Origins and Development of Historical Revisionism

False testimony portrayed as truth and the double standards of the anti “anti-Semitism” lobby

Origins of Historical Revisionism

1. French Communist Paul Rassinier was interned at Buchenwald and several other concentration camps during WW2. He was the world's first Holocaust Revisionist. His works are now largely surpassed by the recent progress of modern WW2 Revisionism, however it is worth citing a phrase from his book Le drame des juifs européens, with particular reference to the unreliability of eyewitness testimony (Paris 1964, p. 79, europ%C3%A9ens/dp/B0014QCHQO):

“Each time when I was told during the last fifteen years that there was a witness in the part of Europe not occupied by the Soviets who claimed to have experienced a gassing himself, I immediately travelled to him in order to listen to his testimony. But in every case it ended the same way: With my folder in my hands, I asked the witness a series of precise questions, to which he could respond only with quite obvious lies, so that he finally had to admit that he had not experienced it himself, but that he had related only the story of a good friend, who had died during his internment and whose honesty he could not question. That way I travelled thousands upon thousands of miles throughout all of Europe.”

Development of Revisionism; scholarly critique of Revisionism; doubts increase regards the alleged use of Zyklon B in “gas chambers” for the mass extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany

2. In 1976 Arthur R Butz, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Northwestern University in Evanston, Chicago, published a book dealing with The Hoax of the Twentieth Century ( A year after publication, ADL Chicago representative Abbot A. Rosen stated (Pittsburg Press, Jan 26, 1977):

1 “We have known about it [Butz's book] for some time. But we didn't want to give it any publicity and help the sales. Now it is too late; it is out in the open and we have to face it squarely.”

A few months later, there was an indirect reference to Butz's book by two Israeli scholars (Chicago Sun-Times, Oct. 25, 1977):

“Bauer and Prof Moshe Davis agreed that there is a 'recession in guilt feeling' over the Holocaust, encouraged by fresh arguments that the reported extermination of six million Jews during World War II never took place […] 'You know, it is not difficult to fabricate history,' Davis added.”

It is also worth noting that Butz mentions and likens official Holocaust historiography to the document known as The Donation of Constantine, a 9th century forgery, passed off as an original written during the 4th century, and exposed as a fraud during the 15th century. This document laid the foundation for the claim that Emperor Constantine bequeathed the Roman Empire to Christendom. The Reformation put an end to Rome’s power.

3. In 1979 inspired by Butz's book, Judge Wilhelm Stäglich (Hamburg, Germany), published The Auschwitz Myth ( id=6xP6GwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y), for which he had his 1951 conferred University of Goettingen doctorate revoked in 1983. Towards war’s end Stäglich was stationed as an officer at Auschwitz, and thus the German authorities used this administrative tool against an authentic eyewitness with the aim of sending a clear message to German academics that matters Holocaust-Auschwitz-homicidal gassings are taboo – and it has worked to this day.

4. The search for the truth was also taken up by French scholar, Professor Robert Faurisson of L'université de Lyon. Following publication of a skeptical article by Prof Faurisson in Le Monde in 1978 regards the alleged Auschwitz homicidal gas chambers, 34 mainstream French historians responded in the same newspaper, Feb. 21, 1979: (

“One should not ask oneself how a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it happened. This is the inevitable starting point of any historical examination of this

2 subject. We simply want to recollect this truth: there is no debate about the existence of the gas chambers, and neither should one be permitted.”

One of the historians who signed, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, later remarked on the above statement (L'histoire, June 1992):

“We were certainly wrong, at least in form, even if the substance of our argument was correct.” (

5. French journalist and distinguished opponent of Revisionism, Eric Conan, writing in L'Express, 1995, about the problem with Auschwitz ( du-mal_487340.html):

“Another sensitive topic: What to do with falsifications left behind by the Communist administration? In the 1950s and 1960s several buildings which had disappeared or had been reallocated to other uses, were reconstructed with major errors and presented as authentic […] With the creation of the museum in 1948, Crematoria #1 was converted into its assumed [sic] original condition. Everything there is false: the dimensions of the gas chamber, the location of the doors, the openings for the introduction of Zyklon B, the furnaces which, according to the admission of some survivors, were newly rebuilt, the height of the chimney. […] For the moment, this remains as such and nothing is said to the visitors. That is too complicated. As for the future, we shall see.”

