combes, Bill Duke, Robei. _ __, Week, scheduled for the first Hall, Willi;,!; -.i-IJ, Rusieil in a small Ohio town. days of April, C. P. Deal, pro Stephens, William dollars. Along with the showing of Durham's Oldest and Most Reliable gram chairman, announced. Upptrciassmcn: Boyd Hili. Francis Farley. Phi Kappa Sigma other such films of interest to Greek Week will be based or Tom Taylor, Ron Stauffer, Marion McClel- pre-meds, tentative plans for the Pawn Brokers a successful plan that was used . Ui.niav. , Biil lljiiirt -V. Society's activities during the se­ at the University of Tennessee Joe Holt. Terrv Hanntr, Jerrv Calleson, Don mester include a banquet and a eight years ago. Deal stated. The i liariie Pits, Bob Smith. Greg Rai- tour of the medical research mondo. program will open on Wednes­ linperdassmeii:|Gejt^e "i'jylor. Royster Tuck- building as well as regularly day, April 4, with a chapel serv­ .Tim Van b Yiiiii: scheduled speakers at the bi­ FIVE POINTS LOAN COMPANY ice at 7:30 p.m. for all men and Pi Kappa Alpha monthly meetings. (ESTABLISHED 1928) pledges. Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Jay Woodward, Charles Schreiner. K lack, Harvey Ham rick, Donald Chanc there will be a banquet for ard Buckley, Shem Blackley. WE ARE LICENSED AND BONDED pledges, pledgemasters, and fra Pi Kappa Phi Tau Epsilon ternity presidents. Larry Clifton, Bob Johnson, Bill Cur Jack Robert Scheman, Charles Stein, Dick Ka- Gilliland. L.xiwian. Lewi< Kaye. Jock Millcnson, Charles Pledges will devote Thursday Rabin, Robert Friedlander, Meyer Garber, Bill and Friday afternoons to work Sigma Alpha Epsilon Richard Wise, Donald Walske, Howard Pin Theta Chi at the Edgemont Community :i, Ted Thomas, Bob Meek, Alber ; Ray Behnke, Alfred Sunfield, Jerry Thomas. Center and will hold a field day ,.;: -.-_- H-hcr. l ret! Else. Paul Gmsvay. Emerson Thompson. FOR LOANS SEE US AT 339 W. MAIN ST. Libert Booth, Rid er. John Aller. Upperclassmen: Ben Feather, Charles Kieffer. Saturday afternoon. A dance, •riffin. F.ederi AT FIVE POINTS open to all fraternity members Zeta Beta Tau : Donald Rutter. Merle Evans Marrin Weil, Al Max, Boris OMansky, Bob and pledges, in the West Campus Dick St Botnick. Charles Glanzer. Bob Rosenfeld. ,lcrr> Old Gym Saturday night will Sigma Chi Magidorf. climax Greek Week. Fairley. Gerald Boddei . cent Hall, William ISiin^. F.uriie Community Day will be the :• Green, new feature of the week's activi­ liam tsV.il, Charles fiarr, " """ H.,:iand. William Hohlstei -;'Nd = ties. Plans call for fraternity William Pott. men and pledges to go to Edge­ Sigma Nu mont Community Center on _ight. Guy Miller. John Malom Thursday and Friday afternoons, Charles Lynn, James Harp, Montgomery Green. Ernest Gilbert, Lee Edwards, Charles Dickrtl and with the help of a bull­ son, George Dawson, Jerry Cox, Tom Butter dozer, supplied by the city of Peter Berhnghof. Durham, erect a baseball dia­ Sigma Phi Epsilon Donald De Luki, Gene Bondurant. Samu< mond and a basketball court; Lompson, Jimmy Metropol. Anthony Li&gi< plant shrubs and generally clean Newefl Yaple. Deno Pantelakos. Viro Cim -e Delbos. the recreation field. Upperclassmen: Neil Anderson.

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Russian — Bring Us Your Tough NO CIGARETTE McKay's Russian-English Book Problems Dictionary $ 3.50 If the biggest stock in the South, plus wide contacts in Radio — the book field, can solve Dunlap's Radio and Televi­ them, we'll make your HANGOVER toughest problems look easy! sion Almanac $ 4.00 means MORE SMOKING PLEASURE! 1HIE 205 East Franklin St. PHILIP MORRIS Friday. February 23, 1951 THE DUKE CHRONICLE Page Five Coeds Choose Man of the Year SGA Fund-Raising Drive • Who will be the lucky succes­ sor to Al "Ragmop" Raywid as Continues Another Week ; Man of the Year? In assembly Monday night, Men's Student Government islature that plans were being coeds will vote for their choice of will continue its Fund-Raising made to rent voting machines Man of the Year, who will be Drive for one more week, Jim from High Point to be used in crowned at the Tobacco Ball, Briggs, chairman of the drive, the campus elections this spring. March 2. announced at the MSGA meet­ President Young also an­ ing Dednesday. All sororities are currently nounced that there were two participating in a vigorous cam­ 360 students have contributed new telephones on West Cam­ paign for their various candi­ the campaign so far, The pus: a campus phone in House dates for the Man of the Year. freshmen are leading the school H and a city phone in the base­ with contributions from over Ranging all the way from Man ment of the Union. of Mystery to a just plain "Zeus," 250 of their class. a galaxy of male names and and With funds obtained from this faces have transformed East drive, MSGA hopes to enlarge Campus. The Dope Shop has the Book Exchange and to ex­ taken on the aspect of a huge pand the catering service to in­ billboard with the confusion of clude all University concessions. campaign posters propped up A larger catering service will along the walls. provide more reasonable prices for students and more job op­ Instead of assignments on the portunities. blackboards in the classrooms, eager students are faced with Bill By-Pass the announcement that they George Lynch (S-Phi Psi) should vote for So-and-So for proposed an amendment to In­ Man of the Year. Even the "for­ dependent Representative Dante bidden areas" in the dormitories Germino's Bill on Legislative display "favorite son-' candi­ Procedure, which was passed. dates. The bill states that every bill must be approved by the Execu­ Cigarette Ads tive Committee, which prepares To aid them in their publicity, the agenda for SGA meetings, each sorority drew the name of before it can be considered by a well - known ciragette. Al­ the legislature. though they may use the ciga­ rettes in displays, they may not Lynch's amendment provides receive any help from the to­ that a bill may be brought be­ bacco companies. So far, only fore the legislature after the Using her favorite Bull Durham mixture, Nancy Pappas rolls a few posters have made the use agenda has been completed, even her own in anticipation of the "Tobacco Ball" next Friday night of cigarettes, with slogans such if the bill has been rejected by in the Old Gym when the "Man of the Year" will be recognized as "I'd walk a mile for Nick," the executive committee. by East Campus sororities. Elections are Monday in WSGA and "Lucky Stride." assembly. Voting Machine The list of candidates that Jim Young informed the leg- coeds will have to choose from are: Alpha Chi Omega, Blaine Earon, Pall Mall; Alpha Delta CAROLINA THEATRE Pi, Dick Groat, Parliament; Al­ pha Phi, Bill Wilmer, Fatima; Delta Delta Delta, "Man of Mys­ LATE SHOW TONIGHT tery," Viceroy; Delta Gamma, Bute Chronicle ON STAGE —DOOKS OPEN 11:15 Jim "Zeus" Kulpan, Kools; Kap­ Published every Friday of the University jeai pa Alpha Theta, Tom Powers, by the students of Duke Universrry, Durham, North Carolina. Entered as second Raleighs; Kappa Delta, Bill Cox, at the Post Office at Durham, North Carolina, "HOT FROM HARLEM REVUE" Old Gold; Kappa Kappa Gamma, under the Act of March 8, 1879. DdiTCti - ALL COLORED CAST Dick Stride, Lucky Strike; Pi mail, *2.50 the University year, SI.25 the • ; • .• .. • • • Beta Phi, George Grune, Cava­ uates not in residence on the Dsfce FEATURING THE campus. Subscriptions should be mailed to Box lier; Phi Mu, Scotty York, Philip 4696. Duke Station. Morris; Sigma Kappa, Nick Gal­ LEWIS SCOTT ORCHESTRA ifianakis, Camels; Zeta Tau Al­ TODAY-SAT. STARTS SUNDAY pha, Dick Crowder, Chester­ fields. .'"•• rre.-. : V ' ...':.' '. .•••:':..•' TYR^E POWER Robert Mitchum Larry Parks Faith Domergne ant Editor, Diana Heard; Managing Editor Barbara Hale A new style on campus seems to be to wear a question mark \Jk7RIN€Eof •'WHERE DANGER "EMERGENCY for "The Man of Mystery," a "wound for Grune," a squirrel Business Manager, RICHARD STRIDE; Coed Business Manager, Pat Walker; Assisians TffoXES LIVES" WEDDING" for Cox, a cane for Blaine or ness Manager, John Enander; Office Man.„., Frank Lang; Advertising Managers, Malcolm *M* Wnndo HENDRIX • Orson WELtES some other campaign slogan.. Crawford. Jltt .••••'«« Manager, •i.cn. S. Crain. R. Amf- man, J. Lowndes, S. Northrop; Wen Camp Circulation, Stan Cannon.

