Welcome to Orientation week, Carnegie Mellon Class of 2015+

Fighting the freshman 15 • A6 Catching up with club sports • A8 Carnegie Mellon traditions • B10 FORUM SPORTS PILLBOX

thetartan.org @thetartan August 21, 2011 Volume 106, Issue 1 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 Purple Stride’s fundraiser Campus changes in the works COURTNEY WITTEKIND by the potential projects. Last bike lanes, aimed at making battles pancreatic cancer Staffwriter April also marked the fi rst commutes to and from the in a series of campus-wide university safer and easier, as While this year’s incoming meetings attended by stu- well as to “embrace Forbes as fi rst-years are just becoming dents, staff, and faculty. The the main street of campus,” familiar with Carnegie Mel- plan was set to be reviewed Reppe told The Tartan last lon’s current campus, the by both the city year. university administration is planning commission and city Other proposed changes looking toward future devel- council, while sections of the to the face of campus include opment with the implementa- plan regarding Forbes Avenue moving the Tepper School of tion of its new 10-year master within campus would need to Business from the Graduate plan. be reviewed by the Pennsylva- School of Industrial Admin- The plan, which acts as a nia Department of Transpor- istration building and Posner guide for future campus de- tation, as Forbes Avenue is a Hall to a section of what is velopment, was made public state road. now the Morewood parking in March after more than a When the master plan was lot. This, however, is not the year of planning by the Cam- made public in March, Associ- only new building to be ex- pus Design and Facility Devel- ate Vice Provost for Campus pected. A new nano-biomed- opment offi ce. Design and Facility Develop- ical energy research facility All of the potential proj- ment Ralph Horgan antici- has been proposed to move ects included in the plan, re- pated the approval process to into the space between Wean gardless of how varied, are take about six months. and Hamerschlag Halls, while focused on achieving a single “You have to be pretty a new building for administra- goal: growth. thoughtful to do this,” Hor- tion and alumni relations staff “The master plan is aimed gan told Pop City Media in ear- may be housed on a section of at supporting university ly March. “Hopefully in July Forbes currently occupied by growth by both enhancing we’ll have the approved mas- fraternity houses. the existing core campus ter plan, so that if we want to Hamberg Hall, the Uni- and by developing underuti- do something and the fund- versity Center, and Margaret File Photo lized properties purchased ing is there, we can do it.” The Morrison Carnegie Hall may Purple Stride aims to raise funding and awareness against pancreatic cancer. The Pausch Bridge on by Carnegie Mellon along funding, as Horgan pointed also be transformed, with Carnegie Mellon’s campus was built to honor professor Randy Pausch, who lost his battle with the disease. Forbes between Craig Street out, is one of the main obsta- expansions proposed for all CHRISTA HESTER for 40 years. Look at pancre- cancer fundraisers. Many stu- and Morewood Avenue,” Bob cles to a series of projects that three facilities. Forum Co-Editor atic cancer survival rates and dents participate in the an- Reppe, Carnegie Mellon’s will likely cost the university Other projects mentioned you’ll see something deadly nual Relay for Life event spon- director of design, said in a tens of millions of dollars. in the plan include an exten- The Pancreatic Cancer wrong. Today, the fi ve-year sored by the American Cancer Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article Once approved, students sion of campus walkways Action Network (PanCan), a survival rate is just 6 percent.” Society. Last year, student last year. can expect to see changes to between Forbes and Fifth Av- nonprofi t organization dedi- PanCan’s goal is to double groups ranging from activities The previous master plan, campus taking place as early enues and the construction cated to fi ghting pancreatic those survival rates by 2020. clubs to sororities and frater- formed in 2002, included as this academic year. Outside of a campus-based hotel near cancer, held its annual Purple The group also hopes to raise nities walked around the Cut developments such as the lanes on each side of Forbes Craig Street, to be operated by Stride Pittsburgh 2011 Pick awareness of this specifi c type in an all-night fundraiser. now-completed Gates Hill- are set to be replaced with an outside party. Up the Pace last Sunday. Par- of cancer; with high mortality “I did Relay for Life last man Complex. Each master ticipants from around the rates and minimal funding, year,” said Joanne Yun, a ju- plan builds upon the last one city convened at the North members feel pancreatic can- nior in H&SS. “It was a great to continue the university ad- Park swimming pool in Alli- cer deserves national atten- experience and well worth ministration’s long-term goal son Park to kick off the event, tion. the effort. Cancer is such an of improving the campus. which consisted of a fi ve- The disease is especially awful disease, so being a part According to last year’s kilometer run and a one-mile well known to members of the of something that’s actively master plan report, “Building walk with family and friends Carnegie Mellon community, fi ghting it is great.” on the momentum of the last to honor and remember loved who lost computer science Although Purple Stride master plan, we can continue ones who battled pancreatic professor Randy Pausch to only lasted three hours, it ex- to make this a truly great cam- cancer. pancreatic cancer in the sum- ceeded the organizers’ expec- pus, one that is equal to the All of the Purple Stride mer of 2008. His memory in- tations. With over 80 teams national and international proceeds will go toward ad- spired a team called “Pausch’s participating, Purple Stride reputation of Carnegie Mel- vancing research and aiding People” to enter the Purple beat its fund raising goal of lon.” those affected by pancreatic Stride event this year. Led by $100,000 and fi nished the However, fulfi lling this vi- cancer. Adam Rauf, a master’s student day with $102,804 to further sion depends on the approval “Fundraisers like this are in the Software Engineering research and support for pan- of community members and good ideas,” said Brian Park, Institute’s business opera- creatic cancer patients. the city, as well as the avail- a junior social and decision tions department, and Vivian Refreshments and enter- ability of funding. The cur- sciences major. “More money Lee, the executive assistant in tainment, along with activi- rent master plan has already is always necessary for the ad- the Institute for Software Re- ties for kids, were provided been discussed at length with vance of research of medical search, Pausch’s People raised free of charge at the Purple community members, as last problems.” $230 for Purple Stride and the Stride event. Information year’s announcement was According to the PanCan fi ght against cancer. about pancreatic cancer and preceded by months of meet- website, “Survival rates [for Rauf and Lee are not the PanCan’s research on the dis- ings with neighborhood or- pancreatic cancer] have re- only ones at Carnegie Mellon ease was also available at the ganizations and community mained in the single digits to have been involved with event. groups who could be affected Courtesy of Carnegie Mellon Campus Design and Facility Management Disney, CMU pioneer new Orientation 2011 preview motion capture software Sunday Tuesday Thursday ANNA WALSH 4–5 p.m.: President’s “Although we have only facial poses they desire. Address Pillbox Editor implemented Surround Hap- Researchers have also im- tics with a gaming chair to proved motion-capture tech- Baker Lawn Tent Filming for The Dark date, the technology can be niques so they are no longer Jared L. Cohon, presi- Knight Rises may be captur- easily embedded into cloth- confi ned to a closed studio. dent of the university, wel- ing everyone’s attention in ing, gloves, sports equipment, In traditional motion capture, comes the Class of 2015. Pittsburgh, but that was not and mobile computing de- cameras are attached to an ac- the only movie magic occur- vices,” Ivan Poupyrev, senior tor in a closed studio to record ring in the city this summer. research scientist at DRP, said his or her motions. Animators Monday Courtesy of thesyndotcom on Flickr Scientists at Disney Research, in a press release. can then use that data to cre- Pittsburgh (DRP) and Carn- DRP and Carnegie Mel- ate computer-generated ef- 8:30–10 p.m.: File Photo egie Mellon have been work- lon’s have fects or creatures, such as Gol- Comedian: Amy ing together on technology to also developed technology lum from the Lord of the Rings Schumer 5–6:10 p.m.: improve the accuracy of mo- that will better allow com- fi lms. tion depicted in fi lms and to puter animators to more re- DRP and Carnegie Mel- Baker Lawn Tent Convocation enhance moviegoers’ experi- alistically depict complex lon’s new method uses body- Baker Lawn Tent The Activities Board ence watching fi lms. facial expressions. To do so, mounted cameras to estimate brings you up-and-coming The Class of 2015 gath- DRP developed a new tac- researchers attached 320 ref- the position of the person in comic Amy Schumer. tile technology, called Sur- erence marks to a professional relation to their surroundings. File Photo ers together to celebrate the On TV, She has landed beginning of its academic round Haptics, which would actor, and they recorded facial This method allows motion a recurring role in the up- career at Carnegie Mellon. make it possible for video motion-capture data from the capture to happen outside of 8:30–10 p.m.: Playfair coming season of Adult The tradition brings the gamers and fi lm viewers to actor while he expressed a va- a studio in practically any lo- The Cut, in front of the Swim’s mocumentary series campus together to cel- experience a variety of sensa- riety of emotions and actions. cation — even over large dis- University Center (rain site: Delocated. Schumer has also ebrate your arrival to our tions, including the jolt of a “We can build a model that tances outdoors. Wiegand Gymnasium, UC) performed on Late Night community. Jeffrey Zaslow collision and the feel of bugs is driven by data, but can still “This could be the future with Jimmy Fallon and John (H&SS ’80), senior writer across their skin. Surround be controlled in a local man- of motion capture,” Takaaki Get to know the Class Oliver’s New York Stand- and columnist for The Wall Haptics, which is going to ner,” J. Rafael Tena, a Disney Shiratori, a post-doctoral of 2015. This is the largest Up Show. Carnegie Mellon Street Journal and co-au- be used to enhance a high- research scientist, said in a associate at DRP, said in a icebreaker of Orientation fi fth-year Matt Sandler will thor of The Last Lecture, will intensity driving simulator press release. The researchers press release. As video cam- week. open for Schumer. be the keynote speaker. game, allows players seated in analyzed the motion-capture eras become ever smaller and a chair fi tted with inexpensive data to divide the face into 13 cheaper, “I think anyone will vibrating actuators to feel ev- regions; as a result, computer be able to do motion capture See A7 for expanded schedule erything from road imperfec- animators can now manipu- in the not-so-distant future,” tions to car collisions. late the regions to create the he said. A2 « thetartan.org/news The Tartan » August 21, 2011

CAMPUS NEWS IN BRIEF Statistically ECE professor recognized in Noel Zahler, head of School Speaking computer architecture fi eld of Music, resigns from post Carnegie Mellon’s Onur systems that are fundamen- Noel Zahler has resigned four years as head. He was Mutlu received the 2011 tally more capable, effi cient, as the head of Carnegie Mel- credited with increasing the For many readers, this will be their fi rst year at Carn- Young Computer Architec- resilient, and economical,” lon’s School of Music to be- number of full-time faculty egie Mellon University; incoming students will experi- ture Award from the Institute Mutlu said in a university come dean of the School of positions, updating the cur- ence a lot of “fi rsts” over the next year as they explore of Electrical and Electronics press release. Visual and Performing Arts at riculum, adding programs, campus as well as Pittsburgh. The city itself is home to Engineers (IEEE) Computer Before coming to Carn- Long Island University’s C.W. and creating new perfor- many national “fi rsts.” Let’s take a look at the most fa- Society’s Technical Commit- egie Mellon, Mutlu worked Post campus. His resignation mance opportunities for stu- mous “fi rsts” in Pittsburgh throughout history: tee on Computer Architec- at Microsoft Research and will be effective on Sept. 30. dents. ture. spent summers at Intel and “I know that I speak for In the e-mail, Martin Mutlu is an assistant pro- Advanced Micro Devices. everyone at Carnegie Mellon said Zahler helped raise the fessor in the department of Mutlu, who directs the in thanking Noel Zahler for school’s profi le and cited its electrical and computer engi- SAFARI research group at his indefatigable efforts and recent top-10 music school neering. Carnegie Mellon, reports his achievements on behalf ranking in the prestigious This is the award’s inau- that his group is currently of the students, staff, and fac- Fiske Guide. 1789 gural year; it recognizes out- examining how to improve ulty in the School of Music. Zahler also expanded the Inaugural publication of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the fi rst newspaper west of the Allegheny Mountains standing research and con- computer memory storage. All of us wish him well in this school’s alumni connections, tributions within computer These systems use new tech- new chapter in his career,” initiated several fundraising architecture by an individual nologies that enable energy- Dan Martin, acting CFA dean, campaigns, and built strong who has received his or her effi cient operation. said in a university press re- ties with local music orga- Ph.D. within six years of Mutlu’s research has re- lease. nizations, such as the Pitts- nomination. ceived several other presti- According to the offi cial burgh Symphony Orchestra “This is a great honor for gious recognitions in the past e-mail notifying students of and the Pittsburgh Opera. me as I, along with my stu- year, including the National his resignation, Zahler made 1893 Compiled by George Washington Gale Ferris, Pittsburgh dents and collaborators, re- Science Foundation CAREER many contributions to the resident, builds fi rst Ferris Wheel search new future computer Award. School of Music during his EMILY DOBLER 1954 Barack Obama pays Pittsburgh a visit Dr. Jonas Salk develops the polio vaccine at the 1982 Carnegie Mellon computer scientist Scott Fahlman invents the fi rst Internet emoticon, the smiley face :-)

