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IÌU Ì.H!! I I in I Ì THE ; NEWS -i» ' LÎ


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- -A 21-year-old man told the Mem­ phis World Sunday, .¡hat a turn­ at the city jail brutally beat him because he did not say “yes str" ito him, during Ithe arrest in­ quiry. The young man, who identified 'himself as Vernon tailie Montague Of 1322 Sardis St., said that he did FBI Report In Mississippi not know the name of the turn­ key .. nor did he remember not ' addressing tbe ‘turn-key ~with “yes Sil'". Abduction, L INCENTIVE AWARDS PROVE PROSPEROUS TO Brantley of 1302 Perkins Road, a Performance Montague said that the turn-key MEMPHIS GENERAL DEPOT EMPLOYEES - Four Award for $200; Lt. Colonel Howard W. Wickey, JACKSON, Miss. (UPI) - A long-secret FBI report on the al© said, after he had beaten him, lynching of Mack Charles Parker names 23 white men as —^Hust-donlHike-n-^^ronywayA employees of the Memphis Generol Depot's Chief» Miscellaneous Services Office, who pre- The victim complained of swollen, Miscellaneous Services Office recently received sented the awards; Albert F. Woodruff of 1253 "known and suspected partici,------. bruised, lips, a swollen left side of awards for outstanding performance of their Leawood, a Performance Award for $25; and Negro from the ¡ail at Poplarville, Miss., United Press Interna­ his face and soreness to the head, tional learned Friday. fta and sides' allegedly caused assigned duties. Receiving their awards are, X. L. Green of 782 David, a Suggestion Award by the beating." . . left to right: Arvator Powers of 424 Grace­ Certificate. It contains statements from wood, a Suggestion Award for $10; James A. i three men that they were involved Montague reported after he vas in certain events oonnocted with beaten ithe itum-key said “you are the midnight abduottan from an a smart n .... ,r." Another prisoner unguarded cell at the Pearl River is reported to have "witnessed the County Jail. beating.” Montague said that he believed that the two aresting of­ One of the three men was quot­ ed as saying that, because of fear, ficers had gone before he was at­ tacked. he gave Jail keys to four men who The young man said that he was came to his home the night of — arrested on Third St. near McLe­ April 24, a few hours before the By Miss. Lawyers more Ave. about 11 p. m. Sa turday lynching. whfiejhe was an hks way home from The. report, read by a UPI re­ BILOXI, Miss. (UPI)-A battery the Claridge hotel where he is em­ The following year saw the Elks porter, said he told FBI agents of Mississippi criminal lawyers ployed as a room-service waiter. He Lt. George W. Lee Announces Winners Who carry their special program to that ihe knew the men "wouldn’t will defend the accused lynchers of said he was charged,.with "being Will Be Cited At Nation Awards Banquet Clinton Tennessee to give a scholar­ hestftate" to do him or his family Mack Charles Parker if they are intoxicated." Be, denied being ship 'to Bobby Cain, leader of "the bodily harm if he refused to give Indicted by a federal grand Jury, ' drunk, however, he did admit hav­ MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The Edu­ the Pentagon; Illinois Senator Paul group of Negro youngsters who them the keys. an authoritative source told UPI ing had a drink several hours pre- cation Department of Improved Douglas and New Yidrk Senator braved mobs to Initiate integrated BODY FOUND IN RIVER Saturday. * ■ ®s vtously. Protective Order of Elks of the Kenneth B. Keating. education in thelt state. He told the FBI 'that if he re­ The jury is expected to end a peated his statement in court he two-week' Investigation of the case S ? Montague said he ‘'asked" the ar­ World has elected nine prominent The Elks, al© in 1956, sought out CONTESTS "would have to leave the Poplar­ , Xjl Americans to the John Brown Hall Earnest McEwen for scholarship a'.d late this week and its decision on resting oficers not ito beat him be­ Senator Keating will share the of Fame and will honor them at a because of his leadership of a ville area permanently in order to whether to return indictments will cause he was suffering from a speaker's platform alt the banquet banquet in Washington, D. C. Jian. group of Negro students who re­ (avoid possible violence to him­ represent a showdown in the Jus­ thyroid condition which made him with A. Phillip Randolph. Proceeds 28. volted against ithe mores of the self or his family." tice Department’s effort to bring very nervous. He said he has been of the banquet will be used for deep South in ithe state of Missis­ None of the statements con­ several white men to trial. under a doctor's'care for more than Lt. George W. Lee, Grand Com­ scholarship aid to. American and tained admissions that the men Most of the 15 or more witnesses African students, ' sippi. millan is met on his arrival at Accra by Dr. Kwàmé two months. He said that the of- missioner of Education a Memphis making them had themselves gone who went before the jury this week fleers salu "we ate not going to Prime Minister of Ghana. This was Macmillan’s flrsfstopon, -Political and business leader, an­ For more than a half-century, Last year, the "Little Rock Nine" to the Jail to got Parker. had legal representation. Instruc­ his 15,000-mile fact-flndlng tour through Great Britain’# L te Hjeat you.” 1 —’’ .• ■ nounced today 'that In collabora­ the IBPOEW has oonduoted a mas­ were honored by the Eks and pre­ tions todnvoke the Fifth Amend­ The youngMan’s body was found colonies and Commonwealth members in Africa. Ghani gäineJ^V'-?Z tion with Robert H. Johnson,-grand sive educational program, high­ sented grants which will make several days later in the water of ment rather than answer questions Montague was discharged from its freedqm nearly 3 years ago under Nkrumah’s leadérèMjr«' > ’" exalted ruler, and Mrs. Nettis Car­ lighted by annual oratorical ocn- possible their college educattan. the Peart. River 20 miles west of wore received by suspects and other the U,;8.iMarineslast Sept. 16 after ter JacksQn, grand daughter ruler, serving a hiMi. tests throughout the country. Moro "Our objective Is fo help remove Poplarville. He had been shot to witnesses alike. the following persons will receive all barriers in education through Jle was released fiom jail about than a thousand young men and death. A dispute between prosecutors National Sorvloe Awards at the Elks women - white and.Negrlo - have the development of a huge scholar­ // 10:30 Sunday morning, a(ter post- Parker, 23t a part - time truck and four witnesses over .the use of National Education for C Itizenghip received higher education' tnreugh ship fund for the purpose of ex­ . .t. tog a>f64:bond. His trial was to driver, was in jail, awaiting trial the Fifth Amendment ^erupted and Career Day" Planned Banquet: the support of the Elks educat ional tending aid Ito children of. all races I have best heard Monday morning. on chtegtetef raping’a Petal; (Miss mostro! Thursday wftf,devoted-to ■ rprojeqtft:-^.,^.;.^^ w ho ■ suitor ’ from swe, tradition pr •i Zf. Pt^jp jjanfolph, international; white woman. A Federal grand jury a hearing òhi Ihe.mat'ter befor« U.S. president" of the Brotherhood of poverty," tit. Lee paid. "In days if: 'Under (the ■ leadership of Mrs, at Biloxi, Miss., is currently invest!- Judge Sldrtey Mite. He repeated Sleeping Car Pouters; Mrs. Chris­ Emma Ttoner, National Chaltman such as these, it is highly impor­ hts earlier instructions that no wit­ By Urcan League8,And 5 tant that young Americans who are tion in odnneetton with the lynch­ tine Ray Davis, staff director of and Mrs. Anna Belle Reid, fcrand ness cah be compelled to give an­ eager and willing to iearn, be rec­ ing. A state-grand Jury at Poplar­ th»- Committee .on : Government directress' some 1599 lodges and swers that would bè selMncrlmin- ognized and rewarded." ville two month ago did not Indict ¿A Operations, House of Representa­ 1,000 temples cooperate In this in- anyone in (he case. atlng. Teachers - Counselors tives; Tennessee Congressman B. ternafiohal .movemait. A Washing­ .» £ The 378-page FBI report was During the hearing the four wit­ Carroll Reece, Vai, J., Washington, ton committee, ot 1Q0, chaired by submitted to Mississippi Gov. J. nesses were represented in the Career Day will be the topic dis­ Ethel Tarpley, Pouglass; Mta/M- d'rector of minorities, Republican Herbert ^Jonte' co-ohalred by Mirs. P. Coleman at the conclusion of courtroom by 13 attorneys includ­ cussed when counselors and repre­ die: D, Jones, Manassas; - - -■' ’ ? ,'r.‘ ’ ' ' ' ■ National Committee; Simeon 8. Ora Morion'is in charge of arrange­ sentatives from 15 city and county a two months' investigation by up ing state Democratic Chairman dye Rideout, Hamilton; .PORTMOUTH. Va. -(ANP) - Booker, Jr., Chief tof the Johnson ments for the District of Columbia. to 60 FBI agents last spring and Bidwell Adam and Stanford Morse, schools meet at the Urban League ces Hooks, Carver; Mrs. Both police and ■ fire officials wore Publications Washington Bureau; In 1955, special scholarships were summer. Coleman kept the report a prominent South Mississippi at­ office on Saturday, Jan, 16, Watson Stewart, Booker T. Wi»sfr» trying to determine why a locally E. Frederic Morrow, admlnis'rative presented to Ibiie five youth who secret but turned it over to dis­ torney. The teacher-counselors ahd the lngton; and Mrs. Allegra TufM»« popular gospel singer was slain officer for the Special Projects were chief plaintiffs in the long Wild Gusher, Urban League Staff will plan for Porter Jlihiqf High School. trict and county attorneys at Pop- A source has told UPI that scores here New Year's Day. Group in the Executive O’fice of legal drama which led to the Su­ Career Days to be held in the var­ County and parochial schools,« The dead singer is Roy L. Faison, toe President of ithe United States; preme Count's decision outlawing (Continued on Page Six) (Continued oh Page Six) ious schools during the latter part pected'to send representative»; 33, who sang with several Lt. Col. Daniel James, Jr., air staff segregaitilon in the public schools of March. 1 the meeting are Mitchell '“ officer in the Directorate officer of the nation. gospel quartets and has been heard Shelby County . in the Directorate of Operations, LAST YEAR More than 15,000 students parti­ by thousands in Negro churches ALANBY, Ky. - -(ANP) - New cipated in Career Day activities (Woodstock), Barrett’s in the. Tidewater area. revenues came gushing in for L. Fifth Amendment last year when nearly 300 leaders Pisgah, Geeter, E. A. H. Horn of Chicago recently when Terrell Vote Father. Bertrand._ ; Firemen stumbled over Faison's from industry, .trades and profess­ a a new oil well was discovered by body, badly beaten ,as they entered Lloyd Richards To ions visited schools as career con­ The Memphis Urban Leagug hM his shabby wooden frame house in the company he owns Jointly with Claimed By Four sultants. sponsored Career Day aridTÿoÇte response to a fire alarm. The house Allen A. Board and Associates of Counselors from, city schools ex­ tional Guidance programs eadryesf was a total wreck os firemen had Nawata, Okla. pected to serve on the Vocational since 1932. Ï to rtp the walls apart to extinguish "G. E. Theatre' Jan. 17 The well, which, at last report, Guidance Committee for 1060 in­ was gushing oil at the rate of 160 the flames. "Lynch" Witnesses clude Rev. C. T. Epps and Mrs. L. : were mid bow he happened to make barrels an hour after ito initial Botiii fireman and police agreed The public will get an oppor­ Geraldine Pope Smith, Melrose; surge of 400 barrels an hour, Is BILOXI, Miss. - (UPI) - A ft was Impossible to determine the tunity to evaluate his work when them. Mrs, Felicia Sartin, Lester; Mrs. located on a 1500-acre tract oi tend dispute over refusal of four wit­ WASHINGTON. D. C. (SNS)-U. ' cause of 'the fire from , tile rubble tire "General Electric Theater" But for his family's moving to Detroit when lie was et'll in gram­ nesses to answer questions inter­ S. Attorney General William Ro­ ’ that was left when the blaze was presents the "The Committeeman" leased in tills area. over the CBS Television Network, mar school, Richards would pro­ The land is owned by dele Gar­ rupted a federal grand Jury invest­ gers Is slated to. present the fed­ LAWRENCEVILLE, Va. -Solemn ' finally extinguished.' eral government's point of view Sunday Jan. .17 (9:00-9:30 p. m„ bably now be active in Canadian ner, Kentucky State representative, igation into the lynching of Ne­ Wage Increases Noted final rites Were held here JaJlUafy gro Mack Charles Parker Thurs­ when the Terrell County voting 6 for Mrs. Madeline Jones McCleni- They were further mysificd as EST). Richards directed the pro­ instead, of America television. He who will collect an eighth of thé day. case is argued before the U. S. Su­ ney, wife of Dr. Earl H. McClen- to the cause of Faison’s death. duction, which co-iitars Sylvia Sid­ was bora in Toronto but grew up in revenue as royalty from his lease. By Labor Department The grand Jury was called to premo Court this week. ney, president of Saint Though there was posiitive ert- ney and Lee J. Cobb, and thereby Detroit, where lie attended Wayne CHURCHES TO BENEFIT the U. 8. district courtroom for a The federal government brought College since 1950. ' dence that Faison had been sav­ became ithe first Negro director in University. Hom, a Negro said that one of WASHINGTON - (UPI) -The hearing before Judge Sidney Mize suit under the Civil Rights Act of Labor Department released statis­ MTs. McOlenney, a native :)0(. agely beaten, officials were unable commercial television. Richards started out to become the chief beneficiaries of the oil on whether the witnesses had the 1957 contending that Terrell Coun­ tics Thursday showing that aver­ Mebane, N. C., had been-lnwr-.' to tell Whether he died as a result Richards, considered one of the an actor, and as often happens, the revenue will be the Berean Bap­ brightest young directors (32) in bug for dlreoting bit him after tist church in Chicago, of which he right to invoke the Fifth Amend­ ity voting registrars refused to sign age wage increases in 1959 exceed­ mlttently ill for more than Matey of the beading of by suffocation. ment and refuse to answer ques­ the 'theater today as a result of he appeared in several rates in is a member. He explained: up qualified Negroes to vote in that ed the pay boosts provided in the part of the time in New York Utty ' Faison, unmaried lived alone,and tions. Federal prosecutors chal­ and Ohartott, N. C.hospiM®1“!' his success with the Broadway radio, television and ithe theater. “When I make money I don't county. new steel contract. neighbors said they had noticed lenged the right of the witnesses to nit, "A Raisin in the Sun", was' He direoted with ithe Great Lakes spend it on race horses or any­ Defendants in the case are the The Bureau of Labor Statistics —------' nothing unusual about his house invoke, the Fifth Amendment. "fascinated" by his first television Film Festival and at the North­ thing like that. My church will voting registrars of Terrell Coun­ said the most common wage in­ “RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT» the day of tbs tragedy. Though he Mize upheld use of the Fifth assignment. He admits that he learn land Playhouse in Detroit, and, ty, Georgia, of which Dawson is crease last year ranged from 9 IN ’60 FOR TANGANYIKA was a professional singer, Faison/ be one of the chief benefiaiaries Amendment in some instances but when he came to New York, taught the county seat. The chief regis­ .to 11 cents an hour. DAR-ES-SALAAM, Tanganyika of my good fortune." instructed the witnesses to give The steel settlement calls for „..j F I knows haw — by making mis.akes acting ait the Pau) Mann Actors'. Gamer also announced that an­ trar is James Griggs Raines. (ANP) -Str Richard Turnbull, gov­ some answers he thought would no raise until Dec. 1, when a 7- ernor Tanganyika, y “ 1 and finding out wha/t Ithe mistakes Workshop. In fact, when time per­ other Baptist church will benefit Lawyers appearing in behalf of of envisions. 