West Campus Offices: House 0. 07 and 08; fheficture §5 liatWonlieleart of %m (Continents! Telephone 215. East Campus Offices: 206 East Duke Building. Downtown Offices: 124 Par- ; ?-2535. Printed by the

CENTER- LAST TIMES SATURDAY "THE GREAT MISSOURI RAID" with Wendell Corey — Macdonald Carey Color by Technicolor SUNDAY-MON DAY-TUESDAY "TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS" with Mario Lanza — Kathryn Grayson David Niven -— J. Carrol Naish NEXT WED.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT. "PAGAN LOVE SONG" with Esther Williams — Howard Keel Mina Gombell RIALTO- LAST TIMES SATURDAY Whip Wilson in "OUTLAWS OF TEXAS" On Stage: JOHNNY & JACK REVUE SUNDAY & MONDAY "THE BREAKING POINT" with John Garfield — Patricia Neal Phyliss Thaxter TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY "PALEFACE" with Bob Hope — Jane Russell DorrylF. Zc.mr.ctt presents IRENE DUNNE 'ALEC GUINNESS in "THE MUDLARK'with CONSTANCE SMITH-Andrew Ray Beatrice Campbell • Finlay Cur™ • Anthony Sleel • Raymond Lovell - Marjorie Fielding • Directed by JEAN NEGULESCO STARTS THURSDAY Preduced by NUNNAUY JOHNSON • Screen play by Nunnally Johnson - Based an the novel by Theodore Bonnel. "UNDER MEXICALI STARS" with Rex Allen — Donald Patrick TUESDAY and "CRIME DOCTOR'S DIARY" i Page Six THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, February 23, 1951 To Thee I Sing How Do You See It? by Wink Boone BY WILL FICK I fear that Religious Emphasis This is the Mystery of the Red Critic's analysis and explana­ Week shattered many illusions Coat. Whose is it and why did tion of action: (1) the red coat long held dear by the students she leave it where she did? , was a symbol that the room was of Duke University and the en­ I shall tell you the shocking occupied, but (2) obviously, no tire American society. With all drama. First Act: One after­ one was in the S.P. from 8:30 the apologies the speakers and noon, in House A, all is serene til 11:25. (3) Birdie and com­ paneleers made for their unor- and happy. No one suspects the panion were enjoying a movie thodoxy, they themselves must coming tragedy. Classes are over while two other couples would have realized this fact. Of these for the week end and college like to have been enjoying the "I shouldn't say this" artists, the boys and girls are having fun in S.P. (4) It was Saturday eve­ most pertinently potent was Dr. the big parlor. Time ticks to ning and evidently, these cou­ R. L. Creddlck. 8:30. Whereupon two persons ples had no car nor place to go. A t one stage of the panel emerge from the S.P.* They are Solution to mystery: Some­ "Marriage for Moderns?" the going to a movie. body did it, although, by George, philosophical gynecologist jump­ So far, so what? This sounds we are not sure who. The guilty ed in with both feet and blasted like any Saturday afternoon red coat might have belonged Mom. Mom, it seems, is guilty drama. to Birdie, but that's only cir­ of dispensing most of the misin­ Evidently, these two movie- cumstantial evidence. They did formation and maladjustment to minded people do not wish to it to reserve the: parlor, but the be found in the American youth leave their precious possession motivation does not seem com­ —mainly the male. I think that where fools might rush in. So, mensurate with the discomfort this hypothesis can be broadened they suggest to a friend that she caused the waiting occupants of to include all women. study there and thus reserve it the big parlor. Warm Women for them. From the time of his entrance Next Act: the friend does not There are only three S.P.'s for into the so-called cold world study there, but, by George, she each dorm. And there are ap­ from the warmth of his mother's sneaks in and slyly places a red proximately 115 girls in each body, the American male is sub­ coat over the chair guarding the house. Assuming that parlors jected to the attentions of wom­ empty S.P. Now everyone knows open at noon and close at 10:30 en. All through his formative what a coat placed in such a p.m. on week days, 11:30 and years he is mainly under the in­ position means. 12:00 on week ends, there are fluence of a female. It is not un­ Following act: time: 10:30; 77 available S.P. hours in a til he enters college that this place: the main parlor; actors: week. This number times 3 is creature is confronted by the so­ two new couples. We call these 231 S.P. hours per week. Divid­ ciety of other men. By this time, people "A", "B", "C", and "D" ing this by the number of girls if he is average, almost all his for safety's sake. "A" speaks, in the house gives to each a two ideas and ideals have been in­ "The parlors are all occupied. hour license to an S.P. Of Dirty Rush stilled in him—ideas and ideals See the coats." "B": "I know, course, some do not use their ration, but still this does not en­ N SPITE of a suddenly war-conscious student body, fraternity inculated by women; the other but I haven't heard a sound from half of his species. As a result the red coat room." "C", in a title one person to it all after­ rushing ended last week with a safe proportion of eligible noon and evening. Freshmen in the Greek menagerie. All of the fraternities on of this dominating female in­ loud voice, "Shift—change!" All I fluence, most of these young laugh. Silence. "A" goes to the I heard a solution the other campus have taken in enough new blood to insure their continuance men have suffered a mental piano and plays "Lord, Dismiss day, i.e., that the main parlor be for at least another year of the atomic epoch, barring a sudden atrophy which has perverted Us With Thy Blessing." Again divided into 12 small ones. This climax to this epoeh: But the rushing system employed by the their entire intellectual process. silence, and the clock ticks. does not seem practical, as the Interfraternity Council has once again demonstrated its need of Tough Women Time: 11:25. Plot thickens. large parlor still remains con­ far more stringent enforcement, particularly at a time when fra­ Woman, who has proven to be Enter the couple that has been venient for parents and such. ternities are convinced that they are facing a crisis. tougher, more vicious, and more to the movie. We call her Birdie The point is—you are a re­ daring than man, has been for identification. Birdie and her markable person if you can oc­ We do not believe that there is a single fraternity on the Duke placed upon a high pedestal of companion glance around the cupy an S.P. all afternoon and campus which did not violate IFC's rushing regulations this Fall. tender platitudes. It is not be­ main parlor, and then exit into evening, but even if that is the Dirty rushing was not only prevalent, it was necessary, cause the men have especially the room guarded by the red case—have a heart. Remember, fiercely competitive drive for members drawn from a limited felt them less mean, but because coat. others are waiting! source, every fraternity realized that it must disregard the regu­ American manhood has nowhere Curtain. No applause. *Side Parlor. else to put his women. He has lations it had helped formulate or assure itself an insufficient never seen his sisters in any pledge class by obedience. place other than one of author­ Appeals to honor would have been useless. If the regulations ity and superiority. He has never are to remain operative, they must be enforced. Present enforce­ seen anyone but a woman at Four Flicks Fifty Fifty by Art Steuer ment procedure is futile. Fraternities are unwilling to. report each close range—other men are in other to IFC in what would be merely a pot-call ing-the-kettle- the vague background of his A rainy week sent this column Miss Mangano's natural attri­ mind; nonentities to be feared black proposition or from fear of the certainty of gaining a campus scurrying into the popcorn pal­ butes could not be deterred. and respected. aces