4 BIG DAYS AUG. 30, 31; SEPT. 1, 2

2 piece assorted fleecy-soft knit LOVELY BACK-TO-SCHOOL with pullover topi snap-on bottorm double soled feet, Maize, pin'', Sites I to 4. Reg. $1.29. DRESSES

Beautiful and imart ( new full . Every wanted style. In all the new fall c o I o r i and BUY NOW AND SAVE DUR­ plaids, Buy now and save. ING OUR SALE. USE NEW- BERRYS LAYAWAY AND EASY CREDIT PLAN.

Bozo the Clown, television favorite of millions will GIRLS' ANKLETS a personal appearance at Rolling Hills Plat* make BINDER WITH FILLER PAPER Solid color coHon . Triple rail Shopping Center at I p.m., Friday, August 31 it Includes i ring note book with clip top. Whit* and pastels, 4 pair to Hills Plate Shopping Center, located at Pa Rolling filler paper and index, pack. cific Coeit Highway end Censhaw i t planning for tfce Newberrys Low Price N*wfe*rrys Low Prk« large crowds usually preterit for the hour long thow featuring fan, magic, free gifts and that special 200 count Wid« o clowning hilarity made famous by KTLA's, in person FILLER »ge rul*. J holt. "Bozo the Clown" star Vance Col»ig. The Merchant! Association of Rotting Hills Plata are PAPER i*f. 57e SAVI 20c hosts for this show and no admission will be charged Part of Boio's activity will be centered eremnd Space SUPER 22 PIECE Pirate Park, the free playground in Rolling Hrth Plata P N AND PENCIL TRAY where the youngsters can play on spaceships, subma IADIES' PACKAGED rines, pirate ships and numerous other structure* all designed to delight them under cortatant adult super. vision while parents shop in the some 21 stores In »' PANTIES shopping center.

Girk & toys LUNCH KITS

USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN GIRLS' SLIPS Polished cotton slip* i three styles. All iace »n« STUDENT DESK med and ruffled. Wlnt only.

BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Hug* «*to«lmeni of ityles and siies. Many patterns and ma teriels to choose from. GltU' PACKAGED ewe) ftlrh 20 IOYS and Girls' Reg. SI .ft eexh STANDARD SAVI t *e ON 3 26" BICYCLE IICYCLE PANTIES BOYS' BRIEFS 100 Acetate panties in colors. Newberrys Law Price Newberryt Law Price


36" SOLID COLOI H.ANNIL IIMNANTS Assorted pastel shades in cotton rem nants, 2 10 yd. lengths Reg. 3°c yd. Save I2c

3*" PUNT FLANNIL RIMNANTS AM t jyvenile and night wear patterns in cotton flannel Reg 39c yd. Save I 7c on 3 ydi GIRLS'

34 PfRCALE PRINTS AND SOLIDS F«*$ta cotton in attorted patterns and CAR COAT solid colors. Newberrys Low Price Washable cotton cord or gaberdine coat with quilted lining. Orion acrylic 3ft" COMIEO PRINT SATIIN trim hood. Assorted colors, Siies 2 IS yd, lengths. Cotton in assorted 4.14. color* and patterns, Reg. 67c yd. Save I4c Reg SI.47 4S" COTTON SPOITS WEAR FAIRICS SAVE 50c I 10 yd. lengths, Assortment includes combed eordi, , chino cloth, and heavy crepe types weaves. Crease resistant, waih 'n wear GIRLS' VINYL JACKETS finish Reg 6°c yd. Save 6e yd. Cute vinyl plattic jacket with quilted Boys" lining and novelty belted back, v SOLID PINWALI Colors: white, beige, blue, willow. JEANS ' /d pitces. All cotton corduroy in Assorted Siiei 7 14. ,ond colors. R*g 98c yd. Save 2lc yd, Boys* >turdy I I '< 01. cotton NEWBERIYS denim jeans. Slim cut Jof neat 3*- DAN RIVER GINGHAM CHECKS LOW PRICI fit. Reinforced at all points of 100 cotton gingham in ais't. size checks, many strain. Siies 4 12. Colors to choose from. Newberrys Low Price Reg $1. ft SAVI SU 36" 45' CRIASI RESISTANT PUNTS 2-IS yd. lengths. Cotton percales, and piques. Wash *n wear finish. Reg. 47c yd.