6. Conan's evaluation of the Auschwitz Crematorium #1 exhibit was confirmed in 1992 in video footage shot by Jewish-American activist David Cole. On camera, the Auschwitz Museum director, Dr Franciszek Piper, told Cole that the building had been significantly altered after the war (

As recently as 2016, Cole wrote the following lines (Denial is Dead, Taki's Magazine, Sept 29

“Ah, Auschwitz. Yes, here's where we still have a problem. […] there are genuine problems with what is commonly claimed to be part 3 [of the Holocaust] – that in 1943 Auschwitz-Birkenau was 'renovated' to become an ultra-super be-all end-all extermination facility. To me, the

3 evidence just isn't there, and the evidence that does exist calls that claim into question. [… Orthodox historians] backed themselves into a corner by putting Auschwitz, with its phony, postwar tourist-attraction 'gas chamber' and its complete lack of documentary evidence supporting a killing program, front and center as the heart of the Holocaust. They're in so deep at this point that they can't back off.”

7. The late German professor of history, Dr Werner Maser, wrote in 2004 (Fälschung, Dichtung und Wahrheit über Hitler und Stalin, Olzog, Düsseldorf 1988; p. 32; p 220; p 339

“To be sure, […] the extermination of the Jews is considered to be one of the best researched aspects of contemporary history […], but that is not the case. Indeed, whole regions remain as much terra incognita as ever, […].

8. Jewish-American political scientist, Dr Norman G Finkelstein, published his work The Holocaust Industry: Reflections of the Exploitation of Jewish suffering (Verso, London/New York Suffering/dp/185984488X) in 2000 and which includes several statements in support of Revisionst arguments:

“The tales of 'Holocaust survivors' – all concentration camp inmates, all heroes of the resistance – were a special source of wry amusement in my home. Long ago, John Stuart Mill recognised that truths not subject to continual challenge eventually 'cease to have the effect of truth by being exaggerated into falsehood.” (p. 7)

“Invoking The Holocaust was therefore a ploy to delegitimise all criticism of Jews: such criticism could only spring from pathological hatred.” (p. 37)

“Deploring the 'Holocaust lesson' of eternal Gentile hatred, Boas Evron observes that it 'is really tantamount to a deliberate breeding of paranoia... This mentality... condones in advance any inhuman treatment of non-Jews, for the prevailing mythology is that 'all people collaborated with the Nazis in the destruction of Jewry. 'hence everything is permissible to Jews in their

4 relationship to other peoples.' ”(p. 51)

“ '[...] How come we have no decent quality control when it comes to evaluating Holocaust material for publication?' (quoting Prof Raul Hilberg, p. 60)

“Given the nonsense churned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics.” (p. 68).

“Because survivors are now revered as secular saints, one doesn't dare question them. Preposterous statements pass without comment.” (p. 82)

“The challenge today is to restore the Nazi holocaust as a rational subject of inquiry. Only then can we really learn from it.” (p. 150).

9. In 1990, US historian Dr Arno Mayer, Professor emeritus of Modern Jewish History at Princeton University, wrote (Why did the Heavens not Darken? Pantheon, New York 1988 (1990) p. 362, History/dp/184467777X/):

“Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable.”

10. Long-considered to be the world's leading Holocaust expert, Dr Raul Hilberg, said in 1983 (Georges De Wan, The Holocaust in Perspective, , Long Island, New York, Feb. 23):

“But what began in 1941 was a process of destruction [of the Jews] not planned in advance, not organised centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destruction measures. They [these measures] were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus mind reading by a far-flung [German] bureaucracy.”

Hilberg confirms this view in the latest edition of his standard work, 2003 (The Destruction of the European Jews, 3rd ed., Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.

5 Ergo, the official historiography of the gas chamber narrative is based on “conspiracy theory”:

“The process of destruction […] did not, however, proceed from a basic plan. […] The destruction process was a step-by-step operation, and the administrator could seldom see more than one step ahead. […] In the final analysis, the destruction of the Jews was not so much a product of laws and commands as it was a manner of spirit, of shared comprehension, of consonance and synchronisation.”

