36154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 27 December 18, 2007 Whereas fans from all 50 States and many SENATE RESOLUTION 412—COM- ing and 3 passing touchdowns, and finishes foreign nations converge on the ‘‘World Cen- MENDING THE APPALACHIAN the season with 1,948 yards passing and 1,587 ter of Racing’’ each year to see the motor STATE UNIVERSITY MOUNTAIN- yards rushing, falling just short of becoming sports spectacle; EERS OF BOONE, NORTH CARO- the 1st player in NCAA history to pass for Whereas Daytona International Speedway 2,000 yards and rush for 1,000 yards twice in becomes one of the largest cities in the State LINA, FOR WINNING THE 2007 NA- his career; of Florida by population on race day, with TIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC Whereas Corey Lynch finishes his career more than 200,000 fans in attendance; ASSOCIATION DIVISION 1 FOOT- with 52 pass breakups, capturing the NCAA Whereas well-known politicians, celeb- BALL CHAMPIONSHIP SUBDIVI- Division I record for career passes defended; rities, and athletes take part in the festivi- SION (FORMERLY DIVISION 1–AA) Whereas the team’s championship victory ties surrounding the Daytona 500; and CHAMPIONSHIP finished off a remarkable season for the Whereas, on February 17th, 2008, the Day- Mr. BURR (for himself and Mrs. Mountaineers, who, on September 1, 2007, in tona 500 celebrates its historic 50th running: their 1st game of the 2007 season, beat the Now, therefore, be it DOLE) submitted the following resolu- University of Michigan Wolverines, ranked Resolved, That the Senate— tion; which was: 5th nationally at the time, by a score of 34- (1) recognizes the 50th running of the Day- S.
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