300 more “E” parking spaces to be built at Mich. St. campus i°1'* po*

lyTlHVmn * . * Although students with V per through Friday. or m any A. Bor I to a Parking space (or 300 more stu­ nuts are now allowed to park free lot any tune Saturday and Sunday dent vehicles is planned (or two in the Last Garage, g flat 25-cent Ttrmenstem Mid That brings areas on the Michigan Street cam­ student parking fee was allowed in them in a little bit closer." pus. M id Robert Tirmenatein. January by the IUPUI Parking Pol Currently there is a total of be no IUPUI director of parking and icy Committee Tinnenstcm said 6.0U E skits for students at all m the world If not transportation services He plans to ask that the fee not be and about 17,000 E per The III Board oi Trustecs gran­ charged until May 7. The fee he ted a request on Feb 4 (or the esti­ would be to cover the cost of atten­ Of (he 6,0*2 slots, 72 are dr “the Soviet mated $05,000 protect, said the dants and tickets for use by the parking director, who added that Notify that a large number of pad. construction is planned to begin in students with parking permits at­ A total of 4.492 A and B the next tew weeks, it weather is tend school only pari time, he said are for use by faculty and good Funds (or the project will current parking space seems suffi­ come from the current budget and cient Lots are observed on a regu­ Faculty and adaumstrators have On ton IS Tirmcnstein does not know whe­ lar basis to see that there is ade­ 1,300 A slots, while faculty and ladr a ther the protect will affect parkin- quate space, he added have 3.152 B slots permit tees. "You realise there t only so toward the Plans are to enlarge two existing much ground that we can put public how many parking 1 figure out parking lots. The lot east of the parking locstions close |to were sold in A and B lots pubfcer the East Garage between Douglas and i) The first week of figures change to aftan 1 Blake streets and north of is really difficult because a Also there are 1,393 slots to gar- days of Joato Stalin said Michigan Street is to be extened lot of students buy books But the ages and pay lots for viators Gottlob, eaamttve eastward to Bright Street rest or the time there to pretty Parking and garage peruuts may Utotod^Campums to Parking would also be extended much space for students." said Tir- north of the parking lot between during the earnester at the office of That dec line has tod to a Black!wd and California streets Usually the longnt distance gfbtog services in the Bowsrs to «*apens on bo4b into*. he said just soum'Af Vermont Street anyone has tottmlk is lam than Building at 420 N Agnes St. to a Feb 9 lecture on The 1464 Tirmcnstein added that the new blocks," he M id regarding QoeinW and comments about Elections and the Aram Race ’ lots, which he hopes will be avail­ from parking areas to parking may be directed to Tb- to a program sponsored by able by May 7, would have gravel I he average person work­ menstem, who will forward surfaces and that entries, curbing, ing downtown who parks and to the parking pokey sidewalks and nke landscaping walks to work walks about three "They’re very pleased to have a 9rouP* Gottlieb laid the Mease for would be included blocks student do this he said The com- the decline in Soviet- Combined, both areas would Students with "E * permits may mater is made up of some 30 totiona at the door of equal about half a city block, he park in any A or B lot west of Ag­ students faculty and staff mem House said. nes Street after 5 p.m. Monday bers who meat monthly Th* iiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuim iiinm m iiniM Application forms are available each topic is ivailabir to s booklet. Feb 20 from 12 lo 1 pm The through the Department of Great Decisions 34 published by workshop will present Mathematical Sciences Office, KB the Foreign Pokey Association for using study and class this month throughout the 069. Application deadline: March Copies can be checked out from The t toamt 3. 1964. the Political Science pantscarTshare their ladwd by the Math scholarships office, CA 906. prior to the evaluate their for Computer and Technol­ The writing center also offers ogy Iducetton lo serve as a central The recipient of an Anna K. Su- fret half-hour tutorial sessions for for hard and soft ter Scholarship must be s mathe­ all IUPUI a preview aito for matics major who to a full-time Foreign policy undergraduate student. The award to To use of is based on scholarship alone and discussions call 264-2049 is *iv*n (or us* during the mpui tfudmti t n invited Jo Writing workshops Hours ate Monday through Tito introductory Sophomore Junior or Senior year p^uripste in s four-pert Mnet oi Thursday 9 a m to 5 p m Friday will be conducted by KXE staff discussions on major topics to The University Writing Center. 9:30 to 1:30 p.m and Saturday 11 C Fredrick — — — — — — — American foreign pokey CA 427. will hold a free workshop am to 1 p.m. The discussions, sponsored by entitled Kevising7 Editing7 Proof­ acting informs non speciaim. /nciW ra * the Student Political Science Asso­ reading? on Feb. 15 from 1 to 2 Michael Olds acting regional dir- rt forU O . rial km, will be held Feb 15, 22 p.m Participants will examine ex­ p and 29 and March 7 for 11:45a.m. amples of student writing to devel­ IUPU1 was chosen as the die of 7 ? * ? ...... to 12 45 p m in CA 200 A student op an understanding of how re­ C om puter the workshop on the bans of its ...... * * leader will conduct the sessions vision differs from editing and clearinghouse geographical location and the fa­ High-tech medicine...... 4 Topkt |0 ^ M, proofreading, and to learn what cilities it offered m the ES building Bookstore remodeling 5 • U.S Sil under Andropov Feb 19 kinds of changes are needed at The Indiana Clearinghouse tor The w o rk s h o p bed* htod in Mormon expert at IUPUI...... 9 • Mexico and the U S . Feb 22 different stages in the writing pro­ Computer Education (1CCE) lo­ Indianapolis » on Feb 22. at the Entertainment...... 6.7,9 • U.S. Security and World Peace. cess Participants may bring their cated on the IUPUI campus in the Airport Roadway Inn, 500 series Sports 9 Feb 29 own papers for discussion Education/ Social Work Building ballroom, 9212 West Southern Av- • China and the U.S., March 7 Another free workshop LsMy room 2131, will be formally in­ mmmrnmimmSiimmammmmmmmmmmmimmm » Background information On Test Preparation, will be held troduced to various — Mark Golf The Sagamore *V 2

F o M o w e h ip of C h rie tie n A th ie te a w i m r a t e 2Bai B pjm on the moaiamnt NOTICES I lorn of the Student Union buifdmg Everyone ■ w tkom t ro errand The M*U1 and iCU FCA Huddlm will hold a Rat qurt bell Party March 5 at Racpnal Watt from I p n to and ntpht Coal a t * 00 at Iht door Everyone* weiromt For mort mformtlion caB 111 1607

