V Canvass Town Tcfnight for Funds to Combat Mental Illness

Averairc IMUy Prewi Run riie^cather x Fer j ^ \Vee» Radpd day eth. less Farm at 8. Waatim Qdflaaa Warm, mnra humid taoiAt aiid 12,920 Taaaday. iduinra at »<*tteiw whit* •ra and thundarabanara thia dVa*- Mamber of tha Audit nlng and famorrnn'inttcninati. Law Ihiraau at Clmilatien. tnnieht 5n>ao. Tnaaday nMW Ml ManchsKter— 4 City o f Villag^Ck arm z. LXXVIII, NO. 188 (KOUKTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAtyMAY 11, 19S# (Ctnaairicd Advarttainf an Pa|a IS) PRICE PIVE CENT'S

Britain to Ship / Jobs Total Up Planes, Tanks Over Million To Iraqi Army f LoTuion, May 11 (A*)—Brit­ ain announced today it will Washington, May 11 (IP)—'■ In the first.,fotir months of this furnish timks and. planes to! The numl^r of Americans at year unemployment has dropped the Iraqi government orBrig. by'over one million. Gen. Abdel Karim Kas.sem. work rose by over a million in The Commerce-Labor monthly All on Side of Round Table John Pi'ofumo, minister of state April to a total of 65 million, job report attributed the April im­ for foreign affairs, told the House a record for the month. Un­ provements to an unusually large of Commons the British grant is In employment declined by 735,- pickup in construction and brisk an.swer to a request from tj>e Kas- 000, hiring in hard good manufacturing sem regime earlier thia year. ’ The Improvement In' both em­ together with the spring expanr Behind the reapo.nse waa a belief Sion in agriculUire. in, Britain tirat draatlc movea are ployment and \memployment were The seasonally adjusted rate of East,„West Germans double what la aeaaonally. expected necessary to atem the Communist In April. tide in Iraq. The employment total la the (Continued un Page Pour) (In Washin^on, the State,De­ hlfheat recorded for iny-Aprll and partment saifl Britain had'Sp- compares with peak employment formed the United States in ad'* Get Separate Tab] Of 61,221,000 in July 1957. .30,000 Idle to Get vance of its derision to send the Secretary of Commerce ‘ LAwis weapons to Iraq.' Strauia and Secretary of Labor Officials’ said the department By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER U.S. Food Baskets made no objection even though it James P, Mitchell said in a joint Geneva, May 11 (/p)—’Phe Big Four statement the figures, demonstrate was recognized the move Is a ’’cal­ eign minifiters a. rapidly accelerating Jpb recovery. Cleveland, May 11 — For the culated risk.” opened tlieir conference on Cold. War pr9 lemfi tonight, 2V^ Employment rose to. 65,012.000, first time since the late 1930s. (If Britain rejected Iraq’s re­ lioiirs late, after running aground for jy* on the question an increase of 1,184:000 over populous Cuyahoga County will quest. U.S, officials said. Kassem ' «f how the Ka.st German governmepf should participate. hand out fedeTal food surpluses to would have turned to Ruasia. thus I March. Thia is 2,105,000 more Jobs r.S. Secretary of State Christi^A. Hertcr, British For- than in April last year. persons on relief tomorrow. About increasirik Soviet influence in the i Unemployment declined.to 3.627,- 30,000 persons are eligible. country.) > (*ign Secrelaiy Selwyn Uo.uU Trencli Foreign Minister Poor relief rolls now are near Profumo said Iraq traditionally .Maurice t'ouve de Mui ville amf^Soviet Foreign Minister An­ 000. dipping by 7.15.000 from has looked to Britain for amis. March. This is a decline of 1.493.7 the recession peak here in this drei A. Gi’onSyko filed into a ronferenefe room in the Palace c/junty of 1,700,000 persons. Two ■’Earlier this year.’ he said. "Gen. 000 from the recession conditions Kassem asked 'vhcther the Britl.sh of .N’atioii.s. The r(M)m c(^ained a round table for the Big, In April of last year, distribution centers 'will be open four days a week. Each client Is government would- he willing to Four and .■separate t a l^ for the East and West German . The 1957 figures in April were authorize further arms sales, in­ 64.261,000 employed and 2,690,000 repi’esenlativeK. / (Continued on Page Nine) cluding some aircraft and tanks. I In a (lay of pnVate consultation.s, the we.stern powers unemployed. MORE ’’The British governrnent has | j headed off (iron ^ o’.s attempt to get full participation Tights ' agreed, to issue the necessary ex-i I for (.!onimuni.st^/East Gei-many. 1'nt‘il late, afternoon it seemed Spiesf Leak or Broken Code port lifensea to the English EleC-1 iial opening would have to be put off until to- trie Co., for the supply of a limit­ \ nionow. I* ed number of aircraft. The Iraqi Then aiUinformal ae.ssion of the government has been informed that j stei's finally came with we would be willing to authorize - dement giving (he. ErWt'and Britain Backs Na^zis Knew Content delivery of ,a reasonable quantity! Germans limited speaking of other srms, including tanks.” | s in the oonfeience but not British and Iraqi officials are t.s at the main table. They also Ike’s Plea for discussing details of the arms decided' on the conference room ,Of Secret U.S. Notes grant, he added. U.S. Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, left, shakes hands with Soviet Foreign Minister fiiinlture . and argument lied in There were objections from N-Tesls Limits G(‘oniyko at pre-conference luncheon In Geneva today. Second from right is'Swiss Foieign MiiiJ. er with the German participation dis- Aneurin Bevan. foreign affairs j piite. Max Petitpierre, luncheon -hoat. Other man is not identified. (AP Pholofax via Radl^'fi'otn spokesman for the Labor party. Ke 1 Washington, May 11 Nasi<^the Nazis had broken this State De-1 Geneva).' The first ses.sion of the confer­ London, May 11 (*>)—Prime Min­ partment code. But. Miirphy told I said Soviet Premier Nikita Kh'rush- j ence wa.s scheduled for the Palace ister Macmillan haa' aenl Premier.' <»ermany read secret U.S. State chev once suggested a general em-1 Department messages in 1941. Washington' his informants said of Nations at 3:30 p.ih. instead, Khfiuihchev another letter appar­ thia Was not so. bargo. on arms shipment to the Herter and--his Soviet, Brltitih and ently aupporting President Eisen­ Diplomatic papers discus^ a Ger­ Middle East. ' , Adieu De Witt Clinton Allie.s Ht^or Men man claim that sple* mcked up And yesterday, after publication ■i French1 counterparts got' together hower’s latest call for agreement Uie messages. / of the papers. Murphy sent w ord, . !Tf that idea had been followed infoimally at a British villa. oil (# limited, nuclear teat ban. The possibility was revealed yes­ toi a newsman that he still was, up,” Bevan said, "the government TT O J. '7'’ ^Froin Bdrlin Airlift From this meeting Gromyko A Bpokesmtn said Macmillan's terday when the State Department convinced the Nazis had not de-' would not have to make this em­ j emerged with, the announcement letter ‘’links up very much with published a 1,011-page book of ciphered the code. But he was vin-' barrassing statement now.” (J.S. Cuts lax Stamp BorluyAay Ji Allied ie*d- the formsl session was set for 6 the Washington announcement.'* Profumo replied' that the gov­ diplomatic papers, concerning able to sgy-Jiow. the German* did era ggwered h«-e today to honor ! p m Congressional aources said in j^iyi^can relatiom with Europe in get the nwssages. ( ernment . believed Its decision was the Wien and women who beat the . “There has been a complete Washington Saturday that Elaeh- The suggestion of a broken code | good, adding: "The Russians (ham- On Liquor, Tobacco Sl^et blockade of West Berlin I agreement on all procedural and hower had made the that tbs The messages read by the Ger­ came up again in a Dec. 1. 19411 selves have been extremely busy, M years ago. ; administrative matters,’’ he said; Russians should ba willing to agree mans Involved American attempts message from ■ the AmeVlcan i since the (Iraqi) revolution, ex-' Riuosian harriers on the' high- ; adding thql this included the ques- to a-llm'ited ban on readily detect­ to keep French North Africa oUt way-iail corridor to West Ger- : Uon of German participation, ed 'teats in the atmosphe-e even -If charge at Tangier to Washington 1 Washington, May llN jP;—The*-ment. ’’This will be no-loneer be of the Nasi camp. After .^-'the He quoted a high foreign , (CoBtlnned on Page Nine) - rnahy came-down at one minute they w'dre, unwilling to accept an' govelnment today abandon'fcd Us necesaai-y,’’ Grom.vko left the informal par­ inspection agreement. Nazis read the messages, Gen.| «h o was » ' and cigarette excise taxes"}-ipfico with th. hew sysUfm. He said monies tomorrow to rdcali the Lloyd, designated to preside at the IHchy government of unoccu-.| disputed this, I Churchill End^ moment. Khru.shchev in an effort to break through the sale of lax stamps. | tdthgeco manufacture/ii want to file tonight's opening- session, led the the deadlock in the 6-month-old ^ w A^***i” ^* -a» ^ i. .j ) message rontinued, the for- Because of the nev (’ommunisl efforts to resolve the disphte -in- R o^ rt D. M p^hy now under- Starling June ’24, the industries once a month, threat against West Berlin, the Geneva negotiationa on a ban cm uill pav the tax bv filing returns ■ id.M Congr^s authorized pay- yplvtng the whole issue of the sta­ aecretaiy mf me isak might have been through U.S. Visit with ling-planned anniv.faary celebra- nuclear, weapon testa. twice a month liquor and tobacco taxes tus of the Red East German re­ In the first exchange Macmillan mMsares ^ Sumner Wcllea, who I Uon was turned tUto a new dem- gime. was underaecrttary then in Wash- " o wWairt About $4 billion now i.s collected I and Eisenhower urged a ban on each year through the sale of such |'Tile relurrMi,system has .applied The formula decided upon for Ington. At that, time, Murphy] ‘ •'T’" Tears in Eyes since thpt lime to beer, wine and (C'onMnu^ on Page B'nnr) to ts below an altitude of 30 miles, W'as counselor of the'U.S, embassy I hR. . ___ ■ Stamps. the'formal opening session was as but Khrushchev gave them a cold cigala.' follows: In Vichy. ' i 'U’ ® situation Involving Wey- -f, .'»» nj 'nr. Ths Indtistrles havc loug lobbtcd Tl)e'TreRSury*'in the past ha* re­ reception. The Ruasiana bald only . ih e State Department bdok does; gand, Murphy, and the secret mes- St™ V ^ "Tapping of the stamp sValem. 1 The Blast and West Germans sit a ban on al< teat explosion# sisted the changeover, -on the ! at separate tables. The Big Four not specify how the Nazis 'weije sages takes up only a small part S.V c o-m p 1 a i rt e d that' large . ground that the lap in-payments would, do any good, but they refuse able to r « d Murphy’s messages,, of the State Department book, (amounts of working workinif capital were Coptic Churcli ! foreign ministers ait at a round last visit to America. would cut It* ca.sh balance even to agree to in#piectipn arrange­ but some possibilities are dis- Other situations covered by the tied up bei;ause-they had to buy table but all on one side;. leaving Smiling and spruce in a grav though it would finally get the ments which the 'West says are eusaed. . slate papers included: the Stamps in advance of )x>tUing. money. Near Split on one aide vacant. necessar.v to insure compliance. Homburg and grav stilt with a red or packaging their products. ... After Weygand was fired on 1. Secretary of State Cordell roae in his lapel, the Brltlah'atatea- Dana I>alhani, commiaaion.f’ of The West Germfin table is closer. --'Ti- r-’ -1----- T>r-'------Nov. 18, 1941, Murphy told W ash-. Hull, in aMl.spatch to several am- Under the new system, distillers Intemal Revenue, said expedience D o ra n g s l-i occupied by Herter, 'the man was greeted at the airport hv and. tobacco manufacturers will Ington ' of one explanation given ‘ h^ssadors etjfbt mopths before hi# wife, who kissed him on both with beer. win. and ciga^i-^ showed 1 st_/TT A at l a I d s . I East Germans closer to Gromyko. by official Informants. They told Pearl Harbor, said that'the United cheeks.' file returns twice a month covering that returns could be e'xtended to I The two German-delegations are him the Germans weri claiming; States was bbllgat^ fir ..^resist shipments during the preceding 15 distilled spirits, cigarettes and separated by a third small table for U.S. Ambassador John Hq\‘ Cairo, Ma.v 11 i.'Pi The en­ B u lletin s •they have been kept accurately aggre.sston and that rgprei^tB- days. Taxes wdll be paid when re- other tObaCco piofklcls. the conference secretariat. Informed of all Weygand's conver-' lives of this country must do, Whitney also came out to welconw rUa are.flled. Distillers pay s lax of JIO.,50 a thronement of a jforhier hermit (ThurchiU home. Assistant U.S,. Secretary of State from the AP Wiren satlons with us through a ‘reliable j everything to insure the success of ternal Revenue Sei-vice offici- gallon on liquor.' The federal ex-> •mr W monk as Patriarctf, o f Egypt’s Andrew H. Berdlng held up a dia­ Washington source’.” ' the Allies. v nigl Winston w'as m isty-ey^ last alsiW d details of- the procedure cise on regular-size cigarettes Is Coptic Church is threatening a Murphy, however, added he -The government and the people iIg«K» he boarded the British 1 haven’t beejjw-brked out yet. $4 .00 a.thousand. gram of the seating arrangement jetliner Ngt New York’s IdlewiW b o Mb e r c r a s h k i l l s 1 thought this German story of a of the United States have made it Janies P. Richards, president of l^’s r VeaTthe distilled splriLs ^ "P>“ - with the churoIVs Ethiopian ' for reporters to seA State Department leak was false. i » ------. ^ taxes brought in *2,113,000,000 in ^ ^ i Asked if the West had made any Whldbey Isbuid Naval AJP Not <»!• in 1. ' *-h8 Tobscco Insltiute Inc., said the. Station, Wash., Maj- 11 A second possibility was that! (Continued on Page ’Thirteen) reiiiodellirt . * " ' action will save the governmenfj revenue while cigarette levies pro- Grey-beaided Mina Alban amous-■ ronceasion to the Russians, Berd- sy -Mmetawahed, last name j Ing said: Nine .o.rew roemhers were kill­ The ta.x stamp system has ))een | Cleans "The .Solif ■y,” was'for- ' '”CV« havgn’t h given: way on any- ed, another,! waa unaccounted ■Diie was ChurchiU’a ninth Yiait ^ ^ * i ...... _ ...... mally named K.vrillos V, ’” 161st' thing.” for and survived in the For Political Liberalism d a i ^ t h a t the zovern-j After today's setion goes into ef- founder of j Wegtern. spokesmen'said the sep takeoff rraah of a Navy PgV-g -- * ------patrol bomber at ' this' PngH for* Jif'^ment has been spending at least,:feci, tax stamps apply only . to and beloved grate tables idea met the original Sound Island base today. fishtr* yienp United Staled entered the '15 millionmnnAn per year in printing,:nrintinir ; playingniavinB* carria .and legal docu-: p*"ciple of CThrlst, In a ritual yea-. western objecUona to havjng the #1 J • ■ . hsndling and distributing the blueiments. ■ ,, , meeting at a round table. The West •t _ ^ w ^ P"**"*** j at*mps...... so familiar- ...... — -to tobacco------The familiar--imiliar blue tay stamp Longregatmn of 2,()00 watched hgt, if onlv around ... MORSE AUAJNST STRAUSS Sen. Kennedy 's Friend at the ramp aa he boardedboSrded the I ugerg, - Richards .. saidm i In a state with a portrait of De Wlft Clinton ; f* * V ^ prelate was led : ^gh^e was used the Russians would WaAhingb.n, May 11 profeaspr and an avowed Ijeliever' he stayecl With an old friend, fi- merely serves as evidence that the ! Patriarch and received his Strauss." .Morse did qot e'lah- In political liberalism, |s the new ■ naijcler Bernard Baruch, four years] „ ' liquor tax has been paid. crosvrt and golden scepter. nrate. He announced his stand national chairman of Americans his senloi' ■ i Eleven Explorer scouts trying to At present, distillers biiv (ax! onl.v two Ethiopians, priest.s Bloody Sjreel Fight after Sen. . Clinton Anderson. ■for T>emocratlc Action, ‘ . A • crow d of several hundred I ^ stamps which they pssfe on bar-., the Ethiopian mlsaion in (D-N.M.) said he has a feeling Beer’s election yesterday by the - gathered outaide ■ Baruch’s home, ] ? '''* '' Uonr Worcester Mass,. in - Blccles. England, Ma.v 11 OD- Stniuss will not w1n eonflrma- be- rels of liquor. The stamp on the 11^***"®- were present. On the eve of •elf-styled liberal organization just off Central'Psrk-ln mid-Man- dunked 72 timee bottle indicates that its contents I the enthronement Ute a h iop ian ' Gangs of while and Negro youths tion. brings to ADA’-s- top leadership a hattan yesterday, for a glimpse of-, 10 miles short of came from a taxed barrel. |I Churth sent a letter to the KgypK gyp-' clashed wijh kn(vea and brass I close friend of Sen. John F. Ken-1 Churchill ' '"i"‘ Ig o a l... Russia’s first census in The barrel stamps-will not be , ti»n r«nnH/.Coptic Church .h .xrir,-saying 11 it did-




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AverHice Dally Net Preaa Run riie Weather For the U'm w EadPd Fureeeet M t). a. fVeetlitt Mteeai Mfr) »th. I»S» W«rm, mere, humid teiii|^ eiid Tneeditjr, ehunre at 12,920/ e n mud thundenUimveie thto tH0 - Member at the Audit iilnic Mid toinorrmv efteruMK Lfir Kurewi of CIrrnUtiMi. tohlght HK-4M. TtHMduy neif-ai. M nnchtster^A City of Villane Charm

VOL. LXXVIIL NO. 188 (FO U H I^N PAGES) MANCHfcSTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 11, 1958 \nMMdi1 fled Adverttiing m Pmge t*) PRICE FIVE'CKNl^ — Britain to Ship N. Jobs Total Up Planes, Tanks To Iraqi Army I Over Million •London, May 11 (/P)—Brit­ ain announced today it will Washinsrton, May 11 {JP)—* •In the first four months of this furnish tanks and. planes to The‘number of Americans at year unemployment has dropped the Iraqi government of Brig.^ by‘over one million. Gen. Abdel Karim KassepL "Wfltpk rose by ovei^ a million in The Commerce-Labor monthly on John Profumo, minister of state April to^a total of 65 million, job report attributed the April iih- for foreign affairs, told the House a recora the month. Un­ provements. tO' an unusually, - lai-ge . of Commons the BriUaft grant is in employment ctecUned by 735,- pickup in construction and brisk 1 answer to a lequeaTTrom the Kaa- 000. hiring In hard good manufacturing aej,, regime eatlHir this year, Thb improvement In both em­ together with the spring expan- j Behind thiKfesponse was a belief ployment end unemployment Were sion in agriculture. Hritaip-lhat drastic moves are East, West Germans double whet le eeeeonally expected The seasonally adjusted rate of | „a(.esa*fy to stem the Communist In April. ' tldp/dh Iraq. (CohUaued un Page Poor) /'( I n Washington, the State De­ The employment total la the ..I, I . y.... highest recorded tor any.April and partment said Britain had in­ eomparea with peak employment formed the United States in ad­ Get Separate Tables or 67,221,000 in July 1957, 30,000 Idle vance-qf its'decision to send the Secretary of Commerce Lewie I weapons to Iraq'. Strauea and Secretary of Labor U.S. Food ^Baskets Officials said 'the department By JOHN ,M. HlBHTOMUR Jamea P. Mitchell said in a Joint 'mgde no objection e">en though It Geneva, May 11 » ‘—Naxi' "craPPlUS: of the stamp system. The East and West Germans sit a> ban on al' test explosions sisted the changeover, on the at separate ta'bles. The Big Four not specify how the Nazis were sages takes up only a small part 5iv t h » IT 'Thfy complained that large ground that the lag In payments i Coptic Church I would>dfl any good, but they refuaa able to .read Murphy’s- message*, of' t,he State Department . Iwpk t 1 have b«*n his , .^ o u n U , pf working capital were would cut Ite cash balance even' I foreign mlnlatera ait at a round to a g r ^ to inapeetibn arrange­ laiL,visit to America. because they had to buy ' table but all. on one aide, leaving ments which the West aa.vs axa but some possibilities are dis Other Situations covered by the . ShtiUng and spruce In a gray though it would finally get the euased. . state pkpers Included: the stamps in advance of bottling money. .one side vacant. necessary to insure compliance. Hombubg and gray spit with a red or packaging their products. Near Split on After Weygand was fired ,pn 1. Secretary of .State Cordell rose in hik-Japel, the British sUtes- Dana Latham, commiasioner of The West German table is closer Nov. 18. 1941, Murphy told Wash-1 Hull, in a dispatch to several am- man was greeted at the airport by Under the new system, distiller* inteimal Revenue, said e.Nperience IV T ^sar rs*«.#sl-s *-® oc®upi® tdaya. Taxes will be paid when re- other iobaccb product*. Cairo, Ma.v 11 The enr the conference secretariat. Bulletins Whitney also came oil ,to welqpme j turns are filed. thronement . of a former herrhtt Informed of all Weygand * conver­ tives of this country must do Cliurchill home. Distillers pa,v a tax, of 610,.50 a Assistant U.S. Secretary of State from the AP Wirei* sations i^tth us through a ‘reliable everything to insure the success of at • , , . \ . f iiii.rrnaiInternal rvpvrnur Revenue oui Service viuc offici- gallon on liquor..The federal ex­ monk ah Patriarch of Egypt's winMqn waa miaty-eyed last i als said details of the procedure, Andrew H. Berdihg held Up a dia­ Washihgton source'..” the Allies. ’ ^ ' cise on regular-size cigarettes is Coptic Church is threatening a Murphy, however, added he night as he boarded the British i haven’t been worked out yet. .. ^ 64,00 a thousand. gram of the seating arrangement "The government and the people JeUlner at New York's Idtewikl’ or for reporters to., see,. - BOMBER ORASR KILLS 7 thought this Gerthan story of a of the United States have made it James P. Richards, president of Last year the distilled spirits 'church's Ethiopian Whidbey Istand Naval Al^ Btate Department leak was false. i Airport. taxes brought In 62,113.000,000 In branch. Asked If the West had iffade an.y Not far away, in Brooklyn, la a the Tobacco Institute Inc., said the Grey-bearded Mina Albarj-amous- conceasio)! to the Riiasiana, Berd- Ntation, Wash,, May (1 {Jfi— A seebnd possibility was that; (Continued on Page Thirteen) I action will save the government j revenue while cigarette levies pro- Nine crr\V members were']kill­ I remodelled brownatonb house ' money and lift part of the Indus-! duced 61.750,000,000. *>’ Almetawahed, whose last name i.ing said; where hi* mother waa born. means "The Soliiar.v,” wa.s for- '- "We haven't given way on any- ed. another was ..unaocoonted try's financial burden at the same The tax stamp system has been for and one survived' In the This waa Churchiira ninth vUit time. In effect for almost 100 years. mally named K.vrillos V, "161st j thing." to the United SUtea since the first successor Of St. Mark,, founder of ; Western spokesmen aaid the sep- takeoff rrasli of a Navy P2V-t 'ForPoIitical LiberaUsm "It is estimated that th* eovern- After today’s action goes into ef­ patrol bomber at this Paget r dark day* of w< ha* been spending at leaat fect. tax stamps apply only to the-Coptic Church and beloved arate tables idea met the original I fore the United SUtea entered the I million ' ' ---- playing- card* and. legal docu-; ®^ Chriaf," in a^rltual yes- western objections to having the Round Isla ^ baaa today. flght.ng. per year ih printing, handling and distributing the blue meeting at * round table. The'West MORSE AUAINST STRAUSS Churchill. 84 and' ailing, paused stamps so familiar to tobacco The' familiar l?]ue' tax stamp 1 Congregation of 2,000 watched had feared that if only a round Sen. Kennedy's Friend at the ramp aa he hoarded the users/' Richards said' iit a state- with a portrait of De Witt CTlnton ; f* the 57-year-old prelate was 1^ ,table was .used the Russians would Washington, May 11 •4’)—Sen. plane, land delivered a liiessage of will frnm to the bsse of Seven Step*steps by Wsh- t^ y n e Morse (D-Ore.) caitie will disappear from cigarette try, to squeeze in first the East out today flaljv agalnat fxmflrv'--. hope'.to the free'world. Then he packages next month. Manufac­ ops and laymen in colorful robe*. Germans and later the Poles and waved his black Hpmburg a t the He stopped to kneel and pray op matlon of, Leavls L, Straoes. ai ' New ADA Chairman turers also will -drOp stamoa from Czechoslovaks as full participants. secretary (>f commerca, “On the crowd of several huiidred gathered otiier tobacco products. each step, as the bishop's read Bib­ Under the agreed , upon formula, to See him off. ». ' i NewsTidWts A federal stamp'will continue to lical verses.' ' ’ the Germans, ar||adri*ers and not has,|s of.his record,” Morse told Washington, May 11 (A5 -Sam -. Churchill .spent'seven days In; be placed on liquor bottle*.. This la B.efore the altar hq ahed hia a reporter, “II would not be Ui- uet H. Brer, a 47-ye*r-old Harvard • New York and Washington. [Here j, from AP Wires blaqk rbbes'for the' rich vestments the public Interest to confirm ndt a ta.v stamp, however, hut (Continued on Page Fonr> Strauss." Slorse did not elab­ professor a^d an avowed believer ' he.sta.ved with an old friend, fi-t; T merely serves as eridence that the 6f ‘ Patriarch and received his In political liberalism, is the new: naqrier Bernard Baruch, four years, ■liquor tax has been pa'Id. crown, and golden scepter. orate. He announcetf Ids stand national chairman of Americans his senior. Eleven Explorer qpouta trying to A/, present, distillers buy tax But onl.v two Ethiopians,, priests Bloody Street Fight after Sen. Clinton Anderson for TJemocratlc Action. A- crowd -.....- of several hundred stamps which the.v -paste on bar­ from the Ethiopian mission in (D-NJH.1) said he haa a feeling Beer's election yesterday by the gathered outaide Baruch’k home,' «'''«'• f™"' ‘ ’ J'' rels of liquor. The stamp i?n the i Cairo. W'eie preseat. On, the eve of • Erclea. Englapd, Ma.'r 11 (/P)— .Strauss will not win eonflrma- •elf-atyled liberiQ organization Just off Central Park in mid-Man-i-P'’* ®?"®'* ‘ ; bottle indicates that its contents I the enthronenient the Ethiopian Gangs of white and Negro youths tion. ' brings to APA’a Top leadership a hattan .yesterday,'for a jt|ln)p*e of t ^®'‘* t*ie.v quit 10 mde.s. short of .came from a taxed barrel. (/hurch eent a letter to the Egj’p -! clashed' with knives and brass Close friend of'Sen. John -F; Ken-i Churchill * 4 .goal .j Russia * first census m The barrel stamps will not be 1 •^*"1 Coptic Church saying it did [knuckle* in g bloody atrebt fight SOVIET TROOPS IN ’HHET ned.v- (D-Mass). Kennedy is con*id-| j: QnirchUl amiled as a cheer w ent' ‘’T used after June 24. ■ not'recognize Kyrilloa aa Patrl--'here last bight. Two white boj’s Calcutta, India, May II (AV- ered a likely contender for the i up, when he dime o u t There were *" P“P'''®W“0 *'*^'’* V*'*'*' arch. Egj’ptian Copts said the | were hospitalized with stab wounds Travelers from Tibet, said today Democratic., presidential, nbrnlna-, 1 Ethiopians are threatening to l and one Negro waa treated for Soviet troops had. entered that tion in 196(). ; S luck^r^ofl I nauo^.' touT po^ula^^^ head injuries.' mountain klngd(>in;' to help Beer said today he tiad helped; Still emlUbg. he bowed .lightly ______16 Dead, 29 Injnred' “r-PoHce broke up the fight and Chinese communist- itroopis put Kefinody in previoua political ef-| hauled in several youths for qucs-i .down the revolt led by Khampa •forts, but ia not a member of the! 'frdin-Bus Crash (Continued on Tnge Fopr) tionipg. > ■ , . tribesmen. ThM* reports, which Senator's political .organization. , (CMttaued on Pagq Thirteen) I hundreds of bills atill awaiting lark official cottflnnaUon, safi At least part of the ADA lead- ; action as session enters final Mexico City, May 11 (45—-Six­ about 250 Soviet officers and men ership up to nqw has leai)(s)l to-| Disllas^ ‘ f three weeks... California's Gov. teen peraona were killed and 29,, were seen In a convoy that ar­ ward Sen. Hubert Humphrey iD- U U IleS U l^iJliailg ed , ^Edmund G. (Pat) Brown begin- injured last n’ght in the collision rived at Oyantse, south of tha Mlnn), an ADA vice chairman, ~ — ' ' nlng to get sottie close attention of a train and a but crowded with Juveniles Exploited Ttbetan ca^tal of Lhasa. and Adlai Stevenson, in that order, ts Pueninoiiia as possible 1960 Democratic vice ■women and children returning • j for the Pemocratlc prertdentlal presidential candidate... - Jones BANDIT NETS $13,000 noiMnatloh. ■ . )• ' ' from Mother's Day outings. •( V.' WasHlhgrOn. M ay.;ll Causey, 60. a Negro and former ' Tlie smashup ocourred eight New' York, May ,11 ( ^ t- The ADA supported Stevenson (iPI—No mental patient, shot to death in .Almoat everyone considers himself an authority on Juvenile mAak'ed' man bolding four at in both his race* for the presi­ PROF, 8AMUEL H. BKKB changec-gra* o rts today in the ’milre north of Mexicio City! It delinquency, haa firm view* bn Ita causes and curaq.' Clarkadale, Mias., by white of­ completely destroyed the bus and ptoyes at bay with a aawed-b dency in 1962 and 1966. Before the conditioti of John:. Foster Dulles, Many believe ju-yehile delinquents are emotionally dis­ ahotgun, r o b ^ the- . Democratic cemventipn In 1956, ^|ery-.well. He said he helped Keh- weakened,, by pneumonia in' hia ficers after-he shot to death a scattered Imdies plong both aide* nedy in the effort to, get him nomi­ white man. of the track. turbed children, grist fbr the psychiatriat's mill. ' . - Hotel today of OltOOO In however, the ADA declined to flg ^ againM cancer. Otheraj blame the trouble on broken homes, poverty, on work­ and an iindetermlnedi amount state-a preference by saying either nated for the vice presidency in Irte form'er Secretary qf State's Singer Eddie FIslier buys $68,- Moat, of the victlmji were wonlen 1956 and In hia rape* tor the House 000 House at 1-as .Vegas, Nev.. fpr and children. The driver alao waa ing mother# or low Intelligence. I checks. The mon’ejir 1 Stevenson, Averell Harriman, or aiater. Mrs. Eleanor Dullea, re^ waekend . receiptii:. Eales.Kefativer would be ac- and Senate. --turned -torWashington last- brlde-to-i», Elizabeth "pay- killed. But -the facts are quite olhew'lie^a# a team ■ of aix expats oeptable. As ADA Head, Beer was named bedtiuse she felt "I should be near­ loV: .. FJi-at Ciiban Navy; men to Police expressedDelief the bus comralaaioned' by -the National Education Aaan, has foumriitftar—l^otel, at Eighth Arih-,f r remaipB to be seen whetlier Jo '.succeed 'Robert R. Nathan, er home a t thi* time." Mrs. Dullea flee Pidei Caalro’s government to haa crashed i.ito the lender of the nine montlia of painstaklnif study.., ' i_ .—„a,_ St, ' th* ADA'will flame another group Washington economic consultant. had been in Berlin representing the be turned over to Mlan)i Immigra­ locomotive. The train waa en route AP education •writer (I. K. Hodenileld haa aummarized their of “acceptablea” at it* 1960 spring Blit,he said he will delay.taking Stale Department at IHalOth an- tion BUthoritiM today. - from Mexico. (Jlty to If era Cruz finding in a faacihating, S-:part aeries. Not the leaat startling Convention and thp* avoid naming over active leadership until b'e has nlvefaary'of the lifting onthe Ber­ Suffolk County, .V.Y.^ grand when theecrackiifi occurred. ■ of the experts' conclijslon* is that sdult "exploitation" of the jit- a alagle favorite. completed a book on Bdhah piiiU- lin blockatb. • , I Jury report* to State Supreme vsnlle',,Anil„ . ,1altn/ii,AT,„t,delinquency tl,AiY,atiieme in moviesmnviaa andanH books itself helps tq '' MUe ' v(i ■ b e r told 'a reporter today he tie* in the fall. - She hefBeirlht visit and Court' tltaj. Republican, officials Warsaw, Poland, May 11 aggravate the. aituation. m Liberal candidate 'for A new prognutt of nadbniU liMla flewr^hack w NeW Tor* in a Jet and leader* of Huntington Town­ Eij^t persons wer killed and 19 , Tills forma the subject Of the first article in thi seriea,. The' Fnjwidcnt. Iti response to a uuea- was approved by the airliner. Uhen r.imUnuad on to ship ext ■acted puliUral pa^'menta seriously Injured yeaterdaj^ when Second deals with factor#; that produce todby'a delinquent, and itlQii whetheir 'Kennedy would be cQnclud|^i6^13th annuid conVt^> Washington hy plane. from highway and public works a train crashed Into a .truck at the third, after exploding'some mytha, pointa the’ way to aoma iOXlptable: to hint,' he replied Ken­ . The state Department aaid amployes . . . Two Indiana couples Hajnowka,, in northeast Polknd, promising approaches! -The aeries atart# Tuaad^ In The nedy kaa called himself a.libera! , Thape.foais for tliia-Begt Saturday that Dulles had develop­ ‘ ly an AMinma klansnMui'* re- Of the 28 persona on the truck, ‘i-j' im Buckland In Grade ..12, honors were won by Richard Clough. Mary Coolldge, Nocturne. His collection, while Polslt and Sullivan, the 8-class­ Hill, Union St., RockViUe. He has a brother, Stephen Carl, 21 Commiseion and the Board of^Fi' Marjorie Dean, Ruth Durkee, Temperatures In for you have no special place dmong leaning heavily on his favorite Travelers ...... 