MPPSC 2020 – UNIT WISE TEST SERIES 2020 - TEST 5 MPPSC 2020 UNIT WISE MAINS TEST SERIES 2020 TEST 5 MODEL HINTS GS PAPER 1 Unit 5 – HISTORY of MP (Dynasties) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- 3 MARKERS 1. This question consists of very short answer-type questions. Each question is to be answered in 1 line (10 Words). There is no internal choice. Each question carries 3 marks. (a) Avantibai Model Hints Avanitbai or Avanti bai Lodhi was the Wife of Maharaja Vikramaditya Singh She was the ruler of the Ramgarh estate on the banks of Kharmer River. Ramgarh presently comes under Dindori Distt, Madhya Pradesh. (Earlier under Mandla district, before division) Sacrificed her life in Revolt of 1857 Birth Anniversary : 16 April Death Anniversary 20 March In the honor of freedom fighter Rani Avantibai Lodhi, the Narmada Valley Development Authority named the Bargi dam after her in Jabalpur district. Department of Posts also issued a stamp in honor of Rani Avantibai. MPPSC 2020 (UNIT WISE TEST SERIES – 50 TESTS) (Enroll@9999) Call: 9953733830 WhatsApp: 7982862964 Mail:
[email protected] MPPSC 2020 – UNIT WISE TEST SERIES 2020 - TEST 5 (b) Chandelas Model Hints Chandel Dynasty (9th -13th Century AD) The Chandela or Chandel is a Rajput clan in Central India Nannuk founded the Chandel dynasty in Bundelkhand Bundelkhand was known as Jejakbhukti. Their Capitals were at Khajuraho and Mahoba. Initially Chandels were the feudal ( Samant) under Pratiharas. Chandelas also captured fort Kalinjar. Chandelas assumed to be the decendents of saint Chadrodaya. The Chandelas built the most famous Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho in 1050 A.D.