Trans1ation of Poems Quoted in the Text *

LANGUAGE, NATION (p. 10) When it is small and of tender years, The child sleeps in its mother's lap, Its mother sings songs and lullabies to it, Praising it as is right and proper, Rocking it in love night and day, In its cradle suspended over the land of its ancestors. Born into a nation with its own language, Surrounded by its family and relations, It will grow up in wisdom in the Malay land, In sorrow and in joy and in grief; Its feeling of solidarity is consolidated By its language, so beautiful and melodious. We lament and wail, and also rejoice, In times of good fortune, catastrophe and danger, We breathe so that we can go on living To continue to use the language which is an extension of our spirit Wherever Sumatra is, there is my nation, Wherever Pertja * is, there is my language. My beloved Andalas,* land of my birth From my childhood and youth Until the grave envelopes me, I shall never forget my language Remember, 0 youth, Sumatra is in distress Without a language, the nation disappears. (Muhammad Yamin) * Pertja and Andalas, other names for Sumatra.

DIVINE CELESTIAL (? DAWN) (p. II) See the east, a riot of colour, The dawn is glowing, the day breaks The sun strews its clear rays, Imagination smiles, with all its five senses.

* For some translations in this appendix grateful use has been made of earlier translations by Professor A. H. Johns and Professor Burton Raffel; see Johns (1964a, 1964b, 1%6), Raffel (1%4, 1%6-7) and (1963). This has been acknowledged in each individual case. In all other instances the translation was made specifically for this book. 258 MODERN

A soft breeze blows from the sky Blows on the earth, a twig trembles; The wild beasts leap out of their dens On seeing the pure celestial beauty

The sky has become a clear azure One by one the stars disappear Even the lustre of Venus begins to fade

The animals accept Nature's greetings The heart is joyful beyond words To see the marvels of God the Perfect. (Muhammad Hatta) (P·19) I am no good at story telling, Nor am I clever at composing shair I am not a slave of this land, Bound by the laws of the experts.

I reject the rules of grammar, The structure of the old poems I reject and I deny, Because my song obeys my soul. (Rustam Effendi)

Father, My heart is melancholy, And I have lost all hope Sadness cuts me like a knife The eaglewood forest has lost its value The wide world, The splashing sea Weep and lament Moan and howl Begging (and) hesitating, Accepting their lot. The leaves and branches Sob continually The wind moans Expressing its longing. (Rustam Effendi)

POEM (p.21) In what does the value of a poem lie? Not in its aim and content, But in the form, the fine words Which we choose with an eye to harmony.

The first question which comes to mind After we have finished reading a poem: To what extent can it be said to have power To bind us in its spell? APPENDIX 259

The emotions of the poet when he writes, (When) the words come crowding Unbidden from his pen Must recur in the reader Just as an image in front of the mirror; The inner soul must be moved. (Sanusi Pane)

PERMIT ME ••• (P.24) Permit me To arrange flowers Permit me To compose poetry

Permit me To fill the sirih bowl Permit me To praise you. ( Sanusi Pane)

HOW COULD WE FAIL TO BE HAPPY? (P.25) How could the flower Fail to unfold On seeing the light Of the sun?

How could we Fail to be happy On seeing the face Of our beloved? (Sanusi Pane)

TJANDI MENDUT (p. 26) In a space filled with light and shade The image of Buddha upon his throne, His face at peace, restful, calm, To right and left Boddhisatwas.

Time stands still in this place There is no movement, nothing but stillness Opposing principles here are united The world is still, and life is smooth.

Be still, my heart, have no desire, Cherish feeling no more, Hoping for happiness in this fleeting world.

In meditation take your flight, 0 soul, Towards the azure of the sky And the peace of the heaven of Nirvana. (Sanusi Pane) 260 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

PRAYER (p.26) Make me, exalted Engineer, Into a screw for Your engine Which propels the ship of the world Into the harbour of non-differentiation from You. Rub me, exalted Engineer When I am rusty, with Your oil So that I may bring mankind along To the continent of Your perfection. (Sanusi Pane)

MY LANGUAGE (p. 30) My language, Conductor of the impulses of my soul, Which portrays the trials of my spirit, Which binds us together in our desire for unity Which disseminates the new spirit.

My language, Gleaming and glittering Like the dew visible in the morning, When the blinding sun shines upon it I hold You in high esteem. My language, You arouse my enthusiasm, You have a strong sound The boom of your thunder is swift, With an impact like lightning. My language, So soft and gentle of sound Rippling like flowing water Wafting like a breath of air Or bursting forth with laughter. My language, There is refinement in You, You are full of beauty The mark of the culture Of our whole nation. 'My language, In You lies hidden An indescribable power As medicine for a sickness of the spirit Ennobling the character. My language, A noble ancestral heritage, If you disappear or lose your lustre This means the decline of my people, I stand prepared to put you in order. (s. Yudho) APPENDIX 261

HEADING FOR THE SEA (P.34) We have left you behind, Lake, tranquil without a ripple Sheltered by wooded mountains From wind and hurricane. For once we are awakened From a pleasant dream: . . . .

From that time on our souls are restless Once they have striven they can no longer rest The former tranquillity palls The sheltering mountain appears now as an obstacle The heart revolts and wants to be free Attacking everything that bars the way.

With a thunderous din we fall A glittering string of pearls dashed down. Our voices cry out in tumult Terrible is the roar of our voices in victory. Sighs and laughter alternate Cries and shouts sound and resound.

But however difficult the road may be Even though our bodies be felled, our heads smashed Our hearts crushed, our minds confused, We still will not draw back, And we do not lament our former tranquillity .. _... (St. Takdir Alisjahbana)

TJANDI PRAMBANAN (p. 35) My heart does not yearn for you, 0 time when sages. prostrated themselves before Shiwa, and when devout souls found expression in temples rich in images. No, no! No, no! o God, 0 my Lord, give back to your people that sincerity of spirit which created temples! And then I shall bring forth a new art, not of the same form as this . . ., but eternal, and in tune with the swelling of my soul and my age.

WILLEM KLOOS (P.44) In the blaze of passion To tear down the walls of tradition He has deified the beauties of nature And made himself into a God.

The power of his soul has burnt itself out in a flash In the forging of a dozen songs. And then his life became dark He lives only on memories in his loneliness.

The morning began in a blaze of glory The sun rose high pouring forth its brightness Then it set, and the world became dark. 262 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

All inspiration disappeared leaving no trace But still he sat writing Arranging his "inner thoughts". 0. E. Tatengkeng)

A LITTLE POEM (P.49) From my heart: a block of sadness I continually slice off little poems Blood keeps spurting forth And the pain is beyond description.

But my mouth keeps on smiling People like me Receive the blessings of creative joy * In excruciating torture.

My heart is the heart of a poet A heart that is always being injured and wounded A heart which is always athirst for love But never finds it.

But I owe a debt of gratitude Te my sad fate Because of it from my heart Wells the spring of poetry. (Asmara Hadi) * sani: read seni, art? Or a Min. form of seni? Or Arabic sam', Creator?

MY SOUL IS WITHERED (p. 80) My soul is a tree that has withered away Standing stark, and silenced in the twilight Extending its arms, in the stiffness of death, The day is clear, silent and lonely The pure moon hangs on a screen In deathly silence the world waits. (Armijn Pane)

HANG TUAH (p. 88) The wind blows and whips up the waves, And seizes the water causing the foam to fly. In the Malacca Strait the waves break Beating against each other and splitting each other. Ships are buffetted, sterns slewed around, War prows are pounded, towed by the bow.

The seagulls fly around with loud cries The moon disappears, dips in the ocean.

The Portuguese armada advances in formation, Malacca is the place they are going to couquer. APPENDIX 263

Gallions and fustas, tall and strong Fleet and savage, spruce and arrogant. ()

THERE IS ONLY ONE (P.9I) An intention is formed in your heart, Rain pours down, the storm breaks, Drenched and drowned, Collapsed and broken is your shady garden.

Small people, higgledy-piggledy, Flee racing, fall sitting, The water rises steadily on, Old trees, uprooted, crash down.

Shouting and screaming hang muffled In the thunder's roll. Lightning spits through the darkness, A tongue of fire shoots straight up.

The covered ark floats quietly on the water, Sheltering Noah Your beloved, Free, at liberty, wide and spacious, A peaceful voice in a world full of fear . . . . (Amir Hamzah, partly Burton Raffel's translation, 1964)

(P·93) o clouds, moving in procession To fill the firmament of heaven, Halt you a moment above the dwelling Of the son of Langkat, a pining wanderer.

A moment, an instant, I have a request for you For you, 0 clouds, In what direction are you going, In which land will you stop?

Convey my yearning to my love Whisper my lament into her ear Embrace her knees, so young and golden, As if I were embracing her myself. (Amir Hamzah; partly Johns' translation, 1964a)

(P·94) Mother, when you brought me into the world On a morning when the frangipanis were blooming Did you then have any idea That this would be the lot of your child? 264 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Oh, if this is the way things stand: Wet wood consumed by fire, Oh, if things turn out like this Then my body will soon perish. (Amir Hamzah)

THERE I STAND (p. 95) There I stand in the still of twilight, The seagull swoops, skimming the foam, The mangrove bows, unfolds its crown, Carried by the waves the unfurled jelly-fish drifts along.

The wind goes home, cooling the earth It strikes the bay, flinging gold down, Flees to the mountains, rises to the lonely pinnacle Swaying to and fro over the forests.

The rainbow, its point dipped into the water, Flares up, scattering a colourful pattern, The eagle lingers with folded wings, Dazzled by the colours in procession.

In this perfect beauty Nostalgic longings stirring the heart, Comes a longing to feel safe, To taste of a life which has a firm goal. (Amir Hamzah)

HIGHER, HIGHER (p. 96) My body rises, it floats into the clouds Higher, higher, slender and slim, pure and fine, It £lies, soaring, it floats, billowing, As multiformed, as multicoloured as the azure sky.

Then the wind rages, then the hurricane pulls Takes me with it in its flight, flings my body down Lets me down a thud on a lofty summit, Hooks me on to the curve of the rainbow ...

Quietly now, my dear wind, Leave my body in the curve of this thread Calm down, storm in me, Rock me softly to sleep, quieten my longings.

Let me stay here, Safe and quiet in the lonely silence Without wishing, without asking, Far from the world, near to the Gods. (Amir Hamzah) APPENDIX 265

BECAUSE OF YOU (P.99) Loving life because of you, All the flowers spread their wings; Love blooms in my heart, In my soul the flowers are fragrant.

Life is like a dream, Like a puppet-play unfolded on the screen, I am a dreamer and a dancer, Consciousness and trance alternate with each other.

So takes shape on the flat screen The puppet, bringing feeling, The longing heart follows, Two souls reaching intimate unity.

I am a puppet, you are a puppet, We delight the dalang as he sings his song, Upon the screen we may exchange glances For the length of a melody, a song.

Then he changes the gleaming puppets, You and I are laid in the box; I am a puppet, you are a puppet, To please the dalang, to accompany his song. (Amir Hamzah; last two stanzas translation Johns, 1964a).

TO YOU ALONE (p. 100) Entirely swept away Is my love, it has flown away, I return again to You As before. You are a gleaming candle, The light in the window on a dark night Beckoning home, gently, Patient and ever faithful. My Beloved is one - But I am a man, Who yearns for feeling, And yearns for form. Where You are There is no form Sound is vague Only words bind my heart. You are jealous You are cruel I am prey in Your claws As You seize, let go, and seize again. 266 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

I am bewildered, half mad, But my love keeps coming back to You You are mysterious, You attract my desires, Like a girl behind a curtain.

Your love is lonely And waits alone. Time passes - it is not my turn; The day dies - not my companion. (i.e. I cannot yet die together with the day.) (Amir Hamzah; translation partially based on Raffel, 1964, p. 26.)

DOWN TO EARTH AGAIN (p.102) If I am in You and You in me, Will it then be, That I am the slave and You the master?

You and I are very different, You are the king, very great, A refined lustre floating high in the air, A shady tree sheltering the world.

Under the shield which you spread out I stand still, killing the day, In the shadow where you play I console and refresh my heart.

Lighted by the lustre which you radiate I climb the stairs which lead to the clouds, The celestial lute intoxicates my ears, Making the lute in my own heart resound.

Then I chance to look down, A candle flickers, Frangipanis beckon laughing gaily Then my earthly heart blazes high again I turn round and descend to earth. (Amir Harnzah)

(p. ISO) The casuarinas straggle into the distance It seems night is at hand; Branches about the windows collapse Broken by the muffled wind.

Now I can put up with it I have not been a child for some time now But in childhood there was something I can take no account of now. APPENDIX 267

Life is but an attempt to defer death As the loves of school days fall further behind us, And we realise that something must remain unuttered Until, in the end, we give up. (Chairil Anwar; translation based on Johns, l%4b, p. 402.)

TO THE PAINTER AFFANDI (P.152) If I have run out of words, no longer Dare to enter my own house, standing On the crumbling doorstep,

It is because of the transience of all Which stamps every thing, and further the feeling That death will come, destroying.

And hands will stiffen, no longer write, Troubled by pain, troubled by dreams. Give me a place on the lofty tower, Where you alone rise

Over earthly noise and betrayal, Over smooth selfishness and make-believe creation: You tum away and pray And the closed-up darkness opens! (Chairil Anwar; translation based on Raffel 1964, p. 64.)

PRAYER (p. 155) For a faithful believer. My Lord When overcast by thought Still I utter Your name

Although it is truly difficult To think on You to the full.

Of Your light, pure and burning There remains only a flickering candle in silent darkness

My Lord

I lose my human form And am crushed

My Lord

I wander in a strange land 268 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

My Lord At Your door I knock I cannot turn away. (Chairil Anwar: translation based on J OMS, l%4b, p. 401.)

TWILIGHT AT A LITTLE HARBOUR (p. 156) This time no one's looking for love Between the sheds, the old houses, in the stories Of poles and rope. A boat, a praou without water, Puffs and blows, thinking there's something it can catch.

The drizzle quickens the darkness. There is an eagle still flapping, Touching the sulkiness, with a rustle the day swims swiftly away, To meet the seductions of things to come. Nothing moves And now the sand and the sea are asleep, the waves are gone.

There's nothing else. I am alone. Walking Skirting the peninsula, still a muffled hope Of just once reaching the end, and saying goodbye to everything From the fourth beach, where the last sob could be hugged. (Chairi! Anwar; translation based on Raffel, 1%4, p. 58.)

MORNING FIELD (p. 188) My lodging looks out on many casuarinas There are flowers and a deserted field Behind it a road leads down to the stream Away behind, the main road to the city.

Morning clouds on the slope of the mountain over there; Children come to play ball in the field; The sun rises higher, filling the sky with light Their shrieks reverberate loudly.

As far as the eye can see there are only mountains, As far as the mind soars there is only greenness. I suppose I was asleep, I suppose I was dreaming a while ago, A wakened from a rest which knew no end:

The bell in the barracks next door rings loud and clear: One o'clock, half a day gone. The room is very light, now, But the field has emptied.

I shiver. I had not realised that in the comer There remained vestiges of the chill of night. (Sitor Situmorang; translation partly ba5ed on Johns, 1966, and on Raffel, 1964, p. 117) APPENDIX 269

(P·209) A cruel threat rumbles in the dark clouds, Not a tree dares continue with its song,

The leaves press close to the branches, In whispers curse a bird that still peeps.

Dark. Heavy. A sigh is jerked back to its starting place. All houses are shut up, The occupants squat in one corner, huddled together in fright.

What is the closing word? Our feet have gone to sleep from standing And we cannot sit: The ground is wet from a whole night's rain. (Mh. Rustandi Kartakusuma)

THE BEGGAR GIRL (p.211) Every time we meet, little girl with your begging bowl, Your smile is too eternal to know sorrow, You look up at me, at the light red moon, But my city has disappeared, soulless. I want to go with you, little girl with your begging bowl To your home, under the bridge, which expunges every shape, To live from the life of radiant fantasies, To be gay in the illusion of happiness. Your world that is higher than the cathedral spire Flashes past on the dirty water, but you know it by heart, Your soul is so pure - far too pure To share my sorrow. If you die, little girl with the begging bowl, Then the moon up there will no longer have an owner, And my city, ah, my city Will live on without a beacon. (Toto Sudarto Bachtiar)

BALLAD OF THE CRUCIFIXION (p. 233) Jesus walks to Golgotha Carrying a wooden cross Like a lamb with a pure white fleece. There are no roses on the path, No palm leaves: A white lamb struggling under torment and whip, Bent by a duty dearly loved. And buried at his own wish. (W. S. Rendra; translation based on Raffel 1964, p. 148) 270 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

CAPTIVE (P.234) On a bed of stone His body tall Mountain chain without moon Hazy and clayish Eyes ignoring the bars.

On paths, His heart his eyes, Go the red-handed guerillas Dutch soldiers fall.

In his mouth drips Via dream Blood from earthen bowl. He gives shape to one smile Glowing ember in the belly of the mountain (The red-handed guerillas, Young brother wreaks revenge)

Dawn sings Outside himself The clapper of the bell Strikes six times In the belly of its mother. Suddenly He closes his eyes

The jailer turns the key in the lock of his cell And says: Well, rebel, The coming dawn is not yours!

Dragged before the platoon of executioners He spits But he does not say: Last night I tasted How sweet is the honey of blood.

And never did he hear Six rifles Crack together. CW. S. Rendra)

A CHILD CRIES (P.236) A child cries From fear of loneliness.

Go near it And fill its sleep with stories So that it will forget. APPENDIX 271

We have to learn to make friends with Loneliness: it cannot be eluded Through eating Or sex

It is a shadow Following us from morning onwards. (Subagio Sastrowardojo)

NOTES (P.237) Laughing, grandmother asks: For the whole period of the fast I have waited [for you, Touched, mother smiles, inadvertently, Father simp,ly says nothing. The heat of the day burns up feeling and Sweat comes pouring out.

Little brother, come let us make a bridge here, Your elder brother is so tired of Djakarta, Djakarta. Where have you been all this time, my little brother? What class are you in at school? (Ajip Rosidi)

TJIKINI RAJA (p. 238) The flower seller s,ings out of tUlle Speeded along by the rubber tyres of the betjak towards night's end The street lamps shine brightly, the shadows take flight, And the night becomes more and more silent. Three o'clock, and yourself too as quiet as the grave.

The flower seller flicks the dust off his basket Sings gaily now that he is going home with the remainder of the night.

