JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 Issue # 425

The Birth of the EUROPA 2015 Council of New Issues with Old Toys Page 7 Scott Catalog #s Page 2 Page 14

AUCTION #130 Insert

We need your dues So we can bring you the News! Please send your dues to Tonny ‘Cause we really need your money. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-2

v = value(s) New Issues ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet Europa 2015 Old Toys

BELGIUM 2v in a ss DENMARK 2v self ICELAND 2v self adhesive Issue date 13 April 2015 adhesive Issue date 30 April 2015 Issue date 2 January 2015

ALAND 1v Issue date 8 May 2015

FAROE ISLANDS 2v Issue date 24 April FINLAND 2v self adhesive, issued se-tenant 2015 in a mini-sheet of 10 Issue date 4 May 2015

RUSSIA 1v Issue date 16 January 2015

JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-3 v = value(s) ms= mini-sheet New Issues ss = souvenir sheet Europa 2013—The Postal Van sepac 2015 CULTURE GEORGIA ss + 2v Issue date 22 December 2014 This is not a typo. Georgia’s entry for 2013 is being issued just as other nations are rolling out their designs for 2015! The stamps in the souvenir sheet were also issued singly in sheets of 10 stamps each.

ICELAND 1v Issue date 19 February 2015

ALAND 1v NORDIA 2014 Issue date 10 April 2015 “Midwinter Only”

NORWAY ss Issue date 21 November 2014 NORDIA 2014, the Nordic stamp exhibition, was held at Trade Fairs in Lillestrøm on 21–23 November. The Nordia stamp exhibition rotates among the Nordic countries, and Norway last hosted the exhibition in Sta- vanger in 2008. Norway Post issued a miniature sheet for the exhibition, with three stamps commemorating Stavanger as a European Capital of Culture for that year. The motifs on the miniature sheet also commemorate the Norwegian Constitution Bicentenary. — from Norway Post FAROE ISLANDS 1v from a set of two publicizing the new terminal at Vargar airport. The 8,50 DKK value pictures an Airbus A319. Issue date 23 February 2015 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-4

New Issues Green Capital

SERBIA 2v showing ECY logo 1v Issue date 22 May 2014 Issue date 2 September 2014 European Nature Conservation Joy of Europe

ESTONIA 1v From the website of the European Commission: Issue date 2 October 2014 Euro coins Today more than two thirds of Euro- peans live in towns and cities. Urban areas concentrate most of the envi- ronmental challenges facing our society but also bring together com-

mitment and innovation to resolve

The Institute for Nature Conservation them. The European Green Capital of Serbia nominated natural re- Award has been conceived to pro- On 1 January 2011 the euro was sources Nature Park “Stara Planina” mote and reward these efforts. taken into use in Estonia and the and landscape Zaovine for the postage stamp issued to mark the The European Green Capital Award World Network of Biosphere Re- event was in the euro denomination is the result of an initiative taken by serves under the UNESCO program of €1. 15 European cities (Tallinn, Helsinki, “Man and Biosphere” (MAB), due to Riga, Vilnius, Berlin, Warsaw, Madrid, This postage stamp has the same their natural resources. Ljubljana, Prague, Vienna, Kiel, design but is in a different color. —- from the Serbia Post website Kotka, Dartford, Tartu & Glasgow) Starting from 1 September 2014 the Note: the logo on the stamps is from and the Association of Estonian cit- rate of the regular letter up to 50 the Centre Naturopa of the Council ies on 15 May 2006 in Tallinn, Esto- grams in the 1st zone is €1.20. of Europe and was used for European nia. —- from the EESTI POST website Conservation Year (ECY) in 1970. Their green vision was translated into a joint Memorandum of Under- BELARUS ss Issue date 15 November 2014 standing establishing an award to 20th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the recognize cities that are leading the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Serbia way with environmentally friendly urban living. The initiative was launched by the European Commis- sion in 2008, and given to the fol- lowing cities: 2010: Stockholm, Sweden 2011: Hamburg, Germany 2012: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 2013: Nantes, France 2014: Copenhagen, Denmark 2015: Bristol, England

No philatelic recognition as yet. ■ JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-5

