THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 5, 1857. No. 22008
THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 5, 1857. 2013 Jobn Timaley, formerly of Morledge, Derby, in the county of Beer at Aire-street, Goole aforesaid, and also Keeper of of Derby, Dyer, then in lodgings in Hull-street, Derby a Register Office for Servants, and Dealer in British aforesaid, out of business or employment, afterwards of Wines, during the said period Treasurer of the Indepen- Tib-lane, Cross-street, Manchester, in the county of dent Chapel, Goole aforesaid. Lancaster, Eating1 House Keeper, then of Cheetwood- Robert Wood the younger (sued along with Robert Wood street, Strangways, Manchester aforesaid, and whilst_at the elder), late of No, 10, Merchant's-row, Scarbro', the latter place carrying on business in copartnership with Yorkshire, Tailor, Draper, Outfitter, and Dealer in Oil- William Sawyer and James Watson Donn, at Springfield skins, duricg part of the same period being partly out of Bridge, Salford, in the said county of Lancaster, as business and lodging at No. 10, Long West Gate, Scarbro' Manufacturers of Silk Small wares, under the firm of aforesaid. Tunaley, Sawyer and Company, afterwards carrying on Joseph Wilkinson, late in lodgings at Mr. Thorp's Coffee business in copartnership with Charles Joseph Wood, at Rooms, Bank-street, Sheffield, Yorkshire, previously in the Old Factory, Miller-street, Manchester aforesaid, as lodgings at the Plough Inn, Barnsley, Yorkshire, and Manufacturers of Silk Smallwares, under the firm of formerly residing at No. 14, Saint Thomas'-street, Shef- Wood and Tunaley, and late of Fleetwood-street, Ancoats field aforesaid, Joiner, being partly out of employ, and Vale, Manchester aforesaid, out of business or employ- previously of the Hussar Inn, Scotland-street.
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