Note: in the second trial of German-Canadian Ernst Zündel in 1988, Hilberg refused to appear again as expert witness for the prosecution.

Under cross-examination by Zündel's barrister the late Doug Christie during the first trial in 1985, the following exchange took place (

Christie: “Can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in the Nazi-occupied territory?”

Hilberg: “I am at a loss.”

Mainstream commentary on the unreliability of eyewitness testimonies

11. Jewish historian Samuel Gringauz on the unreliability of witness testimony from WW2 (Some Methodological Problems in the Study of the Ghetto, in: Salo W Baron, Koppel S Pinson (eds.), Jewish Social Studies, vol. XII, New York 1950, pp 65-72,

“The hyperhistorical complex [of survivors] may be described as judeocentric, lococentric and egocentric. It concentrates historical relevance on Jewish problems of local events under the aspect of personal experience. This is the reason why most of the memoirs and reports are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self- inflation, dilettante philosophising, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumours, bias, partisan attacks and apologies.”

6 12. Jewish American mainstream Holocaust expert, Lucy Dawidowicz in 1981 (The Holocaust and the Historians, Harvard UP, Cambridge, MA. Lucy-S-Dawidowicz/dp/0674405676):

“Many thousands of oral histories by survivors recounting their experiences exist in libraries and archives around the world. Their quality and usefulness vary significantly, according to the informant's memory, grasp of event, insights, and of course accuracy. […] The transcribed testimonies I have examined have been full of errors in dates, names of participants, and places, and there are evident misunderstandings of events themselves..”

13. Jewish British Art Historian, Gerald Reitlinger, on the evidence he used to write his book (The Final Solution: The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe, various editions, 2nd ed., Yoseliff, South Brunswick/New York 1961 (1st 1953);3rd ed., Jason Aronson, London 1987,

“A certain degree of caution is necessary in handling all this material, and particularly this applies to the last section [Survivor narratives]. For instance, the evidence concerning the Polish death camps was mainly taken after the war by Polish State commissions or by the Central Jewish Historical Commission of Poland. The hardy survivors who were examined were seldom educated men. Moreover, the Easter European Jew is a natural rhetorician, speaking in flowing similes. When a witness said that the victims from the remote West reached the death camp in Wagons-Lits, he probably meant that passenger coaches were used instead of box-cars. Sometimes the imagery transcends credibility.”

14. French historian, Jacques Baynac stated in 1993 (Le Nouveau Quotidien

“For the scientific historian, an assertion by a witness does not really represent history. It is an object of history. And an assertion of one witness does not weigh heavily; assertions by many witnesses do not weigh much more heavily, if they are not shored up with solid documentation. The postulate of scientific historiography, one could say without great exaggeration, reads: no

7 paper/s, no facts proven [...]”

15. In 1994, a researcher from the Auschwitz Museum, Andrzej Strzelecki, declared (The Plunder of Victims and their Corpses, in: Y. Gutman, M Berenbaum (eds.) Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Indiana University Press, Bloomington/Indianapolis, ):

“There is no evidence that human fat was used to manufacture soap, or that human skin was treated to make lampshades, bookbindings, purses, or similar objects in Auschwitz.”

Elie Wiesel

16. Wiesel has been accused of dishonesty even by staunch anti-Revisionists. In 1987, French historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet claimed (Michel Folco, Interview with Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Zéro, April 1987, p. 57

“For instance, they have Rabbi Kahane, this extremist Jew, who is less dangerous than a man like Elie Wiesel, who tells all sorts of things... One only has to read a few descriptions in 'Night' in order to know that some of his depictions are not true and that in the end he turned into a Shoah peddler. And so he as well damages the historical truth, and this to a tremendous extent.”

17. Dr Daniel McGowan, Professor emeritus of Economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS) in Geneva, N.Y., published the following article on Wiesel in Finger Lakes Times, Sept. 27, 2009, (Section D, p. 1f. professor-takes-on.html)

“Is it sacrilegious to ask, "If Hitler was intent on extermination, how did Elie Wiesel, his father, and two of his sisters survive the worst period of incarceration at Auschwitz?"