Europa Briefs

FWIW (For What It’s Worth) I7.09.1961 found that CTO versions could There are Still Bargains Out There: Dept. nowOffenbach be had (Frankfurt for about-Main)50 $20 total. (pf) Pictured below is an eBay lot which The Euro2012 football (aka soccer) NowGreen you’re on Yellow talking! All I had to do your editor snarfed up for $43.50 tournament was hosted by Poland (!)Inscribed was open “Europa an account-Union” so in that large I plus 99c shipping. Not bad for an and Ukraine.. The latter issued many couldletters order. at bottom, “Versuchs Rakete” item that most dealers are asking in small letters above that, and on upwards of $110 for. stamps to publicize the event, in- Fortunately, there was just enough the left side inscription (which are in cluding two very limited issue sou- English on the site for me to figure unusually tiny letters and need a venir sheets—30,000 each. As could it out. The upshot is that, even after magnifier to be read) “Erste Ver- be expected, they were expensive shipping and handling and registra- suchs Rakete Postflug” which trans- and I am told that Michel now lists tion, the two items came in at under lates loosely to “First Trial of Rocket them at just under $200 apiece. $30 and were shipped to me with- Mail Flight”. And “Offenbach (Main) Scott merely mentions them. out incident. I’m a happy camper, – Frankfurt (Main)” on the right side. and am once again amazed at what canThe bestamp done exists electronically both perf and in thisim- dayperf and and age. also ■ in horizontal tete- beche pairs, also both perf and im- The item is a deluxe color proof of Whatperf. Is It? Dept.: the Belgium 1964 Europa stamps.

Belgium issues a limited number of

such proofs each year, and they are The green color varies in different listed in the 2001 Domfil catalog at shades from light to dark and the $126 for the early issues. Good printing is quite crude when com- deals await for those who are pa- pared to later issue standards. tient. A special circular “postmark” was also prepared, repeating the in- New Michel catalog scriptions on the stamp “Europa- Michel updates their CEPT-Europa Union” at the bottom, “Offenbach- catalog every year. The 2015 edition Frankfurt” at the top and pictured below is available direct “Raketenflug /Versuchsrakete“ in from Michel at a list price of 54,00 € the middle along with a central date of 17.9.61.

I started watching prices on eBay and delcampe, only to find prices in the $50 range for each. Not bad The above came in an email with compared to Michel’s valuation but the inscription still pricey. In a previous column Prettige Feestdagen en een ge- (EN# 417-13) I mentioned that lukkig maar vooral gezond 2015 Ukraine Post had dropped their Google Translate to the rescue! The online price to under $50 for the message was pair. Nice, but still up there. Merry Christmas and a happy and In early November, along comes an especially healthy 2015 Their website is at www.briefmarken.de/michelshop/ item in the Wall Street Journal that It was signed Lucie en Hai Webers. mentions how the exchange rate for de/kataloge/europa/cept-katalog- Ukrainian currency is falling in re- To all our members, we wish the 2015. sponse to the recent unrest. On a same for 2015. Be sure to see Hai’s There are also plenty of sellers on whim, I went looking at the Ukraine article beginning on the next page! eBay and delcampe, but none I saw Post website again. are offering discounts. ■ JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-6

2015 European Year for Development

The European Parliament has voted to establish 2015 as the European Year for Development (EYD2015) with the motto "our world, our dig- nity, our future". This provides a nice segue from the EuropAfrique discussion of previous EN issues. There will hopefully be some phila- telic recognition of this ground- breaking initiative. The following is excerpted from the EU’s website:

This decision marks the first time that a European Year has been ded- icated to external EU policy, and comes as the millennium develop- The European Parliament votes in favor of 2015 as the ment goals draw to an end and de- Year of Development Cooperation cisions on a post-2015 international The agreement we have reached “Our renewed commitment is both framework must be taken. with the council and the commis- timely and significant in light of the ALDE Party Deputy Charles Goerens, sion,” he continued, “means that for recent EU-Africa summit., and un- Parliament's rapporteur on the year, the first time a European year is derscores the EU's determination to explained, "There can be no ques- designated to an external policy, to eradicate poverty.” tion of ignoring the more than 100 a concern of global scope.” European Commission webpage: million poor people in EU countries EU foreign affairs chief Catherine http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/european- or of pitting them against the poor Ashton and European parliament year-development-2015_en and destitute elsewhere. What we president Martin Schulz issued a would like the core message of this Latvia’s webpage. Riga will be host joint statement on the establish- year to be is that human dignity, city for the EYD2015 launch, another ment of the theme, saying that "the aspiring to a dignified life, does not opportunity for a stamp issue: European consensus on develop- stop at the borders of our continent http://www.latvia.eu/news/european- ment is the compass for the actions and should not depend on where a year-development-will-be-launched-riga under the European Union's devel- person is born or lives. ■ opment policy.

