7 'Stones' Left Halftime Viewers Yawning ' BY MATT VITA Natural Royal Highs Staff Writer BY JOHN MILLER Every year the producers of the Half­ Staff Writer Time Show at the Professional Football Championship Game attempt to stun and Last year, during the bitter cold days of intercession, I received an email from my awe th!! thousands of fans who eagerly await another half. This year, rock legends roommate, who happened to be at home. It was a chain letter called "Natural Highs." "" took the cleverly­ Since my building was empty, except for designed stage. Unfortunately "The Stones" came up short. the few freshmen who had stayed for intercession, loneliness had really set in. "The Stones" played a short three-song set consisting of "," "Rough The letter raised my spirits and brought a Justice," and "Satisfaction" The only mem­ smile to my face. It was filled with simple images, such as "hearing your favorite song ber of the band who seemed capable of feeling how powerful our community is. on the radio" and ''waking up ~d realizing any motion whatsoever was , 4.) Romaine, Judy, or Rorence asking you still have a few hours left to sleep." who danced about the stage in his usual how you are doing and being sincerely con­ flamboyant manner. The other band mem­ The letter suggested that everyone should cerned for you. stop and think about each ''natural high," bers seemed to prefer keepirig to them­ 5.) A stranger holding the door for you in and remember the last time they experi­ selves and focused on the music, which at a building you can't swipe into. enced it. This was no ordinary forward. I their ages must be an extradinary task. 6.) Walking into the third floor cafe and 1'11010 Sl'l Cli\l 10 1\QUI/Ji\S had never before received anything like it. The boring performance would have seeing Rasberry Chicken, the Pancake bar, MICK JAGGER fronted The Rolling Stones' I kept the email in my inbox and looked been more acceptable had the music at or your personal favorite meal. Halftime Performance on Sunday night back on it periodically, whenever I felt I least sounded good. This was not the case. 7.) Coasting down the commons and really needed that "natural high." The music seemed too forced and at times football fans themselves and not just their greeting friends on your way to class. Since that time, I have begun to notice even sounded off. This may have been on daughters. • 8.) Being off campus or out of Scranton purpose, however, because "The Stones" Despite their sub-par performance, "The certain natural highs here around campus. for the day, wanting to go home and realiz­ Hopefully, as you read or experience enjoy adding slight changes to their music Stones" should at least be given respect for this, ing by home you meant your dorm room. them yourself, they provide you with during performances. managing to tour and perform at an age can 9.) Brunch on Sunday Morning that same thoughtful lift that I found. After Janet Jackson's mishap two years where most people are set to retire. Many 10.) Seeing the timid high school students 1.) Seeing your friend perform really well ago it seems that the Half-Time producers musicians their age have simply resorted to on tours with their big white folders, at an athletic contest are aiming for a more low-key show. Last living off royalties and allowing their dressed to impress, and realizing how 2.) Smiling to an attractive stranger on records to move closer to the oldies rack. much you've grown in your time here, as year, the Half-Time show was manned by the commons, and having them smile back Paul McCartney, and this year "The Stones." The Stones however keep pushing on and you relax in your comfy U of S hooded because Royals are friendly by nature. By sticking to these older artists, thepro­ only a year ago released a series of their sweatshirt. 3.) The whole church community holding ducers avoid any sort of controversy and concerts on DVD, "Four Flicks," as well as a hands during the "Our Father" at mass and may even draw a bigger audience from the greatest hits compilation, "." "Inheritance" Explores Lives of Palestinian Women BY KAYLAN SOBEL passionate anthropologist, provides a bal­ than a novel. This is a common character­ Consequently, it is dif ::-----. Staff Wnter ance of detached insight and poignancy, istic of Khalifeh's previous works which, ficult to without being lurid or overly sentimental like 'The Inheritance," draw from her expe­ with any of the "Come quickly before the thread breaks when describing her family members and rience growing up in the West Bank, and acters, including and you lose your claim to the inheritance." their acquaintances. Though the novel is her education in the field of women's stud­ narrator. This simple caveat compels Zaynab told from Zaynab's perspective, her pres­ ies. As in her earlier novels, such as 'Wild Though it is Hamdan, the American-hom narrator of ence is not overbearing, allowing for an Thorns" and "Memoirs of an Unrealistic to identify with Sahar Khalifeh's most recent work, "The omniscient quality in many instances that Woman,,. 