ISSN: 2347-3215 Volume 1 Number 2 (2013) pp. 134-145

Study of bovine mastitis in government dairy farm of Regional state, South Eastern

Birhanu Abera*, Diriba Lemma and Iyob Iticha

Asella Regional Veterinary Laboratory P. O. Box 212, Asella, Ethiopia *Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Mastitis; A study was conducted between December, 2012 and January, 2013 to Antibiotic estimate prevalence, isolate major bacterial pathogens for mastitis and to susceptibility; establish antimicrobial sensitivity for isolates in Asella government dairy California farm. A total of 66 lactating cows and 264 quarters were constituted in the mastitis test; study based on clinical and California Mastitis Test (CMT). Accordingly, Asella; 44(66.6 %) cows had mastitis, which 8 (12.1%) clinical and 36(54.5 %) sub Ethiopia. clinical and 111(42.04%) quarters were positive either clinically or under screening tests. Out of collected and cultured samples, 70(63%) samples were positive for aerobic and one facultative an aerobic bacteria. The following bacteria were isolated: Staphylococcus aureus (35.71%), Coagulase negative sthaphylococcus (15.71%), Streptococcus spp (11.42%), staphylococcus intermidius (7.14%), E. coli (5.71%), P. haemolytica (7.14%), P.aureuginosa (4.28%), Bacillus species (5.71%) and micrococcus species (7.14%). Out of eight in-vitro antimicrobials test, Gentamaycine, Chloroamphenicol and Kanamaycine were susceptible to all isolates and Vancomycine susceptible to gram positive isolates but many were resistance to penicillin and tetracyclines, which are most commonly, used drugs in the farm. Improving farm management system, regular screening test for sub clinical mastitis and use of antibiotics by sensitivity testing and culling chronically infected cows were recommended to reduce economic loss from


Ethiopia is a country with a human day, there is a national drive to population estimated to 85 million within alleviate the existing food deficit by annual population growth rate, 3.5% (CSA, devising different agricultural strategies 2010). Livestock represent a major national including improvements of the productivity resource and form an integral part of the of livestock sector by controlling some of agricultural production system. In present the major infectious disease, has received


little attention in the country, especially dairy production. The disease should be mastitis the common problem of dairies, studied as it causes financial loss as a result that is known by an inflammation of the of reduced milk yield, discarded milk mammary gland is the leading one, that can following antibiotic therapy, Veterinary contribute to reduce, milk production expense and culling of mastitic cows (Fekadu, 1995; Mekonnen et al., 2005). It (Radostitis et al., 2007). is primarily resulting from an invasion of mammary tissues by pathogenic Majority of microorganisms that are microorganisms through the teat canal responsible for mastitis and spoilage of resulting in physical, chemical, milk could be Staphylococcus aureus, pathological changes in glandular tissues Streptococcus agalactiae, Corynebacterium and milk (Eriskine, 2001, Quinn et al., bovis, Mycoplasma species, Streptococcus 2002; Radostitis, 2007). Evidence to date uberis (Erskine, 2001), coliforms shows that affected dairy cows may loss (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species and 15% of their production and the affected Enterobacter aerogenes), Serratia, quarter a 30% reduction in productivity Pseudomonas, Proteus species, (Heeschen, 1997). environmental Streptococci, Enterobacter species (Quinn et al., 2002). Besides many Mastitis is usually classified as clinical and of them rendering milk and milk product sub clinical based on aetiopathological unsuitable for human consumption, they are findings and observation, clinical mastitis is responsible for diseases like tuberculosis, further classified as per acute, chronic and streptococcal intoxication, colibacillosis, gangrenous mastitis. It is most often sub streptococcal sore throat and brucellosis in clinical mastitis refers to inflammation of human (Radostits et al., 2007). As with the mammary gland in the absence of most infectious disease, generally mastitis visible gross lesion in the udder or it s risk factors depend on three components; secretion with the presence of pathogenic exposure to microbes, cow defense microorganisms and usually high number mechanism, environmental and of somatic cells in the milk (Harmon, 1994; management factors (Quinn et al., Radostitis et al., 2007). 2002).Besides improving herd health and dairy management. The controls of mastitis in dairy herds are accomplished in The signs of inflammation such as part with the aid of Antibiotics (NMC, swelling, heat, redness, gain or systemic 1999).Public hazards associated with the responses, such as fever are not observed. consumption of antibiotic contaminated Clinical mastitis refers to the condition milk results in allergic responses, changes where the cow s immune system responds in intestinal flora and development of with enough intensity to indicate signs of antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria inflammation that is physically observable (Thirapatsakun, 1999). Because of animal such as swelling, discoloration and pain health, its economic and public health (Radostitis et al., 2007). importance, isolation and identification of the major bacterial agents and antimicrobial Efforts have only concentrated on the susceptibility test were important to reduce clinical cases, owing to heavy financial occurrence of drug resistance in the study implications involved and the in evitable farm. existence of latent infection, Mastitis is obviously an important factor that limits


