Volume 78 THE TRINITY issue 3 TRIPOD October 30, 1979 Identification Problems,Thefts Plague Iron Pony Pub by Keith McAteer under control and handed over to opening; the Pub has lost- eight the police. won in th« dozen mugs and two dozen pit- The Iron Pony Pub took new Once in the squad car, the defeating chers. Asmus admits that some of security measures this week in light officer noticed that the youth was player. In the mugs have been lost to of an incident that occurred last intoxicated and asked him for ircia Banks breakage when people slam them Friday involving a 17-year old non- identification. The officer then down on the table. However, studenl, Mather Front Desk and discovered that the youth was a Asmus believes that only 12 to 18 Trinity Security. minor and questioned him as to mugs have been lost in this manner, The incident began when senior where he had been. The youth Jenny Isler. who was working at responded that he was in the Pub'. Asmus believes the majority of Mather Front Desk, summoned Wayne Asmus was then called and the mugs lost have either been security to remove a youth who Pub employees questioned as to thrown out the window or carried was being disruptive. According to whether the youth was in fact in the out under bulky jackets. The Michael Schweighoffer, Director Pub. problem, Asmus says is- that you of C.anjpus Security, when security Justin Maccarone, Pub Master cannot search everyone who leaves officers arrived they repeatedly- for that night, stated that none of the Pub. asked the male non-student to the ID checkers at the door had Solutions to stop the thefts have leave. In response to the requests seen the minor enter the Pub. been tried and abandoned. Last of Security, the youth backed However, bartender Eileen Smiley year the Pub switched to using himself into a corner and raised his stated that she had seen a youth in paper cups but business im- hands as if preparing to fight. The the Pub that night who matched mediately declined. Asmus ex- Security officers then called the the description given to her by plained that either people did not police. While the police were on Security. want to drink out of paper cups or the way, security officers tried to Identification of Pub customers thought that, "because the cups restrain the youth. The minor has been a problem this year. were paper, they could be carried fought back, striking security Students will often show up at the out which is wrong! "Beer just officer Greg Moffatt in the Pub door and will have forgotten tastes better out of chilled glasses stomach and about the head, their ID, a necessity for admittance than paper and plastic cups," These h'nctclupeclia Bridinnicas are same

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PIZZA 1 HAS FREE The TRINITY TRIPOD Vol. 78, October 30,1979 1* AREA DELIVERY TRIPOD is published weekly °« Tuesday, except vacations, during CALL SKIP & (he academic year. Student suD- Come in and Eat in our MICHELLE PETERSON scriptions are included in student activities fee; other sub- NEWLY EXPANDED Dining Room! scriptions are $12.00 per year. 1" TRIPOD is printed by the W«*\ Phone . . Richard Siaton 525-1698 Journal Register, Palmer, M»ss*' • and Published at Trinity College- Hartford, Connecticut, under w 247-G234 FINE WINE & Act of March 3,1879 Second d£ Across from South Campus LIQUOR SELECTION .postage paid at Hartford. ; 287 New Britain Avenue Advertising rates are »• * ' Hartford 570 HILLSIDE AVE.S • column inch, $40 per qn^r p*|» HTFD. $75 per bait page, and $1« > {till page. ry-A The Trinity Tripod, October 30,l<>79, Page 3 Grievance Committee to Hear Krieble Scholarship Michelle Herrera, a senior Herrera is the recipient of Student Worker Gripes chemistry major from Warwick, several academic prizes, includ- Rhode Island, has been awarded ing an award by the Analytical by Patty Hooper management as well as complaints of power; it gives them a the Krieble Scholarship at Trin- Chemistry Division of the Amer- Mather Campus Director against student workers. Any responsibility for something and to ity by the Loctite Corpora- ican Chemical Soceity and Wayne Asmus has set up a new action that involves the ter- something (their co-workers)." tion. The full-tuition scholar- prizes in the Phi Gamma Delta Grievance Committee with the mination of a student worker will The members of the Committee ship was established in 1961 in Math-Award Competition for purpose of dealing with all automatically be brought before include Patrick Lyle '83, and Jeff memory of Dr. Vernon K. two consecutive years. Last disagreements between Mather the Committee. Mather, '80, elected by the student Krieble, who invented the seal- summer, she spent three student workers and Mather For all grievances brought workers; Christ Hillcoat '80, and ant called LOCTITE while he months as a summer fellow at management. before the Committee, there will Robert Kee '80, appointed by was-a professor of chemistry at the Woods Hole Oceanographic According to Asmus, the be an informal hearing. The Asmus; and Gavin Reardon, '81, Trinity. The company he sub- Institute, investigating the pho- Grievance Committee will be Committee will then meet privately and Bill Luby, '81, appointed by the sequently founded is now* an tochemistry of formaldehyde in made up of five voting student to decide what action is to be SGA. Of the two appointed by the international operation. the troposphere. Turing the members and the Director of- taken. SGA, one will be the official The scholarship is awarded current academic year, Herrera Mather Campus Center (who will Asmus remarked that this member and one will be an annually to the chemistry stu- is continuing her research in have no voting power). Two of the Committee "gives students a sense alternate. dent who has demonstrated environmental chemistry bv un- student members will be elected by outstanding scholastic achieve- dertaking an independent study all of the Mather student workers, Crescent Fight Brings Out ment and who ... offers promise of heavy meta! pollution from two will be appointed by Asmus, of making a significant contri- industrial outflows. and one will be chosen from the bution to the profession of Herrera's other activities at Student Government Association. Hartford Police chemistry." Trinity include performing in The Committee has been Herrera's academic record the orchestra for three years, established because Asmus feels by Dick Dahling subject. Winer was called to the was considered outstanding, and in a string quartet. scene at 2:00 am by administrator that "student workers should have and during the last academic The scholarship check for An altercation* involving two on call, Kristina Dow, Director of as much responsibility and control year, she served as a laboratory S4.600 was presented at Loc- roommates at 111 Crescent Street Residential Services. After over their jobs as they can." He assistant in organic chemistry. tite's Newington headquarters last Wednesday night resulted in determining that the fight was also notes that prior to his injuries to both students. She was appointed a teaching by Dr. Robert H. Krieble, extremely violent, Winer sum- assistant this year, primarily becoming the Director of Mather According to Dean of Students chairman of the board of Loctite moned the Hartford Police and an responsible for tutoring organic one year agp, there had been David Winer, the incident Corporation and son of its ambulance. chemistry students. "sticky problems" regarding occurred late Wednesday night founder. worker's grievances that he now when the roommates, both of Apparently after the fight had hopes to avoid. whom appeared to have been started, one roommate proceeded Appalachian Poet to Discuss The Grievance Committee will drinking heavily, began to trade to pound on the doors of other handle complaints against the blows over some undisclosed rooms in the hall, threatening those who chose to answer the door. He issues; Read Poems then proceeded to lock himself in and historical pride of the Watkinson Library his room. The other-roommate was by Lydia C. Bliven mountain people. with this exhibit, which is on loan found on the floor of the hallway cont. from p. 1 Don West, famed Appalachian West's poetry anthology, which from the Grolier Club of New - by Winer and was transported by in published fo>m has been a cunabula, and over 1000 16th ambulance to Hartford Hospital for poet and historian, will read poems York, Clut> member Robert Nekirk from his book O Mountaineers! and national best-seller, reflects his century books. Of particular in- gave >a talk on book, collector observation and tests. It was experiences in dealing with Ap- terest is the Allerton Hickmott determined that the roommate who will discuss current problems in . Samuel Avery. Appalachia and the historical palachian problems over a period Ashendene Press Collection, whose A lecture entitled "Boxing the was seriously hurt had received no of forty years. The poems are works feature colored initials and permanent injury. contributions of its people to Compass: Book Collecting Ex- America. The program will be held written about real people and real chapter headings and the use of periences" is scheduled for The student who had locked on Tuesday, October 30 at 8 pm in conditions. They are not intended marginal notes in color. In ad- November 13 and will be given by himself in his room was convinced Wean Lounge and is sponsored by to pamper readers with images of dition, the Library has an out- Trinity's Reference Librarian Peter by Winer to open his door and the Religion Department and the mountain beauty but to confront standing collection of secondary Knapp, based on his extensive Winer talked with him at some Intercultural Studies and American them with the problems of in- materials relating to the history of naval and maritime history length. When Winer was convinced Studies Programs. justice, racism, exploitation and books and printing. collection. The lecture will recount that no further violence would poverty. The poetry, however, also Exhibitions are a regular Knapp's experiences in discovering Don West is a native moun- occur, he dismissed the Hartford expresses the hope for bettering leature ot the Watkinson Library. the books, prints, and manuscripts taineer who has had an active and Police and security guards. these conditions. Currently on display in the varied life! He has been a fanner, that will be displayed in an West . claims that the Ap- Trunlbull Room (until November Winer- has charged both ' coal-miner, labor organizer for accompanying exhibition in the palachians about whom he writes 6th) is an exhibition entitled students with violations of college miners, Congregational minister, Trumbull Room through February. have a significant history which is "Bookbinding as a Fine Art", which regulations, and at this point, a leader in social justice causes, A second exhibition, "Pirates or not recorded in American history incfudes selections of rare bindings final determination of the outcome nationally-recognized poet, college Patriots," will be on view in the books. Mountain people have, time from the former Samuel Putnam of this incident is still under in- professor, and an Appalachian Audubon Room through and time again, taken unpopular Avery collection._ In connection Decembei vestigation historian. According to West, Appalachia stands, on important issues such as is-viewed by most Americans only slavery, abolition, independence, H as the romantic home of mountain and unions. West believes that it is folk arts and music. West claims essential that Appalachians learn that in the United States, the "Land their own history and cultural of Plenty" Appalachia remains an heritage in order to change their area of severe economic and social Kving conditions. To this end.Jie problems. In his talk, he will and his wife founded the Ap- discuss some of these issues, such palachian South Folklife Center in as the dangers of coal-mining, Pipestem, West Virginia which is black lung disease, the colonial primarily an educational facility domination by outside cor- with summer programs for Ap- porations, ^and the lack of cultural • palachian youth. His hangups ere Hilarious

HAROLDanoMAUDE BROUGHT Date Time Place IT AMI MO RUTHGORDON BACK Thursday, Nov. 1st BUDCORT FOR ONE i;3Q - 2:30 F.0. Area WEEK ONLY Written by Colin Hlgglns Friday, Nov. 2nd '1.0.00 Deposit required- Directed by Hal Ashby Product by CoJJn Hlgglns and Charlei B. Mulvotilll Lwcuirv* Producer Mildred Lewis GiNiMACITY i OFF All Rings Songs by Cat Slaveru BRittao no AT Page 4, The Trinity Tripod, October 30,1979 Hartford Center Ties If All Together

by Julie Johnson The information, counseling ser- lems and processes of neighbor- vices, workshops, with referrals hood rehabilitation. Most recently, "Women Helping Women" is which the Hartford Women's Pro- they have begun an inquiry into the more than a catchy slogan for the ject offer cover a wide range of state's judiciary system. Hartford Women's Project; the needs. The nine member organi- Neighborhood Women Against phrase accurately describes the zations handle'a diversity of areas Rape is an organization engaged in framework and goals of the organi- of concern to women: a variety of activities directed zation.. Hartford Office Workers against the crime of sexual assault. The Hartford Women's Project (H.O.W.) a group of working 1 "Rape Alert", N.W.A.R.'s (HWP) is a coalition of many women, works* toward educating monthly bulletin publishes loca- women's organizations "working women about their employment tions of recent attacks, descriptions toward a common goal-full rights. H.O.W. aids working of attackers, names of men ar- equality and rights for all women." women in pursuing the recognition rested on sexual assault charges, The member organizations seek to of these rights by their employers. and information on self defense. expand services available to H.O.W. publishes a bi-monthly women, and "to improve the status N.W.A.R. speaks to groups about newsletter entitled, "The Daily rape prevention also. of women in Connecticut" through Grind" for Hartford's working changes in laws, practices, and Women. Currently, H.O.W. is Connecticut Women's Education opportunities. conducting a survey of working and Legal Fund is a "public According to'Dawn McDowell, a women designed to locate prac- interest law firm." The firm member of H.W.P., the coalition ticers of job discrimination. specializes in sex discrimination exists in order to effect the law. C.W.E.A.L.F. advises women coordination of the efforts of these League of Women Voters of about their legal rights and refers organizations and to refer individ- Hartford is a non-partisan political women to appropriate agencies or ual women to the services that organization devoted to seeking artornies. C.W.E.A.L.F., in Hart- these, and other organizations "citizen participation in the legis- ford, devotes its energies to an provide. In addition, the Hartford lative process." In Hartford, the education program about women's Women's Project seeks1 to person- League is studying school financing rights in such areas as sexual ally involve women in their efforts in Connecticut, They have been assault, maternity leave, education toward change. involved in examining the prob- and credit. M cont. on p. 6 Dawn McDowell 'jhnt0 bv David Carvl" Better Housing for Hispanics , . by Alex Price under the federal governments same project. She paid $180 a Tripoi Section 8 program, the projects month for four rooms. Now, with a Glynn The stretch of Broad St. between low-income tenants pay no more Section 8 subsidy, she pays only chanp Park and Russ Streets used to be than 25% of their incomes for rent. $64 a month. point, one of the worst areas in the Frog The federal government pays the will el Hollow neighborhood. Most of the rest. Demand for Casa Nueva Apart- Tripoi buildings were abandoned, the rest So far three buildings housing 12 ments is heavy. Ronda spends Glynn somei were overcrowded and severely families have been completed and. much of his ttnwsaexuiiiiiiUw ti* „ deteriorated. occupied. Tenants moved in early application process in Spanish1^ , Last year, the area comprising 11 in October, and Project Monitor seemingly endless stream of ap- buildings on Broad St. and Law- jobv* Pedro Ronda says that the mostly plicants. The thirty families who say it rence St. became the Broad- Hispanic families are very pleased resided in the building's under- Lawrence Project - a state funded with their new accomodations. going rehabilitation are given first low-income housing development. Ronda handles maintenance prob- priority. Virtually all of them will Unlike other "urban renewal" lems and tenant complaints. He live in the completed project. The projects which tear down old also ensures that the project's two remaining units will go to appli- Pedro Ronda and some of the occupants of Casa Nueva. buildings and replace them with page list of regulations is met. cants who qualify for Section 8 Ronda spends much of his time processing applications. new ones, Broad-Lawrence, also Ms. Angelita Rivero was one of subsidy. Tripi known as Casa Nueva Apartments, the first tenants to move in. is a rehabilitation project. It is an ' Currently, 250 families are on Glyn "Everybody loves this place, noti extensive rehabilitation, entailing everybody is happy," she said on a the waiting list for the project. the complete reconstruction of the Iool|: recent morning in heavily accented Before a family is accepted, the and interiors of all the buildings. The English. Ms. Rivero is separated project management interviews project is costing approximately $4 "insp from her husband and lives on them in their present apartment, get;! million, and rents for the new welfare - $445 a month for her and checks their credit, and talks to apartments are high •- $400-5500 a thos her three children. Before moving their landlord. month. taxe into her new apartment, she lived Ronda attributed the many ap- Oftl Broad-Lawrence is a completely in one of the buildilngs which are plicants to a shortage of housing in fix© subsidized project, however, and being rehabilitated as part of the Hartford for large families. Tri| hec Glyi con) app: that lend intj r>uf coji thii ofi apt the Tri, sta ta| <5l2 U.

in ,g6 be saji arji tax ,obj In] anv Gl, obj, avs

Part of the family of Sasanna Saittana In their new apartment. Copurui {inn .m ihf flf il tt>» buildup-, (n |}ir k fi ., r , t nil October 30,1979, The Trinity Tripod, Page S Hartford Mayoral Dark Horses Offer Contrasting Views William Glynn: Michael McGarry : Old-fashioned Liberal A Hardline Conservative

Tripod: Why are you running? Tripod: Why are you running and what do you expect to accomplish by doing so? Glynn: I'm running because I think the leadership in Hartford isn't as good as it should be, McGarry: Well, the mathematics at this point show that for a Republican to win in I think I can give it better leadership, and I think its a great city that deserves better Hartford, at this point, its a hard fight. Next to that, for the last eight years, there hasa't leadership. The immediate occasion for my deciding to run, or the circumstances, were that been a Republican presence in Hartford. I think that can be changed and I think it has been they were contemplating charter revision which would provide for a strong-mayor form of changed this year. We set up three goals originally when we decided to take the government in Hartford. I had a couple of my partners, who came to me, one of whom was nomination. The first goal was to establish a Republican presence. We did that, I think. on the charter revision commission, he was concerned that the voters would not adopt a The second goal was to bring up issues that affect me everyday. The issue of predatory strong mayor with either Nicholas Carbone or George Athanson as the mayor, and he said, street crime on this street (Ashley St. in Asylum Hill) and in the city is an issue that affects "You've got a good reputation for integrity, why don't you run?" And that's what got it us daily, really. Now the kinds of things that happen here in Hartford would never go over started. in a suburban community. Sirens are an hourly occurence. You just kind of accept the idea ' of danger as a part of life in the city. The government has one duty. Whey did i cavemen get together? Not for socializing. They got together for protection. The government's duty is to keep citizens safe. If it can't handle that, the rest of it is all baloney. The rest of it is all kind of a facade. I think that's the word for government today. Most of what government does is really a facade, especially if they can't keep the streets safe. "The capitalist alternative is the only way out."

