AND LEEDS Q-91^It4xi
^ e ^ i ^ ^y ^ ^ i —#£Le#3 ¦ v - gfcartfc t £nt *tlt setttt HKTW QOD*—J &x\Cov& Iawi5h ».caA&rmr OF —-Heywoodand the neighbourho odhave of late been placarded with T«ry large bills, announcing that a meet* ^S UNITED W}*™™ GREAT ing would be held in a died lately occupied as a factory, near Wrigley Brook , for the. purpose of peuiji ohitt f If B*eth ss» am Si3TKM ,-Ar e you awake r Parli ament for a total repejjbof the obnoxlow Qom you from inyour slumbers. of You Laws, and that several Members of Parliame nt, w ma rouse made the behalf pij&$' ^iJVt hV 6ali onr trttea, reverend gents., esquires, factory nuwten^ and , Williams, and toJones , and attoraiea , would address the ^K? ftj ^nds. Frost of your less the foot meeting * 3«»meetta * Sfexpresnon feelingsshew of *x* convened for J»o» *ry.23rd, and the ,•ch ^to lw !! ? ^ heir ^ewm and pre- > gS^ S! ^t i***" "' */** ' taken , at half-past six o'clock in the evening, by g. MS friends had desJ-fflerted their duties, and left ';" /¦ Grttndy, Esq., magistrate. Tne,. room, which is aaid ^ft^^rLi ye Byrapatby, AND LEEDS Q-91^it4Xi : : i®*SiB3ClS^BU- .v to'be capable of holding mote than 6,000 j ^rsous, bad ^nwe ms S leas affection , will ye exercise less been Well lighted with gas ; and a very large platfor m now you have.Jearet ihe aggravated soifer- erected an£ earpete-t for tbe occasion. Sbferal appr o- T^L je PWC I 6 o?'o£ bW d friend, O'Connor! WillI VOL.
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