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News Special Issue Learn a little Welcome to our about Norwegian Kunnskap er makt. Education Issue! meteorites – Francis Bacon Read more on page 3 Read more on page 8 – 18 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 7 February 22, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog..com Enhancing the resilience News The Norwegian Government has decided to cancel all Guinea’s debt to Norway, which amounts governor calls for to around NOK 100 million a more resilient (USD 17.2 million). Minister of International Development economy in Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås commented, “In August last year, face of Europe’s we cancelled NOK 42 million of financial crisis Guinea’s debt to Norway. I am glad that we can now cancel the rest. This means that this West Staff Compilation African can now use Norwegian American Weekly more of its income on schools and public health services without the heavy burden of debt.” In his annual address on Feb. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 14, Central Bank governor Øystein Olsen argued for ways to enhance Culture the Norwegian economy in light of In most of Norway, schools Europe’s financial suffering. are closed the week of Feb. “Norway’s oil and gas re- 18 for the winter break. Many sources provide an economic base Norwegian families will head that few other enjoy. In- up to their cottage this weekend, come levels are among the highest to enjoy the peak of the skiing in the world and the people of Nor- Photo: Ståle Andersen / Norges Bank season. According to forecasts, Prime Minister shakes the hand of Finance Minister Sigbjørn Johnson. Norges Bank governor Øystein eastern Norway will be the best See > resilience, page 6 Olsen sits between them. Minister of Education sits on the far right. place to be for skiing, but in the mountains of , conditions will also be near perfect. As one moves north, the Live, laugh, learn Bernhoft to SXSW weather becomes increasingly unstable, with strong winds, sleet Education Issue explores Norwegian Several Norwegian and rain. Many have acts will appear at already safeguarded their winter language and cultural learning for all break plans and have decided the popular music to head to sunnier shores, such festival in Texas as the Canary Islands or the Mediterranean. (Norway Post) Royal Norwegian Embassy Washington, D.C. What’s inside? News 2-3 Bernhoft, Marit Larsen and Business 4 Diem are just some of the Research & Education 5 Norwegian acts scheduled to per- Photo: Wikimedia Commons Opinion 6-7 See > sxsw, page 6 Bernhoft performing at the 2011 Nobel Concert. Education Section 8-18 Obituaries & Religion 19 Arts & Style 20 19th championship In Your Neighborhood 21 A great day for Ole Norwegian Heritage 22 Einar Bjørndalen in the Scholarships 23 Photo: Valerie Borey From left: Silje, Anja, Kjersti and Idun, four villagers at CLV’s Norwegian lan- Czech Republic guage camp, share their reasons to study Norwegian on page 8. Staff Compilation $1 = NOK 5.5548 Welcome to the third annual and TAF programs in Norway, to Norwegian American Weekly updated 2/18/2013 Education Issue! In this issue, you University of Washington under- will find a wide variety of articles graduate students and Skogfjorden On Saturday Feb. 16, Nor- In comparison that celebrates Norwegian lan- villagers sharing their reasons to 1/18/2012 5.6115 wegian biatholon star Ole Einar guage and cultural learning oppor- study Norwegian, the educational Bjørndalen won his 19th world 8/18/2012 5.9157 tunities on both sides of the Atlan- ties between Norway and the U.S. championship title and his 50th 2/18/2012 5.7124 tic. have never been stronger. Photo: Wikimedia Commons With great stories like the TIP The fun starts on page 8! See > champion, page 21 Ole Einar Bjørndalen. 2 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Folk sto i kø Kjøttskandalen vokser i våre naboland Noe nytt på flyplasser Kjøttskandalen sprer seg med galopperende Ikke siden 2006, da Skrik fart i Nord-Europa. Ulovlig hestekjøtt kan Regjeringen går inn for være levert som skolemat, til sykehus og at kroppsskannere tas og Madonna ble utstilt restauranter. Det er ikke bare ferdigproduk- ter i butikk som kan inneholde hestekjøtt. I bruk ved flyplasser i for første gang etter går ble slakteriet Hårby Slagtehus i Jylland at de ble stjålet, har mistenkt av det danske mattilsynet, Fødeva- Norge restyrelsen, for å selge en blanding av hes- det vært så lange køer tekjøtt og oksekjøtt til kunder som trodde utenfor Munch-museet de kun kjøpte oksekjøtt. Det får den danske Aftenposten jordbruksministeren Mette Gjerskov til å Aftenposten steile. – Det vi har vært vitne til de siste da- gene er noe svineri, og jeg kan ikke forstå Utstillingen Det moderne øye har hengt hvorfor noen vil tukle med maten på denne – Kroppsskannerne vil redusere bruk av på Munch-museet siden 31. oktober 2012. måten, sier Gjerskov i en pressemelding. håndsøk og det vil være et valgfritt tilbud til Først denne helgen fikk publikum øynene I Norge er det foreløpig funnet hestekjøtt passasjerer, sier samferdselsminister Marit opp for alvor. i følgende produkter: Coop Lasagne 400 Arnstad (Sp) til NRK. Foto: digitaltrends.com 16. februar var det 1400 besøkende. 17. gram og én kilogram; Rema 1000 – Lasagne I 2010 sa daværende samferdselsminis- Slik ser kroppsskannerne ved O’Hare flyplass i Chi- cago i USA ut. I USA har innføringen av slike scannere februar ble det satt ny rekord med 2100 be- Bolognese én kilogram; First Price lasagne ter (Sp) nei til et vært omstridt, men svært mange flyplasser har tatt dem talende. – NorgesGruppen forsøk med kroppsskanning ved norske fly- i bruk. – En vanlig helgedag i vintersesongen (VG) plasser. er det mellom 500 og 600 gjester. Folk som Metoden har vært omstridt, og den er har jobbet her lenge sier de aldri har opplevd Omstridt isbjørn-filming på blitt kalt «nakenskanning». Navnet skyl- EU-kommisjonen har laget et regelverk maken, sier museumsdirektør Stein Olav Isbjørn skal ikke forstyrres. Likevel står TV- des at maskinene benytter seg av røntgen- for kroppsskannere i EU/EØS-området. Det Henrichsen. og filmselskap fra en rekke land i kø for å teknologi og viser tydelige kroppskonturer få filme den polare bamse på Svalbard. I er dette regelverket Norge nå innfører. På et tidspunkt var køen utenfor Munch- på en monitor rett ved skanneren. ukene som kommer er bamsen spesielt at- Det er opp til lufthavnoperatøren å museet flere hundre meter lang. Noen valgte Nyere modeller benytter seg av såkalte traktiv for de som ønsker unike bilder. Snart avgjøre om de vil ha kroppsskannere i sik- å snu fremfor å stå i kø, men de fleste smurte millimeterbølger. kommer binnene ut av hiene med en, to eller kerhetskontrollen. seg med tålmodighet. – En kan ikke lagre, oppbevare, kopiere kanskje tre små nydelige bamsenøster. De- Avinor har tidligere vurdert skannere Trolig har Aftenpostens oppslag om eller skrive ut informasjon fra skanneren. res lek og opplæring i barsk natur gir ekstra som er basert på millimeterbølger, som gir publikumssvikt og underskudd hos Munch- Passasjeren som blir klarert i skanneren skal gode bilder. Problemet er bare at det ikke er konturløse og kjønnsnøytrale bilder. De er museet lørdag vært en vekker. være anonym. Kroppsskanneren vil heller tillatt å oppsøke isbjørn. Det er heller ikke svært positive til mindre og nyere modeller – Dette viser hvor interessert folk er i ikke avsløre kroppskonturer, sier Arnstad. lov å lokke til seg bamsen, eller oppføre seg som har kommet på markedet. Munch, man trenger bare en liten påmin- Kroppsskanning skal være et valgfritt slik at en setter egen eller dyrets sikkerhet nelse, sier Wenche Høyem. Hun og mannen tilbud for de reisende. i fare. Dessuten er store deler av Svalbard Tor Jakob sto 1,5 time i kø for å se Det mod- nasjonalpark eller naturreservat, der man - Kroppsskannere er en av flere metoder erne øye. trenger spesiell tillatelse for å dra inn med som brukes for å styrke sikkerhetsnivået, English Synopsis: Norwegian airports now have English Synopsis: Over the weekend of Feb. 16 – 17, snøscooter eller helikopter. – Nåløyet for å men passasjerer kan reservere seg mot bruk green light to install x-ray body scanner, but passen- a record of 2100 visitors in one day was set at the gers can choose whether or not to use them. få komme inn i de mest sentrale isbjørnom- av skanneren, sier samferdselsminister. Munch Museum in . rådene er trangt. Men noen få selskap får dispensasjon fra oss til å oppsøke isbjørn, sier miljøvernsjef Guri Tveito hos Syssel- mannen, som er øygruppens forvaltnings- Frisk luft-lov og politimyndighet. Blant momentene som Droner skyter i været vurderes er om filmselskapene har avtaler SV mener at staten må kunne om at filmen skal vises på store TV-kanaler. Sysselmannen ønsker heller noen få store gripe inn overfor kommuner Bruken av sivile selskap som når mange seere, enn å slippe som ikke foretar seg noe droner tar av i Norge. til filmfolk uten klare avtaler og prosjekter. når grenseverdiene for (Dagbladet) Luftfartstilsynet er forurenset luft nærmer seg bekymret for utviklingen Vender hjem for party En 50-talls Høka-trikk er tilbake fra VG Stockholm for å bli partyvogn på Oslo- spor. Høkavognen var i flere år i bruk på Forslaget om en lovendring ble lansert Aftenposten Djurgårdslinjen mellom Norrmalmstorg og da Lysbakken talte til årsmøtet i Hordaland Droner som ikke dreper? Ja, de finnes – Djurgården. – Vognen ble lagret i Söder- SV i partilederens egen hjemby og de blir stadig flere. tälje før vi overtok den for en krone i fjor. lørdag, skriver Bergens Tidende. Hvert år siden 2010 har antall personer Dette er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Lysbakken mener at Miljøverndeparte- Foto: Wikimedia Commons og selskaper som driver kommersiell virk- En sivil drone av typen Parrot AR 2. Ruter, Oslotrikken og oss, forteller Tom mentet eller Klima- og forurensingsdirek- somhet med droner i Norge fordoblet seg, Arne Nygaard, styremedlem i Lokaltrafik- toratet må få anledning til å gripe inn når det ifølge tall fra Luftfartstilsynet. Ved utgangen khistorisk Forening. – Vi planlegger guid- ikke tas grep lokalt mot ekstrem forurensing, av 2012 var det 40 selskaper som hadde tilla- tiv inspektør i Luftfartstilsynet. ede turer og charter med den til sommeren. noe Bergen rammes av nesten hver vinter. telse til å fly med droner. Til sammen hadde – Det er mange useriøse aktører. Noen Foreløpig pendler den mellom vognhallene – Giftlokket her i byen er et monument på Holtet og Grefsen, hvor vi gjør nødven- disse flere tusen oppdrag i året som gikk. tror at man kan gjøre dette som modellflyger. over handlingslammelsen til det borgerlige dige arbeider for å få den godkjent av Jern- I tillegg kommer alle dem som ikke har Mange tror at så lenge de har tillatelse fra byrådet i Bergen. Vi kan ikke sitte stille og banetilsynet, sier Nygaard. Høkatrikkene de nødvendige tillatelsene, men som flyr Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM), så se på at dette skjer hver vinter. Også på nas- ble bygget på Hønefoss Karosserifabrikk i likevel. har de det som trengs. Det må de riktignok jonalt plan må vi være med på å sikre at alle årene 1952-58, mens noen av tilhengervog- Droner blir dessuten stadig billigere. For ha for alle typer luftfotografering, men de innbyggerne kan sende ungene sine ut i frisk nene ble bygget på Strømmens Værksted. De noen tusenlapper kan hvem som helst skaffe må også ha operativ tillatelse fra Luftfartstil- luft, sier Lysbakken til avisen. siste Høka-trikker gikk ut av trafikk i 1997, det nødvendige utstyret – ferdig montert. synet. Samtidig som han kritiserer byrådet i mens en sterkt ombygget variant hadde sine Og etter hvert som flere amatører gjør sitt NTNU-professor Torbjørn Knutsen har Bergen, har staten i et år hatt til behandling siste turer i 2000. inntog, øker faren for ulykker. Det bekymrer tidligere uttalt at selskaper som Statoil bør en søknad fra Bergen og Hordaland om å (Aftenposten) Luftfartstilsynet. bruke droner til overvåking. Steine er ge- doble bompengeavgiften. Det skal ifølge – Folk som for eksempel er glad i nerelt skeptisk til overvåking, men mener det Statens vegvesen kunne gi en trafikkreduks- modellflyging ser en businessmulighet i kan være et potensielt avgjørende hjelpemid- jon på opp mot ti prosent. – Et år er lang tid, dette. Det gjelder også fotografer, eiendo- del i spesielle situasjoner, for eksempel for sier Lysbakken, som legger til at det finnes msmeglere, film- og reklamebransjen. Men politiet. – Politioperasjonene ved Utøya en rekke andre lokale tiltak, som for eksem- ofte er dette folk som egentlig ikke har noen kunne sett helt annerledes ut dersom man pel datokjøring eller å gjøre om et felt på in- som helst luftfartsfaglig bakgrunn, og det er hadde sendt ut droner, selv om det kanskje nfartsveiene til kollektivfelt. der problemet ligger. Dette er ikke modellfly. er urettferdig å påpeke det i etterkant, sa han. Det er snakk om kommersiell nytteflygning, English Synopsis: , leader of the English Synopsis: The U.S. isn’t the only country Socialist Left party, wants to introduce a “fresh air” og da må operasjonene «angripes» på en helt concerned about drones in its airspace; more and law in Norway. annen måte, sier Morten Raustein, flyopera- more drones are appearing in Norway. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news February 22, 2013 • 3 News This week in brief Norway says Need for coordination Norway plans 12-hour prime-time TV There is a need for show of a fireplace no to nukes Norwegian public television plans to increased cooperation broadcast a burning fireplace for 12 Norway condemns North between the Norwegian straight hours from Friday evening Feb. 15, with firewood specialists providing Korean nuclear test military and police color commentary, expert advice and a bit of cultural tutoring. “We’ll talk about the Press Release very nerdy subjects like burning, slicing Norway Post Ministry of Foreign Affairs and stacking the wood, but we’ll also have cultural segments with music and poems,” Rune Moeklebust, a producer for state “Norway condemns the nuclear test The Norwegian Police Security Ser- broadcaster NRK. “It will be very slow but carried out by North Korea in the strongest vice (PST) confirms that there is a conflict noble television.” Moeklebust got the idea possible terms. We are concerned about the between the military and the police when it Photo: Dagsavisen Samfoto for the show from the wild success of a implications this may have for regional se- comes to who should have the lead in in the Lasse Roen, union representative in the PST. firewood book by Lars Mytting, Norway’s curity in Asia,” said Foreign Minister Espen fight against terror in Norway. biggest firewood celebrity. His book “Hel Barth Eide. Acording to Lasse Roen, union repre- trying to increase the number of prepared- Ved,” which means Strong Character in North Korea carried out a nuclear test sentative in the PST, there is great frustration ness exercises in order to bolster their bud- English, is a play on words because ved just before noon local time on Feb. 12. It among the members of the police officers as- gets. Roen states that combating terrorism is also means “firewood.” took place in the north-east of the country, sociation. “If terrorism is a crime, it becomes a task for the police, not primarily a job for (Reuters) apparently at the same site as the nuclear wrong to supply more arms to the military the military. tests in 2006 and 2009. under the guise of terror concepts, versus en- In the PST, there is a feeling that parts of The Norwegian Pension Fund buys “The nuclear test is a serious violation suring that the police are able to do their job the military are now trying to improve their property in the U.S. of the norms established in the Nuclear Test- in this field.’’ situation in the terror preparedness field in The Norwegian Pension Fund, or National He claims that the military forces are Oil Fund, as it is also known, has for the See no, page 6 See > coordination, page 22 > first time invested in properties in the US, purchased from the US Pension Fund TIAA-CREF. This is the Fund’s first real A long wait estate investment outside Europe and is Strike by a meteorite! in line with our strategy to build a global real estate portfolio of high quality, says The intense meteorite What to do with long Karsten Kallevig, director of the Pension strike in Russia on Feb. 15 waiting lines in Norway’s Fund’s real estate investments. The fund healthcare system? paid 600 million dollars, equivalent to inspires an investigation about 3.3 billion NOK for the properties. of meteoritics in Norway They are located in New York , Washington, D.C. and Boston. The seller Norway Post is the pension fund TIAA-CREF, which will continue to own 50.1 percent of each Staff Compilation building. TIAA-CREF will be responsible Norwegian American Weekly The Ministry of Health prohibits its pri- for management of the properties on vate contractors to disclose that patients may behalf of the partnership. The transaction be examined more quickly – if they pay for was completed on February 8th. On the morning of Feb. 15, when many Photo: Morten Bilet this themselves. (Norway Post) Russians were making their usual morning A 752 gram stone, part of the Moss meteorite “I want to emphasize that the first and commute, something rather unusual took that fell in 2006 in Norway. foremost responsibility is to inform about New poll shows majority against oil place. the public offer. It’s part of the package when exploration in the Lofoten A meteorite, weighing approximately 10 age to buildings in the area. you have a contract with the public that you In the latest InFact poll, a clear majority tons and entering the earth’s atmosphere at a This historic meteorite impact has inform them of the public offer,” said Health in Nordland said no to oil exploration off speed of at least 33,000 mph, shattered be- caused a renewed interest in the phenom- Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Lofoten and Vesterålen. In the survey, tween 18 and 32 miles above the ground, ac- enon, and so, in that spirit: Health policy and the congested wait- 49.1 percent in Nordland said they were cording to the Russian Academy of Sciences. How has Russia’s cousin to the north- ing lines in the government-run hospitals opposed to oil and gas exploration off Fragments of the meteor fell in a thinly east fared when it comes to meteorites? Nor- is likely to be a hot issue in the upcoming Lofoten and Vesterålen. 34.3 percent said populated area of the Chelyabinsk , the way is a small country, relatively speaking, election campaign. Patients in urgent need Russian Emergency Ministry said in a state- they are in favor of recovery, while 16.6 but still has 13 known strikes on record with go first, but otherwise it often means waiting ment. Roughly 1,100 people sought medical percent did not have any opinion. the Meteoritical Society since 1848. for weeks. attention after the strike, and 48 were hospi- (Norway Post) talized. A sonic boom caused massive dam- See > Meteorite, page 7 See > wait, page 4 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • February 22, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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< wait Advertise in the Weekly! “When patients call and essentially be- From page 3 come desperate over the waiting lines, it is Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: natural for us to inform you that it is possible Many patients therefore have to enter Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for to obtain healthcare tomorow,” one of the private clinics from which the government EVERY week! private contractors said. B&W, $15/col inch for color purchases these services. However, these in- Consequently, a new section in the con- • Free ad design stitutes are not allowed to give patients the tract has been added regarding “reputation • Support the only Norwegian- opportunity to pay themselves, and in this and loyalty within the agreement.” There the American newspaper! way shorten the wait. supplier must promise not to engage in ac- Støre believes the private institutes tive and direct marketing of its private offers should instead tell patients about their right in contact with patients who are referred to For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] to free hospital choice. them. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research February 22, 2013 • 5 Research Positive evaluation The Research Council of Norway’s Industrial Ph.D. scheme successfully facilitates long-term knowledge building

