Packers' Costs and Profits

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Packers' Costs and Profits PAGE TWO THE BROOKINGS REGISTER, BROOKINGS, S. D., THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1918. 11 firmation yet. Nothing known of sit- -[against allied troops from south of one bearing the heat and burden like “W hat if we loses this blinkin war I uation in Flanders, where on Friday r \ Somme river to below’ Roye checked. a cup of cold water to parched lips, after all. Bill?” Weekly Summary of War News I' Germans were reported withdrawing ;| Battle line north and on center, re- We should give flowers to the living. “Well, all I can say is them what Brief Account of Daily Happenings I from advanced positions. l mains virtually as on Monday, al- The dead do not need them. finds it is quite welcome to keep it." i though allied troops bettered position SUNDAY *and take additional prisoners. WEDNESDAY .crown prince and princess I Americans and French still in en- Wednesday at Nauheim, Germany. Be- Germans tonight hold Chaulnes- . virons of Bray, north of river, while Allied armies King obtain further suc- L lieved in Copenhagen that Fer- Roye-Noyon line, allies making pro- . south of river Germans in possession cess over Germans in Soissons-Rheims Bulgaria of i dinand left because in- gress south of Noyon. Enemy’s re- . of Chaulnes and Roye, which intend sector and to north Montdidier re- • in ternal conditions serves coming into action and de- . to ih-fend at all hazards. gion and further north in Flanders fense stiffening all along battle front Germans not merely on defensive. -I between and Lawe Clarence rivers. FRIDAY from Noyon to Chaulnes. Desperate , At various points here and there they XfcgfeX East of Barisne Vesle river, mid- I on [fighting going on between British deliver violent counter attacks against way between Soissons and Rheims, Ov**r front of more than 20 miles army of Gen. Rawlinson and German allies and are also bombarded fierce- American French troops, after and British and French sweep back Ger- army of Von Der Marwitz. Enemy ly in the rear areas. stiff fighting, crossed river and held I man eastward across plains of Pic- 'counter attacked savagely west of French gain control of entin* mas- all positions. French north of Rheims ardy north of the, Somme east of Mor- Noyon and seems determined to hold sif of Lassignyeon southern part of penertated 400 yards in railroad tri- lancourt to eastern bank of Avre, town at all costs. Germans materi- battle front. This gives command of angle beginning at Rheims 1 and run- I Packers’ Costs northeast of Montdidier. Offensive ally stiffen defense against British, town of Lassigny and valley of Divette ning northeastward toward R(*thel and progress made Friday over entire American and French troops on as will as entire district north. Not northwestward to Laon. All positions battle front. Many villages captured;! Picardy battle front, but unable to only outflanking Roye, but bringing previously gained in Rheims-Soiss >ns bag oi prisoners largely increased; Stem tide. Noyon n* a ter range of big guns. and Profits salient held notwithstanding counter mini' tons guns and great quantities Chaulnes, important railway town to north from Ypres to Albert, attacks. Near where V« h* enter.-' of war stores tak< n and heavy heart of Somme battle front and < >t iderable activity on part of Brit- Aisne east of Soissons, French ov> r- cas-1 iin unities inflicted Losses of Anglo- key to southern Jim* of German sal- ish ami French forces against Ger- corm* enemy take all resistance of and -• French lorct s relatively small. ient, captured by Australian and Ca- mans village of Ciercy-Salsogm. Li Mont- How much do you h think Allied forces have 17,000 German nadian troops. AmericAns and Brit- S i beginning of allied counter didh r sector French ,»uth and south- prisoners, and between 200 and 300 ish press closely upon Braye Sur ofi't i-i e on July IS. 70,'i00 prisoners — west of town advanced line on import it costs guns, many of heavy caliber, and in Somme, aided by tanks and armored ami more than 1.000 guns captured ant sector, which represents junction numerable machine guns, trench mor- t ars. Across river G< rmans e ngaged !t<>: enemy. point of armii of German crown tars and small weapons. British at I.ihons and vicinity. te rman submarine, operating off hides, prince ami Crown Prime Rupprecht 1. To dress beef, cure and North of Picardy theater Germans Greater progress made by French Vi . t.i (oast attacked by American of Bavaria. also prepare all the numerous by- give ground on two important immediately southwest ami south of <b troyi-r, Used seventeen depth British deliver hard blow against products ? sectors on Lys salient, northwest of Roye to Oise river. Drive line well bo tie to get iaid» r. Submarine did Germans. Follow advance in Lys sec- La Bassei*, and in region southwest across Royr-Comph em road and at ; not i < appear ami oil on surface of tor northwest of Labasse, pushed line ( of Ypres north of K< inniel. On Ly Cambronm reach road from Com- 2. To cool the meat for two or over front of five miles to depth oi sector territory over front of seven piegne to Noyon. Since capture of in !i lit with submarine yesterday three days before shipment ? thousand yards between Lawe and ( miles evacuated by enemy, while north Montdidier French penetrate east oft North Atlantic coast British armed Clarence rivers. Maneuver will les- ( of Keinniel British advance lino over ward to Tilloloy, seven miles, and to i I .mt man arriving today, claims it sen point of nasty salient that stood ¦ 3. To freight it to all parts of lo(H) yards Maneuvers indicate Ger- Canny Sur Matz, eight and half i |thf 1 