t w o i» n M .A n n a v e a k V o l u m e 5 0 . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1895. inr ADVANCE, Entered os .Second Clam Mall Matter. N umbkb 23,

Capt. Achorn had sailed un time. The Gen­ Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report eral waited until next day before he got lo Maj.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry Rockland. lie was always on time afterwards. A B IO G R A P H Y M. II. Kiff. Tower City, N. D., June 1, 189$. Written fo r the Courier-Gazette by Edward K. Gould Reminiscences Sent from the Far CITY CHAT- (Begun In N o. 8. Back num bers can be ha, in the sky, a beautiful breeze was blowing said a city trader, "and I always pity the Rockland Creamery, is proving himself an ex­ STOVES, . . the sound that Hooker was engaged. He May 8. 1802. J about W. N. West. I had four or five einbarrasment of those, who because of sick­ pert and is giving excellent satisfaction. FURNACES. Thu commander of the hriuado lakes great pains ness or lack of employment are obliged to ask hurried on his brigade and when within five In making thin official communication to fils com­ passengers on board. One of them the city for help. I always tell such people Clifton Ac Karl have been painting the hose 333 Main St., A BOON TO SUFFERING HUMANITY miles of the front overtook Sumner's troops mand That they, by heroic fortitude, on Monduy was Charles Creed of Vinalhaven, who was tower on the steamer house. They found the entirely blocking the road which had now l>e- last, by making a forced march through mud and going away to be married. We got out that it is nothing to be ashamed of and that rain, each vying with tho other to see which could roof covering about gone owing to the action Opp. Fuller & Cobb’s. 13 conie a “sea of mud." Enquiring what through Seavey’s Narrows, and had worked it’s more honorable to go to the city for help of the elements. D R . D A M O N ’S most cheerfully stand the hardships the time called than to run up a bill at some store that they troops were engaged he was told by an officer for, mukiug thereby a march that others shrank our way up to the Dog Fish Ledges, and I C. B. Emery, he of the skillful brush, is of Sumner’s staff that they were Hooker’s. from, coining Into a tight at double-quick, made said to the boys: “We will new hoist the will never be able to pa».’’ doubtful to our side by the overwhelming mass of making nice signs (or F. M. Simmons, J. R. His quick military instinct told him that the the enemy poured upon our center; by a rapid staysail as we can lay out to windward of the Frohock, A. C. Philbrick, Alfred Murray, brave officer was in peril. His orders would Bay Ledge buoy.” There was only one Painless Method deploy and quick formation, und by coolness, pre. ROCKLAND HIGHLANDS. I red R. Spear and Pish A Jackson. seem to require him to keep in the line of clslon und energy, heat back the enemy, recaptur­ vessel, a small coasting schooner, to be seen For Extracting Teeth and Roots. inarch, and before him was an entire division ing our lost position and artillery, and also by a anywhere in the bay. She was coming across A new sidewalk is being laid on Crescent heroic charge took a stronghold of the enemy, and Mrs. Minnie Butler is spending a few weeks From a Leading Rdcklnnd Grocer. filling the road. He determined it would be thereby dislodged him and drove him on the plain from Monroe’s Island, heading for Fox street, between Scott and Pacific streets. The safe to depart from instructions if that would below his well.chosen position, have done them Island Thoroughfare. As we neared the Bay in Worcester, Mass., visiting relatives----- Will building of this walk necessitates the cutting Rockland, May 9, 1895. selves great honor, have honored the states of Ledge we also neared the coaster. My mate Daggett is at work for S. A. Doe------Mrs. down of several trees in front of Elijah Hall’s Finding tuynelf under the necessity of having take him toward the enemy in battle, to the Michigan and New York, and liave won a name In some teeth extracted, norm- time wince, I visited Dr. rescue of a brave division. It was raining history that the most ambitious might he proud of. who was also hand and cook was getting Hiram Berry is in poor health------Vernon residence. J. II. Damon's Dental Rooms, 208 Main street. hard, but keeping along his artillery and am­ Our loss of bravo comrades has Indeed been large. breakfast in the forcastle. As we came Chandler is the owner of a bicycle----- S. A. Tho teeth and gum were exce- dinuly senstlve, and The W. H. Glover company have com­ munition train, and taking the side of the road We mourn the departed. “Oreen be the turf above nearer and nearer the coaster I asked my Doe and wife have been in China, visiting menced work on the new building on I anticipated much suffering in having them re them.” They have a place In our heart's memory, Mrs. Doe’s parents. moved. After making an examination, the Doctor with his troops, he pushed his brigade past and*In tho history of our common country. best hand if he thought the stranger would '1 illson’s wharf. It will be 70x60 feet and said that he thought he would he able to spare me the troops before him, amidst the impreca­ Soldiers I You have won by your bravery the go to windward or leeward of us. He said, will be used as a frieght house by the Boston & lie pain J waw fearing, or at leant that he could tions and threats of those who were jostled by hearts of all your commanders —brigade, division, surely to windward as he was so near the greatly alleviate it. I was pleased to hear this, but corps, and even those higher in command. YOUNG PEOPLES CONVENTION. Bangor Steamship Company. was scarcely prepared for the ezcollent results at- his unceremonious haste. After a mile and a Soldiers! I thank you; my superiors thank you; ledge he could not do otherwise. I was tallied. He proceeded to apply hi* new local an- half of this kind of marching he reached a by­ your country thanks you, and will remember you sitting to windard, steering with a tiller rope. S. T. Bailey, proprietor of the Claremont (esthetic, and in a wonderfully brief space of time road leading to the left in the direction of the In history. I thought it time to cross our bow and I got hotel for the past year, has filed a petition in had etery tooth in the lower jaw removed without A convention of the Baptist Young People’s firing, 'faking this road instead of that pur­ Our labors are not yot over; the insolent rebels up to look and see where the s ranger was, Unions of Lincoln Association will be held in insolvency. Chester Pease of Appleton, owner giving me even a twinge of pain The operation who have endeavored to destroy, uud have laid to of the hotel, will keep the house open and run was absolutely paiidesw, a..d I take pleasure in sued by the other troops, he pushed on until ruin and waste portions of the best government and stepped to leeward. Just as I did so the the Thomaston Baptist Church, Monday even­ advising all who are oh iged io part with teeth to the road seemed to lead him too far to the and the finest laud of earth, are still in force, and to coaster ran smash into us, right about mid­ ing, June 24. it until another man can be found. call on Dr. Damon and have them out. I also had be conquered In our lights I have pledged you, ship. We all of us piled onto the coaster’s The Limerock Railroad is dumping a lot of several very sensitive teeih tilled without any pain. left. Ordering his men to lay aside their men of the 3d brigade, in all future trials. I know Dr. Damon Is one of the most skillful operators in knapsacks and everything cumbersome, he per­ head-gear. She backed off- from the Grey­ chips along its embankment north of the my men; they are not pledged In vain. BOUND TO SMOKE. the state, and Is master of every branch of the mitted them to rest for a few moments, then Commanders of regiments will have this order hound, and before we could lower the A. J. Bird store------W. T. Prescott has moved dental profession. All his work Is carefully and leaving the road he shaped his course through read at the head of tiielr respective regimen is this coaster’s boats, which was on deck, the Grey­ his stable east and is fixing up in nice shape thoroughly done. afternoon. about his premises------"Muni’s the word! Hundreds who have called Into my store, which fields and forests, over morasses and ravines II O . B k r iiy . hound had gone down out of sight. The Up To Date Boy, Plugged Nickel and An Angry is directly under tho Doctor's office, have expressed toward the light. He reached Hooker at the Brigadier General, Commamling 3d Brigade. only glimpse 1 had of her was her yawl boat, Dealer In Smoking Articles. I iere’s fifty cents!’’ the sam e opinion to me as I give in Hie above testi­ to Official Edwin M. Sm ith. A. A. A . O which was in tow, and that too went down monial. C. E. TUTTLE. very instant save him. Hooker’s unflinching Bath Enterprise: "F. W. Brown of Rock­ ranks had stood from early morning till three That General Kearny was deeply sensible out of sight. "I want live cents worth of cigarets" said land arrived in Bath Monday and is now in o’clock in the afternoon. But one brigade of the important service rendered by General 'I'he mate of the coaster was at the wheel charge of the mechanical department of the We have extracted tlioiHimils of teetli a small boy to one of our merchants one day had begun to give way, having exhausted their Berry is evident from his letter of commen­ and sound asleep, and when she collided the last week The cigarets were put out and Enterprise. Mr. Brown is a man of exper­ at our office, within the lust two years, ammunition. They had been rallied, and now dation written to Governor Washburn. He captain thought his vessel had struck a ledge ience and will give our people good satis­ without a particle of pain, and can the boy threw down a plugged nickel. the troops of Hooker’s Division “were main­ says: We were carried to Rockland by the coaster, "Can’t take that," said the dealer, "it is no faction on any job work entrusted to his care. truthfully say it is the greatest dis­ taining their ground with empty guns and not A s the commanding General of Ibis Division of and landed on the wharf in his small boat which two of the Generals commanding Brigades, good." He is an enthusiastic wheelman and will be­ covery known to dental science. a cartridge in their boxes, relying upon their (General Jurneson and General Berry) as well as He knew enough to get out of the way before “O h ! yes you will," said the boy, “if you come popular in Bath." bayonets." At this moment General Berry two regiments, the 3<1 Maine, Colonel Staples, and I could get an officer aboard to seize her for 4th, Colonel Walker, form a part, I tako this oppor­ don’t I will tell of your selling cigarets to About a year ago Perry Bros, put in a claim came upon the field with his brigade. General damages. The North Haven packet took our boys under age." No Pain, Danger nor Bad Results Ileintzelman was there, having hastened to tunity of calling ,0 your notice their meritorious passtngers and mail in the afternoon and as we against the Knox Marine Insurance company conduct in the late light, and to display the fact that The boy walked away with the cigarets. for damages, claiming that a cargo of lime on the front. He had seen how nearly the day although these regiments were not sufferers In the were nearing the Bay Ledge on the trip hack J H. DAMON. was lost, and when Berry with his fresh late engagement at Williamsburg, buvlng been de­ home we saw something sticking out of the the vessel (Caroline Gray was damaged by fire troops appeared, he old hero fairly cried with tached by General Ilelnlzelmnn to guard the left water, as it was low tide,and behold it was the GOT ASHORE- in New York harbor. A hearing was held SURGEON DENTIST. llauk, yet by their steady and imposing altitude, Tuesday afternoon in C. E. Littlefield’s office. joy. I le ordered the bands to play a patriotic they contributed lo the success of those m ore im­ Greyhound’s gaff topsail, Moses Webster, a man who made things move lively, sent the Captains Hall, Green, Ginn, Kennedy, Keene, Office 308 Main street, over Bieck’s air, and Berry’s men answering with a cheer, mediately engaged. And 1 assure you, sir, that deployed at double quick and poured volley with such material, commanded by such sterling Northern Light and Volante with a large But Within Twenty-four Hours She Was Afloat Peterson, Gregory and others gave expert tes­ Electric Car Station. officers, nothing hut success cun crown our efforts timony. Littlefield appeared for Insurance after volley into the masses of the enemy, re­ when the occasion requires. * * • • crew of men immediately to the wreck, and and Again Under Steam. 1 have with too DU. ItICIIAN, late capturing lost artillery, taking rifle pits and a It is peculiarly appropriate, after having rendered the next morning by means of a Spanish Company and Fogltr for Perry Bros. of Harvard Dental College. 21 large number of prisoners. Justice to the Regiments und Colonels, to bring windlass and the flow of the tide they had Sunday night of last week steamer Jessie A granite room, fifteen feet square and ten Generals Jameson und U-rry to tin.* especial atten­ General Berry arrived on the battlefield at tion of yourself and citizens at homo, who look to lifted her from bottom and the survey steamer while attempting to run for Willow’s Island feet high is being constructed on the south­ 2 :jo o’clock p. m., and under the direction thepi for noble deeds, to Illustrate their anna's; and Iris towed the whole outfit just inside Owl’s from Mark Island Light ran ashore in east corner of C. E. Bicknell’s new wharf. of General Kearny at once put his command I otn proud to state that they have amply tilled the Head. Then we procured another vessel and Seal Cove, Vinalhaven. The steamer fell over The room will have a granite covering with a tho full measure of anticipated distinction. lifted her with the tide, carrying her in shore and Idled, and at high tide was well under in action. The Fifth Michigan, Colonel General Berry, churgcu with the left wing of our trap door opening from the and a flight of 'ferry, took the left of the road in the timber, line of battle, evinced a courage that might have until we were able to go around her dry water, the engine completely so. The stone stone steps will lead to the bottom. The room Keen expected from bill), (when as Colonel of tho fully muck on myself." supported on the left by the 37th New York, footed at low water. sloop Riverside was near and the crew came will be used for housing and keeping fresh 4th Regiment of Mulnu Volunteers, ho nearly saved Gilman Webster and myself engineered the over, and at low tide made arrangements to l.e Page’s Liquid (ilue is the Colonel dayman. General Berry formed the day at Bull Run,) aud also a genius for war, oysters during the summer and by the means these regiments in loose order, the left ex­ and a pertinacity in the light thul proved him ill business. We nailed canvas over the hole,put right the steamer, and did so. As soon as the of this room the oysters will be covered with most tenacious of allglues; most tending far into the timber for the purpose of for high command, for he was most severely as- in kerosene barrels, floated her and then tide left, the boiler was refilled, steam gotten water nearly all of the time. Capt. M. W. flexible, too. M anufacturers use | sailed ou the left, und had most difficult ride pits towed her to the South End Railway, where up, and in less than 24 hours after going Woodman has leased it for a term of years. outflanking the enemy on that side. One uud abultis to face and carry. it to cement leather belting, company was placed in the rear of the extreme she was repaired. The most singular thing of ashore she steamed into Carver’s Harbor. The scheme of keeping oysters during the left as a support. The 2d Michigan, Colonel I have the honor, sir, to be all this affair is that there was not lost so summer has been tried before but the boys Tbinh of that! It c o n ta in s n o I much as an oar from the Greyhound. Even would steal the oysters. This will not he done acid todiscolorthe finest goods.1 O. M. Poe, was placed part on either side of Your obedient servant, STEEL WHARF, the road. 1’. K e a r n y . the cattle plank was picked up by a fisherman under the new arrangements. It needs no heating. It is as j Brigadiei General Commanding 3d Division, Ilcint- and returned to us. As soon as these formations had been made, zelman's Corps. bandy as mucilage. It dries I In repairing we found that she was very Jesse Wood, Erank Day and Charles Kaherl General Berry gave the order to charge, and To the above letter, Governor Washburn An Extensive and Artistic Job Completed by an were arrested Thursday for stealing flour from the troops pressed forward, wildly cheering, rotten, some of the stanchions around her Enterprising Rockland Firm. slowly so things can be evenly, sent the following characteristic reply: poop-deck could be kicked clean off her. Cobb, Wight & Co.s storehouse on Limerock mended. It is equally good for | and sweeping everything before them. The street. Wood it is claimed was the ring other regiment belonging to Berry’s brigade, Statk o f Ma in e . j It’s a wonder that she held together crossing E x ec u tiv e D e i-a iit .m b n t. [ the bay as she did in some of the rough times The Livingston Manufacturing Company of leader and Day and Kaherl accomplices. a child’s toy or title b o o k -b in d ­ the 3d Michigan, was detached to act as a A (JOUHT A, M a V 22, 1862 I Wood learned in some way that the was G e n e r a l 1*. R kakny, which she experienced. I understand the this city has just finished a steel wharf for ing, cut-glass or a broken chair. I reserve and support on the left, and was not easily obtained. The flour was first missed engaged. General ileintzelman in his official Com'd'g 3d Division, Ileintzelinan** Corps. Greyhound still lives and looks like a bird. parties at the Cranberry Islands. The wharf S ir It is with feelings of pride and gratitude Many happy days have I spent on board of is to be built on a ledge where no piles can Thursday and an investigation at once made. report says: "General Berry is entitled to thul I aokhowludge the receipt of your letter of the The flour was taken at different times in broad 10tl> Instant, in which you uiuku honorable men­ her, many rough times have I seen in her be driven. In place of the piles heavy steel great credit for the energy he displayed in daylight and peddled out at $2 and $2.50 a passing the obstructions on the road, and tion of General .fames m und General Berry, aud of also. Such is life! We have sweet and bit­ rods are to he used, the points to be imbedded the 3d und 4th Uegimenfs o f Volunteers from this ter mixed together. in the ledge in boles drilled for the purpose. barrel and up to this writing sixteen barrels ft r the gallant manner in which he brought State. Lt was received while at my It one at Orouo, have been located. The case looks strong his brigade into action at the turning point of and I take the earliest opportunity to make its con­ These rods are inches in diameter. Each tents known to the good people of (tils slute who rod is to support a steel cap S by io inches, against the fellows pnd the prison walls at A F. BURTON, the battle." Thomaston stare them in the face. Placed An hour after General Berry arrived Gen­ will thunk you in their lie iris, as I do, for so uobie Will you please correct an error in the into which the ends of a floor timber will be und emphatic testimony to the gallantry and good article you gave of my crossing the bay upon under bonds. Manufacturer of uud Dealer in eral Birney with his brigade came up, followed conduct of these (now, if uot before) distinguished inserted. Over each cap is a steel clamp to immediately by General Jameson, and with Generals, whose fame Is u part of thu truest wealth the ice to Belfast. Just say that Capt. Joseph hold the timber in place. Iron rods, stretch­ Monday, June 3, was the opening day of this force the ground lost by General I looker of their statu, of the other brave and meritorious Conant did not leave until I was safely ashore ing away in various directions, will guy the the bath rooms of Dr. Belle Ayers. In the officers, aud of tile courageous and patriotic men on Boardman’s Point Island, but first went timbers when in place to keep them from —SOLD AT— was recovered by nightfall. Berry’s timely of whom you have spoken, and of whom we are evening an informal entertainment was given arrival had saved General Hooker from being justly pioud. ashore himsell on the ice cakes, then helped swaying. The wharf will be a handsome, at Harmony Hall, consisting of a lecture upon overwhelmed by superior numbers, and from Geuerul, accept my thunk- In h- half of the people ine to get ashore. Capt. Conant is as brave a substantial and durable affair. the Emerson System of Physical Culture, I represent, for your letter which is doubly gratify­ man as ever crossed Penobscot Bay, and The Livingston Company also has an order this time General Hooker conceived the ing as fulfilling their most cherished hopes In re given by Mrs. Clara Gregory Simonton, never leaves a human being in danger or for a still larger wharf for the same parties. Donohue’s Pharmacy, strongest admiration for General Berry and guid to their brethreu In the Held, and aa coming singing by Miss Yorke of Boston, also reading from un officer of the arm y, for whom they enter- trouble. by Mrs. Simonton. There was a good at­ was ever after his constant and steadfast lain so sincere respect as they do for yourself. friend. Very truly, your ob't servuut, TWO EXTREMES. tendance at the lecture and musical part of Cor- Uaiu & Limerock Sts.. The press of the country joined in doing IrtltAKI. W zrtllBURN, J it. The lamented death of Geo. Tillson reminds the entertainment, although it was hastily ROUKLAND, ME. me of an incident in crossing the bay in the M onum ental honor to General Berry and his gallant brigade Governor Washburn voiced the sentiments ( file of the attractions ol the Bristol horse gotten up. l.aterin the evening a large num­ for the conspicuous service rendered on the Hurricane when she stood nearly on end. show was a man 6 feet tall and weighing ber of young people came to the social dance. . . AND . • of the people of Maine, in the following ring­ The General wanted Capt. Acborn to go field of Williamsburg. The New York Her­ ing and patriotic letter to General Berry: 325 pounds. “Billy" McLaughlin, "the little Mrs. Simonton intends teaching a class in ald of that Hay says: " The particular brigade back. man," went over in front of the Central physical culture composed of pci sons who General . A luusta, May 23, 1882. "N o!” says Mike; “you wanted to go, now which rendered the eminent service was that D e a r G en era l House and stood up alongside, the two pre­ patronize the bath rooms of Dr. Belle Ayers, of General Berry, which that officer brought You have made thu State of Maine proud and go she will or go to the bottom !” senting an amusing contrast to the ou-lookers. the doctor having maue arrangements with Cemetery Work. to the front in spite of the obstacles which happy, uud i rejoice In being her organ to tell you If my vote would have settled the questiou The Bristol man attracted much attention Mrs. Simonton to that effect. 1 would have voted to turn back. It was the A luige stock of Mouuinenls, Tablets, Headstones seemed insurmountable,aud which he handled, On two memorable butlletlulds you base wou in the city. I'he summer school in gymnastics beiug and Markers which will be sold at prices to *uit roughest voyage 1 ever made between Rock when he got them up, with consummate skill. distinguished honor. carried on at Philharmonic hall by Miss Wini- 1 the times. « * First class work u specially. He was under tire four hours, and many of In reply to General Kearny’s letter a copy of land and Vinalhaven. T iie Coukikk-Gazei’1 fc goes regularly into Plants for Sale. 1844 which I enclose, I told him thul the good people of The winter 1 ran with Capt. Achorn in the more families in Knox County than any other fred Shaw is attracting much attention. Miss bis officers were shot close to him." Maine would tbu’tk him in their hearts as I did, for Shaw is a graduate of the Posse school of Now in Stock and Ready Office A W orks near K. A L. Depot, H ie New York Tribune says: his noble and emphatic testimony to the gal antry Hurricane will long be remembered as there paper published. and briUlant servlc s of the distinguished Geueruls were many incidents of a peculiar nature that gymnasts of Boston, in which she took high for Buyers. “ But now Brigadier Berry of the stout Stale whose fame was a pan of the truest wealth of the honors, and she is admirably equipped for her THOMASTON, ME. of Maine, wading through the mud aud rain fastened themselves in my memory. One of How’s This? State, and for ids gratifying mention of the officers them was that Cant. Achorn had gotten the work as an instructor. Two classes at present at such speed that he actually overtook and and men of the 3d and 4th Regiments of Maine We offer < )ne Hundred Dollars for any case are receiving instruction—the married ladies passed three other brigades—came in sight. Volut.leers. habit of waiting after advertised time to go, C'ABBAUE FLANT8 - Henderson's Karly. General, accept my aarmeel congratulations, and of Catarrh that cannot l>e cured by Hall’s and the children. The children’s class com­ Ileintzelman shouted with gratitude. He ran and one day Geo. Tillson said : WluiutfStiMlt, ICarlj Drurubead believe mu, Youis truly, "Mike, hereafter when the time comes to Catarrh Cure. posed of boys and girls of five to tifteeu years TOMATOES -Acme, UUveUud, Dwasf . to the nearest band aud ordered it to meet I W a siiiiu u n , J a . o, don’t wait! Cast off your lines and let F. J. CHENEY el army, and ranged. acting directly upon the blood and mucous are fifty cents a lesson, and pupils can come seut them Hying from the field into their the General, he was stopped ou the way by S . M. LOBJD, surfaces ol the system. Testimonials free. in at any lime, though the sooucr ih£ better. paint. ] Old) Hardware Shire breastworks, puisued them into the largest of Geo. W. Davenport, R ev. J. S. Moody’s as­ some one, and when he got on the wharf the boat was a good gun-shot in the stream. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Complete particulars can be bad of MisaShaw. 14 Orange St. At the Brook - ROCKLAND them, and drove them out behind with the sistant, is making many friends here THE ROCKLAiSD COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 11,1895.