4be not tend to be self - incriminating. cent hourly increase becomes ef­ territory having a "responslbl«'®(iv’> mits, he still teaqhes there. from his earnings. The church is the Georgia defendants will be Tlie courtroom was closed to fective. Another 7 cents an hour ernment" following general Jegfila- tlw Tiny Green Grove Missionary Charles J. Bloch, Robert RusseH It was at Ithe Workshop tliat the public and press during the will be added on Oct. 1, 1961. and Pdter Zack Greer, executive five elections next September Richards’ biggest' break' came, al­ Baptist Church, Garner Is a mem­ hearing. Only court officials grand secretary to Georgia Governor Er­ - ‘ -————------though at the tljpe he did not ber of the church. Jurors, prosecutors and defense at­ nest Vandiver. know it. He met,’’Sidney Poitier As of last week, a fleet of trucks torneys and the four witnesses at­ // there. That was years ago when was hauling the oil some 50 miles tended. DJ Al Benson Admit® Poitier himself was still struggl-’ to a refinery at Somerset, Ky. That The witnesses were former Pearl lng for success. He'impressed Poi­ is, they were hauling as much as River County Sheriff Osborne tier so much tht)|, When Poitier they could because the oil was Moody, Poplarville jail night Dr. Mays Al took ithe ma'n rote in. '‘A Raisin in gushing so fast, it was uncontroll­ watchman Pete Carver and two Income From Record UnifR (Continued on Page Six) I the Sun," he immediately thought able and some was being wasted. ■ ■•'ta of Lloyd Richards.' That's how Inauguralion CHICAGO - (ANP)- A) Ben­ talk?" :-’W Richards gat ithe directorial as­ son, the nation's top Negro disc However, Al's records signment for Jhe hit show. 'jockey, told here this week that explain for what purpose lit Since his success to "Raisin," Watch Out Bachelors! he's been collecting $855 per month ed the funds from the ret Richards’ servlcw have been in Of Tubman from nine record distributors for tribultors before he began |publish- great demand. He fe currently to several years. ing his magazine or conducting the middle of rehearsals for the When President Wiliam V. 8. He insisted, however, that the Ids surveys. Cheryl Crawford ' production of It s Leap Year 1960 Tubman of Ilberla was inaugurat­ money is not payola. “It wasn't "The Long Dream," Starring Dai­ ed on Monday, January 4,1960, for for playing reoords bn my pro­ Some of the distributors htt». fair warning thaC they were out ry Winters, which; will open op It's Leap Year again ... and you his fourth term as president of grams, he said. paying Benson money to catch a man. Ifthe edge of a and his magazine only Broadway in Febmiary. Soon after can blame the Sdots for declaring the oldest of the African republics, Al said the money constituted scarlet flannel petticoat wasnlt tltat, he will go on to Hollywood .to It open season on bachelcts. Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, president payments for advertising in his but in June, and hasn't They probably raw Ithe custom of clearly visible, a man was absolved do "Daffy” for Marton Brando. of Morehouse College, Atlanta Ga„ monthly magazine, ,'Musically fished since Ootober. letting a woman pop the question from paying the forfeit. A quiet, almost reUcent man with was present for the colorful cere­ Speaking," end for services rend­ service Is about six yeere as a~ waOrput moneys in the 'France repeatedly passed a simi­ a round face and .large innocent monies. ered through a record survey, he treasury and take spinsters off the lar law, and the ladles of Florence While Benson, who eyes, Lloyd Riohards was an im­ Dr. Mays fl6w to Monrovia, his­ conducts to determine the top welfare rolls. -. and Genoa ate said to have been been accused mediate hit on the set of “The toric captial of the Negro republic discs of the month. According to the research of given the privilege before Columbus baring his bn Committeeman." Everybody liked which was- founded by American World Encyclopedia, Scotland is sailed to America. LET’S NEWSMEN soul, six of t him; his obvious taleht, plus his de­ former slaves, last week;, and he said to have decreed in 1288 that, The gallant English supposedly EXAMINE RECORDS Benson's rea sire to learn witat tie did not know plans to return to Atlanta and The former Mississippian who about the medium,' endeared him ladies "of bathe .hfehe and lowe didn’t need a law to make them making payment# estalit" shall have the privilege of glye the fair but single sex a break. Morehouse on January 19. More­ came to Chicago and hit the big veniently tn«' to Lee J. Oobb. proposing during teap years, But they backed up the custom by house honored Presided Tubman, time in radio, even went so far as when he was a guest In Atlanta to leit newsmen examine his records Wihalt wlll be . .... ( The ladies, however,, had to tfve

Wfe. 2 • MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednesday, January 13, 1960 HAMILTON Wildcats

rose crnlub, although they might The.¿Magicians of LeMoyne Col­ 30, FRUSTRATED by a nearly reason Congralulations Basketball Team: 83-73 defeat-at the hands of Jesse not have been ready in their duel lege match wits with the smooth- WILL PLAY MILES with Lpster last night. "We certain­ operqttag basketball team of Xav- Four home games are scheduled Junior, Ingram and Perhell Top Joseph's hot and. cold Hamilton ier->:Unlversity from New Orleans Ten Men For Hamiltonians Wildcats and a difficult struggle ly intend to keep our win streak for February. LeMoyne meets Miles over the Warriors,” said Lester tonight (Tuesday, Jan. 12) ta Bruce here, Feb. 1; Alabama A&M, Feb. Victory Over Carver y- Ky'-JB with Jalte Peacock's. Wdrrior-kill- “Hey, hey Wildcats" was all you tag. Leiter Lions yesterday (Mon­ Head Coach Jake Peacock im­ ; Hall, starting at 8 o’clock. 5; Fisk University, Feb. 8, and Tal­ mediately before going Into the Coach Jerry. Johnson looks for a ladega, Feb. 10. could hear ta the last quarter of day) Booker T, Washington the Carver and Hamilton, game Abitai gymnasium, the Warrtors will be game. better than even break for his .Le­ The Memphians will take on LONGEST OVER WARRIORS Friday night in the Carver- High erase any daub Is. as to their Moyne charges during the, remata- Lane in Jackson, Feb. 4, and Dil­ The Lions, last year’s one-point gym. At .half time the Carver superiority when they tangle with der pl, .the cage season which runs lard and Xavier .in New Orleans, champions, went into the - clash team had a 38-25 lead on the Wild Frank Lewis’ Melrose, Golden Wild­ throiign Feb. 13. Feb. 12-13, respectively. with BTW holding the longest win In another college game last I cats, but with Alrin Junior, Oliver cats Wednesday night; at-Meteo. The "LeMoynites 'will not play string a circuit team has ever held week, Okolona Junior High of Oko- Ingram am! Euwcll Pernell it Howqver,. the Wildcats, paced by again .until the end of the month i------r__ Bytler, are over .the Warriors. The Lions start­ became of,V4. semester UAUUmiOLXUA1Oexaminations IvlIAfIona, XV*Miss., vicrushed UwlXyU VnvllOwen >ZV**v^wCollege **didn ■* ’t stayv that way long. Others ed-their win streak over BTW in ------thait-we due to -take-place Janr - in-a-113-90 slaughter at Owen Col- playing to the best cf their capa- Inly .because „ „ ¡their home THri958_EeMoyne=Hcltdayrtournai— 20-26. The Magicians meet Miles lege. city were; William Terrell, Calvin er gape scheduled ment, went on (to defeat BTW twice Colleg? at Birmingham, Jan. 29, The Owen eagers are still-look­ Junior, Talvern Wilhite, Malfred for tomorrow, the Hamilton Wild­ in League play-when (the regular airt invade Talladega College, Jan. ing for their first victory. Balden and- Ervin . Freeman. We cats, wfto apparently, aren’t, near­ season opened. must admit that the Carver team ly as goo das their fans thought be- In another game scheduled for gave us a tough game, but what cause of being knocked off by Bill last night, Wiliam Reach’s Manas­ TtttF'the-score-board say—Friday Little’s Douglass Red Devils last sas Tigers, pullers of upsets and night after the game) -“We Are week, wh ¡encounter jtlie winless Fr; victims of counter-upsets, were— LESTER The Best.” Congratulations to the Bertrand Thunderbolts at Hamil­ scheduled to entertain Hamilton. ”B’ team player also you were su­ ton. Friday night's games will pit perb. The "B" team squad con­ The Warriors, fresh from a 71-66 Carver against Melrose in an im­ sist of; Harold Smith, Denver and portant contest at Melrose and y. a of arch enemy Clarksdale, Miss., -Charles - Terry,—Sidney—Griffin; Higgins High’ Bulldogs, will ap^ Claiborne Burrus, Sampson Bris­ <■ pareritly be ready for the Mel- ial tilt at Douglass. coe and Osbie Howard, Thanks to AKA OFFICERS — Regional officers and offic- Bryant, Mrs. Julia B. Purnell, Johnny Arnold, 'all. Hamiltonians who came to ials of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, receiv- presenting Fruit Cake to Dr, Marjorie Parker, ■” I cheer for their team. And to our ing a gift of Ye 'Ol.e English Fruit Cakes from Supreme Basileus. of . the Sorority, Mrs. Beulah coaches, Mr. Jesse Joseph and Mr. Earle Wynn you are doing a won-, Taystee Bread's Johnny Arnold, president of T.T, Whitney, Mrs. Laura K. Campbell, Mrs. Mar-Mar­ t" SCHOOL > derful job. Arnold & Associates, local public relations firm. jjorie Williams, Mrs. Suzette F. Crank, Mrs. Car- Shown from left to right are; Mrs, Leah K. olyn Carrington; Mrs. Annetta Lawson and Mrs. SPOTLIGHT OF THE WEEK Frazier, Mrs. Grace M. Pleasants, Mrs. Emma Mary W. King, Atene L. Bromley We are proud to turn the spot­ Evia Simelton light this week to one of the young Brinkley, Mrs, Larzette Hale, Mrs. Lucilla B. ladies of the Senior Class, she is ter the third quarter, the "Lions" none other than Miss Alice Mor­ Hi Would you like to be an editor? had a 25 point lead. They won (the gan, daughter of Mrs. Marguerite Being' an editor is no picnic, you game for us 74-42, sporting a 32 Morgan who resides at 1327 Engle­ point lead. The high point man knqwf' wood Street CITY WIDE BUZZ BY SAM BROWN If. we print jokes, people say was Henry Robinson with 16 Here at Hamilton Alice holds many top positions, she is Presi- we are silly. If we don’t, they say points. By ISAAC YOUNG and ROBERT E. DAVIS, JR. we pre too serious. If we reprint Some seen -by the “Eagle Eyes" dent-of-the-Library-Soience-Olub,- —Many^fans and sportswriiers are lrers ln the game, and Pinson was were Daisy Upchurch, Quincey Mc­ things-, from, other papers, we are vice president of the S. L. A.r referring to Los Angeles as the hitting against Spahn for ithe first vin Jordan, Cleveland Rankin and too-lazy to write them ourselves. Donald, Mildred Pratcher, Fannie member of the Debutante Society, JR. ELKS TO BE INSTALLED leading sports-minded city in the ¡time, he connected for a single, Beulah Anderson, Rose Cooper and If we don’t, we are too fond of Levy, Gloria Moss. Van Turner, Naitionlal' Honor Society, Library : FORMER BTW PRINCIPAL world. They point out the fact double and triple in four trips, Irvin Freeman, Maxine Davis and City High Schools our own stuff. If we inadvertently Fank Williams, Robert L. Taylor, Newsette Staff, Editor of-the Ham­ TO SPEAK that perhaps, more sports are play­ driving all the Red's scores al­ Clarence Exum and John Macklin. Larry Mitchell, Barbara Perry and fail .to report club meetings, it is iltonian" school year book and a The “Jacquels,” a teen social ed in the California metropolis though the-Braves won . 7-4. He Mr. and Mrs. Sheffa, Mrs. Clark, The George W. 'Lee Chapter of Robert Moore, Walter Hill and Ef­ because we are jealous. If we do, member of 12-A homeroom class. group of young men, decided re­ than in any other city. A year should be a much improved play­ the Junior Elks plans to hdld its fie Erby, Doris Thompson and and Mrs. George Trotter, parents Miss Morgan plans to attend Spel- cently to accept members from all round sports program, attracting er ta '60. we are playing favorites. Ana naw, installation program Sunday Jan. John Sanders, Isaac Young and of pleayers on our team were also man College where she will major of the city high schools. Hereto­ thousands and thousands of fans likely, as not, someone say we 31 at the Mississippi Boulevard Glendora Gilbert. This is the time of year baseball present. ’ ta English and Psychology. She fore the club had limited its mem­ is a part of the life of the city. swiped this from another paper. Christian Church at 3:30 p. m. LONELY HEARTS: All who walk players and the club owners Start We had a few of our graduates was asked to give her opinion on bership to students from Melrose AU the major sports now claim Well, we did.—Lakeland Bagpipe Elder Blair T. Hunt will be the aloire such ais Thomas Hill, Orlando to getting together on salaries for back to enjoy our team to action. teenagers gdtag steady, she stat­ and Hamilton. a definite part of the very exist­ GENERAL NEWS" ed that “Going steady ’depends on speaker for Ithe occasion. Harris, Gwendolyn Edwards, and the coming season. Many establish­ The students of Lester High are A few to mention were Willie Hay­ The acceptance of members “is ence of the spurts loving populace. ed stars will likely get increases the individuals involved. It takes The B. T. W. Glee club will sing Yours truly. very; proud of our new P-A system es, Martha Wilson, Robert Jenn- for this occasion, under direction based mainly on character." a Whether it is baseball, football, for their 1960 work. Some perhaps, a-mature person to go steady-and in our gymnasium which was In- tags, Mary Parham, Clyde Exum, ofMr. E. L. Pender, Lt. George W. QUESTIONS ASKED? spokesman for the group said.------, golL-horse-racing, or what have are second ' year men, but because AU U • 6J .