Materials and Methods Study design and period

Study Area A cross- sectional study was carried out to determine bovine mastitis in December, The present study was conducted in 2012 and January, 2013 at cow and quarter government dairy farm which is found in level based on clinical manifestations for Asella town located in Oromia region, clinical mastitis and indirect test (California South Eastern Ethiopia. Asella town, the mastitis test and Culture) for sub clinical capital of , is located at about 175 mastitis; microbial isolation and in-vitro km Southeast of at 6° 59' to antibiotic susceptibility test using eight 8° 49' N latitudes and 38° 41' to 40° 44' E antimicrobial disc diffusion. longitudes with an altitude of the area ranges from 2500 to 3000metre above sea Study methodology level. Agricultural production system of the study area is of mixed crop and livestock Farm Inspection production. Dairy farming using improved breeds is a common practice in urban and The dairy farm was inspected for cleanness peri-urban areas (KARC, 2008). and other factors associated with mastitis and its bacterial isolation. The farming system is semi-intensive that run small to medium sized with up to 100 Data collection milking cows, most of which are cross- breed among Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Data on each sampled cow were collected local Arsi breed introduced by the artificial in properly designed format. insemination program and exotic breeds, since the establishment of CADU (Chilalo Clinical inspection of the udder Agricultural Development Unit) in the mid- 1960s by the Swedish- funded integrated The udder was examined clinically, using rural development in Africa (Halderman, visual, then through palpation to detect 2004). possible swelling, pain, and disproportional symmetry, blindness of teats and Study population discoloration of milk for the presence of mastitis according to (Quinn et al., 2002). The study population were 66 all lactating cows of the dairy enterprise which were Detection of mastitis cross breeds kept under semi intensive husbandry practice and there milking The Californian mastitis reagent was used system was by hand (manual). Purposive to screen cows with sub clinical mastitis sampling method was employed and milk sample collection was according to the relevant information about lactating cows procedures recommended by national in the farm was gathered. An attempt was mastitis council (NMC, 1999). The result of made to examine all functional teats of the test was indicated on the basis of gel each study animals for the isolation and formation. The interpretation (grades) of identification of major mastitis causing the CMT was evocated and the results bacteria as much as possible. graded as 0 for negative and trace 1, 2 and 3, for positive (Quinn et al., 2002).