BOSTON LETTER. OBITUARY SUMMER SOUNDS. Our Weekly News Notes From New Goes Mrs. Eliza Sprague, of Washington w.dow Bay Point v .11 open to the public June 24. of the late WiP’am Sprague died Tuesday, I England’9 Great Metropolis. June 4, aged 86. She walked the Saturday John B. Howard has bought the Edw. Butler cottage at Pleasant Beach. previous, to the house of her daughter M u. Boston, Ju n e 10, 1P96. C Painkiller ?. Daniel E. Hilton and it is believed the effort The buildings at Oak Grove are being The Grand Hotel on Columbus avenue in Young People Who Renounce Life caused her sudden illness and death. She hustled to completion. The grounds will be this city i9 to be managed by James N. leaves several children among them Atwood ' brilliantly illuminated with electric lights. Thompson who at one time wps a resident of of Single Blessedness. N. Sprague ex-commi3sioner for Knox Co. Twenty-one of W. O. Hewett & Co’s past Rockland. Mr. Thompson is a well-known ..... Comes Mrs. Sprague was beloved by a” . Her I and present clerks enjoyed an outing at real estate dealer here and is one of the largest funeral sei /Ices were observed Thursday and | Cooper’s beach, Sunday------There was a pic-1owners of the hotel. For a number of years A Hen on attended by Rev. Mr. Chadwick of Union. Ja n e S u stain in g R eputation As Be’ *7 r ;c at Pleasant Beach, Sunday, and another at I he was a at Vinalhaven and after­ For Colic, Cramps, Cholera Morbus and all Oakland, yesterday. wards in business H Rockland. The name A Hot Griddle Month of Weddings—Many People John H. Gardner of Rockport, died Thurs­ The Simpson House will open tomorrow will be changed to Ploza, and the hotel w 111 Summer Complaints, there is no cure equal to Witness the Tying of Nnptial Knots— day. Deceased was a descendent of Thomas Wednesday, great eclat and a fish be run in strict confoi.niiy v Ith the > Ishes of Isn ’t m o re a ctiv e th an a b rig h t, full R. and Eliza Brewster Gardner first settlers supper. There will be dancing, the ladies the board, and under the management of blooded, spirited bov. He needs Pain-Killer. Get a hottie to-day. Keep it con­ Profusion of Floral Decorations— in Rockport and was 64 years old. He was v 111 be remembered with souvenir spoons Mr. Thompson, who is exceed ngly popular, mighty Strung Clothes to stand his Other Engagements. of a retiring disposition but was honest, in­ and all will be merry as a marriage bell. it will certainly secure its share of patronage. romping. Our stantly on hand, for there is no kind of pain or dustrious and a worthy,respected citizen. He Tomonow, Wednesday June 12,the Simpson Mr. Hibbard, formerly of the Bay Point, will served in the Rebellion, enlisting in the 26th House, Owl’s Head, will be opened to the be in immediate charge, under Mr. Thompson. ache— internal or external— that Maine Regiment, Co. F. and was a member iublic. A fine dinner will be served and each Many Knox county people \Isited the city A very impressive and heautife' marriage of George S. Cobb Post G. A. R. of Cam der. ady guest will be presented a souvenir spoon. last week, and among them were: Mrs. $5.00 Suits ceremony was celebrated Wednesday noon, of Ernest Perry, Mrs. W. II. Glover, W. S. He is sui zived by a wife,three sons, Leroy T., fGo a thousand miles and you w III find no SizeB 4 to 15, (All Wool Double last week in B a t\ at the home of C'ty erk W illem B., and Alanson D.; also two broth­ more beautiful spot than this to pass a day or W Fte, W. T. White, T. Snow, W. H. Bird, John II. Raymond, the contracting parties ers, L. D. and B. B. Gardiner and two sis­ a month. Arrangements are made for a large A. J. Bird,W. O. Fuller,Jr., G. E. Tilden,S. II. Seat and Knee), will do it. We being Josephine Ruth Collins, of Oak’and, ters, Mrs. Lizzie C. Kent and Miss Annie number and none will be disappointed. Webb, S. H. Flint, Jrmes Miller, A. M. can make this claim with a clear Pain-Killer Hastirgs, A. S. Hall, and W. D. Gardner, of conscience. There isn’t a weak Cala., 1 :ece of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, and Gardner of Boston. Funeral services were w ill not relieve. Accept no im itation or substitute. Harry Leon Mitchell of Bath. The rooms Rockland, H. L. Alden, Walter Wiley, Ed­ spot, stitch or thread in a car load held Sunday, Rev. H. B. Woods officiating. FRATERNITY FACTS. were profusely and yet delicately decorated The George S. Cobb Post of which he was a ward Barnes and Mrs. Fred Farnsworth of of them. If you want this sort of Genuine has PERRY D a v is & S o n on bottle. The with potted plants, beautiful cut flowers and member conducted the services. His remains Camden; Capt. L. P. Heald and R. W. Clothing for your boy ours is the gracefuHy wa’ Ing fern- The ceremony was were interred in the family burial lot, Sea Disclosures of Importance From the Hidden Haunt Carleton of Rockport; and Mr. and Mrs. stock to select from. W. A. Campbell of Thomaston. C. ? Da\Is quantity has been doubled, but the price is still 25c. performed under a wedding arch above which View cemetery, Jameson Point. of the Gay aid Giddy Goat. was the mo* of the contracting parties, was here Friday and Saturday and purchased Children’s Duck Suits the “M” in evergreen and the “C” in white Bernard I. Weeks died this morning at six fine driving horses. Raymond O Brien of immortelles. T ue arch and supporting North Adams, Mass., of cancerous troubles. Members of Claremont Commandery, K. T., Thomaston was another buyer and took twelve columns were twined with sirUax relieved Mr. Weeks was at North Adams for treatment. are looking forward with pleasure to their good looking horses down on the Penobscot, Sizes 3 to 8, with Bridal Wreath, and at the bases were The remains will arrive on the boat tomorrow trip to Boston in August, when the Triennial Saturday n;ght. One of the Strangest Things jardinieres whence sprang fern fronds and morning. Conclave is to be held. The estimated cost Lieut. John Brickley is back at his desk in 5Oc a Suit. roses. The wedr’ ng march was played v 1th Bernard I. Weeks was born in So. Thomas- of the round trip, everything included is £25 Station 2 after a short but severe i’lnes® brilliancy by Miss Hattie Ilanscomb at ex­ tonlApril 4, 1845. At the time of his death he apiece on the basis of 50 going. Veazie’s band of Rockport is going up with the Is that some folks will actually go to gome place actly 12 o’clock and the knot was lied by was superintendent of the business of the The Sphinx” begins its third week at the Rev. Mr. Dunnell of the Central church. American Express Co., in Maine, New Bruns­ Masons and the way they are polishing up CRAWFORD BICYCLE, and pav So.uO fur the saute Slices that we sell their instruments for the event is a caution. 'Tremont tor:ght. Crowded houses have The bride was attired in a rich and beaut;ful wick and Nova Scotia with headquarters in 1 made what was marked as a certr'n success Willi Hartford Single Tube fo r S3.50. becoming gown of pearl white satin, cut high Bangor. He was in Rockland Common Warren Lodge, I. O. O. F., has accepted on the opening night a complete triumph and Tires, weight 28 pounds, O f course 150 cents isn ’t a fo rtu n e , b u t it’s p a rt with Valenciennes lace trimmings on corsage. an in' Station to go to Tenant’s Harbor, June Council one year. From 1845 he was on the I a tremendous money getter for the manage- $ 6 0 . 0 0 of a fortune. It’s worth saving. No veil was worn but the gown was completed farm in South T homaston, from i860 to 1862 15, and work the first Rank I ment. There have been few changes made with shoulder gloves. The bride carried in Rockland High School, in 1862 clerk in E. of K r’ght was conferred on three Esquires < )ur Men’s Shoes nt 83.50 are really better than in the opera since the first night, for there bunch of American Beauty roses. Bartlett’s shoe store, corner Main and Lind­ last week in Georges River Lodge, Knights was ,;ttle that needed changing. The lines, WHITE STAR, most dealers sell at $4.50. We sell for cash The bride-maid, Miss Nellie Clark, was sey streets in Rockland, 1863 clerk in Rock­ of lythias, Warren------Geo. W. Brown of ( of course, have been imptoved upon in many With M. and W. Tires. Warren was 5n Damariscotta, Monday even­ and can sell cheap. attired in a gown of canary sat'n striped land post office, 1864 to 1868 clerk in Eastern places, and a new dpet has been introduced W eight 2G pounds. gauze, trimmed w Ith ribbons to match. Express office in Rockland, 1868 to 1881 ing, of last week, instructing the rark teams Tan Russia Calf, Patent Leather and Calf. between Laura Joyce Bell and Walter Allen The bride is well known in this city where Rockland agent of Eastern Express Co., 1881 of Lincoln Lodge, K. of P., in floor work------which has made a great hit, while Edv\ n $ 6 0 . 0 0 Come and see us. she has \ sited relatives many times and to 1889 route agent of American Express Co., Mystic Rebekah Lodge v, ’1 go to Appleton Stevens has added to the already splendid among the Rockland people present were 1889 and since superintendent of the last tomorrow ever’ng to \Isit Golden Rod Lodge. ' part given him as Prof. Papyrus and now SECOND HAND VICTOR, M.^. W. II. Kittredge, Mrs. A. D. Bird, Mrs named company. Mr. Weeks resided in The degree of the order w 11 be exemplified ; can scarcely move without crea ng a laugh W e n t w o r t h & Co. Hannah Wilsoi Mrs. Nathaniel Jones, Miss Rockland until March 1, 1881, since which he by the home team. ' His singing of the topicrl song, “And What Weight 34 pounds, used last Phronia Farrow. has lived in Bangor. He was a member of Do You Think He Said?” is one of the hits. season only. In first-class 338 Main Street, Rockland, Maine. Mr. Mitchell was at one time head cleik in Aurora Lodge, F. and A. M. He was ad­ CAPABLE COLLECTOR. I The special features in the lobbies have co n d itio n . Kittredge’s drug store, which position he re­ mitted to Aurora May 2, 1866, was J. Steward | been most successful, and the Eg/pdan cig- signed to go into the drug business w>h E, in 1866, made a life member Slay 26, 1875. arets presented to the gentlemen between the $ 4 6 OO. Randall Leonard in Bath. Few men die more sincerely mourned than And He Garnered Poll Taxes Thai Never Before acts by Frommia, the pretty Egyptian girl, All in stock, ready for delivery. It was a very pretty affair and by it, one of B. I. Weeks. He was a man of the strictest Were Garnered In Thonaslon. have been a welcome attraction, while the ’JT'exrrale’ H e lp Bath's most deserving and industrious young integrity, a warm friend, a genial companion piano solos by Sig. Alfred Devoto have * men has won a bright and charming bride. able fellow, and all who knew him entertained Capt. F. F. Curling of Thomaston, last charmed everyone. Many novelties v 111 be Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are away on a short for him the greatest regard. No one ever year’s collector, has made a record that de­ introduced during the coming week. wedding trip and they will be at home to left a more unblemished record, or more serves being embalmed in cold type. He W ciiatecl J receive friends on Thursdays after July 1. friends. collected every real estate but one, and in J. F. Gregory & Son that case he sold the property, lie has col­ The Castle-Square Theatre management is Fe want Ten Sewing Girls at once on Fine lected every poll tax but 18 and these eigh­ reaping the reward of their endeavors. Full One Price Clothiers Wednesday evening the home of Mr. and Mabel E., daughter of the late Edw. W. houses at every perfoimance attest to the re­ Mrs. Theodore Roosen, 26 /\tlan c street, and Eliza Perkins of Warren, d»ed on Wed teen are over the coals as he has given them and Outfitters. Pantaloon Work, either experienced or new June 20 as the last day of grace. He has markable popularity of this series of summer was the scene of a very pretty home wedding nesday morning last, afier an extended sick- entertainments, which grow better and better the contracting parties being Miss Carolyn ne 5 of nine years. Her mother and brother collected all but £400 of his total commit­ Under Farwell Opera House. hands. Apply at Factory, corner Park and ment, and of that amount £200 belongs to every week. This week “Girofle-Girofla Smith Roosen and Henry G. Ames, both of were constant and unremitting in their at­ will be staged in the same deligh»rul manner ROCKLAND, - MAINE tk s ci.y. Potted plants and beautif”’ flowers tentions at her bedside, all thro’ her pro­ non-residents who are as good as gold and joad Streets. who will pay as soon as they arrive in town. that has characterized its predecessors, with filled the parlor with their fragrance and tracted illncjs. Deceased manifested remark­ the intention of eclipsing all records in the beauty and the ceremony was performed by able patience and cheerful resignation during So that Capt. Curling is virtually within about £200 of his whole commitment. ' coming production. The stage forces, under M O W RY cSe PAYSON Rev. C. Everett Bean of Thomaston under a ♦his long struggle with desease and suffering. ; Mr. William P. Edison and Artist Frank floral arch made of lilacs, daffodils and maiden Having in early youth sown the seed of god­ I King, who«e remarkable efforts have won un- hair ferns. W. M. Tapley, George Fernr’d liness, hers was a practical frustration of the THERE WERE OTHERS. 1 stinted praise, have prepared some fine speci­ Rev. Mr. Parshley’s sermon Sunday morn Ralph and Charles Roosen officiated as ushers truth of the bible, “ He that soweth to the ing on the issv«ng of licenses to victuallers mens of stagecraft. Mr. Rose has felt war­ T ue wedding march was rendered by Mrs. spirit shall of the spi»It reap life everlasting.” In the electric car going to the Ames-Roosen ranted by the crowded houses to engage Lil- C a rria g e s and owners of billiard halls who have been E. S. Farwell. F r a i A . Carr was best man May her chrisi'an character inspire others wedding Wednesday evening, 15 of the 20 convicted of liquor selling was a very vigorous . lian Russell’s leading tenor, Mr. Richie J0CTIOH . AT . and Miss Susie Roosen and Miss Vina Black- by a holy emulation of her goodness to stilve passengers were Blackingtons, all from Black- Ling, to sing for the rest of the summer. effort. Mr. Parshley certr’nly hasthe courage for the same blessedness and peace. Her (REDUCEDuPRICES. ngton maids of honor. ington’s Corner. SELAF. . IN . of h's convictions. The bride lool-'ng charir'ng in a beautifv funeral was held on Friday afternoon at 2 I have a special trade In o’clock at the fam'ly residence. Rev J. L. wheels all tired and banded Paris gown of cream lansdowne, trimmed with MBUBES at #« and upwards a net. Enterprising advertisers have so crowded point lace with a border of fine flowers. The Demott, pastor of the Cong’l Church, of Headquarters for repalr- our columns this week that some of our faith ornamenta ons were bride roses. which deceased was a worthy member, i’ug in all lt» branches. officiated. Appropriate music was rendered ANOTHER CARLOAD OF AND . Good work and low ful correspondents will look in vain for their A dainty wedding lunch was served prices at the old stand. communications in this issue. We ask a lit­ which Mr. and Mrs. Ames departed for their by a quartet. There were present two STOCK! tle forbearance on their part. new home on Camden street,w Ith the congratu­ brothers, Emerson O. Perkins of Wellesley, J. FRt P HALL, lations and best wishes of the host of rela.Ives Mass., and Wm. II. of Warren, also the three M AIN ST. and Mends present. Mr. Ames is an exceed’ remaining sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Blackington of The papers last week gratuitously stated ingly popular young man and he won for a Marlboro, Mass., Mrs. Fannie Oxton of that the Board of Aldermen issued the bride one of our most charn,:ng and accom Charleston a, Mass., and Miss M>ra Perkins, victualler ’’censes on the basis of City Solici­ CHIHA and JAPAN MATTINGS plished young ladies. The wedd’-g presents also a large representation of the deceased’s tor Prescott’s report on the matter. This were numerous, costly and beautifv’. relatives and friends. The floral offerings Mrs. Anna CirangerDow is not so, as the said report furnished no were many and beautifv' and were a fitting POSITIVELY the LAST LOT,as These Were Purchased OF NEW YORK, ground .v»r such act-on. It merely ou*Hned tribute to the dead, whose beauty of charac­ the law in the case. Dr. Jesse Chambers Hill, of this cu /, and ter and well-lived life won for her the friend­ liken pleasure In announcing to the muil> Miss Jane Russell Hale of Castine were tl people that she Intends to epend the ship of all who knew her. *,* lining summer In Rockland, and will be married Wednesday at the home of the repured to give thorough and eonscien- The decision of the Old Ladies Home bride’s father T homas E. I Iale, Castine. Rev. AT AUCTION PRICES! ous Instruction in : J ♦ 5 ; Association to buy a location at once is a C. S. Hill, father of the g.oom officiated THOMASTON TAXES. ce Culture & Artistic Singing wise one. Now is the 'me to buy advan­ he ceremony was witnessed by relatives and tageously. The Association has been keep­ a few intimate friends. Imme(’:ately after The Assessors Have Completed Their Work and Collector Now Circulates. o beginners us well as to more advanced ing quiet the past two years, but its funds the ceremuny Mr. and Mrs. IW1 left for a DOnXr'T PU T OFT- □3TT'5ri3\TC3-! spile. Mr*. G ranger-D ow has long been have been accumulating all the »'rae, and it short wedd:ng trip and on their return iown a* mu accomplished Binger and is now proposed to push the project with reside in this city. Dr. Hi” is one of our Thomaston assessors, who commenced ucher, and is recomemnded by the best usictans In the country. The veteian vigor. most progressive citizens while b:s b.’de is work in April, have completed their task, inductor, Carl Zerruhu, says: “It gives of the most estimable young ladies in and Collector Redman now has the books. 1 lot 10 Cent Matting, the last lot, 1 lot of 15c Matting, only a few e greatest pleasure to recommend M th. Castine. The assessors are D. P. Rose, who is serving nna Granger-Dow as u most excellent THE CHURCHES. his 12th year, E. M. O’Brien who serves his acher In the art of singing in ull Its differ- to close per yd ...... rolls, per yard to close, o nly ...... branches I had the pleasure of meet. The marriage of Charles D. Knowltor M. fifth year, and George II. Gardiner who is a 12ic ’' s. Dow in Paris years ago and I Baccalaureate Sermon at Methodist—Question of D. ,of Boston to Miss Annie Rogers of Chicago yearling. The town property is found to be t the perfect training and schooling took place, in the latter city at the home of as follows: which she has worked at that time Licensing Vlclalulers al Baptist lot of 30c Matting, remarkable m e great teacher, M. Gilbert Duprex, the brides parents last Thursday morning. Number of polls, 651; amount of resident 1 lot 25 Cent Matting, to close, ater in Boston under Mme. Rudert*- At the conclusion of ‘he ceremony the couple real estate $553»i53» non resident realty . I recommend Mrs. Dow to all who Ruck’and sends the following delegation to left for a brief visit to friends in Boston, £154,864, total realty £708,017; amount of value, to close a t ...... 19c p e r y a r d ...... ii to study the art of singing and to the Portland today to attend the Episcopal State Salem and Rockport, Mass, after which they resident personal estate £740,792, non resi­ ole musical public in general.” Convention : Rev, J. S. Moody, E. J. Clii.on Signed, Caul Ze k k a iin . will sail for Europe. Dr. Knowlton w5” pur­ dent personalty £24,400, total personal estate _ie wishing to consult Mrs. Dow in regard and v. fe, Miss Shelton, Miss Orne, Mrs.Edw. sue his medical studies in Germany. Dr. A765.I92. n s may do »u by addreHsing her at 12*1 T homas and Joseph Flint. Knowlton is a young but successfv’ Boston .LIGl’T PLACE, BROOKLYN, N. Y. The tax on real estate is £14,160.34, tax on ‘•Children’s Sunday” ne-.t Sabbath at Pratt physician, with warm friends in this city who personal property £15,303.84, tax on polls 1 lot Extra Heavy Colton and Wool Memorial Church, with setmuB in the morn­ are pleased to offer to himself and accom­ £1953. total tax £31,417.18. ing to the ’ ttle folks and Sunday school in plished w ife the1- hearty congra.ulailonr The amount raised by the town at its an­ the evening------First quarterly conference at nual meeting was £23,035. T he state tax is Carpeting Handsome Patterns, SIMONTON DRY GOODS CO. Methodist, tomorrow (Wednesday) evening. £4193.23, county tax £2993.46. The rate of The marriage of Miss Adela Hill Wood regular price 45c per yard, only Cut Flowers! At the Church of Immanuel, Universalist, and Harry DeForest Smith will take place tax is 2 cents, two mills more than last year. HOCKI.A.M ), M E. in addoition to a sermon of great interest and the latter part of this month at the home of This is due to the loss and sale of vessels the accustomed e ccellent musical program. the bride’s parents. A large party from Bath which has reduced the amount of personal p e r y d ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A finely rendered soprano solo by Mrs. Mills wl" attend. property £ 110,000. The largest losses were Cut Flowers and Floral with violin obligato by Mr. Purrington was a the two O’Brien ships, while the sale of the Emblems furnished at pretty feature. The Whitcomb-Pillsbury wedding will Samuel Watts vessels has also contributed to 1 lot Best Quality All Wool Carpet­ A large audience filled the Methodist take place in the First Baptist Church, tHs the loss. Short Notice. Church, Sunday morning, to listen to the bac­ city, next Monday evening at eight. ing, regular price 60c, our price UPHOLSTERY DEPT. calaureate sermon, delivered to the Rockland Eva M. Chapman began her lecture on C. S T R O U T , High School graduating class by Rev. C, W. John A. Black of New York and Miss cookery in this city, yesterday, in the room 37 l-3 c p e r y


Charles A. Davis received sfo fine gents FOLKS AND THINGS driver- from Boston this morn'ng. IN BLOSSOM. An announcement asking for proposal* for Commencing M onday, Ju n e 10 bone* appears in a nther column. H. G. Hill, rcirii^g on the road that runs II. M. Ixird had new beets from H » gaide» i between Glen Cove and Rockville, i» going to Saturday, June 8. T he CotiRiER«GAZK'nic goer regularly into E.B.HASTIN63 come very near winning the prize offered by J. C. ROCKWELL'S AN OPPORTUNITY Jam "3 Fernald commences work ♦t is week more families in Knox County than any other T iif. C.-G. for the hrst peck of county raised on his new house, State street. paper published. Propei iy of the Late Joseph Far- green peas, lie ha. pea. in ful! blossom, Schooner Julia Decker, Capt. N. P. Spear, John Karl and crew have returned from and maturing rapidly. took out a fisl ng party, yesterday. Squirrel Island, where they have been paint­ well Widely Distributed. The variety i> Cleveland Alaska. He has DRAMATIC COMP'y To obtain a Handsome nine quarts planted. A few of our Bargains Chas. T. Spear b it his rowboats in the ing »he new hotel. water and an ever’ng row v ’1 cure that tired AMUSEMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. UNDER CANVAS feeling. The Execatsrs Naaed—A Rockland Dr. E. Holding Lansing, the specialist, in George Batty who has been eng neer of the Pillsbury Block offices is having a most GN TUB LOT ON for This Week. Jessie for some months, has resigned F "Prof. Baxter’s Invention” wHl be repeated Nephew Gels a Generoas Sllci -Uui- extraordinary rush of business from all over at the Universalist church the last of the the county, pos? on. versallstCharch of Th’s City and the Spring Street, opp. Police Station 50 m ore of llio«e All Wool CAl’ES for GOLD WATCH James Farnsworth is having a big barn month. City Itself Not Forgotion by Its For­ built, Pleasant street, west of Broadway, site D. S. Ward, manager of advance car CARD OF THANKS. S I.2 5 E ach of the one burned. No. i of the Wyoming Wild West show was mer Mayor—Other Bequests. CHANGE OF PLAY EACH NIGHT. Charles L. Wilson and family have moved in this city yesterday making contracts for the The family of Mabel E. Perkins take this These Garments arc All Wool, come in into the lower part of Miss N. T. Sleeper’) appearance of the company Saturday June 29, method to thank all those who so kindly Popular Prices 20 and 30cts Navy Blue and Black. They are a FREE) house, Spring street. on Park street. Watch for car No. 2 with assisted them during her illness and may they great bargain at $1.25. All our Capes Children under twelve 10c. In better grades MARKED DOWN to The people on Park street want the nr in the advertising. HE will of the late be rewarded by Him who hath said: “ Inas with the sprinkler to let out a little more Joseph Farwell of much as ye have done it unto the least of 50 cents on the dollar. Ur ii/ was probated Patron? will bear in mind that thl? la not a mu * ter, as he’d oughter. The Pavillion theatre on Spring street was these ye have done it unto Me.” aeom nor ret a variety abow, bi t I* a genuine We have just opened a lot more of crowded last evenirg. Mr. Rockwell has a at Be’fast today. The Warren, June 10, 1896. theatre under canvan, carrying a large atago ar.d Lobsters are certrnly scarce. A steamer talented company, that the presents on of the will is dated Octo­ proper scenery. the LACE CURTAINS at in the Pleasant Beach locality last week from drama was appreciated was evident from the ber, 1890. The ex­ Every man, woman, boy or girl 20 fishermen got 50 lobsters. 