______Tiwnzl4 Virilità Wriffhf nnrl still enjoy the teen years without staled'- recently. The project was Wfflam Bradd, Willis Wright, and Lee will also bek present. Who is (tlie girl on the other Members must be either sopho­ you, Los Angeles has it in abund­ of their performance and ability getting in trouble or ruining their spearheaded by the sophomore Roy McGowan. All social organizations are in­ side of Kennedy Hospital, George mores, juniors or seniors. The club ance. plenty of football through will be rewarded. Willie Mays, one moral character." Speaking of claM." We' have .three permanent THREE COINS IN A FOUNTAIN vited as special guests and the Pipkin goes to see? Why does he salt has candidates from Manassas, Fr. the pro Rams, in addition to the of the biggest names in the game moral, we think your moral stand­ speakers and everyone, under the Wilis, Ruby, Clifford William, public is invited also. Mi-. Frank up in history class with a big over­ Bertrand, Booker T. Washington, two top college teams that play is expected to get an increase over ards are the highest Miss Morgan coat on? (Ans.) That girl is his leadership of Mr. R. M. Morris, is Evla, Roosevelt Augustus, Eddie, Scott is the advisor of this group as well as candidates from Melrose there regularly; the baseball Dod­ his $80,000 salary he received last and we are all proud of you. So vety-proud ofriU.... t Fannie Earl James, Alene, Jesse. of young men. heart and soul, and he :s trying to and Hamilton. gers, World Ohapions; the Los year. Others will be satisfied by hats off to Miss Alice Morgan. lose his “ice." ' . {late: The president of the FB- Top Ten Sophomores (Boys) LIKE ABE (poor Richard) w’ould The club is now selecting a Angeles Open In golf, and the fam­ the time the umpire yells "Play CHlT-CHA’i Why doesn’t Clyde E. Jioyner LA is asking all future members to 1. John Dailey 2. Meflvta Bar­ Say at This Time. Beatnik Version sweetheart. There are ten coeds ed Stanta Anita■ ■ race•»? track.5 ■ ; We see that Malfred Bolden has have a boyfriend? (Ans.PYctr arc brfiig their jointag fee as soon as nett 3. John Swift, 4. Thomas Par­ of the "G. A." (adapted) running for the position of tlie added Maxine Draper to his list wrong, she has many. The annual Rose Bowl game ham, 5. Bishop Trotter, 6. Willie Fourscore and like seven yeans club's queen. Their names will be poijsible. of little Golden Girls, wonder what What happene dto Odis Dockery played there each New Years Day SPOTLIGHT Morgan. 7. A. J. Albright 8. Ralph ago, our old daddies came on ta announced ta the future. “Miss Bdtty and Rita are going to say and Rosanna Quinn? (Ans.) Claud-, drew a large crowd, and now the Faulkner, 9. Jerry Phillips, 10. Ro­ this scene with a new group, groov­ Jacquel 1960" will be crowned at This week, we;tere proud to elite Green and Anthony Tate but town is all agog with the forth­ about (this. Aotually I think Mal- ed in free kicks, and hip to the an extravagant Sweetheart Ball, spjtllght Miss Fiances ’Strother bert Taylor. it seems to be going on as before. coming East-West All Star Pro Top Ten Sophomoes (Girls) ifred is girl crazy.. .Russell and Jazz that all cats make it the same. which will be rendered by the “Jac­ wlib resides at 2890 Yale Avenue. What happened to Peggy Tho­ Football Game, Sixty six of the Sli |s. a member of Pleasant Hill 1. Eula Rivers, 2. Frendalious Oliver, we hear you took a differ­ Now we’ve hung up in a crazy quels." ent girt out every night during the big hassle, digging whdther that mas and Roy Hopkins (Ans.) Peg­ top players in the pro league, re­ To Be Conducted By Baptist Church and stags in the Murray, 3. Ruth Davis, 4. Ruby The club has scheduled a dance Christmas holidays, but it seem group ,or any group so grooved and gy Thomas says,” “There is no one presenting the two divisions will choir.:. IX: ■ • Harley, 5. Peggy Jackson, 6. Bon­ for the near future. The exact like the wrong people' heard about so hip can keep on swinging. We're for me but James Stepther and I battle it out Sunday. At school, ' she Is’a momber of nie McClough, 7. Maiy Hunt, 8. date and location will be announc­ it and now you both are "Out in making it on a wild 6pot of that wish Ito express my love.’ The game will find the East, 11« class;aidr'is ft jeny good stu­ Mamie Garrett, 9. Shirley Smith, ed later. . the Cold Again” and I am sure hassel. We've got eyes to' tag a coached by the Philadelphia Eag­ Local Red Cross dent. Most everyone depends-on 10. Lucy Adams. Present Jacquels are: Lawrence you know it’s been snowing out­ little of that spat as a last iay-down les’ Buck Shaw against the West, her good voice for talent shows and Curent Couples Taylor, Emmitt McCutcheon, Ira Three industrial safety sessions side. .. .George Moten, Marilyn for those who here conked out so coached by “Red" Hickney of the assemblies. Frances is a very po­ Clifford Townsend and Rubby Walton, Jr., Ralph McCoy, Louis are scheduled to begin in Memphis, heard that you were with someone that group might still score. San Francisco 49ers'. As the game pular. junior and was elected as Harley Woods, Savoyd Beard, Archie Reid, Tuesday, Jan. 12, under the direc­ else New Years Eve but she isn’t It’s frantically cool and jivey shapes up it will likely be quarter­ our. class treasurer. Also, 'we are Milton Burohfield and Mhble Walter Evans, Wrensey Gill, Oscar tion of the Memphis-Shelby Coun­ sure who it was; Shirley or Louise.. that we’re on this kick, but in a back Johnny Unitas of the Balti­ ', pr$ud to have her as our “Miss Young : - — Shepherd, Dwayne Taylor, James ty Chapter of the Red Cross, Amer­ Now since the holidays are over bigger ribble we can’t even clue more Colts for the West, against John Dailey and Peggy Jackson Booth, and Charles Banks. ican Society of Safety Engineers Brentha can start singing her in this jazz. The Cdol cats, with Norman Van Brocklin of the Eag­ ¡Curtis Buntyn and Marie Gen­ The Second Annual Baptist Inter- “The Jacquels" have as sponsors and the Memphis-Shelby County —Bi&CTBALL NEWS theme son “Blues Get Off My us and down under, who flipped,, I national Tea..ls slated to be held les for the East. At any rate, Los try—------~ ------—1------here, have pegjod ft-.rtraigWef Willie Lindsey and Thomas-Dog- Safety-Council,------:______Shoulder".. .Wonder why Essie at Owen College Sunday, Jan. 17, Angeles is In for another spórts bast week, the Lester-Melrose Melvin Barnett and Frendalious .than we could ever mess with. The gett. Boyd won’t give the fellows a at 4:30 p.m. This colorful.event is treat, „ Safely Clinics will be held at th© igarne was postponed because of Muray squares will never buy this bit, nor Now that ‘Th'e Jacquels" have chance? Robert Marshall a certain We recall when Brooklyn, form­ Claude A. Armour fire training the snow storm. Therefore, Lester’s Thomas Parham and Lena Her- dig the lyrics we spiel here; but sponsored by the Baptist Pastor’s taken to the city-wide trend, the person was , heart singing, ."I’m er home of the Los Angeles Dod­ center, the E. L. Bruce Co., and first game of the season at home ron they canit ever put down what Alliance. word Jacquel is expected to be on Moving On" but now ft has chang­ gers was considered the most en­ the Fischer Lime and Cement Co., was wt’h'. Father Bertrand. .Curtis Johnson (Melrose) and those studs did here. It's for us, More than 75 Baptist churches the lips of “every up-to-date teen ed to "Baby Please Come Hom?".. thusiastic. and sports conscious beginning Tuesday night at 7:30 this was '0111“ B-team’S fourth Edith Jones. the on-cats, who ought to pick up are participating. Each church will of Memphis.” John,.Sanders, you seem to have fans found anywhere on the globe. and continuing with two-houf game without a loss. The score Can you read these lines rapid­ on those still-walling blues which sponsor a table, and the decorations “The Jacquels” have watched the changed an awful lot since the Now, we wonder whether the West between Lester-Bertrand was 46- ly and successfully for three times the off-calts who goofed here have will follow the theme of foreign other teen social groups in their, classes each Tuesday and Thurs­ holidays, which one of your girls Coast City has taken over, and if 29 Sand the high point man was ta seccession? Very few people can. blown so craizily up til now. Man; countries. endeavors to present successful af­ day night, through February 4. quit you?... Lorraine Pettis I ■true, did the transfer of the base­ ToSny Bethany with 9 points. Chop shops stock chops. Bob Like we really ought to be here The general committee in charge fairs. The affair which, to them, The meeting will present indus­ guess you have found “True Love” ball Dodgers contribute anything the A-team game was most in­ bought a black back bath brush. I with eyes fixed on this wild gig is Rev. Roy Love, president; Rev. was the highlight of the holiday trial first aid; material handling; Shirley Merriweather is still to it. A sports madness of a sort, teresting after the B-game. At the sniff shop snuff; you sniff shop that still needs action, that from B. L. Hooks, chairman; Rev. E. W. season was the Co-Ettes Charity building and machinery mainten­ searching since Eugene Williams seem to be a part of the Dodgers half-time with the crowds pour­ snuff. Old oily Oily oils oily autos. those far-óüt A. Ó. A. we got a Williamson, co-chairman; Mrs. Ball. “The Jacquels" tip their hat ance; health and medical problems; has gone .. .Robert Askew, don’t Slock ta trade. chemical handling, and storage and ing out the stands, the score was Frank threw Fred three free little higher on that kick for which Maney Givands, coordinator; Rev. to the Co-Ettes and Miss Co-Ette, think Eddie Mae doesn’t know . Speaking of the Dodgers, wë are 33^3 ta favor of the "Lions.” Af- throws. they really went and flipped their C. Mims, publicity chairman; Mrs. Miss Jana Davis. shipping problems. about whalt’s going on between you gaskets; Ithat we take it on to set Alta Lemon, secretary; and Rev. The Jacquels was organized in reminded of a news release con­ Artis McNair, president of the and J. G. (BTW)...Yvonne Par­ straight that ithese cats shall not C. B. Burks, arrangement chairman. 1958. cerning Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, safety engineers group, stated the ham people are wandering are you have kicked off square; that this which was the home of the Dod­ aim of the meetings is to stress HIGH SCHOOL DATELINE and Olaiborn- Burrus still making group under God, shall blow a gers for 44 years from 1913 to 1957, industrial safety and make both ft, we don’t see you together, crazy new sound and that a hot i when the team moved to Los Ange employer and employee more safety i • Top Ten Around Hamilton, Girls les. During that period, some of conscious, BY WALTER ZARAK HALL A young lady that was making combo of the hipsters, by the hips­ 1. Willlametta Parker, 2.'Hazel the greatest names and players in Opening sessions will be devoted SKIPPING the usual prelimani- quite a few of the happenings ters, and for the hiprtera, shall Brown 3. Helen West, 4. Shirley the game performed there. Many to industrial first aid and will be ries of the different schools, here was T. K. H. She was seen ait so not cut. out from this scene. Meriweather, 5. Maxine Hollings­ of the most colorful and brilliant taught by Red Cross first aid in­ are some of the things that went many of the holiday functions THE EYE CATCHES: worth, 6. Eddie Mae Smith, 7: performers, as well as, some of the structors. Later sessions will be di­ onr during the past holiday season that many people thought she had Alice Morgan, 8. Dorothy Fant, 9. Joe Brown and Bobbye Sanders zaniest plays are associated with rected by ASSE members, with and also some imaginary Christ­ a twin sister.. .Ural Williams of Essie Boyd, 10. Rose Cooper and standing off together. When asked, the history of Ebbets Field. Chester Childress, safety director of mas presents and New Year’s re­ Manassas should know that a cer­ Delores Flynn. “What's ito it." Joe says, that’s A New York real edtate develop­ National Distillers Products Co., solutions mixed up. tain young lady of BTW has re­ BOYS: business man. (Wonder does Cor- ment firm has now taken posses­ discussing health and medical prob­ ft seems that during the festive solved not to play second fiddle to 1. Alvin Junior, 2. Russell Per­ zell Smith know about tills.) Wal­ sion of the former baseball park lems and George Hill of Velslcol vacation a certain junior, namely, you anymore.. .William Higgins has nell, 3. Oliver Ingram, 4. William ter Hall holding; Amelia Walkens' and plans to naze the structure Chemical discussing chemical hand­ Miss J. B„ got caught at a couple resolved to stag "Money" at least Terrell, 5. Calvin Junior, 6. Joseph hand, and telling her how much and build a 1,317-famlly ..housing ling. j: . of " her parties with four of her once a day...Tyrone Smith has lie cades for her (As before; this Watkins, 7. Malfred Bolden, 8. Er­ project on thè site. Su, there it All instructions is free and open boyfriends.oyfriends. She would dance with made an Impression on a young again subtraots frem Booker T. vin Freeman. 