A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings
HISTORY OF ENGLAND UXDER THE ANGLO-SAXON KINGS o ^t CransIatcK from tfjc ©crman^trf. J. M. LAPPEXBERG,* F.S.A., FORMERLY KEEPER OP THE ARCHIVES OF THE CITY OF HAMBURG BY THE LATE BENJAMIN THORPE^ F.S. A., EDITOR OF THE ' ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE,' 'ANCIENT LAWS AND INSTITUTES OF ENGLAND,' ETC. NEW EDITION REVISED BY E. C. OTTE O IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol. I. \T LONDON': GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET, COY EXT GARDEN. 1881. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWE8 AND SONS, LIMITED, BIAVFOKD STRKET AND CHABQI NOTE Mr. Thorpe's Translation of Dr. Lappenberg's History of the Anglo-Saxons having been for some years out of print, it has been thought expedient to republish it in the cheaper and more convenient form of the Standard Library. A thorough revision of the Trans- lation has been made for the present edition, while a few of the passages, originally omitted with the full concurrence of the Author, have been restored. These and" other alterations, including the division of the matter into chapters, together with the addition of an Index, and occasional notes, giving the more recent dates of the publication of works referred to in the text, will, it is hoped, be found to have increased the value of Mr. Thorpe's Translation. E. C. 0. 1 London, 1880. — CONTENTS OF VOL. I. Author's Preface ...... Page xi Translator's Preface xvii Literary Introduction xxi PAET I. BRITAIN UNDER THE ROMANS, B.C. 54. CHAPTER I. Earliest Knowledge of Britain—Descent and Tradilions Language — Religion — Government — Customs— Tribes First Appearance of Romans—Julius Caesar ; his Account of Britain—Departure of Roman Legions .
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