¦Hhhbt I L^^Wi

¦Hhhbt I L^^Wi

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Jio Lirxeatfind iFasiast 1 | V ' ' ' ... i-W&r! :; kii6r;-Xmas p ; • veesehin tb^e world. : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' . ; Mil ' ¦ - ¦ ; ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ; " ¦ ¦ ' a^ple^craw Tufhino " : >• • . -¦ «r ?——i n ' L » r• . • . i ; ¦i • ; ¦ ¦ ¦ OAEMAiOTiA?¦ S0 60J ' r -\ . ^trj c jilv ; f? !/ '' : " ¦' ¦ • ¦¦ [¦ '-" - l ' - - ' • ' : . l .!; IWENDKD i ORDER OF SAHING— ¦ L ftonfl. / 4 i|! ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ J ¦ • ¦;<* ¦;•;¦ . • .'¦" ¦ EC^rrtcrew Steaiasr "CAEONtA,*' iM?.,V. : • ; •;. ; . &<&$ ¦ 2o|o00iow»i . ' bEq EMBER 1908. ' ! ! j ' ' titAY At THE . Twin-eoxow . SWaintre "OAMBWiM" : ; | , j ¦ ¦ -r # ¦ I*JMS ! y ^j : ' ::'/ !:, ¦ ¦ l|i > - - ^£;TiWB K i^Jv • r LDOANIi.".|.ip- v .. I - ;• ¦(: !¦! : ' : . jPSCJHESmAS-^OUNG'E&^AlLT. MSB^B. • j . STEAMERS:: ' ! FOUR; GOyRTS !, M ! ¦i CLODAGH, ' DUNBRODY, REGINALD; !¦ : 1 il CANADA—BAST ' ROIITR-!L frP!E OtA^vI'ji ! ¦ ¦ IAEA, MENAPIA,:&c. ! V; J !"-"': , (WTiich io cjJtsiblishedfor Q nnmbcr of yea ^) . ' "•¦ '« j-M- M , ; };.|, . f; ¦ 1 • j . , j fNxik inc KJXC52IID01) ; -^7|;^. : ^^|t||l|; ' JJ -jt)- : ¦'¦ftT O TT02.-- .Tlu> W»l«rfo'»a ' ' ' ;' ' " ' " " ¦; ' Ffem J The Uost Up-to-Datc in Tov7n ! v ','| [J ;/- :- I '" [:: ; ; ]. H.:: ' .: : : , ': , : WVE^POOL fVla Qne«nctiwn)[ !! i : -ec~*-wl ^ < i '» 8teamahip Coa*"!? (United * ' ' t : ;«( HEW rOBK. - , '. SSp i( ' i rtnilra OoodlaadlJTtSlojk f<rftJUj. ¦I •M y fxorH; CD trEWABpS',i Ia.ony p3rt cljli alssa ffOi ffAEUnCOi . TO BOSTOM- : rl ^U'>\ j :] &J^Ee.tM ^ckaJn : 1 r— . ' ^ ». no.r-'oa lha oouditlok* aeatlonadilB Oven 200 pKDRooua rnoa 2/- ' iCaropanla, cisi.v J-vc. 12 Ivernla,Toes.,DecIS , |i ii - i BoIMoV I.Uta, fca_ to jb* ha« at tbt.t ¦ :' . , BBOPKBEPE^, :QOyEBNMENi; OFFI01I T.ncanla.; ' . <¦ ]¦ • ¦ ;¦¦ ¦ ¦ Uriri vailed for Excellenca and Comfort l i ;;! . \ ' 8^ J . 19 8axon|a, Tuea., 3m. 12 : J I osim" I "i ! , • aSd a Uodefate Tariff. C ; 0NSIBlii!iPERS01<S,:cra jrjQBitania, 8at.,'Pec.J26 Iyeml caj On W)^Moq>)aj-&»lllji», Catlaj o* tin lUuua Ml) AND .Aiili KBSP ay TneaL.^ant^a to t«o«lT» Pao«ci»rauiiTl&a ki lha Mcbt Mail ¦ «• Ofra ¦ • ©]" : i. ' ' ¦ • • ' ¦ Bo*tP(j • : ( . ' : i .i^E^by}: . i f i i vmpxpAssED lcKX>iWi©Aa!i6k m¦ j ^ V; isii,BEvr | ¦: ' ¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ... f-^i • - ' ¦" ¦ - _ .