KANSAS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY SURVEY REPORT Aggieville Commercial District Historic Survey May 2020 K-State parade in Aggieville, 1939 Royal Purple Brenda R. Spencer Prepared for the Michelle Spencer 10150 Onaga Road City of Manhattan Wamego, KS 66547 May 2020
[email protected] The survey report and inventory forms, which are the subject of this project, have been financed in part with federal funds from the National Park Service, a division of the United States Department of the Interior, and administered by the Kansas State Historical Society. The City of Manhattan received a Historic Preservation Fund Grant through the Kansas State Historical Society for the project. Aggieville Commercial District HISTORIC SURVEY REPORT MAY 2020 I. OVERVIEW Brenda R. Spencer 10150 Onaga Road The Aggieville Community Vision was adopted in the spring of 2017. Lead by the Wamego, KS 66547 Brenda@SpencerPreservation public input of over 4,200 participants, stakeholders, and Manhattan citizens, it identifies several redevelopment and public improvement opportunities in the district. The plan included a recommendation to preserve the historic character of Aggieville’s historic core and this survey project resulted in part from that commitment. The plan's implementation is now underway including construction of a hotel and planning for a parking garage. The City of Manhattan was awarded a Historic Preservation Fund Grant by the Kansas State Historical Society in May 2019. Spencer Preservation was hired by the Historic Preservation Fund Grant City of Manhattan through a competitive bid process in November 2019 to conduct a 2019-05 historic resource survey of the Aggieville Commercial District.