The night extends itself out along the rails, The station benches revolve chilly, consumptive The street becomes more level Clear flecked with shadow. (Ajip Rosidi) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

A.M.S. = Algemeene Middelbare School, General High School. A.S.S. Agenda Seni Sastera, see Bibliography II. B.M.K.N. Badan Musjawarat Kebudajaan Nasional, National Cultmal Council. B.P. , Government Bureau for Popular Literature. C.N. - Culturee1 Nieuws Indonesie, Cultural News of , see p. 118. H.LS. Hollandsch-Inlandsche School, Dutch Indigenous School. K.A.M.L Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia, Action Group of Indonesian University Students. K.A.P.P.I. Kesatuan Aksi Pemuda Peladjar Indonesia, Action Group of In• donesian Student Youth. K.N.LL. Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger, Royal Netherlands-Indies Army. Lekra Lembaga Kebudajaan Rakjat, Institute of the People's Culture. Manikebu Manifes(to) Kebudajaan, Cultural Manifesto, see p. 252. Manipol Manifes(to) Politik, Political Manifesto, see p. 181. Mulo = Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs, Junior High School. Nefis Netherlands East Indies Forces Intelligence Services. Nias N ederlandsch Indische Artenschool, N etherlands-Indies Medical School. Nica Netherlands-Indies Civil (Corps) Administration. P.B. Pudjangga Baru, see Bibliography II. PeBu _ Pekan Buku, see Bibliography II. P.K.I. Partai Komunis Indonesia, Communist Party of Indonesia. P.N.L Partai Nasional Indonesia, Nationalist Party of Indonesia. P.S.I. Partai Sosialis Indonesia, Socialist Party of Indonesia. Stovia _ School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen, School for the Training of Indigenous Physicians. Usdek = Undang2 dasar 1945; Sosialisme ala Indonesia; Demokrasi ter• pimpin; Ekonomi terpimpin; Kepribadian Indonesia, 1945 Con• stitution; Socialism a la Indonesia; Guided democracy; Guided economy; National identity. See p. 181, footnote 160. BIBLIOGRAPHY I

Indonesian Literary Works *

Abbas Hasan, 1951, Cadis Modem. 5th ed. Djakarta 1963. 64 pp. Abbas Hasan, 1955, Kasih Tak Putus. 2nd. ed. Djakarta 1964. 86 pp. Abbas Hasan, 1964, Tjinta dan Ketjurangan. Djakarta. 131 pp. , 1928, . B.P. 818. 3 vols. 95, 87, 92 pp. 7th ed. 1958. Abdul Muis, 1933, Pertemuan Djodoh. B.P. 1117. 184 pp. 2nd. ed. 1952. Abdul Muis, 1950, Surapati. B.P. 1775. 190 pp. Abdul Muis, 1953, Robert Anak Surapati. B.P. 1915. 143 pp. Abdul Muluk, Sja'ir, 1934, B.P. 1157. 268 pp. Abdul Rahman, see Rahman. Abdul Rivai, see Yogi. Abu Hanifah, see El Hakim. Achdiat Karta Mihardja, 1949, . B.P. 1699. 239 pp. Achdiat Karta Mihardja, 1956, Keretakan dan Ketegangan. B.P. 1964. 267 pp. Achdiat Karta Mihardja, 1961, Kesan dan Kenangan. Djakarta. 154 pp. Achmad Chartani, 1936, Tjinta Anak. B.P. 1220. 104 pp. Achmad Djan, 1951, Kantung Kosong. B.P. 1838. 101 pp. Achmad Djan, 1952, Mirawati. B.P. 1894. 76 pp. Achmad Djan, 1957, Perang Sumpitan. B.P. 1998. 107 pp. Achmad Djan, 1964, Lembah Maut. -Djakarta. 2nd. ed' 83 pp. Adinegoro, 1927, Darah Muda. B.P. 767. 85 pp. 2nd. ed. 1931. Adinegoro, 1928, Asmara Djaja. B.P. 784. 98 pp. 2nd. ed. 1931. Adinegoro, 1930, M elawat Ke Barat. 3 vols. B.P. 895, 895a, 895b. 170, ..., 147 pp. Adlin Affandi, 1941?, Cadis Modern. B.P. 1457. 3rd. ed. 1949. 50 pp. Ager, Abd. dan Nursinah Iskandar, 1926, TJinta Jang Membawa Maut. B.P. 736. 72 pp. (Republished in Kuala Lumpur, 1963, 120 pp., under the title Korban Perchintaan. Only the second author's name is mentioned in this ed.) Ahmad, 1949, Perompak Lanun. B.P. 1664. 126 pp. Ahmad Chatib, B. St., 1932, Anak Dapat (Anak Dirumpun Buluh). B.P. 1027. 2nd. ed. 1938. 68 pp. Ahmad Grozali, see Pahit Lidah. Aidit, see Sobron Aidit. Ajip Rosidi, 1955, Tahun-Tahun Kematian. Djakarta. 138 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1956, Pesta. Sadjak-sadjak. Djakarta. 36 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1956, Ditengah Keluarga. B.P. 2003. 147 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1957, Sebuah Rumah buat Hari Tua. Djakarta. 125 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1958, Perdjalanan Penganten. Sebuah kisah. Djakarta. 162 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1959, Tjari Muatan. Empat kumpulan sadjak. B.P. 2081. 95 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1960, Surattjinta Endaj Rasidin. Sadjak-sadjak. Djakarta. 48 pp.

* Publications by Balai Pustaka are indicated by B.P., followed by serial number. In these cases the name of Djakarta as the place of publication has been omitted. 274 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Ajip Rosidi, 1963, Pertemuan Kembali. 2nd. ed. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 97 pp. Ajip Rosidi, Sobron Aidit, S.M. Ardan, 1956, Ketemu di Djalan. Tiga kumpulan sadjak. B.P. 1961. 62 pp. Ajjip Rossidhy, see Ajip Rosidi. Alex L. Tobing, 1959, Mekar karena Memar. B.P. 2076. 183 pp. Alexandre Leo, A (ndrea), 1956, Orang jang Kembali. Kumpulan tjerita-tjerita pendek 1953-1955. B.P. 2011. 143 pp. 2nd. ed. 1960. Alex Leo, 1963, Mendung. Sebuah Novela sukadukatjarita sebuah rumahtangga. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 171 pp. Ali Audah, 1963?, Malam Bimbang. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 124 pp. Ali Hasjmy or Ali Hasjim, see Hasjmy. Alwan Tafsiri, M., 1963, Lukisan Dinding dan beberapa tjeritapendek jang lain. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 72 pp. Amal Hamzah, 1949, Pembebasan Pertama. Kumpulan 1942-1948. B.P. 1687. 172 pp. Aman, 1928?, Sja'ir Silindung Delima. Menurut tjeritera Asschepoester. B.P. 766. 44 pp. 4th ed. 1938. Aman, see Madjoindo. Aman Surana, ?, SebabnjlJ) Rafiah Tersesat. Amir Harnzah, 1937, Njanji Sunji. P.B. 5.5. 2nd. ed. Djakarta. 1947. 32 pp. 1st. ed. in Kuala Lumpur 1963. 36 pp. (). Amir Hamzah, 1941, . P.B. 8.12. 2nd. ed. Djakarta. 1952. 46 pp. 1st ed. Kuala Lumpur 1963. 52 pp. Ananta Tur, see Pramudya. Andjar Asmara, 1949, Nusa Penida. B.P. 1710. 297 pp. Angin Lalu, 1955, Kumpulan Sadjak. Diterbitkan oleh Ansemi (Angkatan Seni• man Muda Indonesia). Malang. 24 pp. Angin Pagi, 1955, Kumpulan sadjak-sadjak penjair muda di kota . Dipilih dan disusun oleh Suwardi Idris, Kemal Ms., Alwi Dahlan, Dahlan Djazh. 16 pp. Anwar, see Chairi! Anwar. Anwar Rasjid, see Samadi. Aoh Kartahadimadja, 1950, Zahra. B.P. 1783. 67 pp. Aoh Kartahadimadja, 1952, Manusia dan Tal1ahnja. B.P. 1911. 116 pp. Apin, see Rivai Apin. Ardan, S.M., 1955, Terang Bulan Terang Dikali. Djakarta. 96 pp. Ardan, S.M., see Ajip Rosidi. Ardi Soma, 1939, Tjintjin Setempel. B.P. 1326. 123 pp. Armijn Pane, 1939, Djiwa Berdjiwa. P.B. 6, p. 101-24. Armijn Pane, 1940, . P.B. 7. 2nd. ed. Djakarta 1949. 120 pp. Armijn Pane, 1953, Djinak-Djil1ak Merpati. B.P. 1942. 303 pp. Armijn Pane, 1953, Kiswh Antara Manusia. Kumpulan tjerita-tjerita pendek. B.P. 1918. 187 pp. Arti Purbani, 1949, Widyawati. B.P. 1728. 197 pp. Asmaradewi dan Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1933, Tllba Dibalas dengan Susu. B.P. 1049. 103 pp. Asmara Hadi, 1941, Dalam Lil1gkungan Kawat Berduri. Asrul Sani, 1953?, Fragmen dari "Perumahan untuk Fadjria Novari". Siasat. Asrul Sani, 1954, Si Penjair Belum Pulang. Siascrt May 30 and June 6. Asrul Sani, 1956, Panen. Konfrontasi 10, p. 2-15. Asrul Sani, 1956, Museum. Konfrontasi 13, p. 15-27. Asrul Sani, see Chairi! Anwar. Bach, L. c., 1964, Hati Membadja. Sebuah Novel. Djakarta. 62 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY I 275

Bachtiar Siagian, (1950), Lorang Belakang. MOOan. 46 pp. Badaruzzaman dan Dali Mutiara, 1950, Pengltrbanan dan Kebaktian. B.P. 1804. 67 pp. Badaruzzaman, see Muhammad Dimyati. Baginda Abdullah, 1930, Sja'ir Rahsia Puteri Nuraini. B.P. 877. 234 pp. Bagindo Saleh, 1931, Sja'ir Seribunian dan Selendang Delima. B.P. 512. 88 pp. Bagindo Saleh, 1933, Sja'ir Tjita-Tjita Si Bungsu. Diambil dari tjeritera kiri- man Mohd. Nur gl. Radjo Batuah. B.P. 1115 .. 76 pp. Bahar Mattaliu, 1963, Perahu Lajar "Mappasikuwae". Roman revolusi. Djakarta. 52 pp. Bahrum Rangkuti, 1949, Sinar Memantjar dari Djabal Ennur (sandiwara radio). Indonesia 1, p. 323-44. Bakri Siregar, 1953, Djedjak Langkah. B.P. 1945. 72 pp. Bakri Siregar, 1954, Multatuli, "Saidjah dan Adinda". Lakon 3 babak. MOOan. 40 pp. Balfas, M., 1952, Lingkaran-Lingkaran Retak. B.P. 1905. 118 pp. Balfas, M., 1965, Retak. Lahirnya sebuah my the. Kuala Lumpur. 197 pp. Bandaharo, Hr., 1941, Sarinah dan Aku. MOOan. 30 pp. Bandaharo, Hr., 1958, Dari Daerah Kehadiran Lapar & Kasih. Djakarta. 40 pp. (4 collections of verses). Bandaharo, Hr., 1963, Dari Bumi Merah. Djakarta. 67 pp. Bandaro Kajo, Rasdid gl. Dt., 1930, Sja'ir Fatimah Mati Terbenam. B.P. 920. 78 pp. 2nd. 00. 1932. Bandaro Kajo, R Dt., 1932, Sja'ir Kurban Bunt. B.P. 1077. 62 pp. Barus Siregar, 1951, Busa Dilaut Hidup. B.P. 1816. 95 pp. Bastari Asnin, A., 1962, Ditengah Padang. Kumpulan sembi Ian tjeritapendek. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 136 pp. Bastari Asnin, A., 1963, Laki-Laki Berkuda. Kumpulan sepuluh tjeritapendek. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 105 pp. Bende Mataram, 1945, B.P. 1590. 38 pp. (Two one-act plays, one by Kotot Sukardi: Bende Mataram and one by Inu Kertapati: Sumping Siweng Pati). Boejoeng, see Ahmad Chatib. Boesje, see Motinggo Busje. Bokor Hutasahut, 1963, Datang Malam. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 94 pp. Bokor Hutasahut, 1964, Penakluk Udjung Dunia. Djakarta. 185 pp. Bur Rasuanto, 1963, Bumi jang Berpeluh. Sebuah kumpulan 1958-1963. Djakarta. 134 pp. Chairil Anwar, 1948, Gedichten (Poems with Dutch Translation by DoH Ver• spoor). Orientatie 4, p. 10-9. Chairil Anwar, 1949, Deru Tjampur Debu. Djakarta. 36 pp. 5th 00. 1959. Chairil Anwar, 1949, Kerikil Tadjam dan fang Terampas dan jang Putus. Dja• karta. 54 pp. 1st ed. Kuala Lumpur 1963. Chairil Anwar, Rivai Apin, Asrul Sani, 1950, Tiga Menguak Takdir. B.P. 1785. 53 pp.

Dahlan Idris, M. dan Nur St. Iskandar, 1935, Dewi Rimba. B.P. 1187. 116 pp. 2nd. ed. 1953. Dajoh, M. R, 1935, Pahlawan Minahasa. B.P. 1151. Dajoh, M. R, 1935?, Sja'ir untuk A.s.I.B. Disalin dari Bahasa Belanda oleh pengarang. Buitenzorg. 44 pp. Dajoh, M. R, 194?, Putera Budiman. B.P. 1395. 2nd. ed. 1951. 109 pp. Dati Mutiara, see Badaruzzaman. Damhuri, A., 1935, Mentjari Djodoh. B.P. 1201. 2nd. ed. 1937. 64 pp. 276 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Damhuri, A., 1938?, Depok Anak Pagai. Lamunan ombak dipantai pulau-pulau Mentawai. 3rd. ed. 1941. Medan. 75 pp. 4th ed. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 1965. Damhuri, A., 1953, Terompah Usang jang tak Sudah Didjahit. B.P. 1935. 84 pp. Dimyati (Dimjati etc.), see Muhammad Dimyati. Dini, Nh., 1956, Dua Dunia. 2nd. ed. 1961. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 99 pp. Dini, Nh., 1%?, Hati jang Damai, Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 98 pp. Djamil Suherman, 1963, Perdjalanan keachirat. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 76 pp. Djamil Suherman, 1963, Umi Kalsum dan Tjerita-tjerita pendek lainnja. Bukit- tinggi-Djakarta. 94 pp. Djamin & Tasat, ?, Sja'ir Anggun Tji' Tunggal. B.P. (Post-war reprint, no year or serial number.) 201 pp. Djauhar Arifin, 1961?, Kandas. Djakarta. 62 pp. Djojopuspito, see Suwarsih Djojopuspito. Dwarsoprasonto, Sh., 1939, Mendjaga Kehormatan. B.P. 1167. 215 pp. El Hakim, 1949, Taufan diatas Asia dan Tiga Buah Sandiwara lain. With an introduction by H.B. Jassin. B.P. 1660. 222 pp. Ener, 1932, Sebabnja M endjadi Hina. B.P. 998. 31 pp. Enri, M., 1940, Karena Anak Kandung. B.P. 1349. 168 pp. 3rd. ed. 1953. Fatimah Hasan De1ais, see Hamidah. Firman Muntaco, 1960, Kumpulan Gambang Djakarte. Vol. 1. Djakarta. 128 pp.

Gerson Poyk, 1964, Hari-Hari Pertama. Djakarta. 40 pp.

Habib Sutan Maharadja, 1932, Nasib. B.P. 1061. 196 pp. Hadi, see Asmara Hadi. Hakim, see El Hakim. Hamidah, 1935, Kehilangan Mestika. B.P. 1191. 2nd. ed. 1937. 77 pp. Hamka, 1938, Dibawah Lindungan Ka'bah. B.P. 1304. 52 pp. 4th ed. 1953. 10th ed. Bukittinggi. 1965. Hamka, 1938, Tenggelamnja Kapal Van der Wijck. Medan. 4th ed. B.P. 1841. 1951. 1st ed. in Kuala Lumpur 1963. Hamka, 1938, Karena Fitnah. 3rd. ed. Kuala Lumpur. 1964. 85 pp. (A new Indon. ed. under the title Terusir, Djakarta. 1963). Hamka, 1939, Tuan Direktur. Medan. 2nd. ed. Kuala Lumpur. 1964. 128 pp. Hamka, 1939, M erantau ke Deli. Medan. 131 pp. 2nd. ed. Kuala Lumpur. 1962. 135 pp. Hamka, 1940, Didalam Lembah Kehidupan. B.P. 1361. 136 pp. 3rd. ed. 1953. Hamka, 1950, Menunggu Beduk Berbllnji. Djakarta. 40 pp. Hamka, 1951-2, Kenang-kenangan Hidup. Djakarta 4 vols. 104, 102, 182, 192 pp. Hamzah, M., 1929, Sja'ir Muhibbah al Kamal. B.P. 843. 96 pp. Harahap, see Bandaharo. Hardjosumarto, S. dan A. Dt. Madjoindo, 1932, Rusmala Dewi. B.P. 1028. 109 pp. Harijadi S. Hartowardojo, 1964, Luka Bajang. Kumpulan Sadjak-Sadjak. B.P. 2131. 92 pp. Hasjmy, A(li), 1936, Kissah Seorang Pengembara. Medan. Hasjmy, A(li), 1940, Dewan Sadjak. Medan. Idris, see Dahlan Idris. Idrus, 1948, Keluarga Surono. Medan. 86 pp. Idrus, 1948, Dari Ave Maria ke Djalan Lain ke Roma. B.P. 1655. 180 pp. 3rd. ed. 1953. Idrus, 1949, Perempuan dan Kebangsaan. Indonesia 1, p. 193-156. BIBLIOGRAPHY I 277

Idrus, 1950, Aki. B.P. 1701. 45 pp. Idrus, 1961, Dengan Mata Terbuka. Cherita-cherita pendek. Kuala Lumpur. 56 pp. Idrus, 1963?, Hati Nu,raini Manusia. Kuala Lumpur. Imam Supardi, 1932, Kintamani. Surabaja ? Inu Kertapati, see Bende Mataram. Ipih, see Asmara Radi. lang Tak Terpadamkan, 1965, Kumpulan tjerita pendek, menjambut ulangtahun ke-45 PKI (Stories by Pramudya Ananta Tur and others). Djakarta. 113 pp. latim Nestapa, Sja'ir, 1934, B.P. 1179. 178 pp. Johanisun I1jas, Nj., 1956, Anggia Mllrni. B.P. 1976. 152 pp. Joram, E., 1928, Emas Disangka Lojang. B.P. 783. 92 pp.

Kadirun, 1927?, Sja'ir si Budjang Djauh. B.P. 762. 242 pp. 3rd. ed. 1931. Karim Ralim, 1945, Palawidja. B.P. 1575. 138 pp. Karta Mihardja, see Achdiat. Kasim, see Muhammad Kasim. Kedjora, 1926, Karam dalam Gelombang Pertjintaan. B.P. 753. 85 pp. Kirdjomulj0, 1954, Prelude. (Collection of poems in manuscript, see Pokok dan Tokoh3 ; see also Jassin 1962a, p. 159.) Kirdjomulj0, 1955, Romance Perdjalanan I. Jogjakarta. 42 pp. Kisah, 1955, 13 Tjeritera Indonesia. Djakarta. 127 pp. (With a Foreword by H. B. Jassin). Kotot Sukardi, see Bende Mataram.

Laut Pasang, 1962, Kumpulan Puisi. Surabaja. 104 pp. Lubis, see Mochtar Lubis.