9. Talven Wilhite BASKETBALL, despite the ef­ public more interested in it. Strong­ goes with one of ' ithe' historical to anyone in industry; however, a onne . and_ ____ then— ___rush ______to another and lady all the way in Milwaukee, Wades’ collection of females.) Bar­ and Sampson Briscoe, 10. James forts of Frank Lewis and the others er teams might help, but even in landmarks of basebail where some fee of $1.25 has been set to cover dance with him, and then the Wisconsin, That young junior at bara Perry at the bus station cry­ Pope and Robert Carpenter. that love and live the game, just past years when the teams were of the most frenzied I fans ever textbooks and supplies. Registra­ other. But things got quite com­ Melrose has resolved not to get ing her heart out in Robert Top Couples Around Hamilton doesn’t have it here in Memphis. stronger, Memphis still has not at­ watched agame. » : tion is available by calling the Red plicated when the dance was over caught ta the holiday vice, never, Moores’ arms. Ann Hines as she 1. Sampson Briscoe and Bar­ It might even not be going too tained the degree of response in Aooondtag to reports and Ithe re­ Cross, JA. 5-7361. arid when it wa? let; up to her to ever again.. Somebody should re­ cares less what she says about Ural bara Robinson, 2. Georgia James far to say ithat eventually it.will basketball that it has in what ap­ cord; Vada Pinson, the 2i-year- decide which of the four would sold to pull Jeanie Harris off of Wiliams. Claibom (shorty) Bur­ and James Neal (Douglass) 3. Betty be only a game for the players and parently everybody goes for — old center fielder of the Ctacta- take her home. Cloud No. 9.. .Otis Dockery (Ham­ rus Tiding in a green and while 4 Ewing and Malfred Bolden, 4. Dor­ the coaches, with perhaps a few FOOTBALL nati Redtegs, ¿¡though a left hand­ LeMoyne Starts 2nd ' Another young lady, of Meli..., ilton) should resolve to learn how ‘54 Buick. It happens often. San­ othy Fant' and “Pdte”. Freeman diehard spectators still left ta the ed batter, hit better against left wits miade happy for the holiday’s, to use the telephone ta ' calling dra Davks holding a long-handled The basketball coaches, including Semester, February 1 and Rose Cooper, 5- Maxine-’Davls stand;?. ' handed pitchers than he did Isaac Young picked up. a girl Brenda of Carver.. .Lorene Davis -spoon. Elios-ElLseeting. the_con^ Frank Lewis, had better come up The first semester at LeMoynd and Larry (Mitehell, 6. Lawrence against right handers. He hit -left College is nearing an end. Final friend over the holidays. Her nick should resolve to smile 'jiust a lit­ tente. Clyde E. Joyner without a THE BENCH noticed immediate­ with sumothing good to get the Fant and Sbirleane Body, 7. Ma­ handers at a .354 average last sea­ examinations for the 577 students name is ‘Billie" and they call her tle bit more and come out of her love (I know someone, who-is ex­ ly the utter failure of the public sport on the ball. If not, basketball xine Hollingsworth and Amos Kel­ tremely interested). son. enrolled at the college will be held Beverly Ann Cole, the belle' of small, conceited world. Las Fene- to respond enthusiastically to what will soon be found in ithat list of sey, 8. John Sanders and Doris It seems that he played no favo­ Manassas, Isaac’s unsed-to-be side rios should resolve to stop think­ THEY GO TOGETHER is the highest League race in tfti taas-beens along with Itrack and January 20-26. Thompson (BTW) 9. Phyiis Davis rites as the saying goes. In a game kitfc big-eyed Robert Davis, Jr., ing everyone is against them, even Johnnie Lumpkin and Charles loop’s history, with nearly all of baseball. . Classes for the second semester1 and Harry Manning 10. Alice Mor­ Robinson, Freddie Rooks and Bob­ early in toe season, when Cincin-, are scheduled to start February 1, ’ vs been tagged with a theme thought they are. the teams at this late date still in gan and Lavan Webb. bie Boyd, Lou Ethel Lowe and John nàia faced Milwaukee’s Warren ¿g, 'Run, Red,' Run.” A certain Imaginary New Year’s Presents: the championship race..There is a Second semester registration period City Wide Top Six. Survey Girls; Bishop, Bobbie Robinson and Mel- Spahn, one of the best left lrand- has been set for janutry^M-sn iling lady will sing "It’s Time To Robert Davis should give Isaac buzz going ¿round the city — fml it -Annual Christmas Dinner Doris Ingram of Bertrand gains because Chris is gone. Young a friendship pin and a doesn't seem to berabotil basket­ No. 1 position. years’ subscription to the maga­ sliall (Bertrand) 4. Jewell Reed ball being played in the League or Given By Neighborhood 1. Doris Ingram (Bertralnd) 2. zine, “How to Make Friends the and Flolce .McKnight (Melrose) 5. on the college level. Dorothy Burnett (Melrose) 3. Wil- Progressive Club Easy Way." Then Mr. Young jimmy Guess (Man.) 6. Melvin ERNEST C. WITHERS liamliametta Parker (Hamilton), 4. Tire failure of the game to whip In keeping with the tradition of should give Mr. Davis a mirror to Owens antL-Robert Davis (BTW). Vivian Barnes and Joan Hampton up as much enthusiasm could be the holiday season, , the Neighbor­ answer the question, “Why Aren’t Senior Dance (BTW), 5. Alice Morgan (Ham­ because of what same fais call a hood Progressive ,Club gave its an­ PHOTOORAPHY I Like Everybody Else.” Santa The Senior Class will present ilton) 6. Bobble Hayes (Manassas). weak League and weak college nual Christmas dinner at the Leila Claus should give Fr. Bertrand’s itheir annual Senior Dance on teams. While the Leagjie race is Walker Club House on Dec, 30. PICTURES TELL THE STORY Boys; February 18th, the dance wijl be ta basketball team a book on, "How close ,the iteams of the conference Th? members and about 30 in­ We Take Photos Of Alvin Junior is No. 1 the school gym. Come and danec to play Basketball In Ten Easy have fallen to out'-of-itown squads vited'guests enjoyed the delecta- > Family Groups__ ._,1. „Alvin Junior (Hamilton) 2. to Ithe music of Ben Branch and Oliver Ingram-and-Russell Par- by-big-sooree.-On -tlte-OoUege-4ew4- ■^nrCKUrcIrGiSvpF • Wedding»- his Largoto. Tfckfete may be pur-' The Oweh College team,-beaten by nell, (Hamilton)' 3. Robert Mar- The. Ole Timers should give the chased from any member’of the" à Mississippi oiltflt 113-90 last .Week, “The highlight of the affair was • Portrail» • CQpy^ photM school (Manassas) back' to the senior class. • , is à' flop. The LeMoyne- college the Exchanging of gifts by the - — CAll — feigners, Builders Ä Erectors students. Someone should give aren’t writing a column anymore. Next Week Magicians,' who started out strong, members. ? . ■ “ 1 . of Monuments. Outstanding James Pope. Robert Carpenter, And while they are giving the re­ The Las Oabellarous will be in have gotten.weaker, ftSl toTuske- Mrs. Ray Hines is president ..of Emut C, Wlthara muy yean for 'erarteou »er* Bishop Trotter, Flolce McKnight, port, give Ruodoiph Williams some( the spotlight A group of young gee 100-65 on their own floor just- the club; Mrs. Mose. Marris, sec­ JA. 6*5835 WH, 6*3288 vtot m4 reMonabto prim Margaret Sherrod, John Ford and curly, black hair. men who started as a social club last week. retary; A. R. Buford, business man­ STUDIOS AT 319 BEALE STREET MONI JA. 64466 Jesse Chambers, and Clarice Neal, Hope Everybody had a happy,, around the .school. Rpad about ? WHAT______basketball . heeds hire is ager; and Miss . Emma Smiley, re- a fpur-page. report on - .why they happy, slap-happy. holiday. '5'X them next-week. some sort of tonic to make the . porter.- ‘ l—.— MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednesday, January I1,1W • 1

j' Tots-And-Teens, Irte. . • '< Representative Cornés -»»*- To Memphis Organization

A representative of the national The latest chapter was establish^ “Tots and Teens, Inc., was in Mem­ ed in Montgomery,. Ala., Nov. 27, phis several days last week in the 1959. Plans are underway to form By JEWEL GENTRY interest of establishing a chapter a chapter in Philadelphia, Balti* of the educational and social or­ more and Washington, D. C. dur^ Ing February, revealed Mrs. Tilton,- PAN-HELLF.MC COUNCIL Carols and the group sang. Mr. and Mrs Ed Williams for the ganization here. OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED The representative. Mrs. Ade­ The organisation, was foundedrtn s Assisting Mrs. Malone were: to’idays. Mrs. Crittenden is cur- Los Angeles, Calif., in-1952. Slnca ~ FRIDAY EVENING Mrs. G. T. McPherson and Mrs. ren'ly enrolled in Chicago' Teach­ laide Tilton, of Dayton, Ohio, said Officers of the Memphis Pan­ that the elght-year-old organiza­ that-time chapters have sprung up Homer Turner, Sr., who served er’s College., Also visiting Mr. and in most of the nation's major cities, Hellenic Council will be installed -atong with her hostesses. Rev. Ma­ Mrs. Williams was another daugh­ tion Is primary interested in for-, rhe annual national convention is ■ at an Installation Program Friday lone also received with the ladles ter, Miss Ebtelyn Williams who Is mutating spiritual, educational, cul­ scheduled to convene in Los Ange*. evening, Jan. 15, alt 8 p. m. Greeks and was hosts to the husbands doing an internship at St. Elisa­ tural, social and recreational facili­ les July 30-Aug. 1. Heading the are invited to alttend the program during the evening. beth Catholic Hospital in Dayton', ties for 'hildren and teenagers national organization is Mrs. Agnes to be held ait the Sigma Gamma I Turkey, ham and all of the trim­ Ohio. * from two to 19 years of age. Goodall of Los Angeles. Rho House, 805 Saxon and to hear mings were served from a buffet . She explained further “the or­ Dr. Waiter Washington, president table beautifully decorated in a DR. AND MRS. O. B. BRAITH­ ganization’s plans are implement­ Mrs. Tilton Is asking that any of Utica Jr. College, who will be motif in keeping with the holiday WAITE are back after a wonderful ed through cooperation-with par­ woman interested in heading a ;' speaker of the evening. Dr. Wash­ season. ' time in Buffalo where they visited ents of the youngsters." Both Memphic chapter of “Tots and ington, who Is a popular members Members and guests attending their son-in-law and daughter, mothers and fathers automatically Teens" to contact the Memphis' of the Alpha Phi-Alpha Fraternity- w mson, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Seott.. .and become-affiliated with “Tots and World at 546 Beale St., or call JA. and secretary of ¡the National Pan­ Mrs.-Turner with Mr. Turner; Mr. thelr three chlldrcn. Mrs, Scctt, -Teens"-once their- children become 6-4030...... -— members. Hellenic Council will be presented I McPherson escorting his spouce; t|he former, Miss Louis Braith­ While here she was the house* by L. 0. Swlngler. Representatives Mrs.'Gearge Tate, with Mr. Tate; waite is in Psychiatric Social Work. Mrs, Tilton, a Mid-West regional guest of Rev. and Mrs. 8. A. Owen director and president of the Day- -from the LeMoyne College Pan- Mr. and-Mrs. Emmets Hollings­ Mr Scott holds a Oovernment- of 761 Walker Ave. 8he Is the neicö chapter’saidrJ‘Iamrtnterested-|rofMrsrOwen. I'laltenlc ¡Council will appear on worth, Mrs. Alberta Sample, Mr. C. position (in Unemployment:'. in seeing a chapter established in ¡the program. ______L. Blackburn, Mrs, Ellen Ca’.lian, Aside from her affiliation with Memphis. This city is full of poten­ NEW OFFICERS Mr. and Mrs. McAdam Sloan, Mrs. JOHN WHITTAKER, JR.,, son Tots and Teens, Mrs, Tilton is a tial. This organization would be of representative of the Dayton branch Officers to be installed are Mrs. Etta Page, Rev. and Mrs. J. T. of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Whittaker great benefit to the parents as well of the Cleveland Call & Post news«- ■: Bernice Calloway (n National arid Tentham, and Mrs. WiUetit Hum- (oil the Lt-Moyne College oampus) as the youngsters of Memphis,’* paper. -tseal-GfHter-of-the-eta-Rhi-Beta------———------— is- buck at Fisk where he is an —9ororltiy)-who-was-retolected-as —Mrs—ArtSs Garrett, Mrs. Marie. upper- classman after the holidays chairman of the council.. Mr. Wil­ J. Mixon, Mrs. Sadie Williams, Home with his' parents. ENTERTAINED AT PARTY — Miss Freida Black­ Among those attending the parly, above, lard Bell (Omega), vice chairman. Miss Frances Tharpe, Mrs. Pearlina stone of Port Arthur, Tex., was the guest of are, left to right: Edward Rhodes, Mrs. Lenora Mrs. Minnie Echols (Sigma Gamma Saunders, Miss Camelia Saunders, MRS. . A. M. (Inez) WOODS honor when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, Miss Blackstone, the honoree; Mr. Roy Rho) re-elected as recording se- Mrs. E. F. Sain, Mrs. Delora Saun- spent 'the Christmas holidays in Sargent of 1140 Dunlap St. entertained at a —cretau^^Miss—Maggie—McDowell,- -ders-Thcmpson.^drs^D.-M.-Jolin-- -Kentucky with her unole arxLaunt, Sargent, Mrs. Darnell Sargent, Miss .Corleen cocktail party recently, — (Delta) secretary.. Mr. Harold Ors- scin, Mrs. Ernestine, Mrs. Thelma Bishop and Mrs. Luther Stewart. Moore, Mrs. Simon Wallace. borne (Alpha Man) re-elected as Whalum and Mrs. Gertrude John­ Miss Blackstone, who is a public school All of the guests were recent graduates of treasurer...of the 'focal council. Mr. son,... . , . ■: I .' .-',:' , '' ’. DR. AND MRS. CHARLES E. teacher in Port Arthur was home for the holi- Tennessee State A&l University, except Miss Mr. and Mta Lester Stansbiury from eight until 10,. guests were Elmer Henderson (Porte march of SMITH arrived home early from doys. She had an opportunity to visit with Moore, who attends West Kentucky Stale. of 1-187 Cannon St. erfebraited their reluctant to leave even at 12 mid« ■the local Kappa- Chapter) re-elect­ DR. GEORGE WAfllHNGTON Mississippi where he is practicing many of her college friends who were guests second anniversary with a cocktail night, i CARVER'S ASSISTANT SPEAKS i for ¡the holidays with .their mo- Also present were Mrs, 0. Jenning, and Mr. party. ed as' parliamentarian.. .Mr. Cecile at the party, Goodlow (Phi Bella Sigma) re­ AT CARVER HIGH SCHOOL **•ther,“• Mrs. ...Mary ...... Alice Smith who" and Mrs. Eugene Franklin. - (Withers Photo) The well-appointed home of the elected. as sergeant-ait-arms and IN ARKANSAS lives alt 2416 Vandale. Sitansburrys was the scene of (lie Miss Velma Jones (A. K. A.) chap­ Dr. A. W. Cuntís, assistant to the event Friday night. The gala af­ Cub Seouls Make », lain. late Dr. George Washington Car­ ROBERT CHARLES BRAGG, fair was well attended by scores ver at his Tuskegee laboratories who was transferred from (he of friends who enjoyed the tempt­ Their Resolutions EDITH STREET CLUB GIVES who still carries on his works in a Memphis Mallory Air Force Depot ing hors d’ouevres and listening to ANNUAL NEW YEAR’S PARTY I¡laboratory in Detroit, flew into last year, arrived here early for Holds Annual Parly 'tile large collection of long-play­ The Cub Scout Chapter No. 145 The pretty Edi'ih Street home of ;Memphis Thursday evening to the holiday season from iris home ing recordings and sipping cock­ recently made resolutions for the tails.. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dancy was ,speak and to commemorate “Car­ in Harrisburg, Pa., where he mov­ 'Die Ladies Union Suprise Club new year in a meeting at Mt. Olive a perfect setting for tohe Edith ver Day’” at Carver High cliool ed ills family last Spring. With Mr. WALKER HOMES held Ils annual Secret Pal Party Those seen wishing the attractive CME Cathedral. The Cubs said they Party. This year ¡'he affair was (in a small Arkansas community Bragg were two of his friends, at the home of Mrs. Kelly Dean, couple many happy retells were: would follow their motto, "Do Your Street Club's annual New Year's just out of Memphis) John Roach, Thomas Mosley and By RITA ROBERTS JONES 2139 Chelsea Ave., on Dec. 16. Many Mis. Arzella Storey, Mr. and Mi«. Best.” given on Saturday, evening, Jan. 2 Charles Chatman who motored lovely gifts were exchanged after James Bryant, Mis. Rose Marte Mc­ Thé membership campaign of the with members and guests arriving Dr. Curtis ‘ew are told", spoke down with him to hunt. Mr. Bragg which a turkey dinner was served. Kenzie, Miss Sarah Medcalf, Mr. group is currently underway. Boys out of humility and is apparently I AM SURE mhit of you are and Mrs. William Raukins, Mi:', and between the ages of eight and 11 as early as 8. and his Mends were ¡the house ill. as calm as the world's greatest guests of his mother, Mrs. Annie wondering what happened to your The regular monthly meeting of The nextmeeting has been sche­ Mrs. James Wells, Mr. and Mrs. are eligible. Mrs. Dancy, who received with scientist, Dr. Carver who was said Bragg and a brother-in-law and former columnist (Mrs. Grettie the Walker Homes Civic Club was duled for the home of Mrs. Lola Burle Clark, Mr. Thaddeus Stokes, Charles Champion is cub master Mr. Dancy and other members of to be a devout Christian. In his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Polk, Adair) well’ the. young lady is at­ postponed because of the inclement; Morgan, 1734 Marble Ave. Mrs. Es- Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Yarbrough, of the group and Irene J, Bledsoe the Neighborhood Club, was a very speech at the school (where they of 688 Pendleton St. tending school atong With her many weather, watch the newspaper and tell Rivers is president of the club, Mri William Walton, Mr. and Mrs.. Is den mother, r- ; Mrs. Lucille joines, secretary; and warm hostess.. .and from all ‘in­ celebrated ‘Carver Day" set ¡aside The group enjoyed a series of other duties sa she relenquished her 'listen to ¡the radio for the date of Ha-nald Clerk, Mns. Vivian Brown, The group meets every Wednes­ dications, comments and from pre­ for Jan. 5.) Dr. Curtis praised the parties given in honor of them by duties a'3 Ithe Walker Homes Col­ the meeting. The winneis in the Mrs. Jessie Mae Templeton is re­ Mns. Robbie Prultte, Mrs. Thelma day at Mt. Olive from 4:30 to 5:30 . Durham, Mr. Louis Stelnnberg, Mr. vious club parties, she feels, that late Dr. Carver as he gave "a re­ Robert and Donna Polk, Ollie and umnist because she was not able Christmas lighting contest will be porter. p.m. to give it her full attention. We Willie Mitchell, Mrs. Alice Barker good food and music are two of view of his life." He tied the story Ada Ingram, Sherman and Minnie announced and a report on the wish for her Ithe best in the field and Miss Charlene Adams. the most imopitant elements of a in with the inspiration that his Robinson and Willie B. and Flet­ Christmas Baskets given by the Weaver Principal and Mrs. N. A. she ds pursuing. party...and this is just what they life offers to youth of ¡today. cher Bragg, all sisters and brcbh- community will be made. Felton J. Crawford P. T, A President They Mns. Stansbury (Chris) wore a Scrap Prices Firm black original with gold accessories. Steel scrap prices firmed by $i had Saturday evening when most When interviewing the Detroit ers-in-laws. Keeping up with the Firrt, i Would like to ask some­ Earls, Si-., is the president and Rita are asking all parents to please of the m-embers attended. ___ whirl_wind of..affairs were: Mrs. R. Jones is ithe secretary.