Tripod: One issue most city politicians seem to agree on is the need for state tax reform. I gather you disagree. Why? McGarry: Well, what you're talking about is a state income tax and a state income tax first of all is not possible, unless its forced on us by the courts. If the courts are stupid enough to force it on us we're stuck with it, but if they don't, and they might not, the legislature will never, never accept it. They perceive, and maybe correctly, that the more money you give photo by Alex Price to the city, the more its going to spend, the more social programs its going to use, the more Tripod: Do you expect to win? subsidies its going to build into a society that's over subsidized already. If you look back at Glynn: I don't think that I'm a favorite, I don't believe that there's better than a 50% most of the federal subsidy programs, they've usually caused more problems than they've chance at this point that I'll win. If I had to put an estimate on it I'd say 40-60, 45-55 at this solved. "' point. I think there's a chance that a lot of the political pros will be quite surprised and they CETA (The Comprehensive Employment Training Act,) is a good example. It didn't do will clearly be surprised if I win. much good, and the federal government is cutting it off. Your Congress is not controlled by Tripods If you don't win, do you think you will have accomplished anything? a bunch of buys from Hartford. Congress is controlled by 90% of the American a AparK Glynn: I think that a lot of people will have had an opportunity to give some thought to spends landscape that doesn't need all these programs. You have to realize that. To rely on 90 % of some issues that they might not otherwise have given thought to, they will be hearing some American landscape to support the IO'/J is not very good math. It all depends on the . ot' the same things they heard from Carbone from me with somewhat of a different style. I the goodheartedness of these people f and when things get tough, are you so sure it is going ' think that'I have certainly framed ^picture of a mayor who doesn 't do his job, who views his to be so good-hearted? took what happened to CETA. CETA's going, revenue sharing may job very narrowly, who performs a ceremonial function, and if he is reelected, I venture to go . And probably the next to go will be Section 8 housing. You've got to realize that not say it will be for the last time, because I don't think he has the capability for change. everybody thinks the way you'd like them to think. 1 'You've got a good reputation, . . Why don't you run?''

Trlpo'd: Is it fair to say that you agree with Mr. Carbone's stances on most issues? Glynn: Well, I wouldn't really put in those terms, of agreeing or disagreeing; I mean I'm not even thinking of what his positions are. I'm viewing the problems of Hartford and looking forpossible solutions to those problems. I'm not going to kid people for instance, and say we're going to have five hundred and five police, we're going to buck up the inspectional forces in Hartford, we're going to give you better schooling, we're going to get the streets repaired, but we're not going to increase you're taxes. You can't do any of those things without increasing taxes. What I'm saying is, we're not going to increase the taxes. We're already at 4.1% of the value of the property, which is over twice the re.st of the state. Therefore you can't increase the real estate taxes in Hartford with people on fixed incomes and who are faced with gradually diminishing abilities to live decently. Tripod: I'm curious'to find out what you think of Mr. McGarry's proposals. He claims that he can solve the city's problems with industrial development. v Glynn: He came out with a plan the other day about a $100 million investment by the companies (Hartford's major corporations). I had suggested that one of the ways to Look at it from their point of view. As much as we feel that they should accept some of approach this housing problem was a mix of the government and so forth. All I said was the burden they perceive that some of the people live with a welfare check, that people live that if I was elected mayor I would bring the chiefs of the financial institutions and the with food stamps, Section 8 housing, and free fuel, shile they cannot pay their own bills. lending institutions together, and find out how they might through private enterprise help And you expect them to take more of the burden? They're not going to , and their Cogress in this area of housing. Obviously, I have nothing of the magnitude that he's talking about is not going to. We've got to live with that in the eighties. That's the way it's going to be, but clearly if I sat down with these chiefs executives and found out that they were willing to as much as we may want it to be different. Look at the reality. The reality is that most of come up with a $100 million, I'd do everything I could to work effectively with-them. The America is not going to completely subsidize our people. And that's tough. It's tough, thing that surprised me about McGarry's plan is that he apparently hasn't talked with any tough tough, and we can't do anything about it. The Congress has shown conservative of them, he doesn't have any assurances, so that its pie in the sky. It's not a practical tendencies, maybe correctly so in the last few yeasrs. WWait 'till the eighties. You think approach, it seems to me, without having talked with the people who are going to put up you've seen conservative, waituntill people really have a crunch, in the rest ofjftcarea£ of the money. Tripod: In your campaign, you've come out for state tax, reform, and you've advocated a state income tax. Hasn't there traditionally been tremendous resistance to a state income ''The government's duty is to tax? . ! Glynn: There certainly has been, I don't see, frankly, that its going to let up in the near keep the citizens safe,'' future, the way Goy. Grasso has come out against it. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about it and think in terms of what should be done. It may be a lot closer the country. Then you Section 8 is going to disappear, you free fuel may disappear, all of than I think. I don't believe that if $22 million comes from the federal government that it the give-away programs of the sixties and seventies may all disappear in the eighties, and will be adequate and to the extent that its inadequate the problem's going to manifest itself then where are you? That's why government shouldn't rely on those programs. You've got in other ways. You're either going to have people die or rioting, you just don't know what's to find an alternative. I say the capitalist alternative is the only way out. Build jobs, build going to happen. I thinkk, we're approaching a terrible crisis in the city that isn't going to income, build the tax base. It's the only way. 'ie resolved in one winter, and we've got to be willing to make sacrifices, and part of the Tripods Many people have tried to bring business into, the city and failed. Why do you sacrifice is for the most vocal section of society, the section best able to express its views think you will succeed? • and sspouse its interests to make sacrifices, and the way they make them is to pay more McGarry: They've had the wrong drive behh'd them, They have not had the capitalist taxes. I don't mean to sound like a real left-winger, but I think that there's a moral incentive. I spell capitalism with a big C. I think capitalism should be to make a profit. .obligation to help the poor. And by making a profit, everybody benefits. If industry works, it'll pay the wages, it'll pay Tripod: Both Ludgin and McGarry claim that Hartford's social service agencies have little if •the taxes, and it will expand to hire more people. Most of the thrust in the last 15 years has any value. What kind of value do you assign to them? been ideologically incorrect. It is more a social welfare thrust than a capitalist thrust. Glynn: I think they have va,lue. If you're measuring results, it depends on what your That's been the problem with most of our non-profit efforts. YouJknow non-profit is a bad objectives are and how you are funded. I'm aware of situations when people cut the funds word. Non-profit means you eliminate the capitalist dynamic. It's really what built this available to an agency and theacomplain that it's not doing its job. country. The capitalist dynamic built this country, and with it, we'll be fin, but without it.. Page 6, The Trinity Tripod, October 30,1979 Hartford

by Carolie Wlldrick balance ol'member involvement." trated" by non-sympathetic inter- One of the most recent involve- ests." With the increasing concern over ments of the members of the Amundsen further added, "Aset the safety and logistics of nuclear Hartford Clamshell was an "ac- of bizarre incidents just before one power, local awareness organiza- tion" at the Millstone HI reactor of our last actions still has us tions are springing up across the plant in Waterford, Ct. An wondering." nation. "action," or basically "getting Members of the groups say they The Hartford Clamshell is just arrested," explained Amundsen, have been plagued by unidentified ?5* one of a handfull of anti-nuclear "is a direct protest prompted when "warning" phone calls possibly organizations located in the Trinity all legal and rally options are from "unsympathetic" Northeast area, concerned with both the exhausted. Essentially, it is a Utilities workers. Other distur- public awareness and the ultimate non-violent group effort designed bances have been tentatively > shutdown of Connecticut reactors. to draw attention to our cause." traced to unfamiliar Clamshell • The Hartford Clamshell's mem- The "action" at Millstone was visitors, especially those who have bership fluctuates according to the attended by Liz Reiner, a member appeared only for the actual i. number of people who show for the of both the Hartford AUilance planning of the "actions." group's bi-weekly meetings. They (another anti-nuclear group) and Amundsen observed, "We've assemble every other Tuesday Clamshell. Reiner was arrested for been in some pretty compromising night at the 'Friends Meeting Criminal Tresspass as a result of situations—guard clogs, mace, and House in West Hartford. handcuffing herself to the Main the works. Sleeping out in the In addition to regular meetings, Gate of the reactor plant. woods at actions like Seabrook in the Clamshell boasts an extensive Commented Reiner, "I really some ways was terrifying, but I "pro and no" nuke library, avail- feel 1 accomplished something at think history will prove us right." able as a resource to Clamshell Millstone. We took a step in members and concerned citizens. etlucattng the workers at the plant .. Amundsen suggests doing re- Clamshell's meetings are open to about what we stand for, and 1 search yourself before, getting the public, and as long-time-mem- spoke to people who would normal- involved in any nuke or no nuke ber Dan Amundsen put it, "are ly never raise the issue amongst organization. The books in the really controlled by everybody. We themselves. I believe people are Hartford Clamshell library -are really going to think about what we available for use, as is a public photo by Alex Price use the process of consensus, Pat Wilbur'82 which is really the loosest form of did. And yes, I would do it again." relations information center at democracy, to guide our meetings. The Clamshell's loose organiza- Northeast Utilities. Trinity Sophomore Arrested at Millstone Our group doesn't have a leader as tion and controversial focus has led Amundsen stressed the impor- ; by Alex Price The trial itself lasted nine days. such; rather, we prefer to alternate to problems. Reiner said, "I'm tance of being familiar with both to ; almost certain we've been 'infil- become actively involved or not. 1 The defendant's lawyer, Michael facilitators to insure an equal On August 30, Pat Wilbur, '82 Graham, first attempted a "justifi- was arrested at the Millstone 1 cation" defense, but it was rejected " nuclear power plant with six other by the judge. A justification members of the Hartford Clamshell HWC Coordinates Functions defense claims that the defendants' who had chained themselves to the action was justified because the cont. from p. 4 plant's security fence. in Houston in 1977, The provides a comprehensive referral existence of nuclear power present- service. As Dawn McDowell . She was charged with criminal , The Counseling Center of Hart- C.I.W.Y.C. seeks state and federal ed a danger to their lives, ford College for Women aids legislation which will carry out the explained,' 'When a person calls us trespass, first degree, and has we can usually give them three since been convicted and fined The defense brought in expert women in making decisions about twenty five resolutions of the witnesses to testify on the risks of their careers. The counseling National Plan of Action adopted by references" to address#.parii$}te _,.£-. $125 plus court expenses. She and need. the other defendants are now nuclear power but their evidence center offers vocational testing, the 1977 committee. was deemed inadmissable. Other resume consultation, job coun- Coalition of Labor Union McDowell reports that foe _ deciding with their lawyer whether women who come to IT-'W.P. tor . or not to appeal. witnesses testified that security at seling and so on. The center also Women, Chapter Millstone III was lax. One witness provides some training courses to assists women in participating in assistance represent a variety of ; Wilbur said that, in a pre-trial socio-economic backgrounds. Yet, - I hearing at the prosecutor's office, claimed that she had driven inside help women develop or sharpen their labor unions and in playing an important role on the job. The McDowell noted that the H.W.r\ she and the others were*offered the Millstone complex for IS certain skills. "Begin Again" is a had some difficulty in reaching low : reduced penalties if they changed minutes before being stopped by special program, run by the Greater Hartford Chapter teaches union women about techniques for income women since, "These their plea from not guilty to guilty. security. counseling center, to help widowed women tend to regard women's The defendants refused, If they women adj ust to new 1 ives. communication, contract language, The defendants were allowed to collective bargaining, lobbying, organizations as exclusively middle . had agreed, they would have been testify on their own behalf, but National Council of Negro Worn- class." "This is a problem that we released on "accelerated rehabili- men attempts to insure "equal and labor history. are trying to deal with, "she said. . ; were given only time for brief Women in Government is a tation". Their record would have statements. Wilbur said she used opportunity for black women in all been cleared, provided that they areas of American life". Two program which researches the her statement "to call attention to problems and issues affecting were not arrested again for six the dangers of developing an major areas of concern are dis- months. crimination in housing and em- women who live in an urban area. The Hartford Women's Project unsafe, centralized, expensive The information is designed to help was organized eighteen months Wilbur explained that the six energy source. I tried to condense ployment. The N.C.N.W. partici- month provision was common in pates actively in local neighbor- Hartford city government, admin- ago as an offshoot of the Hartford what I wanted to say so that the istration, other city organizations, Women's Collective. The civil disobedience cases, and was prosecution could not cut me off." hood affairs of concern to the black designed to keep protestors but of community. Currently, they are as well as Hartford residents. H.W.P.'s staff is funded by monies action. Wilbur said that, "by Wilbur says she missed about involved in registering black youth Community groups assist W.LG, in from the Comprehensive Employ- talcing this through the trial stage, two weeks of school for the trial. to vote. determining the needs of working ment and Training Act. Member we got a lot more publicity. We "To get to New London and back Connecticut International women in a particular area. organizations rely on donations and had a chance to outreach that wipes out 12 hours in a day," she Women's Year Committee is" a local grants for their particular special way." said. extension of the work carried on at With these agencies as mem- programs. Commentary . the National Women's Conference bers, Hartford Women's Project PIRGS All Over Nation Attracting Attention by Daniel Vincenzo sharing little more than a common PIRGs. difficult to exaggerate. (for Lawrence Goodwyn, PhD.,P°P' name. Nor is it "small," just PIRGs are currently involved in ConnPIRG's efforts in this area, ulist historian, and well-known They came from Connecticut and "those-people who publish reports other issues too. Students' prog- see the front page of last week's authoruthor. California, from Massachusetts and take two dollars from stu- ress is, in great measure, deter- Tripod) Ralph Naders-well, you and Michigan, from Oregon and . dents." mined by so-called educational Also indicative of the greater who he is. .. . • Ohio. Representatives from over a The PIRGs, as a movement, now, tests. Whether it's a grammar notice being paid these days to Plus many other speakers, who, dozen and a half PIRGs (Public more and more, have achieved school reading test, to determine if PIRG was the generally high if their names are not readily Interest Research Groups) national notice. They impact you're a "bluebird" or a "red- caliber of people who came to the familiar, work" on causes that gathered October 19-21 in the significantly on important issues of bird", or a College Board Exam, to conference from outside the PIRG certainly are. serene and warm mountains of the 1 the day. see if you're fit for Harvard Law or movement . To wit: There are now over two dozen Prince William National Forest For example, much of the Joe's Night School, all students Sam Lovejoy, one of the founders Park in Virginia. The occasion was PIRGs of varying size and endow- organizational work for the May 6 take standardized tests. The funny of the anti-nuclear movement, and ment ranging from the all volun- the Eighth Annual National PIRG anti-nuclear rally in Washington, thing is, such tests have never been a member of the Board of Directors Conference. teer, moneyless, student PIR° '" D.C., was done by National PIRG checked for validity, cultural bias, of MUSE (Musicians United for West Virginia, to New York whicH ; or accuracy by anyone other than While Trinity students were and the state PIRGs. Also, the Safe Energy), has a million dollar budget. cloistered, busily studying over people running the September 23 the various testing services. Gene Carroll, National Campus Open Period, about a dozen hardy rally in New York City were, .in With the help of National PIRG, Coordinator, J. P. Stevens Boycott. What I learned most from the ConnPIRGers, myself included, large part, New York PIRG people. a "Truth in Testing" bill, designed " Fred Clarkson, Clergy and Laity conference was this: PIRG is "<« made the trek south. ' The Washington rally, organized to open up the testing process, got Concerned, and Rick Hoye, just two bucks. PIRG is not jus What the representatives dis- "in the wake of Three Mile Island, as far as a Congressional Sub- INFACT National University Task Trinity College. PIRG is not just was put together trt; about four , committee before being withdrawn Hartford, CT. or Berkley. CA, or covered in the woods was a Force^on the Nestle Boycott. ulte newfound sense of direction. Trie weeks. That it was able to coalesce to gather more support. New York Janet Topolsky, Director of Mbrgantwwu. WV. It is. q f PIRG is not just a series of so quickly is in part a tribute to the PIRG's role in passing similar Youth Caucus, Americans for simply, a national movement unconnected- state organizations, connections between the state legislation in New York state is Democratic Action (ADA), significant scope. October 30,1979, Hie Trinity Tripod, Page 7 Commentary Over the Transom