|: 7 ; IX)W - -r . ..j* .... i ... : I.. • ,. i \ . \: . , • ' ¦BAllBS.jjv. :• ! , M WA35ERFOCKD AINTJ BRISTOL. | , . uinAoina jamteTOR. J WtED pERSbiNA. -t^J isy I. , | .!; th ' 1 ' * ¦ 1 Second ami' Thirdlatasa nunmiMm' «<Mrr<m VSOU vlaTSEfUKD TO EBISTOl ntOM EXDTOt.TO WATtRTOVD O To avoid diaappoiritcient Trrito and O r - • ' ' ' :v: '¦ 1 ' aeenre. Roomr beforehand. itjyt na ?' p UwfirL ' " : '• " ' '-ifbBtieiirVi.' ? v Tori.!; may - .trarot iwith<mVliSr ' : : i ' . ' I Sailing from Cumberland Baila [I II HaJaS ^i • i ,. - 1'^ ittt6uT:• : - _ : i: I 5 &sSa (5 " ' ,^: - . I. •] . [ . v r .v :i / .. Boston «nd. Philadelphia; and ' ' . ! ' ' - calSot »t MU/ord-HavrnJ Cj -Ttlfgray it—"EXCDL, broiilN." v ;: *rixh nnf honoxtcQ.m n bo Tepili by Instalments ox sa nity bo brrcssci New rt*¦ \BSO*' t» UJ ^ . Soric and 1 Kbilsrieiphaia»jj)' ' < > ' 1'irv o P-itt- Itteay.i ¦ 4.. » *) P-ra. r Uon, h «ro not (rivea y others-be &>' B putyrnJ ' . .Basjeogem. Iwiwfloronittitp.' ¦ TcwJlJ. I »*. 3 ¦ to. gtrc ¦ all I psiSa: a Ta«*daT, I |8..»' o noon Wd»T. • ' «¦•• 7 W pin- A^pIuJai troilti] d will b ottna 'far better I otheia •vr^io ttlvaiua Aaneiica and cSSi. - • : - ! \\ . ¦: "T ^ V " \ Tu«*l»y, ;' >$•• 3 0 Pjn Friday, ! 18.. I o pjn. j Aipdly—The ¦ ' known for¦ their l!!hMon7ftr4 AeallngS _, .OuaaW Staaaoaoip Tnaday, i3..n o im Wednesday, »j.. } 4 pin. Off^rlvi conrih uli i . ' " i ' - • ¦ ¦ Oamasatt Tuedajf, *5W 3i o p.m. :: I VdthjcUi Liimted, Liverpool;!or to thd*:agenia-wSa^ l ATanrt BeaU-aaaajaUiolsBoar* , ii jBroflierB, and 'HarVoy annJ Sujp. Biiitol. „ ' I In oidif to • i ¦ . i pTi^o tho;r-,xe ¦nling a tcrnrlorary BdvWK3i tho above to too si ana m roliabls. 8on> Wotiifcstlt ^ Lc*itnx Earth—Cnmbwlard. ' ; ' ! Hte ^:'totter, |BalJydnfl; MJcUisolFolWfciSi i UltoiraTiJtajaUra»t at Uriitol to Cork p«r Bristol 8. IT. .Li - , i \ " 'j - • ™^w<^jvJ>BiB»wm; . Ga-.ir«angaU* (or man from Dublin ttitboat utn arUcnliraapp ly, i r ' ;' ' Otlxfth Zsifo; iBc^S': SuiS br t&n Watar/oni to JDriJtol b» . Wafrrforf ,. WAif i|:i*illi^3i6i| . Cappjottta; Jaa»«r/AKearM| -or ) t» «d: extra, . j ::: yfEtETF;..- . - m 'jruraiL- ¦ 1 1 ¦¦ ¦ ' if¦ ^Eai:i '« Ste«ser« on v»in>«D.t of ! ¦ ¦ Elaan. Ship Oo, ' ' Usnioro.