85<4 86W and Wisconsin Sunday. diamond'finesse. Opeoing leod — ♦ 7 nance have been informed that, Rd. Elsie D’Amour, Linda Frlel, Mil­ FOR room addition will be built in the Public UtiUtieu • T Tornadoes w hlpp^ through After winning the first trick with months. dred Gamer, John Hamilton. Deb­ Miriam Gearhart. Mary Hllla, Gaile the next five days, Tuesdav rauaic lovers' unless It be that of J^ethoven, would then be some­ • • * *« double eessions wlH beccomO nec-^ musical narrow mindedneia. rear of the school. Also called for Conn. Light it Power 23‘,4 2554 Oklahoma both Saturday and Sun­ the of cluba, lead out all of hand. He muat decide at once Ivertisemeat— orah Helffcrlch, Joyce Ktnn*y, Jennings, Joan Karlson, Margaret through Saturda.Y, w.tll average ‘fi what balanced, and present a mod­ is the erection of a combination easary at Ellsworth Memorial High Beverly Lavallee, Mary Martuccl, Lord, Daniel Nicholson, John Ray, to 8 degrees above normal. At this SAFETY’S SAKE It is a better thing to en)oy el ratio for future expansion. Hartford Electric. Lt 68 7154 day with roars which sounded to a dummy'i. top hearts. If the whether or not to take the diamond Gina Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Genovesi, 167 School in the 1961-62 school year. good driving record msans music . 4854 6154 farm .wife "like a thousand winds breske 3-3, your last heart, will be ftnesae. Main St. She was bom April 29 at Manchester Memorial B IG '^vlnga when you Ineure Anne McGrath, Barbara., Miner, Karleen Taylor, David Ur*in. No- time normal mean lemperafine in And LouKltr TIra Woor will be connected to the existing a etira winner. G. Martin Kraus, PBC chairman, througBsSafeco, where you get the Sandra Phelps. Ellen Shorey, reen Warner, Harriett Wythe and the Hartford area ia .59 with a styiss ahd forms, th e only real Quiatet—Motart ' Southern New England blowing in all directions at the The only alternative la to find a Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Alex Mar­ has stated that It will take three Driv* In For Our distinction should bs between what Sonata for Viola—Rust portion of the school by a 80-foot Telephone ...... 4454 4654 lame -time." It was in the Okls- As it happens, hearts break bad­ 3-3 apade split. South haa an'^even tin, l\McCabe St., and her paternal grandparenta are Mr. and beet for H as.' Crockett Agqncy, Harold Taylor and Ounars Vinkels. Richard Yale. usual dally range between 46 and. ‘ is good and what U bad. passageway. homa" jlown of Frisco that a ly. ,Tfib next step Is fo cash dum­ years to plan and build the schools, Inc. MI 3^1577. In Grade 8 honors were won by 72. At New Haven the range Is Members Boston 8yraphoay Manufaeturiag Compaalee chance to eucceed with the dia­ Mra. Lbuis Genoveai, 163 N. Main St. She has two brothers, .which will be built as an 800 pupil Citizenship honors were awarded Whsn a Beethoven fan etarts to Boston Records B-201. No variance Is needed for the Arrow, Hart, Heg. ,, 85 twister killed five persons and in­ my's top spades and then leSd R mond finease, but the odds-are 2 Mark Vineent, 254, and Paul Aldo, 154. to Alien Bllsh, Mary Boyington, Judith Barlow. Barba)'a Baasette, 46 to,66 and at Bridgeport 47 to second structure since It conforms 88 expandable to ),200 pupil ca 66 buUd a record collection, it would Mossrt loved the French hom Associated Spring 21 23 jured nine. spade to your- own queen. A* H- to 1 against a faimrable break in 's ••••,« Manchester iMmiilng Herald Elale D'Amour, Linda Friel. Ed­ Paur Carter, William Coveil. .Tnan . be far better for him to plan on to the zoning regulations.’ Heavy hallstohns followed the happens, the epadea break 8-3. apadea. Therefore South should try Darieia ^iarie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cutronl Jr., pacity. South Windsor eosMpondent El­ Dombrowski, L m ak Eddy, Gwen­ Warm and humid Tuesday which In his day had only recently Bristol B ra ss...... ll'/4 1254 Hence dummy’s last spade Is A ward Girard, John Hamilton, Deb FREE perhaps three symphonies rsthsr been adopted from the hunting Also to be presented ie a request Collins ...... 76 85 tornadoes in a ntuM^er ot commu* the finesse at the second trick. Pine Ridge Dr.^Andover. She waa bom^Aprii 28 -at Manchester The 810,000 approppriation will more Burnham, telephone Mitchell orah Helfferlch, Joyce Kinne.v, dolyn Ellis, ifefy Ann Foote, through Thursday, cooler Friday than all nins by tbat composer. field. He also had a great liking for a special exception made by Dunham Btish ...... 8 9 nities. And Uieni eanip th e 'ra in s. sure winner. Half a loaf is better than a third of Memorial Hosplthl. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and be voted on at the adjourned an­ 4-3674. Beverly Lavillee, Anne McGrath. Sharon Frankef, Mary Lou i 'ooker. or Saturday. Front End, Irdlia and For exsmple, of nine reodrda he for one Ignas Leltgeb, a French A tty. Wesley C. and Mrs. Bernice Ekn-H art...... 47 60 HaU the Bias of baseballs fell in It would be foolish to ''eopArdlze a loaf. Mra. Joseph Dube fh;., tVorcester, Maas., and her paternal grand­ nual- T o ^ Meeting June 1, Mar.v E. Moran, Sandra Phelps, \VUfred lijiBeUe, Steven i^ederer. Precipitation occurring as Shock AbsoilMr might have three Beethdven sym* hom player of Salsburg. So great B. Gryk, 118 Main St., Residence Fafnlr Bearing, New 64 58 the vicinity ot Corpus Christl, s fure contract. You lead a dlar Daily Question.. parents are Mrs. RosS^ Cutronl, Worcester, and John Cutronl, Pin# Tovrn Hall Repairs Diane Reblllard, Richard Shaw. Pamela Page, Ixiulae Queal, Vir­ arattered thunderahowera Tuesday . plionles, s Mosart violin'concerto, was hla liking for the two Ufst he Zones C and A, to erect an office Lamdera Frary,. Clark 11 .23 Tex., mnd egg-sise hail covered the mond to dummy's ace, refusing to Partner bide two notrump, and Ridge Dr., Aiidover. - - A very small' turnout of voters Ellen Shorey. Leslie Standlsh, ginia Queen. Kathy Ray, James Ihrotigh Friday majf average 54 Inspoeflen. a Biahms overture, a Haydn quar­ composed no leas than four con­ building on the same lot with an N. B. M achine...... 2654 2854 ground near Austin. finesse, and cash dummy’s last the next player passes. You hold: • • • * • Friday night at a special town St. Bartholomew’s Harold Taylor and Gunara Vinkels. Russell and Paula Vanty.' to 3-4 inch. ,, Work done by expert* go all tet. a Bach cantata, aome Chopin certos, s rondo and the quintet of apartment house In Residence North and Judd ..... 2954' 3254 By states, this was tbe tomado- spade. The contract Is now home. Spades—9 7 8; Hearts—10 7; Dia­ Jeffniy Robert, son of Mr. and Mra. W. Robert F om, Llyn- meeting at the Pleasant Valley In Grade 11, honors were Award­ Citizenahip honors were award­ convehtionat makes of eet, this recording featuring hom. Zone C. A variance for parking In Ruasell Mfg...... 255h 3854 4riiwn picture; If the apades had-broken badly, monds—10 9 8; Clubs—K J .8 7 3. wood Dr., Vernon. He waa bom May 7 at Manchester Memorial School approved a 813,495 appro­ Organizing Guild ed to Barbara Braman, Marlon ed to Barbara Bessette, Gwendolyn The quintet la somewhat oddly Residence Zone A is also sought'. Texas—^Ten tornadoes 'danced you wquld know about it on taking TVhat do you say? Stanley Works...... 47 ' 50 the queen of spades. Your only re- Hoapital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J-. Rob­ priation to renovate the Town HaU. Burdick, Marjorie Mitchell, Mary Ellis, Gail Kramer . and Willard (Scored for hom, violin, two violas Also seeking variances are Roy Terry Steam ...... 44 48 through. Texas, injuring at lAat Answer: Bid thrSe nbthimp. A ert Schroeder, Fort Madison, Iowa, and his paternal grandparenta The figure represents the low bid The women of St. Bartholomew's Ann Moran, Lucille Patten and Thohien. MORIARTY land cello. The result is delightful. Motors, periganent permission to Mx persons and causing an esti­ mainihg chance would he the dia­ bid of three clubs, would ask part­ PRESGRIPTIONS Torrington ...... i. 2854 3054 mond ^esae. It Is quite >11 right are Mr. and Mra. Walter W. Foes, 353 Summit St. He hqa two received by the Public' Building parish will meet tomorrow at 8 Rand.v Walmsle.v. Citlienshlp hon­ In Grade 7, honors were won bv 1 The hom predpmlnstei through- sell an unlimited number of new U.8. Envelope, com. , 2054 27 H mated 83(X),000 property damage. ner to show a major suit.- In this sisters, Jennifer, 4, and Kathryn, 2^. Commission for expanding the p.m. to'form a "Guild of Our Lady ors went to Barbara Braman. Cheryl Barnes.i Rebecca Bennett. Free Delipery BROTHERS Dr. fi. L QailloutHi 'out, and is most expertly played and used cars at the aoutheaat One smashed into a residential and to risk a finease when everything caSq' you are Interested only In • * • • • corner of Winter and Center Ste.; U.S. Blnvelope, pfd. .. IS 1454- industrial area in northern Austin rias'haa already failed. game at notrump. vault space and converting the up­ of St. Bartholomew.” The meeting Marion Biitdick, Richard Durkee, Sally Clough. Donna Cranlck. X,in- 801-815 CENTER STREET CHIROPMCTOR ' by fames Stagllano, solo hom of Veeder Root 60 63 Joyce Marie and Joanne Marie, twin daughters of Mr. and' per hall Into office space, will be held at the Buckley School Marguerrt.fe Fracchta, Janet da Curtis, Katherine Darwin, Telephime 511 8-5186 the Boston Symphony Orchestra. W. O. McNally A Sons, Inc., to The above quotation arc not to and another lashed a rural area Make Slight Change (copyright 1850, General Features Mrs. Roland L. Morin, Thompsonville. Ilisy ware bom April LIQQEn DRUG erect an addition to a dwelling at seven miles south of the commu­ Make a alight change, in the hand Corp.) The large number of special ap­ auditorium. French, DonalrYGoncl. Henry Gut- Kathleen Don.'ihue. Jamea Hoh- PAUNEB ORADUATB The Rust sonata for viola la be oonstrued aa actual marketa. 29 at Mancheater Memorial Hoapital. Their maternal grand­ terman, Jo.vce H^ll, Alice Ham­ mann, Gregory Horton, Nancy SHUPPtNO PiUtRADB scored for viols solo, cello and two 6 Morse Rd. whlck will be 10 feet nity of Heame. It was Hi that by giving dummy the queen of propriations approved during the Under the supervision of the rural area that the six persons «» ■ OLDEST UNIVEB81TY parenta are Come LaRiviere, Hartford, and MrS.^Honorine Enos, year were criticized during a pastor, the Rev. Philip J. Hussey, horns. Wilhelm Rust, a German from the rear yard line. This is 16 apadea qfid giving South one of New Bedford, Maas., and their paternal grandpareitts are Mr. and WILUMANTIO OFFICE composer who played the Well feet closer than regulations allow. wera hurt. dumniy’a low epadei. Now South Harvard University, founded In budget discussion which followed. the women will form the group for •S4 StATN STREET R o c k v i l h Oklahoma—The Community of 1636, is the oldest university in the Mra. Araene J. Morin, New Etedford. They have two brothers, It was pointed out that in his religious, educational and social Tempered Clavier from memory ■John L. Pratt,, to erect a detach­ wine the firat trick with the ace of Paul, 6, and Peter, 3; and-a sister, Deborah' 4. , Phene HA S-1400 at the age of 13, lived a successful ed garage on a corner lot at 68 Frisco, In the southeastern section QlffC Ms* VsA Tdhaita W. clubs and knows' that he will United States, according .to the ¥¥¥¥■• annual report T6wn Auditor H. purposes. All women of the parish and largely uneventful life in the Woodside St., which will not be In of the state about 12 miles south never again have the lead in hla Encyclopedia Brltannlca. Wilbur Stevens .stated the town -who are over 18 years of sge. Brooks Replaces of Ada, suffered probably the Robert Leo *11 and Barry Edward, twin sons of^Mr. and. Mrs. should make a complete financial whethec slhgle or married, and are Ma n c h e s t e r o f f ic e German city -of Dessau. the farthest quarter of the prop­ Robert IVhittemore, TalcottviUe Rd., Vernon. They were hom His music has a lovely charm erty; Roger OlcOtt, to assemble heaviest tornado damage. Five plan for the fiscal year, and, ex­ practicing Catholics are eligible I t t CENTER STREET , Lugg in Court persons were killed there and nine the Mlasourl River from St. Jo- April 29, at Mancheater Memorial. Hospital. ' Their maternal cept in caae of s])ecial emergency, to he members. Phene Ml S-TStS about It and deserves more hear­ and sell farm equipment at 403 W. aeph, Mo., and at E|mo In tits grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Madsen, 18 Sterling ings than It gets. Center St. and have a free atand- other injurqd. The twisters also additional appropriatlona ahould At this first meeting, the wom­ §i€*iih ’s whipped through the resort area northwest comer of Missouri. At PI., and their paternal grandfather la Ralph IVhittemore, CoUinb- Itiot be voted subsequent to accep- en will decid; on the laws to Ing ground sign. Hie ruah of the lej^lative ses- St. Joseph, strong 'winds unroofed viUe. They have a alater, Brenda Rae, 1. SAYS MURDER Persephone—.Stravinsky Allen R. Riley, 198 Center St., to, ■ton for the rest of the month will around the Grand Lake in north­ » * • • • tahee of the budget. govern them and will elect officera. Vera Zorina, Narrator eastern .Oklahoma, causing high an old theater. - erect a free standing lighted nrevent Legialatlve OommiMioner Donna Marie, (laughter of Mr. and Mra. R. Edward Varney, Board chairmen defended the 13 Refreshments will be served after Westminister Choir ground sign which will be thfee property damage and Injuring two. special Appropriations made dur the meeting. New York Philharmonic Kerry H. Lugg from aervlng an Iowa—Buildings on 14 farms 15 BrdokJyn St., Rockrille. She waa bom April 28 at Manches­ feet from the sidewalk; Margaret ter Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. ahd ing the year as necessary due to CohmbU MI, ai9d Dawood. 663 E. Middle T>ke., to proeecutor In the Rockville City were flattened, the 4-bullding com­ rapid town gfowth and events un- munity of Fanaler was wiped out, BEST SHOWS ^ a . Wilton D. Hayward, Laconia, N. H., and her paternal grand­ Persephone Is s "medodrama in have free standing, lighted iden­ Court aeaaione until June 8. mother is. Mrs. Joseph Blllieux, Northampton, Maas. forseen When preparing the origin­ Philatelic Society THIS DUPONT and 70 head of cattle, 5,0()0 young three parts” for female reciter (the tification sign. Abner L. Brooks, assistant pros, al budget; Manchester Carpet Center, 311 turkeys and 700 hene destroyed In role of Persephone, the Goddess), ecutor, asked for a number of con­ the weekend tornadoes. Only one TONIGHT Jeri Ahne, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joseph M. LaShay, 69 Park Unit Vote Due tenor solo "the role of Ehimolpus, Main St., to erect a standing, light­ tinuances In this morning's court Another special town meeting • Plans Exhibition ed identification sign which wrill. be man waa injured. The communi­ "Video Everyday" Summer St. She. waa bom April 29 at Manchester Memorial the Eleuainian Priest), mixed ■easion. Continued to June 8 were ties of Guthrie Center, Yale, Rip- CHANNEL HoapitiJ.- Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. L. O. haa been called for Friday at 8 p.m. I chorus and orchestra. almost six feet from the sidewalk. All Rlfhta Reasrved— at the Pleasant Valley School to The Mucheeter Philatelic So­ Connecticut Bank ahd Trust Co., the cases of Robert Courtemahche; pey and Bagley also suffered prop­ Hamlin, Milan, N. H„ and her paternal grandparents are Mr. and ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Commissioned in 1933. Stravinsky 35, of 4 Park St., charged with erty damage. H. T. DtehenaoB B Cs.. Inc. Mra. Joseph C. LaShay, 3 N. Fairfield St. Shf haa a sister, consider estabUahment of k. bi­ ciety wilr conduct Ita first annual 15 N. Mkln St., to erect a free grand exhibition in June^ George . ' \ ' ' ' wrote in a. style which is almost delivering liquor to a minor and Wisconsin — A Tornado cut Kathy Anne, 254. partisan Parks snd Recreation entirely homophonic. Instead of standing, lighted identification sign Andrew T. Craasette Jr., 23. ot 59 * * • • • Fister, president of the Society, which will be 16 feet from the through aections of Green Bay and Commiseion as recommended in a said today. K-eith’s Torture Test of Barwicks 100% DuPont l^ o n Broadlootn Offers Amazing Proof Of Its Wearing canons, fugues and' the artifices of Spring St., charged with assault. the suburbs of Preme and Ash- Andrew Arnold, son of Mr. and Mra. Charles H. King Jr., 251 petition signed by 21 voters which Quality! Its Beauty! Us Resistance To Soil! Its Ease OfsCleaning! We Have Placed It In Two Heayy Traffic polyphony, i f Is composed of street line; Bernhardt A. Petz, to was circulated by Republican Town The exhibition, which will fea­ erect a house east of 17 Hazel St. A Vernon ;-o.Mn was fined 866 waubenom, injuring three persons, Spring St He was bom April 27 at Hartford Hospital. His ture the best stamps and covers homphontc choruses, arias, dances, by Judge Francis T. O’Laughlln demolishing six homes and heavily Each purchase maternal grandmother is Mrs. Milton Arnold, East Greenbush, Committe Chairman John A. Farn- Areas . , . The Two Manchester Offices Of The Connecticut Bank And Trust Co, . . , At 893 Main St, And on a lot which will be located 12 ham. of all members, will climax the 15 North Main St. You Can See Its Unsurpassed Wearing Quality For Yourself! Instrumental Interludes, and ac- feet from the front zoning line. today for speeding. Hans J. Hack- damaging 50 others. Roofs were 5:30 mod* her* is 'N. Y., and his paternal grandmother is Mra. Charles H. King, continuing conteat among rhem- cornpanimen'ts to the recitation. This is eight feet closer than regu­ ner. 18. of 32 Hartl Dr., Vernon, ripped from two piper company •Bronxvllle, N. Y. He has two brothers, Robert Graham, 8, and Firat Selectman Thomas L. WhMwas thi loit Tke libretto was prepared by An­ warehouses and four industrial JOHNNY PALMER ^ backed by Charles Richter, 5. bera for polnta toward a major lations allow. pleaded guilty t the charge, using ^ t d m k • » • • • Burgees has announced the ap­ prize. . \ brabe BBAMP dre Glde who dW not, care for the Leslie G. Andrew, 74 Richard his sister, Mrs. Lrioa Meier of Ver­ buildings were , demolished. High dependable pointment of a 6-man recreation The aociety will meet tomorrow iM M . way In which Stravinsky used It tension wires were downed. THE EARLY SHOW Hollis Beth, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Gordon, 46 Rd., to erect an addition to a non. as an interpreter. Brooks told ELECTRONICS committee to Investigate the poasi- night at Lithuanian Hall, Golway D and did not attend either a. rehear­ (^veiling which will be almost 10 court Hackne." was clocked at 60 Kansas and Missouri—Small tor- STANEK Crosby Rd. She was bom May 1 at Mancheater MOmorial Hos­ bUity of coordinating town play­ St., starting at 7:30. Charlea |RR|wrty im w iM t? sal or the performance of the work. feet from the west sideline. This to 70 m.p.ii. on Rt. 30 and at 50 nadoes causing minor property TONIGHTS FEATURE I LABORATORIES pital. Her maternal grandfather is Max Weiner, SO Croaby Rd., grounds and public buildings for Raisch of Coventry will diacuss It is definitely a significant con­ is 16'/i feet closer than allowed. m.p.h. on Washington St. In Ver­ damage in Elwood, Kan., across SERVICE and her paternal g;randparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gordon, recreational use of residenta. precanceled stamps. Does your policy cover the temporary vocal work, and It Is A special exception is being non. • .. Libert Montge New Haven.' She has two sisters, Marcie Gale, 4, and Lynn Four Democrats vfer^ named to DUPONT 100% prctem v^us e( your tiomc? here performed most magnificent­ sought by Adam M. Sirois of 308 Other, fined today -were Nor-: 277 BROAD -Tobie, 20 months. i- . . the committee: Atty. Edward R. ly by the cast and orchestra con­ EAST ( Kuehn, John Malln, W. David 'tv. • fiddle Tpke., who wants a mand Lagneux, 26, of V^est Hart­ ■ ,V Don't take a chance...make Aft Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Raiser, 86 Benton (Maavant and Porter Blinn. end ducted by Stravinsky himself. limited repairer's license and cer­ ford, improper use of registration, RADIO T t I i V I S I 0 N ■uc you have (he protection tificate of approval. Ellliott Oliva.- 815; Francis Collette, 27, of Staf­ ' 8 t She waa bom April 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. one Republican. Parry W. Roberta. you need. Call us now for a Symphony No, ft—Shostaknvitefa 7 WindsoiMiNUTlS PROM | Her maternal grandmother is Mra. James McKenna, 57 Linnmore Altbongh Republican Terwn Com­ E. A. JOHNSON NYLON BROADLOOM New—'York Philharmonic—^Mltro- o^ 411 Hartftr'd Rd., also seeks a ford Springs, failure to drive to tihsaart S Bsrttmd. Cm u . property ineurance checkup. special exception to obtain a limit­ right, 812; Ronald F. I^bbe, 19, of tAAT HANTPORO Uhaastl ■ New Bavea €«aa. Dr., and her paternal grandfather is Mathias .Reiser, 86 Benton mittee Chairman J(dm A. Farnham poulos "HERE7:00 COMES CkaBBSI I t K aritoid, Ceaa. St. She has five brothera, William E. Jr., 18, Matthew, 1254,_. waa requested to recommend two ed repairer's license and certificate 5 Ertel Dr., illegal pdraing, 80. w Uhaaael Zt BpriaefleM, Mae*. Columbia MM139 '* I 4I,t, COLOE iSlfSS«55!S“‘. . . . Thomas, 6, Chilatopher, 3, and Joseph, 1} and three sisters, Mary" Republicans to the committee, the of approval. Raymond Barthdlouew, 45, of MR.BARRY JORDAN" BARENTS Chaaatii■ aatii n (ftw Brita(a.Britala. cCaam. “Lady Wlad—Ball’i PAINT CO. Completely Installed with Big. broad and romantic. Good Oliaiiael 4S Rabeke. Maw. ,( 8-88) u WW, ...VOICE vr OP AUOllMUSIC Alice, 11, Maureen, 8. and Susette, 6. . names were not submitted, since X-- A State nearing will also be held Hebron, .was sent to Tolland SPENCER TRACY CaAusal IS W atarbara (kiaa. (kii the t>>'66ci)t proposal conflicts with for the neophyte in modern listen­ on the last two requests.. *s WNBC NEWS AT 7 l:ie ( 848) ANN SOUTHERN SHOW , 723 M A IN ST. ing. County Jail for seven months. He M “ THE OLD UAN AND (1841) TV THEATER Diana Brooke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. GSntile, one made in March by the GOP Padding and Tackless Installation received 30 days for Intoxication, U THE SEA" "1 Rainrmbar Caviar” 51 Fairfield S{. She Was bom May 4 at Mancheater Memorial committee. That plan called for and six months for being a com­ HospitaT. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and l)fni. Glenden appoiiftment of a bipartisan park mon drunkard. 11 TAB HUNTER N ich o ls t I D F J. Dunlap, 154 6. Main St., and her paternal grandparents are and recreation commission which B urial Fees A bond was se^ at 850 in the H "Domn YankMs" CAVELL JOBERT Mrs. John R. Koenig, 404 Hackmatack St, and Mario Gentile, would be subject to duties and Has OPEN DAILY case of Prince Albert, 41, of Hart­ Monchostor * Inc. Wilson. regulations authorized at a special 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. ford, charged with two, counts of ALWAYS CARTOON WEATHERVANE GAS HEAT town meeting. SUNDAY. 8 A.M..8P.M. Talk Planned driving to the left at an -inter­ G O O D Y E A R ^ Nancy Jean, daughter of Mr., and K n . James E. Downing, The Republican prop WHO DO YOU rmrsTT ti U (58-18) LATE NEWS N sonville. He was bom May 6 at Manchester Memorial Hoapital. On Bemiwla Cruise Superintendent George Elliott. lift run. At Regular Prices . JOHN PAYNE 4 :ts < t> BANOEB ANDY 18:88 ( I) OESILU PLAYHOUSE * Hla maternal gnmdparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cooley, 113 'rae' Rev. George Roberts, D.O., BANTLY OIL “ “ICTH OB CONSE- „ ^"M aa-Ia OrWi” ■Under Elliott’* recommended ^JV E N C E S (isalor) (It-fS) TV DANCE PASTY Highland S t, and his paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mfs. of West Hartford, Interim pastor I 'MI'VM. IM' Richard “Palladln” Boone, star bandstand . (Color) of the UntonvlIIe ' Congregational hikes, a grave space would cost RESTLESS GUN ( s-U) AansRiuAN . _ lalaroalloaal Daaco Flaali Allen H. Decker, Thompsonville. He has a sister, Karen, 4. 8105 rather than the present 860. of "Have Gun Will Travel” TV (It) E^H Y OODFEEY r . Church,, preached at both the 9:30 : ■' M \l\ '-ll!l:i 1 (4S) THE THBEE STOOGES ( 4-88) . COUNT o r MONTE Cost of Holiday and Saturday series in hIs first Hollywood «:1S (4S) THE SEOBBT STUBM CRISTO Joan Geoile, ddughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. Gerard Fortin, 30954 TEL Mitchell 9-4595 8 : 3 0 i:M < I-4SI THE EDOE OF NIGHT (18) MIKE WALLACE INTER­ burials would be hiked to 890 from EASTWOOD starring role, i VIEWS Spruce St. She was bom May 6 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ the present 865 and 840, respective­ (18) CLUBHOUSE IS pital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Lewis Saw­ KOCKVILLE TR 5-3271 ALL COLbR; DALE ROBERTSON (tt-SS) COUNTY FAIE “ .. .. **•> PEATURB FORTY ly. rter AMEBICAN bandstand M :ltv( 8-88) JOHN DALV NEWS yer, Fort Fairfield, Maine, and her paternal grandparents are 300 YEARS' Fraak - Siaatra > Xai^Hall 1:88 ( 8) FKAtUBEFKATU------FILM . (18). ONE NIORT STAND Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Fortin, Augusta, Maine. Draa Marila Naa AwMis TALES OF WEILS FARGO 'T b e Amarirauo*’ (12) BOLD VMNItTBE ( a-48) POP^E (88) TEN-4 ■ ARTHUR DRUG SOME ForbiddB B <181 T K B N m L E (88) THE EABLY LATE SHOW Brad AUaa and Chad Alvin, twin Sons of Sgt. and Mrs' PRESCRIPTION CAME k k in d , (88) STB8T SHOW ■%saatalB BlaouliUht” . Sheridan Tone, Lynwood Dr„ Vernon. They were bom May 4 X EXPERIENCE Science Shrinks Piles 9 :0 0 "Cowboy Quartarback" - I t :U ( 8). WEATHEB, NEWS A *j . Shr OUR PHAjtMACISTS RUNNING in colnr (IS) BOY BO O raS SPORTS ' at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Their ihatemal grandmother MANSFIELD CRAIG SUVENS S:ia ( SA8) mCKEY BOUSE CLUB 11:88 < 8 ) 'NEWS. WEATHEB « is Mrs. Dorothy Marvin, Norwich, N. Y.; and their paternal grand­ New Way Without Surgery 9T *ja MrauHFaar/# fr 1 :Z>6i2»4i:4S -<8S) THE EABLY MOW 8POBTS parents , are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stone, Norwich, N. .^Y. They WED.: “ROOTS HEAVEN" .‘.‘Haro Coman Mr, Jordaa" ( S) WORLD'S BEST MOVIES '*Hey 8oy! Hey Gtri!'* PETER GUNN (48) TWILIGHT TREATEE “ Old Araualataaea” have two hrothera, Hugh, 4. and Mark 1, and two slaters, Cath­ Il48 (18) NEWS (21) BIO NEWS . > erine, 6, and Clairemae, 2. ' Stops Itchr-Relieves Pain "Juke Box Rliyttim" s:ie ( 8) SI'PEBMAN ,. -(3f) NE1YS A WEATHEB K. T. (lsMi.1) - Far tks 9:30 GOODYTAR (It) BRAIN BUSTERS ll;lk ( 8) FEATURE FILM aatoniahing statemanU like ‘’Ptiet (IS) LATE M A TlN B ^ , . “To’^Oia F,ad of lha Karih’.’ Brian Thomas, ton of Mr. .and Mrs. R'alpb Li Fielding, sikf- 501 -6rtt tine adeaea has foaad.a aew have caaaad to be a problem!” ( tVednesday-Soturday THEATRE 6lU-( 81 WEATHEE.'NEWB A (3t) JACK PAAR SHOW ford Springs. He waa bom May 6 at Manebestsir Memorial Hoa­ aaallag rahataacs 'vith th< aiton- The iccret it a new healing lub-' SPORTS. . - 11:18 (22) JACK PAAR SHOW Ishiag ability to shrink homor- •tance (Bio-Dyne*)—discovery of "COMPULSION" . ART THEATER >‘t REMEMBER . (Ml SPORT8CA8T , (88) NEWS pital. His maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry, rb e id i, sto p itch in g , mnd roliova a world-famoas research institute. "Sheriff Of Fractured Jaw”- . (HARTFORD! CAVIAR" • :8S (A) PrtPETE TffEATBB 12:84 ( 8) NEWS A W BATREE Brooklyn, N. Y.. and his paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. In Choice of Dupont’s Famous. Vega 501 .... a Broadloom of exceptional richness, soft pain — vithont ■nrgory. - This substancs is now availsbie tU ) NEWSBBAT, 1:M < 8) HEADLINES Maurice L. Fielding,, Vernon. * In casa after easa, whila gantly in svppostlory or einlment form, 285 FrankUn Ave., CH 6-4MS20 (M> OADABOUTI- ■» MiMMl lEM NlW y in texture but with really amazing Wearing, quality! The perfect choice STARTS TOMORROW hint Rfi tiW fclMi 1:48 (M) SPEfnAI. ASSIGNMENT ralieving pain,aetnal redaction . under the name'Prepara(i'an //.*' • :4S I 8-«) HEWS ____ Sarah Margaret, daughter of Mr. and.Mra. Gerald Fisher, Sandalwood for every room . .. and an unsurpuss^ value at Keith’s low price. ChooSe (ihrinkaga) took place. At your druggist. Honey back YVES MONTAND 10 :0 0 ARTHUR ( S r NEWS A WEATHEB TUESDAY ^ Storrs. She was b om ,May 4 at Manchaster Memorial Hospi­ Hast aawsing of all—roanita ware guarantee. NICOLE BERGER Exciting and Revealing Co-Hit Nutria it for Your Hopie! aa tharoogh that aafferart made 4 •K*a. U. a. Pat. Og. U :M < 1-48) LOVE OP L IFE tal. Her maternal m ndparenta are Mr. and Mre. William J. . Cocoa "PREMIER MAY" MURRAY PARTY ( «4t) -OEOBGE HAMILTON IV Metagrr, Poquonock Bridge, and her paternal grandparents are iHW W i'fb * <1*0# 6:80-8:26' DKY CLEANING Mr. and Mta. Gerald Fisher, New Haven. Egfesheli Hie French have delivered Pickup ond DrilvBiY Surf Green 3 ROOMS OF NYLON BROADLOOM NOW and TUESDAY a new laugh hit. MORIARTY IROS. , peter-Hubert, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Wlrtx, 16 Bldridgs Honey Beige . ' Continuous From 5 P.M. ALSO 1 0 : 3 0 n S H IR SELLING St. He waa bom May 5 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His’ *4HMOfetk e a r* * ? Dove Gray ' Marlene Dietrich In LINCOLNS — 60CRCUHV matm-nal grandfather is Theodore Janiak, Ogrevenbroich, Ger­ Feature Shqwn 5:05-8:80 BRODERICK CRAWFORD DRY CLEANSERS.L U l Inc. many, and hla paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Adam Turquoise COMPLETELY INSTALLED WITH PAD CASH? MONTE CA RLO STORY t i » Broad S t—Dial Ml 8-1111 AND b n g u s h f o r d s W lm , Wlddeshovsn. Germany. He has a aister, lleiga, 4. W your cofivMiiMirConMcNcid B o n k Golden Tan i / 7:50—In Beautiful Color . ___"TEN-4” J.****' Smdke Blue Just say Sii^iie) TV SPORti PAGE 818 CENTER ST.—Ml 8^186 Timothy Abu, son of Mrv and Mrs. Donald Bgrger, 22 Grovs WndTriMf CdmiMPiiy oIRta M w f 30 «q. ydi. of this famous Nylon Broadloom, m lies. ( 8) UNION MUFIC . . ■ l enough for three average rooms, completely in- ta D.OO St., Rockville. He waf bom May 4 at Manchester- Memorial. I* PJF *■ otgim tit "aae-ear-iUs,” yen'll the w ordl SHOW Hospital. His maternal grandparenta arc Mr. and Mra. Michael l ”5 **y**“ ^ a ge(M aeei eta « « taakeliAq a fat sUUed with heavy padding and tackless installa- nURKf KENNLDY Nolan, Bast Hartford, and his paternal grandparents 'ard Mr. and gltoealitta «ta evtaybedi I ' tton.. Available in cholqe of TEM stunning colors »:N inJiii^^^nA oBRO W ( 648) PANTOMIME OOIS M rs Frederick Berger, 39 Grove St., Rockville. He haa'three PWffefa iUvhg that preb- . . . and It’s fUUy guaranteed! Larger qr small- ' ' WNBC NEWS AT 11 (It) IT COULD B E YOU brothera, Gregory, 554, Donn. 3, and Brian, 20 months, and two Ifft r*"' toeTnad Ute aaf yea want, sr Installations priced proportionately. , . (4*1 TV THEATER slaters, Patricia, 654| and Beverly, 454, ■ faf'aeereet OBCT affiee er aak your , 1 Richard J. Ristey and His Dakcers Ills (M) DOUGLAS EDWAEDB. H itt (I) THE ODtillNO UOHT utM j^le dtefar U arrange e CBAT ante lean. A SEE IT SJSWB I:* l ( 8) NEWS C B n, lean caa be arranged MKISMni'UMWIlJMB. Freoenis Their 11:10 (M) HIORL|OHT8 ( 648) UBERACE BHOISN_ ^ prempUy, wittieat fuss V ou'rs alw ays welcom e at BENEFICIAL .(») AT HOME WITH KITTY ’ taM« rwl to|)^te— rad you’ll havo'your - eoMad ota bOorc ★ PLUS ★ JACK CO M 't) 7:M t u n e (M) MOVIE HAUNBR LIBERAL KEITH BUDGET TERMS • / ap pour phone — tell ua how qiuch cash you want. (M-H) BUOKSIQN . (41) DIVORCE HKARINO ■ SECOND ANNUAL DANCE ( MDJALwQlf Tin TEXAS t:*8 ( I) OUR MISS BROOM u iT*?’’ ** toatonlont BMfthly payaiMta, and u c TUESDAY! ■ P'** "P y®"*' loan— in on4 trip T'HE WEATHER KtPORT t ( i i ( 8-48) AS THE 'WORLD TURNS raOTECT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY 1?**.^".**1‘* *9 to two yoara. til* lara fu oole hi 'I - . , • ■ tte money you need for Springtime ex- l)N (M-M) YHE EESTLFJM OUN < 8) TO PPER d t ^ l t e * . < ‘ ' - ‘fLaSjr ^ * a w " ^ (58) THB WAY ■ _ , : Oive your temOf this tight See' It At Both Brucke* Ot • porpobc. IPhone BcNEricifAL toda.yl) RECITAL ' ■ ' l l : i r " t'h E~ ( 848) -TBE''»XAN * :•• ( 8-48) J l i n i V DEAN SHOW ( i f WALTER WINCHELL PILE (22-88) QUEEN FOR A DAY VAGGINATC AUAIinT POUO M W Tbe Conneotleut B u k u d t t wa mp-lnatiriid at tow cost (18) koVIF, AT EIGHT ■ ( 848) DAY IN COURT Triiet Co.! See It At Kattli’t! JACK PAAR SHOW “All Thraagbt «ki N Isht" 4:8* ( l-4tl.JI(UISR PARTY All individuals ere advised to take advantage of the pro- Open Daily From 9.AM. Until . (Ml JWRKA-OO-ROUNL (tt-SS) MAOOIB^BAOOIS (Caletl teetion af(orded by vaccination against paralytic poliomyelitia “ r8KMiwerth'6s MANCHESTER F ' ot U ' ‘-d (,»l, I'. I ll gt, || , > tiW (}(M l FATRER KNOWS RE6T ( 643) GALE StOBH 8HOB 6:30 P.M., Open Tliureday Ik tho r n MANh w Vaccine is now avitilable at your doctor'a office. Those who Nighta HU 9. “ JVININOJ ONTll • PM. “PANCE CAPERS’59” hs'se no family physician ahd those vdiq iffinnot afford vaOtAna- I ------ta s_ Mif. 'N COr-.’r:t'.TlC.UT Fixtlu'.iv)* TRIPLr. REf-.'NED tian .'may s'contact the Health Department TeleplM;^ MI Mondiiiy, M ay^ll, 195^ at 8j[d0 p.m. Sharp: 9 ^ 8 1 Hbctenslon 60, Waddeir ^hool, Mancheatev, Conn,. 30 WNBC 3 0 ATLANTIC HEATING OILS -'--'9: Department’of Hsalth \ Free Parking STATE , Manchsetar, Connsetleut • 1 16' BTARTe WEDNEsriAT Tickets on tale at the d ^ r from 7 tSO pan. . L. T WOOD CO Wo. 1617- - ■: BT.. MANC . ikUl HOPE M . K ’■E. "AMAA JESFE JABOy” i d (• j 1111- i ■ fv’i! f c F) L‘l I 3 -! J ^ V H«r«id .^dvi. A ■ /I -' i I • / . '■ r ■■■ Vv,^v