Madjoindo, Aman Dt., 1931, Sja'ir si Banso Urai (Gadis durhaka). B.P. 960. 1931. 103 pp. Madjoindo, Aman Dt., 1932, Menebus Dosa. B.P. 1060. 80 pp. 2nd. ed. 1964. Madjoindo, Aman Dt., 1932, Tjeritera Malim Deman dengan Puteri Bungsu. B.P. 1001. 120 pp. Madjoindo, Arnan Dt., 1934, Si Tjebol Rindukan Bulan. B.P. 1170. 2nd. ed. 1949. 83 pp. Madjoindo, Aman Dt., 1935?, Sampaikan Salamku Kepadanja. B.P. 1197. 3rd. ed. 1939. 50 pp. Madjoindo, Arnan Dt., 1936, Cui Bakawali, disja'irkan. B.P. 1234. 181 pp. Madjoindo, Arnan Dt., 1951, Tjindur Mata. B.P. 1853. 148 pp. Madjoindo, see also Aman. Mahmud Ahmad Nasution, 1956?, Manusia dan Penghidupan. Kisah-kisah dari Sumatra. Djilid I. Medan .. 318 pp. Mandank, Or., 1932, Narumalina. B.P. 1067. 56 pp. Mandank, Or., 1939, Sebab Aku Terdiam. Medan. Mandank, Or., 1939, Orang Muda. Medan. Mansur Samin, 1966, Perlawanan. Sehimpunan sadjak-sadjak. Djakarta. Sten• cilled. 26 pp. Marah Rusli, 1922, Sitti Nurbaja. B.P. 575. 299 pp. 7th ed. 1954. 11th ed. Kuala Lumpur 1963. Marah RusIi, 1953, La Hami. B.P. 1941. 192 pp. Marah Rusli, 1956, Anak dan Kemanakan. B.P. 1954. 264 pp. Marco Kartodikromo, Mas, 1918, Sair Rempah-Rempah. 4 (small) vols. Sema• rang. 42 pp. 278 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Marco Kartodikromo, Mas, 1919, Student Hidjo. Marco Kartodikromo, Mas, 1924, Rasa M erdika, atan Hikajat Sudjanmo. Matia Madijah, 1962, Kasih Dimedan Perang. B.P. 2122. 188 pp. Matu Mona, 1940, Panggilan Tanah Air. Medan 98 pp. Matu Mona, 1950, Zaman Gemilang. 2nd. ed. Djakarta. 219 pp. Merari Siregar, 1918, Tjerita si Djamin dan si Djohan. Based on a Dutch sketch by Justus van Maurik. Followed by a short story Penghibur Hati, by J. Paimin. Djakarta 108 pp. 3rd. ed. 1956. Merari Siregar, 1921, Azab dan Sengsara. Kissah kehidupan seorang gadis. B.P. 497. 125 pp. 2nd. ed. 1927. Mochtar Lubis, 1950, Tidak Ada Esok. Djakarta. 155 pp. Mochtar Lubis, 1950, Si Djamal. Djakarta. 103 pp. Mochtar Lubis, 1951, Tjatatan Korea. B.P. 1863. 88 pp. Mochtar Lubis, 1952, Djalan tak Ada Udjung. B.P. 1899. 127 pp. Mochtar Lubis, 1956, Peri'mpllan. Kumpulan tjeritera-tjeritera pendek. Djakarta. 148 pp. Mochtar Lubis, 1964, Senja di-Djakarta. Kuala Lumpur. VIII and 286 pp. (Eng!. Trans!. by Claire Holt, Twilight in Djakarta. London etc. 1963.) Mochtar Lubis, 1964, Tanah Gersang. Sebuah nove!. Djakarta. 142 pp. Mochtar Lubis, Hutan. (Unpublished Novel?) Moham(m)ad Ali, see Muhammad Ali. Mohammad Jamin, see Muhammad Yamin. Mohtar, see Toha Mohtar. Motinggo Busje, 1962, Badai Sampai Sore. Sebuah Tragedi. Djakarta. 47 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1962, Tidak Menjerah. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 111 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1962, 1949. Sebuah novel revolllsi. Djakarta. 116 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1962, Keberanian Manusia. KlImplIlan tjerita pendek. Bukit- tinggi-Djakarta. 126 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1962, Malam Djahanam. Djakarta. 93 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1963, Matahari dalam Kelam. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 106 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1963, Njonja dan Njonja. Sebuah komedi. Djakarta. 63 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1963, Malam Pengantin di Bukit Kera. Sebuah novelette untuk drama. Djakarta. 29 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1963, Perempnan itll Bernama Barabah. Sebuah novel. Bukit- tinggi-Djakarta-Medan. 112 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1963, Tiada Belas Kasihan. Sebllah novelette. Djakarta. 44 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1963, Batu Serampok. Sebllah legende. Djakarta. 88 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1963, Sedjuta Matahari. Sebuah nove!. Djakarta. 64 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1963, Bibi Marsiti. Sebuah roman. Djakarta. 93 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1963, Dosa Kita Semua. Sebuah roman. Djakarta. 94 pp. Motinggo BlIsje, 1963, Buang Tondjam. Sebuah legenda dari Lampung Selatan. Djakarta. 102 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1963, Nasehat untuk Anakku. Djakarta. 48 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1963, Ahim-Ha. Manusia Sedjati. Sebuah roman didaratan Irian Barat. Djakarta. 94 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1964, Penerobosall dibawah Laut. Sebuah nove!. Djakarta. 86 pp. Motinggo Busje, 1964, Titisan Dosa Diatasnja. Sebuah nove!. Bukittinggi- Djakarta. 64 pp. Muhammad Ali, 1954?, 5 tragedi. Surabaja. 32 pp. Muhammad Ali, 1955, Kubur tak Bertanda. Surabaja. 54 pp. Muhammad Ali, 1955, Siksa dan Bajangan. Surabaja. 52 pp. Muhammad Ali, 1955?, Perseludjltan dengan Iblis. ? Muhammad Ali, 1959, Hitam alas Putih. B.P. 2043. 112 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY I 279

Muhammad Dimyati, 1951, Manusia dan Peristiwa. B.P. 1855. 197 pp. Muhammad Dimyati, see also Badaruzzaman. Muhammad Kasim, 1922, Mttda Tenma. B.P. 494. 109 pp. Muhammad Kasim, 1936, Teman Duduk. B.P. 1240. 112 pp. 3rd. ed. 1953. Muhammad Radjab, 1949, Tjatatan di Sumatera. B.P. 1686. 198 pp. Muhammad Radjab, 1950, Semasa Ketjil Dikampung. Autobiografi seorang anak Minapgkabau. B.P. 1758. 211 pp. Muhammad Saleh Dt. Orangkaja Besar, 1965, Riwajat Hidup dan PerasaianSaja. Stencilled ed. 331 pp. (Indonesian ed. of a pre-war Minangkabau book, adapted by S. M. Latif). Muhammad Sjah, 1929, Sja'ir Sitti Asni. Peruntungan jang sedih .. B.P. 845. 123 pp. Muhammad Sjah, 1938?, Dia dan Aku (adakan ta' djadi bunga dikarang). B.P. 1203. 2nd. ed. 1955. 55 pp. Muhammad Yamin, 1922?, Tanah Air. 16 pp. Muhammad Yamin, 1929, Indonesia Tumpah Darahku. 36 pp. 2nd. ed. Bukit• tinggi. 1951. Muhammad Yamin, 1934, Ken Angrok dan Ken Dedes. Tjeritera sandiwara jang kedjadian dalam sedjarah Tumapel-Singasari pada tahun 1227 A.D. 2nd. ed. 1951. B.P. 1831. 46 pp. Muis, see Abdul Muis. Muljadi, Sk., 1951, Kaburan. B.P. 1823. 104 pp. Mundingsari, 1950, Dengan Bentji dan Tjinta. Indonesia 2, p. 37-51. Mundingsari, S., 1952, Djaja Widjaja. B.P. 1858. 220 pp. Mundingsari, 1963?, Eulis. Kumpulan 5 tjerita pendek. Semarang. 38 pp. Muntu, H. S. D., 1935, Pembalasan. B.P. 1205. 103 pp. Muntu, H. S. D., 1941, Karena Kerendahan Bttdi. B.P. 1447. 124 pp.

Nas, C. M., 1963, Kebebasan Abadi. 39 pp'. (See also Toha Mohtar, 1963). Nasi dan Melati, 1956?, Kumpulan sadjak dan tjerita pendek. Penerbitan Lekra. Surabaja. Nasjah Djamin, 1962, Sekelumit Njanjian Sunda. B.P. 2121. 188 pp. Nasjah Djamin, 1963, Hilanglah si Anak Hilang. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 129 pp. Navis, A. A., 1956, Robohnja surau kami. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 128 pp. Navis, A. A., 1963, Hudjan Panas. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 93 pp. Navis, A. A., 1963, Bianglala. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 75 pp. Nazir, M., 1935?, Sapu Tangan Fantasi. B.P. 1199. 2nd. ed. 1937. 101 pp. Nugroho Notosusanto, 1958, Hudjan Kepagian. B.P. 2055. 53 pp. Nugroho Notosusanto, 1959, Tiga Kota. B.P. 2077. 95 pp. Nugroho Notosusanto, 1961, Rasa Sajange. Djakarta. 133 pp. Nurdin Jacub, Dt. B., 1962, Dara Dibalik Katja. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 80 pp. Nurdin Jacub, Dt. B., 1962, Pesta Menghela Kaju. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 116pp. Nurhajati Suhardini, see Dini, Nh. Nursiah Dahlan, 1953, Arni. B.P. 1944. 161 pp. Nursinah Iskandar, see Ager, Abd. Nur Sutan Iskandar (Nursinah Iskandar), 1922, Apa Dajaku kerana Aku Perem• puan. Djakarta. 2nd. ed. Kuala Lumpur 1962. 112 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1926?, Si Bachil. Tonil empat babak. Menurut karangan Moliere. B.P. 747. 2nd. ed. 1945. 3rd. ed. 1957. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1928, Salah Pilih. B.P. 811. 102 and 90 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1932, Karena Mentua. B.P. 1070. 149 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1934, Hulltbalang Radja. B.P. 1173. 3rd. ed. 1953. 264 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1935, Katak Hendak Djadi Lembu. B.P. 1175. 135 pp. 2nd. ed. 1952. 280 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1937, Naraka Dunia. B.P. 1264. 122 pp. 3rd. ed. 1952. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1945, Tjinta Tanah Air. B.P. 1550. 3rd. ed. 1953. 152 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1945?, Mutiara. B.P. 1595. 3rd. ed. 1953. 207 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1946, Djangir Bali. B.P. 1603. 214 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1946, Tjobaan. B.P. 1612. 237 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1949, Pengalaman Masa Ketjil. Groningen-Djakarta. 240 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1952, Udjian Masa. Djakarta-Groningen. 499 pp. Nur Sutan Iskandar, see also Abd. Ager, Asmaradewi, Dahlan Idris, Wairata.

Oemar glr. Dt. R. Mandank, see Mandank. Pahit Lidah, Sja'ir Si, 1938, Dipetik dari karangan Ahmad Grozali. B.P. 1288. 112 pp. Palindih, see Rustam Sutan Palindih. Pamuntjak n.S., A. Sutan, 1927, Pertemuan. B.P. 759. 2 vols. 98 and 98 pp. Pamuntjak, M. Taib gl. Sutan, 1930, Tjeritera Si Umbut Muda. Dimelajukan dari bahasa Minangkabau oleh Tulis St. Sati. B.P. 897. 82 pp. Pandji Tisna, I Gusti Njoman, 1935, Ni Rawit. Tjeti pendjual orang. B.P. 1198. 170 pp. Pandji Tisna, I Gusti Njoman, 1936, Sukreni, Cadis Bali. B.P. 1225. 3rd. ed. 1948. 84 pp. Pandji Tisna, I Gusti Njoman, 1938, I Swasta, Setahun di Bedahulu. B.P. 1293. 183 pp. Pandji Tisna, I Gusti Njoman, 1938?, Dewi Karuna, salah satu djalan pengem• bara. Medan. Pandji Tisna, Anak Agung, 195?, I Made Widiadi (Kembali kepada Tuhan). Djakarta. 499 pp. Pane, see Armijn Pane, Sanusi Pane. Pospos, P., 1950, Aku dan Toba. Tjatatan dari masa kanak-kanak. B.P. 1802. 82 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1947, Krandji dan Bekasi Djatoeh. Djakarta. 90 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1950, Pertjikan Revolusi. B.P. 2005, 2nd. ed. 1957. 181 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1950, SI{buh. Djakarta. 67 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1950, Keluarga Gerilja. Djakarta. 238 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1950, Perburuan. Sebuah tjeritera chajali. B.P. 1778. 106 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1951, Mereka jang Diiumpl{hkan. 2 vols. B.P. 1843, 1844. 286 and 295 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1951, Bukan Pasarmalam. B.P. 1836. 109 pp. 3rd. ed. Djakarta. 1964. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1952, Tjerita dari Blora. B.P. 1897. 368 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1953, Gulat di Djakarta. Djakarta. 86 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1953, Kapal Gersang. Zenith 3.9, p. 550-6. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1954, Korupsi. Weesp-Amsterdam. 102 pp. Also published as a special issue of Indonesia 5,4 (April 1954). Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1954?, Midah - Simanis Bergigi Emas. Djakarta. 111 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1956, Sunjisenjap Disiang Hidup. Indonesia 7.6, p. 255-68. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1957, Ditepi Kali Bekasi. B.P. 2014. 2nd. ed. 339 pp. (First ed., 1951, did not contain the part published separately in 1947 as Krandji dan Bekasi Djatoeh). Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1957, Tjerita dari Djakarta. Sekumpulan karikatur kea- BIBLIOGRAPHY I 281

daan dan manusianja. Djakarta. 197 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1958, Suatlt Peristiwa di Banten Selatan. Djakarta. Also published as a drama, adapted by Dhalia, with the title Orang2 Baru dari Banten. Djakarta. 1959. 72 pp. Pratikto, see Rijono Pratikto. Prijana Winduwinata, Pak, 1951, M. M. M. dan Lain-Lain Tjerita Binatang Moderen. B.P. 1863. 72 pp. 2nd. ed. 1954. Purnawan Tjondronagoro, 1962, M endarat Kembali. Bukittinggi-Djakarta 124 pp. Purnawan Tjondronagoro, 1963, Mabuk Sake. Kisah mata-mata amatir. Bukit• tinggi-Djakarta. 67 pp.

Rahman, A., 1924, Sja'ir Puteri Hidjau. Suatu tjeritera jang benar telah kedjadian di Tanah Deli. B.P. 680. 84 pp. 6th ed. 1939. Rahman, A., 1928, Sja'ir Sultan Nadirsjah. Suatu tjeritera ditanah Rindustan. B.P. 786. 132 pp. Rahman, Abdul, 1930, Sja'ir Medunde. B.P. 925. 88 pp. Rahman, Abdul, 1931, Sjriir Puteri Burdah. B.P. 423. 128 pp. Rahman, Abdul, 1941, Sambungan Puteri Hidjau. B.P. 1413. 40 pp. Rasjid, see Bandaro Kajo. Rendra, W. S., 1957, Ballada Orang-Orang Tertjinta. Djakarta. 43 pp. Rendra, W. S., 1961, Empat Kumpulan Sadjak. Djakarta. 116 pp. Rendra, W. S., 1963, Ia sudah Bertualang. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 97 pp. Rifai Ali, 1941, Kata Hati. Medan. Rijono Pratikto, 1951, Api dan Beberapa Tjerita Pendek Lain. B.P. 1857. 64 pp. Rijono Pratikto, 1951, Gua (Fragmen roman dalam persediaan). Indonesia 2.10, p. 21-44. Rijono Pratikto, 1958, Si Rangka dan Beberapa Tjerita Pendek Lain. Djakarta. 147 pp. Rivai Apin, 1956, Rumahtangga (sebuah studi). Indonesia 7.6, p. 270-86. Rivai Apin, see Chairil Anwar. Rosida, Amir, 1962, Djalan jang tak Kundjung Datar. B.P. 2099. 120 pp. Rosidi, see Ajip Rosidi. Rosihan Anwar, R., 1957, Dapat Panggilan Nabi Ibrahim. Djakarta. 156 pp. Rosihan Anwar, R., 1966, Awal Tammat. ("This is the Beginning of the End".) Typewritten manuscript. 19 pp. Rossidhy, see Ajip Rosidi. Rukiah, S., 1950, Kedjatuhan dan Hati. Djakarta. 96 pp. (Special issue of P.B. 12, Nov.-Dec.). Rukiah, S., 1952, Tandus. B.P. 1873. 155 pp. Rusli, Marah, see Marah Rusli. Rusman Sutiasumarga, 1951, Jang Terempas dan Terkandas. B.P. 1860. 130 pp. Rustam Effendi, 1924?, Bebasari. Tooneel dalam 3 Pertoendjoekan. 1st ed. Padang. 2nd. ed. Djakarta. 1953. 62 pp. Rustam Effendi, 1925?, Pertjikan Permenungan. 2nd. ed. Djakarta. 1953. 118 pp. Rustam Sutan Palindih, 1949, M ekar Bltnga M adjapahit. Sandiwara lima babak. B.P. 1667. 77 pp. Rustam Sutan Palindih, 1950, Tjendera Mata. Sandiwara riang tiga babak. B.P. 1729. 52 pp. Rustandi Kartakusuma, Mh., 1950, Prabu dan Puteri. Sebuah tragedi. B.P. 1781. 179 pp. Rustandi Kartakusuma, Mh., 1951. Rekaman dari Tudjuh Daerah. Kumpulan sadjak. B.P. 1842. 184 pp. Saadah Alim, 1940, Pembalasannja. B.P. 1336. 47 pp. 3rd. ed. 1953. 282 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Saadah Alim, 1941?, Taman Penghibur Hati. Beberapa tjeritera pergaulan. B.P. 1427. 2nd. ed. 1949. 94 pp. Sahbudin, O. Sutan, 1921, Sja'ir Sitti Aminah. B.P. 537. 72 pp. 5th ed. 1930. Sahmardan, see Ardan, S. M. Saleh, see Bagindo Saleh. Samadi, 1941, Senandung Hidup. Medan. (author = Anwar Rasjid). Sanusi Pane, 1926?, Pantjaran Tjinta. We1tevreden. 32 pp. Sanusi Pane, 1927, Puspa Mega. Weltevreden. 40 pp. Sanusi Pane, 1928, Air Langga. Timbul (published as a serial). Sanusi Pane, 1930, Eenzame Garoedavlucht. Timbul (published as a serial). Sanusi Pane, 1931, Madah Kelana. B.P. 528. 59 pp. Sanusi Pane, 1932?, Kertadjaja. Djakarta. 80 pp. Sanusi Pane, 1933, Sandhyakala ning Madjapahit. Suatu lakon terdjadi kira-kira Sjaka 1350. Timbul (published as a serial). Sanusi Pane, 1940, Manusia Baril. Lakon 4 bagian. P.B. 8.5, p. 89-120. Sastrawinata, S., 1952, Kissah sewadjarnja. B.P. 1886. 74 pp. Sati, see Tulis Sutan Sati. Satyagraha Hurip Suprobo, 196?, Sepasang Suami Istri. Novel perdjuangan politik. Djakarta. 92 pp. Selasih, 1933, Kalatt Tak Untung. B.P. 1095. 132 pp. 2nd. ed. 1953. Selasih, 1937, Pengaruh Keadaan. B.P. 1263. 138 pp. Semaun, 1924, Hikajat Kadinm. Publ. by "Kantoor P.K.I." Semarang. 202 pp. Semerbak Sadjak, 1965, Basis 15.4, p. 97-128. (An anthology of modern poetry.) Siagian, see Bachtiar Siagian. Singasoro, M. Sutan, 1932, Sja'ir Puteri Naga di Tapa'tuan. B.P. 1088. 88 pp. Siregar, see Bakri Siregar, Barus Siregar. Sitor Situmorang, 1953, Surat Kertas Hidjau. Djakarta. 40 pp. Sitor Situmorang, 1954, Djalan Mutiara. Kumpulan tiga sandiwara. Djakarta. 84 pp. Sitor Situmorang, 1955, Wadjah Tak Bernama. Djakarta. 24 pp. Sitor Situmorang, 1955, Dalam Sadjak. Bandung-'s-Gravenhage. 57 pp. Sitor Situmorang, 1956, Pertempuran dan Saldjll di Paris. Djakarta. 99 pp. Sitor Situmorang, 1962, Zaman Barll. (A collection of poetry.) Sitor Situmorang, 1963, Pangeran. Kumpulan tjerita-pendek. Bandung. 78 pp. Slametmuljana, R. B., 1952, Tundjung Sari. Djakarta. 67 pp. Slametmuljana, R. B., 1952?, Kenang-Kenangan dan Tjita-Tjita. Stencilled. 54 pp. Sobron Aidit, 1959, Pulang Bertempur. Puisi Rakjat. Lembaga Kebudajaan Rakjat. Djakarta. 13 pp. Sobron Aidit, 1962?, Derap Revolusi. Kumpulan novelette & tjerpen. Lembaga Kebudajaan Rakjat. Djakarta? 188 pp. Sobron Aidit, see Ajip Rosidi. Sontani, see Utuy Tatang Sontani. Subagio Sastrowardojo, 1957, Simphoni, himpunan puisi. (Jogjakarta) 26 pp. Subagio Sastrowardojo, 1965, Kedjantanan di Sumbing. Kumpulan tjerita pen- dek. Djakarta. 91 pp. Subagio Sastrowardojo, 1966?, Saldju. Sadjak-sadjak 1963-1964. (No place, pho- tostatic text?) 36 pp. (pages not numbered). Sudjati, S. A., 1949, Al Kisah. B.P. 1706. 103 pp. Suherman, see Djamil Suherman. Sukanto, S. A., 1958, Bulan M erah. B.P. 2052. 84 pp. Sularto, B., 1964, Tanpa Nama. Domba-Domba Revolusi. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 100 pp. Suman, Hs., 1931, Pertjobaan Setia. B.P. 701. 93 pp. 3rd. ed. 1952. BIBLIOGRAPHY I 283