______i comeroairi.Dotails for the annual •Refreshments were served buffet a ton in Plttsbuigd as major mills scientist who has manufactured •_ thing—v»of —you,-whtill i'lloh —will-meanWill IllVnil style from ¡the beautiful dining entered the market. The Increase Guests and members are still ex­ products for years developed by Dr. Unora RoWtette, Mrs. Fav John- everything to me, that is, to have Tea to be held the Sth Sunday cited about the food, Turkey and dOn and Mrs. Senetta Davs. I the support and whole-hearted oo- Road High School ¡n ,[his month will be worked out. room table, which was covered with reversed a series of declines fol­ Carver he said..."Its the duty of will hold its regular P. T. A. feed­ an off-white imported German iace lowing the back-to-work order that i its trimihings made up the main operation of -the residents of the citizens of any community to as­ ing Tuesday Jan. 12, in the school Don't forgot .to let us know what oldth flanked by golden candlebras. brought a resumption of steel op­ course.. .Butt the beauty of the WALKER HOMIES AND SUR­ sist youth and inspire them cafeta'lum at 3: p. m, Mr. Alonzo You are doing, You'Make ¡News. Even though the invitation read erations. spiced glazed fruit and the Ita­ through success stories such as ROUNDING AREA'S, remember lian salad stuffed In aritlchokes that of Dr. Carver.. .and -that is ithalt NEWS is our business so let added much beauty to the buffet how I ended my story to the pat­ us have your — all of.it, My ad­ table that was centered by a white rons of the Carver High School in dress is 311 EJder Riaad and my Milk Glass Lily. oL the Valley urn Arkansas, named for tlhe great Dr. telephone number is EX 8-.1392 filled with ormolu 'flowers in a lily Carver whose modesty and other Now on with ¡the news. Pardon pattern, lofty vlrtures we will remember in us for caching up. Cocktails were served before and America for a iong time to come. after dinner. Cards highlighted the By JO-JO BELL Mrs. James Talley, Johnnie Bell During the interview Dr. Curtis Perron, and Helen Chamberlain, evening. also told the true meaning of members of 'the LA Soriee Foute Coming in early were: Mrs. Vi "Greenfield Villege" (a village CHARLES BROWN Social club gave a painty for the'e Bonds (a former Edith Street re­ built as a monument Ito great men) members and some of their former sident who now makes her home It is in this village that a monu­ CAPTURES SPOTLIGHT! members last Wednesday Night In Long Island. N. Y.) with her ment was built a number of years The beams 'from our spa'Jlight Dec. 30, the Ohrkl'.mas Spnrit was nephew, Dr. W. O. Speight, Jr. back and dedicated to Dr. Carver still lingering and everyone was in Other members and guests attend­ goes to a worthy young man. The village is reailly an open Charles is a sophomore at Car­ somewhat of a festlvxe mood in ing were: Mrs. Jolfi Arnold, Jr., museum built by Henry Ford to anticipation of ¡the New Year. The Mr. and. Mrs. Floyd Newman, Mrs ver, ar should I say an active one prepfcrve Mings of significance because he participates in a var­ irefreshmenl's were very tasty and W. 8. Jackson, Mr. and Mr?. War- that have to do with the early de- ietyiciy viof activities.uuuyfuKJ. He_ is,o also known...... everyone just had on enjoyable ' ren Jack-son. Mrs. Ma'.'ii Johnson vfifopment of America. A shop of i u be the number eng (toy aMntj evening. Guerlts were Mrs. Genite . Mrs. Mary Tree Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Adair, Edna Winfrey, Susie Smith, the Wright Brothers and their Oarver.-He is very popular ...... in this A. C. MH,”!s, Mrs. Warren Haw­ first planes along with many oih-er Beat-nik and ¡teenage world. president of the cilub, Jean Holley, 588 Vance Avenue kins, Mr. and Mrs William Bond- Memphis, Tennessee developments appear in this same He is also a Christen young man, Dante’ S'rong, ¡Bertha Jones, and __ Heron and Mrs. Alzora Haste. -village. ■$( Z''Z, 'terJteTs.a member of 'the Greater Almelia Eddins. Mrs. Belle Pettegrew, Mr. end He inqquired by several Mem­ M't. Moriah Baptislt church. He re­ Mr. ann Mrs, Joe Adair were Mrs. Edgar Cole. Mr—and' Mrs. Les­ phians., and spoke of Dr. and sides at the resident of 189 West hosts for" a biillhday dinner on lie Roberts, Mrs. Hazel Lee, Miss Mrs | Hollis Price.. saying mat Norwood with his mother, Mrs. Mis, Adair’s birthday. Saturday Maydella Reeves, Mr. William Ro­ they were old friends, Dr. Price Nona Brown- (Jan. 2,) far ¡the occasion the table binson, Dr. and Mrs. A K. Smith, was out of 'town. He did ask of So hats off ito our sophisticated was overlaid with a white nylon Mrs. Willie Walker, Mrs. Mabie Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Olive, Mr. Spotligihter! net handmade table cldih with a Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc­ Sam Qualls, Jr., and his mother, THE BIG WHEELS center piece of gold hand painted Clellan, Dr. and Mrs. William Mirs. S. W. Quails, Sr...and Mr. AROUND BTW jroses flanked by candles. A very Pippin, Mr. and Mrs. James De- Maceo Walker whom he knew here. issac Young, William Higgins, and detectable( dinner was sewed buf­ Walt, ’ At the school Dr. Curtis was in­ Robert Davis. fet style. Everyone present enjoyed ASSETS AROUND GEETER HIGH the Ada'r’s hospitality. Guests were Mrs. Mamie Pamphlet, Mr. and troduced by Miss Connie Ballinger, member of the .Carver faculty William Bell and Dock. Mr. and Mre. Henry Johnson, Mr. Mrs. Fred Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. AROUND MANASSAS and Mirs. Howard Peiters, Jr. Mr. Henry Ray, Mr. and Mrs! Howard whom he knew at West Virginia Mir. Ted Oliver is really the Big and M'.is. Ananias Boyd, Mir; and First Mortgage Loans ... $ 851,166.93 Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Chi- State College years ago? Miss Ballinger was a hostess and Wheel, others' are Little Catherine, Mrs. Lloyd Jones, and Mrs. Ethel sum, Mrs. Mollie J. Carter who as- Loraine, and Mae Jean, B. McClln. sited with plans for the party and assisted Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Swing­ Loans on Savings Accounts . 6,769.79 le (he a member of the same fa­ AROUND CARVER Mr. Leonard Jones, Recording star Mr. and Mrs. Felton J. Earls, Sr., culty) in entertaining the famed Julius Jackson, Wffliam Turner, who arrived here from Los Ange­ of 389 Mitchell Road and son, Fel­ scientist at a small dinner party and James Watts. Investments and Securities 57,900.07 les for the holiday. Mr. Jones en­ I WONDER WHAT WOULD ton J. Earls Jr,, a ‘59 grad of B. T. alt the Swindler's lovely new ranch tertained with several of Ns ori­ Washington and a popular mem­ style home. Also assisting during HAPPEN IF: Cash on Hand and in Banks ginal numbers during the evening. , Eva Brown started riding in a ber of the teenage social sot was 132,021.80 and entertained at the piano- ah the evening was Mr. Julius Dillon, certain white Ford again? (By the home -for tlje Ohristipas holidays a member of the Carver faculty. evening. way Eva, do you miss your rides?) from Howard Unniversity in Wash­ Office Equipment, Less Deprication ., 6,811.65 Dr. Curtis was guest at the Swing- Willie B. Witeman started going ington, D. C. we hear that he’s CLARA BARTON HEALTH CLUB; ler residence. steady with a certain boy around doing very well with his college Dr. Curtis has been honored Total Assets $1,054,670.24 ENTERTAINED DURING Carver, like W. B. C.? curriculum. We hope far his con­ (rightfully so) because of his work tinued success. Mi', and Mrs. L. THE HOLIDAYS SOCIAL NEWS The pretty Quinn Street home. and for his ability ¡to carry on The Elkis ¡Social Club has been Pratcher, of 295 Eder Road par­ I such a tradition. He was selected Of .Rev.: and Mta Van J. Matone organized. Any young men desir­ ents of Miss Ella M. Bratcher a '69 j ¡to carry on this great work by Dr. was dressed up in Its best holiday ing to join, check with the Elk’s grad of Geeter Hi 6. was home Carver himself who worked tire­ finery on Tuesday during the on Sundays at. 5:30 p. m. Some of from Tenn. A. and I. State Uni­ lessly to . aid farm people. It Is Dr. Christmas holidays when members 'the top membons are: versity we hear that she too is do­ Curtis from whom most informa­ Maurice Whitney, Clarence Smith, ing well. For both these young of the Clara Barton Health Club tion is gotten today for history re­ George Whittaker, De-Vole Webs­ people we hope that the best that sitaged ¡their annual Merry Christ­ Savings Accounts $ 969,725.02 garding the Peanut Wizard. ' ter, Issac Yeung and A. D. Watkins. life has to offer' will come their mas party. Christmas decorations LONELY HEARTS CLUB way. were bright throughout the home. Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank . MRS. WILLIE CRITTENDEN Leroy Guinn, Robert E. Jordan, 50,000.00 Mre. Malone, who always gives her has returned to her home in Chi­ Haywood hebren, Johnny Horton On my tour of duty as a Vsitilng speclal itouch, was gracious as she cago after visiting her parents, and yours truly, Jo-Jo BELL Lady at Crump, Hospital, Thurs­ Loans in Process 4,518.40 usually is. She played Christmas THE WEEK’S TOP COUPLES day Jan. 7, (I960, there were a num­ Lloyd E. Stovall and . Dianne ber of Walker Homes Residents: Other Liabilities 3,750.00 Smith; Fred Hill and Ada Mc­ Mrsh. Harriet ¡Harris who resides Ghee; Leroy Hal land Little Ca­ on Jenson Road, Mrs.- Anne Hehry, who resides on Carbon Rdl, and is therine. . __ , Specific Reserves 1,161.36 one of the. teachers alt Mitchell Rd. TOP TEN GUYS Oharies Brown, Leroy Broadnax, Jr. High School, Mrs. Alice Oomil- / General Reserves . Jimmy Guinn, Paul Sims, Richard la who resides on Gilmore Rd., Mi Is. Rice, Janies Wturren, Robert Tur­ Fannie Britton who resides on Ailta ner, Victor Williams, Roy Lewis, Rd., and is a teachar at Geeter Total Liabilities Henry Ford Jr. (B, T. W.) High School (She was being dis­ charged that night), and Mirs. ili TOP TEN CHICKS Bonnie Ingram,. Lillie Williams, Frances Pratcher, who resides cn - on - Elder Road, for all these ladies we AUTOMOBILES - FURNITURE - EQUIPMENT - SIGNATURE Jeanette Flenings, Shirley. Jones, Barbara Williams, Jtoiumie A. Foy, wish a very speedy recovery, re­ Mary A. Aindrews, Janice Lewis. member to visit and send carets to Lena B. Blue, Mary Brown. ___ your neighbans and friends who are CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE DIRECT TO YOU ... Miss Dianne Adair (Carver) when know, the happenings were at 173 co. wlll you irealizo ttiialt you can run First Ave., New^Yeair'anightrJOhn - NOW TWO LOCATIONS - only the heels over on your shoes, ¿Blackwell gave a swinging New A B IG .. .. Phone JA 8-M11 and no one else business. Try stay­ ‘Year's party. Some of Ithe top pne’6 152 a“«’?“ cirwi - Phone JA 5-1351 2‘LL^&own^^ ____ ing out of my business, and attend- .there are: Ernest Caldwdll, Bar- - ring-to-yourS'-From-'that-source-yoiL -bara-Wilkams,—-Charles—Brown, KuXed nnd Supervised to•TbeSteto Dept, of wil obtain morei' Jeanette Flemings, Mbse Marr, W. i bmuuu msuranoe and Banking DEAD READY Williams, K. Price, B. Ingram, For the benefit of you who dont Bobble Cunning-ham. t I o" Corn In Chex air Form IntroM ' Com, the most popular of all i ■ ready-to-eat cereal ingredients, makes its debut in a new form this week when Ralston Purina^ intro­ I CARNATION 4 • MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednesday, January 13,1960 duces Com Chex in (city.) The new product consists of crisp Fireplace Fills little bite-size shredded biscuits of j_COOK!NG HINTS Three Maple Flavored Marvels! t toasted corn, similar in appearance Need Of Family and texture to the company's pop­ I ular Wheat Chex and Rice Chex. I ' L”<7 ROSALIE ROSALIE Several years of research and ^HOMESETvicrDIRECT^TNDl^WFF^ <°TT For Cheery Glow actual testing in more than 1,000. a How does the fireplace survive? homos have gone into the prepara­ Its efficiency as a source of heat tion of tills new creal. Like the is absurdly low. Its efficiency as a other Chex, it stays crisp and fresh Short cuts to good cooking are of interest to all home­ source of ashes, jsoot and coal dust th? whole bowl through. is staggeringly high. Frequently it makers; I always depend on Carnation Evaporated Milk It is uncompatible with other ele­ Carn Chex hav?'n- breffrastoried to for easier, and better cooking and baking-For example,_ ments in the design of a room. whole grain values in iron, thia­ what could be faster than sauces that don't require cook« Despite these deficiencies fire­ mine, and niacin and contribute ing? All you do is add undiluted Carnation to condensed places are still found in ’ many significant amounts of these nutri- homes, because the women who ents-fo-the daily diet. ^oupd’orperfe.ct-sauee&evërjritimeJbhopeyouül-tiyJiieat— Wtets even more important operate these homes are convinced . . LO with-Scalloped Potatoes-SOon. The sauce for the that «replaces provide a unique the family, the bit-size shredded potatoes is made with cream of celery soup. And for juicy focus for family life. corn cereal is delightful to use in For those women whose families cooking. For instance, onion rings never crumbly meat balls and meat loaves, too, always lack the cheery glow of an open that are dipped in egg and then use better-blending Carnation. fire on a nippy night, here are in the finely crashed corn oereai suggestions intended to minimize are mighty tasty when deep-fat waste motion and money in re­ fried:------modeling for a fireplace: Herb-flavored bite-size corn bis­ cuits can be prepared in a jiffy and 1. Locate the fire place so that stored in glass jens, ready for use its warmth and beauty may be en- as croutons in soups and salads or as pos­ as . crumb, toppings on-casseroles, . sible. If the fireplace dominates an PARTY MIX entire wall, use it os the axis of a 1-2 cup butter or margarine- decorative scheme that might in­ 2 iteasprohs your favorite brand clude fuel boxes, bookcases and of seasoning, seasoned or ravor storage cabinets. —saite------" 2. surface hearth, chimney and SIMPLICITY PRINTED PATTERN 3345 - One-piece maternity dress, 4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce firebox- perimeter with a-colorful, with “a n i’n-sër"Empire ’waistbahd^and softly "gathered "sheer­ —2 cups Com Chex*’ easily cleaned material such as 2 cups Rice Chex” ceramic tile. Ceramic tile is man-- skirt, printed to match the bodice and underskirt. Junior Misses' 2 cups Wheat Chex“ ufactured at temperatures ex­ sizes 11-15, Misses' sizes 12-18, 60c. (Note: this pattern will not 3-4 oup unsalted nuts*“ ceeding 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, be available in stores until January 15th) 1. Heat oven to very slow (250 so-don’t worry- about--from- degrees!.