IS A l'tV U beilM t ib»i.wNmVa tlA tiK A lM ia jU r, KAJ£*t*^ kOi>i»AA, iuAx li. t M i H rlV M MANCHESTER EVBNINO HERALD. MANCiHESTER. OONN« MONDAY. MAY 11. 1969 ball League will practice at the the ring becauee Coventry lolton Bolton Dairy diamond tomorrow failing. G>ptic Qiurch night fram 6 to 8 o’clock. Ex-Boxer Held (Raver (Tuttara, local 4-H group, YOUNG DBMOCRA'ra ELECT The ReV. J, H. MacArthur ! lomemakers will meet this evening from 7 to Inkil^gW ife New Londofi, May 11 (IP)—WU- Near Split on 9 o’clsek at Bolton Elementary lUm Oalllgan of West Hartford 8 c ^ I « caiarles J. Washeslil. 36, 4 ^ IS . Tsaoher Aides HarUord, May 1»\PP>—Hartford waa elected preeident of the Young Daepwood Dr., was'-IRiil $80 thla New Patriarch ’ Heads County Church Assn. To Model dt Mqthers assUUng at the Co­ $>o|lct have brought a murder Democrats of Connecticut SatXir- mornlnlf by Judge Julq^ A. Karp in dey as the group held Its, annual operative Nursery and Kinder­ charge against George Ikimonds. state convention. State Sen. John to th» U «r Caret Towif Court for breach of tha iOraUbmse r w Page One) Tha Rev. James R. MacArthurefor dUltegarding a stop sign; Nel- County Show garten this week are Mrs. George a former prtae-flghter. F. Pickett Jr. of Middletown was peace. The court allowed Wasna- will aerve as moderator of Tol­ son Lewie, $4,* ■ 'bf■ * LakeviswLafci Ter­ Miexell and Mi's. William Arendt, • 8A JMTeottfei AprO ky sonted epiong the 488 electors arho race, nolles entered on charges of today; Mnl^ Alexis Pepin and Mrs. Edmonds’ estranged wife, Mrs. elected vice preeident. Other vice Thomas Colla skl to pay tha fine In weakly ta- land Association of Congregation­ Mattie Barlow Edmonds, pceeldenU, one for each congree- ‘ orttk M ptr ctnt in chos4 KyriUos April 19. breach'of tha peace and evading Bolton Homemakera lyltl model Alfred Barrett, tomorrow; Mrs. stallmants of 85. al Christian (Jhurches and Minis­ taxi fare. their hand tailored Wednes­ found dead, a stabbing victim when ■loMl district, were WlUiam E Xweh tad tleund • pw cant dur- The Egyptian church nuqihers Stephen Phlllmore and Mrs. Ken­ police entered her apartment yes­ Myette of South WIndhem, first; Ml 9.H224 JA ^ S 7B0 Judge Karp also santancad Wos- ters during the coming year. Norman Chambers, 30, of Brad- day at the Tolland County Home­ neth Berry, Wednesday; Mrs. tdr tte trtntitr nraitlu. more than on# million. Tha Ethio­ bufy Lane, was fined $12 for driv­ Daniel Post and Mrs- Herman terday. Edmonds had come to them C. Itobfrt Settl of New London, £ IttnuM and UttiditU taM in naaki to 6 months in Jail then sue- Others elected recently include makera 9pen house program. The- and admitted to the stabbing, po­ second; Thomas Hugo of Walling­ pended tha santenoa and placed pian branch Is sstimated at about the Rev, Robert Bbimoda of Tal- ing without a Itcense,'-found Inno­ Marshall, Thursday;’ Mra. Alan *^tlMir Jdtat atatonwot: cent on a '•harge of using a motor event will be held from 3 to 10 p.m. Remington and Mrs. Charles Mini- lice said. ford, thlrij^; Eugene Oirden of •TOt ena year aftar tha nlm on probation for ons yaar. four millton. They have been cottville, vice moderator:,the Rev. Mrs. Edmonds was a cousin of Stamford,'fourth; and Henry Wesneshl wae originally charged ■trained since 1948. Theodore W. Ctaandler- Jr. of Bol­ vehicle without the owner’s -per­ at Union Congregational Church in cucct, Friday. ~ tw tin r pouit in tlw raeaaaimi. tha mission; 'given a 60-day suspended Rockville under the sponsorship of About Town Boce Barlow, Hartford Police Loomis of THN* Hartford, fifth. • rate ef nnamploymant waa about indecent exposure but tha President Oamal Abdel Nasser ton, registrar; the Rev. Willard (Tourt judge. 'The couple's four chll c h a ^ was changed by Assistant jail sentence for beach of peaca the Extemfion Service. Diane Mather, daughter of Mr. taro>thirda at tha w ay back to pr«- of the United Arab Republic on Thomen of Andover, vice registrar; and put on tx’oimUon for six Cora H. Webb, home demonstra­ dren lived with her. Prosecutor Allan ThomM- Daftnsa April 28 Issued a decree recognis­ J. Walter Longueull fit Somera, and Mrs. Richard Mather of Z raeaarton Taatla. Tha atronc Im- Atty. H arad W. Oarrity said Was- months with stipulation that tion agent who has Men on leavd Police eald the Negro-boxer gave EXTRA HOURS » profamant ta tha taat two mantha ing Kyrlllos., The Middle East treasurer; J. Francis Wood of Hebron Rd., will be presented by this account of what happened; naski is nnf * mentally matuia and be no (jrinking during the pimba* since June, 1957 in Baghdad, Iraq, the Hartford School of Music in a For saving . .. .and tnuuaetiag Z anu in aantraot to tha lac in Job News Agency said Ethiopian Em­ Somersville, auditor. tlonary -period. He- must attand will be the featured speaker at the Yesterday morning he want to ^ raeovary durtnc tha paat wlnUr.” needs medical 'help. peror Haile Saiasale also had sent Committee elections follow: The recital this evening at the Town . Tht \ other financial bueteeee. church every Sunday and confer program. She returned to this and County Clb in Hartford. hia wife’s apartment to talk with Z ' Bote tha tactaty arwk waak and Jamee F. Engflab Jr. Benjamin P. Terry William J. Raoluksitls, 25, of a messags congratulating him. Rev. Mr. MacArthur; ministerial with his pastor in an attempt to country ta Januaiy after spending her about a reconciliation. The dii- ^ aarnlnfi Inereaoaa in April, nie South Windsor, and Rayrhorfd T. In accordance with tradition, standing; Mr,s. Horace 8. McKnight- straighten out famtiF’dtfficulUes. a year and a-half helping to estab- Misa Mather, a. senior st the cusalon, like others they had 'had Haugh. 39, of Rockviltd^.were each of .Eniin^n,' Robert Dutton of Manchester High School snd a WASLEY Open till 5 P.Ma C-Btanufacturinc woric weak rota to Second Banking Foruni Tomorrow Kyrillot’ name was drawn by a boy Bsmjamin - Rentcheiler, 68, of UsH a home demonstration pro­ on the aubjeot, toon became an Mondaye, Tueedaye, Fridays. *- 40.S houra, two houra fraatar than fined 812 for speeding. from an tnvelop containing the Vernon. Mes- Harold Hansen of Pine- Lake Shores, nolle entered gram under thq International Co­ cello student at the- Hartford argument. Iniurane* A9«ney \ Z a yaar ace. Mom than half tha Warren G. Maloney, 21, of Brain­ names of three monks who had West Stafford, the Rev. George K. for failure to give proper signal operative Administration in Iraq School of Muslp, was one of the Mrs. .Eklmoitds tried to cut the • ' - ■■■ • The aacond aaaalon of tha lec­ ment. Tarry’a subject will be "In- tree. Mass., was fined 812 for five young musican4 to appear as Thuradoys 9 A.M. t* t P.M. t c * ^ rapreaantad Ineraaaad over* vestmenta.” been elected from among five nom- Evana of Columbia and Mrs. Eva When backing up; given a 60Zlay and Will speak on her experiences. scene short by calling her mother Will No Longer Be • tisna ture aeries of tha Woman's Finan­ speeding and was given suspendelL taeea. Kyrlllos had received the Ashton of SomersviUe, mlssiona jell sentence for drunken dri-vlng. soloist on television with the Hart, on the telephone. As she talked, he 11 hours of nntaterruptod ssrslsa. James F. English Jr., also from She Is soheduled to return to work ford Symphony Orchestra this ^ Avarofa waaUy aaminfa of fae- cial Management Forum will be The Connecticut Bank m A Trust judgment on 'a second charge of fewest votes of the three. and stewardahipf Mrs. Clinton His case was appealed to Tolland in ToUand County in June upon took up a 7-inch kitchen knife and Open On Thursday S tory workara bit a racord of 189.8? held, tomorrow at Whiten Memo­ CO. A graduate of Yale Univer- failure to carry a license. Tthe new Patriarch ones work­ Charter of Ellington, Malcolm E. C. Superior Court by his, attorney completing a temporary assign­ past wMter. plunged it Into her several times. Nightn Except By CURRENT ANNUAL *■ in April, up 88 oanta from March. rial Library Auditorium beginning ally in 1949, Engllah received his Edward Pol^ski, 33, of Storrs, ed for i;^av el ageiicy in Alexan­ Devine of Coventry, the Rev. Her­ and a $400 bond set ment in Washington. She will also Several local young people, stu He later put the weapon aside Appointment DrVIOEND RATE 3i% charged with following too eloae- Mrs, Grace Fronkland, 46, of dents of the O'NIel School of I* Thla waa nuxa than 89 hlghar than at 3:80 p.m. Benjamin P. Terry, M.A. at Cambridge Untveralty and dria. He b s< ^ e a monk in 1927 bert Dickerson' pf llebron-Ollead, show color slides and exhibit some and went outside, stopped a paea- V a yaar tee. mainly aa a mault of LL.B. at the University of Con­ ly. was fined 89. and George E; Graff of Rockville, Squirred Trail, found innocent of a of the articles'she brought back to trancing, participated In a recital ing car.and asked to be taken to ------C all------vice president of the Trust De­ and lived in soUUry in a cpve In r tha ineraaaad houra in orarUma necticut Law School. He joined Kenneth M. Hanna, M, of Fram­ the deert for six years. Later he evahgeliam. chsTge of passing a standing school this country -with her. at the Avery Memorial Auditor! police. MI 3-6648 or MI 3-7146 te iray. Hourly aaminfa reaa 1 cant in partment, The Connecticut Bank The Connecticut Bank and Trust ingham, Masa, forfaited a 825 bond became abbot of Ahba Samuel Con­ Also, Ralph Burt Sr. of Somers, bus; George F. Harlow, 27, of WU- Mrs. Joseph Schrelndorfer and um in Hartford on Saturday eve­ Police said the cduple had beeii Z- A ^ to 88AS. or U oanta higher and Trust Co. will be one speaker. Co. in 1961 and has been active in posted May 4 when he was charged vent in Upper Egypt; Charles Platt of Vernon, the Rev. limantic, charged with breach of Mrs. Thomas Manager, member of ning, ■eparated about five years, about Office Houra • tim tha araraca a yaar age. A graduate of . the Investment Division of ths by State Police with failure to The Coptic Church has been an Wayne Sandau of Emington and the peace and cruelty to animals, Bolton Homemakers, will prepare .The children, who' are all study­ the same time since his last box- Z Saynienr Wolfbaln, deputy aa> Terry waa fortneriy with the 'Iriist Department, and his subject drive in an’ established lane and' independent branch of Christianity the Rev. Robert Shlmoda of Tal- case continued until May.IS. an exhibit on refinishing furniture ing Irish step daribing, are Pa­ tag action. Weekdays - alotant adaratnry of IMior, told a .Travelers Inauranea Oo., joined wilt be "Common Trust Funda" failure to carry a license. since the 6th Century when'H re­ cottvUle, Christian educatiort; Ar­ It was inadvertently stated in for display at the open house to tricia and Dorothy Clark, daugh­ Aa a lightweight fighting in 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. SAVINGS Z nowa c^ an a^ tha figuraa ahoyr The Oanaactlcut Bank and Trust There wUl be ample opportunity Albert W. Frenqh, 79, of W1U1-, jected the decrees of the Council qf thur Mattesen of StaffordviUe, Al­ the courtcases of May 1 that which -the public is invited. ters of Mr. and Mrs.' William Hartford and other New England Saturday •> aKbeiannal JoaKgalo. Ha oald both Oo. in Novempar 1951, and has to ash questions prior to the serv­ mantle, was fined 812 for passing Obalcedon. >c^ bert Coolldge of Hebron, Charles Earle W- Rose Jr„ 23. of 'Wall S t Members of the Homemakers (Tlark of Hebron Rd.. Diane Wil­ cities -from 1949 until 1954, Ed­ Z amployaiant am uhamploymant bean actlva in Its Trust Depart­ ing of light «refrcshments. a signal light was fined $102 for drunken driv­ are asked to bring ideas on uses of liams, daughter-of Mr,, and Mra. monds had 19 wine and 13 losses. 9 A.M. to 12 Noon a n c / I v O A l V C. Churijh of Bolton and Robert George Williams of Brandy St., ■* w ill Jump aa uouol in Juna when 'Two of three men arrested dur Blake of Rockville,, men’s work; ing. The charge was driving while scrap material with directions, to Edmonds’ father said his son quit yV .*4 <> t' r y\ T 1 (> N Z atudenta atak auramat Joba. Tha ing tha weekend and charged wlUi Raymond Lyman : of Columbia, his license waa under suspension. the Wednesday program. and Susan, Eileen, Johm Kevin Z idla total than nay gh back to intoxication appared in court thla Today’s BVehta Members of the Adult Study and Maureen McDermott, children Town and Country. of Mr. and Mra. John McDermott • ovar four raflUon, ha aald. morning. Misa Chriatlne Brigham of Rock­ Today’s activities include Cub Group of the United Methodist //^Si/Jr£’d ^S A V I AT 0 s Z But Wolfbein aaid than to a House to Make Change James Findley, 68, of East Hart­ Scout Pack 07. 7 p.m., home Mrs. Chui;ch are planning to attend the of Flora Rd. 1 CLEAN UP Tangled 4rtres and a btoken pole In the glare of fiaeh bulbs ahow ville, the Rev. Mr. Shlmoda and PubHo Records good chanea Sacratary Mitchell ford, was given a suspended judg­ the scene of the Olcott St. crash in which Ranald Roberta suffer- Leonard PoUard of West Stafford, Rupert Hodgktas; Cub Scout Pack program to hear Miss Webb speak ~ won’t have to eat hia hat Mitchell ment and James Madden, of 128 ed fractured ribs, nose and elbow. Roberto was token to the KaMmIr Halenar were named to the social actlw) 65, Webelos Den, 6 p.m., "Duffye” an Iraq. , Warrantee iJeed: HoU Invest WM a meant AFIXaO jm rally In Condemnation BiU Bissell St„ was given a SO-day jail hospital on a atratcher. (Photo by Burkamp). ■ Hasimir Halenar, 309 Oakland commute; Mrs. Willard Thomen of Scout House, South S t; Girl Scout A Holy Hour will be observed at ment (To. to Francis J,.,.Tomasek, SPRING Bins . that ha would aat hia hat on the sentence, to be suspended after 10 Youth Injured 8t., died last night at Manchaster Troop 71, 7 p.m., vestry First <3on the meeting of the (Tbuncll of property In Rosedale; Newton S, Memorial Hospital after a short 111- Andover, the Rev. Frank C. Van- . THE OKAY WAYl . Labor Department atana if unam days. Cleef of Tolland, Mrs. Floyd Waes gregatlonal Church: Senior Girl Cathollo Women of St. Maurice Green to Joseph R. Bastarache, t ploymant didn’t drop below three A section repealing the condam-<»ti6n granted for livestock and Richard Shea, 84, of 613 Mata nasa. Scout Troop 2l7, '7 p.m., Nathah (Thurch this evening at 8 o’clock. property on South Rd. When His Car He was horn March 4, 1889, in of Covantry and Richard Larson of Behind ea billi? Get beck on bud- < million by Oetobar. nation poW^f of the Eighth Util- poultry ta the 1957 session. St., did not appear because he had Big Four Ministers Meet, Somers, youth work; J. Francis Hale Community (Tenter. Taking part in the program will Bond for Deed; HoU Investment de( with an Okay Leant You trade 4 Murphy said this would have no been sent to Norwich State Hospi­ Austria and came to this country , WoUb^ aald the preaent aitua- Itlea Diatrict over tha Manchester Wood of SomefsvIUe, budget; Mrs. Boy Scout Troop 63, 7 p.m. be 'Mrs. Robert Simmons, Mrs. (To. to Harold J. Ingle, property eld bllU for cath . . . and you i' tton indieatat that unemployment substantial downward effect on the tal last night on the rpeommenda- 55 years ago. Until retiring 'and William Smith Mrs. Pasquale (Taf- chonea tha monthly paymeutil Water Co. will be. deleted In a bill moving to Manchester eight years "Herbert Englert of (tolumbla, "Duffys" Scout House; North and in Rosedale. L Win be about 8.875,000 in October; town’s grand list. tlon df Dr. Nieholaa Marslalo. The Crashes Pole All on Side of Round Table Homer Peckham of EUlngton, Mlsa South Coventry volunteer firemen, ro, and Mrs. Luden LaPlerre. Mrs. Quitclaim Deed: Norman Millar Just phiMia to apply (or Tha number of long term unem* givliig tha town '^qf Manriiastar Favorable Reports . charge against Shea was nolled by ■go, he was employed as a foreman Martin Lynch will aerve as chair­ a lean. Than, if your on the New York City subways. Natalie Ide of Rockville- and the 8 p.m., respective firehoupes to Avril Miller, property on Box ployed—thoaa out of work ter 15 authority to purchase the firm. Meanwhile, Itate Rep. Irving Judge Karp. A Manehe(iter yo.ith was hos­ Rev. WllllAm Thistle of Stafford Americtm l* ^ o n and AuxUiary,'>il man of the hoatesaes. Mountain Rd. loan ii approved, drop CALL THi MONIY NUM9IR waaka or longer—declined by 150,• Aronson has reported that ahnon The case of ^ v lp B. Richards, (Coattaoed from Page One) In that capacity, he saw Gromyko He leaves his wife, Mra. Justlna A Novena t6 the Holy Ghost Thla waa announced today by pitalised last 'faght after his car in an eflfort to reach a compro­ Springs, nominating committee, p.m.. Legion home; Board of Eklu- in to pick up tho eaeh. 000 to 1,400,000 in April. all other bills afloctlng Manchester 52, of 82 Wariimgton St., charged Paeek Halenar; a daughter, Mrs. will be held every morning this Advertlaement— MltcEdl 2-4U 8 State Rep. David Barry following with failure to carry a license, struck a utility pole on Olcott St. mise to avoid a postponement. Irene Hankinson of Manchester; Nominated to the State Board of cation, 7:30 p.m„ Robertson School. 988 MAIN STREET - MANCHESTER This la down by a half mllUon have been reportedly favorably by i** Directors waa the Rev. Paul J. week at St.~'. Maurice Church fol­ Hundreds of people are saving from the receaolon high laat year legiolative commltteas. He said failure to carry a registration and Ronald Roberts, 17, of 26 Pack­ the Russlana < Lloyd explained to Gromyko the five epns, Felix of Dumont N. J.i ^ - Slated Toinerrew. io-wing 8 a.m. Maas. The Novena l o a n s FROM 825 to $600 •1 protests by IBlgbth Diatrict Jn- western powers’ stand on the .sta­ Bowman of Rockville, Gapt. Wal­ Tomorrow’s activities include thousands of dollars in this area, but la otlU double the levri in this Included bills that would: failure to grant the right of -way, ard St., sufCtred fractured ribs, If either the Epat or West Ger­ Michael of Rockville, and 'niomas, was requested by Pope John 23rd by having their autos Insured by A loan of 1100.00 costs $20.60 When promptly repaid In It consecutive AprU 1057. taraots. 1. Authortae the town to Issue waa continued to'May 18. man reprssentaUve desires to tus of the two Germanys. Louis and Edward Halenar. alt of ter S. Keller of Coventry aiid Mrs. Second Congregational Church jun and Bishop Bernard Flanagan for monthly Installments of $10.06 each, i nose and elbow, according to au­ The meeting wae brief. It was Robert Meadoweroft of Vernon. ior choir, 2:30 p.m., sanctuary; St Safeco. Why don’t you? Get Wolfbein oaid about 700,000 of The hill, which Atty. Barry aald and pay off bonds In emmaetion The cqturt also continued ^on a- speak, the conference chairman Manchester; a brother. Thomas the divine guidance for the new our rates. Crockett Agency, Inc. will ha amended in the House of day-to-day basis the case of thorities at Manchester Memorial will ask If any of the Big Four Gromyko who suggested that an Halenar; two sisters, Mrs. B.ridget One of these will be elected by Mary’s CYO, 7:30 p.m., church the long term unemployed have with tha operation and; mainten­ the state officers to - for the Ecumenical Council. Ml 3-1577, been idle over 38 weeka, or half a Repreaentatlvea when it comes up ance of the town fire department. Cliarles E. Pringle, 50. of Glaa- Hospital. His condition today ^8 forciign ministers has any objec- informal Big Four session should Hodulick and Mrs. Emily Stackoy, hall; Intermediate Girl Scout Plana fOr an outdoor procession PREFERRED FINANCE for consideration, would thiu re­ tonbury, who Is charged with pass­ tfons. If there are none,.-the floor be held in place of the formal con­ both in Austria, and six grandchil­ •year. Troop 26, 2:30 p.m., home Mrs, year. Be aald tha long-term unem­ 2. Authorise the town'to borrow fair. The nominating committee for and Benediction in.honor of the Manchrater Evening Herald cor­ ployment problem thua ia ftiU tm-. tain the District’s condeninatlon ta anticipation of assaasments for ing a signal light. will he given to the Germans. ference later today. dren. . Raymond. Morin; Brqwnle Ti Feast of (Torpua (Thristl were an­ respondent, Mrs? L ^ s JMmock power and also give condemnation Roberts to'd police he swerved The western powers, regarding 'Fhe snarl over German partici­ Fimeral services will be held the election included Mrs. Edith 182, 2:45 .p.m., home Mrs. Wilbert •olv^d* ■ewer main construction. on a Curve to avoid an erfatleally W. Gunther. -Thomas McKinney, nounced Sunday at St. Maurice Jr„ telephone Mltohell *9-9823. - ^Out of Um 785,Qpo decline ta un­ power to the town. Bills Introduead by Aronson and East Germany as a Soviet satell­ pation was described by British In­ Wednesday morning at 8:30 at the Garrison; Boy Scout Troop 57," Oiurch by the Rev. Bernard L The hill, Introduced at th4 start approaching car and Crashed into ite, opposed - the Soviet demand formants as something the west­ W. P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 Mrs. Robert Meadoweroft, assisted p.m., South Coventry firehouse. employment ta April aome 450,000 Barry to combat cancer and cystic by the Rev. Mr. Bradley, Miss Ide, I McGurk. The ceremony will be' repraoented married Workara with of the current legislative eeaalon, fibrosis have been' referred to the Monahan to Attend the pole. The pole woe snapped that the regime have the right 6f ern powers had expected. Main St., followed by a requiem Democratic Town Commltteel c held May 81 at 4 p.m. on the off in the middle and his car was full participation in- the Big Four One British official said: “Gro­ Maes in S t Bridget’s Church ht 9 and the Rev, Mr. Chandler. famlltai. WdUbein aaid Atta la "tha does not reflect any town plans to Appropriations Oommittee: Aron­ True Smurgasbord p.m., Booth-Dimock Memorial U- grounds of the chur^. The ne-i^ If YN fill IM’dlM hteMSI If aactor whara it counta’’ and an en­ negotiate for purchase of the pri­ son has asked a 850,000 grant from Minnesota Confab Heavily damaged, police said. seesions. The Weet offered, how­ myko's demand that both Ger­ o’clock. Buripl will be in 8t. brary: Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., Cpve EHrst Communion class will par- CARRIES THE COBtPLETE The- crash occurred about 9:20 ever, to work out some compro­ man delegations should have the Bridget’s Cemetery. A variety of some 50 dishes will couraging factor. vately-owned firm, but would es­ the State to institute a pilot pro­ be served at Ihe annual PubUc Restaurant; Young* Mothers Citib, ticlpata ta the procession. LINE OF TDRO! Unemployment ta conotrucUoh tablish tha ri|^ L Many North Etad gram for the care of State-assist­ Town Building Inspector Thom­ according to police., Roberts was mise arrangement to give delega­ right to speak at the conference Friends may call at the funeral 8 p.m., Nathan Hale Community Infante Baptized . n i H I T E S driving south on Olcott near the tions from both East Germany whenever they wish is a typical home from 7 to 9't»;clock tonight Health Nursing Assn, public smor­ has dropped to approximately cuetoraera of the company have ed cancer patients and Barry has as C. Monahan will attend the 4- and tomorrow from 2 jo' 5 and 7 gasbord to be held Thursday eve- (Tenter; Ekmth-Dlmock Memorial Dana Paul Aspinall, son of Mr, normal for April. In manufactur­ complal^^ about Its water aftar recommended a 825.000 grant to entrance to the town dump, police and West Germany. the right to Russian maneuver to create an ob­ Library board of tausteea, 8 p ^ , and Mrs. Donald Aspinall of John­ TIREDBU)O0 S « t Mm A n a ifa fl day Building Officials Conference to 9 p.m. hlng at the Church Community ing It ia now 8.1 per cent compared baavy rataatornu washed silt into tha Tale Medical School for study aaid. Approaching a left curve, speak under certain conditiona. stacle. reading room son Rd., was baptized Sunday in of America which begins next Roberts saw the other car driving A British delegation epok^sman "It may be expected that in due House. Sittings will be at 5:30 p.m. Fmm! stronger Faei TORO POW ii HANDLE w ^ 10.8 par cant ta AprU 1P08 its supply. of cystic fibrosis. and 6:30 p.m. A film on cystic St. Maurice Church by Father Mc­ NAT BE AHACKING and 4.6 per cant in April 1957. Monday in, S t Paul, Minn. toward him in his own lane. He aaid the inlormal meeting was ar­ course they will retreat from this wiihinjifayt—or money baek! The Toro Power Handle Thera has alko. been talk over veered to the right, he said, to fibrosis wdll be shown at 6 p.m. ' Manchester Evenldg Herald (Cov­ Gurk. makes it' pqesibla to own ■ In primary matala Induatrlao, a conalderwble period.^ time about "the organisation has been in- ranged during a brief discussion position and that they will rep­ F iin e r a li entry correspondent, F. PacQlne Barbara Jean, daughter of Mr. If yon fed died aed rae-dowe... mainly steal production, unemploy­ avoid collision. b e t^ e n Lloyd end Gromyko. resent their retreat as a conces­ and 7:30 p.m. by Robert Jarvla of yOur trouble ffley be due to whet doe- whole family of yard ma­ the advisability of th^-tpwn's ac­ strumenbu id drawing up a set Manchester. Little, telephone n '2-6231 and Mrs. John Honeycomb of T0I-. ton cell iron deficiency anemia We chines without buying an en­ ment was 3.3 per cent last month, Chamber Urges of building codSB Which are used Police reported three other acci­ e two had met in a futile ef­ sion.” land Rd.; Robert Stanley, son of TOUR HONE quiring the firm and consOUdaflng fort to settle' the dispute. y Walter B. Boawerth More than 10 organisations, in­ call it Tired Blood. with your gine for each machine. compared with 18.9 pw ,cent In its water supply and equipment by many comm^tles in,Ahe Unit­ dents during ,the weekend, but, Moscow Radio broadcast a brief cluding over 100 workera, are in- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur England of doctor. And to (eel ilronttr (tit, take BE SURE...for a complete FREE Inspection Powerful 3.0 h.p. engine Apm !lb58 and 3.7 per ceht'ln April irith the tovm’a. Cent Boost in ed States, including Manchester, without injury or arrests., Thq spokesmoiv said Lloyd and communique cn the Big Four for­ Private funeral services tor Wal­ Tolland Rd.; and David Harry, son CeaiTOL, the hith^lency tonic that switches in seconds from ope 1957. Joseph A. Dubanoski, 46, pt 181 -Gromyko decided that, os things eign' ministers meeting, but ter B. Bosworth, Vernon Rd., Bol­ •.-volved in plans for' the event of Jud^es Selected atreoatfaeni Tired Blood, In only one of your Home by o Termite Control Export • Town Would Hava Had Bight as. a guide. which Mrs. Owen S. Trask is gen- of Mr. and Mrs. W. Harry England to another without tools. In mtiilng the unemployment During the conference the latest Glenwood St., crashed into a util­ stand now, there was no chance of omitted the fact that the formal ton, were held Friday aftirnoop at of Wapping were baptizM Sunday day. UEarroL iron ia in your blood­ Electric starting available- The original bill, euggaated by Cigarette Tax the formal conference beginning on the Watklns-West Funeral Home, .eral chairman.. Proceeds will - be stream carrying alrenilh and •lurty Suporviied by Graduate Entomologists. ratio was 9.3 per cent last month, ■v . changes in the code -win be pre­ ity poiie on S. Main St,.about 4:30 opening session was postponed. tbaed in the local pulpllc health For Scholarslup at the Uitited Methodist (Thurch recoil starter standard. 12.7 per cent in April 1958 and 5 Qaneral Manager Richard Mar­ p.m. yesterday when, police said, he schedule and they agreed to post­ ^ t h the Rev. Theodore Chandler, o every part of your body. tin, would have sillowed the town Hartford, May 11 tfl>)—The ex­ sented, some of the dlscuaelon will by the Rev. (Tarlton Daley. -So, if you feel weak and rundown per cent in April 1957. took his attenttqn from the road pone. minister of the Bolton (Congrega­ Bulletin Board TEL. Mi 9-9240 fewer Woedfe drfres f k t t o m H $ to purchase the franchise and ecutive u d legislative committees center around the fiewest building The spokesman insisted that de­ ’”^lSrs,."Kenneth A. Downing will The judges for the partial 2-year Because of Tired Blood, Wolfbein,oaid auto industry em­ materials which have been intro-e­ momentarily to .take off his sun tional Church, officiating. be in ^ r g e of decorating the The Rev. Burr Baughman, mis­ get Csarroi., liquid or • M'rvel leawvr •SS' r*«l ployment was 781,000 last month, property, - ava.