four times with a batting reputation for informing—a truly vile thing to the West Campus average o f 500 The amazing coincidence of morality. for the effort two technicolor six-gunners on Those Freshmen eager to help enrich Mr. Balfour and vaguely Contact with other men, es­ and a two buck the same already overdone sub­ aware of something called, the "blackball" which can prevent their pecially older men, therefore in­ investment. Sep­ ject (the James boys ... not Will duces an acute xenophobia in the and Henry) arriving in this un- donations, are in no position to report clandestine enlistment tember Affair male; and, according to his ran off with the western town within a week was drives. However, the rushing system designed to give Freshmen training and past experience, not amazing enough to save a semester of comparatively uninterrupted opportunity for study honors, being rightly so. But such a reaction is one of those es- either one of them. Both pictures has degenerated into a stimulus for a stream of furtive fraternity incongruous. There should be capey love depicted Jesse and Frank, along men slithering around their dormitories night after night, and un­ more man's men and fewer with their playmates Cole and momma - babies and teacher's th i that Jim Younger, as soft spoken comfortable "hot boxing" in all parts of the campus and town. make you want Right now, with memories fresh and feeling still high, IFC pets. Southern kids forced into the STEUER to pack right up butcher business by the over­ should begin work on this vital police problem. At present, there Decrepit Women and go . . . like Blue Lagoon not The American culture is en­ powering circumstances of their are too few people actively engaged in enforcing what could be an so long ago. A tightly written environment. The age of psy­ excellent system. The Council should plan to seek the aid of Fresh­ tirely at fault for the situation. and well east picture, it portray­ The educational system is such chology and sociology has finallv men house officers and the Freshman Advisory Council, and ed Joe Cotton as an engineer gotten around to the James kids that there are nothing but in­ and Jo Fountaine as a concert should impress upon every fraternity the need for a thorough tellectually decrepit and emo­ who in Kansas Raiders muss pianist who miss a plane that each other's hair playfully on a housecleaning. tionally truncated women tell crashes and are listed as dead. ing the perennially adolescent haystack and in The Great Mis­ They take advantage of the op­ souri Raid are great family men male about life. After a steady portunity to live quite luxuri­ diet of this mental pap for each with a wife (different) and ously amidst the gorjus scenery a sweet old mother (the same). Academic Rut twelve years, the male mind be­ of Naples, Florence, and ahh Ca­ gins to parallel that of the fe­ pri. The sinful affair is handled Now I like gun play as well NE OF the most significant side lights to the recent Religious male. For most- this condition with all the delicacy of Mother as the next Cagney fan, but I Emphasis Week was the noticeable lack of faculty attend­ never quite comes to an end, and Goose and to the tune of Kurt want my men to be men like O ance at the various panels, speeches, and other events. only the strongest wills can even Weill's tear-jerking tune "Sep­ they used to be. I'll stand right We do not believe that any instructor on campus felt that he combat it. tember Song." The whole thing beside every other kid in the could not benefit from the week's program. Neither do we believe Mom and the school teacher is at the same time as powerful U. S. who makes westerns the that the instructors were so busy as to find it impossible to attend are not the only ones leading and placid as Michelangelo's greatest sure fire box office suc­ David, of which there is also cess . . . let's keep the dames these events. Either the instructors simply do not care about re­ this parade of mental demise. "Daddy," by allowing himself to some fine shots. Jessica Tandy and the kids out. More bullets ligious activities designed for students, or they do not care about was dandy as the wife to whom and less broads, that's our motto. the activities of the students in general. flop around in the miasmic aura of feminine supremacy must al- Joe goes back in the Hollywood That's not to say I'll boo at a Assuming that the largest part of the faculty is not atheistically be held partially inculpate. tradition which, disappointing smooch like I used to when Roy inclined, we can only feel that the faculty feels itself above activi­ But he grew up under conditions as it was, couldn't deter from kissed Dale instead of Trigger ties participated in by students. On several occasions during the similar to his son's and is often the impact of the mood. . . . but let's make it fleeting; present school year, the faculty has demonstrated that the above incapable of anything other than Bitter Rice came out second you know, like just before he best in the stretch . . . and Man- whirls and plinks the gun out of conclusion is correct; the recent evidence only serves to reaffirm mere flopping. Ami the cause; his assailant's hand (spotting what has been noticeable before. the culture, is by far the greatest gano's blouse was. It was in ogre in this villainy, for as it is Italian, but the theme was in­ him ten seconds on the draw). Last semester the Interfraternity Council held an open house in affected as a result, it becomes ternational. Refreshingly realis­ The really saving factor of this order to promote better relations between campus leaders and the worse, so that the whole mess tic as it was at times sordidly week's excursion into the Plato faculty. Each fraternity invited two instructors. Less than one- revolves rapidly in ever decreas- symbolistic (the hood beats the caves was two Tom and Jerry's quarter showed up for the event. The YMCA invariably has trou­ ng circles of mental sterility. heorine with a stick in the rain, and two Tweety Birds. They ble getting faculty members to appear at Friday afternoon "cof­ Entangling Women and the hood gets shot in the seem to be the only remaining fees." Fraternities inviting faculty members to functions and I admit that some children butcher shop and falls so as to vestige of that genius of humor meetings are too often met by the old dodges of "too much work have broken away from the sys­ hang from the meat hook like a which inspired the silent flick­ tem; and I realize that some pa­ side of beef), Rice'gets at least ers. There's nothing like getting to do," "previous engagement," and other thinly-veiled excuses for a point for originality. Some of refusing to leave the academic rut. rents have been able to do the splatted with a frying pan for same thing before their children the symbolism frankly stumped a real belly - laugh or maybe Professors, apparently, will not leave their traditional ivory aformentioned intellectual in­ me, and I sincerely believe the even a boff (if you like frying towers unless goaded into doing so. The most obvious source for dignities. However, the other beating was just director Santi's pans . . - personally I'm a sucker such action is the Faculty Council. We recommend that this group have become entangled in the brainstorm that Mangano with for the old hoe gag . . . you ninety-nine per cent will change her blouse sticking to her in the know, step on the blade and get take action to encourage members of the faculty to leave their rain would be interesting. It was. text-cluttered apartments occasionally and actually mingle with only if there is a major social whapped by the handle). Holly­ The plot undoubtedly suffered wood could stick to cartoons the students whom they face every day in class. The result might revolution involving the entire culture of the United