Essential Oil


Production process Steam distillation

Part of the used Needles

Botanical Name Fabiana Imbricata

Botanical Family

Country of origin Argentina, Patagonia

Quality 100% Pure and natural


Fabiana imbricata, also called Pichi or Palo Pichi belongs to the family of Solanacea. It is a resinous bush similar to a small Cypress that grows up to three meters high and width. It is a plant typical of the Andean region, originally from Chile and covering the argentina-chilena Patagonia, it can also be found in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. This bush is found in arid and stony lands near rivers or on the edges of the roads. The most frequent way to find it is forming quite dense bushes along the forest steppe transition zone. The bush grows wildly and its needles are used to produce the Fabiana essential oil by steam distillation.


The fabiana essential oil is principally used for its diuretic and urinary tract antiseptic properties.

It is also known to have anti-rheumatic properties and effect on pulmonary diseases.

This information is given for informational purposes, it could not constitute a medical information, or engage our responsibility. For any use of the essential oil in a therapeutic purpose, consult a doctor.


Tricyclene Camphene

Alpha-tujene Delta-cadinene Gamma-terpinene


Danièle Festy, Ma bible des huiles essentielles, Editions Leduc.s, 2016.

Mónica Diana Romero Márquez, Plantas aromáticas, tratado de aromaterapia científica, Editorial Kier, 2004.

Jorge Alonso, Cristian Desmarchelier, Plantas Medicinales Autóctonas de la Argentina, Ediciones Fitociencia, 2006.

This information is given for informational purposes, it could not constitute a medical information, or engage our responsibility. For any use of the essential oil in a therapeutic purpose, consult a doctor.

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