'The Inheritance" examines the numerous Inheritance," to find her estranged father does not disturb the course of the narra­ correlation between matters of feminism in ''The Inheritanc:e, and a family she had never met, in tion. It is this element that grants the read­ and the concerns of an occupied people. the same can be Palestine. Set in the wake of the Gulf War, er access to the varied stantipoints of the As with many novels that call attention of many . ''The Inheritance" is a startling portrayal of dissimilar characters, including a disillu­ to a political or social message, the ideolo­ works that have AQUINAS life in Palestine under the Oslo accords. sioned revolutionary, a corrupt realtor who gy is emphasized at the expense of the transformed society. SAHAR KHAUFEH, Through the encounters with her family manipulates the local authority, and a story itself. While the large population of Ultimately, the cultur- author of "The members, as well as her own experience, Westernized engineer who has returned characters offers a wide range of perspec­ al distance between Inheritance" Zaynab delivers an extensive account of home as a stranger to his family. tives, providing consideration of both the Palestine and the the numerous, distinct reactions to the When Zaynab's presence is predominant, conflict in the Middle East and the con­ Western world, which causes bitterness drastic changes in the Middle East. her experiences are told with such sinceri­ cerns of feminists from many angles, it pre­ and apathy in both parties, is reduced by One of the strongest features of 'The ty that, in many instances, they read more vents Khalifeh from offering sufficient Sahar Khalifeh's 'The Inheritance." Inheritance" is its narration. Zaynab, a dis- like a record of an oral history or a memoir dimension for each character. Here's Your Weekly Horoscope ARIES (March 21-April 20) Early this CANCER (June 22-July 22) New friends or workplace policies, although worthwhile, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Business week, expect key officials to assign com­ co-workers will no longer hide their feel­ may soon be cancelled. Before mid-week, partnerships will this week work to your plex duties or ask for special favors. Refuse ings or 'avoid subtle questions. After watch for a fast flurry of paperwork and advantage. After Thesday, expect newly to focus on yesterday's limits or disagree­ Thesday, expect private attractions to be public discussion. Later this week, a new proposed career ventures to bring added ments and respond quickly to new instruc­ publicly acknowledged or easily expressed. friend may request a rare romantic intro­ financial freedom. Wednesday through tions: your group leadership will be appre­ Minor jealousies or competing egos may be duction. Private love affairs, long distance Saturday, romantic and social invitations ciated. Friday through Sunday highlight an underlying theme. Thursday through relationships or revised marital status may will increase. bold discussions with close family mem­ Saturday, financial expectations in the be accented. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) Over the next bers. home may need to change. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) New friends eight days, forgotten records, legal details TAURUS (April 21-May 20) Monday LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Over the next few may tllis week offer misinformation or and missed payments, although annoying, through Thursday, business paperwork, days, quick glimpses of the future are accu­ vague responses concerning relationship are vital to success. Thursday through legal documents or corporate permissions rate. Through the actions of others, many commitments or social obligations. Probe Sw1day, a friend or relative may announce may be poorly defined or misleading. Leos will now witness their own business for private facts, dates or details. Thursday an unexpected family expansion or com­ Group errors or miscalculations from or financial potential. A:fter Friday, roman­ through Saturday is an excellent time to plex travel plan. approximately 16 weeks ago will this week tic relationships will also be affected. Pay ask authority figures for special permis­ PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) A close relative demand clarity. Later this week, a trusted attention to subtle comments or private sions or new agreements. or friend may this week propose a rare friend may need to explain their recent observations. SAGITfARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Before business improvement or creative lifestyle social behavior. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Financial pro­ mid-week, colleagues are easily distracted change. Sudden career reversals or risky GEMINI (May 21-June 21) Home relation­ posals are promising but delayed this week. with new leadership duties or creative job opportunities may be a strong influ­ ships will this week enjoy a meaningful Over the next seven days, a close friend or work proposals. Although both are positive, ence. After Wednesday, workplace restric­ phase of social harmony. Use this time to relative may outline a risky business ven­ authority figures may privately disapprove. tions will be addressed: expect key officials regain perspective and establish new fami­ ture or new career goal. After Thursday, Avoid public discussion, if possible, and opt to announce revised policies or cancelled ly agreements: you won't be disappointed. friends and lovers may be briefly introspec­ for quiet activities or small tasks. programs. After Thursday, workplace duties will tive or moody. Wednesday through Saturday, a complex steadily increase. LIDRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 23) Established friendship may briefly expand or intensify.

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I I I I I I Rhiannon Beil, freshman, I Mark Edwards, sophomore, Chris Patchoskl, senior, Nicole Sheets, freshman, Jess Bailey, junior, I Effort I Philadelphia SCranton Mountaintop long Pond I I "A mythological bird. • ·I "A technologically advanced allen "I wouldn't even know how to "A boat?" "Is It a city? That's all I got: ' , · . rEice.• ~ ~ .. approach that. •