Microbial investigation of mastitis followed, besides few additional general points were included, all glass wares used Milk Sample Collection for the preparation of media were first The milk sample was taken from cows not sterilized using appropriate equipment like treated early with either intra mammary or autoclave, hot air oven, the appropriate systematic antimicrobials agents. For good amount of dehydrated media were weighed collection of sample the teat were wiped out of using sensitive balance and the thoroughly with 75% ethyl alcohol. The required amount of distilled water were sterile collection of bottle was used and the added to the powder media. Dehydrated first stream of milk from each quarter was media containing agar were dissolved in discarded. The milk sample then held in an heating mantle until it boil and frothy appearance was settled( removed), then the ice box for transportation to the laboratory. 0 In laboratory samples was cultured media were sterilized by autoclave at 121 C 0 for 15 min holding time, and cooled in immediately or stored at +4 C (NMC, 0 1999). water bath at 50 C before poured in to the Petri dishes. Some media like blood agar requires addition of blood after it is cooled Methods of Transportation and storage 0 of samples to 50 C since RBC are not tolerate higher temperature, adapted from Quinn et al. After collection of the milk sample, all (2002). The common media used during samples were clearly labeled with the the study were blood agar, MacConkey appropriate identification of the cows agar (Oxiod Hampshire, England), manitol identification number, quarter using salt agar (Oxiod Hampshire, England), permanent marker on the test tube and all Edward medium (Oxiod Hampshire, samples were transported with ice box to England) Eosin metheylne blue medium the laboratory without delay and it were (Oxiod, Hampshire, England) and Triple processed immediately (Quinn et al., 2002). sugar iron agar (Merck Germany) and In the laboratory, samples were cultured Simon citrate of medium (BBL, Becton immediately or stored at +40c in any case of Dickinson), Trypton Soya broth (Oxiod delay (NMC, 1999). Analysis of specified Hampshire, England) and MR-VP samples was performed on isolation and biochemical media were used. identification of pathogenic bacteria at Asella regional veterinary laboratory in Culture microbiology section. Before milking, milk samples were Direct microscopy collected aseptically for microbiological culture, according to the procedures of the The milk sample was centrifuged and National Mastitis Council, 1999.Culturing stained smear made from the deposit. A of milk sample collected from individual Gram stain was used routinely. The Zehil cows, in search for mastitis producing Neelson staining was performed for rare organisms in standard of examination for cases when bacteria such as M. bovis are mastitis (Radostits et al., 2007). suspected (Quinn et al., 2002). Biochemical tests Preparation of culture media

To prepare media for bacterial culture, the For the primary isolation and identification manufacturer s instructions should be of mastitis causing micro organisms,


colony size, Shape, color, pigmentation, which is collected through, clinical hemolytic characteristic, Gram s reaction, inspection, CMT, pathogenic bacteria Oxidase, O-F tests were performed. After isolation and identification and these colonies were sub cultured to antimicrobial sensitivity test result were different media, such as Manitol salt agar, enter into data base management soft ware MacConkey agar (Oxiod, Hampshire, Microsoft Excel computer program 2003. England), Edward s medium (Oxiod The prevalence was expressed using Hampshire, England), Eosin metheylene percentage. blue medium (EMB) (Oxiod, Hampshire, England), etc to get a pure culture. And the Result and Discussion secondary biochemical tests such as, coagulase test, urease test IMVIC tests, Prevalence of clinical and subclinical sugar tests, etc were done for bacterial mastitis at cow level species identification. The procedures for the identified pathogens were referred from A total of 66 lactating cows were Quinn et al. (2002). examined, 8 (12.1 %) and 36(54%) were positive for clinical and sub clinical Antimicrobial sensitivity testing mastitis respectively. The over all mastitis prevalence in the farm were 44 (66.6 %) Susceptibility of bacteria to the commonly using CMT screening test (table 1). used antimicrobials was conducted using Kirby-Bauer method (Quinn et al., 2002). Prevalence of mastitis at quarter level About eight antimicrobials such as chloroamphenicol, Gentamycine, A total of 264 quarter were examined, of Penicillin, Sulphamethizole, Streptomycin, which 111 (42%) were positive for mastitis Kanamycine, Tetracycline and while 25(9.4%) were blind with similar Vancomycine (Oxiod, Hampshire, proportion of mastitis at each quarter (table England) were selected from main class of 2). antimicrobials and investigated for sensitivity testing. The antibiotic disks were Prevalence of mastitis at cow and applied on the surface of the inoculated quarter level agar plates using aseptic technique.Each disk was pressed down to ensure complete The prevalence of clinical and sub clinical contact with the agar surface. After mastitis at cow and quarter level were measuring the zone of inhibition, it was 8(12.1%), 36(54.5 %) and 27(10%), classified as sensitive, intermediate and 84(32%) respectively (table 3). resistant according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standard (NCCLS) Bacterial isolation break point to interpret the inhibition zone (Quinn et al., 2002). A total of 111 quarters were positive either clinically or under screening test using Data management and analysis California Mastitis Test. All positive Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the generated data on the rate


