CDSGThe Newsletter The Coast Defense Study Group, Inc. — November 2013 Chairman’s Message CDSG Meeting and Tour Calendar Norm Scarpulla Please advise Terry McGovern of any additions or changes at
[email protected] Mike Fiorini, Quentin Schillare, and I are the CDSG Directors for October 2013 through September 2014, and I am honored that CDSG Special Tour my fellow directors have asked me to be the chairman. Quentin February 22 - March 5, 2014 was elected to the board this year and Mike and I look forward to Manila Bay, the Philippines working with him. Andy Grant,
[email protected] The CDSG exists to research and document information about the seacoast fortifications of the United States, to disseminate that CDSG Annual Conference information, and to promote preservation of these fortifications October 1 - 5, 2014 through assistance to the site owners. How do we do this? Since Los Angeles /San Diego HDs the 1970s, CDSG members have pulled information from the Na- Mike Fiorini,
[email protected] tional Archives and other sources. In 1986, we published our first newsletter, and we have continued regular journals and newsletters CDSG Annual Conference since then. We have printed or reprinted critical reference books April 2015 on the subject. American Seacoast Defenses, A Reference Guide, Delaware River HD edited by Mark Berhow and first published in 1999, puts years of Chris Zeeman,
[email protected] research by our members in one place. Besides our role to research, document and disseminate infor- CDSG Annual Conference mation, the other half of the job is to be a resource to the owners April 2015 of seacoast fortifications and promote preservation.