Parking Spaces to Be Built at Mich. St. Campus I°1'* Po*
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300 more “E” parking spaces to be built at Mich. St. campus i°1'* po* lyTlHVmn * . * Although students with V per through Friday. or m any A. Bor I to a Parking space (or 300 more stu nuts are now allowed to park free lot any tune Saturday and Sunday dent vehicles is planned (or two in the Last Garage, g flat 25-cent Ttrmenstem Mid That brings areas on the Michigan Street cam student parking fee was allowed in them in a little bit closer." pus. M id Robert Tirmenatein. January by the IUPUI Parking Pol Currently there is a total of be no IUPUI director of parking and icy Committee Tinnenstcm said 6.0U E skits for students at all m the world If not transportation services He plans to ask that the fee not be and about 17,000 E per The III Board oi Trustecs gran charged until May 7. The fee he ted a request on Feb 4 (or the esti would be to cover the cost of atten Of (he 6,0*2 slots, 72 are dr “the Soviet mated $05,000 protect, said the dants and tickets for use by the parking director, who added that Notify that a large number of pad. construction is planned to begin in students with parking permits at A total of 4.492 A and B the next tew weeks, it weather is tend school only pari time, he said are for use by faculty and good Funds (or the project will current parking space seems suffi come from the current budget and cient Lots are observed on a regu Faculty and adaumstrators have On ton IS Tirmcnstein does not know whe lar basis to see that there is ade 1,300 A slots, while faculty and ladr a ther the protect will affect parkin- quate space, he added have 3.152 B slots permit tees. "You realise there t only so toward the Plans are to enlarge two existing much ground that we can put public how many parking 1 figure out parking lots. The lot east of the parking locstions close |to were sold in A and B lots pubfcer the East Garage between Douglas and i) The first week of figures change to aftan 1 Blake streets and north of is really difficult because a Also there are 1,393 slots to gar- days of Joato Stalin said Michigan Street is to be extened lot of students buy books But the ages and pay lots for viators Gottlob, eaamttve eastward to Bright Street rest or the time there to pretty Parking and garage peruuts may Utotod^Campums to Parking would also be extended much space for students." said Tir- north of the parking lot between during the earnester at the office of That dec line has tod to a Black!wd and California streets Usually the longnt distance gfbtog services in the Bowsrs to «*apens on bo4b into*. he said just soum'Af Vermont Street anyone has tottmlk is lam than Building at 420 N Agnes St. to a Feb 9 lecture on The 1464 Tirmcnstein added that the new blocks," he M id regarding QoeinW and comments about Elections and the Aram Race ’ lots, which he hopes will be avail from parking areas to parking may be directed to Tb- to a program sponsored by able by May 7, would have gravel I he average person work menstem, who will forward surfaces and that entries, curbing, ing downtown who parks and to the parking pokey sidewalks and nke landscaping walks to work walks about three "They’re very pleased to have a 9rouP* Gottlieb laid the Mease for would be included blocks student do this he said The com- the decline in Soviet- Combined, both areas would Students with "E * permits may mater is made up of some 30 totiona at the door of equal about half a city block, he park in any A or B lot west of Ag students faculty and staff mem House said. nes Street after 5 p.m. Monday bers who meat monthly Th* iiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuim iiinm m iiniM Application forms are available each topic is ivailabir to s booklet. Feb 20 from 12 lo 1 pm The through the Department of Great Decisions 34 published by workshop will present Mathematical Sciences Office, KB the Foreign Pokey Association for using study and class this month throughout the 069. Application deadline: March Copies can be checked out from The t toamt 3. 