Kristin Dawes & Else Lie Research Council of Norway

The scheme enables trade and industry portant role in developing long-term strate- to better address knowledge challenges by gic and innovation capacity and strengthen- promoting research-based industrial activity ing competitiveness in the companies. and raising the number of employees in Nor- “The scheme is a way for industry and wegian companies with training in research. the state to each pay their own way on devel- The evaluation was conducted by the oping new knowledge in private companies, Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, enabling them to implement projects that Research and Education (NIFU) on commis- they would otherwise not have been able to Photo: Morten Brakestad sion from the Research Council. afford. We also see that the scheme helps to The first two participants under the Research Council of Norway’s Industrial Ph.D. scheme, Tove Ninety-five per cent of the 142 doctoral build bridges between research and indus- Evjen and Mathieu Ichard, with Trond Giske, Minister of Trade and Industry. candidates who have received funding to try,” says Minister Giske. date are very satisfied with the scheme. Nine- For her part, Minister of Education and ners.” adapted to user needs. The scheme is also ty-nine per cent of the companies involved Research Kristin Halvorsen is pleased to The benefits are mutual. Nearly 93 per perceived as flexible, with little red tape. concur. According to NIFU, in addition to note the evaluation’s conclusion that doc- cent of the academic supervisors from the The evaluation gives the Research Council a boosting research activity and long-term toral research projects under the Industrial research institutions would like to see more very good basis for proposing an increase of competence-building, the Industrial Ph.D. Ph.D. scheme hold the same scientific stan- doctoral candidates study at their institutions NOK 10 million in the scheme’s budget for scheme has promoted researcher recruitment dard as ordinary doctoral research projects. under the Industrial Ph.D. scheme. 2014,” says Mr. Hallén. to industry and enhanced cooperation be- “The scheme provides an excellent way Director General of the Research Coun- In addition, NIFU recommends consid- tween companies and research institutions. for Norwegian universities and university cil Arvid Hallén is also very pleased with the ering whether funding should be differenti- The evaluation concludes by recom- colleges to develop closer cooperation with outcome of the evaluation, and points out ated on the basis of the size of the company, mending that the scheme should be contin- industry,” says Minister Halvorsen. “When – that nearly 60 per cent of the companies that with the smallest companies receiving a ued. according to the evaluation – so many com- have been involved in the scheme to date higher proportion of support. Minister of Trade and Industry Trond panies express their desire to continue col- report that they have plans to launch subse- “We will consider these recommenda- Giske is very pleased that the scheme is seen laborating with a university in the future, it quent Industrial Ph.D. research projects. tions in consultation with the ministries,” as so useful to fulfilling company needs for sends an important signal that industry views “The evaluation confirms that the says the Director General. new expertise. The scheme also plays an im- research institutions as highly relevant part- scheme fills a useful purpose and is well- 6 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway < resilience From page 1 Join the conversation! way are generally highly educated. Our ac- On the EDGE cess to natural resources makes a significant (On Learning Norwegian) For Love and Adventure contribution to our prosperity. At the same time, our increasing dependence on oil and By Valerie Borey gas increases the vulnerability of the Norwe- gian economy. We know that neither of these I teach Norwegian to learners from They’re motivated by a deep sense of fa- terest in mythology or an appreciation of sources will spring eternal,” said Olsen in his preschool to retirement ages through Con- milial love and a desire to stay grounded Norwegian death metal. Regardless of the address. cordia Language ’ Pre-K, Youth, in their ethnic roots. reason, these are individuals who come In last year’s address, Olsen discussed and Family programs, as well as through Those inspired to learn Norwegian be- in with specific goals in mind and, if they changing the guidelines in order that Norway Mindekirken’s Language and Culture Pro- cause of romantic love, on the other hand, stay for any period of time, generally end use less oil money. gram in Minneapolis. Even in Minnesota, tend to enter into the language somewhere up in one of the other categories as their This year, the governor reiterated that a hotbed of Norwegian-American culture, between their late teens and mid-thirties, connections to Norway expand. point, pointing out that though the Norwe- telling people I work as a Norwegian with some exceptions. They come from All of these groups are of course quite gia economy seems strong, there are also ar- teacher is somewhat akin to telling people all kinds of ethnic backgrounds and have fluid. A heritage learner may plan a trip to eas of concern. He emphasized the need to that I’m a sword swallower. “Ah…” they somehow managed to fall in love with a Norway, fall in love with a Norwegian, strength these areas and avoid using oil and nod, mentally counting up the Norwegian Norwegian. They’re motivated by a desire and later decide to investigate language gas revenues as a crutch. speakers that they know, “and what does to communicate even more deeply with change over time. Norwegian death metal “Vigorous activity in the oil and gas in- your husband do?” their significant other, to open new doors fans may discover Norwegian roots and dustry also helped Norwegian manufactur- Maybe because it’s such an atypical with one another through language. decide to raise their children with a sense ing fare better than manufacturing in other field, finding out why my learners have Then we have the adventurers, who of Nordic tradition. All sorts of trajecto- OECD countries during the financial crisis. chosen to study Norwegian is interesting also fall into two categories. The first type ries are possible and it’s fascinating to The petroleum industry is a buffer against the to me. Why, when there are so many ways has some kind of plan hatching that in- think that there are Norwegian schools all current downturn in advanced economies. In to spend ones time and money, do people volves travel to Norway. The second type over the world with stories of love and ad- that respect, the Norwegian economy has be- decide to invest in learning Norwegian? has an intellectual adventure in mind. venture unfolding – in Mongolia, Nepal, come more robust,” said Olsen. What are they hoping to get out of it? The plan-hatchers usually have travel Cameroon, Madagascar, Belgium, Spain, “The flip side of the coin is that our What are they planning to do with it? to Norway coming up within the next year Peru, Qatar, etc. economic future is becoming increasingly The answer usually boils down to two or two. They’re moving to Oslo for work. At five million speakers (and grow- dependent on oil and gas activities. The sub- things: love and adventure, with a fair They’re planning a study abroad experi- ing?!), when it comes to Norwegian, there stantial petroleum revenues and the spillover amount of crossover in between. Whether ence. They’re doing an ancestral pilgrim- might not be sword-swallowing involved, effects from oil and gas production are re- my Norwegian learners are three, sixteen, age, a cruise, an expedition – something but there’s definitely a flutter in the stom- flected in the labour market and are driving twenty-five, forty-two, or seventy years very exciting is about to happen to them ach. up house prices and debt. In those respects, old, I still see the same pattern of respons- (in Norway) and they are bound and de- the Norwegian economy is also vulnerable,” es emerging: for love and adventure. termined to be ready for it. There is also Olsen continued. There are two main types of love- a retro-active subgroup here, recently re- Valerie Borey has a B.A. Much of Olsen’s speech discussed the inspired Norwegian learners: those who turned from a Norwegian adventure and in Cultural Anthropol- question of whether Norway is capable of are motivated by reason of kinship and determined to keep their newly gained ogy and an M.A. in the adaptability in its economic policies at pres- heritage, and those who are driven to learn Norwegian alive for the next time. Social Sciences. She ent. Norwegian because of a significant and The intellectual adventurer is differ- works with all-ages It is primarily high prices for what Nor- current romantic attachment. ent from the other adventurer group in the Norwegian immersion way produces that has kept the country’s Heritage learners start at all ages and sense that, while they may not have imme- programming at Con- non-oil sector revenues up in recent years, are generally the main group that comes diate plans to travel to Norway, they are on cordia Language Villages, from Barne- but now Norwegians are working less, and to mind when people think about Norwe- a quest to discover something. Usually it’s hage (Pre-K and elementary levels), to productivity growth is nothing to boast gian learners. These are people who want a linguistic mystery, like a desire to com- youth and family programs at Skogfjorden. about. Indeed, productivity growth in Nor- to talk to their grandparents, who want to pare Icelandic to modern Norwegian or to She has also taught Norwegian at Mind- way has been in decline for years. stay in touch with relatives in Norway, to conquer the differences between Norwe- ekirken and through Community Educa- “Productivity growth remained relative- re-connect with the traditions of their past. gian and Hebrew. Sometimes it’s an in- tion in Minneapolis. ly high up to around 2005. But since then it has declined. The decline has been more pro- nounced than among our trading partners,” The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is said Olsen. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. He pointed out that non-oil industries have suffered most from this lack of produc- tivity growth. “When the financial crisis hit, < sxsw < No bands, such as Mikhael Paskalev, a singer industries that do not benefit from oil sector From page 1 From page 3 demand or public spending stagnated. The and songwriter from Ålesund with a Bulgar- ian backround; Highasakite, a Norwegian differences in growth across industries has form at the world’s largest industry festival indie pop band that saw incredible success Ban Treaty,” the Foreign Minister continued. thus widened since 2008,” he said in the ad- in Austin, TX, 8-12, 2013. Norwe- in 2012 with their debut album “All That The test is also clearly in conflict with dress. gian bands have for several years made a Floats Will Rain,” which reached #16 on the goal of achieving a negotiated political In his opening remarks as well as his- strong showing at the South By Southwest the Norwegian Albums Chart; and Thomas solution on North Korea’s nuclear weapons conclusion, Olsen drew inspiration from a Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas. With Dybdahl, from Sandnes, Norway, who has program. classic of – namely Jo- more than 13,000 industry representatives in opened for Norwegian indie king Sondre Le- “North Korea has isolated itself. Ag- han Borgen’s novel “De mørke kilder” [The attendance, the festival is a great opportunity rche and for Tori Amos during her 2011 tour. gressive action such as nuclear testing will Dark Springs], published in 1956 – when he to promote Norwegian music abroad. The South By South Southwest festival not help either the country or the North Ko- warned that Norway’s oil wealth “does not The Norwegian “delegation” includes takes place from March 8 – 12 in Austin, rean people,” Mr. Eide stated. spring eternal.” Bernhoft, who’s already been noticed out- Texas. The following Norwegian bands are “The international community must “If we are to maintain our prosperity side of Norway after performing on major scheduled to perform: stand united in condemning the nuclear test over time and reduce the vulnerability to a international TVs like French Taratata, U.S., • Bernhoft and in insisting that North Korea must re- fall in petroleum revenues, we must generate Ellen De Generes, German Harald Schmidt • Karpe Diem frain from any further destabilising acts. I a larger number of profitable investments in Show and many more. Bernhoft is joined by • Marit Larsen urge all the parties involved to resume the the mainland economy – both in the public well-established acts such as Marit Larsen, • Mikhael Paskalev political dialogue as soon as possible. North and the private sector. We must also provide who has appeared at SXSW several times • Highasakite Korea has a particular responsibility here.” stronger incentives for participating in the before, and Karpe Diem, a rap group from • Flunk The UN Security Council has scheduled labour market and generating value added,” Oslo made up of Magdi Omar Ytreeide Ab- • Therese Aune an emergency meeting for Tuesday after- he said, conluding with, “Perhaps Norway delmaguid and Chirag Rashmikant Patel, as • Thomas Dybdahl noon to discuss the situation. is not so much an economy apart after all. well as a number of exciting up-and-coming There will be new times. Come what may.” • Young Dreams Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor: lic. Kelsey Larson [email protected] The world-famous Thor Heyerdahl and The grounds where the excavations his parents used to live a few short blocks were done, had been used for farming up to Assistant Layout Editor away from my parents grocery store in Lar- our modern times. However, when it became Harry Svenkerud [email protected] vik, Norway. For years we used to deliver known that lots of priceless items from the Advertising their grocery to their home. This was a nor- became exposed by plowing the Erik Krippaehne [email protected] mal service offered 50 years ago. We had fields, the area was named to be a historical Subscriptions several delivery trucks to offer this service in site and no more farming is now allowed. Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] rather large distances from our store which Kaupang borders the Viksfjord. The Contributing Editors at that time was the largest in the area. Many farm Klaastad (my mother’s maiden name), times I was the one that delivered the gro- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Illustration: Flemming Bau Carla Danziger McLean, Va. cery to the Heyerdahls. An artist’s recreation of Sciringes heal – Norway’s first Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. When Thor Heyerdahl announced his , the remains of which lie in Kaupang in Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. . Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. first film about their ‘Kon-Tiki’ journey, he Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway did this in ‘Munken’ which was the only Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland I went back to Norway in 1984 to build Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. movie theater in our town with a 15,000 out an 80 home development on our farm, Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. population. We got time off from school to we had to make road improvements for ad- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. go and see this exciting film which Heyer- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway ditional traffic. Next to our property and in Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. dahl was offering to the local schools free of view from our home, there is a marked Vi- Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. charge. He and several of his crew members Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. king grave. We had to cover the extra cost to Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. introduced the film in person on the stage Photo courtesy of Thor Dahl go around the grave stone without moving it Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. prior to the showing. Part of Viksfjord where Thor and his wife Joan have Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. done a lot of boating. an inch! Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. We also made grocery deliveries to the Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. “homes” of about 1000-year older ocean Sincerely, Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. travelers than them. About three miles from which is where my mother’s family is from Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Thor Dahl Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. our store, as well as from the farm where I and was owned by her great-grandfather, Dahl House Art and Rosemaling Center David Moe Sun City, Calif. was born, are the remains of Norway’s very also has its property bordering up against Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Inglis, Fla. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. first town called Kaupang. In the early fifties, Viksfjord. This property is still in our fam- Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. the first excavations were made by people ily and is now owned by one of my cousin’s John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. from the University. Our delivery drivers, daughters. She and her family has visited us Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Do you have something to say? Write to us! Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway including me, kept those strong people that a few times here in Florida where we border Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. dug by hand and used brushes in the end to against The Gulf of Mexico with a “little” Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Letter to the Editor find the old Viking treasures, stocked with friendlier year-round water temperature than CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives food to keep up their strength. I stepped into Viksjord! Norwegian American Weekly to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage many of those dug-out foundations from the The above area is known for its many 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 or send a note to [email protected] call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly old homes before they were open to the pub- Viking ships, graves and grave stones. When reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. < meteorite • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Stay in the loop! From page 3 Another meteorite was observed over letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian Oslo in 2012, but has not yet been classified. American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Do you belong to a Norwegian One known meteorite, Viksdalen, not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions There are also two craters in Norway, was found in 1992 by Steffan Hatlestad, a and complaints about the opinions expressed by organization, or want a sneak the paper’s editorials should be directed to the called Mjølnir and Gardnos, which are 12-year-old boy, while walking in the moun- thought to have been formed by meteorite publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published peek of this week’s issue? tains in Sogn og Fjordane. He found several weekly except the first week of the calendar year, strikes millions of years ago. fragments of a 470 gram stone that was later the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • The most recent classified meteorite in identified as a meteorite, and which today Sign up for our free Norway was in 2006. At about 10:20 a.m. Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. can be found in the National Science Mu- NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription weekly eNewsletter! on July 14, 2006, a bright fireball traveling seum in Oslo. Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, SSE – NNW was witnessed by many people Meteorites have been found in Norway US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. and a loud explosion and a rumbling sound Email [email protected] for in Finnmark, Buskerud, Sogn og Fjordane, SINCE MAY 17, 1889: was heard in the air above Moss and Rygge Oppland, Østfold, Telemark, Nordland, Ak- Formerly Norway Times more information! in south Norway, on the east side of the Os- ershus, Aust-Augder, Hedmark and Horda- Western Viking & Washington Posten lofjord. Shortly after, a small meteorite was land . Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- heard to land on an aluminum sheet and was Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, recovered. Extensive searches in the area You can read more about meteorite Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven have resulted in the recovery of a total of five strikes around the world at http://meteoriti- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. stones. Nobody was injured. calsociety.org.