by Eric Grevstad The Return of Sherbert Cones some weeks ago. "This is the tenth another frat brother. "I'm with muttered, pushing them aside It was a brisk Friday afternoon as mirror. Yes, red was much better. anniversary of women at Trinity— him," I explained. and running into an upstairs I climbed the stairs to 410-A "You've changed, Wheaton," and the tenth anniversary of ' 'Good. Then you can pay for the bedroom. The window was open by Northam Towers. The noise from came a voice from behind me. "I Cinestudio, which is apparently both of you." the fire escape, and Mary Ardie 405 was horrendous. never knew you were color-blind." planning a James Bond film By the time 1 caught up with was standing beside it with an 1 let myslef into the suite, tossed "Cones!" I screamed, whirling festival in honor of the occasion. I them, Cones was talking with the armful of liquor bottles. my books onto the sofa, and headed around to see a familiar figure thought the anniversary might lure man from the door. "So you "I knew someone was spiriting it for the bedroom. A fortunate pick pulling clothes out of my closet and Mary Ardie back to campus; and haven't heard about any more away," Cones said, his eyes fixed in the lottery had enabled me to replacing them with items from a now, with all this, I'm sure of it." sexism protests?" on his old adversary. -"I think remain in 410-A, and I had had it to nearby suitcase. "It is you!" The "With all what?" "Wanna know my definition of we've found the proof." myself since the disappearance of room spun, the world darkened, Cones indicated another Tripod. sexism?" shouted a passing frat "Sherbert Cones," Mary said. and I promptly collapsed in a faint. my former roommate and Trinity's "This business of fraternity parties brother. "Well, alcoholism is "I didn't think you had such I awoke a few minutes later, still famous detective, the intolerable and sexism. Kamana Wana Laya." addiction to alcohol." sympathy with our friends the frat Sherbert Cones. on the floor. Whoever it was had He snorted. "It appears I haven't "Yes?" I inquired, waiting for brothers." I began rummaging through, my not put me on the sofa, loosened my collar, or brought me anything missed anything worthwhile." the second line. However, the first "That's the thing about frater- bureau, whistling a tune from the to drink, though he was now Cones had never particularly man was already answering Cone's nity life. You never know who latest Cher album as I did so. I was raiding the refrigerator himself. I cared for fraternities, but then he question. you'll wind up getting into bed in fine spirits, having just received began to think this might be Cones had never much cared for anything ' 'No, all the girls here seem to be with," my friend replied. an A on my biology midterm; jn after all. "Is it really you?" I except the pink cake at Saga. ' 'You enjoying themselves." He looked' "Let me tell you this, Mary fact,, my advisor had commented on asked, pulling myself into a chair. - think Mary Ardie will attack the around nervously. "What do you Ardie!" I cried. "To put a stop to how drastically my grades had "Have you come back from that fraternities?" think this Mary Ardie might do?" your reign of crime, Sherbert risen in the past year, and now said dreadful place?" "Mary Ardie is the most dan- "With a mind like hers, she Cones would even ally himself with I had a good chance of getting into gerous woman on campus," Cones might find a cure for cancer, a psych major!" med school. "Not the first time I've come said. "The fraternities can handle discover a way to predict earth- Cones frowned. 'Let's not get Sherbert Cones. Hardly a month back, actually," Cones said. "I a few crank letters in the Tripod, quakes, rid the world of discos," too hasty." went by that I did not think of my was here last week, disguised as a but a diabolical mastermind is Sherbert Cones saifl. "There's no "Good God!" said one of the frat old roommate these days. What- member of the Holyoke field something else." \ telling what she could do next." brothers. "She's been stealing the ever had happened to him--for that hockey team." "But there's a* frat party to- The two of them shook hands and liquor and hiding it on the roof I" matter, whatever had happened to "The beautiful one with long night!" I cried. parted. I hurried after Cones as he "Cones!" I shouted in realiza- his archrival and nemesis, the blonde hair?" I cried. 1 'That could be it!!" My friend moved on into the crowd. tion. "You don't mean she's s--" mathematical genius and criminal "Yes," my friend smiled. "You jumped to His feet. "Let's go, "Just think, Wheaton. Any one "Putting the drinks on the mastermind Mary Ardie? Neither asked me to autograph, your Wheaton!" of these women could be an agent house," Cones and Mary said in had been heard from since' that program." "Oh, it's justlike the old days!" of Mary Ardie." He paused. unison. Mary smiled. "Nice bleak night last December, when "You've lost none of your skill, I beamed. "Welcome back, "Well, not that one dancing with working with you again, Sherbert." Cones flung himself into an ele- Cones!" Cones!" the potted plant." "I've caught you this time, Mary . vator in High Rise in final pursuit Oh, Mount Holyoke was fun for a Ardie!" he answered. "You know "You'd best contact your friend "A frightening thought, Cones," of his quarry--and when Mary while," he said. "But I can never you can't have a party without on the Tripod," Cones said, I agreed. 'Let's head for the bar Ardie, having seized control of the rest until I've stopped that drinks!" treacherous Mary Ardie! It has borrowing my overcoat. "He'll and look for her there." We found registrar's office, transferred him "Actually, this looks like the best taken me ten months to find her want to chronicle my adventures our way to the bar, and 1 ordered a to Mount Holyoke College. The party I've ever seen," Mary said. trail again, Wheaton--and this again." gin-and-tonic. The bartender mystery had never been solved. "Bar hone." time, I will best her once and for "True, his audience has dropped opened a bottle, poured, and then Still, all that was in the past; "Cones," I said in admiration, all!" My friend looked grim, or as to nothing since he's been unable suddenly cried out. and, for the present, I had secured "this is a match for your finest grim as he could with a mouthful of to print my narratives," I admitted. "Lemonade?" he said. He a date for Cinestudio with a woman triumphs of the past. You have my peanut brittle. Indeed, I had sent the Tripod opened another bottle. "Milk?" I'd been asking out for months. I saved the entire fraternity. In "But why have you come back several articles about my own "Hawaiian Punch?" someone smiled as I opened the dresser and fact--" from Mount Holyoke?" I asked. career since Cones's disappear- shouted behind us. "What's going took out two of the factory-reject on?" "Wheaton," Cones interrupted, "Women," Sherbert Cones said. ance, but they hadn't printed any. polo shirts my uncle Ernie had "if you say I have come to the aid of "Women?" I asked, puzzled. At any rate, Cones and I were "We're ruined!" the fraternity picked up for a song (the alligator the party, I'll scream." "But surely your social situation soon on Vernon Street and at the ward cried, staring in horror at his was over the navel). Should I wear "Mary Ardie!" one of the would be better at--" fraternity house. A man was .,, water-and-tonic. "The party's red or blue? I chose blue, then been sabotaged!" brothers cried. "She's escaped!" "No, no, no." Cones went to his charging admission at the door. decided red was preferable. I put "I'll bet I know who mixed the Cones and I rushed to the suitcase and produced a Tripod of "Mount Holyoke College?" he' the red one on and looked in the asked when he saw Cones's ID. drinks," Cones said. "Wheaton! window, The fire escape was "Are you in charge of this Upstairs I" He dashed for the empty, and, far away, I could see a house?" Cones asked. stairway, only td find it blocked by Hthe figure running across the "Yes, I'm the fraternity ward." a crowd of revelers. "Stand back! soccer field toward campus. The Tripod^ "May I speak to you for a I am Sherbert Cones!" sound of a woman's laughter moment?" Cones took his arm and "Who?" they all shouted. My floated on the October air. led him into the house. "1 believe friend flinched and turned blankly My friend turned from the there may be an attempt to in my direction. "Freshmen," I window and ran a hand through his Editor sabotage this party," 1 tried to explained. hair. "I'll want my old room Peter Bain follow them in, but was blocked by 'Well, who let them in?" Cones back," Sherbert Cones said. Managing Editor News Editor Dick Dahling Alan Levine Associate Editor PROFESSOR., rms Sports Editors To A HflLL,0t06£H Nancy Lucas Steven Elmendorf TH£ Ffte"5HM£KJ WOMEN? , Nick Noble HUH? Arts Editors Hartford Editor Sarah Jane Nelson Alex Price Barbara J. Selmo Photography Editor Features Editor Gary Abramsojt Charles Rosenfield know Announcements Editor Contributing Editors AmyPolayes Eric Greystad Megan White Copy Editors Patty Hooper • Peggy Kenton Davjd Clark NO, You BEADY-£V£D IF I'D KNOU>N,.. , Business-Circulation Manager Advertising Manager 6IMSOH I'M TO ft I'K Carol Kutnery Robert Wennett MEETING, MR.... UlkU THATII STILL PASS7 \ The TRIPOD is published by the students Of Trinity College, and ( N is written and edited entirely by the student staff. All materials, are edited and printed at the discretion of the editorial board;, material is warmly encouraged. Deadline for articles, letters to, the editor and other editorial page copy is 5 P.M., Saturday preceding Tuesday's TRIPOD; deadline for advertisements is J2 P.M. Saturday. The TRIPOD offices are. located in Jackson Hall | Basement. Office hours: Saturday, 3-5 P.M., Sunday from 9 a.m. Telephone 246-1829 or 527 3151, ext. 252 Mailing address: Boxj 1310, Trinity College, Hartforxj, Conn. 06104 Page 8, The Trinity Tripod, October SO, 1979' Commentary An Action that Concretiz

