LUX ÉDITEUR RIGHTS LIST 2013 FRANÇOIS MORIN THE GREAT BLEED AGAINST THE IMMINENT FINANCIAL DISASTER 120 pages On many occasions between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries, the kings of France did not hesitate to relieve the State of its debts by using such heavy-handed tactics as imprisoning its creditors, or quite simply putting them to death. Such measures were called “bleeding.” François Morin believes we must take note of these lessons from the past if we want to overcome the imminent financial disaster. What will happen when the global bond bubble bursts? The evils to come may in- clude massive uprisings and the instant disintegration of our economic infrastructure. Neither inflation nor growth will reduce worldwide debt levels. Public debt cancellation is therefore unavoidable, either as a consequence of a tremendous financial shock or as a result of a new system of financing the global economy. Our only hope is to set up this new system immediately: we must bleed finance before it bleeds us!

Professor Emeritus of economics at the University of Toulouse, François Morin was a member of the Bank of France General Council and the Council of Economic Analysis. Among many books, he recently published A World Without Wall Street (Seagull Books, 2013).

LUX ÉDITEUR RIGHTS LIST 2013 2 Alain Deneault, a Doctor of Philosophy from the Université -VIII, teaches ALAIN DENEAULT “critical thinking” in political science at the GOVERNANCE Université de Montréal. He is also the author of Offshore, Tax Havens and the ON TOTALITARIAN MANAGEMENT Rule of Global Crime (The New Press, 2011) 200 pages In the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher’s technocrats decided to euphemize the plan to align the State with the interests of private business culture, calling it “governance.” This conceptual coup successfully dressed up neo-liberal brutality in a model of “sound management.” Collectively, we are still paying the price. From that moment on, governing would entail deregulation of the economy, privatization of public services, a client-oriented approach to citizens, and the undermining of unions. Applied to a management or commerce by social groups representing various interests, governance claims to be the art of self-management. Having become standard practice, referred to today at any occasion and from across the political spectrum, its opportunistic malleability is in- creasingly replacing the old terms of politics. In fifty short texts, Alain Deneault demonstrates the progression of this colonization of all areas of society by governance. This is an “anesthe- tizing revolution,” make no mistake: it quietly establishes an era of to- talitarian management.


The word “democracy” has become so popular that all political forces claim to represent it. It therefore comes as a surprise that the “founding fathers” of these “modern democracies” associated the idea with chaos, violence and tyrannizing the poor! How did such a radical shift in mea- ning come to occur? Exploring the past discourse of the U.S. and France, the author exposes an amazing political adventure full of confrontation between persona- lities and social forces seeking to control the political systems founded at the end of the eighteenth century. Based on various tracts, manifes- tos, public declarations, newspaper articles and personal letters, this narrative reveals the political manipulation of the term “democracy” by the elite, who gradually hijacked the notion and doctored it up to be- guile the masses. Two centuries later, while the entire planet seems to think that “demo- cracy” (power of the people) is a synonym for the “electoral system” Francis Dupuis-Déri is a professor (delegation of power to a small group of rulers), any manifestation of of political science at the Université true popular power (collective deliberations on common affairs) always du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). meets with the contempt of the elite. Specializing in political thought and social movements, he is the author of numerous works. WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BLACK BLOCS? English rights sold to: Between The Lines (English translation available upon request) 224 pages “The Black Bloc is dead”, declared the anarchists in 2003. But far from the spotlights, Black Blocs still take part in demonstrations, entering into action to criticize and defy the dominant of the world. Masked up, dres- sed in black and forcefully attacking the symbols of capitalism, Black Blocs were transformed into an anti-globalisation media spectacle. This fame, associated with the image of the window-smashing thug, hides a complex reality,interesting to those who dare to make the effort to bet- ter understand the origin of this phenomenon, its dynamics and its goals. The use of violence always takes place within a balance of force, in an ethical and strategic context; and it cannot be summed up as throwing rocks in street protests. This edition of Les Black Blocs lays out the world’s most complete view of the phenomenon of the Black Bloc tactic and lo- cates it within the anarchist tradition of direct action.

LUX ÉDITEUR RIGHTS LIST 2013 4 FRANCIS DUPUIS-DÉRI Thomas Déri was born stateless in Paris in 1936 to Jewish parents of AND THOMAS DÉRI Hungarian origin who had immi- grated due to the economic crisis ANARCHISM AS EXPLAINED of 1929. After surviving World TO MY FATHER War II, he dodged the draft at the time of the Algerian War, settling 200 pages in Québec to avoid military service.