Suman Hs., 1932, Mentjahari Pent juri Anak Perawan. B.P. 994. 70 pp. 3rd. ed. 1952. Suman Hs., 1929, Kasih Ta' Terlarai. B.P. 872. 36 pp. 2nd ed. 1931. Suman Hs., 1939, Tebusan Darah. Dunia Pengalaman 1.8. Medan. 61 pp. Swnan Hs., 1941, Kawan Bergelut. B.P. 1426. 3rd. ed. 1950. Sumardjo, see Trisno Sumardjo. Supit, Paulus, 1932, Kasih Ibu. Tjeritera seorang anak Menado. B.P. 995. 95 pp. Susilo Tur, 1963, Suka Duka Sipandir. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 87 pp. Sutomo, R., 1950, Mega Putih. Bandung. 55 pp" Sutomo Djauhar Arifin, 1941, Andang Teruna. B.P. 1425. 2nd. ed. 173 pp. Suwardi Idris, 1963, Isteri Seorang Sahabat, dan Tjerita-Pendek Lainnja. Bukit- tinggi-Djakarta. 92 pp. Suwardi Idris, 1963, Diluar Dugaan, dan Tjerita-Pendek Lainnja. Bukittinggi• Djakarta. 82 pp. Suwarsih Djojopuspito, 1940, Buiten het Gareel. Indonesische Roman. Met een inleiding van E. du Perron. Utrecht. 251 pp. Suwarsih Djojopuspito, 1951, Tudjuh Tjeritera Pendek. Djakarta. 87 pp. Suwarsih Djojopuspito, 1954, Empat Serangkai. Kumpulan tjerita pendek. Dja- karta. 102 pp. Suwarsih Djojopuspito, 1956, Rukmini. Konfrontasi 12, p. 18-48. Suwarsih Djoj opuspito, 1963, Siluman Karangkobar. Djakarta. 50 pp. Tabrin Tahar, 1963, Guruh Kering. 2nd. ed. Djakarta. 80 pp. Takdir Alisjahbana, Sutan, 1929, Tak Putus Dirundung Malang. B.P. 839. 143 pp. Takdir Alisjahbana, Sutan, 1932, Dian jang Ta' Kundjung Padam. B.P. 972. 157 pp. 2nd. ed. 1948. Takdir Alisjahbana, Sutan, 1935, Tebaran Mega. P.B. 3.11. Takdir Alisjahbana, Sutan, 1936, Lajar Terkembang. B.P. 1239. 167 pp. 1st. ed. Kuala Lwnpur 1963. Takdir Alisjahbana, Sutan, 1941, Anak Perawan Disarang Penjamun. B.P. 1407. 120 pp. Tasat, see Djamin. Tatengkeng, J. E., 1934, Rindu Dendam. Solo. 39 pp. Taufiq Ismail, 1966, Tirani. Kumpulan Puisi. Stencilled. Djakarta. 27 pp. Taufiq Ismail, 1966, Benteng. Kumpulan puisi. Stencilled. Djakarta. 34 pp. Taulu, H. M., 1931, Bintang Minahasa. B.P. 933. 129 pp. Titie Said, 1962, Perdjuangan dan Hati Perempllan. Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 119 pp. Tjahjaningsih, S., 1963, Dua Kerinduan, dan Tjerita Pendek lainnja. Bukittinggi- Djakarta. 113 pp. Tobing, see Alex L. Tobing. Toha Mohtar, 1958, Pulang. Djakarta. pp. Toha Mohtar, 1963, Daerah tidak Bertuan. Sebuah epos revolusi. Djakarta. 115 pp. (In one vol. with C. M. Nas, 1963.) Toto Sudarto Bachtiar, 1956, Suara. Kumpulan sadjak 1950-1955. Djakarta. 48pp. Toto Sudarto Bachtiar, 1958, Etsa. Sadjak-sadjak. Djakarta. 46 pp. Trisnojuwono, 1957, Laki-Laki dan M esiu. Djakarta. 168 pp. 2nd. ed. 1962. Trisnojuwono, 1958, Angin Laut. Djakarta. Trisnojuwono, 1961, Pagar Kawat Berduri. Djakarta. 175 pp. Trisnojuwono, 1962, Bulan Madu. Djakarta-Bukittinggi. 103 pp. Trisnojuwono, 1965, Kisah-Kisah Re'Volusi. Bandung. 97 pp. Trisno Sumardjo, 1952, Katahati dan Perbuatan. B.P. 1875. 137 pp. Trisno Sumardjo, 1953, Tjita Temna. Sandiwara alegoris bersadjak. B.P. 1917. 67 pp. 284 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Trisno Sumardjo, 1954, Tiga Manusia. Zenith 4.1, p. 15-22. Trisno Sumardjo, 1957, Rumah Raja. Runtuhnja suatu keluarga. Djakarta. 141 pp. (Includes Pak Iman, intelek istimewa, first pub!. in Indonesia 5.7, p. 379- 398). Trisno Sumardjo, 1962, Daun Kering. B.P. 2119. 175 pp. Trisno Sumardjo, 1963, Penghuni Pohon. Seri Sastera Moderen. B. P. 16 pp. Trisno Sumardjo, 1963, Keranda Ibu. Seri Sastera Moderen. B.P. 15 pp. Trisno Sumardjo, 1966?, Silhuet, Kumpulan sadjak. Stencilled. Djakarta. 24 pp. Tulis Sutan Sati, 1928, Sengsara Membawa Nikmat. B.P. 829. 2 vols. 96 and 103 pp. Tulis Sutan Sati, 1929, Sabai nan Aluih. B.P. 855. 50 pp. 3rd. ed. 1954. Tulis Sutan Sati, 1930, Sja'ir Sitti Marhumah jang Saleh. B.P. 878. 2nd. ed. 1931. Tulis Sutan Sati, 1932, M emutuskan P ertalian. B.P. 979. 68 pp. Tulis Sutan Sati, 1932, Tak Disangka. B.P. 980. 64 pp. Tulis Sutan Sati, 1932, Tidak Membalas Guna. B.P. 1066. 99 pp. Tulis Sutan Sati, 1933, Sja'ir Rosina. Suatu tjerita jang sesungguhnja terdjadi dikota Betawi. Dipetik dari karangan F. D. J. Pangemanann. B.P. 1090. 128 pP. Tulis Sutan Sati, see also Pamuntjak. Tur, see Pramudya Ananta Tur.

Dsmar Ismail, 1948, Lakon-Lakon Sedih dan Gembira. B.P. 1633. 162 pp. Dsmar Ismail, Puntung Berasap. Sepilihan sadjak-sadjak. B.P. 1774. 45 pp. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1948, Bunga Rumah Makan. Pertundjukan watak dalam satu babak. B.P. 1650. 32 pp. 2nd. ed. 1954. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1948, Suling. B.P. 1651. 92 pp. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1949, Tambera. B.P. 1671. 279 pp. 2nd. ed. 1952. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1951, Orang-Orang Sial. B.P. 1847. 119 pp. 2nd ed. Ban• dung 1963, with an additional story. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1952, Awal dan Mira. Drama satu babak. B.P. 1887. (Earlier in Indonesia 2, 1951, p. 79-102). Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1953, Manusia lseng (drama satu babak). Indonesia 4.8/9. p. 473-87. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1953, Sangkuriang - Dajang Sumbi (drama 3 babak). Indonesia 4.10, p. 594-601. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1954, Sajang ada Orang Lain (drama satu babak). Indo• nesia 5.5/6, p. 261-SO. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1955, Dilangit Ada Bintang (Drama satu babak). Indo• nesia 6.2, p. 61-75. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1955, Sang Kuriang. Seni 1, 11 and 12, p. 483-511 and 531-542. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1957, Saat jang Genting (drama satu babak). Indonesia 8.3, p. 133-44. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1963, Selamat Djalan, Anak Kafur (sandiwara satu babak). Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 59 pp. (Two stories, pub!. earlier in Indonesia 7.8 and 8.3.) Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1964, Si Sapar. Sebuah novelette tentang kehidupan pe• narik2 betjak di Djakarta. Djakarta. 48 pp. Dtuy Tatang Sontani, 1964, Si Kampeng. Djakarta. 36 pp.

Wairata, L. dan Nur Sutan Iskandar, 1941, Tjinta dan Kewadjiban. B.P. 1408. 2nd. ed. 1957. 140 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY I 285

Yamin, see Muhammad Yamin. Yogi, 1931, Puspa Aneka. Solok.

Zainudin, H. M., 1928, Djeumpa Atjeh. B.P. 789. 144 pp. 2nd. ed. 1931. Zuber Usman, 1953, Sepandjang Djalan dengan beberapa Tjeritera Lain. B.P. 1734. 192 pp. Zubir, A. A., 1964, Berpatju Matahari. Djakarta. 96 pp. Zunaidah Subro, 1950, Patah Tumbuh Hilang Berganti. B.P. 1782. 88 pp. 286 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE


References quoted in text and notes

Abu Ranifah, 1948, Disekitar Penerbitan Kembali "Pudjangga Barll" (On the Reappearance of P.B.). P.B. 9.12, p. 65-8. Kebidjaksanaan djuga Termasuk Kebudajaan (Wisdom is part of Culture too). P.B. ibid., p. 70-4. Achdiat KlI.rta Mihardja, 1950, Angkatan '45 (The Generation of 1945). P.B. Nomor Peringatan 10 Tahun (Issue marking the 10th Anniversary of P.B.), p. 17-28. Achdiat Karta Mihardja, 1951, Pertemuan Kebudajaan di Tugu (Cultural En• counters at Tugu). P.B. 12.8, p. 241-4. (See also C.N. 6, 1951, p. 23-5). Achdiat Karta Mihardja, see Polemik Kebudajaan; see J assin; also Rusni. Adi Negoro, 1941, Prof. C. C. Berg dengan Bahasa Persatuan Indonesia (Prof. Berg and the National Language of Indonesia). P.B. 9.3, p. 93-6. Agenda Seni Sastera, 1954, (The Literary Agenda). Jogjakarta. 246 pp. Ahar, 1962, Rustam Effendi sebagai seorang Penjair (R. E. as a Poet). Basis 11.9, p. 257-65. Ahar, 1963, Kesusasteraan Kristen (Christian Literature). Basis 13.2, p. 57-9. Ahar, 1964a, Dasar2 Babakan-waktu Sastra Indonesia (Foundations for the Periodisation of Indonesian Literature). Basis 13.12, p. 363-71. Ahar, 1964b, Menjambut "Selected Poems Chairil Anwar" (Review).Basis 13.6, p. 167-76. Airani-Molito, pseudonym for Bohang, L.K. Ajip Rosidi, 1956, Sadjak-Sadjak Santlsi Pane (Poems by S.P.). Indonesia 7.4, p. 152-60. Ajip Rosidi, 1959, Tjerita Pendek Indonesl:a (Indonesian Short Stories). Dja• karta. 176 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1962, Muhammad Yamin: Tanah Air (On M.W.'s collection of poems called T.A.). Basis 11.8, p. 233-42. Balasan dari Djatiwangi (Reply from Dj.). ibid. 11.11, p. 331-8. Ajip Rosidi, 1963, Mawar Segar atas Luka Tjinta (Fresh Roses growing on the Wounds of Love). Basis 12.4, p. 107-14. (On the pre-war poet Asmara Radi.) Ajip Rosidi, 1964, Kapankah Kesltsastraan Indonesia Lahir! Beserta sepilihan karangan lainnja (When was Indonesian Literature Born? Together with a Selection of other Essays). Djakarta. 120 pp. Ajip Rosidi, 1966, Kesusastran Sunda Dewasa ini (Modern Sundanese Litera• ture). Djatiwangi. XII + 172 pp. Ajjip Rossidhy, see Ajip Rosidi. Ali Budiardjo, 1941, Volksconcert P.P.R.K. jang Pertama (The First People's Concert of the Federation of Oriental Radio Societies). P.B. 8.10, p. 252-5. Alisjahbana, see Takdir Alisjahbana. Almanak Seni 1957, 1956, (The Almanac of Art). Published by the Badan Musja• warat Kebudajaan Nasional. Djakarta. 184 pp. Amal Ramzah, 1950, Buku dan Penulis (Books and. Writers). B.P. 1721. 2nd. ed. 1955. 106 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY II 287

Amir Hamzah, 1942, Sastra Melaju dan Radja-Radjanja (Ancient Malay Liter• ature and its Rulers). Medan. 44 pp. Amir Hamzah, 1933-5, Bhagawad-Gita. Menurut terdjemahan J, W. Boissevain (The B., according to a Dutch translation by J. w. B.). P.B. 1.1 - 2.7. Amir Hamzah, 1939, Setanggi Timur (Oriental Incense). P.B. 7.4, p. 67-89. Annur, F., 1953, Symposion Kesusasteraan Indonesia di Djakarta (The Symposium on Indon. Literature in Djakarta). Siasat Dec. 20 (Pseudonym of Asrul Sani). Aoh Kartahadimadja, 1952a, Beberapa Pallam Angkatan '45 (Some Concepts of the Generation of 1945). Djakarta. 170 pp. Aoh Kartahadimadja, 1952b, Rivai Apin dan Aku (Rivai Apin and I). Mimbar Indonesia no. 29. Ardan, S. M., 1954a, "Manusia Iseng" bikin "Surat Kertas Hidjau" (An Idle Man makes Letters on Green Paper). Siasat Jan. 31. (Review of Poems by Sitor Situmorang.) Ardan, S. M., 1954b, Botjah - Sanggar -- Chairil (A Boy - A Temple - Chairil Anwar). Siasat May 16. Armijn Pane, 1933, Kesusasteraan Baru (A New Literature). P.B. 1.1.. Armijn Pane, 1941a, Kerontjong disamping Gamelan (Kerontjong and Gamelan). P.B. 8.10, p. 256-60. Armijn Pane, 1941b, Ganlelan tegenover Krontjong. Droom tegenover Werke• lijkheid (G. and K. Dream and Reality). P.B. 9.1, p. 9-30. Armijn Pane, 1941c, Mengapa Pengarang Modern Suka Mematikan? (Why do Modern Authors like to Kill their Characters?). P.B. 8.9. p. 225-31. Armijn Pane, 1949, Kort Overzicht van de M oderne Indonesische Literatuur. B.P. 1751. 55 pp. (Short Survey of Modern Indonesian Literature.) Armijn Pane, 1954, Sandjak-Sandjak Muda Mr. MuhammG,d Yamin (The Early Poems of Mr. M. Y.). Djakarta. (Mentioned by Jassin, 1963, p. 241.) Asrul Sani, 1950a, Dari "Tjatatan atas Kertas Merah-Djambu" (From "Notes on Pink Paper"). Mimbar Indonesia (early 1950?). Asrul Sani, 1950b, Surat Singkat tentang Essay (Short Letter on the Essay). Siasat (?). Asrul Sani, 1950-1, Fragmen Keadaan (Fragments on Human Condition). Siasat Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 1950 and March 4, 1951. (One essay, number IV in the series, is lacking in my collection). Asrul Sani, 1951, Skets Habis Tahun. Harapan dari Tanah Gersang (A Sketch at the End of the Year. Hope from a Barren Land). Siasat Jan. 7. Asrul Sani, 1951?, Deadlock pada Puisi Emosi-Semata (Deadlock in Purely Emotional Poetry). Siasat? Asrul Sani, 1953a, De Indonesische Letterkunde als Spiegel van de Maatschappij (Indonesian Literature as a Mirror of Society). C.N. 30, p. 817-25. Asrul Sani, 1953b, Pembahasan Orang2 jang Kenes (Discussing Coquettish People). Siasat Oct. 4. Asrul Sani, 1953c, Sumber-Sumber Ketjil ditengah Air (Little Springs in the Water). Siasat Dec. 27. Asrul Sani, 1954, Chairil Anwar t. Siasat May 2. Asrul Sani, 1955, Salah Sangka sekitar Kata "Krisis" (Misunderstandings on the Word Crisis). Siasat March 13. Asrul Sani, see Annur; see Omong-Omong; see Symposion. Aveling, H. G., 1967, Seventeenth Century Bandanese Society in Fact and Fiction: "Tambera Assessed." B.K.I. 123 (1967), p.