Source: www.visitpittsburgh.com Compiled by EMILY DOBLER

About this issue MEELA DUDLEY us. No matter your major Publisher or skills, we welcome you. MICHAEL KAHN Among our editorial staff Editor-in-Chief members are undergraduates and graduate students, stu- On behalf of The Tartan, dents from every college at we’re excited to welcome this university. Some of them you, the Class of 2015+, to seek careers in journalism Patrick Gage Kelly/Assistant Editor-in-Chief your fi rst week at Carnegie or are trying to build their President Barack Obama visited Carnegie Mellon on June 24. He met with various robotics and engineering professors following his address at the Mellon. résumés, but more stay in- National Robotics Engineering Center to announce a new initiative, the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership. Full coverage is available online at In this special Orienta- volved because they love our www.thetartan.org and will appear in print in the next issue. tion issue, we have included organization. Whether you articles to answer some of are interested in writing or your questions and to add to editing, photography or art, your understanding of what marketing or business, visual makes this university the design or Web development, Campus Crime & Incident Reports unique place it is. There is no The Tartan has a place for denying that Carnegie Mel- you among its staff. Each week, The Tartan out that the caller was one of them through the vent in a approached a Vocelli Pizza lon is unlike any other univer- Our reporters have attend- collaborates with University the desk attendant’s friends, women’s bathroom in Wean delivery car that was stopped sity, and the content of this ed international summits and Police to report on the latest trying to pull a prank on her. Hall, harassing and frighten- at a red light. He then opened issue — which explores cam- spoken with inspirational incidents occurring on and ing them. the vehicle’s front and rear pus traditions, cutting-edge fi gures from Bill Gates to Bill near campus. But, for this passenger doors and walked research, athletic achieve- Cosby. They have been given issue, The Tartan has compiled Suspicious Person away. The male was stopped ments, and much more — is press access to local concerts, a special edition of the Crime Feb. 17, 2011 Suspicious Activity by police and, upon further Feb. 23, 2011 intended to help fi rst-years galleries, and lecture series. and Incident section; these There was a report of a inspection, was found to be grasp what it truly means to Beyond that, however, they are some of the more notable suspicious male in the Pur- There was a report that an intoxicated. He was issued be a Tartan. are inspired by the extraordi- reports of the section from the nell Center basement who ISS employee was being ha- two citations. Every year we publish nary stories that come out of past semester. was confused and would not rassed by a mysterious voice an Orientation issue hoping Carnegie Mellon every day. respond to questions. It was while in the sixth-fl oor Wean Theft that it will provide addition- Those of us who have al- determined that this incident Hall women’s bathroom. This April 1, 2011 al guidance to fi rst-years in ready become members of Burglary was related to a call that the is the second time this has their fi rst weeks of school, so the “Tartan family” can attest Jan. 19, 2011 were inves- been reported. Offi cers responded to a encourage your fellow class- to how much our involve- At approximately 8 p.m., tigating regarding a missing materials science lab in Wean mates to pick up a copy and ment in the university’s stu- police responded to a burglary autistic teen. Pittsburgh police Hall for a report that a 1x1- have a read. Bank Robbery dent newspaper has changed in the West Wing dormitory. were contacted and the teen inch sheet of platinum had For many of you, this will Feb. 28, 2011 our college experiences for A female student reported was turned over to them. been stolen. be your fi rst time reading the better. Not only are we that she awakened to fi nd a University Police, along The Tartan, which has been given the weekly opportunity male intruder in her room. At with Pittsburgh police, re- Carnegie Mellon’s student Suspicious Activity Intoxication to show the public and the the time, he was in possession sponded to Forbes Avenue be- newspaper since 1906. We college community the tre- of the victim’s laptop com- Feb. 22, 2011 tween Craig Street and More- April 14, 2011 publish weekly on Mondays, mendous things that Carn- puter. The victim asked the Police responded to the wood Avenue for a report of Offi cers working the Big and our standard sections egie Mellon students and the intruder what he was doing Gates Center for a report of a bank robbery that occurred Boi concert during Carnival are News, Science and Tech- university itself are doing on in her room, and he replied someone using one of the at the PNC branch at 4612 observed an intoxicated male nology, Forum (the opinion a daily basis, but we are also that he wanted to look at her public bathrooms as an offi ce Forbes Ave. The suspect was fi ghting in the crowd in front section), Sports, Pillbox (the able to provide a student computer. The intruder then and spending several hours a apprehended while on a PAT of the stage. The offi cers re- arts and leisure section), and perspective to the adminis- dropped the computer and day there. Upon arrival, Uni- bus parked on Forbes near moved the male from the Comics. If you want to stay tration on the school and its fl ed the room. versity Police spoke with the Morewood. crowd and arrested him for up to date with campus news various functions. involved party, and a referral public drunkenness, under- throughout the week, follow Therefore, as you, the fu- was made to Student Life. age drinking, and disorderly us online through Facebook ture of this university, join Public Drunkenness Bomb Threat conduct. or Twitter, or check our web- the Carnegie Mellon family, March 27, 2011 Feb. 1, 2011 The male provided false site at www.thetartan.org. we invite you to take advan- Suspicious Activity While on patrol, a Univer- identifi cation at the time of We hope that you will all tage of this opportunity to A bomb threat was phoned Feb. 23, 2011 sity Police offi cer noticed a his arrest and was subse- become regular readers of discover an outlet for your in to the desk attendant at male walking on the sidewalk quently charged with carrying The Tartan, but more than opinions and creativity and Mudge House. Upon further ISS workers reported that on Forbes Avenue. The male false identifi cation. that, we hope you will join to join our tight-knit family. investigation, offi cers found someone was whispering to

Corrections & the correction or clarifi ca- WEATHER Clarifi cations tion in the next print issue and publish it online. If you would like to submit a correction or clarifi cation, please e- mail The Tartan at news@ thetartan.org or editor@ thetartan.org with your inquiry, as well as the date MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY of the issue and the name of the article. We will print High / Low High / Low High / Low High / Low High / Low 75 / 62 79 / 66 83 / 69 81 / 59 81 / 59 Source: www.weather.com

A4 « thetartan.org/scitech The Tartan » August 21, 2011

Carnegie Mellon researchers create Tiramisu bus-tracking app DANIEL TKACIK sensors,” explained Taylor how those interactions could misu system could only benefi t students on campus will be as evidenced by the number SciTech Editor Raack, a master’s student in have a positive effect on all every rider.” learning to use the bus sys- of individual bus trips which the department of computer riders. In the proceedings of The real-time bus track- tem and returning students have been traced by Tiramisu Students with iPhones science and a member of the 2011 annual ACM SIGCHI ing app may be helpful to will be trying to plan their — 2,145 as of [Aug. 8] — it have a new tool that will allow Tiramisu’s development team. Conference on Human Factors incoming students. In the bus travel more effi ciently. appears to me that Pittsburgh them to track the location and This real-time location data in Computing Systems, the midst of the Port Authority’s Raack said, “I’m very satisfi ed transit riders are enjoying it as crowdedness of Pittsburgh is then used to predict arrival researchers concluded that sizeable service cut, new with our product so far, and well.” city buses — in real time. times and crowdedness for fu- “participants [in a Tiramisu The free iPhone application, ture stops. trial study] were successful at called Tiramisu (Italian for For bus routes that do not tracing information and at us- “pick-me-up”), was developed have any real-time user ac- ing the real-time and historic by a collaborative team of re- tivity, Tiramisu provides the estimates to improve their searchers from Carnegie Mel- scheduled time of arrival, ob- commuting experience.” lon and the State University of tained from the transit author- Raack explained that the New York (SUNY) at Buffalo. ity. However, based on data computing infrastructure for Given the Port Authority’s obtained in the past, Tiramisu the app is relatively light and consistently tight budget and can also predict arrival times simple, requiring little main- inability to spend millions of for routes lacking real-time tenance on its machinery dollars on high-tech tracking activity. and allowing more time to be systems for its users, this ap- “The value of our system spent improving existing fea- plication could allow riders increases with every addi- tures and building new ones to avoid being passed by a full tional transit patron who uses for the transit community. bus and left in the rain (or the application while riding a Although the app is currently snow). bus, so we encourage every- only available for iPhone us- The application is free and one who has a mobile device ers, Raack said that integra- operates by crowdsourcing. It which can run the Tiramisu tion of Tiramisu into the An- requires riders to share simple application to use it when- droid platform is currently in pieces of information about ever they ride public transit,” the works. the bus they are currently Raack said. Matthew Clark, an admin- riding with a main server Tiramisu was developed istrative coordinator for Carn- that distributes the informa- from research performed egie Mellon facilities, uses the tion to other riders. “When a by the Rehabilitation Engi- Port Authority bus system fi ve Tiramisu user gets on a bus, neering Research Center on days a week. “I have found he or she is prompted to se- Accessible Public Transporta- Port Authority to be highly re- lect the bus route they are on tion, a partnership organiza- sistant to change for better or and the current fullness of tion between Carnegie Mellon worse,” he said while describ- the bus. Then the application and SUNY Buffalo. Research- ing a past incident in which begins collecting real-time ers in the center began ob- a proposed algorithm that location data for that trip via serving how people interacted would streamline routes was the mobile device’s location with their transit agencies and met with hostility. “The Tira- Adelaide Cole/Art Editor Facial-recognition, social media sites create potential security risk AMRITHA PARTHASARATHY and further developed by portion of members of the dat- formation about the person. one knows everything about sult in a detailed history of a Staffwriter Facebook, Google, Apple, and ing site,” according to Acquis- To prove this, the team everyone. person. the U.S. government.” Indeed, ti’s website, thus showing the predicted interests and social At the Black Hat com- In Acquisti’s words, “A per- In this generation, many many popular programs such viability of online-to-online security numbers (SSNs) of puter security conference in son’s face is the veritable link people — from students to as Google’s Picasa, Facebook, re-identifi cation. some participants from the Las Vegas, Acquisti posited, between her offl ine and online professionals to children — and Apple’s iPhoto use facial In the second experi- second experiment by com- “In a few years, facial visual identities. When we share pho- are addicted to social media recognition software. ment, the group implemented bining facial recognition and searches may become as com- tographs of ourselves online, sites such as Facebook, Twit- This advent of this technol- offl ine-to-online re-identi- previously developed algo- mon as today’s text-based it becomes possible for others ter, LinkedIn, or MySpace. ogy creates a sizeable risk in fi cation by identifying stu- rithms to predict SSNs from searches.” It is hard to imagine to link our face to our names These sites offer us an the accessibility of personal dents walking around cam- public data. This blend of a future in which just a small in situations where we would opportunity to connect with information. Alessandro Ac- pus based on their photos on information from pictures, click of a camera would re- normally expect anonymity.” people we know and, some- quisti, an associate professor Facebook. In this case, the facial recognition, and public times, people we don’t know. of information technology and team re-identifi ed students data warehouses is the aug- On a daily basis, we share public policy in the Heinz Col- from images taken through mented reality the team has huge amounts of information lege and a Carnegie Mellon a webcam on the Carnegie been studying. through these connections, CyLab researcher, has con- Mellon campus before com- Furthermore, to demon- including personal photo- ducted several experiments to paring them to profi le images strate the real-time processing graphs, addresses, and phone examine the potential of facial from Facebook. According to of personal information based numbers. All this information recognition software to identi- Acquisti’s website, they were on faces, Acquisti’s team cre- makes social media sites a fy faces and match them with able to identify around one- ated a smartphone application magnet for hackers and gov- personal information. third of the subjects in the ex- that collects online and offl ine ernment agencies. In the fi rst experiment, Ac- periment. personal data. The informa- But just how accessible is quisti’s team identifi ed indi- In the third experiment, tion found is then displayed this information to outsiders? viduals on an online dating site Acquisti’s team worked on over the target person’s face Facial recognition software where members use pseud- what the team’s website calls on the smartphone’s screen. can be a successful tool for onyms to protect their privacy. “augmented reality,” or “the This application can recognize extracting information from a The research team took profi le merging of online and offl ine faces and withdraw informa- picture by associating it with a pictures from the dating site data that new technologies tion about the individual from specifi c name, especially when and cross-referenced the pic- make possible.” This means sites where similar pictures combined with other software tures with Facebook profi le that if a person’s face can be have been posted. to obtain personal information images accessible through a linked to a name through fa- With such software and in- linked to the name. Accord- search engine using facial rec- cial recognition software that formation scattered across the ing to the Los Angeles Times, ognition software. As a result, is in turn connected to social Internet on social networking “Facial recognition software they “ended up re-identifying networking sites, it is possible sites, we may be moving to- is growing and is being used a statistically signifi cant pro- to identify more sensitive in- ward a future in which every- Daniel Lipson/Forum Co-Editor