The Sagamore production staff has an opening for one enthusiastic, capable production worker. If you: — 'vJ^cK joro 9 have experience with "Reyline, paste-upf * type-speccing and Commons design . ;-ir£ • \? • are available to work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons Petitions tor candidacy ir a«kiM b. «v«iUW» ht. Uat • are enthusiastic and tilt Sludtnl Ajwrmbiy oHkt. CA OOtC get along well with The seventh annual iUPUi QUEST biking aipedidon m Hand. wtfl uht people plan over Spruip Bacem. Mtfdi 4-17 Bikm and equipment will St Iranaportod Irani Irak anapobt to Iht turim* poux *t lacijonvtUe Bttdi. Fla Tht ftvt-day tow will para throuph . . . come in, fill out St Aafunim Mann* land Uoyiona Botch Ctpt Canaveral tnd Imhetlantic endms at Vtro Btacii Total milter » US mitt with an tw r * t of 45 imln pat day QUEST mil an application protridr a ta* w^on mechanic cookt. roufr pianmns and M|ins m w p t i o li All or but too mtak an prondrd Partinpann provide thaw own btcyria Tht roal ■ 1240 For information contort Natr Good School of Education. SOI W New York St bukanapoh. talk to Gabe Szoke IN 46205 leitphont IS4-6290 the production T h e B le c h S tu d e n t U n io n announce. that lW Grope! ronrtn r M u M for Frti IS

The Association for Computing Machinery, i u p u i Studmt Oiapttr wdi mort Friday Fob. 17af fbt Kianntrt Buildm* Ttmr and room number art to bt announced Tht iprakri will bt D> RoraLamburt of Iht H u m Hotpual at Oucaeo. who will rptai un I n ­ formation Syrtrmi in Mtdtcal R ttttrtii I Admnaion u I rat for m tinbtn ( I for non mtmbrrt Mtmbenhip information will br tvailablt at tbt martin* For mort Information call Bobbie k> U uphtn al 469 4J70 The Student Aaaembly Will mart Tuoday Fab 14 tt 2 10p m Ail art welcome to allrnd. For further information call the Student Atttmbly at 264-J407 T h e lU P U IE C O n o m lc a C l u b will mart on Tuttday W> 21 in C A 554 Th t Purpura will be to elect officer. for iht 1904-45 rchool year and to fmalirt plant lor tht tprin* trmrcirr actiyum If you art intermted in tconomtct and would hide lo participate In Iht ptaruiin* of economic. related actlvttm pitara plan to attend. For fuithra information, call apt Gbraraa' 264-15S9 _ • The Sociology Cllfb wltl mm #kftrwla> Frb U u 7pm bi CA 55* Cumt ipeaktr Ken Cafcurn proftraor of toctoiosy will ducum Soooicpy of Erotic tun " Th t martins n open to rvtryont and rtfirahmtntt will be wrvpd afterward For more informa tun call Donna Kirin at 171 54*7 or 264-S4S1 Communication Aaaoclation Will rpuntor a forum dtacuauon on t a r n m Salt, on Thunday Fab 16 at 7 p m m SI 100 Speaker. wdl br Carolyn MUlanberper D * L Food Broken Indianapoln tnd Hoyt Ken Bow new Manaptr Hm tapr Lake. Coat.ville bid For mart mformtlion call Dr Ptferaon 264-0*42 Cardiopulm onary Reauacitatlon Claaaeo an offend by Unmaruty Pokee lor IUPUI facnky. UaM tnd atudmn Tima, and data, wdl bt determined by participant. « m- terarted caB 425-1521 r»t J6 i or r « n up on tht diart ported oum dt KB U S SUNRISE M ln o ritie e In B u a ln e e a wiN hold a 'Soh Proprirtor workdto? on Sunday. Ftb 1* from 2 to 4 p.m. in BS ; A p a r tm e n ts k VW*»1£ ADULT CONCEPT

SPtCTkCAH.hR CLUBHOUSE 4 FL TV Screen • Exercise Room Lighted tennis • Pooi Som e with Firepiaces • G arages Aweiiabie MODELS OPEN DAviLV Codes A

