Pictured on cover: Rambam’s new state-of-the-art Joseph Fishman Center opens its doors.


FISHMAN OPENS And ushers in a new era of hope and healing for cancer patients throughout . A look inside Rambam’s new state-of-the-art Joseph Fishman Oncology Center.

A West Campus Landmark Opened in June 2016, the eight-story Joseph Fishman Oncology Center is the newest addition to Rambam’s dynamic West Campus. The only full-service cancer center in all of northern Israel, the Joseph Fishman Oncology Center welcomes its patients with a modern, comfortable facility designed to promote healing and wellbeing. At 100,000 m2, the new center is double the size of the former facility, and houses hospitalization and outpatient departments for chemotherapy, radiation therapy and brachytherapy, as well as research labs and space for a state-of- the-art Radiation Therapy Institute and a Complementary Care Center, planned for construction as resources become available.


An Environmentally-Conscientious “Green” Building From initial conceptual and architectural planning, through the selection of sustainable materials and resource-saving systems, the Joseph Fishman Oncology Center was built with the wellbeing of the patients, staff and the environment in mind. From structure to function, the building complies with the Israel Standards Institute’s stringent “Green Building” standard for medical institutions.



Patient Privacy and Dignity Patients in the new Joseph Fishman Oncology Center benefit from thoughtfully designed treatment and hospitalization areas that are spacious, private, and can comfortably accommodate accompanying family members and visitors. 54,223 RADIOTHERAPY VISITS 2,540 NEW RADIOTHERAPY VISITORS 437 BRACHYTHERAPY VISITS 89% CHEMOTHERAPY OCCUPANCY 107 RADIOIODINE 88% THERAPY RADIOTHERAPY VISITS OCCUPANCY

6 Specialized Labs for Personalized Medicine The new center is equipped with sophisticated clean rooms and specialized facilities needed for on-site preparation of cancer treatments tailored to a patient’s biological profile.


A Chance to Make a Difference Funds are still needed to purchase the state-of-the-art linear accelerators that will enable us to open the Radiation Therapy Institute. We are also seeking funding to inaugurate the Complementary Care Center, which will provide a range of holistic treatments and services for our patients.


Esteemed friends and benefactors, to live longer, and with a better quality of life. 2016 was a year of exceptional achievements, Rambam’s Joseph Fishman Oncology Center is both at Rambam and in the world of medical the only full-service cancer center in northern innovations. This meant good news for our Israel, and the number of patients we serve patients, and in particular those with cancer and continues to rise. It is deeply gratifying to see heart disease, the two main causes of illness and how our patients respond to the new center’s death in Israel and the western world. modern, spacious and welcoming environment - Thanks to worldwide research efforts, cancer a dramatic improvement over the old quarters. treatment has improved dramatically, through While five of the building’s eight floors are now in the introduction of new drugs, technologies, and operation, securing funds to open the last three other innovative treatment modalities. With the floors is a top priority. opening this past year of The Joseph Fishman Oncology Center, many more cancer patients Still remaining to be completed is the center’s from throughout northern Israel will be able to state-of-the-art Radiation Therapy Institute. benefit from these new treatment approaches, The advent of highly sophisticated linear RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

accelerators enables radiation treatments to The Eyal Ofer Heart Hospital, marks a major target tumors with pinpoint accuracy, sparing milestone towards completing Rambam’s patients unnecessary complications and West Campus. This gift continues the Ofer suffering. We are actively seeking donors who family tradition of caring for the wellbeing of will help us acquire this costly, but life-saving the citizens of northern Israel, expressed so equipment. The Israeli Ministries of Health and definitively by the one-of-a-kind Sammy Ofer Finance have made significant commitments of Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital. matching funds for certain acquisitions, offering The Eyal Ofer Heart Hospital will bring together the opportunity to leverage philanthropic gifts to Rambam’s formidable cardiology expertise, make a greater impact. experience and vision, all under one roof. With inpatient and ambulatory care facilities, We recognize that recovery involves the spirit as a state-of-the-art cardiac intensive care well as the body, and are seeking funding to open unit, catheterization lab, operating suites, a comprehensive Complementary Care Center electrophysiology and rehabilitation facilities, on The Joseph Fishman Oncology Center’s and research labs equipped with the most ground floor. The center will offer an entire advanced equipment available, it will stand

range of holistic treatments, from acupuncture among the top medical centers in the world. to music therapy, focused on amplifying the The green light to move forward on building The patient’s inherent healing powers and ensuring Eyal Ofer Heart Hospital has made acquisition the best quality of life possible. of equipment for the new hospital a new priority. Supporters wishing to make a powerful The exciting announcement in 2016 that the impact on patients’ lives are encouraged to Eyal and Marilyn Ofer Foundation would extend consider funding the purchase of advanced the lead donation to complete construction of imaging equipment, catheterization systems,


electrophysiology technologies and ablation Noteworthy progress was made in other systems, among others. departments over the past year. Construction of the Herta and Paul Amir Neurosurgical ICU This past year, significant progress was made is now underway, and the new unit will offer the towards planning the new Health Discovery most advanced facilities for treating head injuries, Tower – the final structure that will complete cancerous growths, and other neurological Rambam’s West Campus. This 20-floor tower disorders. Herta and Paul Amir have been will house Rambam’s Ophthalmology and loyal friends for many years, and I express the Gastroenterology Institutes and Graduate gratitude of the hospital, its patients and staff, all School of Dentistry, as well as lab facilities for of whom benefit from their generous support. the Clinical Research Institute of Rambam

(CRIR). Other floors will be used for research by Another major pledge received in 2016 will the Technion’s Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, enable construction of The Kaylie Kidney Health and for the University of ’s Life Sciences, Center of Excellence. The new center will offer Public Health, and Nursing programs. Space the most advanced medical care and facilities in the Health Discovery Tower will also be to support Rambam’s exceptional nephrology allocated for biomedical start-ups. This one-of- research program. a-kind collaboration between a major hospital, two universities and commercial enterprises Through our Spark, Horizons and Atidim research will secure Rambam’s position as a medical grant programs, Rambam continues to support innovation hub that is unique in Israel, if not in innovation among interns, veteran physicians the world. and nurses. This past year, an Innovation Lab was opened, under the auspices of Rambam’s RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

the first hospital in Israel to receive government funding – from the Chief Science Office – to partner with industrial entities. MedTech commercialization arm, to help our staff build prototypes of their designs using Amidst all the progress and growth of the past state-of-the-art 3-D printers. One particularly year, we were involved, first and foremost, in our promising project involving the development primary task of promoting health and alleviating of bone anchors for orthopedic bone surgery, suffering. Care was extended to the ever- led by Dr. Yaniv Keren and Dr. Yaron Berkovich increasing number of patients who come to our and funded three years ago with a Spark grant, doors from throughout the country, to Syrian recently received additional funding from the civilians injured in their country’s bloody civil war, Israeli Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Health – and through a myriad of humanitarian outreach an exceptional achievement for these young efforts beyond our borders. physicians. Overall, Rambam researchers have a remarkable track record in winning competitive The successes and achievements of the past international grants, securing 35 new grants year fuel us with energy and optimism to face the during 2016, reflecting a success rate of more numerous challenges ahead. And as uncertain than 30%. and disheartening as global events may be, here in Haifa, we find reason for hope every single day. As a strategic partner in the MindUp digital I invite you to join us as we change the world for medicine incubator, along with industry giants the better, one life at a time. IBM Watson Health and Medtronics, and technology investors Pitango and Impact First, Yours, Rambam was involved this past year in a process of screening 150 digital health and medical device startups, applying strict criteria of innovation and potential impact on human health. Several promising companies were selected, including Hemonitor, developer of a non-invasive arterial Beyar, MD, DSc, MPH blood flow measuring system for ICUs, as well Director & CEO as startups targeting colon cancer and asthma. Rambam Health Care Campus Through its involvement in MindUp, Rambam is


Dr. Mauricio Cohen-Vaizer always knew IMPACT: that he and his family would leave their native Chile to settle in Israel. It was only a matter of time. 120 After completing medical school EAR SURGERIES IN 2016 and a residency in Santiago, two- 6-fold increase year fellowships in Australia, and from 2015 six years as a senior Ear Nose Throat Santiago surgeon back in Chile, Dr. Cohen- Vaizer, by then an accomplished ENT specialist with an expertise in ear and cochlear implant surgery and pediatric 200 ENT, knew that the time had come. EAR SURGERIES PROJECTED FOR 2017

Yet achieving the lifelong “Deafness can lead dream to live in Israel didn’t to social isolation, preclude the desire to realize which can cause his professional vision. When depression, dementia Dr. Cohen-Vaizer’s work in hospitals was too and early death.” limiting professionally, he - Dr. Mauricio Cohen-Vaizer sought opportunities in other parts of the country. someone to make it happen. The next day, Dr. Cohen- In the meantime, Prof. Ziv Vaizer’s resume appeared in Gil, head of Rambam’s ENT his in-box. Department, had decided that establishing a cochlear With Dr. Cohen-Vaizer implant program would be his recruited to their team, the department’s next challenge. department increased the The only thing missing was annual number of ear surgeries RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

it performed from 20 to 120 The youngest patient was 10 ground for it to grow, and and in 2016, with 200 projected for months old, and the oldest, flourish. While this holds true 2017. And Dr. Cohen-Vaizer in her 70s. at the hospital level, it is even introduced innovative, minimally more so in our department.” invasive surgical techniques that “Proper hearing is essential Dr. Cohen-Vaizer already has reduce pain, hospitalization and for healthy living, at any age.” plans for new services and recovery times. Dr. Cohen-Vaizer expains that five surgeries that he would like to percent of people with hearing introduce into the department. The new cochlear implant impairments cannot be helped by And he is excited about the program was launched with hearing aids. For them, cochlear opportunities to develop his basic one procedure projected for implants provide . and clinical research interests 2016, yet by the end of the year, at Rambam, and through the eight of these complex surgical “At Rambam, I feel that if I Technion’s Faculty of Medicine. procedures were performed. plant a seed, there is fertile