by Kristen Golden as well, so I immediately realized ' of his offense. I then consulted the regard for one another as mature Many questions still remain On Eriday, October 12th, I put that it would be difficult getting Student Handbook's section on persons." unanswered, however. Did Trinity my books away, grabbed my coat, past him. The support I elicited Regulations which confirmed Dean At this time, the ideals set forth College protect my rights as a and trundled off to the Corner Tap from the other two men was Winer's statement that he was in this passage are not valid outside member of its community? To take Cafe for a relaxing evening. I nonexistent, so 1 was forced to unable to discipline the student. of the actual campus, although the that question one step further, can waded through the front room, past remain where I was, for fear of The jurisdiction of the administra- concepts of community' and 'envi- it or should it, do so? Was the the, regulars and the bowling being physically harmed. Even- tion extends only to offenses which ronment' (as opposed to campus) student adequately punished? • machine, around the heavy woman tually, his friend escorted him out occur, "on campus, in housing are continually stressed. However, Does the present system work for at the jukebox, up the stairs,, past the door. administered by the College, or at when I crossed New Britain Avenue or against 'the victim? Did 1 the glittered poles and sat down at This is how I perceived the College sponsored events." The my personal rights, my dignity as a personally gain anything from a small fable. The waitress brought events of the evening. My impres- rules are such that a Trinity student human person, my status as a pursuing this incident? me a gin and tonic (with lime); at sions were confirmed the following is not protected from assault by member of Trinity College, and my the bargain price of one dollar, and day, when the friend approached another Trinity student outside the status as a woman were violated I, would hope that the entire a bag of sour cream-onion potato me at dinner, He said that all he College's immediate boundaries. through the actions of a fellow Trinity community, the administra- chips. 1 sipped my drink to the could remember was that I was This incident, which involved student. The impotence of the tion, faculty, my peers and the strains of "My, Sharona" which called a "cunt," but had he done Trinity students, took place within administration in terms of disci- student himself will address these blared from the speakers located anything to offend me? I pointed spitting distance of the college, at a plinary action indirectly condoned questions. In reference to the final directly behind my head. .Soon out that while he was not an active Trinity gathering place which even his behavior. I seriously question question, 1 did indeed gain some- after, the room began to fill with offender, he did not stop what was bears our bantam symbol. Since the validity of this policy, and I thing from this incident. I forced, smoke and Trinity students. One of happening. He apologized for his the incident did not take place would hope that the administration the student to acknowledge the ;he students wandered" over and behavior. While I'm sure his within the confines of the campus, would be willing to review this set respect to which 1 was entitled as a •pined me at my table. Sounds' like ap,ology was sincere, it could not no action could be taken. of regulations. person. The administration became heaven, no? NO! possibly justify' nor erase the I question whether or not these On Thursday, October 25th, a at least conscious of their obliga- original incident. I then consulted a rules as they now stand adequately meeting took place between Dean tion to protect the rights of Two male Trinity' Students [rat came over to the table and sat staff member who advised that I protect the student. The Handbook Winer, his-'intern, the student, a individuals within the community. bring the matterto the attention of Kai down. As I only knew,one of them goes on to say, "It is recognized chaplain and myself. The student I put forth a concrete example Dave Winer, Dean of Students. col! vaguely and the other not at all, we that no set of regulations can conceded that he was intoxicated of sexism at Trinity, which had ins i, inrroduced ourselves, I engaged in Dean Winer, I and a friend met , enforce morality, but the college and abusive. He pointed out that been discussed only as an attitude ser! conversation with the person on my on Monday, October 15th, at which has an obligation to assure an the attack was not a personal one, prior to this incident. Most impor- pai • left, while the man across from me time I outlined the incident, While environment in which members of but that he was "just lashing out at tantly, I hope this makes students diS the dean seemed very sympathetic calked to my-original companion (a this community can work out a an anonymous face." He seemed to aware of the absolute necessity of ' this to the situation, he said that his male). Then, the conversation took system of values appropriate to the recognize that his behavior was respecting the rights of others. I th|f hands were tied as the incident an unexpected turn. For reasons dignity of the human person. The inexcusable and apologized. Case hope (his example wili encourage an took place off campus where the unknown to God and woman, the community expects its members to closed. According to the rules of other students, be they men or je'i administration has no jurisdiction. person seated across from me strive toward a quality of human Trinity College, nothing further women, to refuse to tolerate any ce He-claimed fhat all he could do was hurled insults and derogatory relations which inspires a high could be done. future violations of their persons. de request that the student come into Comments afme. He told me that I an his office to discuss the matter. I was a "cunt." This was followed by ca decided to be present at the some suggestions as to what 1 could be meeting to confront my offender. do in that capacity .When questioned wl as to why this insult was directed at In the interim, a great deal of the me, he expanded the verbal abuse research was done to assess my Letters •r V to include all Trinity women. options. Legal advice that I obtain- I was shocked and angry about ed suggested that the young man's what he said.; As I had never behavior could qualify as assault, flawed by serious errors of omis- We would also like to point out experienced this type of personal as he had threatened my personal Prison Plea some contradictions in the state- attack, I was at a4oss as to how to ' safety. While ! did not wish to sion. First, the people questioned Dear Sir, deal with it. The individual who pursue the case to the extreme of in the article are not an accurate ments of the administration offi- offended me was a great deal civil charges, this information A am an inmate incarcerated in representation of the opinions of cials. In a private conversation with larger than myself, and intoxicated clearly established the Seriousness the Clinton Correctional Facility. I uppcrclassmen. Out of a total of one of the authors, Ms. Dow am under the impression that your seventeen students interviewed, commented that she expected the college has a newspaper. Now I only three were non'-RA upper- situation to continue for the rest of .would like to know if it would be classmen, and out of that number, the year, when questioned about On Nukes and FrisbeeS possible for me to run this within two were sophomores. We believe Jarvis. In a similar conversation your paper. For I have about 3 that if a larger number of non-RA with Vieol'resulent Smith several by Lyn Snodgrass of the night, and terrifying them to . years to do and Jiave no family or' juniors and seniors had- bccii^ weeks' prior, he indicated that he This article is aimed at all of you run barefooted outside in the anyone to give me any correspon- interviewed, the results might have expected the situation lo continue anti-nuclear activists. 200,000 of snowdrifts until the Fire Depart- dence or emotional support. Now I been very different. We are at least until Thanksgiving. This you made known your presence in ment responded, turning off the would appreciate it if you could run cxluding RA's because many of' statement is much more telling of : New York. Wow! If you can take" alarm after a half hour had passed. this-ad in your paper for a couple of them have chosen to live in this the administration's view of the off enough time to so dramatically These detectors probably went off weeks. And I would forever be situation, while a great many other problem than the typically empty express your views and receive all those times because the ele- grateful of this. upperclassmcn had no choice rhetoric quoted in the Tripod. ' world-w.ide news coverage, you can ment's radioactive atoms were This is some information about Second, there was no attempt to We believe that those respon- easily spare some time to aid your going through the fission stage. me. My name is Allen Brooks, I am interview those upperclassmen sible for this houscing experiment, brothers and sisters in North If the detectors' radioactive 24 years of age, 5' 11", Body who are not living in "mixed" (yes fellow students, we arc being Builder, I am a Cancer, black, Campus. At least, Ihope you can. element actually doesn't go dorms. We have no. doubt that you used for an experiment,) should with black hair, brown eyes, dig bring their heads down out of the This cat would like you to ban through the fission stage, it will find that mojt of these sports, music, art, people, peoetry, clouds and recognize the realities unnecessary nuclear radiation at probably helps to spur on our upperclassmen are indeed thankful and photography. I would like to that they were fortunate enough of the situation. The experiment is Trinity. What?, may you ask. And ever-increasing tendencies to hear from all. The way you are is to be able to avoid this situation. In not working. when I repeat myself; where?, may cancer, especially when your the way I would like to hear from fact, many of these upperclassmen We urge those of you who do you ask. Why, of course^ North friend's throw smashes your fris- you. Photo would be appreciated. If have indicated to the authors of this not want this situation to occur £ you could do this for me, it would Campus Dormitory. No, we don't bee into the detector above your letter that they have sympathy and again next year to speak "P- be a consolation to my life of have a physics freak in our midst. head causing the damned radioac- even pity for those living in Undoubtedly, the administration isolation. Thank You, What we do have are annoying tive device to fall on you. Just "mixed" dorms. will reply that this year was not smoke detectors. think, we might have funny-looking Yours Truly, Lastly, and probably the most typical, therefore the experiment Allen Brooks In the most fireproof dorm in kids. glaring error, was the omission of should be tried again. Failure to 79-A-1688 school-wwe have smoke detectors We in North Campus want yon to Jarvis in the survey, for this is speak up will result in a mainten- BoxB ance of the present situation. that contain a radioactive element. support us in banning, these where a great many of the Dannemora, N.Y. 12929 Respectfully. No joke! If you ever knock a unnecessary radioactive devices problems have occurred. In this dorm, the mixing of upperclassmen S.A. Ruff'80 detector out of its socket with a from our corridors. We would like Seott£essne'80 Housing Or§pe with freshmen has led to less than 'frisbee, you can see one of those to smoke, roast marshmallpws over Dear Editor, satisfactory results. The freshmen, scary nuclear signs on the "never a nice bonfire, and play frisbee in This letter is in response to the coupled with the few upperclass- Correction to be seen" underside of it. And the halls without obnoxious, ear- article printed in the Tripod on men who find it stimulating to Dear Sirs, not only a scary sign, there is a deafening haphazards. October 16, 1979, entitled, "Fresh- incite them, have frequently In the October 23 Tripod aboui warning too, and a registered Next stop you two busloads pi man Upperclass Housing; Results "trashed" the dorm and have TCB's Black Culture Week, the number that the Nuclear Regula- concerned anti-nuclear activists is are Uncertain at Best." We are- created constant high noise levels editors mistook my views ("racia tory Commission keeps on record in Tina Dow's Office of Housing. truly amazed that the Tripod late, sometimes very late, at night. tensions at the College have r one of its four buildings of files. Save us before we look like editorial board could have allowed In fact, this past weekend, another somewhat diminished") f° such an incomplete and poorly Are they dangerous? After all, Hiroshima's victims! fire extinguisher was set off. This views of the TCB. We understand researched piece of reporting to the smoke detectors (and, of brings the total to about five or six that TCB does not appreciate appear us the feature article. While front the beginning of the semes- course, never the students) were Note: The College has recently unauthorized people acting as ^ the authors of that article did not ter. .We seriously doubt that those "spokesmen" far the enure group- responsible for 151 false fire alarms installed steel cages over the miss the boat entirely, they did responsible will come forth and Sincerely, last year,' waking up God knows smoke detectors, thus preventing miss the part below the water line. produce a voluntary confession as Russei MU Hall how many-residents in the middle ' 'radioactive fallout''. The article of October 16 was Tina Dow has suggested. October 30,1979, The Trinity Tripod, Page 9 Commentary Why I Don't Want to Join a Sorority

11 remain by LeslieMcGnaig independent of the sororities, and denial. The concession must be latter is a prime example of an age that the contradiction inherent 'id Trinity What do you do when you hear one is always free to indulge in made that women at Trinity are attitude and practice which is in American sexism be faced. ;hts as t people say, "I think the fraternity unorganized activities, the social indeed surrounded by sexism. completely at odds with the Fraternities can no longer be '? lotto system at Trinity is great, women life does tend to revolve around the What is sexism? It is a Western liberal tradition. The fight justified as single sex institutions. It rther, can get to drink free beer" or even dictates of these groups. prevailing assumption, an often against racism has been, and still is, is as simple as that. Equality is not a Was % worse, "I don't see why you guys unconscious attitude reflected in a long and arduous. But one can debatable issue, it can and should punished* are complaining, you can always Don't misunderstand me; it's myriad of actions, of male safely say that the country has be a reality. i work fot form a sorority"? You fume, you not that the men are second class superiority and supremacy, which finally faced up to the absolute ? Did i laugh, you beat your head against citizens. The women like them. confronts women in every sphere. necessity of extending the doctrine And so, fraternities at Trinity, ing from the wall; finally you cry. But then They like to talk with them, study What is to be done? Something of equality to those of minority the next step is yours. But what? It occurs to you that perhaps with them, play with them and must be done, for one cannot, in all origin. In terms of practice much remember, there is nothing so the problem is not that people are sleep with them-they just don't honesty, profess an adherence to must still be done. And yet formidable as an idea whose time stupid or shallow or even con- want them in their clubs. Indeed the values embodied in the regardless of personal emotions has come. You have three choices. sciously sexist. Maybe they just the men have an ideal American ideal- freedom, in- and / or beliefs, it is no longer You can continue to exist as don't know, maybe they honestly arrangement, they get to drink free dividualism, equality-and continue possible to advocate racial ostriches and wait for action from don't understand what the issue of beer- if, that is, a sister invites to support the institutionalization discrimination. Once society came above to compell you to advance. sexism is all about. At least this is them. of sexism. Just as it became im- to terms with the basic in- You can choose to renounce your the process of my own reaction and possible at an earlier age to any consistency of white supremacy values and maintain your in- the raison d'etre for this attempt to But when you get down to the. longer deny women the right to an and Americanism, one of the two stitution's status-quo. Or you can face reality, have the courage of articulate why women at Trinity real stuff of which the sorority is education and then, to a job, we had to be discarded. Man can only your convictions, the strength to are, at long last, discontent with made, well that's the women's are now at the point of facing the live with his contradictions until he admit their implications, and move their lot. domain. They have secrets which contradiction implicit in that becomes aware of them. ahead with the times. bind them together and exclude bastion of the sexist—the all male The problem is not that It is time for the same you. They feel there are some club. fraternities give parties entitled realization to take place over the Of course it won't be easy. Of things men just can't understand To be sure, each of us has the Kamana Wana Laya. Such infantile' issue of male _ supremacy. How course there are sacrifices to be and argue that they need a place to right to associate privately with college humor is nothing new, and much long can the Trinity made. Tradition is both soothing be able to let their hair down and whomever we please. But a in any case too assinine to be taken population ignore the reality of and inspiring. But tradition for the talk frankly without the poiitesse fraternity is not an individual, it is sake of tradition breeds com- seriously in and of itself.' The sexism? How much longer can we imposed by the company of men. an organization and any legitimate placency and stultification. A parties are but a symptom of the live with the disparity between our organization must be able to justify break with the comfortable and the disease of sexism which pervades values and our practices? One can If you protest your isolation itself in accordance with the known is always hard. Growing up the campus. They become raised to only-hope that the answer is-no from the social core, an inevitable standards of the community. If is never easy. It is a challenge. It is the level of real issues because they longer; and one can only hope that answer is that you can start a fraternities do in fact serve the time for the fraternities to take a are concrete expressions of ob- the 'separate but equal' alternative fraternity. You can only regard this community, why is it that only men long hard look at themselves. If jectionable attitudes. Protest which was for so long a barrier to as patronizing when coming from a carry out this function? This is they cannot muster the flexibility, ceases to be effective when the white America's ideological self-satisfied organization which incompatible with Trinity's and above all, the courage, to debators lose sight of the core issue acceptance of racial minorities, already has control of the social committment to coeducation and respond to the moral imperative of and treat the malignancy as the will be rejected without question. scene. It is the sisters' way of to preparing men and women for our time, they have no place in this cancer. The argument then Face it, sororities are not the placating your discontent while effective citizenship. community. The alternatives are becomes a semantic game which, answer. maintaining the status-quo. And An analogy can be made clear, open your doors wider or when taken to its extreme, leads to that is not the point. The point, you between sexism and racism. The It is the moral imperative of our close them forever. the absurd deliberation of exactly realize, is that you are excluded what '69' really means, from a group by virtue of your sex; you are reminded that you are an What is sexism? Perhaps the unequal part of a community best way to explain it is through the professing equality. And you have use of illustration and contrast. To no Sesire to perpetuate a tradition Letters describe the position of women at that systematically promotes Trinity I will pretend the tables are exclusivity by taking such a 'me turned. • too' position. Yes, it could be, it just might be. barely missed my dish of jello. Gratitude I personally feel that any time a Well, excuse me! It seems that Imagine, then, that you are a At this point, then, imagine that Dear Sirs, kid might be moved to sit down to soriie people can't wait till the meal male at a school with an all female a sorority throws a party entitled, his heat-tempered typewriter, is over before they begin their heritage, where all the cIJ alums "Come on, I want to Measure Your I wish to express my deep throw some Beethoven on the cleaning. This past week (during are . women and therefore the ..." Think about it. gratitude and appreciation to my turntable, plop on the headphones Open Period) I again arrived at legacy of tradition is totally femine. Trinity "family" of co-workers, and crank-it-up-well, I've said it dinner at 6:30. After waiting in line And you are at this school not for five minutes, I was told there If you were an average Trinity staff and students for the beautiful before-he should be encouraged to because you chose to take a dif- was no more veal or beef stroganoff man you probably wouldn't think flowers, cards, and many thought- express himself and crank out some ferent path, but because you have but don't worry "they're" cooking about any of it too much because ful expressions of sympathy during copy. If we support these creative very few choices, what you are up some fried fish. Fortunately, the there would be nothing unusual the recent loss of my father. impulses of fledgling students one- doing is the norm. You could, of server was mistaken and shortly about your college experience. It and-ail, it might be good for the course, have gone to an all male thereafter more veal was brought .would be essentially the same as Sincerely, Trinity College Karma. school, but there aren't many left out. Thought the cheese wasn't the milieu you knew before college Joe Geraci Any fool can criticize, con- and you wanted a co-educational melted I was assured that the meat and would expect to know after. Trinity Locksmith demn, or complain. Most fools do. experience. At any rate, the men's was cooked. The server advised me Your whole life experience, despite Cheers, Peter Wilson. schools are much younger as the to come earlier next time if I wished gradual change, would be spent in Yours truly, opportunity for higher education More Stories to eat what was on the menu and a woman-dominated world where "Chuck" Bronson has historically been open only to have my food properly prepared. you were always fighting (or Dear TC, women. Although men's entrance accepting) old-girl ways, private From the people who brought P.S. I'm sure the best wishes of the Both these incidents, which into academia didn't happen clubs, and time-honored traditions you Minnesota Outward Bound college community are with Jeff in represent only ^ small segment ot yesterday, Jhe field is still over- which are inherently School/ adventures in the North his current negotiations. the problems I've faced getting whelmingly female—the school you served this fall, illustrated Saga's discriminatory of you. Woods ... the grapevine has it that are attending has only admitted negotiations are currently in insistense on getting "out of men for ten years. If the response to the above session between Jeffrey Granfield Saga! there" as soon as possible. Unfor- sketch is "Com on, it's not that and CPTV for the serialization of To the Editor: tunately, they're working in the Despite the relatively recent bad", then I have succeeded in various past escapades of this wrong direction. The length of arrival of men on campus, the ratio proving my point. Because this isn't daring young man. No details or 1 guess I should consider myself meals (dinner especially) should be is about even. But in eight melodramatic, neither is it a figures' could be released by the lucky. 1 have survived Saga for increased, not shortened. I under- semesters of college you will have parody or a farce. It is a sifnple CPTV spokesman at a recent new three years. Perhaps that's be- stand that Saga food will never compare with my mom's cooking been taught by thirty-four women depiction of reality stood on its conference in NYC, all that can be cause my expectations were low to (who's would?) and that this is a and two men. The Administration head. Such is the life of a woman in reported is that the two parties begin with and thus, no matter the modern Western world. I'm not involved are- bargaining over terms what Saga served or how they college cafeteria not Avon Old is virtually all female, as is the Farms Inn, but there is no reason saying that life for women here or of the contract, which may entail served it, I wasn't disappointed. In Board of Trustees. You can play on for the obnoxious, "rush-rush" in the real world students so love to undisclosed sums of money. fact, my, low expectations were one of eleven sports teams, the attitude of the Saga Workers. Since talk about, is abominable. It isn't, working out great 'til this fall. I am women have a choice of fifteen. Having known Jeff intimately I know several of the student But I will wager that the male hoping that by writing this letter I There are eleven women to coach for a number of years, I think that - workers personally and find that response to my hypothetical their' teams and three men for we are observing the emergence of will help prevent a bad situation they are conscientious in their yours. situation is one of horror. It is some of Jeff's heretofore hidden from becoming worse. work, I can only concur that it is the inconceivable that men would have literary talents, not to mention My problems started a couple of managment who is at fault. Why Socially, the .school is to cope with such an order. We do recently uncovered talents of story- weeks ago when I arrived at dinner state that dinner is served till 6:45 dominated by six sororities which it everyday; and that is what sexism telling and braggadocio. at approximately 6:30 (dinner on the one hand, and then fail to are housed in their own buildings is all about. If the only way you can Let's face it, the kid may be out closes at' 6:45). I had gotten my 1 replenish the hot entrees after 6:30 on a particular street. One of these argue with me is to claim that what to toot his own horn, it's possible meatloaf and was about to help on the other? Isn't it possible to admits, men and another is kind I have said isn't true- then there is that he emphasizes his colorful myself to some jello when I heard a refrain from cleaning areas where enough to invite selected men to no argument. Because it is true, but experiences to cast the best light "psst" sound. There was a Saga food is located till after 6:45? Why dine with its sisters. Although the more, because you find it so un- upon himself; he might be accused worker with a can of Windex, who conti on page 10 school does provide entertainment savory your only defense is a weak of out-and-out lying and distortion. in attempting to spray the counter, Page 10, The Trinity Tripod, October 30,1979 Letters to the Editor