States. with American censoring, but and let the Europeans make the be beneficial to the faculty as well as to the students. the camera - work, music, and realties and I'd be happy. Friday, February 23, 1951 THE DUKE CHRONICLE Page Seven Social Scoop Who Is This Guy? by Clay Felker Duke's Mixture BY JOAN BRIGSTOCKE Rushing; explodes into gala brawls Saturday night . . . ATO's Say, what does a guy have to Next year—if Groat has the Now that both campuses have concluded a confusing rush ses­ take stock in "Beaver Board Co." after demolishing Mercury Club do to be an All-America basket­ chance to play and has any kind Beta's nearly drown pledges at Hostess . . . Phi Delts give ball player—throw a game in season at all, he'll auto­ sion, fraternities are making the Garden? matically make all the teams. plans to introduce the new Beta's twenty-one gun salute—chorus and "What da ya But next year, Duke is sched­ Greeks while sororities let their all . . . How was the tea party, Sunday? mean, Dick uled to appear in the Garden pledges in on all the "hush- . • . Sigs fake all and and win beachhead at Groat didn't against NYU in their long stand­ hush" secrets. The Theta Chi's Saddle Club . . . Naive freshman overheard make All- ing home-and-home series. For celebrate tonight with an in­ at Pegram: "But what do you do at the Sad­ America, those some time I've thought Duke formal dance at the Forest Hills dle Club?" Anything but call home, sonny! guys crazy or should abandon all play in the Country Club. Phi Psi's last GOT ROCKS DEPT: Kappa's boast new somethin'." Garden. This fall on my sports night followed their formal follower as Bill Wilmer tags Lena Mac— That's the program on WDBS I came out pledging with a Founder's Day but Alpha Phi still wants him . . . PiKA, first reaction against it while interviewing banquet. Ed Cameron, fraternity Davidson style, catches Peggy Howard— most Dukesters Duke's new cage coach, Hal brother and Athletic Director at wa' hoppened, Edwards? . . . Wink Boone Duke, was guest speaker. FELKER will have when Bradley. Now it is obvious that succumbs to Phi Delt rush . . . Will Izzy they hear about Groat only mak­ it would be a mistake for Duke Delta Tau Delta fraternity try again, or is life too short? Don and Lil ing second team All-America or ever again to play basketball in will play host to the Tri Delts seen enjoying "September Affair' . . . Wild­ maybe just getting honorable the Garden. this Sunday in the first exchange er and Vance play Adam and Eve. . . . mention. In the winter of 1948, as a of open houses. Dancing, re­ PARTY TIME: Melton ehug-a-lugs like a trooper—what will freshments, and entertainment It's a personal insult, a rap sportswriter for the New York Bishop think? , Fop, Corrigan, and Evans jockey mule to tea "at Duke University, and above Star, I covered college basket­ are planned. The KD's schedule party . . . Crawford tries a beer bath and nearly drowns—Hamilton all shows no appreciation of a ball at the Garden, and even dance festivity in the Ark to­ pulls him out in time to see Cox . . . Phi Delts decide Aycock har­ truly great athlete. Dandy Dick then it was common knowledge night as the Phi Mu's engage the bors no future members for WCTU . . . Goodnight kisses linger is one of those rare athletes, a among the writers there v Cavaliers to play for th past twelve as Miss Wellborne goes wild—dear ol' Jarvis . . . Can't team man, a clutch player, one many fixes on Garden games pledges. Sunday afternoon the Tri Delt find a man? . . . Hal "T-totaller" Lynch strings dates from of the all time greats offensively, that only a fool would bet on Phi Mu chapter will hold their Salem to Chapel Hill—try Duke sometime, Hal . . . Silkett calls and oozing with color. A kind them. Garden basketball seemed initiation banquet at Miller' Duke Players start a new policy Perkins at 8 for date—get it. Bob? ... If Southgate were on the of Stan Musial of the basketball to exist only for the bookies. map, we'd give them hell too . , . court. Don't hand me that phoney ar­ with a dance to be given in Branson Building tomorrow CAT CHATTER: Polly Perry thirty-five minutes late—sure According to advance informa­ gument that gamblers will fix was thick fog . . . Joanne Miller gets practical demonstration of tion from the soon to be pub­ games whereever they're play­ night. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional bird dogging"—a la Flannery , . . York abandons downtown at­ lished Collier's poll of cage ed. That may be true, but they'll tractions when he finds "Maass" in the woods . . . Jack's Drive-In coaches, Groat was ranked fix games ten times faster and honorary business fraternity, eleventh in the country and ten times easier in the Garden does things in a big way for their •rendezvous for lonely lovers . • . Lundberg plays ball with beer didn't receive one vote from than any place else. new pledges at a dinner dance cans—splits skirt sliding home? . . . Shirley rides a pink cloud the West. This is hard to figure The Garden is the convention at Miller's tomorrow night. Ex­ with date to left and dream boy to right . . . Enjoyed your(?) because if the coaches had both­ hall for the sharp operators, the tending a welcome to the chap­ dress, Lil Nel . . . Who will be Marcia's next John? . . . Will ered to look at their weekly crooks, and the gambling gar­ ter's new deputy commander, somebody please buy Mary Lou Jacobs a little black book . . . NCAA statistics, they would bage of New York. It's a snake Professor Frederic C. Joerg, the Going steady yet, Marty, or is Gene still being a problem? . . . have seen Groat's name right up pit bubbling over with distilled fraternity will bid farewell to Schlatter gets valentine candy this time instead of girdle . . . Bur­ there 1-2-3, in total points putrefaction and some of it is their deputy councilor, Professor gess pulls the trigger—Bullet takes off—Carmichael left reeling scored. bound to get on those who stay Shields. . . Well, what will it be this week—beer, bourbon, or back to Well, everybody here knows around there. Here's something new. BOS the books? . . . he's probably the greatest South­ With the fact of Connie Schaff, and Sandals will initiate a series ern Conference basketball play­ one of NYU's leading scorers of informal dances in the Ark er in history and despite what who played against Duke this this Wednesday. Roger Shull, JACK MILLER AND LEE STERLING the polls say, he IS All-America. year, being under arrest and former BOS, is in charge of the The real reason Groat isn't implicated in the fixes, and the dances while members of both first team All-America is be­ current scandal swirling about organizations assist. Admission of the forestry school, will Heflin, Phi Mu, is engaged to cause Duke didn't play in Madi­ Garden basketball, it would be is 25 cents. travel to Union, N. J. for their Jim Coleman and plans to wed son Square Garden this year, definitely in Duke's best inter­ Feeling the effect of this marriage this Saturday. Priss in the Fall. Sophomore Ellen and Groat didn't have a chance ests to cancel their series with Spring weather, several couples Harrison and Will Clary plan ! McMasters, Kappa Kappa Gam- to display his amazing talents NYU and break away from the take those much-punned-upon their ceremony for March 5. Jo ' ma, plans a June wedding in St. before the New York sports- Garden permanently and right steps to the altar. Libber Lewis Kaiser and Jimmy Bogle buy Petersburg, Florida, with Ben writers. Thus he couldn't grab now. marries Keesler from Charlotte. both engagement and wedding Jordan, who graduated in Jan­ the necessary publicity it takes Keep Duke basketball on the Southgate's Norma Martin and rings; use the former now, will uary. to make the All-America picks. campuses. fiance Craig Campbell, graduate put the other to use in June. Pat That's the SCOOP. . . .

