Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

By Randell J. Laczniak, James C. Cole, David A. Sawyer, and Douglas A. Trudeau

US. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4109

Prepared in cooperation with the OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Off ice, under Interagency Agreement DE-A108-91NV11040


This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom- mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Carson City, Nevada 1996 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary


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Abstract ...... 1 Introduction ...... 1 Background ...... 1 Purpose and Scope ...... 7 Regional Flow System...... 8 Hydrogeologic Units ...... 10 Ground-Water Flow and Subbasins...... 16 Ash Meadows Subbasin ...... 16 Subbasin ...... 18 Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch Subbasin ...... 19 Flow Rates and Summary ...... 20 Underground Test Areas ...... 21 Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat ...... 21 Hydrogeologic Units ...... 23 Ground-Water Flow ...... 26 and Rainier Mesa ...... 32 Hydrogeologic Units ...... 33 Ground-Water Flow ...... 37 Effects of Underground Testing on Ground-Water Flow ...... 42 Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat ...... 45 Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa ...... 45 Summary and Considerations for Environmental Restoration ...... 50 References Cited ...... 54

PLATES [Plates in pocket at back of report]

1. Map showing major controls on regional ground-water flow at and near Nevada Test Site. southern Nevada and southeastern California 2. Sections showing major controls on ground-water flow at and near Nevada Test Site. southern Nevada and southeastern California 3. Map showing major controls on ground-water flow and distribution of hydrogeologic units at water table in Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat areas. southern Nevada 4. Map and sections showing water levels. underground tests. and principal water-bearing units in upper 2. 000 feet of saturated rock in Pahute Mesa area, southern Nevada

FIGURES 1.6 . Maps showing: 1. Location of Nevada Test Site and local physiographic and geographic features ...... 3 2 . General areas of underground nuclear testing and other potential sources of subsurface contamination at Nevada Test Site ...... 4 3. Location of Death Valley ground-water flow system in relation to local geographic features and areas of Federal land administration ...... 6 4. Surface distribution of rocks in and near Nevada Test Site ...... 9 5. General features of volcanic-rock aquifer system in and adjacent to northwestern part of Nevada Test Site ...... 34 6. Major controls on ground-water flow in Pahute Mesa area ...... 38 7. Diagrammatic section showing mechanical and hydrologic effects that may result from underground test detonated below water table ...... 43


~ . ~ .. ~-..... _- ...... I 8. Generalized longitudinal hydrogeologic section across central Yucca Flat showing mechanical effects of underground testing ...... 46 9. Map showing general areas within Yucca Flat where sustained, local hydrologic effects may have resulted from underground testing ...... 48


1. Principal stratigraphic and associated hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity ...... 11 2. Nomenclature for hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity...... 14 3. General characteristics of ground-water subbasins of Nevada Test Site and vicinity ...... 17 4. Distribution of underground tests relative to water table and estimated number of tests that have introduced test-generated contaminants into the ground-water flow system by major test area at the Nevada Test Site ...... 22 5. Water levels, underground tests, and associated test and hole parameters used to determine general position of test relative to the water table ...... 30


Multiply BY To obtain

Length foot (ft) 0.3048 meter mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer Area

square mile (mi*) 2.590 square kilometer Volume acre-foot (acre-ft) 1,233 cubic meter cubic mile (mi3) 4.168 cubic kilometer Flow Rate foot per day (ft/d) 0.3048 meter per day foot per mile (Wmi) 0.1894 meter per kilometer foot per year (Wyr) 0.3048 meter per year VolumetricFlow Rate acre-foot per year (acre-ft/yr) 0.001233 cubic hectometer per year

Sea level: In this report, “sea level” refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929, formerly called “Sea-Level Datum of 1929’1, which is derived from a general adjustment of the first-order leveling networks of the United States and Canada.

IV Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Su m ma ry of Hy d rogeo B ogi c Co nt roIs on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

By Randell J. Laczniak, James C. Cole, David A. Sawyer, and Douglas A. Trudeau

ABSTRACT great distances across this arid region. Unique to the hydrology of NTS are the effects of under- The underground testing of nuclear devices ground testing, which severely alter local rock has generated substantial volumes of radioactive characteristics and affect hydrologic conditions and other chemical contaminants below ground throughout the region. at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Many of the more Any assessment of the risk must rely in radioactive contaminants are highly toxic and are part on the current understanding of ground-water known to persist in the environment for thousands flow, and the assessment will be only as good as of years. In response to concerns about potential the understanding itself. This report summarizes health hazards, the U.S. Department of Energy, what is known and inferred about ground-water under its Environmental Restoration Program, flow throughout the NTS region. The report iden- has made NTS the subject of a long-term investi- tifies and updates what is known about some of the gation. Efforts supported through the U.S. Depart- major controls on ground-water flow, highlights ment of Energy program will assess whether some of the uncertainties in the current under- byproducts of underground testing pose a potential standing, and prioritizes some of the technical hazard to the health and safety of the public and, if needs as related to the Environmental Restoration necessary, will evaluate and implement steps to Program. remediate any of the identified dangers. An apparent deficiency in the current under- Test-generated contaminants have been standing is a lack of knowledge about flow direc- introduced over large areas and at variable depths tions and rates away from major areas of testing. above and below the water table throughout NTS. Efforts are necessary to delineate areas of down- Evaluating the risks associated with these byprod- gradient flow and to identify factors that constrain ucts of underground testing presupposes a knowl- and control flow within these areas. These efforts edge of the source, transport, and potential also should identify the areas most critical to gain- receptors of these contaminants. Ground-water ing detailed understanding and to establishing flow is the primary mechanism by which contami- long-term monitoring sites necessary for effective nants can be transported significant distances remediation. away from the initial point of injection. Flow paths between contaminant sources and potential recep- INTRODUCTION tors are separated by remote areas that span tens of miles. The diversity and structural complexity of Background the rocks along these flow paths complicates the hydrology of the region. Although the hydrology Since the early 1950’s, the Nevada Test Site has been studied in some detail, much still remains (NTS) has been the primary continental location for uncertain about flow rates and directions through testing of nuclear weapons by the United States and the fractured-rock aquifers that transmit water for conducting experiments related to the peaceful

ABSTRACT 1 application of nuclear explosions. The site, which The NTS is centrally located within the Death occupies 1,350 mi2 of south-central Nevada (fig. l), Valley ground-water flow system (fig. 3), one of the was chosen by the Atomic Energy Commission (prede- major hydrologic subdivisions of the southern Great cessor to the U.S. Department of Energy) primarily Basin. It is estimated that more than 70,000 acre-ft of because of its remoteness from population centers and ground water are transmitted annually through this because of Federal control over much of the land (US. geologically diverse region (Blankennagel and Weir, Department of Energy, 1993, p. 1). Initially, nuclear 1973; Winograd and Thordarson, 1975; Harrill and tests were detonated at or above land surface, but as the others, 1988; Dettinger, 1989). In general, water moves concerns over atmospheric fallout intensified during southward through thick sequences of carbonate and the late 1950's, more and more tests were detonated volcanic rocks, away from areas of major recharge in below ground in tunnels and shafts. Since July 1962, central Nevada, toward areas of surface discharge at and in accordance with the Limited Test Ban Treaty Ash Meadows, Oasis Valley, Alkali Flat, and Death of 1963, all tests at NTS have been detonated beneath Valley (fig. 1).Along these pathways, rain and snow on land surface (Office of Technology Assessment, 1989, some of the intermediate mountain ranges and higher p. 11-27; U.S. Department of Energy, 1994). mesas contributes thousands of acre-feet of water into Activities at NTS over the past 40 years have the underlying aquifers. Local communities and the generated a substantial amount of hazardous waste, numerous commercial and Federal facilities located both at the surface and underground (fig. 2). The larg- throughout the area must rely on ground water for a est volume of contaminants was produced as a direct large part of their water supply because surface water consequence of nuclear testing (Bryant and Fabryka- is limited in this arid region. Presently, wells through- Martin, 1991). At NTS, 828 underground nuclear tests out the flow system provide for agricultural, livestock, have been detonated (U.S. Department of Energy, industrial, and domestic water needs, as do springs, 1994), most of which (more than 95 percent) were at which also support a diversity of wildlife and native YuccaFlat, Rainier Mesa, and Pahute Mesa (fig. 2). No vegetation. tests have been detonated since October 1992. These A potential receptor of test-generated contami- nuclear devices were emplaced deep in the earth to nants is the lrTTS workforce. More than 10 major water contain their explosive force and radioactive byprod- wells have been developed at NTS to provide water ucts within the subsurface, thus avoiding the release for drinking, industrial, and waste uses. Many of these of radioactivity to the atmosphere. Even though water wells, along with other drill holes on the NTS (fig. 2), levels in the NTS region are generally more than 800 ft have been sampled routinely for many years by the below land surface, many of the intermediate and U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) and the U.S. larger yield tests were detonated at depths near or Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Samples below the water table to ensure the subsurface contain- have been tested for radioactive and other chemical ment of radioactive byproducts (fig. 2). These tests constituents (Office of Technology Assessment, 1989; have resulted in the introduction of radioactive and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991). No fis- chemical contaminants into the regional ground-water sion products have been detected in these samples, but flow system. tritium has been measured at concentrations greater Individual test-generated contaminants differ than background (but not exceeding USEPA regula- considerably in terms of physical and chemical behav- tions for safe drinking water) in several of these wells. ior and toxicity, and the after-shot distribution is diffi- As a result of the USDOE practice of regularly moni- cult to define, in part because of dispersal by the test toring drilling fluids at NTS, tritium and fission prod- explosion itself (Borg and others, 1976). Contaminants ucts have been detected in ground water at locations produced by the detonation remain in the subsurface within the testing areas where none were expected for many years. Where ground water contacts these (Borg and others, 1976; Hawkins and others, 1988, contaminants, the potential for their migration is 1989; Nimz and Thompson, 1992). Although the con- increased and their movement becomes dependent centrations of these contaminants generally have been primarily on the rate and direction of ground-water low, tritium has been detected in excess of USEPA flow. Thus, a knowledge of ground-water flow paths maximum permissible concentrations in a few samples is essential to determine subsurface distributions and at Yucca Flat (Crow, 1976) and at Pahute Mesa (Erik- potential receptors of these test-generated byproducts. son, 1991; Nimz and Thompson, 1992).

2 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada 116'30' 116'00' 115'30' 115'00'



36"OO Base from US. Geological Survey digital data, 1:250,000 0 30 MILES Universal Transverse Mercator projection, Zone 11 0* 10 , 20 30KlLOMETERS


Mountainous area ' Nevada Test Site boundary

Figure 1. Location of Nevada Test Site and local physiographic and geographic features.

INTRODUCTION 3 1 16'30' ' 116'15' 1 16'00' 1 15"45' 1 1 I

Pahute Mesa

Rainier Mesa I 0/62 0 0 37"15'


20 I 19 -Yucca Flat D 226/661 Buckboard lesa - 17 0 0/3 18 0 0 Dome Mou tain -0 37'00' 0/1 30 0 Shosho\Is elV ountain W I 29 3/6 I I*

+ - Frenchman Flat 10/10 0 +a Am 1- a

36O45' 0 - 25 1- MILES 0 15 0 I I I I 0 15 KILOMETERS Tr

Base prepared by U.S. Geological Survey from digital data, 1:100,000 1979-89 UniversalTransverse Mercator projection Zone 11 Figure 2. General areas of underground nuclear testing and other potential sources of subsurface contamination at Nevada Test Site.

4 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada EXPLANATION

~ Underground test area-Darker shading delineates area where tests were detonated near or below water table. Number of tests near 0/3 or below water table and total number of tests are indicated preceding and following slash, respectively. From Bryant and Fabryka-Martin (1991) and U.S. Department of Energy (1 991, 1994); see table 4 for additional information

Nevada Test Site boundary

3 Area boundary within Test Site-Area number is indicated

Other contaminant sources-From US. Department of Energy (1991)

X Tunnel tailings or drain pond


A Sump or injection well

+ Storage tank

A Waste site

0 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sampling well-From U.S Environmental Protection Agency (1991)

Figure 2. Continued.

INTRODUCTION 5 117" 116" 115" 114"

Tonopah m \ 38'

Caliente fl m I II




I 1 \ 3ase prepared by US. Geological Survey from 0 25 50 75 MILES ligitaidaia, 1:100,000 1979-89 Jniversal Transverse Mercator projection 2 Zone 11 0 25 50 75 KILOMETERS EXPLANATION

Nevada Test Site 0 Lake Mead National Recreation Area Nellis Air Force Base Range D Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge- Includes Tonopah Test Range Includes Devils Hole Death Valley National Park m Toiyabe National Forest Desert National Wildlife Range -- -8 Boundary of Death Valley ground-water flow system-Modified from Harrill and others (1988, sheet 1)

Figure 3. Location of Death Valley ground-water flow system in relation to local geographic features and areas of Federal land administ ration. 6 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Water users west and south of NTS also are con- between contaminant sources and potential receptors. sidered potential receptors because they are downgra- Most quantitative estimates given for rates of ground- dient of the contaminant sources. Ground water has water flow (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, table 9; been developed for drinking, livestock, agriculture, Wmograd and Thordarson, 1975, tables 14 and 15; mining, and waste use at numerous wells in Oasis Wmograd and Pearson, 1976; Claassen, 1985, p. 29; Valley, throughout the , and at the Brikowski, 1992, p. 18) do not necessarily represent communities of Beatty, Springdale, and Amargosa flow rates along any specific flow path, but rather are Valley, Nev., and Death Valley Junction and in the averages for large areas. Estimates of minimum flow Death Valley National Park, Calif. (figs. 1 and 3). times and maximum exposure risks will not be possible Springs and seeps in upper Oasis Valley near Beatty, until local flow systems are more fully explored and in the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, and their hydrologic properties better quantified, and until at Alkali Flat have sustained wetlands, which support hydrologic and geologic information is obtained from a variety of wildlife and some recreational activities. areas beyond those that have been paaially explored as Further development of ground water from NTS and an outgrowth of the testing program. adjacent areas is expected in response to continued Federal activities at NTS and Nellis Air Force Range. In addition, projected growth of the Las Vegas urban Purpose and Scope area and some of the smaller communities throughout the region may lead to the further development of water This report summarizes the current scientific resources in the NTS area. understanding about ground-water flow beneath the Radioactive and other potential chemical contam- NTS region, and highlights uncertainties in our knowl- inants at NTS are the subject of a long-term program edge of hydrogeologic conditions in what is considered of investigation and remediation by USDOE under its one of the more complex flow systems on the conti- Environmental Restoration Program (US.Department nent. The report is not intended to endorse or dispute of Energy, 1991, p. 2). Within the framework of appli- any specific remedial activity, but rather to provide cable Federal and State regulations, the program will basic hydrologic and geologic information and a funda- endeavor to assess the extent of contamination and to mental understanding of subsurface conditions, from evaluate the potential risks to man and the environment which programs and policies can be developed and from byproducts of testing. A more complete under- implemented to promote effective and efficient cleanup standing of ground-water flow at NTS is essential to and ensure the long-term protection of ground-water evaluate future environmental risk and to assess strate- resources. gies for removing, containing, treating, and monitoring This report is based largely on published any contaminants. reports of earlier hydrologic investigations by the U.S. The identification and characterization of con- Geological Survey during the 1960’s and 1970’s; on taminated ground water will be especially challenging published and unpublished reports documenting com- at NTS because (1) contaminants have been introduced plimentary work done by other organizations; and on in both saturated and unsaturated rock at variable published U.S. Department of Energy reports through depths (50 to 4,800 ft below land surface); (2) the phys- 1992 documenting planning and strategies for environ- ical and chemical conditions near the point of detona- mental restoration at NTS. Additional information tion (contaminant source) are poorly known; (3) the from more recent geologic mapping and new structural subsurface environment is hydrogeologically complex; interpretations in the region by the U.S. Geological and (4) the contaminated areas are large and geologi- Survey, the University of Nevada-Reno, and others cally diverse. Further, the interactions between radio- also is incorporated and referenced. Water-level data active and chemical byproducts of testing and the presented throughout this report represent measured ground-water flow system are not adequately under- values through 1991, but these levels are not every- stood. A thorough understanding of specific flow paths where comparable from hole to hole because of differ- is imperative to determine and implement a successful ences in hole construction and numerous other factors. remediation program because of the high chemical tox- The hydrologic concepts and interpretations summa- icity and radioactivity of many of the radionuclides. rized herein do not differ significantly from those pre- Present data are inadequate to define specific pathways sented by Blankennagel and Weir (1973) and Wmograd

INTRODUCTION 7 and Thordarson (1975). In part, this similarity is others, 1988). Ground water moves under the influence because only a few additional hydrologic test holes of hydraulic gradients along convoluted pathways have been completed within the NTS region since their between areas of recharge (characterized as areas of investigations. higher precipitation) and areas of surface discharge Because of the extent, geologic diversity, and (characterized by springs and wet playas). The move- hydrologic complexity of the ground-water flow sys- ment of ground water along these flow paths is con- tem in the NTS region, this report first describes the trolled largely by the water-transmitting characteristics occurrence and movement of ground water at the of the host rock. These characteristics depend on the regional scale. This is followed by a description of primary and secondary properties of the rock (princi- the geology and hydrology of the primary areas of pally porosity and permeability). Primary properties underground testing. The report also describes test- i are those created during deposition of the rocks; and induced effects on hydrogeologic conditions and some secondary properties are those created after deposition, potential effects of testing on contaminant migration. usually as a result of faulting, fracturing, dissolution, Although the report focuses mainly on the or the precipitation of mineral cements. Secondary hydrogeologic features pertinent to the migration of properties associated with major geologic structures contaminants away from areas of underground testing, throughout the region may exhibit significant control . additional non-test-related sources of contamination on the regional flow of ground water in some areas. are present throughout NTS. These sources include The NTS lies totally within the Death Valley low-level radioactive waste facilities, inactive storage ground-water flow system. The Death Valley flow sys- tanks and waste-water sumps, and a few shallow tem covers an area of about 15,800 mi2 of the southern liquid-waste injection wells (fig. 2; U.S. Department Great Basin between its principal recharge areas in the of Energy, 1991). Tailings mined from tunnels into high mountains of central Nevada and its southernmost Rainier Mesa also contain radioactive materials, as areas of discharge in Death Valley, Calif. (Harrill does the mine drainage that flows into nearby surface and others, 1988). The flow system consists primarily evaporation ponds and infiltrates through surficial soil of volcanic rock in the west and carbonate rock in the zones. Large surface areas at NTS and at Nellis Air east (fig. 4) and is estimated to transmit more than Force Base Range to the east contain plutonium- 70,000 acre-ft of ground water annually (Blankennagel contaminated soils that resulted from early transporta- and Weir, 1973, p. 19-20; Winograd and Thordarson, tion and safety tests in which nuclear warheads were 1975; Harrill and others, 1988, sheet 2; Dettinger, destroyed by conventional explosives (US. Depart- 1989, p. 17-25). The largest part is conveyed through ment of Energy, 1991, p. 142-146; 1994). Non-test a thick sequence of Paleozoic carbonate rock, referred and test-generated radioactive materials noted above to as the “central carbonate corridor,” that extends may contribute contaminants to the regional aquifers, throughout the subsurface of much of central and but the rate of influx probably is slowed by the thick southeastern Nevada (Dettinger, 1989, p. 13). unsaturated zone and the limited recharge from precip- itation. Although these sources also must be investi- Hydrogeologic information throughout most of gated, they are not discussed in detail here because the area is scant because of the sparse population and none is considered to contribute significant contamina- the difficulty and high cost associated with drilling tion to the regional ground-water flow system. wells to the extreme depths required to reach the regional water table. In contrast, some areas such as NTS and a few small agricultural regions in the lower REGIONAL FLOW SYSTEM Amargosa Desert have high concentrations of wells. These wells have provided useful information to many The NTS is within the southern Great Basin regional investigations, but many of the data were of region, an internally drained part of the Basin and limited value because wells were not constructed for Range physiographic province. The region is charac- the acquisition of hydrologic information. Thus, terized by low rainfall, intermittent streams, internal present interpretations of regional ground-water flow surface drainages, and large, sparsely distributed are limited by sparse and inconsistent hydrologic data, springs. Several major flow systems convey ground regarding water levels, water chemistry, and the water- water through this region (Rush, 1970; Harrill and bearing Characteristics of rocks.