Svenn K. Lovlie Bremerton WA Roger Johnson Seattle WA 28. februar Annie Mathiesen Las Vegas NV Stevie Gjovik Madison WI Jakobine Hovik Seattle WA Ross Davidson Seattle WA Lyleth Gjovik Madison WI John M. Anderson Park River ND Gerd Nelson Bloomington MN Paul C. Raysby Avon SD 26. februar Raymond Thompson Hawthorne CA 24. februar Ivar Jenseth Seattle WA Ralph L. Gusfre Chicago IL Julia Anderson Scottsdale AZ Bob Colter Castle Rock WA Maurine Phelps Seattle WA Sarah Anderegg Redmond WA 22. februar Roy Thornton Strongsville OH Karen Bendixen Boyd Olympia WA Oline Dokken Benson MN 27. februar Martha Lofall Poulsbo WA David Sund Olympia WA Harold O. Tvede Sacramento CA Elisabeth Grambo Seattle WA Bill Gosnell Pawnee OK Olaf A. Jacobsen Bellingham WA Want to see your birthday in the Inga Fritzen-Buan Harestua Norway Sidney F. Anderson Lititz PA Cynthia Eiken Park Ridge IL Norwegian American Weekly? Mrs. Axel Gidlof Los Angeles CA Dr. Charles Anderegg Redmond WA Peder Endahl Woonsocket SD 25. februar Iona R Dhaese Puyallup WA Hilda Danielsen Surrey BC Can Chloe Willow Knudsen Simi Valley CA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. 23. februar Kristi Samuelson Sheffield IA Eric Chellstop Prospect Heights IL com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Sivert Stupstad Hagen Sask Can Egil Erlandsen Mosjøen Norway Palmer C. Grorud Portland OR month in advance. Mrs. Richard Beck Victoria BC Can Jane Slattebo Los Angeles CA Margrethe E. Grorud Portland OR NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Ole Kvithyll Two Rivers WI Martha Bjornstad Chandler AZ away? Please notify us! 8 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly Education Issue

Norwegian American Weekly Education Issue Keeping the spark A youth’s perspective on learning Norwegian

Photos: Valerie Borey From left: article authors Anja, Silje, Idun and Kjersti at Skogfjorden in Bemidji, Minn.

To explore the question of why contem- my grandma and they had four kids who all there. have a more private language that no one porary youth in the United States choose to kept the Norwegian heritage in the family by So after me and the other villagers here else or few others they know can understand, study Norwegian, four villagers in Skogfjor- coming to Skogfjorden, the Norwegian Con- are grown up and having kids of our own, so they feel free to say things they wouldn’t den’s high school credit program (through cordia Language . Two of my uncles what will happen? I had some friends say otherwise say. Some people might speak dif- Concordia Language Villages) interviewed came to love the language and heritage so that they were going to move to Norway. I ferent languages with different people and other participants in this Norwegian immer- much that they became counselors at Skog- had more say that act a bit differ- sion summer camp and wrote about their im- fjorden. they were going ent with each pressions. Before I came to the Language Village, to be counselors group. my grandpa read me a book in the Norwe- at Skogfjorden Some- Anja (17): Keeping Norwegian in the fam- gian language. Not only can I now under- and maybe study times, people ily stand the book but I understand the simi- abroad in Nor- who are look- Norwegian heritage being carried down larities between this story and other Norske way when they ing for a group through each generation has made a huge eventyr (stories). are in college. to belong to impact on my life. My great grandma and My example is similar to many of the But there was will choose great grandpa came from Trondheim, Nor- other villagers here, 3rd or 4th generation one answer that to learn a lan- way and moved to a farm in Gibbon, Min- Norwegian- speakers in America. But there everyone said guage. A less nesota. My grandpa was the youngest of 10 are also some who got the chance to learn and that was that well known children and spoke Norwegian at home until Norwegian from their own parents. Many they will abso- language, not he started school, which is where he started campers have connections to Norway other lutely be teach- one used all to learn English. My grandpa later married than their ancestors. Some have even lived ing their children over the world, about this beau- like Spanish. tiful heritage. Something Explore Scandinavian Traditions at Vesterheim! So maybe the small number of around 5 only a select group of people know. Like… million Norwegian speakers will double or Norwegian. They might be introduced to it Register Have fun bringing the skills, patterns, colors triple because of our love for this language. by a search for their heritage or just looking today! and traditions of centuries past into your life now. I know that Norwegian has done powerful, at beautiful pictures of the fjords, but they indescribable things for me, so it’s my goal know that few others have made the same Vesterheim offers to expand through my family in the future choice. And, if they are so inclined, they beginning through advanced classes and I hope the same for the other villagers can impress (or maybe confuse) their friends in weaving, woodworking, painting, that are here. with words no one else understands. food traditions, jewelry, and knifemaking. Some people want to take a unique path. View the 2013 schedule at vesterheim.org. Silje (17): Choosing a unique path/iden- Rather than study boring old Spanish or tity French, they want to learn something differ-

Sometimes people with multiple lan- ent. To break away from the norm. guages have different personalities with each As for myself, I have some they use. Someone might be more heritage, and my parents have visited Nor- Norwegian-American Museum comfortable with one language, and so tell way a couple times. I saw their pictures and Decorah, Iowa more jokes while speaking it. Some might 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org See > spark, page 16 norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 9 Education issue An ongoing journey The Weekly’s role Heidi Håvan Grosch discusses her current The Norwegian American Weekly plays an pursuit of a Norwegian Master’s Degree active role in getting students involved

Photo: Diane Olsen Kelsey Larson (left) and Christy Olsen Field at a PLU event in spring 2012.

Kelsey Larson Photo: Mentz Indergaard / NTNU Info Managing Editor NTNU Main Administration Building, Gløshaugen campus.

This week, the Norwegian American was founded in 1890 by Norwegian immi- Weekly brings you the Education Issue – as grants, much like many Lutheran schools Heidi Håvan Grosch you’ve certainly already discovered! in the U.S., and for the first few years of its Sparbu, Norway The Education Issue focuses on educa- existence, classes were offered only in Nor- tion in the U.S. and Norway, with a special wegian. Naturally, that has changed over the focus on building connections of langauge years, though PLU maintains a very strong Norway likes their paperwork, and petanse (real experience) counts if you have and culture between the two countries. This Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies De- though experience counts it is really docu- enough documentation, so I gathered letters is an extremely important topic, since we as partment. mentation that matters most. I have worked of recommendation, complied diplomas and Norwegian-Americans know how important As a Norwegian major at PLU, I knew I in schools for years using the arts to explore certificates, and scanned examples of writ- it is to keep connections of friendship, fam- loved Norway and Norwegian language and language, but it wasn’t until arriving in Nor- ing, lesson plans and published work dem- ily, heritage and business alive between the culture, but I had no idea how I would chan- way almost 6 years ago that I began to delve onstrating both my teaching and English U.S. and Norway. nel that passion into a viable career. Then, in into the teaching of language. Every immi- competency. After months of waiting, and Strengthening those connections starts spring of 2011, when I was in my final year grant to Norway is required to take Norwe- sending in the documents twice, my expe- with students. This is something the Norwe- of school, I was asked to cover an event at gian classes and encouraged to pass a basic rience and education were finally godkjent gian American Weekly has understood and PLU for the newspaper, and one thing led to proficiency exam, and that process of being (approved). However, I was still not accept- made part of its mission since way before I another. I knew the editor, Christy, from my a student instead of the teacher opened my ed into the program. Despite the fact that started working here as Subscriptions Man- frehsman year of college, when I was just eyes to the various ways of learning a new the university allows exams to be taken in ager and Copy Editor in August 2011. beginning the Norwegian program and she language... what works and what doesn’t. any Scandinavian language or English, and The Weekly has maintained especially was a senior and the student tutor for the de- English is required here from grade one, despite the fact that I was seeking a masters strong connections with Pacific Lutheran partment. I was delighted to find a job that fit and in working with teachers and all ages of for teachers of English, I lacked the required University in Tacoma, Wash. This school students, I also began to see how important Norwegian language proficiency test, the See > role, page 20 it was to inspire in order to learn; if you are Bergenstest (similar to the TOEFL test for too frustrated or can’t see the point in learn- English language proficiency). ing a language (in this case English), it is But I didn’t give up. All students have pretty difficult to soak in the grammar. After the opportunity to formally argue their case Want to study I was invited to teach a few sessions at the in writing to the university’s klagenemd, local teacher’s college last year, I discovered an official jury of peers that evaluate and or work in my niche and decided it was time to actively assess discrepancies and make official rec- pursue this new career path. In working with ommendations that carry weight. I argued student teachers I was able to talk about the that since I was working in English (my Norway? English language, explore ways to inspire native tongue), had worked successfully those who would take it into the classroom for five years with Norwegian teachers and Apply for a scholarship or grant and use my 30+ years of arts education to in Norwegian schools, and had completed from Lakselaget! help make it engaging and fun. However... two university classes the previous year in I lacked that necessary piece of documenta- Norwegian, that I should be exempt from tion that would make me eligible to officially the language proficiency requirement, The be on staff... and thus the masters. evaluation and decision would not be made Who is eligible? For more information and Last spring I began the application pro- until months after classes had begun, but I • Minnesota women applications, visit cess for a Master of Science in Didactics at went ahead and audited two classes hoping I lakselaget.org. Click the NTNU (the Norwegian University of Sci- would be eligible to take the exams when the currently enrolled at an ence and Technology) in Trondheim. For time came. (In Norway, students can audit American university or “Foundation” tab! me, the process has been far from simple, university classes if it is ok with the teacher, college who would like to in part because I lacked Scandinavian High but you can’t take the exam and therefore study in Norway School paper work and in part because I get the credit for the class, unless you are ac- • Minnesota women who Application deadline: had a non-traditional teaching background. cepted and have paid your student fee which I studied psychology and theater at St. Olaf is only a few hundred kroner). have a short-term work March 1, 2013 College, have been playing with language With weeks to spare, the klagenemd opportunity in Norway and teaching for almost three decades, and (student board) recommended that I be ac- have taken many classes and seminars re- cepted into the program, but the paperwork lated to education... but don’t have an offi- cial teaching degree. Fortunately, realkom- Lakselaget is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for professional women and college and university students who are also See > master’s, page 22 Norwegian, of Norwegian descent, or are interested in contemporary Norwegian issues and all things Norwegian. 10 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly Education issue Love of language A conversation with Håkon Vinje, dean and co-founder of the Norwegian Language Institute in New York

Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash.

Why learn Norwegian? It’s a question guistics on both sides of the Atlantic, Vinje asked by Norwegians in Norway, to people saw improvements that could enhance the who want to know the value of a language curriculum and develop into a full language spoken by only 5 million people. For many, program. The result? Vinje and his dedicated it is the opportunity to connect with Norwe- Board of Directors – David Morse (chair- gian relatives; for some, to know the lan- man), Emre Balik, Lynn Ellefsen and Geir guage of their significant others; and there Jaegersen – have turned the Norwegian Lan- are some who want to learn Norwegian for guage Institute into one of the largest Nor- professional reasons or simply for a love of wegian language programs in the U.S., with Photo: Nedra Hoffman the country. classes for kids and adults. Håkon Vinje (left) teaches Norwegian classes at the Norwegian Language Institute of New York. As a Norwegian-American who learned Norwegian in college, I wanted to find out Christy Olsen Field: What is the his- how community-based language programs tory of the Norwegian Language Institute ing job market, a generous social support semesters as a real foundation course; and taught Norwegian. The thriving program at (NLI)? system, high standard of living, and general Norwegian 3 runs over 3 semesters to ex- the Norwegian Language Institute in New Håkon Vinje: The idea of “Norwegian public safety. It was 2009 that more Ameri- pand and develop the students’ proficiency York City is a success Language Institute” can citizens moved to Norway than Norwe- and preparedness to enter a non-English story in Norwegian came to be in the fall gians to the U.S. – the first year in history. speaking society. All this in two calendar language instruc- of 2009. Originally, This in itself generated a market for years! We more or less follow the Norwe- tion, and I spoke with we wanted to call it NLI, since the language requirements for gian language training programs when it Håkon Vinje, the dean “Norwegian Insti- residency in Norway has been tightened over comes to the number of hours and curricu- and co-founder of tute,” but we were the last decade, and in an increasingly spe- lum. We also have an advanced class we call the program, to learn warned against that, cialized and high-tech job market, language “Norsk for viderekommende.” This class is about their approach. because someone proficiency has become currency. not as much instruction as it is perfecting the In 2008, Vinje said we would drown The students normally fall into three language skills. was asked to take in questions about categories: We often receive inquiries regarding over the language classes at the Norwe- food, trips and genealogy. The number one category is students an online program, and it is something we gian Seamen’s Church in Manhattan. With Norwegian language courses have ex- who have a Norwegian spouse or significant consider, but we are not there yet. Also, we extensive experience in education and lin- isted for a long time in New York City, other. They are usually the one who have a are considering expanding into New Jersey and have been conducted by Columbia and practical reason to learn the language. We al- and Connecticut, but in order to do so, we NYU, as well as the Seamen’s Church. The ways joke about their first dinner with the in- need to know that we have both teachers and latter has run such courses for more than 40 laws, where everybody would speak English a market to make it worthwhile. years. However, it was always as an after- for 10 minutes, and then switch and leave thought. Courses would run if there were the poor non-Norwegian speaker would be COF: In your opinion, what is the enough students or if they happened to have left to fend for him- or herself for the next most challenging part of learning Norwe- someone to run them, and I asked if the Sea- two hours. This is also the category with the gian? men’s Church would be willing to do an highest retention rate, since they face the HV: Applying it! It is hard to apply and experiment by allowing us to implement an prospect of one day moving to and living in practice your skills in a setting where almost independent language course program, and Norway. no one else speaks it! If you were in Norway, then we could split the proceeds. The second category you would be immersed is Americans of Norwe- in the language – from We had immediate success. Enrollment “No matter what piece of jumped from eight or nine students per year gian descent. They are talking to people, over- to 20, to 35, and now the yearly enrollment is – surprisingly – not as clothing one might wear or what hearing them, on TV, go- over 70. We are the number one Norwegian numerous as you would food one puts on the table – noth- ing to the store and read- program on the East Coast. think. One of the key rea- ing make you more Norwegian ing the headlines. Since sons for establishing NLI than speaking the language.” we do not have that op- COF: What are some of the reasons was that we felt there was portunity here, it takes a people come to NLI? a need for a Norwegian – Håkon Vinje lot of work. HV: I believe this particular aspect must language presence on Despite all claims have changed a lot over the last two de- the East Coast. So much for the wonders of cades… Norwegian-themed and Norwegian heritage “Teach yourself” books and online courses Norway is perhaps the richest country in activities happened in English, but in the end (such as Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone and Ber- the world, and in the wake of the financial – no matter what piece of clothing one might litz), they cannot substitute for instructional crisis, this has not gone unnoticed. Norway wear or what food one puts on the table – teaching. Language acquisition takes time is an interesting destination for many young nothing make you more Norwegian than and work. Speaking a language is not par- Photo: Nedra Hoffman and established professionals with a boom- speaking the language. roting phrases from a book; it is the under- Håkon Vinje in the classroom. The third, and smaller category, is the standing andcomprehension of a different set one where students would like to gain a of variables for communication. It is hard, Find the perfect gift from in knowledge of the language for professional but then again – speaking more than one lan- reasons, or simply because they have an in- guage is one of the most remarkable skills our online store, or if terested in country. we can possess. you’re in the area, visit our shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! The Norwegian Language Institute of- E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 COF: What is the structure of NLI’s (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] curriculum? fers four courses for three semesters each HV: We used to have a more college- year, and the cost is $470 per quarter, in- like approach, but since the students do not cluding all materials. For children aged six take these courses for credits, we were free to 17 years old, Den Norske Skolen i New to experiment, and landed on a model we York offers a variety of classes on Saturdays. call “Norwegian in 1-2-3.” For more information about the Norwegian In the current course program, Norwe- Language Institute, visit www.norwegi- SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! gian 1 runs over one semester as an intro- annyc.com, email [email protected] Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com ductory course; Norwegian 2 runs over two or call Håkon Vinje at (718) 541-4507. norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 11 Education issue So, why are you studying Norwegian? Students of Norwegian at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash. respond to the most commonly asked question

