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Arts & Style Norwegian Heritage A Norwegian The dragon ship tradition on a Det er ikke vanskelig å finne trekk takes to the sea ved det norske samfunn som minner smaller scale om vikingtiden. once again Read more on page 12 – Marianne Lie Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 24 June 15, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com Coming together in dialogue News Planes will be flying again in The strikes are Norway soon, says Avinor, Nor- way’s state-owned airport com- over, but the labor pany. The widespread strikes repercussions are across Norway had previously let to airport closures and air- still in discussion port security employees out of commission. The government recently stepped in and called Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d a forced mediation to get secu- Managing Editor rity back on the job. (blog.norway.com/category/ news) In the largest public sector strike since 1984, state and local Culture employees were off the job for more There will be a celebration at than two weeks as negotiations be- City Hall outside the Nobel tween the Norwegian government Peace Prize Center on Satur- and three main unions broke down day June 16 on the occasion over wage increases. of winner Prime Minister Jens Stolten- Aung San Suu Kyi’s visit to berg invited parties from the pub- Norway. The Silver Boys and the Keystone State Boys Choir, lic and private sector to discuss Big Bang, Thom Hell, Guro this year’s settlement and to see if things can be done differently in von Germeten & Schwindel- Photo: Unio Norge / Flickr frei Orchestra and Ole Edvard See > strike, page 6 YS leader Tore Eugen Kvalheim says that so far the negotiation model has ensured competitiveness and wealth creation. “If Antonsen are the artists who the negotiation model loses its legitimacy, all will lose,” he says. will entertain from the stage in front of the Nobel Peace Cen- ter. “We are proud to present a A great Norwegian wide variety of Norwegian mu- Looking for love? sicians who will perform dur- ing the party. We hope she will Casting call for Norwegian reality Celebrating enjoy listening to the music,” show targets Norwegian-Americans the life of Olav says Havard Kleppa, Com- munication at the Center, Trygve Lunde speaking on behalf of the orga- nizing committee. (blog.norway.com/category/ Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e culture) Olav Lunde died peacefully in his sleep in Seattle, Wash. at age 93 What’s inside? on Wednesday evening, May 30, News 2 – 3 2012. During his final battle with Business 4 congestive heart failure at Virginia Research & Education 5 Mason Hospital, he was surround-

Opinion 6 – 7 See > LUNDE, page 11 Photo courtesy of the Lunde family Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Bislett Games 2012 Obituaries & Religion 11 Excitement Arts & Style 12 Photo: Nordisk Film TV In Your Neighborhood 13 On the reality show Sons of Norway, Norwegians and Norwegian-Americans at Oslo’s big Norwegian Heritage 14 find love across borders. athletics night Sports 15 Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Bi s l e t t Ga m e s Di a m o n d Le a g u e $1 = NOK 6.0471 updated 6/11/2012 O’Connor Casting Company shooting in America and Norway. It was the weather and atmo- is searching for Norwegian-Amer- The series features four single, In comparison sphere not only superstar sprinter icans interested in being on Season adventurous and open-minded 5/11/2012 5.8565 Husein Bolt has dreamed of, but 2 of “Sons of Norway” a fun, kind- Norwegian-Americans who are se- all the thousands of fans heading to 12/11/2011 5.7476 spirited reality TV dating series 6/11/2011 5.4855 See > Casting, page 13 See > games, page 15 Photo: Aktiv i Oslo / Flickr 2 • June 15, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Ap sier ja til ny kullgruve Nå sikres regnbyen mot tørke høyre går fram Arbeiderpartiets stortingsgruppe gikk man- dag inn for å åpne en ny kullgruve i Lunck- Arbeiderpartiet er nede efjell på Svalbard. Til tross for protester Ny demning til 142 både internt i Ap og fra regjeringspartner SV millioner skal sikre på sitt laveste nivå siden gikk Aps stortingsgruppe med solid flertall februar 2011 inn for å åpne en ny gruve i Lunckefjell på Bergen mot vannmangel Svalbard, skriver VG. – Jeg er helt klar på at ftenposten det bør åpnes for fortsatt kullgruvedrift på i framtiden A Svalbard. Svalbardsamfunnet har tre bein Høyre og Fremskrittspartiet ville ha å stå på, nemlig kull, reiseliv og forskning. Aftenposten fått rent flertall hvis det var stortingsvalg i Alle disse tre virksomhetene er så flettet inn morgen, ifølge målingen. Høyre går fram i hverandre at det ene er avhengig av det an- 0,8 prosentpoeng til 32,9 prosent på målin- dre, sier Ap-politiker Ingrid Heggø i Stortin- Det kan høres ut som en aprilspøk, men gen. Frp går fram 0,3 prosentpoeng til 18,9 gets næringskomité. Den nye gruva er tilk- regnbyen Bergen trenger mer vann! prosent. Til sammen ville de to partiene ha nyttet Svea Nord, som er ventet å gå tom for Nå er Bergen kommune i gang med byg- fått 93 av de 169 plassene på Stortinget. kull i 2013. Store Norske har truet med at gingen av ny demning i den viktige drikkev- – Dette er veldig hyggelige og stabile kullgruvevirksomheten driften på Svalbard annskilden Svartavatnet i Gullfjellet. tall, og sterke resultater totalt sett på borg- kan være over allerede i 2016 dersom de Prosjektleder Arne Halvorsen ved vann- erlig side, sier Høyre-leder til ikke får åpne for drift i Lunckefjell. og avløpsetaten sier utvidelsen er viktig for Foto: Bergen kommune Prosjektleder Arne Halvorsen sier Bergen trenger mer Nationen. (NTB) å sikre vannforsyningen for byens borgere. drikkevann. Mens Høyre posisjonerer seg som – Frem mot 2040 regner vi med at Ber- landets største parti, går Arbeiderpartiet Naturskader for 2,3 milliarder kroner i gen har 100 000 flere innbyggere. Og da må dig. tilbake 1,7 prosentpoeng til 27,8 prosent. fjor vi sørge for at det er nok drikkevann til alle, Bergen Turlag har vært kritisk til ut- Det er Aps laveste oppslutning siden feb- Uværet Dagmar kostet forsikringssels- sier han. byggingen, blant annet fordi den betyr store ruar 2011 på Norfaktas målinger for de to kapene over 1,1 milliarder, rundt halvparten Bergenserne er ikke ukjent med tørke- inngrep i naturen. avisene. Partisekretær av det som ble utbetalt i erstatninger. Aldri perioder og restriksjoner på bruk av drikkev- – Tiltaket gir et stort inngrep i Bergens slår fast at partiet er topp motivert. Aps før har det vært betalt ut mer i erstatning ann, selv om byen er kjent for at det kommer for naturskader enn i fjor. Totalsummen ble største sammenhengende fjellområde med få regjeringspartnere gjør det heller ikke skarpt enorme mengder drikkevann ned fra him- rekordhøye 2,3 milliarder kroner. – Det er tekniske inngrep, skrev turlaget i et brev til på målingen. Senterpartiet faller 0,8 prosent- melen. høyere enn tidligere anslått og også høyere kommunen i 2006. poeng til 4 prosent. Sosialistisk Venstreparti Normalt kommer det 2250 mm nedbør enn året 1992 som inntil nylig har vært reg- Prosjektlederen mener hensynet til na- går tilbake 0,4 prosentpoeng til 3,5 prosent. i Bergen, ifølge Vervarslinga på Vestlandet. net som rekordår på naturskadeerstatninger, turinngrep blir godt ivaretatt. Målingen viser videre at Kristelig Men det er et problem at regnet ikke kommer sier Tonje Westby, kommunikasjonssjef i – Mange av stiene kan vi tilbakeføre et- Folkeparti faller 0,2 prosentpoeng til 4,2 i passelige mengder jevnt fordelt utover året. Finansnæringens Fellesorganisasjon (FNO). ter at arbeidet er ferdig. Vi mister en min- prosent. Venstre går fram 1,7 prosentpoeng Det er bare to år siden det sist var De største naturskadehendelsene i 2011 var dre sti som går sør for dagens dam, men kan til 5,4 prosent. Rødt går fram 0,7 prosentpo- vannkrise i Bergen på grunn av tørke. Da flommen i i juni, flommen ellers lage nye stier slik at turgåere også i eng til 1,7 prosent. Miljøpartiet De Grønne ble bergenserne bedt om å unngå bilvask og i Gaula-vassdraget i august, uværet Berit i fremtiden kan ha like gode turopplevelser får 0,9 prosent. kommunen måtte redusere vanntrykket. november og den aller verste, uværet Dag- her oppe som i dag, sier han. mar i desember. Rundt halvparten av skad- Utvidelsen av Svartavatnet vil sørge for English Synopsis: While the Labor Party is at its ene etter Dagmar var i Møre og Romsdal. en tredobling av vannmengden i magasinet. lowest popularity level since February of 2011, the Der kom det inn 8.849 skademeldinger etter Totalt vil dammen da inneholde hele 8,6 English Synopsis: Norway’s “rainy city,” Bergen, ac- Conservative Party and the are getting dette uværet, og 580,5 millioner ble utbetalt. millioner kubikkmeter vann når den står fer- tually needs more drinking water! more popular, according to a new survey. Sogn og Fjordane opplevde også store skad- er etter Dagmar, mens Svalbard var det en- este området som unnslapp stormen fullsten- dig. Ifølge FNO vil alle bygninger og løsøre Kan stemme? Bedre forhold til innvandrere som forsikres mot brannskader, automatisk også bli forsikret mot naturskade. Gjennom Sosialistisk Venstreparti En ny undersøkelse viser denne ordningen er du sikret erstatning ved har bestemt seg for at at 22. juli har hatt effekt på naturskade som følge av skred, storm, flom, stormflo, jordskjelv og vulkanutbrudd. partiet vil jobbe for å senke vårt forhold til innvandrere (NTB) stemmerettsalderen til 16 år Tine mangler 30 millioner liter melk VG nRK Få måneder etter siste kvoteøkning mangler En ny undersøkelse viser at 22. juli har Tine fortsatt 30 millioner liter melk og ber – SV vil senke stemmerettsalderen både hatt effekt på vårt forhold til innvandrere. om 3 prosent økning i kvoten. Etter fem for stortingsvalg og lokalvalg til 16 år, sier To av tre nordmenn sier at forholdet år med nedgang i totalproduksjonen endte stortingsrepresentant til Dag- til innvandrere nå er blitt bedre. Det er 11 fjoråret med smørmangel og kortvarig fris- lipp av melkekvotene. I mars økte melkekvo- savisen. prosent høyere enn tilsvarende funn i det tene med 3 prosent, og få måneder senere Han vil nå fremme grunnlovsforslag om såkalte Integreringsbarometret i 2010. Tall- Photo:imdi.no varsler Tine at det mangler nye 30 millioner å endre stemmerettsalderen, men forslaget ene kommer fram i Integreringsbarometeret Geir Barvik er direktør i Integrerings- og mangfolds- liter melk. Den bondeeide marknadsregula- vil ikke bli vedtatt. Valen trenger to tredels 2012, som offentliggjøres torsdag. direktoratet (IMDi) toren ber derfor om ytterligere 3 prosent i et flertall og vedtak fra to for å få gjen- Det er sjette gang Integrerings- og mang- også flere andre interessante funn: ekstraordinært kvotehopp, skriver Nationen. nom forslaget. Foreløpig er det kun Venstre foldsdirektoratet (IMDi) har målt nordmenns Vel en tredjedel, 36 prosent, av de spurte Styreleder Trond Reierstad i Tine vedgår som støtter forslaget. Partileder Trine Skei holdninger til innvandrere og innvandring. at smørmangelen har medvirket til at mei- Grande uttalte under en stortingsdebatt om Undersøkelsen ble foretatt i mars i år mener at innvandring utgjør en alvorlig trus- erikonsernet anbefaler en ny kvoteøkning. temaet i 2010 at «ungdom som må betale – kort tid før terrorrettssaken startet i Oslo sel mot et felles norsk verdigrunnlag. Tils- – Ja, etter fjoråret følger vi ekstra tett med, skatt og kan fengsles, bør også gis mulighet tingrett. Selv om ingen av spørsmålene var varende andel i 2010 var 10 prosent høyere. og det er viktig for oss å ha stor nok buffer til å påvirke politikken». relatert til hendelsene 22. juli i fjor, er likevel Fire av ti, 41 prosent, sier at de er skep- til å klare svinginger i markedet. Kundene Arbeiderpartiet har ikke bestemt seg nordmenns stadig økende positive og mer tiske til personer med muslimsk tro. Det er våre har signalisert behov for større lever- om de vil endre aldersgrensen. - åpne holdninger til innvandrere merkbar. en klar nedgang fra undersøkelsene for to år anser, og for å få nok melkefett vil vi gjerne representant Håkon Haugli (Ap) i kommu- – Det er selvsagt vanskelig å svare at 22. siden da andelen var 11 prosent høyere. ha inn 30 millioner liter mer melk, sier han. nal- og forvaltningskomiteen mener det er juli ikke har hatt betydning for resultatene Statssekretær Ahmad Ghanizadeh i Den totale melkeproduksjonen her i landet argumenter både for og imot. Kommunal- i denne undersøkelsen, sier direktør i Inte- Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsde- var i fjor på 1.476 millioner liter. Det er og regionalminister og Sp-leder Liv Signe grerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet (IMDi), partementet er glad for utviklingen. det laveste på over ti år, og en nedgang på Navarsete vil ikke ta endelig standpunkt før Geir Barvik. Han tror den kanskje viktigste – Jeg tror dette blant annet henger sam- 65 millioner liter fra 2007. En økning på evalueringen av forsøket ved lokalvalget i årsaken til at folks oppfatning til innvandrere men med 22. juli. I etterkant så vi hvordan 3 prosent utgjør nærmere 50 millioner li- hele befolkningen sto sammen, både i sorgen ter. Det er Landbruksdepartementet som i 2011 er klart neste år. endrer seg i positiv retning, er at media har Kristelig Folkeparti, Høyre og Frem- blitt mer bevisst og tydelig på å få frem de og i forsvaret av demokratiet som er én av samråd med bondeorganisasjonene bestem- våre sentrale felles verdier. mer om de vil følge rådet fra Tine og øke skrittspartiet mener stemmeretten skal følge ulike holdningene. Spesielt gjelder det på myndighetsalderen. kommentar – og debattplass. melkekvotene. English Synopsis: A new study has revealed that the ter- (NTB) – Det er å håpe at dette er et varig skifte, rorist attacks on July 22 have had a positive effect on English Synopsis: The Socialist Left party has de- sier direktøren. the relationship of native Norwegians to immigrants. cided that the party would like to drop the voting age Undersøkelsen, som har skjedd i regi av The survey comes from the Integration and Diversity from 18 to 16. Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet, har Directorate. Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news June 15, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Day by day Cars with speed barriers Broad agreement on Norwegian climate Norway considers new ways to prevent car accidents treaty Summary of each The three Government coalition parties day’s developments have agreed on a climate treaty with the Conservative Party (Høyre), Liberal Left of July 22 trial Party (Venstre) and the Christian Democrats (KrF). The Progress Party (FrP) was left out the settlement. The new climate agreement NRK includes more funds allocated to industrial climate funds, improved public transit and more money towards investments in energy June 4 (Day 30) efficient homes and office buildings. “Our goal was to make the climate report more Today the defense continued with their ambitious and committed. Although we testimony. Professor of Religious Studies at wanted even stronger measures, we have the University of Uppsala, Mattias Gardell, succeeded,” Høyre’s Deputy Leader Jan began as the first witness of the day. An au- Tore Sanner says in a press release. thor and historian at the , (Norway Post) Nikolai Brandal, was the next witness. In the afternoon, Behring Breivik talked exten- Photo: Yngve Ask / Innovation Norway With Norway’s narrow roads, car accidents are all too common. Speed barriers on cars could help. Mullah Krekar to remain in custody for sively about the process of his becoming a eight weeks radical. “The ideological journey from nor- The Oslo City Court (Tingretten) on mality to the abnormal...it’s a kind of journey No r w a y Po s t Wednesday afternoon ruled that Mullah you take. I have told earlier in my testimony Krekar be remanded in police custody for about a number of factors. What I have not eight weeks, as requested by the Oslo police. told much about are the personal stories,” The Norwegian Public Roads Admin- number of accidents. Krekar, who was apprehended by the police said Breivik. He told of a number of small istration is open to new initiatives, and will In order to decrease the high number of on Tuesday, had demanded to released. He and supposedly more serious violent inci- consider implementing built-in speed bar- accidents involving young males and high denied having made new threats. Mullah See > trial, page 6 riers in Norwegian vehicles to decrease the Krekar was Tuesday afternoon apprehended See > cars, page 7 in his home by armed members of the Secret Police (PST) and the Oslo Police Precinct, NRK reports. The move comes just one Referendum on the monarchy? Climate consensus day after Krekar was sentenced to five Most political parties years in prison by an Oslo court for making Two think tanks suggest death threats against five named persons. have agreed on the new According to a report by the newspaper a vote by the people Aftenposten Tuesday morning, Krekar is climate settlement said to have made new threats, this time for the next coronation against Norwegian police and Norwegian NRK interests abroad, published on a internet site that he has also used earlier. NTB (Norway Post) A new agreement that came out of the Stortinget on June 7 includes more money Norway asylum child policy whitepaper for a climate fund for the business commu- released “We need a monarchy supported by the nity, better public transportation in big cit- The Norwegian government has published people. [Crown Prince] Haakon needs the ies and more money for energy efficiency its much-awaited whitepaper on asylum people’s confidence before he can step into measures. The opposition believes they children. The paper, released a week after the role of king,” Said Lars Martin Mediaas, have helped to point government policy in Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) director Terje Sjeggestad refused to be bound by the secretary-general of the center-left think a more environmentally friendly direction. politicians’ wishes, examines the situation tank to . Negotiations resumed this week after having that asylum seeking children experience Mediaas himself is a supporter of the collapsed on Friday. A settlement between as many parties as possible has been desirable when they are either travelling on their own monarchy, but he calls on the Crown Prince or with an adult. Its aim is to discuss what to do the same as his great-grandfather Prince because it will make climate policy predict- able regardless of which parties have control measures can be provided for children who Carl did in 1905: come to Norway. “Children who come to of the government. “He asked for the people’s trust, and re- Norway alone are particularly vulnerable. It “Our goal was to make climate policy ceived it to become King Haakon VII,” said is important for the Norwegian authorities to more ambitious and binding. This has been Mediaas. provide good care for this group,” declared Photo: Kongehuset.no “It’s good to have a head of state who the achieved, even if we wanted even stronger the minister. HM King Harald and HRH Crown Prince Haa- measures,” said the Conservative deputy (The Foreigner) kon. A new referendum could affect Prince Haa- CLIMATE, page 13 kon’s right to the throne. See > HAAKON, page 7 See > Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • June 15, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (June 11, 2012) Winners Losers Sharing possibilities Norsk Kr. 6.0471 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Birdstep Technology 1.5 15.4% Codfarmers 1.3 -12.7% Technoport’s Innovation Award goes to oil spill Dansk Kr. 5.9484 Petrolia 0.6 12.3% Sparebanken Øst 27.0 -10.0% Svensk Kr. 7.1194 Repant 2.0 12.2% Norse Energy Corp. 2.0 -8.1% technology in celebration of green design SinOceanic Shipping 6.5 8.0% Oceanteam Shipping 3.7 -7.5% Canadian $ 1.0307 Itera 2.7 8.0% Avocet Mining 13.9 -6.7% Euro 0.8002 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Independent Insurance Broker Long-Term Health Care Insurance Should you consider it? Call me for honest straightforward advice. (206)362-5913 www.obergltc.com 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155