SCITECH BRIEFS Perseid meteor Amazon team Researchers Professors develop SETI project to Pronoun reversal shower reaches invents cell phone propose method to mock circulatory come back online in autistic children annual peak airbag fi ght Web censors system after donation explained Skywatchers worldwide Addressing the woes of but- Many Web users are famil- While artifi cial hearts and The SETI Institute will re- When autism was fi rst char- had their eyes and cameras terfi ngered users everywhere, iar with using proxies to ac- heart-assist devices have ex- activate its Mount Shasta radio acterized in 1943, Dr. Leo Kan- ready this weekend as the an- Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and cess blocked sites — until the isted for decades, the devel- telescope facility by Septem- ner noted in his seminal paper nual Perseid meteor shower Vice President Gregory M. proxy sites are discovered and opment and testing of these ber after receiving $210,000 the misuse of the pronouns “I” reached its peak Friday night. Hart have fi led a patent for blocked themselves. To bypass devices for juvenile patients in donations this summer. The and “you” in autistic children. Despite threats of clouds and airbags to prevent damage the cat-and-mouse game of In- has always lagged behind. Mount Shasta array consists of The use of these personal a coincidental full moon, ama- to mobile phones when they ternet censorship, researchers The complex physical require- 42 satellite dishes that search pronouns by normal listeners teur astronomers from Califor- are accidentally dropped. The at the University of Michigan ments for children’s devices for evidence of extraterrestrial requires rapid re-mapping of nia to England reported stel- patent application, fi led in and the University of Water- have made it so developers life. The site has been inactive their relationship to the sub- lar sightings throughout the February 2010, became public loo in Canada have developed cannot simply make smaller since April of this year, when ject; autistic listeners often week. Observers called in as Thursday. Telex, a prototype system that versions of adult devices. the institute ran out of fund- reverse these pronouns, refer- many as 20 meteors per hour According to the applica- secretly reroutes a connection Professors in Carnegie ing for operations. Among the ring to themselves as “you.” during the shower’s peak, and tion, a mobile device outfi tted without using an overt proxy. Mellon’s department of bio- high-profi le summer donors Research at Carnegie Mel- NASA hosted an online sky- with the airbag mechanism A user running Telex fi rst medical engineering have are Jodie Foster, who starred lon has shown where this watching party complete with would fi rst detect that it has connects to any accessible made strides in creating an in the movie Contact, which neural dysfunction may lie live video. been dropped and determine HTTPS site as a decoy. Telex environment for developers to featured the SETI project; for high-functioning autistic Perseid meteors come from the likely amount of result- places a cryptographic key in- test their new pediatric ven- science-fi ction author Larry adults. The autistic subjects pieces of the sun-orbiting ing damage. If that damage side the HTTPS headers that tricular assist devices (VADs). Niven; and Bill Anders, a for- struggled to answer questions comet Swift-Tuttle. The Earth passes a certain threshold, is undetectable from the out- They have created a mock cir- mer Apollo 8 astronaut. that contained the pronoun passes through the comet’s de- the device would deploy an side, but communicates the culatory system to simulate a The Allen Array monitors “you.” This behavior was ac- bris cloud each August, when airbag to absorb the brunt of real intent of the connection child’s circulatory system and the electromagnetic spectrum companied by a signifi cantly pieces of the debris enter the the force of impact. Bezos and to Telex-supported routers. thus provide a better testing to identify possible non-nat- diminished connectivity be- Earth’s atmosphere at speeds Hart list several variations on When a Telex router recog- environment for these medical ural signals, which could in- tween a frontal region of the of up to 133,000 m.p.h. and the airbag technology, includ- nizes a coded request for a devices. dicate transmissions from ex- brain (the right anterior in- burn up. The Perseid meteor ing springs, reinforced edges, blocked site, it can redirect the This new simulation is traterrestrial intelligence. Its sula) and a posterior region of shower gets its name from the and a “propulsion element” to user's connection accordingly. both economical to manufac- high-altitude location allows the brain (the precuneus). constellation Perseus, its ob- modify how the device falls in One drawback of the sys- ture and simple to use, and it it to make observations with served place of origin in the mid-air. tem is that it requires a large should allow for more rapid signifi cantly less interference Source: Brain night sky. number of Internet service testing of pediatric VADs. than telescopes at sea level. Source: PC World providers to install Telex-sup- Compiled by Source: Space.com ported routers. Source: Journal of Engineering Source: San Jose Mercury News CELIA LUDWINSKI in Medicine AND GREG HANNEMAN Source: ScienceDaily

A6 « thetartan.org/forum The Tartan » August 21, 2011

Social Networking 101: Dos and don’ts for Facebook etiquette

where students go from high-school come to campus. It is likely that stu- kids to young adults to adults. In col- dents have already met a number of lege, you will make horrendous mis- peers who they are going to be living takes, get over them, and learn from with or having classes with this way. them. However, you don’t have to These sort of interactions are DANIEL LIPSON make all those mistakes to get the ex- a great way to get a head start on perience and lessons they bring. Two making friends at Carnegie Mellon, Since its launch in 2004, Facebook simple Facebook dos and don’ts can but meeting people on Facebook, has become a vital part of everyday help any student, and especially fi rst- even within the confi nes of campus life. From its roots in college cam- years, avoid Facebook drama while at groups, has its ups and downs and puses, it has blossomed into a way Carnegie Mellon. should be carried out with thought. for people of all ages to connect on Don’t: Add your whole class the Social networking is often used as a a variety of levels. At its heart, how- day you get on campus. You are go- cure for social anxiety, but doing so ever, Facebook retains the charm and ing to be meeting about 30 people can leave users vulnerable when it allure of the purpose it was originally a minute during Orientation week, comes time to actually meet. It’s easy created for: It is fi rst and foremost a and most of those names you won’t to become dependent on Facebook way for college students to connect remember, no matter how many ice- for social interaction, and those who with each other through social me- breaker games you play. I remember spend too much time on Facebook dia. adding people freshman year who or any other social networking site The nature of these connections is I had seen once; I maybe glanced at may have a more diffi cult time when something that is a constant source their profi le briefl y and then never it comes to interacting with people of discussion, often leading to what saw or heard of them again. When face-to-face. is well known as “Facebook drama.” walking around campus, it is always Do: Limit your time on Facebook. One of the features that sets Face- awkward to see someone who you Nobody wants to be the person who book apart from competitors (includ- know only through Facebook and not lives vicariously through Facebook. ing the newest social networking at all in real life. There is that uncom- You know the type of person I’m talk- competitor, Google+) is its inherent fortable staring match where you are ing about: the one who likes every openness. Even with careful ma- both thinking, “I know that person, single status update, leaves pithy nipulation of the privacy settings, but I’m not sure how. Did we meet at comments on all your pictures, and Facebook tends to be a place where a party? Oh no, she’s staring at me, sends endless game requests and people have access to their networks’ should I say hi? But I don’t know her Adelaide Cole/Art Editor pokes. There are so many things to information and photographs at any name, what am I going to call her? know wants to be your friend? Just life interaction, I believe it should do at college and at Carnegie Mel- time. Such open sharing of informa- Buddy? Friend?” Other times, adding say no to Joe! only be used as a supplement. This lon. Take these few college years and tion is often a source of stress and people you don’t really know can lead People use Facebook for a wide doesn’t mean that there is anything go join clubs, explore the city, and confl ict when the information falls to problems later on. Random people variety of reasons, but one of the big- wrong with meeting people on Face- meet people — real people, not vir- into the hands of someone it wasn’t having access to all the information gest draws of social networking is book before meeting them in person tual ones. Build relationships, then intended for — whether it be a fam- on your Facebook profi le could lead enriching relationships with people — the “class of” groups have been a maintain them with social network- ily member or teacher witnessing to unwanted gossip or attention. who, for some reason or another, tradition for many years, and they ing sites like Facebook. unsavory behavior, or gossip among Such situations can easily be avoided you are unable to talk to face-to-face. are a great way to connect with other peers. restraining yourself from clicking the While some people may fi nd it easy to students starting at Carnegie Mellon Daniel Lipson (dlipson@) is Forum co- College is a transition period, mouse. Joe Schmoe who you don’t use Facebook as a substitute for real- in the weeks or months before they editor for The Tartan. Fight off the dreaded Freshman 15 Making Pittsburgh the have the chance. Start this school Still, campus dining does have year by setting aside 30 minutes to healthy, or rather healthier, meal op- ‘Hollywood of the East’ an hour every day to work out. Even tions to choose from. For fi rst-years, if you work out for just 15 minutes, who have to buy a meal plan, know- been fi lmed here has been steadily it’ll help you stay energized and alert ing where to get healthy on-campus increasing — Unstoppable, The Next CHRISTA HESTER throughout your day. Give yourself food is a must. Evgefstos!, in the UC, Three Days, Love And Other Drugs, no excuse not to exercise; rent out a is a good all-vegetarian option with I Am Number Four, and Abduction College should come with warn- locker in the UC for your gear, fi nd a Totally Juiced and Spinning Salads were all recently fi lmed in Pitts- ing signs; if it did, some of the signs buddy to keep you accountable, or across the hall. Salads and deli sand- ANNA WALSH burgh. would probably read something like, put the time that you are going to wiches to go are also made daily by The Dark Knight Rises is, without “Beware: Midnight snacks, binge work out every day in your planner. CulinArt and can be found at most What do superheroes, school re- a doubt, the most signifi cant fi lm to eating, and extra pounds ahead.” For myself, just “working out” dining locations around campus. form, and adolescence have in com- be fi lmed in the city. With an esti- People debate whether the dread- never seemed to happen. I mean, Choosing healthier meal op- mon? All were themes in movies mated budget of $250 million and ed “Freshman 15” is an actual phe- what’s the point of “working out”? tions is just as important as choos- fi lmed in Pittsburgh this summer: a fanbase already dedicated to the nomenon or not. Based on my expe- You don’t go anywhere when you ing healthier snack options. I used The Dark Knight Rises, the tentative- movie franchise, The Dark Knight rience gaining unwanted weight in run on a treadmill or pedal an exer- to grab a candy bar or a bag of chips ly named Steel Town, and The Perks Rises already has the Daily Mail pre- college, it is as easy as oversleeping of Being a Wallfl ower, respectively, dicting that it will draw tourists to for Monday’s classes. After my fi rst helped to cement the city’s growing Pittsburgh once the movie has been semester at Carnegie Mellon, my Eating is the true monster hiding in reputation as the “Hollywood of the released. It seems unlikely that the roommate and I both felt the toll of your tiny dormitory closet.... Carnegie East.” The abundance of road clo- movie will generate that much tour- our college lifestyles. Eating at night sures that the fi lms’ shooting caused ism, though — after all, the fact that and hardly at all during the day does Mellon students lead busy lives where might have been annoying, but the Pittsburgh is supposed to be Gotham not make a healthy body. convenience and the weight of our chance to catch a glimpse of Emma City, a gloomy breeding ground for For some people, staying healthy Watson or Anne Hathaway seems to corruption and crime, might actu- and active requires little work; for wallets defi ne what we eat. make the extra traffi c worth it. ally make people feel less inclined others, it’s a struggle and requires Filmings in Pittsburgh have to visit. Instead of tourists, hopefully discipline and sheer force of will. I cise bike. There’s no immediate prize when I didn’t have time for dinner, brought more than just celebrities Christopher Nolan’s new movie will am not talking to that fi rst healthy when you lift 10 pounds more than but all it succeeded in doing was to the city, though — they have also draw even more movie executives group of people; you all can go eat usual or use the Stairmaster for 20 make my body feel greasy. Some al- brought new jobs. In addition to the to Pittsburgh. The Dark Knight Rises celery and run laps, or whatever it minutes instead of 15. ternatives that I’ve found to be just as opportunities for people to work as might very well be the catalyst for a is that you do. I’m talking to the lat- Many people were fi t in high convenient and delicious are carrot extras on the fi lm, the Daily Mail new, thriving industry in Pittsburgh: ter group, the people who know they school, where they played sports that sticks, granola bars, nuts, dried fruit, reports that The Dark Knight Rises the movie industry. should eat healthier and exercise have been left behind since entering and yogurt. Most of these items can has created jobs in other, more un- There are, however, larger ques- regularly, but can’t seem to fi nd the college. If you are this type of person, be bought on campus and stored eas- expected ways. For example, local tions that will affect its long-term will power. I would suggest joining an intramu- ily. If you don’t have time for a nice company Paul’s Lumber and Sup- growth. Gov. Tom Corbett will need Living a healthy lifestyle in col- ral sport. It’s fairly low-key, can work breakfast — and let’s get real, who ply has been “fl ooded with orders” to continue the fi lm tax program, lege is hard, but I fi rmly believe it’s around your schedule, lets you be ever has time for any type of break- from the production crew, and the which grants production companies possible; it comes down to discipline. a part of a team, and gives defi ned fast? — grab one of these items and Renaissance Hotel was able to hire a 25 percent tax break if at least 60 My fi rst two years in college were goals and rewards to exercising. Ex- you’re good to go. several additional housekeepers to percent of the costs occur in Penn- marked by sporadic bursts of work- ercising is actually an easy part of Carnegie Mellon is a demand- work full-time while the cast and sylvania. While Corbett continued ing out with partying, snacking, and staying in shape during college, at ing school, and your life here will crew were staying there. the program for 2011–12, he has studying in between. I worked every least compared to taking control of be demanding. Eating smart and This is not the fi rst year that mov- not made a longer-term commit- day after school and fi nished home- what and when you eat. exercising can only enhance your ies have been fi lmed in Pittsburgh. ment, only stating that he believes it work every night around 2 a.m. And Eating is the true monster hiding time at college, teaching you a level Groundhog Day was fi lmed here in should be expanded when the bud- what kept me going every night? in your tiny dormitory closet. When of discipline and dedication that will the 1990s, and the movie Smart get allows. Future fi nancial incen- Junk food, of course! Ah, those mid- classes, work, extracurricular activi- last beyond your years in academia. People, starring Dennis Quaid, was tives would continue to grow a pro- night walks to 7-Eleven for chips and ties, social life, and homework are all Set aside time to plan your exercise actually set and fi lmed at Carnegie gram that has slowly put Pittsburgh energy drinks. Staying up all night vying for your attention, what you schedule and eating strategy, and Mellon in 2006. Adventureland, star- in bright lights, or — as the current and pigging out at Schatz’s all-you- decide to eat isn’t even under consid- you’ll fi nd that the monster in your ring Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisen- case may be — in the glow of the bat can-eat breakfast buffet did not aid eration. Carnegie Mellon students closet is in fact just a dust bunny. berg, was fi lmed at , and signal. my crusade for a smaller waistline. lead busy lives where convenience Zack and Miri Make a Porno was shot Bad habits like these are hard to and the weight of our wallets defi ne Christa Hester (chester@) is Forum and set in Monroeville. The number Anna Walsh (amwalsh@) is Pillbox break, so form good ones while you what we eat. co-editor for The Tartan. of large blockbuster fi lms that have editor for The Tartan.

