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¦] '¦ ¦ >: f -:.\i' r:\- \te EERLY) u 7;^:; •i ;t[ • f j fe; niiig, ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : "El •; ^e - wws; ^f J- I - . T¦-• , • ' . -^ <(»AI.I.Y* . - .1 -|-v;::'i J - --)r-i - -f[ • ; JDyERTIS^NG^I:f : Vty. ^ li

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¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ —: ' ¦ srr :—r—r?rrr:x : v ; ; ;;: : ¦^ . I - . ¦?. ' ' ,,. . . i .. ¦ ' i'I j IV^TpRFORD STEAMSHIP I ;- ^ ;j - i ; -^;!- f " ":j; ; ¦¦/ - - :| i% y^: ^ v ' ' ^;: j j ' ¦ j | 7 . u. l!J "" v |; ¦ | - j | !COMPANY; -: : : :* ! > ^ •'ttiaiTANiA'fand; ?MATn?ETAOTAM ^ftT4- L1 '41*J S0 ' ' ' ( ' .;¦;. ¦ ; - >' . ¦ • r i , PJ iwHEiJi vismwo: ,?. Electo-plM; ed¦ : ii^iiait|. Jio Lirxeatfind iFasiast 1 | V ' ' ' ... i-W&r! :; kii6r;-Xmas p ; • veesehin tb^e world. : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' . ; Mil ' ¦ - ¦ ; ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ; " ¦ ¦ ' a^ple^craw Tufhino " : >• • . -¦ «r ?——i n ' L » r• . • . i ; ¦i • ; ¦ ¦ ¦ OAEMAiOTiA?¦ S0 60J ' r -\ . . . ^trj c jilv ; f? !/ '' : " ¦' ¦ • ¦¦ [¦ '-" - l ' - - ' • ' : . l .!; IWENDKD i ORDER OF SAHING— ¦ L ftonfl. / 4 i|! ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ J ¦ • ¦;<* ¦;•;¦ . • .'¦" ¦ EC^rrtcrew Steaiasr "CAEONtA,*' iM?.,V. : • ; •;. ; . &<&$ ¦ 2o|o00iow»i . ' bEq EMBER 1908. ' ! ! j ' ' titAY At THE . Twin-eoxow . SWaintre "OAMBWiM" : ; | , j ¦ ¦ -r # ¦ I*JMS ! y ^j : ' ::'/ !:, ¦ ¦ l|i > - - ^£;TiWB K i^Jv • r LDOANIi.".|.ip- v .. I - ;• ¦(: !¦! : ' : . jPSCJHESmAS-^OUNG'E&^AlLT. MSB^B. • j . STEAMERS:: ' ! FOUR; GOyRTS !, M ! ¦i CLODAGH, ' DUNBRODY, REGINALD; !¦ : 1 il CANADA—BAST ' ROIITR-!L frP!E OtA^vI'ji ! ¦ ¦ IAEA, MENAPIA,:&c. ! V; J !"-"': , (WTiich io cjJtsiblishedfor Q nnmbcr of yea ^) . ' "•¦ '« j-M- M , ; };.|, . f; ¦ 1 • j . , j fNxik inc KJXC52IID01) ; -^7|;^. : ^^|t||l|; ' JJ -jt)- : ¦'¦ftT O TT02.-- .Tlu> W»l«rfo'»a ' ' ' ;' ' " ' " " ¦; ' Ffem J The Uost Up-to-Datc in Tov7n ! v ','| [J ;/- :- I '" [:: ; ; ]. H.:: ' .: : : , ': , : WVE^POOL fVla Qne«nctiwn)[ !! i : -ec~*-wl ^ < i '» 8teamahip Coa*"!? (United * ' ' t : ;«( HEW rOBK. - , '. SSp i( ' i rtnilra OoodlaadlJTtSlojk f\ j :] &J^Ee.tM ^ckaJn : 1 r— . ' ^ ». no.r-'oa lha oouditlok* aeatlonadilB Oven 200 pKDRooua rnoa 2/- ' iCaropanla, cisi.v J-vc. 12 Ivernla,Toes.,DecIS , |i ii - i BoIMoV I.Uta, fca_ to jb* ha« at tbt.t ¦ :' . , BBOPKBEPE^, :QOyEBNMENi; OFFI01I T.ncanla.; ' . <¦ ]¦ • ¦ ;¦¦ ¦ ¦ Uriri vailed for Excellenca and Comfort l i ;;! . \ ' 8^ J . 19 8axon|a, Tuea., 3m. 12 : J I osim" I "i ! , • aSd a Uodefate Tariff. . C ; 0NSIBlii!iPERS01)aj-&»lllji», Catlaj o* tin lUuua Ml) AND .Aiili KBSP ay TneaL.^ant^a to t«o«lT» Pao«ci»rauiiTl&a ki lha Mcbt Mail ¦ «• Ofra ¦ • ©]" : i. ' ' ¦ • • ' ¦ Bo*tP(j • : ( . ' : i .i^E^by}: . i f i i vmpxpAssED lcKX>iWi©Aa!i6k m¦ j ^ V; isii,BEvr | ¦: ' ¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ... f-^i • - ' ¦" ¦ - _ .|: 7 ; IX)W - -r . ..j* .... i ... : I.. • ,. i \ . \: . , • ' ¦BAllBS.jjv. :• ! , M WA35ERFOCKD AINTJ BRISTOL. | , . . uinAoina jamteTOR. . J WtED pERSbiNA. . -t^J isy I. . , | .!; th ' 1 ' * ¦ 1 Second ami' Thirdlatasa nunmiMm' « ' 1'irv o P-itt- Itteay.i ¦ 4.. » *) P-ra. r Uon, h «ro not (rivea y others-be &>' B putyrnJ ' . .Basjeogem. Iwiwfloronittitp.' ¦ TcwJlJ. I »*. 3 ¦ to. gtrc ¦ all I psiSa: a Ta«*daT, I |8..»' o noon Wd»T. • ' «¦•• 7 W pin- A^pIuJai troilti] d will b ottna 'far better I otheia •vr^io ttlvaiua Aaneiica and cSSi. - • : - ! \\ . . ¦: "T ^ V " \ Tu«*l»y, ;' >$•• 3 0 Pjn Friday, ! 18.. I o pjn. j Aipdly—The ¦ ' known for¦ their l!!hMon7ftr4 AeallngS _, .OuaaW Staaaoaoip Tnaday, i3..n o im Wednesday, »j.. } 4 pin. Off^rlvi conrih uli i . ' " i ' - • ¦ ¦ Oamasatt Tuedajf, *5W 3i o p.m. :: I VdthjcUi Liimted, Liverpool;!or to thd*:agenia-wSa^ l ATanrt BeaU-aaaajaUiolsBoar* , ii jBroflierB, and 'HarVoy annJ Sujp. Biiitol. „ ' I In oidif to • i ¦ . i pTi^o tho;r-,xe ¦nling a tcrnrlorary BdvWK3i tho above to too si ana m roliabls. 8on> Wotiifcstlt ^ Lc*itnx Earth—Cnmbwlard. ' ; ' ! Hte ^:'totter, |BalJydnfl; MJcUisolFolWfciSi i UltoiraTiJtajaUra»t at Uriitol to Cork p«r Bristol 8. IT. .Li - , i \ " 'j - • ™^w<^jvJ>BiB»wm; . Ga-.ir«angaU* (or man from Dublin ttitboat utn arUcnliraapp ly, i r ' ;' ' Otlxfth Zsifo; iBc^S': SuiS br t&n Watar/oni to JDriJtol b» . Wafrrforf ,. WAif i|:i*illi^3i6i| . Cappjottta; Jaa»«r/AKearM| -or ) t» «d: extra, . j ::: yfEtETF;..- . - m 'jruraiL- ¦ 1 1 ¦¦ ¦ ' if¦ ^Eai:i '« Ste«ser« on v»in>«D.t of ! ¦ ¦ Elaan. Ship Oo, ' ' Usnioro.¦ - - ¦ . ' I . ' ' 'Ml it-! , ' ¦ • ¦:¦' ¦ - . . --^ ; -fi- ths roijnircmont* our oxpandJ^j -. -. . i . , . . . . r. •; . ¦ 1» : for tttpn'. ' from Wf^rianl > _; , ! T70 J;3TO.b2d . p WC T Respectfully! ask intending, t6 BriiUil Iji Wiuriord Swam SUP Co»'i tiaatrf PBrjihaser^^o;;j espect ^lleir Stock, on ra+nlmt tX k'tot. or from Cork oa pijcat ? cnb'¦¦¦v' : ' : ¦ ¦ : Tho moot Dolpot es'lba Sc3a|llo£i^ o? -Krph-clao* ^Goodo p ver " '1 :• ¦! ' "fo &u^;w : choym , In Wptcrfqrd lo now itfiojp• ' I . THE • COLLEGE,: ^•t5["»iU w a iTaUaiv*Ji*do Cor return pef And liro'JrJiQOTTn¦ ¦ |onl show In . it/ppcropraa t Rl j? TTttsrtiriS tMta Ship O. ari> ' ¦ BAS ren¦ ovatcKi, end, ca ¦ ' ' v;' ; -' : iSSSS; N!JSL lS»» BrUtol to Cork 6r to DaUl3 faorctofoija, an] : i. : i . • • - • • ' • end pricsd ai a rcbaojicblo Proili.H'^r . . -| Alt, St. Joseph Abbey^j Rascre^i r EQQ """ AND LWESPOOL: ¦ JOSEPB) EOIXffiES & SON'S CDTLEB¦ t FRAMES 'AMD TOAST BACKS, 'v p W^KpO!BiD ! f?!rnrs ' ; EJ OASB-AaiD 0ABMET. :¦; , : . . {¦ ¦:¦ ' " ' ' FBOil TJVEHPOOL. ' 'nifTn UJOSIWIBD.. 'ABn>-'GSIllE OElffl^E3. . This College FBOM WiiTERFORP. ^ 8COm NIOEEIi TEA AND AiFUBRNOON I SAiLAD BOWLSrSINID &HBVEB9. ' " ;; possesses special advantage!! cm rely upon the; BEST and nothing tOzi ¦ ¦ ' •¦- fTBE WATERlj oi^ lor health arid , i 3.. 0 . J-B3T8. • • . . , J -i , -¦ ¦ . . i ! - Recreation i; owing ito tits \7dinday, ' *-j« o noon Wedneiday, 5 p^ ;/ . HOff WATJE3R aOTJsC&SEET' JTJQS. : - •¦ " ': - splendid situation Friday. I f 4.J > o p.ra Friday. ;i ! 4- 7 S? »i m S0MD NECKE!. DISH! COVERS. ,. • IjDJNNER. BRBAKiFAgP ; AM) LtTNOH - " I" '"' " "' ' ' and extensive ; grounds. o ug Noadayi 7.. 9 0 p,m \ ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ -! ;^0H^:tf]ft^T ,iT^4TERB^^ y \\". : ; The continued Isuciess : EnndaT ! 6., > TEA AND COFFEE TOiAYS. : - 'ORXRBTS. ' . ) ! : :: of its; pupils at . I tKe a 0 pjn Wedaeiday, 9..10 3) »,ni ' ; ^ "[, ' . y | EoyAl wSnidak¦ 9..1 DOOliST'S, FOSH CAfKVERa A!MD 'EA^ER8.: / • • • ' " Ara prepsred to tioat, {with!tho' greatest oonfldence and seereoy, all applications from 0 University and Intermediate) Examfi- Friday. I H.. 3 0 pm Friday. !' ! "..« o noba * " i BNTBIEE AND..dHOPi DibiliiS. atipn| J II,; Uondij. 1 1 35 PJO ENIVp-3. UPWAim3, to on th !rQ^ PB^ONAL SEOtRITY , : is the . most convinciiig proof^ SmvlaT , >. «. u ' ^ ¦ 4.. . DES3HRT SERVICES AND. . ; EfUTTER.-ivaa^S,JfNIVES, SERVERS AND ; ^ip^flK)lanrl.>. . '. '• ' • ¦> \ ; : imparted. 7; yrtdaTlT *!¦! iB.-ia o nooo Friday.!'1 , i«.. ¦ ¦ '' ».] e> ajn Moada^ , «.. 8 . o UAKDINIHHES 'AiNID BLOWEB; VASE3: oiavps gawaci&i' ^ , S^rJ 7 ¦ P-m iim tsm&jB. ESii. Cqsinjp cnrrlsdca In a ifccct ctrdghtfoiwardor and exocfy manner, thlj |: • INitEBMEDIATE ¦ : Wednoda; ! =34 J. P°» Wednttday, . , 33..W . 0 aim EC©E,?BOWiIB vVND FERN POTS. .1 . , , SUGAR BASINS ANXk QERVIETTiVRINGS. Banki County EJAaflNATION, mtJ 1' ! • ° No toIUog : • ¦ ¦: 1 tW cri(mdAlra T7lih ony ()t]bor L<^ Offl«3 £ weallo^ In : > Average percentage Frid,, ! 25. {. o silflnj Friday.1! . ' »S.. . .;. pjn BUTTER, BISCtJIT AND CHEESE 6TAND8. KHBAD AND CAKiB^t MViBS. ' ¦Wednesday, j 30.L 1 o p.m : 1 • i ¦ i ¦¦ ¦ V" xncccLoi? racmn, GHAZ?Kx:r ii i'.s,'.iiA' BUTTER AWD'OBBAM 8HA1NDS. iCRUMB BRUSHOu ,«5> X8AY8. | ..; ;. .: . :. . . l !^p y~Tte.;itfAjNA6EBt • ; . . » . -. .- College, era.JT ; ¦ ™ Loidliw B«itb—PrioM'i O^jtt -^ifreia'^teiv:- "j - ¦ ¦ ¦ «n»Vt» S o Srt« T«uir Ane»m«ttt«.aal U. pa " ¦ /^^o . : -^ Hononrs: k •[• :• • \' /- ^f l¦:¦}] ¦ >. 7y, nin. to U dMlanS at tia* at ; i ; , ¦ ; ' ' '; ' ¦¦ ¦' '1 ¦ \ Sut to OOCSSPMI BUppr*, ; :l• •; '!- i • ¦ , i ' : ; • ! : •: .. " i: : Always Weit aridI j Highly /Plgeahblc J •OOMM^IAtVExiisei, qrAttim[-,.SaM ^ | | ' - * ' : ¦ nnniB Old llotsl u r&nioti r» (^! paraY/crrc? ¦ Post'OfflcCrEailways, etc r Tj-- - ' j.' i ; < ' ¦ • 1 - - | i . ! C ! •- ' •:¦ ¦! bT JL ecd all ether Drfsbs. . j: : f . . :; rSj Mcciaa t&d amiateBattOB Crfra ^ntiUat ' .•pEPA^TpRY4Sperd Staas»lup Ott. , Ote&idl Sod I. ' HBfl. KELLY, Pcorsnrrnz-a : • ]¦. •?¦ •> • -Ki i : undrar 1?¦ years.lof age. . .. • ' f F A. i ¦ I fi j i CVSoSTSi Mall. H»Uooai ral»iJion» So. Ut ' 1 CIo:a t) tha Ealltny e tafe^o^ ylrtsolioi^ . : • ' • • -^ A large ' BUamahlp Compaaj (to^loA j,. Ct^ca. • : ' ' ¦ ::: ' 1 .number of Scholarships yalue' &£. LiT«aro«r-^at«Tlord ?B • " ' - ^ each Inrfl Af tereri (nl- . z-nmnnHtlm n( Ai ItU < ©heapeat • aire ^©t vies£o i • 1 : ; i !¦ i ! • Da rj.aeDONil.iiD a¦ ¦ . r.idii. i. Btaaauhl. Ooajaay (ItolUd). b ¦ ' ' ¦ - cb^ ginning of: ; ¦ ' EaM ^WatStort ; ¦ j - - -¦ . -¦-¦ .:¦ •! ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦!¦ • • : September. : ' :if i ' ; !¦!' • Ossca fieBtra—aad Cuabcrlasd Batla. ' 'I '. . I i . ) ' . i-i-f^i [ k- : -JM. .. .^.vl-:-:3 ;¦ For; •Prospectuu land particulars ' f EUanoaStcaBubl; QSoo, Konnl Knui ¦ as to ^2mics—Lbw at : Scholarships, ety.i apply to '|< :-\ 'i ;. i . •• ¦|!J | -" STEilT* ¦ n • £sil>ts«d Adlreo I- ¦ '¦" - •i ¦ - ' !i; - ' ;. ! ; QUALITY IS OUj^ Bmwffe AND .1 . H - - 1 jj^mUDESG gOOIETY. j : !; I - I I i . . ! : 1 LJ x ' ^^&TUNE - ' (Open to the General Public), TOWER OF iTRENOfil5' |f( Payiiolilli 25 WESTi£ORELA2}D ISTBEET. DUBLIN. l .pL-. Established 16M. Incorporated 1874. \ JAMEfil^ i by GoTernmontj ' \ LOANS aBAWTED ON THE MOST FAVOUR. Isay StOOOOCsteiV. FCJftj.YOU. LIVEBPOOL-LpHliADELP\ HIi. OEBVIOISJ ABLE TERMS TO ENJIBLB PERSONS TO 7ou akvayc ;, ' ' J !: I I Etcrj WGDNE8DAT. , j BUILD! 0K| PTJROHiASE HOUSES IN jFli^cft Drav/lnjj—Docembcr ; i7i ; tlVEEPPOt TO PHILADGUPHIi, TOWNS OS |T0 'PAY¦ OFF MORTGAGES IiJ M I «tQaetmto»neTcrTThnrtd»y- . ! I ¦ ' i> C*!lic& 1 THEREON, i ! ¦ ; ; An Invitat on! PbUadelchla . ' ... . ! (Iwaanr to O# «B& I/ft V. ZOtnK) . \ : " ' ' wT} to; subscribe to ;:the77J ;[f: ¦Vtstefigci*and GoodJ tre tudod %t CAPITAL, £124,060, n' \ Wharf of tbe PoooiylTanlaiEtllrcad, whlii PAID Of* " ' ea the BEST QiUAtlfT f "J C«4« to tnnoonc* jtbat k« ha» IfE-CJPENEDtb « above Old- - . S m)> phcoi j^ - T^ji^f t~a the 8hotieat kni mo *t Direct Eoai» to ¦ AnnaaJ Income, &. Qcarter of a Million Ejla'bI ¦ ¦ ¦ -i :¦ | • ' l1 :»4 *na livourablj ttnows ProtaUeawith ia moot . V^&si Uiis Wcj' ^ii Sttte*. ;, V-^^v' ' ta. ¦ ¦ ¦ ; : . Bterlanj. 7 CAnarOLLT OBlttCTEO OTOCH «nd «UM aoUlyonly. lor. v- . |; i ; : I I ? .****, ' ; : [<^y£); . : TJ ¦ <^^Jj Pf &nij I ' '' :' ' ' • ¦ ¦ ' : : itm Blonde i American LIDO, LiTorpool, 01 to ;, ;; i ,. ; . ' ,. . . 7 .- . 7 .7 ; aiioB«j» •a atppflrlni • ' ' ! '[ .' '.' ' ' '' ¦¦• ¦ ! |: i issued' by the [State •<& • X [ Appljito | CiEccnvn FUND, GIC.GOO. kt Pn;©@@ s I • Hambprg: .!'!1 'iQiaaa»na-«t«>9i ¦ ' \: . : . 1. 100,000.iumbers, 4840S prizes, ! '^ V7*vmJoBDL.H»rTeT 4 Son, U. ¦ v' ¦ l^e^ ©balit^i ¦ ' l I WWrf flroa. J BaxToattTiBd-flfKl. Depociti xcoeivod At tho folloTrfns rates ol b : v ^ r .goo^ftibt . tb^ tUeq? 1^ I conseinently nearly [one half^l all: the nuroi! 1 I „ I . • ¦ • ¦ ¦{. ; ,u«i» uwu»i IJ7P2&4BT-Woho Cirrigaa. SI, U«la0' Tr*i'< 81 AU«a;'trecV I * ;|; ' allowed on the jminimnni monthly balaccs. respectively MJ. 660.000.. £$QJ0OO,lH0AMi' Qntxavt—Jpbn Unrpby, Grooer. | ' _. ' Mte©§ - ¦ For ProspectrJs and all information apply to ! !. 630.000, 520,006 515 000 : TT| W&wmhj . 000. 16 Qa ftod V7. O ¦ . .;510. Us* Bora—[P»Wck Hont, I i I ¦; ' ¦ j ALFRED H. MEBOES, Secretary. I : . • .: 7- - Principal Prizes|;i"::; ;. . • !.! ¦ ' ' : ; ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i-j I, I: iwnuaoi*. ; : . :: [_ . V' ' • "'¦ - i* - " : ¦ ' ¦-" }'[ ; Ta-oitajromi—MWcstat atn, Cbxurca'Sttwti : Steam- ShiD Ovrnoro, Goal and Salt Importorcj ! -j •I several OK W»xroj«>—)7 Tiap«on, North il*io*ti«ati. « M. 300,000 60,000 .; '30,000 1! Kiuu«acati»—W CDoncsbae. J . ] : 1 AL 200,000 50.000 I! i 20^00 : : : ' • : ; : - ¦ : FOR SALE, :i il !¦-! K < !¦ 1 ¦> ¦ ¦ ' ' I ! 1 . . , . . ¦; WATEIlFORp |iVM 100,000; ; . , 40,000 , 1; j IflJOOO ;| GA8 ' ENGINE, Vordical Otto; by Crcallej jsndrnkny dther ieacing priiesikla ait4^05 Bros.. tUncioitor;1 11} brsb» I fccc&ft-pcrecr pkesjpayaUe^ JlScs <0nel:Mare]i8|equal complete ^itSx drivinjr pulley, c=3 txss, vatoi ¦ ¦ : h ond Engl.^ ' Sbill.) , Ths toUL or.Wl R^s^^i^^ras tank, piping, dnd ' oil dttinsa in flret-cl&ca ¦; , - ' ' |- : v : ¦ ' / p-/. ' ' j^ iprises to b^.wpnj in-be^yen drawings iaiabont ' i {' •! . :. Plcaco | noio i tliat| •: 'Lf .:; .: .M ;| . .;! J •; ;, j;U j- [ ; , ' coDdltionJ Will be bold et a, lot? price, ca i T £49^,000 nearl^ T^N-MXLIjIONS.-Marcai¦'*{ iDiLFAST TO CAfmQA. room U 'irantodj and can bs eecn running ¦The^ prijes increase with each \ \ onifipplicition to tho • Waterf ord d; jawinffi'largcst Direct FolrtnighUy Service of; Larg« Magni* at any I tima :¦ jKjasible prize of-first drawine tieintfllf!SO JOOO ¦ NOTTS. Xtoitod. • • . i - fleeol TwiDl-Sorew Steamers. 1 . j 1 . • i I jthat>of 7th.- .drafihgj M. - 60o5oor^ r--ry^Vn FramlLlVEEPOOL, " Empress" Eoy*l Mail The 1 official cost for ithe first' drawinir is ; etSmerTLME^t end -Futettt' . ©eoaww | to O&nadi. Ill ; ¦ : : < ' i r Six'shfli; .Irhxeeahfll. |jono abiil.6d. i EOI ELFAST. FBOM j LIVERPOOL,. I F B for¦ a roll share¦ for half a share (VOUCIIWCI'IIUR Mi ' Deo.Zc ¦ ' ¦ ' J" ' ¦:;¦ • ;;¦ - ; ¦ I^aio Jiltoba, pec.17 Empress of Ire a. :- : i • ^. ''- :• ' :ll.. . ;;v7 . LakeChj implalnjjan.14 Empress ol Britt.Jari.2S for AND Xi :. Ctl pacaci «Way—«a4 TRY ibati '. I > ** Paj^J HIGHEST FiAeES DEAD] DISABLEDl H6RSES a. etoa . uie omciai prospeciua snowing jutf ! itite&Etie, I Feb. 11 Empresiot ^e 'd, Feb. t * Btakes for participation in Irom Belfast embark by T«ndet the followingj draw-: Piw^^rfl , flot VrrjiaH. ' C»ny« I» : ings; and the detailed liat 'of prizes : Quay 'on morniiis' ol trl M7|i I UM * • cdizz removed i fropi any place within | a radius of to.eyerr-! «( 9^4.53. liom ponesall Swact isdCiML |j •II II rnp; "V/ ] oti pt-JLcu if- . j ¦ tody iffratis , and post free on ippplication. .; ! YM «IS n)or II INI *T "I fl ]1 pv iot flm bt ; ' : ' '' ¦ The. official rdsultsheet- isXsenlloTev eryj 'acoomroocUlio^i ifor First. C«i> Fi.ri. V^/ ' ! ! COTPMI MSI ! ' 'T; [ ¦ ¦ TJaflarpasted | " (J \J^/ la. ; ¦ -iTwdvJ Mae3:- W!: y \i - [¦¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ^terford.:H!" : partalder, immedi ¦ ¦ ' -y ately after thei 'drawing, •. \ af : : : ' -i !¦ \ : i J