The Birth of the Council of Europe — Hai Webers

ESU member Hai Webers of the Nether- how it should be presented, as 8 pages It is available for viewing simply by lands has shared with us a copy of his seemed a bit much for one issue. The clicking the link at the top of the Mem- award-winning exhibit “The Birth of the votes were unanimous to present the bers Only homepage. Council of Europe.” It is an 8-frame ex- exhibit as 4 pages with 2 frames per The information provided in the exhibit hibit which Hai thought could be pre- page. That is what you will see on the is at once interesting and fascinating, sented to members in 2 or 3 parts. After following pages. and we hope you enjoy reviewing it as looking at it, your officers decided that Members can also go to our Members much as I did. it should be shown as one article. That Only section and view the exhibit one Would any other members like to share left your editor weighing options for frame at a time in a larger format. their material with us? ■ The Council of Europe — Hai Webers JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-7

Frame 1 of 8 Frame 2 of 8 The Council of Europe — Hai Webers JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-8

Frame 3 of 8 Frame 4 of 8 The Council of Europe — Hai Webers JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-9

Frame 5 of 8 Frame 6 of 8 The Council of Europe — Hai Webers JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-10

Frame 7 of 8 Frame 8 of 8 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-11

Cinderella Corner — Dana Roper

The illustration below is of a pri- This sheet makes an interesting Another interesting item showed up vately printed souvenir sheet, show- companion piece to a EuropAfrique recently on eBay. It was listed as a ing (in different colors) the designs collection, and is being offered in philatelic exhibition souvenir, and of the first EuropAfrique omnibus the new ESU auction (see lot# 1 in given the illustration was probably issue of 1963-64. Auction #130 this issue). i s s u e d a r o u n d The inscription reads “Signing of If anyone has any additional infor- 1959-1960. the EEC-UAM Economic Conven- mation on this item it would be ap- Can any- tion” and “December 1963” so it’s preciated. It is not mentioned in the one shed safe to say that the sheet was prob- 1967 D’Urso catalog. There is no any more ably issued sometime in 1964. The other indication of what the sheet light on sheet also exists overprinted for the was issued for. It could be for a what this assassination of John F. Kennedy. philatelic exhibition, or simply pro- is? motional material. And a similar item from member Alain Thibert, for Europa Day 1961.

This one comes as shown and also in plain grey. The motif suggests rocket mail, and also uses the de- sign from Austria’s 1959 Europa issue. Any more info? Anyone? ■ One more thing…. The three “stamps“ shown here The only inhabited isle, Tanera Mòr, A listing of all the so-called are actually labels, one of many is also the largest. It is home to an “Channel Islands” labels, excerpt- such issues from the local posts of Atlantic salmon fish farm, some ed from the Rosen catalog, is post- the little islands scattered around rental holiday homes, a café and a ed on our website in the Members the UK. They recently sold on eBay post office. The island has no roads! area. ■ for about $1.50, which is a reason- able price if you are into this sort of thing. They are listed in the Rosen catalog as numbers SM13- SM15, and are the only Europa labels ever issued by the Summer Isles.

The Summer Isles are an archipela- go lying in the mouth of Loch Broom, in the Highland region of Scotland. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-12