Photo: Technoport / Tale Bærland The winners of Technoport 2012, including Silje Rabben of Kaliber Industrial Design on the far right.

Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway

Silje Rabben and Kaliber Industrial De- national policy-making arena. To focus on sign won Technoport’s Young Innovation this Technoport also created a platform for Award for it’s handheld device for mechani- dialogue and identify common ground for cal cleaning of oil spills on hard surfaces. transition-centered technology. This allows The price was 200.000 NOK. The tool com- scientific and technological voices to be bines and automates the traditional processes heard and leading edge scientific knowledge of oil spill removal. The technology has been shared with important international decision thoroughly tested and successfully verified makers, politicians and businesspeople. in combination with existing oil spill clean- This year there was also student exhibi- up technology. She is now looking for new tion Technoport Mission Rio with 800 par- production partners and investors that want ticipants. The students have been working Subscribe to the Weekly! to take an active role in the further develop- with sustainable development. The Award See page 3 for details or call (800) 305-0217 ment and commercialization of the product. for Best Student Project went to Thomas Technoport was founded in 2005 to pro- Erdal Loland, Erik Storås and Aleksander LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: mote green Design, technology and research. Kolstad, all students at NTNU for their So- Certified Public Accountant Small businesses It was initiated by the city manager of Trond- lar Driven Ice Maker. They will present the (206)789-5433 Individuals heim and quickly generated enthusiasm project at the UN-conference Rio+20 in Bra- among local businesses and industry, the in- zil in June. The students on the winning team 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 stitutions of higher education and research as are looking forward to present their project. well as the regional governmental bodies. The They will be part of the Norwegian delega- idea was to open up between various fields tion from the Ministry of Environment. MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE of technology and lines of business. People This year’s Norwegian delegation will were able to experience, look at, touch, and be so called top heavy with our Prime Min- a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w be intrigued by technology. In 2005 the first ister , the Ministers Heikki technology festival was arranged with more Holmås and Bård Vegar Solhjel and five than 150 exhibition stands, 40 conferences Stortingsrepresentatives on the team. Also Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, and work shops, Techno Match and Technol- Gro Harlem Brundtland that played an im- commercial transactions and estate planning. ogy Awards. portant role before it all started in Rio in The voices of science and technology 1992 will be present! are often absent and unheard in the inter- 2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Business News & Notes