Denise Leland Seattle, Wash.

Not a day goes by without laughter em- anating from the Norwegian 202 classroom at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash. The enthusiastic group of 13 students starts each day learning Norwegian language and exploring the culture and . Diverse students studying everything from Computer Sciences to Economics to Norwegian itself, come together with a com- mon interest and passion for Norwegian. There is something about the language that captivates each one of us in ways we did not expect when beginning our studies at UW. For many, learning Norwegian opened up the door to a warm and inviting depart- ment that has inspired the course of their Photo courtesy University of Washington college education. In the 202 class, there are The Norwegian 202 class at the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash. seven Norwegian majors and six Norwegian minors. Each student studies Norwegian for their own motives, but the pure enjoyment was taking Spanish in high school, which gian? (i.e. Is it hard? Why do you continue “I hope to continue learning Norwegian and fun that comes with it is something was a complete failure. After two full years taking Norwegian?) on my own, just by casual reading, listen- shared by us all. I barely knew enough to form simple sen- “In my opinion Norwegian is easier than ing, and speaking the language whenever I Below are answers to six different tences with very limited vocabulary. On the other languages I have studied, for example get the chance. I do not imagine that I will questions about the study of Norwegian lan- contrary, after finishing two years at the col- Spanish. I think this is because my desire to take any more formal classes after graduat- guage and culture. Four students responded lege level, I am confident that I will be com- learn it is much greater, and I continue taking ing. But I will continue to use my Norwegian to these questions and their answers provide fortable enough with Norwegian that I can it because I want to be able to speak to my for what I intended in the first place: to un- a window into why they believe studying easily continue learning on my own through- Norwegian relatives in their native tongue derstand and appreciate the Norwegian mu- Norwegian is important in today’s global out my life.” – Jamie Pell when I visit!” – Kristianna Anderson sic that is such a large part of my life – and economy. “Studying Norwegian is fun and re- hopefully keep finding new music as well.” What is your favorite / what do you think is warding. It can be difficult, as can any sec- – Jamie Pell Why did you begin taking Norwegian at the most interesting part of Norway or Nor- ondary language, but it’s something that “After I finish my studies at UW, my UW? wegian culture? anybody can learn. I decided to take Second- Norwegian studies will have just begun…I “I originally chose to take Norwegian “Whenever I’m in my Norwegian lan- Year Norwegian because I enjoy learning want to travel to Norway and take in all that because my family has a Norwegian heritage guage class or a Scandinavian history / lit- the language – I see it as building a bridge it has to offer, from the beautiful fjords to and I have always wanted to learn the lan- erature class, I always learn about ways that to my heritage, my people. I also developed man-made wonders like Vigeland Park, to guage. It seemed like a perfect opportunity Norway is connected to the world. People real camaraderie with my classmates and in- testaments to Norwegian impact on history when I saw it was offered at the UW, and I think that Norway is a boring, quiet country; structor, and I don’t want to leave it behind.” like the Kon-Tiki Museum. Norway has al- immediately feel in love with the language there are even times when I encounter people – Jacob Monson ways been in my blood, but now it is in my and culture.” – Kristianna Anderson who don’t know what Norway is (they think mind.” – Jacob Monson “When I first transferred to UW, I it’s called “Norwegia”)! Whether it is the pa- Why do you think studying Norwegian is im- “I plan to study at the learned that I needed a third quarter of a sec- perclip or the troll under the bridge in Fre- portant? for a semester beginning in August, where I ondary language class to graduate. I took two mont, there is always something connected “Studying Norwegian is important be- am hoping to achieve fluency in Norwegian. years of Spanish in high school, and possibly to Norway around you.” – Chrissy Hettich cause Norway is becoming more prominent In the future I would love to live there for could have tested into the third quarter of “I am in love with , and Nor- in the world. With Norway’s multiple peace a while and travel around the whole coun- First-Year Spanish and fulfilled the require- way is perhaps the largest, most important projects and its influence in foreign affairs, try like my parents once did.” – Kristianna ment. However, three out of my four grand- influence in the black metal world. Without having more Americans who knew how to Anderson parents were full-blooded Norwegian, and I the early influences of legendary Norwe- speak Norwegian is beneficial to the U.S. as thought it would be cool to learn a little bit of gian bands such as Mayhem, , and a whole.” – Chrissy Hettich The Department of Scandinavian Stud- the language that my ancestors spoke.” , metal culture around the world “I believe studying Norwegian is impor- ies at the University of Washington was – Jacob Monson would not be what it is today. My interest in tant for anyone who has a connection to or established in 1909 by a special act of the black metal is the biggest reason I wanted interest in Norway. Learning the language Washington State Legislature. During its What have you gained from taking a lan- to learn Norwegian. There are two bands in will stretch your thinking in many aspects, history, the Department has grown from a guage course in college? particular that motivated me the most: Keep besides vocabulary and grammar. In addi- one-person institution to comprise a teach- “I have gained a new sense of confi- of Kalessin, from Trondheim, seem to be tion, I find that the more you learn about the ing staff of twelve full-time faculty in Scan- dence in myself. While most people in the very proud of their heritage and the musical beautiful country of Norway and its people, dinavian and Baltic Studies. Adjunct faculty U.S. can only speak English, I am learning a impact their country has had on the world; the more you want to continue learning and whose appointments are in other Depart- second language. When I apply for job posi- and Kampfar, from Fredrikstad, write very building that connection.” – Jacob Monson ments make their expertise available in a tions in the future I will be able to put my moving songs in Norwegian about old-world variety of courses with considerable Scan- Norwegian speaking skills on a resume and pagan folk tales and mythology. I felt that I What are you going to do with your Norwe- dinavian content. Affiliate faculty, likewise, therefore stand out among the crowd.” would be able to understand and appreciate gian when you are finished at UW and done occasionally teach and serve as valuable re- – Chrissy Hettich these bands much better if I had more knowl- taking Norwegian classes? sources to our students. With a total enroll- “In the middle of my second year of edge of the language, culture and history of “I hope to move on to graduate school ment of approximately 40,000 students at the classes, I am way more competent with Nor- their home country.” – Jamie Pell and get a degree in Scandinavian history and University of Washington, the Department wegian than I ever dreamed I would be. The / or Norwegian Literature.” – Chrissy Het- enrolls 1,600 undergraduates annually in its only other language class I have experienced What do you think about studying Norwe- tich many courses. 12 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly Education issue Learn Norwegian from your phone! Elizabeth Navarro and her team bring their creativity and entrepreneurial skills from Mexico to Norway with the creation of “ABC for Adults”

Jess Larsen Norwegian American Weekly Intern

In today’s world, with technology be- language is a language that I speak almost coming an increasingly important part of our daily in Mexico. lives, education and language instruction must keep up. The newest wave of education What inspired you to create a Norwegian instruction is by way of Smartphone applica- language app? tions or “apps.” Elizabeth Navarro, who cur- Most of us have the experience that when rently lives in Mexico with her Norwegian we start to learn a new language, we have husband (and to reinforce the works remotely knowledge from for a Norwegian school with ed- company), helps ucational tools to advance the at home. In learning of the my own case I Norwegian lan- did that: I saw guage through movies, car- her Smartphone toons and read app “ABC for children’s books Adults” which because they seeks to rein- were easier to force the knowl- understand. edge of every- Photo courtesy Elizabeth Navarro In this case, day objects. Elizabeth Navarro and her husband, Svein Sørslett, who I started to think Below is an in- collaborated on the creation of “ABC for Adults.” about a book for terview with Na- adults. As an varro in which adult with this Photo courtesy Elizabeth Navarro she explains her love of Norway and her particular app, one sees the image, and as Part of the “ABC for Adults” team. From left: Svein Sørslett, Maximiliano Ivan Martinez Lopez and ideas on the importance of foreign language an adult, you know what it is. In the techno- Elizabeth Navarro. education. logical world we are living in we have end- less opportunities to develop apps, so we’re What inspired you to learn about Norway talking about a huge universe of apps about and the Norwegian language? sports, photography, food, and in this case of I was inspired to learn Norwegian, be- language learning tools. cause I lived in Norway for nearly nine years After some years with the idea in my with my husband, who is from Norway. Dur- head and the first manuscript in paper, I de- ing the time I lived there, I wanted to learn cided to use my experience in Norway and the language, not only because I was an im- take it as inspiration for the making of a migrant, but also because of my background Norwegian language app, based in the ne- NIGHTLY as a social anthropologist. I found the lan- cessities too of several cultural groups in guage inspiring and poetic. It’s the heart of Norway. the Norwegian culture, and I found it inter- esting from all its cultural connotations: po- How did you build the app? (Did you al- litical, historic, religious and geographical. ready have experience building apps? Did NEWS. Norway is such a wonderful country, and others help you?) I believe if anyone is going to spend some I built ABC for adults after I understood Our Late Flight time there, learning and understanding the the importance of the Norwegian language to language, in all its aspects, is a requirement socialize, as a key to joining a society. Many Newark – Copenhagen to fully appreciate the Norwegian culture. people speak English in Norway, but the of- ficial language is Norwegian. At the time I is back. What are your connections to Norway saw the needs of others and my own, and and/or the that inspired me Norwegian lan- to draw, and to guage? make a sketch My con- of what would nections with become the first Norway are both manuscript. personal and The appli- professional. cation develop- My husband, my ment has been husband’s fam- a cocktail of ily and many of different back- my friends are grounds. As I from Norway, said, I studied Always with SAS as well as my social anthro- Photo courtesy Elizabeth Navarro SK902 departs Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30pm current employ- pology in Mex- Business, Economy Extra, Economy Visual artist José Carlos Peña Zubiaur created the visual 60 destinations in Scandinavia ment. I work layout for ABC for Adults. ico and partly in EuroBonus points remotely, from Norway, and be- Mexico, as an sides that I have Information Consultant for a Norwegian a big interest in trying new technologies. I flysas.com/us company, so my relationship with Norway started to imagine my first manuscript as an is very strong. It’s a place that I admire and have very close to my heart. The Norwegian See > phone, page 13 norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 13 Education issue < phone From page 12 of relevant objects of an adult’s daily life. in learning “banal things” like kitchen uten- app? Or making any future apps at this You can browse images in a specific cat- sils or tools, because they did not know its time? application, as a new tool. egory, hear the pronunciation, and watch a meaning in Norwegian. Yes, I would love to develop a series of Already with the specific idea, I had the video of the body: male and female. This is Therefore, this app starts with something educational, language, and cultural apps. I task of contacting people who might be inter- especially important if you have to go to the basic, practical and useful, for example see recently released a Spanish version, “ABC ested in working on this project. We became doctor, gynecologist, or visit the pharmacy. how to write a word, especially the article + for Adults – Mexico.” I’m also interested in a great team. Svein Sørslett, my husband and noun, which most of us have trouble starting. collaborating with other developers in Nor- advisor, played a key role, not only because How do you think your app can help with And if you are shy to ask about body parts, way and Mexico. he is Norwegian but because of his experi- Norwegian language instruction? you can check this app too. Many people are ence as an immigrant in Mexico too. We also The app is based on the needs of foreign- interested in learning Norwegian, and I think What do you like to do with your free received advice from his parents who both ers in Norway, and the challenges that one this app can contribute a lot at the beginning time? are teachers. can experience of the language In my free time I love to watch movies, The visual part for the app was carried in daily life. But learning process. read books, and surf the Internet. I also en- out by visual artist José Carlos Peña Zubiaur. either as a ex- Because at the joy visiting museums and art galleries. And We worked together in every detail of the change student beginning, we if I have the opportunity, I do volunteer work images, and the development part was by an or as a foreigner all have the same (this I learned in Norway), for example at engineer, Maximiliano Ivan Martinez Lopez, in Norway it problems. music festivals. who also worked on all the details from the will be very use- beginning. Since this Mexican-Norwegian ful to use this Do you think “ABC for Adults” and “ABC for project was created independently in all as- app to practice foreign lan- Adults – Mexico” are both available pects, we made everything from scratch. All vocabulary, guage instruc- for download on iTunes. Visit this link: the prose has been very creative and edu- learn private tion is impor- https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/abc- cational, especially by the combination of body parts, and tant? Why or for-adults/id475189764?mt=8

• You live at the school with your fellow students. In the evenings the school’s facilities are open for projects and activities • Choose between 300 different courses – from surfing in Lofoten to social studies in Oslo • Some schools teach Norwegian as a foreign language • We believe in learning by doing – we have no exams or grades • The Norwegian Folk High Schools are small. Each student is important and makes lifelong friends • Most schools have school trips within Norway and around the world • Most students at the Norwegian Folk High Schools are between 18 and 25 years old • Some American and Canadian universities and colleges give credits for a year at a Norwegian Folk High School Read more about the 78 Norwegian Folk

photo: Morten Borgestad High Schools: www.folkehogskole.no 14 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly Education issue From the United States to Norway An American find fulfillment as a music teacher and conductor at kulturskole in Norway

Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y.