* ; "' \< • ' i" - 'T6F - . i!;o!atatER6ii. ' i ij in f-T:.^ i'aj^i^ij-;P 'jn|lKf3U£iH'}]j£i.' ^V ' %~ : ' ¦ ¦ " " j .! M ! . : I !¦!. M ¦ ° ' : ' ' " ' i •!; ¦- ¦! if. V-I M I- ¦ ¦ ' I ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.¦ I - I ! • ' .i::;.:^ijjy ' ." : : 'V¦ ;.• -' - J_LU-L r ( j, ' : gj f| :;; -:. ' ;;'^ ii«i.i j :U|Fi,. ! '!- ' . ^i. . j ;; :• .- i! j.:i v TTp : • . i I, :¦: ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ J ' " ' : ¦¦¦¦' ' ¦ - ¦[ : ¦ ! : • r The annual general .meeting of the members fr. £ ,^JvS&iis 4 ^iM'ite ^j feJ .rri. . . I ,! of the Waterford Ghtfnrber of Oonimerce| was r ?1 " : : - | | held on'Mbnday at 1 o'clock, Mr. H.. J.ftoTde, T=-Vf - '?^^'^:fi^:.- : T, : " - i^ :V ; J.P/., President, presided, and 'the 'other them- ~ :' ' ' ' :¦ '!,'-- ' - ' MIIII Mlll ¦ ; Qotf, -j . i 1" . ' ' l IWIMMIII llUlMMIIlH IIIH1MI ¦ ¦ ¦ ' bexs present were:—Sir WiHiam G. D. | * ! IMHII ^till ^ I l • ¦ - ¦<)¦:' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ :¦ ¦Bark;* Messrs James JV.Phelan; YicePrMident 'j • : ¦ ¦/i:--- . -l • : . T • ! • -.. 1 [ ' : H. 8t. jtl Atkins, Wl H. Browne, William ' ' :' WBLpoiiED;;) BY -:4£i$Wg6-^A$T---- T& I ChapmAn,' ' George Chapman, Owen Croniji, Or. THESE GOODS'-- AI2E £$QUNl)iQUN2>\ STEX#LilyLi&G4 G4QVAlJTViQVAMTyi^- AT :^ PRZCEtej '-ANB -WiZL ^BE- ^, D. Croker, R. Goad; H. Denny, jT. Denny, P. ^ i M. Doyle, X. Doolan,] Austin A. Farrell, |Wm. G&Uwey,; J.P.; .Benjamin Graham, E.- A.lGiif TT bon , J. Rj Hammond, IA.|B. Hamilton, EdWard "- Jacob, EJ B. Jacob; j. C. McCullagh, W. A!. ¦ ¦" ¦ ' J . , „; , ,:„¦ -^ • ;,. "¦ ' Murrayv T.C. ; Frank jPower, R G. Ridffraj' ~ ' v.^ ^—^~ - |^ ; |-j - nr|- ;:; ^-|;; ^^g i^ 1 Amerlc A^j(y&;J\\-^- ;' ¦&§ W. J. Robertson, H. Ridgway, John A. %an\ &I&8. Good Wejb CurranHis (dieani^d) ^or[^^"" ^j stone^injf 4"! ?$$ C.E., JiP.;!John Strongman, Samuel Stflanrf- ^ ' man , F.J Blioriis, J.i A . Twcker,. !J. G. TqomS, K'l 1 ^^^t'^r J. N. White, J.P.; Edgar White, G. A. Watt;, J7fl.S/nno O^aiity Curranic (ClUnecJ)^|:^ ^'K il-y S^l : r/Hr^yfe- V I ''NQjIM^&'W'^W Patrick; Walsh. I . ! ^ * : ^^^ ^ '^ ' j j RalDSiic,' Valencia (W©o> ' - - ! " - l^ ^W^' il WiS- ' %%&* Mr. Jojin Allinghain, - B.L., Secretary, was in I'M.* . \ - yf c$$md. l bijRB - l l -' -J- Y ¦ ^' Sm^^m^; P^W^ attendance : _ " I | i ^ ! //i LRaiiwi;v^ ) . - \ -^ir- Li^ra/ i I -LI^S M s ">Mr .Tiii sAfm6rt:(s^d^ LOCAL POSTAL SERVICE. ki^ U ¦ ¦ j : ' lm. Sultana Raiclno (Wow) | ' . j f or$k$. I pWMf lW i\\ (mimA\ l\ I ¦ f t-A^l -|1K t &$Vkte:!$ffi#^ ' ¦ - ' ¦ | ' - - ' W' \ ^ff r' 4!.id. Fn -onncction with jthe above tihe f ollowiog ^ corrtN-pondonce hay,passrri bntwpen the Secre- tary (Mr. J. Allingharn) vmd the local Post- r master (Mr. Thomas Brogan):— - ui l V " " ] - (Copy). IB. Fruit cattc . rr,/;^^¦ !' ' - \^0a. ! ;M I^P3-- ^ -f7^M-^^^-^-ST^i |- < = " H :; "!- - ' ^ M&'&^^^^^^^& -^ "Mf -S^^ Chamber of Commerce ¦;; . ¦ ¦¦ ' l!^^^^J^« ^- ¦ , Waterford, ¦;" , »;• ¦ r : : : i 2nd October, 1003. m>.Slab. Prul^ Oahc. • - :,ti$M<0$ j 1 -j BifU I [J l|^S§|Lj>^§i:^| A : . . ^'^ MM^ H^rp-f^iii ¦- Brogan, Esq., Postmaster, W«t«rfojrd. Dear Sir—I urn directed by this Chamber ^ to say 'that! much public ineohvenienep I has ¦ ¦ y on9 boon . caused by the removal of the late h?itcr Xinaa Bruit Qelip , - ,v :, ; j; ot ^^, ¦ ¦ » 3 ^ S^co ^ ; ;r^, and extra stamp receivers nt the General Posi ^ . ; /: :^;|M \ \ teiJ <^tQd . ^&y &^m *&. .-! ¦ *& **&¦ ! W^ |.; ¦ may be ^ ! ' - ¦ ^ ^ -;r!| ' ' | ^ Office , and L to request that they rq- (Assorted Rayoufojfdr < :. ;A] iy ' : a ^ to o$ ;: ;;.J£|fc"Tfji^.|&'^.C6cbiaJ ;v . -^ Sj f tir- placed in their, former positions. I am aluc Decanter Fruit V/lne . ^tf. [ : \ 9%$t to point ouS th.il n dock placed ove r the letter ¦ +¦; J; .;:. . , f Fry .. &.Cocop ;/ -». .;- <5/g£ t* mtoi ' : ¦ . \ (¦ ' 4 <§hd Win© f ohf lM I M Fruit „ , -i receivers would be of much advhnftage. Many Large Bottle . I' members of the Chamber complain thaj the r : usual precautions to ensure trie privacy of 8-arfjo Bottle ^•Iked ffickleG . . »'.;, _ . . . •; i ^?«* ; 4jj ^ -T(iT Vanrftb.Miter 'si Gdiboa foe telegrams handed in at 5d ed, and, 1 am therefore to bring this matter .^J^ |p— j : *4 'J3 : ^z, P^icCiet Canc3S . , -. o , . •: be no further cause .. for complaint.—Yours ^/iii S. ' %!& " f £roi}ii* .f*4jii; $o 9 3m.¦ ^\ *o§lO& : ' U8u'al Pdce» v/iu be iCharged. L ¦ truly, ' i ¦ . ¦ Afterjwblcii ¦¦ ¦ •¦ ' ' ' ! ' •. .|, .\.-r.\. < : ' v- •' '- " ''¦ I J >- - '" '¦ •n ; ? ¦ ; .. . I I'll?- . r i > , 'tertii^iir Peel.;' . . -r^isi ; ' -;:¦:' Jin '^m J. ALUNGHAM. Secretary.; ^ffii S. Puro Raspberry Jam . : |« for /f \\dl, im . §d\ I (Copy). , T ' ' : : Poat Office, Waterford, - Wcji pr oam R/j l ixfureojf; V- ¦¦ Puro ;Strai7bcrry Jain ' <=¦ « OP \i' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ B1&&M $$d> ' :i ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦- ' ¦ i . 8th OotoVr , 10O3.i - ^ j • i i • I bf ' ' ' ' ' " J. Attinghain, Esq.; Secretary Chamber ¦ ' ¦¦ • ' Commerce.' t i :¦- . - , ; - .. :l. I'i •!?! •Li . - . " ¦^i j l nejj &ll ' 'GrpCQrtqbj Sir—In reply 4o your Icrtt-er of the 2nd ih- a/As. «'*%Mo%%2wo . ^» , B . \ One Quality. QM y—TH.E' ¦ FruttG«. 4c.» .£i©.D Stant I jbegj to inform you that late and extra i. -i. : 'i.-ii.'i/r Vil 'HUl; /' : C'< ¦ I 'tils, i:• 'i. ¦ .l- l 1 ', ¦ ,. ^, ... . I,, Stamp irMer boxes pro being abolished gener- >-.« ' r " > T' ally. The practice now is to shorten as much JAn,1 JARS rtd.l Eirtra al|o\vec3'ii ^onire^ii'npc3 • ¦ - yALU^I^IRELAWfj) .y/ 11 . • |i:- ., . i.i 1 |:. .;i j... . / - > i ¦ as pass|bleitJ)e interval between the time for i^[ j.L'Njfoi; ,i '!^; ' r. KCv.-f'(.;i .. >-: 4':. i! ' i' ^ ¦ ¦ : the time of deepalehj and ' " " " ~ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ;¦ ¦ • latest ppatane and T- - <7~~ •}. f • -¦¦ . - . - •:: .;•:¦;. :: .;¦ ;. . ' ¦ ; i: > vi i r. . . ¦(! . to accept and forward co'respondence bearinp • : : ! •:;: j , -\ \ ' . jjfh- ' ;!; ,.r| -N < ' ' ¦ ' '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " ' ¦ : ¦ - : :: : ' - ' - ¦: ¦ ' : - erf.m stamps posted in the ordinary bobc vi ' f c-i- : - ¦ - . •¦Mr 1- . : y . :. ! . handed across the public counter either. This ^ ! , ¦ ' ¦¦ '¦] ' practice hns been adopted in Waterford and T, n> - MEW ROSS : 8. ;C¦C¦ HARLES - STREET gives a 'bal.ince of advantage to the public. CARLO VJ : €, £AS?LE STREE "¦ :¦ - : v It is much rejjrc/Jted that there ,is no ijuito i - f . " :-n :' ^[-. 'V¦ rJT- -T i-: i£' -i ; | Burtablq position for another' clock for public r ; <-KlLkEWNY :•. 35, \ f l use over the letter boxes. Perhaps I i may TRATdOUS \: MAIN STREET. • : ¦ ¦ - • ¦-¦! ; -. • >¦>¦-¦ .• - . c/J:-::-^:. - -!U^f:jUi.: f L -MD • ¦ i' i ;;f ; ... . j point out ithnft there jis a clock over the en- i . i'f. ..^:;v 4.- r - ^ . v ^ trance door, a few fecjt distant, and thai jheft ere thr^e virible wsftj in the public lobb*. : ¦ As regards the treatment^ of telegrams hand- 1.' r~\ inl'i"'"'\ f ^Ctr^K' "fTi ' 1^"^ \. f ~~\ XT " ed in at the public .counter, I! ara assuredl Uifit : you nnied have been) misinformed, but last Mm ¦ ¦ there ffljould be any ground for the allegation I am drawing the partiicuJar attention ot the mm ^ wE\ i u M M counterjofficers to the!rule on the subject] and *i every care will be taken in iis observance.— »l! . . , 1 1 -I I am, jar, your obedient servant, ' P 'I ' I i ' ' >¦ o ~ : ; ——^r— "T>. ' -, • Ifi1Uj 1— _ i THOMAS BROG; iyen-.thafx thai.; .It vt>uld ¦ ¦ ha (ivis qire tthereiwoiuld. . • ¦/. . . -H J . , . |.| : , r if tha againEii the sug- would .be _ a. structure that '.would have an 1 ill !. *;'• '• ' "W ri ri Hhhvr - ; I ¦• ' ha sent, ,¦ ' "' I : ;¦ ' • \ ; . Iondonderry pavteating " be 1well;: I tirink. If. Steps were iaj cen.-ito' ap-' • of ciuelty ,or.' neglbctj pftiich would go tri- \. _ . J ¦ ' Ooromiiitee of the HxMise cnonnoij3 painted.Isuiu&de,; imd! itvould taie T CHILDJREN. I reportedhand he'could assure them t iat aiy ' CSiajTmanr-Very nrejl. j ' i • gestions of the 8elect a small army of painters' .to keep it-ipaintea. proaoh the Governmetat an 1 ask ;hein,- "What J . 'lnsniaDce Onl? Sur&Jy , ypjx.dont case which was reported wcmM. (be looked Tho Oldeit Tho le.ttot.. ^yaj nisi ioiiorws:^rr ; '.:\ ' The maintenance of the .present fcr'idge would do .i, . • r -<4—'— . 1 aod ' : : ' * ' bad a rMolui'ionto briAg- forward-on:the sub- Want jus to bo , saddled with i that emjrn»u3 . COMMITTEEr FOR OIBAiMOBE. vito^'pnee .wtth:'till^attention. ! ; ' 1- .I - October. 3lst, , 1003. \. be quite (probaibly iexceedtd [in jtihe extoendi- jbtidge in eieel tor 1 Mr. R'odden, the Oxgimsing^ Secretary' of the Thel Poctmasfw-Gcqiral, |j tore- necessary - to keep tha i &qd,' 'btidge . In coat when we ban geJk.a • ' ¦ ¦ The iKigot iHon. Mr. A. D. Denny thm rose and pid tlvat , £70,DOO.!3r in; concTrSie for Joss .than Uiat."" . We ¦¦ l .-. ;.;^-^ -f = :; : Society; Inexiv addiesafed-Clbe meotinf. > • He General Poat Ofilc*, .London. ' | affected this city as order. " Again, a' stifel Jbrldsb "watT a structure :. ¦ ;k -'l ;-:. had met there this was a matter which (Uie Ohamber of Oommerci). hay s no voite in A. meeting , forv ,tlieTpjup6s^ '0 ipt forming; a said the.purpose;fa ij wliichthey Sir—The WaterfordlCJhamber 'oi Comnierco well as Londonderry; bet in-a- di/ferei* wAy. that was not absolutely iflxm . They had got ' as ratepaye': a, 'and our National Society I for th? that evening woa Jthaij he.might tell ti^m tomplained to! thaPo3tmaster here on an iron bridge in the iPark 'Which, after forty ihe Matter" except 'Cwiiix the , WaH«ribidBranch joi Ithe SoOrety in thia] , Appear to.tienfi!thdriT : ' : I-. - ' \: ¦ . i : for ai committed J(k%. Tramore. B wap »me- imaatiilaotory reply, I:am diroctcd to bring followir.3 letter vrhieh ha had referred to'the New : Etx?3; bridge, and said EtaXe- /times : questioned in; a {district like that as,'to -under , in thi> hope .then road tho it was no dUfiguremeht' to the nver. lit cost tUttiK, if we could get an iautlj ontiliye >.,Gplonel.i Butcher, Uramtie, ' -prceided, and the matter your notice rexxiive'd from Mr. G. P. Morriah, of the firm " 1 . iShelton, /the !need! of the Sacddtv:. bnt: after the fa«s . that 4ho complaints , Mrs. Davis/i Mrs. 'J. and figures suppliedTie did not tbirlk-th^re tion. 1 : ' : - , to bo crpepded on| the | bridge ini WaterJord. ph Barr/IMra. poopJe. he added,'in Londonderry:—• . should not asK fof^t, : and ; I' ihink. yon. can JyHdely, MH.,H. J.'-Fieejyi, Mias May, Mrs. could >e| any douV.-6n tihat point. It was Copied cl the Chamber's letter to the Post- saw in the Press the other (lay They hold 'funtlier down £he third longest "' ' ' " to be: reaped, aajrColfmel,Butcherbad (re- Dear Sir—I bridge in the United KHngdomv-inewand It, ac- net information if 'sou iik wt ft. . wy«J«f, ifiss JBroadar, Sirs. Gallwey, Mlsa master ind of his reply are enclosed herewith. you had brought under the notice of the of J r marked, tbait (there:was a need , for thd{ Socie.ty oi the Into and extra stamp ftually cO3t lesa than the l^rpp^sed bridge 8ir Wm. Goff mentioned thati tho head Pty foK-Ireland. »",.;¦* \ < <.\ • ". ; j ' > , ' y^r liaamty, sf"Vodi KiinrtA ccideats to Domeatio- around rthe corner oftthe building way conoperate and BO bring as much pressure ] 'l the (zpendi- in Ireland alon^ there 'were .inveaiigatiedl> ,!18 ¦ ¦ ' ";¦• whether tie there would be very Kittle einpkiyinent afrord- now before use protestswill qgarnsei fin jpening !the meeting,' ijho OKairman eaid Se-rva»t». . ;.| ; , - .; . ; . . entrance door is) and aseerUia to Dear ta possible to prevent such legislation tuxe^and the thne! com for-conaidiring ¦i GentlemeaMrhi8~meattog. : aa easels of wonffin'oji ildiren, ond m th*^e oases ^ , marq especially as ona ha3 ¦ j i> od here. : If the? Jfad it fll, tight that ydd inow, .[haa been callpd togeJShei; 60 Mhat ithere w :re involwdr IS OOO childre 1. ,-He ' ; ¦ : ' Cenerally: to wait Beyeral minutes "lor pnej s ! Qotuvrils eredted it ;could be idonoi ai lass than half the thought he faoi that .the^ 8ociaty we a,- oper- Fidelity G4arante«;'Burglairt' . . , lloat of the District and County ' Tl'. excepft we should now do so. Weiprdteet against this wa eJ ould he»r ilhe report, of the work -which ; . torn -at :the office counter. - The Ohanibcjr opposing euch a pro- irtoney, and , besides all, 'tine mii.terd. iPritp dufing^the ating in io many «irfi{eg,i4'Ireland;.«ndyied 3ia(t quite fiib' io «ee any balance'of advantage have passed a reaolutitio 1!ho concrete' and cement trould be provided expenditure. Tnen ^f-it gieo'befpre ffie "hiiji :; ij en -.d.ane 'Jin • Tr^wre -Igsft ¦ 1 " -prcrv ^g|D3 posed Mil, and the manutiotureTB have s«nt Co/undil in tho^mean^fmei *e^tiaiaV8 'and ftfl y(jax; l)y the Society- for "*>&& iPfevention ;«f it' had dijocivered' tjp ; nianj^casea ie con- 4lNj]H^Drrt£2.7^23^ to the pjurbjicf in thexemoval of these receive.-*, tosWeen of in Wafterford, and practically 7p per cent. bJ clusiyelyj'the need for it. ^He hod con there Dniblin Branch, 16.MI and 12,' Tffnftyi'Stroott out over 2,000 letters to all clergy, DP crity. these aCternatiye plana oonid be (gat. I Chink Cruelty, ito Children, and also than ire Should ' ' there being no compensating benefit lot th,< Urban CounciUors ihe expenditure would . liid out in the in dis- . tn nslc.tHem to edtahlish a- ilistro'ot conxmititee . ; - . ., i;;.WTTfrpXWIg, .Branch Manager. | uncertainty.;and inconvenience caused t(y Peevce, County, Distriot, The' Tvork'w tich -would be. donc'fin tha bridgV wd are wasting our lime here ilcMlay. •consider the advisability-of iforming a dlsn 1 and Poor Law Guardian;), a copy of whidi I cussing air these th'Ihgs. ' iiSlili Icommittee hare elf thai Society. The of 1he Society ' fn ,connection Vith, thei'-Wafter- Bankers|-!nh,e| Naiional Bank,. limited, j their 'withdra-wal, . and ' assuming that, the would be good work. There' wore two or three ' Hriot .;Wfci|ng...tlheni. u? i77in3'! arrangement . did really yield a balance ' , firms w'hftoli had done similar Work andrwere Iwouj d gfvp thiept ' soipe.iinfohnation i - U' ' •¦ ¦ ¦ . - ¦ ¦ • - , ¦ : " ' •' ^f ha.ve a great many applications for a pefcHion doing similar work in didetent parts of the unarrimoujly. ,, , lahdTj-Mt. WilKam 'Bodden; has very kindly^ lhat he hgeairr-e . u. 'iih- :. . :. ..: [. • ; j. . . - . | advantige! to the public, it seems cuTioits ¦to copy of thds. ; Tho : ' Uto^iay, in regaiy to. the Socie|ty' ' - H«vshpnld like I to Waterfordt-aiessrg lease Thbrnton and Son. 1 that this #< iraprovoment" has not been adopt- sign. I also enclose countryandtitcould beceeTi, ' H<|. b.ad not the cobiKiii'ted to,.como do^Ti .Jhere: to! v 1 Londonderry Ohamber of Commerce: has pass- ! ELECTION 'OF OHFIOBES. . . , , to ui.ithefbbjeotj of: !the- Bpciety. end! roy ' something- in regard, to:the hi?tor r of the .ii i! • .;iSpr. J.iA^Tucker.: National i Bank..: ed in ojhar places, such as Dublin, Cork , etc. slightest ' donht thf.t a ' ffrro-conorcfte brddge ' eajnlajn .1 -objecfti o|jthe ind t tihe ' .; ed a resolution opposing, and asking oiher ajjpe.apance ihjal--methods ¦which • il v -nil /liinTnrp thi" n*pi»p«iltv for t A doatt Vdfltlli: the' working' bf the 8ootety worn its; obrioujly «uitable pl ace could rjolihe devised. ' Continuing Mr: Denny said that his factory that the people of 'Waterfoird wiuld put their *\ ^ e^taUishpienjt down tol. , ptresej it ii ne, and The clolck jOver the entrance door is round tie. ehouldess to the wtxeol and prevent th;is Bidieiy of thiai kind in alcounftry 'like li^ ^e: : had been giving employment in Waterford On .the proposition of jMr. ,Williain Chap- OUB explained its dbjecfe «ind th4 good wjioh re- " " : oorner jof the ibuildihg and (probably owing 1 (they had enormous expenditure bedrkjpen .upon theni, 'jtlititleja' Klnjdoai nriheTt wte toadt . lhalt ¦ ; . ;- j . ;;' ESTABLISHED; 1818. ; ' • for Ithe paat 70 years. At ; present man, seconded by Btr. $. Gtanam'.'- .Mr. |i« civiliatdon Sii a model; Ito Ithe' whole iwoildj sutted Irjom , its yrprk., (.;;..._ .. . } !-[. J |j to vibration caused ! by. the awing aoop3)J,ls loyed inside and 70 outside, ¦ p. ; 10O hanos emp ¦ ' J • J Forde was unanimouslyire-elooted President The Chairman said [that;he was \>re tltey inaccurate ' and oinreliable. Letters ore posted week amounted to (hear ^.'yiear). ' ¦' ' ' ' ¦ T -.. y