UK-Norway energy pact boosts jobs, supplies Strong Euro-Zone Countries Must Contribute Britain signed an energy pact with Norway to Growth LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. on Thursday designed to boost the number of The stronger euro-zone countries should do Sales and Service long-term gas supply deals and create up to what they can to contribute to more vigorous 1,600 jobs in the UK. The deal also envisages economic growth in the region, Norwegian joint exploitation of the Arctic’s vast energy Finance Minister Sigbjørn Johnsen told Dow riches and greater collaboration in the tapping Jones Newswires Thursday. “Those euro of North Sea oil and gas fields. British Prime countries which have space for action should Minister David Cameron signed the “Energy contribute,” Mr. Johnsen said at the IIF con- Partnership for Sustainable Growth” deal with ference in Copenhagen. Norway, which isn’t Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Norwegian counterpart Jens Stoltenberg in a euro-zone member, recovered quickly from phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Oslo. “This will mean more collaboration on a shallow recession during the financial crisis fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 affordable long-term gas supply, more recipro- of 2008 and 2009, helped by revenue from cal investment in oil, gas and renewable ener- its oil industry. But as Europe takes around gies and more commercial deals creating thou- two-thirds of the Nordic country’s exports, its sands of new jobs and adding billions to our economy is still exposed to the effects of the [email protected] economies,” Cameron said in a statement. continent’s sovereign-debt crisis. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 (Reuters) (Reuters) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research June 15, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Engaging in research believes in encouragement as a means of promoting learning

Re s e a r c h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y

Ms. Halvorsen recently assumed po- generic media channels. litical responsibility for research and higher “More than ever before, we need a criti- education in Norway, adding this to her port- cally-thinking academic community to keep folio as minister for the kindergarten through us on our toes. This is a vital element in the upper secondary school sector. Now she is development of our democracy and in how in charge of everything from pre-school to robust it proves to be,” Kristin Halvorsen as- top-level research. serts. Her recent resignation as party leader According to Kristin Halvorsen, young of the Socialist Left Party made it feasible people today consider school and education for her to incorporate Norway’s academia to be more important than previous genera- segment under her purview. The objective tions. The number of applicants to institu- of the new “superminister” is no less than tions of higher education in Norway for the to achieve a major boost to knowledge in all upcoming school year hit a record high. The sectors of the country. minister and her ministry colleagues are es- While Ms Halvorsen’s predecessor, pecially pleased to note that so many more Photo: Kunskapsdepartementet / Flickr Minister of Research and Higher Education young people than before are seeking to be- Kristin Halvorsen and former Minister of Research, . Tora Aasland, spent a great deal of time out come teachers and engineers – professions in the field, Kristin Halvorsen must prioritise of which Norway has serious need. does not wish to divulge what these priori- I would be meeting a gang of grumpy old differently. Ms Halvorsen finds vindication in these ties may comprise. “It will all be made clear men,” she says with a smile. “But that was “With responsibility for the entire Min- climbing numbers: “I’ve been annoyed by in the national budget proposal next autumn far from the case. I was very inspired by the istry of Education and Research, it is not all those who say that young people today and the next government white paper on re- meeting. I found that people were forthcom- possible for me to spend as much time at are just lazing around without choosing an search coming in 2013. The research sector ing and truly wanted to share what they were each institution. However, I have the great education that society needs. This latest has ample opportunity to provide their input capable of contributing.” advantage of working with the entire Nor- round of school applications demonstrates to both.” “The sector deserves a lot of credit for wegian knowledge sector from a unified per- that our young people actually are guided by Kristin Halvorsen’s debut as minister in pulling together and collaborating on pro- spective,” says Ms Halvorsen, adding that the interests of society – not only in order charge of the research and higher education posals. It was also encouraging to find there this will be to the benefit of the research sec- to gain secure employment, but also because sector took place in March at a large con- was general consensus that we should con- tor as a whole. they know that it will give them an exciting ference in Oslo. Key players from the Nor- tinue to build upon the current white paper. The new minister is concerned with career. wegian research community were invited to No one in the audience demanded that I toss achieving a consistent approach throughout At the beginning of the 1980s, when present their input to the coming government it out the window and start from scratch. Re- all levels of education and in all fields, citing Kristin Halvorsen herself became a student white paper on research. search is a long-term affair,” she states. the national strategy for natural sciences as a at the University of Oslo, she had no clear “To be completely honest, I thought good example of how this can be done. idea as to what her education would be used “The strategy focuses on measures that for. Nor did she end up earning very many start at the kindergarten level. All higher credits. After an intermediate subject in So- education and research is dependent on the cial Education and elementary courses in foundation provided for children and young Criminology politics caught her interest. Global Study adults at an early age,” she maintains. At the age of 51, and having recently In her service as minister for the kinder- stepped down after 15 years as party leader, At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community garten through upper secondary education she can boast of six and a half years of ser- ensures challenge and support for every student sector, Kristin Halvorsen has demonstrated a vice on the coalition government’s steering burning passion for education. The question subcommittee, four years as Minister of Fi- is whether she will show the same zeal for nance and, thus far, three years as Minister of research. Education. She is living proof that a person “As I see it, research is not just a sec- can go far without a long, formal education. tor, but a perspective on society. Our basic As the former Minister of Finance, Ms precept must be that we need more knowl- Halvorsen knows which buttons to push in edge and research in all areas of society. As government budget negotiations in order to such, all of us with political responsibility in obtain funds. In this way she is better suited a given sphere must seek to increase knowl- for the job than many of the ministers pre- edge and research in our fields. In several ar- ceding her. eas today there is far too little research being “That’s right! I do know all the tricks,” carried out. Communications/transport and she says, with a grin. law are two examples.” But when asked if she intends to use Ms Halvorsen intends to make this emi- them she turns more serious: nently clear to her government colleagues. “It’s one thing to be a good negotiator, Nor will she be relying on encouragement but the research sector needs to be aware alone as her tool; reprobation will also come that from now on there will probably be less into play. “Government members who don’t money available overall. Financial crisis is include research in their thinking and do too rife in many countries and here in Norway, little to build knowledge in their spheres too, we are going to find daily life a little PLU students visit Emei Mountain near Chengdu, China, as part of a semester abroad. should, quite simply, be ashamed of them- tougher. If we want to prevent competition- selves,” she says. based sectors from failing we need to limit The Minister of Education and Research how much oil money we spend. This is go- believes that societal development, in many ing to make it more challenging to distribute CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS ways, is the best argument for promoting au- funds among good causes such as research tonomous institutions, independent research as part of the national budget. Which also and critical thinking. She sees this as a means means it will be even more important to be of stemming the flood of undocumented and skilful in setting political priorities and for- PLU manipulative claims presented as historic mulating good arguments.” Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 facts in a growing number of increasingly The Minister of Education and Research 6 • June 15, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion < Trial An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 3 Join the conversation! dences he experienced during adolescence. Prosecutors drove Breivik pretty hard on his On the EDGE alleged KT network in Liberia and his al- The death of Norwegian language? leged “diamond trade-cover.” By Kelsey Larson, Copy Editor

June 5 (Day 31) “But that which we fear above (nakkeslang). Several know critics of Islam testified all else is…språkterminatoren.” The Recently, however, many ar- in court today. The defense team of Anders “language terminator,” a tall, Arnold guments have arisen in response to Behring Breivik had called in several con- Schwarzenegger-reminiscent man, the negative views held by Sylfest troversial people. The first was the social with dark glasses and a machine gun, Lomheim and other Norwegians who commentator, blogger and author Ole Jørgen destroys Norwegian dictionaries and are concerned about the language’s Anfindsen. Then the witness Ronny Alte, grammar books as the terrified future- future. This brings us to the second former head of the Islam-critical organiza- inhabitants of Oslo race for cover. “camp” in the debate: the Norwegians tion Norwegian Defence League, who is “Mission…terminate all use of Å, Æ, who think, quite frankly, that Lomheim now affiliated with the fledgling organiza- and Ø,” the terminator growls. This, is exaggerating. In 2010, Kagge Forlag tion, the Norwegian Freedom Party. Arne a scene from the Norwegian televi- AS published a book by linguists Guro Tumyr, leader of the Islamist organization sion program Typisk Norsk (Typical Fløgstad and Anders Vaa. Sporting Photo: Typisk Norsk / NRK1 Stop Islamification of Norway (SIAN) testi- Norwegian), portrays—with a bit of an eye-catching title of “Norwegian fied after lunch. Tore Tvedt, founder of the The “language terminator” wants to “terminate all use silliness—a common fear in Norway of Å, Æ and Ø.” is a little language which is about to neo-Nazi and neo-religious organization Vi- today: that the Norwegian language is die out” and subtitle “and other myths grid, testified as well. The philosopher Einar threatened by the rising use of Eng- fessed to using English words and phrases about language,” the authors dedicate Øverenget, who has been critical of the first lish. The English language can be found in their daily speech. They see no contra- an entire chapter to the lack of any dan- expert report, was the final witness. everywhere in Norway, despite the fact diction and think it is okay. The issues sur- ger faced by the Norwegian language, that Norwegian is spoken there on a daily rounding the debate are complex and not and how it will surely survive despite June 6 (Day 32) basis and is the official language. Eng- easily solved. Clearly, however, there are all the stress placed upon it by English. This was the last day for witnesses of lish words are found in ads, on products, two main “camps” within the debate. Of the 6912 languages that this research the defense. Aftenposten’s chief editor Hilde clothes, street signs, names of businesses, The first “camp,” which has found takes into account, only eight are spoken Haugsgjerd started in the witness box. Carl and even instruction manuals for digital a ringleader in the Norwegian Language by more than 100,000,000 people: these Ivar Hagen (a Progress Party politician) watches (leaving any Norwegian who is Council’s director, Sylfest Lomheim, are Mandarin, English, Hindi, Arabic, was to witness, but his participation was unable to understand English helpless to prognosticates the premature death of Spanish, Russian, Bengali, Portuguese, waived. The next witness was program their new watch). Not to men- the Norwegian language. “There are few Japanese, and German. Meanwhile, only (an ex-Progress Party politician), who wit- tion the overwhelming amount of English things that are safer to say about the future 264 languages have one to ten million nessed about speech censorship, but started songs on the radio or programs on TV. But than that the Norwegian language will dis- speakers. This means that only 5% of the off his testimony with this statement: “It is is English really a threat to Norwegian? appear,” Lomheim predicted in the book world’s languages have more than one he who is the traitor to Norwegian values, Norway itself is split on the issue: Kampen for Språket. The Norwegian Lan- million speakers! And, according to Fløg- the Norwegian culture. It has nothing to do some Norwegians perceive the English guage Council states: “The goal for work stad and Vaa, this also means that Norwe- with Norwegian values ​​to to kill 77 people language as a leviathan threat to their na- in the Language Council is that Norwe- gian, with almost five million speakers, is because you do not get your letters to the tive tongue. With only 5 million speakers, gian be in use in all aspects of societal life, ranked in size at number 114 out of 7000 editor published,” says Simonsen. In addi- such a fear is understandable. Others are in the future as well—and that it won’t be languages. It is, in fact, one of the world’s tion, the party secretary Raymond Johansen not troubled. A 2007 survey by the Nor- set to the side by English.” As part of this largest languages. witnessed about policy. A po- wegian Language Council (Språkrådet) goal, they have created a list of avløseord So is the Norwegian language really lice researcher of the Internet game World reveals that 60% of Norwegians believe it (“replacement words”) on their website, in any immediate danger? Probably not. of Warcraft testified, followed by a person is important to protect their language and which includes a list of frequently used The Norwegian Language Council has, Breivik played World of Warcraft with on actively use Norwegian words and phras- English words (“whiplash” for example) perhaps, sounded the alarm a bit prema- the Internet. es. Just under 50%, however, also pro- and an idea for a Norwegian equivalent turely in many ways.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< STRIKE serious,” said Bjurstrøm, who’s from the La- in Europe that has anything like it. And both the competitiveness and wealth creation. All From page 1 bor Party herself and not inclined to interfere public and private employees in recent years sectors should be able to recognize them- the future to avoid strikes. The initiative for in strikes. experienced strong growth over several years selves in wage growth… Public employees an open dialogue came after Stoltenberg’s Employers, including those in the public in purchasing power,” emphasized the prime should have as good a salary as those who annual meeting with his fellow prime minis- sector and government, said the labor unions minister. work in the competitive private sector. If the ters for the Nordic Council of Ministers. had too high of expectations regarding pay Roar Flåthen, leader of the LO union, negotiation model loses its legitimacy, all “It’s about how we can still secure a raises. Employees claimed they weren’t be- welcomed the Stoltenberg’s proposals. “I am will lose. We will have a more conflict-filled wage determination in Norway that can help ing heard. Stoltenberg was frustrated by the pretty sure that one must agree on the defi- work, he says to NRK. to keep unemployment low and safe condi- extent of the strikes, especially because his nition of the negotiations and how it should Stoltenberg rejects claims that his invita- tions for the competitive firms,” Stoltenberg Labor Party-led administration has been in work. The model should be be credible and tion to dialogue can be regarded as political said. power for seven years. He is now focused accepted to set the framework for wage de- interference: “We want to learn from the ex- This year’s extensive strike had large on changing how the negotiation process is termination. You have to agree on basic prin- perience of this year… there is no politiciza- consequences for everyday Norwegians, done in Norway. He points out that workers ciples,” said Flåthen to NRK. tion of wage determination. On the contrary, particularly for airports and places with se- in Norway is in a unique position compared YS leader Tore Eugen Kvalheim also I am concerned that we will have free bar- curity guards. Minister of Labor Hanne Bjur- to other places in Europe. welcomes the discussion about the negotia- gaining in this country. But everyone – both strøm intervened on June 8 to forcibly end “We have now a growth of around 4 tion model, but warns that more strikes could employers and employees – are interested in the strike and order security guards back to percent and an inflation rate of around 1 per- take place if the model loses its legitimacy our success in a way that we do not come work. Issuing such an order “is always very cent – that is a purchasing power increase of with its members. into conflict,” he said. around 3 percent. There is no other country “So far the negotiation model ensured

