AND LEEDS Q-91^It4xi
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^ e ^ i ^ ^y ^ ^ i —#£Le#3 ¦ v - gfcartfc t £nt *tlt setttt HKTW QOD*—J &x\Cov& Iawi5h ».caA&rmr OF —-Heywoodand the neighbourho odhave of late been placarded with T«ry large bills, announcing that a meet* ^S UNITED W}*™™ GREAT ing would be held in a died lately occupied as a factory, near Wrigley Brook , for the. purpose of peuiji ohitt f If B*eth ss» am Si3TKM ,-Ar e you awake r Parli ament for a total repejjbof the obnoxlow Qom you from inyour slumbers. of You Laws, and that several Members of Parliame nt, w ma rouse made the behalf pij&$' ^iJVt hV 6ali onr trttea, reverend gents., esquires, factory nuwten^ and , Williams, and toJones , and attoraiea , would address the ^K? ftj ^nds. Frost of your less the foot meeting * 3«»meetta * Sfexpresnon feelingsshew of *x* convened for J»o» *ry.23rd, and the ,•ch ^to lw !! ? ^ heir ^ewm and pre- > gS^ S! ^t i***" "' */** ' taken , at half-past six o'clock in the evening, by g. MS friends had desJ-fflerted their duties, and left ';" /¦ Grttndy, Esq., magistrate. Tne,. room, which is aaid ^ft^^rLi ye Byrapatby, AND LEEDS Q-91^it4Xi : : i®*SiB3ClS^BU- .v to'be capable of holding mote than 6,000 j ^rsous, bad ^nwe ms S leas affection , will ye exercise less been Well lighted with gas ; and a very large platfor m now you have.Jearet ihe aggravated soifer- erected an£ earpete-t for tbe occasion. Sbferal appr o- T^L je PWC I 6 o?'o£ bW d friend, O'Connor! WillI VOL. IT. NO. 168. SATURDAY, 'JANiriRY 30, 1841. V, pri ate mottos bung over the chainnan WtoMd . which "JSLii that ;nun to be Bade a sacrifice to the hatred "° S^,.^Sr' " werevNo fixed duty, " "No Cor ^.^Laws," and ^tciK S bke Nomanby, FinaUty, id " FraBroade. " It has been stated by food autho rity gSLr. of TO THE "WORKING CLASSES OF WEj pH.—Ma. Bellamv' pbou i£t Uaule, witho ut lifting «p yonr voices to reach BIRMI NGHAM , great metropolis would-have been acquainted aa { re- s Liberation Lan- NEWCASTLE-TJNDER -LYNfE. — Mr. Candy that the expenses incurred on this occasion were mote dasurfl y persecutor s acd heoppr essors 1 THE iTJRROTJNDIN G DISTRICTS , AND conciled (previous to this period) to Ihe sacred prin- castbb .Castle. —At a meeting held during the gave two Chartist sermons here on Sunday last, to than £40. Before the meeting commenced, the spacious S&S of hu to all tha t has TOWNSHIPS. week , (our correspondent does not name the ? i^essar y recapi fcolate said , ciples of out Charter , and would b*r» beeome zealous crowd ed audiences ; he was recentl y Bent out to lec- platform w*i ascended by the .Cjiartut leaders , and a , on oirbehalf,toinduceyon to co?!e FELLOW TICTIMS , BROTHER SLAVES ,—We now supporters in the laudable struggle for the attainment evening,) Mr, Bairstow , having been invited to ture by tho council and committee of the delegate few LI ^ » e d lecture here of tbe middle class, apparently ihopkeepet ^ 7 JS Vnd show at least tha * you retain a grateful appeal to you, as the mo»t virtuous classes in society. of the same, if tbe Chartists of London liad been united , the friends obtaine d the use of the meeting heid in Birmingham. and factory bookkeepers , ovei lookers, Ac At aevem 0 in giving thei r pecuiury aid, to procnie efficient Rev. Mr. Aitkins' chapel, which is capable of 10 u« ? We now ask you what benefit you nave received from BARNSXiEY.—The Bociety, recently o'clock, Mr. Grundy took tbe chair. After a few intro- SSff ue pOWer »UBTUM * oimauii * fio* ?: holding five hundred perdons. About two hours meeting at % ^,-i in TOUT^^ ^^^ * the other classes who move above you as tack-masters— Chartist lecturers , in accordance with the exampleof tho Railway Tavern ductory remarks , the Cbainnan introduced Mr. had attempt to before the commencement of the lecture , has removed its sittin gs to Mra. , oSSLJhi infer*** you of this new and oppressors, bat their legalized demand for plunder , onr friends in other parts of Grea t Britain ; and that , Mr. Hoey 's. (attorney) who said, he believed the evils of this eooo* the labour of your hands ? Who , now, will deliver you this meeting do suppert , and earnestly- ' reeomtaeart Bellamy agreeabl y surprised the Chartists , by tr y his Gudden KIDDERIKIN&TSR. —A Chubch Cleroyhan were owing to tbe Con Laws. They were obnox- ra become 1 in tte deT3 from the degraded position you occupy * Will a these our -views to the consideration of the members of , and quite unexpected, arrival f rom ious to the welfare ot tbe commercial , manuf acturing, rSSoeS « p"* "!