Editorial Board Staff The Tartan is a student newspaper at Carnegie Mellon University, funded in part by the student activities fee. It is a weekly publication by students during the fall and spring semesters, printed by Trib Total Media. The Tartan is not an official publication of Carnegie Mellon University. The MEELA DUDLEY COPY first issue is free; subsequent issues cost $0.50 at the discretion of The Tartan. Subscriptions Publisher Stephanie Blotner, Vivian Chang, Anabelle Lee, are available on a per semester basis. Bonita Leung, Madelyn Glymour, Jessica Van Hattem MICHAEL KAHN The Editorials appearing at the beginning of the opinion section are the official opinion of The Editor-in-Chief LAYOUT Tartan Editorial Board. Columns, Editorial Cartoons, and Reviews are the opinions of their individual creators. The Tartan Editorial Staff reserves the right to withhold from publication GREG HANNEMAN Contributing Editor CHRISTA HESTER Forum Co-Editor Matthew Finlay, Sun Kyung Park, Frances Soong, any copy it deems unfit. DANIEL LIPSON Forum Co-Editor EMILY DOBLER News Editor Alan Vangpat, Eliana Weiner ADVERTISING Letters to the Editor are the opinions of their authors. Letters from within the University Richa Khosla, Seo Young Hwang, Tahirah Green community take precedence. Letters intended for publication must be signed and include the Editorial Staff author’s address and telephone number for verification; letters must not exceed 350 words. Authors’ names may be withheld from publication upon request. The Tartan reserves the right BUSINESS to condense or reject any letter. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before CELIA LUDWINSKI Operations Manager Kenneth Wong publication by mail or to [email protected]. ALEX TAPAK Sports Editor TOMMY HOFMAN Photo Editor NICOLE HAMILTON Comics Editor ADELAIDE COLE Art Editor PRODUCTION Anna Romanova The Tartan ANNA WALSH Pillbox Editor STACEY CHIN Layout Manager © 2011 , all rights reserved. Library of Congress ISSN: 0890-3107 MARICEL PAZ Online Editor JENNY CHANG Advertising Manager DANIEL TKACIK SciTech Editor JONATHAN CHUNG Business Manager ALEX CRICHTON Systems Manager KELLY HARRINGTON Asst. Systems Manager KATIE CHIRONIS Copy Manager KATHY CHEN Asst. Advertising Manager Office: University Center 314 Mail: SARAH ZAKRAJSEK Personnel Manager GRACE CHUNG Asst. Advertising Manager Phone: (412) 268-2111 The Tartan PATRICK GAGE KELLEY COURTNEY CHIN Fax: (412) 268-1596 Box 119, UC Suite 103 Asst. EIC, Special Projects Asst. SciTech Editor Web: www.thetartan.org 5000 Forbes Avenue E-mail: [email protected] Pittsburgh, PA 15213 August 21, 2011 « The Tartan thetartan.org/sports » A7

SPORTS COMMENTARY Pirates at least two Your guide to Orientation 2011 Below is a schedule of selected interaction, as well as a sense of the enjoy traditional movie snacks at this years from playoffs Orientation 2010 events. For a full respect and appreciation for cultural one of a kind movie experience. The schedule of daily opportunities, differences within our community. The event is co-sponsored by the Activities students should refer to their talents and stories of our students will Board Film Committee. orientation packets or visit the Offi ce entertain and amaze you. of Student Affairs website at www. Thursday studentaffairs.cmu.edu/first-year/ 4–5 p.m.: orientation. Explore the World! How Study 5–6:10 p.m.: Convocation Abroad Can Work for You! Baker Lawn Tent Sunday Connan Room, UC The Class of 2015 gathers together 10:45–11:45 a.m.: Discover the who, what, when, to celebrate the beginning of your aca- Student Affairs Welcome and where, and why of study abroad and demic career at Carnegie Mellon. This Overview of Student Services why freshman year is the perfect time tradition brings together members of McConomy Auditorium, UC to begin planning. Whether it is over our campus to celebrate your arrival to spring break, summer, a semester, or our community. Jeffrey Zaslow, (H&SS Family members and their students for an entire year, everyone at Carnegie ’80), senior writer and columnist for are encouraged to attend this welcome Mellon can and should study abroad. The Wall Street Journal and co-author address by Dean of Student Affairs One recently returned student said, “If I of The Last Lecture, will be the keynote Gina Casalegno, who will be accom- could do it again, I’d do it immediately! speaker. panied by a panel representing various I think everyone should get the chance student support services committed to to study abroad once in his life!” Chris 8–11 p.m.: supporting students’ success at Carne- Menand and Jaycie Galbraith, coordi- Gateway Clippership Cruise gie Mellon. Student Affairs, Enrollment nators for study abroad in the Offi ce Services, Housing and Dining Services, of International Education, will pres- Great music, three rivers, 800 class- Health Services, Counseling and Psy- ent an information session about study mates, and a double-decker riverboat. chological Services, the Career and abroad at Carnegie Mellon. Returned Get ready to dance the night away as Professional Development Center, and students will be available to answer you cruise down the rivers of Pitts- University Police will be represented on questions and talk about their experi- burgh. Don’t forget your ticket! the panel and available to answer your ences abroad. Where will your adven- questions. tures take you? Friday 1–2 p.m.: 8:30–10 p.m.: 1:30–2:30 p.m.: Fraternity and Sorority Comedian: Amy Schumer ‘Behind The Last Lecture’ with Information Session Baker Lawn Tent Jeffrey Zaslow Connan Room, UC McConomy Auditorium, UC Activities Board brings you Amy Every semester, nearly 300 students Schumer, one of the fastest rising com- Randy Pausch’s lecture at Carnegie make the decision to become involved ics on the scene. The former Last Comic Mellon became a worldwide phenom- in a fraternity or sorority at Carnegie Standing fi nalist has just released Cut- enon. The book that followed, The Last Courtesy of Matt Bandi on Flickr Mellon. Come and learn more about ting via Comedy Central Records. It fol- Lecture, is an international bestseller, Some fans consider Pirates rising star Andrew McCutchen a top-fi ve the fraternities and sororities at Carn- lows her spring 2010 Comedy Central translated in 34 languages. While shar- outfi elder in the MLB. Even with his strong bat, Pittsburgh is at least a egie Mellon and meet students from Presents stand-up special. On the small ing clips of news coverage, co-author few years away from having a playoff-ready team. the Greek community and the staff who screen, she has nabbed a recurring Jeffrey Zaslow offers an inside look at PIRATES, from A8 was fi fth in the Rookie of the work with Greek life. Whether you are role in the upcoming season of Adult how Pausch has moved the world, and Year (ROY) voting last year, thinking about going Greek or are still Swim’s mockumentary series Delocated the lessons of his story. a respectable ERA right now that is not enough to say that undecided, feel free to come to this in- as well as a spot on HBO’s Curb Your En- is purely luck, as hitters are he is actually a top player. formation session and see what Greek thusiasm. Schumer has also performed 8 p.m.: hitting fewer home runs but Guys like Angel Berroa and life has to offer you at Carnegie Mellon. on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and House Wars – Takin’ It to The the same number of fl y balls Khalil Greene have won ROY John Oliver’s New York Stand-Up Show. Cut! On the Cut (rainsite: Wiegand against him. Not to mention awards, and both of those 4–5 p.m.: Carnegie Mellon fi fth-year senior Matt Gymnasium, UC) that he only has a 20 percent guys are out of a starter’s po- President’s Address Sandler will open for Schumer. Baker Lawn Tent Quality Start rating in his sition — if not the league — past 10 starts. by now. Walker ranks ninth in Wednesday Picture this: Purple, blue, yellow, Another reason why the on-base plus slugging among Jared L. Cohon, president of the uni- green, pink, and red decked out in their Pirates will not be any good second basemen in the MLB, versity, welcomes the Class of 2015. 1–2:45 p.m.: house colors and competing in fun for at least the next two years and second base is widely ‘Under the Infl uence’ and Olympic-style games. Compete with is their hitting. They arguably considered to be one of the Monday ‘Welcome to the Neighborhood’ your color team against all the others Rangos Hall and McConomy have a bottom-fi ve lineup in weakest hitting positions in in this dynamic event to see who gets Auditorium, UC the league, and until recently the league. The Pirates cur- 8:30–10 p.m.: Playfair their picture taken hoisting the Carn- The Cut, in front of the University they had fi rst baseman Lyle rently have the ninth-best egie Cup. Center (rain site: Wiegand Overbay, who was signed in second baseman as their In “Under the Infl uence,” join your Gymnasium, UC) the off-season to a stupid con- second-best hitter. It is easy peers as we speak openly and candid- Saturday tract, hitting in the heart of to see how that is a problem. ly about the decisions you will face in the order. With a few trades Will the Pirates be com- Get to know everyone in the Class situations surrounding sexual health, 8:30–10 p.m.: from general manager Neal petitive eventually? I am sure of 2015; this is the largest icebreaker alcohol, relationships, and campus Talent Show and Slide Show of Huntington, the Pirates were they will. They have one of at Carnegie Mellon. Playfair will allow culture. Paula Martin, health promo- Orienation 2011 Rangos Hall, UC able to get some respectable the top systems in the major the entire freshmen class to interact tion specialist, and Michelle Keffer, hitters, but no one that is go- leagues and a few players with one another in one evening. The Counseling and Psychological Services ing to change the face of this that they hope to have ready commonalities between you and your psychologist, along with the OCs and Watch your classmates demonstrate franchise any time soon. by 2012, such as outfi elder peers will be revealed to you in a series several campus support providers, will their tremendous skills and learn how When we look at the of- Jose Tabata and third base- of high-energy, high-excitement games lead this session. creative and talented your class really fense, we cannot overlook man Pedro Alvarez. Howev- and activities. It is likely that you have been a part is. We captured the best moments of Andrew McCutchen, who is er, with their low budget as of many communities during your life- Orientation on fi lm, and we want you one of the budding stars in well as high variance when Tuesday time. “Welcome to the Neighborhood” to relive the memories of your fi rst the game today. I fully expect it comes to the development will discuss what it means to be a mem- week at Carnegie Mellon. McCutchen to become a top- of prospects, I doubt we will 9–10:30 a.m.: ber of the Carnegie Mellon community, fi ve outfi elder in two or three see the Pirates being a playoff Community Collage including our shared standards and Sunday Baker Lawn Tent years, and some can even team for at least two years. values. Interactive activities will shape make the argument that he If their minor league staff our conversation. 1:30–3 p.m.: deserves to be considered in is able to develop a guy like The Community Collage is an ex- ‘Where’s That?!?’ and ‘What the top fi ve right now. starting pitcher Jamison Tail- citing presentation by your fellow stu- 9 p.m.: About Monday?’ Toy Story 3 Meet with your OC group The problem with the lon, who was the fi rst overall dents of their experiences, personal Outdoor Film: Tennis Court Amphitheater (rain site: Pirates is that they have no pick in this year’s amateur refl ections, and cultural performances, McConomy Auditorium, UC) one else in the lineup to hit. draft, they should be able to which all help to shape the diversity of Get the real campus tour with your Neil Walker, who is consid- compete sooner rather than the Carnegie Mellon community. The Orientation group. Find vending ma- ered to be their second-best later. Community Collage will allow you to Bring your blanket to enjoy a relax- chines, cool spots to hang out on cam- hitter at this point, should But, based on the history gain a foundation for dialogue and ing evening with new friends as you sit pus, 24-hour computer clusters, and be the sixth-best hitter in a of the Pirates, is there any cross-cultural and cross-community in our tennis court amphitheater and more. real lineup. Although Walker reason to be optimistic?