cont. from page 9 2) refrain from cleaning in areas 6:45" as meaning that the doors to activities on October 6, as well as Council to explore ways in which is it that food and drink are where food is located till 6:45 tlie cafeteria are shut (i.e. - no one the responses by some students to that body can function more unavailable after 7:00? If one 3) coffee (plus other beverages) can enter after this time) and that the protest directed against this effectively to address issues per- arrives at dinner at 6:30, and and desserts available till 7:30. after 6:45 hot entrees will no longer language, offended every member taining to their relationship with wishes a cup of coffee after his be served. of this College who is concerned each other and the wider campus meal, forget it. I am reminded of ' Of course, these guidelines will with human dignity and equality. community. the enterprising student who, do no good unless they are Lockwood Such behavior, be it by individuals I accept the,apologies of the two noticing that the "gate" was about enforced by the management. As it or organized group;?! is antithetical fraternities involved. It is not fair to to fall, made a mad, sliding dash, stands now, the student arriving on Sexism to the mutual regard which must blame the fraternities for sexism on barely evading the rapidly de- shortly before closing (such as a characterize the academic com- campus; but it is appropriate to scending gate (to the cheers of sports team member) is faced with To: Faculty, Students and Staff munity. expect of every organization onlookers). a reduced selection of entrees and In focusing attention on a greater sensitivity and the In conclusion, I appreciate that the realization that he/she must Recent incidents at the College problem which appears in other willingness to work toward a the food will not always be "suck down" his/her meal in the have illustrated the need for re- guises on campus, this incident community in which we treat one delectable but there .is no reason next fifteen minutes. I hope this examination of our attitudes properly triggered two steps which another in a dignified and humane for second-rate service. If Saga situation can be rectified in the toward one another. we have taken. I have asked the fashion. As an educational in- wishes to retain its customers, I near future. Trinity is a microcosm of a larger Board of Fellows, and "they have stitution/Trinity should be an suggest a new approach: society and, as such, is not immune agreed, to undertake a study of exemplar of tolerance and con- Sincerely yours, to societal ills, one of which is that co-education, in which the issue of sideration of all persons, I welcome 1) a full choice of hot entrees (as Fred Schwartz '81 form of bigotry known as sexism. sexism will be examined. Second, your suggestions and urge your • designated on the menu) should be The language used by two members of the administration support. served until'6:45 Note: I understand "closes at fraternities to promote their social have met with the Interfraternity Theodore D. Lockwood Announcements

Tutors Needed Assertiveness Williams National Fast Bookstore Returns Volunteers are needed to tutor Training Mystic Program The National Fast for a World The bookstore will begin to elementary schol children in Read- Harvest is on November 15, the An assertiveness training return overstock books on No- ing Math or English at Sacred Professor Benjamin Labaree, Thursday before Thanksgiving. As course, taught by Deanne Shapiro, verriberist. Heart Church in Hartford, Tutoring Director of the - in past years, the Trinity commu- of the University of Connecticut sessions are , held on Tuesdays, Mystic Seaport Program in Ameri- nity will participate in this event by School oi Social Work and Greater Wednesdays, and Thursdays. can Maritime Studies will be at contributing the money we would Hartford Community College, will AISEC Meeting Interested students should con- Trinity on Thursday, November 8, have spent on food that day to the be offered on Thursdays, from 4 to There will -be an AIESEC tact Mr. William Guzman at ext. 1979. He will be available at 7:00 Hartford Food Bank.-Fasting not 6 PM in the Women's Center. An meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 468. for further information. p.m. in Alumni Lounge to discuss only raises money but can also be introduction to Assertiveness the program with students who used as a learning experience and a 7:30 in the Committee Room. The Training will be held on Thursday, Legislative might be interested in participating way to show our personal commit- regional, marketing appointments, November 1, from 4 to S PM in during either semester of the ment to the problem of world and working abroad this summer Wean Lounge. All are invited to Internship 1980-81 year. hunger. Films concerning the issue will be discussed. Contact box 5000 this introductory meeting, at the of World Hunger "will be shown if you are unable to attend. LEGISLATIVE INTERNSHIP end of which registration for the from 11:00 to 1:30 the day of the PROGRAM: There will be an extended course will occur. The fee Study Abroad fast and a "breakfast" will be held informational meeting for all stu- for the 5 week course if $5.00 There will be general informa- in the evening. Sign up sheets will dents interested in the Trinity Questions regarding the course tion meetings on study abroad in be provided on Nov. 6, 7, 8 in front College Legislative Internship Pro- should be directed to the Women's Hear the news every weekday Alumni Lounge on the following Of Mather dining hall. Anyone gram on Wednesday, October 31, Center. (Third floor of Mather a! 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. on WRTC - dates: interested in helping organize this 1979, Wean Lounge, Mather Hall, Campus Center, Extension 459, 89.3 on your FM dial. Catch up on Tuesday, 30 October 1979,11:00am event or for more information, 4:oo-5:00 p.m. Students unable to Box 1385. Open 1 to 5 PM daily, world and local news, as well as the Wednesday, 7 November 1979, pleas.e contact Sara Sherman, box attend this meeting may obtain, and 7. to 10 PM Sunday through latest sports and weather, as 2:00 p.m. 1977 or Rbce Singer, box 872. written information from Mrs. Thursday.) written and broadcast by fellow Willard in Room 322 McCook. Monday, 12 November 1979, 9:00 Please help keep the issue of world Trinity students. Professor McKe*e, Program-Direc- a.m. hunger alive at Trinity! tor. Coffee House 1 Lynn Boettger (Class of '79) will Attention Juniors Poetry News Gay Support All juniors interested in parti- S.A.N.D. sing and play her guitar in a The Poetry Center is having an cipating in a class representative Coffeehouse at the Women's Cen- Open House for all members of the Want to talk about being gay? S.A.N.D, (South Arsenal committee dealing with issues ter on Friday, November 2 at 9 PM. campus community on Tuesday, Unsure of your sexuality? Want to Neighborhood Development Cor- pertaining to fund raising and the Cider and , doughnuts will be October 30, at 4:00 p.m. at 115 meet other gay men and women? poration), located at 1846 Main class gift (not under the juris- served. All are invited. Vernon Street. Anyone interested Write Eros, the Trinity support for Street, Hartford, is embarking on a diction of S'.G.A.), please come to in the writing and enjoyment of gay persons. Box 1373, c/o Eros. comprehensive economic develop- an organizational meeting- on Self-Defense Course poetry is invited. Refreshments will All replies kept confidential. The ment plan for the South Arsenal Thursday, November 1, 1979, in area. An intern is needed to be served. important thing is to find out who There's still room in the Self- Alumni Lounge at 7:30 P.M. you love. complete date research to assess Defense course being offered by BE THERE, ALOHA! On Thursday, November 1, poet the commercial needs and the fea- the Women's Center, Although the Robert Pinsky will read from his sibility of commercial development class has met once, catching up Directory Info own works at 8:00 p.m. in Wean in South Arsenal. For more infor- whould not be too difficult. The Lounge. Pinsky is currently poetry mation, contac' Joseph Jarvis at Lecture News class meets on Tuesday evenings Now that the new 1979-80 editor of the New Republic and 278-8460 or 278 4460. Directory is out, please check your professor of English at Wellesley. from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Wed. 10-31 line entry. If there is an error or He has published two volumes of Wrestling Room of the Ferris 4:00 p.m. omission (barring home address), verse "Sadness and Happiness" Hillel Dance Athletic Center, and costs $5.00 McCook Rm. 203 please notify Lois DeCara at and "An Explanation of America" Women interested in the course "Principles & Problems of the The music of Morgan Flatz and Mather (x273) so that the Front as well as books of criticism. All are should contact the Women's Cen- Construction of Solar Houses" by free beer, soda and munchies will Desk can have the correct informa- invited. ter as soon as possible. Prof. William L. Trousdale, Trinity f be featured'at a dance on Saturday, tion. November 3 at the Hartford Jewish Class of '49, Physics Dept.. Community Center. The dance, w k Drop Courses . Refresh- which is co-sponsored by Hilled Tuesday5*, Octobe•?JL.r 30th: « Donate Blood Friday, November 9, is the last ments served prior to lecture. and its counterparts at the Univer- "Gospel Music - In the Spirit" - a PLEASE DONATE A PINT OF day to drop a course this term. It is 4:00 p.m. sity of Hartford and Central Conn- lecture by Ms. Irene Jackson- YOUR BLOOD NEXT TUESDAY, also the deadline for finishing McCook Auditorium ecticut, will be held from 8:30 p.m. Brown, Director of Center for NOV. 6 IN THE WASHINGTON incomplete work from last semes- '-'The Incredible Bread Machine'", to 12:30 a.m. Morgan Flatz special- Ethnic Music, Howard University. ROOM!!) It won't hurt much and ter. Film sponsored by the Economics izes in the sounds of Springsteen, Followed by a performance by the the benefits more than outweigh Dept. Steely Dan, AWB and the Doobie Dartmouth Gospel Choir, Washing- any personal sacrifices (after all Job Opening 4:00 p.m. Brothers. AH are invited to attend. ton Room - 7r30 p.m. you have 24 pints of blood in your A.West Hartford family needs a LSCRml34 For information and tickets, contact Thursday, November 1st: ** precious body( and you can munch responsible person to stay weekday "Organization of Skill in Algebra" Sue Wilins, Box 3010 or 246-1441. An African Experience - African out on the free food and drink afternoons with their 13-yr old Lecture by Dr. Clayton Lewis, IBM Music, Art and Poetry. Crafts for afterwards. Complete a pledge daughter for the next six weeks. An Research Center,- Yorktown sale. Mather Dining Hall • 7:30 card now or just show up to give hourly wage and gas (if nee.) are Heights.NY Cocteau's Film p.m. Tuesday. We need a strong turn- provided. If you have any unclutt- There will be a showing of Friday, November 2nd: out. Thanks! tered afternoons, and are interes- Thurs. 11-1 Cocteau's film on the Tristan & Fall Cabaret - Live Music. Mather ted, contact: 4:00 p.m. Isolde legend, entitled The Eternal Dining Hall - 10:00 p.m. $1.00 for Ben Klimczak LSCRml34 Return, in McCook Auditorium, students. $3.00 for general public. Fellowship Meeting Box 1147 "Ecological Significance of Snail October 31 at 8:00 P.M. The Film is Band: "Chain Reaction" There will be a Trinity^Christian 246-0472 Grazing on Juvenile & Mature in French with English subtitles; DJ: "Groovemakers, Inc." Fellowship meeting on Thursday Alice Harlow Stages of Inter-Tidal Seaweeds" admission is free and open to the Sponsored by night, Nov. 1st, at 7:30 p.m. in Box 835 Lecture by Dr. Donald P. Cheney. public. Trinity Coalition of Blacks Goodwin Lounge. 246-10U UNH October 30, 1979, lie Trinity Tripod, Page H

