Welcome to Orientation week, Carnegie Mellon Class of 2015+ Fighting the freshman 15 • A6 Catching up with club sports • A8 Carnegie Mellon traditions • B10 FORUM SPORTS PILLBOX thetartan.org @thetartan August 21, 2011 Volume 106, Issue 1 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 Purple Stride’s fundraiser Campus changes in the works COURTNEY WITTEKIND by the potential projects. Last bike lanes, aimed at making battles pancreatic cancer Staffwriter April also marked the fi rst commutes to and from the in a series of campus-wide university safer and easier, as While this year’s incoming meetings attended by stu- well as to “embrace Forbes as fi rst-years are just becoming dents, staff, and faculty. The the main street of campus,” familiar with Carnegie Mel- plan was set to be reviewed Reppe told The Tartan last lon’s current campus, the by both the Pittsburgh city year. university administration is planning commission and city Other proposed changes looking toward future devel- council, while sections of the to the face of campus include opment with the implementa- plan regarding Forbes Avenue moving the Tepper School of tion of its new 10-year master within campus would need to Business from the Graduate plan. be reviewed by the Pennsylva- School of Industrial Admin- The plan, which acts as a nia Department of Transpor- istration building and Posner guide for future campus de- tation, as Forbes Avenue is a Hall to a section of what is velopment, was made public state road. now the Morewood parking in March after more than a When the master plan was lot. This, however, is not the year of planning by the Cam- made public in March, Associ- only new building to be ex- pus Design and Facility Devel- ate Vice Provost for Campus pected. A new nano-biomed- opment offi ce. Design and Facility Develop- ical energy research facility All of the potential proj- ment Ralph Horgan antici- has been proposed to move ects included in the plan, re- pated the approval process to into the space between Wean gardless of how varied, are take about six months. and Hamerschlag Halls, while focused on achieving a single “You have to be pretty a new building for administra- goal: growth. thoughtful to do this,” Hor- tion and alumni relations staff “The master plan is aimed gan told Pop City Media in ear- may be housed on a section of at supporting university ly March. “Hopefully in July Forbes currently occupied by growth by both enhancing we’ll have the approved mas- fraternity houses. the existing core campus ter plan, so that if we want to Hamberg Hall, the Uni- and by developing underuti- do something and the fund- versity Center, and Margaret File Photo lized properties purchased ing is there, we can do it.” The Morrison Carnegie Hall may Purple Stride aims to raise funding and awareness against pancreatic cancer. The Pausch Bridge on by Carnegie Mellon along funding, as Horgan pointed also be transformed, with Carnegie Mellon’s campus was built to honor professor Randy Pausch, who lost his battle with the disease. Forbes between Craig Street out, is one of the main obsta- expansions proposed for all CHRISTA HESTER for 40 years. Look at pancre- cancer fundraisers. Many stu- and Morewood Avenue,” Bob cles to a series of projects that three facilities. Forum Co-Editor atic cancer survival rates and dents participate in the an- Reppe, Carnegie Mellon’s will likely cost the university Other projects mentioned you’ll see something deadly nual Relay for Life event spon- director of design, said in a tens of millions of dollars. in the plan include an exten- The Pancreatic Cancer wrong. Today, the fi ve-year sored by the American Cancer Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article Once approved, students sion of campus walkways Action Network (PanCan), a survival rate is just 6 percent.” Society. Last year, student last year. can expect to see changes to between Forbes and Fifth Av- nonprofi t organization dedi- PanCan’s goal is to double groups ranging from activities The previous master plan, campus taking place as early enues and the construction cated to fi ghting pancreatic those survival rates by 2020. clubs to sororities and frater- formed in 2002, included as this academic year. Outside of a campus-based hotel near cancer, held its annual Purple The group also hopes to raise nities walked around the Cut developments such as the lanes on each side of Forbes Craig Street, to be operated by Stride Pittsburgh 2011 Pick awareness of this specifi c type in an all-night fundraiser. now-completed Gates Hill- are set to be replaced with an outside party. Up the Pace last Sunday. Par- of cancer; with high mortality “I did Relay for Life last man Complex. Each master ticipants from around the rates and minimal