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Tartan athletes look forward to productive season ADAM GRUBER 2010 season, fi nishing 11–4–1 Staffwriter last year. Even on the heels of such With the start of the 2011– a prosperous season, the Tar- 12 school year, the student tans began preparation for a athletes of Carnegie Mellon competitive 2011 season in the are gearing up for an exciting heart of their summer break. fall season. To introduce the On Aug. 9, the team set varsity teams, here is an in- out on an international train- depth look on what to expect ing trip, where players trained this fall: and competed against club teams. Over an eight-day pe- Football riod, the men visited Holland, Belgium, and Germany. After a slightly disappoint- The CMU Invitational will ing 4–6 season last year to end mark the opening of the 2011 the team’s streak of winning men’s soccer season on Friday, seasons, the Tartan football Sept. 2. The Tartans will face team enters the new season Geneva College in the fi rst ranked fourth in the Universi- round of the invitational. ty Athletic Association (UAA). On the offensive side of the Women’s soccer ball, the Tartans have 10 re- turning starters, six of whom The women’s soccer team were all-UAA last season. Se- has a new face on the staff. nior tight end Zach Gallup and Kara Kabellis was hired during senior offensive lineman Ross the off-season to be the new Lapkowicz hope to lead the assistant coach for the Tar- squad to greener pastures in tans. She was formerly on the the upcoming season. United States’ U-21 National However, Carnegie Mel- Team, and she has coaching lon’s leading rusher of the past experience at Lewis Univer- two seasons, Justin Pratt, has sity. graduated. The duo of junior The team itself is coming File Photo Coming off a 4–6 season, the Carnegie Mellon football team will begin its fall schedule on Sept. 3. Fullback Chris Garcia (No. 2), returning to the team running backs Jake Nardone off an 8–8 season in 2010. Led as a senior, carried the ball for 296 yards rushing last year. and Patrick Blanks will be by the offense of sophomore carrying the offense on the forward Alex Venegas and se- gart were the fi rst pair, going nis courts next to Margaret their advantage on their home Women’s swimming ground. nior midfi elder Elsa Wu, the 2–1 in the championship. Ju- Morrison Carnegie Hall. course, Longue Vue Country On the fl ip side, the de- close-knit players are heading nior Jeremy King and sopho- Club. With a cumulative QPA of fense sees seven starters from into the upcoming season with more Duke Miller were the Golf 3.35, the women’s swim team last season return. Senior in- much enthusiasm. other pair, also going 2–1 in Men’s swimming was also honored last season side linebacker Dan Behmke The women’s soccer team their match. The young Tartans golf by the CSCAA. Graduating se- and junior outside linebacker will be looking to improve on MacTaggart and King have team starts its new season at The College Swim Coaches nior Molly Evans was nominat- Nick Karabin, both all-UAA de- its 2–5 record in conference now been all-UAA twice in the Guy Kuhn Invitational on Association of America (CS- ed for the UAA Woman of the fenders last season, will be the games last season. The team their college careers. Sept. 18 in Meadville, Pa. CAA) honored the Tartans’ Year award this summer after centerpieces of the Tartans’ opens its season in the Johns The 2011 season gets un- The Division III Cleve- men’s swimming team for its breaking eight school records tough defense. Hopkins Tournament on Sat- derway on Saturday, Sept. 10, land Golf/Srixon All-America academic success last season. in her career. But the Tartans Junior corner Sam Thomp- urday, Sept. 3. at the Allegheny Invitational. Scholar winners from last sea- The team posted a cumu- will be without her this year, son is returning from injury af- son, juniors Terence Einhorn lative 3.47 GPA, placing 12th as well as leader Brianne Bur- ter missing eight games in the Men’s tennis Women’s tennis and Michael Cheng, along out of the 57 institutions be- ton, who also graduated. 2010 season. with now-sophomore Ian Ban- stowed with the same honor. Sophomore Soleil Phan The team’s season be- Four of last year’s men’s Last season’s junior duo gor, will spearhead the young The team will be without will head the 2011 campaign gins on Saturday, Sept. 3 in a tennis players found them- of Courtney Chin and Laura and promising squad. its leader, Alex Hansen, who for the women, whose season non-conference game against selves on the all-UAA team Chen saw their run end in the Bangor posted a 75.3 av- graduated. The Tartans now starts along with the men’s Grove City College at Gesling after last season’s Association national semi-fi nal match. erage last season, leading the look to dominate the UAA be- team on Saturday, Oct. 15. Stadium. Kickoff is at 1 p.m. Championship. Two doubles The women’s tennis sea- team. Cheng followed closely hind junior Dan Glaser-Garb- pairs dominated the champi- son starts on Friday, Sept. 9 at 79.2. ick. Editor’s note: Courtney Chin is Men’s soccer onship. at home, where the team will Friday, Sept. 9 is the Fall The fi rst meet, an in- assistant SciTech editor and Jer- The senior tandem of Alex host the Carnegie Mellon Uni- CMU Invitational, where the tersquad competition, is Sat- emy King is a staffwriter for The The team had a fruitful Nemerov and Bobby MacTag- versity Invitational at the ten- Tartans are hoping to press urday, Oct. 15. Tartan.

SPORTS COMMENTARY Club teams look for new members Are the Buccos actually back? JEREMY KING sabermetrics as the dominant Staffwriter way of analyzing statistics in baseball, wins and ERA are During my time in Pitts- no longer the only way to burgh, there have always judge a pitcher’s true perfor- been just two sports: football mance. First of all, Morton and hockey. As you know, has no history of being a de- there is no NBA team that cent pitcher, let alone a good resides in Pittsburgh, but one one. His ERA last year was in other team is always forgot- the high 7s, he had a walks- ten. That would be the Pitts- plus-hits per inning pitched burgh Pirates. Whenever I (WHIP) ratio of 1.73, and he ask a die-hard Pittsburgh fan gave up a whopping 15 home about the Pirates, 90 percent File Photo Carnegie Mellon’s ultimate Frisbee A team, Mr. Yuk, competed in the Ohio Valley Regionals last year for the fi rst time since 2005–06. The club is one of the time the person says Can we of the 18 club sports currently active at the university. back, “Who watches base- ball anyways?” Considering offi cially As the summer comes to a junior Clare McKendry was A team, known as Mr. Yuk, for year with a stronger schedule. baseball has a larger fan base close and students at Carnegie named to the All Mid-Atlantic advanced players, and a de- Members of Mr. Yuk and than hockey in America, one say that the Mellon return to campus, The Division Team. After wins velopmental B team, known Harmful If Swallowed can has to wonder why every Pirates can be Tartan caught up with two club over both Virginia Tech and as Harmful If Swallowed, for be found throwing and play- Pittsburgher responds like sports teams as they are pre- James Madison University, players who either want to ing pickup Frisbee on the Cut that. And of course, it is be- contenders in paring to start a new season the women’s water polo team just play a fun sport with their every day of the week during cause their beloved Pirates, the next year? and begin the search for new fi nished in ninth place. friends or for people who want Orientation, starting around also known as the “Buccos,” members. Both the men’s and wom- to work hard to improve their 11 a.m. Additionally, the Ul- have not won a World Series I respond with en’s teams practice year game and make the A team. timate After Playfair event since 1979 and have not had an enthusiastic Water polo round, with the men compet- This past year, Mr. Yuk will be hosted on the Gesling a winning season since 1992. ing in the fall and the women placed third at sectionals and Stadium turf on Monday, Aug. However, up until last week, no. After fi nishing on a high in the spring. went on to compete at the 22. Several members in the ul- the Buccos were vying for a note last season, both the This season, the water polo Ohio Valley Regionals. Re- timate program will be direct- spot in the playoffs with their runs in only 17 starts. In the men’s and women’s water team is looking for players with gionals consisted of 15 teams; ing students to the turf after NL Central rivals and giving two years before that, he ac- polo teams look to continue to some swimming background; among the top teams were the Playfair. some hope to Pittsburgh’s cumulated a 5+ ERA and was build their program. however, no water polo expe- University of Pittsburgh, Ohio If you are interested in get- baseball fan base. clearly a mediocre pitcher. The men’s team fi nished rience is necessary. The team State University, and Penn ting more information about So, with a winning record One thing that Pirates fans fi rst out of the Division III includes players at all levels State University. the ultimate Frisbee team for almost four months of often overlook is that Mor- teams in its league. This of experience, from those who Regionals was a tough and possibly playing, send the the season, can we offi cially ton is still the same mediocre strong performance granted are brand new to the sport to competition for Mr. Yuk, as team an e-mail at ultimate@, say that the Pirates can be pitcher this year. In fact, his the men’s team a spot in the former national champions. the team suffered losses to or contact Mr. Yuk’s captain contenders in the next year? peripherals suggest that he Division III National Cham- The team’s captains are Clare teams that fi nished third, this year, senior Ben Clark. I respond with an enthusias- should be around the same pionship Tournament at McKendry (cmckendr@) and fi fth, and 10th, and Carnegie tic no. When you take a look level as his 2009 season, Macalester College in Saint Keith Appleby (ksappleby@ Mellon did not go on to com- Water polo and ultimate at the Pirates’ success this where he was a fourth start- Paul, Minn., where the team gmail.com). pete at nationals. On the up- Frisbee are just two of the many season, it is easy to see that er at best. In 2009 and this ultimately fi nished in seventh side, this was Mr. Yuk’s fi rst club sports that Carnegie Mel- pitching has played a key year, he has around a 1.50 place. Junior Vasos Lee was Ultimate Frisbee regional appearance since the lon has to offer. Check online role, as the team is ranked strikeouts-to-walks ratio, hit- named to the All Mid-Atlantic 2005–06 school year. at www.cmu.edu/athletics/ 10th in all of the MLB in ters are hitting .277 against Division Team. The Carnegie Mellon ulti- Moving on to this year, recreation/club/index.html ERA. One of the Pirates’ best him, and in fact his strike- Meanwhile, the women’s mate Frisbee team is looking Carnegie Mellon ultimate for the full listing of Carnegie performers all year has been outs per nine innings ratio team completed its season at for new members, whether Frisbee players better under- Mellon’s available club sports. starting pitcher Charlie Mor- is down by 0.2 compared to home as it hosted the Mid-At- you want to be competitive or stand what it takes to main- ton, who currently has nine 2008. The reason why he has lantic Championship Tourna- simply stay in shape and make tain a high-quality program, Compiled by wins and a 3.56 ERA. ment. During the tournament, friends. There is a competitive and they hope to improve this ALEX TAPAK However, with the rise of See PIRATES, A7 EXPLORING PITTSBURGH: A beginner’s guide

inside:inside: A letter from the Discover Campus offers plenty Head Orientation Pittsburgh’s of coffee resources 08.21.11 3Counselors 5music scene 7 Volume 106, Issue 1 by Ashtyn Hemendinger by Nick Guesto by Emily Dobler ...this week only

Freshman year 4 The author describes how her first-year experiences defied her expectations.

Concert venues 5 Pittsburgh has a variety of venues to satisfy all your live-music needs.

Campus dining 6 Find out which campus dining venues serve the best cuisine.

Coffee 7 Campus dining provides multiple coffee options that vary in terms of taste and price. 10 Traditions 8 Learn about Carnegie Mellon traditions that help define the campus community.

4 6 7 10 ...feature Pittsburgh 8 Each of Pittsburgh’s many and diverse neighborhoods has a unique personality. ...regulars

Paperhouse 5 WRCT Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon’s campus radio station, introduces itself.

Horoscopes 14 Discover what the stars have in store for you during your first week on campus.

PUBLISHER Meela Dudley EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Michael Kahn OPERATIONS MANAGER Celia Ludwinski PILLBOX EDITOR Anna Walsh COMICS EDITOR Nicole Hamilton ART EDITOR Adelaide Cole PHOTO EDITOR Tommy Hofman LAYOUT MANAGER Stacey Chin COPY MANAGER Katie Chironis COVER Kayla Heglas

The Tartan . Box 119 . UC Suite 103 . Carnegie Mellon University . 5000 Forbes Ave . Pittsburgh, PA 15213 . www.thetartan.org . © 2011 The Tartan From the Head Orientation Counselors Everything you need to know New students can fi nd themselves at Carnegie Mellon About kicking out your parents and being social