Behind Kington kpls February 13, 1904 rhr Page 3 editorial i

Learn more than books to the editor.| can teach at IUPUI Most students are familiar with tha textbook ceee the cam in law ‘Citizens for Life’ defended, column criticized business. politick which illustrates a point so i Warty - and therefore, to simply that textbook author* present it lor ktudy To the and baby are one unit oi Id* This he. But a* toon at you pet your noae out oi the textbook* and atari In your Jan. JOadMan, you pub- W cempktef) wrung The taken + • follow inf it around in the the real world, you discover how rare — byhtbeloywn reaearch tn preaatulagy ■■ and thua. how unrepresentative - the textbook case* are trahrk. "ahrainkt* view A case in point Ronald Reagan long a textbook taae oi the anti Need* the i misrepresentations and being Having ta b 'llto 'a n d is el the U S S R bigotry of this diatribe t* in Ml control ef l And thus Sanford Gottlieb, executive director oi United I lo Prevent Nuclear War. would not predict, in a recent lecture et ad to chart* a pram coMm ^ . Pm U e IUPUI. how Soviet-American relations will progieaa d Reagan is re­ announcing formation of the Inch globe Mefml elected Yet Gottlieb spoke Mtb the authority oi one who has cloeety That aetata is a ptrae at yuAmv followed the Reagan cam Some cases defy even the experts Rights This to > and drauM w l be paei Events like the Gottlieb lecture can be inatructive in a way ihe text­ rue There was no the ratal Me «*, books can never be They can teach you how much you don t know * wmeat and make you appreciate the true complexities oi things outside oi the I could not lift What does die i » - d textbooks id. Total Ida 7 This is Every week IUPUI often many opportunities tor such extra­ Julie Joy should check the pbyss there are Ixro hem for winch the b curricular” education Why not take advant*r of them? . reapnmibli and which she m eMt| Until her ad le redact Owe the Me m then baby is born and becomes a the truth She did m l de diet Me a feminist1* • opinion being in bs own right, the 'choice m kM ar dmtruy g. Only aakad Mlat tasal which I replied by stating ths fuse 1 i ...... — M l turn the way g should have hem Than b aim a rnmimhnent asked T* each gumttm I |s« t a by the authm ef Me. which ciaarty clear une*ivocal answer ef Black History Month: time to examine racism states that w* dial not kill Thua sduch die Md net print one Her there b no doubt from the itiratif- fake end February is Black History Later, ae I went thros«h a senes » it poknl of eiew that , once conrap- lo end end Month, a significant time for me at of traditional women s fobs — to the radem we experience within bon has taken place, then b Me of the t h e store dark, waitress clerk-typist a a lime when I can learn about a — I noticed a familiar pattern . g. ------,------r - culture and people I've grown up blacks were on tleaning and kbch- evtuble part of our future She goes further to state that the ndn other peoples repute with but have been denied much en crews and in typing pools; During Black History Month we group she designates ae Tituera tram She b guilty ef srhat die knowledge of by the white male white men were store managers, can all celebrate black culture. For Ufa" he* gone beyond "reason- herself accuses Citizens Pm L ie' system I live in. It s a time to share head chefs and office executives, learn more about the black history able limits of opposition " This b a of Before she throws stones at ta- a common interest in black history And while 1 had friends at work sehich hm been denied ua. and m completely incorrect and bieeed nocent people die os^ht to Uk* a with peog^in the black comm uni who were black, aa in school tee fudgmeni This group b a non ood look at te m jt m d hm didn t socialize j her After which confront* ua everywhere ‘___ ef rarped aund And it s a time for Student Union is decent people concerned about the - Lean H lemhe my commitment to workup on sponsoring a month of interest** of innocent Bern It muat Chairman Franck Dept . lUfUl activities which I urge you all. lit* I've •specially if you're white, to tup- racist system we live in has It's taken me a long time to ex- on for so long that it's self One event not luted on thaw perpetuating It won't change until schedule b a it. I grew up in integrated neigh white people make H change co-spoAorad with the Womens on-union faculty are disunited borhoods and schools, where I had Blacks can ! eliminate racism Caucus on Feb 21 at 3 p m (call black friends li wasn t until 1 grad­ whites must do it the BSU at 264 2279 for location) To» (hetha Ed,torEditor that them faculty members who uated from high school that I I also know that inasmuch as I'm The film South Africa Belongs to In the Peb * arttde under the me net pert ef the h*h*c educe- began to sec that, whik we lived in not working to eliminate racism Us examines the lives of six the same area and went to the tame I'm part of the problem — I'm a and their families who suf- need pay rake says faculty (and that is most faculty) display school, black and white kids be­ fer the effects of the South African Callahan accurately the sort of disunity srtuch makes 0 longed to separate communities I can t change the paat. but I can apartheid system The checueskm tost of a recent inter convenient for some legislators to and different cultures. After gradu- change the. _present And I want to ------pay httk attention to faculty and •tion, many white kids in my class Aangr the future I envision work- tween South African apartheid and Unfortunately the conducing university needs Thus collective went to college, many others got Ing. living and sharing my Me U S segregation and dtanmma paragraph inaccurately reported bargaining does net occur in MM- jobs. I began to find out that some peopk of all colors And I turn I invite all of you to come me m layu* that "al Hooeser fee a n a ly ser black kids went to college some kuKm can happen to the extent idly unions are eaey targets for It- kgislsture hat rafusad to 4 got fobs and some couldn't find «*“» 1 lhrw^ prejwhce gwlator* because of their disunity professors the same rights M has W jobs. Whik that * a generalization. K*,r»d 1 school - the effects of racism on My pom! was not that higher edu primary and secondary there was enough of a difference in up in a white system peopk today cation faculty muons art die and which most states the patterns of the two group* for If all of us white peopk would united all of the union* affiliated Indiana have given to tha me to sec that, as integrated aa we look at what we d gain by with the American Federation of toes. seemed lo be in school, after grad- eliminating racism — a kindred fuha foy ia co-ordinator of tha Teacher* ere united, and ration — Patrick J. uation we faced separate futures. kellng with all of humanity, not Women's Count* at IUPUI well Instead. I was arguing Dept, ef PuMkal IUPUI

Sagam ore Volume 12, Number 42 February U, 1964 fwUeim moevsei IUPUI m e T r y 's . w s m e k s l m m s b l V U . lAasasb . * rate beta) hmtmtum, n to s s a w turn bsn- wwwy Lsisw, may bt start is* b n .., Irntf*. INstJOl by J p m md ciwtty n . t a s . M * b m m o m pubinhad by and lor .ludmls al InAana TWsdhy lor psbkcaliss Its to ta w g -■------V - ‘ ‘1 ‘ ooeew Umvmtiy Punbw Uni vanity a u-* — Monday Notxsa may be edUed er daiasad tm an m i r t S f r du mttmi mam poiti. Aa auxiliary asitrpnat at IU F U . tfct 4 e * . a b n w l ad*en md i*e*wna eee*er ae dm dn Td

astkar isflacta a r t Tba ! by tha n a , at isuvsmt y adnun- 6a wn iwdlb.aMiebmnai” mm earn fa beWiMd.een puktktad. md dm n S . , m * a* w Wia.mp#i4HMk.i«M(amps d m adarwaa x«d M tarn

mm Page 4 Tht L 13. MM looking you »v Nuclear magnetic lertik* (NMR) technology Km com to X-ray * cuirm d| the UJPtJP ReU* no need to break out tht kgd underwear you ve been hiding in tht bottom drawer NMR to a breakthrough in tht medical at X ray* and u* Held. It allow* doctor* to «tt inauk tu n 11 tht body without tht harmful ef X Hf i aae feet* of X-ray* known bo be harmful Nuclear magnetic re*onanc« ha* large cumulative dm gr been used in chemistry lab* tor tht know mum about patt 25 year* to idtntify complex (PIT) is another molecule* lUPUI't chemist™ the body Radioactivity tag pertmert ha* three such Machine* tor chemical analysis Only recent injected into tht body. TM r pm b ly ha* NMR technology been ap­ wt* 1 bon and concentration can be dr plied to the medical field tected Their detection can tllto In 1971 Paul Lauterbur detcrib bate which organs are working or ^ c ed a method ot using NMR data to consuming the tagged molecule* produce an image In 1977 Ray­ Photo courtesy Hoaptful R+Uturns Like X-rays, the iumulat.ve effort mond Damadian completed a ma­ of these radioactive moktukt can chine capable at producing a crow- Different element* will an imaging device to produce pk- be hazardous section image ot the human body wobble to varying degree* | like X-rays Evirtually It Another method ot eating tnsidr a best Lauterbur and Damadian are It a second magnetic field is ap­ may be used to discern tht chemi­ the body is ultrasound Ultrasound currently in hot dispute over who y i tip * plied in pulses at a right angle to cal suit of internal organs — m it uses sound waves which bounce discovered what first, and who the first, the nuclei which are wob­ b now used in chemical labs should receive a Nobel Prize bling at the same rate a* the mag The NMR at (U Medical Center density The echoes are then maa u ye>; > There are only 12 medical NMR* netk pulse (RESONANCE) wtD all use* a magnet which has a magne sored and turned into a picture in the U.S One b at Indiana Uni­ become realigned to the second tic forte field 3,000 times stronger Lfttrasound has the advantage at versity Medical Center field in unison When all ot these than that of the earth The only being harmless and relatively mrx DON'T * To understand NMR. let's look little nuclear magnetic fields are known hazard which tfu*. can cre­ pensive Its disadvantage b that START! at the name Nuclear, in this case, aligned in unison, their force can ate b that small metal object* near the images produced are not as da refers to the nuclei ot the molecule* be detected the magnet may be drawn by thb tinct m those u» X-ray in your body Nuclei normally Once the second field b shut off. spin around creating tiny magnetic different nucki will return to their fields These fields usually counter- alignment with the first field at a act each other, resulting in a neu- rate depending upon how they are tral field bound in the molecular structure. In NMR these magnetic fields The magnetic force of these nuclei . This is what your the nuc^r> Ar* *° ar>d subsequent decay into a see insioethe body The presence random stattWpItked up like a ra- of a strong external magnetic field dio signal and fed into a computer » Student Activity Fee will cause some of the nuclei to The computer contrasts the vari- align themselves with it. but the ous values and converts them into nucki will still wobble about the a picture paid for this week axb of the field like littk gyro- Currently. NMR is being used as