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You'll wish every in­ vitation said "formal" when you see your­ self in one of these heavenly dance dresses. See .the new two - toned note in chiffon that trails a stole. Look like a story book princess in strapless taffeta with a tiny fitted jacket. These . . . and many more in our new collection of high - fashion formats are dazzlers for the Pan-Hel!

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Julian's College Durham's Best Store Since 1886 pfjop CHAPEL HILL Page Eight THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, February 23, 1951

INTRAMURAL Track Stars Flood Chapel Hill SPORTS SEEN HIGHLIGHTS For Conference Indoor Meet by BY A deluge of athletes will de­ course there is Henry Bullock, HERB SAVITT scend on Chapel Hill tomorrow another half-miler, who may run the relay tomorrow. Sterling Smith JIM GIBSON for the annual Southern Con­ ference Indoor Meet in Woollen In the sprints Duke has sev­ Gym. With nearly every college eral fine speedsters in Henry Contention for tournament in the conference sending teams Poss, Piney Field, Fred Schoon- berths in the intramural basket­ and with the non-conference maker and Dick Sykes. Al­ Here Are Some More — division loaded with men, the though Poss has not shown any­ Here are some additional comments from the ball players who ball program has added new vigor to games played this week. total number of athletes, fresh­ thing as yet he is expected to be have opposed Dick Groat on the basketball court this season . . . men included should be well a surprise man in the 60-yard we have yet to receive a statement which is derogatory in the least. In the game of the week play­ over last year's mark of 660. dash, seriously challenging Dave ed Monday, the Schmoos, Divi­ Willis of Carolina. In fact, no comment has come in which wasn't enthusiastic in sion nine champs, defeated the To this meet Duke will send praise of Groat. third place Spiders 50 to 49. This a well-balanced and potentially The pole vault is another event Abe Becker, N. Y. U., Co-Captain: "Although Groat didn't do game saw the high spirited Spi­ great track squad which if cur­ which is crowded with outstand­ ders come to life early in the ing performers. Frank Nichols, as well as we had expected (he scored only 21 points), had he rent optimism holds true, should John Colvin and diving ace John been hitting on his shots we couldn't have stopped him." first half and carry the game come close to winning the meet down to the wire with their ra­ Connor will be fighting it out and the Conference Champion­ for win, place and show. Sam Ranzino, N. C. State, Captain: "Groat is a great, aggressive zor sharp passing and very ac­ ship. player. He is one of the best offensive ball players that I have ever curate shooting. Last week, as usual, the Blue The longer distances are not seen." He is deadly from the foul line, too." Devils took a sad fourth place as deep as the rest but have Schmoo Scorers several excellent men in Tommy Al McCotter, Wake Forest: "Dick Groat is a great ball player— The Schmoos, with high at the Maryland Invitational Sanders, Art Loub, Bob Marshall certainly the finest in the conference." scorers such as Sherfy Jones, Meet. This, however, has not and Cris Verellan. Loub may Stan Najeway, Wake Forest: "Groat?—The best! He is a great Dewey Myers, Jira Green, and dampened any Devil hopes, be­ prove a threat in the mile tomor­ shot, a team man, and a terrific competitor. I saw great ball players Gil Hedley, and high caliber cause in the last four years row giving Tyson Creamer of in the Catskills last summer, but Groat is still the best." playmakers in Al Welsh and Gil teams from the Flats have done Maryland a run for his money Sward proved too potent a com­ poorly at Maryland and then for the Weil Trophy. Anonymous Fan: "I wonder if the opponents of Duke in the bination for the very sharp but turned around and surprised Tommy Reeves, besides being forthcoming Southern Conference Tournament do not view the too late in coming up Spiders. everyone with fine running at prospect of playing the Blue Devils as GROATESQUE." one of the best hurdlers in the In Division One, the Sigma the Conference. conference, is also a top flight Chis (A) have a tournament Good Chances of Win broad jumper, and along with berth sewed up as they defeated Wrestling Team Wants You 1 If any Duke team should win Poss and Nichols makes up a the Kappa Sig and SAE teams the meet it is this years. In pre­ team of jumpers who will be Pleas for better student attendance at home wrestling matches this week. Wes Skipstead, form­ vious seasons the Chambersmen hard to beat. Nichols and Col­ have been voiced by coaches and wrestlers. It seems the students er varsity player, has been the have been hampered by lack of vin will compete in the high haven't given the team the support it deserves. We have an in­ big gun in the Sigma Chi attack. depth in nearly every event. Not jump with Nichols conceded teresting team—a winning team! There is only one more home Front-Office Indecision this team. The quarter mile is more than an even chance to match scheduled this year and that with the Carolina grunters George Underwood, manager loaded with great prospects. cop the honors. next Wednesday. Let's get down to the New Gym and let 'em of the Intramural program, is Record breaker John Tate, who Frosh Minus Novae undecided as to the type of tour­ know we're there! also runs the half-mile should The freshmen team, minus nament which is to be used to fare exceedingly well in the measle-catching Chuck Novae, decide the school champs. open quarter and the relay. John has some excellent performers Last Call For Duke Students One possible type will be a "Buddy" Grisso, Conference but lack any real depth. The single elimination tourney. The open quarter champ two years mile relay will probably see Jim The last game of the season will be reeled off tonight, and it's top team in all eleven divisions ago is looking great. Bill Ander­ Farber, Bob Perkins, Charlie the big chance for Dukesters to disprove what the critics have will participate in playoffs. From son and Jimmy Chamberlain, Strang and Bob Mayer each run­ been saying all along—that Duke students show poor sportsman­ "is elimination process, the two promising sophomores, ning a lap. Of course Mayer is ship. school champs will emerge. should hold their own in the also slated to run the 3-4 mile Another tournament choice is open and relay quarters. Of and is top choice in the event. Coaches, players, and students in general at The Hill have said the double elimination, in which some nice things about Duke' basketball and Dick Groat in par­ the two top teams