¦ f , 1 wmi id •^ ;^iM!>*'^ " i T^ & r A-' & ;{M® S^VVr; ! »;:' ,:., -;.';) ^•¦K - -. " - : - : j . *i' i.*- -5. :- .- . M-ft--- -;^-v- -.v * : -v:^- r^-Vvv-.V-^-'v wt^^ii-i-i/Kin^^-v^ ¦ ; ;- .- -^ :i 'fi- ^:f.c; i:^ ." ;>:-h ¦!¦. - ; il^'^l^i |.f^:' ,iv: -5:-r vr|'t.v!-r^- : « ^^ 7p£-yt i- -,' - '^--^ l;vv- ¦yniTLllj aix 'BT: ¦ t ¦'::¦ ¦ itte -boara ih ! ii \- . ' ill. "! • •Nl - ¦ a long *iuttiinen$ sen! by Mr. Barry. ! . \ . ].:;. ¦' :' . i . 7 4 J- •**. ' ; ¦ ¦ V- ? VJ '¦ ¦ „;• ¦«* S> : ¦¦ ¦ tea i- 4^ Mr. Shechaia—Thai v- - i ' ' - " • part|dftlh« hfcnwe iwee« thejf ^la. frooBJ. :* 1 ini »fter- tts. resolution i ; ' 1 ! 1* 3r83>T>0380 . <-' : . \ ,: i rHllW iBrc ^-HWeTO'the^T^eT pr<) si; '^i^» »Bp' i Evra'il^ ' UNION, njattpf cto the Newtown Bi|tach ' ol the United AA'T^fM VFNTfW : •'M^erSlIhere' -arel^i&e!&'fte*A-4iiSh-". we o i-ri ;l! j^o ¦jp^ioi;.! ^ pARfeub^ r DTTN^ARIT - ' ' ¦ - Irish League. | i !j. : ¦ X^y-^l -W* - >i- ke y^erJ«s4i 1 ii li. .l :!¦ r :l . ¦¦ ¦ : ¦> ' V^-¦ i'-' , <^ F iS^^^- .b9dalHUtN I..' ^i . ' ". I'- . ¦i'ASpAi& ionn^BNT , ApioOTmffiwAif! - !Mf. . QuirjJan—As » rmbfic board we are -; ., l-i - '' I' ." . . ' i . . ajiil ilhe-wfeles Mm tihey.«W!'iret«c »ty efcidng.: j ! • :! r ''¦ ' ¦A\ " r <•} >: :¦ ' r.ni i-^^tr . ':- - :i.i p^ ' : doing tight Ih.boindemnina ,". " ¦ ¦ ' .;..: '" ¦: jj . ' , -'' $foiBSrck-^We.T&n'ti «b-^BBMIN»man nat:' led ' -t^-f it, and trying to • . . v . Mm itm^-^yxer¦& n - . . Tnly mprnlnB,v ^;. poor Sfftarte©- At -the weekly Smedting of pnng ' abtnA a ' seSaerflentt. ( ¦ :it DDV- ' '¦ ' ¦ • ¦K *-l .!:V..-:- , .; l> • the'above Jbchrci f, . I 'i'he usitd . weeltly. meAiBg of the - above 1 ^\V . 4!i CafldgBrli '»in • the prnploy; pf WJ11] am O'Nmll, ! held oh Saturday last,viMr. Johk • iMr. 'Shectoan—.1' kadw tbiat, buit we should I : Mr. : Thomas. Power nlDg] beingdarto st the timi^ and Mullihs ; that -Mr. Birry would be in- Maurice Power, O1<1 Partsft; Maurice Hurley> 'DubMn CfeisHe where aH the ofDcSaa weTe. ¦ \ ' fahly a teWnunutei past wren, he vas crosalBg¦ WEST WATER1X)BJ> ¦ aiailed in a week/ and they j iid not bring ft on TheJna .wdl be a long aneeDligiol the Diatnitit EVICTED TENANTS William Hayes, J. Oullihsui; J. 'Walan, ^Mbnnl- 11 the(,«freck-{wlUi:iIj 3ndl$ oil straw 'on hisbaolr » Shut day, tHe aftorwords said to a reapeot- ¦ Clouiricll attex -this, and I 'will take a elhow, of ani^ sji oyeljn AMD THE dtuart; J. Barron. | i ! I i' "' ' ' ' ! < « hll hanfl, when thfe pngmo -w^3 ¦ ESTiTESO OMMltolOiNEBS; ' «ble knoinber of the board {that if he hod his Messra K. Dower, pTerir;. Thornos Walah, "htuidj to:anl=4i the inlaftter . M ' ^i " e&utXlni»>aa!(-h fore had Hm^ to " •: : ¦ way Barry ' ,T Mi: iBmwn-AWe ' J 2 jhe get.oo^ I I ; !; ' . would:not be rfe-lnstaled; Master; .T&omas Dee. e«r to 'have a settlenifent brought about. : ¦ ¦ " ; ¦ ¦ : tho' cloithpi tihe 'immitea • rtyi^c* i <>• earfcig ainder ¦inq ; ¦ , . RELIEF. ..^ ;- . ^ 1 ixesti wtit be'held to-morrow at ll o'clock. Leagu& :-4 ; ; . .;, 1 : : ; -( i Mr. BarrV oame up here And I advised ham j Toils,! and . key.S ,He hu4 j»! look* .afller tfhctaa j , " ' Mr. ' Thomas' O'Connor,; P.L.G.'i "ivTOte " as ¦ !¦;;¦ .'i THat kve, to state his case: in the lippe that it would . iaaj wH-1 «.'ji , be coiflid,. .. . ,. ^1 ' | ' ¦ ''¦ r EWS ; : he Wcsi Wa'tcrfojr d; Executive, followa:— : ¦ j' ! • i ' :« ' .T - •; & ; ' : ^ " oomplfciin| bifc rdy lead -to a sottlernent iof . Vie matter. From ! : IMJJ. Btock—To ttw.-besi'yE.your sWl-ly. ' ' S^ . | I ; s •! i- ' : of'Sie dilatory : and . idis- what-he ; stalled that day liore and from the Main StM(i£, Dujjgnrvan, i , ¦/,' • . -. - ¦ , -• ¦ Air, 'BrCkTfii-^We are oppo^tiQ to It. • - . ; f ; ^• Tbo dlnablecl Fr Dch fechooner , Mirle, towed appoinrtinjg ae ion jof lir. Guiry, Estates Com- : December Sth, 1WH. | iuto . Danmore Gas hv tittn ntirii *»rtffa>» n««*iA*' .miBskraera' Inspdctor, ldttor .h<> ids sent in to-dhj I beHeve that he J . OWaamnari^-flpoaJ; for. yourielf. I ' ' in his dealing with WHS upjusltty evicted. ' Anj-«ne looking at him iMr. Chairman and Gentlemcf)—I ^egTDltl&at /Mrv BicoiBrn—Did you' oakitheieoJicKtor how : r ODJlho , 27fh ult, ; ias coma, rip toj -ihe tityior the eytictj d ttnant3 of.County ' Vaterf ord, by Iinm .unable to attend ypnrjrhetting to-Sajr ib ' - " ' , 'A i^7i ' repairs. ' i; '; .'i;; i 1 and listening to him Ihe Uay he was hexe ' ialu;l»• hoi!would ciliu&e;or. do ' you knicuv 'fe—^LLk- -h^ i\6^ r: not restoring tty em to their h ridings^ even ask your board to' grant tleiosual extra' shill- ' ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ • ^ o The-brlgantlne ¦would see [ that ihe was! telling the truith. Master? :'j . . . i ; ! : j . ' 3bv.e| which went ashore at when they ar ctty ana?nel(?ribo)iriiood : on Uonaiy morning* Coleman (2) intt , » r_. .t> ^,t—j i^. 11— -i L- I *J- j I Quirke's eykled farms on mother's; property > tor Qier. Nothing was - ,'Mir." i 'Qtiack—You' "tire ', pertedtly c'ghS.— th^ steamer Shan ro&J In coming up the river J ihe -Grant ekaid ; Raspberry Hill, fyohin- further frorn th« : the last 4 or 5 yew," and Ij niove thej gci it. l , , ,¦ •' - . " . ' from Npw Boss, jronnded on tbp'Ford. mind3 ol the guardians on 1 -it is (kij&tcrfc i . . . . - ! . I ,-, . .. i;. Her] learry, Balljt uff , j are in danger of being let that day than dictating to Mr3. Stephenson. iMr. Bno^-n—I oppose J Ijhcre a^argc '-. Mi.; ; Brwvm—There- is anicftihex nritte^-'. 'I passengers were^' sXterwards conveyed;to this i to members of the number that are deserving of it btrt there are M Salvation A my, and we, Thai* only 'object' was to try and settle the . sap ,I83. 6d. charged here hi. .hook for aj sack y by|the Bteanof er: Gipsy, whlcji returned to! therefore J call jiipon the Est ites Commis- m-attea1. : ! ! . 1 ! - eome that are not, . arwl they " wonU he ^he assistance .tl ie Pb)unrock. . > .| '.'¦ . ' . !> ;- ' ' : ¦ i ' . T5IuTt tffirireai..i|)[ got a Sack oi meal for my; fowl (( .i : sioneis ko (transfer Mt. Guiry, i from this Mr. Morrissey—As & rma'-ter of fact there quosKoned until ne ^R. reyfeiijii. . I mould liiit ;.Vfeei; | lor " 133. ' Why iahyuld. vi;tho i rate- . |Tho tichooner Id esserJgei;,of and from Vfa$et~ , suggest is that the Relieving Officers should - i; ¦ ¦ 1 -countv aij id replace him by an Inspector who are edght'nrjUs idle wdthin ttTaddusof a couple ¦ pfllycM. pfiy. 6d. more?: - "j ^iHJ.v j ¦ ford. for Bouen,! andj th« amact; Ariel, .- tor will ;expqditeirliel restoration of: the evicted find them and not put (them in comparison PcDEanco, sailedfi of miles 'arpund Mr. BaTry's place and moat 'Mr Curran^Where did you get tjhe sack' of ¦ om Dunraore East on the Sth j tenants under thtj ' Provisions of .the Jegiila- of thrira are in bettor feondritjon than hia. with the others. A great tnany ofj"thern f are j .1 . ] ' " : ln*\t., eJtet a.long delay waiting (or 1 ' m«al> - ;j i ; . - , l-- \.\. ' • -1 «' : change ol| tion- fenaited for '-their benefit. '- The - above j Ohairmanr-Onl ithaft Mr. . Barry wa-s" a net- entitled to. it, knd-'tlie y .are.much.betltei j r ""' "¦ ¦ wind. • . ¦ j 1 y; v " , . iIif; 'Bj.v!'iu~In town. : ' "'.]' . . resolution was .. endorsed, by the ... following i millermlllei1 -himself- himself'he Ma ': co4MN\HA ' notnnl havehavo mademadR ;: an off i' 'L at is Od. iiilcre- than if you paid doat oh - tttie *tri ^pn : Konflay, ev :nlngj last, two boyo were jman, M. Hufley, P. Daly, M. OuHinan. ¦ • helping the pnor at .the expense of the rich !¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ^ j j Mr. Shanahan sijiggeated that if a deputation spptj . j ; !¦ I ' - ¦ donnUng 'ebme -b 'ead lnto A Passage car is! •Mr.! M. J. Shanrfhan—I think it 13 not right i from the board went ito Mr. Stophenson it or the middle elaA-i'. ' ' ! JIaater4rThexI t is a oonSMW for that. ' It ; The Chairman satd' (hat while he was here ¦ Gejor&£a,fitre.ety when some difference cam&J to blame Mr] Guiry in this matter. He is ; might be, ' jkjsaible to-! settle .the matter, and ;wis itiken ilast March at 18a. tid. ; , between then, w lich, las-theirblood appearedj only & paid Official ,; and he has! often to do have Mir. Borry - r-ostafed before Ohristnw.s. ' for the past three or four years H was always ¦Mri S4^f j 1 . 'txita •> :-firown said he. would like io see the ltaWe, should 3nd in blows. Each.^t tbO what ihe is told; 11 know Mr. Guiry pewonally 'Mr. 'Sheehan—.ThiitI is. B v»ry i good eug- the custom ofthis board to grant ; this ridtel'of i«4 WA aAnrA. ¦ - mas that they might: have a more cheetntl H I » . WllkVtMtli 'X .J.Wfr'ValV HMU. ' II %. MW.U.k'. *y^ 1* Mr. Morriasey—AVe -would want to-be pro- d.fj ;. - ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ! . Christinas - time and not-need the . Brovrn-rYM, ,ithe bond. '| Nfc " crnstiea." and w Ith ttioBe novel wcapoiis they; .resolution. i • ' •¦ • i \-ided. with ja.coat ofjarmtlur if we went-on hbme at I" . 1 that they OlerK^-Oh^ can get that fw you. , hammered each; cjtKer'p proflfe most enprgetlc- Alt vMorrissW said, he thought they Should j such a mission to n n'ouse from here. ntfcossaries of life. They all knew M»i Poley—J was 'here wheii tihe contract ' be needt>d this relief , and he.(the Chairman) felt ca)ly, to the Infinite,arnnsement of a ISTRO crowd be d>w to cdndemn Mr. Guiry I He knew a : Mr. O'Grfidy-^Thorel TkUl: a meotanR of 'waj^i^aken. , « ; very thankful to Mt. O'Connor for reminding wmch' immediately : collected, f The v bread .case! near Kflcash in {)a:rs -to h'n ; Perhaps there -would;be some good done there, o-«xi ithese potor people. He —oo'iionger. ¦ " l ' ' ;¦ ' "' '•' C thought they oughlt , to be.unanimous in pre- . J father of one, who was the driver, sad wHo was house.! ' : !: f Ohainnari—But ; wjj can adopt this re- 1 : C%kT-1\ye hbd , oontrads for -dx monHhs | | he 1 serving this old cuflriom. ' '| ' . ' '' evidently after what Is very expressively termed Mr. jB ancr)ford^6aid agxied .with . Mr. solution all; the same. The meting at Tern- '. .bofdre , bui the guardians decided ito change bli'fofrln^, hero an ub, and belaboured both ¦ploorum' won't affect that."!' Mr. Beresford—YM ; they pugh't io got it. 1 Morrisse r'. He I knew Mr. Gui y personally, "saying dt ito I yearly ' .ioh'tracti.- ' .V- 1.; with a heavy sacj. which he had;Irk his hands,! knpw the case ncntioned' by Mf. 1 Morrissey—It ia time the County Kil- With regard to whut Mr. Bro\vn is THE WEST .WATERFORD EXECUTIVE. and: he also , of . . the i Relieving OfBccra . II* *. ' fltially: Beparatlng tho combatjnts.by giving b!» Mr. : Alorrisj e r. I ' ' . • kenny men woke up about the maiiU'r. They iwuld be very hard for The Cldrk said that' t!hd ] meotiing ; 6n last j to draw the line. ; '¦:• ¦ . ! I sop's/sntagoniRt o .heavy iblow Into the chest. Tie Chain ian said he knesf \ .Mr.' Doyle, should have taken aollon king ago. day doferrqd consideration of d refelolution of n Tula net 6f a man to a boy Incensedthe feelingo Mr. Foley agreed with Mr. Bercsford. one of tl.e evi cted . tenants on this. estate, and ! The Chairman (hen , put : Mr. Fahy'a re- ithe iWoat.^'aterford-Execu'tiiye'.urging the re- of|a ' baker by1 . |solution; ;whi(>h was unanimously adopted. Ohairman—It would be condemning our own ' standing . wbq.lmmeaiat6rjf rant he know no 1 etfer Natiocialist thhn him. The - : .ihijt ;mo\«il of Mf. Guiry, Eatates Coaamia33onexs' acd | with a vlgorqng push; sent tbe|porp^tratot Mr. Morrassey—!Wh«t alwit Mr. Barry 's Rolie\ ing Officers (to do ; ithat—to say !¦ ;-i f- Friday, .last, froii the effects ot; o. b^ajebc it was! settled immDdiately.. . • i I " relief list th eft should ndt be oh I' MiilBroini-r-I ^ugs&rt northing. • There would might bea 'stVJUemenrt . soon. I feel 6urc \i\cA town on the be rrianry l'ojoking for your flosjtiilcin here. receivedon ttb e 2Sth October laswff6m a, small 1 Mrl- |M, orris >ey—If ; Mr. Guir* is Temoved : ¦ •it. He had kilters from parties in hiapockon . , , ' '" Oliiirman—You are ntot in - order, Mr Brawn ) ¦¦ ia-yourlto jftog of her own. At Jibfi tlme. iho yoa rhlght ge^ ah'Orangeman iqjhos which told him that these casoa -were not ) >:%kiDKIE ^Bth 2iD3x#ii3 -a QDAnimTEE OF ;FtiaiTy mo BteEtiiflCE» wound appeared'e Igbt, 'and to make certain" iMrj; prady—;If ithei Orangeman would-do |.. Alt^r ; some' furthea [discuii.iloti; on the pro- 'he .naw , j We, Jiiavo a different o,ueititon • before , *8 JO destit-uie or deserving of relief. Of cinlrso. f ¦ ; ¦ '; '¦' ¦ aha [though^ ot-any lurMng danger, she sub-l : • ; . portion, of j Mr. TSWrri?»ey-' the -fiirthor con- ijihe tluur. i ' " ••• '! • ' . ¦ • .- juitiet it) wo\dd'n .; . - :¦ ¦. ¦ ' .I -;'J-> 'sidetation of the letter1, of Mr. T. Ai Stephenson knew thdt there were many ¦ ; '" ' ;ii .! . .. .t ,- !.:l| .i. . . . mltted to be canterisedJsotwU Kstradltig^wl^eli -; A'fter -some -further ;discua3ion,!,ariibTder'was r , bwi the; cases that' were, not degisfaAe Mr. T. Power—J propose you adopt tihe S . the) ' , Waterford Executive be ;and .that' jof , Mt-VBairy: in repily to it w-as nd- lief ' resolution. . ' - painful maUdy appearoa,'ir^i .! .; . Stephen Powere-esao-bB^am&vedJ' .. . .- month: ot ilaskWcfober hex little lap-dogwas ; aft- . to: the; aavlsabilityj of ¦ j mers to-be paying for the others. ! the door of Dr. Carry's establishment,-wheri and asking the ! Executive for ' further infor- Slack—I quite agree with thalt, but it moving ar$ roan. j , ' , , :' . ' e ' 1 :¦ .- .jj-iirf ^maAMOic-^lw^rafiH'if-?. Mr. , r ¦ , ' I ' 1 'another'do'glterce;iy;att»clcedt ft , aji4apbttJte«») ' i mation .regarding ilr. Guiry'a acKoh. i< very-hard ,to araw lhe line,_ .. ," , '' 'Mr. 'Sltvck-mj onj¦ aj¦o he ifhionJd¦ Save been i , -U " - , ' i I ' .. ' longllrig.betWtle . faycprlte, from lf» jaaiaHan.U \ ): THE | -AJJ^ESBOKOUGH: 'EVjUCTION, . ! Cluurrnan—It wnn't rowui'the }- of a penny. reHtvdd. . ! ' ' ; -" imiTEp ; 3^1S^ LEAGUE ' is J.Ir. Chuir- ;¦ (M4, :Rrl : tfUHTltEB¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ mnn. average purchase. ' 1 ' ' ¦ » r i: j: ¦ DisoussioN.' ii i - : Ohhinmnd—Order, now. 3tet is sdiltled. wpnBd^appearoE' BO very ThsTgiincMitV-btU.! J- ; Mr. Beresford—.Well, I have _ always voted r at melancholy to t^'Wt l rdsm^ed'tatally^T6«> 'The Clerk reid| the tollo!«ring : rcsolutioa ! MEETING OF THE E.^ST -WATEUFQED agree'wiih Mr. ' The"' /"eettlultiOii .was' aaopj ed. ™rk '^17 j oil 1 for it here, and I will now.j X. - ' :103;ltom . ¥, rdmalnsot the 1) tmentedlady werd interredoa( ! ircmi/h^ Nevtown Brancih ! the United¦ Bwwn to a certain extoniti.rnit ho\Y can "U^e •' TELE: >iHONE CQMMUXiia\ffiION. T^^^lyn^^nlvito the ciair. -^-.^ ' :,1 ' ' " : "* !;" ;* . . ;. i" ¦ EXECUTIVE. i i / fe tha following'Moadsy ln> trie family'buriaJ I Irish!ieague —•; ;| ¦ Relieving OBlcers draw the line. ¦Mr. m^ ^m ; i J. H, Ndton' , Bungarvian, wrote stating tgmm I ¦ for , ¦ •¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Thomas- Power—Give at to them Where was J 'liAjt the mdnihly-meeting ot i>ur.J>ran«lh it . '-I- -i •: • t — . Mr; that he' saw by' «he pipers tl^at need heM^h^fflS^adT Sistffisj ~ ; , _. . ' aSB^^^H j tfas proposed by ' Mr. James liiFahy, and The U3ual quartcirlyj"mee'Ung of the' Eafit Christmas time. .. . . , . ., .. .. .for; ;toTTr-T'T'/id be 'ap^a behalf Mr ^^^< fesnf - ' Dr, 0' .Boyal8!: ,^-JofxMr71^111jtoi, trfcih :iur!prisq tbel Btatemenl jnade by the WC3; held in IKilniocthomas ' on, the next revision.) . • i .,. . iTidoitill materials tor £b -•••He ,wwuld also lgr !