1964. the Political Science pantscarTshare their ladwd by the Math scholarships office, CA 906. prior to the evaluate their for Computer and Technol The writing center also offers ogy Iducetton lo serve as a central The recipient of an Anna K. Su- fret half-hour tutorial sessions for for hard and soft ter Scholarship must be s mathe all IUPUI a preview aito for matics major who to a full-time Foreign policy undergraduate student. The award to To use of is based on scholarship alone and discussions call 264-2049 is *iv*n (or us* during the mpui tfudmti t n invited Jo Writing workshops Hours ate Monday through Tito introductory Sophomore Junior or Senior year p^uripste in s four-pert Mnet oi Thursday 9 a m to 5 p m Friday will be conducted by KXE staff discussions on major topics to The University Writing Center. 9:30 to 1:30 p.m and Saturday 11 C Fredrick — — — — — — — American foreign pokey CA 427. will hold a free workshop am to 1 p.m. The discussions, sponsored by entitled Kevising7 Editing7 Proof acting informs non speciaim. /nciW ra * the Student Political Science Asso reading? on Feb. 15 from 1 to 2 Michael Olds acting regional dir- rt forU O . rial km, will be held Feb 15, 22 p.m Participants will examine ex p and 29 and March 7 for 11:45a.m. amples of student writing to devel IUPU1 was chosen as the die of 7 ? * ? . ......................... to 12 45 p m in CA 200 A student op an understanding of how re C om puter the workshop on the bans of its ..... .........................* * leader will conduct the sessions vision differs from editing and clearinghouse geographical location and the fa High-tech medicine.................. 4 Topkt |0 ^ M, proofreading, and to learn what cilities it offered m the ES building Bookstore remodeling 5 • U.S Sil under Andropov Feb 19 kinds of changes are needed at The Indiana Clearinghouse tor The w o rk s h o p bed* htod in Mormon expert at IUPUI.............9 • Mexico and the U S . Feb 22 different stages in the writing pro Computer Education (1CCE) lo Indianapolis » on Feb 22. at the Entertainment....................... 6.7,9 • U.S. Security and World Peace. cess Participants may bring their cated on the IUPUI campus in the Airport Roadway Inn, 500 series Sports 9 Feb 29 own papers for discussion Education/ Social Work Building ballroom, 9212 West Southern Av- • China and the U.S., March 7 Another free workshop LsMy room 2131, will be formally in mmmrnmimmSiimmammmmmmmmmmmimmm » Background information On Test Preparation, will be held troduced to various — Mark Golf The Sagamore *V 2 F o M o w e h ip of C h rie tie n A th ie te a w i m r a t e 2Bai B pjm on the moaiamnt NOTICES I lorn of the Student Union buifdmg Everyone ■ w tkom t ro errand The M*U1 and iCU FCA Huddlm will hold a Rat qurt bell Party March 5 at Racpnal Watt from I p n to and ntpht Coal a t * 00 at Iht door Everyone* weiromt For mort mformtlion caB 111 1607 The Sagamore production staff has an opening for one enthusiastic, capable production worker. If you: — 'vJ^cK joro 9 have experience with "Reyline, paste-upf * type-speccing and Commons design . ;-ir£ • \? • are available to work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons Petitions tor candidacy ir a«kiM b. «v«iUW» ht. Uat • are enthusiastic and tilt Sludtnl Ajwrmbiy oHkt. CA OOtC get along well with The seventh annual iUPUi QUEST biking aipedidon m Hand. wtfl uht people plan over Spruip Bacem. Mtfdi 4-17 Bikm and equipment will St Iranaportod Irani Irak anapobt to Iht turim* poux *t lacijonvtUe Bttdi. Fla Tht ftvt-day tow will para throuph . come in, fill out St Aafunim Mann* land Uoyiona Botch Ctpt Canaveral tnd Imhetlantic endms at Vtro Btacii Total milter » US mitt with an tw r * t of 45 imln pat day QUEST mil an application protridr a ta* w^on mechanic cookt. roufr pianmns and M|ins m w p t i o li All or but too mtak an prondrd Partinpann provide thaw own btcyria Tht roal ■ 1240 For information contort Natr Good School of Education. SOI W New York St bukanapoh. talk to Gabe Szoke IN 46205 leitphont IS4-6290 the production T h e B le c h S tu d e n t U n io n announce. that lW Grope! ronrtn r M u M for Frti IS The Association for Computing Machinery, i u p u i Studmt Oiapttr wdi mort Friday Fob. 17af fbt Kianntrt Buildm* Ttmr and room number art to bt announced Tht iprakri will bt D> RoraLamburt of Iht H u m Hotpual at Oucaeo. who will rptai un I n formation Syrtrmi in Mtdtcal R ttttrtii I Admnaion u I rat for m tinbtn ( I for non mtmbrrt Mtmbenhip information will br tvailablt at tbt martin* For mort Information call Bobbie k> U uphtn al 469 4J70 The Student Aaaembly Will mart Tuoday Fab 14 tt 2 10p m Ail art welcome to allrnd.