When Matt Barry went to Norway in ing then that “I consider May 17th to be my 2001 as a high school exchange student, Norwegian Thanksgiving. I am thankful for never would he have anticipated that nine the honor and privilege of a job that lets me years later he would return to Norway as a conduct the national anthem on Norway’s teacher. Constitution Day in this beautiful place.” Matt’s association with Norway be- Teaching an improvisation workshop, gan in 2000 when Camilla Aasnes Engås, arranging concerts, and helping with theater an exchange student from Aurskog, stayed productions round out Matt’s responsibili- with him and his family – not of Norwe- ties at the kulturskole. gian ancestry – in Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Matt has assimilated into Norwegian (see Norwegian American Weekly, June 29, life, including the language. All teaching is 2012). The following year, Matt spent his done in Norwegian. He passed the Norwe- junior year of high school in Norway, liv- gian language exam, a government require- Photo: Anders Lea Karlskås ing with Camilla’s family. Immersed in the ment for living in Norway longer than three Matt Barry plays bass trombone at the 2010 Arctic Trombone Festival. language and culture, Matt became fluent in years. Norwegian has become his primary Norwegian and in love with Norway. language and sometimes he has to reach for Matt returned to the U.S. and pursued the ordbok to find an English word. his college studies in music education and Matt has been the focus of several Nor- performance, receiving a Bachelor’s Degree wegian news articles, including an article from Ithaca College and Master’s Degree about how he made his way from Hopewell from Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hop- Junction, N.Y. to Molde; an interview with kins. Camilla followed a similar path and him, as union rep for the Norwegian Musi- received a college degree in music education cians’ Union, regarding Molde kommune and conducting from Høgskolen i Tromsø budget cuts; and a story about how he (now part of Universitetet i Tromsø). Dur- brought TubaChristmas to Sekken. ing these years Matt and Camilla and their Besides teaching, Matt is taking advan- families continued their close relationship tage of all that Molde and the area have to and visited each other several times. offer. He plays bass trombone with Molde Fast forward to 2009. Camilla, now Brass Band and Fræna Musikkorps, both married and teaching full time at Molde competing recently at the Norwegian Na- kulturskole, is taking a maternity leave and tional Brass Band Championships in Ber- suggests Matt apply for her position. Matt gen. He also performs with the Romsdal- interviews for the position on the phone – in sorkester. Molde is home to the renowned Norwegian – and is offered the job. Molde International Jazz Festival, in which Matt arrived in Molde in February 2010. Matt has participated as performer and at- Since then this original temporary assign- tendee. ment has evolved into a permanent position. Molde offers spectacular scenery. Molde kulturskole is one of many cul- From his apartment window Matt can see ture schools in Norway, about one per kom- the Hurtigruten come into Molde. He has mune. Offering studies in music, art, dance, hiked many mountains in the area. His loca- Photo: Patricia Barry and theater, Molde kulturskole was recently tion and the extended daylight hours in the Matt Barry and John Barry visit Nordkapp in 2012 (photo by Patricia Barry) recognized for its innovation in new teach- spring and summer often allow for a local ing methods in the arts. Matt is the only morning hike or a drive up Trollstigen, or a American on the staff, though there are oth- walk home from work via Varden, the hill ers from the Farøe Islands, Hungary, Portu- overlooking Molde and the fjords. But his gal, Serbia, Iceland, and Sweden. travels have not been confined to Møre og Matt is a brass instrumental teacher for Romsdal and as of last year, Matt has trav- 30 students from the local schools and com- eled to all 19 of Norway’s fylker. munity. He also teaches a conducting class Matt visits his family and friends in the at the high school. Unlike the U.S., music U.S. each summer. In between visits, tech- and the arts are not part of the normal gen- nology helps to keep him in touch. Fortu- eral education program at public schools and nately he is able to spend time with Camilla are provided by the culture schools. and her family near Oslo. Her sons enjoy Matt is also a conductor. Once a week their time with “Onkel Matt.” he commutes by ferry to Sekken, an island Matt’s life is in Norway, where he loves of about 150 people in , the people, his work, and the country’s natu- where he gives student lessons and conducts ral beauty. It suits him. “Ever since being the Sekken skolekorps. Sekken is a “picture an exchange student I wanted to combine my postcard” island that has warmly embraced Norway experiences with my love of music. Matt. He has led the Sekken skolekorps in I didn’t think it would be possible, but now the 17th of May parade for three years and here I am, a music teacher in Norway.” was their keynote speaker last year, express- Don’t forget!

All subscribers have full access to our new digital edition! Email Photo: John Barry [email protected] to activate your account. Matt Barry conducts the Sekken skolekorps. norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 15 Education issue Real world learning Stories for students TIP and TAF programs in Norwegian high schools The Story Mapping project brings technological mix solid education with practical experience advances in education to students in rural areas

Photo: Arne Brekke Collections Photo: Innovation Norway / Heidi Widerøe A “Heritage Lab” for Story Mapping will start in four sites initially and by the end of the A student works on installing a solar panel. summer, all eight sites with map pins are planned to be operational for story collection. By compari- son, Norway has where regional family histories are collected. See: http://library.und.edu/ Kelsey Larson special-collections/bygdebok/ Managing Editor Larrie Wanberg Imagine leaving high school with a craft To name a few. N.D. Contributing Editor or journeyman’s certificate, 1 – 2 years of “After two years of school, students ap- job experience, and a specific vocation or ply for traineeship in a company. The train- grad school experience waiting for you. ing will give the students skills and compe- “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I network opportunities. And too few educa- Many Norwegian students have that op- tence for one specific vocation. At the end of may remember. Include me and I learn,” tors, including myself, understand the deeper tion, with the TIP and TAF programs. the traineeship, every student need to pass –Ben Franklin and ever-changing meaning of “new media” What are the TIP and TAF programs? a vocational test. The trainee need to com- Learning changes with technology; and how it impacts the process of “Internet They are part of Norwegian upper secondary plete an actual task within the company, and valuing education transcends time. meme,” without repeated Google searches to education and training, which leads to uni- is assessed by experts within the subject,” In a digital world, learning is integral in keep current with how information gets rep- versity admissions certification, vocational explains Skeie. all the Internet domains of modern commu- licated and evolves into culture. competence, or basic competence, depend- The TAF program is a little different, nications – .edu, .net, .com, .org and .gov. The Economist Magazine featured a ing on which track is chosen. and in fact Knarvik Videregåandeskule was Education has always been linked to eco- special report on February 2nd, “The Nordic Brigt Roar Skeie is in his sixth year the first school to implement this program. nomics, but the Web development of social Countries,” that highlights Norway as hav- of teaching at Knarvik Videregåandeskule TAF stands for “Teknisk og Allemenne fag” networking has shaped the culture of our ing “a strong record of drawing on the tal- (high school), located in Lindås, about 30 and is a combination of general studies and “knowledge society” by the stories we trans- ents of their entire populations.” km north of Bergen. He teaches mechanical vocational studies. mit. In one of the series of viewpoints, called subjects in the first and second year of TAF “After four years at TAF the students Today, skill training parallels classroom “The New Supermodel,” these excerpts and TIP. He is an expert on the programs, complete both vocational training and theo- learning in preparation for jobs and levels cap the message about how Scandinavia is as he himself completed TAF at Knarvik in retical subjects including math and physics. the playing field for the digitally disadvan- changing: “SMALLISH countries are often 2002 and went on to study manufacturing Students start their traineeship in a company taged, like many youth in rural and tribal engineering at the University of Nottingham from the first year. Two days a week they communities that lack full access to data or See > stories, page 16 in the U.K. go to work, and three days to school,” says “Both TIP and TAF are important for Skeie. “Initially TAF was only within the local industries, as the programs educate mechanical industries. Today TAF is devel- workers needed for the future,” Skeie says oped for electronics, building industries and Be our friend on of the programs. health care. The aim for TAF is to educate Indeed, an important part of both pro- engineers and experts with both theoretical grams is working at a local business and and practical skills.” Facebook! gaining real-world experience. TAF is a very competitive program, and facebook.com/naweekly “TIP is short for Technical and Industrial students need high grades to get in. Students Production,” explains Skeie. “The first year must apply for both the TIP and TAF pro- of TIP gives a very broad and varied founda- grams. tion. For the second year, students choose a Both programs are started at about the NORWEGIAN AMERICAN more specific program, e.g. automotive, me- age of 15, and after videregåendeskole is GENEALOGICAL CENTER & NAESETH LIBRARY chanical production or chemical production. complete, students have excellent prospects 415 West Main Street • Madison, WI 53703-3116 There is a wide range of possibilities for the ahead of them. Tel: (608) 255-2224 Fax: (608) 255-6842 second year of TIP. The students can choose “After finishing the second year of TIP, [email protected] • www.nagcnl.org from 20 different courses.” students can apply for a traineeship in com- Library Hours: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. These courses can lead to careers as an panies. TAF students can apply for higher ______aluminum constructor, a welder or a sheet education. There are opportunities to apply 2013 Classes in Madison metal worker; a toolmaker, (instrument and for scholarships from their companies if the toolmaker or a locksmith); a bookbinder or students choose something applicable for the JUNE 12 - 13: BEGINNING NORWEGIAN GENEALOGY a graphic printer; a laboratory technician or company,” says Skeie. JULY 10 - 11: WRITING YOUR FAMILY HISTORY a chemical processing technician; an indus- TAF students are known to do very well trial sewer, an industrial textiles technician in higher education: “A TAF student study- 2013 Genealogical Tour (knitwear) or a laundry technician; a motor ing in Newcastle got one of the best results FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH vehicle body repair technician, a motor ve- at the university,” says Skeie. OCTOBER 27 - NOVEMBER 3 hicle mechanic or a vehicle sprayer; a con- TIP and TAF are educating Norwegian Work with the largest collection of genealogical materials in the world. NAGC staff struction machinery, an agricultural machin- students for the real world and equipping will assist you with your research and be available for personal consultation. ery or an engine mechanic; a drill operator them with relevant skills; hopefully some- or a drill and rig operator; a seaman or a ship day soon, these programs can make it to this Visit our website or call for details. engine mechanic. side of the Atlantic! 16 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly education issue < stories < spark From page 15 From page 8 or an inspiring person. and have different stories to tell. About their in the vanguard when it comes to re- The project’s purpose is simply a good heard their stories and I thought it sounded lives, about their ancestors, and about their forming government (services/policies)... story in a short documentary-type “film” pretty cool. Also, my mom knows a little connections to Norway. Anyone can have a The main lesson to learn from the Nordics with students behind the lens, a veteran in bit of Norwegian. In any case, when I was reason for learning Norwegian, but one main is not ideological but practical...the state is the “lights” with a story to narrate along with pretty small, I decided that I was going to reason is bringing back a beautiful language popular not because it is big but because it photos on a digital screen, and an audience live in Norway when I grew up or something and culture to family and friends. works...the world will be studying the Nor- as wide as the Web itself. along those lines. Then being maybe eight At Skogfjorden, bringing back Nor- dic model for years to come.” Stories are progressively posted on a years old, I half forgot, and never worked wegian heritage and culture to a family or A second, among other articles in this “Google-type” digital map of N.D., with toward it. a community is a main reason for coming. series, is entitled in a heading, “Cultural map pins representing a place-based story, or Then, this year, my second cousin de- People are curious about their heritage and Revolution: One of the world’s blandest re- a community of stories, so that when a view- cided to go to the Russian camp at CLV. My the people around them may know some gions has become one of the most creative er scrolls with a curser over the map pin, the mom told me about this and said something things about Norway, but Norwegian culture centers.” This article emphasizes how Nor- story pops up full screen for viewing. like, “Oh, and they have a Norwegian camp is very different and interesting. Many are dic entrepreneurship is dominating innova- The primary economic purpose is to too, if you are interested.” I don’t think she curious about their Norwegian culture but tions that create jobs in new enterprises. promote heritage-historical-cultural tour- expected me to be interested. But I was. I de- don’t really know how to find out more. If By comparison, “smallish” rural ism, which can be as local as a museum with cided that I would come. And, what do you they have no one to ask, learning Norwegian in a collaborative network across the prairies showcases linked to multimedia stories, to a know, I was right. I have learned a lot. is the next best thing. of North Dakota (N.D.) likewise are in the regional attraction as a destination, or to de- I have a large extended family on my “vanguard” of change – recovery, renewal velop e-commerce in a collaborative network Idun (15): Parents take the initiative, and mom’s side that is very Norwegian. We and redevelopment, lead by a few towns of rural communities. The educational value youth keeps on rolling make lefse, celebrate Syttende Mai, have founded originally by immigrants with a is to train students with skill-sets in commu- There are many things parents prompt rømmegrøt on Christmas and are very proud Nordic spirit to re-tool and move forward. nications integral to jobs that are practiced in their children to do: soccer, dance, and of our ancestors and heritage in Norway. We A “smallish” grant is emerging this week vanguard careers. countless other activities. Among the many still keep in touch with our relatives in Nor- to engage youth in capturing and preserv- What’s amazing about new technologies suggested, there is one interesting one: Nor- way. The odd thing about my family is that ing digital stories of pioneers, patriots and is that all of these features can now be done wegian. While parents might have many rea- no one speaks Norwegian. I am the only per- personalities, called “Story Mapping North effectively in a micro-format to produce one- sons to have children learn Norwegian, it’s son in my family learning Norwegian. Dakota.” The project is seeded by N.D. Hu- to-two minute videos, on a simple tool like more important why children wish to contin- Hopefully younger cousins and siblings manities Council, progressively matched by a smart phone, and distributed worldwide in ue learning. Norway is a place rich with cul- will see the importance of Norwegian and local sponsoring organizations and benefited an instant at almost no cost. ture and beautiful language. Who wouldn’t want to learn as well. I can’t say for sure, by in-kind support from corporations, in- In this process of creating meaningful want to be a part of that? though. Everyone thinks differently. For cluding an International company. The glob- stories, the students learn the essential skill Why would you prompt your child to me, Norwegian isn’t something my ances- al company, Citrix in Goleta, Calif., offers set of crafting an effective film story, which learn a language? You might want to share tors were or something my parents tell me a new Danish-developed software named has applications for communications in al- your Norwegian heritage with your children. you are a percentage of. I am Norwegian. I “Podio,” (reference podium) which enables most any career field. The community gains It’s like pushing a stone down a hill and hav- am every bit as Norwegian as my mom, my students in remote sites to participate online from adding valuable multimedia content to ing it keep rolling. Once they see how beau- grandmom, and my great-great grandfather as a member of a youth team in production current static Websites, which can transform tiful the language is they decide to continue who came from Norway. of Story Mapping. to dynamic appeal for commerce. on their own accord. Is it the learning pro- It can be hard to keep a heritage alive This Story Mapping project, originated As a retired college educator with five cess, the friends you make while learning it, when not in the homeland of the culture. in N.D. by Dakota Heritage Institute, a non- decades at a podium in front of a class, I or the language itself? Whatever it is, learn- Heritage can be forgotten but relearned profit organization registered in August 2010, audited a class last term on “Social Entre- ing Norwegian has an addictive quality. just as easily. All that is needed is a spark. is organized with three key words – Intergen- preneurship” in a digital classroom where There are people here at Skogfjorden A spark in the heart of someone willing to erational, Interactive, and International. The half the class was present with their laptops who went here to learn Norwegian because learn about another culture and see through storytelling method was developed by the or iPads and visible on a large screen to the their parents went here or suggested it. But another country’s eyes. To see another’s per- Center for Digital Storytelling in Berkeley, other half of the class that were scattered why did they come back? Was it the friends spective of the world and learn from it. That which has a strong presence among educa- individually across the country. The teacher made through the wild adventure of learn- person can be you. tors in Norway. was at a podium, which was a control panel ing Norwegian? Was it the language that In a rare state with a budget surplus, the that integrated visual learning and “chat- connects us to the wonderful country known About the authors N.D. project develops self-sufficiency within ting,” both onsite and online, and engaging as Norway? Yes. While parents encouraged Jackie Kjersti Bellefeuille will be a a year through multiple sources of funding, each student as individuals or in small clus- this, children want to continue; friends and tenth grader next fall at Eden Prairie High including scholarships, sponsors, services by ter groups. connections made along the way strengthen School. She enjoys Alpine skiing and is on contract, shareholders from micro-funding For me, this integrative, collaborative the bond between the child and the love of the Eden Prairie track team. She would like and support by grants and in-kind contribu- learning is a model for students of any age language. to go into Engineering after high school and tions. to develop skills in mobile and global story- My parents speak Norwegian, yet I was college. She is in many clubs which include Students learn the art of storytelling and building that opens opportunities for lifelong never pressured to learn it. My parents felt student council, improvisation, and volun- the applications in film-stories by focusing learning – akin to the Nordic system of inter- it should be my choice. I decided I wanted teering. She is very interested in her Norwe- first on stories of veterans, then on pioneers generational “folk schools.” to connect to my Norwegian family and be gian heritage and loves to learn more. This is in their family or community, and finally on “An investment in knowledge pays the able to speak to them. That’s how it started, her fourth year at Skogfjorden. a personality of a leader, a local “character” best interest” – Ben Franklin but now I wish to keep learning Norwegian Megan Silje Luick will be a twelfth for the same reasons as a child prompted by grader in the fall of 2012. This is her first their parents; it’s just plain fun. Once the experience at Skogfjorden and with Nor- hard work is done, and a language is learned, wegian. She loves to play French Horn in a child can turn and thank their parents for the band at her school. In her free time, she Vasa Park Jubileum giving them the gift of Norwegian. reads fantasy books. Celebrating 60 years Megan Anja Griss was born in India- Kjersti (14): Bringing it back to the fam- napolis but grew up in Arvada, Colorado. 10th Annual Dinner Dance and Fundraiser for Vasa Park, South Elgin, Ill. ily She is going to be a senior at Ralston Val- Norway is a small country. It is only ley High School. She has been dancing for Presented by Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP 148,712 square miles. That may be why a very long time and is on the dance team Norwegians are so proud of their heritage. It for her high school. She has been going to Saturday, March 2, 2013 can be hard to hold on to a heritage, though. Skogfjorden for 9 years because Norwegian Families can split, die out, or lose touch with is a beautiful language. Des Plaines Elks Club relatives. Many Norwegian Americans are Caroline Marie Idun Feyling is a tenth 495 Lee St., Des Plaines, IL very proud of their heritage, but some might grade student at Horseheads High School. need to be retaught their preconceived no- Her interests include playing piano and sax- Cocktails 6:30 p.m. • Cash bar • Dinner 7:30 p.m. • Donation $45 per person tions about Norway. Other families can be ophone and swimming. She wants to learn Menu: combination queen filet of beef and chicken breast aware of their heritage and celebrate it, but Norwegian to be able to speak with her Nor- lose the beautiful language that is Norwe- wegian family. Dancing to the Dave Kyrk Trio gian. All families and people are different Raffles with generous donations from Scandinavian organizations and businesses Sign up for our digital edition! For information call: Jack Grandin (630) 852-0598 • Send reservations by Feb. 25 to Jack Grandin, 7011 Sierra Ct., Darien IL 60561 • Make checks payable to Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP Send an email to [email protected] norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 17 education issue Fun new classes Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah, Iowa announces 2013 class schedule