8 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada 1 17'30' 1 17'00' 1 16'30' 116'00' 115'30'




36'00' Base prepared by U.S. Geological Survey from Geology modified from Streitz and M~LES digital data, 1:1OO,OOO 1979-89 0 20 Stinson (1974), and Stewart and ZoneUniversal 11 Transverse Mercator projection 0 10 20 KILOMETERS Carlson (1978)

EXPLANATION I]Valley fill -= Carbonate rock = Granitic rock Volcanic rock Clastic rock

--- Boundary of southwest Nevada volcanic field-Modified from Carr and others (1986,fig. 1) - - - Subsurface boundary of regional carbonate-rock aquifer-Approximate western limit of area where carbonate-rock aquifer is known to dominate ground-water flow system Nevada Test Site boundary

Figure 4. Surface distribution of rocks in and near Nevada Test Site. REGIONAL FLOW SYSTEM 9 Hydrogeologic Units until late Devonian time, about 370 Ma, when uplift west and north of NTS resulted in erosion of an off- Ground water flowing beneath NTS passes shore volcanic arc and deposition of thick Mississip- through a diverse assemblage of rocks @Is. 1 and 2) pian sandstones and shales in an active foreland basin that differ substantially in terms of stratigraphic age, (Poole, 1974; Poole and Sandberg, 1991;Cole and oth- lithologic composition, and water-bearing properties. ers, 1994). Compressional deformation during the These rocks form a complex three-dimensional frame- Sevier orogeny (about 150 to 100 Ma) produced work of ground-water conduits and barriers that can be regional thrusts, folds, and (probable) wrench faults described as hydrogeologic units (aquifers and confin- that fundamentally rearranged the positions of Paleo- ing units) on the basis df their ability to store and trans- zoic and older sedimentary rocks, both in terms of mit water (table 1). This framework differs ' depth and geographic distribution (Armstrong, 1968; significantly from a simple layer-cake model in that Barnes and Poole, 1968). Several lines of evidence (1) the initial geometric shape of the rock units ranges suggest that the Sevier orogenic zone, including NTS, from tabular to lenticular to cylindrical; (2) structural may have subsequently been extended by normal faults and erosional modifications have changed the thick: prior to the intrusion of minor granites at about 100 Ma ness and lateral continuity of most major rock units; (Hodges and 'Walker, 1992; Cole and others, 1993). (3) hydrothermal alteration, contact metamorphism, Following erosion throughout most of the early diagenesis, and thermal-mechanical effects of under- Tertiary period (65 to 30? Ma), the area in and around ground testing have modified rock-hydraulic properties NTS began to be pulled apart along low-angle normal to differing degrees locally; and (4) tectonic fracturing faults and strike-slip faults associated with the forma- has altered permeability along fault zones. tive stages of the modem Basin and Range structural Knowledge of this three-dimensional framework province (Guth, 1981,1990; Hamilton, 1988; has significant gaps, but regional studies provide the Wernicke and others, 1988; Cole and others, 1990). basis for predicting the locations of major regional Eruptions of the southwest Nevada volcanic field hydrogeologic units that convey most of the ground (fig. 4) began at about 16 Ma and continued without water within the upper 5,000 to 7,000 ft of the Earth's major interruption until about 8 Ma (Byers and others, crust. These major water-bearing units, first enumer- 1976; Sawyer and others, 1990; Sawyer and others, ated by Wmograd and Thordarson (1975), are revised 1994). Successive eruptions produced no less than somewhat here and designated (1) the basement confin- seven large and partially overlapping calderas, which ing unit, (2) the carbonate-rock aquifer, (3) the Eleana were filled with lava flows and blanketed by vast confining unit, (4) the volcanic aquifers and confining deposits of tuff. In the central subsided block of the units, and (5) the valley-fill aquifer (table 2). Although Silent Canyon caldera complex beneath Pahute Mesa, each of these regional units has internal complexities for example, volcanic rock accumulated to a depth of and although different parts of the NTS region are more than 13,000 ft (Byers and others, 1976). Exten- strongly influenced by different combinations of units, sion continued during and after volcanic activity and these major subdivisions are useful descriptive ele- caused further tilting and lateral translation of major ments of the overall conceptual framework. upper crustal blocks in some places. Modem alluvial The rocks that make up these major regional basins (about 10 Ma to present) have progressively hydrogeologic units include parts of a thick sequence filled with as much as 4,000 ft of coarse gravel and (more than 35,000 ft) of Paleozoic and older sedimen- sand, and locally fine grained playa-lake deposits of tary rocks (about 600 to more than 280 million years silt and clay. before present Ma]), local intrusive bodies of Creta- The lowermost 10,000 ft of the pre-Tertiary ceous granite (about 100 Ma), a thick and variable section consists of Eocambrian to Middle Cambrian assemblage of Miocene volcanic rocks (about 16 to quartzite, micaceous quartzite, and siltstone. Together 8 Ma), and locally thick deposits of post-volcanic these units make up subregional quartzite confining gravel and sand that fill the valleys (Frizzell and unit (table 2) that functions as the lower confining zone Shulters, 1990). (hydrologic basement) throughout much of the Death Major structural events also have left their Valley flow system because of its generally low water- imprint on the rocks of the area. This region of the transmitting characteristics. Where exposed by uplift in western United States was a stable continental margin the northern IMfpint, Groom, Papoose, and Desert

10 Summary of Hydrogeologlc Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Tast Site, Nye County, Nevada

- -__ - ~ - Table 1. Principal stratigraphic and associated hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity

[Based on information from Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, table 1; Wmograd and Thordarson. 1975. table 1; Byers and others, 1976; Cole and others. 1990; Sawyer and others, 1990; Sawyer and others, 1994; and R.G.Warren. Los Alamos National Laboratory, written commun.. 19911

Stratigraphic unit' Principal lithology2 Hydrogeologic unit3 Known or inferred hydrologic significance4

~ ienerally unsaturated except in deepest structuralbasins at YuccaFlat, Frenchman Flat, Emigrant Valley, and -fill deposits Desert. Saturated thickness highly vari- Gravel and sand (eolian sand able and can exceed 1,000 locally; local Valley-fill aquifer ft [Qa, QTa, Qp, Qe, Qcl and lakebed deposits) Miocene to Quaternary source of recharge to regional carbonate- rock aquifer. Fine-grained lakebed depos- its present in Ash Meadows area may inhibit regional flow and divert ground water to surface [AM, OV, AFFCR] Basalt Basalt in thin flows, dikes, ienerally unsaturated; dikes and local flows [Qbt QTh "J31 and cinder cones nlC may influence local ground-water move- Miocene to Quaternary ment [OV, AFFCR, AM]

Thirsty Canyon Group Variable welded peralkaline ~ ienerally unsaturated; may contain local [Ttl rhyolite ash-flow tuff Welded-tuff aquifer perched water in Pahute Mesa and 9.4 Ma (trachyte lava) beneath Oasis Valley IOV. AFFCRl ienerally unsaturated except in Oasis Val- Variable welded ash-flow tuff Ammonia Tanks Tuff Welded-tuff aquifer ley and possibly Jackass Flats [OV, (bedded tuff) AFFCR?] Rhyolite of aquifer in northwestern part of Timber Rhyolite lava >ava-flowaquifer mal Timber Mountain Group Tannenbaum Hill Mountain caldera [AFFCR, OV] [Tml Variably welded ash-flow Bajor aquifer in deeper parts of Yucca Flat, 12.5-11.5 Ma tuff CP Basin, Frenchman Flat, and Jackass Rainier Mesa Tuff (nonwelded tuff; rhyolite Welded-tuff aquifer lava) Flats, and in western Pahute Mesa and Oasis Valley [AM, AFFCR, OV] Pre-Rainier Mesa Rhyolite lava (nonwelded ha-flow aquifer mal aquifers in Pahute Mesa and at Yucca rhyolites ND Mountain [AFFCR] ienerally unsaturated, may form local aqui- Post-Tiva Canyon Rhyolite lava (nonwelded fers in fault blocks in western and central Lava-flow aquifer rhyolites tuff) Pahute Mesa; contains perched water else- where [OV,AFFCR] Variably welded ash-flow tajor aquifer in Pahute Mesa and Jackass tuff Velded-tuff aquifer Tiva Canyon Tuff (nonwelded tuff; locally Flats; confining unit where nonwelded in confining unit) Paintbrush Group ZWlitized) (tuff Yucca Flat [AFFCR, AM] PPI Middle Paintbrush aa-flow aquifer 12.8-12.7 Ma Group rhyolites Rhyolite lava (welded ash- (welded-tuff aquifers in Pahute Mesa; minor con- (includes rhyolites flow tuff; nonwelded mal tuff, aquifer; fining unit at Yucca Mountain [AFFCR] of Echo Peak and locally zeolitized) tuff confining unit) Silent Canyon) Variably welded ash-flow lajor aquifer in western Pahute Mesa, Jack- tuff Velded-tuff aquifer Topopah Spring Tuff (nonwelded locally Flats, southern Yucca Flat, CP Basin, tuff, (tuffconfining unit) ass Zeolitized) and Frenchman Flat [OV, AFFCR, AMI Ava-flow aquifer, Rhyolite lava and nonwelded lajor aquifer in central and western Pahute confining unit Mesa; major confining unit in eastern Volcanics of Area 20 commonly zeolitized tuff Calico Hills Formation tuff, (welded-tuff (welded Pahute Mesa, Yucca Mountain, Jackass [Tal tuff) aquifer) Flats, and Yucca Flat [AFFCR, OV?] 12.9 Ma lajor aquifer in eastern and central Pahute Rhyolite of Inlet Rhyolite lava ha-flow aquifer Mesa [AFFCR,OV?]

REGIONAL FLOW SYSTEM 11 Table 1. Principal stratigraphic and associated hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity-continued

1 I I Stratigraphic unit' Principal IItholo$ Hydrogeologic unit3 Known or inferred I I I hydrologic-- significance4 Confining unit west of Frenchman Flat and Wahmonie Formation Andesite and dacite volcanic Tuff confining unit in Jackass Flats; contains perched water m1 breccia (lava; nonwelded (lava-flow aquifer near Cane Springs and Pavits Spring; thin 13.0 Ma tuff) or confining unit?) confining unit in Yucca Flat [AM, AFFCR] Variably welded ash-flow tuff Major aquifer at Yucca Mountain; confining Prow Pass Tuff (nonwelded aquifer unit where nonwelded in Yucca Flat and tuff, 'Onfining unit) commonly zeolitized) Rainier Mesa [AFFCR, AM] Local aquifers in Pahute Mesa; confining IRhyolite lava (latite lava; Middle units Lava-flow aquifer units where nonwelded and Crater Flat Group nonwelded tuff) zeolitized [TCI [AFFCI/AMl 13.25-13.1Ma Variably welded ash-flow tuff Major aquifer at Yucca Mountain; major BUogTuff (nonwelded aquifer unit in Pahute Mesa [AFFCR, tuff, (tuff confining unit) commonly zeolitized) Major aquifer at Yucca Mountain [AFFCR, TllUXlTuff Variably welded ash-flow tuff Welded-tuff aquifer AMI ~~~ Rhyolite lava and variably IDeadhorse Flat welded ash-flow tuff Lava-flow aquifer; Major aquifers in eastern Pahute Mesa Belted Range Group Formation (nonwelded tuff, welded-tuff aquifer [AFFCR,OV?] m1 commonly mlitized) 13.85-13.6 Ma Peralkaline welded ash-flow Welded-tuff aquifer Local aquifer in Yucca Flat and Pahute (nonwelded tuff tuff, confining unit) Mesa [AFFCR, AM, OVI commonlv mlitized) (tuff Tunnel Formation Major confining unit in Rainier Mesa and Nonwelded commonly tuff, Tuff confiningunit Yucca Flat; contains perched water at [Tnl zeolitized about 14 Ma Rainier Mesa [AFFCR, AMI Rhyolite of Quartet Local aquifer in eastern Pahute Mesa I Peralkaline rhyolite lava Lava-flow aquifer [AFFCRI Volcanics of BizY Dome Dome I I [Tu1 Local aquifer in northern Yucca Flat and in about 15 Ma Tub Spring Tuff Variably welded ash-flow tuff Welded-tuff aquifer parts of Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa I rmcR AMI Confining unit in Rainier Mesa and Yucca Tunnel bed 2 and Nonwelded commonly tuff, confining unit Flat; contains perched water at Rainier Tunnelbedl ZeOlitiZed Tuff Mesa [AFFCR,.- AMI Older volcanics Major confining unit where nonwelded in southern Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat; [To1 Red Rock Valley Variably welded ash-flow Tuff confining unit local aquifers in northern Yucca Flat, 16-15 Ma Tuff, Fraction tuff; nonwelded commonly (welded-tuff southern Rainier Mesa, and parts of and pre- tuff, Tuff, ZeOlitiZed Pahute Mesa. Unit locally includes ash- fraction tuffs aquifer) flow tuffs of older mid-Tertiary volcanic centers [AFFCR, AM] Tuffaceous sandstone; local PavitsSpringFormation Significanceunknown; mapped as an infor- conglomerate and siltstone mal unit east, south, and west of French- [Tsl (ash-fall lacustrine dC Miocene tuff; man Flat; partly coeval with some other limestone) volcanic units [AM] Horse Spring Formation Conglomerate and tuffaceous Significanceunknown; mapped as an infor- [Tsl sandstone (lacustrine dC mal unit south and west of Frenchman mid-Tertiary limestone; ash-fall tuff) Flat along Rock Valley fault system [AM]

12 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

-. Table 1. Principal stratigraphic and associated hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity-continued Known or Inferred Stratigraphic unit' Principal lithology2 lydrogeologic unit: hydrologic significance4 ,ocally very porous; thickness variable along basal contact of Tertiary section; only known from Yucca Flat and Rainier nlC Mesa areas; hydrologic significance uncertain but known to act as a local con- fining unit in Yucca Flat [AM, AFFCR] Lelatively impermeable; forms local cylin- Granite drical stocks north of Rainier Mesa and nlC [Kgl Porphyritic momgranite Yucca Flat; locally yields water from frac- Cretaceous ture zones [AFFCR, AM] Tippipah Limestone Thin-bedded limestone Jpper carbonate-rock mal aquifer in western Yucca Flat; limited [PIPtl (pebble conglomerate) aquifer lateral extent [AMI Chiefly Pennsylvanian dajor confining unit along boundary Eleana Formation Siliceous siltstone; chert between AFFCR and AM subbasins in [MDel sandstone; cobble western Yucca Flat and northern Jackass and Chainman Shale conglomerate (shale; neana confining unit Flats; saturated thickness variable and can [Mchl quartzite; bioclastic exceed 5,OOO ft at some locations; locally Chiefly Mississippian limestone) yields water from fracture zones in quartz- ite and limestone [AFFCR, AMI

Guilmette Formation Limestone, locally sandy and [Dgl dolomitic Devonian Simonson Dolomite Legional carbonate-rock aquifer; saturated Dolomite, locally silty or thickness can exceed 15,000 ft; conveys [Dsl most ground water in Yucca Flat-French- Devonian cherty . man Flat area and along Rock Valley fault Sevy, Laketown, aLd Lone Mountain Dolomite; I system; principal aquifer throughout Ash Roberts Mountain Formation; dolomite of Meadows subbasin; significant aquifer in Spotted Range southern part of Yucca Mountain and lvarious s~mbolsl south into AFFCR subbasin [AM, Chiefly Shrian Ad Devonian AFFCR] Ely Springs Dolomite [Oesl Dolomite, cherty dolomite Ordovician Eureka Quartzite awer carbonate-rock [Oel , Siliceous orthoquartzite aquifer Ordovician Pogonip Group Limestone and silty heto displacement low-angle faults, limestone (dolomite) on Ordovician carbonate rock of these stratigraphic units occur locally out of stratigraphic Nopah Formation Limestone and dolomite, order above Eleana Formation or Chain- ' locally cherty and silty; [en1 man Shale; in such situations, structural Dunderberg Shale at base p Cambrian blocks of these units do not form lower Dolomite and limestone (silty carbonate-rock aquifer, but rather act sim- dolomite; chert) ilar to upper carbonate-rock aquifer

Carrara Formation [a [upper part] Limestone and silty limestom Cambrian I

REGIONAL FLOW SYSTEM 13 Table 1. Principal stratigraphic and associated hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity-Continued Known or inferred Stratigraphic unit' Principal lithology2 Hydrogeologic unit3 hydrologic significance4

~~ Carrara Formation Shale and siltstone I€Cl (limestone and quartzite) Cambrian Zabriskie Quartzite Wdespread confining unit that forms hydro- [CZI Siliceous orthoquartzite logic basement throughout much of south- Cambrian em Nevada; saturated thickness can exceed 10,000 ft; forms major barrier to Wood Canyon Formation Mica&ous siltstone and lateral ground-water flow in northeastern orthoquartzite (dolomite; [awl Yucca Flat, south of Oasis Valley near Cambrian and Eocambrian pebbly quartzite) Beatty, and south of Ash Meadows: Stirling Quartzite Siliceous orthoquaazite and locally yields substantial water from frac- [a1 micaceous siltstone tured quartzite or fault zones in northem Eocambrian (quartzite conglomerate) Yucca Flat [OV, AFFCR, AM] Johnnie Formation Siliceous orthoquartzite and [Zjl micaceous siltstone (silty Eocambrian limestone) Noonday Dolomite Cnown only from bottom of deep drillhole [Zn?] Dolomite n/C UE-15d in northern Yucca Hat; strati- Eocambrian graphic identity uncertain (Barnes, 1962)

Map symbol shown in brackets. Approximate age given in millions of yean ago (Ma) or indicated by geologic system Rock type listed in order of decreasing prevalence; minor but significant rock types listed in parentheses. Hydrogeologicunits in order of decreasing prevalence. Stratigraphic classification of Tertiary volcanic rocks is based on age and composition. Litho- logic and hydrologic properties may be extremely variable from place to place. dc, stratigraphic unit has not been characterized as a hydrogeologic unit, gen- erally because its presence in the unsaturated zone is minor. 4Codein brackets at end of entry gives ground-water subbasin or subbasins in which stratigraphic units is prevalent. AFFCR, Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch; AM, Ash Meadows; and OV, Oasis Valley. Query indicates uncertainty regarding presence or significance of unit in subbasin.

Table 2. Nomenclature for hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity

~ ~~ Regional Subregional Equivalent previous units hydrogeologic unit hydrogeologlc unit (Winograd and Thordarson, 1975) Valley-fill aquifer Valley-fill aquifer' Valley-fill aquifer _-_l_---.lll-I--....------. -I Welded-tuff aquiferr-"-""'- Welded-tuff aquifer Volcanic-rock aquifer Bedded-tuff aquifer Lava-flow aquiferl---'--.- Lava-flow aquifer I_. IWF confining unitf------'--' 'Mf aquitard Volcanic confining unit Lava-flow aquitard -...... Nd Granite' Minor aquitard N/R2 Upper carbonate-rock aquifer' Upper carbonate-rock aquifer Eleana confining unit Eleana confining unit Upper clastic aquitard Carbonate-rock aquifer_.-. Lower carbonate-rock aquifer -Lower carbonate-rock aquifer Basement confinineunit ou&te confining unit Lower clastic aauitard Due to original lenticular or interlayed fom of constituent rock bodies. or due to,geometric modifications caused by faulting or folding, or both, these hydrogeologic units generally consist of more than one disconnected or partially connected aquifer or con- fining unit. NIR, no regional hydrogeologic unit is recognized because corresponding subregional units have limited areal extent and do not substantially effect regional ground-water flow.