People think that when you come to Israel, you need to make sacrifices. And you do, on lots of things. But it’s also an investment. As a family, and professionally, I don’t think anywhere else we could have reached the level of fulfillment that we have here.” - Dr. Mauricio Cohen-Vaizer



STANMORE Diagnosing PERSONALIZED IMPLANT a 9-year-old with a rare

form of bone cancer is IMPLANT GROWTH FOLLOWS NATURAL difficult enough GROWTH Particularly when the standard treatment involves“ removing significant portions of her leg. But with his young patient’s prospects for a normal life at stake, orthopedic oncologist Dr. David Nikomarov was convinced that there had to be another way. Exceptional Cases Demand Extraordinary Measures

At Dr. Nikomarov’s initiative, a and various components of special, state-of-the-art implant Israel’s health care system. 11 was commissioned for the young “ patient from Stanmore Implants In an 11-hour operation, Rambam HOUR in the UK. Incorporating highly surgeons removed the diseased OPERATION sophisticated technology, the bone and positioned the implant— implant can be adjusted and the first procedure of its kind ST lengthened using externally- to be performed in Israel. Now applied electromagnetic energy. well on the road to recovery, as 1 Dr. Nikomarov’s patient grows, the OF ITS KIND The formidable cost for the implant will “grow” along with her. IN ISRAEL implant was covered by Rambam

15 beating antibiotic RESISTANCE

GLOBAL CHALLENGE The need for new approaches to treat antibiotic- resistant infections is a global imperative. Prof. Michal Paul of Rambam’s Institute for Infectious Diseases is part of a multi-national team that has taken up the cause.

As members of AIDA - a European Union-sponsored project, Prof. Paul and a team of scientists from 11 countries are investigating the clinical effectiveness and optimal dosing of five off-patent-antibiotics.

The project is successfully recruiting patients in Europe and Israel, and the results of the study have yet to be published. As long as the search for solutions continues, Rambam’s researchers will support the international scientific community in these efforts. RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT antibiotic

Do antibiotics improve with age?

17 Dr. Yuval Gefen Director of the Clinical Microbiology Lab FINDING PATHOGENS // FASTER


Rambam’s Clinical This advanced system The introduction of MALDI- Microbiology Laboratory enables accurate, rapid, and TOF MS technology into the took a giant step into inexpensive identification of laboratory, in addition to other, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and well established molecular- the 21st century with the mycobacteria isolated from diagnostic capabilities, enables acquisition of state-of- various clinical samples. Using our highly trained staff to focus the-art Matrix-assisted MALDI-TOF MS as a routine on the analysis of more complex laser desorption- diagnostic tool, physicians can samples, and deliver faster and ionization time-of-flight get lab results within minutes, more accurate results. mass spectrometry dramatically improving their (MALDI-TOF MS) ability to quickly determine and technology. prescribe the right antibiotic regimen for their patients.


Rambam inaugurates a new Center for Medical Invention and Innovation

Innovations coming out of Rambam have already revolutionized the fields of medical imaging, cardiovascular care and so many others. Now, for Rambam staff, the path between their good ideas and better patient care just got a lot shorter. To cultivate the irrepressible ingenuity of its medical team, Nadav Ben-Haim, CEO of Rambam Med Tech (l) Rambam’s Med-Tech recently opened the and Ronya Rubenstein Adv., Director of Center for Medical Invention and Innovation. Rambam’s R&D Unit RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

With an array of equipment his patients. For particularly that includes the world’s most complex cases, converting advanced digital imaging and digital images of the patient’s 3D printing systems, as well vasculature into a 3D model, as technical assistance from a enables him to plan an optimal dedicated biomedical engineer, surgical strategy. the center allows anyone to transform an idea – from the With the power to take a chalkboard – or screen – into a good idea and make it real, we fully-formed 3D prototype. look forward to a wealth of new personalized treatment Prof. Aharon Hoffman, who opportunities, for patients at heads the Vascular Surgery Rambam and everywhere. Department, is already using the center’s facilities to better serve


Within days after her birth, “L” was sleepy, made seizure- like movements, and had difficulty breathing – all complications pointing to a severe genetic disorder. Yet when specialists from Rambam’s Genetics Institute were unable to find a match between the child’s genetic profile and any known syndromes, they were determined to leave no stone unturned.

As one of Israel’s leading link the mutated gene with this genetics research facilities, rare disorder. Rambam’s Genetics Institute has access to highly sophisticated The findings from this genetic sequencing groundbreaking investigation, technologies. Using this powerful headed by Prof. Hagit Baris- tool, the Institute researchers Feldman, were reported in the were able to identify a novel prestigious American Journal of gene whose function until Human Genetics. then had been unknown, and link a mutation in that gene to With the insight gained from a previously undocumented this work, Prof. Baris-Feldman genetic syndrome responsible and her staff were able to help for the condition. For the the mother achieve a normal persistent researchers, the pregnancy through Rambam’s payoff was not only the chance IVF Unit and pre-implantation to better help their patient genetic diagnosis at the and her family, but also the Genetics Institute. satisfaction of being the first to RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Alina Kurolap, (l) and Dr. Hagit Baris-Feldman


When the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that HIV-positive men and women are entitled to fertility treatments, Rambam was the only hospital in Israel to heed the call and create a service to meet their needs. 6-fold increase from 2015 40 Rambam’s Viral IVF (in-vitro After seven years, the unit has IVF CYCLES fertilization) Unit opened in May helped hundreds of couples, and IN FIRST YEAR 2010 to help couples where achieved some of the highest one or both partners are HIV success rates for births in Israel, or Hepatitis B and C carriers not only among patients with to conceive and bring healthy viral disorders, but among all babies to term. IVF recipients.

Dr. Monzer Azzam, a veteran expert in assisted fertility, is 100 director of the Viral IVF Unit, 254 IVF CYCLES and vigilantly oversees its IN 2016 complex operations. BIRTHS RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

“Over time, we have learned and improved our techniques to the point that our success rates are among the highest in Israel and internationally. The exceptional professional level of our team is matched by their total dedication to their work.” - Dr. Monzer Azzam


The Viral IVF Unit’s laboratory sperm and eggs are placed is “For me, helping team is specially trained in a washed and tested for any trace our patients is cleaning process that washes of virus. Only after the biological my life’s mission. away any traces of virus in materials are determined to The satisfaction the eggs and sperm before be virus-free is the actual I experience fertilization. First the eggs fertilization performed. The and sperm are meticulously Viral IVF Unit employs extensive from performing separated from the surrounding safety measures to protect the this service is follicular and seminal fluids, medical and laboratory teams, indescribable!” which are washed repeatedly to patients, and other embryos - Dr. Monzer Azzam remove any infected cells. Even from infection. the fluid medium in which the

25 “Participating in these studies is a lot of work, but we are committed to doing our part towards advancing better care for HIV-infected patients everywhere. We and the study participants were proud to play a role in advancing this important cause.” - Dr. Eynat Kedem, Clinical Immunology Unit RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


The advent of potent anti-retroviral therapies has transformed HIV infection from a lethal to chronic condition. But until recently, there was no consensus in the medical world regarding the optimal protocol for when to administer these life-saving drugs.

In 2016, in light of findings from By 2015, statistically significant a worldwide study led by the findings gathered at Rambam NIH, new guidelines were set by and elsewhere showed that the US, Europe and the World those who received treatment Health Organization for treating immediately upon diagnosis individuals diagnosed with HIV. experienced significantly fewer The NIH study, known as START, end points of morbidity and began in 2008, with Rambam’s mortality. HIV Clinic serving as its national center for Israel.

Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Treatment

27 New at Rambam: Neurosurgery in Utero and Surgical Treatment for Children with Epilepsy RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

APPROX. To remain at the medical cutting edge, Rambam actively recruits experts at the vanguard of specific fields. Dr. Mony Benifla, a pediatric 82,000 neurosurgeon who joined Rambam in 2016 to run EPILEPSY the Pediatric Neurosurgery Department, is one of PATIENTS IN the few surgeons in the world trained to perform ISRAEL endoscopic neurosurgery on fetuses in utero.