1’beral applause. The farce wr* productive ecutors named are Sheerer’s Sarsaparilla, the local make blood 5Oc a pair. Lucius Perry in the employ of the John Nathan T. Farwell purifier, is equal to the best and better than should avai' themselves of their of side splitt’^g laughter. A high class play <»<♦«>«>«»♦• A GOOD POLE, all complete, for Bird Co. had a foot badly crushed in an elp * ill be given eve./ night for the remainder of of Rockland, Oscar most. The proprietor, W. E. Sheerer, takes A B A R C A IN opportunity of getting a fine Elgin vator tv‘s morr’ng. No bones broken. J. Farwell of Thorn- pride in keeping it up to the top notch of Five share? of Rock- the week and we predict l?rgc attendances. laud Tirat Co. Bonds, or Waltham Watch, as such an op­ d ke, Mrs. Mary A Lord of Uni*./ and Mrs. perfection and the increase in the demand IN One Bv idred Dollars 2 5 cen ts. II.C . Day tk Co., in addition to their justifies him in so doing. regular run of car work, have several quarry Leon W. Washburn's Great A’lied Shows L. V. Wi'itney of Newport. Nathan T. Far- each, x .11 be Bold for A Good WINDOW SCREEN for portunity comes only once in a life­ well is nam'd ca’hier, holder of securities ROCKLAND *!50. boilers in their shop, undergoing repairs. Big Three Ring CircuB, Museum, Menagerie J. A. BERRY. and keeper of records. The following be- Paper—Wall Paper—Paper. tim e. That section of South Thomaston road and Ilippoprome * ill exhibit in Rock'and. TR U S T CO. Rlvetfllde, 25 and 5Oc each. ques s are made: California. fioin the Rockland ,sne to and beyond June 17. Reports from all quarters pro This is a great year for paper hangings. Nathan T. Farwell of Rockland, £ io,o c j; Box 503, Magnolia Ave. New line of KID GLOVES, 7 nook, in Injraham ’s Hill has been pat in r ’ce shape. nounce ’he above shows the leader in tented It is truly wonderful what a pretty paper you BONDS. attractions and cannot fail to interest the Mrc M ai/ A. Lord of U r’l/, $ 15,00 j ; Mrs. tan, modes and slate, only Over A I. Mather's desk at the Greene./ can get for a little money at Spear, May & ♦ ♦ I * ; ; > > ♦ masses. That it possesses many rare animals L. V. Wnitney of Newport, £50 j; Addie V. Stover’s. Their line of books is always up to the portrait of Madame Blavatsky, the high never before seen in this coun’-y the only r^*I Smkh of Newport, £2500; Mrs. E. A. Burpee date. $1.00 a pair. p. estess of theosophy, occupies a prorr’nent of Rockla id, £ io c j; Clara M. Far veil of aquatic show of sea a r :mals, a great I'ppo- Another ca«e of those L A D IE S’ pos». drone, a t.’ple c reus and many phenomenal R o d ’and, $250 a; Marcia W. Farwell of Rockford, £10 J; Luc/N. Farwe’l of Rock­ VESTS, short sleeve and low neck, There * ’’ be a temperance rally in the li\Ing wonders is \ thout question. Its career BUSINESS LOCALS. only First Baptist Church tomorrow evening. Miss has been a triv nphant success. It it enthu­ land, $ io oj; Mrs. \V. A. field of Bostor Helen Bullock of New York v 11 be the Sic □; Mrs. A. G. H urt of Rockland,$200a; Advertiaementa in this column f iv b okwtb a siastically received and immensely patrorzed l in k . No insertion leas than twenty-five cents. 12J cen ts. ■speaker. evei .vhere it spreads its tents and it is .-id Louifx G. Hunt of Rockland, Slot a; Lyd’a M. F. Donohue’s gray gelding Jeff, the Dr tog ve a better enter’'1 inment and more of it U. F 1 veil of 1 uorndike, $2000; Leora Far- “ If you want to smoke a clean FTavana filled One case JERSEY VESTS, half sleeve, well of I’ - stield Szojo. Ilanscom horse, trotted a jriile at Knox than any other organiza ‘on in A meric. The cigar, ask for the E. W. Mild 10 ct. Sold high neck, finished with silk, only newspapers are unar'moas in its praise. A Town of U. **/, for f re of cemetery on Driving Park, Friday, in 2:41 1-2 without everswhere. H. M. B. 5 cents. hf ng his head. giand outpouring of the populace here on r nn of dcce. cd, Cii/ of Rockfond. Laundered Shirts 19 cents. show day may be looked for. for care of j,avcsof brother Ilc n ./’s fr*r;ly Thomas Ilawkcn is ha\'ng 6c feet of •*n S a View Cemete./, Town of Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums.—C. M. 100 dozen fust black, finished fo o t, Tibbetts is now opening a large stock of the pi? 'za added to the ‘•".stern end of his house, PRESCOTT S "PERFORMANCE. Tbomastor for care of grave of Mrs. Katie 50 CENTS. H O SE , only which commands such a beautiful and unob* E. Carte., S200; Tow.r of Tittsfield, for care above fresh and new, either mixed or in structed sea view. separate varieties, and for sale by the ounce of gra\e of brother Josiah, Srco. I have the best 50 cent Shirt ever 12*c a pair. C. F. Prescott’s Great Eastern Show opened To John II. Stewart of Uni*/, £2000. or packet; also flowering and vegetable plants A new carpet has been l?’d on the stairs offered for sale, open front and back, leadirq to the audience room of Pratt Memor­ the season in ’his cn/ Saturday evening. The To Chiieh of Immanuel, Univerrnlist, of all kinds. CHALLIES, only ial Church, and a handsome ntw chair placed tent was pitched in the lot on Park street, Roc’.’ind, £850?. the int. est to be expended Linen Bosom and Bands. A genuine near the Pant factory. There was a good Special sales every Saturday from 4 to 9, of bargain on the vestry platfoim. for the support of pre?rk:"g, repairs, etc., and watches, chains, rings, tools, working men’s 3 c a yard. attendance and a’’ appeared to be delighted for do*h; ’g poor ch’Mren who are regv’ar ALSO A B tO STO CK OK Amos Fisk from the Meadow? 87 years of with the performance. Willie and Dora pants, furnishings, etc. Fifty cents on a dol- Will open Wednesday of this week one age, is seen on Main street, almost eve* ' att ndants at the church services. ar saved. Men’s clothing, watches, tools and case CORSETS, worth 75 cents. Barker gave a daring exhibition on the To U: ’.ba G Marden of Prospect. Sn a; pl“"sant day. Uncle ? nos is a fair:’iar fig­ trapese bars; Vic and M:’le Mazello, or the furniture bought and sold. If you wish to Clothing for Men& Boys ()ur price will be ure about Rockland’s street. Mrs. J r ’ia Bar ield of Rockfond, £50 a; Mary sell furniture or clothing send a card and I American Japs as they are called, gave an A. Sermon of Tnomaston, Sicac a; Lena M. Dr. Sullivan of Portland, specjaTiat on dis­ ark stic performance on the Japanese bar; will call. Money to loan on personal proper­ Only 50 cents. Scannon of Thomaston, £11 : a. ty. Max Antin, 90 Sea street, Rockfond. Tnese watches are worth Za ease- of ’he eye and car, * '1 be in Rork’and Ed. Brown oerfo. ned wonderful and almost To the Ci / of Rockfond. £5000, the in­ New SILK BELTS at at Dr. Hitchcock’s office Saturday, Sunday, i"crcd ble leats on trapeze and horizontal Hath, Caps & Furnishing Goods. come of which is to be distributed to the sev- Domestic and Vienna Bread fresh and sweet 820 at retail. They are full je^ Monday, and Tuesday, Jure 15, 16. 17, 18. b r ; Eddie LaBarre was more than amusing r .al city paiisbcs, to be used for bentvolent every day. Hot rolls made from best materials 25c,37c. 5Oc each. through the escapement, have pi II. S. I'lint has put a r ’ce stock of groce* ps in his clov ;sh acts, and the whole company pin poses. for tea. Cake and pastry of best quality. into the Thurlow store, corner of U r’ n and did some oreat ti mb’ing, high kick-ig and To the Town of Uni*/, £2000 for benevo- Brown Bread and Benns Saturday and Sunday. New SHIRT WAISTS, safety pinion, cut expansion balance, Oak streets, and hopes to open to ’he public hor5’ontM bar work. Tne show was first- '“nces. Flint Bros., Bakers, 276 Main St. screw bank'qgs, stein winding and today. He returned yesterday from Boston. c’ass in eve. • respect and is well worth the To Jc?n:e F. Wood of Hoboken, £icoa; 0. E. Blackington, 5Oc, 75c, $1. patronage of a’l T he company was joined J unk—Jacob Segal and Abraham Brad­ Turnkey Sewall Ilewett has the county Ei zabeth B. McK’nnty of Auburn, £ir x>; ROCKLAND. C.O It S E T CO V ERS, NIGHT setting, with hard enamel dial. The jail in fine cond’tion. Every department is yesterday by Kola ’he human eel and Pl *1 Celeste N. Webb of Auburn, Sic □; bury have opened a new junk store, the Russell v »h his trick dogs. Mr. Prescott has highest cash price paid for old rubbers, rags, DRESSES, WHITE COTTON name Elgin or Waltham speak* for kept in the neatest posable condi: on. George Burpee, Ada Burpee, Mrs. N.T. Fa* well, Miss SKIRTS— a new lot and some BAR­ O s, one of the inmates, has been kept busy got together a company that should bring Hm E' :abeth Far^e’1, r” of Rockland, £;ca ron, metals, etc. Send us a line and we wi 11 itself—which insure them to be relia­ rich returns. icall for it. 13 Pearl street, Rockfond. GAINS to he found among them. painting. each. A NI KE . . ble timekeepers. F. C. K r:ght & Co., the tailors, recency Nathan T. Farwell is now in Be’rr«t attend- A few pieces of JA P SILKS to close at ■decorated one of their show windows with OLD LADIES HOME- Hg Piobate Court. C U B E I O It PILES! fashion plates, and it proved to be good Bread. I am agent for Dr. E. M. Botot's Sure (Jure for 2 9 c a y a r d . adver- sing for a stranger rame in to inquire The Promote)Are Looking Around in Search of Best In the W orld. HID s; alao Dr. Rohan'a Cuthar Ic I 'in. I have a A new lot o f F A N C Y S IL K S foi* the p. ce of picture frames. MEN AND WOMEN. None Genuine W ithout thin Label few hREE S AMPLE BOXES of Pile Med'clne at a Suitable Looatior mv house 21 T ri' ’ty St., und at my office 400 Main Waists. The best style we have H o w The notorious beggers i*om Winslow are St. Office open Wedne?day and Saturday. shown this season. in to * 1—an able-bodied man and h’s * fe. Having Especial Reference to People Red Seal Tooth Powder cleanses, preserves .53 u ’ 9MITB, Rockland. People shoved not encourr^e such beggars, An informal met .ng of the Old I V e # Well Known Hereabouts. and beautifies the teeth, invigorates the gums Ten pfec6S 6f iho NEW FIGURED t o o b t a in but should refer ’hem to »he Charitable As­ Horae Association was held in the First and beautifies the breath. Warranted to con­ Roller Skates For Sale. DIMITIES, sociation o r’he Poor Department, Baptist Cnapel luursdny afternoor There tain no injurious ingredients. Price 25 cents A tine lot of Roller Skates for sale at a bargain, wasagood’y representa on of ladiu inte­ Mrs. W. B. Brown is attending the Ep’scO* a bottle. part of bankrupt stock. EDWARD K. GOULD, o n e o f tl The floral decorations at the First Baptist rested in the movement, and another meet­ pal Convention in Portland. Register of Insolvency. 22 12 . cen ts. Church, Sunday, were exceptionally pretty, ing wil’ be held in the same place, at three BELT PINS only being composed largely of white lilacs, daisies Mrs. Ann Fitzgerald of Chelsea, M ass, is COTTACE HOUSE FORSALE W a t ch i p. m., June 20 visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Stover. Beecham ’s pills for consti­ and peonies. The decorations were the work Tne as.ociallor which haw sing £3000 in Lot and buildings at South End, magnificent IO cen ts. of the Sunday school classes of Mrs. F M. the bank, proposes to buv a lot or hor«e at Mrs. Ma»/ E. Orcutt of Belfast is the guest pation io$ and 25*. Get the view excellent facilities for small family. For sale Shaw and Mias Sarah Pillsbury. at a bargain. EDWARD K. GOULD, Probate Sterling SILVER BELT PINS, F reeyt once, if anytHng sv; table ran be found, and of Mrs. L. S. U'raer at the Highfonds. book at your druggist's and Office, Court House. 22 Additional improvements are to be made par'es who have proper./ to sell are requested W. T. Cobb, G. IL W'gg n, Joseph Green- to the Mather Greenery. The cold house, to notify ’he tecreta./, Miss N. T. Sleeper, in g o b y it. GIRLS WANTED. 35 cents each. halgb and J. F. Fogler drove to Be'fost, Sun­ Every CASH custom^' buj which was removed to make room for the w .king before the meetirg to be h*‘d June day. Girls for general housework, nnraea and the BELT BUCKLES, new office, will be erected on the south side ▲anaal aalaa more than 8,000.000 boxes. unraery obtain first-class places by applying at Marcus Carroll of New York and Charles be Intelligence office of MRS. R. C. HEDGES, goods of us to the amount of 875.5 and converted into a plant-house, having the 87 7 Grove Street. ItocklaDd potting bench at the farther end. The Pur­ C. Schenck of Bal. more have arrived, and 25c, 5Oc, 75c. within one year, will receive a choice THOMASTONS TROUBLES. sojourn here this sv tuner. chase street house will be put into carnations TENEMENT TO RENT. SEND ORDERS BY MAIL if you of these handsome gold-filled watches exclusively. An additional boiler is also to R. B. Sul’'van of Denver, Colo, and a Good tenement at reasonable rate to let. Apply cannot visit our store in person. We be put in. The room over the new office will Town Meeting Io be Held io Consider the Eleolrio student at PeeksW’l mi’;’u / academy ’he to A. K. H A SK ELL, 35 Ocean St. 20 will till orders carefully and promptly free; should you desire to procure be fitted up for occupancy of the gardener. Light and Other Questions. guest of Henry B. Bird anil guarantee satisfaction. the watch before you have purchased TENEMENT FOR RENT. At the meeting of the Willing Workers, Bernard I. Weeks, a former resident of this the above amount you can do so on Thursday evening, with Mrs. Charles Pen/, city, is seriously ill in North Adams, Mass. BOSS Nice tenement on Claremont Bt. E. B. HASTINGS. T tie selectmen ol Thomaston have called 20 C. F. KITTREDGE. Camden street, a goodly number were a special town meeting, to be held in Watts His brother C E. Weeks, th;s citypi with him. ' H J N C 0 l t K ] the following liberal conditions: present and an enjoyable even’ig spent. Ilal), next Friday „ 'ening, nt 7:30 o’clock, E. II. Cochran is able to be out after sev­ PASTURING. After purchases have been made One ?musing feature of ’he ever'ng that to act upon thc follow ng four matters of eral weeks of home sojourn, raused by sick Good pasturage with abundant water cun be ob. to the amount of caused a great deal of mei.iment was the b u s in e s s : ness. Mr. Cochran’s kindly face always talned on aonlicallon to W. L. BRACKING ! >N, demolishment of a chair caused by a weighty nr’ssed from business cycles and always h- r- Rockland Highlands. 19*22 BLOCKLAND. hear the report of »'uj committee upon member of »he workers sitting down v .th m odel'lng the Gramm* • Hchool building and to tuke tily welcomed back. MONDAY, u ff unusual force the ru.ult of her en’husiasm in action upon the auuie. Miss Adelaide M. Crocker, who has been Vltcuil FOX TERRIERS. tf 10 9.0Q the work she was engaged in. Happily she a e e th e town will volute do uwuy with P .Ching ve*/ successfv"y in Grafton, Mass., u f f ff was unhurt, and a little natural en*huciasm is eluchlo lighla. *.11 arrive home next Monday. Her sister, A J U N E 15 8 00 I ( u ff ff excusable. Tne next m vote to pay Mm . Bunj. Bobiu- 25 6.50 II hind dumagee. Marlin Sweetland, who has been undergo­ ing Machines for Sale- H ff ff ing treatment at the Emergency Hospital for L. W. WASHBURN’S 30 6.00 CITY Or ROCKLAND. Regarding the first matter it is probable An upilght engine uud boiler, 8 horse power, 13 a number of months, has been removed to Singer and 10 D 10 Wbueler & Wilson sewing GREAT ALLIED SHOWS. 35 If ff ft that the recommendations of the committee machines, 1 Wheeler k Wilson button hole mu- 5.50 PROPOSALS FOR BONDS. his home, Grace street. He is greatly im­ ff ff ff w’ll be adopted and the school house rebuilt. proved, an agreeable bit of news for hosts of chine, with shafJug pulleys, belting tables and 40 5.0QJ T he underaj; 1 w ‘i receive nropoHula u n t'i With regard to the o'her matters it benches and everything complete for shirt mauu- friends. Mb b b it t —Rockland, June 1, to Mr. uud Mm. ff ff “ \ June 2r«, ai 12 o'clock noon, al the ( ty 3 reavu ier’n does not seem possible that ’he intelligent JoHuph Meirltt, u daughter. fucturing, 400 ft steuin pipe. Will be sold together 45 v ofli -c, 407 Ma 1 St., for $ ’ '.OOO.i J City of K Tkland. O .I-/—W aldoboro, May 31, to Mr. und Mrn. ~r aenar " ----- ff voters of the town v.ill be so foolish as to Miss Katherine Lawry arrived Saturday IS-A0 ff 96, in.ereit nuyaule ’ • January and July. I'. o- best interests. The electric light move is January, visit ng friends in the West and A . B. L udu g. u son. 55 noau » to be tor the whole or any p< thereof. made in a desire to punish the electric rrlroad Sou’h------Miss Grace Andre* j is home from Bucxi. in - linden, Ma" -0, to Mr. und Mri. R. 60 ff ff ff f o o l The riuht !• reae. «-d to rej’et nuy or a'l bids. Boston, where she hrs been visi ng her faster, B. Euc In, u dau' h o r— la. in. By dlree 'on of .ho Ii unco er rout it* i of the company for its alleged unfoir trea* nent of Deer I«le, May to Mr. und Mrs. Agents Wanted. ff ff ff Mrs. Glover. 65 City of Rockland. the town. The electric lights are a g rn t Guomo S? ipluu, a dnugib To represent the Most Complete Nurseries lu 2.00 JOHN LOVE IO V Mayor. benefit and the women and children of the Miss Nel 'e Hichborn of Stockton Springs J ack Io n —W orueilui, Muhh., to Mr. v id Mia America. Customers get what 'hey order uud the ff ff tf 1.00 ' KV E R E 1 I’ A. JO N E S, T rias. F ran k " i 1’. Jaukaon, formerly af Rockland, u son 70 to\ .1 need them if the men do not, and ’he is a guest at A. W. BennerL ----Alfred Lit- beit quality. Position pci.naucnt; terms liberul; ff Rooklaud, Me., Ju n e 11, 1696. 23-24 -F.unkll’i Abbott. pav week!’ . Wiitout once uud secure territory. 75 ff Entirely Free voters should bear this in mind when they 1 efield of East Newport is visiting his El.I.WANGKU & BARRY, Ml. Hope Nursuiies, face the question. The discon*’nuance of the brother, B. D. Littlefield, at South Thomas­ Rochester, N. Y. 22 lights will hurt die town more than it v. 11 ton—Charles C. Perry is very sick------H. H. Every Watch is p o sitiv ely w ar- punish the company. And again 'he com­ Ci.e is cor fined to bis home v th rheumatic SIMPSON HOUSE, pany has now supplied the to*a lights trouble. S la rn a g fs WORK WANTED. ranted by us. WILL. Any intelligent mini or woman seeking employ­ lor t.vo months under the contract, and it is ment und umbltijus to make from $40 to $1.<9 Capt. A. J. HpU arrived home Saturday A mk- - R o o s e s —Rockland, .June 6, by Psv. C Big Three Ring Circus, Wednesday, June 12 an open question whether or no the to* 1 morning from Ba’ more. On h:5 way home E. Beau, of Thomaatou, Henry Gian».lle Ames monthly, cun secuie same by addresalng Globe isn’t held for the full year. he \.sited a few days * .‘h his daughter, Mrs. und C«rolyuu Snail) daughter of Mr.Rad M re.Thea. Bible Publ'shinu Co., T23 Chestnut 81., Pbila., Pa. Under the management of dore Roosen, boU of Rock’and. •apital reqiurM, nor stamp for reply. Young MUSEUM, MENAGERIE, Regarding the sewer appropriation, the Fred Healey in F-st Boston He left his man or woman wishing to earn a few hundred taxes have been asset ed for the year, and if H' i -II*'. aatine, June 6, by Rev. G. 8. vessel 'he O’;ve Pecker, at Baltimore in Hill, J C. fi ll, M.D., of Koeklund, and June dolla.s in the next two mouths preferred. HIPPODROME WILD WEST, MRS. F. S. HAYDEN. the vote raising £1030 for sewers is rescinded, barge of Capt. Olson, hound for Matanzas, Kiimtel' Hale, of C'; «l oe. We have just opened an itnm it w’B have no effect upon the taxes for tfie Cuba. Ki> on — No k tox- ’s n in e, May 20, Wllliu u H. stock of Men’s Youths’, Boys' year. Sewerage is a necess'./, affec ng as it K’niou, of CuaJ'ie, und Evu A. Norton, of Deer &. ENGLISH WATER CARNIVAL. Fish Dinners Served at All Hours. Mrs. Fannie Holmes of Fann'ngton, N. IL, Isle. C h ild re n ’s does the general health, and a town is crin *nal is in?king an extended visit to friends and Live Broiled Lobsters a Specialty. that neglects so important a heilth adjunct as relatives in this city----- Mrs. Emma Whit­ More Great Features, sewerage. It certainly does not seem that in C h a t h a . EVERYBODY READ! Board by the day or week. For further pat Joulurs more and Mrs. Georgia Hendrick, both of More Great Riders, apply to 19 these dull times die laborirg men of the to*.i Green's Lain’mg, have been visiting Mrs. will vote do*.i an appropiia on of which More W ild Beasts W. H. WAKEFIELD, John Marshall----- Miss Arrline York is thc lltAWAiiD-Rocklaud, June 4, AdolnhuM Ueu- It ia the beat bargain offered in Multi they get the ’ion’s share. guest of Miss Cora Gregory, North Maui ward, a native of Knglun l.uged 02 yeara.iu mouths, C lothing, Rockland, Maine. T he C G. hopes that Thomaston *.11 be 11 day». T U A N AWV O T llF .lt H11OW «»N K A U T H street----- Mrs. Sarah Barrett of Taunton, H a h s—HocLlaud, June 3, M.Buiuoer, son of 100 Acre Stock Farm in So. Liberty, jublic-spit.ted enough to rebuild its school Mass., who was called to South Thomaston by M\.on J. and Flora E. Hubu, uged 'I yeara, 2 louse in modern style, retain its electric lights the dea’h of her father, Alden Gay, is visaing | m ouths. Called by good Judge* the beat farm lu Waldo county Two Performances Daily at 2 and 8 p.m. New York and Eastern S. S. Co. ud continue its se werage. W il a Vis—Roukluud, Mav 31, Josephine, w Pe Kuowo aa the Fiah farm and recently owned by Hats, Gaps, an) friends in th>s ci*/ and vicini*/, and intends 1of Jo h n Wi'Mams, u uuilvi Havre, Fiauto, aged ih a m Bilan, J r ., of W uabiogtou Me. T he huuae to make an extended stay.----- Mrs. C. E. ! 30 vuars, 6 mouth?. a new and in good ord er; barn alao uew, 40x80, See the Grand Stiaet Pageant, Daggett has returned from Chicago and is the • o a t —Rockland, Mav 30, R uth E ., daughter of lapboarded and painted, and flat- cellur under all. THE UNIVEKSALISTS F. uud Mary E. Day, uged 9 months, 16 [foeae building", tu aay nothiog of a cuapur ahop, guest of Mrs. Leander Thomas for the sum- , coat over 426u0 to build. T he laud la well divided Gents’ Furnishing SAI UNO DATES OK Had a most enjoyable and profitable conven- aud fenced uud of extra quality ; now cutting 40 to in Dexter last week. Rev. Thomas Capt. Mark Ing.aham and wife are visiting j,,, 60 toil* A l Engl ith •♦lay. T he 80 act e wood lot ia FOR S A LE . Steamer Pentagoet 4VS. one of the huudsomeat lu Wuldo County, couaialing For aale low to close out an estate, situated lu the Which we otter at prices lowe| Stratton of this city and Rtv. W. E. Gaskin 1 Wbitelield----- Dr. Benja uin Williams’ H i i: r—Tenant's llurbor, 8t. George, Ju'ie 2. Ed­ ol rock maple, yellow birch, beech uud hemlock; town uf Hone, Knox County, Muluv, 3S' miles F«»R THE MONTH OF JUNE, of Vinalhaven attended. The sessions were ottage, Cragsite, at Bay Point, is opened for win b. Hull, aged 33 years, 6 mouths, 26 duyu. more than X 10 cuida fit to cut There ia alao a from Upton uepot, thc property formerly owned by ever before known. largely attended and of unusual interest. Rev. the season. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Lan­ Gay—Thom? ton. June 2, Alden Guy, aged 92 tood apple orchard. Thu location ia jiigh and the do. Hope Mfg Co,, consisting of lurgo two Leave N V. for Kockluud uud Ewatpurt years, 7 mouths, 2 days. aightly and near the beat of Ameilcau neighbors. stoiy buihilng containing grist mill, shafting, etc., T uesday, Ju n e 4th, ut 4 p. in. Mr. Stratton of tb’s cii/ de’:vered a seimon caster occupy.------Mrs. Peter Kennedy has gPKAlt—R ockport, Ju n e I, Cant. Joseph Frede; The propei»y ia u»w owned by a MaaaachuaeUa also two-atory pul nt chop, good wuter power. A S atuiday, “ 16th, •' Tuesday morning. been visiting in Bath for a week----- Capt. iufc bpeir, uged 68 years, 7 mouths, 23 days. parly who cunaol occupv uud We me authorised to giaud nppoiiuuity. Inquire of JAM Ed i . HOBBS, T ueaday, “ 26th, “ Leslie Bird and wife arrived home Saturday l.oKnlL' —Tenant's Hurbor, 8l. George, June 1, offer It a l a price I hut ia aimply rldicoloua—only Ilop* Maine. J7 29 Leave Kocklaud for New York d'dUep J. Lok’.ila, ugid 1 mouth, >175o, lerina to auil purchaser. No offers cunaol Dr. E. F. Tow.iscnd the specialist on the after an absence of two years. They are look­ G«:k en - Bos'oa, June 1, Dav s, .on of Mr. and tiro property won't be avid a dollar leas. T uesday, Ju n e 11th, at 4 p. in. eyes is now at the Thorndike 011 bis annual ing well and many friends are pleased again Mrs A I*. Green, of Viua'liaven. The remains A pply to F. M. BllA W,42u Main 8t , R ockland, or BUSINESS FOR SALE. F riday, •• 21at. tour through the larger towns of the state. to meet them. I lie captain’s schooner, the we u b ought to Vinulbutcn for hurlaJ. NEW ENGLAND REAL K8XATE AGENCY, Au iuteresl iu a small at vatu power, wood w ork­ Mouduy, July lat, “ M a \*-L -Fiuakfoii. May Hugh Maawell, 263 W ellington 8 t , Boatou, Maaa. 17 24 ing plant. Vurlelv jobbing, manufacture of bouse Leave Kaatport for Kzefclund uud N. V. NARROW* SCAPE. James Bigelow, is repairing in Bath------R. IL of Roslou, u b.other of Myra Muxwell, of Rock- iinianluga, etc. Established two years, doing e Mouduy, Ju n e 10th, a t 4 p. m. Crockett has returned from Peekskill, N. V., land, uguJ 38 yeais. good business. A burgaiu ’*— Thuraday, “ 20th, " where he attended the graduating exercises of bxtTH Viiiu'haven. Muy 2'J, Dr. F. A. Smith, LAWNS. sou for selling. E. M Sunday, “ 30th, “ a native of Dartmouth,Mini.,aged 66 years, 1 mouth, Bmith, Rockland, Me. J. J. Mears, a convict in the State Prison, the Military Academy— -Jusfin O. Vouug of 23 duys. Biadley’g English Lawn fcrtilizera and Freight tecelved in New York at Pier 10, U. R had a dose call die other day. He was sick Marlboro, Mass., is spending a few days in K m o h -Canon Creek, Moutaua. April 2e, Au­ choke lawn grass seeds will make your lawn For rates, etc., apply to J. C. ROBERTS, Agent, and took an overdose of medicine. Prompt this city------Dr. L. r . Bacueldcr, wife and gustus Knight, foimerly of Lincolnville, aged 63 Watches and Jewelry at (Telephone 761 Broad) 23 South St., New York. years, 2 months, 16 days. giecn and beautiful. Please try them. For G. 8. ATWOOD, Agent, Rockland; F. S. MILIJ measures saved his life. daughter Frances have returned from their 1’IK I I M - W airen. Ju u e • , Mias Mabel E. P e r- sale by O. B. Fale», 48 Beech street, Rock- KEN, Agent, Euutpori. Mears belongs in Portland Boston trip. kiua, aged 23 years, 10 days. and. Uae “doud baiuarltan” Uulsueal.