------heat. i 2. Melt butter in shallow pan over 3. Find a skilled fireplace spec- low heat. Stir in seasoning salt and Smart hostesses have discovered that maple and cream combina ialist to install flues and dampers. Worcestershire sauoe. perfectly for year ’round desserts. Pour maple-blended syrup over otherwise smoke may escape into 3. Add Corn Chex, Rice Chex. a dish of ice cream... sprinkle with nuts... and enjoy a “bit ’o the room instead of being drawn Chex, and nuts. Mix uilLiJ all pieces heaven”! Maple Sherbet is another "easy” dessert: just mix a cup up the chimney. are coated. of maple-blended syrup with a cup of buttermilk, about a table­ 4. Fuel will influence fireplace spoon of lemon juice and a dash of salt. Freeze about 2 hours, then By INEZ KAISER 4. Heat in oven for one hour. details. Coal requires a grating, for Stir every, 15 minutes. Spread out. MEAT BALLS AND SCALLOPED POTATOES beat until smooth, but not melted. Fold in one cup of whipped example, and wood calls fo rand- cream and freeze again. Serve with more maple-blended ayrup— on absorbent paper to cool. (Makes 6 servings) irons. The Holiday Season is over. One of the big tasks now is Yield: 6-3-4 cups. often! 5. Consider provision for suspend­ % cup undiluted CARNATION ’A cup finely chopped onion Maple Freeze to store the gifts, decorations, and to decide what to do with •Variation: 1 teaspoon onion OR ing a grill. This makes possible in­ the Christmas cards. Good organizations now will make your garlic salt and 1-2 teaspoon table EVAPORATED MILK ’/a /3 pounds ground beef row potatoes One of the first things to do is protect .them from dust as well as ed corn, wheat or rice biscuits. 3 egg whiter ■ ■ other emergencies. 1 can condensed cream to send "thank you” notes, personal from being crushed. Labels listing ’•’If salted nuts are used, de­ ’/a cup fine crumbs Heat syrup in top of double boiler. Pour hot syrup slowly into or commercial, to out-of-town the contents should be placed on crease seasoning salt to I 1-2 tea­ 1 i/j teaspoons salt of celery soup beaten egg yolks, alining constantly. Return to double boiler and BEST SELLER OUT the outside. All broken or frayed spoons; Omit 1-2 teaspoon salt, with cook over hot water until mixture is thickened and will coat a silver It will not be sold to the movies, friends far gifts you received. You. Yi teaspoon pepper 1 cup undiluted CARNATION may acknowledge them the 6ame items should be discarded. Light tire onion and garlic salt. ipoou. Remove from heat. Cool to room temperature.' Meanwhile or made into a stage play, but EVAPORATED MILK bulbs shuld be screwed loosely in 1 teaspoon dry mustard add salt to egg whites and'beat until stiff but not dry, Fold egg there is a book just out that will way to friends in the city, or a sockets. All boxes can be stored whites into syrup mixture.'Whip the cream; add vanilla. Add to be a best-seller for the next three telephone call might serve as well. Measure all but the last three toes. Top with meat balls. Bake where they will not be disturbed. Bynip rhixture. Pcur into freezing trays of refrigerator and freeze months. The important thing is to let tire ingredients into a large mixing in moderate oven (350°F.) until until finn. Serve with salted nuts as garnish, if desired. Makes a The book is the 1960 edition of sender know how much yon ap­ ' Now is the time to make or re­ bowl. Mix well. Shape into meat meat balls are done and potatoes aerviug». ■ “Your Federal Income Tax." an preciated their expression. check your Christmas card list. A balls. Cook slleed potatoes in tender, about 30 to 45 minutes.' i i aid for individual taxpayers in boiling water 5 to 8 minutes or For Spicy Meat Balis: Combine •------“5^------;------:----- ri—■— record should be made of all cards filling out their 1959 returns. Christmas decorations should be received as well as those sent out. until partially cooked. Drain '4 cup chili sauce, 1, ieaspoon Between now and mid-February boxed carefully. Tissue paper will Change of names and addresses thoroughly. Place in 12x7x1% mustard and to 1 teaspoon sales will be at their height protect them from dust as well as should be made at this time. Greet­ inch baking dish. Combine soup :hili powder and brush over the ings may be mounted in scrapbooks and Carnation. Pour over pota- meat bails as they are baking. By the NNPA News Service and sent to Homes for the Aged. Recipe of the Week * They would enjoy reading them. C-177 Printed In U.S.A. (10) Children overseas would receive pleawe, 'too,- from looking_.at a. All states require every teacher in the^publicschools to hold a cer­ collection of American cards. tificate...,__ L/ ■ r PET MILK HOME ECONOMIST • , The Christmas tree can be saved The amount of education required fori certification differs from state *•••••••••••••••••••••I* until Ephiphany services are held. It is an excellent opportunity to to state, but here is a steady trend join in as a family in this religious toward uniform educaional stand­ We all have favorite reoipes we Mix gumdrops, nuts and 1 teasp. celebration. ards. prepare for the holiday season. flour. Let stand until needed. Sift In. 1957, 35 states, • the District GERMAN PRODUCTION There’s one my family and friends 2 cups flour, PET Instant and salt If finances will allow, Christmas ol Columbia, and Hawaii. issued .. especially enjoy. It’s my PET Re- onto waxed paper. In 2 1-2-qt. cards, wrappings arid tree trimm­ ' regular teaching certificates only FRANK, Germany — Murial views of her work with the Gerim ings can be. purchased at a great ri to persons with ait least four yeans « clpe for GUMDRQP BARS...... bowl mix well sugar, shortening, Rahn, noted concert, opera and cast this week when the show opei of college preparation, and 10 other .. festive and delicious, with bit$ of egg Arid water. Add flour mixture saving. This will eliminate some musical comedy star who was re­ ed for a season's nun.. colorful fruit-flavored gumdrops all at once. Beat hard 2 mln.', either of the tasks for next year. states and Alaska, required at least cently appointed Musical Director and crunchy nuts all through! by hand or with electric mixer at —two-years. • of the Städtische Buhnen Theatre's The musical has been placed medium speed. Stir in 2-3 of gum­ When all of these jobs are com­ The other three states gave regu­ pleted, you can settle down to the all German production of "Bells the theatres repertory and will it They’re rich-tasting and chewy- drop mixture. Spread batter in well- lar certlficaites for teaching in the normal routine of living and look­ are Ringing”, received glowing re- ternate with other productions, moist and extra nourishipg, greased 13 x 9 x 2-in. baking pan. public elementary schools to per­ . too. That’s because they’re made Sprinkle rest of gumdrop mixture ing forward to being more fashion­ sons with one year or less of pre­ is customary in the German Sta with JET Instant Nonfat Dry Milk. wise in 1960. paration on the college level. in the community, and ’ materials Theatres. It will be presented . PET Indiant, you know, is richer in over top. Bake near center of 360 oven (moderate) 30 mln., or until Il 7 K.’ ’’ Some school systems have edu- and. methods of instruction, in- body-building protein and minerals. an average of four times weekly 1 cake pulls sides of pan. For glass cattonal requirements higher than j eluding practice teaching in an act- the remainder of the season. .And using it in dry form, you add pan, use 325 (low moderate). Cool ‘■thosethoSP necessaryTIPnPARiirV for stateStil'tp certificaCftl'ltificfl,-­ ualnal school,cnhnAl «IhhaiHnnstation. this extra nourishment with out in pan, Cut into 24 bars. Belaf onte’s Film tion. The remainder of the time is de­ Miss Rahn will return to Amerl adding extra liquid to the batter. In nearly all states, certificates voted to studying cultural and,re­ next month for business and 1 You'll want to keep your Christ­ NOTE: Use fruit-flavored gum­ Producer Resigns are issued by state departments of lated subjects common in the usual mas Cookie Jar filled with delicious engagements. During the year, e drops, not black licorice-flavored NEW YORK, N. Y. - (ANP) - education on the basis of transcripts libera Ians program. I , Her»'« a breakfast with Qo-powerl Tomato |ul/< teaspoon liquid smoke counters. 1 cup rolled oats, quiet or • (optional) Severe and painful rheuma« regular, uncooked . ->/<>/4 cup chopped onion — l ‘/2 pounds ground smoked----- 1% cups water—------— SOCIAL SECURITY told arthritis has left Its mark of crippling and deformity on . ■mmham i1 cancan (1 (1 lb. lb. 4 4 oz.) oz.) sliced sliced WISHBONE WEAVE tweed is Social security taxes paid by Louise Hopkins above. 16,000 pound ground fresh pork ,pineapple, ¡apple, drained I’’ big fashion news this.sea,- 75,000,000 persons have increased juvenile arthritlcs like Louisa 1 teaspoon salt "*1 can (1 lb. 6 oz.) cherry pi» Ison and B. H. Wragge employs as of January 1st, 1960 can benefit from treatment of­ teaspoon .pepper , filling la 50 per cent Creslan acrylic fered by the New March of '/c teaspoon gr

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — (SNS) Top-ranking graduates of accre­ y I1 dited colleges and universities will s.. .JEsL- have a choice $ more and better L .... jobs in 1960 than members of the class of 1959, according to Frank Endicott, placement , director of Northwestern University. iVAJ It is n sad fact that while a large courtesy? Who wrote it? When? - American - business,. accordin (Within five years.) What occas­ Endicott, will employ 19 per cent part of our religion (much more than we- commonly realize) has ion inspired it? more college graduates this year Werthlnk of it as a triumphant and start them at slightly higher come'tos through the channels of sacred song, most Christlans are Song. When it was . written, were pay than in 1959. grossly ignorant regarding hymns “things ' coming our way?" How_ Based on a survey of 211 com­ and their writers. Indeed it has many stanzas does it contain? What panies that actively recruit college been said that the surest way of signal honor is still paid to the graduates, the university official TO BE HONORED ■ The Education Department of the Improved doing much good and getting no memory of its author? Was .the personal credit is to writer# Kyiñlf tune composed to fit the words, or—-y predicted -that average salary of­ Benevolgnt Protective Order of Elks of the World has elected fers wlli be 4 per cent higher, that will be sung for a hundred the words to fit the tune? nine prominent Americans to the John Brown Hall of Fame and Call by the library and get “Know ranging from $515 a month for be­ years. will present them a National Service Award at a Banquet in Your Hymns” by Hall. ginning engineers to $424 for gen­ One may write a poem, like say The Old Ironsides of young Oliver eral-business trainees.------Washington, D. C„ January 28. Selected~for the^honor are, top row, left to right: Mrs. Christine Ray Davis, staff director of Wendell Holmes, and his ñame will During the past six years, Endi­ Committee on Government Operations, House of Representative; remain attached to it as long as tho poem Itself is remembered. But cott noted, the difference between A. Phillip Randolph, International President of the Brotherhood starting salaries for engineers and let him write an equally famous general business graduates has of Sleeping Car Porters; E. Frederic Morrow, Administrative Of7 hymn, and though it continue to nearly tripled. In his 1954 survey, fice for the Special Projects Group in the Executive Office ot tho be sung for centuries, the chances there was a gap of only $32. President of the United States; Lt.Col. Daniel James, Jr., Air arc that, his name will be knbwn only to $uch specialists as clei-gy- FUN IN THE SNOW AT OWEN COLLEGE - New I white campus landscape are three Owen stu- Staff Officer in the Directorate of‘Operations, the Pentagon. Asked to list the shortcoming of men and choir directors. See!S?wm™usd?t"winter^wonirland" ®a,,les (far r!M Ml$s newly-hired college graduates, the Bottom row, left to right: Tennessee Congressman B. Carroll Our book this week, comprising II. companies listed them in this or- »be queen of Owen College, Reece, Vai J, Washington, Director of Minorities, Republican Na- as it does over a thousand quest­ der; expecting Inn much too soon, riional Committee; New York Senator Kenneth B. Keating, and I-.» *i._ snuwraii |anj ^\jS5 Cncirlesetta Brown (far left).------ions about hymn tunes, (some NEW YORK - Automation and Inadequate understanding of busi­ Simeon S. Booker, Jr., Chief of the Johnson Publications Wash- questions absurdly easy, others ad­ other technological changes threa­ ness, inability to write clearly and inaton Bureau. Not shown is Illinois Senalor Paul Douglas. mittedly hard) may dp something ten to “have a devastating effect -conclsely-and-poor-speech.------to-help enlighten, thls-ignorftnce. upon the economic well - being ot Also, tried out shall we say on a the whole Negro community, Her» -soclal-gathering-oMhe church-choir, rr or a young people’s society,-the said in his report at the Associa­ resulting competition may well tion's 50th annual meeting. supply not only Increased know- Negroes will puffer this hardship Jedge and—good fun, but some "unless there is a rapid develop*—- . MEMPHIS. Tenn.—(SNS)— measure of genuine inspiration. For ment of industrial, technological SERMON Rev. S. A.. Owen, pastor of Me­ example: and scientific skills among colored By tropolitan Baptist Church, was Can you name our best known Workers,” be assented. elected to the advisory committee ten hymns? Our second ten best Mr. Hill linked the threatened REV. BLAIR T. HUNT of the Trl-State Bank during the known, hymns? Our third ten best danger to the "disproportionate bank's annual stockholders’s meet­ known hymns? concentration of Negroes in the WASHINGTON, D.C.