, PSYCHO-DR AMA MCAT • LSAT • GMAT by John Nolte presented by the Psychology Club . OAT • GRE • SAT Tues. Feb. 14, 7 30 p.m. Faculty Lounge, KB CPA • SPEEDING All are welcome. Refreshments served. and other courses For questions call Kathy White, 251-4199. r Visit our center and see for yourself SOCIOLOGY CLUB PRESENTS THE TOPIC 1 why we make the difference "Sociology of Eroticism" by Prof. Ken Colburn Stanley H. Kaplan Ed. Ctr Feb. 22, 7:00 p.m., CA 536 2511 E. 46th St. Refreshments served. Suite V-5 For questions call Donna Klein, 872-3667, 264-8981 Indianapolis. IN. 46205 POLSA 317/546-8336 again sponsor "Great Decisions ’84" C Days, EveningsBegins Feb. 15 and Weekends for four Wednesdays 11:45 to 12:45, CA 208. Call 264-7387 for topics A reading details W Caf tot cfcas schedules tor upcomtnp ItCA T, OX T, Notice: Watch the S^mmom far SAP announcements i For an announcement of an

... 13, 1964

BllSy prof 6Xp0rt on Mormonism Remodeling improves bookstore By AnW ry M topie thrive on a busy life Other* prefer relaxation •f the Censer K t f W R v u r fen Shipps profeeeur of history at IUPIH and has hdd this » w . ______end religious studies et IUPU1, belongs to the first category In ad U s e v* w resident of the *1 4 *51 m dition to leeching deeaet et IUPIH, Academy of Religion and is on the With the addition ef su tm 7 U * » m Shipp* belongs to meny different board of advisor* of the National caeh% registers the studwu a . carpeting in front ef th* committees end societies end it Historical Society be able to cut the torn that he or My < c hairmen of severe) Many people would have a hard she used to spend m the bookstore vices Shipps, who commutes between enough tone with p«t these ectivi by a least one-half said Ren Met v«*i» her home in Bloomington end Indi- ties, but Shipps is also a member of cab bookstore m*nege*4Mm» No I enepolit devotes much of her time several other groups She h a Metcalf mcreeeei ha staff by ad teen to leeching two cUsees e semester member of the Indiana Historical needy 60 percent during the tost ter M CaeHe aeai ne spend** is end to her mein arse of study. # Society the Western History Soci­ month of fab and spring semesters Wanned lee American religion Her woffcHm* I ety, the American Historical Soci­ made her e nationally recognized ety and the Mormon History Asso­ authority on Mormonism ciation A former piano teacher. Shipps Shipps also finds time to lecture became interested in the Mormon i at various institution* around the religion while attending Utah State country She will lecture at the Un University at Logan in I960 iversitv of Illinois Later this year '1 knew nothing at all about Among her other IUPU1 activi Mormonism when we moved to Tan Shipps tws Shipps serves as the chairman Logan and then, all at once I was George Carfer/ Sagamore of the IUPU1 Graduate Affairs confronted with it form the intel­ Committee and the University lectual. religious and cultural in the New York Times and Structure Committee of the IU standpoints simultaneously,” said Newtweek on issues concemixm Faculty Council Shipps Mormonism Not bad for a women who dee Since that time Shipps, who at­ She also has written a booh, crimes her academic status as Yen tends the First United Methodist which will be released nest fall by t> dock,” conesdenng her fete start U Church of Blootmngton, has writ­ the University of Illinois Press, en in life ‘1 didn't go back to school ten many reviews and essays on titled Mormonwn The Story of a until 1 was thirty and received my THE Mormonism and has been quoted New Rehgous Tradition Ph D when I was 35.” she said RECOVERY designers of travel P r v i ^ i And Need Bad/1 IUPUI Student ^Government Party Indian* Unlveratty Purdua University at Indianapolis SAT. FEB 18th • 8 PM TROPICAL DRINK SPECIALS - PRIZES DAYTONA BEACH 1868 LAFAYETTE RD Mar. 9-18 $194“

• 7 NW n Aec


tamgMwwurt me tees ***** mneocei »dv*rrmjffc» For ne □ • $194.00' n George Gratae, u • 4 I4 4 N wee 264 3607, j or stop by □ « 234.00 wwees | a ------SB. □n 1. 274.00 fist CA 001C □ i 344.00 t m »n m u t u m a . ttmmi — is*— s a o a T

The Sagamore February 13, 1984 ENTERTAINMENT — 1 NATIONWIDE I BESTSELLErIIUPUI production appears at Hummingbird | OtffR OBI VIM OB TMf BfW V8IU TlWIfS BIS? S lU fR HST Edward Albert The Zoo Story will be presented at the Humming­ bird night club (71st at Keystone) Feb. 14 ai^I 15. The production n Megatrends generates from a class project from theater department chairman ). Edgar Webb s directing class. The one-act play, set in Central 1 ■ » ’ . • i Park West, casts IUPUI ex’ student Timothy Leonard as Jerry and Pat ' WyrrfrrHcb in si> msgfulul aimiKmn of lh»* putrtraL m* wul and froanrah curmtt> that Richardson as Peter and is directed fifty *ill shajr nur ftrtuff' K *41 bv uHomwd b> a11 who tm shout tad* v and tomumw n by Mary White. SOUPt> S « M6b)t an Burner bt tint of The play opens with Jerry enter­ peoptefcrakatgUflw* ing the scene and announcing to (humSwilUei Peter ‘Mister. I’ve been to the ftm parent uf* h # Nthonl u*M < hiH should n*J this book IV zoo." The ensuing encounter be­ it *w*h and mab-the mrrst«n im HIk u i i ddfc*ftf>t ppvprttiw*' sonal Peter declares This wasn't George Certer/Segemore & mtXmUMMt the kind of afternoon I d anticipa­ (her 900 000 Hankwer C opies In Print ted. ’ hmalb ia Paperback O The play has a timeless, univer­ with topics ranging from sex and is not religious, but rather spiritual IWBMkAMricabi Wrtuag Al sal theme and appeal, capturing marriage to adultery to sterotypes and moral. a9li_ ii the attitudes and philisophies of of all of us. The Zoo Story will be opening two perpendicular minds, which Critical interpretation of this presentation for the newly-formed through conversation become play has run the spectrum. One Indiana Theater Company.Tickets The World’s Most Delicious Cookie almost parallel critic states that the path of Peter s will be available at the door for S3.. The Zoo Story deals with the journey from the zoo to the park For more information, contact Lives at Eastgate Consumer Mall & implications of modem urban bench is identical to the path of Gary Curto or Paul Siddons at Two \Vest Washington (downtown) environments and human at­ Christ bearing the cross. Most 634-1435 titudes The play candidly deals critics agree, though, that this play - M a r y R o m N ie tn i