14 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Ranges, the northwestern Spring Mountains, and the One assemblage consists of Pennsylvanian limestone north end of Bare Mountain, the quartzite confining (Tippipah Limestone in table 1) that depositionally . unit impedes the movement of ground water Wio- overlies the Chainman Shale in the core of a syncline grad and Thordarson, 1975, pl. 1). Its effectiveness as along the western margin of Yucca Flat. The second a barrier is evidenced by steep hydraulic gradients assemblage consists of older heterogeneous carbonate across these exposures (pl. 1; Waddell and others, rocks that lie structurally above the Eleana confining 1984, pl. 3). unit as a result of thrust faulting or low angle normal Cambrian through Devonian rocks that make up faulting (Cole and others, 1990,1994). The lateral the lower (regional) carbonate-rock aquifer consist of extent and hydraulic connection of these rock assem- 15,000 ft of dolomite, interbedded limestone, and thin blages are largely unknown. In many locations east and but persistent shale and quartzite layers. These carbon- south of NTS, the Eleana confining unit is not present ate rocks are the most transmissive materials within the and all Paleozoic carbonate rocks, regardless of age, Death Valley flow system because they are soluble in function as a single integrated hydrogeologic unit and ground water (Dettinger, 1989, p. 5) and because late are collectively denoted the regional carbonate-rock Cenozoic tectonic activity in the region has created aquifer in this report. abundant secondary permeability in fractures (wino- The rocks that make up the volcanic aquifers and grad and Thordarson, 1975, p. 74). This aquifer is par- volcanic confining units generally are restricted geo- ticularly important to the movement of water between graphically to the area of the southwest Nevada volca- the underground test areas of Yucca and Frenchman nic field (fig. 4). This Miocene rhyolitic eruptive center Flats and discharge areas in Ash Meadows and Death produced an overlapping complex of roughly cylindri- Valley (fig. 4). Thin confining beds contained within cal caldera vents in the general area of Timber Moun- the aquifer, such as the Dunderberg Shale and Eureka tain and Pahute Mesa, and laterally extensive tabular Quartzite (table l), do not appear to be regionally effec- outflow sheets of welded tuff (Byers and others, 1976). tive confining units because faulting has disrupted their Water-bearing properties of these volcanic deposits are continuity; however, they may impede ground-water governed chiefly by the mode of eruption and cooling, flow locally (Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, p. 74). by the extent of primary and secondary fracturing, and Whereas the quartzite confining unit and the by the degree to which secondary alteration (crystalli- lower carbonate-rock aquifer are regionally extensive, zation of volcanic glass and zeolite alteration) have the Eleana confining unit forms a narrow arcuate band affected primary permeability. The volcanic units, in the subsurface that persists along the west side of therefore, tend to be geometrically complex, and their Yucca Flat to CP Hills, where it swings westward hydrologic characteristics more difficult to predict than across northern Jackass Flats and the north end of the pre-Tertiary sedimentary rocks, because strati- Yucca Mountain to Bare Mountain (fig. 4). The Eleana graphic position does not correlate with hydrologic Formation, for which the unit is named, consists of properties (table 1). Dense rocks with abundant frac- low-permeability siliceous siltstone, sandstone, and tures make up the main elements of the volcanic aqui- conglomerate (minor limestone) that may be as thick as fers, which consist of welded-tuff sheets outside the 6,500 ft along the axis of the arc. The EleanaFormation calderas and lava flows and thick welded-tuff bodies grades laterally into the Chainman Shale (possibly within the calderas. The confining units are formed 4,000 ft thick; Cole and others, 1994) toward the east generally by the zeolitically altered nonwelded-tuff and south as a result of primary depositional facies units, which are more common in the older, deeper trends. Rocks of equivalent Mississippian age near parts of the volcanic section (Winograd and Thordar- Mercury are less than 1,300 ft thick and composed son, 1975, p. 44; Byers and others, 1976). chiefly of limestone that was deposited on a carbonate Valley-fill aquifers are formed by detrital gravel bank (Poole and others, 1961; Barnes and others, and sand that fill modem basins of the area. These aqui- 1982). fers are characterized by high porosity and permeabil- lbo assemblages of rocks, designated as the ity where saturated, but few basins are deep enough upper carbonate-rock aquifer, are present in a few loca- that a significant volume of alluvium is beneath the tions within the Death Valley ground-water flow sys- water table. Downgradient from NTS testing areas, tem and probably do not exert significant control on the the alluvium is saturated only in central and southern regional flow of ground water in the NTS region. Yucca Flat, in Frenchman Flat, in Jackass Flats, and in

REGIONAL FLOW SYSTEM 15 the Amargosa Desert. The valley-fill aquifer may be areas (fig. 2). The regional carbonate-rock aquifer important in Oasis Valley, southwest of the Pahute is the major aquifer in the subbasin (pls. 1 and 2), Mesa test area, but little is known of the subsurface although the valley-fill aquifer in the Ash Meadows geology. region and the valley-fill and volcanic aquifers at Emi- grant Valley, Yucca Flat, and Frenchman Flat also are important locally. Ground-Water and Subbasins Flow Ground water in the subbasin discharges at Ash Regional interpretations of ground-water flow Meadows from a line of springs about 10 mi long that within the NTS area are based on the concept of generally coincides with the trace of a buried fault. The ground-water subbasins. A ground-water subbasin spring line is about 40 mi downgradient of the Yucca defines the area that contributes water to a major sur- Flat underground test area. Springflow has been esti- face discharge. Subbasins are delineated primarily on mated at 17,000 acre-ft/yr (Walker and Eakin, 1963, the basis of (1) the location of major discharge areas p. 21-24; Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, p. 78). (springs and wet playas), (2) the location of recharge These springs support many plants indigenous to this areas (zones of substantial precipitation), (3) occur- area only. Devils Hole, a collapse feature along a local rences of rocks with low water-transmitting potential fault, provides the only natural habitat for the endan- (low permeability), (4) regional hydraulic gradients gered Devils Hole pupfish. determined from measurements of water level, and Water also leaves the subbasin through evapo- (5) comparisons of the chemical and isotopic composi- transpiration (pls. 1 and 2). Annual evapotranspiration tion of water. Ground-water levels near NTS range in from the Ash Meadows area has been estimated at altitude from about 6,000 ft beneath the Kawich Range 10,500 acre-fi (Walker and Eakin, 1963, p. 21-24; to below sea level at Death Valley @1. 1). Four major Winograd and Pordarson, 1975, p. 84). The estimate areas of ground-water discharge are downgradient of is based on trahspiration rates determined for similar NTS-the Oasis Valley and Ash Meadows discharge phreatophytes found in other arid regions. Winograd areas in Nevada, and the Alkali Flat and Death Valley and Thordarson (1975, p. 84) suggest that the source of (Furnace Creek Ranch) discharge areas in California. evapotranspired water is primarily recycled spring- Ground water beneath NTS is likely to flow to flow; but they do not dismiss the possibility that some each of the discharge areas mentioned above. Three ground water available to plants in the areas may be principal ground-water subbasins were identified derived instead by shallow ground water fed by upflow within the NTS region by Waddell and others (1984, from the underlying carbonate-rock aquifer, nor do p. 36). The subbasins, named for their downgradient they reject the possibility that their estimates of annual discharge areas, are (1) Ash Meadows, (2) Oasis Val- transpiration may be low. Another likely area of evapo- ley, and (3) Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch (pl. 1). transpiration is northeast of Ash Meadows around Subbasin delineation is based on sparse and inconsis- Amargosa Flat (fig. 1, pl. 1). Here, like Ash Meadows, tent data and the exact location of subbasin boundaries the water table is less than a few tens of feet and is in is not known precisely. Subbasins, as shown on plate 1, the valley-fill'aquifer. Water levels are maintained pri- are intended only to illustrate regional flow concepts, marily by upflow from the underlying carbonate-rock and should not be used to infer or estimate specific flow aquifer. The community of phreatophytes present paths. The general characteristics of each subbasin are around the eastern edge of the playa are supported summarized in table 3. by, and transpire, the shallow ground water. Although evapotranspiration has not been directly quantified Ash Meadows Subbasin from this area, Winograd and Thordarson (1975, p. 84-85) believe annual upflow into the valley-fill The Ash Meadows subbasin includes the eastern half of NTS and adjoins the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek aquifer to be less than 1,000 acre-ft. Ranch subbasin along its western boundary (pl. 1).The Ground water is withdrawn from wells scattered subbasin covers an area of about 4,000 mi2 that throughout the Ash Meadows subbasin. Pumped wells includes Yucca Flat, Frenchman Flat, and parts of Sho- on NTS within the subbasin are used to withdraw shone Mountain and Rainier Mesa underground test about 50 percent of the facility's total water needs

16 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Table 3. General Characteristics of ground-water subbasins of Nevada Test Site and vicinity

[NTS,Nevada Test Site] Ground-water Surface area Relation to NTS Principal water- subbasin (square miles) underground test areas bearing rocks Inflow' Outflow' Oasis Valley 550 Includes westemmost part of Welded tuffs and lava flow; Precipitationrecharge near Black Springflow and evapotranspira- [OVI Pahute Mesa test area in valley-fill alluvium locally Mountain; subsurface inflow from tion at Oasis Valley; subsurface northwestern NTS important at Gold Flat and Cactus Flat outflow to AFFCR south of Oasis Valley ...... Beatty, Nev. ....- ".."...I...... "...... "1.1".."" ..... "..-..""."""".-".-....-..."...... ".... "_...... I"._...... I...... _."."...... I..." I "I...... -" --.. "I.".I"""."..""".." ...-... Alkali Flat-Furnace 2,800 Includes most of Pahute Mesa Welded tuffs and lava flows Precipitation recharge at Belted Springflow at Death Valley and Creek Ranch and all Buckboard Mesa and in test areas; limestone, Range, Kawich Range, Quinn evapotranspiration from Alkali [AFFCRI Dome Mountain test areas dolomite, and valley-fill Canyon Range, Pahute Mesa, and Flat and Death Valley in western NTS; Rainier alluvium south of test areas Rainier Mesa and possibly at Mesa and Shoshone and at discharge area Timber Mountain and Fortymile Mountain test areas are Wash; subsurface inflow from along boundary between Cactus Flat and from across AFFCR and AM discharge areas of OV and AM ...-"."....".^I...... I.."...... "1.1""" ...... I...... I...... _.^I...... I"".....-...... "I." ...... 1... ".1...... I."" ..... *_..".... _.I...... "-""I"...... _...... I.... I II... I ...... Ash Meadows 4,000 Includes all Yucca Flat and Welded and nonwelded tuffs, Precipitation recharge at Belted Springflow and evapotranspira- [AMI Frenchman Flat test areas in limestone, dolomites and Range, Reveille Range, Rainier tion at Ash Meadows spring central, eastern, and southern valley-fill alluvium in test Mesa, Timpahute Range, line; subsurface outflow beneath NTS;Rainier Mesa and areas; limestone, dolomite Pahranagat Range, Sheep Range, Ash Meadows to AFFCR Shoshone Mountain test and valley-fill alluvium Spring Mountains, and possibly at areas are along boundary south and west of test areas Desert Range; subsurface inflow between AM and AFFCR and at discharge areas from Railroad Valley and Pahranagat Valley

Based on information from Winognd and Thordarson (1975), Waddell and others (1984), and Hadl and others (1988). (D.B. Wood, U.S. Geological Survey, written com- who base their conclusion primarily on the presence mun., 1992). Downgradient of NTS, only a few wells of the basement confining unit at relatively shallow withdraw water-primarily for domestic purposes. depths. They €urther support their conclusion on the Precipitation recharges the subbasin along its basis of water chemistry contrasts: larger percentages northern boundary at the Belted, Reveille, Timpahute, of sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfate in Ash and Pahranagat Ranges, along its eastern boundary at Meadows water relative to Pahrump Valley water and the Sheep Range; and along its southern boundary at large differences in the deuterium content of water the Spring Mountains. Recharge also may occur within sampled from the two areas (Winograd and Friedman, the subbasin at higher mountains of the Spotted, Pint- 1972, p. 3701). Deuterium data also were used by these water, and Desert Ranges. Such a distribution of same investigators to support inflow (up to 35 percent recharge requires water to move long distances through of the total estimated discharge at Ash Meadows) from differing geologic environments before reaching Ash Pahranagat Vcalley northeast of the subbasin (fig. 1). Meadows. The mixed ionic and isotopic composition Inflow from Pahranagat Valley also is supported by of the springflow at Ash Meadows is supportive of other investigators using isotope and other chemical water originating or passing through differing rock data (Thomas, 1988; Sadler and others, 1992, table l), types (Winograd and Friedman, 1972; Winograd and but is not supported by flow model results presented by Pearson, 1976, p. 1130; Peterman and others, 1990). Prudic and others (1995, p. 63). Minor inflow from the Regional hydraulic gradients based on water- west across the Eleana confining unit and the carbonate level data indicate that water moves away from these rocks that underlie the confining unit at depth also has recharge areas toward Frenchman Flat, and then flows been suggested by Winograd and Thordarson (1975, southwest through the regional carbonate-rock aquifer p. 93) and Feeney and others (1987, fig. 6). toward the Ash Meadows discharge area @Is. 1 and 2). Subsurface outflow into the Alkali Flat-Furnace At Ash Meadows, water is diverted up to the surface Creek Ranch subbasin from rocks beneath the Ash by the presence of low-permeability rocks brought into Meadows spring line is probable. Estimated rates of contact with the regional carbonate-rock aquifer by subsurface outflow are few. Flow models have simu- a major buried fault (Dudley and Larson, 1976, lated rates that range between 0 and about 23 acre-Wyr p. 9-10). The valley-fill and volcanic aquifers in Emi- (Czamecki and Waddell, 1984, table 1; Prudic and oth- grant Valley, Yucca Flat, and Frenchman Flat provide ers, 1995, p. 62). Outflow across the boundary may local recharge to the regional carbonate-rock aquifer occur diffUsely across the fault zone that juxtaposes (Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, p. 49-62). lower permeability Cenozoic rocks against the regional The location of subbasin boundary is based on carbonate-rock aquifer, or possibly through carbonate limited hydrogeologic information, and thus, is the rocks that may be in direct contact across this fault at subject of differing scientific opinion. Other studies depth, or both (p1.1). Subsurface outflow is supported have proposed locations somewhat different from by geochemical data that indicate a similar isotopic and those shown on plate 1. Prudic and others (1995, p. 63) chemical composition for water sampled from the car- placed the eastern boundary of the subbasin further bonate-rock aquifer in central Amargosa Desert and at west along the Pintwater Range, thus excluding springs near Death Valley and Ash Meadows (Wino- recharge from the Sheep Range. Others have included grad and Friedman, 1972, p. 3704, Winograd and eastern Jackass Flats withii the Ash Meadows subba- Thordarson, 1975, p. 112). sin on the premise that water from eastern Jackass Flats and Rock Valley flows south toward Ash Meadows Oasis Valley Subbasin through faults in the basement co&g unit beneath Skeleton Hills and Specter Range (Winograd and Thor- The Oasis Valley subbasin is the smallest and darson, 1975, pl. 1). most western of the three subbasins (p1.1). The subba- Subsurface flow into the subbasin from across its sin measures about 550 mi2 and extends north from boundary is likely, although few quantitative estimates Oasis Valley to include the western part of Gold Flat, are available. Inflow to the subbasin from Pahrump Black Mountain, and parts of western and central Valley to the south had been proposed by Hunt and oth- Pahute Mesa. The subbasin adjoins the Alkali Flat- ers (1966, p. 28), but subsequently has been determined Furnace Creek Ranch subbasin on the east and includes doubtful by Wmograd and Thordarson (1975, p. 108), the western part of the Pahute Mesa underground test

18 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada area (pl. 1, fig. 2). Volcanic rocks are the dominant influences the interpretation of which, if any, tests at hydrogeologic units within the subbasin, although Pahute Mesa could contribute contaminated water to some alluvium is saturated in Gold Flat and Oasis Oasis Valley. Valley. Outflow from beneath Oasis Valley into the Ground water discharges from the Oasis Valley Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch subbasin is supported subbasin as springflow and evapotranspiration, prima- in the literature, but few quantitative estimates are rily at and along the flood plain of the given. Malmberg and Eakin (1962, p. 26) estimate and tributary drainages within Oasis Valley south to ground-water outflow at 400 acre-Wyr through a Beatty, Nev. The discharge area starts about 17 mi narrow veneer of valley fill that overlies the basement southwest of an'area of past underground testing on confining unit along the Amargosa River south of Pahute Mesa. Discharge has been estimated at 2,000 Beatty, Nev. Some outflow also may move into the acre-ftlyr by Malmberg and Eakin (1962, p. 25) on the low-permeability rocks that make up the basement basis of transpiration rates determined for similar confining unit. phreatophyte assemblages in other arid regions. Blan- kennagel and Weir (1973, p. 21) state that other esti- Alkali Fiat-Furnace Creek Ranch Subbasin mates, although unpublished and derived in part on the basis of total springflow, suggest discharge rates possi- The Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch subbasin bly two to three times higher. lies between the Ash Meadows and Oasis Valley sub- The basin provides water to ranches in upper basins (pl. 1). The subbasin is about 2,800 mi2and cov- Oasis Valley and residents of Springdale, Nev. Ground ers a large part of the western half of NTS, including water also is used by residents of Beatty, Nev., but its parts of Rainier Mesa, Pahute Mesa, and Shoshone use is limited by fluoride concentrations in wells and Mountain underground test areas @I. 1, fig 2). The sub- springs, which often exceed the maximum permitted basin is bounded on the north by hydrologic divides value. associated with recharge areas, on the east by a Precipitation recharges the subbasin primarily recharge divide and the Eleana confining unit, and along its northern boundary at the Cactus Range. locally on the west by subsurface structures that prob- Recharge from within the subbasin may occur at Black ably coincide with caldera-boundary faults. The princi- Mountain, Quartz Mountain, and Pahute Mesa. Water pal aquifers in the northern part of the subbasin are also enters the subbasin from the north beneath Cactus volcanic aquifers, whereas valley-fill and carbonate- Flat as subsurface inflow. Hydraulic gradients based on rock aquifers dominate in the southern part. Volcanic regional water-level data indicate that ground water rocks in the eastern half of the northern part of the sub- flows primarily south-southwestward through western basin are underlain by Paleozoic clastic and carbonate Gold Flat and central Pahute Mesa and into Oasis Val- rocks. ley (pl. 1). At Oasis Valley, water moving southward is Ground water discharges from the Alkali Flat- thought to be diverted upward by the basement confin- Furnace Creek Ranch subbasin primarily as evapora- ing unit, which is exposed nearby in Bullfrog Hills and tion from Alkali Flat and as springflow and evapotrans- in the northern part of Bare Mountain, and brought to piration near Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley. the surface along faults. However, specific controls on The subbasin provides about 50 percent of the NTS discharge are not known. water supply (D.B. Wood, U.S. Geological Survey, The boundary of the Oasis Valley subbasin is not written commun., 1992). Downgradient of NTS, the well defined. As shown in plate 1, the northern part of subbasin supplies water to the rural communities of the eastern boundary coincides approximately with a Amargosa Valley, Nev., and Death Valley Junction, limited-flow barrier suggested by Blankennagel and Calif., to a few ranches, farms, and mining operations Weir (1973, pl. 1). Other interpretations regard this bar- within the Amargosa Desert, and to private recreational rier as a local feature, and extend the eastern boundary establishments and Federal facilities within the Death as far east as the Kawich Range, thus including more of Valley National Park, Calif. Springflow from the sub- the Pahute Mesa test area, Timber Mountain, and Gold basin is a major source of water supporting the plant Flat within the subbasin (Malmberg and Eakin, 1962, and wildlife within Death Valley. Discharge from the pl. 3; Borg and others, 1976; White, 1979; White subbasin is difficult to separate from total discharge and Chuma, 1987). The location of this boundary throughout the Death Valley region. Waddell and

REGIONAL FLOW SYSTEM 19 others (1984, p. 38) estimate discharge from the subba- Death Valley ground-water flow system is estimated at sin at about 15,600 acre-ft/yr. Of this total, about 500 acre-ft/yr (Walker andEakin, 1963, p. 22; Waddell 10,000 acre-ft/yr (Walker and Eakin, 1963) discharges and others, 1984, p. 38). Outflow across this boundary at Alkali Flat and the remainder from springs and as could occur through the basement confining unit evaporation near Furnace Creek Ranch in Death beneath Eagle Mountain or through a veneer of valley Valley. fill along the hargosa River, or both. The location of Precipitation recharges the subbasin along its the southern part of the western boundary is highly sub- northern boundary at Kawich Range and Reveille jective. The reach of Amargosa River south of Beatty, Range, and along the northeastern boundary at Nev., and west of Bare Mountain is included within the Belted Range, Rainier Mesa, and Shoshone Mountain. subbasin. The position of this boundary implies that Recharge occurs from withii the subbasin throughout water beneath this area flows southeast, either through eastern Pahute Mesa and at the southern part of Kawich a thin section of valley-fill and volcanic aquifers Range. Precipitation falling on Timber Mountain and beneath the Amargosa Desert or the underlying the Funeral Mountains also may contribute some basement confining unit. recharge to the subbasin. Infiltration of surface runoff in the upper reaches of Fortymile Wash drainage during Flow Rates and Summary periods of moderate to intense precipitation has been proposed as another potential source of recharge (Czar- The rates of ground-water flow through these necki and Waddell, 1984, p. 10; Claassen, 1985, p. 21). subbasins are highly variable. A few estimates are Hydraulic gradients based on sparse water-level given in the literature. These estimates are based on measurements indicate that the principal flow direction (1) an analysis of regional water budgets in Pahute in the upgradient part of the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Mesa by Blankennagel and Weir (1973, p. 24-25) and Ranch subbasin is southward across eastern Pahute in Yucca Flat by Winograd and Thordarson (1975, Mesa and western Rainier Mesa (pl. 1). Data are insuf- p. 113-116); (2) an analysis of regional isotope (natural ficient to determine whether flow continues southward tracer) chemistries in the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek across Timber Mountain or is diverted around it toward Ranch subbasin downgradient of Yucca Mountain western Shoshone Mountain, Yucca Mountain, and (Claassen, 1985, p. 29) and in the carbonate-rock aqui- Jackass Flats into the Amargosa Desert. From the fer beneath Yucca Flat (winograd and Pearson, 1976); Amargosa Desert, water flows either southward into agd (3) forced-gradient tracer tests in the carbonate- Alkali Flat or southwest across the Funeral Mountains rock aquifer beneath the Amargosa Desert upgradient into Death Valley. At Alkali Flat, water flowing south- of Ash Meadows (Claassen and Cordes, 1975). Esti- ward is deflected to the southwest toward Death Valley mates differ by orders of magnitude, ranging from less or toward the surface by the basement confining unit than 0.1 to more than 100 ft/d. In general, results indi- beneath Eagle Mountain and Resting Spring Range. cate that the regional carbonate-rock aquifer has the Some water flowing westward across the Amargosa potential to transmit water at the fastest rate, the base- . Desert and beneath the Funeral Mountains is diverted ment and Eleana confining units at the slowest rate, and to the surface either by contact with less-permeable volcanic and valley-fill aquifers and confining units at lakebed and eolian deposits or by the basement confin- rates somewhere in between. Caution must be taken ing unit. The remaining water flows into Death Valley when applying any estimates over large distances and is discharged as springflow and through evapora- because a value is only specific to the area or point at * tive processes. which it was derived, and the validity of many assump- As with the other subbasins, the location of the tions inherent in the methods are uncertain. Alkali Flat-Fumace Creek Ranch subbasin boundary is The regional interpretation presented provides neither well established nor fully understood. Flow general information about the flow of ground water across the boundary, where common to Oasis Valley into, through, and out of NTS. Water enters NTS later- and Ash Meadows subbasins, was discussed previously ally as subsurface inflow and vertically as recharge