Why Collect EUROPA Stamps? — Johan Slomp

The following article appeared in The supervisor of the golf course The collecting got better, especially, Grenzenloos #122, the newsletter of managed to stop the fire but that when in 1962 I joined the stamp the VN-VE (EU-UN) collecting club did not end our problems. The man club of Hengelo and bought my of the Netherlands. It is one of a contacted the police and also in- first real stamp album, a spring series where members share how formed my father about it. I re- binder from DAVO. they began collecting Europa. Per- ceived a good butt-whipping from Not much later I purchased my first haps ESU members could share as my father and was grounded to my stamp catalog. During that time I well? room for some time. I was so mad had dispersed all of the stamps that that I destroyed all the stamps I had At the time, we lived on the out- I had desecrated during my reckless by writing my name on all of them. skirts of Hengelo (Netherlands) and years, except one (Scott #91 – 3 I was going to public school in Dri- This was autumn 1945 and that was cent). Collecting became more seri- ene, a neighborhood attached to the time I discovered that the desk ous and I signed up for the new Hengelo. The school had two class- in my room had a German Wehr- issue service of the club and re- rooms: classroom 1 had a female macht logo. During the latter part ceived the stamps of the Nether- teacher (the daughter) teaching 1st, of the War, we were sequestered by lands protectorates, New Guinea, 2nd and 3rd grades. The second law in our town. When the Canadian Antilles and Suriname. The postal classroom had a male teacher (the Army closed in on the town the administrations, at the time, did not father) [teaching the upper grades]. Germans started to retreat as fast as issue that many stamps and many possible. That is how the desk, in times, after standing in line forever, It was 1942, the year I turned 10 my room, became a War trophy for I would find out that there were no years old. I had to retrieve some- my dad. new issues. That was the same time thing from the school attic. Instantly I was attracted to a pile of enve- Until 1956 I collected stamps on that New Guinea was no longer part of the Netherlands. lopes with stamps on them. In par- and off. By the latter part of 1956 I ticular, my interest was for the large had become a full time collector. In the meantime I had built up a Jubilee stamps of 1923. I sorted all That year I bought my first com- sizable collection, in my estimation, the different stamps, took them plete Netherlands stamp series at a it still took until 1974, before I was home and at a later time soaked the postal philatelic window — the attracted to the EUROPA stamps. stamps and pasted them in a note Rembrandt series. Cost price was 73 During a visit to a local stamp show book. Someone told me afterwards Dutch Gulden cents). I got to talk to a New-Issue dealer. that you do not glue stamps to a He was standing in the hall to help page but use hinges. Who knew? visitors and focused my attention to

As I said before, that time we lived a EUROPA collection. It was an at- just outside Hengelo. We all attend- tractive and fairly complete collec- tion, according to the auction dis- ed school and ran to and from in ruption. I thought it was fairly ex- wooden shoes. The distance was about 1¼ mile and we had to do it pensive. After some bidding I was twice a day. Along one of the roads the winner and took the collection home. was a ditch that was overgrown with tall grasses in the fall. We used Soon after, I to get naughty and lit the grass; b o u g h t a after a while we would stop the fire What did I know about the value of Zonnebloem before it went out of control. One stamps, even the difference of mint (Sunflower — time, however, it went wrong; we and used. When I bought the Rem- brand name) could not stop the fire and it spread brandt stamps, I had already anoth- stamp catalog, be- to an adjacent parcel that had er complete set (Heroes of the Seas) cause I wanted to many trees and shrubs along a golf of 1943. find out if I paid course. too much or if I had a good deal. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-13

Why Collect EUROPA Stamps? — cont’d For Sale

The final outcome was not too bad, After that, I attended one more Member Piet Alderliesten is offer- but I also could see that the 1956 stamp auction, in Apeldoorn. There ing members some specialized Eu- & 1957 Luxemburg, 1960 Liechten- I bought a collection that was ropa cancels from the D’Urso cata- stein and 1972 Spanish Andorra housed in a photo album, including log. Nice material. Prices are in $US. issues were missing—the crown a lot of imperforated souvenir Send orders to jewels of any collection at the time. sheets and blocks. 2002 was the last VAN KIJFHOEKSTRAAT 63 edition of the Zonnebloem catalog. 3341 SK, H I AMBACHT After that the only catalog for EU- NETHERLANDS ROPA stamps was Michel-CEPT.

I collect only mint never hinged and at one time had a complete collec- tion of European Union, no color shades or misprints or faults, etc. During this time I joined the VN-VE Filatelie (European Union — United Nations philately). That is where I found the EUROCAT catalog 1984 with supplements. It resulted in a nice collection of additional materi- als.

After that came the I kept collecting until far into the N A V O 1980s. An acquaintance of mine had ( N A T O ) an auction catalog of the Leopardi catalogs, Nijvedal company and pointed out a s s e m - a collection of EUROPA ‘sympathy’ bled by issues. That got my attention . The Marcel vab Graven and after that day of the auction I went for the came the European Sports Champi- viewing and attended the afternoon onships catalogs from the same auction. Besides me there was an- person. other collector interested in the ma- EUROPEAN union is a very interest- terial but he stopped bidding early. ing collecting field and I am glad

I was the winner of the collection that I started 35 years ago. My en- and after examining the collection tire collection is on Excel including at home, I could see there were sympathy issues, fore-runners and stamps that were not listed in the various other topics, for a total of Zonnebloem catalog. These stamps about 11.000 pieces. happened to be the KSZE issues. (Wow. I have my collection in an That made me purchase the Michel- Access database and it comes in at just over 9500 entries. Ah, but my database has just one entry per stamp set, not per stamp.. —ed)

It makes this collection so interest- ing because of the variety .