Bahrum Rangkuti, 1949, dan Kebudajaan Indonesia (Islam and Indonesian Culture). Indonesia 1, p. 24-7, 81-91, 164-72. 288 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Bahrum Rangkuti, 1951, Soal-Sool Kebudajaan Indonesia (Problems of Indo• nesian Culture). Zenith 1.10, p. 578-92; 11, p. 650-661; 12, p. 716-21. Bahrum Rangkuti, 1952, Iqbal en Takdir (Iqbal and Takdir). CN. 20, p. 373-80. (The reference to Zenith 5.5, 1951 is not correct.) Bahrum Rangkuti, 1953, Pengantar kepada Tjita Iqbal (Introduction to the Ideas of Iqbal). bulonesia 4.11, p. 627-86. Bahrum Rangkuti, 1954, Djawahan kepada F. Annur (Reply to A.). Siasat Jan. 17. Bahrum Rangkuti, 1955, Peladjaran Kesusasteraan disekolah2 tak Effektif? (Is the Teaching of Literature in our Schools Ineffective?). Siasat Jan. 30. Bakri Siregar, 1952, Tjeramah Sastera. Tuntutan Sederhana untuk Peminat Sastera (Talks on Literature. A Simple Guide for Those Interested in Liter• ature). Medan. Bakri Siregar, 1964, Sedjarah Sastera Indonesia Modern (A History of Modern Indonesian Literature) Vol. I. Djakarta. 152 pp. Balai Pustaka Sewadjarnja, 1948, (The Real Story of B.P. 1908-1942). Djakarta 36 pp. Balfas, M., 1952, Apa Sehab Kurang Roman? (Why So Few Novels?). Siasat Dec. 14. Balfas, M., 1957a, Menudju kepada Kedewasaan dalam Prosa Indonesia. Kepri• badian jang Membawa Ni!ai. Prasaran untuk Symposion Sastera 1956. (Towards Maturity in Indonesian Prose Writing. It is personality that gives value. Working Paper for the Literary Symposium 1956). Siasat Jan. 2 and 9. Balfas, M., 1957b, Lagi-Iagi Chairil sehagai Tugu (Again and Again Chairi! as a Monument). Siasat May 1 = Konfrontasi 16, p. 10-6. Bara Api Kesusasteraan Indonesia, 1953, (A Live Coal in Indonesian Literature). Chairi! Anwar. Memperingati hari 28 April 1949 (Chairi! Anwar, in Com• memoration of Apri! 28, 1949). Jogjakarta. 72 pp. Basis, 1951- , Madjalah Bulanan untuk Soal-Soal Kebudajaan Umum (Monthly for General Cultural Affairs). Jogjakarta. (At present ed. by Th. Kundjono and D. Hartoko.) Bausani, A., 1960, The First Italian Malay Vocabulary by Antonio Pigafetta. East and West. New Series 11, p. 229-48. (Malay Translation in Dewan Bahasa 5, 1961, p. 510-25, 558-72.) Benda, Harry J., 1958, The Crescent and the Rising Sun. Indonesian Islam under the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945. The Hague and Bandung. XV and 320 pp. Benda, Harry ]., 1962, The Structure of Southeast Asian History: Some Pre• liminary Observations. Journal of Southeast Asian History 3.1, p. 106-39. Bohang, Laurens Koster, 1948, Amir Hamzah. P.B. 9, p. 9-15, 39-45, 87-95. (Reprinted in Jassin, 1963, p. 122-50.) Bottoms, J. c., 1960, Abdullah: Ahli Tradisi atau Tokok Pembaharuan? (A.: Traditionalist or Innovator ?). Dewan Bahasa 4.l, p. 642-7. Braasem, W. A., 1954, M oderne Indonesische Literatuur. Doorbraak uit oude Bedding. Met een bio-bibliografie van Indonesische Letterkundigen (Modern Indonesian Literature. Breaking Through the Old River-Bed. With biD-biblio• graphy of Indonesian Authors). Amsterdam. 98 pp. Brandes, J. L. A., 1897, Pararaton (Ken Arok) of het Bock der Koningen van Tumapel en van Madjapahit (Paraton or the Book of Kings of T. and M.). Verhandelingen Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunstm en Wetenschappen 49.1. 2nd. ed. rev. by N. J. Krom and others. id. 62 (1920). Broto, A., 1961, Sekitar Seputjuk Surattjinta (Concerning a Love Letter). Basis 10.4, p. 113-20. (Review of Poems by Ajip Rosidi.) Budaja, 1951- ..., Madjalah Bulanan Kebudajaan. Diterbitkan oleh Djawatan BIBLIOGRAPHY II 289

Kebudajaan Kementerian P. P. & K. Jogjakarta. Cultural Monthly, published by the Cultural Department of the Ministry of Education). Bujung Saleh, 1953, Kearah Seni Berisi. Sekitar Soal "Tendens" (Towards Meaningful Literature. The Problem of Tendency in Art). Indonesia 4.6/7, p. 337-44. Bujung Saleh, 1954a, Madjalah "Konfrontasi" (The Magazine K.). Indonesia 5.9, p. 545-7. Bujung Saleh, 1954b, Latarbelakang Kemasjarakatan Kesusasteraan Indonesia (The Social Background of Indonesian Literature). Bahasa dan Budaja 2.5, p. 3-13. Bujung Saleh, 1956, Perkembangan Kesusasteraan Indonesia (The Development of Indonesian Literature). Almanak Seni 1957. Djakarta, p. 7-48. Bun S. Umarjati, 1%2, Roman A theis, Satu Pembitjaraan (The Novel A., A Discussion). Seri Esei dan Kritiksastra. Djakarta 113 pp.

Chairi! Anwar (1%3?), Selected Poems. Translated by Burton Raffel and Nurdin Salam. Introduction by James Holmes. New York. 48 pp. (See Ahar, l%4b; another review by A. H. Johns, Journal of the American Oriental Society 86.2, p. 258-61). Chairil Anwar, see Bam Api. Cultureel Congres te Solo, Het, 1955, (The Cultural Congress in Solo). C.N. 39, p. 15-23. Cultureel Congres-nummer, 1951, (Issue devoted to the Cultural Congress in Djakarta). G.N. 14-15.

Dahm, Bernard, 1%6, Soekarno en de Strijd om Indonesie's Onafhankelijkheid (Soekarno and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence). Meppel. 399 pp. (Trans!. from the German.) Dajoh, M. R, 1941, Surat Pudjangga Njonja Henriette Roland Holst-van der Schalk kepada M. R Dajoh, pada tahun 1933 (A letter by the Dutch Poetess H. R H.-v. d. S. to Dajoh, written in 1933). P.R. 9.2, p. 57-60. Dajoh, M. R, 1952, Kenang2 an pada Pudjangga Dr. Henriette Roland Holst• van der Schalk (Memories of H. R H.-v. d. S.). P.B. 14, p. 153-60. Damais, Louis-Charles, 1%5, Cent Deux Poemes Indonesiens (1925-1950). Preface du Prof. Dr. R Prijono. Paris. 165 pp. Dar Kelana Putera, see Rokyoto. Dickinson, Donna M., 1960, Sharp Gravel. Indonesian Poems by Chairi! Anwar, Translated. Berkeley, California. 91 pp. (stencilled) (See Review by Teeuw, B.K.l. 117, p. 396-8.) Djajadiningrat, see Husein. Drewes, G. W. J., 1932, Oud en Nieuw in de Hedendaagsche Indonesische Literatuur (Old and New in Present day Indonesian Literature). De Gids, part 3, p. 316-36. Drewes, G. W. J., 1948, Van Maleis naar Basa Indonesia (From Malay to Bahasa Indonesia). Leiden. 39 pp. Drewes, G. W. J.. 1951, Autobiografieen van Indonesiers (Indonesian Autobio• graphies). B.K.l. 107, p. 226-64. Drewes, G. W. J.. 1953, L'Indonesie avant la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale. L'Oeuvre du Bureau d'Education Populaire en Indonesie (1917-1942). Sym• posium on Popular Education 1952. Leiden, p. 132-50. Drie op een Perron, 1938, Verzen van (Poems by) Gerard den Brabander, Jac. van Hattum, Ed. Hoornik. Rijswijk. 290 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Effendy, A. T., 1954, Peladjaran Kesusasteraan disekolah2 tak Efektif? (Is the Teaching of Literature in our Schools Ineffective). Siasat Dec. 26. Elsschot, Willem, 1948, Kedju (Cheese). Translated from the Dutch, with an Introduction by Idrus. B.P. 1658. 135 pp. Eysselsteijn, Ben van, 1951, Raden Mas Noto Soeroto overleden (The Death of R.M.N.S.). Haagsche Courant Nov. 26.

Faber, G. H. von, 1950, (Article on the Development of Bahasa Indonesia) De Preangerbode (Bandung Newspaper) Aug. 9. Fachruddin Ambo Enre, 1963, Perkembangan Puisi Indonesia dalam Masa Duapuluhan (The Development of Indonesian Poetry in the Twenties). Seri Esei dan Kritiksastra. Djakarta. 86 pp.

Gazalba, HS., 1955, "Ada Krisis" dalam Kesusasteraan Indonesia Modern. Pembakangan terhadap Jassin. (There is a Crisis in Modern Indonesian Literature. Protest against Jassin). Siasat Jan. 23. Gelanggang, see Siasat. Gelanggang Seniman Merdeka Indonesia, 1951, (The Forum of Free Indonesian Artists). C.N. 4, p. 4-6. Gema Suasana, 1948-51, (Echo of the Times). Monthly ed. by Asrul Sani, Chairil Anwar, Mochtar Apin, Rivai Apin, Baharudin - later on called Gema. "Generatie van 1945" en Pudjangga Baru, De, 1950, (The Generation of 1945 and P.B.). C.N. 2, p. 38-41. (Articles from Merdeka and Siasat). Gonda, J., 1934, Eenige Moderne Maleische Romans (Some Modern Malay Novels). Koloniaal Tijdschrift 23, p. 28-40.

Hamka, 1950, Ajahku. Riwajat Hidup Dr. H. Abd. Karim Amrullah dan Perdjuangan Kaum Agama di Sumatera (My Father. The Biography of Dr. H. A. K. A. and the Struggle of the Religious People in Sumatra). 2nd. ed. Djakarta 1958. 280 pp. Handelingen van de Volksraad (Reports of the People's Council). Harijadi S. Hartowardojo, 1952, Seni Sadjak sebagai Pengalaman Hidup (Poetry as a Living Experience). P.B. 14, p. 6-16. Hartoko, Dick, 1961, Gema Suara Alam (The Echo of the Voice of Nature). Basis 11.3, p. 80-5. (Review of Poetry by Rendra.) Hazil Tanzil, 1948, Pemuda dan Perdjuangan Kita (The Youth and Our Struggle). P.B. 10.5, p. 19-23. Hazil (Tanzil), 1956, Symposion Fakultas Sastera 1956 (The Symposium of the Faculty of Arts). Konfrontasi 15, p. 2-7. Hill, A. H., 1955, The Hikayat Abdullah. An Annotated Translation. Journal Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society 28.3. 354 pp. Hoesein, see Husein. Holmes, James S., 1952, Angkatan Muda: A Checklist of Writings in Western Language Translation. Indonesii! 5, p. 462-72. Holmes, James S., Modern Indonesian Prose: A Total Revolution. The Pacific Spectator 8.1, p. 38-47 (Dutch Translation in Indonesie 7, p. 209-20). Holmes, James S., see Chairil Anwar (1963). Hooykaas, c., 1937, Over Maleische Literatuur (On Malay Literature). Leiden. 282 pp. 2nd. ed. 1947. Hooykaas, c., 1939, Modern Maleisch, zijn Verspreiding, Bruikbaarheid en Toekomst (Modern Malay, its Range, Usefulness and Future). Koloniale Studien 23, p. 405-438. Hooykaas, c., 1941, Weer Drie Romans van Liefde en Dood op Bali (Another BIBLIOGRAPHY II 291

Three Novels on Love and Death in Bali). Mededeelingen van de Kirtya Liefrinck-van der Tuuk 13. Hooykaas, c., 1952, Literatuur in Maleis en Indonesisch (Literature in Malay and Indonesian). Groningen-Djakarta. 406 pp. (An Indonesian version of this book is called Perintis Sastera; new Malay editions of it have appeared in Kuala Lumpur.) Husein Djajadiningrat, 1918, De Voertaalkwestie (The Language Issue). Wel• tevreden. 24 pp. Husny, A B., (1962?) , Pudjangga Amir Hamzah (The Poet AH.). Singapore. 147 pp. Hutagalung, M. S., 1963, Djalan Tak Ada Udjung, Mochtar Lubis. Satu Pem• bitjaraan (Road Without End by M.L. A Discussion). Seri Esei dan Kritik• sastra. Djakarta. 90 pp.

Ida Nasution, 1948, Enkele Indonesische Schrijvers (A Few Indonesian Writers). Kritiek en Opbouw 5. Idrus, 1950, Takdir sebagai Pengarang Roman (Takdir as a Novelist). Indonesia 2, p. 99-112. Idrus, see Elsschot. Imam Supardi, 1951, Dr. Soetomo. Riwajat Hidup dan Perdjuangannja. (Dr. S., his Life and his Struggle). Djakarta-Amsterdam. 74 pp. Indonesia, 1949-, Madjalah Kebudajaan (Cultural Monthly). First ed. by Idrus and publ. by Balai Pustaka. Later on published by Badan Musjawarat Kebu• dajaan Nasional (B.M.K.N.) with various editors. Interrupted in 1960(?). Intojo, 1951, Amir Hamzah dan Chairil Anwar (A. H. and Ch. A). Indonesia 2, p. 1-9. Irvan, 1950, Angkatan 45 dalam Revolusi Nasional (The Generation of 1945 in the National Revolution). Indonesia 2, p. 129-33. Irwin Daulay, 1953, Impasse dalam Kesusasteraan Kita Tjara Sekarang (The Deadlock in our Present-day Literature). Siasat (middle of 1953). Iwan Simatupang, 1953, Chairi! Anwar In Memoriam. Zenith 3.5, p. 264-7.

Jassin, H. B., 1948a, Kesusasteraan Indonesia dimasa Djepang (Indonesian Literature during the Japanese Period). B.P. 1616. 2nd. ed. 1954. 184 pp. Jassin, H. B., 1948b, Gema Tanah Air. Prosa dan Puisi 1942-1948. (Echo of the Fatherland. Prose and Poetry 1942-48). B.P. 1654. 250 pp. (Many reprints.) Jassin, H. B., 1952, Tifa Penjair dan Daerahnja I (The Poet's Drum and his Native Background). Djakarta. 68 pp. Jassin, H. B., 1953a, Kes1lsasteraan Indonesia Modern dalam Kritik dan Essa'J' (Modern Indonesian Literature in Reviews and Essays). Djakarta. 234 pp. 3rd, much augmented ed. 1962. Jassin, H. B., 1953b, Selamat Tinggal Tahun '52 (Farewell 1952). Zenith 3.2, p. 66-77. Jassin, H. B., 1953c, Asli atau Saduran (Original or Adapted?). Mimbar In• donesia (Newspaper) Febr. 7. Jassin, H. B., 1956, Chairil Anwar, Pelopor Angkatan 45 (Chairi! Anwar, Pioneer of the Generation of 1945). Djakarta. 157 pp. 2nd. ed. 1959. Jassin, H. B., 1961, Analisa. Sorotan Tjerita Pendek (Analysis. Spotlight on Short Stories). Djakarta. 200 pp. Jassin, H. B., 1962a, Kesusasteraan Indonesia Modern dalam Kritik dan Esei (Modern Indonesian Literature in Reviews and Essays). Vol. II. Djakarta. 266 pp. (A third and fourth vol. under the same title are in the press.) 292 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Jassin, H. B., 1962b, Amir Hamzah. Radja Penjair Pudjangga Barn (A. H., Prince of the Poets of P.B.). Djakarta. 223 pp. Jassin, H. B., 1963, Pudjangga Baru. Prosa dan Puisi (P.B., Prose and Poetry). Djakarta. 393 pp. (An Anthology, with Introduction and bibliographical details.) Jassin, H. B., 1964, Masuk Tahun Keempat (Tahun Konfrontasi) (Entering the Fourth Year, the Year of Confrontation). Sastra 4.1, p. 4-6. Jassin, H. B., 1966a, Menghadapi "Semerbak Sadjak" (Confrontation with S.S., an Anthology of Modem Poetry). Basis 15.8, p. 251-5. Jassin, H. B., 1966b, Angkatan 66. Bangkitnja satu Generasi (The Angkatan 1966. The Rise of a Generation). Horison 1.2, p. 36-41. Jassin, H. B., and Achdiat Karta Mihardja, 1951, Suratmenjurat (Correspon• dence). P.B. 13.6, p. 268-76. J assin, see Omong-among. Jogaswara, (1951 ?), Angkatan 45 sudah Mampus (The Generation of 1945 is Dead). Spektra ? (See also Klara Akustia.) Johns, A. H., 1959, The Novel as a Guide to Indonesian Social History. B.K.I. 115, p. 232-248. Johns, A. H., 196?, Indonesian Literature and the Social Upheaval. The Austra• lian Outlook 13, p. 293-303. Johns, A. H., 1963a, Genesis of a Modem Literature. In: Indonesia, ed. Ruth T. McVey, p. 410-437. Johns, A. H., 1963b, The Writer as an Outsider. An Indonesian Example. Meander Quarterly, Pt. 2. Melbourne. (On Pramudya Ananta Tur; the essay is followed by a translation of the story Inem.) Johns, A. H., 1964a, Amir Hamzah: Malay Prince, Indonesian Poet. In: Malayan and Indonesian Studies. Essays Presented to Sir Richard Winstedt .... ed. by John Bastin and R. Roolvink. Oxford. p. 303-19. Johns, A. H., Chairil Anwar: An Interpretation. B.K.!. 120, p. 393-408. Johns, A. H., 1966, A Poet between Two Worlds: The Work of Sitor Situ• morang. Westerly November, p. 28-39. long Sumatra, 1918-?, (Young Sumatra), Magazine publ. by the Jong-Suma• tranen Bond. Josse1in de Jong, P. E. de, 1951, Minangkabau and Negri Sembilan. Socio-political Structure in Indonesia. Ph. D. diss. Leiden. 208 pp. Junus Amir Hamzah, 1963, Tenggelamnja Kapal Van der Wijck dalam Polemik (The Polemics on Hamka's Novel The Foundering of the Ship v.d.W.). Djakarta. 198 pp. Junus Amir Hamzah, 1964, Hamka sebagai Pengarang Roman (Hamka as a Novelist). Djakarta 75 pp.