^ | 3 IMe n order on -:the O'Gr&dy,¦ of. thlsk dty; eallea from iGravosep^ '¦ . to Uriah .Xeagne •• (•• ¦ • Brown—I v;ill , btft I ain not premature ' ^. ¦; ^ Editor of the ' Nationalist* attempting fThursdayTard inst. ^- '' Mr: ¦ ¦ ' ;keep :it jtiJiorvieT for 1welvd;imorith^. >} eamp tnno •slnct'.foi [Calcutta ,-pn^bQWd^tJjo-' justify| the «\*ictioi|i of Mr.: Robprt, Barry;',o{ to-^om;8TiBea5befotbiS ; unanimously consider" Jliaf the ((eviction was following resoluttions ,ivere proposed end piifiea should be., given t<) : 'CXt'Aiiart^iir --ii ; am signing thyj ei-papera, ;but •heif arrival,' and auringjthattiiae ^lras ija dejft5 . Tho ; ¦ . and report at .this ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦' - : ' • of an aged and industrious r ; - • [ ! Ofllcers to make enquiries : I tin. Matompg; i ' . 1 .. |. ['' , •Bti^^^yfess-ar. barsh [treatment j vi carried onatiimoualy:— ¦¦:¦¦ ¦! ' - ; SiETc§ti%btnteds tOfiik placet that'd8.cWld»6p^awii!^ir0iiiJs^ci ^ and th ; ew; of e'en, ^reroare'd ifr. Brown~-I wiU npt, rttdn!" -I .wbuld Iik#; to know whritihar .they ne le ! OtGrAdy and lad h&W^ned' t telittStyfoifti '' , , arid ihb jPany to use' evory ' mbalis .in their power to know all those getting rjflief in Dungaman. on in iLis- Jflnd in aiwSHer- pIacft.W^ei lterSntt was. ^t^vhat 2? do voul^aS? V s to leave [ the | issue 16 arbitration ' isee that furtbre- ter»arrt3 be placed on equality, five or j hjava! itlnis telephone ooamniuiioati' ^ Kvdcrahod.\£Sa mllca'from Ctlcntta. .»?:>•'l:»li J. , dven' noir wp Chairman—I don!l Vnv loore, than KilmaCJliiamtis or other ' ¦¦ ' *L- ' ~*~7~ '"7¦>':¦" ". '<¦¦" , V StophebsOQj refused to do so .tenants ; «nd that ' lirorcti^-To^htU, ; ¦ ¦ wonpence wjaion nad, taken place D6tween, ^ir. ,iriwf .-R an I ¦ 1 r -: • .T" .Vr- ¦¦¦ . , consider Robertl Barry is en\itled to Ithe iwith all other agricultural six. The redt are o'VT strangers. boi3i3eoJ3i|]7 ^ - | bai /iXrz rvorH will'nrobablv T^int enn \ ' - -. . - ca» !" .'I ' i i^i, - - -' .^; copies of ithds reaoiltiypn be aerit to Mr. John Dee, R.O., aaid that alter th'e remark* Willldms-itthd ^imielf.'-J-T^fenf/neerV. SSKTOra -^S-tatB rSy at SeS* -£6 earnest suppdrt jof all : persons kalH&g them- ariu Mr. Pi J; Mr. towji Ghiainnia-ri—I don'ct see wljat Jttait hots to do y cotes* -ft^ . A , ' andana nuathat -[wo:wo '• aaaakx mothe Redmond-. M.P.; -ilrT¦ BirreU, of Mr. Bnrmi'TTi'.h regard to -parties- in -, •Mje ThVwe a'haspittil-here'v.ihich the amounted to £7 4a. Cd. Mr] Wflliaffls 'i:¦**• SX ^h reoavrnent •$•£? w ! ii sselveielye^i i ^NatioialhU,atioiaUsts Power, M.P. ¦; ' ' ; ' the J \ mat entitled -4o rt :i?ahj| lt. Pen«e8 !were a 6.. vMA &geiI how todly upplicawJ Editor I of th( above-named paper on whart -^e Impross upon Irish receiving relief who were .¦the lTii?pe«3tor "of tDie Jloyal| OommWifen " Eacd ^TmaffiffdroppeA'as i.he inquiry, •! 3^-Thot I P.irty he would wish to inake a., Btatement. {There ¦why. ehouMi we': go grounds laf tei their Very exhaustive ithp. ' 'tina that' occBpying . ¦ - ¦ ' ^he! privi-J vHja THE .i! ¦I ¦ ' fr-— ¦>' . ¦: ;-• irtterest be grarite<3 virion when Mr* Brown .(W»a pr^eenlt, Bpafrrt-iThd tntost brKhly ) conducted 33*^' Tt'^'^^ I " :'J : . . . Uhe tollowing letter was olso. xoad:— ¦Jeges' aa the middlemen 'desire themselves. , made Very< carcfulf cntpj irifs 'Mr. • ! MrJ Ryart;&aid OaX"Wf. Bftjrron waa fioing ' MIr.f^ Ryan .' C.E., as-: ^quested, fmrte .w^h I>ccem!ba 4th, 1906. ¦ Dean ^ir—In ,feply to the , .letter read' ¦evicted teninHs might!be more explditiously< each individual cafe M^BeresI6rd-/rhfl ;t' Is Wed-: enough.- • . I m'iri,t Board objecting; U \iixh.e^axpAe. of , -£191| . " -i. -I ¦ •T-^ yT ; !:; ¦; :: . :. i - j i .- i guardians too considered .ond.-janotiher..., . ' " ! i - ¦ • ' ' '* fruardifnjs ' n eeting >on- 28th ulL -irom/ill. that-we call upon the; Mr Brown . moveVthat helbe accepted! Ii ' ., •- . : and suggesting that .jU 70.woultJ , • .-. - . 1 . - . ; • ' . . - :l AW;l-Ti I ¦/ ¦: ¦ . |-!3. --r.: !J i*!'l;-'tj j j jnccoroplishe|d;and ! carefully comingbefore ftiCHfwhen for the . per cottage, ' r ¦ my eviction , MT. BUynn—JKd you invite tend ars - estimate ol .ttsi ¦/IfUlHHIIj'Pll i^W GKSEH&C ! j'> n. IJ : Tboma3 Step lehson.! iela4ive to 61. 'Estates Comrnissionei'a not to sahcrfaon the ivaa present. If Mir.'3rown' Would- now five ' ; j ' ¦ 'Mir.; By an—Mr. Barron' Afi^ pay ' costs. . If bil'Searer the work.' Che- Anne^borough, jinjusti Scation my, case situated eit Btrad-; >viould en- .vfariir: ! 'SJ - .:\ , , ' ' you; kindly : put it in tihe ibiantea that Mr. Jj l ' prices-.paadi for . simar .,work: . ff trfff lnn . ¦ ' at ©ale of the Beresfotd-Eittate, him the names'of these parJMe-s he Clfe-k—Not yet. j j ^ eased on \H i*gi a iCat Ie-r- 1 havo jnstJbotigUr i ! I mnsi enter enter solemn, -protest agafast jb«lly; Oo. 'Wftterford .land that this resolution report ;to the board. , j. aJanrori wal blind Ihe wall lohl'Uie ' old'fence. foyT the three schemes already carried ouivioi coma pure-nrodA ngua cows,¦ and.as both left , ¦] * Mr. quire into them and Air. Mjchoel'Flynn—Iprapaue'ttet he gat it coat.pf building the unijruthlul! .toctica adopted by (apply to all evJc^ed |ltenan.1s in' East Water- Brown—I will not do thdt. The leltterB lAvi M.. Power said he y&k j Councillor for jjjij Kiatridt Ooanoil. |The them haTO.calvtfl , I wouldbe gl0U,ytu Mil : -. ; action in ¦ ' • Mr. ¦ifikterrhPtrhapa lha may)not carry out. oil : ' estama4ed Stephenaon, in order to screen :^is iord. . ¦ ¦ K ;nttt TTOrk'.ithoTr^h ¦ ¦ •¦¦• <0ie ;mviaJop,' Bnd' he wi a | obus1 > would the itexjultemeats, • • | Government the eyes, of the! pubUc-by showing |: 4—Thai we urgfe upon the-Local Govern- they could Ret plenlty. • : after twelve Baiiron ' becdu3d he would' inpt; 8upj>oit him. .£]&) t n». , agadnst Ithe Local herd bookT— Wi [to tc tf oJtedr$tiiy,~Pon&L : was neuher ihaj&h norJ artfitrary. | of increasing, the obbift t' tf itr. ;.Bro|ra—-Who will¦ pay¦ Mri Barron apoiogiaed Unlay .Whatt atxrai estimate of £1; 0. '. A'ne .engineering eviction | | irnent Board Ihe necessity 3lr. I)ee, R.Q.—Am.l-staled there are ,|; .. • • - ' ' " ' :" Bflafd'fl: , • Cattle Bodety. I9IS| OlflK aibetUTB rlaoe,jBanff< ff.B1>: - He eayg : ¦[ Any :;tenant who apeft 1873 ha» ainwmt griniled for pib e««tion of labourer* ancl of theee abouft^OO •n¦ wrAhJ? [ J ' Iheiteuanlt andl^ B.the ehbrt ;wall thtittiifaa built there, igjkj and clerioal expei ser 'are strictly in ae fi%'n^ ^^liox& ft" rtlcnX rppt\rornR?6^ J5fcrttt*oti j * -£50 j the £;.D azzs en my lintj to work, UK SWck-iWhen thct £a 'up. it rail last ' » • . • ¦ ' dowa by tne ¦J i ^ bad hisl ren-J. voluntaafly reduied, from cottages so as Wj g^ve several District «irc ov« r 70 ;yeara o.t .c^a arid enable ¦ W/^daJt^ii of thflj-acrei Jj - , o^dahce. with the scale i as laid . tri&ybe bbSaloed. • -'' •' ••) ':':- >; '>:Vff.-*JlHji'i a reduction,.of . 75 per opportunity of more ciMntr sebcula- socculBromn—Powpr imd: tfjerc waa -an .^iicre '4j£fe:reach £470. The : encing. wl^cn wnsnes cent.) cannoU rTavelmuch uiu greeting j suttable dwillings¦ ¦ " who are eriiiUed \>y law to . 1 - ' ' . rr(l> I aava a qnantltjy. of oat ttia-w/pjostiOf.!:1 JUIU gyf that before Mr. ' | N'lhei ? . • ; ij -' ' . ! 'i- driSijdedy-would ^hlchybsated-bajdjy, b^foro.threshing, j gloalyj ; ¦was 'on ihe teondiiion that I would erect ;a I On the motion 'of, tne!Secretary a vofte of maftter .up.here ..he had \a (UUShter) . .i-MrJ Byan. ,0X. .vcas caLlea by'..-»Jie».C}i3lr- .^ perch, andi itihis w< >uld.-work |OUV JI* *?P SrnpW;U j had brought this, ¦ MT. 'M: Ttower-rRefer it jio dodtor and Mr. ! ' ihe,Oojuncil.men ks» me youithiftljto it/WoaKl.poyjBera!; own expense. The water led to Mr. John itho&e pariiea ' " ' ' ' *¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ n»an bo Wholesomefor cattle^ &t'- :' Thisic(>s!t mi SSft. I have repitod the mill Ohainnan) would be ,very slow to ' be- •Mr. ThOTuvs . VeiJo tcnidered'., ttt'. 23. 2d. pe*¦ Chiirman—The.qjlegtion a isow dld he give ^A fence- stonel "WouKr bQ greatljohll f ed, for yorJrcpIfJbn anJl1 [ .the latt thirty-three i UPON PKOOF. : (the -satisfied yard for the broken:;s tqne!s/ , -: - - -j; ' 1her '¦- , ' : 1 - 'By adopting. Shis 1>P'-«FniW^H at'-v arious times for JPBOOF iiove le.V.trd'of.tljU kind until he wai crtVJi ¦ ' 'Sbreon. * siso U li would;do; to teod to oofre'. ldp^5[; j my own expense, which cost mo > -trie. It l.was Ihe; work : of ¦ Mi. Brbi in-^^iut thuit. irt youf . pipe i npd i. MX, «yan, :v:.x,,—un, BWJ ihlghH be reduced .by £> . whicii know tho pzlcaof those'frnacblnebirtt wobld/h^t j j ears jat that -they- were iltoat KJ3 offered, '-Dhadnnarn , would ! propose '. 'here was woteo^er.woy^^^ £165j -jriithoi^t being allowed a lairigle penny. ¦ ' man malic*?, sm6k e iVK aughter)—Us. Od. .!. The said .thst t the tctefl - cost to £186. like to pay mad uaoeyifor thec:.yDar«. ^(7piild- ttfa^fBs^t - nrill in repair is. £319, which is was confirrbed by ! him : ¦ 't you think that - people f ix. T. ; Fiynn—Tlie'y.'Are! paying for "liheir wlicitxar, Mir. Ryan, solloltar and Mr. Byan, i£km.Referred to by fl)5 Local; W £5 stiraw fas say twi mtyc ittla take nproocbtlmo? j i keeping [-the j wanls. ' ¦ . ., ' Mr. Brown—Don " ;¦ ; i c tpenses, that was ] M jay answer to his allowing off 7b pet cent. i L Yellow-road living next door oujfht to be. in li Wticr C.H. - -I- . |,L' B(ard £13 for centain (2) We sometime i find It very hardin got oxsf [V practically owed four I Mr Thomas Rice, harrow-lane. . kn Has tie temperature"' rim* M\ nwl eviction." I did I hat owe: him , R.O.—It i3' all spite': ' ' " • - ' Sclulre indeed is Mke a eKonuis ! Wunaim might have to refer , wfsffid.he ooul/ntf . *w , to 06 with,the i aattej bpateflstraw | _ 1 tiche kidney pilla J Altihouih 18 months have Sfir. Dee Be • ! ':.• .,.! i"Mr. |Ryari Bn eeeated thaU no offer: shotfld the poki os it was otftslde .Ste JHD ™t •onej'perjny .4?heh the dispute arose. At Uie used ; the , I-am Ftill free llf. Stack—It da Chri^tmna time. (!iugh,ter). -:.• . iri tonna'tion on ¦ ¦ ^ will not malcDtnemost wholesomeof loedin^ s rent I gave him Ipa^ed finfte I mils ' Ohairnrai—We are ge'tting :a good terider bo jacceprted jsubjedt to.'Mf . Williama'a; ap- departmeat. , M : ' • ' " ' but ¦ time . I Jpaidlyhim the 'last began. lenient, Mr. Broiro. •> ' i"' ¦ ; i » iUiLLj xaaterlal no matter hoW yon treat1 ^ ^we ire { 'from the kidney complain?.. Beforeso I but per cubic yard more OTotali. ! i.L: . . ' d - , ¦ ¦ • ' , 'hoire out l iir. - By^ oii f ^Kiatemep, noticejtihat I could; no longer ipay n. rack rent myi eyes were swollen ¦ Mr. Brown-4-I' am lenient at all Iime3, now. We f- in e gating 5d. ' '! 'Hie OUerk p? oplaioa tW'lh8' ii«atnienrV^roggesJi»ptJ year, irtiich iwith 'the nSedicin^ the pojsr fferod recently.' ¦ , ' ¦ Clerk—The j very thing ' If •as about i£ug- - to rthe tenata tt jaw-jpa the : and ; made him [an offer oi £13 fl that I could hardly I wVpiuld also have leniency .towarda thhh wa^ p i ' ¦ : ' -K^h.-jregard OI; be the-bestyou com^adcrDtundOT clrctmK; ; valuation and taxes, land puffy ia the irtumings , , • , , ¦Mr. Brown—dl .- you holdioujV you i w'iU gat gesling. - . : .: ¦. ]\ i , ' • J: |'- ;Btances. ¦ was' -the Government j My bead ach^d. ;and. I feK BO done up cotitiera. tor nflria *^'™ -lXhejnaonlrieswre -ao* yerjrlekk too j highly oi the me looked up the orders on die :-\ ,\ i j : . - i . insult I " a- tnfcmbftr hrre; .;."! ; ? feSce $mi&t f or2s. 6d. riJiporcai. i : - - ¦ ¦which I was j further demonstrated when ne Mr. Hice refers day laniil he pos- (liughter). j ¦ ' ¦ ; ' , -; •: ¦ .oor colarona. I,ie qotatity,prepa redpj jrhptor ' • few cus- The following is the latter' question. He had gone ; ; . Would dependlar ;ely on slsecf thepj aerdne.i(2) yard ion the day of sible , and he had found that;a notice a I hit of money due -to Mra ttcnt tihe Utfban I Was a member here¦ ' Mr.iiBnown—a!t. wide] Yesa goodjjeal, 1 | vtU ¦:-; | tomeri | had out-in tne 8iw-J must wrJte and thank you O'Connor oh the ,18th engineer, and he be Insulted, ;F ' :. - i * ¦; j ¦ ¦ Saaco dhjomld. be - 4JJU , U the cream Is wo cold tjhe public ean judge "Dear kidney pivon by Mr. Thomas CVnlbcil. I We bad jscrt» aayl .. :i.:fl '. -Mr. iBaresioid—Any ; take a very lonj! time to-chum into butter.,»;! my :.eviction. ;iNni> rtio FVir M vcnrs I find K1<1- May i that pigs be itold oquild mol mil : ' ¦ ' ' ¦ (¦ -V' j : Iterideft ! BbouU DB atout]60;to 62 degreM^WUfiatth ^' : whether sent been passed on theu3ftit May, —Luu. _ 'AW ^.or^L/iv niuWtJ nilrf tien . • ;"j: -i TOE WATER' BF STT3. ,$Ir. OuKdnaine eaid Whpy dhwfld It ike I ioiiuest .that copies of my fetter be just a back- markrt had ; ¦ ¦ » • • : 1 ¦' ¦ 'tMini-of tenoeto , Clon- iey disease, which > started1 wiili Parks dissenting. ;,! . ' you.; | - ! j Tbc.lfollowjn r«poritw;as|r ad: -r- ,,, . ' \fr»ml'JheSa bburers tSdr me bu : to the: Union of Watertord , Dutrganran time went on. X eaw Mr. It ww pajn * rates -•wtoaft tSbgy Wete WheA^^vUg^roHoT^yinif' Kilkenny, ache, but cot worse as Stack-J supported thai order. ' Mr. Brpwn—And -will he pay for the lot?; : Genuemen-Tam . nccordariae i with your in- , ' f SheCtoaHrjnan eaid tiSx; A ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ roeli tipperatyj CasheJ, Olodheen, ocU-Tg in . Dublin and , , Mr. ; ¦ . ' ¦ ' ¦ ' • " ¦ ¦: . - . ' ' Instructionslast year'AS to'.dresirfng imy;«ieeaM ^-ii--i i—4 •mi~*ri<,M,m--VoiiT: faithfully. eomei ofi the leodin? d fair-one. ' . . I" : lOtta-mrpa-un due time. I j . . . .: atruotiona wa ;hav j J- j Aid mucb.daina M ***** plan!--1' in. in, orders of .-their ^decessotj i ¦ ¦ nivn. ', ' 'I : • .. | i . ' whldip in ourloinnirjn, eiaohld Ibo paid by in- dhbuld be ahaapor ? . \l :. ' trig. Wbea I so fed wheat F|ahy! suegosted that ¦vM&i not-gotH MroeeXf'. i wat^r pnpplies. •¦ have 1 inspected 'cihetecper. > -i. -. ¦ 1 - .- . -!¦ . ! \ . .?- , ¦ ; \¦ ' at the previous aohirtg. my njghfts were Mr. ¦ Tie did ¦Agli?h;f ' Wfl .'., , .' /¦; ' , ; i^owa frora taklg tbeTBeed., .1 shoniaintoifev ' i: A. j Sjtephenpori I and read ; ¦ ¦ back was bondantly Ohofrman. j ; \\. IHNT OP IRISH TBAOHER. 1 ihejpremises of each pcreon i t<) Whoni -the water ¦ Mr.) Brown—TlhSj.t 4s toy pofinll. T. ' i i ¦ | tired and languid all Mr. WPOIJCTM ima.nat .'gd! mow iMIooald oso gi» tarnowl»«aaui ' ^f XmDOOw i ' ) Tie Cleik then .read Mr Steph through:tfce day.] I tflijit an ' Lriyh tea^hex appointed clajio4;that Ux6>tea ieaid I Ihott. with; egard to ache kidney pilfe, aayised rne to «>• ™JdJr tlie workhouse.! TJie tlo^t^ron the cMldren had ' (MrJ Mtotin O'Brien i ftb Hfhe ^Ip ¦ ' M?. Pahy {letter dealing and «oon I felt much better, certain .bouse 1104 consulted'; cM fJnuod ! this knowledge ithe Board nriWh e eiecence crejng ipplledflm> -aaa allowedto dry propcrl]betotxr .' , paragraph in Mri Stcphenson '8 dneJ I did so, by .the tin* they were in a tnid; ; ' . | . .-: .- • /. . ! scheme., .We,would alsol STijgest te toe Qoun* bi^Sore ) ¦ ' -wfaidh he -?° pWs^and I •wbati 'he should do,' wbu3d,b% ' SVe beg. ' m asd *here would b*» gooarroarket'ltoifj',: very silly reference tor a trord about 'the OhlairDj|aii-(r doaU.fcaotffw j I' - .-'.: ' I. " : • ¦ BtacVi;Ttooa»as Flyn i«[ J , A.Byan, O.E; : ' ' was: e Nothing '•*»»' hoard day, -and! he went to Mr. W! X '' Brttra-dfld. S3» ' ¦«* . 'inptfixje . .tiwi ibemTrTblsis rciJry,^ tnattorltor yootWJC; ; from the -BuardJaaV action. 11 the' next rAlthey oujht . H[r. . Po-wer eaM ttoi'tba p£."ioDi2'teacher*' i C8ew—Tljt ae or« *h>a g( nllemeh : yoti >p- .IMirJ i the minds of the piaTdisna U»pn- Wiiiiams. -He (OhAUman):4hou?, terfer witb ttcae-opipcCntaaeiVta;: that-, is-their further horn oboot ithinkrul to-the-. Master Car. iii3i wutdm^tj.in e an' Jj Qtoted to revise the reir&vprid iMjJS'BWbtbi diataje tb Mr. ' end Mrs. Stephenson to be VCTT ¦ ¦ ; Ghbbirripn.' - epM - - th^renww Irab report1, He then rfead ioqt £ad indiyidaal rends. to -was done; WB3 and.done be- ; prompft action. ; •• > ¦ ! ' -\ ¦ ¦ i e .. yeari Aheir ofjfair^. ' j-y?l>i«t you. . ' ' bier b»e i« Uhe faoat ifciir- or five [ The Chairman said that (hex went carefdlly kj&d ott tlmk.'