In order to learn this lifespan is generally short and extraordinarily delicate and fraught with serious complications. 30% precise fetoscopic procedure, Performing corrective surgery OF EPILEPSY Dr. Benifla, along with Dr. Yuval before birth offers new hope for PATIENTS Gielchinsky, a specialist in these children and their families, DON’T RESPOND TO fetal medicine from Hadassah preventing many of the debilitating DRUG TREATMENT Hospital, and an anesthesiologist effects of this condition. and operating-room nurse, APPROX. made three trips to Brazil, to As head of Pediatric Neurosurgery train at one of the two centers and an epilepsy surgeon, 25% in the world that specialized in Dr. Benifla has introduced OF THOSE WILL BENEFIT performing surgery on gestating neurosurgical approaches that FROM EPILEPSY infants. Upon their return, in a offer children suffering from SURGERY collaborative venture between seizures that are uncontrollable Rambam and Hadassah, the with drug treatments, the team established the world’s opportunity to lead a seizure-free third center for neurosurgery life. Dr. Benifla also brought to in utero. the department his expertise in precision surgical interventions For infants born with spina bifida, that can restore mobility to a severe developmental defect children with spasticity disorders. of the spinal cord, the expected


As an internationally- renowned trauma center, Rambam has gained a wealth of expertise from treating thousands of civilian and military injuries. RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

100 Why does one person is then followed up for a PATIENTS recover completely from period of one year, and the RECRUITED TO an injury, yet another findings are analyzed at study THE STUDY remain with chronic and centers in the US, Canada, and enduring pain? As millions Australia. Over 100 patients around the world cope with the have already been recruited at “chronification” of pain, many Rambam for the study. of them military veterans, researchers from Rambam’s Prof. David Yarnitzky, Director Department of Neurology of the Department of are collaborating with the US Neurology and the study’s Department of Defense and lead researcher, believes that others to determine a roadmap patients’ pain-processing to relief. mechanisms and brain structures, as well as genetic In the framework of the study, and psychological factors, are patients who have sustained all involved. “If we can better head and neck injuries undergo understand these processes, a clinical evaluation of their and build a predictive model, pain-processing mechanisms, this would be a genuine a psychological evaluation, MRI breakthrough in the field of brain scan, EEG, and genetic pain medicine.” profiling. Their clinical condition

“If we can better understand these processes, and build a predictive model, this would be a genuine breakthrough in the field of pain medicine.” - Prof. David Yarnitsky

31 ROW FOR HEALTH “Out at sea, we don’t talk about our illness, we talk about health.”

Dr. Benyamini (l), a hematologist- oncologist in Rambam’s Department and a passionate rower, imagined that his patients would probably benefit as much from the sport of rowing as he does. How right he was. RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

“Having our doctors exercise with us doesn’t interfere with the doctor-patient relationship, but makes it so much better.” - Effy V.

Every Friday morning, about “We don’t call this a support 12 men and women, recovered group for cancer patients. On and current patients in their the contrary. We don’t get 20s through 60s, meet at the together to talk about their Haifa rowing club to take up medical histories. I wanted to their oars. Regardless of their give them a break from all that. condition, they row with the Other doctors have joined us, for same determination they use to the fun of it and to support the face their illness. group. This shared time with the medical staff in a more relaxed setting has great added value.”





Dr. Emodi (l) and Dr. Sharony with a local team member S., an Ethiopian doctoral student living

in London, found The two surgeons’ Ethiopian Dr. Zach Sharony of connection traced back to an Rambam’s Plastic and Operation Smile delegation Reconstructive Surgery they had volunteered in several Department, and Dr. years earlier, repairing cleft Omri Emodi, of the palates in children. As fortune would have it, a return trip Maxillofacial Surgery to Ethiopia was already on Department through a their calendars. simple internet search. Please, he asked, could Of the 91 patients the team they help his first child, of surgeons operated on, a daughter, recently S.’s daughter was one of born in his home them. A year after he sent his first letter, S. forwarded the country with a cleft Rambam surgeons a photo of lip and palate? his daughter, whose smile was worth a thousand words.



The passage between Israel and the Gaza Strip is severely restricted, yet three times a year, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) brings Israeli medical teams across the border to deliver humanitarian services.

Dr. Khamaysi (c) with physicians from the Gaza Strip RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

This past year, Dr. Iyad Khamaysi, Director of the Endoscopy Unit at Rambam’s Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, joined Dr. Khamaysi receives a Certificate of Appreciation three PHR delegations to the Gaza Strip where he conducted advanced endoscopy workshops, which were filmed and broadcast to workshops including complex ERCP (endoscopic physicians in hospitals throughout the Gaza Strip. retrograde cholangiopancreatography) procedures. “In spite of the limited facilities they have, the doctors there are eager to advance their Over each two-day workshop, Dr. Khamaysi professional capabilities. It is my hope that the trained local gastroenterologists and surgeons borders will one day be open enough so that in how to perform this specialized technique for our colleagues from the Gaza Strip can take diagnosing and treating diseases of the biliary advantage of study fellowships that are available and pancreatic duct systems. More than 20 here at Rambam.” cases were performed and discussed during the


Dr. Ariel Neiman with patients During 2016, Rambam physicians took their healing arts and hearts to rural Uganda. Dr. Ariel Neiman, an intern in the Plastic and facility, with minimal supplies, intermittent Reconstructive Surgery Department, traveled to electricity, and unrelenting dedication. They the remote East-Ugandan town of Kumi, to offer treated infants, children, youth and adults, volunteer surgical care as part of a multi-national for cleft palate, scar repair, burns, congenital team organized by Doctors Without Borders. deformities, and many more conditions that local services were unable to remedy. Over 10 days of 12 hour, non-stop shifts, the team performed 60 operations in an improvised RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Dr. Noam Bosek (l) and Dr. Neta Petersiel with local patients in Uganda

“In less than two weeks, we transformed the lives of 60 people, and provided essential training to the local medical teams as well. We came home with an incredible sense of satisfaction.” - Dr. Ariel Neiman

In a two-month professional and humanitarian Diseases, the opportunity to see, and treat, immersion, Dr. Neta Petersiel of Rambam’s these illnesses at the source was invaluable. Infectious Diseases Unit, and Dr. Noam Bosek of the Neurology Department, volunteered alongside the staff of a public hospital in one of the most remote and under-served areas of Uganda.

With only minimal facilities and supplies, the two doctors diagnosed and treated patients for diseases they rarely, if ever, encountered in Israel. Yet, for Dr. Petersiel, who serves in Rambam’s Clinic of Travel Medicine and Tropical



For 51-year-old Guy Cohen, the motivation to swim 24 hours non-stop to benefit research on prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) was deeply personal. After losing his daughter to this devastating affliction on her first day of first grade, Guy wanted to do his part to help prevent others from suffering the loss that he and his family endured. RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


Guy was joined in the final hours of his swim by some 650 swimmers of all ages in Swim from the Heart – a unique fund-raiser organized by Rambam which took place in June of 2016. The heartwarming success of the event affirmed that Swim from the Heart would become an annual Rambam, and Haifa tradition.

Rambam’s Bench-to-Bedside Center for Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is dedicated to finding new approaches for early detection, prevention and management to safeguard individuals at risk for SCD.

For more information on how to support or participate in Swim from the Heart, visit: www.swimfromtheheart.org



Eyal Ofer (l) receives Rambam Prize local patients in Uganda RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Eyal Ofer started his career in of Eyal’s professional the family shipping business, life. And a deep sense and for him, as it was for of social commitment, his father Sammy Ofer, the compassion, and maritime life has remained dedication to helping both a global commercial others are the guiding enterprise and an enduring features of his Hospital – the largest of its kind personal passion. But shipping extensive philanthropic efforts. in the world, are testaments has not been the sole focus Through the Eyal & Marilyn Ofer to his vision and commitment of his business legacy. Eyal’s Family Foundation, Eyal and to the safety and wellbeing of entrepreneurial character his family support a range of Israeli citizens. inspired him to create the educational, artistic and cultural family’s international real estate causes. For Eyal, his wife Marilyn, and their four children, philanthropy But Eyal Ofer is first is a primary concern, and a and foremost a highly tradition that is passed down successful businessman, over the generations. Their with shipping, real estate most recent, major gift is and other interests enabling the establishment of spread across countries The Eyal Ofer Heart Hospital at around the globe. He Rambam’s West Campus. As once characterized the CEO of the family foundation, Israeli businessperson as Olivia Ofer played a key role in Eyal Ofer (l) receives Rambam Prize local patients in Uganda having “energy, chutzpah, ensuring that the new hospital business which has grown over courage and curiosity.” Clearly, project fully embraces and three decades and is today these are characteristics that expresses the foundation’s globally renowned in hotels, eminently describe the speaker vision, standards and values. residential and commercial himself. The new hospital will benefit the developments. citizens of northern Israel, by The sustaining partnership creating the facilities to deliver In spite of his schooling between The Ofer family and top-quality medical care, and overseas, Eyal Ofer has a strong Rambam Health Care Campus support Rambam’s cutting Israeli affinity, steeped in traces back to the generous edge cardiovascular research Jewish values, forged during his and extensive support to the program. In recognition of his childhood in Haifa and sealed hospital extended by Eyal’s extraordinary business acumen through strong family ties and father, Sammy Ofer. Rambam’s and philanthropic magnanimity, service in the Israeli Air Force. main hospital building – The Eyal Ofer was awarded the 2015 Eyal’s family values of education, Sammy Ofer Tower, and the Rambam Award. hard work, dedication and landmark Sammy Ofer Fortified decency inform every aspect Underground Emergency

43 Esty Golan, PhD Managing Director of International Relations and Chief of Strategic Development


Dear Friends,

I often feel like our friends the Ofer family. Sammy Ofer’s legacy is clearly and supporters are a great, evident in both the main tower and the fortified extended family. And the ties underground emergency hospital that bear become that much stronger his name. In 2016, his son Eyal announced that when these relationships span the Eyal and Marilyn Ofer Foundation would be the generations. This past providing the lead gift to establish the The Eyal year, we marked three major Ofer Heart Hospital. We are working closely milestones in the development with Olivia Ofer, CEO of the family foundation program for our West and the third generation of the Ofer family, to Campus – all distinguished create a facility worthy of our shared vision. by strong multi-generational connections. In terms of growth of our health care campus, 2016 was an exceptional year. We During 2016, with the raised $19 Million from 2,040 donors in 27 completion of its last countries, representing a 33% increase in remaining departments, The new supporters. This achievement would not Ruth Rappaport Children’s have been possible without the dedicated Hospital began operating at and professional work of our Friends full capacity. What began with Associations here and around the world, who Bruce and Ruth Rappaport’s graciously devote time and resources to raise desire to help the children awareness about Rambam. The roots of our of northern Israel, was dynamic, growing campus run deep, and we translated into the creation acknowledge with gratitude all of the donors of a national flagship for and foundations who accompanied us over pediatric care, thanks to their the years to help build the strong foundations daughter Irit’s dedication and from which we can soar. uncompromising vision. To our family of friends, please consider the This past year also saw the Rambam Health Care Campus as a warm and opening of The Joseph Fishman welcoming home. Every day we host visitors and Oncology Center – the realization of the late delegations from around the world, many of Joseph Fishman’s wishes to provide cancer whom find in Rambam a worthy partner for their patients with the best possible facilities, lovingly philanthropic aspirations. I invite you to join us carried out together with his devoted family. as we shape the future of healthcare in Israel.