What is anarchy and what do anarchists want? What better way to answer these questions than a discussion between a curious huma- nist father and a son active in anarchist collectives who has studied the topic? In the course of the conversation, anarchy and democracy are compared, and several figures of anarchism described, along with the main currents of this revolutionary movement. The authors pro- vide examples from history as well as from today’s world. The study also features anarchist criticism of the main systems of domination: the State, capitalism, religion, patriarchy and racism. An original and lively initiation to anarchism.

5 LUX ÉDITEUR RIGHTS LIST 2013 MICHAEL SCHMIDT CARTOGRAPHY OF REVOLUTIONARY ANARCHISM English rights sold to: AK Press 196 pages The post-Soviet anticapitalist movement of the 1990s and 2000s stun- ned commentators the world over by basing many of its ideas and prac- tices on a proletarian movement wrongly considered to have died on the barricades in Barcelona in 1939 – that of revolutionary anarchism. This essay restores to the organised anarchist movement its true histo- rical weight and global reach, by examining its penetration beyond Western Europe and North America into Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Asia, Australasia, and Africa. It sketches its develop- ment over the past 150 years, linking the movement’s fortunes to five waves of working class militancy. Finally, it discusses key theoretical do- cuments produced during those five waves that address the primary question facing all who desire a grassroots-democratic world: how does the militant minority engage with the mass of workers and the poor?

A concise history of the significance and global reach of mass- organized anarchism since 1869.

Michael Schmidt is a Johannesburg-based African investigative journalist, historian, free press activist, and anarchist militant who is the co-author of the book Black Flame: the Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism, Counter-Power Vol.1 (AK Press, USA, 2009).


Perry Anderson, Edward Palmer Thompson, David Harvey, Moishe Postone, Derek Sayer, Simon Clarke, Robert Brenner, Ellen Meiksins Wood and David McNally: nine important thinkers whose growing in- fluence marks a new beginning in Marxist analysis in the social sciences. Each chapter describes the intellectual journey of one of these thinkers and analyzes his or her contribution to a constantly evolving field, thus offering readers an overview of the various forms of contemporary Anglo-Saxon Marxism. This heterogeneous and staunchly antidogma- tic current has common leanings, such as criticism of economic reduc- tionism and increased sensitivity to the historical processes of relationships of domination. The authors gathered between these co- vers historians, sociologists, political scientists, geographers and phi- losophers have each contributed in a unique way to the vast discipline of Marxist thought and historical materialism, which, a century and a half after its founding, continues to grow.


Vladimir Pozner (1905–1992) was an important writer who valued discretion. A friend of Gorki, he had ties to Babel and Mayakovsky , helping to make Rus- sian literature known in France in the 1920s. His work as a novelist got off to a flying start in the 1930s with Tolstoï est mort and Le Mors aux dents. A militant antifascist, he took refuge in the US during the war. A globe-trotter, story- teller, and pioneer of literary form, Pozner devoted his life and his unique voice to bearing witness to his century.

VLADIMIR POZNER REMEMBERS HIS MOTHER AND , , , JEAN-RICHARD BLOCH, J.R. OPPENHEIMER, DASHIELL HAMMETT, , BORIS PASTERNAK, ISAAK BABEL, , , FERNAND LÉGER, JORIS IVENS, LUIS BUÑUEL, , CHAPLIN, PICASSO. 256 pages As a novelist in Paris, a Revolution-era poet in , a screenwriter in Hollywood and a reporter all over the world, Vladimir Pozner ex- perienced the twentieth century to the fullest. He knew many of the writers, filmmakers, painters, musicians, scientists, and actors who instilled the world with much of the era’s zeitgeist. And yet he never wrote about himself, or about his relationships with the famous and the infamous. Then one day he began to write a book about some of his friends who played pivotal roles in his life. Readers will already