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f t , , 1 i Student Discount for Valentine's Day DONORS t 317-297-2028 We have individual security deposits and -NEEDED you will pay only $176 00 per month even if $16.00 per week out These apartment* are nicely furniehed 9220 Crawfordsville Rd. We also offer unfurnished spartmenU with a 5% discount on our Indianapolis 46234 regular rates, iheet apartments start at $826 00 per month, with Earnmoney; while all utilities paid (except telephone! you study! Service and Amenities TO T TOW 24-Hoar Maintenance Service Beautiful Qekhens. Indianapolis Blood Laundry fUom In Each BaUdiag Cable TV and HBO PLASMA Inc. Swimming Pool Private Baieoay or Patio Tennis Coart• Ceatral Air E.Q. 800 N. Capitol Coart Electric Range A Refrigerator < Ecoooaoq Quchant) id Disposal W all to Wall Carpet Wnk* tar a tree booklet Comer of Capitol and Michigan Cekmial Wood« u con intently heated* to bank*. t t o n o r m s IINm thopptng hoapitotramd entertainment Purtto Colorado 81009 T%u ofth ei*o eindahir to employee* of IUPUI The Amancon Econormc Subem •Near S t Vineanf HoapitmL at MOO North Hortourt Hood Mb diould al bam more about I Haetourt Management Co lee ^iissridlisi 0 ^

February 13,1984 ^ ^ 1 The Sagamore Page 7

# vhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhiihhhhhihi ■ ■ H i for real with new import singles Big Country than the bounding universal anthem it was on THe Harvest Home and Crossing, and espcially in concert. Wonderland It's on the B-side of this single where Thomas' 12" singles product created something new. As soon as you Phonogram Records hear the monotonal plucking that begins "Balcony" ’ British imports and lead singer 's drawling out "He On November 25, 1983, sitting in tasteful Park Flirts," you might think you wandered into the West in Chicago, I heard Big Country live for the wrong record by mistake. In stark contrast to the first time. 1 also bought my first concert T-shirt. pastoral charm of "Harvest Home," "Balcony” I’ve never been moved enough by any band contains psychedelic techniques that create an al­ (including the Police) to feel like forking out nine most plodding depiction of paranoia. Musically, or ten. dollars to advertise them. But that night, it's an effective and unexpected interpretation of despite the fact 1 froze in line for an hour and paid post-punk obsession. two bucks for a Coljie, I broke several-personal * "Flag of ^Nations," subtitled "Swimming" is just inhibitions. , that. ButlerVfeass carries the melody which buoys Sereral times during the set, I left my seat along among lonesome guitar wails that signal a deter­ with the rest of a sold-out, standing-room-only mined but difficult escape from the emotional pit of FOR THE ACTIVE crowd. And when it wasn’t vocalizing, my mouth the previous song. This stunning instrumental AND ATTRACTIVE was gaping at the sounds I was hearing. From the would've made a great mood piece for Carroll Bal­ opening "1000 Stars” through the two renditions of lard’s wilderness film Never Cry Wolf. "" and the surprisingly soulful WONDERLAND Tracks of My Tears” and even to the two thunder­ But it's with Wonderland that Big Country is at ing encoures, I was more than satisfied; in fact. I its best, coming closer than ever to its live sound. could have sat through another two hours. "Wonderland” is as strong as any of the best tracks I had been impressed with Big Country's debut off Crossing. And the extended version employs The Crossing but it wasn't until I saw them live some of the experimentalim from Harvest Home to that I knew these guys were more than just hype. create a dance single that should keep the competi­ FREE ADMISSION They proved themselves by outstripping the studio tion doing their homework. EREE Personalized Valentine's Party originals of every song on The Crossing. There was "Wonderland’s" joyful confessional lyrics are BIRTHDAY CAKE Tuesday, February 14,1984 an undeniable exuberance in their performance placed at counterpoint to Mark Brezicki's muscular with this coupon This toupon’good lor one that was at once spontaneous and utterly polished drumming: "/ am an honest man/ I need the love of Oiler expires Dec 30. 1984 FREE ADMISSION any Tuesday in February To hear a band this young evoke such raw emotion you/ I am a walking man/ I feel the winter too.” IQ days notice required w«ys astonishing. The sustained crystalline harmonies soaring over 923-ROCK I M ill S ’ NK.III • These two 12” singles demonstrate further what power guitar and slamming percussion with a 923-ROCK accomplished musicians Big Country are and point backbeat as broad as the tundra demonstrate Big in some interesting directions which the band may Country/’s synthesis of folk vocal method and ------or may not follow in 1984. heart-jarring rock. HARVEST HOME The charging counter-rhythms and scratchy gui­ "Harvest Home" was one of the three best songs tar riffs make "Wcm&i^pd" the band's most chal­ on The Crossing but here it's been re-recorded and lenging achievemenTBig Country is successfully produced by Chris Thomas, known for his work tackling some techniques that would test any musi­ FREE LiM lher I d< i‘ Show with the Pretenders, instead of regular producer cian's skill and for those who are listening, sets a FREE . It's always interesting to see what new standard for power rock. Video Movie Naughty But Nice effect a different perspective will have on a band Maybe Big Country will gain the following they Free use of any video movie Thursday. February 23. 1984 and Thomas' work is no exception. deserve, maybe not. In either case, I'll keep wear­ Oiler expires February 29, 1984 ONE FREE ADMISSION Deposit may be required On "Harvest Home” Thomas avoids Lillywhite's ing my T-shirt, trying hard not to seem an elitist cmy Thursday in February 923-ROQK reliance on echo and distortion, calms down the snob while doing so. And every so often 111 take M l \ s \! ( ,| drums while speeding up the pace, and brings out my ticket stub and reminisce until the next tour.. 923-ROCK 's elastic bass. The effect is more Imagine, nostalgic musings at my age. But I guess streamlined and de-emphasizes the E-bow. As a re­ that's why I like this band so much: Big Country is sult, "Harvest Home" becomes an engaging but all one group with a heart as big as its music. too calculated single for American radio rather — Rick Powell