A r 8




OREGON, SOM E: FRATERNITY FACTS THE MAGAZINES. 4 HORSE NOTES. WASHINGTON Light as a Fairy, CALIFORNIA, IDAHO, The 250 pictures in McClure’s Complete ANO ALU W tBTtR N POINT*. W hite as snow, Coming Trots and Notes of Particular Interest to A y e r ’s / Stltrt Ftfar*i<-.n, fr.-m ChKtfO Et"T D»Y, Life oHNnpoleon are drawn from the pri­ Sweet as a kiss Local Horsemen. Via Chicago, Union Pacific, and Northwestern Lim ’Neath mistletoe. vate {collections of the H011. Gardiner G. SHORTEST ROUTE, LOWEST RATES ’TIs nature’s best Hubbard, of W ashington. I). C.; of Mgr. For hsnri'unw rfittutrsted folder nn-i detailed addr^w W. MASSEY. N . K. Paas. Act., or J. 8. SMITr Replenishment, in Organization That Is Making Due d’Autnale; H. I. H., Prince Victor Ra* C. A. Davis baa sold his family horse Maud Tr«T. Paa*. Act - Vnion Paejfle Ry . poleon; Prince Roland Bonaparte; Baron to A. Z. Henderson of Union. 2t»0 Washington St., Boston, Mas*. The staff of life, “ Magnificent.” Rapid Headway in State. Larrey, the son of the chief surgeon of the F. A. Thorndike has bought a new team of THE ONLY TMC GENUINE IS ALWAYS BRANDED armies of Napoleon; the Duke of Ba'sano, J. F. Fogler. The horse is a bay and first- Maine Central Railroad. son of the minister and confidant of the class for family use. Emperor; M. Edtnond Taigny, the friend The new turn-out of the Rockland Beef In Effect May 19, 1895. H m Objects and Some of Its Methods— ■ Co. is attracting considerable attention. The Sarsaparilla /w r/o r and S! eeptng Oars bet tores Rockland and 10, | and historian of Labey; M. Albert Chris* Bouton. S)<«rowth of the Past Yenr— List of horse is a 1400 lbs. dapple gray tophle, Governor-General of the Credit bought of Mr. Pooler of Vinalhaven. The ADMITTED AT » Itocklntxl se H*tnte Officers, and Work They Are Foncier of France;4M., Paul le Roux, who «asu«w « u $ wimm Miiv.wnniivin. harness is one of the most serviceable we have nitoiuK—Here and There Among Other has, perhaps, the richest of the Napoleonic ever seen and was made by Simpson & Staples. 8 .-2ft a. m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Augusta, collections; M. le Marquis «le Girardin, son- Waterville, Bangor, St. John, Portland and Bos Secret Societies, There will be a horse trot at the West ton, arriving in Boston at 4:26 p.m . Parlor car in-law of tbe{ Due do Gaete, the faithful Waldo Agricultural Fair Grounds, Liberty, on thia train for Beaton. l^A n. m for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, Water­ Minister of Finance of Napoleon I., and Saturday, June 22. There will be three World’s Fair. ville, Portland and boston, arriving in Bostoa at from tlie great, galleries of France. classes, 2.50, 2.37 and 2.30 with purses of $80, BflOp. ra. Within the past year the New England $100 and 5120, respectively. Entries must be CET Trains arrlvel Order of Protection has been having a rapid ABSOLUTELY PURE In tli« important series of articles on New made to William H. Moody, Secretary, 10:60 a. m. morning train from Portl" d, Lewiston growth in the state and so frequent have been England cities and town«. which gives the Liberty, Me. Entries will close at 12 m., and Waterville. THE BEST FLOUR ON EARTH. THE OLD REUABLE Saturday, June 14. The Best. 6:20 p.m. from Boston, Portland, Lewiston and the announcements of the organization of new New England Magazine so high a local .in­ Bangor, triaging Parlor Car from Boston. Demand It of your Orocer. lodges that a reporter of T he C.-G. Inter­ terest, few places have been treated which There will be horse racing at the Union PAYSON TUCKER, Gen'l Manager. Accept no imitation or substitute. viewed A. A. Beaton of this city, Grand War* are worthier of such treatment than Con­ Track Association Grounds, Union, Saturday, P. K. BOOTHBY, G. P. fc T. A. SWEET CAPORAL June 29. The races and purses will be as fol­ W. L. WHITK, Div.Supt. den, and from him elicited the following in­ cord, the capital of New Hampshire, which City of Rockland ! Cobb, Wight & Co., Agents. teresting facts: lows: 3 minute class, trot and pace, is the subject of a thorough and richly il­ 2.39 class, trot and pace, $80; 2.30 class, The Joint Standing Committee on Account* and Per tl and, Mt. Desert A M a ch ia s H. H. Oo. “The New England Order of Protection CIGARETTE lustrated article by Frances M. Abbott, in Claims of the city of Hockland will be In ecuAlon at wss founded in Boston, Nov. 7, 1887, and trot and pace, $100. The races will be de­ the City Treiuiurer’a office on the FRIDAY EVEN- Hm «tood the Teit of Timo thefJJune nuinbor of the magazine. Con­ cided best 3 in 5. Horses will be called 1NO preceding the firet Monday of each month, Increase of Service. was incorporated under the laws of Massachu­ for the narpoae of examining claim* against the city. setts Nov. 12, 1887. Its objects are : cord was the Indian Penacook. Its history promptly at 12.45 o’clock. Entries will close All bllfn mnrt be approved by the party contracting Beginning Wednesday, May 5.1H05, the DR, WOODSIDE, “ 1. To unite fraternally all acceptable in tlie colonial period and during the Revo­ Monday, June 24. Entries should be made them, moil bo made out on proper vouchers, which Residence and Office 49 Middle St. to R. B. Robbins, Secretary, Union, Maine. can be procured of the City ’I’reaniircr, nnd munt l»e white persons, male and female, of good moral lution was most interesting, and it Is today left at the City Tr»«aeiir« r ’a office on or before the Str. FRANK JONES TFLEPHOSK COOTIFCTION, characters, steady habits, sound bodily health, one of the brightest, best, and most repre­ date of the Committee’^ monthly meeting. Bills Will leave Rockland Wednesdays and Saturdays Houks 8 to 8 a. ui.; 1 to 2, »ud 7 to 9 p . it reputable calling, and who believe in a STRUCK IT RICH- sentative of New England cities. The A GOOD JUDGE. not presented at the regular meeting of the Com at 6.*00 a.m . for all landings. mittec must wait until the Hucceedlng month before Supreme Intelligent Being, the Creator and various aspects of its history and its present being put into the roll of accounts. , Returning, leave Machlanport Mondays and Thurs J. C. Hlu-L, Preserver of the Universe. days at 4 .tX) a.m ., arriving Rockland 5 •00 p. m. A Maine Boy Who Is Digging Out Nuggets of life are dwelt upon by Miss Abbott with M. H. A U STIN , “ 2. To improve the condition of its mem­ Mr. Magee, who represents the Methodist 14 « W SMITH. • . Service Increased to three round trips a week Physician and Surgeon. Book Concern at Ihe various conferences, at E. W. POUTER, June 23. bers morally, materially and socially, and to Gold In Montana. full appreciation. The New Hampshire Nlffht call* from the office. Telephone Connect on Commltlee on Accounth and ClainiR. r P aybox T uck e h . Gen’l Manager. assist them to obtain employment. capitul litis never had so good a showing the last session of the East Maine Confer­ P.K. Bo o t h b t , Gen’l Pass. Agent. SYNDICATE BUILDING. “3’ To provide for and comfort the sick John F. Davies sends us from Butte City, in the magazines. Warhbn F. K rllogo, 5 ence, in Bucksport, highly complimented the O the Judve of Probate In and for the County published minutes of the previous conference. DR. E. H. WHEELER, and distressed members of the Order and to Montana, the following account of a rich find Park Square, Boston, Mass. T of Knox. Bluehill 4 Ellsworth Steamboat Co. promote charity and benevolence. in the Hope mine, at the Basin, Montana. He had thr reports of all the New England T he Petition of Inane Spear, administrator on the Physician and Surgeon. ”4. To establish a Relief and Benefit The article is given local interest by the fact To be useful, instructive, and worthy of conferences on sale, and said to Secretary estate of Walter M Spear, late of Cunhing, in ihe Plumer: County of Knox, deceased, Intestate, respectfully Comment ing Taesd»y, May 21, 1895, WITH DU. HITCHCOCK, Fund from which, upon satisfactory evidence that F. N. Fletcher, the manager of the mine, permanent preservation, is a test whereby represents, that the personal e»tate of -aid de­ of the death of a member of the Order, who is a Maine boy and a graduate of Colby Uni­ “The minutes of the East Maine Conference ceased in not sufficient to pay the Just dobtfl and T elephone 88 4. 414 Main Street the value of any publication may be judged. are the most neatly arranged and the best demands against said estnto by the suin of three Stmr. CATHERINE R k sid en ck ut office. 14 has complied with all its lawful requirements, versity, class of 18S2. Mr. Fletcher s wife is a Current History has all these qualities in hundred fifty dollars; that said deceased died a sum not exceeding >3000 shall be paid to Belfast girl: printed of any ol the New England confer­ Leaves Rockland Tuesday. Thursday and Hatnr- an eminent degree. Between the covers of ences.” seized and possessed of c« itain real estate, situate day, on arrival of steamer from Boston, tsuching at F. B. A D A M S , M D , such member or members of his or her family, “One of the richest strikes of gold ever re­ in Cushing, in snidcounty, and (ieserlbed as follows . Islesboro, Castine, Little Deer Isle, Sargentvllh?, person, or pers .ns dependent on, or related ported from a Montana property was made in this magazine, the reader will find every They were printed at this office. A certain lot of land, together with the buildings Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Brooklln, So. Bluehi. Physician and Surgeon, three months » wealth of information on thereon, situated In sal t ( ushing und hounded as Parkor’s Point, Bluehill, Surry and Ellsworth. to him or her, as he or she may have directed the Hope at Basin last Tuesday. Of the strike follows, to w it: - Beginning nt stake and stones at Returning, leaves Ellsworth Monday, Wedw too MAIN STREET, R f.m d k scx St a t e S i to be paid as provided by the General Laws the Basin Times says: all conceivable questions of interest in all SPECIAL WANTED. the southeast corner of land of Robert Vose on day and Friday at 7 o’clock a. m. (Surry Wharf) of the Order. “The Hope mine has long been noted for parts of the world—solid, condensed, sys­ the west side of Kt Georgos river, and running for above landings, arriving at Rockland and “The founders of this Order have had ex­ the richness of its ores, but now it is noted for west northwest about two bundled rods by said nectlng with steamer for Boston. DR. B E L L E S. AYERS tematic and yet presented in readable and It is hoped that an early special traini will Vose’s land to the town road, so called, thence perience in all the other benefit orders and the quantity of solid gold that is broken down attractive form, putting within reach of leave Rockland the morning of July 4,30 that west by said Vose’i, land to ihe town road running Ladies’ Medical Parlors. aimed in forming this one, to reject all the in chunks. Tuesday witnessed the biggest from Cushing to Warren; thence southerly by said DAILY SERVICE. Electricity, Massage, Medicated Baths. even the ordinary intellect a clear and com­ our people may be enabled to enjoy the Lew­ road about thirty roils to the four rod road, so icing Saturday, Ju ly 6, steam er will leave objectionable features of the others, retaining strike that has ever been encountered in the O f f ic e H o u k s :—8 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p .m . 17 prehensive view of the drama of the world’s iston celebration. Two fire companies and a called, adjoining Abram Young’s land; thence • ‘ ' Monday), and return fror~ Sp e c ia l t y : D is e a s e s <>f W omen & C h il d r e n . only the desirable ones, and laying the founda­ mine. Foreman Buckley for some time has easier y by the same to the shore; thonre northerly •nt Sunday). Syndicate Building, Third Floor, Rockland. (history as it is being enacted. Its field in­ band go from the county, and an excursion by the shore and river to the first bounds, and con­ i£TT, Manager, Rockland. tions of the Order in equity. We believe we had a desire to know what was contained in cludes diplomatic disputes aud wars of train would get large patronage. taining seventy acres, be the san o more nr less; have succeeded in giving in the New England the hanging on the east drift of the 200 and reserving ftom th above described lot, ten acres Order of Protection, not only the youngest, Tuesday he put a pair of men to work tearing nations; policies of governments; political sold at different times as follows, to wit. Four rON&BANGORd.S.OO DR. P. E. LUCE, but the best and cheapest of the fraternal away the timbers and lagging. The first and parliamentary developments; k social, PROBATE POINTS. acres sold to David Coates, three acres sold to Physician and Surgeon. benefit orders of this age. Charles Let Test, and tlin e acres sold to Robert round of holes blew down a drift full of the economical and reform movements; busi­ Vose, as reference to suld de< -R. Fill er, Thomaston, Me., Nephew Leading English and American Fire Insurance “The present board of state officers is as with an anxious and inquiring crowd. Many would especially mention a beautifully H ard Derrs G eo. J. Robinson, Brunswick, Mi .. Brother THE STAUNCH STEAMER Companies represented. follows: Grand Warden, A. A. Beaton of went direct to the office to make personal in­ Heirs Mrs. Sam’l Elliot, Florida and Ala., Sister w ritten essay from Mr. .James Payn, en­ H eirs of Joel Robinson, Massachusetts, Brother Managers Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. Rockland; Grand Vice Warden, J. W. Chad­ vestigation of the truly existing reality, among and S o ft COAL titled “The Backwut$r of Life,” a dainty Where'ore, Your petitioners pray thut the ad­ “ROCKLAND” wick of Gardiner; Grand Secretary, A. E. them one of the reporters of the Times and SYNDICATE BUILDING, ROCKLAND poem by Mr Alfred Austin, and a bright ministration of said e sta ’e may t e granted to Chris- Has been repainted and put in thorough condition Telephone Call 49 11. Verrill of Auburn; Grand Treasurer, R. W. they all returned to town with the knowledge topher Prince of Carlson, t-uinte ...... for the Local Passenger Service between BANGOR Jackson of Portland.” that the tale of solid gold was only too true. sketch called “Spring in New York,” in O A E’UI.L HTOCK . . . 8 other suitable per and RGCKL »NI> for the season of DW, and will ’There are miners in this district from which the English author, Mr. Walter Firth, GEO. K. E L L IO T . make daily trips (Sundays excepted), commencing W ood, Hay, Straw, ALATHIA TEDDER, every clime and country, who have delved in records his impressions of some of our GKO. It. FULLER. W ednesday, May 22d, leaving Bangor at fl.OO a m ., COCHRAN,BAKER&CROSS Judge C. E. Meservey and George E. Clark and Rockland at 12.30 p . m , and make landings at the depths of the Comstock, in the rich mines Amoricau types, manners and customs. { Lime, Hair, Rosen- Hampden, Winterport, Bucksport, Belfast, North E. H. Cochran. J. R. Baker. C. C. Cross. of this city were in Camden Friday evening of Grass Valley in California and many other Published by E. R. Pelton, 144 Eighth KNOX C O U N T Y .-In Pi jbate Court, held port, Camden and Rockland Fire, Life A: Accident Insurance. and attended the meeting of Amity Lodge, mines of that state equal in richness, but they dale and Portland Rockland, on the third Tu sday of Mi^v. 1>V5 F. and A. M. The object uf their visit was Street, New York. Terms, S5 per year; On the foregoing petition, . T hat notice TO BANGOR. TO ROCKLAND. The Oldest Insurance- Agency in Maine. are unanimous in voicing their expressions C e m e n t be given by. .publishing _ u py thereof nnd of L E A V E L E A V E 406 MAIN STREET, . ROCKLAND to present the beauties of the new Masonic that the equal of this strike in the Hope has single numbers, 45 cents; trial subscription this ordei, three weeks successively, prior 'R ockland, 12.30 l’. Bangor, fl.OO A branch, the Secret Monitor, in hopes that never before been witnessed by them. f or 3 moniliH, §1. Eclectic and any §4 Mug ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ to tlie third iday of J t. in T ub Coindeu, 1.15 ■ Huinpd* 6.20 other conclaves may be formed so that a H's < Ol RIKR-tiAZETT paper piloted in Rock- N orthport, 2.25 ‘ Winterport 7.00 “At this writing the showing warrants the azine, S8. can sell coal, ano the best, as laud, that ail pc ested may attend ut a Belfast, 2.40 1 Bucksport, 7.35 Grand Conclave may be organized in this coun­ statement that the find is continuous. It i t of Probate then to he held in R o ck 'and, and Bucksport, 4.35 • Belfast, v.2O • try. The Camden Masons will probably take runs east and even west, as the timbers, when WILL CELEBRATE. cheap as anyone. TRY US. show cause, if any, why the prayer of said petition W interport, 5.15 N orthport, V 50 • W A L K E R & P A YS O N , hold of the matter. should not bu granted. Ham|xleu, fl.oO Camden, 11.00 ‘ Attorneys and Counsellors at La* put in, were put bunting, up against what is O"Drder« by telephone u specialty. 21-23 ( . E. M EBEKVEY. Judge. A rt. Bangor, 0.38 rr. Rockland, 12.00 m Mrs. S. L. Pascal of Rockport, state presi­ The G. F. Burgess Engine Co. of Rockport s y n d ic a t e b u ild in g , ROCKLAND. now the richest strike ever encountered in A tiue copy of tlie petition und order thereon. Excursion Tickets reduced rates. Tickets dent of the Woman’s Relief Corps, installed has voted to attend the Lewiston July 4 A tte st:—E dw a r d K. Go u l d , Register. G. M. W a l k e k . E. C. P aysos the Cataret county. will be good on any steam- of the main line, und the following officers of George S. Cobb “ Foreman Buckley has placed a guavd on celebration, and will probably be accom tickets sold on any nteam> will be good Relief Corps at the last regular meeting : duty by day and night. Canvas has been panied by Veazie’s Cornet Band. «inpu appaaanaa KNOX Cf the estate of Mary A. l/phum, wlthoal toy inUrcal late of Rockport, e ll leu of his 1 reasurer, Mrs. II. M. Arau; Conductress, caution is being taken to save the precious median*, eoree Mi­ fiist uccount, nrude u h 'ro b » held ut GL1BAY1 .NM4AJIBO7TPO .Mis. Ada Clark; Guard, Mrs. Susie Richards. yellow metal. A piece of ore coming from the ter, eceema, itch, all Rod land, within ud for id county, on the third Delegates were elected as follows: Mr>. vicinity of the gold was weighed and it was Jay of May, A. D. I '6, muy be order ed to bo the (kin clear, white and health; h slributcd umong ibe lu ll8 ut said deceused, and 11. M. Arau, Mrs. Maggie Conant, Miss Lena estimated that even it would run as high as iKCtiu, or lent by met 1 for&Ocle. Aaare«« o. the sh ire of each determined. Str. VINALHAVEN Aldus, Mrs. W. R. Gill; alternates, Mrs. SiGooo to the ton.” Philadelphia, Fa. Aek jear dru«i»i fcriu On the petition aforesaid. ORDERED, That notice Wind und w eather perm itting, will leave Hwai Emma Fuller, Mrs. Sarah Wentworth, Mrs. he given, by publishing a copy of said petition, lahuul every week day at 6.45 a. in., Green’s laind with this order thereon, three w< cks « Ida L. C’lifiurd, Mrs. L B. Bisbee. 'Phis prior to tlie third Tuesduy of June i tug 7 a. ra., N orth Haven b a. m., Vinulhav •rps is much alive. OUTLOOK. a. ra,, arriving at Rockland about 10.15 a in. A. J. BIRD & CO < ourier-Gazettc, a newspaper piloted in Dockland, Reluming will leave Rockland every week day that ail poisons Interested ma> attend at a Court at 2 p. m , Vinalhaven 3 30 p. m., North Ha of Pr. bate then to he lie d at Rockluud, aud show 4.5U p. m., Green’s bunding about 6 p. in. TOOK STOCK IN IT. 1 he National Educational Association will ci use, if any, wh> tho prayer of raid petitiou should ft van’s Island. meet in Deliver in July. An excursion will not lie granted. 21-23 C. E. MEaERVEY, Judge. At Rockland with 1 p. m. train leave Boston July 3, via Washington, Cincin­ A true copy,—Attest: of tlie M. C. R. R., arriving at Portland at 5 A '1 homaston gentleman while going nati and St. Louis. 'The round trip fare from E d w a rd K . G ui l d , RevUter. p. m., and Boston at 0 3o p. m. F u rth precioustime ant through his papers a few days ago ran across R. R. 'I'lckets sold at reduced rates to Portland money on drugs, vacuum tri Boston and return will be 551.75. Mark I’it- KN< >X < O U N TY .—In C ourt of Probate hold at 1 Boston from all landings, 10 shares of stock in a western nilroad that rfnan, principal < f the Woolsey Sell joI, New COAL! nts, etc. They will never Rockland ou the third Tuesday of May, 1895. gftritound Trip Tickets, between Rockland and have J: was never built. The gentleman has owned Haven, Conn.,and .Alfred Bunker,principal of Juda F. Pool, widow ol George .Pool, late of rinalhaveu, 25 cents. and know. Nuture is A Iz the stock for a number of years but had for­ Quincy School, Boston Highlands, have the Tree Burning Coal Vinalhaven, in said county, deccused, having pre­ G. B. A fW OoD, Gen'l Igt., Rockland W A Y S willing ___ and waiting gotten it. The railroad looked beautiful on sented her application for allow’unce out of the cure you, amt no m an s u If e r i n g affair in charge, and they will be pleased to l u CIioKtnut, S to v e , JEgg a n d B r o k e n Kir n perronal estate of waid from the-following is i n c u r a b le : paper and the promoters claimed it would be a furnish information. o r d e r e d , That notit t thereof lie given, three Vinalhaven Rockland S eamboat Co. Seinlw tl U 1-ukiioMN, EmlaaloiiH, Partial regular bonanza for the stockholders, but Lehigh Coal weeks successively, iu the Courier Gazelle, printed 6l or 'X'olnl Jtmin llxlmuMlou. alas, the scheme was abandoned almost before in Rockland, in said county, that ail pci runs in- li.osseN, frorgef IuIim-hn, liifliser*-! ion, 1 be second volume of the Maine Bugle has l» Kkk .ud Broken Nile. o ri -ted may attend at u Probate Court to bo held Summer Arrangement. »l4‘v|tl<‘M»n<‘NN, ele. But natures own reui- the ink was dry on the paper. ut Rock'mid, on the third 'l uerdny of June t»ly inust be scientifically used. This remedy been received fresh from the press. In the next, and show e ns if any they huve, why the Is I ll. IK’TIC I (’ll* Y, and the greatest possible long array of interesting articles we find con­ Georges Creek Cumberland Coal. pruycr of said peiiliou should not be giunled. TWO : TRIPS : DAILY rfection for its application is attained in the Rock Island Route Playing Cards tributions from the pens of Grace Cilley, C. E. MEBERVEY, Judge ill-knowu Hard Wood, Flour, Groceiies, Pro­ A true copy,—attest: --- UITWKKM — Tibbetts and James Rhoades. Mrs. 'Tibbetts 21-23 E dw ard K. G ould, Register. if vou send 15 cents in stamps or coin to writes brightly of Guatemala, while Mr. Heart Disease 30Yrs! OR.SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT, J NO’ SEBASTIAN, Gen’l Pass. Agent, C., R. visions, Pressed Hay and Straw, halhaven and Hockland. Rhoades, who was member of the Sixth Bat­ KNOX COUNTY.-In Court of Probate, held at This invention has iMjen sold and given com- I. & I*. R’y, Chicago, you will receive postpaid tery, graphically describes the “Present Ap­ Lime, English and American Cement Rockluud, ou tlie third Tuesduy of May ]>9a. pb-to Nuti.-'faction for nearly thirty y- •he slickest pack of playing cards you ever Short Breath, Palpitation. Harriet N. McDowell, executrix of the last will Ive refer sufferers t o hundreds of cures in every pearance of Forts in Front of Gettysburg.” * 1, 1885. and handled. Beautiful steel engraved Whist Western N o.l and No,2 Cement. und testament of John Marshall, late of Washing- State. Throw drugs to ihedogs, und join om The Bugle gives Senator George M. Seiders a toil, Is said county, deceased, hu\)ng presumed her \rniy o f cures in blessing the greatest bovu Rules accompany them free. Mr. G. W. McKinsey, postm aster of tVOrdcrafprourptJy filled. Telephone connectlo ver given weak men. This belt also cures: blast for his stand in the Maine Senate on the Kokomo, Ind., and a brave ex-soldier, first account ol administration of lire estate of Regimental History question. suld deceased for uilowanee : /. BODWELL ! says: “I had been severely troubled Or d e r e d , Thut uotice thereof he given, three O A PT. WM. R. CRKI D, Rheumatism, Lame Back, CALIFORNIA. with heart disease ever since leaving A. J. BIRD 95. said uccount should not he allowed W. B. WHITE, Manager, sion of a great deal of newspaper comment, C. E MEaERVEY, Judge. the Pbillips-Rock Island Excursions are the much of which is manifestly unfair. Mr. around my heart, i became so ill Wbereaa u petitiou ha* been duly filed pruyiug A I rue copy,—A ttest : d, Maine, May 28, 1805. best. that the buluuce remaining iu the hands of George ‘Three Classes of Men,’ Morton’s chief sin seems to have been that of that 1 was much alarmed, and for­ H. M . Bm lu ll, adm inistrator < f the eel ate of Orinda 21-23 E d w a r d K G ould, Register. Tourist Cars, with upholstered seals, run­ extreme partisanship. He has had perhaps tunately my attention was called to F. Grose, late of Bockport, dec»a«ed, on »-ettlenient and [Green’s Landing. ill be sent free, sealed, upou application ning on fast trains, uuder the personal guid­ too much influence in the making of official of Jd» firet account, made at a Probate Court held ance of a Phillips manager, insure a quick at RocLJand, within and for raid county, on the Rockluud on the third Tuesday of May, 1895 DIRECT 8ERVICE. very man should read it. It is the only fu appointments, and there may he an honest third Tuesduy of Muy, A. D. 1896, may be ordered \Y. U. Fogler and W. R Prescott, admlitielrutors und complete guide for self-treatment ev. and pleasant trip. Sleeping Car rate to Cali­ Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure to be distributed umong the heirs of said deceased, n the estate of Warren Biuke, late of Rockport, he red. Free to everybody. Send l o r It. difference of opinion as to the wisdom of his STEAMER VIKING fornia points from Boston fS.oo, from Chicago choice ir certain cases, but there* is no charge I decided to try it. The flrst bottle und the share of each determined. in suid county, deceased, having presented A6.00. Du the uetitlou aforesaid, O r d e r e d , That notice first and final account of adminlslrutlop of said Leaves Rockland, Tillson’s Wharf, at 3:00 p. m of venaiity against him and no smirch on his made a decided improvement in my bo given, Oy publishing a copy of said petition, estate for allowance: every week day direct for Green’s Laudiug. heSanden dcctric Co Car leaves Boston Tuesdays and Chicago honor. It is purely a party fight. Mortou condition, and five bottles have com­ with this order thereon, three weeks successively, O r d e r e d , That uotice thereof he giFen, three Returning, leaves Green’s Lauding at 8:00 a. in. A u . Aliti .t r o a d i / , A « u l u r k , Thursdays via Scenic Route (D. & R. G.), the is a strong party man aud has made enemies, p lete ly cu red m e. ” prior to the third Tuesday of June next, in the weeks successively, in T u e Co u rier U a z e t ie , Pure 50 cents each way. Al.-U hlta^u, IK-UV, mill l.uu-luu. Eat only line through Salt I^ake to San Francisco Courier Gazette, a newspaper printed iu Rockland, iHnied iu Rockluud in suld county, thut pi persons but he’s a good fellow and a smart one. G. VV. MeKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo, Ind utercsted m >y attend at a Probate G'ouri, to be held P. JONEb, Manager. Large.t Electro- Sludicai Juucvraiu 11 persons interested may attend ut a Court of H. Dr. Miles H eart Cure is sold on a positive Probate theu to bo held ut Rockluud, aud show at Uookluud, on the third Tuesday of June For rales, berth reservations or information, uuuruuLee th at the first bottle will benefit. cause, if uny, why the pray of said petition should rnext, und slrow cause, if any they have, w*hy the said Children Cry for Children Cry for address, A. PH1LL1F8 di Co., 296 Washington T he CoUKIEK-Gazei'i e goes regularly into druggists sell it at M, 0 bottles for 45, or not l>egrunted. account sh uId n<-t he allowed Street, Boston, Mass., more families in Knox County than any other rill be sent, pr 21 28 C. K. MEbKRVEY, Judge. C. E. MEt-KRVEY,/udgv by the Dr. Miles A true copy,—A ttest: ▲ true copy,—attest : Pitchsr’e Castoda. P itc h e r’s C a s tc ria . JNO. SEBASTIAN. P. A. Chicago, 111. paper published. E dw -amd K. G ould, R egister. 21-23 E d w a r d K . G ould, tteglster. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 11 1895.