Perhaps nowhere is the family tradition of Yours, giving to Rambam more fully expressed than by Dr. Esty Golan

45 2016

IN NAMES AND NUMBERS We are indebted to the vision and generosity of our friends from around the globe who have consistently helped us raise the bar. With your help, Rambam has grown into one of Israel’s most important centers for medicine and research. Each gift, from the major and transformational, to the symbolic and personal, has given us the means to make Rambam Health Care Campus a point of reference worldwide.

RAMBAM Around the world Maimonides GOLDEN CIRCLE American Friends of Rambam

Canadian Friends Maimonides FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE of Rambam

British Friends of Rambam Maimonides LEADERSHIP CIRCLE

French Friends BENEFACTOR of Rambam

Spanish Friends FOUNDER of Rambam PATRON Friends of Rambam in India

Israeli Friends Maimonides GIFT CIRCLE of Rambam Maimonides GOLDEN CIRCLE

Amir, Herta and Paul Barer, Meri and Sol J. Beutler, Bonnie and Ernest Buffett, Warren Dankner, Nochi and Orly / D.I.C Loans/ IDB GROUP Fishman, Joseph and Family ISCAR Israel Cancer Association (R.A) Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) Legacy Heritage Fund Ofer, Eyal and Marilyn Ofer, Sammy, Aviva and Family Rappaport, Ruth, Bruce and Family The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust/ The Wolfson Foundation Weill, Joan and Sanford I. / The Weill Family Foundation Wertheimer, Ariela and Eitan RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


A & M Green Foundation / Feldman, Moscona, Nissim Alberto / The A.M.N. Goldie / Green, David and Wagner, Foundation Daphne Nerken, Jean and Albert Adelson, Miriam and Sheldon Rostova, Mira Arieli-Goldschmidt, May, Paul and Louis Schreiber, Shoshana and Jacob Ascoli, Maria Rossi Shore, Hy and Bertha/Shore, Neil Barazani, Ovadia and Greenberg, and Fred Marguerite Sim Lalev Berg, Marsha and James Slutsky, Edward and Rebecca Crown Family Foundation Smolokowski, Slava, Isa and Family De Gutt, Tila Sohnis, Jonathan and Edna Dibner, Relly and Brent Spencer, Irma and Aaron Dotan, Boaz and Varda Stern, Leon Engel, Hedda and Yaakov Stichting Clara Mendes Forchheimer, Leo and Julia Stichting Levi Lassen Forman, Tatyana and Alan J. Strelitz, Arlene and Joseph Goldhar, Eli and Effi The Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Life Gorman, Harry and Sara Monument Funds Hayim Association The D. Dan and Betty Kahn Foundation International Fellowship of Christians The David and Jacqueline Simon Family and Jews The Jewish Medical Colleagues of Jampolsky, Marcel Johannesburg Judah, Ivy The Leir Charitable Foundations Kahn, Guinter The Yaakov Meridor and Mila Brener Kusnetz, Samuel and Rose Foundation Laughton, Martin United Jewish Communities Levitt, Harry and Herman Weil, Emile and Marthe Marguerite Marienberg Family Women’s League for Israel Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation Yad Avi Hayeshuv Meyer, Sally and Menashe Itzaak Yael Rambam



American Friends Angel, Udi and Anat Landsburg, Morris and Aharon Gutwirth Foundation of Rambam Arazi, Pnina Elizabeth American Technion Society Bechor, David and Sofia Levine, Joe and Karen Amir, Elka Canadian Friends of Rambam Benard, Maurice and Alice Lili Levitus, May Arison Group Black, Scott Myles and Isabelle Lewin, Clement and Susan Arnowitz, William and Janece British Friends Brecher, Susan Lulki, Mila Emilie Ashkenazi, Grazia of Rambam Combined Jewish Philanthropies Mayer, Mirel Askensi, Moris French Friends of Greater Boston Niego, Sammy and Malka Atkind, Leo and Belle of Rambam Dansac, Judith Renee Ohebshalom, Fred Babush, Harry and Evelyn Spanish Friends Die Deutsche Ärztegemeinschaft Ohebshalom, Nader Baron, Elza of Rambam für medizinische Palley, Rose Barzilai, Nir and Laura Zusammenarbeit Pariser, Paul S. and Lynn H. Bennett, Saidie and Maurice Friends of Dream Doctors Planet, Hagai Best Products Foundation Rambam in India Electric Company Workers’ Rashi Foundation Blank, Edward and Sharon Israeli Friends Union - North Roche Israel Brachman, Malcolm of Rambam Elsbach, Hugo and Rosenfeld, Ernesto and Ildiko Broder, Rose Hertzdahl,Carla Levina Schwartz, Aura and Moshe Cedar, Zahava and Yoram Eretz Siamak Cultural Center Sislin, Leno and Paul Chais Family Foundation Fedan, Vladimir Staff of Rafael Ltd. Cohen, Abby Joseph and David Feist-Elzas, Ester Miriam (Erna) Stier, Noam Cohen, Arnold L. and Barbara Feldenkreis, George A. Strasberger, Joseph Cohen, Ethel and Mariita Temple Shaaray Tefila of Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Frank, Albert and Patricia Lawrence Foundation Ltd. Gettenberg, Lynn W. and Gary S. The American Jewish Committee Danon, Joseph Goldstein, Anna and Victor The Dr. Yaffa and Arie Shapiro Dansker, Norman and Gloria Greidinger, Israel and Naomi Research Fund De Hart, Elvira Greidinger, Moshe Thirteen Synagogues of the Denburg, Howard and Dorothy Hershkovitz, Baruch Shore Area Walk for Israel Deutsch, Alex Iranian American Jewish UJA-Federation of New York Diamond, Jesse Federation of New York Wertheimer, Stef Diller, Dorothy Israel Children’s Cancer White, Shelby and Levy, Leon Dozoretz, Ron Foundation - ICCF Wolf, Rusinek Dragul, Paul H. Israel Corporation Ltd. Drucker, Zacharia Kahn, Michelle Ebin, Leonard and Eva Katz, Kalman and Sali Emmerich, Adam O. and Pamela Keren Hayesod - United Israel Endtime Ministries Appeal Faraji, Ita Kornach, Michael Feldman, Eliezer and Shulamit RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


Fondation Adelis LeRoith, Derek The Colburn Family Foundation Freeman, Brian and Harriet Liebeskind, Arie L. and Doreen The Friedberg Charitable Furman, Dave Lipschik, Rochelle Foundation Gadenski, Yaakov Mahoney, Cohen and Company The Jacob and Gitla Zukier Geller, Bruno and Sofia Meizles, Yosef and Berta Medical Fund Ginsberg, Albert Mendel, Pierre The Jewish Federation of Glucker, Edna Haisman Mendelson, Alan C. and Agnes Greater Los Angeles Gottesman, Arthur Marceli Meyer, Henry The Locker Foundation Gould, Fredric and Helene MIS Implants Technologies Ltd. Vincent, Christian Great Neck Synagogue Neufeld, N. Waldman, Ella Green, Barry and Laurie Neumann, Adam and Rebekah Waldman, Eyal Green, Herbert and Joyce Operation Embrace Foundation Weichsel, Arturo Werner and Grossman, Alan R. and Marjorie Operation Wheelchair Veronica F. de Haifa Foundation Committee Westoff, Alexander and Clara Hermetic Trust (1975) Ltd. Osama Engineering Ltd. Yakubovich, Moshe Herschdoerfer, Aurelia and Oster, Abe and Ann Youdim, Moussa and Fruma Sigmund M. Overseas Finance and Trading Zilberblum, Feibel Hochfeld, Henry (Geneva) Ltd. Ilan, Eran Zvi Panamanian Jewish Community Jablow, Robert and Carol Papavassiliou, Christakis P. James Leon Dubrow Foundation Paris, Stuart A. and Elaine Jarndyce Foundation Picciotto, Renato Jesselson Foundation Polo Ralph Lauren Jewish Community Center Portalo Holdings Inc. of San Francisco Prostek, Sylvia Jewish Federations of Canada Raviv, David - UIA Reichmann, Susanne JMF - Jeffrey Modell Foundation Rosenberg, Malcolm Kemp, Rose and Daniel Ross Slater, Sabina Klakstein, Arye and Zipora Rousso, Eli Klein, David Schreiber, John J. Korn, Henry H. and Ellen Schreiber, Paul S. and Joan Krueger, Harvey M. and Connie Shulman, Neville and Emma Larger Than Life Shulsky, Marvin R. and Linda Lasher, Moe and Charlotte Silber, Rachel Lavenstein, Lance Simon Wiesenthal Center Lawson, Erica Smargon, Andrea Lazar, Rachel Stock, Abe Leibel, Adela Strauss, Andres Tomas Leon and Zipporah Goldstein and Carolina Foundation Temple Israel of Great Neck



