.. ■ ' IÌU Ì.H!! I I in I Ì THE ; NEWS -i» ' LÎ<BN!Wf⣠Cwlrictlvi Fl «ST - a. A CX JO« Al j IN your Jafcy ’. V! VOLUME 29, NUMBS 48 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1960 -vt -wir. - -A 21-year-old man told the Mem­ phis World Sunday, .¡hat a turn­ key at the city jail brutally beat him because he did not say “yes str" ito him, during Ithe arrest in­ quiry. The young man, who identified 'himself as Vernon tailie Montague Of 1322 Sardis St., said that he did FBI Report In Mississippi not know the name of the turn­ key .. nor did he remember not ' addressing tbe ‘turn-key ~with “yes Sil'". Abduction, L INCENTIVE AWARDS PROVE PROSPEROUS TO Brantley of 1302 Perkins Road, a Performance Montague said that the turn-key JACKSON, Miss. (UPI) - A long-secret FBI report on the al© said, after he had beaten him, MEMPHIS GENERAL DEPOT EMPLOYEES - Four Award for $200; Lt. Colonel Howard W. Wickey, lynching of Mack Charles Parker names 23 white men as —^Hust-donlHike-n-^^ronywayA employees of the Memphis Generol Depot's Chief» Miscellaneous Services Office, who pre- The victim complained of swollen, Miscellaneous Services Office recently received sented the awards; Albert F. Woodruff of 1253 "known and suspected partici,------ ------ - . bruised, lips, a swollen left side of awards for outstanding performance of their Leawood, a Performance Award for $25; and Negro from the ¡ail at Poplarville, Miss., United Press Interna­ his face and soreness to the head, tional learned Friday. fta and sides' allegedly caused assigned duties. Receiving their awards are, X. L. Green of 782 David, a Suggestion Award by the beating." . left to right: Arvator Powers of 424 Grace­ Certificate. It contains statements from wood, a Suggestion Award for $10; James A. i three men that they were involved Montague reported after he vas in certain events oonnocted with beaten ithe itum-key said “you are the midnight abduottan from an a smart n .... ,r." Another prisoner unguarded cell at the Pearl River is reported to have "witnessed the County Jail. beating.” Montague said that he believed that the two aresting of­ One of the three men was quot­ ed as saying that, because of fear, ficers had gone before he was at­ tacked. he gave Jail keys to four men who The young man said that he was came to his home the night of — arrested on Third St. near McLe­ April 24, a few hours before the By Miss. Lawyers more Ave. about 11 p. m. Sa turday lynching. whfiejhe was an hks way home from The. report, read by a UPI re­ BILOXI, Miss. (UPI)-A battery the Claridge hotel where he is em­ The following year saw the Elks porter, said he told FBI agents of top Mississippi criminal lawyers ployed as a room-service waiter. He Lt. George W. Lee Announces Winners Who carry their special program to that ihe knew the men "wouldn’t will defend the accused lynchers of said he was charged,.with "being Will Be Cited At Nation Awards Banquet Clinton Tennessee to give a scholar­ hestftate" to do him or his family Mack Charles Parker if they are intoxicated." Be, denied being ship 'to Bobby Cain, leader of "the bodily harm if he refused to give Indicted by a federal grand Jury, them the keys. ' drunk, however, he did admit hav­ MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The Edu­ the Pentagon; Illinois Senator Paul group of Negro youngsters who an authoritative source told UPI ing had a drink several hours pre- cation Department of Improved Douglas and New Yidrk Senator braved mobs to Initiate integrated BODY FOUND IN RIVER Saturday. * ■ ®s vtously. Protective Order of Elks of the Kenneth B. Keating. education in thelt state. He told the FBI 'that if he re­ The jury is expected to end a peated his statement in court he two-week' Investigation of the case S ? Montague said he ‘'asked" the ar­ World has elected nine prominent The Elks, al© in 1956, sought out CONTESTS "would have to leave the Poplar­ , Xjl Americans to the John Brown Hall Earnest McEwen for scholarship a'.d late this week and its decision on resting oficers not ito beat him be­ Senator Keating will share the of Fame and will honor them at a because of his leadership of a ville area permanently in order to whether to return indictments will cause he was suffering from a speaker's platform alt the banquet banquet in Washington, D. C. Jian. group of Negro students who re­ (avoid possible violence to him­ represent a showdown in the Jus­ thyroid condition which made him with A. Phillip Randolph. Proceeds 28. volted against ithe mores of the self or his family." tice Department’s effort to bring very nervous. He said he has been of the banquet will be used for deep South in ithe state of Missis­ None of the statements