Kamus Istilah, (l945?), Vol. I Asing-Indonesia (Dictionary of Technical Terms). Djakarta. 191 pp. (Introduction by Takdir Alisjahbana.) Karlan Hadi, pseudonym for Aoh Kartahadimadja. Kasim Mansur, 1954, Hans Bague Jassin. Indonesia 5.11, p. 624-8. Kisah, 1953-8, (Story) Bulanan Tjerita2 Pendek (Monthly for Short Stories). Ed. by M. Balfas, H. B. Jassin, Idrus and others. Klara Akustia, 1952, Kita adalah Anak Zaman Kini (We are Children of This Time). P.B. 13.7/8, p. 302-8. (See also Jogaswara.) Konfrontasi, 1954-8. Cultural Bimonthly, ed. by S. Takdir Alisjahbana, Achdiat Karta Mihardja, Beb Vuyk, Hazil Tanzi! and others. Kongres Kebudajaan Indonesia ke-2 di Bandung, 1952 (The Second Indonesian Cultural Congress). Indonesia 3, p. 1-486. BIBLIOGRAPHY II 293

Kritiek en Opbouw (Criticism and Reconstruction), 1938-1951, Aigemeen en Onafhanke1ijk Indisch Tijdschrift (General and Independent Magazine for the Indies). Eds. D. M. G. Koch and many others. Interrupted from 1942-7. Kroeskamp, H., 1931, De Westkust en Minangkabau (1665-1668) (The West Coast of Sumatra and Minangkabau). Ph. D. diss. Leiden. Utrecht. 167 pp. Krom, N. J., 1931, Hindoe-favaansche Geschiedenis2 (Hindu-Javanese History). 's-Gravenhage. 505 pp.

Manfaluthi, Mustafa Luthfi Al-, 1964, Magdalena (Dibawah Naungan Pohon Tilia) (M., Under the Shade of the Lime-Trees). Trans!. by A S. AI-Attas, with an Introduction by H. B. Jassin. Kuala Lumpur. 392 pp. Mangemba, H. D., 1953, AM.Dg. Myala sebagai Penjair (Penjandjak) (Myala as a Poet). Indonesia 4.10, p. 561-9. Manifes Kebudajaan, 1963, (Cultural Manifesto.) Sastra 3.9/10, p. 27. (Also in Basis 13.3, p. 65-71.) McVey, Ruth T. (ed.), 1963, Indonesia. New Haven Conn. 600 pp. Medan Bahasa, 1951-1959, Memuat hal-ihwal Bahasa Indonesia. Djakarta. (The Language Forum, A Monthly on Indonesian Language and Literature.) Mimbar Indonesia, 1947-6?, (Indonesian Pulpit). General Weekly, with important section on literature, ed. by H. B. J assin. Moliere, 1926, Si Bachil (L'Avare). B.P. 747. 74 pp. 3rd ed. 1957 (with an interesting Introduction by the main translator Nur St. Iskandar.) Muhammad Dimyati, 1952, Het Gevaar van Veel Theoretiseren (The Danger of Too Much Theorizing). C.N. 28/29, p. 712-6. (Trans!. from Siasat June 1, 1952.) Muhammad Yamin, (1955?), Sumpah Indonesia Raja (The Oath for Great In• donesia). Bukittinggi-Djakarta-Medan. 48 pp.

Nasution, J. U., 1960, Situasi Kesusastraan Kita jang Terbaru. Djawaban bagi Prasaran sdr. Ajip Rosidi dalam Simposion Sastra PKM-II 14 Augustus 1960 (The Situation of our Most Recent Literature. Reply to AR.'s Working• paper for the Literary Symposium). Mimbar Indonesia, October (?). Nasution, J. V., 1963a, Pudjangga Sanusi Pane (The Poet S.P.). Seri Esei dan Kritiksastra. Djakarta. 131 pp. Nasution, J. V., 1963b, Sitor Situmorang sebagai Penjair dan Pengarang Tjerita Pendek (S.S. as a Poet and a Writer of Short Stories). Seri Esei dan Kritik• sastra. Djakarta. 91 pp. Nasution, J. V., 1965, Asmara Hadi Penjair Api Nasionalisme (A H., the Poet of the Fire of Nationalism). Djakarta. 106 pp. (Review in Basis 15.12.) Nationale Culture1e Conierentie te Djakarta, De, 1950, (The National Cultural Conference in Djakarta). C.N. 1, p. 1-48. Nieuwenhuys, R., 1949, In Memoriam Chairil Anwar. Orientatie ZO, p. 63. Nieuwenhuys, R., 1955, Chairil Anwar. C.N. 45, p. 304-7 (from the Dutch News• paper Het Parooi). Nio Joe Lan, 1962, Sastera Indonesia-Tionghoa (Indonesian-Chinese Literature). Djakarta. 169 pp. Noto Soeroto, 1915, Melatiknoppen (Melati Buds). 66 pp. Noto Soeroto, 1917, Fluisteringen van de Avondwind (Whispers of the Evening Wind). Noto Soeroto, 1931, De Wajangliederen (The Wayang Songs). 80 pp. Nugroho Notosusanto, 1954, Situatie 1954 (Situation 1954). C.N. 39 (1955), p. 24-30. (Trans!. of an article in Kompas, July 1954.) 294 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Nugroho Notosusanto, 1955a, Sastra, Budaja dan Krisis (Literature, Culture and Crisis). Siasat Febr. 13. Nugroho Notosusanto, 1955b, Literair Symposion 1955 (Symposium on Litera• ture). C.N. 45, p. 295-8. Nugroho Notosusanto, 1963, Soal Periodisasi dalam Sastera Indonesia (The Problem of Periodisation in Indonesian Literature). Basis 12.7, p. 199-210. Nuraini, St., see Omong-omong. Nurdin Salam, see Chairil Anwar (1963), Raffel (1964). Nur Sutan Iskandar, see Moliere.

Omong-omong Kesusasteraan, 1953, Surat-menjurat antara Jassin, Nuraini dan Asrul Sani (Literary Gossip. Letters between J., N. and A.S.). Zenith 3.2, p. 111-20. Ophuysen, Ch. A. van, 1904, H et M aleische V olksdicht (The Malay Pantun). Leiden. 44 pp. Ophuysen, Ch. A. van, 1910, Maleische Spraakkunst (Malay Grammar). Leiden. 260 pp. Orientatie, 1947-54. Dutch Cultural Magazine, publ. in Djakarta. Various eds.: R. Nieuwenhuys, Beb Vuyk, R. F. Beerling, D. de Vries. In all 46 issues have appeared. Overbeck, Hans, 1922, Hikayat Hang Tuah. Die Geschichte von Hang Tuah. Aus dem Malayischen iibersetzt. 2 vols. Miinchen.

Pandji Pustaka (Banner of Letters), magazine pub!. by Balai Pustaka, since 1932 with a literary column. During the early period of the Indonesian Republic it was called Pantja Raja, ed. H. B. Jassin. Pantja Raja (The Fivefold Great), magazine pub!. by Balai Pltstaka, 1945-47. successor to Pandji Pustaka; ed. H. B. Jassin. Pekan Buku Indonesia, 1954, Diselenggarakan oleh N.V. "Gunung Agung". (Indonesian Book-Week, prepared by the Publishing House G.A.). Djakarta. 332 pp. (Bio- and Bibliographical Data on many Indonesian Authors, p. 84-110, 178-251.) Perron, E. du, 1935, Het Land van Herkomst. Roman (Land of Provenance. A Novel). Amsterdam. 494 pp. Perron, E. du, 1939a, Ontmoeting met Indonesiers (Encounter with Indonesians). Kritiek en Opbouw 1.24, p. 361-3. (Also in id., Verzameld Werk VII, p. 42-8.) Perron, E. du, 1939b, Notities bij het Artikel van Sjahrir (Notes to the Article by Sjahrir). Kritiek en Opbouw 2. 9 & 10, p. 138-40, 154-6. (Also in id., Verzameld Werk VII, p. 96-108.) Perron, E. du, 195?, Menentukan Sikap. Kumpulan Karangan (Taking A Stand, Collected Essays). Trans!. by Sitor Situmorang. Bandung-'s-Gravenhage. XVI and 231 pp. Pigeaud, Th., 1960-3, in the 14th Century. A Study in Cultural History. 5 vols. The Hague (Trans!' of Nagarakrtagama in vol. 3.) Poedjangga, see Pudjangga Baru. Polemik Kebudajaan, 1948, (Polemics on Culture). Pokok Pikiran: St. Takdir Alisjahbana, Sanusi Pane, Dr. Purbatjaraka, Dr. Sutomo, Tjindarbumi, Adi• negoro, Dr. M. Amir, Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Kata Pengantar: Achdiat Karta Mihardja. B.P. 1661. 2nd ed. 1950. 146 pp. (Essays from the pre-war Pudjangga Baru, collected and edited by Achdiat Karta Mihardja.) Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1950, Suatu Titik Lontjatan (A Starting Point). Siasat Dec. 24. BIBLIOGRAPHY II 295

Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1952, Tentang Angkatan (On Generations). P.B. 14, p. 108-12 = Indonesia 3.12, p. 19-23. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1953a, Offensif Kesusasteraan 1953 (Literary Offensive, 1953). Siasat March 23 = P.B. 14, p. 234-9. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1953b, Mentjari Sebab-Sebab Kemunduran Kesusasteraan Indonesia Modern Dewasa Ini (Searching for the Reasons of the Decline of Present-day Indonesian Literature). Siasat July 19 = Indonesia 4.6/7, p. 330-3. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1953c, Prof. Dr. Wertheim tentang Kesusasteraan In• donesia Modern. Kegagalan Kesusasteraan Modern Indonesia: Kegagalan Revolusi (Prof. W. on Modern Indon. Lit. The Failure of Mod. Lit. is the Failure of the Indon. Revolution). Siasat Nov. 15. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1956, Tentang Matapeladjaran Kesusasteraan Disekolah (On Literature as a Subject in the Schools). Siasat May 19. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1957a, Lesu; Kelesuan; Krisis; Impasse (Apathy, Crisis, Deadlock). Siasat May 1. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1957b, Balai Pustaka Harum Namanja Didunia Inter• nasional-dahulu. Kini Hampir-Hampir tidak Bernjawa Lagi (Balai Pustaka Formerly Famous in the International World - Now Nearly Dead). Star Weekly Febr. 9. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1957c, Balai Pustaka Dialam Kemerdekaan (B.P. in the Era of Freedom). Star Weekly Febr. 16. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1959, Biographical Notes. Type-written manuscript (in Indonesian). 7 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1960, Hoa Kiau di Indonesia (The Chinese in Indonesia). Djakarta. 200 pp. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1962, Panggil Aku Kartini Sadja (Just Call Me Kartini). Bukittinggi-Djakarta. 2 Vols. XVI, 170 and 199 pp. Pringgodigdo, S., 1951, Du Perron dan Pengaruhnja terhadap Kaum Intelek Indonesia 1936-1939 (Du Perron and his Influence on Indonesian Intellectuals). P.B. 13, p. 29-35. Pudjangga Baru, 1933-54, Madjallah Kesusasteraan dan Bahasa serta Kebudajaan Umum. Dipimpin oleh Armijn Pane, S. Takdir Alisjahbana (Magazine for Literature, Language and General Culture, ed. by A.P. and S.T.A., published by Pustaka Ra'jat). Batavia-Djakarta. (Publication interrupted 1942-8.)

Raffel, Burton, 1964, Anthology of Modern Indonesian Poetry. Berkeley and Los Angeles. XIV and 158 pp. Raffel, Burton, 1966, Chairil Anwar - Indonesian Poet. The Literary Review 10.2, p. 133-57. Raffel, Burton, see Chairil Anwar. Resink, G. J., 1941, Indonesische toekomstmuziek (Indonesian Music of the Future). Kritiek en Opbouw 4.5, p. 74-7. (Rinkes, D. A.) 1925, Indes Neerlandaises. Notice sur Ie Service pour la Littera• ture Populaire 1910-1925. Batavia. 34 pp. Rivai Apin, 1949, Chairil Anwar dengan Maut (Chairil Anwar and Death). Siasat Sept. 25. Rivai Apin, 1950, Berdasar pada Krisis (Based on Crisis). Siasat Nov. 19 (Dutch trans!' C.N. 4, p. 18-20). Rivai Apin, (1951 ?), Bukan Pertukangan (No Handicraft). Siasat ? Rivai Apin, 1952, Dibutuhkan: Penulis2 Kritikseni (Wanted: Art Critics). Siasat Dec. 7. Rokyoto (and) Dar Kelana Putera, (1964), Penemuan Pusara Pudjangga Amir Hamzah (The Discovery of the Grave of the Poet A.H.). Medan. 64 pp. 296 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Roland Holst-van der Schalk, Henriette, see Dajoh. Roolvink, R, 1950, De Indonesiase "Dubbeltjesroman" (The Indonesian Penny Dreadful). In: Een Burulel Opstellen aan Dr. Ph. S. van Ronkel aangeboden. Leiden, p. 255-64. (Indonesian Translation appended to A. Teeuw, Pokok dan Tokoh). Rosihan Anwar, 1953a, Sitor Situmorang menulis Drama "Djalan Mutiara" (Sitor Writes a Drama Dj.M.). Zenith 3.4, p. 195-202. Rosihan Anwar, 1953b, Sitor Situmorang menulis closet-drama. Tjatatan2 atas drama 6 babak "Djalan Mutiara" (S.S. Writes a Closet-drama; Notes on his Six-act Play Dj.M.). Siasat March 26. Rukiah, S., 1950, Dari Pertemuan Tugu (From the Tugu Meetings). P.B. 12.3, p. 73-5. Ruslan Abdulgani, H., 1%5, Chairil Anwar Pelopor Angkatan '45 (Ch.A. Pioneer of the Generation of 1945). Basis 14.12, p. 353-5. Rusni, 1949, Sekitar Roman "Atheis" (On the Novel Atheis). Irulonesia 1, p.702-7. (With a Reply by the Author Achdiat Karta Mihardja, ibid. 708-10.) Rustandi Kartakusuma, Mh., 1957a, Surat dari Tjidadap Girang (A Letter from Tj.G.). Irulonesia 8.2, p. 4-16. Rustandi Kartakusuma, Mh., 1957b, Internationalisasi Tjiliwung. Pendidikan Dji• plakan di Indonesia. Indo-nisasi Tjiliwung (The Internationalization of the Tjiliwung. Fake Education in Indonesia. The Eurasianisation of the Tjili• wung). Siasat May 1, May 29, June 26. Rustandi Kartakusuma, Mh., 1958, Simposion Sastera di Solo (Literary Sym• posium in Solo). Indonesia 9.3, p. 73-85. Rustandi Kartakusuma, Mh., 1960, Fa'al Pengadjaran Sastra di Perguruan Tinggi dan Sekolah Landjutan dalam Perkembangan Sastra. Sebuah Prasaran (The Teaching of Literature in Universities and High Schools and its Effect on the Development of Literature). A series of 9 articles in Mimbar Indonesia June-October.

Santa Maria, Luigi, 1%5, Significato e problematico dell'opera di Utuy Tatang Sontani. Annali. Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Vol. 15, p. 237-278. Sastra, 1%1-4, (Literature), Magazine for Short Stories, ed. by H. B. Jassin, D. S. Muljanto, M. Balfas and others. Discontinued after the publication of the Manifes Kebudajaan. Siagian, G., 1952, De Indonesische Tijdschriften (The Indonesian Magazines). C.N. 21/22, p. 463-77. Siagian, G., 1953, Angkatan Muda dan Kebuda;aan (The Younger Generation and Culture). Siasat July 5. Siasat, 1947-60?, (Strategy; also: Enquiry), general weekly, main ed. Rosihan Anwar; its cultural section Gelanggang (Arena) has been very important; eds. Chairil Anwar, Ida Nasution, Asrul Sani, Rivai Apin, St. Nuraiui etc. Simorangkir-Simandjuntak, B., 1951-2, Kesusasteraan Irulonesia (Indonesian Literature). 2 vols. Djakarta 79 and 99 pp. (Several new augmented editions.) Sitor Situmorang, 1949, Twee Generaties (Two Generations). C.N. 4, p. 6-9. (Trans!. from Siasat Dec. 12, 1949). Sitor Situmorang, (l950?), Hakekat (Truth). Kepada Asrul Sani. Mimbar I rulonesia ? Sitor Situmorang, 1953a, Tentang Seni dan Tukang Betja (On Art and the Betjak Driver). Zenith 3.4, p. 203-7. Sitor Situmorang, 1953b, Sool Bahasa dan Pengarang (The Problem of Language and the Author). Siasat March 29. BIBLIOGRAPHY II 297

Sitor Situmorang, 1953c, Syncretisme, Mestiezen-cultuur, Spiritisme (Syncretism, Mestizo Culture and Spiritism). Siasat April 5. Sitor Situmorang, 1953d, Tjatatan pada Resensi "Djalan Mutiara" oleh Sudjat• moko (Siasat May 17) (Notes on Sudjatmoko's Review of Dj. M.) Siasat May 24. Sitor Situmorang, 1953e, Manusia Iseng (Futile Man). Zenith 3, p. 4. Sitor Situmorang, 1955, Pengaruh Luar terhadap Sastera Indonesia jang Terbaru (Foreign Influence on the Most Recent Indonesian Literature). Seni 1.3, p. 113-21. Sitor Situmorang, see E. du Perron; see Sobron Aidit; see Sudjatmoko. Sjahrazad, 1945, Indonesische Overpeinzingen (Indonesian Reflections). Amster• dam. 182 pp. 4th ed. 1966. Sjahrir, Sutan, 1938, Kesusasteraan dan Ra'jat (Literature and the People). N omor Peringatan P.B. 1933-1938, p. 17-30. (Dutch trans!. in E. du Perron, Ver• zameld Werk VII, p. 485-99). Sjahrir, Sutan, see also the pseudonym Sjahrazad. Slametmuljana, R. B., 1951, Bimbingan Seni-Sastra (A Guide to Literary Art). Groningen-Djakarta. 196 pp. 2nd. ed. 1953. 231 pp. Slametmuljana, 1953, Kemana Arah Perkembangan Puisi Indonesia? (In which Direction will Indonesian Literature Develop?) Bahasa dan Budaja 2.2, p. 3-44. Slametmuljana, R. B., 1954, Poezie in Indonesia. Een Literaire en Taalkundige Studie (Poetry in Indonesia. A Literary and Linguistic Study). Bibliotheque du Museon. Leuven XVI and 248 pp. Siametmuljana, (R. B.), 1956, Peristiwa Bahasa dan Sastra (Linguistic and Literary Affairs). Bandung-Djakarta-Amsterdam. 165 pp. Sobron Aidit, 1955, Kelandjutan dari Simposion Kesusasteraan di Djakarta (A Repercussion of the Symposium on Literature in Djakarta). Siasat Jan. 2 (With a Reply by Sitor Situmorang: Pendjelasan Pidato Simposion.) Spat, c., 1929, Modeme Maleische Literatuur (Modem Malay Literature). Koloniaal Tijdschrift 18, p. 123-142. Subagio Sastrowardojo, 1954, Kehidupan Kesusasteraan perlu Dipelihara (Litera• ture needs Care). Siasat Febr. 28. Sudarjo Tjokrosisworo, 1941, Kontra Bahasa Indonesia (Against B.I.). P.B. 9.3, p. 90-3. Sudjatmoko, 1953, Djalan Mutiara dan Manusia Indonesia (Dj. M. and the In• donesian). Siasat May 17 (Reply by Sitor Situmorang ibid. May 24). Sudjatmoko, 1954, Mengapa Konfrontasi. (Why Konfrontasi?). Konfrontasi 1, p. 3-12. (See also C.N. 39, p. 31-45.) Sugondo Djojopuspito, 1940, (E. du Perron), Een vriend van de Indonesiers (E. d. P., a Friend of the Indonesians). Kritiek en Opbouw 3.13. (Also in Criterium 8, May 1946, p. 388.) Sujitno Mangunkusumo, 1940, E. du Perron. Kritiek en Opbouw 3.13. (Also in Criterium 8, May 1946, p. 384-6.) Sutan, see Sjahrir; see Takdir Alisjahbana. Suwarsih Djojopuspito, 1940, In Memoriam E. du Perron. Kritiek en Opbouw 3.13. (Also in Criterium 8, May 1946, p. 386-8.) Symposion van de M oderne Indonesische Literatuur, 1953, C.N. 30 (Addresses by A. Teeuw, S. Udin, Takdir Alisjahbana, Asrul Sani and discussions held at the Amsterdam Symposium on Modem Indonesian Literature.)

Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1934-9, Puisi Indonesia (Zaman) Baru. P.B. 2-7. (A long series of articles on Modem Indonesian Poetry.) Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1938, Kesusasteraan dizaman Pembangunan Bangsa 298 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

(Literature in a Time of National Reconstruction). P.B. Nomor Peringatan 1933-1938, p. 43-60. Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1939, Sambil Lalu (In Passing). P.B. 7.1, p. 18-9. Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1941a, Kedudukan Perernpuan dalam Kesusasteraan Timur Baru (The Position of Women in Modern Oriental Literature). P.B. 8.7 and 8, p. 154-66, 195-206. Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1941b, Individualisme en Gerneenschapsbewustzijn in de moderne Indonesische Letterkunde (Individualism and Sense of Community in Modern Indonesian Literature). P.B. 8.9, p. 232-9. Takdir Alisjahbana, St., (1946), Puisi Bant (An Anthology of Modern Poetry). Djakarta. 152 pp. Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1948a, Kalau Kesusasteraan Indonesia hendak Subur (How to Get a Flourishing Indonesian Literature). P.B. 9.9, p. 28-32. (First published in the magazine Pembangun, 1943.) Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1945b, Kalau Kebudajaan Indonesia hendak Sehat (How to get a Healthy Indonesian Culture). P.B. 9.12, p. 68-70. Takdir Ali sjahbana, St., 1950, Kata Pengantar (Foreword to) P.B. Nomor Peringatan 10 Tahun, p. I-S. Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1951, Tjara Berpikir jang Statis Mernbawa Kita Kedjalan Buntu (The Static Way of Thinking Leads Us into a Deadlock). P.B. 12, p. 209-13. Takdir Alisjahbana, St., 1957, Dari Perdjuangan dan Pertumbuhan Bahasa Indonesia (On the Struggle and Growth of the Indonesian Language). Dja• karta. 224 pp. (Collected Essays on the issue of B.I.) Takdir Alisjahbana, see Kamus Istilah; see Polemik Kebudajaan; see Symposium. Teeuw, A., 1950a, Voltooid Voorspel. Indonesische Literatuur tussen Twee Wereldoorlogen (Completed Prelude. Indonesian Literature between Two World Wars). Djakarta. 120 pp. Teeuw, A., 1950b, Sitor Situmorang, een Nieuwe Strijder in de Arena (S.S., a New Fighter in the Arena). Orientatie 29, p. 52-5. Teeuw, A., 1952a., Pokok dan Tokoh dalam Kesusasteraan Indonesia Baru (Topics and Figures in Modern Indonesian Literature). Djakarta. Z51 pp. 3rd ed. enlarged, in two vols. 1955. (With an appendix by R. Roolvink on the penny dreadfuls.) Teeuw, A., 195Zb, Taal en Versbouw (Language and Verse Structure). Amster• dam. Z7 pp. Teeuw, A., 1955, Ret Bahasa Indonesia-Congres in Medan (The B.I. Congress in Medan). C.N. 39, p. 3-15. Teeuw, A., 1956a, Tunas Muda di Surabaja: Muhammad Ali (Young Shoots in Surabaja). Chattulistiwa - De Evenaar. Spring Issue, p. 34-6. Teeuw, A., 1956b, Tahanan (Prisoner). Chattulistiwa - de Evenaar. Summer Issue, p. 5-10. (Comments on a poem by W. S. Rendra). Teeuw, A., 1956c, lets over de jongste Indonesische letterkunde: het werk van Sitor Situmorang (On the latest Indonesian literature: S.S.'s writings). B.K.I. 11Z, p. 41-54. Teeuw, A., 1955, Chatatan tentang Kumpulan!l Sajak Indonesia (Notes on In• donesian Collections of Poetry). Dewan Bahasa 2.7, p. 317-336. Teeuw, A., 1959, The History of the Malay Language. B.K.I. 115, p. 13S-156. Teeuw, A., 1960, De Maleise Roman (The Malay Novel). Forum der Letteren, p. 108-Z0. Teeuw, A., 1961, A Critical Survey of Studies on Malay and Bahasa Indonesia. Bibliographical Series 5. The Hague. 176 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY II 299

Teeuw, A., 1964, Silence at Life's Noon. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. Vol. 49, p. 245-50. Teeuw, A., 1966a, Generatie '66: Bevrijding en Roepingsbesef (The Generation of 1966: Liberation and Vocation). Vrij Nederland Oct. 22. Teeuw, A., 1966b, The Malay Sha'ir. B.K.I. 122, p. 429-46. Teeuw, see also Symposium. Timboel, 1927-1933, Algemeen Periodiek voor Indonesie. Verschijnt om de veer• tien dagen (Fortnightly General Periodical). Solo. (Eds. R. T. Dr. Wedioni• ngrat, R. P. Mr. Singgih; since Febr. 1, 1931: Sanusi Pane. Last issue May 1933.) Tjatatan tentang seorang penjair dan kepenjairannja, 1965, Basis 14.12, p. 356-60. (Notes on Ch. A. and his poethood, by the ed.) Tjatatan-Tjatatan tcntang Amir Hamzah, 1956, Jogjakarta. 125 pp. (Articles on Amir Hamzah by many authors, see Damais, 1965, p. 161). Trisno Sumardjo, 1951, Penghidupan Seniman (The Living of an Artist). Zenith, 1.1, p. 3-14.

Udin, S., see Symposion. Umar Junus, 1960, Istilah dan Masa Waktu "Sastra Melaju" dan "Sastra Indonesia" (Terminology and Periodisation of "Malay" and "Indonesian" Literature). M edan Ilmu P engetahuan 1.3, p. 245-60. Usman Effendi, 1953, Sasterawan-Sasterawan Indonesia I (Indonesian Writers). Djakarta. 111 pp. (No second vol. published).

Van Niel, Robert, 1960, The Emergence of the Modern Indonesian Elite. The Hague and Bandung. 314 pp. Verspoor, DoH, see Chairil Anwar (1948). Voeten, Bert, 1949, Literair Leven in Indonesie (Literary Life in Indonesia). De Tijd (Dutch Newspaper) Oct. 28. Vuyk, Beb, 1953, De Weg zonder Einde (Road Without End). C.N. 28-29, p. 729-31. (Review of a Novel by Mochtar Lubis, from the Djakarta News• paper Nieuwsgier, March 25.)

Wal, S. L. van der, 1964-5, De Volksraad en de Staatkundige Ontwikkeling van Nederlands-Indie. Een bronnenpublikatie (The People's Council and the Political Development of the Netherlands East Indies. Publication of Sources). Vol. 1 1891-1926. Vol. 2 1927-1942. Weevers, Theodoor, 1960, Poetry of the Netherlands in its European Context 1170-1930. Illustrated with Poems in Original and Translation. London. XIV and 376 pp. Wertheim, W. F., 1959, Indonesian Society in Transition. A Study of Social Change. 2nd. rev. ed. The Hague and Bandung. XIV & 394 pp. Wertheim, see Pramudya Ananta Tur, 1953c. Winstedt, R. 0., 1940, A History of Malay Literature. Journm of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 17.3. 2nd. ed. id. 31.3 (1958).

Yang, 1953, Satu Tokoh Kegagalan (A Figure who has Failed). P.B. 14.9, p. 286-8.

Zenith, 1951-4, Edisi-Kebudajaan Mimbar Indonesia, terutama untuk Kesenian dan Kesusasteraan (Cultural Edition of M.l., especially for Art and Letters). Ed. by H. B. Jassin and others. Zoetmulder, P. ]., 1957, Kawi and Kekawin. B.K.I. 113, p. 50-69. INDEX

Abdul Karim Amrullah, 69, 226. Aman Surana, 78. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, Hadji, Amar Pasaribu, 144. see Hamka. Ambon (ese), 6, 229, 243. Abbas Hasan, 223. American, 128, 144, 160, 200. Abdullah ibn Abdul Kadir Munshi, 1. Amir, D. 1., 13. Abdullah S.P., 70. Amir, M., 36. Abdul Muis, 24, 61-63, 67, 76, 138, Amir Hamzah, 19, 28, 45-46, 79, 80, 220. 85-103, 109, 121, 154-156, 190. Abdul Muluk, Sja'ir, 50. Amsterdam, 119, 140. Abdul Rivai, see Yogi. Anas Ma'ruf, 119, 123. Abdul Wahid, see Situmeang. Andersen, H. C, 53. Abu Hanifah, see EI Hakim. Andjar Asmara, 221. Abu Nawas, 58. Angkatan 45, 46, 79, 107, 109, 114-120, Achdiat Karta Mihardja, 36, 116, 117, 122-139, 142, 143, 156, 158, 160, 163, 123, 202-206, 236. 180, 190, 19~ 197, 199, 206, 208, Acheh(nese), 6, 47, 50, 67, 220. 210, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, Achmad Chartani, 74. 219, 228-232, 237, 241, 244, 246, Achmad Djan, 223. 252. Adinegoro, 23, 36, 61. Angkatan 66, 146, 159, 199, 231, 253- Adlin Affandi, 110. 255. Affandi, 125, 143, 152. Angkatan terbaru, 227-232, 241, 247. Ager, Abd(ul), 58. Anglo-Saxon, 128. Ahar, 1, 18, 146. Annur, F., see Asrul Sani. Ahmad, 221. Anwar Rasjid, see Samadi. Ahmad Chatib, Bujung St., 69. Aoh Kartahadimadja, 147, 216-218. Ahmad Grozali, 50. Apollinaire, G., 210. Aiken, Conrad, 128, 149. Arab(ic), 6, 65, 70. Airani Molito, see Bohang. Ardan, S. M., 141, 225, 237. Ajip Rosidi (Ajjip Rossidhy), 18, 49, Ardi Soma, 61. 117, 210, 216, 228-230, 233, 236-241, Ardjuna, 41. 247, 250. Arena, 115. Alex L. Tobing, 249-250. Armijn Pane, 28-29, 31, 37, 46, 57, 62, Alex Leo, 249. 63, 64, 80-84, 106, 110-111, 116, 120, Alexandre Leo, A., 248-249. 132, 143, 219. Ali Akbar Navis, 244-245. Arti Purbani, 221. Ali Audah, 251. Ashar, M. S., 117, 135. Ali Budiardjo, 81. Asmaradewi, 69. Ali Hasjim, Ali Hasjmy, see Hasjmy. Asmara Hadi, 48. Alisjahbana, see Takdir Alisjahbana. Asrul Sani, 115, 122, 123, 129-133, 139, Allen, Grant, 53. 140, 141, 143, 145, 148, 180, 206-207, Alwan Tafsiri, M., 251. 229, 231. Amal Hamzah, 56, 107, 109-110, Auden, W. H., 128. 123. , 163. Aman, see Madjoindo. Aveling, H. G., 192. INDEX 301

Bach, L. c., 251. Bohang, L. K., 85, %. Bachtiar Siagian, 135, 137, 138. Boissevain, J. W., 87. Badan Musjawarat Kebudajaan Bokor Hutasahut, 251. Nasional (B.M.K.N.) , 116, 119. Boven Digoel, 16. Badaruzzaman, see Muhammad Borobu<;lur, 36, 37. Dimyati. Bottoms, J. c., 1. Baginda Alxlullah, 50. Brabander, G. den, 149. Bagindo Saleh, 50. Brandes, ]. L. A., 27. Bahar Mattaliu, 251. British, 1, 161. Baharuddin, 143. Budaya, 115, 230, 250. Bahasa Indonesia, 2, 7, 8, 21-24, 28-33, Buddhistic, 5. 35, 46, 61, 80, 85, 88, 106, 107, 152, Budi Utomo, 2, 3, 9, 32, 164. 153-156, 159, 216. Bujung, see Ahmad Chatib. Bahrum Rangkuti, 72, 119, 123, 139, Bujung Saleh, 27, 108, 116, 119, 123, 140, 141, 145. 134-138, 140, 141. Bakri Siregar, 14, 15, 16, 18, 48, 56, Bukit Duri, 165. 109, 123, 135, 136, 137, 217. Bukittinggi, 62, 224, 251. Balai Pustaka, 7, 13-15, 24, 28, 29, 46, Bun S. Umarjati, 204. 49, 51, 52, 53, 57, 64, 67, 68, 70, Burma, 5. 74-75, 114, 116, 148, 161, 166, 171, Bur Rasuanto, 251, 254. 202, 222, 245. Busje, see Motinggo Busje. Balfas, M., 117, 123, 140, 142, 146, 215, 251. Ba1i(nese), 52, 77-78, 108, 110, 220. Cahier Seni dan Sastra, 115. Banda, 192. Caldwell, 160. Bandaharo, Hr., 135, 137, 138. Cambodia, 5. Bandara Kajo, Rasjid gelar Camus, A., 130, 145. Datuk, 51. Canberra, 202. Banditti Island, 221. Catholic, 117, 119, 135, 139, 209. Bandung, 119, 202. Celebes, 33, 52, 78. Bangka, 4, 67. Ceram, 78. Bangkahulu, 65. Chairil Anwar, 79, 95, 102-103, 107, Bankim Chatterjee, 13. 109, 114, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, Banten, 179. 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 135, Bara Api, 146. 136, 140, 144, 145-159, 160, 185, Barus Siregar, 123, 215. 194, 202, 204, 210, 217, 229, 253. Basis, 117, 146, 231. Chekov, A., 183. Bastari Asnin, A., 251. Cheribon, 210. Basuki Alxlullah, 125, 143. China, 5, 178. Batak, 132, 180, 181, 226, 229, 250. Chinese, 2, 5, 6, 109, 132, 161, 166, Batavia, see Djakarta. 167, 174, 178. Baudelaire, Ch., 210. Chinese-Malay, 2, 7, 17, 228. Bausani, A., 6. Christian, 6, 45, 78-79, 100, 149, 181, Bazaar Malay, 15. 182, 220-221, 231, 234, 251. Bekasi, see Krawang. Cinderella, 50, 68. Benda, Harry J" 105. Conan Doyle, A., 53, 158. Bende Mataram, 110. Congress., Cultural, 118-119. Berg, C. c., 23. Congress, Language, 8, 119, 142. Berita Indonesia, 181. Congress, Youth, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29. Bintang, 117. Congress, Writers', 252. Blitar, 172. Corneille, 224. Blora, 164-166, 167, 173, 174-175, 229, Cornford, John, 128. 243. Cultureel Nieuws Iudonesiii, 118. 302 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Daeng Myala, A. M., 48. Ener, 69. Dahlan Idris, M., 68. English, 42, 70, 74, 128, 146, 147, 154, Dahm, B., 15. 161, 198. Dajoh, M. R., 48, 51, 52. English (language), 4, 154. Dali Mutiara, 222. End, M., 60. Darnai~, Louis-Charles, 18, 138, 146. Europe(an), 6, 42, 53, 61, 128, 133, Damhuri, A. 74-75, 221-222. 145, 161, 184, 217, 223, 248. Dante, A., 136. Eysseisteijn, Ben van, 9. Dar Kelana Putera, 86. Deli, 70, 71. Deyssel, L. van, 42. Faber, G. H. von, 7. Dharta, A. S., 119, 123, 135. Fachruddin Ambo Enre, 13, 18. Dickinson, Donna M., 146. Fatimah Hasan Delais, see Hamidah. Dimyati (Dimjati), see Muhammad Faust, 41. Dimyati. Feith, Herbert, 128, 181. Dini, Nh., 248. Firman Muntaco, 226. Diponegoro, 110. Flemish, 144, 160. Djakarta, 21, 22, 29, 51, 58, 59, 60, 63, Flores, 48. 66, 67, 86, 92, 115, 118, 119, 125, Fock,4. 141, 142, 147, 148, 165, 167, 170, French, SO, 70, 128, 136, 145, 146, 182, 175-176, 177, 178, ISO, 182, 183, 210. 195, 198, 208, 212, 215, 222, 224, Freud, S., 204. 225,229,230,231,232, 233, 237-238, 243, 245, 251, 252. Djakarta-Malay (language etc.), 17, Gadjah Mada, 36. 26, 154, 161, 194, 215, 225. Gandhi, 13, 174. Djalaluddin Rumi, 99. Garut, 202. Djamaluddin, see Adinegoro. Gaugin, 132. Djamil Suherman, 251. Gazalba, H., 141. Djamin, 50. Gelanggang (Smiman Merdeka Indo• Djatiwangi, 240. nesia), 115, 127, 130, 143, 148, 160, Djauhar Arifin, 251. ISO, 208. Djojopuspito, see Sugondo, Suwarsih. Gema (Suasana) , 116, 148, 215. Djuhana, M. A., 123. Gerkis, 117. Donggo, 144. German, 147. Drewes, G. W. J" 7, 13, 14, 226. Gerson Poyk, 251. Dumas, A. 53. Gide, A., 128. Dutch, 14, 52, 54, 124, 128, 164-166, Gids, De, 42. 175, 192, 196, 230, 242, 246, 247. Goa, 52. Dutch (language), 6, 8, 9, 16, 27, 32, Goethe, 10. 41, 46, 64, 79, SO, 88, 89, 105-106, Gogh, V. van, 132. 154, 205, 232. Gorki, Maxim, 178. Dwarsoprasonto, Sh., 77. Gorontalo, 120. Graaff, S. de, 4. Gunawan Muhammad, 254. Edam, 165, 173. Gusti, see Pandji Tisna. Eeden, F. van, 42. Effendy, A. T., 120, 140. Egypt(ian), 70, 99. Habib Sutan Maharadja, 24, 67. El Hakim (pseud. for Abu Hanifah), Hadi, see Asmara Hadi. 111-113, 138, 162. Hadjar Dewantara, Ki, 36-37, 118,228. Eliot, T. S., 130. Hamidah (pseud. for Fatimah Hasan Elsschot, Willem, 128, 144, 160. Delais), 67, 221. INDEX 303