- dasired. of the State Chamber of Com­ glasses. He hit the pole on the east spite the pstpbnement of'the for­ Army, Navy Club Burial took place Saturday in scholarship awarded by theitiadies tableU. Take CeaiToL BLISS has been Serving the Home Owner in • 22' retary maww • ■•ntreUr Later, a provision giving the duced, and talks will be given by mal opening aession, the confer­ dining roohi; the Gleaners Circle sionary to Sarawak, will, be the compared with AM,000 in April merce recommend A one-cent In- representatives, ,not only from the side bf the street south of Fern Winchendon, Masa. headed by Mta, Ruth Gehring and of Columbus for a girl to attend speaker ,at the Fourth Quarterly, every day. Feet atronger • ••Mt*da*r-lrlHim*r» e«nie town tha right of oondamnatlon ence actually has started.. Ends Celebration fast—^within! daya^-or Conn, for over 78 Year$- The Oldest and • •d|*r-lrimiii*r • •llUr 1658 and 805,000 ta April 1957. orease in the state ta^ qn each building field, but from planning St. polite aaid. The car waa mod­ Mrs. Robert Kingsbury, and the Mount St. Joseph Academy in Conference to be held tomorrow at your money baqkl over the firm was added on recom­ erately -damaged and the pole a We are in Uje middle .of one of West Hartford have l ^ n selected. United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. • ir’ mew elaw \ atralaf , mendation of the Board of Direc­ package of cigarettes to hrip the and zoning agencies, redevelop­ the fundament^ issues which we Fragment Society headed by Mrs. *|M le kea itlWanr mmIs Icirgost Pest Control (^mpohy in the East. • 2S* Irani (attar school construction aid program, ment groups, .the Gnderwritera complete loss, according to police. About 216 persons attended the Walter S. Keller, Miss Hilda, M. The three judges will he the Rev, Other special feautrea for the e-ve- tors to put t^U i into any possible Robert T. Santos, 17, of 33 W. expected the 'Geneva conference -Army and Navy Club dance Sat­ Object Shatters negotiations. The current tax on cigarettes to Laboratory and others. would have to face," said one high Keller and Mrs. C. D. Robertson Francis Butler, assistant pastor of nlng which will begin -with a chick­ EASY TERMS! The work s4sslone will begin at Middle Tpke., smacked into a tree urday night to end the 3-day cel- will set tables; Mr. and Mrs. (31ar- the (Thurch of Ute Assumption en, dinner, are. an illustrated serv­ GERITOLI G>urt Backs Then the town’s bond counsel three cento a i^ k a g e . A Joint official. Window of Car weekend meeting of the commit­ ami. and end at 5:30 p.m. on Center St. a half mile east of The question of German partici­ ebratidn of the club’s 45th anni­ ence A. Bradfield will be in charge Mrs. William Lang, Etaglish teach­ ice of worship, an anthem by the WELDON D*Ue CO. FREE PURNELL PARKING! suggested the provision repealing Camp Meeting Rd., at 11 last night, versary. According' to Donald Of dining room service, assisted by er at ManchestM High School; and Senior Choir of the local church the Eighth DUtriet’s condemna­ tees said at least 28 states hs've pation "centers around the ques­ 901 MAIN ST.-—MI 3-5821 Jarvis^ Plea higher cigarette taxes than Con­ Santos told police his car went out tion of the status bf the two Ger- Hemingway, chairman of the cele­ The right front window of a car their T8en H’era 4-H Club mem­ Atty. John NyLpmbardo, prosecu­ and presentation of awards. tion right to clear up considera­ necticut. of control when he drove over a bration, the dance was held from driven by Rqy Haugh of 95 bers; Mrs. George Medvetz will, he tor for the ^ w h of Manchester. The Board of Deacons of the tion about any poaalble bond is­ Allies Honor ^ Men nianye at'th e conference,” a high Helalne Rd. was shattered by what The Court of Common Bleaa to­ In addition, the committees sudden dib in the road. His car was source said. He added: 9 to 1 o’clock to the music of the in charge of clean-up, assisted by Mrs. Genpr j. AndreinU chairman Cohgregational Church will meet sue. lightly damaged. Dubatdo Bros. Band. Haugh thinks was a bullet yeater- her Girl Scout Troop 218. Food of the'aclwarshlp committee, said this evening at 7:30 o’clock at the day upheld oontraotor Alexander Some Eighth Diatrict officials recommended that further alloca­ 'The Soviet Uhidn insisU that Control Corp* Jarvis’ appeal against tae validity tion .of the one-half-cent tax on From Berlm Airlift On Saturday, just before the pa­ the two Germanys should partici­ Friday the club held an open day as he drove along Mountain Is being-solicited by a telephone the judgtac would be done in a few church. OIV. OF ^LISS EXTERMINATOR COMPANY, Inc. c^^ipoeed the repeating of their ■ _____ X . house for members and towns-, Rd. in Glistonbury. The "missile" wkeks.^ Older boys in the Bolton Base­ of the ‘Town Planning Commis­ right to condemn and Barry said each cigarette pack now paid to rade, Irene Luurtoeiha, 29, of 170 pate fully, with the right to qpeak crew. ^ EVERYTHING FORTHE FAMILY and HOME! sion’s revised oubdlvirion regula­ the Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Marfhea’ (OonUaned trom Page dba) Hintard St., and Hugo G. Werner, any time they wish to.. , ' people, and Thursday the club held struck, the window low- and scat­ Teacher Aides t parked against the It was earlier agreed that Uoyd at cost. The club has 300 members, ported the incident to Glaatonbtiry Crane and Mrs. Ellsworth Greek- this afternoon that the court hod- Barry also reported today that yesirfl. West Berlin newspapers hailed south curb. Damage to the vehicles would preside over the tormal many of them veterans of World police who took pictures of the leaf. FOR TUESDAY ONLY! decided in favOr of Jarvla. No House action la expected soon on a By re-allocating the one-half- the return of Allied leaders who was negligible, police said. opening session pf the conference. War I. shattered window. ' Those assisting in the north dis­ further detaila' were Immediately, bill that would give the Board bf cent per pack from the Soldiers’, served in the blockade daye. rrop- trict will be Mrs. Howard Hast­ I available. Directon the' authority to abate Sailors’ and Marines’. Fund, .Uie ping tha Itat were Btarl Attlee and ing?. Mrs. Blrge Dayton, Mrs. NEW LOW MHCEI Judge Vine Paitaelee has had taxes on the South Methtodist committees said, $3.57 mtliion Robert Schuman, premiers of Donald GOwdy, Mrs. Merrill Going the case under study since March Church property between Jan. 16 would be available for the pro­ Britain and France at the time. Boynton Sentenced id Mrs. WiUiam Kaminsky. H.AVORQUEEN 10 after receiving briefs from La­ and Sejpt. 30, 1969. The taxes were gram.' Their 11.8. oontemporary, Harry 4-H Notes . NEW BeUe and Town Counsel PhiUp levied before the property became The committees said they were S. Truman, could not make it. In Ba^k Shortage The Bqttons and BoWls 4-H CAub Ov«n cooking Bayer. A bearing waa held Feb! listed as exempt religious prop­ "vitally concerned" over the posal Representing the United States will entertain their mothers at tea 10 after which the Judge directed erty on the grand list. bllity of bondthg for general fund were Geri. Uicius D. Clay, then at 3 p.m., tomorrow at the home, Ts oosy today... the attorneys to Ue the briefs ' Hartford. May ll (fl^—A 37- The abatement is opposed by purposes. AdopUem of the reconi military governor of Germany and year-old Glastonbury man, form­ of Mrs. Harmon N. Cochrahe. AsBelle was seeking a perman­ mendatlons, they said, would per now board cholrmam of the Conti­ Hoatesaes will be Carolyn Trask ent injunction, and a declaririory Qensral Manager Richard Martin er head teller at the Colchester Choose Carousel Red—torrid as the noonday sun. who said the church should have mlt payment without bonding of nental Can Co., aind Brig. Gen. Branch,of the First National Bank' and Gall BiUtaisham. Ju d ^ e n t on. the vaUdity of the made a aales adjustment similar the $12.2 million installment pay­ Frank L.‘ Howley, city com­ All club mqmbera wlU enter-the controversial subdivision rules on able in' the next biennium under of Manchester, was today sentenc­ to those made by other religious mandant then and vice chancellor ed In U.8. District Court to two annual Tolland County t'evorite FOOD Yu n g h e a v y w e s t e r n e c o n o -b e e f d e f t . Or Tropic Turquoise—cool aa an oceftn breeze. Or linger the grounds-that they were adopt­ the school construction aid pro­ of New York University now. The Food Show May 23 in RookviUe. ed without a formal hearitig’first and lay buyers covering taxes be­ yean in prison tp be suspended tween the time of the purchase gram. airlift commander, Li. 04n., Wil­ after 96 days, for conceaHng a $3,- C!lub members'haye voted to mHAVy WESTERN BEEF being held. | and listing of the property on the liam H. imnner^ waa flying kere purchase a book for the Boothr- Many! contractora and oubdlvld- with some of his airlift pilots. Tun- 500 shortage in the Branch’s books. over the 18 other colors in Chrysler’s Spirirtg rainbow. ora ta the town bad criticised pro- grand liat. The balance, of the two-year Dimock Memorial Library to be ner how commands the D.S. Mili­ selected by the library’s*- bo 0 k ylolon in the new ragulationa Meanwhlla,' Assessor P. Joseph tary Transport Service. sentence against Harold D. Boynr which were drawn up by the TPC Murphy today annoimced. the About Town ton will remain in effect at' the end committee. About six British airlift pilots Justice Court Action SHORT All are Lustre-Bond —the hardest knowh^automotive after many numtha at work. The unanimous stand of the Hartford of 90 days and he will be' on fed­ The Manchester C^Ud Study also are attending. - Theodore Jackowiak, 38, of Tal- Oommlaaton and the Directors ac- Area Assessors, representing 24 The ceremonies will begin with eral probation fojc two years. o^ted tha ragulationa last Octo­ municipalities, agaiinst a bill pre­ Group win hold a potluck-at 1 p.m Boynton, sentenced by Diatrict cott Hilt Rd. was fined 125 for tomorrow In the cafeteria of the the laying of wTeaths on the great dumping rutfblih on state property finish that needs no polishing for up to yeEir^v ber after en tafoimal bearing waa pared by State tax officials to ea- concrete airlift memorial at T’em- Court Judge J. Joseph Smith, was 3 held by tha Commiaaion. tabUsh what is termed a more Buckley School. Dr. Truman Esau defended by Atty. Frank fJ. Mon- by Judge t,eroy M. Roberta in jus­ STEAKS pelhof Airport. A memorial service - Durtag this maettai; LaBeUe workable and equitable method of will be the guest speaker. Election attended by thoueande will be held 'chun, who called the case i"one of tice- court FViday night. made numerous suggestions which, taxing real and personal property. of officers will be held. Baby rit- the most peculiar cases" in which In 'Other cases. Georgs Munro, so*s homo hooting Ung service will be available. in Deutschland Hall. Relatives of 38, of West Shore D r.,l^ e d $15 8 FLAVOR GOLDEN TOP QUALITY ha said, would improya tha than The assessors feet some of the deceased airmen will be re­ he has been Involved. HARVEST GOLDEN propooed. ravlaed r n l^ ^ The at­ bill’s -provisions would cause a ceived at city hall by Mayor Willy. Monchun - told the court it ap­ for drunkenness; -Richard Branon, our wQv l torney aleo advoeatad the holding dropoff in revenue and would be The Exchangq Club will hold its Brandt. The city government Is peared Boynton was placed in a 42,’ of Hartford, fined $21 for lOE ORANCE RIPE of a foi[mal pubUe bearing. adminiiitratlvely impractical. bi-monthly meeting tomorrow Mtting up a memorial fund for position of trust but was "incom­ speeding; Howard Harvey, 32, of You get premium quality' night at 6 o’clock at the 3 J ’s Res­ The FabulQo4^ Manchester, fined $12 for failure A formal public bearing was Murphy said the assessors agree educaUon of children of, the air­ petent" to handle the job. CREAM hlobflbeat with RT-98. . . the Bover hejM, noeravA', as ’Town taurant The ^ e s t speedier will be lift dead fa West Berlin colleges. The attorney-also said there ap- to drive to the right; Richard Ber­ JUICE BANANAS most completely effective fuel -. with the desire expressed in the John H. Kedthline, district gover­ geron Jr.; 20, or Storrs, fined $6 Oounaal rutjr. Chariea Crockett, 1)111 to create uniform assessments peara to be no evidence that Boyn­ oil additive ta uee today. An'd ruled tbat .it was not naoessary. nor gnd past state president of the ton used any.of the money himself. NEW ENGLAND^ throughout the State, to eel up a Exchange Club, of Connecticut, you get premium eervioe; Au- In the aubsequent court action, Uniform achSdule of valuations for However, he went on, he did cover Lbs. tometir deliveriee . a bal- LaBeUe claimed that adoption of who will also make his official Chamber Officials up shortages totaling over $3,5 DiLUXeXGARAGEl 25c motor vehicles, and to bring about visitation at thitfttme. Dinner udll aneed payment plan and many the eubdhMon yegnlationa waa un- the registering of boats in the on twb 'separate occsisions. The at­ eaBstitntiewal g s thtT were never be served at 6:30. To Attend Confab torney indicated the 'shortages oc­ PATIO A STORAGil SUNSHINE GOLDEN CREBIE SAND. COOKIES 12 os. 89e other extras designed to make > Cormeriy adseftiaed for a pubUc towns where the owners reeide, curred because of Hbynton’s in- .home heating raaUt ta ^. along with other provlsiona. Cm lMt*M4 WliM NsmMI^ EDUCATOR OPEN s e KaH e c r a x ...... Box 89c taertag, tlM|y ware approved with St. Bridget's Mothers Circle Nicholas Pencheff, presideqj and ability to carry out his important CAR PORT I mit a formal pubUo nearing and But they object, he said, to will meet tonight at 8 o’clock at job afi6^ it is not clear got the NABISCO HONEY GRAHAMS 1 Lb. 87e- provision that would tax personal the Chamber of Commerce, and The most practical gorajje ever designed for New Cpgiojid nesd)l A yriffid^ul' Mobilheot tbrae is no record available of the the home of Mrs. John Aceto, 367 John Wist, executive vice presi­ money. meettag when the regulations property of business at a 60 per Parker S t A Chinese auction will covered patio meets the demand for MORE OUTDOOfi^llVING AHA in^he cent level while real estate ia taxed dent, wiir attend the annual mem­ i4T>rovad. follow the meeting. {. bership meeting of the Conneticut sumqtar and EXTRA .STORAGE SPACE in the winter, plus ssrvtng os o CA(i-PQRT at a 65 per cent level. for thot second carl |e sf o f «ll, it con l>e quickly enclodM os a future tWorcOr Former Cheney t S - ' ■■■smegMCTf wwwM»r ChamW Mjay 37 at the Hotel YMCA Trustees A B M m The aasessorg, Murphy said, ob­ 16lst Convocationoci^t Statler-HUtoh ta Hartford. . garage ifhen you need it-^4^«inig the* cost/]gf gorogel No dbwn Mills Bmrtfecfecd. May U (8V"GMriea ject also to Trovlslons concerning . Wlet is a membfS' of the organ­ Reelect Dr. Davis pqymenf^r^ ' Ptrat payment Novauliisr 1959. Hartford Road lion-hearted 4*> af BurBagteu, a asaassment of leased equipment, . New Britafa,' May U (J>>—The ization’s annual meeting com­ and Pine 3t. i WE G IV E ^ l^ ' ijna « t MMi J aaaba utility Unas, and the use of origin­ mittee.' CHRYSLER 16lst annual convocation of the €kk of Waat al tutaad of raplaeamant cost Dr. Eugene Davis was reelected Manchester, Conn.. GREEN STAMPS Grand Chapter, Royal Arch, Ma­ H. Meade Alcorn Jr., Immediate CALL or WSITE For TODAY'S GARA'Sf STYLES Booklet eogmli omsi9R or cmtiu* cotMOATigu . ptooM gudfy figui^ as the basis of some.aaselas- sons of Connecticut, will be held ta past chairman of the Republican president of the YMCA at the an* Plenty Of c over ISM98 from ments. Masonic Temple, Hartford, Satur­ Nati(mal Committee, will be the nual meeting of the board of true* COAST LUMBER CORPe^ Av«, Homdtn, Conn. andlf uaioii. Bar- A provlrion raquirtag a rtvklua- day, May 16. it will be preceded by main speaker at tlje Hartford tees held at noon today, at Cavey’s Free Parking i 19 n today |B the Hon ovary flvo yaairs m s already a dinner at the Bond Hotel Friday meeting. He will talk on Presi­ Restaurant. k t ] FRK' No"’*--—a— 0-156 Parser Pickup 0 9 ^ SMd ' WM MORIARTY bean axtsndad to IQ yaan, Murphy nlsffit dent Eisenhower's budget and the Leon A. Thorp waa reelected c m ■ ESTIMATE , S«jrvtce To tor said. In a latter, MuiTby has urged .^ ttlsa W. daric of this city, grand need for burinessmen to take an Secretary-treesurer. K^urCar tha town'8 rapreaentatlvaB to work secretary of the chapter, stUd to- active' tatores) ta practical poU- All teustees were reelected, They BROTHERS CHORGHtS A\OTORS o 80 Oakland to smand or defeat tha bUl. d » that guests will be present tlos., '* include Thomae Bentley, Charles COLLECT -QFReE ■City__,:______Stole OPEN li AJte-U PJL HOfVSi^ VkMI flSVW AY Tha lAglslatura raoantly passed m m all New Englana states. New M ^w hile, Wiet has been ap­ S. Burr^ William. Foulds Jr.; . 800KLET ' ^ OPEN 9 AiL-19 PJE FBD>^'r:Mt«ATI7pDAT a bin providing ar|S,000 tax ex­ Yorit, New , Delaware, pointed stale attendance chairman MatUisw' Moriarty, Mrs. W. J. UN 5-llRl emption on farm \macbinery and Marylsjod and the District of Oor for the OrgaAlsatlon Management liobsoa, Triimsn Cowlas, Ftpnk Ml 3-5135 imshig perjunont tlM tax 9xaiBp> lumbta. I^tUuto at Tale'’Vtaventty. Sheldon and Jamas Hsrdlo. N


Bditar froatpUy lOtuinad it to n» A n d o te r lag rafrMhaMBt eommlttaa, iwlac- i^ii^ ■»Y- ham. bdSwdiataty< with tho Btatomont that inaanmeh tag Mra Bsfeurd Von Hom who Is ldMij»M thdir a ah tha Hartford'Cwiraat rpftiMd to Dr. Petprs Tall^ movli^'t* Mgpehaitaa^^^ Hillery-Calderwocxl Wedding to.-iftya »d funich mtaMara a< print any-moro of my lottora, thta Kingsbury-Johnson Wedding ^ ton* Ornnatdca. and of which T h e O p e i i Editor fools that ha Mould do Uko- Slated by Qub Marda Darwin ia tbs now praa- WJITItfIN- we do not rdcoinil*^ movdd up to wlse. Itha Courant rafnaed other idsnt of the Audvhen Club In M » Tha F irst ObagmgaBonal The wedding of M iu Otaaa C*M- •rwood, daughter qf M. Sgt,- Slid the Us table. This the W«A has Anti r lettara as wan as mine). Holden 'WrighL’s claasroom tn the Church, Varaea ,<3mtor. Haa tha t _____ for pubUcatkms in the Open Horum wUI not n Promotion Agitatora ara In- Dr. Paulina Petal* of Winimantic elementary ochool. Other oAcafs WEST Mra, William CalderVraqd, Wept- rdfused, and tha hoUatla of tMa be guaranteed pubUcatioa If they contain more than 100 words. •eon*-«r tha waMtag, Saturday at doctrihated to diaeradit people will discuss "Tho Davtlo^amot’of are Walter Freeman, vica pres- NKeller-Dankcrs l4iDeiie-McK«nsi« port, and Paul Norman Hillary, meat from Genara aunaaU that Tha Harakt raaervaa tha right to dacHna to pubHah nhy matter whoae statemenU they a n unable the Preschool Child” at tho Moth­ idant; Susan Palmar, oscroUry; 3 -p.m, ot Miaa Elaina .wills John­ Miss Re'rtaido Dankera, daughter Gladioli and pompons formed tho tha omarKdBcy twiaa carpentan that may be Ubcloua or arhleb la in bad tasta. Fraa aamriaUan to disprove. At an AU-Pro FI Linda Andrade, treasurer; sad Fssarai SsnrtM son, daughtar of Mr. and Mra. Ed­ setting at the Church of the As­ son of Mr. and Mra. Paul jC. Vill- vO< pUitical vlaara ta daatrad by coatrlbutlona of thla' charaetar ers ClubnqaelingatSfian. Wednas. of Mr. and ihxiVlUa Dankers of may get new oedwa, to aaw thair Panel iq Ualvaraity at Connecticut Karsn Msrryman. program com­ mund FraasU Dorysr of taka 8t„ sumption sf 10 o'clock Ssturddy ery,'331 Porter St, took place a^.- lattars which ara dsfamatory or abuslva will be rejected. at Storra last sumnart tbe newly, day in the alamahtary school. ORMOND t^ m u r p , OUwler Maspeth, Long^I|land. N. Y.. 11 o’clock Saturday morning taih r'^ new round UMa aquara again. mittee. vgmoO, aad Goorga , Andrew morning for the wedding of Miss appointed FI Framoter Sarah Mombarship in tha club la span t o Ofrt Soeota Ftaa Swim - 143 BABY CEaiTEH t t . formerly of Latvia; And Walter S. Lucille Msrgsret McKcnsle, 14 Church of tha Aaoumptlop, West- From the oad -tha Itoaalans ,haea all realdants whoaa chlldran ara Ktagshury Jr,,,aoa of Mr, and Mra. •Ne Isieefa’ fMOTBS the fluoridaUonyprogn^ Senmidt statad that It is nacas- Senior Otrl Scout Troop 31'will Mlteboa t-n H Gaorga Ahdrtw Klhgntmry Sr. ot West Rd.. Rockville, daughter of port. The Rev. Mlehn^ He- iU T a already tried to make of th« round sary to "discredit the oppaeitlen.” proechool age. Keller Jr. son of Capt. earthy performed the "double ring To the Ikiltor. he must be well Infonflad and he ewim at tha Windham High School Cttvantnf;. Keher, U8N (retired) anlKMrs. Mrs. Mary B. McGowan, and Don­ table, we would turh, as we would I would Ilka to reply to Dr. muet therefore know that Ftaortde Get the P.H. BuUetta, Oqt. IflflS Tbe refreahment committee ald Joseph loiDone, son of Mr. and service. Cburtfi decorations were ehairmaft, Mrs. Ralph Mills, will •pool tomorrow nlghtx Thajr will Th* Rav. Rodman D. Cart par- Keller of Stokell Farm, Covenbt^, also hope they might some, day Jacobson’s letUr concerning me. In RaUntlon by kidneya. In adulta, la and read It for yourself. On aueh leavo from the Town H dl at S:I0. formad tha carainohy and white Mrs. Joseph LaDone, 37 Deerfield pompons and ahapdrag- Tha Herald of May 3. First, May ona of tha chief hhgarda In uatag a shifting sands do they promote ba aaaiatad by Mra Eugene Naaehister'a. OUwl. pompona and snapdragons were were united In marriage Saturday “ r. The ReV'. Francis Butler per tuM, to ha vtrtuea and advantagas. Fluoridation — a Big Mistake. Sehwanke. Mrs,. John Laws. Mrs. wWi FlaliH ■haMlMes. I correct Dr. Jacobson, boesuse. public water supply qe a veMcle for Msaohaster Kvoning Herald c h u i^ dacoratlons. at 4 p.m„ In the Community fd h q ^ the double ring ceremony. Gtven in marriags by her fathe^, A round table has no sidas, but ta there were no Loeers In the FI fluorldatloa. In SuoridaUd araaa, , ReepectfuUy Submitted. David Joy, Mrs. OaorgO. OrifBng oe-s55i fhuMag the bride was attired In a white ’ and M ra William Smith, Aadeeer eerreepeadimt, Mrs. Pant Eetabtidwl 1S34 aivan In marrfaga by har .fathar, Church, Jackson Heights, N. Y. TIi»i bride, who was given In mar­ shaped like die earth ItaUf, which Referendum iThe vijers WON for hospitals provide Bottled, Noo- LUlian Vanda Vera, M.R.S.H. FUgrhn tha brida attandad by Mia* Jaan The Rev. Karl T. Moore, pastor of riage by Norman B. Chapman, had gown, designed with a hedic* i Mra. Smith will tabs ovar tha PfanstMil. of reembroldercd Alencon Ube, auggadCi that disrusaions and no- Manchester the Klgbt to Froodom Fluoridsted wstor for paUenU. general ckairmanahlp of the stand- S-dffld. Kingsbury, olstar of tha brida- the church, was assisted by the as her maid of honor, her aiater, of Choice, as guaranteed by Uw and other hoepitale havS artesian Oancor Crueada room, aa maid of honor. Tha Rev. James P. Kcllsr, brother of Mrs. Gladys <^apman of Riling Sebrlne neckline, long pointed goUatloni nro*md it might poo- To tha Editor. sleeves, princess line skirt with a ars5L% SLa”'-,Si!5W s Blbly place the walfara and eur- Constitutions of the U.SJ and Wells drilled. ridaimald waa Mias Judith Vogal the brlde.qroorh, who la minister of ton.' Her bridettnalds ^ere Mrs. Conn,, and the Children Wffih ba- In your newepaper of May 2, Dr. Through your cMumn I ahould eOf Vernon. Ernest Morris of Cov- Morrisanji Presbyterian Church, Dorothv Wilhelm." Rockville, and high vise waistline accented with Si S rS S fe SbiSRd jrlval of all humanity first. A round caotae now tkay arc spared tbq Ilka to thank alt of tha workara sntry was bast man and uahera the Bronx. New York City. self-crushed cUnuHerbund and Jaco^n made aaveral untrua who cantributod their time and Mra. J o ^ n White, Tho'mpson- table has no head, which suggests Questionable fate of drinking a atatemanta about ma which I am wars Joql Dwyer, Camden, Maine; Given in marrlnge by her father, vllle.. < and back bow detail, and a chapel oolutlon of Commtrclai grade So­ energy In making the recent .Can- Arthur WUIard of FMftMld; John r the bride had for her matron of train. Her fingenip veil of im- / run Mrrteu eiMM at N. ft i that , nobody la entitled to dictate asking him to rstract In your car Cruaade a great aucceae. FOR ALL MEN OF MANCHESTER Ronald Albert, Durant At., waa bA to a conference sitting around it. dium Fluoride In too much or too 'Opan Forum, as soon ss poisible. Hammer and Neal Johnson,, broth- hitnor tier sister, Mra. Leonard Van best man, 'and iiahers were l^qrtn ported Illusion fell from a crowi) Btpru anftlTaa: TIm little quantity. Now they can have Special. thanks for a wonderful sr of the bride, both of Vernon. Basselaere of Philadelphia. Brides­ of pearls. A round table every^y First, hs should stats, SPECIFI- Job Willi»rn Sleltta, President of THAT INVENTED Wilhelm, Rockville, and Franbiq pure quality, prescription grade CAtliT. which statemepts I have CHven In marriage by her father, maids were Mrs. Howard H. Wild­ White, Thompsonville. The , ibaid of honor, MUS o r equally, .-which sugghsta A^al all fluoride, in a deflnlto and constant The Iona Manufacturing Company, SLEEP” the bride wore a ballerina 'length er, Paris.. Tenn., another sister, made, either (n advertliementa In for directing the entire campaign, The bride’s floor length gown of. Kathryn Caldwell • of Oewego, N. must make equal contrlbUOTtia to doae, by a tablet cofttaihing one your paper or on the air, which ara •{Author's Nama Batow) gown of ombroldarad orgahsa, and Mrs. Vladimir Lutovsky of white nrganxa was made with Y., former classmate of the bride, third mllUgram F dally, when dla- and to Eugene N. Kelly for direct­ M PHMug OdBIIMT. UM» any. success It achieves. "untruthe," because every etate- ing the bouse to house eanvaas Annual Retreat with scalloped acoop neckline and HolUs, Bcng Island. a fitted bodice, short sleeves, Sa­ wbre an aqua allk faille aheath mMUKtel foapaojiWltO IW •olved In a q t of water, milk or ment I hava ever made about A good night’s sleep re­ cap- alaevaa. Tha bouffant aklrt Lt., (Jq.) Rboert M. Keller, dreaa and carried a casclde qf pink M orrora aupiuHiw In oa- The round table spirit would be fruit Juice. Manchester water con­ phase. USN. was best man for his brother, brina neckline and layers of scal­ •ad oUiar rwul^ roMtor Iriuoridatlon Is documented; fur­ The Fashion Show also woa most stored the energy we juc- also had a acalloped embroidared loped ruffles. Her fingertip veil was roses. Motor Boonlmt Horaid welcome at Geneva. It, however, tains Natural fluorine. In more thermore, when he calls them "ter­ HOLY FAMILY RETREAT HOU$E« FARMINGTOH. hemUna. Her fingertip veil of and ushers were Robert Aldridge Joseph Shea, Manoheater, waa cannot, be produced over-night by than ona tMrd the recommended auocesoful, both socially and flnan jend during, the dSy, giving French illusion was scalloped and of Valley Stream, Long Island; attached jo a pearl Crown. She car­ rifying" that Is because he REAL­ dally. Mrs. Carl B. Anderson, gen WILL OPEN MAY 22 AT DINNER. 5;30 FAR. ried a White prayerbook with an beat man, and uahera were David the carpenters. amt., and dally diet of Infants con­ LY KNOWS what fluoridation act­ us the strength necessary draped from a contour crown of Robert Mathe\v8 of New York orchid. • Donavan, ManchesUr, brother-in- tains ovar one third alao. Chlldran eral chairman, and Mrs. Jerome orangq blossoms. She carried a CJity and Sen. John N. Moreno of ually means to a human being. Brett, co-ebatrman. are to be co#- IT WILL C L O ^ AFTER THE FAFAL RLESSING to fUdit off the inyading The matron of honor wore an or­ law of the briflgegroom, artd Mor- -n who eat fish got more than enough Then Dr.' Jacobeon must retract bouqust of Phalaenopsla showered Bngqla, Columbia. iHeBIlverstein, Bolton. natural fluortna from fish, so that gratulated on making this show geens and virus that are Following a reception in the chid and white embossed organd.v Man Going To Work what he eaid about me In Torring- such an eventful ona ON^NDAY.MAY24. with mlhiature white roses. floor length gown with orchid cuni ‘The. mother of the- bride chose a those parents who think they ton and New "Canaan, because I kinstantl/ attacking pnr The honor attendant wore a parlrh house of the church tho green silk shantung aheath dreaa When Harrleoh Sallabury of the 8TIL>1> want the added Fluoride, Last but not leasts a sincera pritttMk style gown of light orchid couple left for a wedding trip to merbund and back bow. .She also have NEVER beM In either town, "thank you” to the people of-Man- body. Inability to sleep is wore a matching headband, and with a corsage of green cymbldlum