~ in the respective subbasin sections. Subsurface inflow from precipitation. Lateral inflow through volcanic from Cactus Flat and Reveille Valley may occur across aquifers occurs from the north at Gold Flat and Kawich the northern boundary. Subsurface outflow across the Valley, and through the regional carbonate-rock aquifer southern boundary into a downgradient subbasin of the from the east ‘and southeast. Precipitation falling on

20 Summary of Hydrogeologlc Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada eastern Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa and possibly considered probable sources of direct ground-water Shoshone Mountain and Timber Mountain percolates contamination. Underground tests detonated at greater downward through unsaturated rock, locally recharg- distances above the pre-test water table, but within 2-5 ing the ground-water flow system. Ground-water cavity radii may have explosively introduced contami- leaves NTS primarily along its western and southern nants into the ground-water flow system and are boundaries flowing toward one of the major discharge summed with previous categories to provide a compar- areas. This interpretation is highly generalized and ative measure of the maximum number of tests likely does not define specific subsurface paths through to have introduced contaminants into the ground-water which water flows or through which a contaminant flow system. Tabulated sums given in table 4 should be may be transported, nor does it describe the spatial viewed as approximations and should not be consid- variability of the physical and chemical properties that ered to represent the actual known number. The test control the rate at which ground water or a contaminant areas where test-generated contaminants have the moves along a flow path. The following section pro- greatest likelihood of being introduced into the ground- vides a more detailed description of ground-water flow water flow system are Yucca Flat, Pahute Mesa, and in the major areas of underground testing. Frenchman Flat. The following sections present hydrologic and geologic information pertinent to understanding the UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS likely pathways of ground-water movement within and away from the major test areas. Minor test areas, those The underground testing of nuclear weapons is where only a few tests were detonated above the water the principal mechanism by which contaminants have table, are not discussed. YuccaFlat and Frenchman Flat been introduced into the subsurface at NTS. Through are discussed together on the basis of many hydrogeo- September 1992,828 underground nuclear tests have logic similarities, as are Pahute Mesa and Rainier been detonated (U.S. Department of Energy, 1994). Mesa. Generally, testing has been confined to specific regions designated as Yucca Flat, Pahute Mesa, Rainier Mesa, Frenchman Flat, Shoshone Mountain, Buckboard Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat Mesa, and Dome Mountain test areas (fig. 2, table 4). The large majority of these tests were detonated in Yucca Flat, Pahute Mesa, and Rainier Mesa. The Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat underground test areas (fig. 2) are in topographically closed basins The effects of detonating a nuclear device under- of the same name delineations are approxi- ground are complex and are discussed in a later section (basin mately equivalent to hydrographic areas’ shown on “Effects of Underground Testing on Ground-Water pl. 3) in the eastern part of the and lie entirely Flow.” Determining locations where test-generated NTS within the Ash Meadows ground-water subbasin (table byproducts have contaminated the ground-water flow 3, pls. 2 and 3). Together these basins have provided system are difficult because there exists few measure- locations for underground nuclear tests ments or observations of contaminant occurrence. 671 (U.S. Department of Energy, 1994). Of this total, at least 144 Table 4 provides an estimate of the number of tests that and many 236 tests were detonated at depths suf- have potentially introduced contaminants into the as as ficient to have introduced contaminants directly into ground-water flow system. The estimate is based on the depth of tests relative to the pre-test water table and the ground-water flow system (table 4). explosive yields, which largely determine the size of the initial cavity that results from instantaneous melt- ‘Formal hydrographic areas in Nevada were delineated sys- ing of the surrounding rock. Underground tests deto- tematically by the U.S. Geological Survey and Nevada Division of nated below the pre-test water table and those tests Water Resources in the late 1960’s (Rush, 1968; Cardinalli and whose shock-melt cavity extends to a depth below the others, 1968) for scientific and administrative purposes. The offi- cial hydrographic-area names, numbers, and geographic bound- pre-test water table are considered certain sources of aries continue to be used in Geological Survey scientific reports direct contamination to the ground-water flow system. and Division of Water Resources administrativeactivities. See Underground tests detonated above the water table but index map, plate 1, for hydrographic areas in and near the Nevada within 2 cavity radii of the pre-test water table are Test Site.

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 21 Table 4. Distribution of underground tests relative to water table and estimated number of tests that have introduced test-generated contaminants into the ground-water flow system by major test area at the Nevada Test Site working point is depth at which nuclear device is detonated; water table is estimated or measured altitude of regional water table prior to under- ground test; cavity radius (CR) is estimated or measured radius of cavity formed after underground test (typically determined by post-shot drilling as distance between working point and lower surface of the radioactive glass “puddle” formed in bottom of cavity). Source is U.S. Department of Energy (1994). Calculations based on measurements of cavity radius, and on working-point and static borehole water-level depths, as summarized in classified listing of test parameters (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, written commun., 1991). Number of underground tests Location of working point relative to water table Tests that Introduced contaminants into ground-water Above flow system

NTS Less than Greater than one and Greater than two and Greater Certain area or equal less than or equal less than or equal than or (figure 2) Below to CR to two CR to five CR’ five CR probable2 Maximum3 Total4 Yucca Flat 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 2 19 10 6 21 81 35 56 137 3 9 5 12 43 183 26 69 252 4 16 3 2 5 8 21 26 34 6 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 5 7 30 8 8 6 10 46 52 62 8 0 1 0 1 8 1 2 10 9 1 2 1 5 90 4 9 99 10 1 2 2 6 45 5 11 56 15 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 Subtotal 76 31 31 88 435 138 226 661 Pahute Mesa 19 14 15 3 2 2 32 34 36 20 20 22 3 1 3 45 46 49 Subtotal 34 37 6 3 5 77 80 85 Rainier Mesa 12 0 0 0 0’ 62 0 0 62 Frenchman Flat 5 1 2 1 1 0 4 5 5 11 0 1 1 3 0 2 5 5 Subtotal 1 3 2 4 0 6 10 10 Shoshone Mesa 16 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 Buckboard Mesa 18 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 Dome Mountain 30 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Total 111 71 39 95 512 221 316 828 Zone includes region of widespread fracturing caused by detonation. Category defined as tests that certainly or probably have introduced test-generated contaminants directly into ground-water flow system; includes all tests detonated below water table and detonated above but within two cavity radii of water table. Category defined as the maximum number of tests (includes certain or probable category) likely to have introduced test-generated contaminants into ground-water flow system; includes all tests detonated below water table and detonated above but within five cavity radii of water table. Category includes all underground (and shallow cratering) tests. Number of tests is less than total number of detonations at Nevada Test Site because some tests include multiple detonations (US.Department of Energy, 1994). 22 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Tests at both locations have been detonated pri- they do not appear to be significant hydrologic units. marily in alluvium or in volcanic rocks. A few larger The estimated stratigraphic thickness of the quartzite tests were detonated in the underlying carbonate rocks confining unit is more than 10,000 ft and for all practi- beneath northern Yucca Flat during early years of the cal purposes, it forms the hydrologic basement. The testing program and three small tests were detonated in confining unit dips at moderate inclination (15 to 30 granite just north of Yucca Flat at the Climax stock degrees) toward the west-southwest beneath the central (fig. 4; U.S. Department of Energy, 1994). As indicated part of the Yucca Flat basin as a result of tilt& on the in table 4, testing near or below the water table was Carpetbag-Yucca fault system. Little is known of the fairly common in the Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat physical and hydraulic characteristics of these rocks at test areas. depth, but results from a few wells suggest that brecci- ated fault zones may locally yield significant amounts Hydrogeologic Units of water (Harley Barnes, U.S. Geological Survey, writ- ten comm., 1962; Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, The geologic settings of Yucca Flat and French- p. 41). Brittle quartzites tend to be intensely fractured man Flat are discussed together in this section because relative to micaceous and shaley units, but outcrop they are similar and the hydrogeologic units in each are observations indicate that fractures in quartzite are sus- comparable. The eastern part of Yucca Flat basin (loca- ceptible to resealing by silica and carbonate cement. tion of more than 90 percent of Yucca Flat underground The lower carbonate-rock aquifer is a thick nuclear tests) contains alluvium above a tuff, which in turn overlies carbonate rock @Is. 2 and 3). At French- assemblage of interbedded dolomite and limestone that man Flat, alluvium overlies a thinner sheet of volcanic was deposited throughout the region between early rock that thins systematically eastward and southward Cambrian and late Middle Devonian time. The individ- (pls. 2 and 3); alluvium may directly overlie volcanic ual formations generally show fairly constant thickness rock or carbonate rock along the southernmost and and parallel contacts because deposition was continu- westernmost margins of the basin @Is. 2 and 3; Carr ous on the gently subsiding shelf of the North Ameri- and others, 1975; Barnes and others, 1982). can continent. The aggregate stratigraphic thickness of The pre-Tertiary rocks in this region comprise carbonate rock is about 15,000 ft, although the effec- the quartzite confining unit, the lower and upper tive thickness below the water table may be quite dif- carbonate-rock aquifers, and the Eleana confining unit ferent at any given location due to thrust repetition or (tables 1 and 2). Minor cylindrical intrusions of Creta- tilting, and to subsequent extensional faulting. The ceous granite north of Yudca Flat are considered con- carbonate rocks generally dip west-southwest beneath fining units on the basis of the low primary porosity the eastern side of Yucca Flat and are known from drill- and permeability. Miocene volcanic deposits that ing to be continuous under the main areas of under- erupted from caldera sources to the west and northwest ground testing and south into Frenchman Flat. The blanket the pre-Tertiary rocks, and are themselves cov- zone at French Peak @Is. 2 and 3), which separates ered by valley-fill alluvium within the fault-bounded Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat, is an important troughs that typify the basins. Tertiary structure that appears to have remained The quartzite confining unit crops out along the relatively stable, while the adjoining basins were northeastern margins of Yucca Flat and farther north widened and deepened during late Tertiary extension and east in the upgradient areas of Emigrant Valley and (Hudson, 1992). The top of the carbonate section its surrounding ranges. It is inferred to significantly projects above the water table and is inferred from impede regional ground-water flow, in part, because its gravity data to lie within 1,500 ft of the surface in this subsurface distribution coincides with a major change area @I. 2). Water levels within the lower carbonate- in the altitude of the water table-from about 4,500 fi rock aquifer exhibit little gradient (less than 1 Wmi) in Emigrant Valley to 2,400 ft at the north end of Yucca along the transect from northeastern Yucca Flat, Flat (pl. 1; Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, p. 63-66). through French Peak, through Frenchman Flat, and Lower Cambrian and Eocambrian quartzite, micaceous down to the discharge area at Ash Meadows (pls. 1and quartzite, and siliceous siltstone and shale make up 2). This flat gradient is an indication of a high degree of most of the unit; thin and discontinuous limestone and hydraulic continuity within the aquifer, and probably is dolomite beds occur in the upper and middle parts, but a result of a high fracture permeability.

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 23 The areal extent of the lower carbonate-rock The boundaries between these facies are not known in aquifer, particularly within Yucca Flat, is not known in detail because they have been disturbed by faulting and detail. The northeastern limit is clearly defined by the because of cover by younger volcanic rocks (Cole and depositional contact with the underlying quartzite con- others, 1994). fining unit. The western limit of the aquifer appears Outcrop exposures and limited information from to be a fault contact with the Eleana confining unit, drilling indicate that the thickest part of the Eleana although carbonate rocks that make up the lower car- confining unit lies within a narrow arcuate band that bonate-rock aquifer are expected at depth beneath the extends from Quartzite Ridge (northwestern Yucca Flat Eleanaconfining unit. The Tippinip fault at the extreme area) southward to Mine Mountain and CP Hills, and northern end of Yucca Hat (pl. 3) shows several thou- then westward to Calico Hills and northern Bare sand feet of stratigraphic offset and marks the surface Mountain (pls. 1 and 3; Monsen and others, 1990). In trace of a major structural boundary that truncates the the Yucca Flat part of this band, outcrop of the Eleana Eleana confining unit on the east. The continuation of Formation generally coincides with a high topographic this feature southward through the basin beneath the divide of the Eleana Range and with the inferred west- alluvium and volcanic rocks is highly uncertain. The ern boundary of the Ash Meadows subbasin. distribution of Paleozoic formations interpreted from The upper carbonate-rock aquifer is a heteroge- deep drill holes suggests that the pre-volcanic Tippinip neous mix of carbonate rocks that are separated fault may roughly coincide with the post-volcanic hydraulically from the lower carbonate-rock aquifer by Carpetbag-Yucca fault system in northern Yucca Flat the Eleana confining unit (tables 1 and 2). Within the (pl. 3; Grow and others, 1994). Ash Meadows subbasin, the aquifer is present only in The Eleana confining unit coincides with the dis- western Yucca Flat. The aquifer is assumed to have tribution of the late Devonian through late Mississip- limited regional significance. Rocks interpreted to form pian Eleana Formation and the late Devonian through the upper carbonate-rock aquifer consist of two funda- earliest Pennsylvanian Chainman Shale of NTS (Poole mentally different types: (1) limestone that stratigraph- and others, 1961; Alan Titus, University of Nevada, ically overlies the Chainman Shale; and (2) written commun., 1991; for brevity, these rocks are stratigraphically diverse carbonate rocks that structur- referred to as Mississippian in age). The Eleana Forma- ally overlie the Eleana Formation and Chainman Shale. tion consists of siliceous siltstone (argillite), chert-clast The simplest part of this aquifer consists of Penn- conglomerate and sandstone that are interpreted to sylvanian limestone and conglomerate that crop out in have been deposited by submarine debris flows in a western YuccaFlat in the core of a synclinal fold above deep-water environment (Poole, 1974). A composite the Chainman Shale (Hoover and Morrison, 1980; Cole measured section along the west side of Yucca Flat and others, 1994). This limestone of the Tippipah lime- indicates that the Eleana Formation could be as thick stone (Poole and others, 1961) is truncated to the north as 6,500 ft (Poole and others, 1961; Cole and others, by post-volcanic faults, and probably is truncated 1994). More recent studies by Cashman and Trexler southward by the Timber Mountain caldera. Due to its (1991 and 1994) and Cole and others (1994) provide synclinal form, only a small part of the formation is sat- biostratigraphic, sedimentologic, and structural evi- urated, and its hydrologic significance is considered dence that the Eleana Formation has been thrust east- minimal. ward over time-equivalent strata of the Chainman Elsewhere, the upper carbonate-rock aquifer Shale, which may be more than 4,000 ft thick. refers to fractured dolomite or limestone that overlies Time-equivalent Mississippian strata near Mer- the Eleana Formation or Chainman Shale on low-angle cury to the southeast are less than 1,300 ft thick and faults. Structural relations, apparent from outcrops at consist of limestone and quartzose sand that were Mine Mountain near southwest Yucca Flat, indicate deposited on a stable carbonate bank (Poole, 1974; that large tabular masses of carbonate rock were Barnes and others, 1982; Cole and others, 1994). Orig- emplaced westward and southwestward over the inally, the northwest part of the Eleana confining unit Eleana Formation by thrusting and later by regional probably was a wedge-shaped deposit comprised of extension sometime prior to the major period of volca- thick, deep-water siliciclastic units in the northwest; nic activity (Cole and others, 1990). Rocks, particu- thick shale toward the southeast; and thin, carbonate- larly dolomite, within these blocks were intensely platform units along the margin of the continent. brecciated during sliding and later were recemented

24 Summary of Hydrogeologlc Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada with calcite, silica, and iron oxides by circulating The geologic and hydrologic data from ER-12-1 ground water. Similar outcrop relations in the CP Hills (J.C. Cole, U.S. Geological Survey, unpub. data, 1991; at the south end of Yucca Flat (Caskey, 1991), in the C.E. Russell, Desert Research Institute, written com- Calico Hills north of Jackass Flats (Simonds, 1989), mun., 1994), a well drilled in 1991 on the east side of and in the Eleana Range (Gibbons and others, 1963; Rainier Mesa and west of the Eleana Range @Is. 2 and Cashman and Trexler, 1991; J.C. Cole, U.S. Geological 3), further support the occurrence of displaced carbon- Survey, unpub. mapping, 1994; P. Cushman, Univer- ate blocks. This hole penetrated, from the surface sity of Nevada, unpub. mapping, 1994) indicate that downward, lower Devonian dolomite, Ordovician low-angle faults are present throughout the northwest- ' limestone, Devonian dolomite, upper Mississippian em part of the Ash Meadows subbasin and that they EleanaFormation calcareous siltstone, upper Devonian bound detached blocks of Paleozoic carbonate rocks dolomite, siliceous siltstone (most likely upper Missis- that lie above the Eleana confining unit. sippian Eleana Formation), and middle Devonian dolo- mite (A.G. Harris, U.S. Geological Survey, written Additional evidence strongly suggests that commun., 1991). The carbonate rocks, therefore, are numerous dismembered blocks of dolomite or lime- structurally and stratigraphically shuffled within them- stone lie above the Eleana confining unit at several selves and with the Eleana Formation. The water levels locations beneath the Yucca Flat testing area. First, in the dolomites below the Eleana Formation are more during investigations that followed the atmospheric than 1,000 ft lower than the levels in the carbonate release of radioactivity from the 1970 Baneberry test rocks above the Eleana Formation (C.E. Russell, in northern Yucca Flat, four holes were drilled that pen- Desert Research Institute, written commun., 1992). etrated alternating sections of brecciated dolomite and This large difference suggests that, at least locally, the Chainman Shale beneath the Miocene volcanics (US. Eleana Formation is an effective vertical barrier (con- Geological Survey, 1974). Second, drill-hole informa- fining unit). Lateral continuity between the carbonate tion from the western and central parts of the basin rocks beneath the Eleana Formation andsthe lower car- (J.C. Cole, U.S. Geological Survey, unpub. data, 1994) bonate-rock aquifer beneath Yucca Flat is not known. shows several holes that bottomed in shale or siltstone Granite stocks intruded during Cretaceous time (most likely part of the upper Chainman Shale) are are present in two areas, one north of YuccaFlat and the surrounded by other holes that penetrated only pre- other north of Rainier Mesa (fig. 4, pl. 3). These rocks Mississippian carbonate rocks, and depth relations form small localized cylindrical bodies, which have a strongly suggest that the carbonates lie structurally low primary porosity and permeability, and are above the Chainman Shale. Third, paleontological grouped with rocks of the quartzite confining unit. results from limestone and dolomite recovered from Three small-yield nuclear tests were detonated within scattered drill holes in Yucca Flat indicate that pre-Sil- the stock directly north of Yucca Flat. Radioactive urian rocks, which only crop out in a fairly undisturbed wastes, placed in engineered canisters, were stored for section in the Halfpint Range, east of Yucca Flat, are extended periods in this same stock within a subsurface present in several drill holes across the basin (Grow tunnel complex (U.S. Department of Energy, 199Oa), and others, 1994). These spatial relations would seem but were removed in the mid-1980's. to require some westward tectonic transport from the Tertiary volcanic rocks, where saturated, form Halfpint Range to explain the distribution pattern. both aquifers and confining units @Is. 2 and 3). The welded Rainier Mesa Tuff is widespread across the Displaced blocks of pre-Mississippian carbonate uppermost part of the section, and where it occurs rocks that make up the upper carbonate-rock aquifer below the water table forms the welded-tuff aquifer are difficult to characterize hydrologically. Few data characterized by high fracture permeability. In south- exist to determine whether these blocks are hydrauli- em Yucca Flat and northern Frenchman Flat, welded- cally connected or isolated from the lower carbonate- tuff sheets of the Paintbrush Group are present below rock aquifer, or to determine their permeability and the Rainier Mesa Tuff and also form the welded-tuff porosity. The high degree of fracturing within these aquifer. Most of the lower volcanic section in the Ash shattered carbonate rocks suggests that locally they Meadows subbasin consists of bedded, nonwelded tuff may be highly permeable, and therefore may have that has been variably altered to zeolite minerals as local hydrologic significance. a result of post-volcanic reactions with ground water.