Oh, I still have the 3 cent stamp from 1923. ■ JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-14 NEW ISSUES WITH SCOTT CATALOG NUMBERS - Don Smith From Linn’s November & December Special Editions * = position in proposed new HB outline (ref. EN# 404-12)


Aland 355 8-May-14 Europa 2014 1 Aland 354 17-Mar-14 Norden 2014 EN 419-2 1b Andorra (French) 730 24-May-14 Europa 2014 1 Belgium 2704 7-Jul-14 Europa 2014, s/s of 2 se-tenant 1 Bosnia-Herzegovina 714 9-May-14 Europa 2014, 2 se-tenant 1 Bosnia (Serb) 497-8 25-Apr-14 Europa 2014, (in sheets of 8 + label) 1 Bosnia (Serb) 499 25-Apr-14 Europa 2014, (sheet of 6) 1 Bulgaria 4684 7-Jul-14 Diplomatic Relations w/Russia, joint issue 3b Cook Islands 1422H 30-Nov-12 Pacific Islands Forum (shows EU flag) ss EN 413-16 3b Czech Republic 3604 30-Apr-14 Europa 2014 1 Denmark 1691-3 30-Aug-14 Manuscripts, joint issue w/Ice. 1350-2, in s/s of 2, 1692-3 3b self-adhesive EN 424-2 Estonia 764-5 23-Aug-14 Baltic Chain, joint issue w/Latvia, Lithuania 1031 EN 423-1 3b Estonia 770 2-Oct-14 Euro coins EN 425-4 2a Finland 1462 5-May-14 Europa 2014, horizontal pair 1 Finland 1459 17-Mar-14 Norden 2014 EN 419-2 1b France 4526-7 7-Nov-13 350th Anniv. Treaty w/Denmark, Joint issue EN 420-4 3b France 4569 14-Feb-14 Julius Caesar EN 421-7 4c France 4605 18-Apr-14 European Capitals – Vienna, s/s of 4 EN 423-2 3a France 4620 4-May-14 Europa 2014 1 France 4621 6-May-14 English Channel Tunnel EN 423-2 3b Great Britain 3321 18-Sep-14 Europa 2014 1 2603-6 15-Jan-14 Presidency of the EU (4v) EN 423-2 2a Greece 2605a,2606a 15-Jan-14 Presidency of the EU (in 2 s/s of 2) EN 423-2 2a Greece 2610 17-Feb-14 Thessaloniki, European Youth Capital 3a Greece 2635 19-May-14 Europa 2014, se-tenant pair (2635f: booklet w/2 pairs) 1 Greece 2643 9-Jul-14 Euromed (2643b booklet of 2) EN 423-5 3b Guernsey 1249-50 8-May-14 Europa 2014 1 Guernsey 1257 28-May-14 Sepac 2014 EN 421-7 1c Iceland 1350-2 28-Aug-14 Manuscripts, joint issue w/Denmark 1691-3 EN 424-2 3b Isle of Man 1659 16-Jul-14 Sepac 2014 EN 423-5, 423-16 1c 3228-9 24-Apr-14 Canonization of Popes, joint issue w/Vatican 1557 3b Italy 3232-3 9-May-14 Europa 2014 1 Italy 3243 5-Jun-14 Friendship with San Marino, joint issue EN 427-2 3b Jersey 1738-9 25-Mar-14 Europa 2014 1 Jersey 1764 30-Jun-14 Sepac 2014 EN 422-3 1c Latvia 872-3 11-Apr-14 Europa 2014 (872a, booklet of 4 of 872) 1 Lithuania 1031 23-Aug-14 Baltic Chain, joint issue w/Estonia 764-5, Latvia EN 423-1 3b Luxembourg 1390 23-Sep-14 Sepac 2014 EN 423-3 1c Macedonia 637 20-Sep-13 Men’s European Basketball Championships 3c Slovenia 1051 9-Jul-14 Euromed EN 423-5 3b JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-15