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UPDATE norwegian american weekly June 15, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, trying to make shelters of large evergreen family has donned their Norwegian bunader Managing Editor This is a response to Ada DenBraven’s branches while flattening the by step- and viking garb and marched in the Seattle- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] question in the June 1 issue of Norwegian ping it down. Two women asked if they could Bergen Sister City unit in Ballard’s 17th of Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager American Weekly regarding an event that come in our kitchen and feed their infants; I May parade. Kelsey Larson [email protected] occurred in Oslo April 9 1945. I don’t know still see them clearly. And then it was over. her but the name of her street and school I don’t know how long it took actually Assistant Layout Editor caught my eye, because it would have been but the word was out that the scare was cre- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] my school and Tåsenveien and Nordmarka ated to make easier access and keep some Intern are very much a part of my life; Nordmarka secrecy as to what the Germans brought in Jess Larsen [email protected] being a wilderness forest that makes up the during their invasion. While this gave a little Contributing Editors northern part of Oslo. Our family lived at relief, the fear of what would happen next Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. the edge of Nordmarka literally; on the other must have been awful for those old enough Carla Danziger McLean, Va. side of our back fence. to know some of what humankind is capable Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. April 9th is one of my life’s anniversa- of. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway ries, 72 yrs. It happened on a quiet day like As for the schools, Tåsen Elemen- Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland any other, suddenly. Engine roars so loud tary became German Quarters so I went Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. you’d expect something was going to wreck to Blindern University, which was closed Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. our house. Then we saw. Black planes with down as a university. Berg High School, Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. white Swastikas racing seemingly so low Ada’s school, became a hospital, and Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. they appeared to come out of the trees while my cousin was born there. In time they Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. we stood motionless looking up out of the all reverted back and I attended Berg. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. window in silence. I was nearly 7 years old I was six years behind Ada in school I was Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. and we had witnessed the initiation of 5 years also six years behind her going to the U.S. in Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. of German occupation and an abnormal turn- 1953 on the Stavangerfjord! Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. around of all of our lives. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. I am responding to Ada’s question as to Sincerely, Photos: Solveig Lee David Moe Juneau, Alaska why people headed to the woods. The word Else Barney The Lilleskare family: Front row from left: Han- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. was passed that Oslo was going to be in a Marlton, N.J. nah, Kirstin, Alma, Lillian and Brayden. Back Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. state of war and people should save them- row: Shaun, Bergen. John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. selves, which they did, in droves, out of the Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway city, some right by our house on a small ac- Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. cess road to Nordmarka between us and our Dear Editor, Sincerely, CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives neighbor. The ground had about a foot of wet Love for their homeland in Norway is Solveig Lee to make its news report fair and accurate. If you snow, and all these frightened people were never forgotten. For years, the Lilleskare Mount Vernon, Wash. have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for cidents were men between 18 and 24 years style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right < Haakon < CARS not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor From page 3 From page 3 old. Only four percent in the same age group taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. were women. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and “The message that speed can be dan- letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian nation can support and rally behind, because speed. the Norwegian Public Roads Admin- American Weekly, and our publication of those views is gerous doesn’t exactly hit home with young the length of a monarch’s rule is longer than istration suggests several measures that could not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions males,” explains researcher Pål Ulleberg at and complaints about the opinions expressed by an election period. The King is not part of the help save a total of 40 lives each year. the University of Oslo. He has been part of the paper’s editorials should be directed to the political environment or game. But because One of these alternatives includes so- publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published developing several possible measures, in- we live in a democracy, the head of state called intelligent speed adjustment, which weekly except the first week of the calendar year, cluding an uncomfortable sound alert each the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks should be chosen by the people,” he added. can help reduce speed by using increased time the vehicle is moving above the speed of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Center-right think tank Civita, which resistance in the gas pedal at certain speed Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. limit. supports the monarchy, agrees. levels. Another alternative is a “top-speed” NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, “The monarchy was introduced through barrier. US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. a referendum in 1905. Bearing in mind that Intelligent speed adjustment will help Stay in the loop! SINCE MAY 17, 1889: democracy is much broader today, it would reduce speeding dramatically, says senior Formerly Norway Times not hurt to have a new referendum with re- advisor in the Norwegian Public Roads Ad- Sign up for our free Western Viking & Washington Posten spect to legitimacy. But with Crown Prince ministration, Torbjørn Tronsmoen. weekly eNewsletter! Haakon, it should be a referendum on the Statistics show that young men consti- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- monarchy as an institution, and not him as a tute a higher portion of drivers who die in Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Go to www.norway.com or email Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven person,” says historian Eirik Løkke and law- traffic-related accidents. Between 2006 and [email protected]. yer Morten Kinander, both of Civita. 2010, one fifth of people who died in car ac- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • June 15, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Refreshing taste of summer Outside Oslo’s Daytona Strong celebrates the season with a fresh blueberry soup scented with cardamom

Da y t o n a St r o n g Outside Oslo

The start of summer is so close I can al- yard. I would walk the rows of raspberry most smell it—the verdant scent of freshly- bushes with a pail, picking raspberries and cut grass lingering in the air and the scent of course eating some as I went (what kid of salt water wafting up from Puget Sound. couldn’t resist dipping into the pail and tast- Here in Seattle—as I suspect in Norway— ing those sun-ripened morsels?). Afterward summer is as much about the intangible ex- I’d sit in my grandparents’ kitchen and eat periences as the concrete signs of the season. a bowlful of fresh raspberries dressed with Summer in the Pacific Northwest is defined sugar and milk, and perhaps a little cream. It not just by the elevated temperatures and was such a simple treat—one that could beat longer days, but also by the experiences that the most elegantly concocted desserts I can one has accumulated in the years of living imagine. For me, the memory of that fresh, here: feeling the wind comb through one’s sunburst taste is the epitome of summer. hair while boating on Seattle’s Lake Union If there are two things that Seattle and on the Fourth of July, smelling the briquettes Norway have in common, they are a yearn- smolder before dinner while camping in the ing for long summer days and a love of fresh Blue Mountains outside Walla Walla, stop- summer produce, in this case berries. In cel- ping to pick fresh berries by the side of the ebration of both, I offer you this chilled blue- road while out on a run on a hot afternoon. berry soup. Sweetened with just a touch of Some of my favorite summer memories sugar and scented with cardamom, it’s just go way back to my childhood, to sunlit days the thing to refresh you on a hot summer picking berries in my grandparents’ back- day. Blueberry Soup Photo: Daytona Strong Blueberry soup is the perfect dessert to grace your summer table. Blåbærsuppe

18 ounces blueberries 2 tablespoons potato starch 2 cups plus 1 tablespoon water, divided 2 tablespoons lemon juice ¼ cup sugar ½ teaspoon ground cardamom

Combine blueberries, 2 cups water, sugar, and cardamom in a pot over medium-high heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat to low and simmer for five min- utes, continuing to stir and using the back of the spoon to slightly crush the berries. Mix potato starch and remaining tablespoon of water in a small bowl, then add to blueberries. Return blueberries to a boil, then remove from heat and stir in lemon juice. Chill and serve. Variation: If you’re in the mood for ice cream, this soup makes a delicious blueberry sauce. Simply reduce the soup slightly and allow to cool a little, then pour over vanilla ice cream.

Daytona Strong is the voice behind Outside Oslo, a blog exploring her Scandinavian heritage and love of good food. She is the newest contributor to the Norwegian American Weekly. Check it out at outsideoslo.wordpress.com.

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Photos: Terje Rakke / Nordic Life / Nancy Bundt / www.visitnorway.com Left: Munch was born in Fredrikstad, in the county of Østfold, Norway, pictured here. Right: Munch often used the Oslofjord as inspiration for his paintings.