**®" . ify' Lanc aster Castle , (wher e he has been and Chartism. —The Council of tho Nat ional Charte STUbj sW*' of lasers , " accessories after middle-class crew, who frown en all equality ? Whose the other localiti es of this metropolis , with a view to confined fifteen r and labouring interests of tM» community. If repealed * J, to obtain their co-operation , through the medium and months ,) having obtained a respite of three mouths. Association of this town , met on Mon day evening misdeeds mark them to be as vicious and corrupt as last, for the dispatch of business the merchants , manufacturers , and the labourers, ^ can reach your eyes Pa rliament will the Government they uphold ? management of the County Council. " It was then an- Mr. Bellamy ap pears to enjoy excellent health | and , when one of its would B^fihis has und ergone do chang e ra erabors (Wm. Choriton) infor med the Counci l be greatly benefi ted thereby. If repeated , it , for iheir nsuil do-nothi ng or do- Can you look up to an aristocracy of title or wealth ? nounced to the Society that Mr. Cleave had kindly of princi ples. The chapel that would increase " the labour , f*» Wo have enough" ); fJfSe mbled was completel y filled , owing to the excitement he had been in communicatio n with a friend of his, ifc SSriefiToeatio M. Up, m? friends, and tod Tbey who have blasted peace and liberty in ages past , offered to this Association , for their benefit, 100 of the cre- would increase the demand for labour , and conaequeatly, loyment ! Let our petit ions, or will new Black List, leo of the Drunkard' s Coat of Arms , ated. At the conclu sion of Mr. Doyle's lect ure, a clergyman of the Church of Eogla ndi and that he ('¦ S^T* little emp they deliver you ? You answer, No. had received a letter from him whicn the labourer 's wages would be raised. No, &*."> care not which , be poured within Can you appeal to any tribunal that recognises you or twenty copies of the Victims of Whiggery, twenty thr ee cheers wail given for O'Connor ; the Lecturer , , , as he con- He then read SnirS ,, 1 and the Chatter, sidered it cuntained matter of the greatest impor- the resolution whieb ke would propose ta Saint Stephen' s, in fall number , weight , yonr order ? Hav« you any hope in the Commons ' Cobbetfs Tracts ; and the meeting returned their grate- the consideration of that meeting, which was as fol- gfJj S tf m as strong ful thanks for tbe same. It was then carried unani- tance , he thought it hh duty to lay before the Coun - eWJie . in his beha lf, and couched House, either tj petition or remonstrance ? We tell PRESTO N,—On Monday night, this town was lows :— " Tha t the existing Corn Law is in pr inciple Sd^ house permit , and their mously tha t the Council be instructed to use every visited by Harrison , the spy, cil. The letter was according ly read ; and the f£L5rt as ihe fonn s of the you—no , emphatically no. who was discovered Council were of the same opinion as Mr . unjust , and in practice grie vously eppre *sive; existing honourable throa t s can swal- Can any bodies of men inspire you with confidence means to get up a great demonstration in favour of there ; and, by the activity of one of the Charthta Charlton , only for g££ble *^ rig ht , and also thought that the countr y at large should the benefit of a smaU and rieh minority to the for their digestion, never mind it. If we or bepe equal to the task of reading or signing a Henry Vincent, upon bis release from prison , and that taken before the Guardians on Tuesday, for leaving preju diae of a, large majority ; limiting the demand vfw- Is them selves, (and to they recommend the same to the other localities. hiti fareily. chargable. Tne lenient know of the proceedings of the present' minis try. JSmoT ntt te them asham ed.of petition , to the House of Lords , where sit men in per- ex officio Chair- An extract of the letter , therefore will not for labour aad rewaxd for industry ; whilst at the same knowled ge W be an under- Several new members wereemolled , subscriptions paid , uman, however, let him loose agai n pou-society, , be alto- time it enha nces the price and thedifknlty of obtaining SSL a Whig blush I ac the son, who bave been the political haeks of all adminis- on gether unintereBtjBg. ' .> The most important is as ; akiii to blaciamo or wasting,) let who if they retained their proper names , and voluntary contribu tions made to the Victim¦ ¦ his promiatn gcto pay whenjiegot work ; and would that which is neeeagtty to human existence." Mr.