“[...] In 1946 the US government told us that over 20 million people were murdered by Hitler. Now that figure is said to be 11 million; it is literally carved in stone at the US Holocaust Memorial. For years we were told that over 4 million were killed at Auschwitz, but by the early

8 1990s that figure was reduced to 1.5 million. Wiesel tells us that people were thrown alive onto pyres; he claims to have seen it with his own eyes; today trained guides at Auschwitz say that is not true. These are examples of historical revisionism and they are not inherently anti-Semitic.”

Irene Zisblatt

18. In 2010, Polish scholar Dr Joachim Neanders wrote about the unreliability of Irene Zisblatt's testimony as described in her book, The Fifth Diamond (

“Is it morally acceptable to criticize a Holocaust survivor's story, hurting her feelings and those of thousands of people who believe her? The answer must be: In this case, yes.

“[...]Mrs. Zisblatt's Holocaust memoir does not stand scholarly scrutiny. As a whole, the story she tells about her camp experience leaves the impression that it was spiced up with ubiquitous Holocaust legends and enriched with fragments from other survivors' memoirs. It is so full of implausibilities that one can understand some of those who - in a "worst case scenario" - begin to doubt everything she tells”

Otto Frank (Anne Frank)

19. New York Times, 2016: ( diary-gains-co-author-in-legal-move.html)

“the Swiss foundation that holds the copyright to “The Diary of Anne Frank” is alerting publishers that her father is not only the editor but also legally the co-author of the celebrated book.”

Fictional testimonies presented as truth in literature and media

9 20. In 1995, Bruno Doessekker, alias Binjamin Wilkomirski, penned an “eye-witness” account of his gruesome childhood spent at Auschwitz and Majdanek, entitled Fragments. Despite winning many major literary prizes, it turned out that the work was entirely fictitious: Doessekker had been in Switzerland during the war years.

Other similar fraudulent works were written by Donald Watt (1997), Bernard Brougham aka Bernard Holstein (2004), Enric Marco (2005) and Herman Rosenblat (2008). (For all source reference material, see Germar Rudolf, Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross- examined, Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, pp. 429-433, page_id=15)

21. Even more recently in 2016, Joseph Hirt, who claimed to have escaped Auschwitz admitted he had been lying for years: lied-joseph-hirt-auschwitz

Examples of evidence presented at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg and other related trials, since proven to be wholly misleading or entirely false:

22. Arnold Friedman was interned at Auschwitz from the Spring of 1944 onwards. Friedman testified about his experiences at the Zündel Trial in Canada, 1985 (District Court of Toronto, pp 315, 326, 407, 344, 347, 402-404,

“There was smoke belching from the crematories, and it gave us a constant smell – the crematories being close enough and low enough for the smoke to be dispersed through the camp rather than go straight up. […] Well, there was – the building that I described as a crematorium is a cottage-type low building with a short chimney protruding from it. At nighttime you saw the flames shooting above the chimney about a meter or two meters, depending on the particular time. There was smoke coming out. […]. Well, it was the odour of burning flesh, and the flames were changing colours from yellow to a deep red on various occasions. […] We were discussing various things and this was part of the discussion of the guesswork we kids had in guessing that these were Hungarian transports because they have these type of flames, and these are Polish transports, they're very skinny, […].”

10 23. During the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, chief prosecutor for the UK, Sir Hartley Shawcross, stated (IMT, Vol 19, p. 434,

“Murder conducted like some mass production industry in the gas chambers and the ovens of Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Maidanek and Oranienburg.”

Mainstream historians now confirm that no homicidal gas chambers were ever used at Dachau, Buchenwald or Oranienburg.