Special Release Vesterheim

Vesterheim Norwegian-American Mu- “The Sámi Reindeer People of Alaska” is on seum’s 2013 folk-art classes are underway, view at the museum throughout the year. with great American instructors teaching a Juuhl will teach two classes in warp- variety of subjects all year, and three instruc- weighted weaving, also including one that tors coming from Norway this summer. A focuses on a Sámi style blanket. Juuhl is one full class list can be found at vesterheim.org, of few Norwegian weavers to teach classes or by calling 563-382-9681. on a warp-weighted loom. In March, Phil Odden, a master carver Fatland, a popular rosemaler who uses who trained in Norway, will teach students traditional styles to create new designs, has how to carve wood into beautiful serving agreed to stay an extra week to teach three pieces, such as breadboards, candle holders, classes this summer. “She has taught at and spoons. Also in March, Darlene Fossum- Vesterheim on a couple of occasions and is Martin will lead a class on “smørbrød,” the very popular among rosemalers, so her class- open-faced sandwich of Norway. She’ll es are filling quickly,” Fossum-Martin, said. teach how to create a flavorful and beautiful “Of course we have a number of popular sandwich buffet. Participants from this class American rosemalers teaching throughout and Odden’s carving class will join together the year, including a class for very beginners at the end of the weekend to enjoy a “smør- who want to try out rosemaling for the first brød” buffet decorated with wooden carving time,” she added. pieces made in class. Some of the courses this year are open “April will welcome three unique class- to students ages 17 and under, provided they es,” Darlene Fossum-Martin, Vesterheim’s are accompanied by a fully enrolled adult in Education Specialist, said. Ellen Macdonald, the same class. Youth tuition is discounted from Decorah, will teach traditional chip 25% of the full tuition price. “This is the sec- carving on wood, an easy, inexpensive, and ond year we’ve offered this option and we beautiful form of carving. Carol Colburn were so happy to see a number of parents and will teach students to construct a tradition- grandparents take classes with their children Photo: Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum ally styled Norwegian work shirt called the and grandchildren last year,” said Fossum- Students can learn to carve beautiful serving pieces for the table or learn to make delicious smørbrød “busserull.” Steve Lundtvedt from the Spill- Martin. “We value the importance of nurtur- sandwiches at Vesterheim in March. ville Locker in Spillville, Iowa, will show ing inter-generational learning,” she said. students how to prepare two time-honored Also, Vesterheim is offering a 50% dis- holiday meats—Norwegian sausage and count for class tuition on a space available, Swedish potato sausage. stand-by basis to any legal year-round resi- Odden’s Rural Life Tours “We are excited about all of our class dent of Winneshiek County, Iowa. Students offerings, but it’s always special when the will be notified about availability of class Travel with Phillip & Else, June or August 2013 Norwegian instructors come,” Fossum-Mar- openings one week before the starting date tin said. In July, Vesterheim will host Morten of the class. Tour # 1 Tour # 2 Håkonsen, knifemaker; Marta Kløve Juuhl, Vesterheim’s Education Program in- weaver; and Turid Helle Fatland, rosemaler. cludes rosemaling (Norwegian decorative Midsummer Håkonsen will teach two knifemak- painting), woodworking, fiber arts, knife- Visit Norway! ing classes, including one that will focus on making, cooking, and other traditional arts. Celebration in making a Sámi knife. The Sámi are the in- Each class is geared toward different levels August 9th through digenous people of Northern Norway, Swe- den, Finland, and Russia, and the exhibition See > classes, page 21 Norway & Sweden! August 20th, 2013 June 18th through Folk-Art, Fjords, The Little Viking June 29th, 2013 Friends and Fun! Scandinavian GiftS Tour # 1 has a waiting list. a touch of Scandinavia in southern California Space still available! We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected]

Celebrating 50 years of business Phillip Odden & Else Bigton Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! 20337 Cty. Rd. H, Barronett, WI 54813 Ph: 715 468 2780 www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 email: [email protected] Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! www.norskwoodworks.com 18 • February 22, 2013 norwegian american weekly education issue Choose Norway for quality education Students from North America choose to study in Norway because of quality in education and the Nordic society and nature. “Living in Oslo is incredible,” says Stephanie Sell, a Master’s student from the U.S.

Photo: SIU NORWEGIAN NATURE: Norwegian nature and the Nordic society are some of the reasons for US students to choose Norway as a study country. (Photo: Study in Norway)

Frøy Katrine Myrhol Study in Norway

The Norwegian Center for Interna- sponded. The aim was to find out why they tional Cooperation in Education (SIU) has have chosen to study in Norway, and how done a survey where over 2000 international satisfied they are with their studies and their students at Norwegian institutions have re- stay in the Scandinavian country.

Photo: Private ACTIVE UNIVERSITY LIFE: “University life here seems very active. At the University of Oslo, there are pubs IN the university buildings! This is something you’d never see in the U.S.,” says Stephanie Sell, who is completing her Master’s degree in Norway.

The programs and courses, the Norwe- happened to be at UiO. I loved Oslo when I gian society and nature as well as quality visited it as a teen, and it seemed like a great in education are the main reasons for North city for an international student to live in as American students to choose Norway, ac- an adult,” she explains. cording to the survey. Some American stu- dents also say that their Norwegian roots Excited to meet Americans have been one important reason. Around 90 per cent of respondents from That was also the case for Stephanie Sell North America are satisfied or very satisfied (26), who is an American Master’s student with their stay in Norway, which also coin- at the University of Oslo, studying Interna- cides with Sell’s experience. tional and Comparative Education. “Living as a foreign student in Norway, “I chose to come to Norway mainly be- especially as a native English speaker, is cause my grandfather is Norwegian. Even generally fantastic. While Norwegians can though he grew up in the U.S., I’ve always be reserved at first, I’ve never yet had an ex- known that I am a quarter Norwegian and perience with a Norwegian where he or she it has been a big part of my life. I came to was not genuinely excited to meet an Ameri- Norway in 2001 for a family reunion, and can and get to speak English,” she says. that amazing experience gave me the push to Nature is one of the main reasons for try to move here and see what life was really North American students to choose Norway, like,” she says. and living in Oslo is incredible, Sell thinks. “The city has a unique blend of sea, city, Visited Oslo as a teen and mountain forest, and it’s amazing to be The survey shows that the most impor- a student in a city that has very easy access tant factors for the students from the US and to such a wide variety of nature’s best. Nor- Canada when they chose Norwegian institu- wegians are also very active and willing to tions, were the programs and courses offered, show you their city, teach you how to cross and also the geographic location. Most of the country ski, or take you on a Sunday hike in students take a whole degree rather than go the woods, showcasing all the best that Oslo on exchange. has to offer.” English taught degrees or programs are also important for many students to go to Independent students Norway. 80 to 84 per cent of the respondents “I chose the University of Oslo because from Canada and the U.S. had Norway as I wanted to be in a “large” city where speak- their first choice. Quality in education is ing English would not be an issue. Also the the third most important reason for students specific master’s program I was looking for See > quality, page 22 norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 19 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Claire Thompson Raaum July 17, 1928 – February 5, 2013 Habits