VINALHAVEN CEMETERIES. are visiting here----- Mrs. George Mansfield of THOMASTON MARINE. SLEEP & REST Boston is visiting friends in town----- Mr. Some of tho Homes of tho Dead Thif Are Kept and Mrs. Thomas II. O’Connor of Cambridge For Skin Tortured arc at their cottage, Melvin Heights, for IHE flilE U fi GARDENER Dunn A* Elliott have recently shipped sails In Good Order and Condition summer------Hon. Thomas H. Sherman and for ship Pactolu.s, in New A’oik----- (*. II ‘ ( >ur island neighbor? lake a great deal of wife of Boston are domiciled at residence, Washburn is making sails for schooner Cora BABIES pride in their cemeteries which they keep Almon street, for summer------Mr. and Mrs. Hanson. neat and tidy, and where many line specimens The Doings of a Week in an Ab- Edward S. Stearns are occupying their sum­ He Discourses Abaui Tomatoes, Maritime matters are looking up a little.; A nd T ired I of the stone cutter’s a rt m ay Le seen. Fol- mer residence, “ Bayside,” Sherman’sCove----- ’Frisco freights are considerably better. One i . lowing is a list of some of the lots where the reviaied Bui Readable Form. The family of Rev T. P. Prndden of Newton Cabbages and Other Fruits. of Chapman’s * hips recently chartered with I improvements are ol such a nature as to are occupying their summer home, ( hestnut grain at 33 shillings, .’ships have been getting MOTHERS J deserve special tn-nti m : street----- Miss Fannie Dunton attended 20. Coastwise coal freights are also better, 1 Soldiets’ monument, newly graded, and wedding of Miss Jessie U.iderwood in Natick, being firm . t 85 and 90 cents to Boston and In One Itallronri Scheme Not Abiindniicri Opera Mass , last dvening. Prune the VinoN and (let llipe Emit— Application of I handsomely decorated with pink mosses,lilies, Portland, with an increased demand for ton­ i etc.; Sprague lot, newly graded, handsome To Be Presented For Benefit of Old SQUIBS.— New sidewalks been laid on Sea Transplanting Cabbages anil Hie Re­ nage. fine of Thoma&iou’s shipping owneis new motiumeiv: C B. Vinal-, • nclnscd in and Pleasant streets------Mrs. Stackpole con­ has recently returned from Boston and he newly dressed curbing, an t *t» p-, a so hand­ Ladies-Monument For Preservers of fined to her home with illness------William J. sults Obtained—Methods of Combating reports shipping business looking better than somely decorated; B’s, very elaborate Union—Of Personal Mention—A lire- Carnes of Vinalhaven in town last week, guest Striped lings—As to Onion Cnllure for two years past. decorations, w ith new .monument, and en­ of W. V. Lane, en route to Bucksport, wheie vlated Paragraphs. Washburn A'essels. — Sch. John K (uticura closed in new ly dressed curbing; Rufus Arey, he joined Thomas E Shea Co.----- Miss Celia nnd Its Possibilities. Souther, Capt. N. W. Thompson, sailed from \V. S. Vinal**, IS. VV. Arey s, Ifnintt’s, Ginn’s, Watts very ill----- Colnmbus Buswell having Philadelphia, June 4 for Portland with coal at The only speedy, permanent, and economi­ L. W. Smith’s, new monument, J. AV. house painted------Work on inside of F. O. 80 cents------Sch. Mabel Jordan, Balano, cal cure for torturing, dinfl^uring oczema.and Hopkins’, Chaney Noyes’, Julia 11 all’s, Charles Clark's house commenced------Reuel Sanford every spocieoof itching aud burning skin and Knox Woolen Mill has put in a new loom, arrived Newport News June 4, from Boston, scalp diseases. Littlefield’s, new monument; T. L. Robert’s, moved into Wheeler house, Chestnut street The pleasant greeting accorded “The to load coal for West Indies. She is chartered the largest in town. It was made especially .Amateur Gardener” last week has emboldened Sold thrrarhout the world Rritfah depot: F. If«W- Henry Hr pkins’, Geo. Carver's, John S. ------J. S. Knowlton’s house, Elm street, and back with mahogany. She gets Si.50 on coal * ’J?*’ * •• Klnif Fd»ard-»t.. Ixwdon. POTTSB Hopkins’s. J. Smith, newly inclosed, Mrs.. for this company and will make a felt 28 feet Boston store been painted, artistic work of him to another venture this week. DKVO A CRKM Cobp.. Sole Prona.. Hoetnn. U. 8. A. out and lump sum back----- Sch. Chas. L. Allen worn I, M. Webster, Chas. Vinal, G long----- The billiard and pool tables owned William Eells----- II. E. Capen attended by E. I). Crockett have been bought by L. P. Davenport, Capt. Sam’I Watts, sailed from Whatff, Dolham’s, Aleck Eraser’s, AV. F. meeting of Maine Hotel Proprietors Asso­ “ It isn’t much use for me to set out toma­ Bath 6tb for Baltimore with ice at 50 cents Kittredge’s. These last are all handsomely I BerrX of Vinalhaven, who has opened rooms ciation, Bangor, Friday------Bay View being toes,” said a citizen one day last week to the ----- Sch Carrie 1. Balano, Capt. M. J. Bond. decorated and newly graded. in Fletcher Block----- The young ladies of this painted. town arc taking a lively interest in bicycling. Gardener; “I never succeed in ripening ’em.” is at Brunswick, Ga., to load lumber for Bos­ This is a common comp.aint and as needless ton at #4.876----- Sch. Henry J. Smith, Capt. T he CouRIBx-Gazeite g t*s regularly into Some of the fair riders arc the Misses Potter of The Right Place is the Boston, Miss Alice Cushing, Miss Curtis, Miss ROCKPORT. as common. The tomato is a hot weather John Adam», ai rived in Bangor 4th from more families in Knox V- umy lha.. any other plant, and one trouble in this section of the Philadelphia, with coal at 90 cents----- Sch. Place where you wont paper published. Thurston, Miss Wright, Miss Wardwell and Miss Rollins. The Frankie Carpenter Co.,with Jere Grady country is that it is put into the open ground Martha T. Thomas, Capt. O. C. Ilathorn, is too early. The middle of June is early enough. due this week at Delaware Breakwater from to trade. The right A healthy appetite, wi’h perfect digestion Hod Robbins is making quite a reputation in the cast, will ihow in Rockport tune I and assimilation, may he secured by the use of 14 and 15. The plants should be started in March so as Cienfuegos, for orders, with full load of sugar place is the place where for himself as a twirler. He pitched for the to get the age necessary. After danger of Ih e remains of Capt. Wm. II. Smith, who* Ayer’s Pills. They cleanse and strengthen the Bucksport, Friday, against the Ellsworths in Postmaster Paul has one of those beautiful you can get the most vhole ailmentary canal and remove all ob­ frost is over they should be set in the boxes out died in Cienfuegos, are on board----- Sch. Cora Ellsworth----- Prof. Bristol’s educated horses Regina music boxes. It furnishes very de­ of doors to get acclimated. When the ground Hanson, Capt. A. F. Stahl, is discharging fo r the least money. . structions to the natural fnnetions of either gave a wonderful entertainment in the Opera lightful music. sex. without any unpleasant effects. gets warm, and not before,they should he set lumber in Boston from Pascagoula.------Sch. House, Wednesday and Thursday evenings to A fine piece of road building has been done out,and care should be taken lest the ground he Fred C. Balano, Capt. O. C. Sawyer, is load­ crowded houses. It was one of the most at West Rockport, along that half mile of made too rich. A sunny spot in the garden ing lumber at St. John for New York at #2.75. Why Should You Do Otherwise? pleasing entertainments given in this town for low land, leading to Oyster River. The road is preferable. /After the blossoms have set, — Sch. Grace Bradley, Capt. Barter, is load a long time----- Dr. J. J Page, formerly of has been built up and is now in fine condition. the leaves and branches should be carefully ing lumber at Brunswick for Boston at |#4-S7 D R . S W A N S C. S. Navy, and Carleton Sherman, a student It was a hard job, has been well done and the pruned, so that the sun can reach and ripen per m. We sell Groceries, best in the Institute of Technology, Boston, are people from Union, Hope, Washington, the fruit VI-TAL-I ZED keeping bachelor hall in J. IL Sherman’s re­ grades Flour, Provis­ Appleton, etc., who travel thereupon, have The above the Gardener has proved by NERVE ’ BLOOD TOHIC sidence, Union street. uttered many a word of thanks for Road actual experiments. Plants put into the ions, Canned Goods, Mrs. Sarah Hosmer entertained a number Commissioner Merriam and his chief architect ground the middle of May did not ripen as of lady friends at her home on Mechanic Moats, Vegetables, etc. DR SW N'5 VITALIZED NERVE AND at West Rockport, Deacon Kellar. early as plants of the same age which were BL°-°D T SNIC IS THE BEST REMEDY TS street, Tuesday afternoon. It is needless to Ihe Phila May concert of last week was put into the open ground in June, and plants All our goods are fresh DURE ALL DISEASES 9f THE NERV9US say the ladies had a very enjoyable time----- line----- z\ll the plant of the Rockport News that were pruned had ripe tomatoes a week and we sell as low c SYSTEM. IT C’ NIfllNS ALL THE ELEMENTS Rev. and Mrs. S IL Beale were interested at has been removed from Carleton Block----- and a half before plants of the same age, set NECESSARY TS GIVE NEW LIFE AND RICH - tendents at the commencement exercises of Repairs and changes are being made at the out at the same time, which were not pruned. anyone in the city. NESI T° THE ElL’-SD A BANK CHECH WITH the East Maine Seminary, Bucksport, last The /Amateur Gardener never stakes a EVERY B?T1LE.WHICH rs u CAN CASH IF THIS residence of Capt. E. T. Amsbury----- San­ MEDICINE Di>iS 09 T COKE:. week----- The J. B. excursion from Vinalhaven ford Barton has commenced manufacturing tomato plant to support it, believing that the Is the Result of to this town, Tuesday evening was an enjoy­ p R1C r i c e lime casks in the Hansen building, near the heat of the ground helps ripen the fruit. A. J. Vfe Will Save You Money. able occasion and was participated in by a steam mill. Erskine of this city, who is a very successful goodly number. A dance was given in the tomato raiser, places brush on the ground DISORDERED Opera House. Music was furnished by the Miss May Levensaler, who has been spend­ under the plants, which prevents the fruit ing the winter in Providence, R. I., relumed STOMACH, H a l l ’s Big 4. from resting on the ground, a source of temp, home Tuesday------Mrs. .A. E. McCobb re­ atiun to the slug. Rev. F. M. Preble and wife have returned turned home Tuesday from Dorchester, Mass., BLUR BEFORE T o w n from their vacation. Mr. Preble delivered where she has been visiting------Arthur Beal the High School baccalaureate sermon, Sun­ is home from Boston for a few neeks----- There are as many ideas about the best T H E E Y E S , day morning, to a congregation that tilled the Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Eells returned Wednes­ way of raising late cabbages as there are M a r k e t , church. It was an eloquent and scholarly day from Lynn, Mass.------E B. Thorndike of varieties of this favorite vegetable. A. P. DIZZINESS, production, replete with good, wholesome the News left Thursday for Canton, Mass. Starrett, a successful AVarren farmer, puts the 109 Park St., Kocklaud suggestions and truths. seed in hills about the middle of May. When West Rockport.—Square Maxcey has A meeting of the members of the Home the plants come up he thins out the hills, OVER-EATING, built a nice milk room------A. Oxton is in leaving the best plant, and he finds that in for Aged Women will be held Thursday after­ very poor health. He is an old’war veteran. noon, June 13, at 2 o’clock, for the purpose this way the cabbage ripens in about the SOUR STOMACH, of hearing the reports of committees, electing West ROCKPORT.— Bert Ingraham, engi­ right time Charles M. Tibbetts of this city neer of the cold storage, Rockland, is at home, officers and transacting other business. A urges in favor of raising the plants in be-Is CONSTIPATION, We Sell Cheap as Anybody midsummer l air will be given on which having closed the business for the present. and then transplanting this—when you There are quite a number in this place who out a handsome plant in ground that has occasion will be presented the opera, “ The LIVER COMPLAINT, " Little Tycoon.” are not through with their planting and been carefully prepared, the farmer has WOOD sowing, but this week probably will see it ---- The Junior exhibition ot the C. H. S. class good start of the weeds, whereas in the completed. An item in I he C.-G. recently method suggested by Mr. Starrett the we. «ls N E R V O U S T h e of ’96 will be given Monday evening June 17. gave the name of W. S. Irish as engineer of and plants come up together and its F a r m e r s , The program was published in these columns the Cold Storage Co. It should have been 1 tinuous struggle for tne survival f the title DEBILITY, a few weeks ago. The young people have E. K. Ingraham----- Dea. D. M. Keller bears L a b o r e r s , made special preparations for the occasion Then, too, it has been the experience of t DR.SW AN’Sl Fdk.swan’s the palm for making good roads, as witness Amateur Gardener that the m »re times you PRICKLY FEELING T e a m s t e r s , and every person interested in our schools the road from Ingraham’s Corner to Mirror I transplant a beet, cabbage, tomato or turnip, Can find no better shoe than the K in d I LAX-JIVE should attend. OF HANDS OR FEET. a n d TEA-PILLS Lake. Mr. Merriam gave instructions and ; the better the fruit. He has never trier! this W. V. Lane took a series of photos of Den­ the deacon followed them. I with cabbages, but in thinning out beets he B r e a d W in i | ARE CUARfiNTEEOIO f I SYRUP OPFIVEfRUin ver and Dynamite, two clever members I transplanted some of the plants taken out of It is strong*, reliable, honest, and nr , form of.- 1 of the Bristol horse family. Mr. Lane, Fri­ WANT STEAM ROAD. expressly to give ALL ()()K ' the original bed, and verily, the second row z/ Sure Relief fo r EKS the Bost Service for the Loan, I HEADACHE ond torel* | CONSTIPATION and d ia l- day, took some fine pictures of six pug dog was better than the first. Made for Men and Boys, from soft, pi |hEURAlClA.RHEuriAII5M.| t divordrn.PAVy fs puppies which are just as cute as can be. Dyspepsia by using in two s ty le s ,------* - ’ Camden Getting up Steam For I As to varieties of cabbages the Low Dutch, with and withe I and Kindred dneavev I lake in ih action.: The pups are owned by D. A. Friend. • Fottler’s Improved Brunswick, Stonemason COAL! standard remedy - I With Grand Trunk. J A AMOS P. TAPLE1 B u r n s pBfcNEFICIAL''' | Drumhead, /All Seasons and Sutehead are |iuth av phyiiiu Extensive repairs are being made on the Little Railroad Liver Pills. B O S T O N , M /l Camden mills. It is a gratifying fact that the : good. Camden business men have not yet given Ws sell one quality |THt5LTuhtt STANDARD RCMClutl PUffAHtOMT mills in this town have plenty of work and Eve • Box W a iu u n t b d . up the idea of railroad connection with the I Striped bugs arrived in swarms last week, F . A . PetJ h ’SCATES MEDICAL C? v' em3;FnT* by their presence the town has been richly SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. T H E B E S T ! benefited. All through the business stagnation Grand Trunk via Augusta to Lewiston. The | and early squashes suffered in consequence. NO GRIPING. Agent, Rankin Block, Rockland. of the past year the Camden mills were kept road would cost a large sum to be sure | A judicious application of slug shot will has­ Orders left nt Hurricane Granite Co.’s Olllce. running on full time, which in itself is very (estimated from #500,000 to #800,000) but ten the departure of these unwelcome guests. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Camden is ready to subscribe its limit uf live TELEPHONE COHNECTK1 > complimentary to the managers------Hon. It will also speed their departure from cucum­ Manufactured by the Reuel Robinson has been engaged to deliver per cent if necessary. AVhat the other towns ber plants, hut should be used very sparingly Huilruud Medicine Co., Burnham, Me. the Fourth of July oration in Palmyra this on the proposed line would give is not known, on these latter. year. but very little is expected from them. Augusta Choice Groceries people are awake to the possible advantages Potato hugs are plenty, and rather earlier Lake City Inn, the popular summer resort than usual. The first arrivals do but little AND to be derived from being on the line of a rail- which nestles at the foot of Camden mountains toad from Lewiston to Camden. to the plants, but the hordes that KEEP Miss Della Stevens, of Boston, Mass., and where the grassy lawn is lapped by the Hon. I*. O. Vickery of Augusta is one of come after ate dangerous. The potato hug is rites: i have always suffered from placid waters of Lake Megunticook, will be the most substantial friends of the movement a robber and should be shown no mercy. Ship Chandlery reditary Scrofula, for which I tried formally opened for the season this evening TALK IN M I N I ) ^ ^ - ..trious remedies, and many reliable and he stands ready to invest several thousand - / physicians, but none relieved me After Dinner will be served at 7 o’clock which will dollars, and with a few more men just like be followed by dancing to music by the Cam­ The modern method of raising onions is to ABOUT - i 1 iking G butties of him the road would materialize. Augusta as a start the plants in boxes, like tomatoes, and Atthe Lowest Prices now well. 1 den Theatre Orchestra. About 300 invita­ city is unable to render any assistance as she P R IC E S ! xJIarn very grateful tions have been issued and the indications set them out when the ground is in condition ’to you, as I feel ha> already reached her limit. to receive them. The results are said to fully promise a delightful time. The Inn, this sea­ READ that it saved I he Camden merchants are waiting to hear repay all the trouble. from a life of untold agony, nnd shall son, is under the managemeut of Joseph IL from the Augusta end and would like some THESE NEW TAILOR SHOP lake pleasure in speaking only words Gould, who is a capital entertainer. Mr. 'O' Peter Kennedy & Co., of praise for the wonderful medicine, kind of a proposition. The railroad may OVER. and in recommending It to all. Gould informs us that there is a big demand come around all right after all. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TILLSON W HARF. for rooms and the outlook is more than promising. 6)c MuluSsi n, f i 'i l S T he Courier-Gazette goes regularly into The complete list of officers and committees 20 lbs. Rice, d. VV. Fernald & Co. s . C u r e d “Grandma’s Album,” the unique entertain­ Lard, more families in Knox County than any other of the Camden C. E. Society, which so royally Pork, ment to be given this evening in the Congre­ paper published. entertained the recent Convention, is as fol­ 10 lb«. Cottolene, SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY,|g; gational vestry, will be an enjoyable event and lows ; lu lbs. Kalrhankri pull l.urd, undoubtedly a large audience will be present 8pice«, pur lb, CUSTOM CLOThJCS. ATLANTA. OA. A Pretty Face President, Miss Ella A. Adams; Vice . i to enjoy Grandma’s quaint descriptions of her Presidents, Miss Anne M. Kitt edge, Miss T eat. FRED R. SPEAR family, also to listen to the stories in connec­ is the result of a healthy physical condition. NEW GOODS. PRICES “ Beauty is but skin deep” yet it greatly Emma C. Dempster, Miss Lottie Andrews; 60c Teuu, tion wi.h the dollar pledges. Secretray, Miss Irene AV Heal; Cor. Sec. 60c Has Reduced the Price of depends on a clear complexion, free from i Orloff Tei W . L . D o u g l a s There is no town in the county, or out of it and Trcas., Granville A Poole. 4#** We would he glad to huve you call wrinkles and hollow cheeks. und examine our goods before hujlng for that matter, that can show a greater num­ Health always brings wealth of beauty. A Lookout Committee.—Miss Florence i; JLoweat Prices in Flour in the Market. <5*35 C U f t B l laTHEBEST. Knowlton, Miss Hattie E. Annis, Miss elnuwhure. S W B « FIT FOR AKIN3. ber or more beautiful lawns than Camden. healthy state of the system comes with Doctor Nonpurlel, per hbl, 01 Our people take special pride in caring for Tierce’s Favorite Prescription. It s a medi­ Patience A. Fernald, Mr. Edwin B. Coomb* dtund-ird, fa.7i $S. CORDOVAN, Knight, Miss Sarah Glover, Miss Annie L. Every barrel wurranted. Q . VV. F e r n a l d <& C o ., FRENCH AXNAHtlLCD CALF. their lawns nnd they are indeed things of cine prepared for woman’s ailments—it cures beauty. th >se derangements and weaknesses which McIver, Miss Grace I lopkins,Harold C. Arey, Good Chew or Smoke. 423 Alain St.. 4.*3SP Fine Calf&KANGARoa Miss Fannie L. Adams. The last meeting of the season of the Sui­ make woman’s life miserable. Evett Change It. & L., per lba, .2- O v er Crockett & L ovejoy’s Egg and Broken, $5.00 $3 .6 ? POLICE, 3 SOLES. Prayer-meeting—Dr. AV. F. Hart, Mr. B. & L., ters Monument Association was held A woman who neglects to take proper ex­ Jolly Juck, .21 <,50»2.WORKINGME,A ercise is particularly prone to excessive con­ i Henry L. Evans, Miss Edith B. Knight, Miss Stove and Nut, 5 50 -EXTRA FINE* *5* Wednesday evening. A picnic supper was Emina S. Alden, Miss Ellie AA’ardwell, Miss I enjoyed by the members present. This asso- gestion, debility and a sluggish circulation. B E S T ’fhe only duuler lu tbu city who has ut thu «2.$l.7-5BQYSSCHOOLSnOES. ; Alice C. Drake, Mrs. Maggie S. Conant. present lime the . . . . . I cialion has been in existence smne-tive years This is the time we advise the “ Prescription.” , L I N E In all derangements and displacements of the I Si NDAY’SCHOOL.—Mts. V. D. Richards, J and has for an object the erection of a suitable Mrs. M. Blanch Rich, Mrs. Blanch M. Crane, MEATS * monument to commemorate the deeds of special organs which result in “signs of in- Genuine: Franklin : Red : As h I Union soldiers. The sum needed is £1500, llaiDinatpm,” in catarrhal discharges from the Miss Mary E. Upham, Mr. Granville A Poole. pro visio ns Y O R K S A F E K A r SEND FOR CATALOGUE lining membranes, and in distressing irregu- Calling—Miss Lottie Andrews, Miss Car­ VZ-L'DaUGLAa- and the association has raised by entertain- rie L. Brastow, Miss Edith B. Knight, Mr BROCK TON. M AS 5. , m e n ls, suppers aud in other ways the sum of laiities—this medicine effects perfect and per­ IN Over Ono Million People weur th. manent cures. lohn McNamara, Miss Grace Hopkins, Mrs. Burning Wblu j 56oo. A number of private citizens have C -A. AVilson, Miss Louise G. Crane. THE Ash, Lehigh Ukfg und Broken I promised to contribute* and it will nut be long The Best in the World, + W hite Anil, Fruukiiu m ove Rod W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes M usic.—Alias Fanny L. Adams, Mrs. Car­ CITY. Ash (ihe only genuine), George* I All our shots are equally satis:; I before the monument is erected, 'fhe associa- rie L. Barstow. i sion has in view two sites, the square in front Don t Tobacco Spit or Smoko Your Life Away Aiwa s Reliable Creek Cumberland Coul, un­ They give the best value for tl .. . is the truthful, startling title of a book about equalled lor uiuilhlng and utvam 1 of Bay View Hotel, and the other souare at LIST OF LETTERS purposes. ; the junction of Main, Mountain and High No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco Sure Protection from Fire. I streets in front of the residence of B. F. habit cure that braces up mcotinized nerves, I Ah»o A FULL STOCK OF . • . eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak 1 Remaining in Rockland 1*. O. for the week, M. Frank Donohue, CITY MARKET Wood, Huy, ritruw, Lltne, Hair, I Adams. Both sites are very desirably located, CORNER PARK A NJ) UNION STS EPH. PERRY, Agt., Brick, Sund, Drain Pipe, Rosen­ j f h e membership is about 60 aud the officers men gain strength, vigor and manhood. A’ou ' e n d in g June i, 1895. Telvphoue <6-3. Rockland, Maine. dale und Portlund Cement. ta re : I’resiuent, C. D. Thomas; Vice P re si­ ruu no physical or financial risk, as No-To- 1 Ueuia* Lint. Williame, Wllha F. A. PETERSON,! Bac is sold by druggists everywhere uuder a A. E. W hv.I.'.J •. d e n t, J. I). Knowlton; f inancial Secretary, Broeler, John E. Ludlva* Liat. A tlantic Shoe Store, , Mrs. D. S. Wadsworth; Treasurer, W. V. guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book , « AAOi * wt ns aaaa Aoaxua a Fire Clay Chimney Pipe and Tops free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New , Coiueaq, Benuiu A llen, Bvlie C. (•WWW • C* V W WWW WW W WWW V WWW • WWW w This nfpe is mude from Pure Fire Clay ex | Lane. The next meeting will be held in Sep­ Coudou, EruvHt 11. Bradford. MlssRosk E.8 Rankin Block, - ROCKLAND A'ork or Chicago. Fowler, Char I vs 6. Berry. Mrs. 11. B ptesslv for chimneys, und is tho aafent und C« S. STAPLES, - North Haven | tember. most durable of uny Chimney Pipe lu the Lev, Al. II. Bennett, Mrs. Gvorgiu Charles Rose of the lirrn of Rose Bros. ha.-» L vnfvsl.J. I.. Foye, Mrs K . market. Il Is easily put up by uny Inteili MvLi lian Geo B. gent person. on exhibition in the store a tine collection of For Over Fifty Years Palm er, Mr, E ds Maine minerals. Millei, Jum ea II- l.s Annie K. WEAK MEN MADE VIGOROUS. Mas. W in s l o w ’s S o u t h in g B y h u p hag been P. lrve, AV. W. Porter, Mrs. A M . pKKSONAL.-rAndrew Scott returned from ased for over fifty year* by million* of Robiuaou, John Rivers, Mi»« Nellie Family Safeguard Kerosene Oil i visit iu Worcester, Mass.----- Miss Emily Burd mother* for their clnldreu while leethiug Raymond, Ueo. U. StCluir, Mis. Eva with perfect *ucce**. It soothe* the child, Smalley, E M rtewna, Mrs. Etlu At Wholesale <<-A«k your grocer for visiting friends in Haverhill, Mass.----- H. I). Siew up, John A. W inslow , Mrs Melfa it. Orders received by telephone. Thurston called to Bangor, Tuesday to attend *often* the gum*, allay* all pain, cure* BtockweB, '1 homaa funeral of relative----- Mr. and Airs. F. M. wind colic, aud i* the beat remedy for . . W O O D ! . . Benlin of Bangor arc visiting in town------Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little i6'"D«Y. 27“ aw. * offerer immediately. Sold by Druggist* In WASHINGTON. J huve un Extra Good Trade tu Wood Aok Miss Nellie M. Fuller of Waltham is guest of every part of the world. Twenty-rive cent* * boat it. What PEFFER’S NERVIGOR Did! Mrs. George Burd----- Mrs. Horatio Glover a bottle. Be sure aud a*k for “ Mr*. Wiu- No. Washington.—Ernest June* ha» It nets powerfully und quietly. Cures when all of Brooklyn, N. Y. is guest of Mrs. George low’tt Soothing Syrup. bought the Alley farm at So. Liberty of Chas. Other* fufl. Young men regain lost manhoodt old FRED R. SPEAR. moo recover youthful vigor. A bn.luh ly ( iiiu r - Glover, Mountain street----- Mrs. C. A. Unncll Alley of Rockport----- Miss Mertie Jones went has a more welcome sound if you know the food is cooked KO- 6 PA UK ST., HOCKLAND, ME. n ilttd to ('11 _ ue»«, l.o»l % llullly with COTTOLENE. You are sure to enjoy it, and it is sure i S.,* Ightly Euilaeloua, l.oet P u u t r, and sou Alton are visiting in Boston------Mr. to Cooper’s Mills Friday where she has em­ 'ulllug Ueiuory, WuUlng lllo- aud Mrs. Leonard Berry of Vinalhaven have ployment----- Mrs. Spencer 'furner is quite ill not to cause you any distress as it would if cooked with lard. c u .v . , «>«• <>•> cfecti >'/ n lf abute r tjxittei uiul moved here aud arc domiciled on Megunti­ luJucrMlo*. Wards off Ineunity und consumption. ----- Miss Mabel Nash has returned to Augusta Begin the mse of COTTOLENE at once. But be sure aud > STEEL ROOFING Ifoo’t let druggist impose a vorthlexa uut-elltuto ou cook street----- Miss Emma K n o w lto n has When Baby wa* *lck, we gave her C&storift, ----- Miss Blanche Cunningham went to you I'UcauB'j Ft. u g reater niotlt. Inuiutou huv get the gekuiue. Sold everywhere in one, three aud five ; nig P E E F E K k AEUVIGOll, or tend tor it. returned from a two mouth's visit in Boston When *he wu* a Chgd, *hu cried for C^istorl^ Augusta recently, where she has employment and S ID IN G . Cuu_ 1'EEFho curried_ _ iu, »t p< ekoU Prepaid pluln wr^p------Mrs. Fred Farnsworth and daughter have iu the hospital----- Stillman Hibbert is mak­ pound tins with trade mark—steer's head in cotton-plant (Mugeudorpb’* Putcui.) - Wl — per box------« fo r MS, w ith A Pout Uvo When she become Ml**, *he clung to Ca*tod^ tt rrltteo buum ulce to Cure or Iftfuud (he returned from l»ug visit in Bostou and vicinity ing repaiis on hi* building*. Peter Lenfesl wreath—on every tin. M o u v y . Pum phlet f 1 ve. Sold by