Table.1 Prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis at cow level

Mastitis condition Total number of examined Result (%) Clinical 66 8(12.1) Subclinical 66 36(54.5) Total 66 44(66.6)

Table.2 Quarter level prevalence of mastitis

Number of Negative Quarter Blind quarter Positive quarter examined quarter

Right back 66 15(22.7) 38(57.5) 32(48) Left back 66 4(1.5) 39(59.0) 37(56) Right front 66 4(1.5) 25(37.8) 27(40.9) Left front 66 2(3.3) 26(39.3) 15(22.7) Over all 264 25(9.4) 128(48.48) 111(42)

Table.3 Prevalence of mastitis at cow and quarter level

Prevalence n (%) Clinical mastitis Sub clinical mastitis overall Cow level 8(12.1) 36 (54.5) 44(66.6) Quarter level 27(10) 84(32) 111(42)

Table.4 Frequency distribution of bacterial isolates from mastitic cows

Bacterial isolates Frequency % Staphylococcus aureus 25 35.71 CNS 11 15.71 Streptococcus species 8 11.43 Staphylococcus intermidius 5 7.14 E .coli 4 5.71 P. haemolytica 5 7.14 P. aureuginosa 3 4.29 Bacillius species 4 5.71 Micrococcus species 5 7.14 Total 70 100


samples were cultured; 70(63.06%) were isolates having 100% 0% and50 % positive for aerobic and one facultative an Sensitivity, respectively. Whereas aerobic bacteria. The following bacteria P.haemolytica isolates were more sensitive were isolated with high prevalence of to tetracycline (100 %), Gentamycine Staphylococcus aureus (35.71%), (100%) and streptomycin (100%) and Coagulase CNS (15.71%), Streptococcus resistance to Vancomycine, Penicillin, spp (11.42%), Staphylococcus intermidius Sulfamethizole and Kanamycine with the (7.14%), E. coli (5.71%), P. haemolytical isolates having sensitivity of 0% and 50%, (7.14%), P.aureuginosa (4.28%), Bacillus respectively. E .coli isolates were more species (5.71%) and micrococcus species sensitive to Gentamycine (100%) and (7.14%). streptomycin (100%) and resistance to Vancamycine, Penicillin, Kanamycine and Antimicrobial Susceptibility profile Sulfahamethizole with the isolates having sensitivity of 0% and 50%, respectively. Of total positive samples, 29 were tested for susceptibility to different eight This study showed the overall prevalence antimicrobial discs. The comparative of mastitis in crossbreed cows in Asella efficacies of antimicrobials used indicates government dairy farm to be (66.6 %), Gentamycine, Chloroamphenicol which is in agreement with the reports on ,Kanamycine and Vancomycine were the bovine mastitis reported by ( Bedada and most effective antibiotics where by 93.1%, Hiko 2011) (66.1%) ; (Lakew et al.,2009) 75.8%, 58.6% and 72.4%, respectively. (65.6%) in and around Asella, Ethiopia. Vancomycine was sensitive for all gram However, the prevalence reported in this positive and resistance for all gram study is lower than the previous report of negative. Tetracycline, Sulfamethizole, (68.1%) by (Zerihun 1996) in directly penicillin and Streptomycin were showed related with the variation in the Addis very poor efficacies on many isolates, Ababa, (Makibib et al., 2010) (71.0%) in where by only 20.6%, 34.4%, 51.7% and and (85.6%) by (Nesru 1986) in 44.8% respectively. Dire-Dawa. On the other hand, the report of (Biffa1994) (33.0%) was lower than the In the current study staphylococcus aureus, present findings, and the reports of staphylococcus intermidius, Coagulase (Biru1989) (63.4%); (Tola 1996) (61.11%). negative staphylococcus and micrococcus The variability in the prevalence of bovine spp isolates were more sensitive to mastitis between reports could be attributed Gentamycine (100%), Chloroamphencole to difference in management of the farms, (100%), and Vancomycine (100%). breeds considered, or technical know-how Similarly Bacillus species isolates were of the investigators. more sensitive to Vancomycine (100%) and penicillin (100%) and resistance to The prevalence 12.1% clinical and 54.5% Tetracycline and Gentamicin with the sub clinical type of mastitis positive were isolates having 0% and 60% sensitivity comparable with that of (Bedada and Hiko respectively. P.aerouginosa isolates were 2011) who reported 10.3% and 55.8% for more sensitive to Penicillin (100%), clinical and sub clinical mastitis Gentamicin (100%) and Streptomycin respectively. The prevalence of clinical (100%) and resistance to Tetracycline, mastitis lower 21.5% which reported by Sulphamethizole and Kanamycine with the Workineh et al., (2002) in Ethiopia and the