Satire and Sex appearance of falseness and range from the soldier, who is selfishness," stated John Thomp- "It's a good show! Well-written b\ Rachel Mann pretentiousness. By the same animalistic, to the actress who uses son, 81. and surprisingly modern-you tend token, Martha Banks, costume Immortality, desire, lust, and manners and pretense," said to think all emotions are a hundred Todd Van Amburgh,'82, stated, designer, has worked for a solid the inner yearnings of mankind Nichols. years old," said Ian MacNeil, 80, "I get a sense of cheapness and of period~line rather than the beauty begin in the Goodwin Theatre of - The play is made up of ten "For an actor it's a good show to all relationships being shallow." of the dress to help carry through Austin Arts Center at 8 PM on different scenes, incorporating ten do." This was the pervasive feeling La Rondt's overall picture. Nov. 1. Arthur Schnitzler's La . different characters from different expressed by all cast and crew Those who have worked To reach their goals and Ronde has been, for the past six strata of society. "The point of the members towards Schnitzler's backstage expressed a consensus deadlines, all the crew noted they weeks, faithfully rehearsed by play is to have ten scenes with ten thematic goal. La Ronde is ad- that La Ronde flows well and is have worked double-time and with eleven actors and diligently couples and if any one were more' mittedly an enjoyable~performance entertaining. Linda Glass, set double effort due to a lack of immoral than the others-it would full of quick banter and lively designer, has created a special produced by innumerable numbers student particifption on backstage destroy the order," said Mary farce. "It is a series of moods-and turntable to more efficiently of backstage crew members, under chores. However, they feel they are Goodman, '83. atmosphere controlled by wit," said accomodate quick set changes. She [he direction of George Nichols, successfully pulling through. III. They exchange and interchange Thompson. has worked on creating a surface "It is a play about human like dominoes, going from one animals and the way they disguise lover's bed to another partner's their sex urges; the characters embrace. "This is a play about Polaroid Art Innovative by Penny Suiter experimentation. One print in toaster and peeled open. This This past week, Garmany Hall particular in which light "toaster art" creates a play Romance is Charming in Austin Arts Center, housed an photographically magically between two dimensionality of the exhibition of Polaroid Art by Ed eminates from within a kitchen picture surface and the" three by Nick Noble scenes that are the most enjoyable Hing Goon and Robert Pollien, sink shows innovation and control. dimensional illusion of photograph- There are two things that one of the picture. both members of the class of '81. Pollien's awareness of the light ic space. must take to heart while watching Arthur Hill plays Richard, Goon and Pollien have made in- effects in Polaroids is seen The terms Polaroid Art, Xerox George • Roy Hill's A Little • Lauren's second stepfather and the spired experiments with this especially in his shot of a store Art, Toaster Art immediately Romance from a critical third husband of Sally Kelierman popular medium of picture making, window lit with a neon sign which conjure up the fear that the art perspective: a) the term 'cliched' is (excellent in a totally ridiculous which has been recognized of late reads "Gifts." We see the-subtlety world is responding analogously to not automatically a negative label; role as a stereotyped bitch). His as having great artistic possibilities.- with which the artist photographer the .practice of cloning in the .something became a cliche becau- unassuming warmth breathes life Goon's compositions are takes the given scene and gives it to biological world. Many thanks to se it worked, and b) the greatest of into the cardboard part given him. polished, and' reflective of his his audience. Mr. Goon and Mr. Pollien whose actors can turn the most poorly He comes across as human, in- experience in professional Pollien, a studio arts major, creative control of the in- stantaneous result media is allaying written bits of froth into moments telligent, gentle, and genteel. photography. However, the further experimented within the the fears of those who thought of mild magnificence. Although a small role, appearing peculiarities of light produced in medium on some prints, marking machines might be taking over the „ From the very start one is awarfi erratically throughout the picture, Polaroid photographs provided a on the already developed print world of art. '.hat Director Hill is out to have a his presence is absolutely necessary challenge, a new element for which had been heated in the jood time, perhaps blatantly so. in providing the film with a sense of C lips of his own Butch Cassidy and continuity, stability, and a feeling the Sundance Kid dubbed in of kind but firm strength. Art Museums of New York French (and not even accurately, One man, however, makes this as Newman and Redford going film worth seeing. Lord Laurence and to browse through a floor plan the Robert Lehman Collection by Rachel Mann iver the cliff merely scream Olivier delivers an exquisitely of the museum. After much where the bulk of the museums's •.ininteligibly— with not even a turned performance as Julius, the New York lures everyone. It traveling and sightseeing, 1 have post-impressionists and ex- nealthy "merde") set the com- "former Ambassador to has a different appeal and att- learned to carefully choose the pressionists are displayed. The fortably irreverent tone for this Lichtenstein" who is in reality a raction for each individual. I went exhibits which I most want to see. collection is not numerous or pic lure. deciepit old French pickpocket. to absorb some "culture." If you're It is entirely impossible to cover expansive. There are limited works • Hi^l handles the pacing of the You know he is a phony from the not'one who quickly gets "visual every gallery in a museum on the' by Rousseau, Seurat, Van Gogh, film so deftly that one scarcely beginning, bm that doesn't stop indigestion," the arts museums of scale of the Met. > •••". Matisse, and Gaughin—among realizes the intensity behind its you from loving him. Olivier knows New York could satisfy your ar- Once decided, I paid fifty cents, others. This part of the museum relaxed casualness. The director how to be adorable without tistic inclinations. was given an orange tag marked lends to artistic contemplation leaves much of his personality and becoming sickly sweet. He blends I pulled myself out of bed on" MMA, and passed through the since it is not as crowded as other humor~on the finished product, just the right elements of lovable Tuesday morning with a sense of guards. Unfortunately, I found the Met galleries; a greenhouse roof elevating the cliched (here meant childishness and grit into a portrait adventure and anticipation. I Met's map to be - incomplete, creates an open, natural light and negatively) script by Allan Burns to of an old man-who is truly alive intended to fully appreciate New sketchy, and confusing. I wandered expanse for the paintings. I a level of tongue-in-cheek fun. living the dreams and adventures of York's total ambience. I had spent aimlessly for a few minutes before I thoroughly enjoyed this stretch of Especially amusing is seeing John children. hours studing Arthur Frommer's determined where I was and where my tour. Wayne as Rooster Cogburn Alfred Hitchcock's adage that Guide to New York and a map of I was headed. In contrast to the placidity of dubbed in French. stars succeed because people the city to determine my route. One I ran rather haphazardly into the Lehman halls, the galleries of But A Little Romance is not a identify more readily with a . wqjjld think it an impossibility to the display of Notre Dame, which is European Paintings are full and parody or a spoof. It is an en- familiar face rather than an cover three museums in a day. presently being promoted as the busy. Here one finds medieyel and joyable gem of _a film- evenly unknown, was never trueF than in However, if one only has seven Museums's special exhibit. The Renaissance art. There are ap- balanced between touching , A Little Romance. You feel for hours and much energy and collection consists of eleven pre- proximately two rooms containing poignancy and clever comedy. Julius because he is poor old Olivier determination the impossibility sixteenttT century sculptural several Rembrandt's, including one Most of this is Direotor Hill's doing, riding that bicycle, poor old Olivier quickly becomes feasible^. fragments from the Notre Dame de of his self-portraits, painted around along with the efforts of a mar- running helter-skelter through the Paris cathedral on L'isle de la Cite. 1658. I particularly enjoyed the The bus left Trinity at ap- velous cast. They seem to un- streets of Venice, poor old Olivier There are approximately ten major impressionist. There are some proximately 8:30 AM. A thick fog derstand why cliches work, and battered and beaten in the office of pieces-chipped and weatherworn, choice pieces, such as Renoir's lady hung heavily over Connecticut and how, and manage to overcome the the Prefect of Police. Olivier gargoyle-like, medieval heads and in black. Degas' "Dancer" is also New York throughout the entire stilted mawkishness of plot and realizes this .and uses it to his busts of saints, kings, and pilgrims. intensely interesting. This, wood two hours' drive. Upon our arrival script. advantage, milking every scene for They are set in a semi-circle on top and fabric sculpture is fascinating to downtown Manhattan, though, Thelonious Bernard plays every last drop of sympathy and of motley display pedestals. Their not only as indicative of Degas' the clouds broke and the city Daniel, the young French boy who empathy. discovery is notable since it more historical break with the traditional basked and bustled in summertime is fascinated by American movies. Memorable moments from A fully explains to historians the sculptural genre, but also because warmth. A charming youngster, he still Little Romance: Sally Kellerman's artistic evolution of Notre Dame of the dancer's startling realism. It bracelets, Diane Lane's mouth, struck the only occassionally sour My day's itinerary included the cathedral and the Gothic ar- is as if Degas took one of the i "Bingo!", Qivier's pronunciation of note of the film, as more than any Frick Collection, and the Museum chitectural movement, in general. figures off of his canvas and at- "plumb-ing" and "sub-telty", the . of the others he seemed to be of Modern Art (otherwise all known Despite the suggested importance tempted to bring her to life. She acting his part: all show "and no computer room, Olivier in his of- these pieces, I felt that the - was definitely the highlight of my dressing gown eating breakfast and to New Yorkers as the Met, The substance. Still, "he managed to Frick, the Modern - or MoMa). I museum had them poorly Met visit. convey a sense of worldly in- the newspaper, four priests and a displayed. The lignt • was The morning had rushed bicycle race, three fugitives asleep also wanted to walk through the nocence, captivating the audience chic shopping end of 5th Avenue to inadequate the space too cramped hurriedly behind me, I left behind more with his charm than with his in St. Mark's confessionals, Arthur watch the people and browse at the . for the numbers of spectators. the halls and galleries of the Met, believability, Hill telling off "George" in the bought a / Yum-Yum hot dog, a store windows. Each piece, I felt, was set too Diane Lane is Lauren, the stairwell, the moving goodbye . . . closely together for visual comfort; pretzel, and a Tab; gobbled down absolutely beautiful twelve-going- A Little Romance is not a With no intention to shop, I However, the exhibit, in itself, is the lunch as I sat on the museum ofl-thirteen year old daughter of a perfect movie, but its several minor brought a total savings of ten fascinating-especially for anyone steps with other New Yorkers and wealthy American telephone flaws- become bearable under the dollars with me-somewhat meagre, who has seen or studied the tourist; and the proceeded down magnate living in Paris. Her astute direction by George Roy I discovered, for New York. cathedral of Notre Dame. 5th Ave to the Frick at 1 East 70th : • natural, uncluttered performance Hill of its one major flaw, - the However, Tuesday is "Pay What I moved onward looking for the Street. My New*York-raised is a delight, and while one script. Although I guess there have You Wish Day in most of these - impressionists and passed through roommate had firmly encouraged "occassionally finds it difficult to been romances founded on museums, so I planned on spending the French Period Rooms. By me not to bypass the Frick. It is belie ye she fell in love with Daniel grounds a lot less tenuous than less than three dollars on admission contrast, these exhibits are rather startling to find this so quickly, this is mostly the fault Heidegger, the preconsciousness of fees. carefully and expansively arranged. gorgeous European domestic of the script, and does hot reflect the'children is still a little hard to The bus deposited me on the Replicas of eighteenth and mansion across the street from the the excellence of Lane's overall take. • ' front stairs of. the Met. The nineteenth cejitury chambers from foliage of C entral Park and a city , contribution to the film. If you're in the mood for a little building itself and the neigh- various stylish homes, palaces, and bum, and inbetween modern It is when the two children are romance (and who isn't?) George borhood it courts is overwhelming. hotels, in France have been apartment buildings. alone together, however, that the Roy Hill's A Little Romance, is an I climbed the white marble stairs, recreated. The details in the rooms .;.. I stepped into a dimly lighted, 'film is at its most suspect, The . exquisitely turned bit of froth and passed through the Roman, and the historical descriptions are dark-paneled hall which was adults relate beautifully with each designed to send you out warm and Corinthian columns into the main fascinating." stoically guarded by a tall, of the youngsters; and it is those smiling. Bingo! hall. I took my time to look around, Passing these exhibits, I found cont. on Page 13 Page 12, The TWnMy Tripod

Ansel Adams Show Inspires Arts Calendar $*%M MUSIC by Sarah lane Nelson that which might otherwise evade the same nature as the rocks. The Trinity Coalition of Blacks sponsors a lecture on gospel Happening to be in New. York us. How often, when viewing an Indeed, their drama lies in that [music followed by the Dartmouth Gospel Chorus at 7:30 PM on City during Qpen Period, I had the exquisite mountain range, or tree, they are but larger rocks. The • Tuesday, October 30 in the Washington Room in Mather Hall. good furtune to be dragged into the or sky one becomes painfully shredded cloud patterns and sun Modern Art Museum on 53rd aware of the absentmindedness of beams give life to these various The Sounding Board presents Dave Mallet on Oct. 31 at 7:30 Street by ,an Ansel Adams en- one's eyes. Consciously one rocks. What is most significant in PM. For information, call 203-563-3263. thusiast. Admittedly, I rapidly retraces the visual steps of seeing, this photograph is not Mt. » The Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Selji Ozawa, became one myself. Adam's black and recreates the object for one's , Williamson or the desert floor, but opens The Bushncll Memorial Hall's Fiftieth Symphony Series on and white photographs of the self. It is in the nature of the artist the relationship between these * Wed. Oct. 31 at 8 PM. Contact: Ronna L, Reynolds at 527-3123. Southwest will be at the Modern that, in the act of seeing, he creates features. The Downtown Cabaret Theatre presents Irish singer-compo- through October 28, limits which do not exist outside of In terms of technique, Adams sers Tommy Makem and Liam Clancy for two shows, at 7 and 9:30 Adam's work is more than this act. Done without feeling, makes the viewtr keenly aware of PM on Nov. 1.. For more information, call Deborah Zipf at inspiring. It is truly instructive to much can be lost, Done with a the innate order that Nature 576-1634. one . whose visual vocabulary is greater goal much can be gained. possesses beyond man's imposing Leone Hershfield, Scott Lessne, and James Longenbach play limited. Adams makes the viewer In terras of reality, Adams moves paintbrush or lens, It is the ; Music for Violins and Harpsichord for Bach's Lunch, on Fri., Nov. keenly aware of photography as an away from it to create an inner photographer's main task, not only 3, at 12:30 in the Trinity College Chapel. art, not as mere reproduction. world, and then back outwards to find'the right subject, but to Pianist David Wcstfall plays in the Concert Series at the Adams was trained BS a musician. towards this reality which he strives capture it from the correct angle, Immanuel Congregational Church on Sunday, Nov. 4 at 7:30 PM. This is interesting to keep in mind to perfect. with the right ideas. For more information, call Mary Ann Connors at 527-8121, as onS views his often rhythmical Dissection occurs when we The symmetrical light masses in Alicia de Larrocha performs at the Bushncll Memorial Hall on landscapes. Most striking is his perceive that which we wish to Adam's photographs are not an Tucs., Nov, 7 at 8 PM. Contact: Ronna L. Reynolds at 527-3123. control over that which is tem<- recreate, without any inner reality added material, but a natural THEATRE porary and fleeting. He creates a in mind, without a goal which phenomenon which Adams The Long Wharf Theatre presents Lillian Hellman's Watch On permanence only in the effect the creates the unifying idea that a through great visual discipline and the Rhine, directed by Arvin Brown, from Oct. 4-Nov. 11. Jitters, by work has upon us. He does not work of art must possess. There is sensitivity, manages to control as David French and directed by Bill Glassco, performs from Oct. impose a past tense on that which is no danger of dissection' in Adams. well as capture with his camera, 16-Jan. 13 on Stage 11. For more information concerning tickets and forever "rewriting, repainting, In his work one finds a perfect Perhaps one of the best examples performance times, call 203-787-4284. rephotographing, itself" as John balance between method and of this is his photograph of Mt. The Theatre of Manchester presents the Betty Comden, Adolph Fowles so aptly put it in a recent experience. He visually analyzes McKinley and Wonder Lake. In Green musical Bells Are Ringing on Nov. 2 and 3, at 8:30 I'M. For article. It is the largeness of Adam's Nature without losing its this we find a delightful equality in more information, call 646-0657. ideas which match the vastness of wholeness. He photographs the white mountain mass and the Trinity College presents La Ronde, by Arthur Schnitzler, in the Nature's landscape. He is not in- mountains without depriving them white lake, as well as the dark earth Goodwin Theatre of the Austin Arts Center, directed by George timidated by the expanse of the of their mysteiy. In short, it is and the twilight sky. The lyrical Nichols 111. Performances will be at 8:00 PM on Nov. 1-3 and 8-10. Yosemite landscape he has chosen, Adam's respectful and loving harmony is striking, The Aetna Players present Neil Simon's Come Blow Your Horn, but inspired by it. The greatness of attitude towards the landscape In one of Adam's earlier directed by George Dusthoff, on Nov. 2, 3, 9, and 10 at 8 PM. For his art lies in his striving for which he has mastered that creates photographs of the reeds in water, reservations, call 247-0842. mastery over this landscape which the perfect balance. one discovers that the Students interested in forming a theatre group to attend New he photographed year in and year The photograph that I found to York shows,please contact Barbara Robinson-Jackson. out, until he literally developed a photographer's technique is so be one of the most exciting in terms visual vocabulary to portray it. This meticulous as to be almost purely i of idea, was Adam's ' Mt. is reminiscent of the, writer, who, scientific in approach. Yet, he is Williamson. In this photo one loving a certain area, memorizes too fond of Nature to allow the compares the mountains with the the map of that area, and all its scientist in him to cold-bloodedly desert floor of rocks. One con- THE TRINITY REVIEW names: Adam's effort is both, exploit the subject matter with cludes that these mountains ate of deliberate and inspired. which it has provided him. . The photographic art, in t particular, reminds one that we is extending its deadline to t must impose boundaries on what we see to perceive anything at all. A career in law— In narrowing our vision, we are MONDAY,NOV 5 truly focusing it, trying to absorb without law school. After just three months of study at The Institute for Paralegal Training in exciting Philadelphia, you can have a SUBMIT stimulating and rewarding career in law or business — without law school. WASHINGTO xN As a lawyer's assistant you will be performing many of your poetry, essays, fiction Li._..- UNIVERSITY ly IN ST LOUIS the duties traditionally handled only by attorneys. And at The Institute for Paralegal Training, you can pickone of seven different areas of law to study. Upon completion of artwork, photos to Considering your training, The Institute's unique Placement Service will find you a responsible and challenging job in a law firm, Graduate bank or corporation in the city of your choice. The Institute for Paralegal Training is the nation's first BOX 4000 Business and most respected school for paralegal training. Since 1970, we've placed over 2,500 graduates in over 85 cities Study? - • nationwide. An MBA degree can build on If you're a senior of high academic standing and looking any undergraduate major to for an above average career, contact your Placement prepareyou for a meaningful Office for an interview with our representative. MAD MURPHY'S career in business, industry or not-for-profit organizations. We will visit-your campus on: LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTL Y The MBA may be the most relevant professional training FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 for your career. Hoifoween Party Wednesday Nights Meet a representative of the Washington University MBA •Program. ' Jhe First Drink Free with Costume! Mr. Donald Wi"kpn Institute '•A-H"**' 235 Soulh 17th street will be on campus to talk with • for 'tllMftll Philadelphia, PA 19103 interested students, Paralegal j 'I: Eg (215) 732-6600 Best Costume nato October ?Qr 1Q7Q mil Place: Career Piacempnf, Training" operated by Para-legal, Inc. 1 night's Lodging for two in Cape Cod Call the office above for an Approved by the American Bar Association. -appointment. ftunner-up prizes tofee announced. Whether you plan to pursue an f'iBA directly after grc;!;s>.tion or wouid like to ' 1 we, <' first before attending 1 PHONE S47-O263 bv -is. ass school, take this f <>!>:•• --t'.mity to learn about W*.' .rsgton University. TRINITY PACKAGE STORE W • 'on University | CHOICE WINES & LIQUORS er i .• 'ps and gives full co i ' ilion to applicants M1 Eion and financial |JOHN W. DU.LKA, PROP. ' 219 NEW BRITAIN AVE,!J:j aid > irsut respect to sex, i HARTFORD. CON N.$ ract handicap, color, creed, m QPEM LATE HOURS or ral _nal origin, University |? t (corner Henry St. next to Corner Tap) Si po!:c rs, and programs are ® 22 UMQU PLACE • nonchscriminatory. October 30,1979, The Trinity Tripod, Page 13 Arts

