Art History (ARTH) 1
Art History (ARTH) 1 ARTH 317 - Laboratory in Museum Studies (3 Credits) ART HISTORY (ARTH) Prerequisite: ARTH 315A or HISP 200. Through the creation of an exhibition or hypothetical museum, students gain experience ARTH 114A - History of Western Art I (3 Credits) working in a team environment as they apply their knowledge about Survey of Western architecture, painting, and sculpture from the museum audience, collections, education, curation, organization and Prehistoric period to the late Gothic. administration, physical plant, and public relations. Does not count as ARTH 115A - History of Western Art II (3 Credits) an elective for the Art History major. Does not satisfy the Art History Survey of Western architecture, painting, and sculpture from proto- requirement for the Studio Art major. Renaissance to the present. ARTH 325 - Early Christian, Byzantine, and Early Medieval Art (3 ARTH 118 - History of Asian Art (3 Credits) Credits) A survey of architecture, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and gardens This course traces the development of art and architecture from the produced by societies in Asia from the Prehistoric period to the present. beginnings of the Christian tradition through the Byzantine, Hiberno- Saxon, Carolingian, and Ottonian periods. Focus is placed on the major ARTH 224 - Arts of Japan and Korea (3 Credits) monuments from these periods and the related issues of patronage, Explores the history of Japanese and Korean art from the Prehistoric culture, and liturgy that influenced their creation. period to the present day. The works of architecture, gardens, ceramics, sculpture, painting, and other visual forms from the major periods ARTH 326 - Romanesque & Gothic Art (3 Credits) of Japanese and Korean history are examined within social, cultural, Romanesque and Gothic Art (3) A survey of the visual arts of Western political, and religious contexts.
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