Claire Thompson rying an antique rifle, she inspired students This winter my wife and I have been amazes me. I think sometimes we don’t Raaum, 84, died peaceful- with tales of triumph over adversity. Claire able to do some traveling. One of the give ourselves enough credit for being ly at home surrounded by enjoyed music, singing in church choirs and places we stayed for about a month did able to affect change in our lives. Truthful- her loving family on Feb. community chorus for nearly 50 years. She not have a system for recycling. They did ly, we can all make changes both large and 5, 2013. She was born to was happiest outdoors; tending her prized provide a place you could bring your alu- small. We can make changes in our habits, Lindsay Levant Thomp- roses and begonias, cross-country skiing, minum cans and newspapers, but that was our life style or even our beliefs. Making son and Rhea (Billings) in and rowing her little boat on Allyn Bay, troll- it. Everything else went directly into the changes challenges us, but it can be done. Tacoma, Wash. on July 17, ing for the elusive sea-run cutthroat trout. garbage can. Coming from a place that has The Apostle Paul knew how difficult 1928. Claire loved the wa- The Allyn beach cabin held many family been recycling just about everything pos- it was to change old habits. He once said ter, and throughout her childhood, she spent gatherings where grandchildren learned at sible for the past 20 years or more it was that the very evil he does not want to do of- her summers at the family beach house on Claire’s knee. hard to take. We cringed every time we ten becomes the thing that he does. In the Vashon Island. She worked as a counselor Claire is survived by her loving hus- threw things away we normally recycle. end, Paul became the ultimate example of for the Tacoma Girl Scout camp and was Wa- band of 62 years, Gustav; her three devoted Things like plastic and glass bottles, tin someone who could change. He changed terfront Director for Camp Fire Girls (Camp children, David (Patricia) of Teton Village, cans, paper boxes, junk mail and office pa- from being the chief persecutor of the Sealth) on Vashon Island. In the summer of Wyo., Christian (Joanie) of Redmond, Wash. per. I found throwing these things so diffi- Christians to their greatest Apostle. God 1945, as Rodeo Queen for the first annual and Lisbeth Raaum Harris (John) of Boze- cult that I considered crushing some things stood by the Apostle Paul when he faced Tacoma Rodeo, Claire was thrilled to ride man, Mont., six beloved grandchildren: Jen- and bringing them home with us in the car. change in his life and God will stand by us a high-stepping saddlebred horse in the pa- nifer, Erik, Allison, Courtney, Erika, Christo- I was already in my 50’s when recy- as well. When we seek to change our ways rade. pher; her beautiful great-grandson, Jackson cling came into our neighborhood, and it and take on new life-giving behaviors, the Claire attended Sherman Elementary, Gould, a niece and grandnephew. took a while before I consistently recycled spirit of God will walk with us and give Mason Junior High and Historic Stadium Family was at the heart of Claire’s life. everything that I do today. When I think us the strength we need all along the way. High School before attending the University She will be missed beyond measure, but her of the passion I have for it now, it actually of Washington where she earned her B.A. spirit lives on in all who loved her. The fam- in general studies and nursery school edu- ily wishes to thank all of those who cared for cation. Claire was a member of the Kappa Claire in the last days of her life, including Funeral Home Kappa Gamma sorority and the Silver Fish Evergreen Hospice and Andelcare. Services SOlie and Crematory synchronized swim team. While attending will be held Feb. 22, 1 p.m. at First Presbyte- the University of Washington, Claire met rian Church of Bellevue, 1717 Bellevue Way Honoring • Caring • Serving Gustav, the love of her life. They were mar- NE. In lieu of flowers, please make a dona- 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 ried on Aug. 25, 1950. tion to the Evergreen Healthcare Foundation, As a 5th generation Washingtonian, Hospice Services, 12040 NE 128th St, MS 5, Claire took tremendous pride in her ancestry. Kirkland, WA, 98034-3013. For 25 years, she shared the story of her pio- Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle The Scandinavian Hour neer ancestors at Puget Sound grade schools. on February 10, 2013 Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Donning a pioneer dress and bonnet, and car- KKNW – 1150 AM Albert Antar Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST July 4, 1922 – January 11, 2013 Streaming live on the internet at: www.1150kknw.com Albert Antar passed away on January ing the Bay of Pigs, Al was stationed in San- 11, 2013, after a long illness. He was born in ford, with the Heavy Attack Squadron Three, Pawtucket, R.I. on July 4, 1922. Al enlisted where the AJ3 (A5) Vigilante Attack Bomb- in the Navy at a young age (he was 17) and ers were based. Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church was trained as a flight mechanic. He rose in Al had a distinguished Navy career that Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke rank quickly, due to his diligence, dedication lasted 24 years. He retired as a Lieutenant The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, and expertise. Commander. He was awarded the Presiden- Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. We welcome you to our warm Al supervised the aircraft mechanics tial Unit Citation four times, the Navy Com- and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon! Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. aboard the USS Yorktown while in both the mendation Medal for Valor, the U.N. Service Atlantic and during WWII, the Pacific. Dur- Medal, among many others. March 2013 ing the Battle of the Coral Sea, the Yorktown After leaving the Navy, Al worked at Mar. 3 Norwegian Service was hit by a single bomb. Al was on the Stenstrom Realty for many years. Al was second deck when the bomb came crashing passionate about golf and was a longtime Mar. 10 Norwegian Service w/ Holy Commu- through. It missed hitting him by 20 feet and member of the Mayfair Country Club. He nion went several decks below before exploding. loved the comradery, competition and the Although 66 men were injured or killed, Al game. Mar. 17 Norwegian Liturgy w/ English Ser- miraculously survived without a scratch. Al was a member of All Souls Catho- mon Later, while the Yorktown was under lic Church and served as an usher for many repair, the ship was ordered to join a con- years. Al was much admired for his honesty Mar. 23 Norwegian Service w/ Holy Commu- voy to what would become “The Battle of and integrity and will be remembered for his nion Midway.” The Yorktown was lost during the kindness and warmth toward everyone. He Mar. 24 Cooking/Baking class, 9:30am. $10. fierce fighting. loved his family very much and was loved RSVP to Karena: (224) 622-3606 After WWII, Al was assigned to the very much in return. He is survived by Eve- USS Valley Forge and in 1947 set sail on a lyn, his wife of 67 years and many nieces and All services are at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted. nine month world cruise that included North nephews. A Funeral Mass was held on Feb. 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org Africa, the Mediterranean, Europe and Nor- 18 at 11 a.m. at All Souls Catholic Church way. He also served in the Korean War. Dur- Historic Chapel in Sanford, Fla. Subscribe to the Weekly! Proud to bring you the (800) 305-0217 Norwegian American Weekly 20 • February 22, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style < Role From page 9 ence at the Weekly taught her a lot about modern Norway. my interests and skills, and grateful for the “Working at the Weekly was a continual Calendar of Events opportunity to work with the Weekly in the education process of learning what it means spring. Thanks to the Weekly’s investment in to be Norwegian – I absorbed new informa- What’s going on in your neighborhood? Scandinavian cultural events at my school, I tion from talking with readers, advertisers, was able to grow and develop my interest in writers and the Norwegian media, all of Arizona New York the Norwegian-American community in an whom have their own unique perspective entirely new way. and insight into Norway. I saw my role as a Arizona Scandinavian Spring Fest Norwegian Classical Musicians at Carnegie Hall I am not the first student in whom the bridge, connecting the rich history of Nor- March 2 April 4 Mesa, Ariz. New York, N.Y. Weekly has invested. way that so many Norwegian-Americans ap- Tiffanie Davis interned at Norway.com preciate to the contemporary cultural move- Scandinavian vendors and various Scan- Featuring: Camilla Ediassen, Soprano; Magazine from Feb. 2007 – May 2007. In ments on the other side of the Atlantic. To- diavian lodges from around the Valley Ingrid Holmen, Flute; and Erling Eriksen, May of 2007, she graduated from PLU and day’s Norway is definitely worth getting to will be showing their wares. Come shop, Piano. On the program: Mussorgsky: The began to work at the Weekly in the begin- know.” eat great Scandinavian foods and enjoy Nursery; Prokofiev: Five Poems of Anna ning of August. She acted as managing edi- She also believes the Weekly helped her the live music and dancing! 10:00 AM - Akhmatova, Op. 27; Rachmaninov: Li- tor until March of 2010, when she and her grow from a student interested in Norwegian 2:00 PM at Desert Ridge High School lacs, Op. 21 No. 5; How fair this Spot!, husband moved to Ketchikan, Alaska where culture to a professional interested in pursu- 10045 E. Madero. For more infor- Op. 21 No. 7; Sing not to Me, Beautiful she currently works for a non-profit Catholic ing a career in the Scandinavian-American mation call (480) 854-3128, email: Maiden, Op. 4 No. 4; The Isle, Op. 14 healthcare ministry, PeaceHealth. field. [email protected] or visit http://www. No. 2; Nystroem: Soul and Landscape; “As a re- “Now I am sofnaz.com. Sommerfeldt: Hildring i Speil (Mirage in a Mirror), Op. 48; Grieg: Four Songs, cent college using my Nor- California Op. 21; Bjørnson: Selections from Fisher graduate, my wegian skills in Maiden and Monte Pincio; Thea Mus- experience a different way – Heritage Day working at the I am a teaching March 16 grave (b. 1928): Primavera for Soprano Weekly was in- assistant at the Palm Desert, Calif. and Flute. 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. For more in- valuable,” says Scandinavian Presented by Solskinn Lodge #150. Food formation call (212) 239-0205 x204 or Davis. “During Language Insti- demonstration, entertainment, Viking email: dzeidman@midamerica-music. that time I was tute and a grant- Room, vendors, travel info., meatball com. exposed to vari- writer at the lunch and lefse. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Hope ous aspects of Nordic Heritage Church, 45900 Portola Ave. For more Pennsylvania lifeand work in Museum, both information call (760) 699-7436 or visit St.Patrick’s Day Dinner the real world in Seattle. There http://www.solskinn.org. March 17 Susquehanna, Penn. – deadlines, are countless Come and enjoy the best corned beef budgets, adver- opportunities to Florida tising, telling share my love A Hardanger Special Event dinner you will ever have at Land of the Vikings! A true St. Patrick’s Day Dinner people’s stories of Norway, and March 10 Photo: Maren Anderson Johnson with everything you want with a little in the pages I even get paid Estero, Fla. The University of Washington Norwegian Club at the “Viking” twist. Plan on spending the of the paper. I to do it! Many Presenting Karen Torkelson Solgård. 17th of May parade in Seattle, Wash. in 2012. night or weekend or even longer as we was allowed a people criticized Join us for an evening of enchantment, lot of creative my field of study March 2, at 5 p.m. at the Breckenridge have a special rate Sunday thru Thursday in March of only $ 50 / night! We have freedom and in college, but I Golf & Tennis Club, 20091 Wimble- autonomy but knew this: You don Court, Estero, Fla. Karen Torkle- 26 rooms, a wonderful handmade Viking shaped bar and 150 acres of recreation had the support of an experienced, collegial can learn marketable job skills in and out of son Solgård grew up on a farm north of team. That time really helped shape my con- the classroom, but you can’t learn passion Crookston, Minnesota in a musical fam- space all owned by the members of the Third District of the Sons of Norway. fidence and indepence as an adult and I will and commitment – it’s something that comes ily. She excelled in music as a young always look back at those years and people deep from within one’s self. And it took one girl, studied at the University of Min- Please come visit....everyone is invited! 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. For more info, email very warmly.” “Introduction to Scandinavia” class for me to nesota School of Music in Minneapolis, Christy Olsen Field, another PLU grad- discover it,” Olsen Field says. and pursued a career in cello for ten years [email protected] or call (570) 461- 3500. uate, is also thankful for the time she spent Today, the Weekly is privileged to work before taking up seri- at the Weekly. with students from the University of Wash- ously. Please bring a dish to share. Mem- Washington “When I took my first Norwegian lan- ington, which, like PLU, boasts a strong bers and guests $5 each. Coffee, water, guage class at PLU, it was originally to fulfill Scandinavian Studies program. The Weekly and sodas provided. For reservations The Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle Annual Rummage Sale! a foreign language requirement for my in- wouldn’t be nearly as successful without and information, call Maxine Batrawi tended English Literature major. However, a the input and help of intern Jessica Larsen, (239) 405-4026 or e-mail: treasurer@ March 2 Seattle, Wash. one-month Scandinavian Studies class I took who is in her senior year at the University of gulfcoastvikings.com. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Location: Our Redeem- with Audun Toven as a freshman changed Washington, and the writing skills of Denise my educational (and life) trajectory. The lan- Leland, another student studying Norwegian Illinois er’s Lutheran Church, 2400 NW 85th St, Seattle WA 98117. Free coffee and plen- guage, history and culture of my ancestors at the University of Washington. 10th Annual Dinner Dance & Fund Raiser ty of free parking! Plus baked goods for came alive to me in a very contemporary, It is honor to work at the Norwegian March 2 sale, including Norwegian heart waffles 21st century way,” says Olsen Field. American Weekly, and I will be forever Des Plaines, Ill. and krumkake, freshly baked on-site. “My hope was to begin my career in the grateful to have worked with the Weekly Social Hour 6:30 p.m., dinner 7:30 p.m. Norwegian community after college, either both as a student and in a professional capac- at Des Plaines Elks Club, 495 Lee Street, Annual Nordic Heritage Day in Norway or in the U.S., and use my love of ity. Therefore, I hope to carry on the tradition Des Plaines, Ill. Scandinavian Park, Inc. March 9 Norway in a professional setting,” she adds. of involving students in the work the Weekly NFP will present their 10th annual din- Bothell, Wash. “Luckily, my friend Tiffanie was the editor does in the Norwegian-American communi- ner dance and fund raiser to celebrate the Annual Nordic Heritage Day Saturday, of the Norwegian American Weekly at the ty – a tradition that I hope will remain strong 60th Anniversary of Vasa Park, South El- March 9, 2013 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. time, and encouraged me to talk with her far into this publication’s future! Students gin, Ill. Dance music provided by Dave Open to the Public. Free Admission. boss to see if he knew of any opportunities in hold the future success of the Norwegian- Kyrk Trio. Cash drawing and raffle Free Parking. There will be food, dem- the Norwegian-American community in Se- American connection in their hands, and it table with prizes donated by Scandina- onstrations and sampling: craft demon- attle. One email turned into an interview and is up to the existing Norwegian-American vian organizations and businesses. Do- strations, music and genealogy. Plus, the job offer, and I started my four-year-tenure at community to do everything we can to sup- nation $45 per person. For reservations fjord horse is coming! Lunch available the Weekly soon after.” port them. and information call (630) 852-0598 or for purchase: pea soup, open face sand- As it has for me, Olsen Field’s experi- send reservations with check payable wiches, rømmegrøt and desserts. For to Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP to Jack additional information please call (425) Grandin, 7011 Sierra Court, Darien, Ill. 385-2144 or visit www.bothellsonsof- 60561. visit www.vasaparkil.com for norway.org. more information. Join our community! Just $59 for 47 issues Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us February 22, 2013 • 21 In your neighborhood ‘Nordic Cool’ opens Alabama to perform This month-long event in Washington, D.C., which Legendary country band will perform at Norsk Høstfest celebrates Scandinavian culture, is a definite must-see in Minot, N.D. in October of 2013

Carla Danziger McLean, Va.

“Nordic Cool,” a month-long festival Orchestra at 7:30 p.m., many are free. The opening on Tuesday evening, Feb. 19, at the 6 p.m. performance that evening by Gustaf Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., cel- Sjökvist’s Chamber Choir on the Kennedy ebrates the cultures of the Nordic countries: Center’s Millenium Stage is free as are all 6 Norway, Sweden, , Iceland and p.m. performances at this venue. Finland through music, theater, dance, litera- The many art exhibits are also free, Special Release ture, design, sculpture, film and cuisine. The and I’m eagerly looking forward to visit- Norsk Høstfest website – http://www.kennedy-center.org/ ing them. Of course, as author of a novel programs/festivals/12-13/nordic – lists the called “Hidden Falls,” my first stop will be smörgåsbord of events being presented and “Archive-Endangered Waters” by Icelandic One of the nation’s all-time top bands 17th. For more information about the Norsk the sumptuous menu from which people can artist Ruri (endangered waterfalls through will include Norsk Høstfest on its 2013 tour. Høstfest, log onto www.hostfest.com. choose. And ‘choose’ is the operative word photos and audio). I’m also eager to see “Are Alabama will perform two shows at the 2013 here, because it will be impossible to devour We Still Afloat?” an artistic ship created out Høstfest on October 4th and 5th. About Alabama: With a career to date everything! of more than 1000 shirts by Finnish artist The group was inducted into the Coun- that has resulted in 21 gold, platinum and For many of us in the local Scandina- Kaarina Kaikkonen. But then there’s also try Music Hall of Fame in 2005 and is in its multi-platinum albums, 43 number one sin- vian community, we have awaited this excit- “SUP-PLYWOOD or How to Be Singular in fifth decade of entertaining crowds around gles and over 73 million records sold, Ala- ing festival for several months, ever since the Plural” (Norway), “New Nordic—Archi- the world. bama has received over 150 industry awards tickets went on sale last fall. Not only has the tecture & Identity” (Denmark); “Migration” Norsk Høstfest President David Re- including eight country music “Entertainer Kennedy Center included it in their publicity, (Faroe Islands); “Nordic Design Illustrated”; iten said Alabama is a great foundation of the Year” honors, two Grammys, two but Gerry Schueman, newsletter and website “Elk Towers” (Åland Islands); “Our World, for the lineup of stars that will entertain at People’s Choice Awards and their very own editor for the American Scandinavian As- Our Future: Youth Making a Difference this year’s festival. “We don’t normally an- star on the “Hollywood Walk of Fame.” The sociation of the National Capital Area, Inc. through Creativity, Technology, and Art”; nounce our main stage entertainers until band received the Academy of Country Mu- (ASANCA) has been steadily reminding us and yes, the LEGO Exhibit and the “Game March, but Alabama’s 2013 tour lineup is sic’s Pioneer Award in 2003, was inducted of “Nordic Cool” developments and events Play Space” (a chance to explore Nordic cre- out today and includes its Høstfest dates and into the Country Music Hall of Fame in (See http://www.Scandinavian-DC.org). ations on iPads)! we are delighted to make an early announce- 2005 and most recently won the American While several events require tickets, ment for such a great act.” Country “Greatest Hits” Award in 2011. such as the Opening Concert on the 19th This article originally posted on www. The remainder of the 2013 Høstfest en- Members Randy Owen, Teddy Gentry and with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic carladanziger.com/blog. tertainment lineup will be announced at a Jeff Cook all hail from Fort Payne, Alabama later date. and have enjoyed 40 years of unprecedented Tickets for the festival go on sale May success. < champion said a satisfied Bjørndalen. From page 1 mmigration Associa Emil Hegle Svendsen, the anchor for the rwegian I tion pres e No ents medal in Novo Mesto, Czech Republic. In Norwegian relay team, sped to victory in the Th his career he’s racked up 25 gold, 15 silver 4x7.5-km race in 1 hour, 15 minutes, and 39 and 10 bronze total (11 are Olympic medals). seconds. It was his fourth gold at the cham- The 58th Annual “You media people are more concerned pionship. about it than I am,” said Bjørndalen to report- Bjørndalen did not forget to thank his ers about the 50th medal win. “It was really teammates when he spoke to the media. fun to be on a team like this where everyone “If not for Tarjei and Emil, this couldn’t of Greater New York Contest did a really good job for the team,” he added. happen. We count on them, without them The men’s relay was easily dominated there would not have been very many gold Saturday, March 23 at 2 p.m. by the Norwegian team, as they won the gold medals,” said Bjørndalen to Aftenposten. The Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center medal for the fourth time in a row. This is probably Bjørndalen’s last World Miss Norway 1250 67th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. “The team did deliver almost a perfect Cup. The idea is that the Olympics next year Miss Norway of Greater NY and Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall relay. I had a little trouble with the shooting, will be the conclusion of the 29-year-old first runner-up r r racer’s career. Inquiries: www.niahistory.org/missnorway2013.htm but picked up the slack with good speed on Amanda Berntsen or call Arlene at (718) 748-1874 for application the track. The others had a very good race,” and Erika Lawson