tlANf'HliSTBR KVItNlNG HERALD. MANGHESTBlt. CONN., MONDAY, MAY 1 1 , 1 9 5 9 f c l u i r r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. MAY 1 1 . 1 9 5 9 DAILY CROSSW ORD PLn«;CLB / BUGS BUNNY OUR BOAKIIING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOFLE la 'R m Tima Ta Ptaa Tow Sharp Words, N- SPRINP PAINT UP— al r '* '5 * A m m m A n tw a t t s Inferred Insult r«r Batlmatoo Oall . . . THAT 8 UWHARO HOOPlfe WAS W ?A^iN 2 feJ^'.^ ifS A C ofettrio Styit A0OOT HIS SEEDS FOR GIANT STBIIJ6 ^^CAKSPUlf 6W C LO ib Wm. Dicksdn ind Son g£A N 4 , BUT 1 RSOW HE COULDN'T AOBOM SOperatie aol« F i0 it CRAB GRASS IN A GREENHOUSE f IL L JUSjV f (^ip/ THAT 4 S A rp e ia e S i\? o v e r a n d PLANT THESE SUNFLOWER^ YARO MORS Q I — ■•iMlagBI h e n in a PAINTING 4 C om — — Sharp Words Over a change of 5 EED 5 / WHEN AWOSENOSE CALLS THE < to S E T ^ ^ t S uJ 1 i r w ^ oil and ancry reaction to a mil- II p o r t ^R s a t t h e f v ?s t f p Ro u t , h e 'u J V ^ t h e c r r v D u ^ •chni — • rrendi rlear and DECORATING ItConstcUatioa undarilood donveraatlod reaultad 9 ^HE^RaAL,,aw^/“^ ^ ONAW iNDV ■ In g ta te w ^ brliit dl^ta BatuMay about SpaeiallalBg In Cbnrch Work B o o b O F T H E IS M o rtc ^ t* TMarliicr'a a EatablUh 10IS a ,14K««Mie tend d irectio n 13 Rteiti apart, police aaid today. h Toa'tvroaeufflei.'vriiich occurred M l 0- 0030—MANCITESTER lIKnlglit'* tiUe • Lonta I I Small plaiMrta • Oraat Lake in oppOatt# ehda of to m , rbaUIted tlOBilTurc tOTonacr S irre n c h 40 ------alidad in the arm t. o( three men, each auaaaoi? aopnno delicaca IlL o M tte n e charged with IliMch of the peace. M R e H o n a 11 Capa 37F laea 43F a ti3 V ia tr M Wealey l 4 ft^J*age. 38, of 880 SI KacaUva word niUviad a iA n ie r s 43 Far (prate) Burnham I SL, arid Edmund L. AI.LEV OOP RY V. T. HAM LIN Sa CameraaiMU part if Latin 38R e ftln K l kaee 44Arror peiaea Wrtibel, 19, I4t Lydall St„ , VWWl CUNFin 34 T h a ila n d iin m ib e d 31 O vem m 41 A to p were arreated after a Sght a t' a ITOJIDW aw/ ARSNT ITTlhblaadMd 0 CACT, ITS CS1.CBRKT1N6 A Attsy/ \ ANO A im o r SlTranamined S4 R c K u e^ U S e re m ii Tolland'Tpke. service station ahd YL'nR'ROUND i1IR CONDIflONING Sk£TERN CCNTSNNIAU LtdTENi ] YELLIN'; COMIN' ST Brother dr 35 Inlianmuitl8D 38 Thread a n d j r Joseph P. R. Lavlgne, 23, of Tal- CXJUfKHXX OUT TWERE THI« VmfTOOl •ia te r (lufltac) (pteAx) lOllebiM (aoB.) cottvilia, r e s arreated after po­ TWW YEAR? SO Reach lice received a complaint he had COMPBTENT RCRVICE! y " SSW iah r r r r r r r r r pushed a man through a glass door HAS WON CONFIDENCE S4 Auitrian dts at the Femdele Restaurant.' . Orderly arrangements and highly personal­ as R e v ile d 1 B IS According to police, IVrubel and ized services assures deep satisfaction. A 31 W orm Page eotchanged blows after Page telephone call’at any hour will bring 87 Diicovcr r (• If prompt service. 38 Ado objected to the amount of oil 40 Rem ove r Wrubel put In his friend’s car, Tear 'Round Air ConditlonlAg. r Page was bruised ahd complained K e e p ,’ 41 MnaicAl d irectio n u , P > of a sore shoulder, according to WIIUMn P. Qulsh i PatroUnan Samuel Maltempo. The Furifiral .'iT M — U - 43 M ince JTz r IT 48D nm paa r fr i "acuffle occurred about 11:30 in the Raymond T. (|nlBh 43 A cute P B momthg. ^ Hom« 81------cteem % At 11:15 that night, police aaid, M l 3 .5 9 4 0 <•11 B y DICK TURNER CARNIVAL 83 M a lt r f • Lavigne walked into the Ferndele »■ W. T-* .». »E .M. W. bcverafca I Restaurant and, walking past two S lT c m ln in e j/ 1 9 customers he - thought spoke to Drums beat and bagpipes skirl as the Marine Cojor Guard marihe^ through the split'ranks of the Manchester Pipe Band to open ceremonies. fu lB x mamL i him, grabbed one, David A. BY AL VERMEER 84 M outha . i ' 2 25 MAIN ST. - FKISCILLA’S POP ' Burnett, and puahed him through 88 GoU mounds' i the plate glass in the front door. S T IC K M 1 SUPPOSE! BUT I HATE 'VES. I WENT' 81 S h o rt r IS r r YOUR TO GO THROUGH THIS 'THROUGH IT WITH i L a v l(^ went home but later TO disapproval turned himself In at Manchester Colorful Show Marks I GUNS, ARGUMENT AGAIN! r “ AfY MOTHER WHEN 87 D a te end r . II S M B 'S 6 BEN WAS PRISCILLAS. ' 4 Police headquerterA I ASKED T a AN EVENING MAZEU ------puddina YOU’RE 1[ T A Q A / N f f \ AGE!' H iS Patrolman "Ronald Mlkolelt said p a r t y .. BUT I TO1 .0 DOWN RIGHT' Burnett sufliered .eevreal outa end Anniversary of Kilties AAP Sup«r Markits in Manchttttr [HER SME'S TOO '''t Corned beet r S 9 ■cratches. ' YOUNO! If The three accused have been re­ le a se i&der 850 bonds and are due Color and commbUon and, behind^ their doublets, black 261 Iroad St. ft 116 i. Ctirtfr St. \ in court Saturday. It, the wail of bagpljies, the shrill feather bonnets and dark green / klltx and plaids, the Kilties stole \ of fifes and the roll of drums IPO -i SHORT RIBS BY PRANK O’N EA L a piece of the show as they form­ Britain to Ship marked the Saturday parade in ed in two ranks to attend the OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY honor of the Manchester Pipe presentation of the colors by a Band's 45th anniversary. Marine color guard. Planes, Tanks The procession of more than 20 Marching and drumming with ond FRIDAY ^til 9 F. M. E-ll bands which started at Education the band was 8-year-old Phillip A i Square, took 45 minutes to march Duncan, son of drununer Alec r '« Ip To Iraqi Army the mile and a quarter to Memorial Duncan. The wee lad stole a piece Field between packed crowds of the show hlmeelf. LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBRERS which thronged the streets. Cheers also sounded for the St. (Oohtbrtird from P ate One) Parade Marshall James H. Mc­ Patrick's Pipe Band of Manches­ f HA*B’ICWPRlCE’,C*.rRir2 ^H nT 2 - VKV WHL-I T wTtr’*'*. iM. the. Communist world 'which it United States. woidd be folly to aupply with Band's first pipe instructor, the ap­ pearance with the Kilties of one of The Manchester High. Bchool ‘W hat’a -hia m ajor aubject? Well, I’d aay uaa of arms. It is Baghdad," said the Band and the Police and Fire BY HEN BAL^ and JERRY BRONDPIELD Guardian. "What good will they the original, members of the band, the family carl" '• the baton-twlrllng wirardry of one Junior Band, which were in the do? If Oefl: Kassem and others are van of the parade., also were given 100“ BUYS! of the visiting band’s drum majors against communism It is presum­ loud applause. BIRTHDAT ably because they think it will be and the pageantry of the parade it­ bad for Iraq. Why should failure self. Three of the eight ancient drum Come See... l.m i E SPORTS B Y R O U S f IN to get British arms change their Scott Honored corps which were singled out for im S R S " mlnde?” . applause were the Spirit of '76, the A)exa,pder Scott, now retired and Minute Mei. from Long Island, You'll ySavel living in Kblyoke, MaS8..'wa* the N.T.. and the' Plainvllle Drum 30,000 liJle'to Get Kilties’ first, pipe Instructor in Corps. 1914. He was presented a token gift The bagpipe bands in the parade U.S. Food Baskets by Pipe Major John Stevenson. were: the Boston Caledonian Pipe Robert Phillips, one. of the band’s Band, the Worcester Kiltie Band, original pipers, came from Patter­ the Holyoke Caledonian Kiltie ./ (Continued from Page Qne) son, N.J., to skirl once again with Band, the Stewart Highlauiders j hia old mates. He appeared in. the Pipe Band of Rockville, the Trin­ asalgned one day a month when dress uniform of the Paterson bag­ FRESH, s -H ity College Pipes ahd Drums, the j±_ he may call for his-food. ^ pipers. St. Patr'ck and Mamchester Pipe This large Industrial county has Ed McKinley, drum major of B Y J O H N N Y HART Bands and c. unit made up of rep­ B. C. an estimated 38,000 unemployed the Philadelphia Ulster Pipe Band, resentatives from the Ulster Pipe out of a total work force of 700,- drew wonder and comment as he twirled and tossed high in the air Band, the Bridgeport Pipe Baind BY BOY CRANE IMAAACULATE s y m b o l s IK CRBAfive s t ;/wulus 000. and the Stamford Kilties. Pipe Major John Stevenson presents gift to first piping teacher, Alexander Scott. OF FANTAS"/, IN IN MAN'S imagination . I WONDER WHAT County Welfare Director John his huge drum major’s baton. c lo u d s- Fife and 'Drum Corps were: the INFINITE PARADE'. THE'Y ARB ? J. Schaefer said those eligible to McKinley, who has won two drum Malta tuck Drum Band of Water- ATAJESTiC F .receive food represent 10,000 major competitions In the past brook Drum Corps, the Deep River Corps, the Spirit of '76 'rom Man­ I A junior band sponsored by the cases on poor and soldiers relief .year. Is considered one of th'S fore­ bury, the Germantown" Fife and SHIPS OF • (!3 a-.v ^ Drum Corps from Danbury, the Ancient Fife and Drum Corps, the chester, and the l.ong Island Min­ Hartford VFW also appeared in and aid to the blind, dependent most drum majors In the United Warehouse Point Fife and Drum ute Men. I the parade. t h e s k y - children and disabled, States and Canada. Hailing from Plainvllle -rum Corps, the West- Poor rejiief rolls reached a peak Northern Ireland, he has been In of 6,600 cues April 8. When the this country two years and led recession started the county had Saturday’s parade in front of the "Y 3,000 poor relief cues. Boston Caledonian Pipe Band. 4.' The main reason, the food sur­ The 'scattered clapping which U. S. GOVT INSPECTED, GRADE A pluses are being used is that greeted bands, on Main and E. Mins STIR: KNOtm AS*0lV KONSPEt.’’ ’‘there h u been a local demand for Center Sts. turned into loud ap- HIMWI MACHINE, COOL AS ICS. NOT 'JK>08LB(^''Aip0Ciy: K08EAN ACf, (them) from the labor unions," plauee at the high school field ax A itAl F80. lUmiPAN AMMUNITION .Schaffer said. the b^ds marched the length of : A NERVE ih HIS KPY...WITH A UTTU rPURlTWENTIt H16K-STRUNG, teMM Mae fa* MM Wtew 8«, * n READY-TO-COOK 'IllCK aox" FOR A 8XAIN. DUMP ON HIS i ^ T MISSION, *i>tiaiM4 a. A am M. He said surpluses had not been the cmdqr track. f •'IRiUlANT THINKER. KNOWS HSNCE THE NAME “BOOM-IOOM.* WH5T RAR IS, HIT CONTROLS IT ftloR'IY MEEKLE B y d i c k c a v a l l i used earlier because “ we hate to The loudest appla>iM was kept 2Va TO 3>/a POOn DS. WITH A WLL OF GRANITE, , see people stsuid in line to pick up for the Manchester npe Band, the * THAT'S EASVWINTHBOfMW INSTANCE, WINTHR0 P/6 T0 P their commodities." largest pipe band' in the parade. In I GOT A4ARRIEO WHILE IWAS IN THE playin g WITH FOR MICKEY FIN N • ’ ’ BY LANK LEONARD WHAT* A . ARNWTHATSWHATISMEANrBy'A, THE LIGHT SWITCH! i s n n . 'A WHOLE ROASTING NO-BUT THE STOCK F0UKTBEN7 BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT 1 HADj L j s e r v ic e HAS GONE UP TO 14 H-HOWDOiOUKNOm, TO RAY/1 BOUGHT A CONNECTED OtOt * tTHAST ^ THOUSAND SHARES OWABILITVP, CAUAtU MYSELF-THIS SPLIT - FORWOPinO LB MORNING/ .... ■ -3' ' You don’t replac* your V. ’ j '' iHE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE hoot In 0 hurry. So hqndsomt, you’ll, wont to ihpw It, Raymond Charest, RL 30, Vernon; Rockville; Gary Hart, 24 Fox Hill. BY V^'ILSON SCRUGGS 1 :. Dorset, 122 Park St., Mra. IneZ( An­ St.;' Frank McCann, 99 Wctherell 'C ' NUT6.'...JUST WHGNI 'WELL/IF THEY AIN'T MSAliWHILB, U P S T /m ... .''.n o t hid# It, Only 53" high — "grawi" Into a yaar ‘Mrs. Truth , Tankeroosan derson, 93 W. Center S t ' St.; Susan Lucas, 94 Walker St.; Dr., Rockville; David Cone; 92 Miraclo Whip Solod Drossini MV DCAR WUSM'tOU ALL ME AAR. 'EVECBEBITD ■*'•*< UOWNEIDe/OM,A^Wl;TBtfg.!^ THCU 'XXI'VE NEVER RBaV SEEN HEW FEEL LUCKY/iCOBB COBS - BACK IN A'COUpLi CF Rd., Vernon; Everett Thompson, RJRTHS SATURDAY: A daugh­ Mrs. Carmen, Marty, 240 Charter High S t, Rockville; Michael 'OOMS,'AXI MAKE ME FEEL *5 IF 11 HEW YORK BETORE?) ME, KeASB. ) WITH MV WfOTTSy, 'Mnt. WE ^UALLBEdlU OUR COOK'S INSIDSA AND THE BILLINGS ’round, "whols-hduio" air condilionsr whon you ora 101' -hemlock St.; Mrs. Harriet Briggs, Manafleld; Andrew Hoar, IK>«/L0U0KA«'AX1 JUARKWiK'prUEdLOaE THEATER MINUTESi (JL’ SWIFTYS W-VWAT's i \ DONT CHANCE THE ter to Mr. and Mr#. Charles De Oak S t; Mrs. Esther Farns­ : Dinty Moort BtOf Stow TOUR TODAY. U A N O tS Tm GAL LEAVE ME A F T E R € m ID tkody. LltUa Coventry; Mra Emma 'Von- Brava, Ellington; a daughter to worth, Terrace ,Jftr., ' Rockville; Bolton St.; Mary Frances Beck, B»IA«ACT<»MR.f'-r-l OFSIAKESPEAKE'STIMF/ ARE you S A M B L m C A ^ /. I 0 WATEN 6 P0 T/ viwM.,,.. W.M t-ii I '5 GET ebker, 509 K m o y S t; Ralph Halo 'Itest Hartford; Mrs. Meraheth _ y Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Barnes,'613 John Gapdhart 19 Cheaper Dr.; vouMfi? I ______OAME? ANONLOOKEfT^ _ ■ . ■ V-' *■ ■■■ I ■ Jr,, WUllmantlo; Harman Smith, atone, and twin sons, Uynwood Chocolutf Bars N99TU, HIUNIIffl lACM »m i£ N T L V BACKTO'*MURDeR"i Main St.; a son toiMr. and Mrs. Mrs, Helen iZowsdh. 44 • Moun­ You can hava tola pcamlum quality .Ganeral 19 Durlmt' S t; M ra Klaiiia^ Kisis, Robert Duncan. 401 Center St. tain S t, RocHvlhe; Mra.'Blwa John­ Dr., Vamopr Mrs. LuclA Day and CHECKS HIS WATCH Blaotric Cuatom on Furaact (or aa UtUa as J80 South Windsor; Charles' Apel, 236 E ^T H S YESTERDAY: A aon ■on, 'Lsbandn; Mra. Jean Mead ...INTHISTRIJE a' mtetbu For a vma horns hsatdng survey and HUllard St.' Mario. Palumbo, Old son. 48 Clinton S t; Mrs. Emma. and ^on, HazardvlUp. NEWSPAPERSTORt mtixtet*. c*ll MI U-4548L • to Mr. and LMrs. Alhfart Meyers, HcKaever, 214 Oakland St; Mrii.' Town Rd„ Rockville, . Coventry; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jeanette Berger, and son, 2$. 4.DMITTED YESiraUDAY: I . I ^ 'd . BEAUSOILEIL DIBS ' ' Thomas Bsmgos, 4''Pearl 8t.:^Mrs. Robert Degan, 67 Wadsworth S t; a Grove. S t. Rqckvllle; Mrs. Cynthia Eliaabeth May, 43$ 'W.* Middle daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lyla QehtUe and teughter, 51 Fairfield ; Putnam, May 11'(ff)—Leonard D. «Eli{8At0 lkKTRie Tpke.; Mra.IaabeUa iFoumiorr-SSl Mowtbn, WiUimantlc: a daughter' St; Mrs. Mary Flaher ahd daugh­ Haausoleil, 56,' a imember 'of both HllUpid S t; Thomaa' Freebum, 47 to Mr. and Mrs. John Morigliont, ter, Storra; Mrs. Anne Fortin and the city and town'board# of flohUB* 't 'a.'lB.»*!WS8^G*»VIC«.-TAROT ■ Jkigartbn St; Mra. Dorothy Bra- Worcester Rd.,. Vernon. < ' daughter, 309^ Sprucfc S t . < ' bare, died suddenly yeatiiKUyVi gan,'M U co; M ra Rochelle Levin, BIR'THjTODAY:. A,aon to Mr. D/SCHABGBD XESTERDATf Ilia home. He was also a dlrfCtpA^ nL™^' A Si Ctoianmn Rd.; Mrs. Doris'Taylor, and Mra. Harlan Donaldson, 206 Infant eon of Mr, the CltiMin National 9*nk Wl 44 BantoniSt; O rolyn NiSdaMa. 99 Canter S t Mlae Wfrtx. 16 and proprl^r of an ju m oak Rt.: otiaan Duhialns, 14 1 Ed- DMC2IARGKD a A T U R I •AY:: I Bertha.Bei...... Vlv. 1 Wafivllwfl* tt^Anhanw. A. n d Cv e r; I Brio Jay* wi 1. .1 garton St.; Mrs. Rosa QaglasieUo,' Harding Staphqns, • 1 ... .1. e. • r n r

• •:> • '1 - f t ■> ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ MANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD. MANCHEST|i:E. CONN^ MONDAY, MAY 11. 1959 MANCHE8TEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, MAY 11, 1 9 » ^^im&dn for First Place Status Pierce am 'tin Go Distance THE Carnegie CJup $2,049 Realized Herald Angle To Yale Crew, For LL Basebair Little Lefifue haiebaU's ■ r H arvard Next annual house to' house can­ Aaron, Mathews Pacing EAttL YOST vass .vestei’day for funds to ChisOxTpp Indians Derby, May 11 (ga—YaleU un­ Spurt* Editor operate the 1959 program defeated c i ^ ' kept that statue In- tact SaturdaKon the Houzatonte netted $2,049.71. This re­ Sunday by wlwtkjg the CUmegl* port was made today by Front Running Braves Dave- Keith... 'Tennis interest Cup by a length, over Cornell. A1 Keenan, L.L, treasurer. Schedule was clear as the sky has mounted considerable since the Princeton finished thrp lengths be­ MEN'S DIVISION of any assignments or commit­ erection of new courts at the high Phil Sullivan, president, SWEEPSTAKES ments and 1 took advantage of the hind the Ithacan*. Full Handicap Twice, ShRve Lead school. Jim LeSurs is the current Yale covered the Winds*epi reported that a number of day off and the weather to work on .fwon a series, splitting two with town singles champ, an honor he’s tWo-mile course In 10:24,!:0»mell Manchester families were, ,1*turday . New York. Maj 11 Chicago for a 8-2 sdge in a fivs- my lawn and my back yard. Thl* Class A-Mel Hadfletd 76-6-70, The : Milwaukee Braves are Mofor L«ogua! held the past two years... Mo­ In 10:28 and Princeton in 10>S17. out when the. Little League game -'Iwrlea Althoiigh Bobby > was accomplished only after Uie tored to New Britain In the after- In riding to their,.second s>^- Harry Elch 75-5-70. riding high again with iiank Thomson hit ta-o homers and drove New York, May 11 (AV-Billy Pierce and Early Wynn, s early trip to Mass with other mem­ and Farm League players 1 Class B -'Jack Coy 81-9-73. Pate pair of route-going pitchers in an era of relief-happy man­ >noon where Teachers College met cessive Carnegie Cpp victory, thb. Aaron and Eddie Mathew* in SIX nms. It took an 11th in­ iLeedersssssJ bers of the household . . The arch-rival New Haven Teachers Elis generally understroked both in uniform made the rounds . Nsktenls 82-0-73. cutting a wide patli through ning homer by Earl Averlll to give, agers, have moved the Chicago White Sox within striking ' dandelions seemed to spring up on the baseball fiel((. It was a tong rival crews. Yal* broke from the ye.sterday. A.s a result, a I Class C-Len 'Wood 88-23-S6. Bill the Cubs a 10-8 edge in the open­ Amerloui I-sagus ■ overnight and it required consider­ ' Bengtsdn 84-15-60. X the National League. Aaron’s distance of the American League lead. Although Pierce gave afternoon before Leo t y r of ______starting' — boat' at 40 but quickly follow-up collcclion will er. Qlnn Cimoli, a-ho had a big hit Batting (Baasd on 50 or more at up 18 hits, he wept aU the way tot* able time removing them from the Manchester. New Britain short- dropped id* 30 and then 2 Cor­ 18-IIOLE .MEDAL PLAY X .485 a\'er«c« t* the best In the ma- batal—Kuenn, Detroit, .405; Fox. take placfi this week wiUi and hU 4» htu are high for ting day, teamed up a-lth Curt the White Sox to beat Cleveland lawn . . While absorbing'the sun- stop, scooted home wltlr' the win­ nell waa off in 38 and dropped to '\ Combined Headloape Flood In some ninth inning heroics Chicago, .386; Kalins. Detroit, (mce. Phillips then singled horns youngsters, under adult su­ ' ,E(i Lolka and Ray Oweiw 160- botii league*. Mathew* top* the 5-4 In 11 inning* yesterday, win­ the winner to give Pierce the edge , (Shin* after dinner and working I ning run In the last of the ninth. 82 and took *n early lead. Prince- to give St. Louis the seepnd 8-7. .859; Marls, Kansas City. .383; ning on a single by Bubba Phillips, had onf ear, maybe two, within Cyr's three hits and two run* pervision, stopping at the I 17-143! Bill Deaay and Charles big Show with 11 home run* and 27 Power, Cleveland snd Runnels. over Dick Brodowaki. ton also started at 88, dropping to who had tied the scort with an , range of the radio where I could batted in paced the 5-4 triumph... I Davis 1681-23-145, Lee Martin and run* Boston, .330. Wynn had only one troublesome 32. houses missed Sunday. BR.\Vr,S 12-t. REDS 4-l-^Mll- eighth-inning homer. ; hear report* on the Tiger* win- Losing coach Jim Moore of the As Princeton kept felting be­ ,Wlll .Olekslneki 160-13-147 and The explbatve punch of thl* pair Runs— KiUebrew, Washington, j inning, the third, when Minnie Sian HilinskI and Gene Kelly 162- is the main iW » n for Milwaukee * a-auKee had lost the 6rst , ta-o W'ynn, a 3P-year-old profeealon- Minoso singled and Rocky Colaylto ■ nlng two games from the Yankees Elm City nine always reminds hind. Yale finally caught Cornell games of the series to the Red.« 24; Power, Clevelaind. 21; Alflson, i American League Before dusK, the yard looked 15-H7. first place aUtUs. The Brave* re­ Washington, 20; Jensen and Mai-1 al> completed the Job on the doubled. He tightened ur and me of Babe Ruth, in both facial at the three-quarter mile mark but dropped the.visitors Into third Yesterday's Result* didn’t allow' another hit. Losef green Once again with new trees (and physical 'makeup. ..y^ Easy land then forged i(o a steady ad- Lady Pro Has j BEST 16 HOLES sumed the lead Sunday by Uklng zone, Boston and Maris, Kansas league leading Indians with a four- I Tliree-Fourths ilandirap place by taking the doubleheader. New York 6-3, Washington 8-2 hit 5-0 shutout. The Sox backed Mike Garcia never had another and bushes adding to the general relaxing night once I arrived back vantage despite a lower stroke. a pair from Cincinnati ahich had Bob Rush won the Aral from Nea'k City, 19. Boston 3-5, Baltimore 2-1 j Sunday mo\-ed out front late Saturday. him up with a 13-hit attack in­ change. appearance . . . Friends stopped liome. Rowing St'27. Yale grabbed a aith help from Don McMahon, and Run* Batted In—Oerv, Kansas Detroit 7, Kansaa City 6 • * • Class A Ricky Anderson 63-3- The Braves scored aeven run* tn City, and KiUebrew,'' Washington, cluding Del Ennis’ Aral American by at night and as they were base­ half-length lead at the halfway Record Score Carl Willey oiitpltched Jo* Nux- Chicago 6-5, Cleveland ^-0 TIGERS 7. A’# 6- Dyke*’ Tigers ball fans I showed ■ my colored Thuroday mark despite Cornell’s 30 stroke I 60, BUI Deasv 64-4-60, Paul Jesan- the eighth, after Don NewcfMnbe] 23;' Triandos, Baltimore and Le- P et. G.B. League homer. ! IS 64-4-60 hall In a flne duel. w L Detroit’s Tigers continued to Kansas City. Charlie Maxwell, slides tal'cn at the World Scries Over the final half-mile, Yale left, in th» 12-4 opener In which i • « • mbn. Washington, 21; Msris, Kan­ Cleveland 15 9 .625 — Depended upon the Silver Lane' Clas.s B Pete BUum 6$-7-61, streak under new' Manager Jimmy won a battle of home run* from ‘ and ^^uring spring training in I us this s.jn. and driver Ernie rowfid at 34 and continued to build For 54 Holes Mathews hit No. 11 and a pair o f ; DODGERS 8; GIANTS S—Rip sas City, 20. Chicago .... 14 11 .560 IH ,loe Cerina 69-6-63. Hit*—Fox, Chicago, 40; Kalin*, Dykes, whipping Kansas City 7-6 Kansas City. (Jharlte Maxwell, Lou _ Florida.' 'Aeiss waz'along-at the scheduled up] It* advantage over the Big Red stnglea Reptiiski and Charlie Ndal hom- Baltimore ., 14 12 .538 2 Berberet end Rocky Bridges did crew, which hit the finish at 36. Class C—George Budd 79-17-63, Aaron byoke up the 2-1 second Detroit, 87; Power , Cleveland, Washington 14 IS .519 2 (x for their seventh victorj’ in eight IMoiiday time. Sat with VJllllam Ritchie and Southern Pine*. N. , May 11 Wally Parriak 72-10-63. ered for the Dodgers and Felipe starts under the new boss. the bombing for the Tiger* *!•' The victory established Yale as game with a lie-snapping slngls Alou for the Giant* before a San. Mari*. Kansas City and Allison,' Boston ...... 12 12 .500 3 ’ With the New York ' "'® discussed the Pittsburgh Pl- a co-favorite with unbeaten Har­ (d*)--Three sub-par rounds for a BLIND BOGIE 4 The New York Y’ankee* proved though Roger Marl* hit two for the rales, a team I picked to win the recordiseUlng 2in earned Joyce InMhe ninth; If was hi* fifth hit Francisco sel'out of 22,641. Alou’s Washington, S3. New York 11 13 .458 A’*. . ., doing a tailspin, falling to play vard and Syracuse for the East­ F’irst draw, 08 BUI Simpson. of ^ b u sy afternoon. He haa hit Doubles - Williams. Kansas Kansas City 11 14 .440 4 (» they are not quite ready for burial • • • National League pennant. And a Ziske of Milwaukee, Wis., the homer following a towering dduble by taking a , pair from Washing­ and win the way the experts pre­ ern Spring Championships next Second draw, 91, tie, Max Schu­ in IS straight games and in 23 of by WlUle Mayk-v in the eighth City, 9; Po*sr. and Strickland. Detroit ...... 9 16 .360 6 (» YANKS 6-8. SENATORS S-t — team Ritchie has backed for years Saturday on Princeton's Lake Southern Pines Open Invitation bert and Frank Splleckf. Cleveland. , Boyd, ' Baltimore, Today's Game and ton 6-3 and 3-2, the second in 10 dicted. it gives baseball fans in . . . Capt. E, Walter I-amIe of the the Braves' 24 games, Including a prompted Manager Walter Alston 8 Rsme Duren had to put down a ■ these parts something new to Carnegie. , golf title, her first tourannienl vic­ tie. iFox. Chicago and Slebem, New Probable Pitchers innings. Salvation Army stopped at the tory alnce 1956. to bring In Labine. The Boston Red Sox aliio did ninth inning uprising at Yankee. talk about. The loyal Y ankee fans Cornell won all four of the pi'e- Angeles climbed Into second • • • York, 7. Baltimore at Washington 8;05 Stadium to-have Whltey Ford In The bespectacled pro In winning Triples-tC^rV and Houar, Kan­ p.m.—Pappaa (8-0) vs. Fischer their bit to tighten up the Ameri­ are scarce, but rpoter.s for the Ik *'v "if* i hminarv races by substantial mar- place on a 8-2 victory over San PHILS 6. PIR.\TES 8—In that the first game. The Senator* had other seven clubs are out in num­ H Kins.gins 'The Cornell Junior Varsity $997.50 tallied three birdie* on the | Sport 'Schedule . Francisco, made possible Clem sas City. yS; seven playera tied ( 2-0 ) can League face', grabbing • two n«(d help these days, and admitted * suspended game at Pittsburgh, from high-Aying Baltimore 3-2 in scored twice and had two on with bers, many asking the same ques­ and Freshman crews each won by front nine and came home with a | Lablne's second game-saving re­ with 2. Only Game Scheduled. • nobody out when Duren took over. he waa a New Englander and a four lengths, while the third var­ par 38 Sunday for a 70 ahd a Burpess had driven In four runs Tomorrow’s Schodiile 10 innings and 5-1. Don Buddin’a tion, "What has happened to the PITCHIPJCJ MAINSTAYS— Few echoolboy b a ^ a ll team.s boast a .stronger two-man lief Job tn two days; Labine turned with a three-run pinch homer and Hojnb Runs—Ktllebrew, Wash- He blew dowm the next three. Boston Red Sox supporter , . . sity won by two and a half lengths I.,adles Professional Golf Aksn. Today inetbn, 10; Jensen. Boston. Cnla- Cleveland at New York, 8 p.m. Arst home run won the opener for Yankees?" Perhaps Casey Sten­ Good weather for the opening pitching staff than the Manchester High’s duo'pictures alwve, Pat Mislretta, left, and In two scoMlesB Innings, preserving a double a-hen curfew Intervened. Norm's Siebem’s double, a sink­ gel has lost his magic wamd but I over *• Yale. The Cornell second reren-ri over .54-holes. Her earlier Temple vs. Baptist, 6:15—Char-' Johnny Podres' fourth victory. vflo, Cleveland, Maris, Ksnsa* Detroit at Washington 8;05 p.m. Leo Kiely. Frank Baumtinn's three- ing liner on which Jim Temon baseball game on the new field at Clyde Richard. The two veterans have playe^ key roles in their club’s present 7-1 won ter Oak, The opene- was delayed for 15 Chicago at Boston 8:15, p.'m. run triple and six-bit pitching did . know one fellow who feels the freshman shell finished about rounds were 69 and 71 over the The Phllliea and Pirates ran City, and Lemon, Washington, 7. missed a shoestring catch, won the Memorial Field, Manchester High three lengths in front and lost record. Mistretta has won his last -two starts after an early setback. Richard, par-72 Mid Pines Country Club Willis vs, Nike, 6:15 Robertson. minutes at the start and waa held Stolen Bases— Apariclo, Chica­ Kansas City at Baltimore 8'.OS the heavy work In the second. Yanks are just backing up for a afoul of that Sunday curfew rule up again for 55 minutes bv rain. BASE THIEF IN ACTION—Luis Aparicio (11), fleet aecond for the Yank* in the 10th enter' aining Wethersfield. 1 Yale finished second in the who was slated to pitch against Maloney hi Meriden today, is unbeaten in four outings. course, a 6,424-yard layout. Marines vs. Green ^anor, 8t30— go, 7; Power, Cleveland. 6; Smith p.m. As the Western teams head East inning, scoring Mickey Mantle , belated start.... Tohi Conran, who stopped by. fo, a few innings, in PltUdnirgh. After the Phils ' » ♦ V waa "fired" aJfter guiding his en­ third varsit.v race and behind Clyde is working on a .string of eight consecutive CCIL victories, beginning with the Tip for Second , / Robertson. handed Bob Friend. hi* sixth and Landis. Oitcago, Kaline, De­ Chicago shortstop, steals second base in third inning of for their Arst extended road trip, who had singled' off loser Camflo mainly to see Big Ed Bailey and OfBS 16-7, CARDS 8-8 -There National League try to the Bee League Princeton in the other three races. Second-round leader Mary Lena Telephone vs. First National, straight defeat 6-8 in the opeher, troit and Mantle. New York 4. second game against Cleveland Indians. He stole three, the distance from top to bottom in Poscual. Duke Maas was the win-, hLs cast In the pre-game show. 1958 season. (Herald Photo by Ofiarirt was an oddity In the St. Louia- Pitching — Wilhelm. Baltimore the league la only 6>2 game.*. championship last season, was a Faulk of Thomaavllle, ,Ga,, and 6:15 — Charier Oak. the Pirates had opened up a 6-4 Chlcago doubleheader. Undy Mc­ bases as White Sox walloped Indians 5-4 and 5-0. Top Y’eaterday’* Result* ner in relief. Big Ed, who has taken a verbal High baseball at Maloney, 3:15. and McLish. Cleveland. 4-0, 1,000: WHITE SOX 5-6, INDIANS 4-0— * * • ■visitor at the desk and ■we talked, Beverly Hanson of Indio, Calif., laad on Smoky Biu-gess' hitting photo he beats toss from catcher Russ Nixon to second Philadelphia 6-4 Pittsburgh 3-6 beating' these (jays because his Cheney at Cromwell, 2:30. Daniel of the Cards lost the nrst Pappas, Baltimore, 8-0, 1.000; The White Sox continued to tor­ RED SOX 8-5, ORIOLES 2-1— 'berides the Yankees, softball... flniahed In a tie for second at 213' when curfew sounded. They were and a-on the second, both on relief. (Second Game, suspended after Yan.kep* ■’have not been doing too High tennis at Maloney. Walker,. Baltimore, Baumann. baseman Billy Martin (1). Lower photo he watches ball seven Innings, (o be completed July ment the Indians whom they have Buddins’ 10th inning homer sealed ' Bobby Carlson, promising young welL'^ported his arm was ih shape All Kinds ofFan^ in Bleachers for $683.50 of the $6,000 pot. Jo­ la tha laat of the eighth, so the It was the Mi le atory for Chi­ anne Prentice of Birmingham, Ala., Tiieeday, May IS Boston, Larsen. New York and* bound away after upsetting Martin. (AP Photofax) 21). bealen six times in eight rtarta. A* the first ■victory for relief Than baseball pitcher; phoned to say he after a''^*y of practice and he was game must be completed July 21 cago's Elmer Singleton who came Fischer snd Griggs, Washington, a result, Chicago is only 1(4 games ‘ and his friend wanted to umpire in Was fourth with a 218 and Betsy Post Office vs. Flnast 186, 6:15 before it goes into the standings. Lios Angeles 3 San Francisco 2. Klely of Boston. Baumann’s trip]* sure thed the first pilch would from the Imllpen to win the 8rat 2-0, 1.000. out of first place. led the second game attack that Little Xjeague baseball this sea­ Rswla Spartanburg, S. C., was —Charter Oak. Downti^den St. Louis finally and ther. lost the aecond. Milwaukee 12-2 Cincinnati 4-1. reach the J>]ate. Mayor Gene Kel­ CIvltan vs. Congo*, 6:16— Mt. -- Strikeouts—Wynn, Chicago, 48; •Proud of New Record Chicago 10-7 St. LouU'9-8. Pinch-hitter Billy Goodman also included a homer by Frank son. I suggested he contact^ "Lee ley was the Catcher, General Man­ fifth wtth.220 to earn $427..50, Scors, Cleveland and Bunnlng. De­ ,W. L. Pet. O.B. drove in the tying run in the White Malzone. Jack Harshman and fitoo Fracchia, knowing that ^ 'volun­ .\MBRICAN LEAGUE Miss Hanson sank a 20-(obt putt Nebo. / ager. Dick M.aHin the batter and FARM TEAM ROSTERS High track at East Hartford, S. troit,’ 86; Wilhelm, Baltimore, 84; Milwaukee ...... 14 9 .609 Sox llth after Cleveland had scored Brown were the losers. . '' teers will be accepted.-■'Fracchia Christie McCorimck the blind um­ on the No. 18 lo gain her second Terry, Kansas City, S3. .571 will serve as umplcc-In-chief this Indians Scorecard Not Needed place t(* vvUh Miss Faulk, who Wedennday, May 18* Los An'gelea .. ..16 12 pire. All pla.ved their parts well Amerleaa Leagns ..14 11 .560 season... WeatljsA was great for Terence Kelly, Robert Wilson. had a 72 Sunday after rnunda'-of Methodist vs. 81. Mary's,. 6:18— Berra in 148 Games Cincinnati ...... , helping put the first diamond still looks for th* scores of Giant Mt. Nebo. Legal Foe of Dodgers Batting (Bated on 50 or more San Francisco . ..13 12 .520 Dan Sullivan, Mike Orlowski, Paul By JOHN MOBRIfiS^l’ * James Gluck, ((lentifled him a*' 68 and 73. baseball and L'managed to catch j attraction over. A fine crowd games. Walnuts vs. Nike, 6:15—Robert- ' at bats) — Aaron. Milwaukee, Chicago ...... 14 14 .500 Quasnitshka, Paul O'Brien, Allen New York—(NEA)-^Baseball a dentist, and explained that he' Barbara Romack -of Sacramento, the first Ujrfie innings of the Man- ^ t’u ned.oul an . irw a s a".complete One thing that Irritates Archie son. .485; Burgess. Pittsburgh. .382; X-PhUadelphia ..11 13 .458 chestei^Ptatt of Meriden baseball i ja y of satisfaction when the home Fletcher, Robert Krawlec, John fans who sit . in the blegcherg feel frequently gave up a bo.xseat lo Calif,, WIffl Smith of St. Clair. Temple, Cincinnati, .3.59; Pinson, Without Any Misplays X-PUtaburgh . ..11 IS .458 Junior Dress Show Briggs, Garry Minor, Wayne Car­ sorry for the poor stiiPs who park | sit with the sun worshipers. ' and the rest of the bleacherltes Is Mich., snd ' Marll.vnn Smith of Bill's vx- Green Manor, 8J0 — Going into Court Again gara$,-fit Mt. Nebo. During the ac-1 team won. 6-1, without the help of “ And Moe. Berg, the old Ameri- the new scoreboard. The Yankee* Robertson. Cincinnati. .356 Bouchee, Phila­ St. Louis ...... 9 18 .333 tlpir I talked with Neil Mahoney, Bailey’s right arm . . . Sat in the tier, Bruce Horn, James Place, in the grandstand sbSdows while, Wlchll*. Kan., flniahed at 222 for delphia; .354. (X-Does not include Sunday’s James Kuhn, James Stackpole, they loll in the sun. ^c'Suv League catcher, sits over spent $250,000 (nr the scoreboard a three-way tie for sixth place. Police v*. North Ends, 6:15 — .xihlef New England scout of the ; third base stands with my former there,” he added, pointing. but tKey could have saved their Charter Oak. Runs Mathews, Milwaukee, suspended second game). Boston Red So.x, who said he was i neighbor, Neal Chene.v, Ray Gos- Stephen Simpson, Allen Holmes. What if the batter looks like, Each earned $332.17. Los Angeles, May 11 (4V-Atty.f’ According to present plana, the New York, Ma.v 11 (IP)—Yogi Berra has quit keeping count Gary Wigren. Sitting as far back as you can money If‘\hey had contacted High golf at Platt. 27; Pinson, Cincinnati, 28; Temple, Today’* Game* and Probable At Pimlico Today very much interested in Moe Mor- lee, Leo ,Da.v and Walter Fox. he's 18 miles ayVay? That'* Why' In a two-way deadlock for nintq PhlU Silver, legal foe of the Los land on w'ihch their houses were Cincinnati, 21; Robinson, Cincin­ of all his baseball records bu lge’s pretty fond of his newest Pitcher* Tiger* without being out of the park Archie. were Gloria 'Fecht of Southern Cheney v*. RHAM, 3-We*t Side Angelaa D ozers, plana to Ale two hardt, Manchester's fine outfield­ Cheney adi.-iUed that he "super­ they have field glasses and, b e-; was Murray Kornbluth, who waa located would be part of the re­ nati, Aaron. Milwauke* ' and one— 148 straight games behim^he plate without an error. Milwaukee at Chicago. 3:00 p.m, er with the UConns. It was the Tim Thresher, Richard Roberts, sides, they Can tell the playera | "It will tell you that so and so Pines, N. C,, and Fay Crocker of Oval. action* today on behalf of a Mexi­ creational facilities to be developed Cjmoll, St. Louis. 