> othet! moans tor ards BdtUing . iMr. T. Power—I agree with ti ' jrj g3«t fjtoa - hi should ¦ ibo 1' . He' -'iiCTer saw ignch • e ¦ifZQra Ohtiirmsn, B<£d tw cause . every ¦ . of-his going I to -tt iwiniW bff ' ¦ inW ' thia'^cviaion. ia;iuffwUMi«;j : exbaoate'di , . .' |. ; HSSS3 1 iMr. Brown—We dhsappro^e r ' :i l' ,- - . . .T 1. , " a^ thei i iiroply to 'JkUiha- maUer| -bid been 6aJ tjrarfV V: . - l' i. ' was H lol monef . the * ¦¦ ii - 3u«eated: ' solicitor; that will cost, ;tbe raltaJaycw Jja ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ifcoa* rebrnary r Match ttirtlt ,MT Morris4eymalter-i-fW' i I. *o -^^fe i Ier box -• •-- t .«JS«ted ¦to ':-dnos tow (J6d. ,. . tib^ttftotbirJiai .tbftlotwmwa loavi^^ith^ lto andl-itwas Uic' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' . md ttleie:veie, voon-ttea. in every.jwsrdc he «raabd like IQo Horn aipal niould leid, to a sefiUe- , amounted to a big blU . - ' ' ; • ¦ '¦ > ; ¦ ¦: . signed en :- ', J (MjrJO'&fieia«iedHK! .l^ttwtt i;tftejr40Bow.}ft ;th<> bopd th's-t it it-ams , .*ouM, af^ietr flixjeen. . . 'i- vi - MrJ j James Walsh said ! i$ had RCE« Ix&MrvJUtdl eo.„» in > thertl^nd especially, rotepayera who «!w«Jld pay M: : he %>i Whree-ctffiaros;«D iloh' * mosgelslOBe^ac _* m»,0rWi on. nugnp ipiaz .ifi a SohXdtpr if the; islatboa . j1 did .¦;aat-,1knM; / ![ll';'' 'M -j ''o - -!f - -i- ..v)v> •;; ' .j - | •ftfaTBrown said Hbbltfctefii J*rmi Oii ¦ gtaStaag £10 /1 jhe Wertt to their solicitor thta ttte-Mtpjt mi^Wt Board pay.Tead: *«moval ol the '-101*5rniatt- fWtoait Aa. jtire ; eptwD/ .' [IMr. Brown—The Naidonau- ¦ - Q>iinnan—fWbaft ahoWt |hs ¦'¦ ¦ ;; -.' . .;: .; ', ' -, . i. ' -v! < ' if&Kt&ABK> S ntot : afterward* bo liable for - a.-big v- •:;)¦ r t'f ;'" ' "' - :; '' 'i- - 1- ' "!' • *w:«''-'! - ;-'j ¦4 t;i - <^'i~ . r: . .c- :.;; -L v :t ¦j ^ttj get i&tuds -, ~oohWn« f.'i- . I • " ' Jor» ib« to -w ' --V « H an&i 'tott 1 ; ftd5ourndd"iJBiia-^ for abtl -MJ3t.t v^rta* uHi A-A-HMoildbe it watoiis ' kMr. -C^Brieai. ebsd;«id ,te w!v! i, 5^rr>.Tv- iii - ' (»SxP ««m TJBr. Bmon-ipWe¦ ¦ : ' ' r ' Ooram5a6&«6C»'-/ fitepBenaorl **|Kfc TOg_ .f iilr, , Brown-rlf aiwflyirra Vas-, ih %^bog ' ¦ ¦•¦ ¦ h " :• . . ¦ . , - - ! ; It migbltr «t eH asrii ttoe.fixates| '•j li -Baahttoa. 1 . ; • « . . img ito',ttk.e7iiw»y.¦ ¦ th a kr$tiina. ¦¦ M, '»n; body>he,wb tonhl ' h^ixaM^i hero bsjore. ' 1 '' ¦ •¦> •. vttT¥•'!¦• =t. vf-,7i-;:-P :.- .. -P • LJ ¦¦•¦ ' 1 t warck^McHjo idS. -' h Brdwn-^'w^'oppose* .iSjffllforiSMe . • | ftw«wy-^h& lap 4>caa(tfr M.BCWH# , seJtu£mw'MJ ' i m+• "?*««"2 ; ^eaneri;'wkrrafH 3i ; -; tn reacind be tbowiningin wOaftJou Albouti I 14 § . .11.! Power-*I «rtre w*£ce- j .: Cleri-^Th^j'&My-. ' > 1 < hwirn»n-4iy «/licit«ti^ '^'J",- .' ".' 1 wold'-riftj fc t 'irtw'lbejwc ¦ ^eapalnlT-go •^.V. -wliBt ' nOltj i-fyest tWtj iis «j( natice.k Yoa -oiei I J^ WaiAjJBBid/^iwWit te-^ght i jwfi^^ HTOj'WJ' IJ FTJSB iSljTiie^warfalp*«Hgbi y^Ulw3|Mpl ¦ ' ni '' |f|fe Bi«ph ijMr.dBrown-HBy tt» wttk 'Mr.'Dlirtrerj ' l - . j '?. 7} : «c»riddBr1rrgl -ain*#?:'iU.ItU;-.. Us ' ' -i^WwWWtWM^AMiJllv,1 .oaj ,'.j^boTor^'.-.tbWentty: i. wJiTlnWrtYLn «i^ th^mteicomihitfeawere »rSition,lJhffi" »rfle of <1 ¦ eadj fcj&q iWjUq !,?',.:,, ': ,„ tw^bbww;:bdt « 4>Nlttilda-$oh: Ih «H£Mt«p»j*te * '•wt tK^y 'taWe }e*fflied-Eb-iOTamm td&a»aQs-¦ ; pM '•forviii' ' • ^yfe?*'*^^*ri ' ' ' ' j %m,? nd-;i86 jnrxniniega&ns!t. . -wW jaaj^, gtB»^ yL- . -j . ; | eheie.# : onatairi* ;^T|^,npBon iH, i ¦ ' -^•ik fT-v ' 1 ' a'itby A . ij efciioci^ knalrj:e«iP.' -'(("vVJiiU ) JV»' j*ir s * r- Gbtimtw—You we ovA « qrderi UtTutmti •^ J HVurj"at-th9 ne^ «nc^BB|*fl< ; n^ iYmjcwbj ^ 11 ret^ aftdt ^feqr ,^4ghi*pTh sj' ^^^P^ ^ -j;f *;. '<»5»*s Mm t~*tr. Brcnm-r! ;¦.- ¦:M ¦:'; -rr 'M^ - 1 -.^'-;: Ia* :.\ ' V- : -f fi nmmmmm, mSmimm : : : ¦ ¦ r - ¦ : ¦ - - -. - - ' - . ' ' .- jP^-vy '^-i;t.l- - .:.'¦¦ ' ; ' ; r. ° , •I . . -i^'^'i \-Y! ,-: '^:;/^.^ii/vU4^t- ;->. 'J*,>. ¦ | - - > J ¦ i« -r «. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ , . . ''- - ¦ Stocking , « ' ¦ ¦ ' - ' ' angs ;j v' i' : . . (¦ ¦; ¦/. •Empty; H \_ i* .; ! . • - - * " :|fl r • 1 ;When . j ., p. > i T '- ' • i thj e Little ;St6ckihgi 5®Ml|p [ i |;Wh tlfr "Little Efflux . any.f |^ .f rjf|if f \ | ||| l i | l l | ¦ I i ¦¦ ¦ : : .1 ! ' -! Onto in ; each year, very, -viverys^'^-lnearnear^" tJbf^6-::endendjo ^ofvf - ''fijietilie dying yeir, \ \ ' ' '¦ y -\'''- :':: :' : : i ;^lj : Si ¦ ¦ ^ ¦; ' j'^^^S i^^^W^^^^^^t i v'p|^^i - M!'- -A" ^i^ f ' :• • • ththerepie comes a certain flight. • It !j is a night of Happy Thb^agghta-jofhta-j of ;i; . ,.[ ' , . -;. . {¦• :^#i ;i|^":: IpB: : 'aM : ; ' : ; i:' ' " ¦¦' ¦ ¦ - l ^i V ' ^^'^iOlrKp < ¥& l . deardea|r pleasant-nt memories. Little Children go alalll 'Wot<5o. s0pnsbon : ^tobedmbed, ; i-j . 7 ¦ : "' ;- ,. ' -\-a^M-.i.Mfea ' ' ''" .-; ; ¦ ¦ . ' %3ii'i^^i :- Hgga' - -i- v : \^^ <^m M ¦ ^ i- r ^5'* ¦ ¦ , - ¦ ¦ -¦ " ¦ his coming, 'for time-at -least . : r. I ^^ . -,:.j :/.-. :; ¦;: . , •; . . £ - ! ; ¦ \,, • , v :; ¦;. .; ,: " delays , . v1 8 (r r :,V ¦ y, y, . ;. . ¦ ! i and the kindl bid Sandman i V ; ¦ ¦ , . I . ¦ ¦ y . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦¦ •¦ ¦';¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ • • ¦ • • - ¦; ¦ • ¦ ¦ :¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦! -I- i : _ ¦• ;. i- . ¦ . .:¦. . ij.i . : .!. .. -; . , ^ . ¦ ; A - -v¦ ¦ . . , : ¦ " ¦ : childish hopes and 'jGroWp-up folks ; ' • ' .'•'¦ • --5'- . . ¦: - ; 'M - - ' : ' : - ' • : ; ' ¦; 'IJ their j . ' . ! , -;! j :¦. . .! . .. i . . !;: . :•;- , . :l J \ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ;; -l ^ . ¦] ; . j y l l P l l l i , tiptoe stealthily'! and creakily about the house : '• • . ;¦ '. " > ' ' ] ¦ . •' ¦ ij ^ M'' - ' -ift mmtiXii rife 1 1 w ;, - ; ' ' x:! I : j ;;j :v '\ , -MBSB^ - ';-j ' ::i|^j. i Y^T - i; ' - i *i - 'i^f i^. i ' :.:¦.I - J [ | THE LITTLE i EMPTY STQCKINQ ! HANQS AT Tl^B: CHrAlNBY-piECjE, | j | j ^ \/J^J^ A quaint-little tbjng, that is all too email to hold.the!precious thinigs i -:; ; ¦' v$ ^ uciuic luc uunu uxptuvo vm. : ; . : thatUiliU SantaOliUlU !A_ClaU8/lilUb will bringUilUjj before the. dawn breaks on! CnriyuxiDbUfaBtnjaao ; , I,/ ^I^ AB^ ¦ i ! i \r - ,j: r . r . ;\, >v - 1;: ' - JHJAK^ ' mmi¦ ^^mm1 k ; ^- -¦ 1 morning. ! i Thia ib the season when we forget the worries akcLcares! of J : || j : ' , :. ;jr: :! ¦• • > I:::- 'A^ItjaE:., :!/-;.;;;. .; :,. ,; i;.L :,v ;A :! .:;¦ . , . : . .; ' ' ' ; ' ' ¦ : ' ' ¦ ' " ¦ " " ¦"¦ ' : ' 'i' ' " ' " ' ¦¦ ! ¦ "¦ ' --: ; * ¦ ¦v] : i' • • . ¦ ;: ¦ . • ¦ .;• [ life—when we count our friends and find them Mwhen we | \' -y , '!A L_; . <¦£ . . -^L- : r V^ , many^ : ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 '¦ ¦ ¦ • ! ¦ ¦ ' "' i 1 'i '-^' '^^i '- 51 ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' ' ' ¦ choose for them remembrances : . ' . ' ! ..; . . : ' • ; JlCJ /S-/^ ' sT'ViiQk f'B'' - -'• • • ; : ¦; ; ' Let us help ypn in that pleasant . task. -We can] help, ; to j :• ;! ; iMBp^pl|p;E;:; .; - = ;, ;:; .II . ¦ ^ : : lighten the; strain on. your purse. 'We have a large anq splendid ! !• ¦ ' JLilsj-x'liioV JJ4Jti JL x:J^J.JMiii>l , assortment of gifts and .Toys suitable for all persorlij, from j the tiniest ' I . i ' JlJ'Jirlr ^xla. JL .' tot to the veteran of ninety . . :.| : . "." i ;. ! M, ¦o - ' - : :^:- : -rte **^:.^ l :- -: ;lf ; '- ; :^ j XMAS NOVELTIES RECEIVED. AVAIL OF THE BARGAIN v JJJST ¦ ¦ PRICES] JEm ' ' ' ¦ " " ' ' ¦ ' ' : ' i ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : - - • : ' : - ¦ ¦ " ' - ¦ : ¦ ¦%¦ - • - ¦ - V :- ;¦' |. - ' ' , - ;:- ; - : ' ; - ¦ ¦ ¦ ™ij !' . { : :. l-\. . .- . . :• : . . ' , . , .; :•; •'; . , .i:'-> ' -;; - ;- : ' i- KQBERTM, LEDLIE, ^^M;.1 \\ /: .v f:T .. lii .

' '¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦] ' ' ¦ '' •:¦ - r-f:• - ¦' • ¦ ¦ • '¦ : ' ) : -J- v ' . ¦ . ¦ , !•• [¦ <- - .\r- : , ;iW; ?]? ¦ . !-|| - . ^ ^. ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ' : : ¦ • ' • ' •:• . . . i[ V: ' . WATERFOR1> . ; . -( ; ; •;:¦ . - i ¦:¦ . ¦ . . ur , , , ; - " ' =¦ ; . . ./. : r . . . i;;, :i.. : . Hi . H . ! ¦ :i | ] nzFnrf¦ r¥ r - ; :. ¦¦ ¦ y ¦ { |- i =i= : ¥:., . . =±=¦¦' fe | if1 JOiBagi" :; !ltaD [©#© ©110 O^iiritsSf iSlpDa-: ^ i ;|: ¦ I ¦;!¦ ¦] •:¦• .-! li-i. -i- . ^i-^: :M-vi. :in .i- ^v] v , ^ u\L%}hil^ JJw

' ¦ ¦ * : ' • '¦ •<¦ ' - jQcjIqaao. " . . . i F . I \ PRElJTY SLOXJSEJS, irom syjl H ;to .^j of , « i : i Bc£a to announce the Engagement : F^ ur NbqkletB arid Stoles, from to -d/iBfltpj S QEiInoas, ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ! • ' PRESENTS¦:¦ 1ORj ¦ Alt¦ ' :i A FIRST-CLASS COUR T DR&SSrJAKBR ! ;t' . . i r: Handkerchiefs; ov s» s fe»^py ass» ¦ ; 4^ P !¦ ¦ ^ !¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I j - " jacdjacob?8 b?8 Utobrella^ o. - ; .|. f i i - . :;¦ . . :. ;: ! ¦ . - j AND LADIES' TAILOR , . . , . / " , ' From our Splendid Collection 6i Toys, Dolls, Games, &c, ; ' - - ' ¦II ¦¦ DAJNTY AtiD i USEtut. \ I ' ;;- AtLAE.L VfiRY¦ ' "¦'. ; • '! ' • ' -i-i- ' ' ; ¦ • i as well as from Our Attractive and Useful Articles : , ¦ i j yl^^lV^- . -^-U -r- : ' li i- with London and Dublin Experience, 1 j | _ . ' suitable-for;Christmas Preuents, which include: ,.' . ¦Ladies' and (Cents' iDressing Cases!, Jewel Cases, Writing Desks, \ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ial will convince of her-stylish .Cut and . FSrifeh ;¦ :¦ ¦; ;: . Q7 Q|,flC[- <|P^ayy^t7fateaj qi& i . ; ; •; ¦ " ' | ' " ' Albums, Work Baskets, Tea Cooiesj Perfume Cases,' [Handkerchief j . | . : 11 : ¦ ¦ : Ii I! , ' ' - ., 'V . (oi. Sachets, Fans, Maltese Scaria, &c, Sic , Handkerchiefs, Bilk j ¦ :- I : -- " i. . • ! "H ^^"pTTii- " - - f f i i • - __ , I Mpfflera , Ladieo' arid Gents' UmbreiliiB, Irjsh Ppplin; Ties, Eadies ^^J ^J^ ^ ^ TTiri a-nA f lnada dlrmoa WnnT Wrflrtfl Sillr T)fiTninn Jj>Tirf WIITIO* i l EI ; Kid and Suede) Gloves, Wool Wrpj »s, Siljc Delaine ;ahd Nuns' ! ( h v i 1 " Tri&-i0ILD i x XVJJA Aixx/ E E «Sb^rsKi pnisiLinirjAnv POTBCE Jerseye PREPAID Green's Lano. WOHABD GliEESON, Proprlo- . ; ;..|,, ,. . Veiling Blouses, Fiir Necklets, Muffs, CMldren, s Fur Sejs, Golf ^ W^g A NUISANCE; ! m-m-r-.^ la^^nding Dopartnicafr—Highest Bnmis oa ' ¦ -1—•¦—r. ; , BUYING YOUR XMASl PRESENTS ¦ ,« -w^ -r-r-r-i-r^ - ^-.~~~~~ to*' * iChildren's Pelisse's, Silk V uling i and Cashmere ,- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '' ' ¦ ' ¦¦ Wttchca, JowcUery, Fnraltnro, Bedfllnfi (Fca- : i ; l l i . , , ' ¦; •; ¦' biit IS noiv a Pleasure /at L- .V. ' ¦• . - :! . • ¦ ¦ - • ¦ ¦ iTJTTSlTrilVn^NTS • i ; TlVT^ ¦ ' i 'A ¦ i ¦ •> JJit X XKJ JJxU.XXLl XKJ — "* "''' ¦ ¦ ''I ; - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ >" |: - ¦ i ¦! "- * ¦' , ther ind n&lr), BloydoD Musical In- ' ' i ¦ - L ¦ ¦ * ¦ ¦ . .i Wheel*. . TM" •!J\JFT U/1F Muslin Aprons, Pinafores, CuBbiono, Ti ble Centres, Side-board Cloths • ' ' I • _ etttunonta, Loathot OoodH, Including Hatnoa3- „ , j ". t * i 1-T; ' ! l ;, i ' ' ' Wh«T. : «mivin« »«!A ^«rH.«.m«. «»,«« « otc., oto. No Second Prloo. Sale Departnxon «.« i fl i j ! nn . • . . B'JQyley's, Fancy Handle tfchiefs, etc. etc \. . . nMS «. plcadre QEORGE[p: ¦ W. ^ NOT ' . ' B^^M^^L ^ V caonlfl bo addressed In this manner.- 5 SIsyic. SSSSIS , piniitfliinl ^ 'IM (01 111 antijnee to Bny !. aSSSaiS^ OHoo. —Wearing Appirel, Beddlns, Feather J! M5'l!Il& ilJl ii ill ^) li f¦flMM. to coine froi S liilJ S S » ! ^ Boas. BolBtcrs and Pillows, Watches, Bingo, ! *-».. i V .|.... . , . CROKERI¦ ¦ r We feel certain we can pjeauo .everybody. '' : i • : : i ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ -: ¦ *m^W4*-: ; <| S0A Bedsteads, Fnrnltore, Boots, Shoes, and sunflry vnzi J- the coldI ' ana* ¦ 4k | ¦ ' : T^' mE&' h' b ¦ ;- i. . ' " i > ; . '¦ .. , . ..r..y.. * .T...... ,- . -..., ' ' [ ' ' * j ' i 1/ 7*7T If v *?i f* * • I • •- • I O¦ 9w;: ; CSoeds. - Solid BflTorWatcliosteen6a. GoarAa- • • ' "be " : ' II.^MtJI ' '.' -;¦ ¦> :¦ :•, •;' : : ,tcmHtmg;array-ot : ¦ :¦ • d ! ,\ . Qi* Prices will found the Loweat outnde , : 'l . : '. ; . ! |.;picxtiBjB i , V. '! HTWH J OTHnfTP1 tao Military Boots 7s. Hi. Pnmltnre Bonuht PACT miflWTV WA^PDRnnn , HEWB OFFICE, Dost Wco paid Mr ITnrnlttiro, lattK)3 OlOthtag, CAhT VOUNIY WATE^FORD I ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ " '' r :: . j iWATERFOEJJ. , . ctOi, remoyDd Xrco of dhtsso. Bnslacsa trona. ' ' ' _ '! ' _ ' "' xntoimy Warri "J9li^^n~r^|:-£i|; .il I^A-..« i|j[£ff^|^ fc^«^-> , - J 1 BAT POISON. MUIions vanish. Total ^A A lour, kitchen, frwi rooms opntalrs ; rent, •»-« J.0¦ ¦ jAalUlGG¦ rOGE 'iPlOtilOo 3/8. Apply Ur. Mblloy, 'Manor. I ' i ; extermination snro. Escape Impossible. 'Hover ' i . ; i I : ¦ *7 rravv nTPT" nntr ' tj\ .11 T>r.Tiha^n>. ' k taiia- MM '/", 2/-, 3/-, 6/-, pOBt 2d.—HarlOy, ON ! Vu.V^lViHL l^V/ VV : r - : - havo;:line to attendI yon.properly.' . ..;: ¦ ' ! ¦ • ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ • I¦ ^ T" ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ i I •- • . :! i , * > ¦* i }'. - - >- . , I Qaay Wfttcrford- ; Tuursaay, I4(J January, 1539. ¦ t«Hjay and during xmM weet; A Freo Bottio ^ ' : I- . - .. -i . -;. r,.:) i :)j{! i ::¦:;, , h- - . - "•¦ ;• • ¦ Cl Halr Drill Harlcno, Or (m 1 exquisite Sachet L) ICK COVERS and Backs, new and scoona ¦ i I - . i I \ i; -\Y ' . > . : . - Powder Free, to every purchaser of 1/- Trortb. Xu band, for sale or hire on best terms. Also J ' , Jones¦ ' City Pharmacy, 82, Quay. ! largo qnanUty of Corn and Potato Sacks Tory SHt^CSf VU(Sti'Fi n&racSi? KitHf a . pSs ' , cheap. M. Coleman & Co., Hired Sack Con- ^>«I^eir i1si««^WSt- « r , i \ 7; i * BADmn I COUGH—dnnTTnu—i good««^i Shilling.CMIII.,., — "Dr.»n. i""-"" "» *"° i»™-i«»'«"« " "¦" ' J ; i\ Wynter>Expcctortne" rids you of both. A QET ot ^111 Bubber FlRures for stamping -,,. I l» '¦ ¦' ¦:¦ Agent, Jones, Chemist, 82, Quay. . , j^ for CM*.*, riU*ff^ We stock Drapery of every ;rtp«ion.j < .;: :. > S'!');. ;^^;, : ;. . . |; - ; : ;• pneo camg vrfnaowa (suit drapers or iS>2iVGS' \ l,tl0®clti : ¦ JDes j No^B :¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ '" '! - FOIilir-EQUIPPEp Trial Caso for Scion- provision morchanta), 4/- thOES^ OQca, por UaUar of Plourth pdjodge'li aa.doinfl Uio ¦;, . - . . •;, Ouq Re?dy-J4ade' IrishiSutts aro Btjcj aind}-tonone, " Bight TeaUng. Spoctaeleo In all Wfelerford. .' ¦ A tlfloj [J_ Bert WorU In.tho Field- - -J- i ¦ ¦ ; Irlsli Tweeds by ill Ithe¦ ¦ leading•* 'MantifiChirero. I • ' |: '- ' ¦ : ; : ¦ ¦ ¦ II il Jones, Chemfst-Optlclan, 62, Quay: " . . I - ; ¦: •'! ' : i ¦ :;i'; .— : -i - :¦ petal *. QEND a postcard to BS and \re will send y"Su , ::. .: .: i.l . I . N I — :^ ¦ ' BOCQUCO nothing but thoi>ur;>i of Ingrodlontd are iicsA. Thoj are coated • ' ;: ' :• GOOD Light is|a|luxury.- H. Boll's for O books of Privato Greeting Cards to cbxma .. . _,. , .. . i .,; ., ¦ DEESSUAKINQ ON THE PRJE.MISES.} ; . .[ [- ; '-j ':/• , T . - ti»Aaa li rorB tcillr , „„„ ,. , open„. 10,„ C!l„;, and piped with itho jjuresi Bugart ' , A excellent burning Petroleum Oils at the from. We aro In a position to offer the chotofab I'lopsas LADIES! TO oriDEIt~Al SpECI^VUTY. j. ¦ Z ] - ,. ' tight price,i 62, Quay. ; ¦ • designs. Ketra Printing Works, Watorford.1 coders. ¦ i ; ' 7 ¦ ¦ " "1" :j ; ¦ . fi : - ¦ ¦ " " ¦ ; 'j ; ; ' ' '¦;; ASjEAfiliE,. l>a( riek - Street. [ from BaUybrioten Fair, Decenifter J. _ BON ' T TfQRGEY TZMT BR^QltB, ,]; .; . ; . .] U.