in each divi­ ticular. It would be nice if all Carolina haters took the evening sion will participate. off tonight and show that we can win or lose with equal grace. Underwood has requested that Those referees aren't biased; they can't afford to be. It's true that all teams check by the intramu­ they'll make mistakes tonight, but just for once let's forgive them. ral bulletin board where infor­ How about it? mation concerning the tourna­ ment will be posted. After The Game After the game tonight the Duke gymnasts will compete against Technician Gives ^Clec^ Maryland in what will probably be the best action of the year. Events will take place in both the Old Gym and the Indoor Sta­ Players' Selections dium. First, in the New Gym, there will be events in the side-bar, the parallel bars, the trampoline, and tumbling. Then 'the boys "Why don't the Duke Players will move over to the Old Gym for the rope-climb, high bar, and present well-known plays in­ stead of something students have '/ fly ing-rings events. never heard of?" The Terps are the Southern Gymnastio) League champs. Hed- The answer to this frequently strom's boys must be in rare form to take the Old Liners. heard question was given to the At any rate Friday evening will be a full one for Duke sports Duke Players by Victor Micha­ lak, technical director of the or­ YUO01 fans. Two basketball games and a gymnastic meet all in the same ganization at the Duke Players night—how's that for an evening's menu? meeting Thursday, Feb. 15. You'll be delighted with this Michalak pointed out that the impressive feature of our Thrifti­ American theatre centers in New Check service. While you're here DUNLOP York City where box-office hits DUNLOP are born. These shows are also opening your account, we imprint TENNIS BALLS presented by smaller community your name on every check, without GOLF BALLS Can of 3 theatre groups throughout the extra charge, and hand you your country, giving everyone an am­ ple opportunity to see well checkbook within a few minutes. 60c and 1.00 1.69 per can known Broadway productions. Imprinted checks always make a Thus, it is the duty of college good impression. drama groups to present the clas­ sics of the theatre world, which SUN GLASS SPECIAL! they would not otherwise have the opportunity of seeing, to Polaroid Sun Glasses, made by the world-famous their educated audiences. American Optical Co. The finest way to protect your precious eyes from glare. Made to sell for 1.95. Special LOW COST CHECKING ACCOUNT 98c With Case IT'S GRAND TO BE TANNED! in '51? BUY A G.E. SUNLAMP Book of Checks . . . $1.00 KEEP THAT SUMMERTAN LOOK Round Trip

Dick Is 24 Points Tankers Swim Dukes Ready for Short of Record In Raleigh for Revenge Meeting All eyes will be on Dead-eye With the pressure off after de­ Dick Groat tonight as he at­ feating Maryland and Wake For­ tempts to crack Chet Giermak's Championship est, thus assuring themselves of national collegiate scoring rec­ place in the forthcoming ord for a single season of play. Coach W. S. Persons' Blue conference tournament, Duke's Groat has 717 points to date and Devil tankmen, having compiled basketballers entertain the needs only 23 more to tie anda 6-4*record in regular season White Phantoms of Carolina to­ 24 to break the former William competition, are looking forward night in a game that should be and Mary star's record of 740. hopefully to the Southern Con­ "corker." Of course, it goes without say­ ference Swimming Champion­ Carolina, fighting desperate­ ing that once Groat gets those ships, at Raleigh. The event, ly for a tourney berth, must beat 24 points he will be the holder which is to be held at Frank the locals to remain in conten­ of two new marks. His name Thompson Gymnasium February tion. Duke, of course, will be will stand at the top of the list 22, 23, 24, finds the Blue Devils trying to rid themselves of the of all-time Southern Conference with strong contenders in' all Heels for the year. To a team events. Dick Harrison, although he is on his back, went on to win and scorers. that has consistently been beaten keep his perfect record unblemished. The match is with V.P.I. Two Chances Nine men are expected to take by Carolina for the last couple Even if Groat doesn't get thepoint s for the Dukes in the free­ of years, nothing could be 24 tonight, he will have at least style events. Jim OverdorfE, sweeter than to knock off the one more game in which to erase Bill Mellin, Stu Vaughn, Bucky Phants in the one that counts Giermak's mark. The rules state Clemson, Paul Linaweaver, Don most. For The Complete Manhattan Line that points scored in tournament Laurer, Gordon Winfleld, Rich­ Must Stop Groat games must count. Duke, by vir­ ard Bauman, and Jack Baylin Another aspect of the game See Vs Today tue of its already-clinched Con­ will vie for places in freestyle will find Dynamic Dick Groat ference Tourney berth, is as­ races ranging from 50 to 440tryin g to erase Chet Giermak's sured of at least one more game yards. national all-time scoring record Nelson - Nichols Company and a possible three. Ted Morse and Vaughn are for a single season's play. On the! Groat this year has practically backstroke men while Haskell other hand, the Tar Heels must re-written all the record books. and Lustig participate in breast- stop Groat if they expect to beat He has broken (1) the Duke stroke competition. Lustig is the the Dukes. The fact that Groat single-game scoring record SIX present 100 - yard breaststroke is out for the record and the fact TIMES; (2) the Duke single- champion and has, an excellent that the Heels must stop him at season scoring record; (3) the chance of retaining the honor. ail costs point to a highly inter­ Duke career scoring record; (4) Undefeated . esting evening for the fans. the Duke single-game free throw Best In Nation record; (5) the Southern Con All - American John Conner ference season scoring record leads the Blue Devils in diving Against Wake Forest Monday (6) the Big Five scoring record competition. Conner, who hasnigh t the Blue Devils had' free- for a season; (7) the national won recognition in national throw accuracy—they rank No. free throw record for a season. meets is undefeated. He will ! in that department—to thank Add two more to the list and participate in both high and low for their hard-earned victory. Groat will have broken NINE board 1-meter events. Conm The Deacons actually made one records in a single season! and Overdorff are co-captains of more field goal than the Dukes, I pnacfoQ aim kundry / Fast Company the team. but deadly accuracy from the' charity stripe nullified the Deacs' When Groat gets his eighth Accompanying the varsity will advantage. point tonight—and he'll likely