boat. itetails not made as menace to British north ami south. ( the country in special refrige- mans either considered ground inse- miles, through hilly region southward public. Further gaining of footings by the ( rator cars, iced daily ? cure or that crown prince Rupprecht's to the oi <¦ averaged gains exceeding Austrians report! d moving immense French and Americans across the , army has been decreased in strength ; six miles, over front of twelve miles. atmmnt of material ami great numbers Vesle where pressure against Germans ( to rush reinforcements to battle zone! Situation south of the Somme bl- oi troop- in direction of Italy and ex- 4. To carry it in hundreds of toward the Aisne can be resumed , where German armies in south are , ooming more stabilized. No import- pected to attempt another offensive branch houses, each with its when further troops forded stream, i]harassed. ant allied advance in last on Italian front. ? gain of ground by French in railway, twelve refrigerating plant After British penetrated Picardy sal- hours and at some places slight < ho Slovaks in Russia opposing triangle north of Rheims looked upon 1 re- z-1 | ientj 13 miles in center toward import-, i tirement necessary. bolsheviki elements formally recog- as great strategic value. From posi-,, 5. And to deliver it to the retailer ant railroad junction of Chaulnes,! Coming to surface in midst of fleet nized by Great Britain as an allied tion‘ French able to dominate with ( sweet fresh northern and southern Hanks of bat- < of fishing off nation and armies as an allied force, and —in less guns railway schooners Massachu line over which Germans : waging two t tie front gave way before pressure of : setts coast German submarine today warfare against Teutonic pow-, than weeks after dressing? bring stores from northeast through ] British and French. iisunk nine vessels navy department ers. town of Rethel and line running north-! On north British capture Morlan- tonight1 announced. w. s. s. westward across the Aisne toward , court and press eastward, while on j Anti-bolshevik movement in Russia FLOWERS FOR THE DEAD Swift & Company all Laon, used for removal of troops, guns did this south Pierrepont, Contoire and Ar- i growing rapidly, bolshevik soviet or-' and supplies out of threatened zone. , for you in 1917 at an expense of villers taken by French, who drove , ganization virtually gone to pieces Sibley Tribune —We all do it. Even Details of American military aid to |, I less than per wedge to distance of mon* than eight ; and Nikolai Lenine, premier, editors, who of all men ought to know 2V2 cents pound of Siberia for participation with Czecho-L and J <and one-half miles. Leon Trotzky, war minister, better, keep their flowers of commen- beef sold, including an Slovak forces given when announced intend average Tanks, armored cars and cavalry to flee to Germany should ' dation for the dead. We let the liv- that Major General Win. S. Graves situation profit of 14 of a cent a pound. kstill working throughout region, air- become too serious. ing struggle through the hard spots will command American forces, nu- planes( soar far behind lines, bombing and sweat and grunt without a pleas- cleus of which will be two regiments | ftransportation troops movements and ant word —sometimes even we bestow Figure for yourself how little of regulars from Philippine Islands. MONDAY bridges over Somme by which enemy upon them harsh and unjust criti- effect this cost and profit had endeavors to escape.. Along line the cism—and when they fall in the bat- Nearly 40,000 prisoners and 700 guns on prices THURSDAY Germans destroy ammunition depots tle we hand them a bouquet. After you paid for beefsteak. taken by allies in Picardy. Town of as they quit positions. With new the senses are dulled to fragrance turn Roye which Germans defend desper- ¦ Battle ground between Amiens and of events Montdidier is uncomfortable we yield a appreciation.
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    En termes de fret, le projet MAGEO permettra d’augmenter les tonnages transportés par bateaux et, par cette massification, 2014 4,2 millions Le projet aura de de baisser le coût du transport de marchandises. Les de tonnes transportées sur l’Oise, entreprises locales disposeront d’un accès à grand gabarit soit en moyenne nombreuses retombées vers les ports normands (Le Havre, Rouen) et les ports du 25 bateaux par jour nord de l’Europe (Dunkerque, Anvers...). Ainsi, le projet positives – écologique, MAGEO contribuera au développement économique local et régional (transport, logistique, agro-alimentaire...). économique, hydraulique – Pour des raisons de coûts, de fiabilité et de régularité les répondant ainsi aux enjeux UN ATOUT entreprises pourront choisir d’augmenter la part du flu- vial dans leur trafic local* ou d’échange*. Selon les études 2030 13,7 millions locaux et régionaux de tonnes par an, socio-économiques réalisées en 2015, ces trafics pas- soit en moyenne 43 bateaux par jour ÉCONOMIQUE seront de 2 millions de tonnes en 2014 à 3,9 millions de dont 3 à 4 convois au gabarit Vb tonnes à l’horizon 2030. Pour anticiper ce surcroît d’acti- POUR LE vité, une plateforme multimodale* a déjà été réalisée à Lon- gueuil-Sainte-Marie. TERRITOIRE Le secteur du département de l’Oise situé entre Compiègne et Creil abrite un patrimoine culturel, historique et naturel important, qui favorise l’usage touristique de la rivière. Pour Les évolutions les plus importantes sont attendues sur développer le tourisme fluvestre*, les berges réaménagées les trafics de matériaux de construction, de céréales et dans le cadre du projet permettront de mettre en valeur le de conteneurs.
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