American Friends Abraham and Sonia Rochlin Hadassah The Women’s Zionist Stark, Helen of Rambam Foundation Organization of America Sterling, David A. and Mona Abutbul, Michal and Daniel Hanna, Nabil and Gayda Canadian Friends Stoler, Michael of Rambam Agam, Jacob Heyman, Ronnie F. and Sam Strelitz, Robert Anbarchi, Stella and Aliza Ilin Industries Ltd. Striar, Daniel and Marlene British Friends Association les amis de Iranian Jewish Community Tagar, Sarah of Rambam l’hopital Rambam de Haifa of Los Angeles Tauber Nachemsohn, Carla French Friends Bank Hapoalim Jewish Center of Pelham Bay The A. Alfred Taubman of Rambam Bank Leumi Kitamura, Zeni and Ryuji Foundation Spanish Friends Bar Yehuda, Moshe Klakstein, Nir The Carter Family of London of Rambam Ben Moshe, Sagi Kohen, Hanna The Nephrosis Research Beracha Foundation Kopel, Hani Foundation Friends of Braunstein, Harry P. and Joann Lazaroff, Sophie The Phileona Foundation Rambam in India Broder, Abraham Levy, Margite The Sobell Foundation Israeli Friends Carr, Daniel Lewin, Ben and Elizabeth Union of Orthodox Jewish of Rambam Chet, Meir and Rina Lewin, Daniel Congregations Cohen, Menachem and Dvora LIBI Fund, France Victorian B’nai Brith Dabakarov, Michael and Janna Liebes, Alicia Vilmush-Nirenberg, Ze’ev Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mizrahi, Margalit Wald, Roza and Koptce Parodontologie Necht, Marius Wohl, Ruth and Harry Doron, Yaffa and Arye Newman, Erna and Bernard Yechiely, Menachem Noah Dri, Yaacov and Miriam Oreg, Hanna Yekutiel Federman Fund Einziger, Moritz and Anita P.E.F Israel Endowment Fund Young Israel of Long Beach Eizenshtadt, Izabela Pictet and Cie Zionism 2000 Emed, Yona and Alexander Rose, David Zuckerman, Boris Emrani, Daniel Rothberg, Heidi Ernzweig, Netta and Herman Rudman, Duke M.B. Eugen Jenoe Foundation Sandler, Sam and Reba Feig, Hadas and Ryan (Ze’ev) Schwartsman, Vladimir Feigenbaum, Marvin Schwartz, Ruth Feigenbaum, Zev Zvi Schwartz, Jesse and Carol Friedman, Cecilia (Chippy) Seitchik, Murray W. Friedman, Roy Serz-Weinreb, Olga Gabrel, Dora and Sidney Shena, Rena Gerzberg Foundation Shillman, Robert Goldstein, Henry (Heinach) Shine, Barnett and Sylvia and Magda Shinold, Zeev and Bruria Gonda, Tibor and Margot Sonnenfeld, Moti Greenberg, Alan and Family Sporn, Victor and Noemi RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Maimonides GIFT CIRCLE

A.B.B. Technologies Ltd. Bar David, Aharon and Sarah Brown, Solvejg and William A.C.S. Motion Control Ltd. Bar, Assaf and Nava Buffington, Richard and Sally Aarons, Cyril Baran, Shlomo Buhari, Muhammed Amin Abbvie Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. Barer, Joshua and Sara Burstein, Adrian and Jacklin Abekasis, Avraham and Dorit Barnett, Gary (Gershon) and Ayala Burstin, Jack and Erna Abrahams, Gerald Bashari, Haim and Rachamim Butnick, Milton and Dora Adams, Jean Bauer, Helene Cahn Debre, Marianne and Sylvain Adler, Leah Beleson, Richard and Kim Cardozo, Irma Aharon, Zvi Eran Ben Chaim, Shlomo and Simona Carr, Cynthia Aide Medicale Pour Israel Ben Chamo, Itzchak Carroll, John AIG Ben Shoshan, Jacob Caspi Aviation Ltd. Akiba, Ruth Ben Shushan, Rahamim (Ramo) Cass, Frank Aktionskomitee zur Betreuung and Miri Chais, Pamela and Stanley israelischer Kriegsbeschädigter Benhorin, Nir Clark-Dibner, Victoria Allen, Harvey Ben-Simon Aluminum Industries Ltd. Cleanetica Ltd. Alon, Ruth Bercowitz, Sharon Cohen, Bruria and Yehuda Alper, Barry and Sarah Heller Berg, Yonatan and Sharon Cohen, Amar Alpha Omega Foundation Berger, Nancy Cohen, Annelise Altonin, Irina Berkley, Fred and Sybil Cohen, Elisha and Ayala Amar, Samuel and Raymonde Berkowitz, Roger and Lynne Cohen, Omer and Shaked Adi American Physicians Fellowship Berman, Nathan and Liza Commercial del Panama Amgen Berry, Richard and Beverly Community Synagogue of Amiri Zichron Yaakov Ltd. Beth Sholom Congregation, Monsey Sisterhood Amster, Irene Lawrence, NY Community Synagogue of Rye, NY Anna and Rachel Halperin Bibliowicz, Jacky Congregation B’nai Yeshurun, Foundation for Medical Research Bild hilft e.V. Teaneck, NJ Anti Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Billet, Harry and Rookie Congregation Shaaray Tefila, NY Diseases League Biran, Yizchak and Ilana Congregation Shaarei Tsedek, Curaco Apelson, Marilyn Birenbaum, Moshe and Malka Contour Conventions and Tours Ltd. Aptowitzer Foundation for Haifa Bitan Wines Ltd. Cutler, Natalie Argo Coral Maritime (Israel) Ltd. Bittan, Avi and Ziva Cybergrants Inc. Ariel, Liora Blachman, Arye Dabah Salah & Sons Ltd. Aroma Espresso Bar Blaichman, Frank and Cesia Dagmi, Ezra and Hagar Asher, Gilad Bloch, Sam and Lilly Daily Rauch, Shulamit Askin, Paula Blond, Neville and Elaine Daneshgar, Joseph and Shiva Assis, Abraham and Saul Bloom, Beatrice Dankner, David and Aviva Associated Hebrew Schools Bloome, Mark and Sharon Dar, Shlomo Association des Francais Amis Blum, Roberto Dashe, Jodi d’Israel Blumberg, Hillary David, Joseph and Miriam Auriat, Kerry Blumenthal, Lionel and Eva David, Sonny and Stella Avigdor, Efrat B’nai Brit Lishkat Zvulun Davidovitch, Abraham Avital, Albert B’nai B’rith Haifa Municipality Dayan, Daryoush Avon Finance Ltd. Bodak, Joseph Delman, Michael and Dafna Ayer, Ariela Bohrer, Abraham and Judith Derfeld, Maria Azaz, Yaffa Bonnefont, Jean Deutsch-Israelische Hilfe für Azrak, Victor Faradj Born, Robert and Esther krebskranke Kinder B.S.T. Development and Boston - Haifa Connection Devidas, Moshe and Rivka Construction Ltd. Bouaziz, Guy and Renee Dexcel Pharma Bagdadi, Nissim Braunshtein and Abudi - Law Firm Diab, Adnan and Iman Bahá’í World Centre Brenner, Benjamin Diamond, Marc J. and Elizabeth Bakalarz, Edward and Tania Brenner, Tamar Dibner, David and Frances Bakalarz, Ronald and Minna Bretler, Mariana and Max Divident Ltd. Bakshtansky, Esther Brodet, David Dochi, Muhamad Ballon, Milton Brosh, Ya’acov (Cobie) Dover, Bertie and Barbara