Vi s i t No r w a y

With these tour recommendations you its museum of fine art, and as 2013 is the of- artists of many genres. Here Edvard Munch children. Laura’s sister took responsibility will experience a region which has been im- ficial Munch year, the subject will be Edvard rented Grimsrød Farm with 24 rooms and a for the welfare of the five minor children and portant in Munch’s extensive art production, Munch. In addition to being a unique product tenant farmer in the years 1913 – 16. The art- became Edvard Munch’s beloved Aunt Kar- and provide a good introduction to Munch for those interested in fine art, Ramme Gård ist stayed here from early spring to late au- en. She soon understood Edvard’s talent, and and his art combined with idyllic fjord life, is an eco-cultural meeting place with one of tumn, and was very productive. The famous supported him all her years. She was often small coastal towns and the proximity to the Norway’s most beautiful gardens. You can “Workers on the way home” originated here. used as model by Edvard Munch, e.g. “Vår” capital. With the upcoming Edvard Munch enjoy an organic meal based on the farm’s Pay a visit to “Restaurant Munch” in Hotel (1889) and “Det syke barn” (1885). Visitors jubilee in 2013, there has never been a bet- own products and maybe get a taste of the Refsnes Gods. This unique hotel by the Oslo may enjoy a lovely lunch in Prestegården ter time to visit one of Europe’s coolest capi- local “absinth.” Fjord is famous for its exquisite art collec- Restaurant (Parsonage) in the Old Town. tals. tion, with several works of Edvard Munch Ramme Shakespeare Festival, June 13 – included. The island also has some lovely The Scream sale at Sothesby’s in New Munch in Oslo 24, 2012 public beaches, and a beautifully located York Visit Edvard Munch’s burial site at Our The 7th Annual Ramme Shakespeare Museum of Modern Art. Sotheby’s sold a version of Edvard Savior’s Cemetery and then continue to the Festival with Munch’s masterpiece ‘The Scream’ in New other Edvard Munch experiences in Oslo. British ensem- I stood / Still, deathly tired – Guided tour York on 2 May 2012, at the final sum of Munch’s bequest to the City of Oslo covered ble from Lon- “Munch’s moth- nearly $120 million. The iconic work is one around 1,100 paintings, 15,500 prints, 4,700 don GB Theater, over the blue-black / Fjord and ers” in Fredrik- of the most instantly recognizable images in drawings, six sculptures, his graphic printing and Ramme City hung Blood and Tongues of stad both art history and popular culture, perhaps plates as well as some other objects. These friends Barrie Fire / My Friends walked on – I Take the ex- second only to the Mona Lisa. The present works went into the collections of the Munch Palmer og Da- remained behind / – shivering press train, about 1 version of The Scream, which dates from Museum and represent more than half of vid Davies. The with Anxiety – I felt the great ½ hours each direc- 1895, is one of four versions of the compo- Munch’s total production. The Munch Mu- ensemble will tion, from Oslo to sition and the only version still in private seum at Tøyen was opened to the centennial be presenting Scream in Nature” Fredrikstad – and hands. This version of The Scream has been in 1963, and the City of Oslo are currently “The Taming of – Edvard Munch’s inscription from experience Edvard in the collection of the Olsen family, a ship- discussing a new location for the museum, to the Shrew” and his painting The Scream Munch’s roots. owning dynasty, for over 70 years. The artist open in conjunction with the 2013 jubilee to “The Tempest” The tour guide, and the Olsen family were neighbors at Hvit- honor 150 years since the artist’s birth. for the 2012 Torill Stokkan, has sten in Norway. festival. Tick- written the book “I was walking along the road with two Ramme Gård – Hvitsten ets available through billettservice.no as of “Edvard Munch’s ancestors, women and Friends /the Sun was setting – The Sky turned History goes back to 1910, the year Ed- April 19th, 2012. life.” She can take interested visitors on a a bloody red / And I felt a whiff of Melan- vard Munch bought Nedre Ramme in Hvit- guided tour in the center of Fredrikstad. Lau- choly – I stood / Still, deathly tired – over the sten, a house he retained until his death in Guided Tour of Munch’s Jeløy and Hotel ra Cathrine Munch (née Bjølstad), Edvard blue-black / Fjord and City hung Blood and 1944. Here Munch produced some of his Refsnes Gods Munch’s mother, was born in Fredrikstad, Tongues of Fire / My Friends walked on – I greatest works of art and you may even visit This scenic island, outside the town and she married Christian Munch in Glem- remained behind / – shivering with Anxiety – his home, experience some of the places that of Moss, is where the Kristiania Bohemian minge (Glemmen) Church. In 1863 little Ed- I felt the great Scream in Nature – EM” can be related to his paintings and take part in movement bloomed in the long summers at vard was born. Laura died young at the age – The artist’s hand-painted inscription the story. In May of 2013, Ramme will open the end of the 1800s. It has since attracted of 31, leaving behind her husband and five on the frame of the present work. 10 • June 15, 2012 norwegian american weekly Roots & ConneCtions

norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week Community Connections Gratulerer med dagen! Kathy Jo Haugan June 16 Monticello, Minn.

Happy 50th birthday to a fabulous sister, and auntie! Skål to you!

From Heidi, Tom, Nikki, Michael, Brooke and Tommy Barcia

Northern Lights Mystery Solver Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland Photo courtesy of Lynn Kongevold Anderson Subscriber Lynn Kongevold Anderson submitted this photo, with the note: “My son Jakob Anderson (2nd row 2nd from left) of the Brooklyn Blue Storm Elite baseball team won the 9th annual Bergen County New Jersey Charity Classic 2012 Baseball Championship in the 8U division over Memorial Day weekend.” Congratulations, Brooklyn Blue Storm Elite!

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Lena: Ole, I finally figured out how to get rid of 180 pounds of ugly fat; just get rid of you!

Joke from Ole & Lena: Live via Satellite Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

18. juni Jan Virding Tigard OR John C. Ellingson Spokane WA Tron Jordheim Columbia MO

19. juni Lena Drivdahl Oakland CA Ole H. Moen Kalispell MT 15. juni Leonard Anderse Chicago IL 20. juni Anna Danielsen Narvik Norway Paul Pederson Church’s Ferry ND Helen Larsen Seattle WA Else Sevig Minneapolis MN Puzzle solution Gerd Lunder Norway Richard Underdahl Hopkins MN Did you know? Randy Treer Westerville OH Waynne Wirwicz Silver Spring MD Johnny Delin Plainville CT Leif Vogt-Nilsen San Clemente CA r andom facts about n orway June Steine Deer Park IL 16. juni Lars Romendal Kviteseid Norway 21. juni Ragna Jensen San Francisco CA Myrtle Twedt Elk Point SD Ole Fletten Auburn WA Odd Clemmetsen Langley WA Olaf Kvamme Seattle WA 17. juni Elizabeth Gjerald Sherwood WI Norway is the second Judith M. Johansen Keyport WA Hannah M. Greenhill Whitewater WI Peter D. Sund Olympia WA least densely populated Solveig Hagbartsen Drammen Norway Want to see your birthday in the Mary Lew Garner Olympia WA country in Europe. Eva Van Hooser Huntsville TX Norwegian American Weekly? Anna Larson Libby MT Melvin K. Larson Owatonna MN Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Debbie Wirwicz Silver Spring MD norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Turid Bentsen Brooklyn NY least one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly June 15, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected]