-The Methodist Church has been ad­ dition to numerically and financ­ PASTOR ing Friday. ially weakening the Central Jur­ How many hymns can you recall ranks of the unskilled and semi« MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Owen succeeds T. H. Hayes, vised by a special fact-finding committee, to make "no basic isdiction, “one of the most signi­ within 30 seconds beginning with skilled." Jr., who had previously resigned. changes" In its regional and racial jurisdictional structure. ■■ ficant ■deterrents to transfer is that the following words: I? My? We' Turning' to a “most disturbing” All other directors and officers were Negro ministers become* the vic­ 0? Praise? Story? Now? When? industrial development in Southern reelected. ed. the study commission said that There Is? or hymns beginning with states, Mr. Hill reported a “ser­ I MET GOD IN CHURCH was carried to church each Sun­ The findings and recommendat­ tims of a restricted itineracy. Un­ Jesse H. Turner, executive vice “Unfortunately and erroneously, a question? ious inability of Negro workers to day by a young “Miss”, in her ions of a 70-member commission til there is more freedom of ap­ TEXT: Ecclesiastes, Chapter 12 president and cashier, announced the jurisdictional system as a pointments for Negro ministers, What is our national anthem? register significant employmeni teens. He was developing a con­ were announced by Charles C. In the late 80’s there was a that during 1958, the bank’s assets whole, mainly because of the Cen­ until all churches are willing to Is it such officially or only by gains." • i sciousness of God and his rela­ Parlln of Englewood, N. J., chair­ flurry of excitement down on Lin­ Increased by $275,000 to $3,612,000 man, and the Rev. Dr. C. C. Bell tral Jurisdiction, has become for accept a minister because he is a tionship to Him. He referred to “the'new manu» den Avenue, in the city of Mem­ and deposits by $253,000 to $3,139,000. of Lynchburg, Va., director fol­ some a sysmbol of desegregation. Methodist preacher and merits the faotarng plants, which are trans­ phis .... a boy child had been I retain a memory of this same The bank earned $14.32 per share lowing a four - year study. “Actually, the Central Jurisdict­ appointment, there will be this hes­ forming not only the Southern born .... mothered by a woman lad in his seat in the regular Sun­ of stock after income taxes in 1959 The commission's report is ex­ ion assures racial Integration in itancy to transfer." countryside, but also the old pat)« who was born a slave and sired by day morning church services. I can Showdown as compared with $12.36 per share pected to be an item of major de­ the highest echelons of our Church teams of social life. a father whose early life was spent hear, even now, the minister’s 2. Authorize the site of the Gen­ hl 1958. . ___ bate at the quadrennial Methodist — in the Council of Bishops, the "NAACP investigations” Mr. Hill in slavery. musically resonant voicev the pious A cash dividend of $6.50 per share General Conference, the church’s eral Conference be rotated among Judicial Council and in all boards, the jurisdictions, provided that continued "indicate thait- in th# and confident finality with which was declared to be payable January top legislative and policy-making commissions and committees. textile industry, still tile, basic in­ This child met God in his ear- he intoned his text; the virtuosity _ ... _____ there is an equality of accommo­ 12 to stockholders of record of body, to be held April 27-May 11 HARM VISUALZIED dustry of the South, Negroes re­ wlth-which-he so skilifully played | December 31, 1959. dations for all races without dis­ -ln-Denver, Colo.------—“To legislate the Immediate-elim­ main in a most marginal position,t------I retain until today a vivid pic­ upon the heart-strings of his hear­ crimination or segregation. Officers of the Trl-State Bank ination of the Central Jurisdiction Mr. Hill also nit the “broad mt« ture of the small light-brown­ ers. I didn’t understand. I copldn’t The commission, composed of are A. Maceo Walker, president; would be harmful to the Church, elusion of Negro youth from ma­ skinned lad there on Linden Ave­ .... I was too young. Yet, some­ Turner, G. W. Lee, vice president; some of the church’s most highly and especially disastrous to Negro WASHINGTON - (UPI-House jor apprenticeship training pro­ nue .... I was the lad I This lad how, I met God! Something had respected clergymen and lay lead­ and H. L. Chandler, assistant Methodists. Many life-long mem­ liberals reported Wednesday they grams. Thftie, “he said," are jointly been touched within me . Some­ ers, was created by the 1956 Gen­ cashier. Directors are Walker, Tur­ bers would be without full fel­ have passed’the half-way mark in conducted by industrial management thing I cannot« explain. Sunday ner, Lee, J. L. Allen, Robert David­ eral Conference. lowship in local churches or An­ MAIDS TO $50 WEEK The group was instructed to their fight to pry a civil rights and labor unions in the North ns after Sunday I went back to the son, J. W. Golden, T. C. D. Hayes, nual Conference. LONG ISLAND’S TOP AGENCY make a thorough study ot racial measure out of the House Rules well as in the South: ’ church to enjoy the spell of thé P. W. Hill, A. Charles. Hunter, R. Has largest selection of better jobs, segregation in The Methodist Committee and bring it to a show­ "For many orri.it occupations, the preacher. I met God. I was happy. Q. Venson, Robert Wright and B. -I'll Negro churches are accepted t rfast service, -gay glamorous town, Church, and of the jurisdictional down vote oil itJio Houso floor. only way a worker can be recogniz­ I was good. B. Martin. in white conferences and Negro k Free room, board, uniforms, TV. system .... “with special referehco Even somo Southern congress­ ed as qualified'for employment is I Tickets sent, write today! A-1 W. H. Young is- the other mem­ members are admitted into white to its philosophy, its effectiveness, men said they doubtiod if anything to complete ■ the a'pprenticesliip I Agency, 100-A Main St., Hemp­ As I grew older I continued to ber of the advisory committee. churches, the Central Jurisdiction Deputy Slaying go to church. I grew, to, love the its weaknesses, and its relationship will disappear in those sections could be done to blook the north­ training program," Mr. Hill co» stead, N. Y. witchery of preaching, the deep to the future of the church.” where this is accomplished. How­ GREENWOOD, Miss. - (UPI - ern thrive in Uiis election year. eluded. — 590,000 NEGRO MEMBERS- ever, in large sections of our throated singing of the congrega­ Officers accused a pretty young - Speaker Sum Rayburn promised tion. tlie fervent prayers of the The Methodist Church member­ Church, Negro Methodlsls would wife Thursday of having conspired he would call up . the bill by the be left without opportunity to be Will Visit Canada unlettered deacons. The sincerity of shipin the United States of nearly witli her lover, middle-aged sheriff end of the month if civil rights Included in interracial churches ROME - (Ufl) - Italian Pre­ First Aid Jelly For it all caused me to look up to God 10 million Includes some 500,000 Lawrence King, to have her lttls- advocates succeed in getting the and interracial conferences. mier Antonio Segni will pay an in worship and I felt I was being Negroes. band slain and the crimp covered necessary 219 signatures on a dis­ I Hot Grease "We are agreed in this report tip. official, visit to Canada next month, remade, bit by bit, in the image Burning Home The church is divided into six charge petition designed to bypass that the Church cannot now abol­ on the invitation .of. Canadian of God. That is why I know it pays jurisdictions — five geographic the traffic-cop rules committee. By 0. C. W. TAYLOR ish the racial jurisdiction. Drastic The husband, Deputy Sheriff Prime Minister John O. iJlfifere» to go to church. It pays to start and one all-Negro, called the Cen­ One northern Democrat reported NEW ORLEANS - (ANP) - legislation will not accomplish the William Kelly, 26, was killed last baker, it was announced Wednes­ w; when you are young. tral Jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction that 120 members, signed the peti­ Saturday night as he worked alone Quick, apply Moroline! Itsoothes, “Remember now your creator in Willie J. Hicks is being hailed as elects its own bishops and mem­ fully inclusive Church we all de­ day. in the sheriff's office at Winona, tion even before the openinng of relieves, eases pain fast, protects the days of your youth.” a hero in the Crescent City because bers of general boards and agen­ sire. We must givo ourselves to of his heroic rescue of nine persons Miss. The killing was so savage the present session. He .predicted skin as it speeds: healing. Always Meet God by starting with Jesus cies. education and experimentation in from a fire when their home in the the creating of a climate —spir­ and brutal that it aroused sus­ other members will sign up soon. keep a jar of Moroline handy in the Christ in the morning of life. The system has been in effect Vieux-Carre burned. itual and psychological — in which picion that it was no ordinary The bill, a watered-down ver­ Acute Asthma “I met God in the morning when since 1939 when three major bran­ the kitchen and bathroom. an inclusive Methodist Church will robbery - slaying. sion of President Eisenhower's 1959 the day was at it’s best .... and Awakened by the smoke he arous- ches of Methodism united after Attacks - od all ocupante of the house. He be. a reality." Kelly, a powerfully - built man, proposal, would provide addition­ Regular jar 154 His presence came like simdsfUM nearly 100 years of separation. Now yield spoodlly to discovery by re- _K^2j2zmoroline u.Cen- was stabbed 27 times and his al protections for Negro voting and —Mlratory Spociallit. Coughing. chown<, wl'/a hmerL L'S1,1T£1„ na glorynTnrv in mymv Iwnnt4breast .... all«11 day IOUIlu»ftO “Opponents of the Jurisdictional establish new 'peiiattrcs'ToF^hate ■gaipinpeliovca"sb~Ti«tirflriUtttne’Usefwir#. rtt rnn/lt >>* PETñpLEUM had been cut off by the flames, so tral; Jurisdiction, the commission skull was crushed with repealed Arnnzed. No waiting. No druw or painful in­ os much in JELLV long His presence lingered, all day structure claim it encourages sect­ jections. Wonderfully orfectlve In rostorlni he made a rope out of a sheet and suggested that the 1Ô60 General blows from a hammer. bombings" and for obstructing long He stayed with me .... And ionalism and racial segregation. rreo bteathlng. Now a valla bio without pre* ) your hair. ■'« Recoinmended 5 Ooy Trial Offer Mete » » liberal off« that leaves no room lor doubt. Get a can ofaXW/»/» horn yòur dealer today. Tty it lor ÀT D3ÜC iTOliS AND COSMETIC COUNT!» five days, then, if you don’t «grec it'ltìre linai pomade ■ by Beauticians oirthe market* return for your money back. On tile • > ' "X • ______»fall drug »tot«. BEAUTY SHOP TESTED ¡“askVou TxÉirâto tonlpJJΗ■] Everywhere’

INC. ll>W.IUU.HJilW_W_ff|; tXHEHTO MiCICINÛ CO, INC X Jl25t4QaU«d,pttr»Rll(Mkb|gaii t MEMPHIS WORLD • Wednedby, January 13, 1960 SEEING and SAYING By WILLIAM FOWLKES - - World'» Managing Editor BILOXI. Miss. t ,ri young Pearl River County, Miss., iVbb Bontht Oldest and leading Colored Semi-Weekly Newspaper mechanic kept under surveillance >2 Published by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. last summer by the FBI was quest­ fiftty WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 546 BEALE — Ph. JA. 6-403« Taking The Moral Stand I' ioned for hours behind closed doors Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE Tuesday by a federal grand jury W. A. Scott, n, Founder; O. A. Scott, General Manager THE FIGHT FOR full citizenship rights for Negroes must re­ investigating the lynching of Mack main based around moral principles and appeal. It was ever Charles Parker. Knitted in the Port Office at Memphis, Tenn, as second-class mall /... , under the Act of. Congress, March 1, 1870 so, a prime example being the great'spirituals of the slaves "The witness, Jeff Lee, about 32, and their immediate descendants, which fought and won many told newsmen during a luncheon THADDEUS T. STOKES .. Managing Editor battles for the heart and mind of both owners and oppressors. recess that he could not under- , NOTH FLEMING Circulation Manager The role of the ministers in the contemporary struggles stand why he was questioned at SUBSCRIPTION RATES' ~ T such length by the grand Jury for' 1 is natural, because the . learned truths they can utter against four hours during the morning- ' "Tear $5.06 — 8 Months $3.00 — 3 Months $1.50 (In Advance) • - . ’ ‘ '____ •- ■ - - -, moral wrongs and constitute a fearsome, mighty weapon. the only witness called before The MEMPHIS WORLD is an Independent newspaper — non-seefarian Slowly, but surely, they are leading the lunch, and went back .before the ahd: non-partisan, printing new« unbiased!? and supporting those things great church denominations and the grand Jury Tuesday afternoon. K believes to be of Interest to Its readers and opposing those thing* lay organizations toward the goal of real “I think they like my compa­ against the Interest of its readers. ny," Lee Joked to reporters. brotherhood, which will insure complete Lee, his father and several oth­ liberty and equality for' all, er white men were kept under -0- surveillance and were Interrogat­ President Eisenhower Speaks To The ed many times by FBI agents last summer during the FBI investlga- r Congress And The American People THIS IDEA IS expressed as a call comes' -finn-nf-ftiA-Aprim lynching at from more of our organizations for continued Poplarville, Miss Not only did the Congress hear and see the President in interest of our preachers in the everyday prob­ The federal grand Jury is sit­ ----- hisannual-message—to-the-86thCongress,but-fhe-America lems of their parishoners. The time Is far ting to determine whether any.in- dlctments .charging federal ■ law Ceople ot large through modern news distributing facilities also _spent~when~cr"Sunday-job'H5_sufficient7 ' violations should be returned. A , ad this distinct honor. ~~ . - ’ ~ cause oLthe demands of the community, th roounty^grand^jury at Poplarville = Just from a journey around the globe touching four con­ tion.______. _ _ _ _ refused to consider indictments tinents, it was but natural that the kickoff in this epochal ad­ It i$ true that most of the problem of unregistered voters against a number of suspect? MEMBERS OF "THE CLIQUE", a newly organiz­ dress would stem from those impressions and inspirations gain- R. Riley, business manager; Mrs. Harzine Hob- could be solved if all church leaders bore down on their named by the FBI In a 378 -page ed social club which entertained recently at a -report Th" inspects have never ----- ecL-from. abroad while he_touched every vital base having to loirand Mis. Celestine Doweny secrelury.