Mail Order Catalog Fall 2009 Cistus Nursery 22711 NW Gillihan Road Sauvie Island, oR 97231 503.621.2233 phone 503.621.9657 Fax order by phone 9-5 pst Fax, Mail, or Email:
[email protected] 24-7-365 Fall 2009 Mail Order Catalog (* = new to mail order list) 2 * Abelia aff. floribunda This more than lovely plant, collected in the late 1980s by Dennis Breedlove in the southern Mexican highlands, can behave as loose groundcover and even as a vine with soft-textured, apple-green leaves that go deciduous only with extreme drought. Flowers of over 2" are light pink flowers and rather open with an intoxicating perfume. Enjoys frequent summer moisture and dappled shade in all but coastal areas. A very good container plant. Has frozen to the ground and recovered twice in our Portland garden at temperatures around 20F, so we say, frost hardy in USDA zone 9a and above. $15.00 Caprifoliaceae Abelia x grandiflora 'Little Richard' Small and fast-growing Abelia, from a hybrid cross between A. chinensis and A. uniflora, reaching only 3 ft x 3 ft with dense, evergreen foliage that shows bronze highlights in winter. Useful in the landscape and suitable for a hedge. Flowers, small and white, begin in May and continue sporadically throughout the season. Sun to part shade with average summer water. Easily frost hardy in USDA zone 6, resprouting in upper zone 5. $12.00 Caprifoliaceae Abutilon 'Armando' flowering maple Flowering maple with the deepest of orange flowers blooming bloom from spring to late fall.