Hello, Class of 2015+! about some of the activities that we have planned Dear Patrick, Dear Patrick, for you during Orientation. I’m Ashtyn, one of the seven Head Orientation It’s move-in day, and I’m Do you have any tips for Counselors (HOCs) who are working hard to From forming close bonds within your housing really looking forward Orientation? Should I even make your first seven days at Carnegie Mellon as communities to participating in Playfair — one of the to Orientation. The only bother with any of these memorable and as fun as possible. The other HOCs biggest icebreakers in the world — the possibilities problem is that my parents activities? Is this going to be — Jen, Billy, Aaron, Veronica, Dan, and Sean — and to meet new people are endless. Not only will you won’t leave. They drove me a waste of time? Because I are very excited for all of you to become a part of get to know a wide variety of first-years, you will also in, which was great since I Team Fortress 2 isn’t going the Carnegie Mellon community. be able to meet some of your future professors and have so much stuff, and I to play itself. some faculty members of Carnegie Mellon. definitely didn’t turn them When deciding on a theme, we wanted to highlight down when they offered to Thanks, two things. The first was that we wanted to to take Orientation activities are not limited to the campus. buy all my groceries and Scared of Orientation Orientation back to its roots — back to its Tartan Explore Shadyside, Squirrel Hill, Oakland, and the books. But now they won’t Socializing tradition. We want you to be as “Mad for Plaid” South Side with your OCs and classmates to find all leave. How can I get them as we are. The second was that we wanted to that Pittsburgh has to offer. out of my room? Dear SOS, emphasize the importance that college has in one’s journey of finding oneself. During Orientation we Come together with your fellow classmates at Please help, Here’s the first rule of want you to start finding your thread. We want you Convocation to be officially welcomed into the Grown-ups Take Forever Orientation: Leave your to feel unique (the ‘i’ in “iPlaid”) while also feeling a Carnegie Mellon community, and celebrate by to gO room. If you stay inside, part of the larger Carnegie Mellon community (the dancing the night away on the Clippership Cruise. you’re just wasting a week ‘Plaid’ in “iPlaid”). Dear GTFO, of your life. Orientation is the The week culminates with all the houses battling one time at school you can Orientation is designed to help students familiarize on the Cut for the coveted Carnegie Cup. Dress up, You must be the first kid to walk up to anyone without themselves with the Carnegie Mellon community. show your house spirit, and get ready to experience go to college. Or the last. any fear and strike up a It is our goal, and the goal of the Orientation one of Orientation’s greatest traditions. Let’s be honest, you’re not conversation. No one knows Counselors (OCs), to help you begin the journey of reading this. You’re too anyone — it’s very freeing. finding yourself. During Orientation week, we will Whitewater rafting, biking, and rock climbing are busy unpacking or trying to No matter how awkward you give you all the advice you need for your first year, just some of the activities offered as part of the chat up that cute girl down are, the other person is just ranging from the best places to study to the nicest Pittsburgh Connections program that you can the hall. So I’ll address this as awkward as you. (Another places to eat. We are here to introduce you to your enjoy during Orientation week. After that, end your directly to the only readers: benefit of Carnegie Mellon: home for the next four (or five) years. Everyone Orientation by watching your fellow classmates your parents. Everyone’s really awkward.) on campus will be working to create a seven-day showcase their hidden skills in the Talent Show. Orientation filled with awesome events; interactions Hey parents! How are The food you get at with fellow first-years, upperclassmen, faculty, and Coming to Carnegie Mellon, you may feel nervous, you? I know this can be Orientation will be the best staff; and free food. You’ll learn just how awesome excited, hopeful, sad, hesistant, and plenty of other an emotional day — kid food you’ll get all year, that is as you continue your education at Carnegie emotions. Questions may be running through your growing up, all that jazz thanks to that meal plan Mellon. I’d like to take this time to get you pumped head, such as: What if I can’t find my classes? Will — but it’s time to go. You you’re forced to sign up for. people like me? What do I want to do with my life? finally got your kid out of the Take advantage of it while Do people really wear capes? You aren’t alone in house. Let him go off and you can. Every organization your fears and questions. Every first-year before you learn, drink a little too much, on campus will throw a has felt this way. This is what makes Orientation and pull some all-nighters. party during Orientation. week at Carnegie Mellon so important. For many Seriously, just get out of your Upperclassmen see it as an upperclassmen, Orientation was the most helpful son’s dorm room. You can excuse to come back early transition imaginable. It is our job to help you feel hang out in Pittsburgh a little, and party for a week. If that’s the same. maybe even attend some of your scene, enjoy it before those Orientation activities you have work and class. We have so much planned for you and we are very meant for parents, but now Take every chance you can excited for you all to be here. So get excited, and get is the time to cut the cord. to meet more people. ready to have the time of your life. You’re free again! Unless you have a couple more brats Don’t go on the Clipper Welcome home! puttering around the house, Ship — it sucks, but they’ll be gone soon Patrick Hoskins Sincerely, enough.

Ashtyn Hemendinger and the rest of the Just go home already, Need advice? Send queries Orientation and house staff Patrick Hoskins to [email protected].

Courtesy of Ashtyn Hemendinger community3 pillbox 08.21.11 Tales from Freshman Year Sophomore music student refl ects upon unexpected experiences from her fi rst year

For the first 18 years of my life, I pictured college as a participate entirely. Do what you think you can handle, a complication following knee surgery, I spent my entire place where you studied one subject to the exclusion keeping in mind that backing out is never difficult if you freshman year getting around Pittsburgh on crutches of everything else. I never expected that my social life find that you’ve overestimated yourself. and, for a couple of months, in a wheelchair. As a result would take up much time, or that it could affect my of this unique, albeit unfortunate, experience, I gained perception of my studies. My first semester at Carnegie Carnegie Mellon offers opportunities that you could confidence in my ability to handle any obstacle college Mellon went according to plan, and I spent any and all never have imagined in high school. Get a work study could think to throw at me and the determination I free time with other music majors, becoming painfully job, start tutoring, or join an a cappella group, Kiltie needed to finish the year (not to mention more upper familiar with every practice room on the College of Fine Band, or the Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic. Give Greek body strength than I knew what to do with). Arts mezzanine. The way I balanced my priorities my life a try, or — for the more adventurous — go skydiving first month in Pittsburgh, I might as well have been at a (yes, there’s a club for that too). If you have an idea for So, for many reasons, my first year wasn’t what I music conservatory. a club that doesn’t exist, then you can always start it expected. Instead of the classical music haven I longed yourself. You’ll meet some bright and interesting people, for after high school, I found a diverse social experience For me, Orientation seemed socially overwhelming. You and the more diverse their interests, the more refreshing with myriad opportunities available to almost anyone learn hundreds of names only to forget them seconds a conversation with them can be. who expressed a legitimate interest. So don’t look for later, and you play icebreaker activities that echo too specific an experience at Carnegie Mellon, and step summer camp activities of years past. But enjoy it while I took my own advice my freshman year, and through outside of your comfort zone whenever possible. The it lasts! Pretty soon, rather than spending your evenings an unexpected series of events, found myself at a KGB most memorable opportunities will be the ones you talking to interesting people, you’ll be stuck in your dorm event one Friday night. I was the only music major never thought you would find. room solving problem sets. present and had little in common with most of the members, but that just made the situation all the more It wasn’t until classes began that I had a chance to settle inspirational and memorable. I met some bright and Sarah Steranka | Junior Staffwriter into a reasonably sized circle of friends. Some people delightfully quirky people by venturing outside of my became close to their floor-mates, while others chose social comfort zone, and I ended up having a great to befriend classmates. In CFA especially, you’ll come time. And who knew that playing a three-hour game of to find that there’s a strong sense of community among Galactic Encounters with a group of strangers could be those of the same major. After the social frenzy that is so refreshing? Had I played it safe and stuck with my Orientation week, meeting all your colleagues in under a music buddies, I would never have guessed. minute is refreshing to say the least. I found little reason to leave the building at all during my first semester, It’s difficult to predict how you’ll change your first year. besides attending my Interpretation and Argument class Suddenly being completely responsible for myself was and occasionally sleeping. difficult, especially after I hit a bump in the road. Due to

As a result, I managed to achieve a somewhat conservatory-esque experience. I found myself surrounded by musicians 24/7, grumbling about the coursework that wasn’t directly related to my performance major. It’s easy to forget that you can study subjects, pursue interests, or have friends outside your major when you’re constantly immersing yourself in it.

Thus, I encountered a problem. You obviously need to devote time to your coursework, but I missed out on a lot of opportunities by limiting myself so strictly. Upon leaving an environment as restrictive as high school, many students find the unlimited list of clubs and activities at Carnegie Mellon overwhelming. While this is understandable, the solution is not to decline to

Sarah Steranka and Logan Newman, a sophomore flute performance major and a sophomore vocal performance major, respectively, take a break from working on the mezzanine of CFA.

Sarah Steranka | Photo Staff

community 4 pillbox 08.21.11 Discover Pittsburgh’s music scene Paperhouse These local concert venues provide a variety of artists On our campus station

Welcome to Paperhouse. In this corner of Pillbox, the poetic As any college student knows, going to school Altar Bar musical neurosis of the WRCT staff reigns supreme. isn’t all about hitting the books day in and day 1620 Penn Ave. (Strip District) out, especially when you’re in a cultural city like I’d like to take this moment to introduce you to your new Pittsburgh, where it would be a shame for you not to As a whole, the Altar Bar is quite a beautiful favorite radio station and student organization. My name go out and explore what the various neighborhoods building, although most people don’t go to admire is Juan Fernandez, and I am the current general manager have to offer. its architecture. Inside, the venue’s three floors are at WRCT Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon’s student-run radio attractive, but you’ll only be seeing the middle level, station. I’m guessing that everyone on campus is competing One part of Pittsburgh that you can really get into, as the ones above and below it are for VIPs only. for your attention, so I’ll try not to bombard you with too if you’re willing and knowledgeable, is the music Visitors will definitely feel as if they are at a bar and much information. Just know that you’ve got a place with us scene. Sure, there’s the Consol Energy Center, which not the usual concert setting, as the large iridescent here at WRCT. attracts some of the bigger names, but you’d be bar and neon stairs keep you awake and energized. missing out if you passed over Pittsburgh’s smaller Be sure to check if the show you’re looking to go to WRCT, known as Radio Carnegie Tech in the times of venues. is an all-ages concert or not; as the venue is a bar, old, celebrates more than 60 years of radio broadcasting. most shows are restricted to the 21+ crowd. As a free-form radio broadcaster, we are committed to Pittsburgh is an intimate city, and, although it’s providing quality alternatives to the mainstream commercial Pennsylvania’s second-largest, it’s got a cozy feel to Carnegie Music Hall programming that dominates the radio. Our DJs, public it. The neighborhoods are pleasant, the people are 4400 Forbes Ave. (Oakland) affairs hosts, and other staff members are not only Carnegie friendly, and the restaurants and cafés parallel the Mellon students, staff, and faculty, but also community small-town atmosphere. It’s not surprising, then, to With a capacity of almost 2,000, this is one of members from the Pittsburgh area, some of whom have realize that most of the concert venues are smaller Pittsburgh’s larger and definitely classier venues. more than 30 years of radio broadcasting experience and allow for personal viewing experiences. The interior is exquisite; you feel like you should be under their belts. At WRCT, every DJ has the freedom to wearing a tuxedo and sipping champagne when you play the music of his or her choosing. So, whether you’re Here’s a list of some local places that like to host step into the lobby. Floor seating is good, but you’re interested in kitchen sink recordings, local independent traveling artists (and, occasionally, secret shows better off trying to get second-story balcony seats a news programming, or Latin American culture, WRCT has a from Pittsburgh natives). Check these places out and bit to the left or right of the center. That way, you’re program for you. you’ll be sure to see some worthwhile acts. above half the audience, but still close to the stage. If you want to chat us up and learn more about what we do, Stage AE Other favorites include: we’ll be out on the Cut playing music during the beginning 400 North Shore Dr. (North Shore) Hard Rock Café, 230 W. Station Square Dr. (Station of the school year. Stop by and introduce yourself. We’d Square) love to meet you and take you in as part of the radio family. Less than a year ago, this all-ages concert venue Club Café, 56 S. 12th St. (South Side) If radio is the essence that makes your little heart go pitter opened up next to Heinz Field. The big draw: The Club Zoo, 1630 Smallman St. (Strip District) pat, you’re defi nitely going to want to become a station indoor venue, with a 2,400-person capacity, hosts The Smiling Moose, 1306 E. Carson St. (South member. To learn about the membership process, e-mail events 12 months a year. And when the weather is Side) training@.org. nice enough, the outdoor amphitheater can house an audience of 5,500. In the fall of 2011, Stage AE will A brief note of caution about attending a show at Here’s hoping to see you soon! host college-friendly artists like Arctic Monkeys and these venues: If you don’t go with someone who Mac Miller, proving that although it’s the new kid has a car, make sure you know where the closest If you’d like to learn more about WRCT, you can visit us in town as far as concert venues go, it can bring in bus stops are and when the buses are supposed online at www.wrct.org. some big names. to arrive. Just about all of these venues are not in walking distance of Carnegie Mellon’s main campus, Mr. Small’s Theatre and Funhouse and you don’t want to risk being late for your show. Juan Fernandez | Staffwriter 400 Lincoln Ave. (Millvale) Even if you’re not a die-hard fan, take a night off Mr. Small’s might just be the perfect venue. It’s from your studies, check out a part of Pittsburgh top 10 on WRCT 88.3 FM not meant to host big names, but there’s still an where you can’t see the Cathedral of Learning most played albums of the last week attractive number of folks who crowd the theater. around you, and hear some good music — all for a Don’t let the small size scare you, though; while the college-friendly price. Your overworked mind will 1 Black Lips — Arabia Mountain place only has a capacity of 650, it never feels like thank you. 2 Various Artists — Iron Atrocity Vol. 1 you’re squished among fans. There are two full bars 3 Frederico Aubele — Berlin 13 in the back of the room, where the older crowd stays 4 Darlings — Warma and mingles, while younger fans can get as close to Nick Guesto | Staffwriter 5 Amon Tobin — ISAM the stage as they want to. There’s really not a bad 6 Boris — Attention Please/Heavy Rocks seat in the house; even if you get there late and are Gloss Drop forced to stand in the back by the bar, you can easily 7 Battles — see everything going on onstage. 8 Brian Eno and Rick Holland — Drum Between The Bells 9 The Phoenix Foundation — Buffalo 10 Trevor Wishart — Fanfare & Contrapunctus/Imago

music5 pillbox 08.21.11 Discover the best dining options on campus Campus dining provides a variety of eating locations, all differing in type and quality of food

