Acid Violence in Pakistan
Taiba Zia Acid Violence in Pakistan 47% of Pakistan’s nearly 190 million population are women.1 The country ratified CEDAW in 1996.2 More than 15 years have passed since then but Pakistan still has a dismal women’s rights record, ranking 134 out of 135 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report of 20123. By far the most egregious of these are crimes of violence against women, which range from “honor” killings4 and rapes to domestic violence and acid crimes. The Aurat Foundation, a local women’s rights organization, reports 8539 cases of violence against women in 2011, an alarming increase of 6.49% from the previous year. Of these, sexual assault increased by 48.65%, acid throwing by 37.5%, “honor” killings by 26.57% and domestic violence by 25.51%. The organization noted 44 cases of acid violence in 2011 compared to 32 in 2010. An important point to remember here is that these are only the cases reported in the media.5 Indeed, it is widely acknowledged that most cases do not make it to the media as women tend not to come forth with the crimes for a number of reasons, such as fear, stigma, lack of rights awareness, economic dependence on the perpetrators, lack of family and societal support, and mistrust of the police and judiciary, to name a few. Collecting data from isolated rural areas is also difficult. Valerie Khan, Chair of Acid Trust Foundation Pakistan, estimates acid attacks in Pakistan number 150 each year while Shahnaz Bokhari, chief coordinator at the Progressive Women’s Association, states that her organization has documented over 8800 cases of victims burnt by acid and fire since 1994.6 Bokhari adds the caveat that her figures are only from “Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and a 200-mile radius” and not the entire country.
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