< Lunde From page 1 erman and as a shipyard electrician the rest of the year. In 1952, he became an electrician ed by close family and friends, which gave foreman at Seattle Shipbuilding in Ballard. Rapture Ready him much joy and solace. He kept his love of Evenings and weekends in his basement at life, his sense of humor, and his great com- home, he designed and created custom-built Last year the California radio preach- wegian mother, Astrid, used to say about passion right up until his last hours. switchboards for the Ballard fishing boat er, Harold Camping, predicted that just people who focused too much on the last Olav is remembered as a hard-working fleet. Deciding to start his own business in three million people would be, what he things, “they are so heavenly minded that and much-beloved elder in Seattle’s Norwe- 1955, Olav convinced his ex-foreman Jack called, “rapture ready” when the end of they aren’t any earthly good.” She said this gian-American community in Ballard and Raynes to join him in founding Lunde and the world occurred May 21st. When the about people who focused their lives so beyond. During his long life, he was a mer- Raynes Electric in a small wooden building rapture did not occur in May, he predicted completely on the spiritual side of things chant marine sailor, fisherman, electrician, in the Pacific Fisherman boatyard. That same it would come in October. When October that they neglected their earthly duties and business owner, inventor, and community year, Olav and Louise’s first child Arne was 21st came and went, seemingly without responsibilities. Legend has it that some- volunteer and organizer. A charismatic and born, followed by Kristy in 1956, Kathy in incident, he said that something actually one once asked Martin Luther what he energetic man, he enjoyed people’s compa- 1958, and David in 1961. Olav bought out did happen. What took place was a day of would do if he knew the world was com- ny enormously. To paraphrase Will Rogers, Raynes in 1960 to form Lunde Electric Co., “spiritual salvation” which could not be ing to an end that day. He said he would go Olav never met a person he didn’t like. His Inc. and the business expanded into 2 levels observed by the average person. The thing home and plant a tree. What a great answer. love story with our amazing mother Louise of the newly-built Market Plaza Building. that interested me the most about Pastor Luther knew that his eternal salvation did lasted nearly 70 years. He missed her terri- During the 60s and 70s, the Lunde family Camping’s predictions was the number not depend upon any so called spiritual ac- bly after her death to brain cancer only a few also greatly enjoyed their summer home at he said would be saved. Three million tivity he could perform to earn or deserve months ago on February 23rd. We miss them Tillicum Beach on Camano Island and host- people are not many when you consider it. Eternal salvation and life comes to us as both deeply and will always treasure their ing lots of family and friends. that the world now contains 7 billion. Evi- a free gift. We are called to respond to that memory and the wondrous examples they set Olav and Louise bought their home in dently his requirements for being “rapture gift by going out into the world and living of active, joyful, and giving lives fully lived Blue Ridge in 1973, where they resided for Ready” are quite stiff. I do not know how God centered lives of service to others and to the end. almost 40 years. Olav retired from Lunde Pastor Camping prepared his followers the natural world around us. God has made He was born Olav Trygve Lunde on Electric for health reasons in 1975, selling for the last day, but I know that constantly us “rapture ready.” In turn, we are to stand Byrknesøy, Norway, on April the firm to family member and focusing on preparing oneself for the last ready to go into the world in God’s name 13, 1919, the fifth of seven business partner Sigmund Er- day, as his ministry seems to do, can lead doing the hard work of loving and serving children to Peder Olai Lunde iksen. He and Louise then be- to lots of problems for Christians. My Nor- our every neighbor. and Trine Norheim Lunde. came active travelers on sever- He grew up on a small farm al Washington State Trade Mis- at Nordangervågen on Radøy sion tours led by Lt. Governor (an island northwest of Ber- John Cherberg to Europe, Asia, gen). Olav always loved boats and Australia. Meantime, they and the sea and was constantly remodeled and refurbished the 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 down at the nearby dock when house that Olav had grown the postal ship from Bergen up in Norway, and the family Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] and other boats stopped there. enjoyed many wonderful trips After being confirmed in the staying there over the years. Featuring great Nordic products Lutheran church at age 14, Olav hired on as Olav and Louise also loved being at their a mess boy on the fjord boat Alversund. In timeshare condo at Lake Chelan, savoring Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments 1935, he joined the crew of the SS Fulton time with their children and grandchildren, Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats and spent two years traveling to Russia, Eu- Kjell, Elliott, and Stian. and more! rope, the Mediterranean, and Africa. He was In 1979, Olav co-founded the Seattle on the SS Ophir when WWII broke out in chapter of the Norwegian Seamen and War Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com Europe in 1939. Olav was a crewman at sea Veterans Association (Norges Krigsseil- on the M/S Taranger when Norway was in- erforbund) and served many terms as its vaded by Nazi Germany on April 9, 1940. president, with Louise as its secretary. The He also sailed on the Oregon Express, Pana- NSWVA recognized Norwegian sailors for You can’t always avoid a rainy day. ma Express, and Pan Europe in the Atlantic their bravery and sacrifice during WWII on and Pacific during the war. At least one ship the Allied convoys and granted them veter- Protect what matters most. he had earlier sailed on was torpedoed and ans pensions from a grateful Norwegian na- sunk by German U-boats. Suffering from se- tion. At its height, the Krigsseiler association vere ulcers and on medical leave for periods You can’t protect them from “what if,” but life insurance can help ensure they in Seattle grew to have close to 200 members won’t need to worry about what comes next. Be sure you are doing enough to in Seattle, Olav also worked as an apprentice and the group held conventions and cruises protect what you value most. electrician at Sagstad Shipyard and attended together with other west coast chapters from night classes in electricity at Edison Techni- Vancouver BC, San Francisco, and San Pe- Learn more at Thrivent.com/rainyday cal School. dro. Despite the inevitable passing of so Olav met his future wife Louise Egaas many beloved members over the years, the in 1941 at a dance at Harmony Hall in down- Seattle chapter (led by Olav and Louise) town Seattle (they were both excellent danc- continued to be active with a newsletter and ers). They dated during the war years and be- events like codfish dinners, picnics, Christ- came engaged after Olav returned from a visit mas parties and spring luncheons right up home to Norway in 1945-46. He immigrated until this year. to Seattle via Vancouver, BC in June 1946. He Olav’s many honors included being and Louise were married on August 2, 1947 made a Knight of the Royal Norwegian Or- at Ballard First Lutheran Church and honey- der of Merit on October 5, 1995 by order mooned at Anacortes. In 1946, Olav started of His Majesty King Harald V of Norway. working summers as a tuna and halibut fish- See > lunde, page 15 Funeral Home SOlie and Crematory Honoring • Caring • Serving Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 27416NAW N5-12 201201625 12 • June 15, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Knitting for dolls What’s going on in your neighborhood? Åse Bence learned to knit for her dolls as a child; now she passes the gift on to others CALIFORNIA activities include arts and crafts, dem- Sangerfest Grand Concert onstrations, ethnic and American foods. June 22 Psalmodokin Quartet at 10:30 a.m., fol- San Diego, Calif. lowed by the worship Service at 11 a.m. Chorus members from Bellingham on the with Mindekirken’s Pastor Kristin Sundt. north to San Diego on the south will pres- Barnetog (Children’s Parade) at 12:55 p.m. ent a Grand Concert as part of the annual Entertainment includes the Norwegian Pacific Coast Norwegian Singers Associa- Glee Club, Daughters of Norway choral tion Sangerfest on June 22 in San Diego. group, Scandinavian Quartet from Norway Venue is the Mission Valley Crowne Pla- (saxophones), Leroy Larson’s Scandina- za-Hanalei hotel ballroom. The 90 minute vian Ensemble. Join us rain or shine! Free male singers concert begins at 7:30 p.m. admission. Contact Earl at (612) 861-4793 Up to 100 men throughout the west will or [email protected]. present a program of Norwegian traditional along with Americana and spiritual music. PENNSYLVANIA For ticket information, contact Sven Olsen Youth Camp at Land of the Vikings at (760) 735-6171 or visit the website at July 1 – 7 and July 8 – 14 pcnsa.org. Sherman, Pa. Join us for an active Sons of Norway cul- Colorado tural camp program for kids! Held at the beloved Land of the Vikings recreation Scandinavian Midsummer Festival center in Sherman, Pa., campers will attend June 23 – 24 morning classes for Norwegian language, Estes Park, Colo. rosemaling, wood working, hardanger and Mark your calendars for the largest Scan- other skills. During the afternoon the camp- dinavian Midsummer celebration in the ers can swim, hike, participate in a variety Rocky Mountains. Scandinavian dancing, Photos courtesy Knitting for Dolls of athletic activities, do crafts, cook and music, crafts, food, Viking re-enactors, si- Left: One of Knitting For Dolls most popular designs, “In the .” Right: Patterns for Norwegian- learn about our Viking heritage to name a lent auction, raffle sponsors: Icelandair and style sweaters are, of course, also available. This design is called “Scandinavian cousins.” few of the activities. Contact Youth Direc- Brekke Tours. Starts with raising of May- tor Evelyn Karpack at (973) 627-5634 or pole at 9:30 a.m. on June 23, followed at 10 Ke l s e y La rs o n [email protected]. with parade of flags and opening ceremo- Copy Editor nies. Free, all ages, wheelchair accessible. St. Hans Social Visit www.estesmidsummer.com or call Åse Bence learned to knit in Norway including “The Black Sheep” in Encinitas, June 22 (303) 449-9596 for more information. when she was five years old. north of San Diego, Calif., “Harriet’s Yarns” Ben Salem, Pa. “We had long winters. We didn’t have in Palm Desert, which is near Palm Springs Sons of Norway Fredriksten Lodge will Minnesota TV. It was just something everyone did,” she (east of Los Angeles), Calif., “Knitting with hold a traditional bonfire for St. Hans af- Norwegian Ridge Language Camp ten on June 22 after the regular business says. As a child, she would knit sweaters and Nancy” in Naples, Florida and “Ladybug June 18 – 22 meeting. Join for refreshments, sing-a-long other winter clothes, even creating patterns Knitting Shop” in Dennis, Mass. Spring Grove, Minn. and great company! For more information, for her dolls. The patterns produced by Knitting For Norwegian language camp offered by Gi- contact Lorena Wick at (215) 687-9456, In 2009, she took this childhood talent Dolls are for quite a number of outfits and ants of the Earth in Spring Grove, Minn.! [email protected]. and turned it into a full-fledged U.S.-based accessories, from princess dresses to sailor Classes for three groups: 4 – 7-year-olds small business along with her friend, and fel- suits to Norwegian-style sweaters. Bence from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. daily; 8 – 11-year- Wisconsin low Norwegian, Anne Harriman. keeps an eye on current fashions to get ideas olds from 9 a.m. until dusk; 12 – 15-year- Beginning Norwegian Genealogy It was Anne who first came up with the for her patterns. “Especially what the little olds from 9 a.m. until dusk. Tuition is $200 June 20 – 21 idea for the business. After her grandchil- girls are wearing,” she says. She also draws for the week for full-time students, and Madison, Wis. dren were born, she looked for patterns to inspiration from other cultures, and is start- $100 for 4 – 7-year-olds. Scholarships may Take a class with director of Research at the knit their dolls sweaters and clothes, but she ing a series of national costumes from differ- be available. Call (507) 498-5070 or visit Norwegian American Genealogical Center couldn’t find anything she liked. She con- ent countries around the world. She is cur- www. springgrovemnheritagecenter.org. and Naeseth Library (NAGC & NL). Jerry tacted Åse, and together they put together a rently working on a pattern for a Norwegian Paulson has led research tours to the Fam- Norway House Midtsommer few ideas for patterns. The idea took off from bunad. “If anyone has pictures of the nation- ily History Library in Salt Lake City. Con- June 21 there, and “Knitting For Dolls” was born. al dresses they were willing to send me, that tact him at [email protected] or call St. Paul, Minn. Bence met her American husband in would help me a lot in making the patterns,” (608) 255-2224. Session will be held June Norway House presents its annual Midt- Norway, and moved with him to New Or- says Bence, who is working on Chinese, Jap- 20 – 21 at the Ostby Education center at the sommer Celebration by identifying and leans, where they lived for 5 years. They then anese, German and Russian costumes. NAGC & NL in Madison. Cost: $120 for honoring individuals of Norwegian heri- relocated to San Diego, where they lived for Her customer base is quite diverse, and NAGC members, $140 for non-members. tage that have, through their extraordi- 35 years. Now Bence bases the business out despite the fact that Knitting For Dolls is nary accomplishments and adventuresome WAshington of her home in Indian Wells, Calif., where based in California, her customers are large- spirit, significantly advanced the quality of she enjoys the warm, dry desert tempera- ly from elsewhere. “Most customers come life for others. This year’s honorees are Jim St. Hans / Midsommer Festival tures. In fact, she found herself in Indian from the Northeast, Midwest, Pacific North- June 23 Brandenburg, Tove Dahl and Bob Berg- Wells because Harriman also lived there, and west, quite a few from Canada; the colder Poulsbo, Wash. land. The event raises money for Norway the house next to hers happened to go up for climates,” Bence says. “When it’s warmer, Make a flower wreath, explore the Viking House programs, such as Peace Initiative sale. Being neighbors seemed like a positive people don’t sit inside and knit as much, I and Edvard Grieg Society. For more infor- Village, meet Norwegian Buhund and Ice- landic sheep dogs, dance around the Maist- idea for the business. “How convenient to be guess,” she adds with a laugh. She has also mation, contact elizabeth@norwayhouse. right next door! That was very, very nice,” gotten a few sales from Australia, New Zea- net or (877) 247-7439 ång, and enjoy a crackling bonfire. Enjoy rømmegrøt, pea soup and other traditional said Bence. The two women brainstormed land, and a handful from the U.K., Norway ideas and business plans from this home base, and Germany. Norway Day foods served in the Sons of Norway lodge until Harriman decided to bow out to spend Bence is considering broadening the July 8 (4:30-6:30). At the Poulsbo Waterfront Minneapolis, Minn. Park. Coming by boat? For moorage rates, more time with her grandchildren. Bence has scope of Knitting for Dolls by selling her Norwegian National League will be host- see http://portofpoulsbo.com. Other ques- continued to run the business herself. knitted outfits themselves – in addition to the ing Norway Day in Minnehaha Park for tions? Contact Poulsbo Sons of Norway at Knitting for Dolls is based online, and patterns – but this idea is still on the table. its 81st year! Join us July 8 at Minnehaha (360) 779-5209. the patterns for the sweaters, dresses, hats, For now, she says, “I’m having a lot of fun Park, located at Highway 55 & Minnehaha scarves and multitude of other doll clothes doing it.” Parkway, Minneapolis. Starting at 10 a.m., and accessories are easily downloadable to your home computer. This economical pro- To learn more about Knitting for Dolls, Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 cess saves both money and materials. “We and to buy your own patterns, visit www.knit- to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! can keep the prices quite low that way,” says tingfordolls.com. All patterns fit any 18-inch Åse. Besides online, Knitting for Dolls sells doll, like the popular American Girl doll. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. patterns in yarn shops across the country, Price range $3.25 – $5.95. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us June 15, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood

< cAsting wouldn’t have met her!” From page 1 To be eligible, applicants must be single and can be gay or straight. It’s fine if they are Going Viking riously searching for true love. The “twist” divorced, widowed, or have kids. Age ranges is that they will be taking a giant love leap are: Women 20-30 and Men 20-55. Having across the pond. some Norwegian blood is required, but they Norway House celebrates honorees at the Casting Producer Joan O’Connor who can be of mixed nationalities or ethnicities. 9th Annual Midtsommer Celebration is the foremost expert on casting Americans For more information go to http://oconnor- for Scandinavian reality shows says, “It’s a casting.tv/castingboard. really cool concept. Four single Americans Chosen participants will travel to Nor- of Norwegian descent will fly to Norway to way twice. Shoot dates are sporadic begin- meet 32 single Norwegians. Each Ameri- ning in August through December 2012. can will then choose four Norwegians who Shoot time will be a total of about 9 days in they’ll fly to America with and go on a series America and 2 separate weeks in Norway. of dates.” She adds, “Finally, each American All travel related expenses will be paid. picks one Norwegian with whom they have Sons of Norway Season Two will air in Nor- a connection, and they fly back to Norway way. Open Calls will be held on Saturday where they’ll date while immersing them- 6/30/2012 in San Francisco, CA and Sunday selves in their suitor’s country, culture and 7/1/2012. To reserve a VIP spot, email cast- life. Hopefully romance will blossom!” [email protected]. Season One cast member and Seattle, For PRESS INFORMATION contact Washington resident William Manchester David or Joan O’Connor at 312-226-9112 or says, “Being a part of ‘Sons of Norway’ was email [email protected]. truly a great experience. I met a lovely Nor- To view a clip of Season One wegian girl and we are currently deciding go to http://www.youtube.com/user/ if she’ll be moving to the U.S. or if I’ll be oconnorcastingtv?feature=mhee Photos courtesy of Norway House going to Norway. Without doing this show I Norway House will recognize three recipients for their “Going Viking” spirit at their annual Midtsom- mer Celebration. From left: Jim Brandenburg, Tove Dahl and Robert Bergland.