con­ several white men to trial. under a doctor's'care for more than Lt. George W. Lee, Grand Com­ scholarship aid to. American and tained admissions that the men Most of the 15 or more witnesses African students, ' sippi. millan is met on his arrival at Accra by Dr. Kwàmé two months. He said that the of- missioner of Education a Memphis making them had themselves gone who went before the jury this week fleers salu "we ate not going to Prime Minister of Ghana. This was Macmillan’s flrsfstopon, -Political and business leader, an­ For more than a half-century, Last year, the "Little Rock Nine" to the Jail to got Parker. had legal representation. Instruc­ his 15,000-mile fact-flndlng tour through Great Britain’# L te Hjeat you.” 1 —’’ .• ■ nounced today 'that In collabora­ the IBPOEW has oonduoted a mas­ were honored by the Eks and pre­ tions todnvoke the Fifth Amend­ The youngMan’s body was found colonies and Commonwealth members in Africa. Ghani gäineJ^V'-?Z tion with Robert H. Johnson,-grand sive educational program, high­ sented grants which will make several days later in the water of ment rather than answer questions Montague was discharged from its freedqm nearly 3 years ago under Nkrumah’s leadérèMjr«' > ’" exalted ruler, and Mrs. Nettis Car­ lighted by annual oratorical ocn- possible their college educattan. the Peart. River 20 miles west of wore received by suspects and other the U,;8.iMarineslast Sept. 16 after ter JacksQn, grand daughter ruler, serving a hiMi. tests throughout the country. Moro "Our objective Is fo help remove Poplarville. He had been shot to witnesses alike. the following persons will receive all barriers in education through Jle was released fiom jail about than a thousand young men and death. A dispute between prosecutors National Sorvloe Awards at the Elks women - white and.Negrlo - have the development of a huge scholar­ // 10:30 Sunday morning, a(ter post- Parker, 23t a part - time truck and four witnesses over .the use of National Education for C Itizenghip received higher education' tnreugh ship fund for the purpose of ex­ . .t. tog a>f64:bond. His trial was to driver, was in jail, awaiting trial the Fifth Amendment ^erupted and Career Day" Planned Banquet: the support of the Elks educat ional tending aid Ito children of. all races I have best heard Monday morning. on chtegtetef raping’a Petal; (Miss mostro! Thursday wftf,devoted-to •i Zf. Pt^jp jjanfolph, international;■ rprojeqtft:-^.,^.;.^^ w ho ■ suitor ’ from swe, tradition pr white woman. A Federal grand jury a hearing òhi Ihe.mat'ter befor« U.S. president" of the Brotherhood of poverty," tit. Lee paid. "In days if: 'Under (the ■ leadership of Mrs, at Biloxi, Miss., is currently invest!- Judge Sldrtey Mite. He repeated Sleeping Car Pouters; Mrs. Chris­ Emma Ttoner, National Chaltman such as these, it is highly impor­ hts earlier instructions that no wit­ By Urcan League8,And 5 tant that young Americans who are tion in odnneetton with the lynch­ tine Ray Davis, staff director of and Mrs. Anna Belle Reid, fcrand ness cah be compelled to give an­ eager and willing to iearn, be rec­ ing. A state-grand Jury at Poplar­ th»- Committee .on : Government directress' some 1599 lodges and swers that would bè selMncrlmin- ognized and rewarded." ville two month ago did not Indict ¿A Operations, House of Representa­ 1,000 temples cooperate In this in- anyone in (he case. atlng. Teachers - Counselors tives; Tennessee Congressman B. ternafiohal .movemait. A Washing­ .» £ The 378-page FBI report was During the hearing the four wit­ Carroll Reece, Vai, J., Washington, ton committee, ot 1Q0, chaired by submitted to Mississippi Gov. J. nesses were represented in the Career Day will be the topic dis­ Ethel Tarpley, Pouglass; Mta/M- d'rector of minorities, Republican Herbert ^Jonte' co-ohalred by Mirs. P. Coleman at the conclusion of courtroom by 13 attorneys includ­ cussed when counselors and repre­ die: D, Jones, Manassas; - - -■' ’ ? ,'r.‘ ’ ' ' ' ■ National Committee; Simeon 8. Ora Morion'is in charge of arrange­ sentatives from 15 city and county a two months' investigation by up ing state Democratic Chairman dye Rideout, Hamilton; .PORTMOUTH. Va. -(ANP) - Booker, Jr., Chief tof the Johnson ments for the District of Columbia. to 60 FBI agents last spring and Bidwell Adam and Stanford Morse, schools meet at the Urban League ces Hooks, Carver; Mrs. Both police and ■ fire officials wore Publications Washington Bureau; In 1955, special scholarships were summer. Coleman kept the report a prominent South Mississippi at­ office on Saturday, Jan, 16, Watson Stewart, Booker T. Wi»sfr» trying to determine why a locally E.
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