¦ - - ¦ . ' I . ' ' 'Ml it-! , ' ¦ • ¦:¦' ¦ - . --^ ; -fi- ths roijnircmont* our oxpandJ^j -. -. i . , . r. •; . ¦ <i Barroastr t^ i ;TleJst» taaod at Brtttol to JTaUIa p«T ZMrtol b^nlnc^i 'Conn© T .JUtara • /¦ ' ' " S, K T«, BW «T*IW>1» : for tttpn'. ' from Wf^rianl > _; , ! T70 J;3TO.b2d . p WC T Respectfully! ask intending, t6 BriiUil Iji Wiuriord Swam SUP Co»'i tiaatrf PBrjihaser^^o;;j espect ^lleir Stock, on ra+nlmt tX k'tot. or from Cork oa pijcat ? cnb'¦¦¦v' : ' : ¦ ¦ : Tho moot Dolpot es'lba Sc3a|llo£i^ o? -Krph-clao* ^Goodo p ver " '1 :• ¦! ' "fo &u^;w : choym , In Wptcrfqrd lo now itfiojp• ' I . THE • COLLEGE,: ^•t5["»iU w a iTaUaiv*Ji*do Cor return pef And liro'JrJiQOTTn¦ ¦ |onl show In . it/ppcropraa t Rl j? TTttsrtiriS tMta Ship O. ari> ' ¦ BAS ren¦ ovatcKi, end, ca ¦ ' ' v;' ; -' : iSSSS; N!JSL lS»» BrUtol to Cork 6r to DaUl3 faorctofoija, an] : i. : i . • • - • • ' • end pricsd ai a rcbaojicblo Proili.H'^r . -| Alt, St. Joseph Abbey^j Rascre^i r EQQ """ AND LWESPOOL: ¦ JOSEPB) EOIXffiES & SON'S CDTLEB¦ t FRAMES 'AMD TOAST BACKS, 'v p W^KpO!BiD ! f?!r<r>nrs ' ; EJ OASB-AaiD 0ABMET. :¦; , : . {¦ ¦:¦ ' " ' ' FBOil TJVEHPOOL. ' 'nifTn UJOSIWIBD.. 'ABn>-'GSIllE OElffl^E3. This College FBOM WiiTERFORP. ^ 8COm NIOEEIi TEA AND AiFUBRNOON I SAiLAD BOWLSrSINID &HBVEB9. ' " ;; possesses special advantage!! cm rely upon the; BEST and nothing tOzi ¦ ¦ ' •¦- fTBE WATERlj oi^ lor health arid , i 3.. 0 . J-B3T8. • • . , J -i , -¦ ¦ . i ! - Recreation i; owing ito tits \7dinday, ' *-j« o noon Wedneiday, 5 p^ ;/ . HOff WATJE3R aOTJsC&SEET' JTJQS. : - •¦ " ': - splendid situation Friday. I f 4.J > o p.ra Friday. ;i ! 4- 7 S? »i m S0MD NECKE!. DISH! COVERS. ,. • IjDJNNER. BRBAKiFAgP ; AM) LtTNOH - " I" '"' " "' ' ' and extensive ; grounds. o ug Noadayi 7.. 9 0 p,m \ ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ -! ;^0H^:tf]ft^T ,iT^4TERB^^ y \\". : ; The continued Isuciess : EnndaT ! 6., > TEA AND COFFEE TOiAYS. : - 'ORXRBTS. ' . ) ! : :: of its; pupils at . I tKe a 0 pjn Wedaeiday, 9..10 3) »,ni ' ; ^ "[, ' . y | EoyAl wSnidak¦ 9..1 DOOliST'S, FOSH CAfKVERa A!MD 'EA^ER8.: / • • • ' " Ara prepsred to tioat, {with!tho' greatest oonfldence and seereoy, all applications from 0 University and Intermediate) Examfi- Friday. I H.. 3 0 pm Friday. !' ! "..« o noba * " i BNTBIEE AND..dHOPi DibiliiS. atipn| J II,; Uondij. 1 1 35 PJO ENIVp-3. UPWAim3, to on th !rQ^ PB^ONAL SEOtRITY , : is the . most convinciiig proof^ SmvlaT , >. «. u ' ^ ¦ 4.. DES3HRT SERVICES AND. ; EfUTTER.