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 25 Because zeolitization decreases rock permeability, (faults), and (4) secondary rock openings both within these altered zones form the tuff confining unit, and can rocks of and rocks adjacent to the lower carbonate-rock include entire or parts of multiple stratigraphic units. aquifer (fractures, joints, and dissolution openings). The tuff confining unit is widespread throughout the Much of the ground water flowing to Ash Mead- entire Ash Meadows subbasin. The tuff confining unit ows (17,000 acre-Wyr according to Winograd and and the volcanic aquifers have been offset thousands of Thordarson, 1975, p. 84) passes beneath Frenchman feet by the Carpetbag-Yucca fault system, the Rock Flat or beneath the area just south of Frenchman Flat Valley-Cane Springs fault systems, and related smaller (pl. l), but originates primarily from outside these faults (pls. 2 and 3). These faults locally compartmen- areas. More than 95 percent of the water passing talize stratified hydrogeologic units into north-south beneath Frenchman Flat enters through the lower blocks in Yucca Flat, for example, where welded-tuff carbonate-rock aquifer from areas to the east and aquifers are bounded on the east and west by fault con- southeast (pls. 1 and 3). A small amount of inflow may tacts with the tuff confining unit. Plates 2 and 3 indicate also enter from the west across the Eleana confining that saturated volcanic rock is not continuous across unit and the underlying lower carbonate-rock aquifer the area separating Yucca Flat from Frenchman Flat, (Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, p. 93-94). Flow into but, on the basis of alternate structural interpretations, Frenchman Flat from Yucca Flat is small relati\ve to its occurrence cannot be totally discarded. inflows from the east and southeast and is estimated to The valley-iill aquifer coincides with the deepest be no greater than 350 acre-Wyr (Winograd and Thor- parts of the post-volcanic fault-bounded depressions in darson, 1975, p. 72)-less than 3 percent of the total southern Yucca Flat and central Frenchman Flat. The outflow at the Ash Meadows discharge area. alluvium is variably cemented and consists of moder- ately sorted deposits of gravel and sand that show high Contributions from Yucca Flat are small because interstitial porosity and permeability and transmit inflows to Yucca Flat are limited by confining units water efficiently. Playa lakebeds in both basins consist bounding the basin: (1) the quartzite confining unit on of siltstone and claystone deposits that are substantially the northeast, (2) granitic rocks on the north, (3) the less permeable than the coarser alluvium, but for the Eleana confining unit on the west, and (4) the tuff con- most part occur above the water table. fining unit above. The low permeability of the rocks that laterally bound the lower carbonate-rock aquifer is evidenced by the steep hydraulic gradient across these Ground-Water Flow units (pl. 1). Another potential source of water to Yucca Flat is inflow from the west through carbonate rock that Most ground water flowing beneath the Yucca underlies the Eleana confining unit at depth (pls. 2 and Flat and Frenchman Flat basins passes through the 3), but this source is likely to be small because rates of lower carbonate-rock aquifer @Is. 2 and 3, table 3). inflow are limited from above by the Eleana confining This aquifer is the only subsurface pathway by unit and from the west by lower permeability volcanic which ground water leaves either of these basins. rocks. Conversely, it is also possible that some ground As generalized from contours constructed from water- water from the lower-carbonate rock aquifer flows level measurements made in wells that penetrate the west-southwest into this block of carbonate rock that aquifer, ground water flows south from Yucca Flat into underlies the Eleana confining unit. The actual depth Frenchman Flat and then southwest toward the major at which carbonate rock occurs below the Eleana con- downgradient discharge areas (primarily Ash Mead- fining unit and the degree of hydraulic continuity of ows, but possibly Alkali Flat or Death Valley (pls. 1 the carbonate rock and the lower carbonate-rock aqui- and 2). Flow of water into, through, and out of the fer in eastern Yucca Flat are yet to be determined. lower carbonate-rock aquifer beneath these basins is The total inflow to the lower carbonate-rock aquifer controlled, in part, by (1) the occurrence of low perme- beneath eastern Yucca Flat from lateral sources is esti- ability rocks both above and laterally adjacent to the mated by Winograd and Thordarson (1975, p. 94) to aquifer, (2) lateral continuity with upgradient and be about 250 acre-Wyr. Although this quantity is only downgradient sections of the lower carbonate-rock a minor component of the total inflow to the aquifer aquifer, (3) the occurrence of geologic structures within the Ash Meadows subbasin, it accounts for

26 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada about 70 percent of the total inflow to the aquifer the lower carbonate-rock aquifer. Until fracture distri- beneath Yucca Flat (350 acre-ft/yr as calculated by butions (size, orientation, and density) are better char- Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, p. 94). acterized and fracture flow itself better understood, Recharge derived from sources within the basins attempts to predict specific flow paths, flow rates, and provide only minor amounts of water to the flow sys- contaminant transport within the lower carbonate-rock tem. Some surface runoff flowing into the valleys from aquifer, especially on the local scale, are subject to nearby highlands may recharge the flow system along much uncertainty. the margins of the valleys (Winograd and Thordarson, Although the lower carbonate-rock aquifer is 1975, p. 92). During periods when open fissures are described as a single water-bearing unit (table l), it present in the dry bed of Yucca Lake, ponded surface actually consists of multiple, stratigraphically and runoff has been observed being drained by fissures and structurally compartmented rocks. Thin, regionally may be recharging the underlying lower carbonate- persistent units (50 to 200 ft thick) of shale, quartzite, rock aquifer (pl. 3). Doty and Rush (1984) measured or siltstone are present at several stratigraphic positions 5 million cubic feet of inflow to such an open fissure within the carbonate section. These noncarbonaterocks over 3 years (1974-76); equivalent to about 39 acre- are much less permeable than the more extensive, ft/yr. A source of this magnitude would account for highly fractured carbonate strata and are likely to cre- about 11 percent of the total annud estimated inflow to ate stratified, semi-independent flow systems within the lower carbonate-rock aquifer in eastern Yucca Flat. the lower carbonate-rock aquifer. As previously stated, Subsequent to their report, the fissure has filled with few wells penetrate a significant thickness of saturated sediment essentially sealing itself and no new fissures carbonate rock, and therefore, it is difficult to evaluate have been noted. Surface-water runoff and discharge the extent or significance of these more localized flow from RNM-2S, a defunct pumping well used in a radi- systems or to determine the overall effect that these onuclide migration experiment completed in 1991 rocks may have on the transport of test-generated (Bryant, 1992), drains into Frenchman Lake and may contaminants. infiltrate downward possibly providing local recharge Faults also influence the flow of ground water to underlying valley-fill aquifer (pls. 2 and 3; Burbey through the lower carbonate-rock aquifer, and are pre- and Wheatcraft, 1986). Although these sources provide sumed to act either as barriers or conduits depending only minor amounts of recharge, they could carry con- on the nature of fault-generated openings and on the taminants present on the surface or contained within hydraulic properties of the units brought into contact. the unsaturated zone downward into the ground-water In western Yucca Flat, the Carpetbag and Tippinip flow system, and in the Yucca Lake area, directly into faults locally juxtapose the Eleana conlining unit the lower carbonate-rock aquifer. against the lower carbonate-rock aquifer (pl. 3). The Flow through the lower carbonate-rock aquifer is large permeability contrast between these units is controlled largely by secondary openings in the rock, thought to create an effective barrier to lateral flow. principally fractures. Fractures, which result from brit- Some water leaving Frenchman Flat may flow more tle deformation of the carbonate rock, increase the per- rapidly along preferred pathways in the lower carbon- meability of the rock unit such that they become the ate-rock aquifer according to Winograd and Pearson primary control on the rate and direction of ground- (1976). They refer to these transmissive pathways as water flow. Fracture openings can be enhanced by dis- “megachannels” and propose their existence to explain solution of the surrounding carbonate rock. Although differences in the carbon-14 content of water issuing some solution caverns exist, primarily in the discharge from springs at Ash Meadows. Their hypothesis areas, it is considered unlikely that they are common or requires zones of high permeability that may result extensive enough to be of major significance in the from intense fracturing associated with faulting along NTS region (Winograd and Thordarson, 1975, p. 115- major fault systems, such as the Rock Valley system 116). Little is known about the physical properties and (pl. 2). Megachanneling would significantly affect flow hydraulic characteristics of fractures, primarily rates and directions in the lower carbonate-rock aqui- because few wells penetrate saturated carbonate rock in fer, and would result in higher concentrations and faster the area (fewer than 10 wells penetrate more than 100 traveltimes than would be predicted in a nonchanneled ft of saturated carbonate rock). Fractures undoubtedly flow system. If potential transport paths and rates are to are the primary control on ground-water flow within be predicted at some quantifiable level within the lower

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 27 carbonate-rock aquifer, it must be determined how southern part of Frenchman Flat, the lower carbonate- major faults influence the flow of ground water and rock aquifer is overlain by alluvium, a more permeable transport of contaminants, not only within the Yucca material, but whether alluvium is saturated at this Flat and Frenchman Flat test areas, but also in the location is unknown. region between these test areas and Ash Meadows. High-angle faults that cut the overlying saturated Few attempts have been made to quantify flow units also affect the rate at which water recharges the rates through the lower carbonate-rock aquifer in the lower carbonate-rock aquifer. The Yucca-Carpetbag Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat areas. Most estimates fault system passes north-south through the center of are based on water-transmitting properties calculated Yucca Flat (pl. 3), and may form vertical conduits for by methods that assume flow through porous rather flow between the lower carbonate-rock aquifer and than fractured media. Wmograd and Thordarson (1975, overlying saturated units according to Winograd and table 15) give estimates ranges between 6 and 600 as Thordarson (1975, p. 55). Their conclusion is based on ft/yr for Yucca Flat, and between 600 to 60,000 ft/yr for lower water levels in the overlying units generally cen- the area between Frenchman Flat and Ash Meadows. tered about the Yucca fault in central Yucca Flat (pl. 3). The large ranges reflect both spatial variation and a They suggest that the hydraulic low may be due to high degree of uncertainty in the controlling properties, drainage into the underlying lower carbonate-rock particularly the effective fracture porosity. aquifer and give two potential mechanisms for fault- As stated previously, most of the water enters controlled recharge: (1) that the brecciated and frac- the lower carbonate-rock aquifer beneath Yucca Flat tured zones created by faulting serves as a permeable and Frenchman Flat laterally, but some also enters pathway for ground-water flow, and (2) that faults may locally leakage through overlying saturated units- as juxtapose the welded-tuff aquifer (a permeable unit) the valley-fill and welded-tuff aquifers and the tuff con- against the lower carbonate-rock aquifer creating a fining unit. Wmogradand Thordarson (1975, p. 53-57) more permeable pathway than that typical of the tuff infer from vertical hydraulic gradients that ground confining unit. Assuming that water first passes water within the saturated units overlying the lower through the tuff confining unit before recharging the carbonate-rock aquifer generally flows laterally toward lower carbonate-rock aquifer, Winograd and Thordar- the center of the basins and downward into the lower son (1975, p. 94) estimated the probable range of carbonate-rock aquifer. They further support down- annual downward recharge into Yucca Flat to be 25 to ward leakage into the lower carbonate-rock aquifer on 65 acre-ft using median measured values of interstitial the basis of sodium and sulfate concentrations. Con- permeability for the tuff confining unit, and a typical centrations of these ions in water sampled from the range of hydraulic gradients calculated from measured lower carbonate-rock aquifers beneath and downgradi- water levels in the lower carbonate-rock aquifer and ent of valleys containing saturated volcanic or valley- saturated Cenozoic rocks. A similar magnitude of fill deposits typically are higher than would be recharge was assumed for Frenchman Flat. expected for water derived solely from carbonate rock. The source for these ions is assumed to be water origi- Few quantitative estimates of leakage rates into nating or passing through overlying valley-fill allu- the lower carbonate-rock aquifer are available. Leak- vium or volcanic rocks. age rates through the tuff confining unit were estimated The rate at which water leaks downward from the between 0.0005 to 0.2 ft/yr by Winograd and Thordar- Cenozoic rocks into the lower carbonate-rock aquifer son (1975, table 14). These estimates span the expected varies throughout the valleys and is controlled prima- range of rates through the tuff confining unit and rily by the vertical permeability (measure of the poten- assume that water moves only through the primary tial of a rock to transmit water vertically) of the interstices. Estimates do not take into account potential overlying unit(s). The tuff confining unit,. a low perme- increases inhermeability associated with fractures, nor ability unit, directly overlies most of the lower carbon- the higher permeability of volcanic and valley-fill aqui- ate-rock aquifer in Yucca Flat. The extent of the tuff fers at locations where they are in contact with the conlining unit throughout Frenchman Flat is less well lower carbonate-rock aquifer. Most underground tests known. It should be noted that the tuff confining unit in these valleys were detonated in the alluvium and vol- consists of multiple stratigraphic units (table l), some canic rocks that overlie the lower carbonate-rock aqui- of which are more permeable than others. In the fer. Leakage is the primary mechanism by which

28 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada test-generated byproducts would move downward consumption. Claassen (1973, p. 134-135) noted an through these units into the lower carbonate-rock aqui- increase in alpha activities at Water Well C, Water Well fer, yet the controlling parameters are poorly defined. C1, Water Well 2, and a few other abandoned produc- The only natural ground-water discharge local to tion wells during sampling in the late 1960's and early the basins is from a few perched springs along the mar- 1970's. The increased alpha activity observed in Water gins of the valleys at altitudes well above the valley Wells C and C1 between 1969 and 1971 (Claassen, floor (pl. 3). Springflow is sustained primarily by local 1973, p. 62-77) has since declined to near background precipitation falling on nearby highlands. Downward levels (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991). percolating recharge is diverted to the surface by low- The cause of the increases has not been determined. permeability rocks. Because this water never reaches Possible explanations include residual effects of a the regional flow system, it is highly unliely that any radioactive tracer introduced into Water Well C1 in springflow would be contaminated by underground 1960, the movement of contaminants from test areas testing in Yucca Flat or Frenchman Flat. upgradient in Yucca Flat, or downward migration Wells presently withdraw water from several through open cracks in the nearby dry lake bed at Yucca locations throughout the valleys @I. 3). Withdrawal Lake. Lyles (1993, p. 2-7) noted gradual increases in during 1991 totaled about 990 acre-ft. The total tritium concentrations in Water Well A and UE-15d includes pumpage from well RNM-2S, a well in from samples collected primarily during the period Frenchman Flat drilled for a radionuclide migration when these wells were pumped for water supply. Lyles experiment discontinued in August 1991 (Bryant, attributed the increases at Water Well A to movement 1992). Of this total, about 240 acre-ft were produced from test locations upgradient of the well. The source from wells in the Yucca Flat area (D.B. Wood, U.S. of the tritium in UE-15d is not known, but possible Geological Survey, written commun., 1991). A with- sources given by Lyles (1993, p. 2) are tests detonated drawal of this magnitude equates to about 70 percent in granite to the north or downward movement of con- of the total estimated inflow into Yucca Flat basin or taminated water from evaporation ponds near the well. nearly all the total estimated inflow from lateral Increased radionuclide concentrations also were sources. During 1991, RNM-2s yielded nearly 60 per- observed at m-2s(Bryant, 1992), but here, cent of all water withdrawn from the Frenchman Flat increases were expected because the well was located area (which includes withdrawals from Water Well 4 and pumped to induce radionuclide movement from the located just northwest of Frenchman Flat in CP Basin). nearby Cambric test location. The reader is referred to Water Well C and Water Well C1 are the only wells pro- Bryant (1992) for a more complete discussion of the ducing from the lower carbonate-rock aquifer at points findings related to this experiment. downgradient of underground testing in Yucca Flat. The preceding discussion provides a general Together these wells yielded about 65 percent of all description of ground-water flow beneath the Yucca water withdrawn from the Yucca Flat area during 1991 Flat and Frenchman Flat test areas. The conceptual and about 63 percent of the total annual estimated model presented identifies the lower carbonate-rock inflow to the lower carbonate-rock aquifer beneath aquifer as the principal pathway by which radionu- eastern Yucca Flat. The effect of withdrawals on clides could leave Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat and ground-water flow have not been thoroughly investi- migrate into a more accessible environment. Based on gated, but on the basis of the percentages given in rela- this model, any assessment of the risk associated with tion to estimated inflows, it is apparent that they would underground testing in Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat have a significant affect on the water budget as deter- requires a knowledge of how test-generated contami- mined by Winograd and Thordarson (1975, p. 62-94). nants introduced into alluvium and volcanic rocks can Assessing the changes in hydrologic conditions that migrate downward into the lower carbonate-rock aqui- have resulted from withdrawing ground water would fer, and an understanding of how test-generated con- provide an opportunity to learn about the water trans- taminants would be transported through the lower mitting and storing properties, and the transport prop- carbonate-rock aquifer. These critical questions can erties of the ground-water flow system. only be resolved through concentrated efforts directed Radionuclide concentrations measured in water at developing a better understanding of the controls, produced from active and abandoned water-supply such as fractures, on ground-water flow into and wells have never exceeded standards for human through the lower-carbonate-rock aquifer.

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 29 Table 5. Water levels, underground tests, and associated test and hole parameters used to determine general position of test relative to the water table

IAll depths referenced to land-surface datum. Altitude relative to sea level. Working point is depth at which nuclear device. is detonated. Dashes indicate missing or non applicable parameter. Sources are U.S. Department of Energy (1994) and classified listing of test parameters (Lawrence.Livermore National Laboratory, written commun., 1991,1992)]

Depth of Distance of Yield of Hole name Test name *ltitude(feet) Working Water testwater from Date of test point test (kilotons) (feet) (feet)' (feet) UE-18r -- 5,538 -- 1,365 _- __ _- UE-18t -- 5,201 __ 916 -- -- _- Water Well 8 __ 5,695 __ 1,076 -_ _- _- u-19aa Sheepshead 6,758 2,100 5326 226 79-09-26 20-150 U-l9ab Towanda 6,928 2,182 2,024 -158 85-05-02 20-150 U-19ab UInst. -_ 6,930 __ 2,015 __ __ _- U-19ac Tierra 7,038 2,100 5284 184 84- 12-15 20-150 U-19ad Chancellor 6,692 2,051 5123 72 83-09-01 143 U-19ae Nebbiolo 6,775 2,100 2,280 180 82-06-24 20-150 u-19af Galveston 6,710 1,598 5280 682 86-09-04 >20 u-19ai Sexpa 6,742 1,880 2,054 174 80-12-17 20-150 U-19aj Haner 6,891 2,090 5192 102 81-06-06 20-150 u-19ak Hosta 6,898 2,100 5192 92 82-02-12 20-150 u-19am __ 6,710 -- 5060 __ -_ -- u-19an Labquark 6,978 2,021 5103 82 86-09-30 20-150 U-19aq Lockney 6,798 2,018 2,109 91 87-09-24 20-150 u-19ar Cybar 6,706 2,057 2,119 62 86-07-17 119 U-19aS . Scotch 6,761 3,206 2,192 -1,014 67-05-23 155 U-19au Alamo 6,535 2,038 2,077 39 88-07-07

30 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Table 5. Water levels, underground tests, and associated test and hole parameters used to determine general position of test relative to the water tabldontinued

Depth of Distance of Yield of Hole name Test name Altitude(feet) Working Water testwater from Date of test point test (kilotons) (feet) (feet)' (feet) U-19t Emmenthal 6,991 1,890 2,231 341 78-11-02 QO u-19u Mast 6,873 2,989 2, I85 -804 75-06-19 200-1,000 u-19v Almendro 6,876 3,488 2,251 -1,237 73-06-06 200-1,000 uEcl9vPS 1D __ 6,842 -- 2,297 ------UE-19w 1 ______2,450 -- _- -- u-19x Backbeach 6,781 2,205 2,214 9 78-04-1 1 20-150 u-19ys Panir 6,694 2,234 2,116 -118 78-08-31 20-150 u-192s Fondutta 6,888 2,077 2,192 115 78-04-1 1 20-150 U-lgzS/Inst. -- 6,888 _- 2,199 -- -- -_ Pahute Mesa Ex. 1 __ 6,558 __ 2,099 -- -- -_ Pahute Mesa Ex. 2 __ 5,586 __ 852 -- -- __ Pahute Mesa Ex. 3 __ 5,823 __ 1,457 -- -- __ U-20a Buteo 6,520 2,284 2, I59 -125 65-05-12 QO U-20 Water Well -- 6,468 -- 2,028 - -- -_ U-20a-1 Duryea 6,520 1,785 2, I72 387 66-04-14 70 U-2Oa-2 Water Well -_ 6,474 -- 2,066 -- -- _- u-2oaa Colby 6,337 4,177 1,874 -2,303 76-03-14 500-1,000 U-20ab Farm 6,581 2,261 2,116 -145 78-12- 16 20-150 U-20ac Colwick 6,473 2,077 2,067 -10 80-04-26 20-150 U-20ad Pepato 6,366 2,234 1,900 -334 79-06-11 20-150 U-20ae Tafi 6,189 2,231 1,992 -239 80-07-25 20-150 U-20af Kash 6,360 2,116 1,975 -141 80-06-12 20-150 U-20ag Molbo 6,234 2,093 2,015 -78 82-02-12 20-150 u-2oah Gibne 6,445 1,870 2,001 131 82-04-25 20-150 u-2oai Jefferson 6,503 1,998 2,052 54 86-04-22 20-150 U-20aj Cabra 6,345 1,778 1,874 96 83-03-26 20-150 u-2oak Salut 6,235 1,995 2,042 47 85-06-12 20-150 u-2oaL Egmont 6,124 1,791 1,936 145 84-12-09 20-150 u-2oam Kappeli 6,593 2,100 2,142 42 84-07-25 20-150 u-2oan Serena 6,462 1,959 1,991 32 85-07-25 20-150 U-20ao Goldstone 6,279 1,801 1,957 156 85-12-28 20-150 U-20ap Bodie 6,621 2,083 2, I39 56 86-12-13 20-150 U-20aq Darwin 6,155 1,801 1,883 82 86-06-25 20-15q u-2oar Kemville 6,319 1,775 1,841 66 88-02-15 20-150 U-20ar lAnst. -_ 6,319 -- 1,841 ------u-2oas Belmont 6,227 1,985 2,013 28 86-10-16 20-150 U-2Oat Delamar 6,240 1,785 1,903 118 87-04-18 20-150 U-20at ldnst. -- 6,241 -- 2,027 ------U-20av Hardin 6,464 2,05 1 2,075 24 87-04-30 20-150 UE-20av -- 6,458 2,128 -- -- __ U-20aw Contact 6,585 1,785 2,086 301 89-06-22 20-150 u-2oax -- 6,535 -- 2,173 -- -- _- U-20ay Comstock 6,520 2,034 2,055 21 88-06-02 e150 u-2oaz Barnwell 6,572 1,969 2,160 191 89-12-08 20-150 U-20b Pipkin 6,534 2,047 2,100 53 69-10-08 200-1,000