24. During the IMT, the Soviets presented soap as an exhibit based on allegations that the corpses of Jewish victims of mass-murder were exploited by the Germans. These allegations were supported by the written testimony of Sigmund Mazur (IMT, Vol 7, pp 597f., later refuted by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum (see para 14):

“In the courtyard of the Anatomic Institute [Danzig] a one-story stone building of three rooms was built during the summer of 1943. This building was erected for the utilisation of human bodies and for the boiling of bones. This was officially announced by Professor Spanner. This laboratory was called a laboratory for the fabrication of skeletons, the burning of meat and unnecessary bones. But already during the winter of 1943-44, Professor Spanner ordered us to collect human fat, and not to throw it away. […] In February 1944 Professor Spanner gave me the recipe for the preparation of soap from human fat. According to this recipe 5 kilos of human fat are mixed with 10 liters of water and 500 or 1,000 grams of caustic soda. All this is boiled 2 or 3 hours and then and then cooled. The soap floats to the surface while the water and other sediment remain at the bottom. A bit of salt and soda is added to this mixture. Then fresh water is added, and the mixture again boiled 2 or 3 hours. After having cooled the soap is poured into molds.”

British wartime intelligence; promulgation of atrocity propaganda

25. Memo circulated by the British Ministry of Information to the British clergy and the BBC,

11 February 29th 1944 (Edward J Rozek, Allied Wartime Diplomacy, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1958; see also Arthur Ponsonby, Falsehood in Wartime, Garland, New York 1971

“We know how the Red Army behaved in Poland in 1920 and in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Galicia and Bessarabia only recently.

“We must therefore, take into account how the Red Army will certainly behave when it overruns Central Europe […]

“Experience has shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy. Unfortunately, the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of the 'Corpse Factory,' and the 'Mutilated Belgian Babies,' and the 'Cruified Canadians'. [See Ponsonby, Falsehood in Wartime, 1971, World/dp/0939484390].

“Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry.”

26. In 1981, British historian and cryptologist, F.H. Hinsley, wrote on the subject of British military interception of radio messages sent by the SS to and from Auschwitz (British Intelligence in World War Two, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London, Vol. 2, p. 673,

“The messages from Auschwitz, the largest camp, with 20,000 inmates, mention disease as the chief cause of death, but also include references to executions by hanging and shooting. The decoded messages contain no references to gassings.”

27. With reference to emerging horror stories of mass executions in gas chambers, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, British Chairman of the Allied “Joint Intelligence Committee” stated in

12 1943 (Martin Gilbert, Auschwitz and the Allies, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1981, p 150,

“I feel certain that we are making a mistake in publicly giving credence to this gas chamber story. […] As regards putting Poles to death in gas chambers, I do not believe that there is any evidence that this has been done.”

Contemporary critique of Zionism, the Israel-Palestine conflict and allegations of anti-Semitism

28. On Zionism and the creation of the state of Israel, Israeli historian, Shlomo Sand stated (The Invention of the land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland, Verso, London/New York, 2012,

“I concluded that the Zionist “return” was, above all, an invention meant to arouse the sympathy of the West—particularly the Protestant Christian community, which preceded the Zionists in proposing the idea—in order to justify a new settlement enterprise, and that it had proven its effectiveness.”

In his earlier related work, The Invention of the Jewish People, Verso, London/New York, 2009,, Sand states (p. 280):

“In a state that defines itself as Jewish yet does not present distinguishing cultural markers that might define a worldwide secular Jewish existence - except for some depleted, secularized remnants of religious folklore - the collective identity needs a misty, promising image of an ancient biological common origin. Behind every act in Israel's identity politics stretches, like a long black shadow, the idea of an eternal people and race.”

29. Israeli citizen and son of a General in the Israeli Defence Force, Miko Peled writes (The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, Just World Books, 2016

13 “Growing up we were taught to believe that the Arabs had left Eretz Israel partly on their own and partially at the directive of their so called leaders, and that therefore taking their land and homes was morally OK. It never occurred to us that even if they did leave willingly, we had no right to prohibit their return. But then Israeli historians had found that what Palestinians have been saying for decades was true.”

30. Jewish commentator David Aaronovitch, writing in The Jewish Chronicle, Oct. 4 2018, on alleged anti-Semitism within the Labour Party in the wake of events at the recent party conference in Liverpool ( reaction-to-noisy-jews-1.470566):

“The Jewish community's stand against antisemitism has actually increased it.”

“[...] It’s been all too easy for Jewish protests against Labour antisemitism to be depicted as a vendetta by a powerful and frankly slightly exotic group against a Christlike figure. It’s going too far to suggest a deep and almost medieval Christian symbolism to all this, but you do wonder sometimes.