Table.5 Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing (n = 29)

Anti U Number of organisms susceptible to different antimicrobial agents n (%) biot nit ics S.aureus S.intermidius CNS Microccus sps Streptococcus Bacillus sps P. aureuginosa P. heamolytica E. coli N (%)


CN 10 6 - 0 4 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 3 - 2 2 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 4 - - 93.1 µg (100) (100) (100) (100 (60) (40) (100) (100) (100) (100) )

C 30 6 - 0 4 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 4 - 1 1 - 1 0 - 2 1 - 1 2 - 2 75.8 µg (100) (100) (100) (100 (80) (20) (50) (50) (100) (50) (50) (50) (50) ) VA 30 6 - 0 4 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 5 - 0 2 - 0 0 - 2 0 - 2 0 - 4 72.4 µg (100) (100) (100) (100 (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) ) K 30 6 - 0 4 - 0 1 (50) - 1 1(50 - 1 1 - 4 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 2(50) 58.6 µg (100) (100) (50) ) (50) (20) (80) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50)

P 10 0 - 6 2(50) - 2 2 - 0 1(50 - 1 5 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 1 - 1 0 - 4 51.7 µg (100) (50) (100) ) (50) (100) (100) (100) (50) (50) (100)

S 10 0 - 6 2(50) - 2 1(50) - 1 1(50 - 1 0 - 5 1 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 4 - 0 44.8 µg (100) (50) (50) ) (50) (100) (50) (100) (100) (100)

U 10 0 - 6 2(50) - 2 1(50) - 1 1(50 - 1 0 - 5 2 - 0 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 2 34.4 µg (100) (50) (50) ) (50) (100) (100) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50)

TE 30 0 - 6 1(25) - 3 1(50) - 1 0 - 2 0 - 5 1 - 1 0 - 2 2 - 0 1 - 3 20.6 µg (100) (75) (50) (100 (100) (50) (50) (100) (100) (25) (75) ) Keys: N = Number of observation, S = Susceptible, I = Intermediate, R = Resistance, C = Chloramphenicol, CN = Gentamycin, TE = Tetracycline, P = Penicillin, VA = Vancomycin, S = Streptomycin, U = Sulphamethizole, K = Kanamaycin