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 31 Table 5. Water levels, underground tests, and associated test and hole parameters used to determine general position of test relative to the water tablc+Continued

Depth of Distance of neld of Hole name Test name *Ititude(feet) Working Water testwater from Date of test point test (kilotons) (feet) (feet)' (feet) U-20bb Tenabo 6,226 1,969 2,028 59 90-10-12 20-150 U-20bb 1 - 6,230 -- 2,028 ------U-20bc Homitos 6,146 1,847 1,871 24 89-10-31 20-150 U-20bd Bullion 6,486 2,225 2,038 -187 90-06-13 20-150 U-20be Hoya 6,493 2,159 2,215 56 91-09-14 20-150 U-20bf Montello 6,522 2,106 2,086 -20 91-04-16 20-150 U-20bg _- 6,567 __ 2,129 -- -- -_ u-2oc Benham 6,281 4,600 2,097 -2,503 68-12-19 1,150 UE-2oc __ 6,283 -- 2,126 -- -- __ U-20d Knickerbocker 6,252 2,067 2,075 8 67-05-26 76 uE2M -_ 6,253 __ 2,075 -- -- __ U-20e Jorum 6,3 16 3,809 1,853 -1,956 69-09-16 <1,000 UE-2oe 1 __ 6,297 __ 1,826 -- -- -_ U-20f Fontina 6,117 4,000 1,952 -2,048 76-02-12 200- 1,000 UE-20f -- 6,116 -_ 1,954 -- -- _- u-2og Greeley 6,470 3,990 2,017 -1,973 66- 12-20 870 UE-20h Rex 6,557 2,202 2,105 -97 66-02-24 19 U-20i Boxcar 6,370 3,822 1,903 -1,919 68-04-26 1,300 U-20k Palanquin 6,194 279 1,993 1,714 65-04-14 4.3 u-2OL Cabriolet 6,197 167 1,997 1,830 68-01-26 2.3 U-20m Handley 5,903 3,9 67 1,270 -2,697 70-03-26 >1,000 u-2on Cheshire 6,477 3,829 2,051 -1,778 76-02-14 200-500 m2on 1 -- 6,461 -_ 2,134 ------u-2op Stilton 5,559 2,402 884 -1,518 75-06-03 20-200 m20p -- 5,553 -- 884 -- -- __ U-20t Chateaugay 6,245 1,992 2,074 82 68-06-28 20-200 u-2ou Schooner 5,562 364 899 535 68-12-08 30 u-2ov Purse 6,088 1,962 1,972 10 69-05-07 20-200 u-2oy VbO 6,257 2,510 2,067 -443 75-05-14 200-1,000 u-2oz Kasseri 6,509 4,151 2,061 -2,090 75-10-28 200-1.000

Italicized values are estimated. Non-italicized values are measured. Estimates based on measurements in nearby wells and test holes or interpreted from water-level contours given in Blankennagel and Weir (1973, pl. 1).

Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa Pahute Mesa, an elevated plateau, ranges in alti- tude from about 5,500 ft along its western margin to The Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa underground more than 7,000 A throughout its eastern extent. Test- test areas are in the northwestern part of NTS (figs. 1 ing has been codmed to the eastern part of the mesa within NTS Areas 19 and 20 (pl. 4). The test area and 2). These areas provided locations for 147 tests includes upgradient parts of the Oasis Valley and (US. Department of Energy, 1994), of which 85 were Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch ground-water subba- on Pahute Mesa and 62 on Rainier Mesa (tables 4 and sins (table 3, pl. I). Most tests on Pahute Mesa were 5). All underground tests within these areas were deto- detonated near or below the water table (tables 4 and 5) nated in volcanic rock. in deep shafts drilled into volcanic rock. Of the 85 tests

32 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada on Pahute Mesa, at least 77 and as many as 80 were det- as the corresponding ash-flow deposit (for example, onated at depths sufficient to have introduced contami- the eruption of the Grouse Canyon Tuff produced the nants directly into the ground-water flow system. Grouse Canyon caldera; and two major ash-flow erup- Rainier Mesa, an extension of Pahute Mesa tions of the Timber Mountain Group produced the Tim- toward the southeast, is about 7,600 ft above sea level. ber Mountain caldera complex). The structural margin The test area lies along the poorly defined hydrologic of the Ammonia Tanks caldera of the Timber Mountain divide between the Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch caldera complex is shown nested within the composite and the Ash Meadows subbasins (table 3, pl. 1). The 62 topographic wall of the caldera complex in figure 5, tests in Rainier Mesa were detonated in tuff within and the buried Rainier Mesa structural boundary is not mined tunnels. Although all tests were detonated above shown. the regional water table (table 4), it should be noted that Different kinds of rocks are typically formed perched water is a common occurrence throughout the inside and outside the central foundered caldera block. mesa. In a normal eruptive cycle, the subsided intracaldera zone is filled by thick ash-flow deposits that solidify as Hydrogeologic Units welded tuff. Lava flows are commonly extruded into the caldera depression following the major ash-flow Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa are parts of the eruption; and intermittently thereafter, lavas may accu- southwest Nevada volcanic field (fig. 4), and consist mulate to great thickness, depending on the subsidence chiefly of Miocene rhyolitic volcanic rocks that erupted history of the caldera block. Outside the caldera, the from local calderas (fig. 5). The volcanic rocks, main eruption produces thick sheet-form deposits of depending primarily on the lithology, degree of fractur- welded ash-flow tuff. ing, secondary mineralization, and mineral alteration, Over time, the center of activity in the volcanic act either as aquifers or confining units. Lava flows field migrates laterally and another caldera-forming generally form aquifers because they contain numerous ash-flow eruption cycle is initiated. In this way, connected fractures. Partially to densely welded ash- younger caldera structures cross-cut or overlap older flow tuffs also form aquifers that are characterized by volcanic units and boundaries. Volcanic ash from the high fracture permeability, and if unaltered, by moder- younger eruptions commonly fills the relict volcanic ately high interstitial permeability (Blankennagel and landforms of the older, inactive calderas and forms Weir, 1973, p. 6-8). Nonwelded ash-flow tuffs and bed- deposits of nonwelded, bedded ash-fall tuff. These ded ash-fall tuffs are more susceptible than welded overlapping units commonly are altered to zeolite min- tuffs and lavas to zeolitic alteration, which usually erals and form confining units. results in decreased rock permeability. Therefore, non- The subsurface of the Pahute Mesa underground welded ash-fall tuffs generally form confining units test area is the location of two of the major buried characterized by low permeability and relatively dis- calderas of the southwest Nevada volcanic field. connected fractures. Individual stratigraphic units Together these two calderas are known as the Silent commonly act as aquifers in some areas and as confin- Canyon caldera complex (fig. 5). The older Grouse ing units in others due to spatial variations in lithology Canyon caldera lies in the northeast, whereas the and mineral alteration. These volcanic units in Pahute younger, larger, and exceptionally deep Area 20 Mesa and Rainier Mesa make up a complex, three- caldera (more than 10,000 ft) underlies most of the dimensional framework of lava-flow and welded-tuff Pahute Mesa test area (Orkild and others, 1969; Sawyer aquifers interbedded with nonwelded tuff confining and Sargent, 1989). All testing has taken place within units, all of which are offset by high-angle normal this Silent Canyon caldera complex, with the exception faults (table 1, pl. 4). of a few events in the extreme northwest comer of the The southwest Nevada volcanic field was the NTS. source of numerous major eruptions of rhyolitic Both the Grouse Canyon caldera (13.7 Ma; magma during its 6 to 8 million year history. In a sim- Sawyer and others, 1990 and 1994) and the Area 20 ple conceptual model, each major ash-flow eruption caldera (13.3 Ma) were filled by interlayered thick (generally more than 50 mi3) is accompanied by the postcaldera lavas and nonwelded tuffs in complex fash- subsidence of a cylindrical block in the caldera center. ion. Lavas filling the Grouse Canyon caldera are from The resulting caldera structure is given the same name the Deadhorse Flat Formation of the Belted Range

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 33 1 16'45' 1 16'37'30" 1 16'30' 1 16'22'30" 116'15' 1 16'07'30"


37'1 5'




Base prepared by U.S. Geological Survey from digital data, 1:1W,OOO 1979-89 MILES Universal Transverse Mercator projection.. 0 5 10 Zone 11 ,KILOMETERS 0 5 10

Figure 5. General features of volcanic-rock aquifer system in and adjacent to northwestern part of Nevada Test Site. Silent Canyon caldera complex and adjacent areas underlie Pahute Mesa.

34 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada EXPLANATION

Oasis Valley discharge area

Underground test area

7Caldera or caldera complex boundary-Modified from Sawyer and others, 1994

-..- Eastern limit of area where volcanic-rock aquifers dominate ground-water flow-coincides with divide between Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch and Ash Meadows ground-water subbasins (see plate 1)

Boundary of Nevada Test Site

0 Well or test hole

Figure 5. Continued.

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 35 Group (table l), whereas those that fill the Area 20 the southwestern part of the Area 20 caldera, lava flows caldera are from the Crater Flat Group and the Volca- are thicker and more voluminous, and nonwelded tuffs nics of Area 20 of the Calico Hills Formation. The are notably thinner; and hydraulic tests indicate that the entire Silent Canyon caldera complex was later buried lava flows act more as an interconnected, integrated by Timber Mountain Group ash-flows erupted from the aquifer (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, p. 8-12 and 21- Tiiber Mountain caldera complex to the south, and by 22). Thirsty Canyon Group ash-flows erupted from the West of the West Boxcar fault @1.4), thick Black Mountain caldera to the west (fig. 5). The result- welded tuffs of thepaintbrush Group form the principal ing extracaldera ash-flow tuffs are tabular sheets that aquifers in the upper part of the saturated zone. These form the tableland topography of Pahute Mesa and are welded-tuff aquifers have moderate to high transmis- generally unsaturated, except in the southwestern part sivities, and wells completed in them have moderate to of Area 20. The total thickness of the combined volca- high specific capacities (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, nic section is unknown, but exceeds 13,686 ft at drill p. 12-17). The aquifers are underlain by lava-flow aqui- hole UE-20f (p1.4, table 5) in northwest Area 20. fers of the Volcanics of Area 20 of the Calico Hills For- Ground water in the northeastern part of the mation. The distribution of the Paintbrush Group Silent Canyon caldera complex occurs primarily within welded-tuff units southwest of the NTS boundary is rhyolitic tuffs and lava flows of the Deadhorse Flat For- essentially unknown because drill-hole data are scant mation inside the Grouse Canyon caldera (fig. 5, pl. 4). and structural projections cannot be made with confi- To the southwest, where the Grouse Canyon caldera is dence because of younger, covering units. truncated by the outer wall (Area 20 topographic wall, Northwest of the Silent Canyon caldera complex pl. 4) of the Area 20 caldera, these same lava flows are in the northwestern part of the Pahute Mesa test area, overlain by unsaturated tuffs and lava flows of the the top of the saturated zone lies within a thick welded Crater Flat Group (pl. 4). Qpically, transmissivities are ash-flow of the Rainier Mesa Tuff and Timber Moun- high in lava-flow aquifers within the upper 2,000 ft of tain Group nonwelded tuffs (pl. 4). The underlying the saturated section (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, rocks are nonwelded tuffs of the Paintbrush Group, p. 2). Lava-flow aquifers of the Deadhorse Flat Forma- which regionally act as a confining unit. The altitude tion constitute the major water-bearing units in the of the top of the saturated zone in the Rainier Mesa northeastern part of the Silent Canyon caldera com- welded-tuff aquifer is several hundred feet higher than plex. it is in the lava-flow aquifers east of the Silent Canyon Upon crossing the inner wall (Area 20 structural caldera complex boundary. This difference suggests margin, pl. 4) of the Area 20 caldera, the top of the sat- that the low-permeability Paintbrush Group tuffs act to urated zone is primarily in rhyolitic lavas and tuffs of inhibit hydraulic communication across the buried the Volcanics of Area 20 of the Calico Hills Formation caldera wall (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, p. 12-22; (p1.4). As in the Grouse Canyon caldera, rhyolite lava see next section “Ground-Water Flow”). flows are the principal aquifers, but are more isolated in The Rainier Mesa underground test area is the Area 20 caldera by local confining units made up of enclosed within an unusually thick section of bedded, nonwelded tuff. The lava flows have moderate trans- largely nonwelded tuffs that were deposited outside of missivities and the intervening nonwelded tuffs exhibit the caldera-subsidence structures of the southwest lower permeabilities, especially where they are zeoli- Nevada volcanic field (fig. 5). The tuffs accumulated tized or argillized or both (Blankennagel and Weir, within a synformal trough that mimics the trace and 1973, p. 7 and 17). form of a pre-existing topographic valley. In the axis of The degree of hydraulic connection between indi- the trough, these tuffs measure more than 3,500 ft thick vidual lava-flow aquifers in the Area 20 caldera is at Rainier Mesa Exploratory-1 and Test Well 1, and uncertain because the hydraulic characteristics of the appear to thin slightly toward the south. nonwelded tuffs are poorly known and their distribu- Devonian dolomite crops out beneath the Rainier tion is complex. Nonwelded tuffs are quite thick where Mesa volcanic deposits along the east side, and similar they have accumulated against the northeast wall of the rock has been found in vertical drill holes beneath the Area 20 caldera, and in the upper part of the saturated eastern half of the test area. Farther west, drill holes section, may inhibit southwestward ground-water flow have penetrated fine-grained micaceous quartzites, between the Grouse Canyon and Area 20 calderas. In which have been correlated with the Eocambrian Wood

36 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Canyon Formation on the basis of lithology and on the crystalline parts of the lava flows (lava-flow confining outcrop of Wood Canyon Formation rocks at the sur- unit), and faults that juxtapose less permeable against face immediately northeast of Rainier Mesa in Gold more permeable rocks. Meadows (pl. 3). The completely buried boundary between micaceous quartzite and dolomite has long Much of what has been conceptualized about ground-water flow beneath Pahute Mesa is based on been interpreted as the trace of aMesozoic thrust fault, which presumably dips westward (Houser and Poole, water levels measured prior to 1970. Many of the ear- 1960; Carr, 1974; Caskey and Schweikert, 1992; Cole lier measurements were made in drill holes open to and others, 1994). The interpretation is supported by more than one hydrogeologic unit; thus, they represent the fact that similar units are bounded by a thrust fault composite water levels from different combinations of at the northern end of Bare Mountain (Monsen and oth- hydrogeologic units. The drill holes measured through- ers, 1990) along the general trend of pre-Tertiary struc- out the area are located primarily within and not along tures in this area. the margins of various fault blocks @I. 4). Because many of the north-south trending, high-angle faults East and southeast of the Paleozoic carbonate bounding these blocks offset hydrogeologic units at the exposures, the Eleana confining unit in the Eleana water table, measurements represent water levels from Range separates Rainier Mesa from Yucca Flat @Is. 1 and 3). The Eleana confining unit lies beneath the west- a variety of different and discontinuous hydrogeologic dipping Tongue Wash fault and may underlie the Pale- units. Realizing the limitation of these measurements, ozoic carbonate rocks beneath eastern Rainier Mesa. Blankennagel and Weir (1973, pl. 1) contoured the As previously noted in the description of results from early water-level data to gain additional insight into drill hole ER-12-1 (see section “Yucca Flat and French- regional flow directions in and near Pahute Mesa man Flat-Hydrogeologic Units”), structural complex- (fig. 6).For the purpose of contouring, they had to ities in this area make it difficult to predict the assume that flow was primarily lateral through rocks in distribution and hydrologic significance of Paleozoic hydraulic continuity. This assumption disregards verti- rocks. Ground water beneath Rainier Mesa may flow cal flow components, and does not account for hydrau- only westward and southward within the Alkali Flat- lic discontinuities that are likely to result from the Furnace Creek Ranch subbasin or some part may flow discontinuity of the volcanic rocks and the presence eastward across or underneath the Eleana confining . of faults and dikes. unit into the Ash Meadows subbasin. Precipitation on Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa infiltrates downward, primarily through joints and frac- Ground-Water Flow tures, to locally recharge the ground-water flow sys- tem. As water percolates down toward the regional Secondary permeability plays a major role in con- water table, it commonly contacts low-permeability trolling the flow of ground water through the volcanic rocks. These local obstructions create saturated zones rocks of Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa. Permeability of perched and semi-perched water that can be elevated controls include joints and fractures (high permeabil- hundreds of feet above the regional water table. ity), zeolitic alteration of tuffaceous rocks (low perme- Perched water is widespread throughout the mesas, ability), and faults (both high and low permeability). even in areas of low precipitation. The source of Locations of subsurface inflow and areas of local perched water within areas of lower precipiitation is recharge also influence the flow of ground water uncertain, but could be water that moved hto the area beneath the mesas. Ground-water flow is complicated from adjacent areas receiving recharge; older, occluded by the discontinuous nature of the volcanic aquifers, water that infiltrated downward during a past pluvial and by major high angle Basin and Range faults and period; or water that was forced (injected) into these structural walls associated with intersecting and over- zones as a result of overpressurefromundergrounddet- lapping caldera complexes. Flow is primarily through onations. Perched water slowly drains through the interconnected fractures in the lava-flow and welded- underlying confining unit to recharge the ground-water tuff aquifers, and through faults that transect low per- flow system. The rate of downward drainage is uncer- meability rocks. Flow is impeded primarily by zeoli- tain but would depend primarily on the hydraulic char- tized volcanic rocks (tuff confining unit), nonfractured acteristics on the underlying confining unit.






Base prepared by U.S. Geological Survey from 10 MILES digital data, 1:1OO,ooO 1979-89 0 UniversalTransverse Mercator projection Zone 11 310 KILOMETERS 0 5

Figure 6. Major controls on ground-water flow in Pahute Mesa area.

38 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada EXPLANATION

Area of ground-water rechargesee plate 1 for additional information

Known areal extent of Eleana and basement (quartzite) confining units at altitude 1-1 1-1 of water tableModified from Winograd and Thordarson (1975, plate 1)

.- .- Caldera-complex boundary-Modified from Sawyer and others, 1994. See plate 3 for additional information

Water-level contour-Shows altitude of water level. Interval 100 feet. -4400 - Datum is sea level. Modified from Blankennagel and Weir (1973, plate 1)

-- - Boundary of ground-water subbasin-Modified from Waddell and others (1 984, plate 3) and Winograd and Thordarson (1975, plate 1)

II II I II Limited-flow barrier-Modified from Blankennagel and Weir (1973, plate 1)

DF Boundary between area of upward flow (on west) and downward flow (on east)- 1111111 Modified from Blankennagel and Weir (1973, fig. 10) UF

1 General direction of ground-water flow-Queriedwhere uncertain

Boundary of Nevada Test Site

’ Area boundary within Nevada Test Site-Area number is indicated

0 9c Water-supply well-Label identifies well

Figure 6. Continued.