53 Maimonides GIFT CIRCLE

American Friends Dr. Jakov Isler Foundation Gokovski, Hava Ilex Medical Ltd. of Rambam Drake, Jack and Linda Golan, Edna Immanuel College Drazner, Michael and Carmela Goldfarb, Barbara Black In His Image Foundation Canadian Friends Dreyfus, Leora Eigar Goldman, Norman and Diana Ingerman, Elliott and Linda of Rambam Driancourt and Cie (D and Cie) Goldman, Richard and Rhoda Ingerman, Ira E.C.Y. Light Ltd. Goldstein, Dror and Dovrat Iranian American Jewish Cultural British Friends Edrei, Fannie Goldstein, Israel and Froma Organization (IAJCO) of Rambam Edry, Raffie and Marina Goldstein, Ramy and Smadar Ironi A School, Haifa Electra Consumer Products (1970) Ltd. Goren, Inbal Lilach Isak Gimple, Salmon French Friends Elmalech, Rina Tali and David Goren, Yossi Isracard of Rambam Emerald Worldwide Corporation Gorman, Earl and Loren Lieberman Israel Discount Bank Ltd. Eortc Brain Tumor Group Gorodisch, Irene Kulish Isselbacher, Rachel Spanish Friends Eskenazi, Alberto and Efraim Gottlieb Fischer, Leo and Eva Itzkovitzi, Shalom of Rambam Ester and Abbe Kurlands Mindefond Gottlieb, Arie J.C. Health Care Ltd. Eurcom Marketing (1986) Ltd. Grant, Warren and Randi Jacobson, Mitchell and Kathy Friends of Eyal, Amir Green, Adam and Dido Jaglom, Elchanan Amiel Rambam in India Falach, Maher Green, Cary and Ronda Jennings, John Falic Family Foundation Green, Donna and Mike Sanderson Jerichower , Gertrude Debora Israeli Friends Farahi, Jila Green, Karen and George Fischer Jewish Child’s Day of Rambam Fattal, William Gregory, Julia Jewish Community of Feinstein, Leonard and Susan Gregory, Vera Greater Stowe Feit, Eran and Nicole Gross, Sarita K Jewish Federation of Greater Feldman, Tzur Grossman, George Los Angeles Feldman, Ziel and Chaiki Gunn, Chan Jewish Federation of Palm Springs Fhima, Joel and Leah Gut, Ralph and Mary and Desert Area Fields, Kenneth and Sheila Gutmann, Rachel Jewish Federation of Ventura County Fight Together Guttman, David and Rita Joles, Harold Finkelstein, Paul D. Haifa Rotary Club Jourdan, Michael M. and Iris Fishman, Joshua and Sima Halperin, Yosefa Jura, Eugene Flash Lighting Blue and White Ltd. Halpern, Sam Kahn, Nelly M. Flora F. Morrell Charitable Trust Hamdan, Yoosuf Turki Kalifer, Ron and Nancy Fogel, Baruch Hansje Sillevis Foundation Kalisman, Amir and Ra’aya Foley, Michael and Theresa Harvest, Michaela Kalisman, Michael and Gayle Fong, Warren Hauseman, Omri and Sivan Kamhi, Sami and Aiva Forsmlingen, Judiska Hayek, Rabea Kamor Ltd. Fox, Irving and Gloria Heinsohn, Patricia Kanis, Yana Frankel, Sidney Hekkert, Shalom Karlin, Baruch and Amira Franklin, Jonathan Hekmat, Farshid and Farah Kasner, Joseph Freemasons Israel Heller, Roma Katan, Sylvia Friedman, Bradley Henka and Moshe (Mahala Katz, Frances R. Friedman, Chaim Masari) Rave Foundation Kavodi, Rutie and Admon Friends of Israel Cancer Herczeg, Agnes and George Kazaz, Haim Association Munich Herzel Grinshpon - Investments Ltd. Keen, Mark Friler, Liliane Hirsch, Shmuel and Geula Keesing, Aleida Gabai, Eran Hitter, Yoli Noe Keliah Galdi, Vince Hochberg, Andrew S. Kemp, Evie and Simon Fineman Galil, Uzia and Ella Hochstein, Michael and Suzanne Keshet Teamin Ltd. Gavrieli, Edna Hod HaCarmel Rotary Club Kessler, Howard Gertman, Tova and Tomy Hod, Ofir Kessler, Randall and Jan Gildor, Adi Sivan Hoffman, Ron and Heather Khodosh, Roman and Gindi, Rachel Hojman, Alberto Popovic, Sophia Ginzburg, Ella Hood, Rodney E. Kibbutz Dalia GlaxoSmithCline’s (Israel) Ltd. Houllou, Albert and Naomi Kibbutz Maabarot Gluck, Izabella Hubert, Emmi Kibbutz Yagur RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Maimonides GIFT CIRCLE

Klatskin, Charles and Lynne Magid, Larry and Millie Nirenberg, Wilmesh Klein, John and Miriam Mandles, Martin and Connie Normand, Relly Kogan, Israel Maramoresher Society Novack, Kenneth J. Kohav, Itzhak Marateck, Samuel Novartis Pharma Services AG Kolinsky, Martin Marchant, Debra Novo Nordisk Ltd. Korenvaes, Harlan and Amy Marcus, Paza and Dror Ofakim Travel & Congresses Ltd. Kotowitz, Harry Margules, Herman and Ruth Ofer Aviation Ltd. Krasnoslesky, Alexey and Galina Marina Galilee Mushrooms Ltd. Olemberg, Isaac Kropveld, Erna Elsina Jacqueline Mark and Anna Ruth Hasten Oren, Yehudit Kross, Marc Family Foundation Osada (1998) Ltd. Krupp, George Markel, Shlomo and Ariel Oscar Gruss and Son Kuperwaser, Mark and Judith Marmelzat , Williard L. Ovadia, Mordechai Kutner Showel, Dora and Morris Marram, Edward PanoCenter Lamroth Hakol Marvel Semiconductor Israel Ltd. Pasadena Community Foundation Lapsker, Joshua Mashash, David and Dolly Pasternak, Eli and Carmela Laufer, Gerta Mashav Initiation and Peletz, Pesia and Abraham Laufer, Shlomo and Miriam Development Ltd. Perl, Berndt and Gail Lavi, Eliaz and Osnat Mason, Peter and Mary Perlshtein, Dror and Ester Lavon, Benjamin and Dalia Matan - Investing in the Community Perry, Lily and Morris Le Comite de Souiten Amit Abramson Mayer, Etti and Leon Pharmaexcel Ltd. Leeds Jewish Ex Servicemen and Mayer, Itzack and Tzofiya Phillips, Rachel Women Association Melamed, Jacob and Dorice Piso, Amram Lehman Brothers Investment Bank Melamed, Robert and Dalia Pizan, Alf Lehman, Bill and Sandra Mendel, Yoseph and Rachel Pizan, Sidney Leibovitz, Yosef Mendelbaum, Salo and Merav Platnick, Geoffrey and Tobi Printz Leo Baeck School, Haifa Mesznik, Eugenie Geula Polakoff, Dale Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation Mesznik, Eytan and Shelley Pomeranc, Jack and Sally Leuberski, Nilli Mesznik, Joel and Lynne Porat, Yigal and Zehava Lev, Rami and Nira Mesznik, Roger and Summers, Lynn Port, Irving and Sally Levin, Liran Midav Chemicals Trade Ltd. Portsmouth Jewish Ladies Levinger, Dedi Milbert, Simon Benevolent Society Levitan, Oded Miller, Alan B. and Jill Providental Finance Inc. Levy, Guy Miller, Antonia Putsman, Maurice Levy, Yosef and Pnina Minden Management Ltd. Quitman Lecturship Lewis, Jeffrey Mintz, Rivka and David Rabin, Yuval Lewis, Stanley A. Mir, Paul Youssef and Karmela Rauch, Leah Mory Libovner Voliner Benevolent Society Moghavem, Abdullah Alex Rauch, Uzi Lichtenstein, Steve and Mahroo Ravon Electronics Ltd. Lichtman, Marshall and Alice jo Moradi, Isaac and Jacqueline Raz, Amir Lief Family Charitable Fund Morsel, Charles Reali Hebrew School Linial, Shimon and Rivka Morsel, Issy Redlor, Ruth Litany, Sara Moshkovitz, Pnina and Yossi Registration Fees Livnat, Moshe Mutai, Eli Rekah Foundation Loden, Elliot H. Nash Family Foundation Richman, Rick and Judy Lorya, David and Sheli Nazareth United Bus Services Ltd. Rikover, Oded Louis, Sandzer Neibart, Steven and Kathleen Rodaler SA Louna, Joseph and Matilde Neman, Yoel and Sherry Rommer, Hanka and Simon Luchins, David Neopharm (Israel) 1996 Ltd. Ronal, Shoshana and Shalom Lustman , Felix Netivei Bar (2005) Ltd. Ronne and Donald Hess Foundation LycoRed Natural Products New Lineo Cinema (2006) Ltd. Rose Agriculture Ltd. Industries Ltd. New West End Synagogue Rose, Jeremy Magen LaCholeh Newman, Wendy Rosengard, Bruce R. and Ariella Magid, Abe and Sally Nilit Ltd Rosetree Trust Magid, Harold and Rhonda Nimri, Ari Rositzky, Doron