< classes From page 17 ican Museum in Decorah, Iowa, shares the Advertise in the Weekly! most comprehensive collection of Norwe- of experience, from beginning to advanced, gian-American artifacts in the world. This Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: national treasure is also a center for folk- so there is something for everyone. Whatev- Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for er your ethnic heritage, and whether you’ve art education. For more information on the EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color been studying Norwegian folk art for years museum’s exhibitions, classes, events, mem- or have just begun, Fossum-Martin believes bership opportunities, and ways to donate, • Free ad design that Vesterheim will inspire you to make a check Vesterheim’s website at vesterheim. • Support the only Norwegian- tradition into something new. org, call (563) 382-9681, or write to Vester- American newspaper! heim Norwegian-American Museum, 502 W. Through 24,000 artifacts and 12 histor- Water St., P.O. Box 379, Decorah, IA, 52101- ic buildings, Vesterheim Norwegian-Amer- 0379. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 22 • February 22, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage < quality Norwegian Language Corner From page 18 location to travel more. “All future plans involve making the NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS from the U.S. and Canada to choose Norway most of my two years here, spending time as a study country. with all my new friends, and immersing my- “In your opinion, what is the most im- self in Norwegian culture as much as I pos- portant academic outcome for you as an in- sibly can,” she says. ternational student in Norway?” “I have been expected to perform a sig- Facts: With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, Norway has eight accredited universi- “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- nificantly higher amount of group work than lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes I ever had to in the U.S., though this may ties, nine accredited specialized university Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri also be a consequence of pursuing studies at institutions, 22 accredited university col- publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. the master’s level. In my program, we have leges, two accredited national colleges of an incredible range of international students, the arts and several private institutions of so I have been most proud of the way I have higher education with either institutional- or learned to work with people of very different program accreditation throughout Norway. cultural backgrounds through group assign- More than 200 Master’s programs and an ments,” she says. increasing number of Bachelor programs are According to Sell, studies are a lot more taught in English. individual outside the classroom in Norway Internationalization is a priority within than in the U.S. all sectors of the Norwegian education sys- “Work in class is very group-oriented, tem, and universities and university colleges compared to the U.S. Norwegian students are constantly working to facilitate for in- work together and have lively discussions, ternational students. Around 15,000 foreign but outside of class they do a lot of extra nationals are currently enrolled at Norwe- readings and additional independent learn- gian institutions of higher education. Inter- ing. In the U.S. we spend more time in lec- national students may apply for admission tures,” she explains. to a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. From vocational subjects to postgraduate and doctorate level, there are Veslefrikk med fela Little Frikk and the Fiddle Immersed in Norwegian culture Almost six out of ten American and Ca- plenty of opportunities for students to fulfill Det ville lensmannen gjerne setja både The bailiff would have wagered both his nadian students want to find a job in Norway their ambitions. You may come to Norway hest og gard og hundre dalar på at han ikkje horse and his farm, and one hundred dollars on when they have finished their studies. Sell as student through established exchange var god for, om det skulle vera. Men i alle top that he was not good enough — if he could started her studies in August 2012, and will programs, institutional agreements or as a so fall skulle han våga alle pengane han hadde have that is. But at least he could wager all the called “free mover.” på seg, og henta skjora når ho datt, sa han, for stay for two years. She does not yet know money he had on him, and fetch the shirt when For more information visit: www.study- han trudde aldri at ei børse kunne nå så langt. it fell, he said, because he did not think any rifle what she wants to do after her studies, al- Men med det same det small, datt skjora could reach that far. though she intends to take advantage of her innorway.no. ned i eit stort klungerkjerr, og lensmannen And the moment the rifle went off with a strauk bort i kjerret etter henne og tok henne bang, the shirt fell down into a big bramble bush opp og gav henne til guten. Med det same la grove and the bailiff ran off to fetch it, and hand- Veslefrikk til å stryka på fela, og lensmannen ed it up to the boy. Just then, little Frikk began til å dansa så klungertaggane sleit og reiv i to play the fiddle, and the bailiff danced as the < Master’s han. thorny briars tugged and tore into him. From page 9 will go quickly and that the road ahead will Guten spela, og lensmannen dansa og The boy played, and the bailiff danced and be less administrative and more academic. gret og bad for seg, til fillene fauk av han og wept and begged till the rags flew off him, until debate was still not over with NTNU, so I What have I learned so far? Require- han mest ikkje hadde ein tråd på seg. — Ja, he barely had a thread left on him. — Well, now applied to HINT (Høgskolen i Nord-Trøn- ments are requirements, and if I would have no tenkjer eg du er like fillut som eg var då eg I think you are just as ragged as I was when I left reiste frå tenesta hjå deg, sa Veslefrikk. — Så delag) as the two classes I had been attend- just taken the proficiency test there would your service, said little Frikk. So that will do for ing happened to be a partnership between have been no questions. The Norwegian du får vel sleppa med det, denne gongen. this time. Men fyrst måtte lensmannen gje han But first the bailiff had to give him all the the two institutions. There I was quickly ac- system is still somewhat rigid, and it is dif- alle pengane han hadde på seg, dei han hadde money he had on him, which is what he had cepted and was able to take the exams. Now ficult for many institutions to do things in a lova han dersom han greidde å råka skjora. promised if he shot the shirt. Little Frikk put the I am in the second semester of the masters way other than that which is standard and Veslefrikk stakk pengane i lomma, og så drog money into his pocket, and headed to town. There program and have been accepted into NTNU prescribed. But there are always back doors, han til byen. Der tok han inn på eit vertshus, he took lodgings in an inn, and so he played and for one year on open enrollment (åpne em- and the availability of organizations that will og så spela han til dans og levde både lystig people they danced and he lived both joyous and og vel. well. ner), which means I can take any classes in hear your arguments speaks highly for the Men medan folk svinga seg og var i But whilst the folk were dancing and being the system (and the exams) if there is space. system. Nothing is perfect, and with most beste leiken, kom vektarane og skulle dra cheery, the watchmen came to drag the boy off to Fortunately the masters program I am in is things, hard work usually pays off. I have al- guten på rådstova, for lensmannen hadde jail, because the bailiff had made a complaint and not overrun with candidates, so I am able to ready learned a lot about the system, myself klaga over han og sagt at han hadde overfalle said that he had attacked him and robbed him, and take three classes on the masters road. For and the ins and outs of academic English, han og plyndra han og mest teke livet av han. nearly taken his life. Now he was to be hanged as some odd reason, I am still not officially in and it is more exciting than frustrating. I am No skulle han hengjast til straff, det nytta ik- punishment, and there would be no use in beg- kje å be for seg. Men Veslefrikk hadde råd ging. But, little Frikk had a remedy for all prob- the masters program, and this month need grateful to be a part of subsidized education for all uråd, han, og det var fela. Han tok til å lems, and this was his fiddle. He began to play, to once again seek admittance. They have a that allows me to study without disrupting spela, og så måtte vektarane dansa til dei låg and so the watchmen had to dance until they just very long paper trail for me, and many in the our personal economy and requiring student der og gapte. Så sende dei soldatar i veg, men lay there and gasped for breath. Then they sent administration know about this crazy Ameri- loans or outrageous out-of-pocket expenses, det gjekk ikkje betre med dei. Då Veslefrikk in the soldiers, but it went no better with them. can trying to do thing in a backwards way, so and look forward to all that the future might fekk fram fela, måtte dei til å dansa så lenge When little Frikk took out the fiddle, they had to dei orka å leda ein fot. I am hopeful that this next application round bring. 8.NAW.Langeland.6Jan2013_Layout 1 1/6/13 7:07 PM Pagedance 1 for as long as they were able to move their feet. Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com < coordination a new strategy,” he said. This could be in the Norwegians in America, Some Records From page 3 of the Norwegian Emigration to America: form of a national security adviser, located A transcribed and translated version of the 1888 order to get more resources. According to at the prime minister’s office, which could Nordmændene i Amerika, Nogle Optegnelser Roen, a new strategy is needed. play a coordinating role in relation to Nor- om De Norskes Udvandring til Amerika Written by Knud Langeland On Feb. 15, the head of the Norwegian way’s total resources in the security field, says Roen. • Bilingual English & Norwegian text military special forces called for his soldiers • 5-1/2” x 7-1/2”, hardcover, 240 pgs to be prepared for shorter standby times and “The prevention of terror is more im- • = $24.95 with FREE shipping in USA a more dominant role in assisting the police portant, and to discuss firepower is wrong,” Autobiographical, tells of life in Norway before in combating terrorism. If necessary, with claims the head of PST, Benedicte Bjørn- 1843 and early immigrant life in America. Social special forces on alert in a number of mili- land, who says prevention – which is a PST and political portrait including the Norwegian im- migrant press. Foreword, biography and review tary bases around the country. task – is far more important. written by Odd S. Lovoll. Roen points out that the Special Forces The Ministry of Defense has declined to Call — send a check— or order from website are on their way home from Afghanistan, comment on the case. [Note: book is not part of the Ulvestad 3 Vol set] and are in need for new relevant tasks. He The Justice Department said to Norwe- Made in America! Visit website for more details is now asking the government to appoint an gian news source NRK that no police organi- Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com emergency response coordinator. “I think the zation has reported to them that there are any Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 past week’s events have shown that we need conflicts between the police and the military. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly February 22, 2013 • 23 Scholarships Community-supported education A short list of scholarships offered in the Norwegian-American community

Grieg Lodge in Portland, Ore. to Oslo, Norway, for study in Scandinavia. encourage and advance the organization’s our world. This lodge offers a minimum of three IcelandAir supports this ticket. In addition to motto, women who swim against the current. Scholarship applicants are asked to an- scholarships per year. These are $1,500 col- the above, there is an NCC Fisheries Schol- Its goal is to promote the international con- swer the question: What are the essential lege scholarships that are merit based. Eli- arship available to high school seniors and / nections between Norway and Minnesota, components of the education that your gen- gibility is limited to students whose home or graduate students seeking to pursue a ca- and learn, teach and share knowledge that eration needs to make a positive impact on address is in Multnomah, Clackamas or reer in fisheries management or research in will benefit women in their complex roles in the world? The applicant who best answers Washington County in the State of Oregon the Pacific Northwest or Alaska, and also to today’s society. the question in 1000-1500 words will re- or Clark County in the State of Washington. students in fishery technical schools, such as Applicants for the Lakselaget Founda- ceive $5,000 for college and a year’s supply Applicants do not need to have any affilia- the Maritime Academy. tion Opportunity or Work Study Fund should of Nordic Naturals’ award-winning omega-3 tion with Grieg Lodge. However, preference Additional application forms may be be in a work situation where a short-term po- products. will be given to applicants with a connection obtained by written request to the Scholar- sition in a similar job in Norway would be Deadline: March 31, 2013. to Scandinavian heritage, culture and / or ship Fund Manager, Norwegian Commercial beneficial to their career. activities. In addition to the scholarship ap- Club, c/o Nina Svino Svasand, 18515 Ball- Deadline: March 1, 2013 Leif Erikson Lodge No. 1, Sons of Nor- plication, our web site has an application for inger Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155, way, Education Foundation the Bernhard & Johanna Fedde Grant which (include a self-addressed, stamped enve- Daughters of Norway Grand Lodge Leif Erikson Lodge in Seattle, Wash. an- may be awarded to an individual or group lope). Or visit http://www.norwegiancom- The Grand Lodge Daughters of Norway nounces the following 2013 scholarships. working on a project or event that will bene- mercialclub.com/nccscholarshipfund/pro- offers scholarships to full-time college, uni- • Camp Normanna or Camp Nidaros fit and enrich the public in a cultural manner. gramapplication.html versity, technical or vocational students who Endowed LEL Scholarship Award More info at http://www.glscholarshipfund. Deadline: April 2, 2013 are either a member of, or related to a mem- with the Youth Camp Program for org/GLSF/index.htm. ber of the Daughters of Norway. Details fol- District 2, Sons of Norway, pro- Deadline: March 1, 2013 Sons of Norway International low on other requirements. The number of vides the recipient with a schol- Sons of Norway International offers awards varies with the funds, but at least one arship for 25% of the fee for the The Norwegian Children’s Home Associa- over $75,000 in scholarships and grants ev- award of $1,000 is offered each year, with camps. Camp Normanna is near tion in Brooklyn, N.Y. ery year. Here are brief descriptions of their a second award in Convention years. Ap- Everett, Washington, and Camp Ni- This organization offers scholarships six categories of scholarships and four cat- plication forms are also sent to Subordinate daros is near Seaside, Oregon. (grants) to kids with Norwegian heritage who egories of grants: Lodge secretaries, who have them available • Camp Trollhaugen Endowed LEL are in college or entering college. Write or • Oslo Summer School: For students for members during the spring months. Scholarship Award with the Youth call the Norwegian Children's Home Asso- to experience an eight-week study Deadline: June 1, 2013 Camp Program for District 2, Sons ciation for an application. P.O. Box 280104; abroad program at the University of of Norway, provides the recipient Brooklyn, NY 11228. (718) 238-4326 Oslo. Scandinavian American Heritage Society with a scholarship for 25% to the Deadline: March 1, 2013 • King Olav V Norwegian-American SAHS presents its 24th Annual Mid- fee for the camp. Scholarship: For American students summer Celebration on June 23, 2012 at • Douglas Warne Vocational Scholar- The Norwegian National League of Chi- 18 and older to study Norwegian Vasa Park in Budd Lake, N.J., and is proud ship will award a scholarship to a cago in Chicago, Ill. language or culture in the US or in to offer one scholarship of $1,000 to a stu- person 18-25 attending or planning The Norwegian National League of Chi- Norway, and for Norwegian stu- dent of Scandinavian / Nordic heritage who on attending an accredited techni- cago is offering a scholarship in the amount dents 18 or older to study American resides in one of the Northeastern states. cal, trade, or vocational program in of $1,000.00 to a college-bound high school culture in the U.S. To be eligible to apply for a scholarship Washington State. The amount of senior and additional cash prizes to deserv- • Helen Tronvold Norwegian Folk the student must furthermore demonstrate the award for 2013 will be $1,500. ing students in the 1st to 11th grades who are High School Scholarship: For stu- Scandinavian/Nordic ancestry, be accepted • Queen and Princess Scholarship of Norwegian heritage residing in the Illinois dents 18 or older to study for an en- to a two or four year academic college pro- Program awards two young wom- counties of Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kane, Ken- tire school year at one of Norway’s gram for fall of 2012 and meet special aca- en who represent the lodge as its dall, McHenry and Will. To qualify, older 70 folk high schools. demic criteria. The scholarship committee is Queen and Princess an award of students must submit an original essay on a • Astrid Cates/Myrtle Beinhauer: For asking the applicant to submit an essay ex- $1000 or $400 respectively. The Norwegian topic and the students in grades any post high school study at an ac- plaining why he/she is proud of his/her Scan- winners will represent Leif Erikson 1st through 4th must submit an original credited school. dinavian/Nordic heritage. The scholarship Lodge 2-001, Sons of Norway, in at drawing depicting a Norwegian topic. • Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial application and complete requirements will least five events of their choosing Applications and instructions are avail- Scholarship: For sophomore, junior be available at www.sahsnj.org or by con- during the year. able on their website at www.nnleague.org and senior college women, 17-36, tacting the Scholarship Chairman at gljung@ • Youth Camp Instructor/Counselor or contact Tom Maxson at (847) 297-1656 studying specific areas of science micronav.com. Grant for persons who can pro- or email at [email protected] for infor- and engineering. Deadline: May 12, 2012 vide a positive camp experience for mation. • Lund Fund Scholarship: For Ameri- young people participating in the Deadline: March 15, 2013. can students studying abroad. The American Scandinavian Foundation District Two Sons of Norway Youth • General Heritage and Culture ASF offers fellowships (up to $23,000) Camp Program. Concordia Language Villages Scholar- Grants for community wide events and grants (up to $5,000) to individuals to • Youth Leadership Award is for one ships such as heritage fairs, musical or pursue research or study in one or more young person planning on attend- Norske Torske Klubben Scholarships theatrical presentations, books, etc. Scandinavian country for up to one year. Ap- ing an institution of higher learning for Skovsøen, Salolampi, Skogfjorden • Local Lodge Partnership Grants for plicants must have a well-defined research or trade school. The amount of the and Sjölunden, the Scandinavian language lodge sponsored cultural events, or study project that makes a stay in Scandi- award is $1,000. camps at Concordia Language Villages: pri- books for lodge libraries, cultural navia essential. Applicants must have com- Applications are available at Leif Erik- ority given to Norske Torske Klubben mem- skills presenters, etc. pleted their undergraduate education by the son Hall, 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle WA bers; essay required. Also available: the Tove • Helping Hands to Children Grants start of their project in Scandinavia. 98107. You may call 206-783-1274 or email Irene Dahl Scholarship (5 or more years as support Adopt A School program- Deadline: Nov. 1, 2013 [email protected]. If you a villager) and Sons of Norway Foundation ming and any children’s heritage have any questions, contact Heidi Ludeman Scholarship. More info at http://www.con- activities. Nordic Naturals at [email protected]. cordialanguagevillages.org/newsite/Regis- • Helping Hands to Member Grants Nordic Naturals, the leading manufac- Deadline: March 31, 2013 tration/scholarships1.php support our members when natural turer of omega-3 supplements, invites new Deadline: March 10, 2013 disasters strike including flooding, and returning college students to compete tornados, hurricanes and wild fires. for a $5,000 award by entering the compa- Norwegian Commercial Club in Seattle, Please visit www.sonsofnorway.com/ ny’s inaugural scholarship program. As part Subscribe to Wash. foundation to view the guidelines, deadline of the company’s “What’s Essential” cam- the Norwegian The Norwegian Commercial Club is of- dates and applications for all of our grants paign, Nordic Naturals launched the “Learn. fering scholarships through its Scholarship and scholarships. Inspire. Change. 2013 Essay Scholarship” American Weekly! Fund. There will be three awards totaling up Deadline: Varies. For most, March 1. on January 1, 2013 on its Facebook page. Call (800) 305-0217 to $14,000. The first is for a cash-only award The company is challenging the next genera- sent to the educational institute of the award Lakselaget tion to learn what’s essential to them, inspire or email naw@ recipient. The second award includes the The Lakselaget Scholarship and Op- healthy and positive choices in others, and cash award and one round trip airline ticket portunity Fund was established to celebrate, become the new face of change that shapes norway.com. Economic uncertainty can affect your fi nancial future. So can you!

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