20. vised" the construction of not only secretary-treasurer of the Section hit Ills last home run here at 28 Thursday, May 14 “ AH my other records have had tapctw’ith batting,” the squat, - Buhl (0-1) V * Drabowsky (l-2)v New York, May 11 (IP)— A junior dres.s rehearsal for^^at- first high school game this season the school but the athletic fields Robert Godin, Gary Smith, Wally without a scoreboard. And you ] Montevideo, Uruguay, who had can family whose Chavez Ravine alongside the new Dodger stadium Runs Batted In — Robinson. huhch-'i^ouldered catcher of the^ Philadelphia at Ixis An^lM , 11 39 Solarium Club at .the Polo minutes after two oii a rainy 223i. They earned $249.37 apiece. Liberty v*. Teachers, 6(18 — home was demolished last Friday urda.y’s highl.v speculative Preakness will be put orf'today that Mahoney witnessed, usually and heaped cred't upon the sturdy Irish, Jim Rourke, Richard can always follow the play by; Grounda Kornbluth, who hais Since the bulldozers leveled the Cincinnati, 31; Banks, Chicago and New York Yankees said today. p.m.—Owens (1-2) vs Williams he sits in on college attractions. Schuetz, Kenneth Howard, Mi­ pla.v via portable radio. afternoon." he said. "BUt aittlng Charter Oak. by city government order. Arichegas' two frame houses they he figitreelWs as good a catcher shoulders of ed Fairbanks, major been won over to the Y'ankee Baptist vs. Kaceys, 6:15—Mt. Demeter, Loa Angeles, 27; Math­ '"raia one is in Aelding. It shows ( 1-0 ). at Pimlico bj' five of the aspiring performers. ,3h5cing the He’s the same scout who signed chael Walsh, Lee Rouleau, Thomas Since the Giants and Brooklyn: here you can't read it. They should The city claimed it was Jusli- have been Hying like outdoor cam today aS h* eyer waa but per­ dommo at the school. . . Fairbanks cause, has some advice for the have the numbers and letters in Nebo. ews. Milwaukee, 26; Aaron, Mil­ I’m not such a clumsy ox, after Pittsburgh at San Francisco, stage in the Preakness Prep will be Mrs, Halina'Braunstein’s Walt Dropo, Jimmy Piersall and | i-gtes a bow from all aides for the Gessay, Stephen Prior, Robert Dodgers moved to California, the i fled in or^ring bulldozers to Aat- per* with their two da<)ghters and haps not quite as.sharp at the people running baseball. bright colors." Saturday’s Fights High baseball at'Briitol, Siltti- waukee, 26. all.” 11:15 p.m.—Daniels (0-0) ■ys San­ Royal Orbit, EnlflDoIce'a Manassa Frank Quinn all within a space of ekcellent layout of the entire ath- Litke. Barry Cole, Raymond Kel- bleachers at ■ Y’ankee Stadium] ten two houses owned by Mr. and the dauhgters' six children. Hits — Aaron, Milwaukee, 49; Yogi recalled that when he first plate. "My Itpnes begin to creak “New York is missing a good TTie fairer sex 1* 'Represented In High tennis at Bristol. ■ a bit in thosexdoubleheaders,” he ford (4-2). Mauler. He HpTikin-Sair’s Master week for the Red Sox. The trio letic plant. And he even went as l.v, James Walz, Jame* Norton, have acquired some of their old ; bet by not getting another team,” M rs Manuel Arichega. Temple and Pinson. Cincinnati came to the Yankees in 1946 there Only Games Scheduled. Palynch followers, but not as many a* the sun porch. Among them is ■ Hollywood, Calif.—Larry Board- Friday. $I«y 15 Silver aeea It differently. And, added. id the King Ranch duo was all Connecticut products... far as to erect a pre.*!* box . . . Stephen Cole, William Hayes. he stressed. "There was more in­ and Cimoli, St. Louis, 87; Neal, was no worry about how he could Tomorrow’* Scheduin Dorn Favors of Hlills and Call the Wlt- ‘M Met Town Clerk Ed 'Tomkiel at one would suspect, as attendance Mrs. Annette Alpert. man. i38<2, Boston, knocked out High golf at Windham. although he has used the courts Yesterday's Homers Los Angeles and Mays, San Fran­ He haa a good-sized list ^^rec- Church at night and volleyball be­ White Sox terest when we were a three-team i "The only reason I come here." Kid Javalshia, 139. Philippines, 8. Cheney at Lyman Memorial) 8. awing a bat. But his bosses, Milwaukee at Chicago 3 p.m. iW the Town Hall and he reported allows. Some have been con­ town. contlauausly in an. attempt cisco. 34. cringed when he put on the pads ord, most of them in the WoHd.^ fore the rain, helped round out a Dick. Constantine, Jeffrey Du­ \ she said, "is because there's no ■ Detroit—Gene Gresham, 134>4, American Iwague (JincinnKti at St. Louis, 9 p.m. Robinson's Marauder will join ^ one of his close lawyer friends, a busy day. pont. Bill Lewis, Ralph Brailh- verted, but many just -come to "Father.* brought their kids to to piuvent the Dodgers from mov­ Doubles — Cimoli, St. Louls„12; ■to. catch for the winnlngest balls Series. He was hit more home' ^ Philadelphia^ it I.,os Angeles 11 More FootbalJ them for the $5,000 mile and six­ ride the Bombers. The faithful place else to go. Detroit, outpointed Chuck Taylor, ing into ,(%avez Ravine, his latest Mantle, Yanks i4i nms than any major league catch­ "Yankee rooter; was sick In bed: waJte, Bruce Kraiishaar, Jamas the parks. They’d have fun argu­ Temple, Cincinnati and Burgess. club in the world. teenth run, but only for the small the Yankee losses being too much* laugh off .their early slump. 'No Competition’ 134, Detroit. 10. . move will probably not affect the Aapromoiit. Senators (1 1 Pittsburgh, 11; Aaron, Milwaukee, er — 285. In the World Series, he Friday Sarles, Charles McNamara, John Shorty, who sat next to me, ing about who was the best center Berra, Y anks.(li "1 must have been pretty raw Pittshiwh at San Francisco 4:30 change since he isn't eligible for . to take... Baseball umpires' meet­ fielder. Mantle, Mays or Snider. "There's no competition in the Havana—Florentlno _ Fernandez. .Schoolboy Bageball baaebaU team's plans to build a and Cepeda, San Francisco; 9. and rough around the edges,” he haa surpassed famed old Yankees And' Less Sex "I'm ready for nine Innings,” McNamara, Terry Richter, Steven Stands about flve-feet-three, Americiut League. The Yankees Maris, Athletics 2 (7| p.m. X. the $150,000-added Preakness pot ing at the West Side Rec. from 7 Now the^oldi man watches the 141, Havana, stopped ‘ Paddy De­ stadium. Triples — Mays. San Francisco, said. "Bill Dickey worked hard on like Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio in the offing. Major Gene Kelly reported as he Brown. Richard "Ward, Raymond doesn’t vv'eigh much more than an I always win. Week's Schedule Silver said he will Ale an action Maxwell. Tigers (fi) to 9 found much accorri'plished and London, Edwin Davis, Micltael Isa- game on television. Kids -are los­ Marco, 144'j. Brooklyn, N. Y., 5. 4; Mathews and Bruton, Milwau­ me. If I've learned anything as a in several categories. Valley^N^tandings Seven other 3-year-olds besides walked past the desk. Hiz ’■■‘nner undunked doughnut. He is 60, but “I've been following baseball Todayi Manchester at Maloney; in U.S. District Court questioning Berberel, Tigers (3) He haa played in the most World Washington, May 11 tPl—Col­ then I joined Sam Carllll at hi.* caught In .Thursday’s pre-game Francis, Butch (juellette,-Kenneth ing interest. Havana—Chico Morales, 134(4, kee. Post, and H. • Anderson! catcher Bill deserves most of the lege fpo’iball, is being punted back those in the Prep are viqwed os looks 40. give* the impression that ! since 1 was a little girl. My father (Ilheney Tech at Cromwell; Elling­ the vahdity of a 1953 condemna­ Bridges, Tigers (11 Phlladelhia, and Clemente, Pitts­ Series games. 61: Made the most Red Ember for the Connecticut dedication ceremonies of the new Levesque, Scotty McLei(n. Bruce he is in such fine condition be­ "A lot of the S.eclion 39 gang Cuba, outpointed Tommy Tibbs, tion judgment obtained by the Phillips. While Sox (li credit.” 1 ' X L Pet. and forth between the Capitol and potential starters in the mile and Assn, banquet. Presi­ ! used to bring me to the games. In 133(4, Boston, 10. ton at RHAM; burgh, 3. Berra said he loses sight of the hits, 61; Most at bats, 223, and baseball diamond at Memorial- Custer. / cause he went to the Polo Grounds come here. I'd say 30 Rcr cent of PttbUc Housing Authority against Ennis, White Sox ( t i 1 Plainville ...... 7 \ n 1.0001 the FolgCr Shakespeare Library. three sixteenths Preakness. dent Sam Cohen, Bridgeport I 1956 1 had a ticket for a World Havana—Luis Manuel Rodri­ T uesday: Rockville at Middle- Home Runs — Mathews, .Mil­ fact'he's near a record until It's mo.at total bases, 201. These include the ((wcond and Field. "I didn’t realize until after Oriole* ' regularly. them are anti-Yankee." tha Archegas. Buddln, Red Sox' (1) ! Southington ...... ___ 6 .857 ‘ The acOi e so far adds up to 0-0. sports writer, presided at the the show that 1 wasn't wearing the I Series game. The game was rained guez; 144 («. Chiba, stopped Cecil town. waukee, 11; Robinson, Cincinnati on him. There Is one record In \vhlCh he j Windsor; ...... 4 3 third Kentucky Derby finishers, Doug .Shorts, Lou D'Amalo, Gary "Since the Giants blew u.* off,” Another member of the 8unn.y I out so my .ticket was good for the YVedneaday: RHAM at Cheney Silver said he will also Ale a Malzone, Red Sox (61 is »h.v -— that is home runs in 1 Taking his stand on the for-fool- brief speadting program... Bas­ catcher’s mask right. The mask Janicke, Gary Mg(:Donald, Bill set is Archie Bergoffen (when he Short, 146, Cleveland 9, S lid Aaron, Milwaukee, 8; Banks. "They told me I .was going for Farmington ...... 5 3 Sword Dancer and First Landing, he .said, a.s though he were taking j next day. Tech. claim with the city counbU, de­ National I.«ague ■ .6M.^ball side is Rep. William Jennings ketball plans for next season were fell down over my eyes and I isn’t at the track trying to beat Havana—Urtimlo Ramos, 127, Chicago and Demeter, Los Angeles. the record,’-’ he added. "If I felt total World Series pla.v. He has 10 Rockrille ...... 4 S the Mackle Brothers’ Open View Parkinson, Billy Ix>fstrom. Joseph- a dose of bitter medicine, "I’ve ! "The trouble was that I wa* Thumdayt Mancheater at-)Bris­ manding that the Arichegas be Jones, Phillies (6) — five short of Ruth'* 15. , .571 j Bryan Dorn (D-SC). onetime back- discussed in a round table session couldn’t see the ball.” ..John Han­ the ponies I. Archie, who shagged Cuba, knocked out Angel Guer­ 7. any pressure I didn’t know it. They , Newington ______2 5 .2881 Aeldx terror of Greenwood, S.C., snd Atoll, Robert Lytle's Sundown Donth, Tim Guud. Gregory Wood­ been watching (he Yanks.” I getting married that day. I didn't tol: Farmington at Rockville.- paid $17,500 vHiich they say is the Burgess, Pirates (31 Stolen Base* - - Neal, txia • 'iThat's one I'd sure like to with Cohen, CarilH. George Mitch­ cock insuranceman John Lyons ruff; Wayne Anderson, Jeffrey Sun Worshiper flies for Giant players when he rero, 127, Mexico, 4. were Just two other boll games." i Glastonbury ...... 2 S .286 H igh^cJ^l. He has this to say in II, Anthony Imbesi's Rico Tesio, I know.if I should go or not. I’d Johanneflnirg—Mike Holt, 170, Friday: Farmington at Rock­ value of their land. He will also Repulskl, Dodgers ( 1 ) Angeles. 8; Moon. Los Angeles, 5; equal," Yogi said, dreaming. "But i Middletown ....\ .... 1 6 ell, Ray McKenna and Herb asked if I ccxild check and find Hooper, . Deqnis Gagnon, William Shorty pointed out Dr. Jesse vv'as a kid, likes the Yank* but he Berra ■ caught both ends of a .143 I the conghcMional record. and Cecil Fishbach’s Festival out the number of former’ Yankee I be getting married in the evening South A.fi'Ica, outpointed Donnie ville; Cheney Tech at Lyman Me­ saak $150 a month from the city Neal, D in ers (2i . T. Taylor. Chicago and Temple, it would be tough.” 1 Wilson ...... y i " h .. 0 6 .000 King. Cables. Home just In time to hear Sulots, Wllfiam Walsh, Richard for the use of the land until it doubleheader against Washington, "We neeolmore football and less players who later managed in the so I thought I could make the Fleemah, 172, Dallas, Tex.. 10. morial; Windham Tech at Rif AM; Aloii, Gian',* (6l Pinson and Robinson. Cincinnati, 4. Christopher Chenery’e ' First tha day’s baseball scores. McKeon. Richard MacDonald, Ar­ Ellington at Stafford,- oncers restitution for the now*; Mathews,, Braves (11) • swept by the Yankees 8-3 add 3-2. sex education /-i.. It has been my major league. "The list would be game. Soihe of my friends didn't ■ ^'ntevideo. Uruguay — Dogo- Pitching — Face, Pittsburgh, 4- the latter in 10 innings.^He sur­ observation that ni those schools Landiong and Open View are the thur Dob^4unski, Barton Russell. I think it would be right, so I didn't home-Ieea family. ! Robinson, Red. (8» 0, l.OOO; Klippstein. Los Angeles. Tuesday very small.” John offered .. Bank- Finsterwald^s Golf,,.No, ^ a r Martinez, 172, Uruguay, out­ Iha city contends the.Anckegas passed tile old mark of 147 error­ where intercoIlegiawNfootball hai only known probables not already "We arc ready to fire Casey,’ ’ !®*' Ingraham, not too happy / Athletics 19 ‘ KO- pointed Luis Ignacio LUizao, 172. .former Notre Dame varsity Thomson. Cuba 2 (2) 3-0. 1.000; Rush Milwaukee. 2-0. stabled at Pimlico. They are ex­ have been offered a fair price for Averlll, Cub* 1 (2) less games set by an ex-Yankee, U&>nn and Wesleyan Nearer been attacked and discontinued, over the Red Sox won and loes GaryC Fleming, Dwight , Phelps, "I read about the Series during Brazil. 15, (For South American f.i'ofball coach Hugh Devore- l.OOO; eight pitcher* tied with 1-0. Buddy Rosar. with the Philadel­ pected by tomorrow. Archie LaRochelle said as he their property — $10,000 — and .laokson. Oib.s (11 there you will find a trenhSeward passed outside the office window. record, indicated he has lost- no John,^ DanCosse, Paul DeMalstro, 1 by honeymoon in Europe.” light heavry title.) coaches the Irish freshman team. 1.000. phia 'Athletics fl^ni 1645 to 1947. conformity, socialism, so-catleikjn- Wllham' Vincent. William Malken- that tha m oneys* waiting to.be i Mor>-n. Oub.s ( 21 Strikeouts — Drysdale, Lo* Ixiom* as Favorite HI* sentiments were echoed by Joe sleep over the poor start of the Club Loft Lifts Ball ecdleeted. The Arichegas have been | Musial, Cards i3i Yogi's current mark started in Yankee, Little Three Titles tellectualism and extreme liben Brookmeade Farm’s Sword Satemis, one of The Herald's fine Yankees .... Bill Forbes, drum sqj(, Fred .Connolly, Phil Russell. Angeles. 51; Spahn. Milwaukee, 1957 and e'overs 970 chances. ..He ism.” major of the Manchester Pipe ^ i l Robertson, George G e s a, Uving In Chavez Ravine, ostensibly ^ Cimoli, Cards i3l 37; Podres. Los Angeles snd Jack- ncer is* looming as the fa'vorit* photographers. My answer wa* to reat-m e. alnce being legally 1 Boyer. Card.s (5i doesn't Recall the last error he Now listen to another distin ofKhis nose loss in the Derby to look St the record "book, in- black Band, one of the finest in the ccAin- 'David Carrier, Douglas Zoccaro, son, St. Louis 32; Mizell, St. Louis, guished son of South Carolina, Dr. Nineteenth of a series written for ousted six years ago. White, Cards (41 27. made-.'^ New Haven, May 11 (iPt—T h^ 6-l victory over Danbury Teachers. Tom ^I^e whose owner, Fred Tur­ and vyhite it clearly shows that try, was all smiles and set for Sat/ Wayne Hohs, Richard Pasternack, "All I know is I'll be 34 years Universit.v of Connecticut and Hartford put the game out of Lculs Wright, director of the ner Jr.!N}ecided against a return Casey 'Stengel has won nine pen­ urday’g 45th anniversary paradfi Rory Yunck, Francis Pisch, John NEA Service and The Herald b e t t e r 8 V Old Tuesday and I feel great," he Wesleyan each moved a step near­ reach with a four-run seventh in­ Folger Shakespeare Library: match in the Preakness. nants in 10 years .. Another who here. During hi* visit he sa i^ it Lynch, Steve' Hubbard. said. "I figure I haye at least two er the championship of it* own ning after' the team* hlui played "Only in freshwater colleges do However. J>erformances in the asked what has happened to t' e costs $1,800 to outfit each meptber By DOW finsterwald more years in my system, mayhe league Saturday by doWning a key even, 1-1 for the Arst six innings. the students still believe that the Prep could shake.mp the thinking Yanks was Gjsorge English. "Wash­ bf the. band, this figure Including ’ PO.A Ctaamptofi'.^ more. I have to take it from year rival. And, Coast Guard Academy John BruZas was a better hitter chief purpose of college is to beat considerably.' MantSM Mauler, ington and Baltimore have been Instruments • • Motored to the ever Make no deliberate effort'to lift to year, depending on how I feel. finally won a bill gam*. than he was a pitcher at FairAeld Old Siwash . . . If It were not for Black Hills and Maitter Palynch doing well and Detroit will get expanding UConn campus m Storrs BakuUki, Dickson the ball into the air with the Now I've never felt better," Connecticut defeated the New as Iona (N..Y.) defeated FairAeld some of the more thickheaded could Itroduce some n e ^ element better,” George said .. Original tn th* late afternoon am talked (■edge. The stubby Yankee receiver said Hampshire Wljdcat* 10-4 for a 7-0 University, 10-1. Bruzas, who had alumni, intercollegiate football, while Royal Orbit already m tag­ -DixieB basketball team 'will hold baseball with several callege offi­ Dart Loop Champs The intent is to hit down on th* TOP VALUES^ record in the Yankee Conference. a 3-4 day at the plate, yielded 10 would disappear overnight from ged the dark horse to, watch. Its annual get-together Tuesday cials — Home just bhfpre 8 and it hall. The extreme loft of the club a b r a n d N E V f It was Connecticut's 15th victory hits and eight runs in 61/3 in­ many American Colleges ... . (It) is Manassa Mauler la the mysterK night at the Wethersfield Country was--too late to havg a baseball face will cause the ball to rise catch with a waiting son. Three teams reached the finals in 16 game* and the 13th in a nings before he was relieved by as obsolete as the tail of the di­ ous character in the lot. His own­ Club, Wardy Waterman phoned to of the doubles championship in the sharply. Dave Toomey. John Nogredo led nosaur . . . Every autumn it doea row. er forked over a $10,600 late fee say, Wardy played with the old Rec Saiupday Ha Dart League— Len Smith and The ball is played from a po­ Wesleyan won its second Little the Iona attack with three hit*. more "harm fo the efficiency Of to make him eligible for the Five at one time. Tommy Murphy sition midway between the feet. America'n colleges than a plaijue of Jim O’Connor, Joe Connolly and Three game bv lashing Amherst At Hamden, Quinnipiac split a Preakness to prove his triumph ^ this only local member of the ■ Day away fr^m the regular A] Klepak and Hank Eakulsid and The stance' is open. Normally doubleheader with Durfee Tech lof influenza." once the best amateur working routing'and I was able to Spring V. 14-3 on the Massachusetts cam­ over several of the moat highly Fred Dio'xaon. the hands lead] the clubhead. Init pus. Pall River, Mass., winning the Arst Dr. Wright got off his blast in, regarded 3-year-olda in the Wood basketball team in the state ■ ■' My get a few Job* done' around niy the more loft dbsired. the less this game, 6-L but dropping the sec­ a speech at Wofford C&llege. Spar­ After a round-robin , in which At New Haven, Yale could not Memorial last month wasn't a song late getting home from home. .. .Shopping tour which in­ each team yron one game, a three- is true. The cluhl) ascends in a much ond, 4-3. 'victory in eadi game was tanburg, S. C., where he spent his fishing after school but we, had to cluded a stop at Quinn’s helped contain Princeton and the Tigers fluke. ' ■ team game match was played in more upright arp than yriien using pounded out a 7-1 I^-y League con­ clinched in a big second Inning, undergraduate years and played The 63-1 shot" couldn't get in ■ laugh wheiKReed told his f|sh round out the morning: >VhlIe at 1953 CHEVROLET 9 uinnipiac getting four in the basketball and tennis.. atorj)v_’T caught a 12-inch bullhead v/hich the low team was awarded the longer club*|. ThtSyia due par­ quest over, the hapless Bulldogs th* Derby. Quinn’s, proprietor 'waUer 'Quinn tially to the shorter^haft. 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-Dqor-Sedan. Radio and heater. Very clean, opener and Durfee getting three in Dorn.- whq, list* no college de­ and I irfided' tt"^ the ice erfcam remarked that he was' elated at third place and the other two who now have a 3-16-3 record and He'll carry top weight of 130 played off foi. first and aecond Seventy-five., per^cent of the economical tranaportatlbh. " only one Iv.y League victory. the nightcap. Quinnipiac remained gree* in his cong-cessionai directory - man for I two poMlcles!” His the progress two of his “grads” pounds, six less than all -wUl tots places. First place honors -wen,t to weight is on the left foot when Savoy 4 -£ ^ r Sedan. RsmHo and The Coast Guard’s lone vlctorj’ atop the Southeni New EIngland biography, blasted back a week in the Preakness; in the Prep. younger brother, witit\ice cream on had made on the baseball flelcj this BaUulski-thckson, aecond place to pla.ying a normal wedge shbt. If heater. Vefy .nlce car. came in the second game of a dou- Coastal Conference with a 3-1 rec­ later. He said Wright’s speech was . Black Hills is, something of an ■the side of his'mouth, verified the spring, Ed WoJcik at Notre Dame ord. Sniith-CConnor end third place to you wish to play a so-called FULL PRICE $445 hleheader which saw' the Cadets ‘(most shocking to me as it came unknown quantity alnce canny boast .. Neighborhood mqn gath- and Leo Gyr at New .Britain Tha University of Bridgeport de­ Connolly-KIepak. , "drag" shot v/ilh pronounced overtake the Massachusetts Insti­ at'time when we are all becoming Trainer Ma**^ Hirsch- has raced - ered at night for the lirstN'olley- Teachers. Both local boys worked 1' feated American International Col­ aware of the physical unfitness of ball set of the season until fpir Walter in the past. . .Man­ Yankee baseball fans can take backspin on the ball,. place as tute of Technology 4-3 in seven in­ him slightly this year. much as 90 per cent of the weight nings after dropping the lege (AIC) 7-5 at .Springfield, our youth.” . ‘ * Bet'there were a lot of edre muse chester Pipe Band’s parade held heart in the record cbmpiled by first 'fa s t e r Playnch haa been marked 'the Yankee Dart 'League team on the left foot. The hand* are game, 7-1. t Mass. Waterbiiry UConn defeated As for those who chase football by morning. ^ the interest of many. Including 1953 -■aCHRYSLER 1953 DeSOTO St\ Thomas Seminary of Dloom- down as only a speedy sprinter, observer, in the late after-. which finished in the cellar for the well ahead of the ^ ball at address Extra Base Hite off the camptu—"they howl about but he went a mile and eighth In Wednesday Ae|d, 9-4. ’• academic freedom, yet exiponents I have been wanting to get first half of the season and then and impact. 4-Door Sedan. Radio and heater, power steer­ Bases-clearing extra base hits I Risley Big Gun record time in winning the Louis- Ready to take advantage of the |35 min colored pictures of won the secom round In extra Ther la o ' of body motion. CALL MANCHESTER ing, afitemattc traBsmleslon. S A O C 4-Door Sedan. Radio and heater, ku- of the free enterprise system and tanna .Derby. \vere the potent factors in both e Huskies ' of Connecticut states rights and men who believe . go(>d weather by playing a little the Kilties for- some time and this games, and finished second for the AUTO PARTS Very clean. ( tomatic transmission,. Ready to go. games at JVew London. Warren poundnded out five extra base hits in X Royal Orbit is overdue for a big ' tenh'is was Bill Knight Of the bright,! sunny afternoon gave me league season Captained by Stan N IK T: The lade shot. TOLL FREE Goodnow' cleared the sacks in the in individual liberty are scarcely a 122-hit- barrage while .getting welcome on the campus.” victory, the figure experts feel. His Trua't Oo. who reported m had anHoppoKunlty to use up a roll of Opalach, team members included ROCKVH.LE five-run third inning of the'first' three tingles from leftflelder Bill fourth in the Derby was the first lined up some good oppowtion in film. A1 Biseell, Bob Copland, Ken game tfiat sewed things .up for the Wright had given a different TR 5-1589 Steven*. Righthander John Risley estimate of the schools that pulled time he waa that far back in 15 Skinner. Irving Mills, Bill Liggett, College Baseball MANCHESTER 1^6 FORDV-8 i 1953 DeSOTO WAGON Engineers. He also hit a two-run was Connecticut’s big gun, winning races and he was going fastest it Tom Conn, Milt Turkington, Ells­ in the second game, fienior Jim out of intercollegiate .competition; MI 9-4528 his sixth mound decision in six ' Well-Ro'Wded Program ’ the end after fighting his way worth'Cobb, Ai Surowieu and Ken Week's Schedule ‘ Chapp,li doubled in three run* for starts and contributing a triple and through a crow'd of 12 in th* last Jones. Fairlann 4-Door Sedan. Very' scarce model. I]|u*t ke C A X Z E f the Caaetf in the sixth for the vle- "Already the rah-rah boy* are Crowd 000 at Lime Rock Today Connecticut at AIC; a double to the Huskle attack. on the Yay out in the first-class mile. . ’ All member* who played in at New Haven Teachers at Hartford; Radio and heater, Fordomatir. *1095 seen to be appreciated. ▼ C • to|w margin. Brad Leach pitched the laat two Vertex ($3.00) won the Grey leaat 14 matphea will be awarded Southpaw . Jim Canlvan yielded places . . . One of the most dis­ Hartford UConns at St. Thomas Innings fpr Connecticut and yielded tinguished universities in the Lag Handicap at Jamaica Satur­ prizes at the annual banquet at Seminary, 1 ' ' seven hits at Worcestey as the New Hampshire's final two runa day while carrying a record im­ Sees AmJrey Set Sports Pace the clubhouse on Saturday night. 3Q-MINUTE FREE Trinity Bantams stood off Wor­ in the nl-jih,. south! Emorv’.n University, a uni­ Tuesday —' Hartford UConn# at versity under the aegis of the post of 130. pounds for the event. 1955 MERCURY 1953 DODCE cester Polytechnic Institute 3-2 by Princeton clinched its victory al Winners of other Saturday fea­ Hartford Freshmen; New Britain putting down a ninth ibning rally Yale with a five-nin‘'sixth inning Methodist Church, long ago point­ Lime Rook, May 11 (41-^astonfistarted the race 16th in a -field of Teaetters at Boston Teachers; INSTALLATION ed the way to a well-sounded tures were: Hqlij'vivood Park—Old Batteryinate Rivals that gave the Engineeia their sec­ that exploded a pitching duel be­ "Andrsy of Framingham, Mass., qv 16 cars. She drove a White Osca. Cheshire Academy at St. Thomas Montclair 4-Door Sedan. Radio $ 1 A A C Station ^Vagon; Need's' a little body Ipump ond run. The defeat broke a four- athletic program by abandoning Fols ($4.70): Tknforan—Tight Nit Seminary; Trinity at Massachu­ tween Princeton’s Herman Belz ($7.60); (Jhucdhill Down*—Ekaba -’’eraged 72.72 miles ati hour here Rob Groseman of West Nyack, and heater, Meroomatto drive. I V " » J work. Full price ^ Charley Maxwell aat on game for WPI-'and and Yale’s Stu Beattie. Belz was intercollegiate sports in favor of N.Y., in a Ferrari 250GT won the Cedar Rapids, Iowa , (fib—For­ setts, varsity, and frosh; WUllman- Canlvan handed WPI ace,' A1 St. mass-training of its student body." ($6): Sportsmanan Parkr-,Indlah Saturday to win the feature of a mer batterymstes, pitcher Johnny )■ his cMstomary puzzle to Yale hit­ Heir ($13,20). Class Eight Production Subdivis­ tlc Teacher# *t Keene Teachers. p i the bench as the Tigers Germaine, |ils first defeat in five ters and Yale’a lone run was un­ American youth, Dorn reported, six-race sports car program on the ion while Harry (jarter of Lexing­ Vender Meer and catcher- Ray WedneedAy . ~ Holy Cross at were claweii in 16 of 18 decisions. earned. Bruce Irving and Jerry needs football—-’’it will helfi them Ume'’Rock'course. ton, Mass., wo;, the Class Seveh tfueller, are now managers in the Connecticut: Hartford UConns at BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR - - - TEST DRIVE THE 1959 H Y I tiieet the chalenges of space and ames. Given a chance by Trailing 8-5 going Into the home Fenton locked the door on the , _ An4rey, dritlng.a red and white Production S ibdivlslon in a Jaguar Three I League. Vandy ■ of double Danbury Teather#., Irrcc Installation hpnd\D«SOTO— CAML US ^ R A 2-M1LE TRY0UTf / f df of the 'nlhUi. WilUmantic 'ngers after the ternW pouseijith^ 4he communistic ideology.’ In T K , jOso-won the Class C 1603. , ...... no-hit fame pith Cincinnati man­ Thuradsy —. NeW Britain TeSch- immy Dykes, the put- iM _ . vw t 1 .<•. *( ^ ...... ■ t A . . nf K A t im lAsl. Ha #«sa leflaasw Teachers combined walks AHQ Bllr 'Captain Dick Xklie got -fouz- hits' fact, he continued) "the trail d Subdivlslon^f the race. About 1V,OOB gjHNitators q^a^ched^ ages Topeka and Mueller pilots ei'si ai Waterbury UConns; St. •T- X der paid off by blast­ gles for four nuts and a 9-8 vic­ for Princeton.; - 1 received in'footbalHs moet help­ Burlington, low*-'—— — ing home runs. a 'Fam(im VSplMf Saiisbury,the races, all at 20 laps. Thoimas Seminary—at Monson; tory over J4ew Britain Teacher*. . Eleven Amherst qrrors contrib­ ful to m h 're in this congress dur­ driving a Masers ti 150S, was sec- , The other winners; ____1 ■ - ■' ■ Wesleyan at Williams; Worcester SENT C0UER5 George Dat^atTs single with the uted to the Wesleyan victory ' to ing debate.” \ Batting—Rank Aaron, Bravea. — end in the feature race and New­ John' Plaisted of Lynnfleld Cen­ Teachers st WlUimantle Teacher*. | .bases Idad^ drove'’ in the two give the Cardinal*, an 8-1-1 record. ' But, said W rl^ t ii) a last-word Collected five MU in 10 trip* durl ton Davis, of Waterbury, was ter, Mars., driving on MGA In th* mph; Harry Blanchard of Grisen- Friday — Connecticut' at M«ine; loteriiew. what Dom missed in hts Y league Banquet .runs that g o t' WilUmantic home Wesleyan'S Dave Darling hit a Iqg dpifble eweep over Clnclnnatij third in a Porsche 5Q0RS. Class Three Pro'ftoctioo Race, 68.5 w i^ , Conn., driving a Porsche, Trinity at Middlebury. , ' free. Pitcher B l# Difflev singled homer tn tha third in­ demihciation''Wtui that Wright op­ boosting average to .488. Hi*.single One of the program’i mbat ex­ mph; John Hearst of New York, Clqis Five Production, 70.$8 mph; Saturday —- (Connecticut at T Wednesday Night Bowling in the' ^irst two nms in the WIIU- ning to overcome a Amherst poses “overemphasized commercial In the ninth lm>ke a tie and won City, aaaistant n(anaglng editor ot (Jerry f- btgi of Nyack. N.Y.. driv­ Maine); WiUimanUti Teacherk at TR/PLEMf aUiletlcs” predseiy because he citing races saw Denise McClUg' League members are reminded mantlo cbmebaOk and e»red the lead, and the Lord Jeffs rode the the second g«P s, 3-1, ) gags of Mew York, sports pari the New York ing a Jsguar Special, Unrpstrlotbd Danbury Teacbei;* (2); Worcester OPEN 9 to-9 D A ILY v that the annual be nquet and tying run. \ rocky road the reat o f ' the way. consider^, it denie* effective phyei- PltrMnt ■IC iy Wynn, White 8ex )iW t y for the New York Mirror, DB, Clask Two froductloir race,’ QUaS 71..7(k mpi;. and Bob Buckbr Tech at Hartford; New BfHain cal training to the majority of etu- SrORlS^ awarding of prizes tad] I. be held Curve ball artist Frank 'Deutsch Six of Amherst’s; errors cam4 In a —Shot oat league-leading Oleveiaad come tpam hehinil in the CSaas H .64.7 mph; Charles Ralnsvlllt of qf Bingbaorton, N.Y., in 4 Club Teschere at Plymouth Teachers; If^CINTIRST. Wednesday night begh struck out at Danbury as h e, fidgety „ . fifth Inning Which aaw the denU in favor t'a^cked girout> mirng at J 10 InAa/ne with four htta M In eeeond M(MU(aad Speeial « t the 17th lap (Jbventnr, R^'J„ .^rivlnr an AJta Lojiie, a a s s O Modified, 70.45 Trinity at Norwich; Wesleyan at o’clock at tha Garden Irova. . jpUched Hartford University to a ' Cardinals soofs four more runs. of pampered fkidl4toni.'' giuse e< denMekeadeg. to wfa the rao*u Miss M oauggage Y, Cltw I W nmduotkm. M.T4k mphi M ir. ,.i- r " - ’ ■■■"■'■■;■ A 1 ' ■ ' " ;\ v 1'. X,