went to Boston last week on business con­ dumping them both into the sea. J. E. Car­ S h a v e y o u r l S o a p ” nected with the rebuilding of the Methodist lin qv’ckly secured a boat, rowed to the par­ Church. Work n ill commence in earnest on ties, dragged ’hem aboard and landed them —so the soap makers say, es- the arrival of the lumber which is due here. safely on shore. The fellow never ’harked WEEKLY W O R T TETTER ecially if you’re washing delicate Mrs. Washington French jhas relumed to ------Mr. Carl’n for rescuing them. her home here-----There was a double wed­ The Ladies’ Circle of Ur:on church w:’’ Now, in the name of ding at Rev. C. A. Plumei’s,Wednesday evem grjS| of News From Our meet on Inursday r'cernoon. Supper set zed common sense, what's the Local Happenings of More or less ing. Benj. Young and Mrs. Stephen Hanley Cor- at s'x o’clock. Delightful Reading InShoH, Crisp, made one of the couples. respondent s Blunt Pencil. Mrs. Bullock of Elmira, N. Y. was the use ? When you can get Interest and Importance. A “ Hard Times Soshul” was held in the guest of M r Wm. E. Gasl ;n during her visit Personal Paragraphs. Pearline, in powder form Cong’l vestiy, Wednesday evening, and a in tov n. for this very reason, why party of 75 or 80 attended. The young ladies Mrs. Helen L. Bv”ock gave a lecture in dressed in calico and some of the young Narrow Esrapos From Drowning—Knai* Ur on Cnurch Sunday evening to a large and Fnn Mnking Minstrels Hive An Enter* do you want to work over Poverty Social at ConaregatioHnl Vestry gentlemen in real tramp garb. Austin Ru? interested audience. Her subject was from sell’s costume was considered the most ar- Stic. nrss Improving—Horribles of Fourth ’ Darkness to Dav 1” and she showed very tninment In Honor or Pastor's Birth­ soap, which, if it’s good far —As to Tree Worms—Hand Conceit It consisted of an old ca’;co frock coat, stove­ —Hotel For Snuuner Needed—Big effec vely ’he e\ ils of the liquor trahe and the day—Firemen Will Ilelprn From very hard and difficult to c»rt. in Square—hardener Who Kalsei pipe hat, glasses, etc. George II. Gardner, in injurious eftects of trking alcohol in the Besides, Pearline is vastly better than any b’s evei/day working costume, was enf-tl-d to Fish C aught by An Old M an—Mice sysJem. At the close of ’he address she Leirlston Willi I'rlz- —Personalities Many Plants—Personal Point# about second prize. A blue shirt and red tie were powdered soap could be. It has all the good properties of Point For Bicyclists. organized a W. C. T. U. of 58 members, 4 j and Facial Chat. People Well Known In Town. the principal features. of whom were lad’es and 14 gentlemen as any soap— and many more, too. There's something in it George W. Tillson, a Thomaston boy who honorary members. We hope good results has been in Omaha, Neb., for a number of from this orgar’za on of consecrated woman that does the work easily, but without harm— much more years, is now located in Brooklyn, N. Y., in Vinalhaven is swarming reporters. v 'll follow in our island town. 3 ne officers of Mrs. Maria A. Packard, who has been easily than any other way yet known. Yacht Ida took a party to Townsend Har­ charge of the paving department. He has Tnere are s;x here now-----The first ripe the ur’on are President; Mrs. M a.gfet Libby; spending the winter in Dorchester, Mass., bor, Friday. been there s:nce April 1. He hopes to visit st.awberLes were picked June 5 by John Vite Pre».dent, Mrs. Luella Littlefield; retv ned home Thursd-y----- Joshua Tibbetts Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you, Thomaston residents in Fort Payne, A’a , Thomaston, this season, but is kept very Caddy------We notice that some of the stores Church Vice President,Mrs.Fausttna H.Noyts; ‘‘ this is as good a s” or " th e same as Rearline.” I T ’S Cor. Sedetaiy, Miss Minnie W ritten; Re- wr< in Faimington last week------Mrs. George have been eating smoked aleu^ves lately, sent busy at present. on Main street have padlecks on the doors Lane has been visi ng in Scarboro----- Miss B ew are FALSE—Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends * * * JAMES PYL£ New York. South by thoughtful friends. They write home Among Gardner’s new soda flavors this ------Peter M clnr:s, 14 yeais old. left for corr” r# Secreta./, Miss Susie C. Kelley; A. P. Babb is Csiting f/ends in Portland----- you an imitation, be honest—jzW »7 MzL Treasurer, Mrs. L;”ian Libbey. Other officers that it was a luxury. year are cycla-phate, coca-cola and red Portland Saturday, under charge of W. C. Mis. George Lane accompanied her hus- banana. Rich of that place, to have his eyes treated, are to be eL ted later. T .te first meetir 3 is T. S. Vose, he that raises plants, is market­ to be held in ’he church parlor ne\i Satur­ br td * 1 Boston in the schooner Leona----- ing some nJce asparagus. He has raised this Said W. L, C athnd: "S. W. Masters is James Hall brought on a fine looking horse, Dr. Piper wi’h I 's yacht has made several day rfternoon at 1.30 o’clock Mrs. Bullock trips across the bay. ye ir some 40,000 cabbage plants and 2,000 g.ading the pren ses in ’b** rear of the hotel Sa’urdav------Frank E. Wharf is home from gave a bright and helpful tp”: to the members Have Your Picture Took. tomato plants. Mr. Vose has on his stable a Tl ;s is quit** an item for any one who he- Boston------Two of our young sports bad a of the Sunday school. Horent Wb’tmore, teacher of East Side windmill that attracts great attention. It con­ ever been out there!” narrow escape from b^ng drowned wk.’e Intetmediate school, was called home to crossing Carver’s pond last week. The boat Lyford Pierce took h:s first degree in W. 14 sists of tunnels on a circle, which moves on The joiners, painters and wash-women have North Haven, Saturday, by the sickness of The days of the old fashioned Wo keep un with the I'tuea ball bearings. It runs sl’ck. upset and they were rescued by unknown Saturday night. been at work in the George I. Robirson drug­ his sister------Misses Hazel and Elsie Lane Dntync arc a fbbig of the past and use no’h'ng hut he very Sanford Delano has at his store the body of store, and have brightened up things amp r- par' es ?f’ r being in the water one-half hor •. 1 nere is a great opening for capi’- ’ist in are visi’ing their grandparents in Scarboro. the I y-carriage in which his father hauler! Vinalhaven to bu hl a hotel on by the Lane’s and lucre lu»a been wondeiful best materials—ins- i m c .i t s , ingly. Tne shelf cornice has been raised, Two of our cyclists came together near B. At the birthday social given at the Opera strides made in Photography paper, etc. Not'r-ig cheap him to school. It was bought in Boston in G. Co. office, Inursday, demolishing ’heir Island House on purpose for si mnier people. glass doors put ir the prescription case is in House, Ftiday evening, ’he fo”ov ng pro­ i” i»;l now the Pno* >graph& about luivihing iu our shop as 1832. Mr. Delano has recently fixed over his the bands of Andrew McFarland, being re­ whccE Each one earned the right of w’ay. Several years ago there were over 100 people who • sited the Island through ’he sv nmer gram was presented by the Sun Flower ir'n- taken by us are perfect. . . a visit will prove. . trciycle, which is now propelled by a hand built. The pre .ident of th?. club has notified head- strels; “I’se Gwine Back to D ’, :e,” min­ lever. quf ters f id no doubt some one w ’’1 be sent to months when they could get accommodate ' strels; selection by orchestra; song, “Do You Mrs. W. E. Mason and c l ’ldren from Now there ate no accon- noda ons what ever Rev. C. II. I’ope, pastor of the Corjrega- Orange, Mass., are at Mrs. E. A Robinson’s, the island to teach the young men how to I.ove Me”, Cinda Jackson; se’ec on by Quar­ t’onal Church in Kennebur ’ , and fo».nerly use their tiller. and no inducements f. r them to come here. tet; song “On the I evee by ’he River Side,” LANE, The Photographer. Gleason street, for the summer. W’e were shown a letter a few days ago from pastor of the Congregation?! Chnrch in Oscar Morton has been spending a few Glory Black; selection by orchestra; song, Thomaston, has had qu'te a It his choir, The La(’;es Missionary Societies connected a Pennsylvania gentleman inquiring if he w ith the Lincoln Baptist z\ssot ation are days at ’ ’ home in <’nmden----- L. P. Ber./ “ Enr 5scor»hy,” Miss Snowball; address, th is insulin# upon pla ng anc ng ng ? t cot’d secure ac-on-raoda ors for a pany of “ Dem Good Old T'mes,” Josephus Orange W’e p’wavs have a nice assort­ Our studio in Camden, oppo­ nold ng mee ngs in the Baptist Church today. and family left fur Camden Thursday. Mr. 20 people for the month of J' 'y. The ment of Si’des for von ’ • anthem w Fle he was g \.ng oui a hymn. Mr. Ben7 will open a ”iard hall in that place. Blossom; due’ ,“A1’ de Darbies Get ng Up” ; site the Opera House is open Pope has I s idea of wnat the music shou’d be S. E. Smith’s w.ndow gardens are marvels answer tHs gent’t.nan received was “ no.” selecion by Quartet; recitation, Linthe’’ look at; our frames arc tilled all tlic time and we are ready of beauty this year. They have just been Miss Carrie Graflam has returned home from Joseph Black has sold h*s trot’ ■» hor e to with fp’r samples of on'- work to take sittings at all times. and has no thought of being dictated to in Cnelsca. Mass., where she spent the w.nter. Ripley; song, “ Widow McCarthy” ; song, this branch of 'he church sen ice. He insisted received uom the Mather Grecneiy, Rock­ J. II. Hopk’ns. “Nancy WHte”. The remainder of the eve- and the subjects arc well worth We never have work returned. land, and are veiy pret.y. ’1 *vo of them are She wi’l remain home through the summer upon h s lights and the organist and choir months----- You can scarcely look out into our A horse ran through M r'n s^eet Inursday rlng was spent in socip’ chat and ’he par- looking at . . . . It is always eood. . “seve -d their connection.” done in tropical plants, and contr'n dracenac. st. kir 3 a j:7gcr on s' rboard bow, trkirg off t?' ;ng of refreshments. In e affair was under crotums, tuberous-rooted begor•>•», aspidistra, harbor but what can be seen vessels laden Birds have taken posses on of the elect c wood, cor hay, fish, etc. Bur:ness must the prime and leat ng some stand'ng . pgir 3 the management of Mrs. O. R. Shepherd and Camden Maine. rex begor as and ’ n '.nes. The others adi* No serious damage done. Miss Cart e B. Whipple. lights, and have b» ’t ne-h on the shelves ’ 1 are done in blight blossom;ng plants. be on the increase. The B. G. Co. started a the lights, and are hatching their your3. '1. '« crew of pavug cutters on their new wharf, Mrs. Helen I. Bv’lock of the Woman’s is an add’ on?’ reason why ’he tow » shov d Sanford Delano has erected a big bi” Monday. J. P. Armbrust loaded a vessel v th Chris an Temperance Union, gave a fine lec­ board north of his store, near the depot------not bare the lights removed paving for N. Y. last week. I M. Crockett FRIENDSHIP. ture, Inursday evening, at the Cong ega- A. W. McCurda. sta' on agent, is off du Railroad, Capt. S'ramons, carried a dates and about 1000 spectators er time. cips ng a trip ’o Lewiston to par cipate in A. F. Burton, the granite man, in add tion to The cnmrr ttee appointed by the ci zens of pany of 20 or more to Monhegan, Saturday. ’he centenrfal celebratior. E d « r d Brown, ex-custom house collector, other w’ork, is making a handsome sarcopha­ is to dpen a boot and shoe store in the b v ’d- the town last week to arrange the program A vet/ pleasing and instructive lectve was Rev. J. N. Johnson, Cyrus Richards and C. Are Yon a Bnildep? gus for the Studley and Prince lot, Warren. g ven in the Church, Friday ever’r?, int^fetcly used as a bake shop n^ar the Knox for fourth of J’ ’y celebration are a” weli C. Carey, attended last week ’he quarterly Reduction in Insurance Rates . OR . Oliver Watts of the Academy, Malone, N. qu-’ified for ih e ’work The committc.-* con­ in ’he intere. t o f’he W. C. T. U , by Mrs. co* "erence held in Appleton. Y., will arrive here early in July. School sists of J. IL Sanborn, chr rman; L. W. Helen B r’lock of Elrr 'ra, N. Y. A .er ’he From Five to Fifteen Percent. Are You Going to Build ? k Ship St. John, Capt. Harvey Fales, is char­ closes the last of June, hut before con 5ng east Smith , F. B. Yin?’ L. M. Treat, E. Ila ’’. T. lecture a Ur'on was org? •'•'zed \ th 18 m» n- Knox Coun / v ’1 be aflLeted as follows, tered for southern Ca’’rornia, ‘hence to Japan Mr. Watts v 11 take a ip among New York’s beiS, and five honorary members, v th the cfa-s B, Rod ’and; class C, Camden Thomas­ J. Lyons, Ed Libby, Arthur Tierce, Chas. Parties who contemplate building ------Miss Helen Hills of Massachusetts is lakes and mountains, for the purpose of get­ Reeves. Anyone wishing information re- fo’’ov ng officers: ident, Mrs. Susie B. ton, Ruckport; clrcs D, Vina’haven; ’he other nud wishing to save nnddlemeii’s visiting her mother, Mrs. E. H*’ls, High street ting \ ews w tb his camera. A recent issue g-.r bng the celebration can obtain it from Itiompson; C a respond'r 3 t* cretaty, Mss to. is n m e ’• ider class F Towns With Hi id Water Sys -bis and ------Mrs. Brown came Saturday noon to of ’he Scien he Ame.Ban, Supplement, con­ O’:ve Geyer; Recor ’"r 3 secre‘oty, Mrs. HHen Tre manrgement of the Frankie Carpentti p^otits should buy direct from the uny member of the comn-’tte From wH t Well Organlz I Fire I.'jpp-i j.ents spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. fined ar. nLile article from the pen of Mr. wc have learned there > ” be a racing good Poland; Treasurer, Mrs. Carrie Geyer. Company holds it as a of p iide,’hat .m a n u fa c tu re rs. *\Ye are M an u fac­ ‘’’e perfotraances g ven by ’his company are James Henderson------W. H. Andrews and Watts on the subject of “Glaciers.” lime. There v ”. be 1 ime’hing new from Cr ’dren’s Day was observed here June 9 at Will be Specially Favored —The turers as wel 1 as Dealers and can family of Chicago arrived Sunday morning absolutel) pr-e in tone and sen raent, assur- huild or furnish the material for a what ha3 taken place at former celebrations. ’he M. E. Cuvch. Thechu ch w-~ be/u..- Change Has Long Been Expected— ------Mrs. (David Hodg.nan went to Wool­ Severa’ large prices v 11 be offered on the fan- ir 3 to our patrons ’hat noth ^g is tolerated building cheaper than any other WARREN. f’ ’’y decorated v th plants, cut flowc.a that wi” offend wich Friday to a .sit her parents. tas cs, boat racii , and bicycle races. The and evergreers. In ’he morning Rev. Mr. How We W ill Fin }. firm in Knox Co. We keep a full La "es and children w.thout escort can Tne people should attend the town meet­ Vina’baven band v 11 give concerts ever/ Merrphew gave a short addre-s to *hec> ldren line o f L ong and S h o rt L u m ber, f'waj.. feel that ’hey may attend the.e enter- ing Friday evening next, and vote to rejiodel A large aud:ence ga bered at the side of the hour. wl !ch Was ve.. interest'r3. In the eve* ng a D o ors, S a sh , Outside and Inside i.ver Sun/ay to \ ie s a Lap» sm ser* ce * -rnents, and find courteous attendants, and the Grammar School building. It v. II g»ve us Captain Barbour Turner brought in next to r 'ce concert was g ven by the cb’ldren of ’ho B u n d s , C y pr ess. A s h , W u it b - one of the best school buildings in this vicinky conducted by Rev. H. E. Thayer of the Bap­ an cnterta'nment ca’cvlated to please and ♦be’ rgest c o d ’bat has been caught in our Sunday school. amu:2 v thout any demor.a,:zing influences. th e New England insurance excharne was w o od an d H a rd P in e S h ea t h in g , and wi’l save putting repairs on two old tist church. Tnere were several candhlate in session for some pm? tjjiturdav. in boston. ------Rev. J. L. DeMott v .1’ deliver a.i address waters lor years. It weighed before being Miss Brewster, p-’tor of the Advent Chi ch, I fac» -’one has done mur$ ty « ve *hi$ ; ; ' k '7 H a rd P in e and H ard W ood school houses, that are neither useful nor orna­ dressed 106 pounds. Capt. Turner is a man mental. to the Masor’c fraterr’ty of this place and ah held sen.c. on Monhegan, Sunday, June 9. excellent company a Ia;fce altendance on ’.he I reF?H l° U F l o o r in g s, M oulding s and H ouse sojouvr 'ng Mr«ons on Sunday, June 23, at i sing 80 years of age. New England circu;‘ where it is we’’ known by ” ’the ” committee “ on ...... the state of Maine. F in is h of all kinds. Scieen Doors All the schemas close this week, except the \V. F. Coombs and bride arrived home 1 In e report embod’es a system for com­ rid Window Se r ms. Fine Stair ■ High and M i^Jraw ford’s, wheie a week was 7 ;jo o’clock p. rn. O’her l o d y ; are inv‘ -d, ’ban any o-'ier one cau„e. It a cer lied Lincoln Friday. Mr. Coombs’ many friends pletely reorganizing the system on which in­ Work a Specially. Wood Mantels ount of sickness of the teacher. member of the Eastern Star------Thus. APPLETON- .act that hundreds of people in the va. ous Waf er's w.ate* tank is up and the w .nd-rai11 c ’ngiati ’ated ’ m Saturday r 'ght at his store tov is and ci es attend the performance, of surance rates are made throughout the whole ami Sideboards in stock or made [ad boy, who moved to South Thom is about ready to pump the water from the by smot ’ng a good cigar. hrark'e and her clever company ’hat ncrer of this state, and calls for a reduction in vary­ from architects’ designs. Corres­ It in some of his e\ ’ work < re last E'i Spi; rae is b rld 'rq ?n addition to ’ s ing amoun’s for most of the property of every pond------Mr. \\ ’’.er p-ul w'fe are rus atiry '1 re funer?’ of DaCs, son of Mr. and Mrs. go to the theatre at ary other 'h ie. pondence invited and informal ion . a resv’t of wi ch he received a wel’ up in ’ve northern part of the stat A. P. Green, took place at ’he’- residence barn----- G. II. Page H s p- ited ’ s bv'’d:ngs city and town in the state. This reduction I punishment from the husband of the ------Baseb"” game Sa.jrdav be».veen . »o GpEN Cov,..—Dr. P. F Luce is ha' r ’ the grows out of an agreement made with the chcerfullv given. Telephone con­ P ro ott’s Great Eastern Show will t .hibit Wednesday afiernoon at 1.30 p. m. Rev. t.ounds around the Bay View Retreat, graded nection. insulted. \V. H. ’ ttlr'ield conducted the ser locr’l r'nes. N» ;t Saturday the home team people of Maine in consideration of »he Maine under a b’> tent near the base ba v ’’ p’-'y v. th ’he S rsmontr and o-'ie.wise put in o r d .------’lue K j ’s leg.slature repealing certain laws obnoxious s a public ca riagc---- Some grounds oii Wednesday next at two and seven Deceased was 14 years old and many friends Da* ^liters v ’’ meet Mrs.George Store/, Fnow take passengers from •' e and rel itives mourn E:s death. The flor**" The Advent Quarterly Meetirg was held in to the insurance companies. o’clo k. It is a first-cl*"s show, the t Thursday a .ernoon------John M. Mei, T The plan classifies the cities and towns of M.K. ST.CLAIR CO. barren, St. Geo*ge and up town. peze and tv nb':r » bet •*» • xcept’una’ly fine. ofie.irgs w. e mr.ny, contLbuted b y ’ ’s school No. Appleton, coirmenrirg Inursday and out of doors fur F'e first t'mc, Satu-day, s* ice ' Daniel I’. Rose has taken possession of hh closir 2 Sunday. There was a hap rra in the M?:ne into live i’;visions, based on fi e pro­ School District No. ?a, ha' ng an sur plus of 111a es and ; iends. Tne rem r'is were interred >■' retun home-----Capt. W. R II.-'I, of Office and Factory Bay View St., office at the Custom House, and looks as in Carver’s cemetery. r lernoon tection and to be known ?s classes A, B, C, .jnds. has ”ed a leg ’ mee irg to see if the Glen Cive, | ''oted a large Bri -h ste-r n ship D and E. Camden, Maine. much at home as though he had rctr ned The grand excursion to Camden by the H en./C rrara r > H s torn down bis barn up ’ le Penohsco to Bai jor, *nt week. She through a’l administration'’. diii.ict w ” vote to bestow it upon Wm. Pay Class A < ties are those with approved •n Post in order that tney rr- y erect a flag J. P.s was a grand success. The dance in the and v ’’ rebu ’d before hay’ng. v -s to load v. h .pool wood for a Bri*'sh water supply, lire alaun system and paid tire Elmer Woodcock has commenced work in staff at the school-house. Opera House waswe’l attended by the town’s West Appleton.—Frank Moody ard port. department. In these towns the committee his shop in the Wm. Cole building------Mill people r ’so by a nv nber from Roc' Have you a house of your own Work ha3 begun on the ball grounds. 'i Ham’ n We) .nou'h were the w itners in ’he Wesi Rock’iv m .—James Walden had suggest a reduction from present rates of 15 . IF NOT . K'ver s two blacksmiths, one wheelwright, The steamer Gov. BodweU returned Wednes­ contest at C. P Barrett’s store-----Miss Grace horse I :'led by I'ghtning last re e k ----- Peris percent. three stores, two stables, one grist mill, and Rev. A. G. Petten^ ’’ and Rev. E’ ner New day morr ng at 6.30 a m with ra’ber a sleepy We) mouth ar. ved home Thuuday from bert came from Bangor on their bicycles one P chards from Searsmont has moved into the Class B towns are those with fire a'arm We can sell-an Outfit for one as soon ar they get a bank and ’he postoffice ’ool :rg crow Franl ’:r Mas’ ----- W'”:am McLf'n has Samuel Wade house----- The Knox cooper u. stems, a system of water works and a eatab’;shed there they will be all right- day last week and have srace le.. for Aug as a I raght a hant-jorne p-:- of threc-year-old ------J. P. Starrett is paint’“*g his hou«c - - It's rumored that W. A. Sands will take f»e company set 0UU150 young apple i.ees Ih's good lire department. In these the reduc­ Tne water in the pond is very low on account charge of Memorial Ha’’ Mr. Sands’ many steers. spring------U. B. Ingraham our veteran horse tion in ratts is to be 10 percent. of a leaky dam. Fred Moor’s hov«e is r ’l ready for plaste. ng. ------John Ackei.nan, the tailor,is now located ».iends r e much pleased for he is the r.ght E lmwood.—J. S. Hart has bought a horse trainer and Mr. Crofford from Warren Class C towns are ’hose with a good fire Mr Walt - Q. Greshr a and W. l T A in Vm?’’s southern store. man in the right place. of Mr. Worthing------Jere Clark is r.-'sing the gettiro their flyers irj-hape for the com ng department, water works but no lire alarm; drews and v re of CT ?ago w ' spend ’he A large crowd of people was at the wharf b:g ca’’------The chicken pox has broken out campr’g class D takes in places with stezraers or hy­ su mmer :n I uom titon. They \ *1 proba’ *y W. H. W' nty made a trip to Alford’s among ’he school children------Mrs. E. S. drants from m il pumps, hut no fire alarm, Lake, Friday, and (aught a sa'non trou to v tness the land:ng of the horse? and make iheir home at the Knox H ow ponies-----Sen. Anna D. Price of Islehoro, I . ss and d-ughter have returned from and class E towns and tillages where there is William Burgess and are home .ora ’he we'yht of wl ‘ch was 6 pounds and 3 Everett, Mass.------Mrs. A. T. Jenness who ST- GEORGE. no fire protection. On these last ’’tree c lo ­ ounces. He wr« so overjoyed r^at he had it laying at Caiver’s wharf Sunday loaded \ th Boston, Mass.------There is no clue yet to the hay, hea’ed off from the dock loosi* q a part has been stopping a few weeks her ses the reduction recommended by the com­ cemetery plant tl :eve M’«s Eda Chap­ photographed, and on Sunday it was served father has returned to her home in Dorchester, mittee is 5 percent. to his guests at Hot"’ Warren. of her deck load overboard Port Clyde.—The v'tizens here have man and iriend, Miss Tenney of Brooklyr N. Mass.------T. W. Wight and wife visited at decided to have a Four'h of July celebration. In addition to these reductions, wHch are Fish’ng at South Pond for black ba«s and Mrs. Jennie Jones left for New Jersey, far the repeal of adverse laws, the comm’ttee Y., are at Caleb Levcasalei’ Monday to accompany he.- mother hom Albert Fuller’s last week------Mrs. II. A. Comm'ttees have been chos»n who have the Tne Cusn'ng Band v ” play i; ♦’ e : |uare pickerel still < on nuei • ng an excuioion before many family a-e in town, the guest-, of Mrs. Lu­ ing improvements to his fields by plov ng Clifford of So. Union visited at C. A. Mad- both a sailing ami row .ng match, ’ub, potato percent co-insurance clause is used in the cinda F a’es, Marne street------Frank C?n some tough land and putting it in shape to he moons. The band stand is second to none in docks recen’ly. policy contract. the state----- Several bicvcles ? e disabled by and bag races, fn the afternoon there will leftThiv^day for Boston, en route for Windsor, mowed by the m acl’n ----Lafayette R’cbards he a trail game and in the evening the dram­ On all farm property throughout the state colli?Jon and punctured » res. Vt., wMere he officiates as best man in tie hr” gone to work for C. F. Wottor m. ’ ir • atic club a ll present the drama “Past Re- a reduction of 12 i-2percent is recommended. We cau hardly blame fag cereinony of Stanley Carteton ot l;rae caskt-----Mrs. W. J. Russe” ;s in Bath Wednesday night at 9 o’clock a queer NO. UNION. dt-mp on." There w.ll be fire works in the The above reductions in rates are to apply you if vou are for the CbWpo, Jffi.nerly °I Thomaston, and Mary I v siting her brother H em ; Leunond. She is to aU specifically rated risks under the juris­ noise was heard in the harbor. Sever?’ par­ evenirg. Refreshments w 11 he served in the thermometer has been Davis of Windsor. accompar’ed by her daughter Mary------G. M. ties sitting in front of the Central House saw large tent erected by the chapel socle,/. diction of the various county committees, and Tax Collector Redman has tne buuks and Law ence 07 i.ed the ice ere? *1 season Satur­ /I object in the water about mi» ay of Many from here attended the u.itert' i- It is expected 'hat Mathews band w 11 furr:»h do not apply to the risks in charge of the is now ready to receive money. day ever r 7, 'here herag fiL, or more present the harbor. 1 hey ran to the shore and ‘iw ments at Burkett ”e last week. ’he music. Capt. J. W. Balano has been factory improvement, woolen, cotton, pulp Kumiiiig high. Have ------W. C. Rush” has leu fhe f„ctoi/ at R. Stone and \ fe ?-e in Boston for two and paper and other mill committees of the Capt. B. T. Homes o f Keene, N. IL, woo two fishermen with a small skiff, owned by chosen manrger, which means success, you tried to alleviate Wai.en where he L s worked for about s*x weeks. exchange. is to command the new schooner being Adm;ral Jones, wHch they had token v thout push and hustle can accomplish it. your suffering? If years and found emplo)uient with W. II. leave to bo-rd their vessel. I uey were sorne- The system of rating upon which the report b rld ed by E P. Washburn, has been i Oscar Carroll has secured a position in the The entcrt.troient g.ven by the ladies of Glover & Co., of Rockland. wnat under the influence and the boat upset. Insane Asylum at August?. is based has been prepared by some of the town the past week. Capt. Howes has ju«t 'he Chapel Sor’e./last F. day ever'ng was braiaiest men engaged in New England fire You have not a refrig­ bought a fine estate in Keen M ss Emma SWdrnore is stopping at J. F. very succcsful in all respects. They re. underwriting, and will, in the judgement of erator or ice chest in WASHINGTON. Upbpra’s. ceived from the men who earned it, one dol Plant thieves have been operating at the many, be adopted not only by Maine but by v o u r hom e y ou should residence of J. B. Watts, and have pilfered James Clark of \V. Rockport called on old lar each, and from the entertainment over fi, 1, all the other New England states. They some of his hydrangeas. 1 ney are so pretty Miss Hattie Burkett of Union now teach­ and some 20 of the men who | ledged a dol­ L.ends in tHs \ Uage recently. consider it a step far in advance of any taken Have one at once. one can hardly blame the theif. Paries who ing in Appleton was in town over Sunday C lo t h e Asbury Rackliffc has traded horses agair lar were not present. The music by Miss in making rates for some time. admire flowers should take a survey of Mr. \ «'t ng at Mrs. W. L. McDowall’s------Miss May Wilson and Harry Sturtevant was ve./ We have them all W al.s’ premises. Glenora Vannah has returned from Augusta The Good Will Society meets Mrs. fin", 'he selec ons were c.icellent, those of J. F. Bryant this week. Rudolf’s Liver Rills cure Headache, Indi sizes and all prices. Wild flower beds are much in fashion now. ------Miss Nellie Bi/ant was home from T h y s e lf Mrs. J. 11. Bund, Mrs. Jones and Lucius gestion, Constipation and torpid liver. Miss Juba Poy er, at Atwood Lu/ensaler’s, Au ,jsta last week------Mrs. Arthur Sherman Bond being especir"y well rendered. The Knox street, has a beautiful one, and Miss of Howard, R. 1. who has been her T he CoURiEr-fiAZETTE goes regu.arly ir o contest for the crazy qu"t was qr'te close, T h e n mother, Mrs. James Burns, returned home Rev. Mr. Packard receiving 189 votes and Blanche Robinson Gleason street, has one of more fair lies in Knox Coun.y than r uy o’uer DRESSMAKING. the prettiest in town. Saturday------Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mon*jomek/ A r ig h t paper published. Mrs. F. II. Marshall 187. The amount re­ ofCrmden were in town last week------Mr. ceived was £21.65. Mrs. W. IL Fiske has just returned from K . e e p O. E. Copeland has the frame up for a and Mrs. H ”-?m Bliss, Jr., were in Lew ston In the garb of civl izution fur the New York with all the latest ideas in dress foot yacht. He hasn't decided whether it last week----- Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Bowden day* of Adam and Eve are uo making, having attended the spiing openings C o o l . will be a cat boat or a sloop. Mr. Copeland m u,e. A well di eased mau com ­ in that city, and i» prepared to receive both and Miss Emma Sylvester were at Mr. mand* the reaped of everybody. lu Bowden's cot’ ge at Muscongus Saturday the*e day* the beat style*, the beat ic o tf’' NORTH HAVEN. old and new customers at her home on ------B. P. Upham who hp« been an invr’»d makes, the beet mu'erb's cun be Summer street. obiu’ned fur lll»'e money. A guod nearly a year was out 1 d:ng Sunday------Mis. coat uud tugged pants will nut do, Mrs. Isaac Brown of Camden was in town PIANO FOR SALE. F. K. S h a w Co. Alraeda Booker and Miss Lucy Ryan have neither do a at raw hut uud u winter recently------Eva Grant has returned from ovuicoul go together, u worn out A square piano for sale at u barguin luquiru at returned oom an e .tended v sit in Belfast E jm ijls io n Castine where she hss been attending school 4- PACIFIC BT. CAMDEN, ME. ----- Dr. S. C. Pierpont who met a pa!n- pair of shoes spot's the looks of u Men’s Underwear, *'blled" shirt, uud you cuuuol be a -Mrs. Isadorc Carver has returned from idl accident some weeks ago is now able to Rockland------Rev. h. l'urvis and others at­ the cream of Cod-liver Oil, PIANO FOR SALE. 25c, BQc ^nd 8 I . step to the door, but not able to r<- ume his wua tended the quarterly meeting al Islesburo last iurge assortment of Clothing, Root* Hypophosphites, is for Au Emerson pluuo. will be sold at u baigalu. professional dutic.. — Miss Jem,:e Kend-ick uud Hlioi-, Huis uud Cups in the week----- Frank Smith has had to leave the Any one desirous of obtaining a goud instrument who p’aycd Florence Sine* ir in the «lr?ma lut< L ell, shed and barn S orofula, TILLSON WHARF I Old Stand Y(jars. to John Fu’Br at So. Mon..illc boast a uew sidewalk and 15 shaggy kittens. L evi M eavey, belong. A neem ia; I It is hard telling in which ’hey feel the most J^ALLGGU « UEHKKVKV, were burned to the groundgrod v*itb their contents . During my stuy uf over g yours iu Ro/kland 1 in fact, fo r a ll conditions caB> pride. have done work for parties throughout l/nox Co. THOMASTON, Sunday morning. The fire was discovered at L a w y e rs , and|Eastern Maine. H41TS Ul.UUM, - MAIMS. 