Hamka (Hadji Abdul Malik Karim Irwan, 136. Amrullah), 61, 69-72, 74, 138, 218, Islam (ic), 37, 55, 72, 73, 75, 99, 117, 220, 222, 223, 226. 13~ 138-139, 191, 222, 255, (see Hamzah, M., SO. also Moslem). Harahap, see Bandaharo. I-Tsing, 5. Hardjosumarto, 61. Iwan Simatupang, 146. Harijadi S. Hartowardojo, 119, 138, 209-210. Hartoko, Dick, 233. Jahja, 8. Hasjim (or Hasjmy), Ali, 47, 74. Japanese (occupation etc.), 70, 105- Hattum, Jac. van, 149. 114, 120, 124, 125, 147, 149, 161, Hazil (Tanzil) , 117, 123. 162, 164-165, 171-172, 174-175, 190, Heesterman, J. C, 13. 191, 202-203, 222, 227, 247. Hemingway, E., 128, 144, 160, 196. Jassin, H. B., 18, 47, 67, 71, 77, 78, Hidding, K. A. H., 14. 84, 86, 87, 107, 109, 110, 114, 115, Hill, A. H., 1. 117, 119, 120-122, 123, 136, 141, Hindu-Buddhistic, 52. 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, Hitler, 124. 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 209, Holland, see Netherlands,. 210, 211, 216, 218, 235, 248, 249, Holmes, James S., 146, 153. 251, 253. Holt, Claire, 198. Jatim Nestapa, Sjdir, 50. Homer, 136. Java, 3, 5, 71, 76, 92, 110, 125, 156, Hoornik, E., 149. 180, 209, 232. Hooykaas, C., 6. Javanese (language, culture, back• H orison, 199, 253-254. ground), 3, 16, 27, 35, 37, 40, 52, Hsu Chih-Mo, 128, 149. 53, 61, 62, 71-72, 75-76, 77, 143, Husein Djajadiningrat, 8. 161, 163, 171, 179, 199-202, 221, Husny, A. B., 85. 222, 225, 228, 229, 232-236, 240, Hutagalung, M. S., 197. 241, 243, 246, 250. J ogaswara (= Klara Akustia), 135-137. Ibn aI-Arabi, 99. Jogja(karta), 115, 117, 146, 180, 233, Ida Nasution, 123, 125, 151, 212. 241, 250. Idris, see Dahlan Idris. Johanisun, Iljas, Nj., 221. Idrus, 107, 109, 114, 116, 117, 123, Johns, A. H., 56, 85, 147, 181. 126, 144, 159-163, 199, 201, 246. J ong Java, 3, 9, 22. I Gusti Njoman, see Pandji Tisna. J ong Sumatra, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13. Imam Supardi, 77. Joram, E., 77. India,S, 13, 20, 25, 26, 28, 191, 220. Josselin de Jong, P. E., de, 54. Indian, 6, 56. Junus Amir Hamzah, 71. I ndiii Weerbaar, 7, 16, 62. Jusuf Sou'yb, 74, 75. Indische Partij, 3. Indonesia (magazine), 116, 119, 135, 144, 169, 208. Kadirun, 50. Indonesia(n) passim, see also Bahasa Kukawin, 94. Indonesia. Kalidasa, 93. Indonesia Raja (newspaper), 196. Kalimantan, 59. Intojo, 48. Kamus Istilah, 107. Inu Kertapati, 110. Karim Halim, 108. I pih, see Asmara Hadi. Karlan Hadi, see Aoh Kartahadimadja. Iqbal, Muhd., 139, 145. Karr, Alphonse, 70. Iramani, 117. Kartini, R. A., 167, 178. Irian Barat, see West Irian. Kasim, see Muhammad Kasim. 304 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Kasim Mansur, 120. Malacca, 1, 87. Keats, 42. Malay (language), 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 16, Kediri, 246. 19, 22-23, 25, 31, 33, 45, 52, 53, Kedjora, 60. 57, 71, 74, 76, 77, 80, 85, 86, 88-92, Kelara Asmara, see Klara Akustia. 102, 154, 161, 205, 217, 231 (see Kerandji, 167, see Krawang. also Bahasa Indonesia). Ki, see Hadjar. Malaya, 70, 117, 198, 224. Kirdjomuljo, 235. Malot, H., 53. Kipling, R., 53. Mandailing, 73, 94, 227. Kisah, 117, 121, 215, 231, 251. Mandank, Or., 48, 69. Klara Akustia, 117, 135-137, 158 (also Manfaluthi, Mustafa Luthfi AI-, 70, 71. Jogaswara) . Mangemba, H. D., 48. Kloos, W., 42, 44. Mani/es(to) Kebudajaan (Manikebu) , Konfrontasi, 116-117, 141, 212. 117, 158, 167, 251, 252-253, 255. Kotakampung, 250. Mani/es(to) Politik (Manipol), 181,252. Kotaradja, 58. Manindjau, 57, 69. Kotot Sukardi, 110. Mansur Samin, 254. Krawang (Bekasi), 148, 165, 167. Marah Rusli, 56-57, 219-220. Kritiek en Opbouw, 43. Marco Kartodikromo, Mas, 16-18. Kroeskamp, H., 52. Marsman, H., 124, 125, 128, 130, 147, Krom, N. J., 5. 149, 150. Kuala Lumpur, 163, 215. Marx, Karl, 204. Kwun-Lun, 5. Marxist(ic), 14-16, 109, 119. Mas, see Marco. Masjumi, 111. Labat, 248. Matia Madijah, 251. Lampong, 250. Matu Mona, 52, 74, 75. Langkat, 85-86. Maurik, Justus van, 54. Latif, S. M., 226. Maya, 110. Laut pasang, 230. Mecca, 70. Leiden, 232. Medan, 17, 74, 78, 85, 117, 119, 135, Lekra, 48, 109, 117, 135-138, 145, 158, 137, 142, 147, 180, 195, 217, 223, 167, 217, 230, 237, 251-252. 224, 227. Lembaga Keblldajaan Indonesia, 119. Mendut, Tjandi, 26. Ligthart, Jan, 226. Mentawai, 75. Limburg Stirum, van, 3. Merari Siregar, 54. Lombok, 220. M erdeka (newspaper), 115. London, 217. Mimbar Indonesia, 115, 248. Lorca, 145. Minahasa, 48, 51, 78. Loti, Pierre, 53. Minangkabau (language, society, back• Lubis, see Mochtar Lubis. ground), 4, 19, 23, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54-57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 70-72, 75, 195, 219, 220, 221, 226, Macassar, 48, 71. 229, 244-245, 249. Macleish, Archibald, 128. Mochtar Apin, 143. Madagascar,S. Mochtar Lubis, 123, 126, 129, 195-199, Madjapahit, 27, 36, 40, 221. 225, 253. Madjoindo, A. Dt., 50, 51, 61, 73 (also Moba(m)mad Ali, see Muhammad Ali. Aman). Mohammad Sjah, 116. Madurese (language etc.), 75, 108. Mohammad Hatta, Jamin, see Magelang, 118. Muhammad Hatta, Yamin. Magellan, 6. Moliere, 58. Mahmud Ahmad Nasution, 227. Moluccas, 6, 78. INDEX 305

Moslem, 6, 47, 69-72, 78, 100, 101, Nurhajati Suhardini, see Dini, Nh. 102, 112, 117, 119, 120, 138-139, Nursiah Dahlan, 221. 149, 203, 204, 216, 227, 251, 255 Nursinah Iskandar, 58. (see also Islam(ic)). Nur Sutan Iskandar, 52, 57-58, 59, 65, Motinggo Busje, 250-251. 66, 68, 78, 108, 138, 220, 226, 227. Mozasa, 47. NusaMara, 115. Muara Enim, 69. Muhammad Ali, 245. Muhammad Dimyati, 75, 140, 221, 222. Oemar, see Mandank. Muhammad Hatta, 11, 165. Old Javanese, 26, 78, 94, 178. Muhammad Iqbal, see Iqbal. Old Malay, 4, 5. Muhammad Kas(s)im, 73, 161, 222. Oltmans, W. F., 53. Muhammad Radjab, 55, 226, 227. Ophuysen, Ch. A. van, 57, 94. Muhammad Saleh Datuk Orang Kaja Orczy, Baroness, 53. Besar, 226. Orientatie, 118, 165, 169. Muhammad Sjah, 51, 74. Overbeck, Hans, 87. Muhammad Yamin (Mohammed Jamin), 9-13, 17, 20-22, 27, 37, 44, 224. Padang, 18, 74. Muljadi, Sk., 225. Padangpandjang, 244. Muljanto, Ds., 254. Padjadjaran, 208. Muljono, Joke, 123. Pahit Lidah, Sja'ir Si, 50. Multatuli, 137, 180. Painan, 50. Mundingsari, 223. Pakistan, 139. Muntu, H. S. D., 52, 78. Palembang, 4, 65, 67. Mustafa, see Manfaluthi. Pamuntjak n.S., A. Sutan, 59. Pamuntjak, M. Taib ge1ar Sutan, 51. Pandji Pustaka, 28, 108, 114, 147. Nagarakrtagama, 27. Pandji Tisna, I Gusti Njoman (later: N as, C. M., 251. Anak Agung), 52, 77-78, 220-221. Nasi dan M elati, 230. Pane, see Armijn, Sanusi. Nasjah Djamin, 231, 251. Pantja Raja, 114. N asution, see Ida. Pantja Sila, 158, 252. Nasution, J. D., 24, 181. Pantun, 12, 24, 31, 57, 69, 88, 92, 93, Navis, A. A., see Ali Akbar. 94, 187, 190. Netherlands, 43, 62, 65, 67, 106, 166, Pararaton, 27. 176, 177, 180, 217, 219, 250, (see Paris, 134, 181, 182. also Dutch). Pasar Minggu, 118. New Caledonia, 83. Paulus, see Supit. Ngantung, Henk, 143. Peking, 142, 166, 167, 178. Niel, see Van Niel. Pembangunan, 115. Nietzsche, F., 218. Pembaruan, 115. Nieuwe Gids, De, 42. Pembina Bahasa Indonesia, 116. Nieuwenhuis, G. ]., 32. People's Council, 7, 8, 62. Nieuwenhuys, R., 151. Perk, ]., 42, 45, 129. Nio Joe Lan, 2, 74. Perron, E. du, 43, 64, 128, 149. N oto Soeroto, Raden Mas, 9. Persian, SO. Nugroho Notosusanto, 1, 120, 141, 236, Pesantren, 37-38. 243-244. Pigafetta, 6. Nuraini Jatim, Siti, 115, 141, 143, 208, P.K.I., 15-16, 166, 179. 212. PN.I., 15, 22, 115. Nurdin Jacub, Dt. B., 251. Polemik Kebudajaan, 35-38, 112. Nurdin Salam, 146. Portuguese, 87. 306 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

Pospos, P., 226. 183, 225, 253. Prambanan, Tjandi, 35. Rossidhy, A., see Ajip Rosidi. Pramudya Ananta Tur, 13, 121, 123, Rukiah Kertapati, S., 123, 213-214. 12~ 131, 132, 134, 137, 139, 140, Ruslan Abdulgani, H., 159. 142, 160, 163-180, 1%, 198, 199, Rusli, Marah, see Marah Rusli. 229, 240, 242, 243, 247, 248, 252. Rusman Sutiasumarga, 216. Prijana Winduwinata, Pak, 222. Rusni, 202. Pringgodigdo, S., 43. Russia(n), 128, 178. Protestant, 33, 44, 135, 139. Rustam Effendi, 18-20, 27, 45, 89-90. P.s.I., 115, 202. Rustam Sutan Palindih, 221, 224. Pudjangga Baru, 14, 26, 28-31, 34, 37, Rustandi Kartakusuma, Mh., 123, 139, 40-47, 49, 63, 79-81, 85, 87, 96, 140, 141, 208-209, 224. 106, 107, 110, 112, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 130-131, 132, 134-136, 143, 149, 156, 160, 213, Saadah Alim, 61, 73, 110. 216, 219, 225, 228. Sahbudin, O. Sutan, 51. Purbatjaraka, 36. Sahmardan, see Ardan, S. M. Purnawan Tjondronagoro, 251. Saleh, see Bagindo. Purwakerta, 213. Sam, see Udin. Purwokerto, 168. Samadi (Anwar Rasjid), 48. Pusat Kebudajaan, 108. Samosir, 180, 181, 182. Sangir, 44, SO. Sanskrit, 5, 87, 92-93. Rabrindanath Tagore, 20. Santa Maria, L., 190. Radjab, see Muhammad Radjab. Sanusi Pane, 11, 17, 20-21, 24-28, 34, Raffel, Burton, 146, 217. 36, 37, 40-41, 44, 80, 84, 89-90, Rahman, A., 50. 110, 209, 217. Rasjid, see Bandaro Kajo. Sarekat Islam, 3, 7, 15, 16, 62. Rembang, 164, 243. Sartre, J. P., 145. Rendra, W. S., 117, 139, 143, 232-235, Sastra, 117, 121, 215, 231, 251, 252-253 237. Sastrawinata, S., 222. Rengas-Dengklok, 108. Satyagraha Hurip Suprobo, 251. Resink, G. J., 81, 165. Schweitzer, Albert, 178. Riau, 33. Selaguri, see Selasih. Rifai Ali, 47, 74. Selasih, 47, 68, 221. Rijono Pratikno, 245. Semarang, 15, 56, 63, 223, 245, 248. Rilke, R M., 128, 149. Semaun, 7, 15-18. Rimbaud, 210. Semerbak Sadjak, 230. Rinkes, D. A., 13, 14, 15. Seni, 116. Rivai Apin, 115, 123, 140, 141, 143, Seniman, 115. 144, 148, 206, 207-208. Shakespeare, 199, 225. Robinson, Tjalie, 184. Shelley, 42, 130. Rodji, see Klara Akustia. Sholokhov, M., 178. Rokyoto, 86. Shriwijaya, 5. Roland Holst-van der Schalk, Siagian, see Bachtiar. Henriette, 48. Siagian, G., 114, 123, 141. Romains, Jules, 197. Siasat, 115, 127, 209, 225, 232, 234. Roman pitjisan, 17, 74-75, 78, 222-224, Sibolga, 182. 245, 250. Sidaju, 200. Roolvink, R, 74-75, 223. Sienkiewicz, H., 53. Rosida Amir, 251. Singapore, 1, 74, 75, 112, 180. Rosidi, see Ajip Rosidi. Singaradja, 77. Rosihan Anwar, 122, 128, 141, 145, Singasari, 27. INDEX 307

Singasoro, M. Sutan, 50. Susilo Tur, 251. Siregar, see Bakri, Barus, Merari. Sman, see Takdir. Siti Nuraini, see Nuraini. Sutomo, Dr. 36-37. Sitompul, 144. Sutomo, R., 225. Sitor Situmorang, 43, 106, 119, 122, Sutomo Djauhar Arifin, 76-77. 123, 132-134, 143, 144, 145, 180-190, Suwardi Idris, 251. 194, 210, 229, 231. Suwarsih Djojopuspito, 43, 64-65, 134, Situmeang, Abd. Wahid, 254. 212. Sjahrazad, pseudonym for Sjahrir. Symposia (various), 119, 140,141,142,228. Sjahrir, Sutan, 8, 43, 115, 202. Sjair, 12, 13, 17, 25, 31, 49-51, 87, 88, 92, 190. Tabrin Tahar, 251. Siametmuijana, R. B., 1, 88, 224, 225. Tachtigers, 12, 42-46, 88, 124. Siauerhoff, 128, 148, 149. Taib, see Pamuntjak. Sobron Aidit, 144, 237. Takdir Alisjahbana, Sutan, 28-29, 31- Soekarno, 15, 22, 48, 115, 117, 128, 41, 43, 47, 51, 62, 63, 64, 65-66, 73, 154, 159, 181, 196, 253. 79, 80, 83, 84, 106, 107, 108, 112, Solo, 85, 115, 119, 202, 222. 113, 116, 117, 118, 133, 136, 140, Somerset Maugham, W., 196. 149, 204, 225. Sontani, see Utuy Tatang Sontani. Taman Siswa, 37, 108. Soviet, 145. Tapanuli, 29, 54. Spanish, 145. Tarutung, 180. Steinbeck, J., 128, 144, 178. Tasat, 50. Stevenson, R. L., 53. Tatengkeng, J. E., 43-45, 225. Sticusa., 166. Taufiq Ismail, 254. Subagio Sastrowardojo, 140, 235. Taulu, H. M., 51. Subandrio, 166. Teeuw, A., 85, 141, 230. Subang, 216. Tel Aviv, 198. Sudarjo Tjokrosisworo, 23. Tengku Puteri Kamaliah, 86. Sudjati, S. A., 225. Thahir, A. M., see Daeng Myala. Sudjatmoko, 115, 141, 145, 183-184. Thailand, 182-183. Sudjojono, S., 143. Thamrin, H., 8. Sugondo Djojopuspito, 43. Timboel, 27, 28, 87. Suherman, see Djahil. Timor, 220. Su Hok Djin, 254. Titie Said, 251. Sujitno Mangunkusumo, 43. Tjalon Arang, 178. Sukabumi, 188. Tjahjaningsih, S., 251. Sukanto, S. A., 250. Tjalie, see Robinson. , see Soekarno. Tjantrik, see Rosihan Anwar. Sularto, B., 251. Tjepu, 165. Suman Hs., 47, 72-73, 74,161,222,223. Tjiamis, 208. Sumatra, 4, 12, 18, 29, 47, 50, 52, 68, Tjiandjur, 190. 74, 77, 85, 92, 156, 216-217, 218, Tjibatu, 202. 227, 245, 249. Tjikampek, 165, 167. Sumbawa, 56, 219. Tjindarbumi, 36. Sundanese (language), 52, 53, 61, 64, Toba (Batak), 180, 182. 75, 76, 190, 202, 204-205, 216, 228, Tobing, see Alex L. Tobing. 229, 238, 240, 241. Toha Mohtar, 246-248. Sungai Batang, 57. Toistoi, 136, 178. Supit, Paulus, 79. Toto Sudarto Bachtiar, 209, 210-212, 237. Surabaja, 77, 125, 126, 161, 164, 230, Tri Koro Dharmo, 3. 245, 247. Trisnojuwono, 241-243. Surinam, 173. Trisno Sumardjo, 116, 118, 123, 132, 308 MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE

143, 199-202, 230, 251. Wairata, L., 78. Tugu, 118. Wal, S. L. van der, 8. Tulis Sutan Sati, 50, 51, 59, 138. Waluyati, 123, 212. Twain, Mark, 53. Weevers, Theodoor, 42. Wertheim, W. F., 37, 137. West Irian, 4, 16, 250. Udin, S., 126, 140. Winstedt, R. 0., 1. Umar Junus, 1. Wiratmo Sukito, 119, 139, 252. Untung, Colonel, 253. U.S.A., 184, ZOO, 205, 232, 236. U sdfk, 181, 252. Yamin, see Muhammad Yamin. U sman Effendi, 116. Yang, 145. Usmar Ismail, 107, 111, 113-114, 123, Yogi (= Abdul Rivai), 47. 143, 162. Yudho, S., 30. U.S.S.R., 184. Utuy Tatang Sontani, 123, 190-195, 224, 231. Zaini, 254. Zainudin, H. M., 67. Zaman Baru, 117. Van Niel, Robert, 2, 3, 16, 37. Zenith, 115, 121, 132, 144, 209. Verne, Jules, 53. Zoetrnulder, P. J., 94. Verspoor, Dolf, 146. Zola, E., 42. V oeten, Bert, 128. Zuber U sman, 56, 222. Volksraad, see People's Council. Zubir, A. A., 251. Vuyk, Beb, 117, 141. Zunaidah Sobro, 221.