funding, year,” said Joanne Yun, a ju- plan builds upon the last one city convened at the North members feel pancreatic can- nior in H&SS. “It was a great to continue the university ad- Park swimming pool in Alli- cer deserves national atten- experience and well worth ministration’s long-term goal son Park to kick off the event, tion. the effort. Cancer is such an of improving the campus. which consisted of a fi ve- The disease is especially awful disease, so being a part According to last year’s kilometer run and a one-mile well known to members of the of something that’s actively master plan report, “Building walk with family and friends Carnegie Mellon community, fi ghting it is great.” on the momentum of the last to honor and remember loved who lost computer science Although Purple Stride master plan, we can continue ones who battled pancreatic professor Randy Pausch to only lasted three hours, it ex- to make this a truly great cam- cancer. pancreatic cancer in the sum- ceeded the organizers’ expec- pus, one that is equal to the All of the Purple Stride mer of 2008. His memory in- tations. With over 80 teams national and international proceeds will go toward ad- spired a team called “Pausch’s participating, Purple Stride reputation of Carnegie Mel- vancing research and aiding People” to enter the Purple beat its fund raising goal of lon.” those affected by pancreatic Stride event this year. Led by $100,000 and fi nished the However, fulfi lling this vi- cancer. Adam Rauf, a master’s student day with $102,804 to further sion depends on the approval “Fundraisers like this are in the Software Engineering research and support for pan- of community members and good ideas,” said Brian Park, Institute’s business opera- creatic cancer patients. the city, as well as the avail- a junior social and decision tions department, and Vivian Refreshments and enter- ability of funding. The cur- sciences major. “More money Lee, the executive assistant in tainment, along with activi- rent master plan has already is always necessary for the ad- the Institute for Software Re- ties for kids, were provided been discussed at length with vance of research of medical search, Pausch’s People raised free of charge at the Purple community members, as last problems.” $230 for Purple Stride and the Stride event. Information year’s announcement was According to the PanCan fi ght against cancer. about pancreatic cancer and preceded by months of meet- website, “Survival rates [for Rauf and Lee are not the PanCan’s research on the dis- ings with neighborhood or- pancreatic cancer] have re- only ones at Carnegie Mellon ease was also available at the ganizations and community mained in the single digits to have been involved with event. groups who could be affected Courtesy of Carnegie Mellon Campus Design and Facility Management Disney, CMU pioneer new Orientation 2011 preview motion capture software Sunday Tuesday Thursday ANNA WALSH 4–5 p.m.: President’s “Although we have only facial poses they desire. Address Pillbox Editor implemented Surround Hap- Researchers have also im- tics with a gaming chair to proved motion-capture tech- Baker Lawn Tent Filming for The Dark date, the technology can be niques so they are no longer Jared L. Cohon, presi- Knight Rises may be captur- easily embedded into cloth- confi ned to a closed studio. dent of the university, wel- ing everyone’s attention in ing, gloves, sports equipment, In traditional motion capture, comes the Class of 2015. Pittsburgh, but that was not and mobile computing de- cameras are attached to an ac- the only movie magic occur- vices,” Ivan Poupyrev, senior tor in a closed studio to record ring in the city this summer. research scientist at DRP, said his or her motions. Animators Monday Courtesy of thesyndotcom on Flickr Scientists at Disney Research, in a press release. can then use that data to cre- Pittsburgh (DRP) and Carn- DRP and Carnegie Mel- ate computer-generated ef- 8:30–10 p.m.: File Photo egie Mellon have been work- lon’s Robotics Institute have fects or creatures, such as Gol- Comedian: Amy ing together on technology to also developed technology lum from the Lord of the Rings Schumer 5–6:10 p.m.: improve the accuracy of mo- that will better allow com- fi lms. tion depicted in fi lms and to puter animators to more re- DRP and Carnegie Mel- Baker Lawn Tent Convocation enhance moviegoers’ experi- alistically depict complex lon’s new method uses body- Baker Lawn Tent The Activities Board ence watching fi lms. facial expressions. To do so, mounted cameras to estimate brings you up-and-coming The Class of 2015 gath- DRP developed a new tac- researchers attached 320 ref- the position of the person in comic Amy Schumer.
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