2 o’clock and the family had barely time to ing for a quick and effective All my work ls flisUclass und best of f efereuces LANE & LIBBY MAIN BTMEET. - ROCKLAND, MM can be given. / save their lives. The buildings were fully in­ nm ruhm tut. StnJ/tr Pamfkttt. pru. Tapley’s ’Bread W inner” outwears all other Agents lor German American Fire lusuraace Ce * nj orders left with Messrs. Day |fiud Moise, sured. VINALHAVEN. t (•■»,. N. V. All truggl.U. Sfts.u<|l. shoes . i -, and Wasblagtou Life Insurance Ce., N.Y. Machinists, will have prompt attention J 24 THE ROCKLAND COURIER GAZETTE, TUESDAY JUNE 11. 1895. T H E D A W N ADDITIONAL SPORTS A Few Late Events Chronicled For Benefit of Small Talk! Our Many Readers Of a New Era in the Elaborate Preparations Being An interesting bell game was p,aye-1 «n the To the Lady Broadway ground. Saturday Lit .wen me Practice of M edicine Made By the Graduates. Rocl-'and High Schools and the Thomaston,. Of the House: The • tutors put up, by far the best field'ng Small Talk often amounts ------; game while the home team excelled at the to more than big talk. Don’t you buy every year new dresses, i bat. Cuahman’s pitc1 ng puzzled the jewelry, dlohec, furniture, curtain*, car. Dr. Lansing's New Discoveries, A High Claes Concert lo Be (liven in, 1 nomaston’i who lacked cor’idence when at m u . . . . i, > ! ,*le bat. Foster, editor of the Thomaston ..t-- pete, Hirer, etc. Have you bought.* onnerlion With ( ninilcH Hrinhintion , Herald, played ratling good b.'l and he wi Dr. Tow nnnd making a Scientific Txaminatian of the Eye New Methods, .." r.nnol n-,.! Ihl, p.,.,| ,tl„ -J.pp----,.„.M piano lately? If you have Increased the game from beginning to end. McDonald your household good* you ahould In. —Xo Exercises in Rockport for Vnri- at second kept him company. Jason couldn’t' n -I preserved irpropcrlv corrected. It !« n wr.irn • pcctarlcd thnuld he (Puprn oreaae your insurance. Fitrurc up and Our small talk is all about ■ • . ..ih ls. I f tfier BMlrl the vi.lon. then. • ons Itenaons —Itocklund Hoy Ifrndu touch Hewett and it was worth’ the price of print i« tmt tuaipiiflfd. It »h<,uld look natural sir see bow much you would lone In oase of your eyes tested. n o -<1 di-tiiHl. bon 1 fast | goods in our lines. Have Superseded Old and ates Front Military Academy, admission to see Hewett’s smile every time fire and place your Insurance with us Phil struck ont. Four times he did it and Dr. Townsend operates on and treats the E Y ES (nr all Defects and before you burn up. Don’t trust to Unsuccesrful Ideas. the other time he let him have his base on I Incases. Also examines and F IT S G L A S S E S ■,( every D E SC R IPT IO N . your husband; he may forget. We balls. The score: In Complicated or Compound cases lens-s will Ire OROUND especially to insure cheap. We are right over The graduating exercises of the class of ‘95 not KLAMD. cover each and every D E FE C T O F VISION. Don’t (ail to call and read FviABB fe Co bb’a. Take the Elevator. Hope Springs Anew in Thousands Camden High School, will be held Wednes­ n S c o 1" ,h°W wh° havc '”'rn ClJRED by having G L A S S E S perfectly B IR D k BA RN EY . One of our lines is Gar­ FITTED and made to ORDER, or by having their eyes properly treated. of Hopeless Breasts. day evening, June 19, at the Opera House. G rockett 2, Telephone. ments. We never tire The graduates have prepared r. most excel­ Jason c, talking of these as we B unker 1, Consultation Free! lent program. In addition to the class W elch «, are proud of this depart­ If Other I’hyalclana IlAve Failed, There la exercisea there will be a concert by the Bol­ Miller r, THORNDIKE HOU8E, Bookland, Me. ton Meal Ladies Quartet composed of the Cushman p, m en t. a Keaaen Why They Have Failed—If Dr. Hall m, 12 days—From June 10 to June 21. Lanalng Su» eda, There la a Reason Why followirg talented ladies: z\nnie F. Libby, Hodgkins a He Puocceda—There la No Chance, !¥• harpist; Helen M. Perley, vocalist and Gilchrist 1 reader; Ella M. Chamberlain, whistler and Accident, No L u c k About It—Failure la a MARINE MATTERS. Nanaimo 4th for San Francisco. Nellie B. MacGregor, pianist. The class ex­ 38 12 12 27 Penalty and Snccesa a Reward. ercises will be as follows: THOMAFTOl*. Schs. Carrie L. Hix, Richmond, Mary The Movements of Vessels, Charters, Langdon, A. Hayford, and Mary Brewer, J u s t now we h a v e a Overture, • Pant and Present” Hoppe Foster s, Notes and the Like. from Rockland; Chester R. Lawrence, from number of special in­ Camden llieatre Orchestra “Hope Deferred Maketh the Heart Sick” ’.''“J " . Kev. G. G. W ln.low Ronkes m, Rockport, and Druid, from Thomaston, ar­ McDonald 2, ducements to buyers. "Doctor” I have I ;en under the care of Sniutmory, Elizabeth M. Conant Sch. Bertha E. Glover, Dyer, arrived Mon­ rived in New York Tuesday. many of the ablest pbysiclann. I have taken Medley, Ezl-nvug.--.i, “The Jolly Min,trel.," Peabody c, Brooks Lerensaler 1, day from New York via Bostor. Sch. Wm. J. Lermond, Hupper, arrived in medicine until I am nauseated at the night Wlnchenpaw 3, Hammocks of it, I have spent hundreds of dollars that O rcbestia Sch. Lizzie & Annie brought wood Mon­ Havanna May 4th from Baltimore. OratioD, ”Wh< Should Eo~s Graduate From H ew ett p, I could ill afford to rege’u my health, and Camden high School,“ Charles P. F,eeman day from Gouldshoro to Almon Bird. Sch. Charlie & Willie ariived in New York . . A T . . with it all I have gone steadily down, until OltMH'.ioiy, Hal lett N. H . t Sch D. W. Hammond, v 1th salt to Chas. Tuesday from Spruce Head. A lady said this morning I liava'no more strength to work nor hope to Music, “ / round the Me ropolls,’, B y tr keep up the fight. Doctor, I beg of you not O rchestra Totals E. Weeks Co., arrived Sunday from Boston. that she could not find a to undertake mv case if you do not feel sure ...... Adin A. Payson Innings, 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 Sch. Wide Awake, Maddocks, arrived Sun­ FREIGHTS AND CHARTER! Cape in town that was as you can help me. Don’t take my money, 1,1 Stones ’ EromaC. lobln Rockland, 3 1 1 1 1 2 —12 day from New York \ia Bostor. Special Prices e n .a 1 ion of Diplomas Thom aston, 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 - 4 don’t take my time and give me nothing in Parting Address. nice as our Black one for Earned 3chs. Onward, Kallock, Boston; Seth Ny­ retu.u. Don't raise a hope in my breast F . L. Libby, Pi tuclpal.offibe School Rockland; 2 base hits, Welch Reported from Brown & Comps 81.98, at less than ?8.00. that is born of false promises, only to be Gilchrist; stolen basen, Crockett, Foster 2, man, Gov’dsboro, \ 1th staves to F. Cobb & Weekly Freight Circular. The g aduates are, Clas-’cal Course, Eliza­ bod” ; doable play, Crockett; bases on balls, bv dashed out upon the rocks of another fail- Cushman 1, by H ew ett, 0; bit by pitched bah, Co., and Gazelle, Be,fast, v .th casks to A. F. uer.” beth Merrill Conant, Harriett Nora Hart, Crockett Co., arLved Saturday. E im a Cbesley Tobin; English course, Cushman, Foste , Lineblu; s.ruck ont, Jason 4, So far as the local and adjacent Mexicnn Sisal Hammocks, White, Daily in the consultation room and in the Miller, H odgkins, Roakes 4, McDonald 4. Peabody, Sch. Helen, Batchelder, arrived Friday mail does Dr. Lansing hear this burden of Charles Penin Freeman, Adin Adelbert Pay- Lcvenseller, Winchenpaw 2, Hewett 2; um are concerned there has been prac i 65 cents. Colored at 75 cents, and hearts made sick by repeated failures to re­ Levenseller of Thomaston, Costello of Rockland. from New York, via Portland. change during the week, nor any ap/ a larger one at 89 cents Our Reefers for Children lieve from sickness and pain. Is,it strange Immer’-ately following the class exercises In our sporting column we state that Sch. E’ le B. HpU, Hall, sailed Friday, gain in charters effected in the that hearts grow sick and weak, and that \ ff be the concert by the quartet as fo’»ows: McManus v 'll not play here this season. with ice for Charleston from Rockport. trades. It continues exceedingly dij at 75 cents are picked hope is lost and patience exhausted? Not Selection—"Match of the Men of Ilailich,” The statement is wrong so we are informed Sch. hiyAway, *lnornd;ke, is at Vinal­ obtain freights that are acceptable 1 over some but we huve at all. Annie F. Libby, Nellie B. Chamberla'n Our leader is a Woven Hammock Rather is it strange that the mountains of by Manager McGrath who received a letter haven loa-’mg for Newark, N. J. of large carriers, and an improvemc \\ balin g Solo—"Cni .uina .rora Lomoaidl,” Perdl from Mac Saturday r ;ght s?)'ng that he market would appear to be coniinj with Stretcher and as long as they quite an assortment yet. myriad mistake:} anu failures by the medical Nellie B. ChambcrtDn Schs. G. W. G'.over and Island Queen, Lom profession in Iheir honist hut misdirected Harp Polo,—“Fantasia,” Thomas would be ready to play in Rockland when A. J. B'rd «S: Co., and Oregon, from C. Doh- an active renewal of case oil shipm last they will go at 99 cents. efforts to relieve thesick have been allowed ? nnle F. Libby called upon. We are pleased to make tl s er.y, for Boston, sailed Friday. ward, and a decreased prospective 1 to exhaust patient e and crush hope and Rr—"Viva La Republic,” Richie correction for this brilliant young player v ’H sh’ps of the better classes, toward whici I’.ano Solo—“Polonalso Militaire,” Fr Chopin wreck all faith in the skill of physicians or be a power of strength to the Rocklands. Schs. A nr’e Freeman and Elbridge Ger*/, recent reversion of shipping to other cL Higher grade goods at correspond­ the efficacy of medicine. Neff’o B. M»cGregor from A. F. Crockett Co., for Salem, sailed Whist Ing So'c -"York Staccato,” Chamberlain The Belfast Wheel Club enjoyed a run to nels is strongly sugges ve. Handy size ves­ Yes, the prices on all our It is not’surprising these heart-sick and Ne1 le B. Chamberlain Friday. sels, especially those adapted to both th ing low prices. impatient sufferers do not feel very kindlv Reading—"Beh’nd the Cur’ iln,” Rockland, Sunday. Garments arc consider­ Sch. A W. Ellis, Ryder, from A. C. Gay foreign and coastv ise trades, con^idne toward the doctors. They cannot he blamed. Helen M. Perley The Rockland Wheel Club went to North ably less than Boston But (lid you notice th at « ut of 10,00 Main St., Opp. Thorndike House Of course we can’t men­ old time phvsicians failed because their Sch. Atlanta sailed yesterday for Ports­ system anu tneir methods were wrong. Dr. year from the High School. Those who Will Be BuildeS in Thomaston by Washburn are seasonably dull, hut su table tonnage tion many things in an were expected to graduate, s ime have gone mouth from F. Cobb & Co. Lansing succeeds because his system and Brothers—First-Class Schooaer being scarce is strongly held. Yellow pine ad. but we can s h o w y o u methods are right and are in line with away to attend other schools, some were Schs. Lev Is R. French for Millhildge, and lumber freights coastwise have again ad any quantity. modern scientific thought and development. obliged to leave school on account of failing Har.let Rogers, for Sullivan, sailed Sunday vanced, .capU’ns of vessels manifestu eye ?'ght and for various other reasons the Where once the lawn of the Gen. Knox with cargo from John Bird Co. usual preference for business along the! clas of ’95 dwindled away. mansion, Thomaston, sloped gracefully to the Sch. Seth Nyman, v. 1th general cargo from ern coast the summer. Pacifi| Have you a cough? I h th e r e a so r e n e ss iu river, a crew of ship carpenters are construe grain freights are less active, and fc, »ur lungs? Is your Breathing difficult? The progrr n ol the Maine State College, Cobb, Wight & Co., sailed Sunday for Goulds­ Orono, exercises will be as follows: June 15, ing a tine schooner, E. P. Washburn builder, horo. Autumn loading eav'er. Homeward ThlH Ih bronchial catarrh Don't wait for Junior exhihi.'on; June 16, Baccalaureate and N. E. Vinal, the veteran. haGng charge from the far East and the West Coas^ G. Thomas Saul, It to become coUHUtnptlon Treat It and of the work. The schooner, which will he Sch. Woodbury M. Snow is loading for Another department to do sei.non, Rev. M ari/a Suir-nerhell of Lewis­ New York from Almon Bird. firm at the recent improvement. re It n ow . about 800 tons, will be launched early in Charters—Ship Edward O’Brien, hi any rtore credit — Our ton; June 17, convocation; class day exer Sch. John I. Snow is at the South Raff- cises; commencement ora;’on by Edward C. J August. The schooner has the lower deck to San Francisco, general cargo, p t.— Lace Curtain Depart­ frames nearly in, is half ceiled up and ready way repairing damage caused by a stone faff­ Race Horse, Edd> zille to Salem, cement TWENTY YEARS SUFFERING. Reynolds, esq. of Portland; June iS, exhibi- ing from the derrick wbffe the vessel was m en t. t on dri reception hv the Beta Theta Pi and for the upper deck. She will probably be all cents—Sch. S. G. Hart, St. Simons t o ^ ce’led up the last of this week. The best of loading at High Island. York, lumber M-75—Sch. Seventy-S^,* to Vigorous Manhood Al\er 2 T. V. Fraternities; recep on by »he Presi dent; June 19, commencement; alumni din­ mateiial enters into her construction—white Sch. Harriet Rogers had new stern, keel, delphia to B ston, iron pipe $2—^ich. 1 wenty Years’ Su‘.toring—The Remedy oak frame, with yellow pine ceiling and quarter-deck and other repairs, including Lindsey, coal, South Amboy to Rocklanl MagiC'LJke bat Sim ple ner; meeting of the General Alumr» Associa­ tion; commencement concert. planking. new trending, at the North Railway. .Alongside the wharf are four Oregon pine 'I he commencement exercises of the class Sch. Idaho is at the North Railway re- With but little care and no troubl Mr. J. S. W alter Bnrpre J. P. UheismF i.who resid • on SauJaciu- sticks for masts which were delivered at Ba‘h plank’ng and timbering out forward and aft. f>8tr it,Dallas,Texas, relat his trials and of ’95 R. H. S., will be held at Farwell Opera in a barge and towed from Bath to Thomas­ beard and mustache can be kep Opthalmic has charge of this de­ House next Friday afternoon. Miss Alena L. Sch. Cassie Jameson, Coffins, is chartered brown or black color by using experiences tj a Journal reporler. Il ’*» ton. They are 26 inches through, and 93 partment and claims (we evident that his eani'-it and emphatic Young will de’’ver the salutatory, Miss Etta feet long, and cost, in Thomastor, about to load stoue at Somes Sound for New York. Dye for Whiskers. stand behind his claims) declarations of relief from a period of twen­ L. St. Clair the valed'ctory and Miss Nellie S i 200. Sch. Imogene arrived in Boston Saturday. ty-years’ suffering cs Tied conviction into W. Crie and Miss /Mice L. Glover, essays. The above is the only vessel being builded Schs. Hume, G. M. Brainerd and Red to have an elegant line. the minds of a nutnl rr of listeners. Class day exercises w«U be held in the even­ Optician. I have suffered for twenty vears,” he from Bangor to Bath with the exception of Jacket arrived in New York Saturday and ing, same day at same place. MissMyrtie M. said, "from ettarrh and bronenitis, pud the small schooner under construction in the sch. St. Elmo anived in Hart Island Roads Certificate froc meuy t *n • I thought I would have f) Young will read the class poem, Arthur L. yard of I. L. Snow \ Co., Rockland. for New Yoik same day. die, as it s' uned no relief could be bad. Orne, class history and Frank E. Welsh, the As soon as the one above is launched the Bedding Plants! prophecy. The graduates are Cornelia E. Sh’p Wm. II. Macy, Amesbuiy, cleared 9th A great portion of ti e f ine I was unable Washburn’s will begin work at once on at New York for Hiogo and Yokahama. Office: Spear Block, corner Nottingham, Swiss, Brus­ lo work and was compelled to sleep in a Doherty, Sara A. Larrabee Linda M. Guptill, another 800 ton schooner. The frame is now sitting pc puon. ns 1 would smother when Sch. Jennie G. Pillsbuiy is hound to Bos­ Main and Park Streets. sels, Fish Net and Point May C. Tolraan, AHce L. Glover, Elonia being cut in Virginia by Joseph Bisbee. The lying now.). Hearing of Dr Lans ng I Hamilton, Mary E. Case, Alena L. Young. ton from New Brighton, S. I. LARGE ENGLISH PANSIES, ROCKLAND. de Spray are a few of the went 3 him, and decided »givo h'm a moulds were sent out two weeks ago, and Mr. Ma.y A Woodside, Grace D. Taylor, Eva B. Bisbee goes South this week. Jackson White- Sch. Eugene Borda, Greeley, ariived in names given to the var­ al. He began e.u t»" me on di” i. 12.h. last, and I”, fell you, it's God’s «.uth, I Gay, Mae F. Austin, Etta L. SlClair, Geor­ house is in Virginia superintending opera*:ons. New York Thursday, uoin Long Cove, with GERMAN QUILLED ASTERS, ious kinds. feel perfectly well. I feel like a new man, gia F. Wiggin, Nellie W. Crie, Mary Foley, gran’te. Examinations of the Eye Free of Charge. sir. II:s rem* lies, though to me seemed Nellie J. Walker, Mary E. McLaughlin, Bes­ Brig M. C. Haskell, Wingfield, arrived at simple, ac;( I l”.e magic; it !su’t much sie A. Robbins, Cyrenus W. Crockett, Mae A. SAD HAVOC Wilmington 6th from Philadelphia. MARGUERITE short of it. My f. ends speak of the change Thorndike, Myrtie M. Young, Arthur L. UlaeHCH made to correct all errors of refraction. Capt. E. S. Spaulding of sch M. Luella Over three hundred references tn Rockland uud in my voice, and looks, and I feel strong as Orne, Frank E. Welch, Wil’iam Hall. Is being made among fruit trees by worms. vicinity. anybody. I hear some doctors s^y th at good Wood, returned to Boston last night. CARNATION PINKS doctors don’t advertise. I heard of Dr. Lans­ The class night exercises of the Peekskill I n '1 nornaston the complaints are loud, and Ofilce open day and evening. 10 Last week came many Military Academy, Peekskill, N. Y. were held Paris Green is be»ng sprayed over the trees, Rockport Marine—Arrived 4th, wood ing through h's advertisement, » nd would boats Hattie Muriel and Myra B., St. John, new and really exclusive positively never have heard of him if he Wednesday evening June 5. These exercises which generally fixes ’em. Last year Wm. J. From Finest Imported Seeda C. THOMAS SAUL aad not ad vended, as h's office was at the were of special interest to our people from the Singer of Inomaston washed his trees sev­ N. B., with wood for S. E. & H. L. Shepherd patterns direct from the Co. 5th, woodhoat Welcome Home, St.John, Beilins Low at importers’ hands. Grand Windsor hotel, and what business fact that Henry n. Bird of this city was one er?! times \\>h Ns lawn hose succeeded in had I around the Grand Windsor hotelP of the graduates. Mr. Bird took a three year diiving off the worms, and raised a lot of nice with wood for Carleton, Norwood & Co. 6th, C. M. TIBBETTS. I had spent over <1,000, besides loss of time, commercial course and graduated with honor. frv’t. Fishing sch. Essex, Gloucester, to take ice; previous to seeing Dr. Lansing’s advertise­ This is a military academy with classical sch. Delaware, Belfast. 7th, sch. Motto, PERRIS’ G O O D m ent." English, modern languages, and commercial Deer Isle; Ethel Merriam, Boston; Regalia, courses leading to graduation with diploma T he Courier-Gazette goes regularly into Fall River, with sand to Carleton, Norwood N o N e e d to rr *-*:***- A good Nottingham Cur­ preparatory for college, scientific, law and more iamili''} in Knox County than any other & Co. S U r a n K E R paper published. Sailed 4th, schs. Delaware, Belfast, lime tain (i. e. one window) medical schools and for West Point and -W e Now Have— s the Favorable Time to Cure Annapolis. Mr. Bird was second sergeant of from S. E. & II. L. Shepherd Co.; Ruth Corset Waists for 37 1-2 cents. These Hodgdon, Boston, with lime from S. E. II. C a ta rr h a l the military organization; librarian of the are not worth 75 cents. Academy Lyceum; was a star cadet, an honor HOW MR- PAYSON SAVEO HIS DAUGHTER'S L. Shepherd Co.; Herald, Boston, lime for T h ree conferred on scholars who have an average of LIFE Carleton, Noiwood & Co.; Clara, for Deer T r o u b le s . 94 per cent, and have gone one term without Isle; Lizzie B. and Riverdale, St. John. 5th, First=CIass marks for misconduct and for which they are sch. Alice Fox, for Boston, with lime from Do uot pvixult anything to prevent you Miss Olive Payson was born iu Maine and Carleton, Norwood & Co. 7th, schs. Adelia oas taking a thorough courze of treat- allowed ‘‘oil premises” outside uf study period, is now twenty-two years old. Five years until 7 p. in., on pleasure or business; was T. Carleton, New York, lime from G. E. Paper Hangers In stock are many new tent this Bummer. *1 wo months now will ago she left her father’s home full of life and Carleton; Silas McLoon, with lime from S. o you more good tlian six months next vice president and secretary of The Academy And are ready to attend to all business in that line styles that should be hopes, going to Providence, R. I., to engage E. & H. L. Shepherd Co.; Leona, Cainden, at the shortest notice. All work warranted. winter, and uaay bring a complete cine Christian Association; played quarter-back in the jewelry business. She has always en­ seen to be appreciated. on the football eleven; played on the base to finish load'ng lime for Bosten.; woodhoats Mr. Chessman is now .'!5 years of age and joyed the best of health until about two Myra B., and Welcome Home, St. John. ball team, on second and in the pitcher’s box. years ago, when her health began to fail with hails itoni Arki nsas. He is a carpenter by The Reveille, the academy paper says of him trade, and seems to look upon his restoration a slight hacking cough, and she began to fade Arrived Tuesday—Schs. Morris & Cliff, CliftoiI tf Kw L, to health und vigorous manhood as a sort of as a player: “Henry B. Bird, pitcher is from away. This sbght cough was a danger sig­ Nash, New York, with coal to Perry Bros.; now birth, and Iu fact h's enthusiasm over Rockland, Me. His weight is 135 pounds, nal It increased in violence and night Thus. Borden, Grant, New York, via Dover; 277 MAIN STREET. he result reminds oueof the touch and earn and he has seen some nineteen summers. He sweats set in with pains through her chest Eliza S. Potter, Allen, Philadelphia, with coal Staple Dry Goods of all estness that follow iu the wake of a great is a very steady pitcher and can be depended and lungs. Her food distressed her and to F. Cobb Co.; Cornelia Soule, Kaler, kinds that we make no and sudden religious experience. — State upon every time at the bat. This is his Philadelphia with coal for A. J. Bird & Co.; Jourual, Dallas, Texas. June 1894 found her 011 a sick bed, a mere mention of in this col­ second year on the team.” He was a member wreck of her former self. She’had employed Essex, Perry, Millbridge, staves for E. E. Ran­ ill coat you nothing to huve a talk of the Lawn Tennis Associat on and of the kin; Ely Away, Thorndike, New York, via m t u m n . With Dr. I.auMiug. If you like his m ethods the ablest physicians in Providence who were Delta Chi Epsilon. In the class prophecy it second to none in the treatment of general Portland; Annie Sargent, Tibbetts, from 1 \ G W f J O O O S his talk, his prices, you cau take the treat was said of him: “ Bird will enter Prince­ diseases, but the treatment of tubercular con­ Portland; R. F . Hart, Dodge, from New 1 m e a t. ton Theological Seminary, but will he ex­ sumption battled their skill and she was fast York, with coal for Peter Kennedy & Co.; IIIQT RFPFIUFR pelled for refusing to turn the other Mary Snow, Cameron, Boston. ‘ llL b l.lfU U BES I jV tFoz-4- ALL OTHERS FAILED. going down to the grave. They dispatched cheek when hit on the one. He will to her mother who at once went to her bed­ Sch. Francis M. Loring, Flanders, sailed | . . a t . . SHAPE. wanship. WiLLiMANiu’, Ma., March 4, 1893. return to his native town of R o c k ­ Tsps-fastened Buttons. Cord-edge Button Holes. side and by careful nursing for several days 4th for New I-ondon from Farrand, Spear & King Buckle at hip. Permit full expansion of lunge. To tlie afflicted wilii kidney und bladder land, where he will he appointed captain of Couiteous Treatment Assured. trouble. so revived her daughter that she started with Co. the Rockland Guards, a crack—ed company her for her home in Maine, landing on the Copeland's Bazar I have consulted nine different physiciaus, in the Maine State militia. Early in life he Schs. Red Jacket, Mullen, and G. M. and employed several of that number, been wharf at Belfast one bright sunny Corning Brainerd, Beale, sailed 4th from F. Cobb & GOOD SEN8E C0R8ET WAISTS Out of toetn customers still p i oase to Portland twice to see one of the beat phy­ will lead lo the alter one of Maine’s fairest last June. / C a r ts , | will wear longer than any others, an ! can be daughters; and after they get away from the Co. for New York. siciaus iu the titate, and never received any With aid and assistance she was placed iu washed without injury. consider our store their home sthilo benefit from either one of them that was alter she will lead him, and he will have to Sch. Charles R. Washington, Collins, with Wagons, any easy carriage and taken to her father’s Wheelbarrows, j AS.Ii in the city. lasting. control his fiery disposition, and not talk back. lime for Boston from A. F. Crockett Co., R e c o m m e n d e d ano F o r s a l e by And last, hut not the least, 1 consulted He will become a great society man, and a house. He was astonished at the ghastly sailed Tuesday. and employed Dr. E. Holden Lansing, who base ball crank of the most aggravated dispo­ appearance of her features and quickly Sch. Nautilus, Tolman, from Almon Bird Velocipedes, SISBKS has given me relief so that I am gaining iu sition.” Rockland was represented at the ex­ noted the plain symptoms of that deadly dis­ sailed Tuesday for New York. strength, weight, uud the old troubles are ease, ’cunsu motion. He was thoroughly Doll Carriages, AXIS giving way lo health, better than I have had ercises by R. H. Crockett, Allen Bird and Bark Jennie Harkness, Amesbury,from New Crockett & Lovejoy UF'Goods and PriceB G uar­ William Glover of this city. John Berry of aroused and fearfully frightened to see his H a m m o c k s , for several years. daughter but one step from the g ave. He York May 8th for Brisbane, was spoken 20th anteed Correct Local physicians gave me up as incurable, this city, is also a student in this academy and lat. 29 N. Ion. 46 W. Garden Sets, lauikh’ htuhl, only giving me present relief, but Dr. Laus- will graduate next year. Mr. Bird is sorry to had but one hope. He had h-ird of the I ing bus given me relief thut 1 believe will be leave school and has not yet decided what he many wonderful cures by the u e of Rudolf’s Sch. Polly, arrived in Boston 5U1, from Croquet Sets, 421 Main St., - Rockland. , lasting. will do. New Medical Discovery and Cream Emulsion. Lynn. Garden Trowels. J } Ana 1 sav to one and ail, if you have a ------He knew by reputation, several prominent Sch. Walker Armington, Dri nkwater, ar­ chance; go and consult Dr. E . Holden Laut- physiciaus who recommended it. He also rived in Providence 4th from Baltimore. St. 398 MAIN 8T. V T he Cot'kiER-GAZ.trrM goes regularly into ; don’t wait, but go when he first comes personally knew of sone wonderful cures in Elmo arrived same day from Rockland. our tow u. more families in Knox County than any other his own vicinity. Ge at once placed his _ll other physicians said my kidueve were paper published. Ship Cyrus Wakefield, Henry, sailed from C. H. COPELANI Boston : Cafe, William 0. Hewett ail ? right and only trouble with bladder, but daughter under this treatment. Her appe­ I ------tite improved, cough subsided, night sweats Dr. Lansing treated the source of the trouble. j I A l t H. O. LKVBHSALMB. HUNT BUILDING. FRANK HART, Esq., With the blood full of humors, the heated and pains through her chest disappeared, and Postmaster at Howard, Piscataquis Co., term is all the more oppressive. Give the sys­ to say that she garnet rapidly would he put- Meals lo order, Hot or Cold Lunch. STONE VESSEL FOR SALE. e-,.. . ihoma»to«. & Com pany, Maine. tem a thorough cleansing with Ayer's Sarsapa­ tins it mildly. < ooaaui/TATioaa eouaua le aff deptrutst* Table Board by the day or week, rilla and a dose or two of Ayer’s Pills, and you She continued the of these great rem- tfodiciAs, Surgery and Uya«oolol try tbu foi uocc, tad yuu’U nut 1C- zbc Mailed for Pro. Jencc to ze.uiue hez bu»- ds. A pply to PIG EO N B IL L UK A N 1TE ^rrscB Hoc as W tea not eth^rwUe-J CAMDEN, ME. 37^ nuu n idiiu, m e. | M e.)fo r3 O d a y s . i ^ j , . ^ncemoie. kpori, Mass. •UMiaffy sagsged. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1895.