| BOOH-TO PHOTOGRAPHERS—A-well- CJTBArED .» ., p r rM.i i Plonghja,n--t,. .r.rJrfto \^Pl ULl A equipped Dark Boom for use of Amateurs.; O' 7th. Bed White Bullock. Anyone giving CLA55 H. For CfciH I , ep-Clntly eon also bo ordered.: All carefullypicked li Boxoa rcidy for postal ;o ' (i t rcqulrod). A largo stock of Cameras, Plates, Fllmd, &o, to Information will be rewarded by John MoUoy, confined to tfcoss V7io cBvcr coapatcd ct a coloci from. jAl^infonnationfreely given. Bell Mlohaol-street. « s Jjlneh tc foilo. _ . | '] ' Brotherstuomers, B9ta>, 'Quay.mnay. '; QECONDdECOND--HAND Vehicles for 6aloBalo or Hire T <"r . with option of purcha&o, no reasonable _ ¦ ¦ AH OPEN 8ECRET-4Pnrest and Bcot Drugs O' . ,, , . .,...,^ usod : at , Bell's forlDoctore' Prescriptions, offor refuBcd ; Landaus, Brafeca, Wagonottoa. Further parUculars wiU bo published later. Q ; ' 110, ftAty : 1/fpEEFQP ; • : eo bring your Prescriptions¦ to Bell's, C2 /m BOTTLE Wrapping 5 Tissues. Nice assort- rP&E «•*-J^ [h^-«-»-«-«AL *I- li, L/Uiy,V4i*.llJbA UJtllv Jt mctrt ot oolonrs. Large oonrignment ro- -1- ' "?« . "The Keltic WarebonBe, for Ladies' *^» ' ' it Cdvofl. Cheap. ' Waterfora News, Ltd. and Gent.'s TallorioR Is Simply Perfection." : ^. « ¦ ; . b'CbniieU St lJplpisr/, X>w£tN.- ' v-- ;. ' ;,; ,. ' ' :• can be oup^liod with w-, . n. J^i v\ ., j l j and 50, . -;J : : . , AKERS . TISSUE, large and stoaU sizes. ^pBAMORE-Dancos P flil ! FGCDMO M Y Blltl y.- ;'; ': : ¦: [¦ ' ' ^ ' '} ' ' ' ; " : i ' ' ' ' : : New;»Omce, W«terforl ; . - . ^i gSSXf iS&firSSE TELEPHONE No. : v : ] : , . . A:- . j., : JH/J. N/ - " • : : ; - : L 'S^ ^^f Jl^J^i;- ' ' v ' ^ ^ «U> DTOiQAEVAN BTJBAL; bl8TBIci. ; !:. If 1. liUN(JA^VAN ti|fION. . ; ; ' ; «£&^ l«Ui J.\J !; tJonery absolutely pure. Becommendod by tho ¦*-! te tn,° "DaUy Indopcndcnt." Jurt try IS .ZUL!. cli^J ^^j -j ' ' ' : andnna «BOO» fortor yoyonrcolfurcolf--r/ OP KOIICE;; TQ CQ^rBACTORS. , ;i ; . J; : mira *r^cHER-- ri ;.; Medical Faculty. | , ; _ itife All, ,'iiERTEl)aBEVED jBBTY !r^ITOta : USEHflR OP OGABJR : 12, fttadatono ' i Sfci WAXEKF©K&9 ! . r .!w^NTEp. ^ ^ ; Si^ld ^ H'QydE : : ' : ^ir^S - oli^rPEffir; i ;#e| Biarii yifeortke -above Unloi . I -.JjAKipi::tA§ljP!| AG'EMtS; • ©AYjUfte 2a»d.l)EOEai'BEB] 1908, proceed to The Keltic Warehouse, Waterford. i mo LET—Orler Bank HOuca, with lawn and 1.—A fire (hat enables you . to avoid tho riskl ^•^AT ^^" ffiv^^GOTTAGESFM - . i ^ S ck »pSWi*i»: BI6B;TEACHEB£10; for per the Work- ON'TICOUGH I .| Take White's I Bronchial *¦ ¦ 8»'aon. Apply, Mrs. O'Meara, Brfdiie- entailed by goJng from a muj sitting; V p S ^th S ' "^^ 8phoolsJ nft:a;8Jdary oC annmn, ' ¦ a bodroom makes for FJRIT--ftiN[6 lyiFtf BM6lJJJRS^CE" i^EMS8, behe^^ obtainedS«iiS ^^on OTU«a^to ^^ ^ I i Lozenges. They lioosen the phlogtn , remove ™!£2L ,_ Sr-TraS* ff iff ifj ^'f tfafa-.. . , isubjectlo Bariction o< 4ire Local Governing the irriution, and cure ihe congh. Sold ln Bbc- tl\HK Loading Advertising Mediumsin Ireland . HEALTH. ^[ I !| penny Boxer only by George White & Sons, j at tho present OUJO are the : JL ^ " Daily Infle- 8.—A fire at a onlyminute juei's noticefuel just at whenany hour, TOxldhouse, 9^ Dece^, b King Street. i : Modent," " Weekly Indopcndont," "Evonino day or eight, makes for COMFORT. ; JWl ; Office^ ^ l ^ ^ o i ^^ IW8 ¦ :| ; : BLAOD'S Iroff Toaic Pills cure ArncmU. ed at ' ' i * |me:. nat|hUfir.than Jl^O ajn. on Ihe obfinro DB. S ^f J ^^ ' g ^ ^ ^^receiv S * the! ! ? '—A *™ «»* heat - ¦ ¦ Largo bottles. Bufflcicnt for a complete ?"££. ^ u m&led aid no longer, mokes for: JDUN^ABV^ tNION. - , |: : " " ' ' " InJo ? ^^ Offlo?2-F ¦ ; ; . | .j ^l^gi ' ^ V . - f | .|^^^ . . . ; !. . i cure, U'\ Q. White it ' Sons, Chemists, King P °- __. ECONOMY. , |, - : ^ / \ ¦ : ' :..,._ .._ ¦ _._ i ": | *"Street.**• ¦ ¦ > ! i ; !I ' fTTTTP. " RATTITftDATl ITER/BI LUJ") L3-i tthn.- BIW.4t n it... Ilii. » ... .. : POTATOESJWANTED 1 ,:; i , .j, { : ; |- . ^B. DgEB . LI. T?«w ^? ^? »*Jf TH h T? f* . F¦^h er Information and particulars At I I TVDBLIN-MADE Waterproofs, 21/-, 25/-, 30/., -*• ! Brightest ^and Bpiccat pt I Irish Evcslog i tf o of ,^ ^ B.c^. P»pors> Can bo had by poot for IS weeks tot. QAB WOKKB-nnKR OBn ;GASo*Hi COMPANTcnMPANV-flS ' TO BH3 tilHI1 1 BfiLVEDERE. NEWTOWN. ak— Spacious BoU G-fiaWmM^^ ;. -:aerk' ;O^ : im T , i i AJ 35/- Ladles' 18/6, 22/6, 25/-. 30/- "Black - , JO Oa b ; f: ^ ^i ; j nil cLt ««• ™- <«"n " Indeoendonli OfUco. , B^OW EOOMfl , QUAY, Sl i ^ ¦^ ¦ ¦ ¦ Waterpcoof Bugs, to/6i . 12/6. 7/fi ; *** ^SE Na LAOTL-AUod^" " ' ,• . - : ; - . ||.- . - ¦¦; '¦ ¦ - - leather bound,8/6. Cycle Capes, , , : M ^ ^^ ^T ,f TKnFlfBER 1908 consider Tenders for sup- . , .- L . .!• - . . | - . J 3/9 6/6 6/6, TTIBITOB8 to Waterford shonld socura How Tfc*w«lenhonn-i«u«uo «o.No DJM. , POTATOE9.txop • ,CABBJAaES AN» HABNESS FOB SALE. ' CycleCovers.4/3, 5/3. , Tubes. 2/3,2/9. Crotty'i, V to enjoy a short etay In Watorford". Prioe ^ ' E riying ttrWorKtousp1 roith ¦ 1 vi?fetnffi ' to 1st May 1909 :; ' : ' -I • i ' ' . - ¦;> : j-ri: »; '. '¦' JL" - ¦ " '¦ ^i i-;' > Ltd., 62 Grafton Street, DobUn. i_ Sd. , Fully illustrated, and A reliablo Outdo. At ; i ^SBC> ^^^i^' S^S1 A ilrco railway ticket goes^«^v,ith tfie house; . above date ! J - , , I ¦ -n '^llL_i' . t_L- V wmt'qp Aimrk /iiiwrwrv (MiAftmcEn - . Posfters containing ! turtber particulars can w By Tborn, Ltodon, an3 : Norwich. Landau Pocket Lamps aro most useful In WaterforaNowa offlco. ; ' 0 B ' ! . : ELECTBIC to J. S. rhfTOira Aril r* 'M/>IICr- , T^^' i 'ESTITES IIANAQED. BENisICOLLEOTED. beDe obtainowauled onou kppliMinn t<> ..-' . . . BubberlTyred;: ;llail Thtetqn. WapawitSe; theiome or ont of floowon darkevenlnss. -r^ANMAN Wanted. Apply Brcca BJ L.olKAUfi.L- |kJUU&Li opIffifdt S,. ^^' ? r j^gjj £ DOWEB, ipki^ble^Harness:, jb^; Tbomjwton. Dublin^; • ; aAUiYMAOAiW, DDNMOBB BASt-pouso. Oaih 'iBecelvid on Deposit 3 per cent., re- ' 1 ' ¦ ¦? ; • ¦ ¦ n9 t)flerlDgSPCClttl T6l 0 at : M . : I . - Clerk ' of. .Union. ¦•¦; Apply;to ; . . I'¦:• r :v. t ., ; . . : - . ; ° V Bridge House. TO ! L&Ti Four Cottage8, lately occupied by .j Coaat* J |!|payabTb (practical ^ on 1 doinaad. ¦ ffi^U^1 d%' e«h l-i nca of ¦' , ¦ Office, !9}h piccmber, : 1008. : : i ; ..; - .;. : ; ;j: ^ |T.:-^. 1;ANDEBSON»' Graeedfeu.' i . ' : room with ' . ' ClerkV ' : • "" • i uotjpoiifl and American) ' ' • : ' - ''^ — ^T TTlTANTED-Doiiblo-beddcd . —<— h (juajfda;also Boat.Houoa. ' tloney Cached. -¦ ¦¦'' ¦ - - -, , . ¦ | i - ¦ ¦ ;| - -^- : ! - • - ' ' '' ¦ ¦ ; ' <*¦ . '!' j "^'! -:;-/!- - ¦!¦ r- • ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' i ! ¦• . ^ i;- i . - ' : - '\ ' -! M n !!' : D re&uuv?^ithbooTsT vS«£ &1g2%£?""^ *** LANSDOWNE ! liOUSE, i ; i; ' i > \ I v m a^da f DCSl^- 1JOW8 £*, ^ wAt ° U 0- * strong Boy who understa^l ^gTfTQTF^ &FORD, P^Ung^?Wa X ** ™ Quar0 " V HEBALD;.--I ,^ PnbU- /pAppli y B^'^la , Quay. " ¦ ^"^^1 " ,: ell : R^ffi??i?-° BSf^ % ^?SS,, (!f IS21- B. F. Phelann^ ^ . Commodious B^toResidenceTwithwith oil ModemMode,

11 i.

¦ ¦ Otr> the Coj intry. \ \ • | ! i i iT/iE have a number oC Wire Files for offl ca . ¦ ' i , '!! . . ' ¦ ~^- ~ ¦ ~ Br^wn Papers and Paper Bags of; all ™ nse that we are desirous of getting off onr . | . . - j, , : ; FOB tanflsA and will sell very cheap.' . Bame can ,Do , classes, plainTor printed, tiy " Tfio News¦ ¦" MOTHERS,¦ : TRY : wmm: ' ' :¦¦¦ had on applicationm to NEWS offlco. mmms: . , . ; j . ; ~J. : N ; i: ; . : Office , Wftterford. f . . ADn AN ' » i0 o ' ¦ ; ^S ^M ^^A^W PS. *stisiE * r "™T: \ j ™rW ' ^ ¦ ' : ¦¦¦" ffl«1 ¦^S¦ !^«A. .¦- s: w^sft W^-As^ ¦ ¦ i ;-::. - - :|-! ¦^ ¦ ¦i ag°°to- -I -¦ ' ' !¦¦ . . i . |. .washins and plain . cooking ; twee ln famlly, gG^'KfahjUw&S- Hal^ Edot ^siH Please recom] SHvf.Vf- l.' .- . ;¦: : : :: iWtt^ W :^^ P0DB-8TPH0N Bottling Machine for Sale, mJ°?»blflL h * *2°8' mend it to your Friends. i ^ £72L t6 £8. ApplToy 2525we , this?£? o.mBlce.^ p. j J? nearly new. ; Applfltfr>; S, Mayor's Walk. I J Tingj jy.,^. ^ | M. Farmer, and Co.; Osnil Our r Sefor^n^S Grocery endt - ¦; Piio». Pric*. T>rw^tgr5^^ ^^Zt^U^i/v< ' W^raP—An Improver London, ^.E. ABent-B!¦- 'jC.;, CURTIS, >^ i^J. 05 ' ¦ ' Wrapp ' ¦ ¦ Wj Spirit Business. Must bo rcspectablo Registered DrnBgis^ Barrack Street: _ . 1 > Enqutaj, our priooa. Bodinosd ' ^JT d Oo,, _ ftDd ^ocommended. Apply 2520, thk offloe. Wetfarford. , Murpiy's Mididal Hall. Carrlckf ¦ ' ^^ ¦ : ¦ ' : ¦ ' '_' ' C^rrSu on-Suir.mr ; | . . • . . i - - -J ' ; . : . . . \ ¦ :'; i ' ' '. ;¦ ¦ed. ¦po ^Z ^T ^.. , .J.;^. L—„ 1 „, . \:Jr AH7ANTED for City establishment - Firot- °°-° . i . - \ T- i ""iiJAl ^l* jPiailiofan<» *©«.;••«- iff* ^ i i ' WA= ' - M ^ '1. '!: :^ vi • y© FRUIT ; l sMteS -lH^F^KS^ ^ ' ¦¦ 8AUTi 2/0 1 lT ;i- Wli^ *M *ti&- ' ^M ^WT^on .M •»« 1 ¦, i¦¦¦ :¦¦! E

  • : ¦ ' ¦ > ¦ - : ¦¦' '¦' • ¦• jl " ¦ |' I onco.enco wto 2527, thistms office.omen. 'i ~ - ; kiddiy i&am it to tto/ and be oin restive ^/ — #- r nie CV€r lacwaslnW popularity ibl.-'TExIno'-V '^ B«echa rTV8 PTlIo „; 10ld. P2I oU' lxick. TIhe; iaSttate wiU 'lje found WANTED^ a» oncorYouijg General Jtar BS a ropid com-cure is^one^i mony genulae # l^i «a • ¦ - •n»" -Reference rcqulrod.; . 1 i •' engraved on ' .the tenidle. ; = - . '|- : ¦; | f»nj«7< ; proo£8 JfV excoUenc^. -Vt (tdbd ¦¦ Ap/\y 2 28, News office. / ;j ^^. ' 1 ' ^ ! l ' oT,PR per pair _E* ^ ,j : ; 1_ j ^ ieai ^;» ycntSiTand : s acknowledged to- .?[!• • '. -si^Bftiigbi^F^^;^-:/^-®*;. .^/*]: Fra r NH «ii tdica 2d' «4d .w»ndd 6d per pair at -^^tPfAPBRs ^,0, pe, «,U. Any quaa- ¦ ¦?!• 1/f Vul/i: J I^Smto?i £l ; day I to be . ope of ih4 be»Vol vents yet •*- !-" Blttud^lWilo^-U^ ;: : P|o ¦ ' tlty, targe orsmaU, »uppUeda«iWholeM4» produced.' MA lady writing hbot^t her ex- ; ^ gfifsssHiffis : £ :J S !^JL1T T| M Lt^. ¦ /«.. *^ 1 | j ¦ , !..;; ;f^lthtfB»|pitf»to ^- ^a^ ; F.I waBBPfeBfe rfOSSPHi:00«WAY .flBdeatarea Ghinjn«r prices. Ota etock exceeds iSOfiOOroll*. ; Write perfence »ay«:—'fV'im }>S>pyl:to tel1 yoathd.ti ^1 !;CT dMOMt', tkjmwgWt caderctaad * all Mat a tot; patterns, stating what class yon require. &e corn, ciire you wjld mt. the •other day, has was \ i;B»^:«i« , Chfa utty¦». Boblnpoa¦ 'atai a DepT 602. The Barnott Wallpaper Co., IM., I entirely removed ray cor^,!| ^Wch , j rptf, ¦ ¦¦ ¦ 1 - , .;¦ . • '. ¦ \- : • ¦ : , " ¦ ¦ ' ' ! ?:'- ' '-:wtfOkli -f- j::«r 8noTKPPry»l •?, |. y. oampfleld AvonBO, Manchester. , troablesome/' Manufap ufljft oilonly, by H.; ¦ ¦ ff-^ i iiifSv •>! - i««STwi««mi»*r^. UT ABGB PrintedLe» kw, 20 x 10, to raaJdr^, -nTHITS'S FamUy AhtibUlous PUls coS Bell in Js^toUleo, or sir^d: silk. 7«.| - -!;i!; ;5MK^^ ' W • - ,!&^|p.Ei, /if* Vi \^}j , wMSm:*ffU, U Aa totlor. .BTow. Print- YWmach aUoeiU, Prices ad. 6d,;»nd !l/. per ptckeU ; 63 ;audj 89. ^q ;,, . , . >, j -! ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ! ¦ t Wfcfierfcara. .. : ;!¦ ;> ¦'J - , :- ; - :!¦ • J M - i: v ;i ' ' ; ; 'v !.vf O«T4fl!RoMCow:»ukirBea,¦ l)eoi i «bi trom: . . ^ .l. . ^iY ,, vl .f: ' :ti'Hi r r ¦.: ^-' j; ! 'Jj Bo^tej^Trrtnafe» '' :i l ' : i ' V '| T 7 ! €T|7AHTED^BilllMaT»bte,ApoiyU)0t*M».;by*4L^ , flBUTTEB.i iJW , |>r>o^iw*o ^ ^G«jtge Wbit4 0b«inaa OffloototV-. ot»te>W u j. MEM. and PLOURI for;.SdCt^r j .eodbHr |>^' ^ I S ¦ ¦ >j lIw^g»vW«ai , iWA5PRFOBD.IN8WTOTIOKXIBKilBT^;: ^.^^a^^ ^SS ^^ |-joTp|'.;! i j ^rotTf oitokitf >*6IIPI Tb0I^tolMro l^^^^^S^^^^m ^ V £ ft^# 2SvS»^£2£fl^2Sw?« :,OHA^BBRjpP COMMEE0Ei.flUltpI|«j; !; I -l ^. v. •;iJOHH. ; d ll|0HBfJS^hV~ .< &^ : ¦ ¦• ¦¦ <^'i Qw^%lte«ttrte.Vto - ,ii4>^ |Jei5l^Mrt» .. .4sri- . i . j,;. • - . -. v:'.|^ V^-v . •'', ¦Hii^.-rPt.!.. ^tr u| #«ffi ^gji rt»aS2 K i%sSsffV!-,}'- - ^>; - vt ; ¦• iJ]' .SSJH! gag ^ IS£*a*Jri 'ij-^.j added-a»otMr, VMW ntnnm«»^i>wWf>itii i ^niAtmk lUTT.wrvWt*'« I «Vi i afefiSM giMli iKiili W0%

    » i ' ? j THOMMJSTJ^ET/'^TB ^^p. :' i ; ' j si t$di; i] oltjioltrtel i oij elifittv.qm^jr^i)! yesterday, when Mr. i» f ,Bnd-Qohibnotb^/Greep, one VtF., prertOed and ^er iinembersiresenCWera i : y i ^ ^3-Momf w^y ' preBiae^ inernbeirB r^P^r^^ -M Will alt , depend On i- ' ' ; •«V M i8 ' - thibuglloat C • ' " ¦ ^ &i\ >^ i HJGH-CIiAlssl 'GRpOERY - TOBiJCOp. - rbe(nrf acensed of haTlDgattix i^iMH. . Still, proienttij,' :'-^.v :.]-l 'i\' - :- -\:\ : •¦¦ ,V/ ,. • , j-i'i- Bonool Attendanqe ' ^ ^ . Sime hU jests—practical and otherwise ii ¦ ¦ ¦ :¦¦ " ¦ ¦ • Officer Xtaggan's report \vt. "' ' • " " " knowing j tbe^e ' M-("li !¦ i , ¦ : : ¦ : - ;¦ ¦: ' thiogar, we <*t not rebjaln from . . . III . WINE AND j SPIRIT;; BUBI{NESS; ;. i hadjiiij ihtai'ao ¦ jijr|p : i35 , ss.'&a, tne unes reeeivea , 81iper cent. i Bcbool. Attendaace Ofacei! <' ¦ by their nnanlmons ¦ 20, MERCHANTS' : QUAY, AND LOWER plaoord 'poeltod on itihe, clo^^d, tk»or foi!" qj" corn vote at yfcBterday'B mooting shewing an increase of £35.16s 10d ; over the C&fflplon |reior(ea.'th"at tie;ftverage Tatteiidancei ' THOMAS STREET. WATERFOBDJ j | recognised hla worth. " f I A' ; ' ' ¦ prectjdlng ' legend • " ' - year white the expenditure was tn\ the wiole.of tbb num The placard 'toiiS-ther in ¦ ¦ ' <¦ ' i' ber on tha rolls of the ware^vousc.] • :• - I: !¦ , i:. - i - , -y t . ;. 1 E: | ! : . : M greateil than for the preceiing year by IC20 7s d. $cbqol8 in his neighbourliood was 78. He alsdi SA\| AL L blackioapital letters: " For iSale, Bome Prime FATHER O'DONNBIiIi AND THE PQOR. ' ¦ < ; Tbe [oyocdraft doe to t m bonk In 11908 WAS reported Jbathe had| brongbt on 31 prbsecnUona means Ak itbe committee meeting of the Town i» lot of Worry and the ; OHRISIft ;SAZA1VR. I i; Old ioiata/'j I don't fthink onyiother youtJi in £10 , 3-s lid as. compared; with £42 15s 3d last atithe Petty, Sessions, duidng the htonth; 13:ot !; v : foS Tenants Leogne on Tuesday, Mr. JamesHacketti yeaiM UL'J IS gooa result vji* Prfn^P^'y *oe,to thd defendants;were fined ; attendance orders ' •' least mistake will spoil the iflieae parts would have ntrtJced the oppor- woo presided:paid a high 1 ! iTR0UBL- - i - I' J The following is: a Lfet of the prizes! and aid a well deserved the Department of Agriculturemaking grants to WAPA mAAa ,' «(«ot the three financial Vc \[:\ \] ;-i j ' ' I!! ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ; ¦I ; • ¦ ¦ v ¦ ' \: ¦ ¦ iv 1 ¦• : - 'i . O'Donnell is doing In connoctlori with the move- - 1 . :i . , . . • ¦•[; ' in the TOWN HALL on T years—1901-02, : 1903-04 , i905-06 i : . ' | ! , I all time and trouble and have 1 UE8DAT I and dnto: iridicnle. But ; Manning got n small slip il , upon tho 'I 1 ^DNESDAY, C9fli and 30th DECEMBER Ejonts forthO better housing Of . ho poor. ' j' Secretary's representation]pt tbe urgency ot tbo C0BRE8PONDENCE^ ' • !' , ;,; ;' : i-; . 4: -j " ; , ¦ ; . of. whaite paper and pasfted j it 'over a portion ¦ . ;!! ! ¦ something to be proud of by for the benefit of the Floor of the;City visited ' ' : crisis] In; tbe. financial condition of the Board. . i | In reply to correspondence oddreBBeato him; M. A. M'fil BIBTHPtiAOB. ' ! : !' ' ' :j ! , 1 . :!' ;.:j v and relieved by'the Staters of Charity:— i of 'Uie '6 in Oa-tal converiting ihe annoancemeni The work of tbe district bid been carried oot as on Jthe Bnbject, letteralweie read from Mr.: John ! ,' < get& ¦ A Handsome. Clock under glass i shade, la In an bbltnary which appta cd In Monday's efficiently as tbe limited permitted and a E. iBedmond M.P., th' s SMITH'S into |j" For. Sale, Same: Prime £ld . Cate." He "Evening]News i<\oia , in re ference to. e amend-j ! Silver 8alver and Troy-^Kfc¦ s olliMre. R. " tlio writer of the article was large; nnmber of convictions for fishing offences njejttt ofitne i ConipnlB<).ry!i:dncatIon! ; ;; ¦ ¦ . ' . rAct and.-is' : ] Wheian. , .•] !• . thert 'stared wonderingly at itM&. U happened In error in.stating tbati Mlch e pi Manningwaa ¦were ;i ' . obtained.' ' ¦ appeared] that a Blllils ; ¦ ' i • noy being injrodncedliii ; 1 ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' - - ¦¦ born in the honso on the Qnij which balonged !'