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 39 Estimated potential recharge from precipitation Pahute Mesa away from the areas of recharge and sub- within Pahute and Rainier Mesas totals about 3,150 surface inflow. Lower water levels in the central part of acre-Wyr according to Blankennagel and Weir (1973, the mesa are bounded by higher levels to the west, cre- table 21). Their estimate is based on an empirical ating what appears to be a local drain open to the south method developed for regional ground-water assess- in western Area 20 (fig. 6). Blankennagel and Weir ments in the arid southwest. The method assumes (1973, p. 24) suggest the feature may result from a lim- recharge is a proportional percentage of the total ited-flow barrier created by caldera-boundary faults amount of precipitation that falls on an area @akin juxtaposing lowpermeability rocks on the west against and others, 1951). Using this same empirical relation, more permeable rocks on the east. The presence of low Thordarson (1965, p. 73) estimated recharge to the permeability rocks diverts westward moving water to Rainier Mesa area at 140 acre-Wyr. Recharge through the south. The hydraulic gradient across the barrier, a part of Rainier Mesa was estimated by Russell and calculated on the basis of water levels measured on others (in press) by measuring discharge at a tunnel both sides of the feature, indicates some eastward flow portal and applying a budget-type analysis. Their across the barrier, but quantities would be limited by results were in close agreement with the empirically the low permeability of the juxtaposed units. Other derived estimates. Local recharge not only is a major interpretations of contours west of the feature suggest source of water to the aquifers beneath Pahute Mesa a much more southward direction of flow (Savard, and Rainier Mesa, bui also is the primary mechanism 1990). These interpretations maintain the barrier con- by which contaminants introduced into unsaturated cept, but suggest even lesser amounts of flow across the rock could be transported downward into the regional barrier. The barrier concept also is supported by dis- ground-water flow system. However, the distribution, tinct differences in the major anion chemistry of rate, and quantity of recharge are known only in gen- ground-water samples collected east and west of the eral terms. feature. Samples collected west of the partial-flow bar- Another potential source of recharge is ponds that rier exhibit a much higher sulfate content. Blankenna- contain water drained during tunneling operations at gel and Weir (1973) use this feature to support their Rainier Mesa (fig. 2). Much of the water impounded by conclusion that caldera-boundary faults may be major these ponds evaporates to the atmosphere, but some lcontrols on ground-water flow. Although the feature may leak downward, ultimately recharging the regional seems to be a significant control on ground-water flow ground-water flow system. The infiltration of ponded in the local area, its existence and hydrologic signifi- water would be at most a minor source of water to the cance beyond the immediate area is uncertain. regional flow system, but might provide a means by Hydraulic gradients derived from water-level which surface conta&ants contained in the ponded contours (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, pi. 1) indicate water could be transported into the subsurface environ- that ground water leaves the test areas along the south- ment. em margins of the mesas (fig. 6). On the basis of these Subsurface inflow from Kawich Valley and Gold gradients, an estimate of outflow across these margins Flat to the north is the largest source of ground water is 8,000 acre-ft/yr (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, into the test areas. Blankennagel and Weir (1973, p. 20) p. 20). In the areas downgradient of the testing, flow estimate this source at 5,500 acre-ft/yr. The estimate is directions are inferred from more regional concepts based on a limited knowledge of geologic and hydro- because few data are available. Ground water leaving logic conditions north of Pahute.Mesa and Rainier the testing areas across the southem margins of the Mesa testing areas. Further quantification of this source mesas flows southwestward toward the Amargosa would require geologic and hydrologic information River in Oasis Valley, and south across Timber Moun- from Kawich Valley and Gold Flat. tain or down through Fortymile Canyon @1. l),ulti- Water levels measured in and around Pahute mately discharging at either Oasis Valley, Alkali Flat, Mesa range in altitude from about 4,700 ft in northeast- or Death Valley. The location and nature of the bound- em part of the mesa to about 4,100 ft in the south- ary separating the Oasis Valley and Alkali Flat-Furnace central part of the mesa (fig. 6, pl. 4, and table 5). Creek Ranch subbasins, shown on plate 1, is not well Hydraulic gradients derived from water-level contours understood; therefore, it is uncertain how much of the (Blankennagel and Weir, 1973, pl. 1) indicate that water discharging at Oasis Valley actually passed ground water flows south-southwest across central through rocks beneath the Pahute Mesa test area.

40 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Major structural features related to Tertiary extensional that water levels generally increase in altitude or are faulting and the formation of the Silent Canyon and stable with depth throughout the central and western Timber Mountain caldera complexes are known to parts of Pahute Mesa and decrease in altitude through- exist between the underground test areas and the down- out the eastern part of Pahute Mesa. They interpreted gradient discharge areas. As discussed previously, the spatial distribution of vertical changes in water lev- these structures can act either as barriers that divert els to imply a downward flow in the eastern part of flow or conduits that convey flow. Few data are avail- Pahute Mesa, which is consistent with the area of able to determine the effects that these major structures inferred recharge (fig. 6). may have on ground-water flow directions and rates. Hydrologic test results indicated that jointed and Water-level contours, shown on plates 1 and 3, fractured welded tuffs and lava flows generally were indicate a southeastern flow component away from the most permeable and zeolitized tuff the least perme- Rainier Mesa toward Yucca Flat. Ground water flowing able units. From the information presented, Blankenna- toward Yucca Flat contacts low-permeability rocks of gel and Weir (1973) conceptualized a three- the Eleana confining unit. Few data are available to dwensional framework of semi-independent aquifers determine the effectiveness of this confining unit as a separated from each other by confining units, where barrier or whether permeable rocks (lower carbonate- flow withii the aquifer is primarily through fractures, rock aquifer) existing at depth provide a direct pathway and through interstitial pores in the confining unit for flow into Yucca Flat. Subsurface flow into Yucca between aquifers. The dominant water-transmitting Flat from the volcanic-aquifer system across the Eleana units are areally extensive lava-flow aquifers in the confining unit and through any underlying rocks has northeast and central parts of Pahute Mesa and welded- been estimated at no more than 200 acre-Wyr (Wino- tuff aquifers in the western part of the mesa (pl. 4). The grad and Thordarson, 1975, p. 94). continuity of individual hydrogeologic units and the The only other identified outflow from volcanic hydraulic connections between aquifers are highly aquifers that underlie the Pahute Mesa and Rainier uncertain. Mesa test areas is by the withdrawal of water from Recently measured water levels are in general wells for local water supply (fig. 6).Wells presently agreement with those presented in Blankennagel and withdrawing water are U-20 Water Well, U-lgc, and Weir (1973, pl. l), although some anomalous levels Water Well 8 (formerly Test Well 8). These wells pro- have been measured (p1.4, table 5). Anomalies could vide water primarily to support operational activities, represent actual changes from earlier conditions and although water pumped from Water Well 8 also is used may be related to nuclear testing, changes in climatic for consumptive purposes. Another well, UE-20n 1 conditions, equilibrium adjustments, or tectonic (pl. 4, table 5), has been pumped intermittently for events. Another likely explanation, at least for some of water samples for a radionuclide migration experiment. these anomalies, is that they represent conditions in Recent withdrawals from these wells average about hydrogeologic units different from those penetrated by 750 acre-ft/yr, but have varied throughout the period of the earlier drill holes. The more recent water levels record according to local needs (D.B. Wood, U.S. Geo- were measured in drill holes that generally penetrate logical Survey, written commun., 1991). Although less than a few hundred feet of saturated rock. Most contaminants have not been detected at the supply earlier water levels (prior to 1975) were measured in wells, it is possible that at some future time these or deeper drill holes that penetrated much thicker sections other wells withdrawing water from volcanic rocks of saturated rock; many of these drill holes are no beneath these mesas could intercept or induce move- longer available. The specific cause or causes of these ment of test-generated contaminants. anomalies is difficult to establish based solely on the Blankennagel and Weir (1973, p. 24) estimate data available. that, on average, ground water beneath Pahute Mesa Few estimates of ground-water flow rates through flows through the upper 3,500 ft of saturated rock. By the volcanic aquifers are available in the literature. An testing specific intervals of volcanic rock within bore- estimate of the average ground-water velocity through holes, they identified vertical differences in water lev-' the volcanic rocks beneath Pahute Mesa is given by els, water chemistry, and water-transmitting properties. Blankennagel and Weir (1973). The estimate is based The maximum measured vertical difference in water on some simplifying assumptions about hydraulic and level exceeded 200 fi at UE-20f (pl. 4). Data indicate physical characteristics of the flow system, and is given

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 41 as a range from 7 to 250 ft/yr to account for uncertain- those that take place near or below the water table, ties in the hydraulic properties related to whether flow change local hydrologic conditions and are known to occurs through fractures or interstitial pore space or have significant effects on rock permeability, storativ- both. Brikowski (1992, p. 18) estimates a minimum ity, interstitial fluid pressures, mineral transformations, flow rate of 90 Wyr and maximum flow rate of 124 ft/yr temperature, and water composition. Data indicate that through a lava-flow aquifer near the Cheshire event ground-water flow rates and directions also may be (drill hole U-20n on pl. 4). The estimates are based on altered, although the extent, duration, andmagnitude of tritium arrival times in a drill hole about 1,000 ft away these changes can only be stated in general terms. This from the Cheshire event. Tritium was detected in the section summarizes what has been learned and some of initial samples taken years after the event. The max- 11 what can be inferred about the effects of testing and its imum rate is given to account for the earlier arrival of influence on gi-ound-water flow. Much of this informa- tritium. The flow rate for water moving through unsat- tion about the thermal-mechanical aspects of under- urated tuff (local recharge) at Rainier Mesa was esti- ground explosions is based on work by Piper and Stead mated between 80 to 1,300 Wyr by Thordarson (1965, (1965), Boardman (1970), Higgins (1970), Rogers p. 74-75). His estimate was based on tritium residence (1970), and Carroll (1981). times, and is given as a range to account for uncertain- ties in the dating of the samples and for uncertainties Test-induced changes in permeability and storat-. concerning the path taken to reach the sampling point. ivity result primarily from the generation of new frac- The flow of ground water through this complex tures, the formation of a cavity, and the eventual framework of aquifers and intervening confining units, collapse to produce the rubble chimney (fig. 7). The although assumed to be fracture controlled, is not fully plasma and thermal pulse that originates from the point understood because (1) the difficulty associated with of detonation expands rapidly outward within millisec- predicting the subsurface distribution of volcanic units; onds of firing as rock is vaporized, melted, and (2) a lack of understanding about fracture density, ori- mechanically disaggregated. This more-or-less spheri- entation, and openings; (3) limited data on hydrologic cal volume in which the rock is totally reconstituted is conditions (water levels and water chemistry) within designated the cavity. A compressional shock wave individual aquifers; and (4) limited information on the propagates beyond the cavity and induces the forma- hydraulic properties of the many hydrogeologic units tion of new fractures and causes slip on pre-existing comprising the framework. A key question yet to be fractures. Elastic rebound around the cavity region pro- resolved is whether ground water discharging at Oasis duces circumferential (hoop) compressional stress con- Valley passed through rocks beneath the area of under- ditions immediately outside the cavity that hold these ground testing on Pahute Mesa. This potential flow fractures closed until cavity pressures drop as the path represents the shortest route for test-generated radioactive melt condenses to glass and as other vola- contaminants to reach the accessible environment. tiles (chiefly water) condense to liquid. As the com- Because the more recent drill holes provide minimal pressional hoop stress decays with the reduction in information on the vertical differences in hydrologic cavity vapor pressure, the cavity roof caves and col- conditions, few data are available from which to lapse continues upward as a rubble column (called the advance the understanding of ground-water flow chimney) is formed. Chimney collapse may happen beyond that presented by Blankennagel and Weir within minutes of firing or may not occur for hundreds (1973), or to determine confidently whether testing of days depending on rock strength, overburden pres- has effected ground-water conditions. sure, and other variables. Collapse may extend upward only a short distance or all the way to the ground sur- face creating a subsidence crater. The rubble chimney Effects of Underground Testing on may be a zone of enhanced permeability and storativ- Ground-Water Flow ity, on the basis of several direct and indirect measure- ments (Boardman and Shove, 1966; Cherry and The preceding sections of this report have others, 1968; Delort and Supiot, 1970; Holzer, 1970; described the geology and hydrology of the region and Lombard and others, 1970; Terhune, 1973), but hydro- of the test areas as they existed prior to the initiation of logic effects of the chimney on the ground-water flow underground testing. Large explosions, especially system have not been systematically investigated.

42 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Row at the Nevada Tast Site, Nye County, Nevada MECHANICAL EFFECTS HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS Land surface I I A EXPLANATION

Glass condensed from vaporized rock and test material

Schematic changes in the potentiometric Zone of intense crushing surface over time near detonation

INCREASING DISTANCE FROM DETONATION t Zone of pervasive fracture-Melt injection along fractures

Zone of moderate fracture, with discrete sh failure-Widespread new fractures formed

Zone of chimney collapse immediately following detonation

Zone of subsequent chimney collapse

EXPLANATION Zone of elastic deformation Potentiometric surface - Before detonation (static water level) Point of detonation within cavity Several days after detonation I - Several months after detonation Cavity radius-Unit of distance outward Several years after detonation from point of detonation at center of cavity ! Note: Actual time depends on local permeability, ii! recharge, rate of flow, and other factors u)-I B E 8 Figure 7. Diagrammatic section showing mechanical and hydrologiceffects that may result from underground test detonated below water table. Zones of new fractures around the cavity also are Declines within the chimney have been attributed to inferred to have hydrologic properties that differ con- increased drainage through the more porous rubble and siderably from pre-test conditions. The range over to the expulsion of water by the explosion (Garber, which fracturing and other deformation takes place is a 1971, p. 207). Water levels measured outside the chim- function of the energy released (nuclear yield), and the ney region have been hundreds of feet higher than pre- radius of the cavity is the parameter most commonly shot levels, and the increase differs with distance from stated as a scaled measure of the range of these effects. Actual measurements of cavity radius, obtained from the detonation and with rock properties (W.E.Hale, I.J. post-shot holes drilled through the cavity into the Winograd, and M.S. Gabel, U.S. Geological Survey, radioactive glass at the base, range from about 50 to written commun., 1963; Thordarson, 1987; Hawkins 200 ft for 20 to 150 kiloton events, and from 200 to and others, 1989). Measurements during and following more than 350 ft for larger events (Hudson and Smith, a few tests suggest that an annular mound of higher 1981). However, these direct measurements also show water levels forms immediately following detonation, that cavities have significant irregularities and that radii and then begins to dissipate by drainage outward into vary by as much as 15 percent along differenttransects. surrounding rock and inward to the chimney region . The following description, therefore, implies no (Garber, 1963, p. 207; Thordarson, 1985,1987). The greater precision of scaled range. initial rise in water level beyond the rubble chimney Intensely pulverized rock extends outward to has been attributed to decreases in porosity due to about 1.3 cavity-radii, and pervasively fractured rock extends outward beyond this zone to about 2 cavity- inelastic compression of the rock (Knox and others, radii on the average (Carroll, 1981), but to greater 1965, p. 824; Burkhard and Rambo, 1991). Continued ranges laterally and above the point of explosion outward drainage of water creates a water-level rise, (Boardman and others, 1969). Higgins (1959) and Der- which migrates outward with time. The magnitude of lich (1970) indicate that these interior zones may actu- the rise gener'dly decreases with distance from the cav- ally become less permeable than the native (pre-shot) ity and time. The limited data available indicate that rock because of the tight compaction induced by the test effects may last for a few months or may continue compressional shock wave. Radioactive molten rock is to persist over many years before equilibrium is again locally injected from the cavity along fractures into this reached (Thordarson, 1987). zone, promptly at the time of detonation, but the abso- lute range of injection has not been quantified. Farther Numerous short-term, water-level oscillations out, a surrounding zone of more widely spaced fractur- have been noted and attributed to the initial test-gener- ing extends to about 2.5 to 5 cavity-radii (Borg and oth- ated pressure wave; to seismic-type responses associ- ers, 1976, p. 84). Fractures in this zone have been ated with chimney collapse; to test-induced seismicity; shown to increase permeability in granitic rocks or to test-induced fracturing. These small-magnitude (Boardman and Shove, 1966; Derlich, 1970). Pre- * changes have been measured at distances in the tens of existing fractures have shown local test-induced offsets miles away from the point of detonation (Dudley and out to a range of 6 to 11 cavity-radii in Rainier Mesa %nmels, and surface displacements are documented on others, 1971), but are of minor significance in terms of Pahute Mesa out to a range of 20 cavity-radii regional ground-water flow. (Dickey, 1968; Snyder, 1971; Maldonado, 1977; Cov- The wide variations in duration and areal extent ington, 1990). Possible effects on permeability due to of altered hydrologic conditions probably reff ect varia- test-induced movement along pre-existing fractures tions in hydraulic communication among local hydro- has not been studied. * geologic units, but no systematic studies have been Sustained documented changes in pre-shot water made. The cumulative effects of these changes on levels attributed to underground testing include low- ered levels within the chimney region and elevated lev- ground-water flow rates and directions have not been 'assessed. Measurements of hydraulic properties and els outside the chimney (fig. 7). Post-shot water levels within the rubble chimney of tests detonated below the water levels within any of the underground test areas pre-shot water table have been hundreds of feet lower since testing began, therefore, cannot be presumed to than pre-test levels (Thordarson, 1987, p. 12-16). represent the undisturbed hydrologic conditions. '

44 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

~- .-- __ Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa

The large number and close spacing of under- The effects of underground testing on ground- ground tests in Yucca Flat increases the probability that water flow at Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa are less mechanical effects of adjoining tests have interacted in studied than those described for Yucca Flat. Elevated some parts of the basin (fig. 8). No direct investigations water levels have been measured, but because of of cumulative effects have been made, but some quali- numerous factors (see “Ground-Water Flow”), most tative inferences can be stated. Fractures created by notably the presence of perched water, the anomalous prior tests are likely to be reactivated by later events highs are difficult to attribute to testing. Despite less and intersecting fracture zones (2 to 5 cavity-radii) or quantitative information, it is possible to qualitatively chimney rubble columns beneath the water table will state that the hydrologic concerns associated with test- likely increase the hydraulic connection between ing are considerably different from those that pertain to hydrogeologic units and create additional pathways for tests detonated in Yucca Fiat. These differences can be ground-water flow. New fractures and collapse chim- attributed to variations in the local geology and hydrol- neys in the unsaturated zone above test locations may ogy of the two test areas, and to the larger yields, enhance downward recharge from the surface and greater depths, and the lesser number of tests on the migration of contaminants toward aquifers, especially mesas. in areas where subsidence craters can capture and pond Pahute Mesa was the site for most of the larger surface runoff. Fracturing of the radioactive glass cav- yield tests at NTS, most of which were detonated near ity-lining of prior tests by shock waves from later or below the water table (tables 4 and 5, pl. 4). An esti- explosions has not been studied, but it is likely that the mated 19 megatons of cumulative explosive yield can leachable surface area of the glass could be increased. be ascribed to Pahute Mesa shots that contributed to The hydrologic effects of underground testing in “the ground-water-accessible radionuclide inventory” Yucca Flat include long-term increases in the water- (Bryant and Fabryka-Martin, 1991, table 2), and to table altitude in some areas, and persistent increases in more than two-thirds of the NTS total. All 18 high- hydraulic pressure in some confined units (Hoover and yield tests at the NTS (approximately 200 kilotons Trudeau, 1987). The region of elevated water table to about 1.4 megatons), detonated prior to the 1976 Threshold Test Ban Treaty, were more than 800 ft (referred to as water-table mounding) is currently lim- ited to the north-central part of Yucca Flat (fig. 9), below the pre-test water level. From these factors, four where it appears to result from post-test compaction of issues warrant consideration at Pahute Mesa: (1) larger saturated, unconfined alluvium (Hoover and Trudeau, yields produce larger cavities that enclose more diverse 1987). Farther south in the basin (fig. 9), wells that pen- hydrogeologic units; (2) the extent of fracturing around etrate confined aquifers show anomalously high larger tests, and the effects on permeability, cannot be hydraulic pressures, and water levels have been mea- evaluated from present data; (3) larger cavities and sured at discrete depths within the tuff confining unit larger zones of fracturing increase the likelihood that that are hundreds of feet higher than expected (Hoover conditions in multiple aquifers are altered, and interac- and Trudeau, 1987; Hawkins and others, 1988,1989). tions among such units may be complex; and (4) larger The cause of the these high hydraulic pressures is yields produce more tritium &d fission products that are readily accessible to ground water. uncertain. Trapped pressures accumulating as a conse- quence of repeated underground tests detonated in sat- Most Rainier Mesa tests involve small-yield urated, low permeability rocks is one likely devices (generally 20 kilotons or less) that were deto- explanation. These test-induced pressure changes have nated in mined chambers above the regional water altered substantially pre-test hydraulic gradients and table. However, Rainier Mesa is an area receiving suf- probably have created local anomalies in both vertical ficient precipitation to be considered a recharge area and lateral flow rates and flow directions. The conse- and is known to contain zones of perched water. Down- quences of such changes on local or regional ground- ward percolating water may contact test-generated water flow have not been fully determined, but would contaminants prior to reaching the underlying regional be expected to complicate the conceptual model of ground-water flow system. Presently, data are insuffi- ground-water flow, especially beneath the areas of cient to determine whether test effects increase or underground testing. decrease the rate of ground-water recharge or to

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 45 2K A A' .;! FEET z' 8 01 X I$ $ 8,000 Carpetbag ml

(LIm 6,000 fault I 0 \I UE-6a F

a -\I - 5 -4,000 - I Ma or burledI fault I in thls zone; see text -6,000 B Geology by J.C. Cole, 1991 VERTICAL EXAGGERATIONXi.2 0 10,000 20,000 FEET I PI! 0 3,dOO 6,000 METERS

EXPLANATION Zones of test-inducedfractures Fault

= Volcanic-rock aquifer and testing-Modified from Doty and tuff confining unit Thordarson (1983) Upper carbonate-rock aquifer (schematic) = Eleana confining unit Lower carbonate-rock aquifer

Figure 8. Generalized longitudinal hydrogeologicsection across central Yucca Flat showing mechanical effects of underground testing. Undergroundtest locations obtained from U.S. Department of Energy (1994). Cavity dimensions and fracture zones calculated using measurements of cavity radius and working-point depths as summarized in classified listing of test parameters (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, written commun., 1991). Location of sections is shown in figure 9. B B' FEET Carpetbag Yucca 7 / fault /fault r

1.000 -I DIRECTTO 1 CARBONATE-ROCK - I AQUIFER I -TUFF-CONFINING I Sea level UNIT NO VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 FEET Geology by J.C. Cole, 1991 1 I I' 0 300 600 900 METERS

EXPLANATION TIValleyfill aquifer Zones of test-induced fractures Fault Pervasive fracturing Welded-tuff aquifer p7A Water table prior to underground testing- Moderate fracturing Modified from Doty and Thordarson (1983) = ~uffconfining unit E I Lower carbonate-rock aquifer Possible detonation-related flow path to lower carbonate-rock aquifer (see text)

Figure 8. Continued. 116'07'30" 116"OO'




Base prepared by U.S. Geological Survey from digital data, 1:100,000 1979-89 0' 5 MILES Universal Transverse Mercator projection Zone 11 0- 5 KILOMETERS

Figure 9. General areas within Yucca Flat where sustained, local hydrologic effects may have resulted from underground testing.