be five freshmen who will par­ ticipate in the events for first- The Duke team as a whole get that many—he will join the will add to its record of scoring exclusive 1,000 point club. Only year men. Devlin and Poppen- berd will dive for honors in the more points than any Blue Devil four men in history have scored team in history. The Bradley- 1,000 or more points in two A.A.U. 1-meter diving cham­ pionships. The other freshmen men have poured in 2,069 points, years of varsity competition. breaking the previous record of That select four is composed of making the trip are Adams, Beecham, and Bates. Events in 1,764 points set by last year's George Mikan, Jim Lacey, Sam aggregation. Ranzino, and Giermak. the meet will be run off Thurs­ day evening, Friday afternoon Frosh In Action Against the hated Heels of and evening, and on Saturday The frosh cagers of Horace Carolina the spotlight will be on morning, afternoon, and evening. (Horse) Hendrickson will also Duke's all-America Dick Groat. This includes both varsity and see action on tonight's bill of freshmen competition. Duke fare. They will seek to avenge yields favorite to Carolina and a loss suffered to the Baby Frosh Baseball Practice V.M.I, m the tournament but Phants on their last trip to the Freshman baseball coach Hor­ running between these three Hill. The flashy freshmen gained ace Hendrickson will begin frosh schools and State, which barely a revenge triumph over Wake drills on Monday at 2:30. He edged the tankmen by one point Forest's highly - regarded year­ requests that all candidates re­ lings Monday night. port to the Old Gym at that on Tuesday will be close accord­ time. ing to official predictions. Although they have lost sev­ eral games this season, most of the defeats have been extremely close ball games. Several mem­ bers of the club are ticketed for heavy duty with the varsity next BEAT HIGH PRICES year. Delicious RAY'S Full Course Dinners . . . Durham's Leading Credit 85. Jewelers • Soup or Juices 24 Hours Service On • Meat Watch Repairs • Two Vegetables 213 W. Main St. • Dessert • Drink &eeman% 413 East Chapel Hill Street

The place to go for your Dance Invitations, your Fraternity Stationery V RESTAURAriT and your thesis binding

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305 E. Chapel Hill St. (Opposite Washington Duke) The Manhattan Shirt Company, makers of Manhattan shirts, neck- Printing in DURHAM since 1885 ", underuvar, pajamas, sportshirts, beachwear and handkerchief. Page Ten THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, February 23, 1951 Matmen Meet Generals, V. M. I. • Strictly Do You Want Good Italian Dinners? RAVIOLI OK SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT BALLS Speaking - Before Facing Tarheels Here TK¥ WITH Last Thursday the Duke mat- Still in the ranks of the unde­ STEVE STBICKLAND men trounced Davidson 17-11 to feated are John McMasters, Dick THE GRILL AND FOUNTAIN improve their outside chance of Harrison, and Jerry Gallagher, winning the Southern Confer­ the 137-pound Southern Confer­ With all the furor that the ence Championship. The Blue ence champ. EASTEK CARDS AND GREETING CARDS District Attorney's investigation Devils now possess a 3-1 record The Blue Imp matmen defeat­ in New York created, we thought with three matches remaining on ed the Wildkittens by a resound­ FOR ALL OCCASIONS it might be of interest to you. the card. Washington and Lee, ing score of 22-8. dear readers, to know just what V.M.I., and Carolina are left on the schedule. The matches with Washington the chances are that we-all could and Lee and V.M.I, are away, have a similar incident down Washington and Lee, with a but Duke fans will get a chance Thomas BOOK STORE heah. So far, no Southern Con­ 3-0 mark is in the conference to see their wrestlers in action Incorporated lead. If the men of Coach Car­ ference athletes have been taken in the Indoor Stadium against Cor. Corcoran and Chapel Hill Sts. Phone J-2331 into custody by the gendarmes men Falcone can sweep their last the Tar Heels of Carolina in the Durham, North Carolina for accepting bribes for throw­ thre matches, they can gain at final match of the season, Feb­ ing games. least a tie for top honors. The ruary 28. only catch is that they must Sheaffer Pens • Desk Sets • Desk Lamps Since most schools in this area whip the perennially-powerful Desk Pads • L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters are in the Southern Conference, Generals along the way. Comment Collection we talked to newly-elected Com­ First Defeat missioner Wallace Wade. Two of the local's heretofore Ted Maim is in the process of Ex-Coach Wade made it clear undefeated grapplers met defeat collecting comments from the that at present he feels there at the hands of the Davidson rival coaches who have seen absolutely no need for any such wrestlers. Bill Britt, heavy­ Dick Groat in action this season. To.. . investigation here. He said that weight, and Bob Burrell, 130 No comment has been in the the effect of big-time gambling pounder, tasted defeat for the least derogatory—showing how has yet to be felt down here this first time against the Wildcats. much Mr. Groat is respected. "EAT AT PETE'S" year, and that until it is, there is apparently no cause for a probe. . . . Is An Old Duke Tradition Commissioner Underwood of Durham's Most Compete the Duke Intramural League stated in an exclusive interview Luggage Store with this reporter that he, too, anticipated no investigation in FOOT LOCKERS . . . TRUNKS . . . BAGS Rinaldi's Grill his loop. He said that so far GUITARS . . . SUITCASES . . . UKULELES SIZZLING STEAKS —REAL ITALIAN DINNERS there has been no reason to sus­ "The darkest hour is just before the pawn." pect the fixing of Intramural games here at Duke. See us for Larger Loans on anything of value. DELICIOUS MEALS AND SANDWICHES With the eoming of new grid coach Bill Murray and his Split- MAIN LOAN OFFICE On Main Street — Across from East Campus T, we immediately had visions 400 W. Main St. At Five Points of quick opening plays starring jack-rabbit starting halfbacks. Ever since the days when Lamar Davis played with Frankie Sink- wich at Georgia, we have heard of race-horse football players. We were down in Death Val­ ley Wednesday, and saw one of the reasons for our future race- hosses. Murray and backfield coach Ace Parker were busy backing all the backs into a starting gate similar to the one at Hialeah. The backs take their sprinter's stance at the back of the gate, with a center and a quarterback out front and to left. At the snap, the halfback is off and in the running, and the quar­ terback just hopes he can get the ball to the front of the gate be­ fore the other back gets there.


