Rencontre organized by the General Directorate of Antiquities (GDA) and the French Institute of the Near East (IFPO) October 10, 2019

8 AM Welcoming words - Sasan Hawni, Minister of Municipalities and Tourism - Olivier Decottignies, General Consul of France in Erbil - Kayfi Ali, General Director of Antiquities - Michel Mouton, Director of the IFPO - Dominique Pieri, Director of the Department of Archaeology and History of Antiquity at the IFPO - Barbara Couturaud, Head of the IFPO offices in Erbil 8:30 AM Mohammad Lashkry (General Directorate of Antiquities), “Archaeological Projects in Iraqi Kurdistan” 9 AM Daniele Morandi Bonacossi (University of Udine) and Hassan Ahmad Qassim (Directorate of Antiquities, Dohuk), “Kurdish-Italian Excavations at Gir-e Gomel and Faida. The Region Between the and the Assyrian Empire” 9:30 AM Marco Iamoni (University of Udine) and Hassan Ahmad Qassim (Directorate of Antiquities, Dohuk), “Asingeran, a New Neolithic and Chalcolithic Settlement in the Plain of Navkur” 10 AM Peter Pfaelzner (University of Tübingen), “Report About the Excavations at / (Duhok Province, Kurdistan Region) 2015-2019” 10:30 AM Ivana Puljiz (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), “Excavations at Muqable III”

11 AM Coffee break 11:30 AM Cinzia Pappi (Freie Universität Berlin), “Portrait of an Ancient Borderland: Archaeological Assessment of the Region of Koi Sanjaq/Koya” 12 PM Jessica Giraud (IFPO & CNRS UMR 7041), “Latest Results of the Survey Project in Soulaimaniah Governorate (MAFGS)” 12:30 PM John MacGinnis (British Museum), “Excvations in the Darband-i Rania” 1 PM Tim Skuldbol (University of Copenhagen) “Danish Archaeological Expedition to . A Summary of 8 Years of Archaeological Research on the Rania Plain”

1:30 PM Lunch

2:45 PM Elimam Hassan and Vasanth Kanags (Mines Advisory Group-MAG), “General Landmine and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW). Awareness and Safety Session” 3:30 PM Jason Ur (Harvard University), Nader Babakr (Directorate of Antiquities, Erbil), and Khalil Barzinji (Directorate of Antiquities, Erbil), “The Erbil Plain Archaeological Survey: Field Methods and Preliminary Results, 2016-2019” 4 PM Luca Peyronel (University of Milan), “Italian Excavations at Helawa in the Erbil Plain. The 5th-4th Millennium Settlement”

4:30 PM Coffee break

5 PM Gil J. Stein (University of Chicago – Oriental Institute), “The LC1 Period at Surezha. Local Beginnings and Inter-Regional Connections” 5:30 PM Christophe Nicolle (College de France, CNRS UMR 7192), “Between Altitudes 315 m and 335 m, More Than 1800 Years of Occupation in Bash Tapa” 6 PM Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault (École Pratique des Hautes Études, CNRS UMR 8167), “Late Bronze Levels at Qasr Shemamok: the Site Before the Assyrians”