• :¦ :. . . . i .. . I- ;. : V i MAGNIFICENT A £1 Note-r-Mrs. Fitrgerald, Club., (that ithe late Alderman Redmond was passing , to Parliament for thapjirppBeof carrylngoptrtoei j CHRl|TlkAS to hli fatbori, He was born in B, bonso In ' ' ' A Silver Cruet &tand-rMtsses H ( and L. " ; DiyiSlONAL EXPENSE; : - ( , ! dealred .amendments, j ania the Se'oietary WSB ' : ¦ Richards. . ' Hihrough the iftree!ts ,i and Michael'called the Farncu Street standing beartyi opposite to the : !¦ i • ¦ ' i . ; ' iThe question of div sional expense -was directed to communicate .with Dublin and other ; CAKES AND PUDDINGS . . £1 Note—Mra.: O'Mahony, Quat. : Aldej^ian'a-attention -to . itii e jadvertisemenli Tecbuloali Instltnte. Tbo la&t lme ha was In raised by Mr. Thorpe wn > pointed oaf that the principal Sohool Attendance i ; iMade by Expert Chefs with the ¦ | i I -II ' ' Committees wittil a. ! - . ¦ JJ A Bea-tfiifully Ornamented Cake—me Wfllle^-ho pointed tbi» house jo; the] ¦ the BfH comW ¦ : ' " : ^ Grar.t. :. t . I . t present With regard to thn n.icslnr nf A ho-.law fnr thn before -the House. '( |Atter -jtransaeting isomei : ' .]' dients.' |It's- not worth ,while ¦: !!• read ^e .placard. And.in'-a «hort>time a small writer ; saying:'II suppose you know that Is ; A. Valuable Clocks-Mrs.. j. Wliittle,\.Pi4rick- n routine business, tbe Contialtteeadjourned. ! ;H i I them when you can ' Ii FH yprt.. i ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ .;¦ - ¦ imakinlf get¦ . (g? nni 5" Rii n "> Vf^fTfo ' i crowd .was! circled round ifhe| door upon which whore;I was t»rn, . . . .,. I >. .; . . ;. Barrow. Of, that sum. ha ,pllecteoV£jOaud he A Christmas TurJtey—- '. High Grado Confectioners, desire] thnt M|chacl ,MaDntng'4 remains should in ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦; will, he: experienced | at every i II A £1 Note—Jlrs. J. J. O'Sollivaii; had txjen Midhad's face; ond heard hini that for that purpose a riahtrlbutfoni be, tnade will bo h^ld January. ! I ;. . . ^-A ¦¦¦$]¦¦ • ¦ ¦ - ' ' ',; crack of our Brilliant Crackers. ! l| 50 Fancy Articles—^Messrs jDillon and bo plnccd In the. family grave at KnooUboy. ¦i ¦ ¦ - .¦- ¦ - --:! " - • ¦' 9 Gcorje's Street, and 121 Quay Doyle, conduct provloai to waking their allocation,f Mr. Bowers I •>. . •!' :: - ...... | i| : ¦.vVi.v; -;- ' ;. "I! , i ; They are full of novelty and ' Quay. : - . - .expatiating on. the. extraordiit^ry of;a Probafily tbls would hove h^pi tened oply that the fun. }; ' u , , informed th,e . Board i tnflfc ; this .qnestloo . ot THE. OHAIiICES-FROM .WiTEBKOKD. ;• : .';: j- finest ¦ ' mal^e j . V/ATERFORD.¦' iprimc bld.cnits for his wife's pathetlb appoal stood n tbo way. \\ ¦ A Sachpft—Sliss BrasiJ. corn merchant .who offered , "Oi divisional . J)\ i:. expense bad beeb) threshed qut by tho . ' I I Mrs. -Jennings Writes "There 'have beisii ' bury him In Drfblln 1" J:—1 \ ¦ A HandjPaintted Fire Screen and a Solid ebb plcddf d. "How can wise beads of tho three ' counties and in bis many inquiries as to the f ttto ¦: aale yqu would, even if you were a grave end ai of tbo three all vpr 11 !• . i I! . Brass Cake Stand—iSfra. KenneaUy and Miss I visit ibis grave If you bury hiai In Waterford?^ ujuuiuu kuuy CODIU chalices ¦ reverend signior have found your risible Dopna^e-arnvea a DODter .l subscribed for by tbe Catholic wpmfcn !'| Ahe4rne. declali>4 tbnn tbey did lagtyearand of Waterford; to be ¦ ¦ tbe previous ¦ presented to the Pope onifis A Carriage Rug and other prites—'Airs. muscles gotting Hhe better of you. WATI)RFPRD;S MINBBAL W -JAriTaJ-,v. ; year. ' Tbe resuln was aoeording to tbe report Jubilee'. .!- • ¦ . hi :-| -i ' • .. :- . ' { - - ¦ ¦ .' . TTi ;; SAllES THOMAS WAI£B Sullivan, Broad-«treet. Wp happened to open a volt me of Afr&S. C. ot their Secretary ] Bf &SON SALE BY JOHN MUBPHY I remember rtoo ithe surprise and the amuse- everything had worked well j Tlio Dnchess of Norfolk aesires the cdntributoiw' - ' A Silver Watch—Mrs. Hogg. Hall's I "Ireland": to-day (tbcJ [work was pub- and lie considered that tlielBoard ¦ ¦ ' was:now In a to know (hat tbe cha ' : ! Waterford—jn the ides: were exhibited at tie ¦ ' - ' ¦; ' A Table Centre—Miss Hogg. ment wihioh was created .in lished | In 1841). Tho paragraph which com- utj*w« puujLiua , i I I , : ; uD«ncisuy] ^nac n JDaa .Deon ior Eueharistio A Fat Sheep—iMra.' Mullfijs "(Durand and moncofi tbo ftutbor 's aoconnt; of' ^Vatorford Congress m London daring the vfsitv NO. 5 HENHIETTA STREET, WATERFORl| NO. 5. BARRONSTRAND STREET, middle of the Severities—when a long letter the pmti ten years. It would look absurd to ask ot the Papal togate and Co.) County contains Ihe followidgj sentence: "It a ,divls|on of It were mneh admireffj " : WATERFORD. appeared in a Dublin . paper, purporting to be was.in ! credit to contrlbote Th6y. . were then u4np to Bome i where tW, 7-DAY ¦; LICENSED ! HOUSE FOS SAUE. A £1 Nofte-iMrs. Williams. [the County] reaembles Cornwall, not only In anythingtowards anottior mvislon. ; The Board, r 1 Its , .Dmjhess iia proceeding,- to present them; with- A Handsome Piece of Drawingroom Furni- from /Mr. -Lovtghlin Freoman—a letter en- mbge4 character and - jtnla comparative however, decided to make fa.contribution of £1 : ; IMPORTANT AUCTION ture, , poverty of Its fenrfaco, other gifts, on the9th;inBt.[ LadyEsmonde, wfia . ' Kent; £16 per . annum. Lease! 50.years. a Sot of Carvecra and a Silver Epergne— closing a subscription of Ond Pound ald In profits [out of one mining property ; boo " That tb^ l aUocaUonl thia movement so ¦ , •; • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ , 15th rtnd ICth DECEM- Mary " 8tall. Board's funds for 1908-09 geaeronisljy.'j r ;• J] 7-DA"? LICENSE;. | : , ']> , . I BER. 1903, by direction of Mr. James O'Neill, the bogus letter. • He wrdte

    ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ "• ¦ ' •.• I i . ¦:¦ ¦:. \' ¦ - ' rrl-mrmm , ^ ¦¦ ¦ ; j ; ; : , []¦!: . ; :.>vj: -;.l: j:.^| i -f-::i »>[f ; ¦ ¦ ¦ t 1 : ¦ - ¦: : " •?Tfi .{ - . V r- -" . --' - -T- ; "* -: r-j : ¦["[• h: -t- -^ :.' (;: T^k f :.¦- . . ; V- ^: !;;;. .; ;T^rTT^( ; j TOCAL [AND! OENERAt SPOR1V 0M)~At(J«tBak'rfiCEp. J. j - I ." JThe following | are ithe English ta6eiing3 ¦ (Hackett ¦- • «W. -i ^ ; m> Dean , AMj - R. iW«rd, I JJP.; ! ' ¦: ' ' ' {' shall report next week:— ' . i J C' ! ]" ¦• 'A i 0HRl8TMi8-, OI)E;- '„ tTHE GB^ATIOi r TjkEslif'I . :{ ¦ 'I ' • ' J - ¦ Mcs$m. W. A. ^Iluijray, Tj t- DaJvisdO'Hah- ¦¦ O^D - I ' i ¦ ! ' * i i HJIiAiRYQ UABT^BSESSIONS. ; :• '! ¦¦ - ' "¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' '¦ : ¦! | : j ; ; , lon.;TjO;; Owea .Dawson, T.Cj; The Bpplica- ! !• , i '-j : . - , ,}• \:J '. .;. :- , The Kincf wa inoV on^ pdietfs)authority | f j : „ EKDLAiip. v , ; , ^« Hilwy wfll : / '¦ ' ' L Quariex^Besaioiisj open' at ,t;on4dc(al1i ijscah auaobowd JJ5. \ia . of i *\ini teif i , •pi&t>&(k inieAr'js'tiiA " ' ' - " ^ 1J ea tU:drf?r Jwffln«." 60to IJ&rfiTv tehet. ( !;.;r,v,/J'. j;;' - ,r, ,!;.:; hrture.I./Ttob reign of JFriSayr-Llngfleld. , V ' aiaoltores-ent-r-Dx.J.: ' l Qoeen Vt*(»riA:,k£«.4he most 4>rJl}flo..Jn-tlie Saturday—Lin^neM/ ' ! : ' ' ' ' ' J- O'SoOiivian; IJO:, iu»l tUqUiCi ' 4sur¦".¦J'urtp«ift ;; cxp^tmnjflf new ttdewgies, altho<)^h there, were ( ' - • •):.r i":|^'^>!i--;-''[. '; i\; ' iQLcaint^ll elin ot ' 0»« Visiting . Jui: wero :oansirJBred; tH"io!f "rthdnh were oJOotwod iiid&if citify fow n njghj Taafi ainongirt' theio.i.' Apart, fcipin I ; ' , LATE IJR. ir. A. MAN G ' j . -f - ^ €. " ¦% J& 0 l ' 1 Hoyal.dukes, ; , . | W - ; and C :jffie «peoi4;|oircuw^$ce» ¦ ¦ \ ' jloes M tixri ,yftu«rXord ieieat*d es the n.ppllcanrta,had been re- HlAri-fAp So D?< , , . a^d r - • ¦•> - ,¦ ¦- >¦¦ ;¦¦!; iBristah was . ILon- ^A'r . ipi VS^| r ?r^ ' . mi•:-. . :,;M . • ; :<;,(¦ . i J held °f ' cc; IL-n jr.t^ij^i- -x.^i 7CJ- Al 'yj/ K-f: TT : , ' ceivingj>oor law 'relki. ; ; ' 'i'' \- Vv I,; ¦' • I i ¦ atUa»dingiithe aruiticrn pi- tho rDukedom of { +7< ' - ' ' * ^wWlnteresttag appreciationat the Ceatre Ward—Aid. I 1 ¦t5c6mr|utcomriuJ>tS«e.e. ,,.: i.\t,H' . ! ' \> ¦¦ *P wBf ii¦ ¦r-'. M. ' , -ii:i:.:,- ¦!¦ •:¦ - - :-- , : : t r « " ; ' '¦' ¦ j ' Ftfe, ueea. ' only, ^ . \\ . i- , • ¦ .] , :: N Into Mr-.jM. A. Maaalng appears inltbft curren* tp em. pieeiaed^aod'Hiiie, wei te also prt-^nt Dr. J. ff. WMte pra3Sd"od. anil'^ere were ] ' ¦' . ¦: ' •:¦ ¦(: ¦:¦¦' . 'r -J.-'iJ ¦l'.i '' -r-. .ft Yftjorte . maiK) | t-woj/dukep, i ¦:: ,; ' . i ] l ;. . .r- i.iL' ' one the Merauiafcjl Wf e^timinBtejai>4 th je> >. \M\i\hu:.t,:- : -i:, >;¦ ,.i ,irv >:? •..:;; [ number of tho ; «trl8h,' CscUst :-l*iSSS?S? .r^Aldefjlraa"TOn. «. Vf&rdj j,-p (>,*.,>, a.tio prttient—vWd.Qu Siilan, and.iMr.TJ . WaJ^iv, othe* - ' - : - - ' : " ¦ ¦' ' ' "i " : ' 3CA6in!n bA 6 JX\ crci>mtuS!¦ ¦ fiitain1tluine Lot4 Aberporbi[ifhp^ias made lanTlriah.duke. ¦): ' :i(-i--.«-i> ., . .-- :. : -!- -jiJ- s^. : . . : , .;r . - '. .-. GraJton Street on Saturday afternoon wlttl ilr igdthia. JJ\- Mr. J. & D5ie WriivTF' Ouf of.23 applioatioini,iie wore aUowed, ^arniainder, rejectfed on the.noor lajv; reEef i i Asu|j'%e^;v- ¦f, v ;'f :-:j :. Qu,«:ni yicjoriarri hpKd?ces8or,, i,Wittiami . lYvt a stop press . Dr. G. I. Mockeay i I ' tu ' created , poster which .contained tho words * DeathTot a gwmul. ; Y»m ¦Wd*-of? Bntherland, and -' ' r ' ¦ [ ' Clqvelandv whiM I. CKorge . IV. roods' but" one; prominent KiDgs?own official;" r»fiobcS wfjtci )x»h;"JJP. - Ihe Go^exnol-, Major rfc^axj, was' presided, and Cine oth»r members present . - ¦ vliiiis^.^ :- ^ wexe-^-ileasrg> i te,4S Ait, ^ r ^Vr- ,] , jho Duk;e t>i. JBuol^n^arij; . allhoufelj..,a Prince i-i.,^.. ;. my companion, j"l tear tn&t Is poor jMannlnfi." ; jiitjQ. present. Acconrpedlod ly the Governor W. . P. iMkher\TJC; Of.' Mo- ¦ : ' W ei bought an DonneM, T.C., and James Hacked, TA Of Api «ie4W4f) oiOde An Tlo^Ug ! fii; 5 '4n Regent, itf wdi|hifl privilege.to; bfye Welling- LL'jHfeii'iiW . evening paper oWfoind the Justices made a ttur of 1 inspection that and ' ¦ '; ' ton hia dukedom.I: ¦: ' i , "- " 1' ' " : ' ' ' nryj proppecy was too fame. I cannot'aay: that injerrogated.'Uic priaoneifs—male and female— the tipplica'Jioa ideaJl with, 19 iwcsre aUowca, I i ¦thiai^'be^ri TTjmpej i . 'j ¦;[¦ . ' - -;:' . it Q ; ' . > ' ap i - ¦ the. announcement] came ppon nie| wUh^greati ;^ho1 jbad. riaxsimplaln,tito:niake. The nrdvi- 17 at S3. vLbndond«iTy. ' •'.. chirijant being in 'rewipt of pbor 'Ia'w. relief, tTlatnrfiri Oe^s CtiAton The Royalj visitiwas -& privatd -ojw , * w£thoui in 1*21 /i:k \ v.iv.- j^lil.- •M ;By his death Ireland loses ono of A"*»eligioa5 function ' of ninich significance her moat and the pdher: iadt ' ibeing ' p 101x4611)1101 Uhe te . nrdjicUop AS reArlaniitii AfAi ¦ di^in¦ anjr public! funblion. ^aTid .there .¦wa3 :a :aMgh,t yersatllo , gonluaes, for Manning :wai. beyond takes place in the citv . on Sunday next, when r ¦¦ ¦ - to United Kingdom fox 0)e Sseb ftvreatnr yeaie. 1 5p4*rfixijt, ; ! ;|- -M ;, " • :; . . change: of iplarB^.tme .'Kin^f deciding ibreak eifei-ything elso ;an all-rouna man. JHo Was a the recently enlarged and renovated chuici le tho journey; HiidriDcliam!;nnd.Dnr» : ri-A- ' ' ' '.. between '.Si - boru actor, of .; the . Franciscan. Fa&era \frJl bq ', Coimein An^¦ )4ijnJe;Ce &nsi. mm a Shakespearean scholar polein much : timd I to; ravelling i rtterfereo; with " jlVcekl« Independent" pufrKt .-willi'btf occupied iby a distinguished 1 ta»r>bean' ffl ' fexiBtence; h^ary odds. Without doubt question rnqmbei of the Franciscan Order in the person 11 ¦ ' IKM1 %}4 'J" !; :' . be 1 y^FC)-lJAT& GUktei#EE] was in a, bunch. On Tueactay ni^fhi ' members , j I It ^vould interesting to bave tJip views of i :.J y,i ft&TCii tho finest orator wo ' 6i tho Bevi Tj A. Fitrgera]d, ; Galway. From ¦ * •:•! ' j could boast ot in Ireland,i I turned out a3. loUowa—J. J. • ,' ! pioS<5ifi|.in Cftoif lui^riia tuijv •xne Koyai jeanujy., on ,rMd : euoj€«t; .. yncen ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ eyerV point of view Our iLatl Church Nugent P. J. be^nij f 6 *f r . ' .' '|. ' ¦ ' ¦:-3»;H10^BX.vpi FINISH FOR and! had tho faculty for icovlng atr^udienco toj . y^ is 0'Bwiyer, T. J. Feihdly, W.' Power, T.. Ryan, -' ; ' p Alejandrttilraaideivatcdito charttyi bVir chirm- . !i . [ . la!ughtcr|or tears at ills-will. I confess that nowf second to none, not only in the city, So -ve&i\S4\n, j i . hq J. Moore, DavidWoiih , D. Hrtirne, J. Bushel, c4 ing book 'refinducing photogroMis froin fher many a ^ims ciused a;lamp to^iiso In tny' but in 4he South of Ireland, and for the pur- |An 5J reducing Che heavy id&bt M. Buitlor, J. Burne, xJocng edghitecn taps in throat ujhen taking about tho causes that haro , consequent Qie lituu-r Qircle oi Ihe Spoaujfield, which sutcnissioiii to offer! a sugges!tkta;i lheare:seeni led to the depopulation of tho land . be loved 86- onlthe extensive improvements so well carried &(, Cpf eaj ¦) pte btiA-64iiCDING. \ K| J 't^ ;' : no| sonjiloT: aprpttii Was iboen made by the rr.Cit.ted Ito 'Ac Alasizea by a special court held ¦ ¦ A k>, ; by tho |Boundncss[ of h|ls' views jbjut by the- (ieAlgAC !' : i I i " ' ¦ : ; ¦ good Fathers for half a century. Since the at Tipperary on Tuel^tay, aWa^ed with r.he , The weddinj!: *i Monday of Ih4 Hon.' Geo. : sincerity,of his qonvlctions.' j ! ¦' IAP cun Hornex |wa» ' cjuHe ¦ !¦ ¦ ' i ¦ ' advent] to .Waleriord of the present esteemed Wilful muraar of Uharuas Rjtiii, noar Iiimc- ¦Ap rLi$e ^alOipl Cuip Ipfa bitf, Lamhton ahd Ml a! Cecily l|fc:Wl|iS|^i I : I r , I i f ¦ " ilabd ! r:ok Jiunrfion, ¦ a ''big affair in ^ocirty oircWs. an| im- and energetic Guardian, Eev. Father iBegley, on tth« nigbltof the 2D!h ult. ¦ ' : 1 !( ¦> ¦ - HEAVIEST CYCLIST IN THE WORLD. _, . 1 I mense number ip beautiful aid' ; cbrtly yted- many appreciable improvements have been Et wm be remembered that both pairtEea were K)\& UA ' j wll|' be admiite'd on all .binia ¦ JTIo pi OptAtteifj CpfifC ^p j?ea<> £ gifta 1 was ehiowered npoh (I bride ' and ' ;; |It .ASthat as a effected with regard to the lahurch, and it omjitiysd at the Rail«6 45- :mijniu$A« AX\ biwaier ofi the Earl . of Durba-rnJibelongs ito rcadero which ia nothing |chort off rSJENSATIpN ' !-N(OI1II _ IB tales', many u( which aro bound to lito for ,?oars . ' on ihc roadside tlhe folHawing Marndng. ' V.Jie ultra-amart racdng sot, and 5isa ja house nl AJUf -j ^- ' in|a genaroua manner. ! ceagArs CplopcAitSe ; i ' ¦' tnunal prico: xmhiii the reath i of baller and a crack oarsman) and ho Also proudly f ; Early Tuesday morniog some police YBsoted 6 AT>A no ft-A>eopAt> ; ¦ • ; ' and inodern ni^ke a ; ¦ claimed; tho title " heaviest cyclist In the 4uk .B;shop of .Waterford, the HoJy Father has markably |diEtinj(rfiye rityle ' of beauAy, and is ' '¦ ¦- " ; : ; ' ' ' iof ' :he vull-a-g^i oi ifolyca&u ior tihe purpoue oi Ap An ^c^oip n-Aoine «6jtc' f6 putt A ¦ ahnpatjeveryone. I ; i| ¦&$. IS?.!' / ' : ' :¦;:„ : i;; -j ;j | ;ii •!' | world." Up to ja fow yeats'ago; when stricken benignly .' granted the privdleg« of impartingot a gifted o^nateur. [artist. Her jycjtunger : sister ?; j ! j I PApal :to all cffcoliing mare aTntits in coruvadSjon with She ; 1 down with ba<3 | health, no , was a mpbt enthusi- ^hfe ;Benedirtion .present the CpoiOe. wan marripd laat vear ifo Mr. i Raymond saijed- function on day Dec«mber 13th. r«en.* JPcnible over the Ctirke nanioih. Suvesal ' ' ¦ ¦ TjnU "Evening " i i \7 . ls ma4o are only inoxo astic cyclist, being ono ot tho founders o( Water- Sup Asquith. son of the;Prtme MiniMwi = Et :i9 tlhe Is the offer ot tho News, o the Cerma ca hlch t ' ' " J D ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦' ¦:¦¦ ' ¦" '!