< climate Skei Grande to NRK. From page 3 No r w a y Ho u s e Parliamentary leader of the Labor Party, Minneapolis, Minn. leader said in a statement. , said the government parties He says further that it was important to tried to get the Progress Party on board be- fore the negotiations broke down. Jim Brandenburg, Tove Dahl and Robert lic about the ecological significance of the achieve real advances in climate policy than “They did not appear. Now we have Bergland will be honored by Norway House prairie and to appreciate its natural beauty. In to participate in the government’s political tried to find solutions with the others in the with the “Going Viking” award at the 9th addition to his work in several National Geo- games. last two days. We have succeeded, and I’m Annual Midtsommer Celebration on June graphic Society books, his photography has “So we said yes to participate in the happy,” said Pedersen. 21, 2012 at Interlachen Country Club. Skog- also been published in countless magazines negotiations. The end result is close to the According to a press release from SV, the fjorden – Norwegian Language Village will nationally and internationally including The opposition’s common negotiating position, parties have agreed to step up the rate of in- also be honored as Norway House’s 2012 New York Times, Smithsonian, Life, Time, indicating that it was unnecessary and dis- vestment in the climate fund, ensuring more Partner Organization. The celebration begins BBC Worldlife and Newsweek. orderly government of the parties to exclude electric cars in Norway, providing more pub- with a cocktail reception at 5:30 p.m, fol- the Progress Party from the negotiations,” lic transportation and prohibiting oil furnaces lowed by the dinner, aquavit toast and awards Tove Dahl said Sanner. in Norway starting in 2020. “This means that program. Tickets for this event starts at $130, Tove Dahl is the dean of Skogfjorden, He has the support of the other opposi- the fund in its entirety should be phased in by and is a fundraiser to benefit Norway House. the Norwegian program of the Concordia tion parties. 2016,” said SV leader . Reservations can be made at www.norway- Language Villages and is a professor at the “I had wished that all parties would be involved,” said the leaderFull TrineService Agency With Experienced house.net and is open to the public. University of Tromsø, Norway. She com- Norwegian Speaking Consultants! The Midtsommer Celebration is an an- pleted her bachelor’s degree in English Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! nual tradition, celebrating the “Going Vi- at Augsburg College in Minneapolis and information will help you make wise travel king” spirit by identifying and honoring in- earned her doctorate in educational psychol- Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! dividuals of Norwegian heritage that have, ogy at the University of Texas-Austin. Dahl Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n through their determination, innovation and also studied music at Svanvik Folkehøgskole Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 adventuresome spirit, significantly advanced in Svanvik, Norway. She is fluent in Norwe- Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] the quality of life for others. gian and has also studied Russian, Spanish The “Going Viking” honor is based and Dutch. Recently Dahl was named Knight Verrazano TraVel & leisure on a piece by Tom Veblen. Veblen admired of the First Class of the Norwegian Order of Celebrate summer1 (718) with 979-6641 Nordic style! [email protected] the “Norwegian people’s struggles over the Merit by King Harald V of Norway to honor [email protected] centuries to make their lives and their com- her advancement of the Norwegian language munities ever better. He recognized the tre- and culture in the U.S. For the majority of Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP mendous risks, combined with hard work, a the year Dahl is a professor of psychology VASA PARK, 35W217 IL Route 31, South Elgin, IL 60177 little luck, and a lot of common sense, that at Tromsø, in the summer months, however, 7 miles South of I-90 Northwest Tollway & 5 Miles North of IL Rt. 64 North Ave. led to significant advances in the quality of she spends her time at Skogfjorden, the Nor- their lives.” wegian Concordia Language Village. Dahl Saturday, June 23, 2 p.m. began as a villager herself at Skogfjorden, Jim Brandenburg and has been a staff member there for over The 7th Annual Scandinavian Midsommar Celebration and NEW Viking Jim Brandenburg is an environmentalist, 32 years. Dahl is passionate about the Skog- Family Campout Plus New “KUBB” Game Demonstration & Instruction and a highly acclaimed nature photographer. fjorden Norwegian program and its mission starting at 2 p.m. Adults $5, Kids 12 & Under FREE. For Overnight Viking In 1978 Brandenburg became a contract pho- to offer the full language experience to young Tent Camping, register in advance with MaryJean Nystedt at (630) 665-7866. tographer for National Geographic Maga- Americans. Saturday, August 11, 1 – 5 p.m. zine and has since then traveled the world for Steak Fry with Crayfish Sampling over 30 years as a photographer for National Robert Bergland Geographic Magazine. In 1980, he traveled Robert Bergland served as a member Sunday, September 9, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. to Ellesmere Island to study a population of of Congress from Minnesota from 1971 to The 33rd Annual Scandinavian Day Festival featuring Traditional Food, wolves that had not yet learned to fear hu- 1977. While in Congress, Bergland chaired Crafts, Games, Gifts & Entertainment * Adults $10, Kids 12 & Under FREE mans. As a result, Brandenburg created his the Committee on Agriculture’s subcom- * FREE PARKING * Rain or Shine bestselling book, “White Wolf,” which he lat- mittee for Conservation, Credit and Rural er turned into a documentary that premiered Development. He also served on the Com- Saturday, October 6 at the Sundance Film Festival and has been mittees on Agriculture, Small Business, and Annual Fish Boil & Harvest Festival at Vasa Park aired in over 120 countries across the globe. Science and Technology. In 1977, Bergland In 1999 he founded The Brandenburg Prai- resigned from the House of Representatives 25-Acre Vasa Park – Available for Outdoor Events Birthdays • Anniversaries • Weddings • Reunions • Graduations • Festivals • Picnics • Concerts rie Foundation with a mission to “promote, and was appointed U.S. Secretary of Agricul- preserve and expand the native prairie in ture by President Carter. As Secretary of Ag- Hotline: (847) 695-6720 • E-mail: [email protected] southwest Minnesota.” Through his founda- Websites: www.vasaparkil.com and www.scandinaviandayil.com tion, Brandenburg works to educate the pub- See > Viking, page 14 14 • June 15, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Rise of the dragon The boys from Vangen: The world’s largest viking ship is launched in Haugesund, Norway June 5 Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

LAKSEFANGST I DRIVA SALMON FISHING IN DRIVA «Vangsgutane» kommer ned til Driva The Vangen boys go down to Driva med de rare trebura ute i elvestrømmen. where the strange wooden cages are out in the Photo: Baard Titlestad Sunndalingen har funnet fram en stor håv, river current. The Sunndal man has brought The Dragon Harald Finehair is a replica of built by Viking Kings. og forteller at bura er et slags teiner til å out abig net and explains that the cage is a type of fish trap to catch salmon. With the net fange laks i. Med håven «fisker» han opp Ba a rd Ti t l e s t a d en stor, sprellende laks fra teinekaret. he “fishes” up a big, flopping salmon from the Hafrsfjord, Norway «Laksen må vere ein stor tosk, når han salmon cage. “The salmon must be a big fool ikkje går ut og teina,» meiner Kåre. «Nei, since it can’t get out of the cage,” says Kåre. It was a big day for those of us who had ship builders, carpenters and sail makers, the “No, the salmon is no fool,” answers the man, laksen er nok ingen tosk», svarer mannen, made the trek to the Smeasound in Haug- completion of The Dragon marks a turning and he shows the boys the entrance to the og så viser han dem «kalven». Det er som esund to witness the launching of the larg- point in our understanding of not only Nor- salmon trap. It is like a wedge, or a big fun- en kile, eller en stor trakt som fører inn i est Viking ship built in the modern era: Dra- wegian history, but also that of the world, nel that leads into the salmon cage. After the teinekaret. Når laksen svømmer inn gjen- salmon swims in through the funnel, it goes gen Harald Hårfagre, or the dragon Harold where in some cases the Vikings left an en- nom denne trakten, går den rundt og rundt i around and around in the cage without find- Finehair, is a replica of the legendary “drag- during legacy – through state-building, their karet uten å finne vegen ut igjen. ing its way out again. When the Vangen boys ons” – longships built by Viking kings and political system or through raiding and trade. Når Vangsgutane har funnet ut alt om have learned all about salmon traps, they con- chieftains that were adorned with the widely Mr. Aase has made a formidable contribu- disse lakseteinene, drar de videre på feri- tinue on their vacation. They keep going up admired dragon heads, which for many has tion to our cultural wealth, and the Dragon eturen. Det bærer oppover Sunndalen, og the Sunndal Valley, until they reach the rock- become the very symbol of the Viking Age will make sure the world’s eyes are turned de kommer til Gråura. Der er det lange og strewn slope of Grå. There are long and tough itself. towards Norway in the coming years, as it is drøye motbakker, så de må skyve og hale på uphill stretches, so they have to shoove and Several hundred people had gathered scheduled to go on a tour of Europe, Ameri- syklene. Djupt nede i dalen synger Driva. pull on their bikes. Deep down in the valley to listen to the story of the ship’s journey ca and Asia. – Watch out for The Dragon in «Eg trur vi snur», sier Kåre, han blir sliten. the river Driva is singing. “I think we should from drawing table to launch into the waters London, Barcelona, Istanbul and New York, «Trur du det er lettere å gå baklengs da?» turn around,” says Kåre, who is getting tired. of what was once called the North Way, the Mr. Aase said, for the occasion dressed in smiler Steinar. “Do you think it would be easier to go back- trade route along the Norwegian coastline royal red and white gown – suggestive of the ward then?” smiles Steinar. which would eventually give name to the dress worn by king Harold Finehair and his Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods • Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen country and its people. ship crew. 9.NAW.Ulvestad3VolSet.10May2012_Layout 1 5/10/12 11:53 PM Page 1 The grand vision of Norwegian busi- The Dragon Harold Finehair is approxi- Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. nessman and the ship’s owner, Sigurd Aase, mately 115ft long and 26ft wide. A crew of www.astrimyastri.com the purpose was to build the largest Viking 100 is required to row the ship, and 14 to op- ship the modern world had seen, and use it erate the sail. Norwegians in America, extensively – by it around the world For more information about the ship, their History and Record: A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 Nord- – to learn the truth about what gave the ship visit: www.vikingkings.com mændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord its unique characteristics as it quickly gained Written by Martin Ulvestad the reputation as being one of the most ef- Baard Titlestad is a Norwegian publish- Volume 1 — 480 pages, 7”x10” book: • Pioneer sagas, maps & immigration ficient modes of transportation in the ancient er who lived for 6 years in Chicago where he • USA (41 states, 500 counties) & Canada world – both in war and peace. grew strong bonds to the Norwegian-Ameri- • = $29.95 (years 1825-1907, available now) Using the very best among Norwegian can community. Volume 2 — 640 pages, 7”x10” book: • 25,000 pioneers by 1,700 locations in Norway • Norwegians in American Wars incl. Civil War < viking Norwegian on the weekend of June 22 – 24. • = $34.95 (years 1825-1907, available now) From page 13 Volume 3 — 704 pages, 7”x10” book: Skogfjorden is dedicated to creating a vi- • GENEALOGY—GENEALOGY—GENEALOGY riculture, Bergland became head of the U.S. brant community where everyone feels safe, • Thousands biographical sketches, last name belongs and fosters connections to Norway • Where emigrated from, year, where to Department of Agriculture (USDA), which • = $39.95 (1825-1913, shipping June 2012) focused on farming and agriculture policy. which are affirmed, renewed and extended. Call — send a check —or order From 1981 to 1983, Bergland served as Pres- Skogfjorden shares Concordia Language 3 volume set from website ident of Farmland World Trade, the largest Villages mission to prepare young people for Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com agricultural cooperative in North America. responsible citizenship in our global com- Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] During 1983 to 1993, he was General Man- munity. ager of The National Rural Electric Coopera- Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates tive Association (NRECA), which represents Norway House over 900 of America’s electric cooperatives. Norway House is a Minnesota-based Organization of the Week in North America As a result of his work and service towards nonprofit organization dedicated to provid- Bermuda farm cooperatives, Bergland was inducted ing a link for present and future generations Sons of Norway into the Cooperative Hall of Fame in 1994. of the Norwegian-American community in Honorary Consul In 1994 Bergland was elected by Minnesota the upper Midwest with the heritage, cul- Vennekretsen Lodge ture, and future of Norway. Founded on the Atlanta, GA Charles Nathaniel Arthur But- State Legislature to serve on the University principle of collaboration, Norway House For more information, contact terfield Jr. of Minnesota Board of Regents and thus served a six-year term. partners with individuals, organizations President Shirley A. Guy Royal Norwegian Consulate and businesses in the Norwegian-American Phone: (770) 279-8447 White Hall, No. 1 Park Road Email: [email protected] Partner organization community to promote an appreciation and Hamilton, HM 09, Bermuda Online: http://www.vennekretsen. Skogfjorden, the Norwegian Language understanding of the Norwegian-American Tel: (441) 295-5519 com/#axzz1xKeZeRrz Village, was established as Concordia Lan- experience and its relationship to modern Fax: (441) 292-7972 guage Villages 3rd language immersion Norway and the world. For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations program in 1963. This summer, Concordia For more information, please visit www. Language Villages is celebrating 50 years of norwayhouse.net. norwegian american weekly June 15, 2012 • 15 Sports