48 Summary of Hydrogeologlc Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Tost Site, Nye County, Nevada EXPLANATION

Approximate area used for underground testing

Area of water-table mounding-Approximate area where water table is mounded in U measured wells. Modified from Hoover and Trudeau (1988, p. 366 and fig.1)

Area of increased hydraulic pressure-Approximate area where water levels measured in tuff confining unit are higher than measured water table. Modified from Hawkins and others (1 987)

Water-table contour-Shows altitude of water table. Contour intervals 25 feet (solid line) and 500 feet (dashed line). Datum is sea level. Modified from Doty and Thordarson (1983)

B B' Line of section-Sections are shown in figure 8

Nevada Test Site boundary

8 Area boundary within Test Site-Area number is indicated

Figure 9. Continued.

UNDERGROUND TEST AREAS 49 determine their effects on contaminant transport. studied, conveys ground water southward across the Chimneys that form above Rainier Mesa tests generally extreme northwest part of NTS through welded-tuff do not collapse to the ground surface, and contrary to and lava-flow aquifers into Oasis Valley, where it is dis- conditions on Yucca Flat, few subsidence craters exist charged by numerous springs and seeps and a few to create potential conduits for the downward infiltra- water supply wells. The central Alkali Flat-Furnace tion of ponded surface runoff. Creek Ranch subbasin, which includes most of Pahute ' Mesa test area, contains the rest of the western half of NTS. Ground water flows southward, fist traversing SUMMARY AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR complex, nested volcanic caldera structures that con- ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION tain hydrologically diverse lavas, welded tuff, and bed- ded tuff, and later passes through alluvium and Underground testing of nuclear weapons at the carbonate rock before discharging at Alkali Flat or the Nevada Test Site has introduced significant quantities Furnace Creek Ranch area of Death Valley. The eastern of radioactive and chemical contaminants into the Ash Meadows subbasin encompasses much of the east- ground-water flow system of southern Nevada. These ern half of NTS,and includes the Yucca Flat and contaminants are distributed over a large area and a Frenchman Flat test areas. Ground water is conveyed wide range of depths and in hydrogeologic environ- primarily through the lower carbonate-rock aquifer, ments that are variable and complex. Ground-water which is recharged locally from overlying alluvial and flow is the primary mechanism by which contaminants volcanic deposits that fill major valleys, and discharges can be transported away from the underground test primarily along a line of springs in Ash Meadows. areas into a more accessible environment (areas of The boundaries between these subbasins are not spring discharge and ground-water withdrawal) within well defined and are the subject of considerable scien- and outside NTS boundaries. Therefore, any assess- tific debate. Water budgets for individual subbasins ment of risk to human health or environmental quality have been derived from simple calculations based on resulting from exposures to test-generated contami- regional estimates of recharge and discharge. Ground- nants must rely on quantitative knowledge of the water flow rates have been estimated on the basis of a ground-water flow system and the processes control- few quantitative measurements, limited chemical and ling contaminant transport. isotopic investigations, and a few model calculations, This review and summary of existing information all which depend on regional assumptions about the expands the regional and local hydrogeologic concepts flow processes. Porous (matrix) flow through quartzite, established by previous investigators. NTS is centrally shale, and zeolitically altered tuff has been determined located in the regional Death Valley ground-water flow to be quite slow (less than 0.1 ft/d), whereas flow rates system. Ground water generally flows southward through fractured carbonate rock have been measured across southern Nevada to discharge areas primarily to be several orders of magnitude higher (hundreds of west and southwest of NTS. Most ground water origi- feet per day). Most flow is assumed to occur through nates from precipitation falling on the mountainous fractures and fault zones, but few systematic studies areas of central Nevada and to a lesser degree on higher have been completed to understand or quantify this mesas and mountain ranges along downgradient flow process. paths. Relative to NTS, ground water enters laterally The geology of the Death Valley ground-water across the northern and eastern boundaries of the site, flow system, and in particular the NTS region, is com- and vertically beneath areas of higher elevation. plicated by the overlapping effects of major structural Ground water leaves the NTS primarily across its events. The Eocambrian and Paleozoic bedrock of the southern and southwestern boundaries, ultimately region, consisting of a thick lower quartzite unit, a mid- reaching an intermediate discharge area or Death Val- dle limestone and dolomite unit, and an upper siltstone, ley, where it is released as springflow or is evaporated conglomerate, and shale unit of Mississippian age, or transpired, unless otherwise removed by local were folded and thrust toward the east and southeast pumping. during Mesozoic time and locally thrust westward as Ground water at NTS is thought to flow within well. Subsequent extensional deformation on low angle one of three discrete ground-water subbasins. The faults and erosion produced a complex distribution of western Oasis Valley subbasin, although not well rock units during the Tertiary period. Middle Miocene

50 Summary of Hydrogeologlc Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada 'Test Site, Nye County, Nevada

-_-._ - - - time was heralded by major rhyolitic eruptions from rock, and are secondary in terms of ground-water con- the earliest calderas of the southwest Nevada volcanic tamination and potential offsite migration, except pos- field that buried the pre-existing topographic surface sibly in areas of local recharge where test-generated formed on the Paleozoic rocks. Volcanic eruptions con- contaminants could be transported into the ground- tinued over a period of about 8 million years from sev- water flow system through the unsaturated zone by eral nested calderas beneath the Pahute Mesa and downward percolating water. Timber Mountain areas, and led to the accumulation Yucca Hat has been the location for about 80 per- of many thousands of feet of varied rhyolitic deposits cent of the underground tests, although two-thirds were covering a Paleozoic basement. During and following relatively small in yield and detonated above the water this period of extremely active volcanism, the NTS table. The remaining third were detonated near and region has been intermittently extended by slip on low- below the water table primarily in bedded tuff east of angle normal faults. Deep alluvial basins formed in the the Carpetbag fault in the eastern part of the west-tilted areas of greatest extension and filled with eroded debris Yucca Hat structural basin. The lower carbonate-rock from surrounding fault blocks. The geology within aquifer lies below these tuff units and forms the pri- major areas of testing is well known as an outgrowth of mary conduit by which water can leave the basin. drilling and investigations related to the underground Ground water flowing within the lower carbonate-rock testing program, but is considerably less clear beneath aquifer is constrained on the east by a regional south- and beyond specific areas of testing. west hydraulic gradient and on the west and north by Expanding the current understanding of geology the low permeability rocks. Thus, ground water flows and hydrology in individual underground test areas southward into Frenchman Hat, ultimately reaching a requires a knowledge of processes and parameters at downgradient discharge area, probably Ash Meadows. a more detailed scale than used to describe regional The lower carbonate-rock aquifer receives local ground-water flow. This more local scale is particularly recharge across the overlying tuff units, most of which relevant in assessing the potential for contaminant have been altered to zeolites and therefore do not trans- migration because so many of the critical hydrogeo- mit water readily, except possibly along fault zones. logic factors are characterized by heterogeneities over Other than a few tests that were detonated within the distances of a few feet to a few miles. Ground-water lower carbonate-rock aquifer, available data are insuf- flow is influenced by lithologic discontinuities (result- ficient to asses the extent of test-generated contami- ing from depositional facies, lithification, alteration, nants migrating downward through the tuff units into and others) and hydrologic parameters (local recharge, the underlying lower carbonate-rock aquifer. discharge, pumping, and aquifer geometry, among oth- Pahute Mesa has been the location for 85 tests, 77 ers) that can be quite diverse over a testing area or even of which were detonated near or below the water table. at the scale of an individual drill hole. In addition, The mesa provided sites for the deepest and largest mechanical, chemical, and hydrologic effects of a yield tests and contains about two-thirds of the total nuclear detonation, which determine the initial distri- nuclear yield generated by the testing program. The bution of contaminants and alter the geologic environ- subsurface hydrologic environment at Pahute Mesa is ment as well as local hydrologic conditions, also make complex because water moves primarily through frac- this scale particularly relevant. tures in discontinuous lava-flow and welded-tuff aqui- Most underground testing at NTS was done in fers that are embedded in the tuff confining unit and are two distinct geologic and hydrologic environments. offset and broken by caldera forming and younger The Yucca Flat and Frenchman Flat test areas lie within high-angle faults. Ground water generally flows across the Ash Meadows ground-water subbasin where most the test area under the influence of a south-southwest tests were detonated in alluvium and volcanic rock hydraulic gradient away from recharge areas in the overlying the regional carbonate-rock aquifer. In the eastern and northern parts of Pahute Mesa, and exits Pahute Mesa and Rainier Mesa areas, where the defini- across the southern margins of the test area. All but a tion of effective aquifers are poorly understood and the few tests in the extreme western area of testing were downgradient pathways are uncertain, tests were deto- detonated within the Silent Canyon caldera complex. nated in thick, highly varied volcanic rocks. Tests det- This region outside the caldera complex is character- onated in tunnels at Rainier Mesa and at some of the ized by higher water levels that form a local disconti- smaller test areas were all essentially in unsaturated nuity in the hydraulic gradient that is approximately

SUMMARY AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION 51 coincident with the boundary of the Oasis Valley sub- Important factors in developing a strategy to basin and the buried structural margin of the Silent remediate contaminated ground water include knowl- Canyon caldera complex. The specific cause, exact edge of (1) the contaminant sources in terms of sub- location, and the full areal extent of the hydrologic dis- stances, quantities, distribution, and physical-chemical continuity is unknown because of a lack of drill-hole conditions; (2) the flow paths between contaminant control outside the test area and because of younger, sources and potential points of biological exposure; flat-lying volcanic deposits that obscure the geology (3) the rate of ground-water flow; and (4) other pro- that controls ground-water flow to downgradient dis- cesses controlling the fate and transport of contami- charge areas. nants along these flow paths. Contaminants at NTS A review of existing literature indicates that the have been introduced over large areas and at various mechanical, thermal, and hydrologic effects of under- depths, and the flow paths between contaminant ground nuclear detonations are only known in broad sources and potential receptor populations span great general terms and have been studied only for a few distances. A strategy for remediating these contami- small-yield explosions. The explosion produces a nants, whether by removal, containment, treatment, or roughly spherical cavity of vaporized rock and test monitoring, would be enhanced by refining the current debris, and a surrounding zone of crushed and fractured understanding of ground-water flow through this vast rock that may contain injected contaminants out to a and hydrogeologically complex region. Uncertainties distance of about five cavity radii. Initially, ground in the current understanding of the subsurface geology water is expelled from the explosion zone causing a and hydrology are many, and many of the technical local annular rise in the water table around the explo- issues associated with resolving these uncertainties are complex. sion area. The rise eventually dissipates as ground water flows outward and inward to near equilibrium Pioneering work throughout the 1960's and levels. Long-term hydrologic effects, such as sustained 1970's provides a substantial base from which to begin pressurized zones with confining units, have been ground-water characterization. These early efforts, noted, particularly in Yucca Flat. In the north-central along with more recent investigations, have identified part of the Yucca Flat basin, the water table has been many of the regional controls on ground-water flow; elevated; farther south, hydraulic pressures within the including the general areas of recharge and discharge, tuff confining units are unusually high. Few systematic the principal aquifers and confining units, and the studies have been made of the extent of fracturing major geologic structures. Although early conceptual- around cavity zones, the changes in rock permeability, izations of ground-water flow, based in part on these the distribution of radionuclide and chemical contami- regional controls, led to the delineation of ground- nants, hydrologic effects of the collapsed chimney, or water basins and subbasins and a general understand- the thermal effects of underground detonations. ing of ground-water flow directions, many issues still The preceding discussion summarizes what is remain unresolved at this broad scale. Those issues known and inferred about the ground-water flow sys- most pertinent to the assessment and remediation of tem at NTS and identify many elements that are little NTS have to do with the nature and location of individ- known and those properties that lack precise measure- ual subbasin boundaries and the qualitative character of ment. The objective of the USDOE Environmental the estimates of flow rates and flow components. The Restoration Program is not to eliminate every hydro- resolution of these issues can be hastened by acquiring geologic uncertainty, but rather to acquire sufficient a more definitive understanding of the following: dis- knowledge from which to develop and implement effi- charge at Oasis Valley, Ash Meadows, and Death Val- cient and cost-effective strategies for remediation ley; recharge in the Pahute Mesa area and at other (U.S. Department of Energy, 199Ob, p. 10-17). Much higher elevation localities; and lateral flow into and of this knowledge would be acquired during the early across subbasin boundaries. In addition, wells and test characterization phases of the program. The following holes along with geophysical surveys and geologic discussion highlights some of the hydrogeologic mapping would provide geologic and hydrologic infor- uncertainties discussed in the report and is intended to mation to fill major data gaps, especially in the areas help prioritize investigations that would best character- between underground testing and downgradient ize the ground-water flow system. discharge.

52 Summary of Hydrogeologlc Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Smaller-scale issues also need to be investigated with the topographic wall of the Silent Canyon caldera because system controls are characterized by heteroge- complex in western Area 20) a real hydrologic feature? neities over distances of a few feet to a few miles. Is it caused by a specific geologic structure, and does it Examples of such issues include the distribution of extend southward into the younger Timber Mountain contaminant sources; the mechanical and hydraulic caldera? What is the hydrologic significance of the effects of underground testing; the chemical reactions Timber Mountain dome? Is it a recharge area, a barrier, among the rock, water, and contaminant; and the rock or does it constitute a fractured-rock aquifer? What are properties that control ground-water flow. These types the hydrologic effects of young, high-angle north- of spatial variation can result in preferential and locally trending faults on ground-water flow? To what depths unique flow paths, and are particularly relevant to are flow paths likely to extend beneath and away from assessing risk at NTS where contaminants can be contaminated areas? How do fractures control flow highly toxic and long lived. Smaller scale controls and rates, directions, and pathways? How are flow paths their effect on directions and rates of ground-water altered by the discontinuity of volcanic aquifers? What flow need to be understood if estimates of traveltime chemical and physical reactions result as a conse- and concentrations at points of exposure are to be quence of the heat and energy released by a nuclear det- defended against public and regulatory scrutiny. Local- onation? How do these test-induced reactions alter the scale controls also are important in locating and con- ground-water flow paths and the transport of test- structing monitoring wells and in interpreting data generated contaminants? from monitoring wells and other holes drilled in the Most tests at NTS have been detonated in valley- test areas. fill alluvium and volcanic rocks beneath Yucca Flat Investigators made some progress in identifying (table 4). Although current data indicate that ground and defining smaller scale controls during the early water moves downward through these units into the days of the testing program. During succeeding years, underlying lower carbonate-rock aquifer, southward the boundaries of test areas were expanded to accom- beneath Frenchman Hat, and then southwestward to modate increased activity. As the size and number of a downgradient discharge area (probably Ash Mead- test areas grew to include more geologically and hydro- ows), little is known about the controlling processes. logically diverse regions, efforts to collect hydrogeo- Of the limited number of drill holes open to carbonate logic data and do supporting science did not keep pace. rock, only a few penetrate more than a hundred feet To fill these critical information gaps in a reasonable into saturated section, and no quantitative studies have amount of time and at a practical cost, some drilling is assessed the hydraulic connection between the lower needed to better identify and constrain principal flow carbonate-rock aquifer and overlying saturated units in paths away from underground test areas. Subsequent Yucca and Frenchman Flats. Thus, studies are needed drilling then could be focused primarily on those areas to ascertain where and how fast water moves from where characterization of smaller scale controls and areas of testing into the underlying lower carbonate- establishment of long-term monitoring are most criti- rock aquifer. Does downward leakage take place pri- cal. marily along faults, through dispersed fractures, or About two-thirds of the test-generated radioac- over the entire area where the carbonate-rock aquifer is tive contaminants have been released into the volcanic confined by overlying units? What is the role of the aquifers and confining units beneath Pahute Mesa Carpetbag-Yucca fault system in controlling flow into (Bryant and Fabryka-Martin, 1991, table 2), but the the carbonate-rock aquifer? How effective are the present knowledge is insufficient to evaluate the quan- Eleana Formation and Chainman Shale as a confining tity of ground-water flowing southwestward to Oasis unit? Do they form a continuous hydrologic divide Valley, southward beneath Timber Mountain, or south- between the Ash Meadows and Alkali-Flat Furnace eastward beneath Fortymile Canyon. Oasis Valley, a Creek Ranch ground-water subbasins, and do they major area of ground-water discharge, warrants partic- effectively block downward flow throughout their sub- ular attention because of its proximity to past tests at surface extent? Do carbonate rocks beneath the Eleana Pahute Mesa (only about 17 mi) and because the major Formation convey moderate and large quantities of hydrogeologic units and structural controls along flow water and are they an active part of the lower carbon- paths from Pahute Mesa into Oasis Valley are uncer- ate-rock aquifer? If so, does ground water in these tain. Is the limited-flow barrier (apparently coincident rocks flow into Yucca and Frenchman Flats or

SUMMARY AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION 53 vice-versa? What is the role of fractures in controlling and mechanical effects near the point of nuclear deto- ground-water flow through carbonate rocks-do they nation and how do they alter the ability of the rock to create highly irregular and less predictable flow paths? retain or transmit contaminants? To what extent does At Rainier Mesa and Shoshone Mountain, deto- circulating hot ground water (resulting from the under- nations have been relatively small in yield, and have ground test) act to redistribute radionuclides in the sub- taken place primarily in volcanic confining units above surface? the water table. Nonetheless, a general understanding The contaminant sources at NTS are large and of the hydrogeology would permit aclearer assessment distributed over considerable volumes of diverse and of the potential risk. Much less is known about ground- complex rock assemblages. Because any risk to human water conditions because few drill holes have reached health or environmental quality depends on knowledge the water table and even fewer have penetrated any sig- of how and where these contaminants migrate, the def- nificant thickness of saturated rock. Basic questions inition and quantification of ground-water flow away remain regarding depth to the water table, configura- from the areas of testing are of importance. A cost- tion of the potentiometric surface, and rocks that make effective approach would be first to identify the major up the flow system beneath thesetest areas. Specific ground-water controls and to identify and explore the questions concern the nature and location of the bound- principal aquifers and confining units. Once con- ary between the Ash Meadows subbasin and the Alkali strained by adequate data, more complicated and Hat-Furnace Creek Ranch subbasin in these areas; the expensive well designs could be used to determine hydrologic significance of dolomite beneath the volca- heads within and between individual aquifers, quantify nic section and the low-angle faults between dolomite aquifer and confining-unit properties, and explore the and the Eleana Formation at Rainier Mesa; and the interconnections of aquifers along the principal flow potential for local recharge to transport contaminants paths, specifically in those areas where detailed charac- downward into the saturated-flow system. terization is most critical. This staged approach also Farther downgradient from the immediate areas would expedite selection and help minimize the num- of underground testing, ground water and its dissolved ber of sites that would be necessary for long-term mon- contaminants traverse complex and lesser studied geo- itoring or that may be needed to support the selection logic terranes. The subsurface geology of the Rock Val- and implementation of a remedial strategy. ley fault system needs further study to establish flow paths between Frenchman Hat and downgradient dis- charge areas (Ash Meadows and possibly Alkali Hat REFERENCES CITED and Death Valley). Such studies would address the pos- sibility that low hydraulic gradients in this area reflect Armstrong, R.L., 1968, Sevier orogenic belt in Nevada and highly permeable rocks within the carbonate-rock Utah: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 79, aquifer and the Iikelihood of channeled flow, as was p. 429-458. proposed by Winograd and Pearson (1976). 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54 Summary of Hydrogeologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada Boardman, C.R., Rabb, D.D., and McArthur, R.D., 1969, Carr, W.J., Byers, EM., Jr., and Orkild, P.P., 1986, Strati- Responses of four rock mediums to contained nuclear graphic and volcano-tectonic relations of the Crater Flat explosions: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 69, Tuff and some older volcanic units, Nye County, 110.16, p. 3457-3469. Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper Boardman, C.R., and Shove, J., 1966, Distribution in frac- 1323,28 p. ture permeability of a granite rock mass following a Carroll, R.D., 1981, Seismic velocities and postshot proper- contained nuclear explosion: Journal of Petroleum ties in and near chimneys: Monterey Containment Sym- Technology, v. 18, p. 629-623. posium, Monterey, Calif., Los Alamos National Borg, I.Y., Stone, R., Levy, H.B., and Ramspott, L.D., 1976, Laboratory, Proceedings, LA-9211-C, p. 379-396. 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