MUSICAL MATTERS. a team of good players but every member * <^h'* VIOLETS. thus far signed is a gentleman whose conduct W. E. Mason, formerly of Thomaston, is will he above reproach. If you cannot give Like a piece oPheaven come down to earth, Economy. one of the second tenors of the Orange, Mass., them Sto give $5, if not >5 then $4, or I3, $2, Surely all earth's children bleu* thy birth; Glee Cub, which recently gave a fine concert $1 or 50 cents if you cannot give more, but Who w ould not, aw If In wncred whrine, Aside from their excellency in New Salem, Mass. Mr. Mason is business give something just to show that you are in­ Bow the head and think on thlngw divine. there is economy in buying manager of the club. terested in the sport. z\ season ticket can be Neath the wprltgtlrae wklew when earth la new, Interesting Facts About Sports obtained for $5. Many are being sold. Rending on thy wmlling whapew of tdun, That is Best Anna Granger Dow, the well known vo­ Have you seen the pennant that Rock­ calist and teacher, expects to arrive in Rock­ Clear, woft-tlnted, like to chlldlwh eyes, Sin an experience of over fifty years . p? PRICt’g For Oelectation of Readers. land, Camden and Warren will fight for this R arest purple, of sum m er wkles; land by June 15 for the summer. Her daugh­ summer? It flies from the wire which stretches combined with modern invention ‘ ter, a talented artist, will accompany her. T hou dowt speak to us, If we will hear, and improvement makes the J across Main street from Farwell Opera House. Telling of the love that placed ur here; The Philharmonics had the best rehearsal It is of bunting, 16 feet long, 4 feet wide, Should not holier thoughts by thee be stirred for weeks last Thursday evening. The solos Camden Has Signed it (/atelier—Koek- Flavoring with the inscription, “Knox Co. Champions.” Tiny heralds of the Living Word ? were especially enjoyable. Miss Agnes Kales The pennant was made by S. P. Mugridge, landR Will he Newly Uniformed W ho would not In all wincerltv of Thomaston, a new voice to Rockland peo­ this city. GOLD CLARION Fain he lovely, pure and true like thee, ple, made a most favorable impression. She Warren Busy on GroundR- Something McManus will not play in Rockland this Portable Cooking Range; Extracts has a pure, sweet soprano voice and sings Count It m<>re than all eailh'w coronets About the Pugilists— How the (Lame season, reports to the contrary notwithstand­ Vloleia? as they arc the most natural flavors with an excellent method. Miss Lillian Cop­ ing, as he has signed a contract with the F o r 1 8 9 5 made, and in strength, quality, and ping was admitted to membership. The hour W’jis Played Years Ago. Kennebec*. Mac has been playing ball, on But for perfect bloom of heart and fiowa-rw the best in the market. Made in i quantity there are no flavoring ex­ of rehearsal has been changed from 7.30 to paper, with the Rockland management for 1#Truet we hlgheet keepltiv hour bv hour, even- style for wood nr coal or with our I'liinous Keihovnble Dockaall 7 45. The program for next Thursday even months and he has given those in author­ To the flower Hejgheth Run and dew, Grate. If not for sale in your locality, do not pay a larger profit on in- J tracts that can compare with them. ing is as follows : The following report of a game of base­ ity to understand that he would be ready To the heart Qla Spirit to renew. fcrior makes represented as ‘‘just as good,” but ask us where to get the < It is not economy to buy the '•Thank* Be to God," Mendelssohn when called upon, but we are inclined to Should He walk thy gladsome nooka among best. Made and warranted by ••There Is a River,' Buck ball, which took place in the city in 1868, is flavoring extracts in the market believe that Frankie was simply laying his Sweet with fragrance, resonant with Rong,* Solo Mir. F. R. Spear. handed us by If. M. Wise. It is a clipping irporaled 1094. WOOD & BISHOP CO., BANGOR, MAINE. because they are sold at a low ••Barcarolle,** Wilson from the Gazette: plans in case he failed to succeed in the Smiling rauat the Manter look on you; Boloa by Mrs. Morttnnd Mrs. Keene, Mr. Purilngton New England League. Manager McGrath Thlnkeat thou, O flowers of lovely hue. price. Cheapness is an indication Fanltig Ba se Ba i.i.—A match game of base ball has several good men in view. Qtln heart gardons neeklng|frultage bleat, ? of inferiority. was played in this city, on Wednesday after­ yg| noon, between the “Lime Rock” and'“Mufler” The Knox Wheel Club is a live organiza­ Would His atnlle upon those blo«aoma rent Borne In bearta, that, faltering oft and break, T h e Co p h ie r -G a z e it e goes regularly into clubs, with the following result: tion and is on the go all the time. Saturday more families in Knox County than any other s u m s . night the club enjoyed a run to Crescent Still the way Into the Holiest seek? I Deal in the Deering Ideal! paper published. It Beach, where the members regaled themselves Since with dearest vision He doth see, J. D. May, c., with a fish supper and sniffs of salt air. 9 ,J| Would he patient atll, and tender be, K. W . T hurlow , p., Weave their blooms for heavenly coronota Herb. Havener, 1st b., The Thomaston ball team is in the fight. \V. .1. Perry, ‘2d b., The club is composed of local players who Violets? M o w in g B. I. W eeks, 3d b., Mart Haw thorns F il l m o r r . O. H. W iggin,*. a.. are no Blouches, just the same. Just keep BALL For the want of oven room I have been unable to 8. A. Burpee, I. f , your weather eye on these fellows. AND meet the demanda for mj Frank Arnold, r. f., The Knox county teams are well known COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Albert Perry, c. f , ROLLER j The Lightest throughout New England and after the sea­ SEW DOMESTIC BREID. son opens there will be no lack of games. BEARINGS Arlington Wheat Bread. Messrs. Jones, Cook and Bowden,who have Draft Mower Dates have been asked for from the Beacons charge of the county’s affairs, were in session Llketvlftc my Cake* and Pantry of Maine quality. I Machine J . W. R< nlc, c , of Waltham, Mass., Sacos, Biddcfords, South “■ ' * ted my seoon i <>v -n nnd can rtll all at the Court House, last week, and had rather Made. either by whnleanle or retail. My E \ Knowlton, p., Portlands, Murphy Balsams, Auburns, Free- a busy time. Among other duties they ex­ jructired at the following pitmen H M .W lae, a. e., ports, Atneshurys aud other equally strong F. 11. Crockett, c. f. amined and approver! several pecks of bills. 4 1-2, 5 and 6 foot Cut- fresh every day, at my branch, Brcck'aCnr Station, C. W . 8. Cobb, lat b . teams. The Freeports wanted a game for They are at work this week at Caindcn en­ ’ r Kennedy & Co., David Hall, E Mont Perry, Fred Mnnaon, 2d b., ank Doinihne, Simon Hall E S. Farwell, July 4, but of course could not be accommo- deavoring to locate the bounds of Washington [Roonen, A Ilaakell. Frank Ha-kell, E. H. Repairs Henry Litchfield, 3d b.. eated. The Freeports claim to be stronger street. The marks are nearly all obliterated. x Co., F. M. Simmons and A. Daly. Burr, I. f., than ever which is saying considerable. Repairs for nil kinds of Mowing 8. W. Mct.o • L. Surveyor Farrow of Belmont assists them. Who was it who said that Warren was only The commissioners will have a hearing at T€. KISIAG. Machines on bund and to order 47 INNING talking and didn’t mean business? Hiding in West Rockport, Aug. 8, in answer to a peti­ nt shortest notice. 21 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 hi? hole probably. Never was Warren more tion for laying out a new road in the Daniel Muffer, 1 4 I 4 10 5 5 7 15-66 determined to place a winning club in the Andrews neighborhood. Lime Rock, 4 10 3 6 3 1 0 10 5 -4 7 field than she is today. As evidence of this The telephone has been taken from the C. W. DRAKE, Mr. J.S . Lowell o f the Kou Club, Portland, long acted ns Umpire. Scorer, E. P. Labe the grounds are being put in first-class con­ probate ollice and put in County zKttorney 473 Main Street, • At the Brook, dition. Last week the grounds were plowed, Prescott’s office. life and Ilghtni A- of draft. Tin Ir tail broad whoela give them a cutting power unexcelled. Tim Messrs. May, Thurlow, W. J. Perry, Wiggin, harrowed and rolled; a catcher’s fence is be­ almple tw<> part pitman cannm heat, break or wear nut The adjuatlblo dray |har keen* the ROCKLAND. knives alwaya hi register. 'The big font lever anil atrong lifting apring make eaay work for the Burpee, Knowlton, Wise, Crockett, Manson ing built and the grand stand repaired. Owing knives. and McLoon arc at the present time resi­ to the peculiar situation of the grounds they WOULD CUT NO ICE- RVTh© fleering Horae Dump Kuke, Hteel Frame, Steel nr Wood Wheel, htroug, dents of this city. Herbert Havener resides will not be enclosed. There is good sporting Llgrlit and NulaeleaH The lieerliiK One Horae Mower 3 1- 2 anti 4 foot cut. Deer in Colorado, B. I. Weeks lives in Bangor blood in Warren and the policy of Manager Perhaps Lewiston better try to join the log H arvester *>ll anti a full line of repair* for aalc by WALTER! WOOD and Frank .Arnold in Lynn, Mass. Albert Teague in securing a first-class team is being Knox county base ball league.— Lewiston Perry worked at the time in the marble shop warmly sustained. Journal. F. A. BLACKINGTON, - Rockland, »AL of Bryant & Cobh. Mr. Soule was engaged Agent for Knox County. in business in the store where Franz Sim­ Th e C " t r ie r -Ga z e t ie goes regularly into MOWING mons is now located, and afterwards in Spear PERSONAL POINTS. more families in Knox County than any other AVE Block at foot of Park street. He subsequently paper published. went west, and his after history we are unable Casual Reference to People More or Less Well E w jyflooy KfJows Us. . . . to learn. C. W. S. Cobb is in business in MACHINE, St. Louis, Henry Litchfield died in New Known in This Immediate Vicinity FLOUR York, Benj. Burr lives in Beaufort, S. C., ami THE OLD HARDWARE STORE. E. P. Labe is dead. Miss Jessie Knight, who is completing her Black Diamond The game was played in the field where the sophomore year at Wellesley, will be home Vacate Store If Beats the World ! Good bargains always to be obtained on Bar Spring Tooih Harrow, houses of W. H. Glover, Geo. L. Knight and June 19. W. S. White are located. The game was for King o f the Cornfield Planter, Harry Hitchcock, formerly located in this Iron and Steel, Horse Shoes and Nails. a big bat made by H. M. Wise. The Lime city, is studying medicine with Dr. Hitchcock SELLING ALL Diamond Cultivator and Rock Club, which was a smart one in its day, of Farmington. ------W e can fit out ------1 Horse Hoe, divided its men and filled in with substitutes F. A. Robinson has leased the Daniel so as to have a game. The I.ime Rocks had A B la c k s m ith , Steel Field Roller. badges consisting of a miniature base with the Carleton house, Holmes street, and will make his home there with his mother. A C a r ria g e M a k e r, H. H. CRIE tSc C O ., Shovels, Pitchforks, letters “L. R.” thereon. One of these is in the possession of the editor of this paper. He I’. W. Wight and wife were in Boston a few A S h ip C h a n d le r , and Hay Forks. borrowed it of W. J. Perry. days last week------Miss Sarah M. Hall will A Quarryman, 456 Main Street, return from Boston one week from next Sat­ ATCOST A F is h e r m a n , ♦ • ♦ ♦ Douglass, of Bates College, who has urday. •f ROCKLAND, - MAINE. signed to play second for the Camdens, is Miss Grace Simonton will graduate from A Carpenter, laid up, the result of a curious accident. Andover June 25. Mrs. F. J. Simonton and A P a in te r , ALL KINDS OF GRAIN While in his room studying with chair tilted Mrs. A. T. Blackington will probably attend A G la z ie r. back he lost his balance. He threw up his commencement. S. G. Prescott AT LOWEST PRICES, hands, striking a pitcher back of him, break­ The engagement is announced of C. F. ing the glass and cutting off three tendons in Tuttle and Elonia, daughter of Deputy Marshal the back of his hand and a small bloodvessel. Hamilton and wife. Miss Hamilton is one of , WAVE” FLOUR ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The accident will prevent his ball playing for our High School misses. 5 Co. Spring Gurry Comb a couple of weeks or more but he will be all Clock Spring Blade. Soft as a Brush. Fits every Curve. The If Your Horse Has Worms right to play the opening game, July 4. E. B. NcLellan and wife, who have been Have decided to close btained of your grocer, spending the winter in Providence, R. I., with Only Perfect Comb. Used by U. S. Army and by Barnum and ---- USE ----- Manager Patten has signed Hugh McDer­ their son George, have returned to their home out their Main street Forepaugh Circuses, and Leading Horsemen of the World, mond of Boston College as catcher, lie is a in Thomaston for the summer. store, No. 252. yotir Dealer for It. Sample mailed post paid 25 cents. r w ig h t & Co. sure back-stop, an accurate thrower and a John A. Quinn, who was a member of 1, s n tix u CUBBT COMB CO , lim l.r.jette St., South Bead, Indiana. Wholesale Distributors. slugger. If he is all that is claimed for him NUTRIOTONE. Manager Patten has unearthed a valuable Company 0 ,4 th Maine, is an inmate of the find. The Camden team is now complete. Home for Veterans, at Santa Monica, Cala. GROCERIES, The personnel is as follows: McDermond, There are twenty Maine soldiers in the CHAS. T. SPEAR, catcher; Burrill, pitcher; Wilbur, first base; Home. 295 4 297 Main SI. Douglass, second base; Pulsifer, third base; Harry M., son of Bainbridge Pratt and TIN OR N o tic e ! Gorman, short stop; Carney, left field; wife, is home from Farmington Normal School, Wardwell, center field; Pulsilier, right field where he has just graduated with high honors. WOODEN WARE and change pitcher; Robbins, change Mr. Pratt is one of our High School graduates. DON’T PUSH! pitcher and first base. This is a combination Mrs. Pratt attended the commencement . . HAVE TOUR . . that will make the fastest teams hustle. exercises. OF ANY KIHD, A S G O O D Call and see them. “Grandpa” Morse, it seems is to wear a The Alameda (Cala.) Argus of May 16 M a in e Rockland uniform this year, as we predicted contains an account of a recent festival and Bargai ns too numer­ A place as any in the city LawnMower Sharpened a few weeks ago. Well, “Grainp” is a good gala day, on the occasion of the dedication of ous to mention. to buy first-class amt at ball player and will without doubt strengthen a new city building, and we find that J. W. reasonable prices firasp the team of Limeburners. He can twirl the Jackson, formerly o f this city, was one of the ball into all sorts of shapes, but Camden aids of the marshal of the day. Good Oolong Tea 14c a lb. Machinists demonstrated last year that he is far from be­ Harry B. Farwell is expected north Pom AND Bulk Cream Tartar 16c. Music ing invincible, and while Camden players New Orleans in about a month. Charles B. GROCERIES will recognize his ability as a pitcher, we hard­ Farwell does not expect to come north this 60c Tea for 35c. These T h e Steam Fitters. ly think any of the Camden batsmen will fear season. If he does not there will be mourn­ This is a season of the Full L ine of to face him notwithstanding his “saw mill” ing in the Clam Club of which he is the popu­ In fact everything at Cost. year when everybody M o rse, Fittings nnd delivery.”—Camden Herald. lar president. This is a rare chance to get longs for a taste of Pure Corny Engineers’ Supplies, In a letter to the Republican Journal, Bel­ W. F. Banks, who is visiting in this city, is goods cheap. Remember Facts! fast, Capt. E. (). Patteison of Charlestown, engaged in the patent medicine business in T ru ssed Locksmiths S. C., has the following to say of the fin keel New Orleans. He is proprietor of a remedy this is a Genuine Sale at MAPLE SYRUP r, Lard and other good* have ad- Aud Gunsmiths. yacht Palos he recently had built for him that is meeting with a large sale. He has by Amos Barrett & Son of Rockport: “There We curry everything in the For the Present baaing my price* on good* which and been located in New Orleans about 1 1-2 252 Main St. is nothing here that can « utsail her on the years. line of Groceries—all first- irere bought on a low market, thereby giving ray class and warranted. hjtbe bendt. M c L o o n Experimental wind, anil some of the yachts here are 38 Augustin Daly’s company, with Maxine Are at 835 Main St., opposil feet on the water-line (the Palos is only 17) Elliott as leading lady, leaves Wednesday for P llb b tiry’* Beal F lo u t...... $4.00 Machinery a Specialty and 42 feet over all. Three of them were S.G. P rescott & Co. Fuller & Cobb’s, up stair: J London to open the season there at Mr. CREAMERY BUTTER, |8 t. Louia Roller...... 3.76 Kiln Piping built this year—all centerboard and late where we shall sell Piano ■ Norman K...... '26 M a c h in e Daly’s theatre. z\da Rehan does not accom­ CANNED GOODS, 4. For new coal proves* u models. They say the Palos is no boat but a pany and Rockland’s fair actress takes her llu.-dd. C ottolen e ...... >6 burning lime. ‘d----- d’ Yankee dying machine.’ I had a SPICES, ETC. and Organs REGARDLES I lb*. P u re L .u l ...... 1 ' ) place. May Dermot accompanies her sister, 10 lbs. Fairbanks Lard ...... 86 C o m ’y. Special attention given race on last week for 325 with one of the Miss Elliott. OF COST. Do not lose thl 2 Boat Tuba, lat and 2nd nlxe ...... 1.00 new boats, but they backed out. The Palos The fresher the goods 9 bars Good Soup...... 26 is the only fin-keel in Southern waters.” It is always somewhat disappointing to opportunity if you ever inten Red Beal Haraaparllla...... 66 Marine attend a high-priced entertainment in Farwell the better the taste. FLOUR AT BOTTOM PRICES. Red Seal Cod Liver E m u lsio n ...... 76 Manager McGrath has ordered uniforms to buy. We expect to be i 2 lb s. Good C itro n ...... '26 Engine Repairing. for the Rockland team. The suits will be of Opera House and find that there is no orches­ 3 Cans drat quulll} Corn...... '26 light grey with dark blue trimmings, dark tra, but this disappointment is a good deal 6 Cana flrat quality Tomatoes...... ‘26 Agents for The Deane Pumps, lessened when Miss Kate S. Ingraham takes 6 lb. Keg Preserves, aoy kind...... 46 stockings and regulation caps of light grey S u lp h u r, p er lb ...... u6 with blue trimmings. The suits will be mod­ charge of the piano, for she plays with a F. M. SIMMONS, B orax, per lb ...... 2o est, yet attractive, serviceable and sensible. swing and power that is delightful. Sucoeaaurto H. 8. Flint. Our New Store Alleu’a Barauparilla, per bottle...... 39 New and Second Hand Machinery They will be made by Horace Patridge & Co., 349 MAIN STREET. and Boilers Bought and Sold. Boston. GOOD PROGRESS In the old location about SEA STREET, - ROCKLAND. It is hoped that ail who have subscribed June 20th, but shall not move C. E. TTJTTLE, Telephone Call No. 9-3. for the support of the ball team this season will pay up at once. A ball team cannot be One of South Thomaston's Promising Bands- anything back that can be The Men Who Make Muslo. 306 Main Street, Now is the time run on wind or promisory notes. There will closed out at any price. If be a greater outlay of money this season than BPKAtt BLOCK, NKAU l'AUK STUBS'! to buy ever and every cent that can be raised will be you cannot favor us with a needed. Manager McGrath lias engaged a The Spruce Head Band is making rapid progress. It practices two evenings a week, call write for catalogues aud team that will be a credit to this city and a team that will come pretty near winning a aud works hard and intelligently. This band j . special prices. was organized Jan. 8, 1893, and has since Canned Goods majority of the games played. Not only is it kept up constant work and is now capable of ►W. S. SHORE V Just look at the following furnishing good music. John Burton is the “Best Liver PillIll JUUUU.Made.” efficient leader. Here is the instrumentation : n o o K Low Prices: Chester Rackliffe, e flat clarinet; John Maine Music Co. 8 woei Corn, Burton, leader, e flat cornet; Geo. E. Elwell, 3 lb- can Toiuutoea, e flat cornet; Darken McLeod and S. Curtis, U l N D E R , Early June Peas, arsons' P i l l s ROCKLAND. M arrowfat Veu», •<»sltlvdveur.l and sick , solo b flat cornets; W. A. Adams, 1st b flat hiring Bi-ana, v eruudbowetfcoiuplulnt*. They cxp« I ull linpurlih■» cornet; C. E. Harrington, 2nd b flat cornet; W ax Beans, roll! tliL* IMh'UtC woiuvu Hint r*li'-f fi< in S. Thompson, 3d b flat cornet; C. McKellar, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, lb. can Pumpkin, Iwlugll uu. a c t, - (he »1.00. 8 $1.00 if. U'loIU II..U-. >1. 11. : solo e flat alto; M. Savage, 2nd e flat alto; Front St., Bath, Maine. 3 •• Squash, 1.26 P 2 " A pples, 1.25 D. Haskell, jd alto; John Burns, baritone; 0 ^ 2 “ Blueberries, Sumner Waldron, slide trombone; W. Foster, l.ngilfch lltuwuuil Hruu4. Tuning Orders promptly 3 •• Peaches, 3 “ Buked Beans, 1st tenor trombone; Leroy Elwell. 2nd tenor All GOLD COINaGoods trombone; C. Chandler, e flat bass; A. C. ENNYHOYAL PILLS attended to. Estimatesgiven ou Largo or Small Jobs were canned last season. fjcinul aud Uitlv t.cuuinu. Kirkpatrick, e flat bass tuba; Fred Burton, ---- kl-. - r :inbl. LADtifca.k S & BUTTER! JieXdra by permission to the Publishers of I0I’" L ii3imot snare drum; B. Fuller, bass drum; Trank Picked from the vines * uTd ’ * • • ' \ ttdtta Snow, cymbals. l b t’.u,. T«Ue Invented in 1810 by an old Family Physician, one day, canned the Cive Us a Call. it mu 1 v Iqu liuw inuiiy diseases it will cure* Several new members contemplate joining. (»r liftk a lu ,. t .utttooUU I buffered for mouths from asthma. My phy­ The band will give out-door concerts from next. lb II f fo. t a II - Lyrvluru If you want Gilt Butter sician did all he could but gave me uo ease its stand during the summer, Monday even F SUU. <'llleli •nuhultii.,Uudl»oahiju»iv, send your orders to the CUT THIS OUT I Ever since the first uight after usiug Iohusott’8 iugs. ♦ bj DrujucUl*. PhUadM-t !*»■ | A u d « u d S» Ota Ui •£ A. C., * 3 Mu. M .l u Anodyne Liniment T have gone to ted like the Nothing Finer on the Market. I a t.. M ....*.i■*■».«, M«>. aud a.t S3S I'wful rest of the family. U nion H oiu.ti.ld Article, aud 1.000 yard, at M rs. A n g p s Mc K in n o n . Cashel P. O.. Canada. T h e CoUkifck-GAZETig goes regularly into C h ild re Baalutf silk. I OK MTS WANl'KU 4 John H. McGrath, The buctur'i •Iguatur* and directions 00 sy « 7 t»Ul< more families in Knox County than aoy other I l M'd PaJubbM frv« Sold « v» r» where. M crslA C re a m e ry . No. 80 Sea Street. 8U bvul«, |z.uu I S JUUNSON a CO. Bo^uu. Msss. THORNDIKE & HIX. P itc h & r’s Cast, 7 U NIO N , ME.