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Spartanailli SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE 01_ 49 sC,74.- SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, MAY 28 1962 Three Alumni 22 of Staff Students Given p Present Jazz Take Leaves olitical Heat To Rise Study Awards Sabbatical leaves for 22 SJS professors have been approved by Works Today San Jose State students have Kenneth G.Daniel Alksne Me- Pres. John T. Wahlquist and thel scholarships from various received morial award. $100; Frost, Gerald "An Afternoon in Jazz" featur- office of the chancellor of the As Left Meets Right organizations through the Educa- P. --Patrons' a.ssn., $100; Adams. ing three SJS alumni as the Dave California State Colleges for all tion department. The California Walter P.West Coast Electronics Hoffman Trio will or part of the 1962-63 academic of government. In a tionary ehange to socialism by the Congress of Parents and Teachers Mfg. assn., $250; Hayes, Patricia be presented Political heat from the left and new concept release to the Spartan Daily. peaceful method of the ballot. a.ssn., presented the following stu- E.Women’s Association of the this afternoon at 2:30 in Mon-la year. right will be turned on tonight in Socialist Labor Championing the conservative dents with $400 scholarships in Electronic Industry, $250. Dailey auditorium by the Spartan Fall semester sabbaticals will be Allen hall, 325 S. 10th at., accord- Steiner said the elementary education: taken by: Dr. Albert J. Castro, jr., ing to Bernard Scoville, Allen hall party "has no connection with cause. McDill, who will be repre- RF:TA SIGMA PHI programs committee. Hukari, Diane Marilyn: Munoz, professor of chemistry; Dr. Hans cultural committee publicity di- other parties calling themesives senting Californians for Gold- Beta Sigma Phi scholarship of Free reserved tickets for stu- Geraldine Elaine; Wilson, Judith P. Guth, associate professor of rector. socialist or 'Communist' in this water, will define what he calls $100 was given to Karolyn Rose enn; France, Linda Jean; Elstran, dents and faculty are available in English; Dr. John L. Marks, pro- Beginning at 8:15, a "hard core country or abroad." a "right -singer." Kerby. Spartan Joan Ohleen. the student affairs business office, fessor of mathematics and educa- conservative." William McDill, and Steiner said he is conducting a In a release to the A $50 scholarship was given by The California Congress of Par- TH16. tion; Milton B. Renciahl, professor a member of an "ultra left wing write-in campaign because of the Daily, McDill outlines a "right- the San Jose Dames club to Clif- group," Herbert Steiner, will de- signature requirements of more winger" as a person that believes ents and Teachers assn., presented Hoffman, pianist and leader of of sociology; Dr. Carl H. Rich, ford Edward Jansen. bate the philosophy underlying than 500,000 names on petitions' differences do exist in people. the following students with $400 the trio, writes 90 per cent of the professor of education; Joseph $100 each was given to Jane each political viewpoint. keep the SLP candidates off the "Differences in ability, intelli- scholarships in secondary educa- music which the group performs. Reid Scott, assistant professor of Horton and Elizabeth Lorenz by Steiner, candidate for governor ballot in California. gence, drive, motivation and stam- tion: Among the work he has composed foreign languages. Gertrude Witherspoon Ca v in s of California on the Socialist La- The left-wing Steiner is an ad- ina are held to exist." Baldwin, Duane E.; Chiantelli, are "The Professors taking spring semes- award. Nook" and "Bizazz." president of Leo William; Cooper, Edythe Le- ter sabbaticals are: Owen M. bor party ticket, will attempt to vocate of economic equality to be McDill is currently Alpha Phi Omega presented $100 A serious composer, Hoffman Young Republican anne. Broyles, professor of economics; develop the Socialist Labor party's ' brought about through a revolu- the San Jose each to Eunice June Fujii and Dan- performs in school concerts of San Jose $230 SCHOLARSHIP as an Dr. Marie B. Carr, professor of club and chairman iel Paul Stelling. outlet for his own music Shell for gov- The San Jose Women's club pre- and to speech; Ed C. Glover, professor headquarters of Joe Ethan Maxwell Allen Memorial expose his original work B.S. from sented a $250 scholarship to Mary to audi- of electrical engineering; Gordon ernor. He received a scholarships of $100 were given to: ences. The Los Gatos I New in 1960 Loii Needham. resident B. Greb, associate professor of SJS Senior Receives Mexico state college hopes Delta Kappa Gamma presented Powell, Russell Evan; Davis, to do recording in the future. journalism; Dr. H. Brett Melend: and an M.A. from Stanford Frederick the following students with $100 G.; Ifjelmeland, Janet Subject of a Sunset magazine profess or of history; Leo o. vers ity in 