MANCHESTER E V E N IN G 'to^^. li^UHESTEB, CONN^ MONDAY. MAY 11, 1969 UVB / MANCHESTER EVENINGP HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« MONDAY, MAY 11, 1969 PAGE rasttnilbi Dla»onda~W 6118„ 88,500. Philbrick Agency, 50 ing room, dining room end hltehen. cash or wsrk out a trade Outok houses in the $14,000 price range. effort. The other |I5,000 is for the 1 0 3-7443 8-7 y.m . and Sunday. proved buyer. action assurod. (Tall and get our work. Potterton’a Ml 9-4587. HOOVER Upright vacutim, Mper Suburban for Rent 66 9-8484. 3 large bedrooms and separate Six .acres along Rt. 80, soned for operating budget, end is a 60 per bag style, $39.95. Older Hoover, FRESH a s p a r a g u s , rhubarb, doai, no obligation. PLEASE READ YOUR AD den. 1-car atUched garage. Large ALICE CLAMPET, Reoltop commercial use, will be developed cent increase ever the present op­ TV AMTBafNAS repaired and In- $19.96. Both excellent condlUon,. anaies and potted ^anta. Miller’s GILEAD—5 room flat, modern con­ MANCHESTER, Sherwood Circle. for that purpose.'Krown said. SoiiovtiAmDimiM tand, 160 Spencer St. M l 3-6564. Roiwng Without BourJ 59 venience., $78 monthly. Refer­ Five room ranch, full basement, screened porch. 1% acre 1st with MI 9-4543 or GREENWOOD. INC. erating budget. ■talled. Call Modem TV ftarvlee. •SAFE MI 9-4651. MI W 677 Plot plans U 0 n c ^ being read­ An every member eanvase'wlU i^ P n m tvtrO M t abaaM n m I lUa ad tk« F ^ l DAIr IT MI S-S18S. ence., Willimantlc AC 8-9076. two (Ireplacea, plastered vails, full beautiful- grounds. $33,800. The Mr. Johnson, MI 3-7867 CN^MO 60 9iye A OAHPEA 50,000 B.T.U. FLOOR heater. In­ ASPARAGUS by the TOund. Ordert irURNiisHED room, one minute Insulation,' tile bath. Wood sheath­ R. F. DlmocK Co., 50 9-82<5 or ied by Everett'^Oardner, civil engi­ begin Sunday, which Is Loyalty jiTbipraa aad Rj£PORT CRRUB8 la tlnM for Um oast walk from Main St. Ught ho«ise- ARE YOU CONSIDEPJNG' AT’OlEOOWDmOMliCS cludes tank, some duct work. Also taken for freezing. Fern Gardens, ROCKVILLE 24 Grove St. Two ing with ahingles, sidewalks, Robert D Murdock, 50 8-8472 or FIVE FA50LY, cabinet kitchens, neer, for Mibmlssion to the Plan­ Sunday. A Iflctory Sunday la Mak. Ika BanM la icapoaalbla for only ONB Incorroe* or a a lt M keeping. Woman only. 50 9-7989. 8BUJNO YOUR PROPEWTTT ning (Jommlsalon of the - Vtn\on Cfiltlna far any adrertiaeiiieet and then only to the eataat of a MORTENSBN TV. Specialised RCA tRiViMOlTNr Venetian' blinds, odd sizes. MI 179 Fem St. MI 3-7378. room furnished apartment. In­ curbs. City . Utilltiss. Ameslte. Barbara weeds. 50 9-7702. tile baths, copper plumbing. Bx- planned for May 81 to end the quire 1st floor, apartment 9. Ws will appraiso your p.’ jport* Flre^atrlct. ■M ke gaod” Inaortloii. E m ia wfeidi do not iM en ^ ®* televlaton, eervlce. Ml 9-4641. 9-4460. ROOM FOR 'genUemen or retired drive, Lnmediate occupancy. celent condition, net return on In­ canvass. • NATIVE ASPARAGUS now In sea­ vestment nearly 15%. parlton W. (reo and without any oUlgatlom ■aid ha expects to have ArrWRS |l0}PVnWI lha adi^tieemeat adO not ba eorraeted by **make (ood laaartloa. m ar filiSiM i Oo lady, with private entrance kitch­ ANDOVER —Pour room heated Charles. Lesperance, 5 0 9-7620. FLOOR SANDmO and refinlshbir 0 ^ 0 * USED LUMBER, doors and win­ son' for canning and freexlng, I9e Hutchins, 5 0 9-8183. We aleo buy proparty for cash. ly water in the development Henry J. McCaffrey, 17, p f IJsrln a bunch, 3 bunches 56c, 6 for $1.05, en privilege., free parking. Inquire Specialising in old floors. MI dows. G. E. hot water Piroace, apartment, hot water and 'rarage BRAND NEW ranch. Here’s an EA8T HARTFORD— New Cape, Member MvaUpls listing / Barney Moaes of the Vernon Hills', (Toveqtry, w u arrested late. TOOT COOPBKATION WIIX I 1^1 3 -2 7 1 1 $3 a dozen. Season Is predicted to at 187. Maple St. InoludSd. $75. PI 2-6042, STANLEY BRAY, RsaTor./ 9-8750. (MIC) 140,000 B.T.U. Richmond hot 1150 square foot home in Man­ overslsed. FHA minimum dovrn, MANCHESTER—6 room Cape, new Water (To. said Brown had asked Friday night after a 2-ear coUlslon. BB AWnUEOLATBD rP A# ■ ■ be short. Tel. MI 9-0474. Parmer’s BRAE-BURN REALTY water furnace, electric hot Water ROOM FOR working man, quiet chester Green that gives vou a 114,900. R. F. Dtmoek Co., Realtor, Timken burner, city water and for service to the Pudim property, LAWN MOWERS sharpened, re­ heaters. Modem bathroom set.- Market, 819 East Middle Tpke., 5 0 8-8373 He was charged with tpattantton neighborhood. Five minutes to large kitchen. 8 nice hedttMma 50 9-5345, or Robert Murdock, 50 sewers, on bus line. A good buy but the Legislature may restrict to driving and is sehedulad to ttp- paired. All work guaranteed. Free Modem low radiators. Pipes and across the street from Shady Gleh. Summer Homes for Rent 67 at 810,000, Clessynski • F a 1 b e r Aotomobiles for Sak 4 bus, $8. 5 0 8-2822. with a lavatory off the master 8- 8472, Barbara Woods, 50 9-7702. ths . new water firm to 5foces’ pear In Rockville City Court May Lost and Foond pick-up and delivery. We alao soli pipes. Open daily 11-6, Satur­ room. A fireplace and large bow Agency. 5 0 3-1409, 5 0 9-4391, SELLING YOUR HOMBT FIVE ROOM water, front cottMe. prompt, efficient,ycinirteous aerv- property only. 18. 1958- PLYMOUTH 9-door sedan. ehaipen axes, aelseors. chisels day 9-4. Oioman's Housewrecking, COZY f r o n t bedroom new mod­ window In the li'ving room and a planer bladee and knlvea Bruno Flowers—Nursery Stock 50-B Coventry by week Or month. Call ive and appraising without obliga­ A bill allowing the Vemon com­ EVente Tonight Very low mileage. Reasonable. Stock Place, or call MI 9-3393. ern furaitul'e. Tile halh shower, 5 0 3 6361 or-PI 3-8668. rear porch that can- be enclosed GOOD VALUES pany to service a sizeable area in F0UNI>—Lady”e ^'Otch on View Moake. Ml g-0771. 1iu iJU .ier tion, call 8. A f Beechlsr, Realtor, A joint m ee^g of all companies Call CH 6-6410. remgeraifor, free partrtng. 5 0 tor another room. Full ceramic EAST RARTiroRD—New ranch. Friendly home, 4 bedrooms, 3 the town came out of committee S t 9«U M l »-901« after- 8 p.tft. WM.J.kgftft. FARMALL TRACTOR. Very good POTTED TOMATP plSnU, cab­ MI 8-6989 pr'Wealey R. Smith As­ of the Rockville Fire Department CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service bage, broccoli, lettuce, kohlrabi 8-708., 5nSQUA50(TUT—Four room cot» bath with colored fixtures, oil hot Exceptionally large rooms: Com­ baths, large livinx room with fire­ with a favorable report, but Rep. condition, 1295. Ford station socia tes.^ 9-89B3. Member Multi­ has been called for 7 p.m. at the IXXST—Tan wallet with police available all houra. Satiafactlon plants. Krause GreetUunise, .631 tage, sleeps 6. All electric kltcK- water heat, attached garage. Near plete; $15,900., R. F. DImock Co., place. Sunny kitchen, garage with Raymond fiplelman reserved the GREEN FORD converUble —1951. / m S l l wagon, 1949. .Both for $400. PI FURNISHED R00548 to rent, fi-ee ple lasting Service. badffe, vicinity Plnehurat. Reward. guaranteed. Call Ml 9-l|10 Hartford Rd. 50 9-7700. en, hot water and shower. 5 0 bus, school and stores. Price Realtor. Ml 9-5245, or Robert Mur­ patio. Bowers eras. right to amend the bill before sub* Center Fire House by Chief John Good condition. MI 9-4961 after 5. 2-7211. parking. (Tall 5 0 9-0838 -betweeit F. Ashe. m »*701T. 9-6856. 816,990. 5(cCarihy Ekiterariess. dock. 50 3-8472, Barbara Woods, 50 Family home. Four rooms down, mission to the- House. 6-7 p.m, “■ > 9- 7702. 4 bedrooms up, good haatlnr sys­ C e l l in g o r b u y in g The Rockville Chorus of Barbar FLOOR SANDING a BDenlaltr. FEDDERS AIR conditioners for STRAWBERRY plants —Robinson, -Inc., Manchester. Robert W. Ag- POUND—One mongrel, female Oer- Skilled workmahtfilp. Call Andy CAPE COD, Denniaport—Home for new. Ml 4-0988 or 1 0 3-8878. tem. Front porch. Garage Water Service Question Shoplop Slhgtra \rill go to Stafford MODEL A FORD. Worn rear end, Building— Contracting 14 Help Wanted— Female S6 Help Wanted— Male 36 those hot months ahead. Coo! one Piymler, Midland, Tenneasae FRONT ROOM, centrally located, Call xnan Shepherd. CaU Bolton Dog Sebula, Ml 9-8919. Beauty. Ferri Gardens, 179 Fem rent. All conveniences, fireplace, XVIII Spltlman has noted the conflt t- ^ringa to sing at St Edward’s MI 4-0309 after 5. room or complete house.'Immedi­ hot water, parking. Lady or gen- MADELINE SMITIl, Resitdr ■ Warden. MI M648. ALTERATIONS and remodeling - REGISTERED NURSE, licensed ' FULL-TIME 8t.,j MI 3-7278, all finished off inside. Off season MAN.CHESTEft 5 0 9-1643 ing interests of the Vernon Water Crurch Hall, Itavlng the Elks ate installation. Substantial aav Ueman. 5 0 9-7139. 69 Birch St. rates. 5 0 3-0103, 4H ROOM RANCH, like new, fire­ PAUL J. (50RRENT1 HAROLD A SONS Rubbish Remov­ kltchena bathrooms, atUr:.. cel­ ractlcal nurse, part-tiihe. CaU MI $11,100—Gtenwood St. Immaculate (To. and the Rockville Water and Carriage House by 7:45 p.m. al—Paper and ashea. CaU MI Opening^ for men on 2nd Shift for Ings for cash and carry. _T; P, AFRICAN VIOLETS — Beautiful place, ceramic tile bath, amealte 5IANCHESTER, 81 Bretton Rd.— 1953 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, $560. lars. residing, porches, roofing r-2858. Aitkin Co., Tolland Turnpike, ROOM WITH kitchen privileges. 4 room ranch, city utlH Real Estate Aqueduct (To. whose franchise in­ Hoapitel Notee 9-4084. '' V general factory work. We will train varieties. Reasonable. 79 Cedar GIANT'S NECK HelghU, next to drive, attached garage, fuU price Ehccellent one owner 9 ' room Penonatt 18 Jordt St. MI 3-8840. and room aodltlona. Connecticut Manchester, MI 3-6793. Centrally located. Babies a c­ ties. cludes wall of Vernon. He ^''anta to Admitted Friday: Arthur liahcy, you. Ridge Drive, Glastonbury. Call Rocky Neck, 4 room modern cot­ $12,900. R. F. DImock Co., Realtor. ranch, two bedrooms, full tllr FUNTAR, AMESmO driveway Remodeling Servlcea, 84 Or.k St. cepted. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch gt, tage, sleep 6. $65 per week. 50 $14,900—Reduced. Extra large 4 Tel. Ml 8-6863 preserve the rights <*! the Rock.vllls Rt. 80, Vernon. VACUUM CUSANI1R8 repaired in 1952 FORD hardtop. Automatic Apply MI 3-5257. 50 9-'8945, Robert Murdock. 50 bath, gardge, has concrete driVe, company since an enabling bill is eeai coating. Avarage home drive­ M l 8-1435. SELF PROPELLED 20” Torro 9 ^ 5 . • finished 5 rbom cape, base­ Dlschanred Friday: Ross Joyce, my own home ahop. Port? veara transmiasion, radio and heater. ROOM FOR RENT, private en­ 3-6472, or Barbara Woods, 50 large living room with fireplace, WANTED—Three bedroom house before the Legislature to permit the fbetoiy experience. All makee, low way $40. TVo coats, machine rotary mower, now $99 96. (Reg. ment garage. 9-7702. S t Anthony’s Convalssoent Home; fbetory experience, Will finance. $35a Call CH 6-6410. CLERK TYPIST SPENCER RUBBER $139.95 discontinued mddel). Mar. trance. Gentleman preferred Near two nice porches. Full ^master with large lot, In Bolton or North town to take ever the Rockville rates, free eetlmatee, free pickup tread. 'Ihe best cost eo little. Hoosehold Goods 51 $15,800—Nice alx roorh, Green fiUsie Boucher, SS Franklin St; Roofing—hiding 16 Chapel St. low’s, 867 Main St. , Cheney Mills and bus line. Par-- Wanted to Rent 68 house, radiant heat, PrjCed right. Coventry. (3ash buyer waiting. company by cMidemnatlon. How­ and delivery. Mr. Miller, JA SIves yotlr - driveway .a lasting Manor Ranch, garage XIX $17,350. Shown by Appointment Call A. J. Buckley, Welles Agen­ Mrs. Juliette Hall and eon, Chwch future. Tel. BU 9-6435. Evenings BALE 1-2 OFF on waUpaper. Wall injr. m 9-0596. ever, Spielman said ha has not re­ MMX. 1957 HILLMAN Minx 4-door sedan. RAY’S R O O ^O CO., ahlngle.a^ Opportunity for an experienced EINERGETIC TEACHERS seeking 20’ EXTENSION ladder. $10. 8’8’ FOUR BEDROOM house In Man­ city utilities. only. Drive by. ML 3-6278, Brae cy, Coventry. PI 2-7858 and PI ceived enough objections ’ rom rest- St., Vernon; Arthur 'Wheeler, 49 $1,100. Call.CH-6-6410. M l 3-4363. built-up roofa, gutter and oondue- clerk Typlat capable of han­ tiles 4c a tile. Kentue, from 7e R O C ^ FOR lady—Kitchen privl BOLTON CENTER RD.-8>4 'xiom Bum Realty ,' 3-.T9S2. Davis Ave.; Arthur Andereon, RD asc WASB-Do lt youreelf. Lucky summer activity will find our va­ by 2‘6” Anderson window- com­ chester or suburbs. Call Siveli; AD dents to the Vernon Water (Tom- tor work; roof, chimney.repalra. dling a variety of duties. Apti­ cation program prcdltable, pro­ each. Green Paint and Wallpaper« leges or board. Near bus and BOLTON ranch, three years old lArge 3. TYPEWRITERS —Repaired, rent­ plete. $6. Phone MI 9-3022. * at the Green. 3-0029. pany's bill to convince him that he Lady Self-Service Laundry, 11 Ray Hagenow, Ml 9-S14; Ray tude for figure work required. chopping. 5 0 9-3288, $11,100—(!k>ok Drive. 4 room ranch beautifully landscaped lot, 1% ATTRACTnVH A room Cape, fire­ Admitted Saturday: Lucian M a ^ St (acroea from First Ra- ed, sold and serviced. 479 E. Mid fessionally valuable. Substantial should amend it. 1950 CHEVY, 3-door sedan, radio Jackaon. M l 8-8S2S. Air conditioned office, liberal large garage, a“nealte baths. 821,000. R, F. DImock (36. place, (en^d yivd, near schools MarUn. 120 High S t ; Harold tlonal Store Parking Lot). die YMraplke. MI 9-8477. income ^aranteed. For details, JUST ARRIVED FROM Moaee said his well designed to and heater, price $150. MI 9-1119. benefit program, 87 hours 6- address Regional Director, Box WHITE DOUBLE combination PLEASANT LARGE heated room, WOULD LIKE 6 room duplex. Two drive. ' 50 9-5245. Barbara Woods, M. and’d’ busesb u m oon qiUet street. Ideal ■erve 100 homes being built on Grover, Snlpsio :^ake Rd., JOllng- COUGHLIN ROOEINO Company, free parking. On bus line. 148 9-7702 or Robert Murdock, 50 ’ youfigsteiIters. 4% mortgage can Churchill Ends SPENCER CORSETS and brae ex­ METRO APPLIANCE Service - day week. Write P. O. Box 17. Meriden. kitchen alnk. MI 3-7573. SIMMONS children, age 6 and 4. MI 9-9919. $14,800—Bolton Lake, 6 room ranch, 'Moaee’ farm, can easily serve 300 ton; Joan Burke, 78 Village St; 1956 OLDSMOBILE. H olld^ 98. Inc. Aluminum siding, asphalt- Center 'fit. Call 5 0 3-5002. 8-6472. aZmimed, $14,909. M l 9-0632. pertly fitted to Individual meaa- door hardtop, all power. Going to Repairs on all makes of refrigera 3103, Hartford 1, Conn., stating New sofa beds and mattresses at double lot, full basement. homes. The franohiaa area request' Robert Rohe, Terryvllle. tors, freezers, washing machines aabeatoa roofing. Also aluminunr, business experience. CARPENTERS. and carpenter’s ed by the Verfion Water Co. in- Discharged S aturday: Bruce urements. Doctors’ preacriptlona Japan. Must sell. ~ Elxcltlns pnee. galvanised or copper gutters and EIGHT. STORM' windows and (uU tremendous sa'Vlngs. ROOM OR ROOM and board in FIVE ROOM flat. Working mother, $15,200—Under construction 6*4 (XXI) VB^RNON—M a a c h ^ k iine. N ev filled promptly, efficiently Milary dryers, range oil and gas burners helpers wanted. Call after 9 p.m. U.S. Visit with eludes the Pudim property, since Johnson, RD 1; Jennnie Lessig. 80 MI 9-8605, Or 15 Saulters leaders. Ml S-7707. PI 2-8SS3. screens. MI 3-0017. private family for working man high school daughter. BU 9-3269. room raiicb, basement ga­ 6-room Cape. Broassway and 3- P, McPartland, BU 8-1994. MI 9-0883. AH work guaranteed. WATKINS m 8-4843. rage, 2 acres wooded lot, (30LONIAL Seven room older. Ex­ car gdrage. Largo roozkS,.3 bethe. Moses owns 45 acres of land In the Malden Lane; Ruth MeOliuUs, ROOFING. BIDINO, painting. Car­ FOR SALE—Lewyt vacuum clean USED FURNITURE choice of colors cellent condition, St. James Parish. Good location, $19,500, Philbrick vicinity. Vernon Trailer Court; lavrrence 1057 FORD dump truck. Call MI Experienced Meat Cutter Tears in Eyes The homee to be built by Brown and (Tharlene Wlllstte, 8 Vernon LAWNS MOWEU. High grass and pentry. AJterationa and additions. HOUSEWIVES — Need extra er. .22 caliber Colt pistol. Call MI EXCHANGE Farm and Land for Sale 71 $16,800— 6 room split level in one R. F..DImock Co., Realtor,' 50 Agency. 50 9-8494. Antomobfles for Sale .4 3-5487. Cellinga. Workmanahlp miaran- 9-6784. Apartments— Flats— 9-5245. or Robert Murdock, 50 on the Pudim property will have Center Heights; Martin Farris, 2 weeded areas ent. Call PI 3-6184. money? Part-time work, party Wanted for FOR FARMS 'S^d land tracts with­ of Bolton's nicer sec­ MAN(3HESTBni —Six room home septic tanks. Brown is the devel­ Valley View Lane, Vernon; Susan teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., m Autumn plan. No collectli^ or delivering. 15 Oak Street Tenements 63 3-6472. Barbara Woods. .5 0 9-7702. (OenttnueS froin Pag# One) BEPORE TOU BUY a uaad car 1954 VOLKSWAGEN, In excellent in 26 miles east of Hartford. tions. Plastered walls, dish ------near bus, schools and stores Full oper of Range Hill Estates off Re­ Baekofen, 8 Cherry St. WINDOWS WASHED floors sand St. Ml S-4860. Good commisalonii seUlng Celeste Open Thursday evenings until 9 washer, hot water base­ sea Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck condition. New tires. Engine over­ Self-Service Market G E VACUUM CLEANER, Used Lawrence F. Fiafto> Broker. * Ml price, $11,990. Short way ouL ex­ and lifted hit right hand In the gan Rd., Vernon or the former Birth Saturd^; A eon to Mr. ed, waxed, polished. Lawns jewelry. MI 9-1944. Closed Mondays FOUR ROOM apartment (or rent. board heat, aluminum (XXIV) Sales and Service. 385 Main hauled and radio. MI 4-0135. FOR ANY TYPE of roofing, siding twice, $30. 5 0 9-1797. Heat, hot water, gas (or cookin'*, 3-2766. pandable 1 acre land, full price, Aberle 4)roperty. The Rockville and Mrs. Mario DeCe(2arlt, W est Rd., Street Ml -9-4571. Open eveninge. mowed. Cellars cleaned. Painting Write Short Resume to combinations, heated at­ famous "V for Vlctoty” sign. done at your own prices. Call Nu or remodeling call Manchester MOVING — 40” Croaley deluxe electric refrigerator and gas NEW SIX . room'Olonlal ^ , 817.$iqo, $10,500, two I bedroom ranches, Water and Aqueduct Co. extended Ellington. Roofing and Siding, Inc. Al< work - tached garage. built-in ^ ' When he was In Washington, WANTED — Clean used care. We Traflers «-A 3-2823. Ask for George before stove, Whirlpool Imperial dryer, stove: Call 5 0 9-4071 or Ml 9-5779 dlshriasher, IH taths. assume large G.I. mortgage, its llnea to ser/< this development. Admitted yesterday: Barbara guaranteed. Free estimates. MI Box G, Herald. CHILD’S LARGE size' spring Houses for Sale 72 $21,500—New, custom built split built-in atoya and oven. Complete small down payment, full prick, Churchill visited with Prsildent buy, trade down or trade any­ p.m. Maytag ironer. Formica and from 8 to 7 p.m. Francle Rupprecht, manager of Bevins, I$2 High St; Qensvteve 9-893S. horse. like new, $15. 5 0 9-9139. level. Latest in modern ly landscaped. Amesite ’rive. R. $18,700. Over 60 more from $6,50(y thing, Doiiglaa Motors. 833 'Iain. 1956 SILVER STAR—48x8 feet, SECRETARY chrome table, four chairs, like SWEEPING VIEWS - Six room Elsenhower. He also'^pald calls on the water ’ompany said he has Sawlokt 58 Talcott Ave.; Ruth WANTED—Three dependable men kitchens, 1*.4 acre lot. F. DImock Co., Realtor. 50 up. Mitten can . fill your needs tiedroom, full bath. Excellent con TAMKIR TREE Removal- land 30-30 for set up and operating THREE WOODEN comblnaUon new. 5 0 9-55O0. NEWLYWEDS ranch, fireplace, heated recrea­ former Secretary of 3tale- . John received no request for water serv Wood, Sunset Rd., Ellli^ton. OLDER CARS, mecbanica epe- ditlon. Call MI 9-664f). cleared, firew'ood cut. Insured, $25,500—A (our room home and a 9-624A'9-6245, Or Robert Murdock. 50 like a glove. Call Ellsworth Mitten ice to the Pudim property-The punch presses. Apply Gunve- Mfg. doors. Good condition'. Size tion room, steel beam construe 3 -8 ri2 , Discharged yesterday: Svsfett dale, fixit yoiiraelf care, always can collect. MI 8-8743, Paul A. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Large local concern has open­ FOR SALE—Electric stove, fuU First month's rent tree. New custom built 6 room Barbara Woods. 50 9-T702. Agency, Realtors, Ml 3-6980, MI Foster Dulles, 111 of cancer, and oompeny'e Ilnu are some three ing (or an experienced secre­ Co., 234 Hartford Rd. 81iix31>^. Call after 6. MI 9-3482. tion, attached garage, . $17,850. Dickinson, 2 TVumbidl S t ; < ^ r - a good selection. Look behind our Ellison. size $25, and 17” four cycle rotary 8 Georgs C. Marshall, also mils distant of the propoeed devel­ lene Shuts, Overbrodklli)., Ver­ ment on mobile homes. Pxce^nt ROOFIN(3—Specialising p pairing tary. Shorthand and typing are mower, $25. 5 0 9-0421. pliances, Individual television an­ Extra building lot available only office. Douglas Motors, 333 Main 30’ STRAIGHT line' outdoor dryer baths, recreation room,. (xxvni) forjner secretary of state, and the opment. non; Peter Thibault 19 Spring S t; lots kvallable at Mansfield. Jen­ roofs of all kinds. New rooft, gut essential as well as good judg­ tennas end heat control, laundry $1,000. Carlton W. Hutchins, 50 MANCHESTER. Summer St.—Six Salesman Wanted 36-A rustproof. Rollaway bed. 50 9-5132. 2 garages, 2 separAfe victim of two etrokes. Mrs. Mary Todu, and daughter, NEED A CAR and had your credit sen’s. Inc., (always reliable) Roll DOOR CLOSERS and 'ocks re ter work, chimneys cleaned ri- ment and ability to meet peo-, TAKE OVER PAYMENTS equipment, car space, picnic area, driveways on 2 ^ re s . CTO'VENTRY—New 6*^ room anch, rooms, plastered walls, oi' heat Two Weekend Breaks palred. Aluminum aiding.' |0 9-5168. FROM OUR BANK three bedroom, living room, Kltch The cigar-smoking, brandy-sip­ Rockville Police are thvasUgat' Kelly Rd., Vernon. turned down? Short « i down pay­ Ing Hills, Route 44-A, Mansfield paired or replaced. CaU MI 9-9030. pie. Write P. O. Box 2108, Hart­ IS minutes to Hartford Bridge. 348 SU5I50T ST. Custom built five Ideal for In-law nrholem. enclosed porch, city utilities ga­ yeara’ experience. Free eatl- EARN big commission fuU or part- en SA'l dining area, ^ i l t - i n • i n g t ping Churchill has himself suf- ing two attempted breaks at loeal Birth yenterday: A eon to Mr. ment? Had a repoasesalonT Don’t GA 9-4479 ford, Conn., stating business ex­ USED UNIT gas heater M.F.D FOR UNPAID BALANCE Adults. Phone 50 9-4824. TR S-!im. room frame, brick veneer, l’,4 rage, $13,000. Real buy. (3harles give up! See Douglas Motors, get mates. Call Howley, MI 3-5361, MI perience, education, age and time, Build profitable business and oven, flre|SBce and mantle. Lesperance, 50 9-7630. ftrsd several serious illnesses in business places this weekend. and Mra Floyd Cotton, Broad of your own selling America’s Suspends from ceiling, three years 1, 2, OI\ 3 'YEARS TO PAY! stories, living room', dining om, VERNON^ Brook. me lowdown on the lowest down LANDSCAPING Clearing land 8-0768. salary desired. / old. Excellent condition. Output THREE ROOM apartment, tile $11,500—?? Small Osborn cape, 4 Basement garage, hot water heat. recent years. The first was reported by Peter MI 9-6393. largest line low priced business START PAYING kitchen, two bedrooms, ceramic 5U.NCHESTER—Six finUhed toom and amallest payments anywhete. Auto DrtTtng School 7-A 02,000 BTU per hour. Coat $450, bathroom, linoleum, venetiar finished, partial walk-out Situated on one acre lot. Close to But there was much of ths old Teabo, owner of Teabo's Service printing. 360 page catalog sam IN JUNE Minds, heat and hot water fur­ bath, on first floor, space for one schools, bus and shopping. *14.900. oversized Cape. Extra large Vernen and TaleetSviUe anirn Is Not a amall loan or finance com­ REUPHOLSTERY, slip covers and asking $250. 5 0 9-0474.______additional room and bath on sec­ basemenl; 3 acres familiar Churchlil vvldent as he Station, 186 Union St. A t about pany plan. Douglas Motors, 833 I ARSON’S Oonhectlcut's first 11 Heating and Plumbing 17 pies, hundreds of items used daily 8 ROOMS FURNITURE nished parking. Inquire 11 School Minimum FHA financing. R. F. rooms. Wonderful place (or chil handled through Tbs Herald’s custom made. Free es ond, open porch, full baremant, $11,900—Near parkway. Older 6 stood on the ramp at the airport 8:45 a-Ui, Saturday Teabo arrived Main Street ceiised driving echoo] .rained. by business people. Advertising $9.38 MONTHLY St. 5 0 9-2880. DImock Co.. Realtor 50 9-5246. dren. Even room for a saddle RockvIUs Bureau. 7 W. Main S t, Certified and approved. Is >ow of tlmates. Open evenings for your S. WATSON. PLUMBING and heat­ CLERK TYPIST—Local manufac­ lot 109x150. Marion Robertson, roopr" home, 2-car garage, last night. at the station to find a window in Specialty line features imprinted EMERSON TV Uble model. 5 0 Bedroom, Living Room, Dinette, or Robert Murdock, ™ 3-6472, horse on this la ^ e lot. Dad, if a rear door had been smashed. Ap' telephone TRemout 6-81M. 1955 CADILLAC Coupe DeVUIe. feiing classroom and - behind convenience P A M Upholstery ing contractor. New Installations, turing concern desires good typ­ ball pens low as $9.95 for 100. Cal THREE ROOM apartment and two- Broker.. 50 8-5953. / aAWSite drive, shade trees. ''Ladlss and gentlemen, I must ist. Group insurance, pension 3-6547. Rugs, Lamps, Tables Barbara Wpods, 50 9-7702. you’ve been looking for a place parcntly nothing wss mtesing from Very clean. New tires, good condi­ wheel Instruction for teenhgers. Shops, 207 N. Main St. MI. 9-6324. alteration work and repair work. endars low as $5.95 for 100. Free room apartment tor rent. Cali 5 0 $18,800—7? Almost new 5 room, 3 now leave you and return to Brit­ benefits, paid holidays, and excel­ And Other Items VERNON —New six room Build­ like this for the kids, glv” us a tion. MI 8-167T. MI 9-8075. Ml 9-8808. sales kit. Nations] Press. Dept, 2, EVERYTHING $228.78 9-0576. bedroom ranch, walk-out (XXXViy ring. We'll be glad to show it to ain, my other country,” he said. ” I the building. lent working condition. For Infor­ er’s Model Ranch, basement ga- Shortly after 9 p.m, last night North Oiicago, Rlinois. . FOR SALE—Apex automatic wash basement. you. P. V. Tongren, Broker, 50 have had a happy stay in the Unit­ MOR’TDOCK’8 Manchester’s lead­ mation, call JA 7-8261 Ext. 280. . FOUR . ROOM apartment, 2nd raM , built-in oven and range Arthur Duby, a tenant In the E. IF YOU ARE looking for a good Household Services er. Call 5 0 9-8882. 8 ROOMS FURNITURE $>8A00 or best offer, 8, room ranch TWO-FAMILY plus four room 3-6321. ed States, and I have been touched, Public Records clean used car, regardlesa of ing driving acbool. ’Three skilled, floor. Near bus line. Reasonable. cofonla] fireplace, executive sue Main St. building, occupied by Offered 13-A Moving—^Tracking- $10 16 MONTHLY home. Individual heating systems, much touched, by ths warmth of make, year or model, we have courteous Instructors. Class room SECRETARY with knowledge of LAWN SEED. Ume, fertilizer No children. Write Box S, Herald. rooms. Convenient to schools, with expandable attic. Gessay's Package Stora, notified Storage 20 bookkeeping (one-girl office). Con­ \ Situations Wanted— Westinghouse Refrigerator. Living Beautiful Columbia stone two-car garage. R. F. Dimock (3o„ SAVE MONEY your welcome.” Warrantee Deads them. We hav* cars from $75 to instructions for 15, 16, 17 year TV SERVICE — Potterton’a, all peat moss, garden supplies. 50 shopping, Hartford, Manchester struction firm. 37H hour v/eek. Female 38 Room, Bedroom, ' Dinette, Rugs, FOR RENT—Four room apart­ fireplace, basement ga­ Realtor. 50 9-S245. or Barbara Assume a 1H % mortgage. Month police that he heard eomeone In FriJik Mannar to Lester O. and $3,600. Over 50 to choose from. olds. Telephone Mr. Mortipek, makes. Highest quality guaranteed AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local 3-8020. Uttle A McKinney, 16 Only $16,200—30 vear mortgS^. "My great friend. President Must be able to assume responsi­ Lamps. Tables and Other Items ment, available May. is. Tel. 5 0 rage. Woods, 50 9-7702, Robert Murdock, ly payments now less than $57, In­ the building. Damn L. Wadk, property on O^land Motors, Inc., 367 Oak­ Director of Driver Education. work and parts, oyer 47 vear’s ex­ mo-ving, packing, storage. Low Woodbridge St. Builder, 50 9-1489 and 50 3 2465 5 0 8-6472. Eisenhower,” he continued, "has bility. Write age, business exper­ EVERYTHINO $297.8’ 2-2068 or Mr. Clark, 709 Main'. cluding principal, interest, taxes Sgt. Lester Bartlett, who Inveet- Wethsrsli St, land St., Manchester. Open eve­ Ml 9-7398. perience. Famous ftn sendee since rates on long distapca moves to $16,800--Near Parkway. New 8 made my stay in America a mem­ igated, found no one in the build­ ience, salary expected. Write Box WANTED T