¦ : hou.rts in ' H village ivere vi-utcd, but no ro jAn ,the..bHdei of Ithe Harrier familyt3 were out 'hhid tok'en .the precau- imCeoCAimfD ¦ ' ¦• '' ; i/ . -: i :TE: ¦;, ; " - ! ; history of that unique oyding lnslltutlon for our j On Sunday, I3th inat., a Gaelic Tourna- | I wihidh wasi madd by nuns for Mary; Que«n of \. I ! ! J ; : :' ' ' . ; ; T^E srH{3/:yr . > , : r -!: f h iriizil-will Be held at , when. Water- £bn oi not sleeping in their own houses on ni^p «IA u~etA A5up ptiAtiAnCA c-ite eogAf , prisonet |cit Fcrther- '? 22nd Birthday Nambelr. 1HI3 accompUsbmcnts , K^lmacow Mundny ndg!it. 8cots Vhiin uhd' wca a on -which the Watch MAT BE OBTAINED trom ihe; 3EAJ3 OPFIOESol¦ the '"EVENiNG-lSEWai. ' '¦ ; : ; : ¦ : ! : vrjero very great, and If'his ambitions had.b^en totd &$ I worn 'by j In the;dlrectlon of he trou)d HA ¦ j FUK0BION OF SS. PETER A2s D -A fMt mJCAtp cpocAtpe Ap mbeAta Ifi/wi 'PnAilit XJ^J% ^- J y*^ n»tr\w #« y\rf% k%>l*X /*«1 nf iui/ii nff ~ do : ' ' iatapus (MoonSarrig hurlors. Jn the second a^UL'S, 1 Mis3:Uecily Horrieiiover a ^*bea iniful wedding f/C >nd ; A \ COUPONS, cnt trom the f'EVENING [NEWS'] (a iy|date ior oateBjwill tqade a fireat name for .jhimSelfj as, hlsjta&cnts • " ¦' ?¦ 0*' J ^ dato ore used], and were ein nently suited forParllamentary'.llia. round of the County iKootball:Championship CLOJJMEL. •ootlr. 1 of soft spitin, j , ; ' '! i' ' " - 1 ' ' • : eP/vP M Ion| °s not more than at: Coupons otrthe st mej i ., . ^4/ ¦ sont Utogother in ONE jenv dope with poafai « raer ;3/8 ana name ana }hJ! Jliners will meet Mullinavivt. If favoured In connooajon •wiah Ihe re-<>peiiling of SS. xip n-AhAiriA cpeoipi cuin AO^oneAp ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ > ' : ¦ ': 1 ¦ ' ' ' • - , .[ ' .. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ; ' ' ! Wdresa of senflor,; ¦ i . .: ' ; ']¦ :; ¦ j A NATIONAL LOSS....: . . ¦frith, fine treatier, the sport should be of the PftVr : and Paul'e Chwdh, C2oinmol, on Sun- riopp^i^e. . A PAVpUBITE pTONE. . ] . [ \ . . ; j j! . . \ I .'/ ! • j . -j . •:. . 1 rattling type, 'and witnessed by an immense ' " " : ' Tbcrvj can be no doubt bat the Removal of . day lisft, (we nrfiiioe tlvalt. t3ic D!oium(j3 . Na- ffiiiiptr ti . O'pio^nn. AmcitihystQ are i nl great favour ! among- j the . It -wUl be seen'that readers of the] "EVENING, NEWSi'to .'wlu m'jthe' offer : f8 prfmarny " filic); "| Manniug Is a national loss, as ho was n frOWd, f : i . : trlonaJitl!. " of Wedneatiay, has an excellent ladies of pur RoVa^ Family, \tno j not only , may securethe Watch for only , bo ling! as they !are content to cut theit Coupcma popctiipge. I : ^ " addressed 3/6 : ¦ gTcat I^lBhinan , with outstanding ability, who riprnduo'iion of a pKxrtraiiit of (she /Vrclibi'iHiop ' frequently' wear| he Btones ' thtihselvee; buS from the Ipapernutil they havo 24, and then sendjthem. ''wit£,3/6. to t ils onlce.." ! ' I went through lifo making ifriends. It can'be ¦WATERFORD MONTHLY OAAIR. ai Gaciitjl, whlo pontlifi.'ixted e.t .the MQ- M 0x1 select them for-j g £ls.- - The Duchpss iof : Con- All ; x said o£ |iiim th.-it-ho contributed a grixatdeal to iTihis fair on. iroaday Was l.^g^ly aiiended"by Saridaj-, •and of Dr. Slieoh'aji, Bi^J»p of naujht, following in the Queen e | focrtdtepd, Orclorcivvl^ bc» bxeculcld);,strictly:;in ro 1:at)on. :; . ' ; are , frequently' ibeatowB ' amorthysts jutioh prospec- C^TT j tho leafuty of nations, as his wit , repartee, and tnvtr¦ ts from all centres, including .Wales, VNTitor-iord. Th6 p*>iitiv\uij very life like may bnmourifivere kno^fn and hppr^ciatetl on both and -every depaitmen'J: was iivell supplied. ar.vi ore reproduced in an exxx-pfxiqnally futi- LOCAL CATTLE DEALERS tive brides, aa ps-ihe case of !' Miss i Cecily : Tlie!«EVENING NEWS" Wa^chea belhadW a'tW • EVEjilNG NEiwS". ' ' ihc«d maanor. Tfee d^me issue ooniiains a Horiierj who xedcived from ¦ Her Royal Hyft- ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' 1 " side* of tbe Irish Channel. ! Prices were about the I same as last month. . OfficVO'Conneil dtree^-WaterfoM. :. .-j . . . : : :{.,. : , ",!¦ 't^, ^] J K. i:'!' vi" -!' : f !/ ttle—Nice graiing stor<>ft , possuit erf Rev Oanon . C. J. Fiawn, P.P., S3. nMs a beaurtiiful cSrclct of ; linicthysfci, : ee^t ^ pa, were dear ' but In 4 ¦ ¦/ : : ! . B3S LOVE FOK WATERPOBD. good demand. Three. year olds made from Pottc and P-amTa, nnd ;lluotrai'j3onauf thle new DISPUTE.' with diamionda.j' Many soei«!ty.«\q omen, Jin Tbe|«EVENING:NEWS" Reader . wUl fibd ir Ae y ^|'tcst"^aIuW-eyerjofif ired , pendanita, ¦briiceletB and If ho nad one affection stronger than another, £12;to . .£15; two year : olds, £9 IO3. to £11 High Ayar, and of '.Jin exterior of the ; rono- addition to necklaces ' In Watches at, anything like iiie price, i So confident qf thiraxetbCTnalrtr&that It was h(i lovo for the old City of Waterford, the 1(M ; jfearlings, £8 to £9; ^weaalinga, £3 to £6 vatad church. In addTti'on to 'Ubfis , there is a On Monday .in the Court of; K^ng'ai Bench earrings, of' thes' ^ 'stones, arej'waaninga plnBa; * - ': '' . 1 oblong each Watch is gaarantecd fori onfe yeaf as) follows £*"!' . r^^ ~^>'^^ . ^^ place of 'his birth und hoyhooS. '; Watirford was lO 'epringera and milch cows in active ourn^lete description vt the inlerfdting ce^e- No. 2 (citil side) before Mr. j Jiiatice. Boyd, conSaining . a large isquare of I^e • ; ; - ^r ' (an; application' was made; by oripeoria. • .< - ,- v. i' .- ; i. v-:!»:: /b . ::• •"'SIM i to him the finest plnco'on eartb, and the! teciu6st -it from £12 beef, <5s. to 55a. motc«'3 dn corurortibn Tv'Jth Sunday 's fnadlioo, : Mr. A. St. eandbhyfil, aeft roteid-with diamonds 1 I -upujn i i " *Tr Hgidentsi reciproeatetl his affection-,' as at a vtry per quict Stores, 27a. Cd. told ' ^ an artion 1 brought by. David Heylin, ; o£- the gre&t gttinA6 to/ail, eaying he would leave his father to , who was K)WOaKBANSHIP,^i nja«l3tra,U> paid tho flno to save tho family for- the tendance , of the Law Adviser (Mr. oi course, for ETizabotjIi. , lesa to «ty, majiyj jot the "full dfc^a'' muffi arc i"'1 ?M ' " "¦ ' : at plaintiff and that any action taken by tlhein : • of faSf -VB.WU.UAKa KEPAQS, NOT hfanourl il ' . it -r . ' ' A. Mifrphy) who was unavoidably ohscnl. ¦ truly exqwisite creations. Erniine leads; 4 ^scMesil- lebiara] P.j ¦wca in Belf-defence. ! : • , ore , ini evir ' FIRE IN JBTJMOY. ' course, btft sablq oiid chinohifla. ¦ : ;; AEtna.WiaNooNB.YEARrROMAaovi ¦ The affidavit further disclosed Ithal thri nlain- cluirtfw of llo-wers, jewels, soft, deli- ' ' oyalosacfwrpiB :] GAELIC FIXTURES. , APPLICATIONS FOR . LEASES. A big fire broke out in FenWpy on Tuesday denoe, ; f! - '^•' - ! OATtriux DubUn T.' Kildaro . ti0 had no vUible. means of paying the de- cate, but rich fabrics, tailB, ( tc., being; re- : ' •Icdi' ipow• ¦- ' - ¦ - ; BSTVWO TO W WTIf Hi »CUB|P December .13th—At Athy. monning. Moore Ptark; House, lorancirly .the fendants' costs should verdict, . ; " _ l • : ';! i j : , . I pessga Lelnster;Fo'otball Senior Final. ; Owing to the absence through illness of the a- be ! found quisitioned as triinroinss. '; { . ; , < RX ssrusHros r^a.c« v : Jorough Surveyor . (Mr. Fleming) ,lh»; oom- ^(.Qt of iih£ EaiJa oi M"oun!t ; Clip(liell, but now against Jiira, that the plaintiff was a! lodgei J ! ¦! ta. ^nt-«XCKAKCE.POR. A MS* At Clones-fCaran v. Antrim, Football. '$¦' ¦ Omina CONSTABULABY MBIT. | ij i ¦united opinion 4mm. ,t3iem x>n tthb Bubjcot I an \eropty aaddUe' was iv 'Vi't M -^ i ^'rJ / ^ • with Mrs. Nation will comoof nn der the hatchet. markets were liiinly suppUed during | ihe ¦¦ Soed during th}9| fine . street .....L.:.:....UL:..l..^.J^.:.:..- ¦ ¦ ¦ Sorgcant Kcyca, who bha bcon statlonodfor JajT 'before them. ¦ ' -'' ' ' ij ' ¦ : ron which was aboirt 10' miles—not-leas;-ft i 1 0*0 To adopt a famous ^artoon f Punch," orpry tnxik.. ; ¦ . j 1 1 . A |Mr. :E. WaUh, J T.C./ . 'VMuMter ¦ ! years in, this city, lhas retired on ' full |Time3 (halve ¦ ntar be more. • -Mr. ¦ .t r ' ¦ ' ' pobllcan TrtU bo & strainer to her, and aba will . ftrten ; many chimaSsd and flawa; ttnaye been Bell is % eplendid meister, ! Express"^ :!..;.....i..,.u....;.:.....' .;.:. ; |; > - ¦<- > ' j' \\\ ¦ :¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' *¦ ' ¦ ¦ iBUTOlEIl-iIn oil SJ * cume In, and ' ; and tt^ougb not . o 0 \ j^)j$Xt'£ti£jyi ' '. ri • ' bo tho pcraon to "i'caVo '»rf a brick at 'lm." ponsloa from tho B.I.C. {Sir. Koyes who wos dqtrodnced 01 mrudb. Prfd/s . Kwek ....; „.,:;-:-. l£o 0 'civilian friends in tho city has gono to reside In Vpaze3. CWSlecUyoly-. iuiiileas ptoe.;cnpttiol' Kta£ .wilfully' inlterferea ' j witti his ^ hounds !' treated to the law* meted out (o other fanatics y«ar 47 flrudas sold at btxn CJJ. to 1203., per . Mr. P. JJ Murray.Batrbn8trand.s treet; 1 r0 0 avffol 'any actions ' Cork, whore, wo unJorstriod, ho has obtained can 'pe •aoqndred ^na 'producey, Itfhe |cwin.'try Cbttthininff, :a3 he does. ths charaefer of 0 j - —or lunatics—who regard as CWt. ' : ' : : ' " . .^piTIQNAET flUB8CRIPTI0N8 . T those bauida their own sphere ot an important appointment. 1 I : : ;| : mttit- tall away tenltirco -itcaa]Ihlad TO wtorse. ski]ful l spoBtsman, vrtth that ol a fearless Mr. He&y; ?.: GaMiey, Gorb - ' ' performod by HAY: AND STRAW—Kay, per ton, 55s. to ' , Oly-H:' . thoogljt. Bhe who weak* windows breaks the 1 IWATERFORD CHABITIEB. ! There: h, \^ unuat. stdd, u» uttduifcry! Sa Mie hfertienian p«ThJip3 his parallel Is ndt to be __ mpre, .punmore ...... :i7r.. 41O¦ 67a. Cd.; inferior, 45s. to-55s; asten straw, J datinitiy to . ; fx>nrid i and W3i name j\fill Ibo handed down 0 ft law, and «honid beV.made to pay for j bor 30s. to 40a: vrtiaaicn thdif. 603. to C5a. • Tho tnattor ot tho estate of tjrlh Fanl Who produce, capital ibut one, the , ; , : *ev.:John Casey. P.^, ?.] Ardmore' ...^. . fij 0 ,' 0 roothoau of self -advcrtlBomcnt. | c^idcultnmlinchiitjy,aml itio keojJ tibo inttii* )tt>;po3ferity.a8 a ^ecim^a ^rcniftuai adtio seal yenr.;Bev., Canon :, ': r; Uigenlies ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ROOTS—Tsuroipj, lfc; to 153; niaagoldj, "Ufa. dloa at) John's Hill, and whoco will is data} Oth ] ^Piirer, PJP.; y,TJ., J i ¦ ¦ !; ' : : - • ¦ • ¦ ' , trr tfi agriculture afloat ! ia l na? 'objecl lli IA ]'oac...'indivldual j putsuB,. very . - rarely ^.Dungamrx 1 L,^Uv ^ ;_;;-J.^.;:'^.;© n • '; ¦; to 153. DOT ton. , August, 1811 was boforo ho appeal Court Io Jl eijuallcd. , Matchw,] late, evening: ! i| :i 1-t!* ¦ - . .!; oadrftijlng iMs Ore publioaltoB.' Ais &ee the onrj dreto. i ; < ¦ > ! ' ¦ I'POOlfiTOES-SloV deband at 41: nod 4JVL 1 Dublin yesterday. : Tbq decooecd lady, ] loft i r;.i. - ! . • 'j ¦• ' ! ¦ ¦KbrkiiM oil . trade' 1 ttnd buuinesjttl' ivedture tb dbcfl -no* affordi nrtfdh Rpomj'^eent.(never of thai lira- Nation per atom; .wholesale. ; bcqncsts fpr ovor out of her estates In Wexford 1 /the buraiijeorder)' haV almost'died out.;.!! yen : ¦ Bmco writing tbo above X find bouriht ot iWacfae3- and Kildare,eomo whlca havo cot been gtbte;niErtft Jaimer 3B Vlhandjcajppcd 'f t>n tJJ : . Dons;rganqn8t^aha*treet:>.. ,.'. ;l.r.V fii j'O ¦> ; ot tho police] In 1 PIGS—Small nuiriber \ , of paid aldeOi sjoata- :fW !gd|«»er«f. 'a3 Oie ^ne! fiifei kod-MrntoifteB 0 hit attracted the -*ttdnfloB dsCT"b market. Price Ms. aod 45s. per curt. ; ;since 1869; The sums chiefly referredto 'were all fcrades Wing .proWled (by A' Dnndoe.r S&a bas rbaQtbOTtitAtfsacba nnteanco ticna itarmed in 4he Inlerbste at suahflrades, oli he morning!-was enoutrn for moet; ,J\ • ¦ iEGGS-/Tr«ie¦ improved. Heas 10U. Do Us. XH4 7s 6d for tbo relief of I idigantProtostantsf i " ffihliohoaacs, asd declaring ¦ ' : ' oaggesftion oonibine ;¦; ITi ; totntosrcrand the '12O. ' • • • - .! " I ' ¦ . !¦ ' ¦ £118 10s to tho Fovcr l IM7 |t» toie itrroer isjlto I -H :^w,: , Obarltable clui>, : The^aemlttj i«fiSStfpa£rila i ¦ and those aro not tae'elau of people pobllcana djatrkfta, •¦sphere Mi£^Jc»pM -j«^eniMe, fealS ¦ ^lls m* : I chairs. ¦lobsters, Is. to W, Cd; henina,i 1W. to Is; iDonatlonaJ The Coprt rc« tvod. jndgment. . ¦: ' W, ( 'e«mber 7ti, lxrdtti Jha S^" t»aUj- t ^ wftntlo«$$$i8ij3®^i mS mmsm em* $&£&• iM K^««M Bat Cirrielntesd»l to beed » ce dot. : : : : . ' •; LOHDON H TEB '' :"1' r;y \' . _ ] t tlheSr,;: tahitenCfion¦ Jfov -foafottnainfr IDhek wra rapor^to &t« Inicmn the poli thal «h» to m.jpei i | ! : 6 1 M L . . \\ lrilterfes'ts tBifl • Jaad, end BWcr. with curledhJWrf»a A>laok noaO/ M- 1 EOUjyrBY-rChiekeas. per pair, a*. Get. to j ; :¦ . Dur LondonLetter wtlL bo found on pago 8. . irrtetiiSto'; at Wbe Would " rather to to JanIK Scotland• thango to flieraby,aa }uiireinto¦ pffl'ttoo as Ito -B&oreWhey T 4?. 6d; duoka, 3). Cd. ¦ to , 4s. 0J; hen turkeyj, Our Money Article did no6 ¦each ns in tlmo for ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' Hell bere*ttei.* l)dlw»*jla this Mn. Nation ' ¦ \- ¦ ¦ -. ' ¦ ' ¦oin' fc«sfl- Jtbe pKawja- tt^yi & ¦¦ >5 » * 8i. 4b lOa. 1-. : : ; Insertionit tblfl lssne.i Wo uve handed It brer oC ***** ' t pSS S*!7m P&$* l»xicht,bB »rdouW9lef«nt» have be in"kooiriJ.:to J , an w^pUfeSi'(gist ' mt»m ^',m» Santpjer toe ¦ ¦¦ " " J OABHIFS'COAiL—DeU vexcd,' StA-per -WBI ito " TheETenliyNews ,'' did It wlir appeatln : •eome'lpB bejtore'»»f» :;,- ;u ¦" ' . > . - - >j- ' -'¦: ¦ •¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ •' ntf 'w«o ^ po*jjTOeiM. ii^r^ttaush^MPnpafBiitofirtr^^oDibe ^fj t r et-dMp. aca:- per ton. . . , > . t»iniorrowf«iain'\ li \: Wee^/Mm '|*Ti;A|]v.-';. *!.i» ^;j;;:.; i ,;;.*; !iBLACK .OAffS-^unjily lakily large 'and rOccanlinal Blta " ftnflptt erlnWitesting ltbitts ¦ ¦ ^t. \i£ ¦ - •htoTW- '*ria«£o? ^»!!«S$i tettrStoS* ¦ : damsad q(4«tt, 4 ?«, 0di to 8a;; eou't mmple¦ a, wlllfclsb Wi tound onpafie ei '; -. [,. ' , '1; ' ' 'A poor lwom*B tt nlpodw lit th» Btncdiilihe an; : 1 • v !¦ .; •• j . ' , : ; ; ooula ibe . poi flar (jKan and Swaift, B»>ir^io(# ¦¦ Us. Oct. to ovuUodof ;by tho poot of e^r; cjty, BS is Bhotra weU aSy, «Mi»et 0rw«ven*r,:«o«B« JWfpe ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ -^ ¦• ¦¦'¦ ¦ ¦ to fofiwiaivl Arid 'Soaiaiprebs oil me doBKajHwtt/ IJnOtH^Ctiri.irtiitori St^en-*^QoMr*Ji«ei-i ¦v in ' flh* I** M . •'- ¦] ¦ -i "; In the fact tha* from tie Uth ot-November, - ;:^ rpoon tmvi i'A|B •ms&mm&w* «si' ¦ffi taw-lWfed1 tar«^rtttow)b^Utt»j*e L L L ffle fiiJe - 10! iiflairT^ gW*. «j&*iatf. J. ilTanilaim^tomui.^Can.oe -i 9 j iWHTEE BEAN—Ta.3d. to 7«. Gd. per cwd. 1 whon the roomsinNow arpot.were fixii opfjued - nte rf«a.• ¦'HftWt)n«l.^i ^¦¦¦; ;• ^•^'¦ [Km BBAN- ^si 9d. ^ w 0^f & ^^T^f S f ei>L&&}?• i ' »n4 1 itpff»o«Bfm wwmttj Jp* pm ¦ yff l ' ii)M ieMMMm.-i iB* Last.WcetforBufein »JLi!tg«.OrBBnjetit,i faoSj'calo*, W* 5 (BABLEY MEJUirt-13*. Bfl. pee « c«4a.l,;. 60 dinner.s,are given.flall^t I'toS o'clock.' • ¦ sinffw^. '.row^oc^WilfiriTA ; : L»igiJJD -tffiflg Offfab ttt t&i&ins ; l AOTIPENT lAts aJHI} H(p^(IH ' " ;n ij| Hi if ; *r ] I 111 tor Itihe b«i ^''cf ^t^OTw ^ffl ^ftt-^N* en . m^;)Papet ,iolei «njj a* 24 pe? iVirfly ynk xroJWng at tb,o North Bide removing .|/.;do^o^,i£Ar.ii "Bk jk ''QASo;'; ¦*4<&fe4 '"^tf''Bartejf f' iirti;' 'tlniborhe ',wa» fto^Mectilly'lejurod-bya'p atik - ' Wi» f arhip*';, Mankolda. it A ~ PoWoes 11n - *rjr faUi^l ob|bta l^U ' ffif obnveyoa^itijo A.m^s^mf WffllVnmm " .County ana C% InfSS&it^^lWI.W*lnjttHci; T' ¦¦' ¦ •¦ ; •¦ 1 ' I' . * '!• . : which were nof jwpottB :>! ¦Bpiilf QIJEI . »r(I»r 1 wy , haTlng Won mm ; ' ' : i JOHN i •funded to bo w« act dotalntdt . ¦ :: ¦ L 6i\ . HDKLEl^..i?ri«ab»^, . . <:• .!¦] i-f '¦ -< |..i. ;-r ; : i ;" -: ; fifiP j; ; - | • I ') - il ! .?!,* :' .;:::, -! . ' - :. < I ' ' 1- " = T - = a . u: f^.i#V '-' i§m ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' - ' ' ' * " ' ¦ '!' . • - . ' .iv'V . t ' • ii :¦ '' ,...; 'l. . ¦ { •! . !. .1.: . II -' is i :<5J a^K 1