------people to qualify for the bbllot and to convcfTtheilnrretgh^“- been named publicly. do with sentiments, relations?Tndustry/education, economics, -cocktaiLparly. Sealed, left to right, are: Mrs. bors to the "holy" cause. Thelma House, parliamentarian; Mrs. Geneva foreign and domestic policy and budget balancing. Members not shown are: Miss Olga Jean There are other related problems of equality in citizen­ Smith, Miss Marion Albright, chairman of soc­ Possibly the loudest applause rang from his inferences to Black, Miss Sheridan Hicks, Mrs, Maxine B. ship whose solution is relatively easy before a dedicated min­ ial committee; Mrs. Blanche Stevens. the nation's peace, the move to balance the budget and those Arnold, Miss Shirley Armstrong, Misb Flossie istry's efforts. This is not to say that there are few who spend Lynohers Defense ' Standing: Miss V/ilma Haley, president; Miss Hastings, Mrs. Perline Granberry, Miss Delores assurances that every citizen should be given equal protection much of their time aiding community laymen work out the (Continued from Page One) Harriette Walker, vice president; Mrs. Alberta Peyton and Miss Rosa Caviness. maze of problems, many of which involve race and color It is under the laws of the land. of Mississippi lawyers had offered * At the outset, the President asked the Democratic controlL to declare that more of them are needed in the vineyard where their services If trials were to be ed“Corig’reS5~to“Teclse'J'wrangling"-with-his-admini5tratio^and: • J the haryest is great...... ~ ■’ held. Apparently they feel the case work together with him to achieve the goals of peace in the -ls^shaplngTip-as-a-fightr-between— world and unprecedented prosperity at home. The Clique Entertained TIME WAS WHEN some laymen tried to hide behind a mis­ the state and the federal govern­ Reaches $14,716 ment. ' ' Z”'_ In a message containing 7,200 words, the President thusly conception that certain requirements of community life were __ More than $3,000 has been added -not the- business-ofthe preacher,- that- he_should stick, to /'the laid down the blueprint by which he would carry through the At First Cocktail Party- To the local campaign TorThe Unl- The state took no action against___ last year of his occupancy in the White House. ted Negro College Fund since its cloth." . the 23 white men listed by the FBI as “known and suspected par­ He predicted that the year 1960 "promises to be the most Members of "The Clique," a new­ last report meeting on Dec. 15, it However, In this day, when the cloth and the flesh are ton, Miss Beulah Irvin, Clyde Neal, ticipants” in the killing of Parker, ly organized social club, entertain­ was announced this week by the so closely allied and entwined, there Is no excuse for the prosperous year in our history, with the government winding Ernest McNeall, Miss Laverne Mc­ who had been jailed at Poplarville ed recently ait a cocktail party held Rev. Blair T. Hunt, co-chairman. clergy to say they cannot engage in the business of citizen­ up the fiscal year next June with a 200-million-dollar surplus." Daniel, Elirnie Mayes, Miss Wilma on a charge of raping a white wo­ at the club house of the Memph­ Haley,' Ira Spillers, Miss ¡Marita The additional contributions push­ ship, politics, labor and anything else which affects the He observed that a surplus cannot be contended while-the na­ ed the total to $14,786. man. The Justice Department be­ ian Club on S. Orleans St. Mae Albright, Mir. and Mrs Hayes Ri­ everyday life of the people. Those who have the time and gan efforts to bring federaTcharges tion was in debt. than 80 fashionably dressed men A final report meeting Is sche­ ley, Willie Lindsay, Miss Sarah do not so involve themselves are surely not following all after a county grand Jury at Pop­ This session convening on the heels of a long steel strike and women attended the affair. Coleman, Mrs. Nellie Tate, Miss duled for tonight (Tuesday, Jan. 12) at 7:30 in the faculty lounge larville ignored' the matter. did. not bring forth from the President any new labor legisla­ Before the evening ended space Ann Reddick, Thomas Suggs, Miss the commands ’of Jesus of Nazareth, who was a master in at LeMoyne. r tion, but he said that he intends as a consequence of the long was provided for guests who want­ Josie Bowliiick, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. the art of solving the everyday problems of all men, both J. A. Beauchamp, local Boy Scout ed to dance, and engage in card Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert steel .dispute "to encourage regular discussions between man- executive who is coordinator of the at teaching and working. ______. a state line. The Pearl River, in games; Some of bhe guests sat and House, Walter Gibson. ggementiahd labor outside the bargaining table?' in order fo “listened to .the sounds’ from the campaign in the Memphis area, which his body was found, is on said he expects the drive to go the Louisiana-Mississippi, border. protect the public interests. He referred to the farm law as be- stereb, while cithers chatted nean Also, James Wood and Miss trig'"woefully Out of date, ineffective and expensive" and urged Sadie Mabon, Wiliam King, Miss over $15,000. Spring Semester the bar. LeMoyne College The FBI report contains a state- . the enactment of legislation, that would curb costly surpluses Sheridan Hicks, Ezra Newborn, President Hollis F. Price, who for The new club was organized by a the last 10 days has been conduct­ ment from a farmer who said Par- and achieve higher net farm incomes. He also received wide Miss Delores Peyton, Floyd Harri­ Students Returns At Owen, Feb. 2 ker’sabduotora drove him across group of young professional wo­ son, Miss Shirley Armstrong, M*. ing a similar drive for UNCF in Owen College will start regis­ applause when he urged Civil Rights legislation, including the men. Boston, will be here for the final the Pearl River bridge into Loui­ arid Mrs. James Boyd. Mr. and tration for the Spring semester on siana before he was slain. report meeting. From Conference right to vote guarantees. Among guests attending the Mrs. Elton Granbrirry, Martin February 1 and classes will begin V One encouraging feature on the peace front was that ref- party were: Suggs, Miss Olga Jean Black, Fred­ Five LeMoyne students and a February 2, announced Dean-Regis­ erenceJoJhe Soviets, whose recent behavior pointed to the Charles Johnson, Allen Segrest, rick Litcher, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jones, faculty advisor have returned to trar Thomas I. Willard. opening of a somewhat less strained period. Miss’ArStrlckland;-Thomas Hus- Strong,-Mr.- and-Mrs.-Clifton Davis, toe coUege Cfropu» from the Inter- Applications should be filed tin- MEMPHISWORLD toedlatoly. They may be obtained • The ringing appeal of the President in his message to the Horace Hicks, Bubber Hooks, Wal­ Strickland, V.w Elaine Field, Mr. national Student Conference in ■ • ...... re. and Mrs. Hurbert Hobson, Mr. and Athens, Ohio, where 3,609 students by writing to Dean-Registrar Tho­ Congres» to "work with me" received the rousing applause of Memphis talent. ter Martin, Miss Charlotte Brooks Mrs. Chaiies Smith, Thomas Dog- from virtually every culture in the mas I. Willard, c-o Owen College, Tickets may be obtained from Ruddell Muppin, LaFayette Drap­ Want Ad Information the Congressional chamber which bespoke that the majority get, Miss Mavis Gaston, and Mor­ Memphis 2, Tenn. Applications must, representatives of the participating er, Miss Vera Donelson, Miss Alice world gathered from Dec. 27 to ’ I Jeffery, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles C. ris Jenkins of West Virginia.’ be on file by January 15, said Wil­ was with the program. churches. Jan. 2 to consider modern issues Call JA. 64030 Fine, fit and fettle, the President. faces one of the critical —.— ------.—I — in Christian perspective. lard. Deadline For Classified Ad to ... . , ------,1 mi Last Fall, enrollment was 232, the periods in American history, which he himself realizes that he Sponsored by the Commission on Tuesday for Saturday’s Edition and World Mission of the National Stu­ highest enrollment In the short Saturday for Wednesday’s Edition devote his "füll energies." dent Christian Federation, it was history of Owen College. The stu­ ...... , . ns. ■ re J He comes to this front with his prestige unabated, his popu­ the 18th ecumenical- student don- dent body is cdmpbsed of regular SALESWOMEN WANTED |W day students, egteiided-day stu­ larity still at high tide and the deep respect of the whole Con- ference' on the Christian World ATTENTION MOTHERS! dents (night) and student nurses w Mission. Need Money for Christmas? Earn Attending . from . LeMoyne were from E. H. Crump Hospital. $40 to $50 per week selling AVON on their challenge and left the responsibility of the nation's A By Mitt Stuart, 1969; from the Dodd, Mead 4 Co. Borel; Henna Jean Coleman, Darnell Tho­ February 16 is ¡ the last day for Cosmetic#; Call Now. BR. 2-20«. security up to those whose job it will be to $feer the destinies • dlatrlbuted by King Feature» Syndicate. late registration mas, David Turner, Arthur Eber­ HELP WANTED - FEMALE ' of the new world that the old might catch the spirit and the hardt, Martha Little and Prof determination so essential to a lasting peace over the world Lionel Arnold. Homeworker» for live-in position«, and domestic tranquility and human tolerance here at home. CHAPTER 29 So long as he was paid for it, 1saddle you with any of my Mau., Conn., N. Y. - $30 to $50. N THE PORCH of the Double 1he did whatever he was told to troubles.1' ■ References required. Carfare a& do, whether it be running a "We’ll watch this—and every­ (Continued from Page One) vaneed. i-fj O Diamond ranchhouse, Jonas ' Loyal Education Club Dalmar occupied a round-backed 1harmless errand, or going out ’body —close,” Tom Grant said. Barton Employment Bureau other Pearl River County residents, / Great Barrington, Mau. chair padded with gunny sacks and1 killing a man. Well, he’d They rode up to the ranch­ Holds Regular Meeting while he chewed on a cigar and 1left last night to find Frank and house, straight to where Jonas R. J. Wehat and John Reyer. The Loyal Education chip, held . .Wheat said- he was drinking Cof­ ./Rev. Curry, who resides in Mem­ laid his black, hard gaze across bringI him back home, and here Dalmar and Bardo Sampson WANTED Sa 3y DOVER CRAWFORD, JR. a regular meeting at the home of fee "With Carver at the time Park­ J^The Student ‘Affair Committee phis, is also an english teacher at the heat-misted sweep of the 1he was already with the chore stood. Asbell loosed the lead its Social committee chairman, er, a 23-year -old Negro acctised SALESMEN OR WOMEN .jwi'pwsh ■College will present ils Manassas High School. taken care of. rope of the dun and tossed, it y Earnings: $200 to $300 weekly. Ex­ plain to the smoky blue outline I Miss Vernelda Homes of 785Mari- of raping a Petal, Miss., white .ttlfSt lycbum event of the'seasan on The College choir, under the di­ cellent future. Age 35'to 50. Call of the Saddleback Hills. Ad’Tor Frank, Jonas Dalmar dowH! anna St., last Sunday, Jan. 3.' womafii was dragged from the un- 'Feb. 12', at 8.115 p. m. in the Col- rection of Mrs. D. T. Graham, will Mr, Jackson, EX. 7-5811 for inter* Up there, he knew that even decided,, he’d damn well get a "Yours, Dalmar,” he said During the meeting, it was de­ gu&rded jail.,at Poplarville by a toge Auditorium rto be presented is provide..music for the .serwccs,...... view...... during this hot, dry fag end of jtalking to he’d date time from. bleakly. cided that ithe club would under­ band of white men last April 25. the amazing contralto singer Geor­ The public is invited . Indian summer, water ran cold Dalmar’s cigar had gone dead, Jonas Dalmar stared at the dun take to promote a "bigger and fet­ Reyer walked past the Jall whcp gia. Davis. and sweet, in Rosebud Canyon , and its burden, jarred out of his ’ FOR SALE ON THE SPORTS SCENE and he used up three matches ter educational project this year." Parker was being taken to a car Leading Colored Restaurant. Same ,;; vMlss Davis, began her musical and a number of lesser clefts in ■ usual sneering, cock-sure aplomb, but claimed he recognized r.o one OKOLONA JR. COLLEGE 113- before he got lt going well again. The next regular meeting was location 68 years. Owner wants to f career at an early age as a piano the hill flank. and he found voice somewhat in the mob. student. Her piano teacher dis­ OWEN COLLEGE 90 Now, with the smoko rolling rich scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 17, at retire. Call Memphis World, JA. On Jan. 8, The Owen Hornet!, Up there, too, at the extreme and strong across his lips, he had ■stupidly. the home of the president, Mrs: “I knew I was In the wrong «-4030. covered that she had a lovely voice place at the wrong time and I suffered a sound (thrashing liom crest, frost would have already another look at the approaching "Goss—he’s dead?” Maggie Kelly of 825 Pendelton St. ’ah-dencouraged professional vocal kept right on going,” the elderly, the hands of the Okolona Jr. Col­ touched and mado the air fine riders and saw that instead of "What do you think?” AsbeU Foillowing . 'tire business session NEWSBOYS WANTED -teaiiting, Mowing high scliool farmer said. •graduation, she received a scholar­ lege Bule Devils of Oklona, Miss. and great, and in the hill two horses, there were three. retorted. punch was served. Aoting as hos­ To Hell the Memphis World Too« Coach Dolan Faulkner’s crew of meadows cattle grazed and grew tesses were: Misses Jan Holmes, The witnesses had refused to ship to Hampton Tnstttute in Vir- And the third horse was at lead, "Who—killed him?" answer questions before the grand day and Friday, JA 6-4030. sharp shooters hold the game from fat. Maxine Steward, and F'renchie igtala. Upon return to her native with something tied across the "1 did." jury Wednesday and were instruc­ the second quarter to the final But not his cattle. Not yet. Steward. GET YOUR VITAMINS -pftrolt, she studied at the.Dfj;roit saddle. “For what reason?" ted to return'Thursday with their gun. This blazing offense proved Among members attending were: Vitamins Add Years To Life-Add Conservatory of Music and attend- However, they would be his, one Dalmar pushed up from his “The best of reasons. Before attorneys. Carve was the only wit­ '_cd Wayne University where she re- too rough for rookie Coach Ernie of these days, when all the neces­ Joseph Kelly, treasurer; Mrs. Life To Yean, Buy your vitamin» chair, stepped to the edge of the he could kill me like he did Packy ness finally dismissed when the .celvod a bachelor of music degree. Mayes' crew of Hornets. sary preliminaries had been taken Annie Woods, business manager; wholesale and save 40%. Money- Forward S. B. Standifer wa.-> the porch for a better look. What Lane and Uke he tried to do with Jury recessed for the day. back guarantee, Phone FA. 7-5741

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