■ I ■ !♦' MONDAY^ MAY 11, 1969 I^^^OUSTGCN iKanrHe^^r lEupning l|pral{i Avcniire Dtily NgI P r«M R on . Thfi WfiBllMr i Far the Weem Ended Foreeaat ot D. •. Hraatlwr 6 b y fith, I96fi| ilio intocuUvg-hoard ot CharUr The executive board of the Var- WAXES ChNidy, warm, boimM, aunttfitod Oak Lodga. B'nal B'rith, ^^'in niMt plancfc PTA will meat toraoriwV , 1 2 , 9 2 ( ) phowera nr tkaadasulMiwern te- .^i)OUlTowii I Wedne^a.v night at S o'ctock at night at 7:30 in the school library. DAT OR V t ^ t nigitt and Wedneedajr. Low tonlgbt All Ihromlng and outgoing oRlpdrs, i Honors Mothers' ■ Jarrls Africa, 2*3 fc. Center .St. BY RXPl Membtr et the Audit near fiO. Rtgli Wedneeday nmr t U U«neh«itcr High School commUtee chairmen and cjafnmtl- Bureau of Clrenlatiea. p r o ’«!tU hold • Huoinooi iMoUng Dr. Ralph D Kelpdr. direrlor bf tee membeCa are requested to be The ManchaaUr WATER held a ARTHUR ORUa Manchester—~A City o f yulhge Charm Md tfMtion hf ortlcer* tonight nt research for tke BvangellcaJ present. Inatailation 'ceremonies; Mother’s Day talebratlon recently, T;80 «t the high school. Foundation, will he the key aneak- will be held, the PTA scholnrihlp ; and praaanted red and wiilte nose­ __ er at the Oalyary Temple, Hart- swarded and plaali fnr the family : X y o u LXXVIII, NO. 189 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 12. 19.S9 (Clnaslfled Advertising on Pnge 11) PRICE FIVE CENT'S 8t. Margaret’s Circle, Dattghtere , ford, tomorrow night at 7:«.V He picnic discuss^ ' gays to the oldest mother pre­ at iMbella. will meet tomorrow at I will he speaking at the prophetic sent, the mother of the youngest CHARGE YOUR t tMB. at the K. of C. home. Mlaa ; conference which opened yerter- The EJtds^niapman Joy Circle of ^ child, snd the mother of the most the Noblh Methodist Church W"!!! I XnM LaOace. the regent, urges day and mil continue through grsndchildren. PRESCRIPTIONS HERE the entire committee for the month Thureday. meyt St the church Wednesday af- Ribicoff SignsjDillon Gets! of May to attend thU meeting. ,t*fnoon at 2 o’clock. Those who Mrs. Georgisnns Bressettc wss House Backs Town MeiRben are also reminded to , The Story Clrrle of the Sout^ ' plan to work on the quilt are asked the oldest mother; Mrs. Betty bristf material for work tm the Melhbdlat WSCR will 1 to come at 10 o’clock In the morn- Badlowskt wss the mother of the Bill to Abolish Wednesday at 10 a.m. a*"the.^iiie jng. Members sre reminded t6 youngest child, s 2ii-month-ol^ m m PINE cancer project. - .ylKtmmKgm p r a r m a c t of Mrs. Rose Unpihart, Birington. bring gifts for the maybasket. j ('hiid: and Mrs. Celia Moller wsS Right to Condemn Marine Pfc. Datid P. Custer, son the mother with thf most grand­ State Counties ot Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Custer. 42 Members of the Sth '6iatrtct Fire The Holy Name Society of St. j children. 27. Blgtdow at,. Is senlng aboard the Department willkhld a to. .lames’ Church will hold g ^father The program, held at the Itslisn m ^ E N T E R ST. Hartford. Mav 12 (>!?)- attnek aircraft carrier USS In­ night at 11 o'cljcjefi at the hrehouse. and son program Wednesday night American Club, included dancing dependence, operating with the At- Co 1 will h' a'meettng after the at 7 o'clock in St. James’ School and singing by children from the Or Buy Water dlo» Abraham Ribicoff t'O*qd • y aigned into law the abolition Wfifihington,'May 12 A clock at the home of Mya. Wil- Frances Klein and Mrs. Harriet Manenester tne rignt 10 ouy ,,„„eited Jan. is, m i. and! The Governor signed the hiatoric nominations of C. Douglas at 6:30 p m. Under the chairman^'! lii.m Meaimer. 73 MshoC Oirclf, Nerl ware tied for Mcond place, HIGH? e r condemn the Manchester poMiwy April 16, i96i. shir of Gladys Fmlev. Mother>Day ■ East Hartford. Mrs. Harding Car- i measure without comment at 10:10 Dillon to be No. 2 man at the Hr each with a loss of 9 pounda. The But Ardhaon declared that this a.fii. rcill also be observed.■ X rter will'be the ro-hostess. Wll- Marine Exhibit next meeting will be tomorrow at Water Co. was passed by thei State Department and Ogden X 1 11am Missamer, speech therapist State House o f Representa-i P'an wa# unacceptable and pushed • Tlie nieaaiA-e received its final 7 p.m. at w’hich a specihr weight Hvea th is afternoon and aen titor passage of the original bill. approval by the/LeglslatureReid yes- to be ambassador to Is­ Conference Miss Judith Clifford, worthy jid? for Manchester schools, will be the Scl'for Museum discussion will be held. - TRADE n v es im s a iiern oon aim Aronson In urging pas- terday when tha*Benate, which had rael. .vlrcr of Manchest^ Aieembly Or­ speaker. ■ —J t ' *kge of the 4)1H was Rep. David ' previously passed the bill, voted The action came after unexpset- der of Rainbow Wr Girls, will pre- Commencing Wednesday, the ■The hill aet off conaiderablede -: ^ Barry, also a Manchester Dem-1 acceptance of It r.gain. ed opposition developed to the Sixth grade pupils of the Hollis­ Stalemated sidd at the Mainsas sesalon and Luta .liintor Museum will feature a bate in the House before It was „crst, i This second trip to the .Senate nomination of Dillon to i^ under- election ofuinlcert tonight at 7;30 ter School will present a program. „ South School PTA DOWN Marine exhibit in the center hall passed on a voice vole. Barry noted that the ^Eighth nertasitated by the action of secielary of state sticceedlng lathe MaiwnlcTemple, Mrs. Eliga-, for the PTA at Its pieeUng at 8 of the building at 126 Cedar St. WE NEED LATE MODELS An attempt to amend the bill to Chrl.#tlan A. Herter Wbo heesme both doiarier■‘'^bf ' the Advisory j o'clock tomorrow night. The arl- To End Season Utilities District alread'Blrea^ had the House ot Representatives in , , ,, . ,,, Harry Ballinger, well-knowm OF ALL KINDS take .away the town's power of power of condemnaMim over0 the amending it twice. The House following Xhe illness of A t Geneva Boai^ wnU award merit pins and nusi electicn of offleers will,follow. marine artist who has heien giving condemnation was defeated on a Top Allewaaoca Madal water compan.v. H#Xaid the bill peaned the bill last week 144-129. >o^i Poster IJutle# bora. water-color demonstrations In the The South School I*TA will hold , roll call, 139-104. merely gave the.'tDwnth^-1x>\LTt ttthe iame County covemment, which datea Oppoattion to Reid had been ex^ MeAiorlal Temple, Pythian Sis­ elementary grade.s during the past its final meeting of the year in the i The amendment was sponsored right. /iback to' 1«66. cease# on Oct. l,|P''«lrd. but tjib asssiilt on Dillorf Geneva, M«J^ 12 (iTO—The The 63th spring council meeting ters. ijill meet in Odd Fellowa Hall form of a pothick tomorrow night' by House GOP Minority Leader of the Girli’ Friendly Society, Dio- .two weeks, is loaning a niimber of Aronaon arjfued that without the I 1P60. From that, dale on. moat Demotratir inemhera of the :?f>viet Union, today propofiod at 7:.30 tomor-L v night. A Moth­ pictures for the exhibit, the same at 6:3(). Beauprt Motori A. Searle Pinney of Brookfield. power of condemnation by. the I chore.x how performed by county j came aa a aUrprlee. caea of Connecticut, will be. held er's Day program will be held. There’s nothing like a few situpa with somebody hdldfhg your r V pictures the school children have Mrs.'Glendon Duqlap is chair-1 BROiAD ST. AT Pinney declared that the ^ w er tj,, wat6r company could set 1 personnel will be the responsibility lissell R. Long (D-Lal V imnifediate admi»sion of Com- Saturdav 4t Chiral Ckurch Cathe­ The degree staff Is asked Ip be legs doiyh to keep the did belly trim. Here contestants use said h^ could not support Dillon’s dral, Hartford Mrt. AVilllam watche." slovakia at^the foreign minifi- are reminded to bring gifts for the torical Assn, at Mystic, including Fifteen Excel would .hinder Its operation as a He, said he understood the price governVncnt but retain their geo- t ^ f d the "fooiii8"dy" adminlstra- , arrangomenta. and Mlaa Hannah cup auction, cakes for th« the cake the maximiim, and no fair using elbows. (Herald Photo by Robert Johns, music instructor, ] ter.8 conference, The West re­ a miniature dikrama of a whaling utility, ------I graphical character mostly for ju- "uon of the foieign aid piogram In | K. Jenaen. 468 E. Middle Tpkf .. walk and articles fnr the gift card. Pintoi: will talk about the musical 'pro­ “You don’t toas the power of fused and the formal aesaion chairman o f ' finance, will give a ___ expedition. (ContiiiNiNl im Page Eight) ' diclal and election purposes. which "Ihieves, -ackeleers and; In Display of gram in Manchester schools. A | condemnation around lightly." grafters" benefit ab'oad. 1 ended with, the dispute atill rep ort on ‘’Friends of Holiday] Cowles Strickland A recent donation to the museum brass quartet composed of Peter Pinney declared. freshments nijiy bring their dona­ Pantalink. Martin Chimeleckt,; Long and 'Sen. Wayne Morse iin.spttled. House," an a u x ill^ to the Holi- second Congrega- Is a large collection, of fine shells Assumption Ladies tions either t( the church hall or Um Pinney iuggested that be would (D-Orel objected strongly to a| day H ouse w h ich ■ helps develop Q(,urch will meet tomor- from all over the world, plua sev­ Stephen Morrison and .leffry T y - . The argtimeni over the two^Ealrt Youth Fitness k the k of C Ho'ie after 2 o'clock Your withdraw hi# amendment if aup-1- ^Steam Roller^ Charges suggestion by Committee Chair- j Kiiropean countries might tie 'tip tha G. F. S. program. j night at 8 o'clock at the home eral books on shells, the gift of bur will participate In the program | porters of the bill would put a Slate Cartl Party Friday afternoon. which will'be at 8 o'clock. i j man .1. William Kiilbright iD-ArUi | the conference In a long procedural ‘'XT. ... .1 j ; of Mrs. Samt-el Pierson, 116 Con- Mrs. A. D. Brochu,’ through her Charqt Plan time limit on the measure. that Sen. Frank tliurch iD-Iriahot 1 Mra. Charles S. House. Westland : . nr daughter. Mrs. Philip Holway, 143 Fifteen Manchester youngsters The business meeting and elec­ wi-angle which, could delay work gave outstanding performances at l ^ r Oppoaea Time Limit put off questioning Dillon- until a | un Beillii and German problems. at., a member of the Advisory | ' _ _ Adelaide Rd, The most inj,erestlng The Ladies of the Assumption tion of officers will be at 7:30. But Rep. Irving L. Aronson ( D- Board to the Service Bureau for the Jiinlor (Chamber oi Commerce closed committee session lom or-1 But one western delegate said h* Beverly ant Lee Burton of the of these shells will soort.'be dis­ will sponsor the fifth annual presi­ Police Sav Man Hit . Dolivarln Manchester) said that tow n.offl-j Republicans Protest row.. I Women's Organisations, will be played in the science. ronm'iatJLhe Physical Fitness contest held Sat­ dents’ card I .irly- Friday evening did not believe the Russian# would ; Beverly Bollino Burton Dance urday afternoon at Memorial oials were opposed to any time Church quizzed Dillon sharply ] the foreign visitor chairman for j Studio are appearing tonight at museum. at 8 o’clocK at the Knights of Co­ Inst telephone y6ur order tor Insist loo long on expanding the the tenth annual June conference Field'. Ex-Wife’s Visitor Umit on the hill. I about the secrecy policy on the conference. j Hancock Hall In Boston. They lumbus Hone.. drug needs and cosme.ties— giv­ Aronson said this' would only coiintry-by-counli y breakdown of ; to be held by the Service Bureau. Those who will receive tiiophies Mrs. Wait'll McNally, current AUTO ing your Charge . Plan num­ Foreign Minister Andrei Gromy­ I have been studying in Boston for among the girls 8 to 11 years old Leo O. Maheux, 41, of 341 Cen­ build tip pressure on the town to' Haste on Budget Bill military assistance to foreign' Jane 4 through June 6, ' at the i.a number of ycaia and operate a past p eofdent of ^the organization, ber act perhaps more quickly than i t , ko spoke for the two Soviet Sa- Hartford Seminary Foundation School Board Sels are Mary Rivard, Patty Hathaway lO D Y countries, partictilai !y in Lstln j dance studio here in town. is ser.'ing as chairman. Those as­ ter St., who allegedly beat a man OLLIE’S ' waa ready to act on the matter. 1 America. lelllles. sajdng they should be ■ I and Beverly Werstlen Among G «t sisting her are Mra. EHmer W. visiting Maheux'a estranged wife, The bill first came up in, the, Despite the prolonged question­ brought in to work on the Ger­ Mrs. Melcolm R. Wilson, 17, .. X j , , girls 12 to 17 who will receive ★ W EEING Curriculum Talk Graham, tickits, Mrs. .Henry Skel- was arrested Saturday and charg­ ImnleclifttY Mouse yesterday, but Was delayed Hartford, May 12 -The ad-r The appropriation for county ing of Dillon, the committee went ' man problems because they had Salem Rd., a finalist in the third i Among the divorces granted last trophies are Stephanie Bautiller, suffered more than other countries graj^ naUonal bake-off of the'week In Superior Court. HarUord, •ly refreshments, and Mrs. Foster ed with breach of the peace and ★ A im0 EDDY and DfellTYry while ,an attempt waa made'tojminiatration's general operating |-government, instead of being for | Us plana for conaidera- 1 Pam Germond and Charline Mc- Williar... and V ,s. Jame Horvath —------^ ^ — !------I budget hill, amounting to $457,-' 21 months, a# the Governor origin-| today of the nomination of Three priaonera peer over biirik# and bed clotlring alacUed up In front of their cell at B’ort Pillow, In'World War IT. PUlabury .Co., will act as advisor were the following 16 Manchester The Board of Education will ! Cloud. aaaault. FENDER REPAIRS j Tenn.. a# they talk to prison officials about terms they wnni before they release the two guards they for this yi»r's bake-off, the nth I resldenU: Maxine H. from Clay- hold Its last special curriculum Jt. prizes. Police said Maheux stnick E(2- 212,611, has left the Leglalature’s ally asked. Is for nine months to ogden R. Reid ot the New York U.S. Secretary of Slate Chris­ |- Boys 8 to 11 who did outsland- Mr. and Mrs. .T. Edward Mc- ★ COMPLETE CAR Appropriations Committee with a | carry the program up to the cu t-, n^-apaper publishing family to be . hold as hostages. The prisoners are armed with knives they marie themselves. ( AP Photofaxi. to be held by tjie company, The ton Thompson; Hazel A. from meeting, of the year tonight at the I Ing w'ork were Leroy Beckett, Glen ward Slane. 21, of East Hartford, tian A. Herter. Selwyn Lloyd of event this vear will be held hj Bev-1 John Wright. $1.8 weekly alimony; South School at 7:30. The aiibjert Keever will act as host and hostess then fled from the scene. 'The fight PAINTING Britain Plans fav'orable .report. ‘ off date. I anibaasador’to Israel. | Britain and Maurice Couve d* I Potter, and Gary Kurkham. Boys of the evening, cppducting the However. Republican members As the law requires, the budget j, Dillon has been nominated to! I erly Hills, CatU. Pearl S. fi'bni Thomas Murdock; of the meeting will be music, art, ; 12 to 13 were Arthur Rivard, Rich­ occurred at 895 Center SI.. ac­ LAC({UER and ENAMEL I’ickrl or Iloh Murvtile of France spoke /mt Phyjlis C. from Hamilton M. and physical education in the games of .military whist and aeU cording to police. .Maheux'a wife lof the committee-who are in the i*'{n balance. Newsmen receh-H-erij become wdewecretary of to j 2 H o B t a g e ^ 111 P c r i l in - succession against adding .Other ard Gingras'and George Katz. TEL. MI 9-M3S (SMiatii minority—refuked to vote on the » breakdown of the figurea in. the 1 replace .Tones, 110 weekly support for each schonls. leek. recently was granted a divorce. PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Space Bid with ^the I feplace Christian A. Herter, given New 'York. May 12 (S8 -*t- -nations to the conference.4t thU The three lop boys in the 14 to meaaure and ififimedlately isstled a budget from Ferland and Rep. j the top .Stale Department position lime.. of five children, all on the grounds I This will brT the fourth meeting 17 year class were Edward Dell, All mer-iers of the organiza­ Slane was taken to Manchester 281 ADAM S ST. 901 MAIN ST/r-Ata I-8S3I Thonias Vindal fared a tough' of intolerable cruelty, and Edward the Board has held this year in ad­ tion who have recei\ed tickets Memorial Moapitiu where, author­ Btatement criticizing tlie behavioi , Rubin Cohen (D-CoIche#ter). c o -, after the illnes# of John Foster choice yesterday. As one of the The.v urged Gromyk® to ahetve- Throw Them] Robert Goehring and Fred Kos- U.Si, Partners of the Democratic fliember# when 1 chairmen of the Appropriation* . Dulles. from Mary M. Shensis, on the dition Its regular meetings, to ' lenko. through the 'ma'l are urged to ities say, he' was treated for duta nonprnfessional workers^strik- the proposal for th6 Ume being, DONT Away ''grounds of desertion. study the curriculum. Earlier meet­ jiiake returns immediately, sp that on his forehead and received'■sev­ ^ the report was announced ye»ter- Committee. Raid. 33. faces more , inten.«ive Besieged Convicts Ing six ho.spital.s, he wss an American spokesman said, and I The calegoiie.s in which these \ I Still plenty of wear left In | ings were focu.sed on the curricu­ ^tickets may be .made ayailabla, to eral stitches. London, May 12 1^ Prime * , Aj In his statement on the bill and queationing under a new coniinitlee carrying a , sign in a picket to let the Big Four get on with ahoea when bronght here for | I contestihls excelled included pull- todavj PaiterWHi (R-Old: ^chat went on in committee, Tyler. ' policy of Insisting on a thorough Among those who took the oath ; lum at the high school, the junior ups, standing broad jump, push- { others wishing to attend. Maheux posted a $.800 bond for Sllnister Macmillan said line. a discussion German probltTni.. I expert repairing. ' of allegiance to the United States j Members wishing to donate re­ court appearance Monday. ^ yLynie) sold the TJemocrat# ro#ort- j the ranking Republican member, J screening of political appointees to high, and the elementary schoola. I ups. .80-yard dash, .softball throw, Brltaih.Js getting ready t-o entrt ed to''irteam rtjiler” tactic# in mov- jgig; kmbassadorilil p6»ta. But he had an itch. Assistant ^Seerttaav of StiiZt Friday in ceremonies in U.S. Dis-1 A fifth meeting, to examine the The ^’eu-e»t in Prinj:*! -After a brief struggle with Andrew Herding said "The meet-' WORH DONE WHILE trict Court were Erwin Anderson. ^ I shuttle run, and situps. In addition the artificial Earth aatellite field. thg the'bill out qf coinmItt*#, . ^ '’The administration budget bill; There were indication# that Bu itd Barricades TOD WAIT guidance and remedial reading pro­ I the boys 14 to 17 ’ had a discus Ameritex fine quality cottoit. Drip- his conscience, he put down Ing ended the, matter itlll ,31214 Main St., William and Lu^,- grams,, will be held In the fall. Macmillan said Britain may! "Republican 'members of ,the'approved bv the Democratic mem-i Reid, former president and editor | the sign snd went into Mount up lir the air.” j throw. I m dry, crea.se resistant, piieshrunk. ithe'r j cohimlUe* demanded a 24-hour op- ■ bers of udL Appropriations Com- of th* New Yofk Tribune and still | gina Ratlazzi, 8,’> School St..- and' • The senc.s of special meetings is ■end eatellitea into orbit either . .•tlnai Hospital. /'Olramyko first proposed the td- Arvids, Alma. Elza and Aiistra j The program opened with cere-1 Needs little or no ironing. with the cooperation of it# British.} portunItY to Mtinine tly ■ppi'b- j mltte*,. whfifawhTfhJejapnoaed J# .impBosed to rep-j — — ^ j Fqrt Pillow,' Tenn., May It #iip their billy e 1 it b I without SAM YULYES iifider the. direction of Wllliani E. ! monies conducted by Jaycee presi- ...1 , ------I liTiSie 1 (coBttnoed on Page Eight) There he waa treated for' ptittanca of Poland sind Ceechoahs- Ozols. 49 Doane St. Buckley of the Board of Ediioa- FOR SALE .Oommonweaiui partnere, or with } priations J>ilh M6eu#e of the many | resent a' 'fkwffffWlp-Ofi-'$8 ^mlUion. | —.'Yw, rioting convicts sur- a struggle. "bai'ber'a itch." a fungus in­ valda- before the openiiilK' Of 'the -SHOE REPAIRINO ; dent Robert Murdock who admin- j the UiiMoa aute#. * 1 change# conuined In It .from the attuslly represent# . no reduction rend6re.d peiicefuil.vat 10:30 The primarv-. spokesman for the o r THE BETTER KIND” tion. - islered the Junior Championship fection of the face. He picked conference's second eeaelon. Co. 3 of the South Manchester , "We therefore plan to send t o , Governor’s original budi^t doou- at all because estimated revenues a.m. (PST) toilny lb end a 14 convicts. Leonard Thompson, 26, up medicine to take home, anil Gromyko made the Polish-Ciech 38 OAK STREET ; Fire Departmetn will hold .a drill oalh. Washington a team of experts to ! ment,” he said. ; for. the coining biennium haVe been of Minneapolis.. Minn,, presented Same Side aa Watkins In < harge‘ of the contest were ; hour siege of the Fori Pillow left. move the day after he was defeated : tonight at 6:30 at fire headquarters, | discuss possible Anglo-American; However, the ''Democralic m a-‘ reduced by the same amount.” Paris Rumors Mtate iMeon Farm toUay. the list, of- complaints, which He has a clinic appoiptmeirt on his bid to make East Germany, i 183 Spruce St. Teslimoiiial Set Matthew Maetozo and Richard ' cooperation," the prime niinJeter jority of the committee put,the bill; Passage of the county govern- ranged"^ft'oiii bad food to alleged Braun. - Farm Field Neither of the two -guards tomorrow. If. the strilje' i# still a full participant. told the House of Commons. to an immediate vote after the , ment agd ' court reorganization bnitalll.v. ■ Other Jaycees who assisted were held ae, hoetage# waa 'Injured. on then, he'll ‘ hays another The Soviet Union considered the For Dr. Caillouelle "■ W O are also opening coilsuUa- Senate chairman. Maurice Ferland j bills '’In auih a way aa. to. ,rpake Hint Algerian Thompson, serving a slietch for decision to m a k e ./ [Leonard Johnson, John Johnson. tlons with other Commonwealth iU-DanielsonI, refused the R e-1 them effective at a later dfttd than new issue so important that Deputy Fort Pillow Prison Farm'. Tenn.. biirglaiy, said the revolt was i)of. Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin > John Jeffers, John Smoyda, and $2.00 Cu. Yd. a countries." .. publican request," Patterson said, i originally anticipated in "the Gov a sudden decision. 0> MANCHKSTKR A testimonial dinner, honoring Nathan Agostinelli. The Jaycees May 12 i>Pi Faced by uneasy stale- ■ was sent to tell reporters about it' MINIMUM 6 CUBIC YARDS Magmillan said British experts The budget Is for $5,107,119 less ernOr’s budget has,resulted-in sub-: Truce Talk Set "We tried letleis of protest to at a meeting at the press oenter,.-- FLETCHER C U S S CO. Dr. George A. CalUouette. presi- I also had the cooperation of the are studying the possibility of thafi >vhat Gov. Abraham A- Rihl-. stantlally all .of. this reduction on ! mate, convicls who hoW two prisprl »ntchell (Jenl of Connecticut Elks Assn., Hampton but he never got- them, "■ Aeflectlng Gromyko's arguments 9-7879 I Board of Education and the R ec-, adapting as satellite projectors eoff recommended . in hi» budget , both sides oU the state’s accounts.” farm guards as hostage busily Court Orders will be held at Bristol Lodge Sat­ : reatlon Department. TEL. Ml 9-4824 10 Yard ‘ Pari# May 12 ifFl — Rumors he said.."We talked about it for a in tjie conference, Zorin eald the U8 WE8T MIDDIJ!; TtTRNFIKE rnllltary rockets now under devel- message to the Legislature. he said. spread througr political circles in I strengthened the ban icades at long time. This thing goes back two East European - nations were urday. Certificates of performance,! In .all, $6,033,929 was trimmed I their besieged dormitoi-.v, today. opmept in this country. The greater part of this reduc- Paris today that active negotia­ two or threfc months." "the first victim# of aggression'by CORNER DURANT ST. A roast beef dinner w.ill be signed by Bob Richards, a track 36’* Wide from the Govembr’a original budg­ Tile guards were^elzed last niglilj Rehearing of served at 7:30 p.m. Buses w-ill and field star, were given to all ’ " ’This," he said, will j/ut us in ' tion# are un _r :>vay for a truce The highway patrol ordered Hitlerite, Germany" and that their et requests. However, other items I when 130 men staged an unex-’ people "justly merited by the Mood * NEW LARGER QUARTERS leave Manchester at 6 p.m., taking participants. Trophies wdll be given a position, should we decide to do j in Algeria. I peeled riot. They threatened to kill about 80 men to the scene. "You will love the small old fashioned fo, to make an all-British effort.’’ we're added to the budget and these they, e'hed in the war the right to local Bilks'to Bristol. ; to the .top performers in each of patterns and paisleys In new deep amounted to $926,810. *rhe net N o . one in an official position the guards If offlceis rushed the The pi'isoii farm is locatedlocaien iieaivnear/ Crowley Case PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING Ticket. fi5r the dinner are avail­ j the five age groups, if the winners Britain has arranged- to Mart would comment on the rumors. All the .Mississippi River about / tone colorings. . Fori dresses, blouses, reduction. comes id’ $5,107,119. building. They demanded a con­ (Continued on Page Eight) able at the Elks home from Pki- will visit the physical education work Immediatelv on the con ,, P*'l**‘^, ^ Among rnajor reductions in.flgures ; eburces checked merely denied all ference with state officials on pris­ miles north of Memphis.Memphl II is' a I Tokyo, Ma'J' 12 i/Pi The Tokyo skirts, H>ortswear, ' children’s wear, Btruclion of the Instruments v„ and-of - $2,750,000 for the expenses AUTO GLASS INSTALLED ward Edgar, ticket chairman, and ; department at the high school' any men’s shirts, etc. of the origtjtW budget are $450,000 ' knowledge-of-them. on farm conditions. j minimum securit.v prison no cell# District Court loday ordered a re­ Charles Tusker, steward. iday .aftel: school this week. •- ■. ! If the ■•I'umor.. are true, it Is Keith Hampton, stale commis-. 01- walls. hearing in the trial of American **^'mto*stmment^*nd iiistrmndiL oroeram*willpro^tgm Avill be i toaa virilfbe abolished aa of. GLASS FURNITURE TOPS (Gqnllnn 1 on Page Five) probable that the negotiatlona are Sioner of institiitions. flew in from .Most of the Inmate# #/e up fo.r businessman, Joseph P. Crowley, MORE and MORE OF THE auptrvised by a Britikh National' • , y. . being directed personall.v b.v Pres­ Nashville to-fionfer wltli leaders of retotlvely minor offenses and accused of killing his brother-in- CeinmitLee of Space Research be­ ident Charles de Gaulle.' Five days MIRRORS (Firtploc* and Doer) FINEST QUALITY the revolt. After several talks with ' law. Bulletins ing***» set up by theLHC AhAl^Y*l'Royal OLsLlCLjiSociety V •• T^T V ^ ago in Boui-gts, De /Jaiille said them he said negotiations had bog- i (Unntinueo on Page Nine) It set the new hearing for Fri­ SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "The da.v is in .ight when Algeria ged down. - i from th« .AP Wirfk DELICIOUS FRYING Needs a Scapegoat day, May 16. PICTURE FRAMING (all types) LARGE BARBECUED will be lacifled.” He gave no date Hampton said the convicts at Practical Polilica The cour': did not explain Its'or- Masaey. He .vyill head the team of 1 or details.’ first agreed to accept solitary con­ der that' tne "hearing shall be WINDOW and PLATE GLASS CHICKENS CHINO CLOTH ^ experts going to Washington. According to the rumors, any finement as pi‘ui#hinent for the riot reopened." STATES RIGHTS BILL VOTED Baltimore May 12 i/P- — CHICKEN LEGS Twelve color# In the moat populiU‘- Macmillan said he was unable: with the state agreeing that their Washington, May 12 WRAPPED IN ALUSIINU8I scuiemsitt would start off with SoMfc -'1II g e ii 1 o u a women Tin* , defer- deliveied its final iJP)— CONTRACTORS: WE HA'YE IN STOCK FOIL. READY- TO SERVE fabric thia year. Fdr dreeeea, akirtfi*' to eetimate what it would cq#t; an admission by France that the "good time" would not be touched. Southerners and their allies on blousea. jacket#, abort#, ■ slack#; Yd. Juveniles Exploited Ihoiu^l t dairies should contin­ aiguments Feb. 20 and was await­ Britain to put a satellite'ln orbit; Nationalist# have not been defeat­ "Good time " is the time lopped off ing the terdlct' when 'he' court the Holme Judiciary Commlttaa MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS aportaweai*, etc. ,1 , a sentence for good behavior. ue--to ;e ..ired to date the overrode It* leadership knd a-^ Lh. if it decided to. ‘Use a British. ed. This would be a face-saving eo.i.a.neri. O' miik they sell In suddenly. -lallcd in, ((te defense OPEN SATURDIlYiS—OPE.N THURSDAY EVE.NINGS e „ h * l 3 9 ,A7eo ktriped rhino In S-eolor ® 45" wi^je rocket. j concession to the rebels. Before the agreehrienl could be counsel and the prosecuiora to an­ proved today a state# rights b 11 the the y. alined at a Supreme Court de­ combination...... 99c yard ^R«f- 11-49 Yd.' . ‘!At the mortient we are spend-! The statement wbuld stress. .a nounce the decision for reopening ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN By American Adults convicts upped their demands to As city council mef.bers ar­ cision. The hill by Rep. Howud LYNN POULTRY FARMS Ing substantial but modest sums, j however, that the natiohaliats are rived, I'.i ‘ iV V, m e'n ' s Civic the iai. y more in hundreds of - thousands of no punishment whatever, pin.# in,- Smith- (D-Va) would declara X not in to position to win the war Leagi-e passed . out .undated Crowley, 49, a former Yale Uni­ PAUKADE Hale'$ Notion D8parin$]8ni h(a$ Tha HEW 'A pounds than millions, for design of ! militarily. The fighting has been sistence that their conditions be that no act of C/ongreaa tpper- broadcast h.v radio. j miik con xirei.i on which they versity football player and busi- sedes a stole law unleaa Con­ the instruments and to make the | (NOTE —-govenlle delinquency#’queney in this country la compll- going on for 4H years. The French nessmar froir. New Haven, Conn., MIDDU lURNPlKI • • • MANCHlliTER la perhaps the most talked' about, The new conditions were reject-j ha-.l past.»d this warning: gress speeiftcally declare# Ita In-- necessary designs for modification chted, they -say, by the presa-tii-es Army ha# thrown 500,000 men into "This I-lilk is undated. Will Was' charged with the Japanese but least understood social of molderh llfei 'The public needs a ed. Hampton said the convicts 1 tention o f doing ao or unleaa the the campaign but has been unable fou take a chance and drink equivalent of manslaughter'in the problein In the United 8tnte« to­ scapegoat, and has found one in withdrew behind their barricade law* Are clearly InoompattWe. “VELCRO^' CLOSURE (Conttained on Page Fonr) it? ” ■ death of^T.AeD. Joqes Jr., 45, here day, Mix experts from six different at the front door. One of them I FOR ALL GARMENTS a JHST TpyCH AND CLOSE! ; ‘The irritating adolescent gnd the (Coailimed on Page Nine) The couhcil . voted imahl- ■ May 8, 1958. They were to Japan fields have Just spent nine months annoying delinquent.” shouted, "Cbnie in and gel us.” j GUARD ORDERED OUT- > o r.iously to upheld the women. on a business trip. ■ Raleigh, N. C., 6Iay 12 — ' '! The new Velcro cloaura Bortlpg! through fact and fantasy "The pub.li auddsnly- awakened The commissioner said rthe con -. A close /ote had been ex­ Ci-owiey pleaded, innocent. His ' conalatai Of. two. -. atripa .of to get at rile heart of the matter. to 'Its second pla<<« in the race to vleta were not goijjg to diktat?, tJov. Uither Hodges today or­ owalski Hits pected on,.the much-lobbied trial iasted 7‘ i month#. dered National Ouard units Into QNE ^ o 'woven nylon tape. When This, la the first of three stories thi moon, ha# pouncec' on the conditions. proposal to' junk the 42-year-* G A L I. pressed together they adhere on their report). schoc #nd-the .adolescent Jgarner. • "If we" can't control tho.se boys, | Hemiersoq to maintain order , at WE BUY old’ regulation. (Continued on Page NInp) (pe strlke-tOrn Harriet-Hender- aecuNly tb each otHet. a# the arch villain# responsible for News Tidbits we win have to close up andjjuit," [ FOR A L L j o Military Waste j aon icotton milla, The, order c*n o ;4Vaahable, dry cleanable. It# plight. Cullfid Ironi AP Wir«s he said. "They're going to come; J • CLOSEOUTS ' thitiveara the fabric to which (.AP Edni«tlon Writer) "The popular writer# of #t*Ke, ______out. one wa.v or another. W e ; after an emergency meettat it iaiSipgUed. t^ill ndt snag Washington, May 12 (A8—Amer- screen, radio,-'’,televUion .and press’ can't let prisoners run the prison.” > with atote law enforcement of­ o O f Manpowerj SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi . ficer* and Henderson offlclida hr jafn. For drtaaes. skirts,' IcSiii adult# are exploiting the have i>een quick to exploit this a n.!,..,, To Complaint# that prisoners- • DISTRESS MERCHANDISE Hrouaers,, jpajaDias, aweatet)at Fisher, Liz about fresh outbreaks of IVashington, May 12 (P) — A 1 juvenile delinquent. situation." f l ^ Wo^k >ong hOt.« m the vanity skirts, sltpcovars? Aa Some are cashing in financially In the popular Image; ‘The de­ the new Republican National chair­ filed#, and often doubletime to riolence at the mill#' two plant#. easy to, MJply a^/aewing a colonel turned congressman, aaid ' man, will be guest ef honor at a • JOB LOTS today the. taxpayers are being i on youth’s natural rebellion, all linquent is.Maiik jkckdted and long and fro, Hampton snorted; "We'r 'aimple seam. haired. He rtm#r around -on a bright t w in i n g f a c e s SURfiERY charged $3.0 million to $40 million |the while bemoaning its behavior. They are griiiTg the adolescent and noisy niolorcycle or to a Cuba begins -ffoueuons J -J, ^-a's^Xf to'"the"! Private Wedding Today Waahlngton, May 12 UPl—A r­ a year to provide ser\’ant/i Itv uni-; . . t „ my doctor# will perform an ex­ EXPERT SERVICE • OBSOLETE GOODS form-forhrgh ranking offtcers. sr.uped-up hot rod. .He is briual. Rep' W a n ^ K ^ k ” >'lng. "I told you so." when he Ke l. cruel, H v 1. rietleis. He is W cr.n!."ja*n*ed in'“ " rUv.‘ ^n! ew^’hourk snei'^to^ ploratory cheet operation prob­ vasion attempt o( Central Amer- * By JIM BA photographers will record the; ably today or tomorrow" on GO). • IRAW MATERIALS i retiredrt^i^'dlm v c^roVel tormer^'w^^^^^ to “ ''e up to ,then. d.nge,jcusly-free •nd^urt nhibit.d ' everfis for poslerlty. ' .Nathan F, Twining, chalrmair of WE SPECIALIZE IN pointer,Pinter, and enli.sted manman, made They are neither read.v, willing : soxuallr. He ,1# aggressive. He ican lepubilc. a n . ''^Hh knives — seized the dorml-'j VegM, N«v- May ^2 m '/4 Yard nor able to understand the prob- tjavels with the pack, lie ia heart- United States, Blitainfand Rus-. , - in three lO-mlr.iite take# today. For the ceremony, Fisher Will; the -joint chiefs- Of staff. Tko ABC the estlntiffe; His ' statement was get into his blue suit arid Liz into 61-year-old Air Force general ALL FAMOUS MAKES! • isURPLUS lem; many of their complaints less . . .' . . - Jda agree to deliver more than II,- Guards J S Voss 49 and Hu-1 *‘»4’, welcome charife accounts I 'JfpVT .Orren Trading Stamp# dows and serve canapes." Kowal- ! Town - that "’there is "no such lion.to traffic, .violators. ■ ' ! velopment Conultisslon reports tick today and wai Veporiedin «®i