As you enter Carnegie Mellon, most of you will be ready of the negative connotations that usually come with Tazza D’Oro to embrace college life and the freedom that comes along campus food.” And it’s not only the food that keeps him with it. Now you will be able to stay out until 4 a.m. on coming back to this place. Murphy added, “The people Located in the Gates Center, Tazza D’Oro at the R-Bar a school night, be excused from the routine of waking working there are happy and enthusiastic, making the Café provides the freshest and healthiest eating options up early, and be exempt from doing your old chores — whole place a great environment to eat in. Additionally, on campus. With a great variety of paninis, pastries, except your laundry. Perhaps one of the most thrilling because of their location, the food is named after and desserts to choose from, Tazza D’Oro is not for freedoms of all is that you now have the decision-making business concepts or places.” Murphy suggests trying those looking for a greasy meal, but it is delicious and power to eat anything you want. But with all of the the “Free Market” and the “Wall Street” sandwiches. satisfying. Each panini comes with a side of mixed choices Carnegie Mellon provides, this freedom might greens on the plate, and you could fi nish off that meal become a bit overwhelming. We’ve provided you with a Hannah Kumar, a sophomore psychology and social and with a “to-die-for apple tart,” as Michelle Berman, a head start to where the best food is available on campus. decision sciences double major, also rates The Exchange junior economics and statistics double major, described one of the best places to eat on campus. Although she it. “D’Oro caters to both vegetarians and meat lovers. — considers the seating space inadequate for the crowd It is defi nitely the best place to eat on campus as this place attracts, Kumar gave a helpful tip: “If you want the interior of Gates is very modern and minimalist, The Exchange (formerly known as Ginger’s) to try something new but don’t know what to order, ask providing a quiet and relaxing environment,” Kumar for ‘something good’ and the guys there will whip up said. Located on the ground fl oor of Posner Hall, home of the something random that’s usually delicious.” She’s also Tepper School of Business, this place is an absolute experimented and has come up with a recipe for the Laura Schraff, a junior computer science major, loves delight. It not only provides the best sandwiches on perfect sandwich: “chicken salad, roasted red peppers, Tazza D’Oro; she said, “It’s not only because Gates is my campus, but it also allows you to create your own. cucumbers, pickles, and spicy mustard.” Trisha Ambe, home building — the food is delicious and healthier than Other than sandwiches, you can also choose from the a materials science and engineering and biomedical probably anywhere else on campus. Also, the people daily meal — pastas, hot soups, and the like — and engineering double major, considers the food to be fresh there are so energetic and super nice. They’ve got great grab a brownie or a cookie at the counter. Jimmy and tasty — plus, as a true Tartan would say, “It’s not far paninis for lunch and some of the best baked goods on Murphy, a sophomore math major, is a die-hard fan of from the library!” campus. It’s also a great environment to casually hang The Exchange. He said, “The food does not carry any out and study with friends.” Michelle Lin, a sophomore social and decision sciences and economics major, couldn’t agree more: “I swear you can’t go wrong with anything you order there. Whether you’re craving something savory or sweet, it will be there and it will be delicious.”

La Prima Espresso

It’s not exactly a conventional breakfast or lunch location, but La Prima, located on the fi fth fl oor of Wean Hall, remains a great place to get food for those on the go. Available in-house are fresh baked goods like croissants, cinnamon rolls, desserts, breads, and bagels with cream cheese, and some quick meals like focaccia sandwiches. From a vegetarian’s perspective, two highly recommended options are the almond croissants and the tomato and mozzarella half-sandwiches with pesto. Lin recommends grabbing a cup of coffee from La Prima in between classes. And if plain coffee is not your deal, you need not worry. The menu also includes juice, iced tea, lattes, and even double mocha cappuccinos.


Meat lovers beware, but vegans and vegetarians are welcome to falafel, wraps, fl atbread pizzas, and salads. The best side option: whole-wheat pita bread with artichoke and spinach dip. Sounds healthy? It’s delicious as well.

Adelaide Cole | Art Editor 6dining pillbox 08.21.11 Pasta Villagio The Underground some like the Underground for other reasons; Berman insists that the grilled cheese sandwich with fries makes Located close to Evgefstos!, on the second fl oor of the Located in the basement of Morewood Gardens, the for a great stress-busting meal. University Center, this is the best place to get pasta on Underground provides free coffee during fi nals, when it campus, and what’s more, you can create your own. The stays open 24 hours (otherwise closing at 11 p.m.). Still, — only thing the food lacks, at least to some taste buds, is salt, so be sure to grab a few packets on your way out. There are still many more campus places worthy of mention like Taste of India; the Carnegie Mellon Café, Spinning Salads which provides breakfast all day long; and Entropy+, Carnegie Mellon’s own convenience store that offers If you felt sick after eating the Schatz buffet, took only frozen food, fresh items like fruits and salads, sweets, a bite of your Skibo pasta, consumed a fat-fi lled burger juices, and those savior energy bars. at the City Grill, and felt heartburn after chowing down some chicken wings at the Tartans Pavilion, then maybe If you get tired of campus food, put your DineX to good it’s time to visit Spinning Salads in the University use and walk down to Subway on South Craig Street, or Center. Providing a bowl full of greens with a variety of order a Vocelli pizza to your dorm. Murphy believes that vegetables, proteins, and salad dressings to choose from, most places on campus get old after a while, but with so this salad place makes even healthy food tasty. many additional eating options available in Oakland, you should always be able to fi nd something delicious to eat. Maggie Murph Café

This café in Hunt Library has provided fuel to many Saakshi Gupta | Staffwriter all-nighters and saved many students from failing their exams. It also deserves mention for its quick-pick sandwiches, sushi rolls, and especially bagels — choices include garlic, whole wheat, multi grain, cinnamon, and everything, along with cream cheese. Some students wander over to the library just for the bagels. Adelaide Cole | Art Editor Campus offers plenty of coffee resources Choose your ideal on-campus coffee source based on price, convenience, and taste

Upon entering Carnegie Mellon University, students Zebra Lounge in the College of Fine Arts building are all Unfortunately, a majority of these facilities are closed tend to become hopelessly reliant on (i.e. addicted to) managed by Gullifty’s Restaurant. throughout the weekend, a time when students may caffeine. Whether it is from an all-night study session need caffeine the most. Only a few are open every day or a party, a strong cup of coffee will be everyone’s best Tazza D’Oro at the R-Bar Café in the Gates Center is of the week: Maggie Murph Café, Skibo Café, Carnegie friend the following morning. Especially during your fi rst managed by the local company Tazza D’Oro. It offers Mellon Café, the Underground, and Entropy+. This year, knowing where to get the best coffee at the best a different specialty brew every day, each with its severely cuts down on the options available to students. price will prove essential. own fl avor and geographic origin. Tazza D’Oro uses ingredients from local and independent farms and Students should also be economical in where they Carnegie Mellon offers 11 coffee venues: Tazza D’Oro, vendors for all its beverages and food. go for coffee on campus; they should look for the Maggie Murph Café, Zebra Lounge, The Exchange, locations that offer the most coffee for the lowest cost. Ginger’s Express, La Prima Espresso, Skibo Café, La Prima Espresso is an outside company that operates La Prima Espresso, for example, only has 16 oz. as its Carnegie Mellon Café, the Underground, Stephanie’s, its own cart near the fi fth-fl oor entrance of Wean Hall. largest size, and any coffee in that size costs about $4. and Entropy+. The venue offers students a “coffee of the month” at its Comparatively, Maggie Murph Café offers 20 oz. for a cart. “I’m going to say La Prima and Seattle’s Best [from similar price. Wait time can also factor into a student’s Each of these facilities offers a range of choices, from the University Center] are my favorites,” said Shilpa preferred coffee location: More popular places on campus espressos to mocha lattes to cappuccinos. A majority Balaji, a junior computer science major. “Seattle’s Best, can take up to 15 minutes just to order a plain coffee. of the facilities’ beverages are provided by CulinArt, just because I used to drink it at home all the time. Tazza This can bite into students’ time between classes and which uses Starbucks products. Carnegie Mellon Café [D’Oro] is probably the strongest, so that could be the affect their busy schedules. and Maggie Murph Café, as well as The Exchange and best option depending on what you’re looking for, but it’s Ginger’s Express, which are owned by Mike Clarkson sometimes a little too thick for my taste.” In comparison, To fi nd your perfect and convenient coffee location, and Kevin Huber, are the most popular coffee locations. Balaji said, “the Guatemalan blend at Skibo is generally fi gure out your schedule and specifi c tastes. These They offer the widest range of Starbucks products, often extremely watered down, which makes me not generally will be the most important factors when differentiating mirroring the full Starbucks menu. opt for it.” among Carnegie Mellon’s many venues.

However, other venues offer variety from those standard “I generally go to either La Prima or Tazza D’Oro. On Starbucks products. The Underground in Morewood taste alone, I slightly prefer Tazza D’Oro, but they’re both Emily Dobler | News Editor Gardens, Skibo Café in the University Center, and good,” said Lucas Ray, a junior computer science major.

dining pillbox 08.21.11 7 Bridge, and it is essentially one long road teeming with Exploring Pittsburgh: a beginner’s guide things to do, see, and eat. The densely populated portion of East Carson Street extends for over a mile, and with many late-night eateries and hangout spots, South Side Discover everything that Pittsburgh’s many, diverse neighborhoods have to offer is always a wonderful place to meet new people outside of the Carnegie Mellon network.

From a high-end Spanish restaurant like Mallorca to Raina Bradford-Jennings [ by ] “My favorite part has to be half-price,” St. John said. there is no shortage of little hole-in-the-wall stores the familiarity of the Crazy Mocha Coffee Company, the Junior Staffwriter Several restaurants in Oakland have late-night specials that newcomers would defi nitely miss out on if left South Side offers something for everyone. Although it is where certain items on their menus are half price after unexplored. Avalon Exchange, A Child’s Wardrobe no Waterfront, the SouthSide Works is a small shopping Traveling to Carnegie Mellon usually consists of crossing 11 p.m. Fuel and Fuddle, Mad Mex, and Joe Mama’s are and Adults Too, and Jerry’s Records are three small center that continues the South Side’s ability to cater a bridge or 20 before arriving in the heart of downtown a few of the restaurants that take part in this school-year local stores that are a shame to simply pass on by. Meg to many different types of people. Home to the national Pittsburgh. A fi rst glimpse of tall and refl ective buildings, special. Descombes, a sophomore in the School of Drama, has headquarters for American Eagle Outfi tters, there is many of which are branded with the names “Carnegie” often spent hours perusing these stores, sometimes naturally an American Eagle store, along with H&M and or “Mellon,” often implies that Pittsburgh is merely a In addition to dining locations, there are always new with a purpose, sometimes without. “I could get lost in Forever 21; for those looking for more upscale locations, large and serious steel city, where it’s easy to get lost in sights to be seen. The area of Oakland closest to Jerry’s,” she said wistfully. “I’ve gotten plenty of gifts the venue also offers a BCBG Max Azria, White House the shuffl e. A few days at Carnegie Mellon is all it takes Carnegie Mellon is home to the Carnegie Library as well there, but it’s great because you don’t have to have a Black Market, and Urban Outfi tters, all along the same to squash these worrisome thoughts and give life to the as most of the Carnegie museums, all of which offer free specifi c music taste to fi nd what you’re looking for here.” strip. realization that Pittsburgh is not a steel-hearted city; admission with a Carnegie Mellon student ID. Consider With large selections that please both the masses and rather, it is a collection of small neighborhoods that are exploring nature with leisurely strolls through Schenley the indie types, these small neighborhood stores are These neighborhoods include only seven of the 89 easy to become familiar with and will quickly seem like Park, which extends up behind Carnegie Mellon’s undoubtedly the gems of Squirrel Hill. The committed unique neighborhoods that collectively make up the home. campus, making it easily accessible to students. shopper can fi nd just about anything in these stores — city of Pittsburgh. These seven alone could entertain all it takes is some patience, and maybe a sharp eye to and diversely educate for months, but if given the Oakland Squirrel Hill spot what might be hidden. opportunity to explore even further, take it. This city has become one of not factories, but art, and don’t let that Shadyside Alexandre Kaspar | Photo Staff Carnegie Mellon students are quick to become familiar A short trip in the opposite direction of Oakland, the go to waste by lingering in the safe zone at Carnegie Avalon Exchange is a second-hand clothing store located in Squirrel Hill that specializes in trendy, mid- to high-end with this area, as campus is located right on the edge Squirrel Hill neighborhood offers more extensive dining Mellon. of the Oakland district. Oakland is also the home to the options. Interspersed with the frequently visited Giant One of the most upscale neighborhoods directly clothing labels. University of Pittsburgh’s campus. For Christy St. John, Eagle grocery store and the inexpensive but no less surrounding Carnegie Mellon, Shadyside is a favorite a sophomore in mechanical engineering, Oakland was satisfying frozen yogurt shops Razzy Fresh and Tutti for senior musical theatre major Grey Henson. “This is prove to be a great treat. In the Walnut area, Girasole, too cool to exist, but actually specialize in gourmet the fi rst area of Pittsburgh where she felt comfortable. Frutti are restaurants like The Silk Elephant, Aladdin’s my third year living in Shadyside,” he said. “It’s just a Pizzutti’s Restaurant, Pangea, and Shady Grove are small American food, burgers, and Pan-Asian cuisine, Although she loves Carnegie Mellon’s cohesive campus, Eatery, and Smallman Street Deli. Squirrel Hill is a great 10-minute walk down Morewood, and it’s really easy but highly acclaimed restaurants that live up to their respectively. for St. John, “Oakland is what made me really feel that place to visit for a change from the typical American to waste time just wandering around Walnut Street.” reputations for great Italian food, international cuisine, I had arrived at college.” That is to be expected, as the restaurant, with places that offer Thai, Mediterranean, Time wasted in Shadyside is usually time well spent seafood, and American cuisine, respectively. “I’ve This culturally diverse area was once on the down and businesses of Oakland have capitalized on the hordes of Kosher-style food, and more. on Walnut Street, which is the main strip of stores and been to Girasole for birthdays or formal dinners, and outs, but as a neighborhood that fl ourished in the 1950s, students constantly milling about at all hours of the day. eateries that usually comes to mind when thinking about everything they offer is delicious, but be sure to make it has begun to welcome more commercial restaurants Block after block of inexpensive, indulgent eateries such Food barely cracks the surface of Squirrel Hill’s offerings. the neighborhood. J. Crew, American Apparel, United a reservation,” Henson advised. Venture a few streets and shops, including Carnegie Mellon’s own Waffl e Shop as Dunkin’ Donuts, Qdoba, and Panera Bread provide an It may not be the shopping mecca of Pittsburgh, but Colors of Benetton, GAP, and Francesca’s are a few of the over to South Highland Avenue, where you’ll discover and Confl ict Kitchen, the former of which also serves as atmosphere of fun student lunches out that don’t break many popular clothing stores that pepper Walnut Street. Casbah’s Mediterranean and European food, and Oh a live-streaming talk show studio and public art project. the typical poor college student budget. Yeah! Ice Cream & Coffee Co. (sometimes referred to as When the day has ended, some of the fi ner restaurants the hipster version of Cold Stone Creamery). Both are The Waterfront in Homestead located in Shadyside, both on Walnut Street and beyond, worth the slightly longer walk. A short drive can convert into a long bus ride, as proven Bloomfi eld by the trip to the shopping center at the Waterfront. The 61D bus arrives at the Waterfront after an average With its constant celebrations of the neighborhood’s ride of 30 to 40 minutes. The Waterfront is an outdoor history, Bloomfi eld, which lies right beyond the border shopping and entertainment complex. Here is the of Shadyside, is best known as Pittsburgh’s Little Italy. massive Loews Movie Theatre, which not only has 22 This area takes the name to the next level, with many screens but also a full restaurant and lounge. It is a great hole-in-the-wall restaurants that offer Italian cuisine of place for a weekday night out, but be prepared to spend all kinds, from the simple gelato shop, Grasso Roberto a lot of money; the price of tickets is defi nitely hefty for Café, to the large Italian kitchen that will impart its the novelty of a restaurant in the theater and “premium” cooking knowledge on anyone who wishes to stop by seating. Merante’s Gift Shop. Bloomfi eld even hosts an annual Little Italy Days festival the last weekend in September; The shops at the Waterfront are the main attraction; the celebration is on Liberty Avenue, the neighborhood’s there are Costco, Target, Barnes and Noble, Macy’s, main business street. Old Navy, DSW, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Lowe’s Home Improvement, just to name a few. If anything was East Liberty forgotten for the start of college, or if anything needs to be bought, the Waterfront is a great place to go. On the other side of Bloomfi eld, also bordering File Photo Shadyside, is what is described as the trendy part The South Side Oh Yeah! Ice Cream & Coffee Co., located in of Pittsburgh. Spoon, BRGR (say it out loud, and it Shadyside, has a delicious selection of both desserts suspiciously sounds like “burger”), and Plum are three This area, accessed by the 54C and the 75 bus routes and breakfast foods. Alexandre Kaspar | Photo Staff of these restaurants, whose names alone seem almost through Oakland, is located just over the Birmingham