< LUNDE nar) and brother-in-law Tom Egaas, all of From page 11 Seattle. Excitement for 2022 He is survived by his four children: Olav and Louise were invited to the Royal Arne Lunde (Sharen Manolopolous), Los Palace in Oslo for Olav’s personal audience Angeles, CA; Kristy Lunde (Chip Grimes), Norway’s sports with the king in December. The Ballard Seattle; Kathy Lunde, Butte, MT; and David council voted yes to Chamber of Commerce inducted Olav into Lunde, Seattle, and by his three grandsons: the Ballard Hall of Fame that same year. His Kjell Olav Myraas, Butte, MT; Elliott Rau, apply for hosting 2022 avid hobbies included reading (esp. about Marysville, WA; and Stian Lunde Myraas, Winter Olympics WWII and ships), cooking Norwegian spe- Seattle. Olav is also survived by his brother cialties, watching political news, and playing Øyvind Lunde (Kirsten), Radøy, Norway; solitaire. He and Louise traveled to Norway brothers-in-law Ken Egaas (Marilyn) of Af t e n p o s t e n many times over the years and Olav made Leavenworth, WA and Ben Egaas (Dorothy) his last trip there this past November to be of Seattle, and sister-in-law Jennie Egaas, honored with other seamen war veterans in Seattle. He also had a large extended family Photo: Wikimedia Commons in the U.S. and Norway that includes cous- On June 9, Norway’s 162-member sports Kristiansand. He was an active long-time ins, nieces, and nephews, all of whom loved council voted on the possibility of applying member of many organizations, including clubs and organizations would benefit from him very dearly. to host the 2022 Winter Olympics and Para- the Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge #1 the Olympic-quality facilities. A memorial service will be held at 1 lypics in Oslo, 70 years after the city hosted (he was named “Man of the Year” in 1993); International Olympic Committee (IOC) pm Saturday, June 23rd, at Our Redeemer’s the Winter Olympics for the first time. In the Norwegian Commercial Club; Norwegian member Gerhard Heiberg said that Norway is Lutheran Church at 2400 NW 85th St. in vote, 143 voted yes and only 15 said no. American Chamber of Commerce; Nordic a very strong candidate for the 2022 Olympic Ballard. A memorial celebration of Olav’s Before the debate, council president Heritage Museum, Seattle-Bergen Sister City Games with their deep roots in winter sports life will follow the service at Leif Erikson Børre Rognlien gave a clear overview of the Association, Karmøy Club; Nordlandslaget; and infrastructure, but points out that a good Hall, 2245 NW 57th St. in Ballard. A pri- athletic and societal contributions of host- Nordmanns Forbundet; Nordmorslaget; Ma- application requires a great deal of work over vate graveside service for extended family ing the Olympics in Norway, as well as the sonic Lafayette Lodge 241; Scottish Rite; the next few years. will precede the church service at 11 am at three groups who will contribute financially Nile Temple of the Shrine; Society of Port Minister of Culture Evergreen-Washelli Cemetery. to the event: the Norwegian state, local gov- Engineers of Puget Sound; and Our Redeem- assured the council, “We will initially ensure In lieu of flowers, donations in Olav’s ernment and sports. Rognlien said the na- er’s Lutheran Church. the quality of such an application.” name may be made to Sons of Norway Leif tional government will contribute less in the Olav was preceded in death by his be- “We will take the job of creating a good Erikson Lodge #1 and to Our Redeemer’s 2022 proposal than the 1994 Winter Olym- loved wife Louise; his parents Peder and application seriously,” said John Elvestu- Trine Lunde, Radøy, Norway; his broth- Lutheran Church. pics in Lillehammer – more municipalities en, representing the Oslo City Council. He have pledged their financial support of the ers Reidar Lunde (Ruth) and Søren Lunde said Oslo is wholeheartedly in favor of the (Loretta) of Seattle; his sister Marie Uthaug Be our fan on Games. Olympics. If the capital is chosen as the host, In addition, Norway’s winter sports in- (Richard) of Fedje, Norway; his sisters Anna Facebook! Elvestuen said Norway wants to give the Brandsrud (Per) and Anny Nordanger (Ei- frastructure is strong: The brand-new remod- experience to regular people, not just elite el of Holmenkollen ski jump and the Nordic athletes. Find us online at combined was completed for the 2011 World Oslo city government decided to use up Sports News & facebook.com/ Championships, and many venues in the to NOK 130 million (approximately USD naweekly Oslo region are already used for World Cup 21.5 million) on the Olympics application. tournaments, such as Kvitfjell and Hafjell. Notes After the Games, Norwegian sports Men’s handball: Norway vs. Hungary 21-27 NEW! Birkebeiner print 9.75x12” + generous border Norway’s men lost 21-27 to Hungary Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue Surprises provide some excitement on Sunday in the first of two qualifiers for < games next year’s World Championships. Hungary • full-color, fade-proof From page 1 On the other hand there were some small • quality paper surprises. One of the bigger ones this eve- led 12-10 at half-time. Norway was just one • FREE shipping in goal behind when 8 minutes of the match re- sturdy mailing tube to Oslo’s Bislett Stadium on June 7. An ecstatic ning was for sure Kenenisa Bekele placing US 48 states mained, but could not stop the Hungarians crowd was up for an amazing night filled only 4th in the men’s 5000m run, losing the • $15 each, USD only; with first-class competitions on the highest lead to fellow Ethopian Dejen Gebremeskel. from adding another six. “We burned too VISA/MasterCard many chances, while they were set with the level and of course – as expected – the Gran Triple jumper Christian Taylor (U.S.) also Order from Finale with a striking “Lightning Bolt.” couldn’t perform up to his high standards – counter attack and punished us,” said Chris- NORWAY ART with just three centimeters difference he was tian Kjelling, who on Sunday was in the 1455 West Lake St, B-20 Night of the favorites defeated by Russian opponent Lyukman Ad- playmaker role for the Norwegian team. The Minneapolis, MN 55408 One of the first big duels took place at ams jumping a 17.09m at his third try. With return match will be in Oslo on Saturday. “It call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or the women’s discus throw in between Ger- none of the three leading ladies taking part will be tough, but we still have the possibil- email: [email protected] man based Nadine Müller and the Croatian the 200m women’s race was down to zero ity,” said Norwegian coach Robert Hedin. Why not order now for shipment to your home or business Sandra Perkovic with the latter winning with when it came to favorites. Murielle Ahoure (Norway Post) and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! a 64.89m throw in her fourth try. At the shot (Ivory Coast) took the victory home in the put men there was no way around the favor- end with a new national record of 22.42. ite from Poland – Tomasz Majewski. With his winning 21.36m throw Majewski also Wide field The Scandinavian Hour moved up to second place in the overall Dia- From just locally known athletes to in- Celebrating over 50 years on the air! mond League ranking. ternational super stars, from youth to more In the men’s 400m hurdles Puerto Rican senior athletes: The 2012 Bislett Games at- KKNW – 1150 AM Javier Culson lived up to his favorite status tracted a wide variety of athletes. Newcomer and secured the win with a world season’s Hanza Driouch of Qatar – the youngest one Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST best of 47.92. Amantle Montsho (Botswana) of all – was just “sweet 17” but finished Streaming live on the internet at: also fortified her Diamond League lead with eighth in the men’s 1 mile race. Nicoleta yet another victory in the 400m women’s Grasu of Romania on the other hand is well www.1150kknw.com competition, heading the field with a time of known since the 1996 Olympics. With four 49.68. In the 3000m women’s steeplechase World Championship medals on her record Milcah Chemos from Kenya could win her the 40-year-old showed no fatigue of profes- Find the perfect gift from in second Bislett race in a row. With a new sional sports, placing sixth in the women’s our online store, or if meeting record and fourth all time best of discus. you’re in the area, visit our 9.07.4 she also paced the rest of the field to shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! a variety of personal and season bests. In the An expected 100m winner E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] ExxonMobil Dream mile, Asbel Kiprop of With surprising victories and fulfilled Kenya once again was the fastest with a new expectations at 21:52 the crowd was ready season’s best of 3:48.50 minutes. With Olga for the final competition: The 100m men’s Kucherenko (Russia, 6.96m) at the women’s sprint and the big duel amongst the two long jump and Sally Pearson at the 100m Jamaican superstars Usain Bolt and Asafa hurdles (Australia, 12.49s) two more favor- Powell. In the end it was again the “Light- ites scored an expected win. ning Bolt” that stroke – a beautiful HAPPY SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! END for the wonderful Oslo audience. Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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