•walked around, and around again, through the door, it is interesting to New York Museums Toured Matisse's "Man Pointing." In- watch them stop short to stare. cont. from p. 11 my concentration. A second ' never hurry into a museum-too cidentally, the Modern has a "Guernica" is a portrait to be uniformed matron. Looking for a Rembrandt self-portrait was in- much can be missed. Feeling wonderfully extensive collection of studied, absorbed, scrutinized, and ticket stand (secretly hoping not to teresting as compared with the one poverty-stricken after the Met, Matisse paintings and sculpture. I finally internalized. Picasso gave find one), I was sternly com- exhibited at the Met. In the Oval lunch and the Frick, I took ad- took the opportunity to sit in the his audience some new dimension manded that I could" buy my ticket Room there are some beautiful vantage of "Pay What You Wish," middle of the Mrs. Simon to discover on every inch of his canvas. It is a powerful statement, at a booth behind me. Feeling like Whistler portraits-one of the few and guiltily handed the cashier fifty Guggenheim Gallery to rest my on Picasso's part, against war's a thief, I paid my dollar, was issued examples of a more recent artist at cents; I was hoarding what was left tired feet and study the three walls strife, and murder-triggered by the an "admit one" stub, was directed the Frick. of my funds for a decent dinner covered by the blues and greens of Spanish Republican government's to a turnstyle, and told to drop the respite from SAGA. Monet's massive "Water Lilies"— Upon covering the rooms on bombing of the village of Guernica billet in a mahogany box. The Modern was my paradise. I painted only a* few years before his the first floor, I was dismayed at . in 1937. The house is admittedly what appeared to be the end of the could engross myself in Joan Miro, death when the artist's sight was beautiful. Once the private home of tour. It is surprisingly short. I left Cezanne, Gaughin, and my two failing. The museum's tiny When I returned to Trinity after Henry Clay Frick, an industrialist, the Frick disgruntled and most preferred-Picasso and collection of Van Gogh was un- nine hours in New York, I had a - it still keeps a residential at- dissatisfied. One should go to the Matisse. However, I first went to satisfying; although it w.as slightly sore back, aching feet, and a mosphere. There is a central ar- Frick Collection expecting much see their current special show, with redeemed by his classic painting, swollen ankle, and a pervasive boretum court with a fountain at its snobbery, snottery, and stuffiness the photography of "Ansel Adams "Starry Night." One should - need for sleep. However, I was center, surrounded by exotic flora on the part of the curators. and the West." His photographs are definitely not go, however, to the thoroughly happy, I had seen all and greenery. Each room is Again goine up 5th Ave, I breathtaking, and demanded much Modern with plans to see Van the an I could digest in a day and separately stunning and striking- headed for the highlight of my New of my time and concentration at Gogh. had onpe again felt the verve of designed, respectively, in York excursion-two hours at the MoMa. MoMa's Picasso's satisfied me. New York City after four years of eighteenth century French and Modern. The walk from 5th and Leaving behind Ansel Adams, I They are good examples of his absence. English. 70th Street north to 11W 53rd walked through an area being work. I saved his classic mural POETRY CENTER This museum is the paradise of Street was exhilarating. The sun remodeled (MoMa is constantly painting "Guernica" for last. This ANNOUNCEMENT - anyone who especially appreciates was shining, the business men and being prepared for new exhibits), work is carefully and prominently The Poetry Center is having the Italian ' Renaissance, women were out on late afternoon rushed by the famous Sculpture exhibited by the museum. On one an Open House for all members Classicism, and the Baroque. Prick lunch breaks with all the diverse, Garden, and ran up to the second wall, the stages and evolution of of the campus community on also collected many eighteenth crazy, and unique personalities and third floors. On these floors I Picasso's ideas are shown through Tuesday, October 30, at 4:00 century pieces. I was notably af- only found in New York City. immersed myself in Paul Klee's written narration and the artist's p.m. at 115 Vernon Street. fected by the wealth and quantity The first floor of MoMa was subtle sense of humour and Miro's sketches. Another wall, is covered • Anyone interested in the writing of the collection. Hans Holbein, packed with people. I stdod in the abstractions. I puzzled over by the completed artwork. As and enjoyment of poetry is the Younger's "Sir Thomas More" •center of it all to catch my breath-I Radinsky's four seasons and people come up the stairs and invited. Refreshments will be and "Thomas Cromwell" arrested served. cont. from p. 11 Martha Banks said, "When the SILENT PICTURES curtain goes up-the best time-it's going to look good." Everyone is content and op- timistic. Th^ actors state they have helped and encouraged each other. According to Tracy Sparmer, co- *&taRe manager with Angela Bruegge, '80, Nichols has been a good director. Cressida Bainton, 81, said, "it has been fun to get a chance to work with one of the directors and to work on a one-to- one basis with another actor." Some People Other People HALL 0 W E E N This aspect of La Ronde could Graduate from college Graduate from college be its strong point, according to the Get a job Join Peace Corps or VISTA actors. Since each individual is Travel & experience the dealing with two scenes and two Get married situations of similiar lengths, they Start a family world each have been able to devote Get promoted Get a job, get married, etc. themselves solely to the Retire at 65. Retire at 65. Live Broadcast WRTC FM 89.3 Stereo development and self-contained Special Guest Alien Rock D.J.'s climaxes of their scenes. They can The choice is yours work more directly with content Halloween Dance Party Opening and theme. PEACE CORPS and VISTA recruiter Wed. Oct..31, 7:00-10:00 pm,Garmany Hall "Pleasure . . . intoxication . . . will Be conducting interviews with Austin Arts Center, Trinity College fine, there's nothing to say against seniors and grad students Wednesday them . . . they are something & Thursday, Nov. 14-15'in the Hartford. Ct. 06106 positive. If I take pleasure in Career Planning Office, 10~5pm. WRTC(203) 522-9229,ArtCenter 527-8062 something, fine, at least I know I take pleasure in it. O else I feel PictureExhibityOcf. 30-Nov. 10, 1979 myself intoxicated, excellent. That's positive, too. And when it's Hospital Greens past, well then, it's past," says the Count of La Ronde. At A Red Hot Price! Said MacNeil, "La Ronde is remarkable-amazingly frank and Take advantage of an incredible Ihe University accurate; the sex is not done for its value! Genuine Surgery Scrub suits. T. own sake. Schnitzler really knows a of Bridgeport School of Law is The Hot New Idea in fashion. lot about his characters," accepting applications for Durable.. .Comfortable... Reversible.. The audience should go to Perfect for: Jogging, Beachwear, any admission to the fall 1980 semester. Schnitzler's play expecting satire, casualwear. irony, farce, and a little sex. Write the Office of Admissions, However, do not leave the theatre Shirts $7" Pants $750 University of Bridgeport, without pondering La Ronde's School of Law, Bridgeport, Conn. true si — oe. 06602, or phone (in Connecticut) ****v,.. *********** Hemoitat Clips 576-4048, (Out-ofstate phone toll free) 1-800-243-9496 A Smoking good Idea sc.95 for an application and further A Super Value ** information. CASA Name — Address. DI City— _State_ -Zip- Hospital Shirts Green Blue Hospital Pants • Green Blue UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT TRAVEL Quantity Sm. Sm— Quantity Sm Srn— Welcomes Trinity students and all their travel needs. $7 Med AAed- Med Med.- SCHOOL OF LAW/ 25 $7.50 Check-out our low rates Lg—: Lg— Lg. Lg— to Florida Small: Women's 5-9, men to 140 lbs. DOMENICSCO.TECE Medium: Women's 9-15, men to 170 lbs. Large: anyone up to 240 lbs, At this time the University of Brfdegporf School of Law, (203)527-6600 422 NEW BRITAIN AVE. Hernostat Clips-$5.95 • , , Total $ , is licensed and accredited by the State of Connecticut and approved by the American Bar Association. HARTFORD, CONN. 06T06 Send check or Norco, P.O. Box 606, West Hartford, Ct. 06107 across from D&D Package money orderto: phone orders accepted (203) 523-8377 Page 14, The Trinity Tripod, October 30,1979 BANTAM SPORTS ARENA JV Soccer Women's Squash Trip Any women interested in playing intercolle- The Basketball team's trip to Cuba will Corning off a 2-1 victory in a scrimmage with giate squash this winter should attend a meeting commence on Jan. 5 and the hoopsUrs will return Lqomis earlier in the week, the JV Soccer team in the Conference Room of the Ferris Athletic on the 12th. The cost is $650 per person for the met up with the Cardinals from Wesleyan in front week, and that includes night, meals, and room. of a home crowd this Saturday. The Junior Center this Wednesday, Oct. 31, at 4:30 PM. No Anyone going can participate in all events that Bantams survived a poor showing in the first experience is necessary. If you are unable to the team will. For more information, please stanza to come on strong in the second and pull attend, contact Coach Sue McCarthy at cxt. 453 contact Dennis Wolff at ext. 430. oufra 1-1 tie. Dan Levy tallied the lone goal for the before Wednesday. Trin to bring about the deadlock after being down 1-0 at the half. Gymnastics Schlein At NEs The JVs will try to make their season a Sophomore running sensation Kalhy Schlein Come down and work out with the Gymnastics finished in the top half of a Held of over 200 winning one next Saturday when they take on the Club tonight (Tuesday) from 7:30 till 9:30 in Unit Jr. Lord Jeffs at Amherst. participants at the New Engkmds last weekend. D in the Ferris Athletic Center. The Club is She was particularly pleased with her perosnal- threatening to fold without the support of best time of 19:43, stating that she had beaten Football Tickets interested gymnasts. many competitors who had ousted her in the Tickets for the Trin-Amherst foorball game to . NESCACs. be played at Amherst on Saturday, Nov. 3 are Managers Wanted now on sale in the Athletic Office of the Ferris Anyone interested in managing either Varsity Water Polo Athletic Center. Tickets purchased here are $1.50 or Junior Varsity Men's Basketball should Trinity Watcrpolo closed out their triumphant for the Trinity Community. They will be $3.00 at contact Dennis Wolff, ext. 430 or come by the season by defeating lona (led by Coach Rob Amherst on game day. Ferris Athletic Center. Calgi, Trinity'79) 15-3. #5 top set JV Football Shows Talent In 1-1 Week Ks . by Nancy Lucas worth this week as they were season over Southern Connecticut AIC with some pretty open field could muster much offense until , Se closely ousted at AIC on Monday 19-7. running, leaving a wake of black- - .Southern went over for d late in the The JV Football Bants, ham- by a 24-20 tally. Friday, the Ban- A standout in both contests was jerseyed defenders behind him but second quarter. The second half pered by a lack of practice time as tams passed for two touchdowns feisty running back vSteve being pulled down just short of the saw Trin QB Dan McNamara toss a a team and a variety of coaches and ran for another as they Guglielmo. Guglielmo set up and goal-line. He then followed up his 55-yat'der to Meadows for yet throughout the week, proved their garnered their first win of the scored the first Trin touchdown at heroics by going over for the score. another Bantam tally. Chuck In Friday's contest, Guglielmo Welsh closed out the scoring for provided a talented arm as he the Blue and Gold when he skirted passed to Aaron Meadows in the the right end on an option and Sports Scene From The Summit end zone for d against Southern. raced down the sideline for nearly The AIC tussle was a close one W) yards to ice the Trin win. by Nancy Lucas throughout, a missed extra point Receivers Ben Baron and Dave being the only obstacle to a 21-all Berey. along with Meadows, also tie late in the fourth quarter. The had fine afternoons, as did running' ' considerably larger hosts back Dave lannarone. Defensively, capitalized on some Trin mistakes the Bantams were led by the fine to come up with the winning field play of linebackers Jim goal,'but all in all, it was an im- Kachadoorian and Jim Myers. pressive showing for the Bantams, Myers snagged a pictine \n-Ui:ei as they amassed three touchdowns, interception in the lirsi lull to more than their total output to close down a Srmrfiern wnmre date. drive. Dave Curtis also picked off a The Southern game, on the puss for tlie Bantams, other.hand, was all Trinity from the The Jr. Bants display tlk'ii word go. Following Meadows' newfound winning ways against touchdown grab, neither team Amherst; at HOMH. on Friday. Nov. 2 at 2:30. Cross Country Splits Home Meet 31 and'was whipped by a Cardinal Three members of the fearsome front line: [1. to r.l Dom Rapini, Art Stern, and Steve LaFortune. cont. from p. 15 team peaking for the Little Three, Ever since I was old enough to know what an offensive lineman was, I wondered why anyone would meet tomorrow. want to be one. Always ori the bottom of the pile, never the "surferstar," not even able to use their said Magoun afterwards. "But I fee! The Harriers close their season hands, for pete's sake. Where's the glory? much better running from behind Saturday at home. Bearing a •"^ . The glory is in the running back. The glory is in the cmarterback. Heck, sure O.J. Simpson gained at a more even pace." record, they are likely to Mveep fame for scampering 2000 yards in a season. Sure, .Terry Bradshaw threw for over 300 yards in last Rasmussen was the second Clark and (.hiiimipuie in a *<•'''> year's Super Bowl. But where would either of those guys have been if they didn't have a solid Bantam, striding to a 27:00 tenth tense tri-meet, which no atlileiii-' offensive front five to make holes fpr them? To give them day-long protection? Seeing a lot more turf place in his best race this year. affieioiuulo should mis.-,, close up, that's for certain. Matt Smith, after easing to a 5:51 seniors Melo. Rasnuissen, >>!";r' My purpose for this rambling on about offensive lines? Five stalwarts, five strong men who don't . first mile, was goaded by Walde to wood, Henry Strom aiui D;1Ntf get the recognition they deserve. Justin George and Dom Rapini at tackle, John Josel and Steve a 10:08 two mile and a 27:59 finish, Brooks will be closing nut LaFortune at guard, and either Kevin Higgins or Art Stern at center: The Bantam-offensive line. "not bad for a race I wanted to take •" collegiate cross-country careers ol Bill Holden and Mike Elia will reap the praise for their vast rushing gains last Saturday. Gary it easy in." Despite the strorig various lengths and accom- Palmer is just beginning to see some semblance of success throwing the ball, Why? Because the finishes by Smith and the runners plishment with this race, which all-important offensive line is working together. It's true that Bill Holden could probably run over a behind Him, Trinitv lost to C.C. 25- begins at the cannons. bull dozer if he set his mind to it, But wasn't it a lot easier to have Rapini, George, Josel, LaFortune, PI _____ . —-£ and Stern pave the way for him? I am by no means trying to detract from the credit due to the backfield for their impressive work last weekend. But in addition to their talent, the efforts of that fearsome (well...they're gett1"-^ere) front five should be commended. This Week In Trinity Sports And next time y u see a running back break through the line and rocket towards the end zone, 1 remember the men who probably gave him the opening. Tuesday. Oct. 30 Men's Varsity Soccer vs. Coast Guard. HOME. 3:00.

