1. Which of the following asserted his claim to the Office of Peshwai inspite of the stiff resistence from his uncle, ? A. Madhavrao I B. Balaji Bajirao C. Bajirao II D. Sawai Madhavrao

2. What was the reason for the death of Sawai Madhavrao? A. Natural Death B. Suicide C. Assassination D. Poisoned

3. Who did Peshwa Madhavrao defeated in the battle of Madgiri? A. British B. Nizam C. Haider Ali D. Tipu Sultan

4. In which year did Peshwa Balaji Bajirao breathed his last? A. 1760 B. 1761 C. 1762 D. 1763

5. The were based in which of the following cities? A. Indore B. Gwalior C. Verul D. Ahmednagar

6. had served as an accountant under which Maratha General? A. Dhanaji Jadhav B. Baji Pisalkar C. Santaji Ghorpade D. Lukhoji Jadhav

7. Which Rajput ruler invited Abdali to fight against Marathas and promised all necessary help too? A. Isahwari Singh B. Abhay Singh C. Madho Singh D. Sawai Mansingh

8. Who is responsible for the rise of Gaekwads in Baroda? A. Damaji B. Dhanaji C. Suryaji D. Yashaji

9. What was the hereditary Village Accountant in Peshwa period called as? A. Kulkarni B. Patil C. Deshmukh D. Deshpande

10. What was the hereditary Revenue collector of district or sub district in Peshwa period called as? A. Balutadar B. Kulkarni C. Deshmukh D. Deshpande

11. What was the lowest Military rank in Maratha Army? A. Paik B. Bargi C. Silhadar D. Panch Hazari

12. What is the termed used for Cavalryman having his own horses and equipments? A. Naik B. Paik C. Bargi D. Silahdar

13. What is Chauth? A. 25% tax levied on revenue or produce B. 75% tax levied on revenue or produce C. 50% tax levied on revenue or produce D. 15% tax levied on revenue or produce

14. What is Sardeshmukhi Rights? A. Tax related to and on Chauth that the Kingdom has to pay an additional 10% tax on Chauth B. Tax related to and on Chauth that the Kingdom has to pay an additional 20% tax on Chauth C. Tax related to and on Chauth that the Kingdom has to pay an additional 15% tax on Chauth D. Tax related to and on Chauth that the Kingdom has to pay an additional 25% tax on Chauth

15. ‘The two pearls have been dissolved, 22 gold mohars have been lost, and as to silver and copper, the total cannot be cast up.’ What is the meaning and context of this statement? A. Material loss of Mughals during Maharaj’s sack of Surat in 1664 B. Maratha’s territorial loss due to signing of Treaty of Purandhar C. Nizam’s loss due to his defeat in the Battle of D. Marathas’ loss in human life due to their defeat in the

16. Who got maximum benefits from the defeat of Marathas in the thirdtle of Panipat? A. English B. Mughals C. French D. Nizam

17. According to Grant Duff the Maratha society was divided into? A. Brahmins, Marathas, Vaisyas and Mahars B. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras C. Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Sudras D. Brahmins, Marathas, Vaisyas and Sudras

18. A village in Deccan was called as? A. Kasba B. Gav C. Miras D. Mauja

19. What was the Barbar called as in Maratha State? A. Sutar B. Nahvi C. Parit D. Caugula

20. What was Patil’s principle duty? A. To Punish the offenders B. To collect rent C. to supervise cultivation and collect government assessment D. To guard the village

21. The Peshwai Revenue was inspired by? A. Alauddin’s Market Policy B. Raja Todarmal’s revenue system C. Yadava’s policy D. Aurangzeb’s revenue policy

22. The systematic division of land was called as? A. Zameen B. Bhiga C. Mahal D. Ryot

23. The land own by Vatandars in Maratha kingdom was known as? A. Dhumala B. Jagir C. Iqta D. Mansab

24. What is Jirayat? A. Dry land B. Green land C. Pasture land D. Marshy land

25. What is a Bakhar? A. Exploits of a great figure B. Exploits of Gods and Godesses C. Hyms of God D. Hyms worshipping Nature