-ivaa^S,JfNIVES, SERVERS AND ; ^ip^<b3 p ^Pl*RdVBD ¦ ol I the o hora WednnJjT, «6.U « - , | . .- • v.S0»- ©DJAV. ' ¦• ' ¦. ¦' ' soundness of the Education ii ;j VfedoadM, /.16.JU . 6 ytT ajn.^ SUOiiR AND OtoEUai FRAMES / ^ ;.; ..- . ! . ^ijC'-.V;:. .|n jiny..paitj|>flK)lanrl.>. '. '• ' • ¦> \ ; : imparted. 7; yrtdaTlT *!¦! iB.-ia o nooo Friday.!'1 , i«.. ¦ ¦ '' ».] e> ajn Moada^ , «.. 8 . o UAKDINIHHES 'AiNID BLOWEB; VASE3: oiavps gawaci&i' ^ , S^rJ 7 ¦ P-m iim tsm&jB. ESii. Cqsinjp cnrrlsdca In a ifccct ctrdghtfoiwardor and exocfy manner, thlj |: • INitEBMEDIATE ¦ : Wednoda; ! =34 J. P°» Wednttday, . , 33..W . 0 aim EC©E,?BOWiIB vVND FERN POTS. .1 . , , SUGAR BASINS ANXk QERVIETTiVRINGS. Banki County EJAaflNATION, mtJ 1' ! • ° No toIUog : • ¦ ¦: 1 tW cri(mdAlra T7lih ony ()t]bor L<^ Offl«3 £ weallo^ In : > Average percentage Frid,, ! 25. {. o silflnj Friday.1! . ' »S.. .;. <TH 3 tViCULOlV. tiOTCL, BISCtfJT BOX!E3.' . , J . ! ' . , I , , SPOOKS AND naRWi i£»t:¦- . • r ¦ ' of - passes in I Irelaiid¦ sSS yJ I i| »7.tVo xro Monday.' »8.. I 0-p.m f 57.^ 1.j• . I ; . r ; . , . , .||; ;•] . ; |;j ' WedoeaJay, ! 30., 3 3> pjn BUTTER, BISCtJIT AND CHEESE 6TAND8. KHBAD AND CAKiB^t MViBS. ' ¦Wednesday, j 30.L 1 o p.m : 1 • i ¦ i ¦¦ ¦ V" xncccLoi? racmn, GHAZ?Kx:r ii i'.s,'.iiA' BUTTER AWD'OBBAM 8HA1NDS. iCRUMB BRUSHOu ,«5> X8AY8. | ..; ;. .: . :. l !^p y~Tte.;itfAjNA6EBt • ; . » . -. .- College, era.JT ; ¦ ™ Loidliw B«itb—PrioM'i O<vet. uWwoni 1 . SUGAE arPffiHES AND JAM BPOON3. i UNCRUSTA TABLiijiliATS. ^ *^ if-i r W Whirl, Watcrford.1 ; ; DUELEI 8, John Street, Watelrford TU Btmday Vcaseli Loal at North BUTTER RNIVK9 AND SERVERS. ' BRONZE OKYX^AKTkltfiKBttC OEITA- ' ¦ ¦ ; ' ' "" l* OASD TKAY8. ; • :. \. :;¦ MEN3S. / ;• •«; '•! ' , • ¦: . .: OcatMEy disttsd. ECodssCta rJid c=» ! j ¦ : : ; Oalfcrtcbla. : FIELD GLASSES/ !' ' . ' iHROC-raE CAStoELAl'SA, ' . ¦ : ' ' •• OXYDIZED BELIEFS. , ' . ' .: ' • •' ¦ iteiSThe Teaching fitnflKS^ has |i been rarffieri EfflASj aaNiiaEMTfl ..; • [ ' »nil»J)l» tot Two Month*. opUoo»l £rttara ; strengthened toj nrset 1 the requirements lta i de. iutuS fchan n Hi^hrOlacjjBcsU'OMBS tttiriei. ' ofitha t» or litom Briitoloi UTnooUSfc 1 C»Wa . ggjit IF^B .^WalfRJiflHIWjGl.vlFObp - r increasing numbPr 6t rnpflfl.M|It now cona'iata ISI I »ta«l«.7i C!d i do. do. ChfMrea . | ; udax IlljMn ], ' D«*. ; ! \7cdsjln3 Brcsiissis a Q?id£^7.

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