LUX ÉDITEUR RIGHTS LIST 2013 8 be familiar with most of them, and will discover others of the same ilk. With his customary unobtrusiveness and the magic of his words, Pozner brings them to life beneath our eyes. In doing so, he creates a portrait of himself unlike any other. THE DISUNITED STATES Followed by an interview with Noam Chomsky English rights sold to: Seven Stories Press 360 pages In these times of crisis, one should read and re-read this account of America during the Great Depression. This key book, “unpityingly cri- tical and deeply tender” (Jorge Semprun), has left its mark since it came out in 1938. In the style of literature unique to him, part reporting and part novel form, Pozner observes and describes a country, the United States, which, though in full spiritual and material distress, does not cease to fascinate. The author probes the soul of this people through a powerful montage of snapshots: daily life in Harlem, Pinkerton strike-breakers, the war of newspapers in Chicago, the fallen heros of Hollywood, the violent strikes in Pennsylvania’s mines, John Dos Passos and Waldo Frank, the “Dear Abby” columns and the ghost writers, the shoelace merchant of Wall Street, the gangsters and the undertakers. It creates a mosaic reflecting the image of a country where energy contends with despair, solidarity with poverty; and where the cult of service and efficiency leads, in most cases, to subservience and brainwashing.


The most famous photographer? Now, perhaps. But during his lifetime, was he the gentle one, the lucky one, the humorist, the humanist? Cer- tainly not. André Pozner shares his memories, describing in words and images his Doisneau years—which are also his Prévert years, for it was at Jacques Prévert’s home that they met. The three of them went for long walks, the conversation jumping from one subject to another. Dois- neau the photographer became the photographed. A group of friends with Paris as the setting. André Pozner profiles an artist who blazed a trail in the years after the turbulence of May 1968. Far from providing a romantic vision, Doisneau’s cities and suburbs hit us with their hard greyness. What’s brilliant is his eye, the emotions he strives to convey: love, humour, and especially resistance. The resistance of a little fellow smiling be- neath his velvet cap, who hated injustice and said: “There are times when you work like a barbarian, with a virtually animalistic need to do things, without thinking. These are times of great creativity.”

André Pozner was born in 1943 in Berkeley, California. Over the years, he pursued various professions including chief editor at Zoom magazine, unemployment, song- writing and book publishing—often with friends, as he did with Prévert. A steady gaze, an unusual face, a pen in the inkwell and a self-effacing smile.


“All history has a beginning. For me, the adventure that was the spring of 2012 began on June 12, 2009, when I opened the newspaper Le Devoir.” In this book, written in his trademark style, we follow Nadeau-Dubois step by step through power struggles, decisive encounters, general meetings and confrontations with journalists, ministers, judges and police officers. We also hear his analysis of the 2012 student strike in Quebec, also known as “maple spring”. On the way, readers will be surprised to note the moral and intellectual poverty of certain facets of the Québec elite. Above all, readers will reconnect with the re- markable energy of the students who opposed the mercenary atti- tude of this elite. Fighting Back should be read by people who shared the students’ anger, but also by everyone else: you may be surprised to realize that the stu- dents’ cause is also your own.

An inside story of the wave of protests that shook Quebec in 2012 and became known as the Maple Spring.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois was one of the spokespersons of the Coalition large de l’Association pour une soli- darité syndicale étudiante (CLASSE), one of the more vocal student bodies that participated in the 2012 student strikes that swept Quebec.

11 LUX ÉDITEUR RIGHTS LIST 2013 JEAN-MARC PIOTTE GRAMSCI’S POLITICAL THOUGHT 175 pages By focusing its analysis on the concept of the intellectual, this work pro- vides a coherent interpretation of Gramsci’s entire work, explaining his fundamental contribution to Marxist theory by showing the significance of cultural struggles within political struggles. MICHEL CORDILLOT REVOLUTIONARIES OF THE NEW WORLD: A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FRENCH SOCIALISTS LUX is one of the leading IN THE UNITED STATES independent radical (1885 TO 1922) publishing houses in the 216 pages French-speaking world, The contribution of French immigrants to the American Socialist move- with a catalogue that ment is little known. From Paris Commune exiles to miners from the spans social history and North of France, many workers and French activists continued to be po- political thought in litically active in their adopted land. In this book, the historian Michel Cordillot traces the struggles, hopes and daily lives of these French America and Europe — socialists of America. a community of writers who have made unique LOUIS GILL contributions to GEORGE ORWELL understanding and FROM THE TO 1984 changing the world. 240 pages Many people are familiar with “1984“ from having read the book or seen the movie that was made. Few are aware that it was initially inspired by Orwell’s participation in the Spanish Civil War and the Stalinist terror that he encountered there.

TRANSLATION GRANTS The Canada Council for the Arts provides assistance to foreign publishers for the first translation of literary works by Canadian authors, into languages other than French or English, for publication abroad. For further details, visit their website: Our works are eligible for translation subsidies granted by the government of Quebec under the translation programme of SODEC:

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