1961. Louise; Kent, Elise; Moderator for the event will be scholarships: McConnell, article, Hoffman and his group Tighe, associate professor of SO, at McLaughlin, Becky Lynn; par. Judith Diane; Goldman. Charles. have appeared at San Jose city ology; Dr. James E. Stevenson. $500 Journalism G rant John Simas. resident assistant saeian. Karen Esquee; Lewis, Jennie L. and Bessie W. Murphy college, Hartnett college. the Vault professor of industrial arts. - Allen hall. The debate is free and scholarships of $100 were present- Gayle Art gallery and the Aptos' Stickey Nine faculty members who will San Jose Newspalso; guild will ed to: Wicket The Sunnyvale Teachers assn., take full year sabbaticals are: present a $500 scholarship to Mrs. Parks. Connie Jo: Doman, Mary presented $100 scholarships to: Other members of the trio are Kenneth A. Johnston, aesistant Carolyn Lund, senior journalism Miller, Terrance Leon; Gay: Tierney, Raymond Joseph. Staff Miller, who performs on Staff Quizzes Munoz. professor of elementary education; major from San Jose, at its quar- Daily Geraldine Elaine. (Continued on Page 4) bass, and FA Swaney, on drums. Fred R. Spratt, assistant profes- terly membership banquet tonight Marilyn M. Metz received a VW' sor of art; Dr. Norman Dolloff. scholarship from Bessie McCabe professor of geology; Dr. Alvin R. at 8 p.m. at the Hotel DeAnza. Hauck on Budget Cmwn Zellerbach scholarship., in- scholarship is award- Lappin, associate professor of The annual Two prop,tsais to:. gaining added were presented to: 'Outlaw Mistrial arts; Dr. Jackson T. Main, ed to an SJS journalism or adver- Commies' student government Bill 'publicity for Ciarciarulo, Mrs. Marjorie of history; Dr. David K. tising major on the basis of schol- ,intrt professor activities in Spartan Daily were $1500; Gary, Carol Ann-450n: associate professor of arship, professional talent and Newman, brought forth by ASB Pres. Bill Wiseman, Elizabeth Ann- --$500. Dr. E. P. Panagopou- need. Discussion Psychology; ilaick in an informal discussion Tomorrow Dr. H. Wright. LaVonne Claire--$.500. los, professor of history; Howard Watkirm, staff reporter , with newspaper staff members Garrett, Gloria Sue--$250; Mires, , The Frarict, amendment stitutional law, itecording Robert Patterson. professor of for the San Jose News and guild yesterday in the editorial office. Joann Marie $250. j to the state constitution will he James Watson, SJS assistant pr., bacteriology: and Dr. Adolph vice president, was chairman of the The president said that it has SCHOLARSHIPS ! the topic for discussion at tomor- fessor of political science. Dr. Schock, assistant professor of psy- committee which chose Mrs. Lund ENGINEF,RING never been nincle absolutely clear Through de- row night's meeting of the Amer- Watson said that 25-30 members rholtitzs- over three other student candi. ican Civil Liberties Un ion of of the SJS faculty are members who actually is the publisher of partment. students have received dates. Northern California, at 8 in the of the ACLU and most plan to be Spartan Daily, and that this has the following scholarehips: Mrs. Lund earned a 3.76 grade First Unitarian church of San at the meeting. been a cause of difficulty between Morgan. Roger D. -Neely En- Reading Workshop point average last semester after Jose, 160 N. 3rd St. IThe Francis amendment, oe student government and the Daily. terprises Scholarship, $200; Mor- a seven-year absence from college. , posed by the ACLU, would, if it Hauck. who recently spearhead- ris. Dennis E. ---Neely Enterprises. Guest speaker for the evening 'She previously attended Montana I passes, outlaw the Communist MRS. CAROLYN LUND ed a successful mm ;e to hold up $150: Horn, Jack K. M. -Western , will be Ira Michael Heyman, a in June. state university. party in this state. "The ACLU Offered . news scholarship consideration of the Daily's budget Electric co., $400; Tallerico, Louie Imember of the law school faculty opposes the measure," said Ih-. Mrs. Lund, 28, is the widow of until an agreement is reached, - Ray Magnuson Memorial schol- at the University of California Watson. "because if it became oi Air Force jet pilot who was asked that this action not be con- arship. $250: Lee, Tommy C. M.- - Berkeley campus. Heyman is a Five Days, One Unit law, it would deprive people of oiled three years ago in the At- sidered a threat, Neely Enterprises scholarship, former corporation lawyer from I certain constitutional guarantees An interim workshop in oral ] lantic ocean. She is the mother of 2 Clubs Back $150: Hoskins, Monte Leroy --West New York City and has served as Hauck said he made this request of political expression and affilia- reading for elementary schools three children. Coast Electronics Mfg. assn., $250: a clerk for Chief Justice Earl hecalise he feels that when interest tion. It would make it possible for will be offered by SJS from June , A staff reporter for the Spartan Crawford, Lynn D.