S w | 50 . ON Let’s Active shows potential with new singles I HI I ADMISSION VCR RENT At Any Saturday in February by day or week Let’s Active if your date of birth is pnor to Offer expires March 31, 1984 Afoot February. 1954 Deposit may be required 923-ROCK IRS Records 923-ROCK Mitch Easter's trio Let s Active comes off soun­ ding like the Go-Gos of all groups. Like that band's, music the songs on this EP are bass- and beat-heavy, light on the"*lyrics and melody and adept at utilizing established guitar hooks. Despite the fact the Easter produced REM's Mur­ mur. Afoot bears little resemblance to that band's murky sound. However, the results are less pleas­ ' > ing to the ear. Hil l VIDI O MOV. lt s Both Easter's and his two other band members’ os many as you wish to use / deposit may be r e q w r e fL ^ ^ M voices grate ocassionally with their stumbling I REE ADMISSION phrasing and off-key whining. Similarly, their as many times as you wish M/ bouncy pop melodies lack the boost of buoyant harmonies that make th*~Go-Gos so listenable. ' Offer good for 30 days Limit 2 per time. Still, the first side holds up pretty well especially . on the Beatleque "Every Word Means No." If Easter learns to emphasize the pop of his songs and forget the punk, Let’s Active should produce some­ thing that's more than just promising next time. — Rick Powell = * ' ■ - ~ -.v.

. . . . Page 8 The February 13, W84

Hemingway fits Stratton role in Bob Fosse’s production of Star 80 Star 80 incredible combination of Written and dir by Bob Foaaa teedicr tide of hie subject murderous pimp and loyal puppy- Starring Mahal Hamingway. Eric completely; there is blood in this dot ftobarte and C m Robartaon movie but only when it can shock Ambiguity is jusl what Tony you into though—not regurgita- Montana in Scarface lacked. Unlike Brian DePalma s Scar- Montana deserved death form face decadence and exploitation Star 80 is a fictionalized account scene one Snider needed help are the mbpaett of Bob Fosse s Star of Playmate Dorothy Stratton And somehow you got the feeling 80. rather than the mrthoek uaed (Marie! Hemingway > and her lover if someone could've reached him. by the director. Where DePalma u Paul Snider (Eric Roberts) The he might not have ended up as he inappropriately comic. Fosse is plot follows her discovery by Ro­ did gutturally frightening In place of berts in a Canadian Dairy Queen Montana was unreachable and DePalma a melodramtic plot de- and depicts her rise to fame at DePalma* last-ditch attempts to vices. Fosse instead explores the Playboy create sympathy (i.e. Montanas characters. The movie begins with the end refusal to bomb the woman and Fosse avoids DePalma s excess in Hemingway's murder at Roberts children, his loyalty to his sister, graphic violence, electing to deep­ hands. This may seem an unfair and his refusal to die even after be­ en his characters through subtle giveaway but the inevitable con­ ing riddled with bullets) glorifies techniques such as startling flash­ clusion is not as important as how decadence rather than deploring it backs, matter-of-fact interviews the two characters work them­ Fosse's focus on the other hand, with peripheral characters and selves into this situation remains tight throughout the film revealing monologues This is in sharp contrast to Tony The ambiguities add credibility What DePalma Montana's demise in Scarfaca. To and masterfully help avoid moral­ O Palma, the end was more izing. effectively demonstrates with important than the development of Eric Roberts deserves at least an clothes, hairstyles, sets and the character Even though we O car nomination for his disturb­ mannerisms. The main difference know how Star 80 concludes, that ing, creepy performance which Martel Hamingway and Eric Roberta m Star 80 between these two director! is re- knowledge docs nothing to allay outstrips A1 Pacinos in sheer our fears, rather, it heightens them intensity While Pacino sinks to and makes the final ten minutes ev­ self-parody with lazy and inappro­ en more terrifying. priate delivery. Roberts provides Not only is the climax frighten­ enough self-hale in Snider to make ing. but it s also sad Fosse has tak­ him pitiable and com tempt tble en such care with the characters Roberts performance is unforget­ HE'S A BIG CITY KID IN A SMALL TOWN WORLD that we also care for both of them table. HE’S GOING K> LIVE BY WS OW N RULES, by film's g a d j ti not hard to see Star 60 is i difficult movie. Us EVEN HE HAS 10 BREAK EVERYONE OF THEIRS why we sympathize w g fjH tg g u , rfiot something to take children to way She represents perfectly the see, but it’s probably one of the characteristics Playboy looks for most important adult films in in centerfolds; those elusive quali­ years. You might noi be changed ties of innocent sexuality. by this movie, but you won't be But it's with Paul Snider that able to shake its impact. Fosse and Roberts have created an - Rick Powell

A HO - TAI Martial Arts Supply. Karate Uniforms and Equipment Best Quality, Best Prices 4 North Penn. Downtown Indianapolis Monday-friday 1000-5 «0 fUPUl Express Route Saturday 10:00-500 v V *5*0354 one pitcher and get a second one^ for half price with this ad! r\*fV ■ A u r i . PRRRTTOKI RETIRES PRESENTS H OW fi mELNEK PROOUCTDN R ifflBERT R055 FUTV FOOTLOOSE KEWi BRCON LQR SHGER OHWE WEST fHJfiHNUTHGOff -EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OfWfi OBNCK WRnTBi BV OERN PITOfORO PROOUCEO BV LEWS I RHCHTR. NIC CRRE ZRORN QHECTED KRBERT ROSS I RM) TH PRPERBK> mom BOBSS O F O A mora l PtCUWxiire SQMJTRRDS m U B W COUITBR H flH S RfC CH55ETTE5 h ——— ■ m

STARTS FRDAY, FEBRUARY 17te AT A THEATRE HEAR YOU. February 13, 1964______SPORTS Men win 2, lose 1 Women continue winning streak

By Abbv Marmion Gibaon had 13 point* and Scott Bole* had an outstanding gain* Th* IUPU1 basketball M m cm* with 12 point* and 4 assists He out on top lari week with two win* ihot 100 percent horn both the and only on* low Held and the line Maurice Wo­ 0 . Th* squad foil to Tri-State Fab. 3 mack pulled down 3 rebound* with a distant 77-60 tinal The Tro­ On Feb * the IUPUI team was ian* led 34-33 at the hah. but cam* forlU- back to shut out IUPUI 43-27 Kit Tramm had 14 points and 10 • rebound* and Aldray Cibton had .u^JUPUl ran away with the tame 12 tor the Metro* from the start and ended up with a The loss didn't *e«m to aHect the 22-point victory, beating the Gren­

young Metro player* the tallowing adiers 91-79 (IUPUI had also beat m ? cn IUSE on* week earlier 97-79 at highly favored Taylor 62-39 on the home ) IUPUI home court The Metro* had a nice 10 point It was the Metros game from the lead at th* half. 4(1-30 and increas­ tip-off as Kit Tramm picked up the ed their margin to as much a* 22 first hoop with a foul tar a three- point* in the second half point play IUPUI controlled the Aldray Gibaon again hit the first half leading 34-23 at the but­ 20-point mark, scoring 25 Tramm ter had 13 and Womack and Troy The Metro* held their b« lead Fitts tied with 12 points each until four minutes remained in the When asked about th* difference game, when they were up by only in th* scoring margin of the two three points. 36-33. At the 2 00 Southeast games Gibson said. mark it was a tie for the first tunc W* really picked it up this game I at 57-all A Gibson lumper and think we play better on the road free throw brought the Metros because we play harder. It’s harder ahead by three again With five se­ with no fans to support you." Of conds to play Mike Landis shot a 11 wins. 6 were on the road.) pair of free throws tar a 62-39 yic- IUPUI is away this week travel­ ing to Purdue-Calumet. Feb. II.