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LIGHTEN YOUR WORK In the classroom or the 97c library, over the home­ work desk, around the game room, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 & 28 Wherever You Look— BETTER LIGHT meant BETTER SIGHT DUKE UNIVESTITY STORES DUKE WEST CAMPUS PQWER COMPANY Friday, February 23, 1951 THE DUKE CHHONICLE Page Eleven AROTC Military Ball Will Feature BOS Sandals Start Honorary Cadet Colonel Tomorrow Series of Informal Wednesday Dances Qlaude Hull Florist Presentation of a military display and the crowning of the 215 N. Mangum St. Honorary Cadet Colonel, will provide a sidelight to the Air Force BOS-Sandals, i n conjunction Military Ball tomorrow evening from 8 to 12 in the East Campus Gym. with the Duke Ambassadors, are Tel. R-194 Festivities will commence at approximately 10 p.m. with a originating a series of informal —frshort demonstration of close-or­ Wednesday night dances to be der rifle drill by two squads held in the Ark. Coeds Solicit Gifts taken from the ranks of the Duke Air Force ROTC. Cadet The first of these "get together Order Your Corsages In Heart Campaign 2nd Lt. Jack Lucas, who re­ dances" will be this Wednesday, ceived the Congressional Medal Feb. 28, from 7:30 until 10 p.m. For Pan-Hel Dance Members of Alpha Phi soror­ of Honor while serving with the According to BOS, the pur­ ity assisted in the Durham- Marines during the last war, pose of this series is "to promote Early Orange Heart Association drive will command the flight. more informal social life on the for funds by soliciting money in Following the military dis­ campus. Boys and girls are cor­ downtown Durham on Monday, play, the Honorary Cadet Col­ dially invited to these dances Wednesday, Friday and Saturday onel will follow the four mem­ with or without dates." of last week. bers of her court to the stage After the establishment of this through an aisle formed by the series, other non-fraternal cam­ Campus Agent The local co-operation of the drill flight at "present-arms.,: pus organizations are invited to coeds is part of a national pro­ The five finalists will be accom­ sponsor it on a profit-sharing DON GOULD ject by the sorority members in panied to the stage by their es­ basis with the Duke Ambassa­ conection with the heart drive. corts. dors. These girls also give two hours After the Honorary Cadet Col­ Admission is 25 cents per per­ each day in the Durham County onel and her court are an­ son. Heart House. nounced by Cacjet Major Pete This week has been designated Kastrinelis, cadet commanding as National Heart Week. Al­ officer of the unit, Colonel Byron though the drive for funds will Switzer, Professor of Air Sci­ continue through the month of ence and Tactics at Duke, will February, the work of the down­ crown the queen with a floral town solicitors will feature the circlet. Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests week's work of the drive leaders After the orchestra plays the here. Air Force song in honor of the Highlight of the past week Honorary Cadet Colonel, she and end's activities was a conference her court and their escorts will here of drive workers with Dr. return to the'dance floor through Number 13...THE OCELOT Howard B. Sprague of Boston, the aisle of cadets and resume Mass., president of the National dancing along with the rest of Association. the unit.

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For the Complete ARROW Line (T for Throat, T for Taste), we believe you'll know why ... FOLLOW THE More People Smoke Camels MILLER-BISHOP COMPANY 1 "Where Duke Men Meet" than any other cigarette . Page Twelve THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, February 23, 1951 Professors Make WDBS Increases / Qover With Music Soon Broadcast Range The In Faculty Follies With Line to East Qampus Faculty membes will lay down Duke radio station WDBS will their books and let down their expand to cover East Campus by Don Marion hair on Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. as they this semester, probably within present the Faculty Talent Show. two months, according to a state­ "Let's Save Our Hangovers Tickets for the show, to be held ment this week by station man­ 'til Monday Parties" start new in the Woman's College Audi­ ager Bob Cook. Sunday tradition . . . Chris torium, can be purchased for 25 rides high for a week. Can't cents from any girl in the junior "Lines are now installed be­ get much higher than a Cadil­ class. tween the two campuses, and lac . . . Montross returns to after several more line tests are inspect the troops. Welcome With Dr. Robert S. Rankin, home, Colonel! . . . Gabardine head of the political science de- made, we will contract for a transmitter. Barring unforseen suits have arrived at van partment, a s master o f cere­ Straaten's •—• Doncasters and monies, the program includes a difficulty in purchasing hard-to- Worsted-tex, new Spring col­ variety of skits and songs. get technical equipment, we will ors and new models — drop Miss Marianna Jenkins will open on East Campus in about down and let Bill Wood show serve as narrator for an old fash­ two months," Cook added. you . . . Let's take a quick Urge Talent review of the week end: Phi ioned melodrama, "Trouble in Delts discover brothers they the Cellar." The actresses in the Cook urged that all students never even knew before as production will be Miss Ellen from both campuses who are in­ they all turn out to greet new Huckabee, Miss Mary Grace Wil­ terested visit the radio station pledges . . . Wink emerges son, Mrs. Grover Taylor, Miss studios in Grey Building 06 any from Cloak room 'mit sword Jean Brackman, and Miss Dor­ week-day afternoon between 2 and shield' . . . Lucky Pants. othy S. Marple. (excuse me Wink — Gordon) and 5 p.m. and- leave their names . . . Tall Paul's party a roar­ Coaches Interpret and other necessary information. ing success, claim all the An original interpretation of WDBS will present several brothers (those who can re­ classroom life will be the con­ new features for Duke listeners member) . . . Fop and Gene tribution of several of the pro­ in the near future. Starting next And new mule for SAE pledge fessors of the economics depart­ Hopefully, Alice Jean Youmans and T. Stevens, candidates for Wednesday evening, Feb. 28, the . . . Maybe Bill Loundes lost ment. Coach Don Hedstrom and president of WSGA, look out from the East Campus auditorium Sunday, but Bob Dillon lost program "Coed Corner" will be the whole week end . . . The Coach Jim Bly will direct the stage where next year the winner of the March 5 election will aired at 9 p.m. On this program, Duke coaching staff in a 10 min­ preside over Women's College assemblies. K.A. party must have been a series of panel discussions in good, too. At least it sounded ute skit. a lighter vein will feature sev­ that way after midnight on Accompanied by Mrs. Eugen­ eral coeds plus a lone male mem­ East campus . . . Spring ar- ia C. Saville at the piano, Mrs. Major Corporations Schedule ber to discuss such interesting gyles in new colors—$1.50 at Julia Mueller will play a violin campus questions as "what to do van Straaten's , . . And an­ solo, "Adagio". Dr. Arthur B. when he gets that 'come hither' other trip to Hookersville . . . Ferguson, C. F. Richards, Jr., look," and "how to discourage a Dottie, did you say Valentine Mr. Robert Christ, and Grimes Week-Long Campus Interviews or Ballentme? . . . With a date." whish and a patter of foot­ Slaughter will harmonize in Nine major companies have Process Division will hold steps, the Tri Delt man eludes barbershop style, and Dr. Black­ scheduled interviews starting to­ interviews for B.S. and M.S. The station will also inaugu­ recognition. It may be YOU! burn will entertain with his gui­ morrow and continuing through chemists. On both Monday and rate a series of student talent tar. the coming week for engineers, shows, student produced, direct­ Yours, Tuesday Standard Oil Company, ed, and acted. Don The faculty play has been a chemists, physicists, business Overseas Division, will question tradition at Duke for many majors and lab office workers. unmarried engineers, account­ years. Tomorrow, Feb. 24, the Sol- ants and business administration majors. The Alcoa Company will see electrieal engineers on Tues­ ADCOCK'S RESTAURANT day. Tennessee Eastman has sched- Good Food at Reasonable Prices ued Wednesday to interview beauty and Artistry women lab and office workers. IN DURHAM SINCE 1909 They will also welcome engi­ neers and chemists who didn't 107 N. Church St. see them before. On Wednesday ARE OUR BY-WORDS Pratt and Whitney Aircraft rep­ resentatives will interview me­ chanical engineers, and the Na­ GET YOUR tional Advisitory Council on Aviation will see electrical, me­ chanical, and civil engineers and B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. chemists PAN-HEL CORSAGE and physicists. Tuesday and Wednesday, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory on carbides and carbon will hold interviews for mechanical, elec­ trical, and civil engineers and B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. chemists and physicists. Also here or these two days wiil be the Con­ necticut General Life Insurance HIBBERD FLORIST Company. 116 N. Corcoran St. The Appalachian Electric Pow­ er Company will interview elec­ trical and mechanical engineers on Thursday.

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