Editor’s Page

BULLETIN OF THE Auctions Handbook Information EUROPA STUDY UNIT, Once again Auction Manager Don Alex Cwiekalo sent this email just AN ASSOCIATION OF PHILATELISTS Smith has treated us to a nice offer- DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF PHILATELIC before the holidays: MATERIALS COVERING THE IDEA OF A ing of Europa material. Following up Dana: UNITED EUROPE... UNITED IN A POLITICAL, on our series of articles on EuropAf- I just received the Dec 2014 Linn’s ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL SENSE. rique comes a selection of items Stamp Monthly and there still are a

that are not terribly expensive but significant amount of missing Euro- www.europastudyunit.org can be hard to track down. Perfect pa 2014 catalog numbers on the

EDITOR: Mr. Dana Roper, 7266 Prices for filling out those blank spaces. checklist. After the Jan and Feb Cove Place, Gainesville, VA 20155; 2015 Linn’s Stamp Monthlies are email: [email protected]. Don reminds me — and I’ve seen out and I do updates, recommend EDITORS EMERITUS: Col. Stephen for myself — that some nice bar- Luster (d) & predecessors you post all three 2014 checklists gains have been had by our bid- OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: (Europa, Sepac and Euromed) to the ders. PRESIDENT: Mr. Dana Roper “Members Only” section, and we’ll EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Mr. Tonny For example, in Auction #129, the put them in as inserts to the Mar/ VanLoij Saar Council of Europe issue (Scott Apr 2015 EN.” TREASURER: Tonny VanLoij #226/C12, lot#214) unused hinged That sounds like a plan. So look for VICE PRESIDENT: Tonny Van Loij, went for $53.00. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: open Handbook updates in the next EN. DIRECTORS: Mr. Alex Cwiekalo, Ms. Or how about Auction #128, where One more reason to keep your Caroline Scannel, Mr. Dan Shilcrat the Cinderella item for War on Want dues up to date. WEBMASTERS: Dana Roper, Mr. Jas- (lot #101), seen on eBay for $37.95, son Cwiekalo sold for an amazing $5.50. And speaking of dues ... AUCTION MANAGER: Mr. Donald W. Tonny informs me that dues are Smith, P.O. Box 576, Johnstown, PA The Unit has done well also. We 15907. netted $81.91 from Auction #129, coming in but at their usual snail’s EUROPA HANDBOOK: Alex Cwiekalo pace. For those of you who have and $156.86 from Auction #128. ANNUAL DUES: (Including one year paid, our sincere thanks. For those The full lists of Prices Realized and of the EUROPA NEWS): Electronic who haven’t, PLEASE do so now, or Membership $10/yr; Standard member- their Final Accounting are posted ship (hardcopy of EN mailed): $20/yr risk missing out on future ENs. with the auctions on our website as USA; $30/yr outside USA. they close. If you like what you are getting Dues are payable as of January 1st each year*. Payments must be made in We Did It! please help us keep the Unit going. U.S. Dollars; cash, or a bank draft, or a No sooner had I posted a challenge Check the last EN for your dues money order (made payable to the Europa Study Unit). We also have a on our website to see whether we renewal, or just see the box on the PayPal account (europastudyunit, could garner 100 flags than it hap- left for instructions. Send checks to email [email protected]) to pened, and we now have 101! The Tonny Van Loij, whose address is which any payments can be transferred. latest was from Egypt. Wow! on the back cover. Thanks!! ■ Any of these methods is acceptable; however, when using PayPal please add 7% to cover PayPal costs.

SERVICES TO MEMBERS: Periodic bulletin (EUROPA NEWS) to all mem- bers; website with special “Members Only” section; periodic auctions (~3/yr) of EUROPA-related material, EUROPA Handbook, monographs and specialty items available only to ESU members.

* Dues must be received by 31 January to ensure continued membership, in- cluding uninterrupted receipt of the EN. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 425-16 EuroMaidan

On 22 August 2014, UKRAINE issued a stamp commemorating EuroMaidan.

EuroMaidan was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began on the night of 21 November 2013 with public protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti ("Independence Square") in Kiev, demand- ing closer European integration. The scope of the protests expanded, with many calls for the resignation of President Viktor Yanu- kovych and his government. The protests ultimately led to the 2014 Ukrainian revolu- tion and the impeachment of Yanukovych.,

In the aftermath, the Crimean crisis began amid pro-Russian unrest.. Despite the im- peachment of Yanukovych, the installation of a new government, and the signature of the political provisions of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, the protests have been ongoing to sustain pressure on the government, counter pro-Russian protests, and reject Russian occupation of Ukraine. This story is far from over. ■

EUROPA NEWS Bulletin of the Europa Study Unit

Tonny VanLoij 3002 S Xanthia St. Denver, CO 80231-4237

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