Defense Quaffs Coasties Friday, Nov. 2 JV. Football vs. Amherst. HOME. 2:30. cont. from p.-16 stopped the Cadets and turned the reception was the l^th of momentum around. McNamara's career, tying Ron toss and raced 85 yards for a touch- A fired-up Trinity offense Duckett's career touchdown Friday and Saturdav. Water Polo in New Emjlands.. down. With the extra point. Coast steadily marched upfield. Holden record. Nov. 2-3 Away. Guard was, suddenly ahead'7-6. and Elia dashed through gaping A rejuvenated Bantam defense The startled Bantams lost their • holes created by linemen Art Stern, clamped down and stopped the Saturday. Nov. 3 Varsity Football vs. Amherst. composure and on the following Steve LaFortune, and Justin Cadets cold. Bill Schaufler forced a Awa\.'l:30. • series, they fumbled, giving the George, Palmer hit McNamara Coast Guard fumble, and on the Men's Varsity Soccer vs. Amherst, Cadets the ball on the Trinity 47 twice for gains of 18 and 19 yards to next series, Tom Savage picked off Away. 10:30." yard line. Coast Guard quickly bring the Bantsms to the Coast his second pass of the game. Elia pushed the ball downfield, as the Guard 20 yard line. Holden burst iced the win for Trinity as he Men's JV Soccer vs. Amherst. Bantam defense appeared to be for 13 and Elia followed with a 4 scampered 39 yards for the final Away. 10:30. folding. Behind the running of Jim yard gain to the 3. Palmer then score. Cross Country vs. Clark and Bee khan, the Cadets moved all the faked up the middle and tossed to Next week, the Bantams will Quinntpiac. HOME. 11:00.. way to the Bantam 4. Then, on McNamara in the end zone for the travel to Amherst to try and bring fourth and one, the Trin defense Bantam score. The touchdown their record to 3-4. October 30,1979, The Trinity Tripod, Page 15 5 Tennis Shuts Out Amherst by Dede Seeber end of their matches. All of the The Women's Varsity Tennis a set was lost throughout the doubles combos were also over- team concluded their season last match, and many team members powered by the Tufts women. demolished their opponents in Wednesday with a 9-0 shutout over record time. # 3 singles player the Lady Jeffs of Amherst. It was Overall, the match was plagued . Brenda Erie walked on the court at the end of a fine season for the by unpleasant playing conditions. three and finished her match at Trinity Racketeers as they posted The weather was sunny and un- four, winning by a 6-0, 6-1 tally. a 6-3 record for overall play. Coach seasonably hot and humid, some of Wendy Jennings had a tough match Sue McCarthy stated that she felt it the Trinity players were subjected against the Amherst # 1, yet was a very competitive schedule, to questionable line calls, and all overcame her in a straight set and that the team showed con- around, the Tufts team was not an victory. Overall, the win was a sistency and teamwork throughout. enjoyable team to play. Some felt satisfying end to a successful Monday, the Bantam Babes that the Delta fraternity could have season. traveled to Medford,Mass. to take lowered the volume of their stereo, on the Tufts team. The previous yet most agreed that it was an Coach Sue McCarthy felt that weekend, the team had competed experience to play tennis to music. the team compiled an impressive in the New England cham- While Tufts was indeed a disap- record, what with the copping of pionships, and the long weekend pointing loss, Trinity could console the Connecticut State Tour- took its toll as the Tufts Jumbos itself with their # 3 New England nament, placing third in the New overcame Trin by a 7-2 tally. All in ranking, while Tufts was not even Englands, and surviving the snow, all, it was a well-played match, but in the top four. tornadoes, rain, and cancelled Tufts definitely had the edge after matches. The team bids a fond having had a day's rest following Wednesday saw a revitalized farewell to graduating seniors their early elimination from the and revved up Trinity team take to Wendy Jennings and Jannie New Englands. the courts opposite the Lady Jeffs Meagher. Three year captain Captain .Wendy Jennings and of Amherst. The Bantam Babes Jennings was the backbone of the # 5 singles player Faith Wilcox sought to prove their skill and team and Trinity record holder for topped their opponents in straight finish the season with a good win. most dual meet victories. Jannie set 'victories. Eilleen Kern, Dena This sentiment proved true to form Meagher was always encouraging Kaplan, Brenda Erie and Dede as the Trinity women completely and a stalwart doubles player at the dominated their opponents 9-0. Not # 2 position. until Seeber all ended up on the losing in the . hall Harriers Tripped Up By fossa • yet liiick' Assumption; Stomp UHart g for averaged 5:25 for the next four to best 28:09, and the improvement tirted by Alex Magoun supported coach Walde's strategy 1 and finish in 26:43, well behind Feather After easily knocking off (26:03) and Cooledge (26:34). of pacing even if it didn't win the learly. meet. Assumption 19-41 last year, "I haven't had an easy race this Faith Wilcox, #5 singles player. h, o by j im Hager. Trinity's returning runners thought year," the Junior said later. "After Pacing keynoted the success of p Jt Dave that the same meet this year would the first mile, I didn't feel as though several Bantams at Wesleyan's , also; provide a similar result. This I could pick up the pace. Either informal invitational meet last' Field Hockey Places Nine nning' bubble burst when Alex Magoun I've peaked already this season or Saturday. This race is Cardinal iively, reported in mid-September that the I'm tired." Magoun lent credence coach Elmer Swanson's answer to c fine; Greyhounds had put three runners to the latter notion when he walked the domination of the. Easterns by On North East All-Stars Jim under 32:00 for ten kilometers and into a wall in Jackson that night. colleges offering athletic The talented freshman made some scholarships, and he hopes that in by Nick Noble excellent saves in the first two liws. upset WPI. Bob Williams finished sixth and time it may become a Connecticut tournament games, but wasn't, irfect "So much for that race," was suffered some of last year's hip state meet. For no reason apparent Trinity's Varsity Field Hockey challenged often enough to really If 10 the consensus of the team; after all, oroblems in runninu a 27:40. "Mv in the Boston Globe, however, team went 14-1 at the Division "A" show her stuff. Despite being WPI always killed the Bantams and right foot- keeps hitting my left virtually no scholarship schools ran North East-College: Field Hockey scored upon in the Middlebury of/a the race took place in the middle of calf," he' -said with some full teams in the Easterns Saturday, Tournament held this past contest she put on a second half Open Period between two im- bewilderment. This imbalance and Williams easily won over Coast weekend on the frigid fields of display of net-minding skill and their portant weekend meets. Even if it originally occurred in 1978 after Guard and Colby. Skidmore College. The Bantams savvy that left no doubt in the •aiibt was a home meet, the runners working with a jackhammer all then went on to place nine players minds/of the selectors. idav. wouldn't have to exert themselves, summer, but the beardless junior As for Trinity's harriers, they and one coach on the "A" or perhaps even show up. had no answer for its recurrence. were lacking the middle of their Trinity's Robin Sheppard was Once again, the state of mind varsity and much of their en- Division's top three All- named Head Coach of the Second changed when Magoun insisted Matt Smith, on the other hand, thusiasm. This was the third meet star squads. Team. Going into the tournament that "we can beat Assumption." passed Williams at the Veraon St. in eight days, the fourth time they It was the Bantams' first trip Sheppard. had fashioned « It>-1-1 Since that first meet, the top three's gate en route to a personal best had met Wesleyan, and the coldest ever to the North East Tourney, mark over the last two Trinity times had risen so that it was 27:34, It was not bad manners that weather they had run in. Alex and they baptised their premier bid seasons. conceivable that the Bantam leader kept him from staying with his Magoun had trained through it and for glory with a 4-0 triumph over Ro Spier, Trinity's flee'-footed ;ould place among them, leaving it teammate. "There was 'an intended to "start out slowly, and their Skidmore hosts. Dottie Bundy offensive star, was selected to the up to the next six Bantams to finish Assumption guy right behind me." then chase Suslovic if I feel notched her record fourth hat-trick Second squad. Co-Captain Laurie ahead of the. fourth and fifth Williams did run in ahead of alright," Paul Rasmussen had never of the fall in that win. Fergusson was also named to this Greyhounds. Magoun felt that Assumption's Krajewski, but the "been able to take it easy in a race. Later in the day Trinity took on Second Team for, her consistently these two were . well behind the fourth Greyhound kicked past I've got to go all out." The other big bad Boston University and excellent team play. Hard-hitting front-runners, and if the race went Mike Melo to seal his team's 34th seven runners hoped to relax and settled for a 0-0 tie. BU controlled half-back Lisa Nolen and strong as he hoped, Trinity would win 29- victory against five defeats. Melo enjoy the Middletown countryside. the first half, Trinity the second, fullback Ginny Gardner completed 30. still sliced four seconds off his PR Magoun, like the other squad but neither could score. Trinity's dominance of that Eleven, \er) It didn't work out that way, but to run 27:44 while Paul Rasmussen members, started behind a cluster On a bitter cold Sunday Lorraine deLabry, who played it kep the team involved and in- rebounded frpm Saturday's poor of Cardinals and Conn, College morning the Bantams fell to the impressive team hockey showing with a 27:56, a second Camels. Relaxing on the downhills, Panthers of Middlebury 1-0. There throughout the weekend, was. Slier- terested in the outcome of the meet. Seven of the Blue and Gold behind Assumption's fifth man. "I he passed two iniles in ten minutes was some mild controversy over named to the Third Team. enjoyed seasonal or personal bests was leading him when we came by and caught all but rival whether the ball was advanced into Fullback Carol McKenzie was on the gray and windy day, but the the soccer stands," said Rasmussen Ed Suslovic by 3.5 miles. The the goal or not; still it was a close, selected to the same squad on the exciting game between two strong, team succumbed to Assumption on Sunday, "and everyone started Wesleyan junior stormed home in a strength of her skillful and in- cheering. He took off like he had a PR 25:12 for the 4.9 course, and the well-matched teams. telligent yet daring defensive 23^32 and shut out UHartford 15- shot of adrenalin." turtlenecked Bantam crossed the Trinity's total of nine players performance. - line 24 seconds later. Some runners suffered seasonal Alex Sherwood moved up to ( •and a coach placed , on the That six of Trinity's nine All- worsts. Magoun tailed Greyhounds sixth man as he led a group of "I don't think I cquld have beat Division's four All-Star squads" and Star players are underclassmen Ken Feather and Kevin Cooledge Bantams through a 5:30 first mile. him with anything short of a rifle," Honorable Mention roll, was bodes well for the future of Trinity through a 5:00 first mile and then "It felt great," he said of his season cont. on p. 14 topped dnly by Middlebury's Field Hockey. It is also fitting that placing of an entire team, eleven the three seniors selected- players, and their coach. BU was Fergusson, deLabry, • and next with seven All-Star players. As McKenzie- are the three' who have BU had tied Middlebury 0-0, these remained active in Trinity Field three teams were definitely the Hockey throughout their four class of the tournament. They college seasons. accounted for twenty-seven of the These All-Star teams are not sixty All-Star players chosen from mythical or imaginary. The four the almost 150 players „ present Division "A" squads wilj take on representing a dozen schools. the Division "B" All-Star Elevens- Dynamite Dottie Bundy, the (the "A"-"B" division has nothing leading scorer of the tournament to do with skill; it is based simply with her three goals, was a First •on who registers earliest) ai the Team All-Star pick. Halfback Lisa Lopmis-Chaffee School in Windsor Lorillard, definitely the out- over the weekend of, Nov. 10-11. standing Trinity player of the That qualifying tournament will weekend, also made the First result in a final All-Star selection to Team. see who will represent the North Anne Collins, was the only one East in the national tourney to be surprised when she was named held in Edison, . NJ, ewer Thanksgiving weekend. \ Trinitv, issumplion and UHart oft to the rares. Pi, i, , u, ',,. i starting goalie for the First Team, _ . Page 16, The Trinity Tripod, October 30,1979

Football Bantams Trounce Coast Guard McNamara Ties Career Touchdown Record

by Dave Smith Trinity Bantams overpowered second 100 yard day in as many however, was the hard-nosed play Bantam ground game became Coast Guard 19-7 on Saturday at weeks. Freshman Mike Elia of the Trinity defense. Led by ineffective, and Palmer was forced Sparked by a potent running Jessee Field. scooted for 99 yards, including a Captain Chuck Tiernan and to go to the air. On a second and attack and the aerial combination Fullback Bill Holden bulled his beautiful 39 yard touchdown run. linemen Frank Netcoh and Jeff two, Palmer looked deep for his of Palmer, to McNamara, the way for 132 yards in 20 carries, his The key to the Bantam victory, Mather, the Bants closed off the favorite receiver, McNamara, who Cadet rushing game while backs went over a defender to make a - Tom •Savage (two interceptions) spectacular grab and then pranced and Tonr McGowan (one) slowed into the end zone for an apparent Coast Guard's passing attack. 63 yard TD. However, an offensive McGowan picked off a pass on interference call nullified the play. Coast Guard's opening possession Trinity could mount only one and gave Trinity the ball on the more scoring threat before the r-alf, Trin 47. Palmer, who sat out last but Bill Lindq ui.st's field goal at- week's game, quickly moved the tempt was short. The Bants con- Bants downfield. After Elia took a tinued to play solid defense and at screen pass for 13, Holden busted half time, they were protecting a for 12 yards to the Cadet 26. Three slim 6-0 advantage. plays later, Palmer threaded the In the second half, Palmer once needed to McNamara for 21 yards again began moving the team to the Coast Guard 9. On- fourth effectively. He successfully mixed and goal from the one, Barry runs, screens, draws arid passes to Bucklin bounced over for his first all his receivers to march the Trinity touchdown. Bantams downfield. Unfortunately, Throughout the first half, the as the Bants closed in on the goal Bantam defense played superbly. line, Palmer became overanxious They held the Cadets to a mere 42 and threw interceptions. On the yards total offense and continually third drive, Coastie defensive back gave the offense good field George Vance picked off an errant position. Pat McNamara snags one of 8 receptions, amassing a total of 121 yards. In the second quarter, the cont. on p. 14

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••i •-' "'•":'•:.•:: . ;.,\;\ . nati ton1 we) Phi f> V alsi Fa; ha: A Fine Day For Rushing fas Running backs Mike Elia [I.] and Barry Bucklin [r.] make up two-thirds of a dynamic Bantam his second consecutive 100-yard game. Ella went for 99 markers and a TD, while Bucklin h- backfleld, who gained a total of 266 yards rushing on the afternoon. Bill Holden, the third scored his first-ever Trinity touchdown. t meniber of the trio, was the leading ground gainer on the day, picking up 132 yards in this photo hY Charles Rosenfield fas wil foi so 8 Soccer Subdues Conn College; Nipped By UHart du be the first half, the. home team for the next eight to ten minutes, for a 10:30 AM tilt. The first part of proximately ten minutes F< by WlUtern Bullard looked better than the visitors, as the men in blue continued to push the game, unlike Wednesday's remained), the referee declared a %•' Trinity took the play to the the ball around and dominate the affair, was; rather dull and listless, defensive foul in the area and Ah, the ironies of sport. Hosting lackadaisical Hartford team. The play. as both teams seemed hesitant and awarded Connecticut a penalty two games this week, the Trinity booters. has four tremendous But slowly, inexorably, the tide uninspired. Scott Growney fired shot which was converted to knot Varsity soccer team played very a. charges, more than they had had in began to turn and Hartford's quick the hosts up with a fine direct kick the score at 1-1. . well against UHart on* Wednesday, Lc their previous three games put forwards seized control of the from outside the eighteen yard line, only to fall to their intra-city rivals together. But Jamie Brown, Ken a shot which the weak Conn goalie The team showed some dc 2-1. On Saturday, the Bantams' game. A red man was allowed to Savino, Carl Schiessl and Jamie roam freely and banged a shot past waved at as it sailed into the upper character by refusing to quit, and W performance was not nearly as Kaptyn were unable to capitalize right hand corner. Unfortunately, eventually regained control of the Pi impressive, but they still came" Tom Adil to tie the score,at one. on their various opportunities, and Trinity could not keep up any sort game's tempo. Just seconds into the tu away with their long-awaited UHart's superior skill really began the half-ended in a scoreless tie. to tell,,, and the visitors pounded of offensive, pace, and the half second overtime period, Scot wl second victory, a 2-1 overtime win Trinity had played some of its, best Growney (who can remember the d; over Conn College. away at Trinity's net, finally ended with the home team holding soccer, this season in that half, breaking the deadlock on the a shaky' 1-0 lead. last time a Bant scored two goals in containing the Hawks explosive, heading in of a cross with less than The second half featured soccer a game?) picked up the deflection offense while demonstrating good The' contest with UHart ap- fifteen minutes remaining. A few of a higher caliber (although the of a Mark Anderson shot and control in the middle of the field. blasted it past the Conn goftW> peared to be somewhat of a serious assaults by the hosts were officiating was not in keeping with The Bantams continued to from 20 yards out. The detense mismatch, as the traditionally turned away, and the Bantams had this improvement in play). Conn strong Hawks had only two losses attack as the second half began, nothing but despair to show for withstood the last Camel assaults and for about ten minutes, they College's highly-touted offense and with their first home victory, and were ranked 14th in New - their solid play. began to show signs of life and they England, whereas Trinity had lost completely befuddled their favored the booters raised their record to * opponents. This pressure paid off exerted some pressure on the Trin 6 and dealt Conn <. ollege a severe four straight. Despite the odds, the Saturday morriing fortunately net. The Bantams were somewhat Bantams sensed that UHart was when Scott Growney floated a blow to its playoff chances- brought a different scenario. The more lively, but a slight wind and u ripe for an upset; they had direct kick into the penalty area Camels of Conn College, Although the victory fe ™* which Jeremy Meyer headed.in.to the Camel defense combined to th- good, the Bantams cannot allow, reportedly attached much possessors of a 10-2 record, a fine wart any potential offensive significance to their recent 3-0 give Trinity its first game-opening sloppy play against Coast Guaro, offense, and an inflated opinion of thrusts. Disaster struck when, with victory over rival New Haven. In goal in recent memory. HOME, at 3 PM on Tuesday- themselves, strutted into Hartford - the game all: but won (ap-