“Loud Jews, noisy Jews, demanding Jews are not the Jews people like. People like soft Jews, quiet Jews, oppressed Jews to weep over.

“I am sure that some of those ordinary Labour delegates waving [Palestinian] flags of a place that six months ago they’d have been hard put to find on a map, are genuinely concerned first and foremost with the plight of Palestinians.

“But for others those flags were as expressive as a two-fingered gesture to a group of people they could do without.”

Mainstream commentary following my conviction

31. British-Jewish Human rights lawyer Adam Wagner writes in the Guardian ( uk-contempt-laws):

14 “And our legal system is a soft spot for intervention. The Count Dankula case and, more recently, that of Alison Chabloz, convicted of posting “grossly offensive” material for songs uploaded to YouTube, show the danger of criminalising grossly offensive speech. Because while it can be satisfying to convict people who publish horrible views, the knock-on effect is to transform them from minor figures to social media stars.”

32. Daniel Finkelstein in The Times ( 9092-dbb5f656af2a):

“If Mr Falter is correct in his interpretation of the Chabloz judgement, and it constitutes a new law made in the court against Holocaust denial, then we should certainly at least pause to consider carefully whether that is what we really mean to do. It is a very serious matter for the state to forbid certain types of historical argument. “

33. Remarks from other Jews on Twitter who previously supported my prosecution but who have now altered their opinion (;

Examples of music, comedy and satire performed by British, Irish, American and Israeli artists

34. The first group to complain about Monty Python's Life of Brian was an association of New York

15 rabbis ( pythons-life-of-brian-serious.html):

“The ‘Life of Brian’ is a vicious attack upon Judaism and the Bible and a cruel mockery of the religious feelings of Christians as well,” Rabbi Abraham B. Hecht said Sunday, speaking for the Rabbinical Alliance of America, of which he is president, as well as the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada and the Rabbinical Council of Syrian and Near Eastern Sephardic Communities of America. The three organizations represent 1,000 rabbis.”

In one sketch from the film, the song Hava Nagila is performed by a naked Jewish hermit in the desert as Brian tries to escape his followers:

35. Irish comic Dave Allen also used the song Hava Nagila in one of his satirical sketches:

36. British comedy duo The Two Ronnies created a satirical sketch in the 1970s “Orthodox Jew seeks insurance against becoming Jewish”:

37. British comic Harry Enfield uses a Jewish stereotype in this sketch Women Keep your Virtue

38. British-born Jewish comic, Sacha Baron Cohen, was heavily criticised by former Anti Defamation League director, Abraham Foxman, for the song Throw the Jew Down the Well from Cohen's film ( jokes-in-new-film/ the song:

“Foxman claimed the wider public does not understand the irony of Baron Cohen’s humour about Jews and other minorities, and warned it could incite racism and anti-Semitism.

“ 'I’m still concerned because [anti-Semitic jokes] reinforce [stereotypes], it doesn’t educate,” Foxman told The Times of Israel. “We have developed all kinds of programs to educate and sensitize, and we haven’t eradicated it. You’re not going to eradicate it by making fun of it.'”

39. Belsen vos a gassa is a Sex Pistols release from 1979 featuring train robber Ronnie Biggs

16 ( The song is still widely available on YouTube as well as from various retail outlets based in the UK. Lyrics are as follows:

Belsen was a gas I heard the other day In the open graves where the jews all lay Life is fun and I wish you were here They wrote on postcards to those held dear Oh dear Sergeant majors on the march Wash their bodies in the starch See them all die one by one Guess it's dead, guess it's glad So bad Belsen was a gas I heard the other day In the open graves where the jews all lay Life is fun and I wish you were here They wrote on postcards to those held dear Oh dear Be a man Be a man Belsen was a gas Be a man, kill someone, kill yourself Be a man, be someone, kill someone Be a man, kill yourself

40. Israeli TV satirical sketch show The Jews Are Coming screened December 2017 clearly targets Israel's exploitation of the “Holocaust” for political and financial gain (

41. American Jews sing Jesus is a Bastard (

42. American Jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman's sketch I hope Jews did kill Christ (