321444 1 En Bookbackmatter 533..564
Index 1 Abdominal aortic aneurysm, 123 10,000 Year Clock, 126 Abraham, 55, 92, 122, 100 Abrahamic religion, 53, 71, 73 Abundance, 483 2 Academy award, 80, 94 2001: A Space Odyssey, 154, 493 Academy of Philadelphia, 30 2004 Vital Progress Summit, 482 Accelerated Math, 385 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, 257 Access point, 306 2011 Egyptian revolution, 35 ACE. See artificial conversational entity 2011 State of the Union Address, 4 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 135, 2012 Black Hat security conference, 27 156 2012 U.S. Presidential Election, 257 Acxiom, 244 2014 Lok Sabha election, 256 Adam, 57, 121, 122 2016 Google I/O, 13, 155 Adams, Douglas, 95, 169 2016 State of the Union, 28 Adam Smith Institute, 493 2045 Initiative, 167 ADD. See Attention-Deficit Disorder 24 (TV Series), 66 Ad extension, 230 2M Companies, 118 Ad group, 219 Adiabatic quantum optimization, 170 3 Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, 21 3D bioprinting, 152 Adobe, 30 3M Cloud Library, 327 Adonis, 84 Adultery, 85, 89 4 Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, 401K, 57 38 42, 169 Advice to a Young Tradesman, 128 42-line Bible, 169 Adwaita, 131 AdWords campaign, 214 6 Affordable Care Act, 140 68th Street School, 358 Afghan Peace Volunteers, 22 Africa, 20 9 AGI. See Artificial General Intelligence 9/11 terrorist attacks, 69 Aging, 153 Aging disease, 118 A Aging process, 131 Aalborg University, 89 Agora (film), 65 Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, 135 Agriculture, 402 AbbVie, 118 Ahmad, Wasil, 66 ABC 20/20, 79 AI. See artificial intelligence © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 533 N.
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