Racquetball player state champion By A&y Marmton Abe* Douglas*. Tim La Bonn* Douglas* beat Purdue s Lyiuue Athlete* from IUPUI placed h«h and Michelle LaBonn* were 3 of 33 lulian 13-1. 13-0 and lost to Mi­ in the Indiana Intercollegiate State competitor* that participated in chelle LaBonn* 13-13. 4-11 Doug Racquetball Tournament held Feb th* statewide tourney, which las* tied overall with lUs Kelly 4 and 5 at th* Indiana Athletic included ’ player* from Indiana. Demean* a* th* third-place Wo­ Chib in Noble*ville Purdue and Ball State University men » Singles Champion in th* In­ tercollegiate Channel Tim LaBonn* beat 3 of 6 id hts opponents, losing only to 5 Boilermaker Scott Pufnal 13-13. Its§ 3-13 la his second match LaBonn* is now the No. 2 Man s Singles Champion in the lntercollagMie Channel -111 La Bonne s drier Michelle came out w*h top honor* beating Ana Bear* iPurdue) Ann Mane Gavel EARN UP TO a* 0U). Alice Douglass (IUPUI). SlOO PER MONTH and Betsy Stdell (Purdue) to dutch the No 1 Women t Nagles Cham pdmahip Crown la the Inker READING A GOOD BOOK. collegiate Qwnnei Purdue Uidverrity was th* over the thanks hemophBgct. surgical Mm of all tournamant championship patients; burn shock or accident wettms end many others ABce. Tim. aad MkhsBe hope to qualify tar th* Inlrrrnfcglari National Tournament to b* Mid m Mon Fri April In Memphis Tennessee IN. 6 am -8 p m They would reproeeni IUPUI as 3629167 a*. wel as th* Slate of Indiana 7 am -11 pm February 13, 1964

Vacation pro- Oraai Ml Vacation f-mJSHSU- ___I2» o y r t l* . nut Wptttid* n m 4 re t Pom* m >N«tU p p i h H p m * M m i ym* M 4 J0 4 3 m mg ------fifi - Wm PH* TU 1104 ~ • <*#y*rY (At) o npton on ANY iH i suajfct' am rp«pp< bnr wvmm » «»*"****— b» IS V S y ^ T ^ ; D M , T u a i «* * 8 day*' 7 mgri* Nprtw*. Tim Hum Typ. O ^Jy^tSM Sw 1441 «Mh pool OV> t M 00 por por Otf •unchaaa toll trp a today 1 9 0 0 -M 1 M H HU

APPAREL GAIN A SKILL WHILE TRADE-IN YOU GAIN THE MONEY -SALE FOR COLLEGE. With the Army College Fund, you Ieam a skill while you accumulate the money for Feb. 6 - Feb. 17 college So you don't waste The IUPUI Bookstore* are having an any of your precious tune, or imprinted apparel sale. . stand soil while your college HERE'S HOW IT WORKS! money is growing To auality, you must Bring in any old (but clean) sweat­ be a high school graduate, make shirt, sweatpant, jacket, T-shirt or good marks on the Armed athletic shorts that has a high school Services qualification test, and enlist and train in one of sev­ or college Imprint and receive a $2.00 eral selected skills which will trade-in allowance on a new garment challenge your mind. I You can start immediately growing the money for college And for of like kind. every $1 you save out of your salary (whicn is more than $570 per month), the The trade-in must be clean because all government will add $5 Or more. If you put up $100 a month, after a 2*year garments received will be donated to enlistment, you’ll have $15,200 for college Plus a skill that could help you decide whicn direction to take in college And the future Goodwill Industries. Sal* ends Friday, February 17. Call: 317-269-7681 Now isthe time to replace your leisure wardrobe at the bookstore in Cavanaugh Hall. Krannert Bldg, or the Union Bldg. ARMY. BEALLYOIICANBL February 13,1984 The Sagamore Page 11

I Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Miscellaneous For Rent For Sale Advertising Salespeople needed BEHAVIOR EDUCATION Oversees Jobs . . . summer, year Inform* I Biblo Discussion every Half Double lor Rent! three large WORDS, 10* EACHI Yea, that’s immediately PoMah your seftng CO UN SELO R NutrV System, Inc round. Europe. S America, Thursday at Noon In room 2108. bedroom* $250 (utRbaa not in­ al it coats to run a SsQtmw ikBs, increase your sales ex­ is seeking a small group facilitator Australia, Asia. All fields Education Building Everyone cluded) for more information cal classified ad 10*/word for IUPUI perience and asm commission on for our Behavlpr Education pro­ $9 00 -200 0 per month Sightsee welcome (sponsored by campus 925-2061 students, faculty and staff; only a every ad you sen lor the Saga­ gram Applicants must be en­ Ing Free information- Write U C . PO advance) little more for others Call ______!*31- more. Sales experience preferred thusiastic, flexible and possess Box 52-M 2 Corona Dei Mar. CA ______112] 1 Bedroom A p t 200 00 rent al 264-4008 or atop by C A 001Q but not necessary For details strong communication skills 92625 for Free puppies! Very cute Call utilities paid 35 10 FaScreek Call contact Jett Newman. Advertising Masters Degree preferred Pos­ ______m 842-1959. ______(42) 92 3-34 38 Its on shuttle route Untvox (tape) Echo und $125 00 at 284-3458 tion begins at approximately 6 8 Crulseehips hiring! $16-30,000! ______,______142]_ 357-0109 Seeking Mature Responsible hours per week. C a l 848-7407 Carribean. . World C a l for Pottery Classes Monday thru 3 bedroom house near 46th and ______144] Adults for full and part-time ______142) Quids, Director, Neweletler Thursday 7*10 p.m Sat 9-12, CoSege totaly renovated Inside 1985 Rtekenbacker Baas Guitar restaurant positions. Apply in per­ Female Vocalist wanted Working 1 (916) 944-4440______(46) 2-5 Plaza Pottary 635-8223 (45) Qas fire, base 300 plus deposit w/ case $3 50 00 negotiable son at Lox, Stock, end Bagel. 143 weekend band Top 40. Stan- Airlines hiring! Stewardesses, Deposit will be deferred for 357-0109 N. Illinois Downtown, Indianapolis dards. Rock, etc Dan 243-0523 Reservationist! $14-39.000 students. 352-0830______[43] between 2 and 6 p.m. Monday ______1441 ______(42) Worldwide' Call for Directory. For Rent February 13th thru Wednesday Yamaha acoustic guitar - F Q 300 Qiri Scout Camp in Morgantown. Quids, Newsletter. 1(918) February 16th. ______TtMHeay ranch double, two Room m ates spruce top. Ebony fingerboard, Indiana serves girts ages 9-17. 944-4440 bedroom, gas heat, equipped kit- adjustable bridge, peed inlay, Need cash? Earn $500 plus each Wanted Roommate Female, Openings for colege students In a ______( i « l chen">5802 N. Copper Rd Christian, to shve 2 bedroom Apt good condition $180.00 school year, 2-4 (flexible) hours resident camp setfing from June 3 844 9049 Northwest C e l Cindy 257-5151 357-0109 per week placing v id filling • August 12. 1984. Positions in :______j f n ______J 4 2 ] ______i i i i posters on campus. Serious Waterfront. W.S.I.. Cooks. Miscellaneous Three bedroom apartment East Female to share 2 bedroom fur­ workers only; we give recommen- Horseback, Food Supervisor, Ride Needed From Krannerl aids on bus line 15ft N. nished luxury apartment northwest dafion 1-800-243-8679 (42) Business Manager, Nurse, and Buiding to Irvington area Tuesday Travel C a l Arlene between 3:3 0-4:3 0 general counselors If interested nights only after 8:1 0 p.m Cal Bouth Padre (gland, Taxas $275.00/ month 776-0782 or p.m. 291-0863 , (42) please contact Deborah A. Smith. 264-8964 $98 00 per person for 8 days/ 7 I 24 4-24 40 eek for Dick Uppttz (43) Hooaier Capital Old Scouts, 815 ______142] Room for Rent in large Woodruff nites new deluxe beech aide con- All utilities paid. Large 2 room MICHIGAN MEADOWS N Alabama Street. Indtanapoks. If you're Interested m par Place home $140 Include* doe with pool for Spring Break. apartment Clean, quiet, secured APARTMENTS Indiana 46204 or cMI 634-8393 bdpbtmg m Phone Art" cal utilities, Cable. HBO, Showtime Limited apace avalabia C a l Sun- Stove, refrigerator, carpet In 2 miles from campus for an application before March 256-5022 laundry facilities non-smoker chase toll free today Heat A Water paid downtown restoration area Eaay please Call Elian or Philip 1-800-321-6911 1 L ______142] ______144] access to IUPUI 881-8557 or Open 9-6 dally 639-2034 ______1121 10-4 Saturday 636-6155______[4 2] ______144] Steamboat Springs, Colorado ski­ 12-4 Sunday Consultants to Multinational firms seek ing over Spring Break Onty Solve the problem of finding qualified individuals with language and area expertise RESEARCH PAPERS $1 98.0 0 per person for 6 days/ 5 a roommate — let Michigan TOLL-FREE HOTLINE “'"-PLAZA po ttery ■ nights deluxe ski in/out condos Maadows help you! on foreign markets O u r clients prefer foreign nationals «L m ( M i Sh o t with athletic dub. al lifts and per- with advanced degrees from American Universities Visa* II Bkxh Nurlh <4 Mo t U » « r y ) 244-7201 800-621-5745 A u.o>kr>9 p ulw y kxatrd n IN ILLINOIS CALL )12-9224100 restrictions might npt apply to some of the available M F 12* Sw Sunchase toll free today AUTHORS' RESEARCH, ROOM 9 0 0 . - Ml Hecxfcud 1-800-321-5911. projects Part-time and full-time assignments 407 S. Dearborn. Chicago, It CMOS c » tB -sm available. Fee paid. Send resume or request for ____ :______142] application form to Pregnancy Problem Center - LETTER PERFECT Swenson, Crawford & Paine On Campus WORD PROCESSING PREGNANT? Dept B-33 SECRETARIAL NEED HELP? P O , 8o?c A3629 Free! PrsgMiKy Tn t . SERVICE w «lk-in Free Pregnancy Teste Chicago. Illinois 60690 • Term Papers Birth Control Information No Appointment Netrmry • Legal Boefs ' & Counseling 30 multi in minute* • Resumes Board Certified while you wait • Private Lessons on Gynecologists A LLE Y C A T LOUNg f Word Processor FOE QUALITY CARE CALL Confidential Available CLINIC FOR WOMEN in Broad Ripple Counseling 247-1928 (Enter alley beside Cafe Espresso) 5810 Crawfordsvitte Rd local (317) 645-2288 632-3720 Suite 906 (outside Indplt. 1-800545-24001 game room — dart room — dining area I. IN 46224 pool room — bar area J 2 L PART-TIME- ] BEST PRICES IN BROAD RIPPLE WORK 11 9ndianapoIis Womens Center Jartran Selecting 4 students Catfish and Chicken Dinner Specials The Only Indianapolis*Clinic Currently nights & Saturdays Tuesday through Saturday Licenced by INDIANA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH trucks and Trailers Open Sunday Car required •pregnoncy\3lternat»ves through first trimester jLocal and one-way •procetkjral counseing $4.25 per hour •Jtrasoond avalobie • rentals •birth control Information For an interview call Call for rates 257-4685 > REAL-TIME 24-HOUR P05T OPERATIVE EMERGENCY » or ANSWERING SERVICE” TO U FREE: 1-800-382-9029 U-Rent-lt Center MICROPROCESSOR 5626 E. 16th St. In d p it IN 46218 353-9371 255-8346 2102 Lafayette Rd. SOFTWARE-ENGINEER octocortf to M anapcd CommwWy H«pect 636-4466 Industrial or research JOHN MARSHALL Grand Opening LAW SCHOOL C \A D E L L 4 £ 1303 Peachtree St. N.E.. Atlanta. GA 30309

A \ ' :■ r I (Jl Real 1 fV’fr Idlfl • [I APPLICATIONS NOW TAKEN Pizza and February, func. September Admissions Day or Evening Classes Specialty Sandwiches Indecon offers our employees 1010 N. Lynhurst • All New Development John Marshall Law School admits without Dfning Room & Carry-Out • Stability regard to national or ethnic origin. 244-6060 • Limited Overnight Travel • E*cellent Compensation APPROVED FOR VETERANS • Paid Overtime $1.50 OFF Any Regular $6.50 P lu s Graduation from John Marshall meets the requirements SsuMge and Chcete or INDECON. INC. for admission to the Bar Examination in Georgia, and Pepperonl end Cheese Indiana only. Extras Available (404) 872-3593 ' Stop fighting that heavy traffic