feature feature 8 pillbox 08.21.11 pillbox 08.21.11 9 Quirky traditions abound across campus Community traditions, unique events, and distinct heritage all help to defi ne Carnegie Mellon

Beyond its reputation as a world-class research The next highlight of Carnival, Sweepstakes (more often institution, Carnegie Mellon University harbors a unique called “Buggy”) are the exhilarating races of student- heritage and set of quirky traditions. Yet, between constructed and driven buggies through an over-4,000- mingling and competing with your future classmates, foot-long course. Although the races only last two days, where can you even begin to discover what makes a true the work lasts the entire school year, including hours Tartan’s heart beat? From driving a buggy fl ying down of practicing the race course. Roles within a buggy Schenley Drive to shivering in the snow painting a fence, team include a driver (usually fi ve feet tall or less) who there is no lack of creativity to spark your interest. steers from within, pushers to roll the buggy along the course, mechanics to fi x and maintain the buggy, and Carnival: The ultimate distraction from fi nals other members for supporting the vehicle’s progress in the course. Of booths and buggies, Jen Buse, a senior At Carnegie Mellon, April means that the highly Head Orientation Counselor, noted, “It’s such a unique anticipated Spring Carnival will soon take over the tradition: What other school would devote months to university. Carnival is not just a weekend event, but building a structure that will stand for only three days, or a tradition, encompassing yearlong preparation and be so serious about pushing a small buggy with a person dedication from students and organizations on campus. inside down a hill ... and cancel two days of classes The festivities center on Midway (the parking lot behind for it?” the Morewood dormitories), and the week beforehand consists of booth-building. Student organizations, Last but not least is the School of Computer Science sororities, and fraternities showcase their creative mobot races. This competition includes student-built talent through booths, which revolve around a yearly autonomous mobile robots, called “mobots,” navigating theme and will live only for the duration of Carnival. a course that runs 400 feet along a white track outside Prizes are awarded to the best booths in both Greek and of Wean Hall. (Yes, that little white track has a useful independent organizations. The past year’s theme was and fun purpose besides confusing you on the walk to “When I Was Your Age,” and booths included Sigma Phi classes.) Each race lasts approximately four minutes, and Epsilon fraternity’s fi rst-place “Teenage Mutant Ninja no human intervention with the robot is permitted. The Turtles,” Kappa Alpha Theta sorority’s fi rst-place “The winning mobot takes away a grand prize of $1,000, while File Photo KAT in the Hat,” and Delta Gamma sorority’s second- the races also serve to raise awareness and support for Students gather together at midnight to paint the place “POOH BEAR.” the Robotics Club. Fence, which serves as a community message board. The Fence: Embrace the Fence, paint the Fence, guard the Fence major in bagpiping. Also, Skibo Café, beyond offering an array of food, frozen yogurt, and coffee, pays homage to The campus would not be the same without the iconic Carnegie’s Skibo Castle in Scotland. Fence, the original rendezvous point between the all- female Margaret Morrison Carnegie College and the Green Room: To sign or not to sign Carnegie Institute of Technology, formerly all-male. Today, it serves as a message board and gathering Behind the beautiful Kresge Theater in the CFA building place for the Carnegie Mellon campus. The mission is lies the Green Room, a testament to past and present to capture the Fence, paint it only during the hours of graduating drama students. Before leaving Carnegie midnight to sunrise, and protect it during the day from Mellon, drama students sign their names on the walls other would-be Fence painters, no matter the weather. and ceilings. Past signees have included Holly Hunter Many an organization advertisement, charity message, and Zachary Quinto (Spock of Star Trek). or personal statement has appeared on our cherished Fence. As you enjoy Orientation and face your fi rst semester, be sure to remain open-minded to all of the traditions Calling all Scots: Bring out ye’ bagpipes! Carnegie Mellon has to offer. “Make a bucket list of Carnegie Mellon traditions and just get out there — even immigrated from Scotland to the if you’re the only one of your friends going,” Helen Wang, United States with his family in 1848, and Carnegie associate director of Student Life for fi rst-years, said. Mellon continues in his rich Scottish heritage with our “The CMU experience is full of learning both in and out own blend of bagpipes, kilts, and Scotty, our Scottish of the classroom. Find ways to leave this place better terrier mascot. The Kiltie Band, featuring marching than you found it.... Whatever you want to put off until band music, performs in kilts, while Carnegie Mellon’s tomorrow, see if it can be done today — this is the CMU Pipe and Drums plays the bagpipes with traditional spirit.” File Photo Scottish regalia, with Andrew Carlisle as its director. If Carnival centers around Midway, which is filled with a band is not enough to sate your curiosity, Carnegie carnival rides and student-constructed booths. Mellon is one of the few colleges in the country to offer a Jennifer Tharp | Staffwriter

community 10 pillbox 08.21.11 High School Was A Lie by Doghouse Diaries [email protected]

comics 11 pillbox 08.21.11 Last-Ditch Effort by John Kroes

Online at www.lde-online.com

PhD Comics by Jorge Cham [email protected]

12comics pillbox 08.21.11 Medium Difficulty

34 2 6


72 5 3



72 4

76 83


45 79

Sudoku courtesy of www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen

Kakuro Puzzle: Hard Difficulty

Kakuro courtesy of www.knobelfieber.com Fill all empty squares using numbers 1 to 9 so the sum of each row span equals the clue on its left and the sum of each column span equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same row or column span more than once. comics13 pillbox 08.21.11 Horoscopes Say it with me: House Wars is just a game. House Wars is aries just a game. House Wars is just a game. march 21–april 19

Donner House will have a huge impact on your life. It will taurus either be the center of your social life or a serious thorn in april 20–may 20 your side.

You are on the cusp of a great and successful future, so gemini don’t mess it up. Oh, and no pressure. may 21–june 21

Beware of overly pleasant upperclassmen. Though they cancer may be nice, your DineX and extra meal blocks are much june 22–july 22 nicer.

Learn the standard Carnegie Mellon acronyms quickly. The leo faster you learn them, the faster you’ll stop irritating the july 23–aug. 22 people you ask for help around campus. Crossword courtesy of BestCrosswords.com

There will come a day when the people around you will not ACROSS DOWN virgo be wearing the same T-shirt. When that day arrives, the real 1. Type of rock, briefly 1. In addition to aug. 23–sept. 22 college experience starts. 5. Fast-food option 2. ___ Hashanah 9. Veronica of “Hill Street Blues” 3. Dedicated to the ___ Love 14. Actress Anderson 4. Long-necked ruminant 15. Beige 5. One making fun The Carnegie Mellon bubble is strong, but you must fight it. 16. Designer Simpson 6. Come about libra There is a world outside of Squirrel Hill and the Waterfront. 17. Consumer 7. College sr.’s test sept. 23–oct. 22 Explore and be happy. 18. Deck quartet 8. Expel 19. Brag 9. Dexterous 20. Japanese massage technique 10. Person with new parents 22. Combination of three 11. Repast scorpio Pick your Buggy team wisely and pick for yourself. This 24. Intensely ardent 12. Additional choice will have a bigger effect on your time here at 26. Cockpit abbr. 13. Riga resident oct. 23–nov. 21 Carnegie Mellon than you could ever imagine. 27. Electrician on a movie set 21. Connect with 30. Weaken 23. Floating platforms 35. Shoelace tip 25. Capital of Armenia 36. Part of Q.E.D. 27. Type of ray Sleep is your best friend — always remember that, 37. “___ Brockovich” 28. Anew sagittarius especially in three months’ time when your relationship with nov. 22–dec. 21 38. Long March leader 29. Plants sleep will become almost nonexistent. 39. Counterpart 31. Not any 42. As a female, you could be 32. Clamp queen or worker 33. Covered on the inside I know that you were trying to hold out and wait, hoping 43. Joan of art 34. ___ nous 45. Tax 36. Level capricorn that the letter got lost in transit, but by now I think you dec. 22–jan. 19 46. More pleasant 40. Desolate should start to come to terms with the fact that you didn’t 48. Blue-green algae 41. Adversary get accepted to Hogwarts. 50. Break away 44. Tapering, four-sided pillar 51. Baseball stat 47. Tool to break solid water It’s great that you’re having fun, but you should try to call 52. Words of denial 49. Comes up aquarius your parents sometime before Thanksgiving break — and 54. Resembling a cat 50. Leave high and dry jan. 20–feb. 18 58. Puzzling 53. Body of salt water not just to ask for money. 62. Bears the ictus 54. Cry out 63. Between ports 55. Calculus calculation 65. Actress Skye 56. Boris Godunov, for one Remember: You’re a nobody until you have a club or a 66. Buy alternative 57. 3:00 pisces class that consumes your life so much that no one ever 67. Actor Connery 59. Implement feb. 19–march 20 sees you around. 68. Firewood measure 60. As to 69. Songbirds 61. Give up Nicole Hamilton | Comics Editor 70. Look after 64. Call on 71. Swiss painter Paul

14comics pillbox 08.21.11 Clockwise from bottom-left: Barack Obama speaks at an event during the 2008 campaign. A member of the women’s water polo team in the University Center pool. Henry Hillman and Bill Gates cut the ribbon for the Gates Hillman Complex. A pusher runs after a buggy during Carnival. The Scottie dog mascots pose on Midway during Carnival. Students celebrate Holi at an annual event. Photographs by Patrick Gage Kelley, J.W. Ramp, Michael Kahn, Celia Ludwinski, Jonathan Carreon, and Travis Wolfe. gallery pillbox 08.21.1115 the dark knight rises.

Anna Walsh | Pillbox Editor The Tumbler made an appearance on Forbes Avenue as The Dark Knight Rises fi lmed at the Mellon Institute and the Software Engineering Institute during the last weekend in July. The Mellon Institute, which will serve as Gotham’s city hall, was host to a large fi ght scene on the front steps. There were also multiple scenes fi lmed inside Mellon. The Dark Knight Rises, which also shot scenes downtown, will be released in theaters July 20, 2012.

16gallery pillbox 08.21.11