55 Maimonides GIFT CIRCLE

American Friends Rotenier, Richard Simons, Charles The Parodontologist Jewish of Rambam Rothenberg, Robert P. and Helene Sinai Temple Los Angeles Association Rowe, Jacob Singer, Daphne The Samson Israel Charitable Trust Canadian Friends Ruben, Dennis and Joyce Sizemore, Marlene E. Times of Israel of Rambam Rubin, Jami and Reiff, Eric Skolnick, Alex and Hannah Toledano, Jacques Rubinstein, Yoav Skolnick, Howard Torel, Albert British Friends Ruksan Investments Ltd. Sloane, Marshall Tramiel, Sam and Tzipora of Rambam Sachs, Benjamin P. Sminski, Michael Trau, Solomon and Beryl Samuel and Ethel Lefrak Trust Snir, Edward and Ronit Troy, Gil French Friends Samuels, John Soffer, Shaul and Yehudit Truist of Rambam Sarbani, Erna and Naftali Solomon Schechter Day School Truman, Carole Sarfati, Shimon of Greater Boston Tsityat, Dalya Spanish Friends Sarshar, Masud Solomon, David and Mary Tzuckerman, Dina and Meir of Rambam Sasson, Joseph Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Udi, Oded Savacool, Cecil Congregation United Israel Appeal of Canada Inc. Friends of Savion Industries (1987) Ltd. Staransky, Alexander and Klara United Synagogue Youth Rambam in India Sayage, Michael Stefan Adelipour Life Foundation Variety Israel Schechter, Robert Stein, Yonah and Yehuda Verbov, Hazel and Julian Israeli Friends Schipper, Lionel and Carol Storage Leaseholds Inc. Vigdor, Eliyahu Edgar of Rambam Schon, Lew Charles Stowe, Marilyn Villar International Ltd. Schusterman Foundation-Israel Sultoon, Babette Vineyards Charity by the Seginer, Ido Summers-Kurzer, Beverlie Organization Association Seiden, Norman and Barbara and David Vincent of Winograd Sela, Ilan Super-Pharm Ltd. Visner, Tova Sela, Tuvia Suppree, Isidore D.L. Wasser, Walter Seymour J. Abrams Family Foundation Swaid, Swaid Wax, Robert and Sara Shahery, Shahrokh and Shirin Swartz, Sosan Wayne and Marilyn Mason Shalmiev, Grisha Tadmor, Ze’ev and Zipora Charitable Fund Shapira, Hanna Tal-Mir Electronics Ltd. Weinberger, Barry Shapira, Rachel and Robbie Talmon, Yehuda Weisman, Harlan F. Shavitzky Management (2012) Ltd. Tanner, Harold and Nicki Wiesler, Mordechai and Michal Shefa Concession Ltd. TD Ameritrade Clearing Wilsker, Mark Sheingut H.M. Ltd. Technion - Israel Institute Wizner, Eyal and Shira Sherball and Denman of Technology Wizner Family Charitable Fund Temple Beth Sholom, Roslyn Heights Wolf, Dora Sherman, Archie and Marjorie Tenenbaum, Marty and Bonnie Wolff , Habar Shilkrut, Mark Teubal, Diego and Bettina Woodside Park Synagogue Shipley, David and Dianna Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Yad Hanadiv Shitrit, Meir and Ruth The Azrieli Foundation Canada Yahel Foundation in Memory of Shmeltzer, Shlomo and Atalia The Bank Leumi Trust Company Ltd. Yehuda Leon Recanati Shmuelvitz, Yifat The David Berg Foundation, Inc. Yakov, Davidah Shnier, Carole The Doctors’ Committee at the Yediot Tikshoret Shochat, Hannah Rambam Health Care Campus Yonah, Sasson and Dorit Shochat, Liora The Families of Joel York and Yosephberg , Mina Shomer, Paula Michael Lax Zafran , Anna Shoval - Engineering and The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Zairi, Ido and Jennifer Our apologies if we have Construction Foundation, Inc. Zarco, Robert omitted your name or Shreiber, Rivka and Naftali The Henry and Marilyn Taub Zeleznick, Ina and Lowell erred in the listing. Shtokman, Israel Foundation Zigdon, Hadar Please let us know so Shuarma Hazan (Ford) Ltd. The Israeli Society of Zilberman, Yakov and Dina we can be sure to Shulman, Gerald Rheumatology Zimberg, Morton correct any oversight: Sidney Frank Foundation The Lewis Family Charitable Trust Zimmerman, Martha contactus@rambam. Silverman, Joel and Nira The Nussia and Andre Aisenstadt Zionist House Inc. health.gov.il Simon, Harold Foundation Zubidat, Rifat RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT BOARDS

Rambam Health Care Campus Scientific Board of Trustees Advisory Board

Eitan Wertheimer Professor Howard (Chaim) Cedar Chairman Chair, Israel

Udi Angel Peretz Lavie Professor Eugene Braunwald, USA Joseph Ciechanover Eyal Ofer Professor Irun Cohen, Israel Zvi Eisikovits Idan Ofer Professor Scott Friedman,USA Moti Fishman Ruth Rappaport Professor Hedvig Hricak, USA Levy Gerzberg Irit Rappaport Professor Jacob Sznajder, USA Dani Goldman Moshe Revach Sari Gredinger Ariela Wertheimer Professor Aaron Ciechanover Yehuda Hayuth Yona Yahav Chair Emeritus, Israel

American Friends David M. Adlerstein British Friends Spanish Friends Yael Jhirad of Rambam General Counsel of Rambam of Rambam Co-Chair and Treasurer Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Shilpa Shah Yair Kagan Professor Lael-Anson Adam O. Emmerich Executive Vice President Anita Alexander-Passe Robert Stern Best President Emeritus Director President

Harvey M. Krueger Relly Dibner Gabriella Alexander- Dr. Edmundo Berros Israeli Friends Vice President George A. Feldenkreis Passe Elbaz of Rambam Alan Forman Treasurer Vice President Board of Directors David A. Sterling Levy Gerzberg Secretary and Treasurer Frances R. Katz Samantha Louise Rose Viorica Stern Professor Zvi Eizikovits Alan C. Mendelson Amanda Karen Gipson Chairman Meri Barer Jesse M. Schwartz Asunción Ríos Rey Executive Committee Jonathan Sohnis French Friends Israel Greidinger Aaron D. Spencer of Rambam Deputy Chief Executive Richard S. Hirschhaut Irma Spencer Board of Directors Friends of Officer National Executive Rambam in India Director Joelle Abitbol Board of Directors Galit Rothschild Effective 2/1/17 Canadian Friends President Executive Director of Rambam Rajen Pravinchandra Sari Katz Arshadnia Board of Directors Yaelle Gamon Taieb Shah Judith Asnin Director, Western Region Treasurer President Coordinator David Green Ellen S. Pomerantz President Dr. Yvan Coscas Narendra Rachel Shapira Director, Northeast Prakashchand Bansal Nir Gilboa Region Kelly Wright Vice President Arik Levanoni Administrative Assistant Yitzhak Mitrani Eileen Silverman Ralphy Ezekiel Jhirad Eyal Wizner Director of Kerry Auriat Co-Chair & Shaviv Israeli Administration Earl Gorman Secretary General Ronen Ginzberg Ron Kalifer Perry Wong


Rafi Beyar, MD, DSc General Director and CEO

Shimon Reisner, MD Deputy Director

Karl Skorecki, MD Director, Medical and Research Development

Esther Golan, PhD Managing Director of International Relations and Chief of Strategic Development

Michael Halberthal, MD Deputy Director

Nissim Haim, LLM Deputy Director (C.O.O.)

Gila Hyams, RN, MA Director of Nursing

Avi Weissman, MD Director, Medical Operations

Michal Mekel, MD Hospital Administration

Lior Lowenstein, MD Hospital Administration

Myriam Ben-Arush, MD Director, Pediatric Division, Ruth Rappaport Children’s Hospital

Yehuda Chowers, MD Director, Clinical Research Institute at Rambam (CRIR)

Ehud Klein, MD Director, Division of Research

Ora Israel, MD Director, Nuclear Medicine

Eyal Fruchter, MD Director, Division of Psychiatry

Doron Norman, MD Director, Division of Surgery

Benjamin Brenner, MD Director, Division of Internal Medicine

Zeev Weiner, MD Director, Division of Gynecology and Obstetric RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Itzhak Beiran, MD Director, Ambulatory Care

Michal Paul, MD Director, Infectious Diseases Institute

Ronit Segal Hirshberg, PhD CEO, Rambam Health Corporation and Director, Department of Economics and Marketing

Amir Waiman, MBA, CPA Director, Division of United Finance

Ariye Berkoviz, MA Director, Department of Engineering, Rambam Health Corporation

Sara Tzafrir, BSc, MA Chief Information Officer

Nora Libes Shnaid, BSc, MBA Director, Department of Economics & Business Development

Ziv Sharon, MA Treasurer

Ronit Almog, MD Director, Epidemiology Unit and Biobank

Tal Asaf Moskovich, Adv Director, Medical Claims Quality and Safety

Khetam Hussein, MD Director, Infection Control Service

Leon Levi, MD Assistant to the General Director; Director, Medical Administration Unit

Fuad Basis, MD Deputy Director, Medical and Research Development; Director, Accreditation Project

Zahava Talmor, MA Assistant to the General Director

David Ratner, MA External Relations & Spokesperson

Talia Berman-Kishony, Adv Director, Service Quality and Patient Relation

Oded Mayer, BA Director, Marketing Department


Rambam HCC Director, Professor Rafi Beyar greets newly appointed directors: l-r: Amir Kugelman, MD, Director, Department of Nenatalogy and NICU Asaf Miller, MD, Director, Medical intensive Care Unit Mony Benifla, MD, Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit Naim Shehadeh, MD, Director, Endocrinology Institute Ella Veitsman, MD, Director, Liver Disease Center Rafi Beyar, MD, DSc, Director, Rambam HCC Myriam Ben-Arush, MD, Director, Division of Pediatric Yehuda Chowers, MD, Director, Clinical Research Institute at Rambam (CRIR) Dan Hutt, MD, Director, Hand & Microsurgery Unit Eyal Fruchter, MD, Director, Division of Mental Health RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Research Career Development Programs at Rambam HCC

These and other related programs rely on the philanthropy of individuals and foundations who want to leave their mark on future generations through medical advancements facilitated by biomedical and clinical research.