sub clincal finding was lower than the reports of Staphylococcus infection might 89.5% subclinical mastitis report of Argaw be due to the fact that they are easily and Tolosa (2008). This could be due to transmitted during milking via the teat cups difference in management system in that and milker's hands. The primary reservoir alternative free ranging management with of contagious pathogens includes S. aureus indoor keeping system is mostly applied in infected quarter. the present study area. Environmental bacterial mastitis were higher in The 7.14% isolated Micrococcus species in prevalence, due to poor housing facilities this study was comparable with the finding which predispose the accumulation of of (Bedada and Hiko 2011) and Mekonnen faeces on cows which will increase the rate et al. (2005) who reported 5.6 and 10.2%, of exposure of the teats and udder to the respectively. But it was much lower than pathogens. Exposure to environmental that of Ameni et al. (2003) who reported Streptococci may occur during milking, 26.67% in different part of Ethiopia. Such between milking and during dry period differences and similarities may result from (Radostits et al., 2007). management system and ecological difference in agent. Similar reasoning was Isolation and identification of pathogenic given by Ameni et al. (2003) and bacteria such Staphylococcus aureus, , Mekonnen et al., (2005). CNS, Staphylococcus intermidius , Micrococcus species ,Streptococcus species The 5.71% isolation rate of E. coli found in , Bacillius species, P. hemolytica, P. this study was comparable with the findings aureuginosa, E .coli at a rate of 63.06% of (Makibib et al., 2010) who reported from mastitis positive animal in present 4.6%. The prevalence of environmental E. study shows the higher contributions of coli may be associated with poor farm microbial in the cause of mastitis in the cleanliness and poor slope of stable areas. farm. Although S. aureus (35.71%) were Faeces which are common sources of E. similar with the 39.1% report of (Bedada coli can contaminate the premium directly and Hiko 2011) and the predominant or indirectly through bedding, calving pathogens isolated in this study, it was stalls, udder wash water and milker's hands lower than the 47.1 % reported (Makibib et (Radostits et al., 2007). al., 2010). But the present findings, The 5.71% Bacillus species isolated were coagulated by negative staphylococcus similar with 6.52% finding of Belay (2008). (CNS) (15.71%) and S. intermedius It may be responsible for mastitis. (7.14%), were lower than the (38.4%) and (Radostits et al., 2007) reported that 23.2% report of Argaw and Tolosa (2008) Bacillus species only occasionally mastitis irrespective of the agent. According to causing pathogens. The infection is Pyorala and Vesa (1995) over 30% sub associated with contamination of teat clinical and nearly 20% of acute cases of injures and surgery. The level of infection mastitis were usually due to CNS which is can be high during the dry period following in agreement with the present result. The the use of dry cow therapy preparation recent CNS isolated from bovine and other which may have been contaminated with dairy animals mastitis milk samples (Ameh the organisms. et al., 1995) indicates that they could be pathogenic and may even cause more When the overall result of antimicrobials mastitis than S. aureus. This and such susceptibility test in the present study was


compared on all isolates, Gentamaycine, P.aureuginosa, P.heamolytica, Bacillus Chloroamphenicol and Kanamaycine were species, Microccus species. These isolates the most effective antibiotics as 80 to 100% were contagious environmental pathogens of the total isolates were found to be so that proper husbandry practice should be susceptible. Because these drugs were the implemented to control and prevent least frequently used in the study area in contagious and environmental mastitis. Veterinary services. Thus no more This can be reduced by careful milking resistance was developed. Similar system (single towel) usage for each cow, suggestion was given by Jaims et al., disinfecting hands before milking and (2002) in that the development of antibiotic milking infected cows lastly, regular resistance is nearly always as a result of mastitis check up for both clinical and sub repeated therapeutic use and/or clinical mastitis, use of proper cow indiscriminate usage them. The present therapy(dry cow therapy) and culling of bacterial isolation from eight mastitis chronically infected animals from the herd. positive animal with previous using Gentamycine, Chloroamphenicol, penicillin could be due to development of Kanamaycine and Vancomycine could be resistance to penstrep which was the the drug of choice in the present study. To common drug used for mastitis treatment in avoid indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the study farm. Moreover, most of the the dairy farm, antibiotic susceptibility test isolates were penicillin resistance in present is needed to be performed. study. In this study S. aureus isolates were most susceptible to chloramphenicol, Acknowledgement gentamycin and kanamycin while resistance to tetracycline and penicillin The authors would like to thank Asella could be due to frequent usage of the latter Regional Veterinary Laboratory staff and two drugs in animal health. Similarly E. the farm workers for their technical coli was highly resistant to penicillin and assistance during the laboratory and field streptomycin but highly susceptible to works. chloramphenicol due to its infrequent usage. These were comparable with the findings of Mekonnen et al., (2005). References

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