The Future* Program The Guardian Program Basic and Translational Research Research & Innovative Practice Grants for Residents Nursing Grants

Rimma Laufer-Britva, MD Mor Saban, MA Department of Dermatology Department of Emergency Medicine

Tom Friedman, MD Beata Miller, MA Department of Cardiac Surgery Department of Ophthalmology

Neta Golomb, MD Khalil Namora, MA Department of Anesthesiology Department of Internal Medicine B

Dmitry Rozenfeld, MA and Yael Safran, MA Department of Neurology *Formerly known as Atidim Dmitry Rozenfeld, MA Department of Neurology * The Horizons Program Shiri Soudry, MD Basic and Translational Research Department of Ophthalmology Grants for Young Senior Physicians

Shlomit Strulov Shachar, MD The Spark* Program Oncology Section Prototypes, Feasibility, and IP Itay Maza, MD PhD Protection for Medical Innovations Gastroenterology Institute

Michal Meir, MD Josef Ben-Ari, MD and Amir , MD Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit Department of Pediatric Intensive Care

*Formerly known as Ofakim *Formerly known as Nitzoz

61 2016 Rambam Award

Professor Emeritus William R. Brody, USA

Professor Eric J. Topol, USA

Mr. Sandor Frankel and The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, USA

l-r: Ms. Ruth Frankel, Mr. Sandor Frankel, Professor Emeritus William R. Brody, Professor Rafi Beyar, Professor Eric J. Topol RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT

COMMITTEE Professor Rafi Beyar Director and CEO, Rambam HCC

Professor Karl Skorecki Director of Medical and Research Development, Rambam HCC

Professor Yehuda Hayuth Chairman, Israeli Friends of Rambam The Rambam Award honors individuals of extraordinary vision whose major contributions to medicine, technology, and humanity are improving the well- PREVIOUS RECIPIENTS being of countless individuals in Israel 2015 and around the world. Mr. Shimon Peres, of blessed memory Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Mr. Eyal Ofer Ms. Mariita and Mr. George Feldenkreis Professor Mary-Claire King

2014 Mrs. Herta and Mr. Paul Amir Ms. Relly and Mr. Brent Dibner Professor Howard (Chaim) Cedar Mr. Yona Yahav

2013 Mr. David Green Dr. Sol J. Barer and Mrs. Meri Barer

2012 Professor Richard L. Popp Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein Ms. Joan H. and Mr. Sanford I. Weill

2011 Mr. Harvey Krueger, of blessed memory Mrs. Gila Almagor Agmon Mr. Nochi Dankner Dr. Donna E. Shalala The Hon. Mrs. Laura Wolfson Townsley Mr. Joseph Fishman, of blessed memory / The Fishman Family

2010 Mrs. Ruth Rappaport Mr. Sammy Ofer, of blessed memory Rabbi Elimelech Firer Professor Moshe Revach

63 HONOR ROLL 2016


Rambam is honored to administer The Ernest and Bonnie two prestigious nationwide medical Beutler Research Program of Excellence research programs. in Genomic Medicine Both programs are open only to

Israelis and contribute to Israel The Ernest and Bonnie and Rambam’s renown in promoting Beutler Research excellence in research. Program of Excellence in Genomic Medicine was established by The Youdim Family Prize for Bonnie Beutler to honor Excellence in Cancer Research the memory and work of her late husband, Dr. Ernest Beutler. This program supports The Youdim Family Prize for Excellence in high level genomic research projects of Cancer Research was established by Israeli investigators. Technion Professor Emeritus, Moussa Youdim, to support cancer research exemplified 2016 Awardee by excellence, novelty, and/or scientific Yuval Dor, PhD breakthroughs. Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research, The Hebrew University 2016 Awardee Research title: Analysis of cell death in specific Yardena Samuels, PhD human tissues using the methylome of cell free, Incumbent of the Knell Family Professorial Chair circulating DNA Department of Molecular Cell Biology The Weizmann Institute of Science

2016 Special Prize Ido Wolf, MD Head, Oncology Division Head, Endocrine-Oncology Laboratory Sourasky Medical Center RAMBAMHCC l 2016 ANNUAL REPORT COMPETITIVE GRANTS 2016

Asaf Foundation Israel Gastroenterology Israel Society of Dr. Elena Milner Association Cardiothoracic Surgery IVF Unit Dr. Itay Maza Dr. Tom Friedman Gastroenterology Institute Department of Cardiac Surgery Chief Scientist Office Ministry of Health Israel Innovation Authority Jewish Community Federation Dr. Yaron Berkovich & (Formerly the Office of the & Endowment Found Dr. Yaniv Keren chief Scientist) Prof. Elon Eisenberg Orthopedics Section Dr. Yaron Bar-Lavie Pain Relief Unit Division of Critical Care Prof. Michal Paul Lady Tata Memorial Trust Infectious Diseases Unit Prof. Yehuda Chowers Dr. Shlomit Yehudai-Reshef Gastroenterology Institute Hematology and Bone Marrow European Commission - Transplantation Section FP7 program Dr. Jacob Cohen Dr. Amir Hadash (awarded in 2013) Department of Otolaryngology Head Takeda Pharmaceutical Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Neck Surgery Company Limited Prof. Yehuda Chowers European Society of Prof. Lior Gepstein Gastroenterology Institute Anaesthesiology Cardiology Section Dr. Dana Baron Shahaf The Israel National Institute Department of Anesthesiology Israel Ministry of for Health Policy Research Environmental Protection Prof. Gil Barsela Israel Association of Family Dr. Ronit Almog Division of Oncology Physicians Epidemiology Unit Dr. Ya›akov Fogelman Prof. Eldad Dann (Awarded in 2014) Pain Relief Unit Prof. Ido Solt Blood Bank Division of Obstetrics & Gynecology Israel Cancer Association (ICA) Prof. Tzvi Dwolatzky Prof. Tzila Zuckerman Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Geriatric Services Hematology and Bone Marrow Prof. Judith Aharon-Peretz Transplantation Section Cognitive Neurology Unit Dr. Khetam Hussein Infectious Diseases Unit Dr. Moran Amit Prof. Tzvi Dwolatzky Department of Otolaryngology Geriatric Services The Israeli Society of Nephrology Head and Neck Surgery and Hypertension Dr. Irit Hochberg Prof. Zaid Abassi Dr. Fahed Hakim Institute of Endocrinology, Diabetes Department of Vascular Surgery Pediatric Pulmonary Unit and Metabolism The Jewish Agency for Israel & Prof. Daniel Kurnik Dr. Shiri Soudry United Israel Appeal Clinical Pharmacology Unit Department of Ophthalmology Prof. Karl Skorecki Medical and Research Development Dr. Oz Mordechai Dr. Hadar Zigdon Department of Pediatric Oncology Department of Periodontology The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley and Hematology Charitable Trust Israel Society of Anesthesiologists Prof. Yehuda Chowers Dr. Dana Baron Shahaf Gastroenterology Institute Department of Anesthesiology


STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES (in millions of shekels)

2016 2015*

INCOME: Medical services rendered 1,504 1,459 Donations 44 39 Research projects 42 39 Other 17 15 1,607 1,552

ALLOCATIONS: Building, construction and renovation 36 52 Medical equipment 21 22 Computerized equipment 5 3 Other equipment and supplies 6 7 68 84

EXPENSES: Salaries 1,115 1,059 Medical and technical equipment 236 238 Maintenance 80 76 Operating expenses 218 185 General administrative expenses 90 91 1,739 1,649 Full reports are available upon request.


INCOME 2012-2016 (in millions of shekels)

1,600 1,607

1,552 1,500 1,492

1,400 1,411

1,300 1,320


2012 2013 2014* 2015 2016



2016 2015

Annual admissions 93,541 91,025 Total patient days 355,453 352,627 Emergency department visits 138,102 135,005 Outpatient visits 699,161 687,750 Total patients treated 254,894 252,236 Imaging procedures 272,616 267,974 Laboratory exams 12,667,852 12,458,158 Surgical procedures 57,789 55,359 Deliveries 5,114 5,393 Average occupancy 95% 96%

HOSPITALIZATIONS BY AGE 0-10 yrs 21-70 yrs 11-20 yrs +70 yrs


15% 93,541 HOSPITALIZATIONS IN 2016 7% 58% ]


2016 2015

New research 441 442

Active research 1,626 1,473



Household and Administration Physicians 1,066 1,144

23% 22%

4,880 EMPLOYEES Allied Health 21% 1,031 34% Nurses 1,639


Hospital beds 965

Medical institutes 40 Inpatient wards 61 Specialization units 73 Outpatient clinics 114

Learn more about Rambam

www.rambam.org.il American Friends © 2017 Rambam Health Care Campus of Rambam www.aforam.org Published by the Department of International [email protected] Relations & Resource Development (212) 292-4499 Rambam Health Care Campus Canadian Friends P.O.B. 9602 of Rambam Haifa 3109601, Israel www.cfram.ca Tel. +972 (4) 777-2919 [email protected] [email protected] (416) 481-5552 www.rambam.org.il British Friends of Rambam (Rambam UK) Editorial Board Design www.rambamuk.co.uk CastroNawy [email protected] Professor Tzvi Dwolatzky (208) 343-8749 Chief Medical Consultant Photography Miki and Gal Koren French Friends Oded Mayer of Rambam Director of Marketing Netanel Ayzik [email protected] Morag Betan (33) 7 82 53 71 10 Abbie Rosner Pioter Fliter Writer & Editor Ofer Golan Spanish Friends Zohar Shahar of Rambam Merav Ganot Yuval Sourasky www.amigosderambam.org Coordinator Eran Yardeni [email protected] Ben Yuster (609) 580-268 Special Thanks Nitzan Zohar Tamar Alfassi Friends of Rambam Shirley Erulkar in India Larisa Halif [email protected] Deborah Hemstreet (98) 191-113-40 Dganit Kenig David Ratner Israeli Friends Inbar Shahaf of Rambam www.rambam.org.il [email protected] (04) 852-0670

Israel Main Office & All Other Countries www.rambam.org.il [email protected] +972 (4) 777-2919

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