Signed :

Date : July 6th, 2018












Signed :

Date : July 6th, 2018



Assalamu‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First of all, all honors and worship just for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala for His blessing, caring, guiding, and giving me capability in writing this thesis. This thesis is written to fulfill one of the requirements to get the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Faculty of

Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

My best gratitude to my Supervisor Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum who has given me precious attention and support as well as has helped and guided me patiently in accomplishing this thesis, and my co-supervisor Dian Marisha Putri, S.S., M.Si. Who has given constructive criticism to make this thesis good.

I would like to thank to Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, Dipl. TEFL, MA., Ph.D as the

Head of Department of English, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D as the Secretary of

Department of English, the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera

Utara Dr. Drs. Budi Agustono, M.S and all lecturers of Department of English for all opportunities, valuable knowledges, advices, and facilities during my academic as well as

Drs. Ponisan and Mr. Sukirno (Bang K-Bot) for all your helps. may Allah repay your kindness!

My deepest love and special gratitude are sent to my power and my heartbeat; my

Husband Budi Kurniawan and my Parents Abah Anin and Umi Mimi who have given me prayers, great affections, advices, supports, and other wonderful things that I cannot explain and repay so that I can accomplish my thesis. I also say thanks to my beloved sisters and brothers, Ani Sunengsih, Ayu Wahyuni, Ade Mizwar, Maulana Sanuddin and

Muhammad Fadli Ramdhan who always take care of me and give me support. And also to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA my mother in law Mama Saamah, my sister in-law Ka Yuni thank you for your kindness to me.

My best appreciation goes to my friends in SASING (extension program) for the nice friendship and moments we spend together, particularly for Rian Utari Munawarah,

Mardha Fauziah, Devi Marinda Siregar, Rismauli Elsa Tania Siahaan, Miranda Sri

Muliyani Tarigan, Riana Puji Astuti Siagian, Meity Rahayu Sari, Aulia Melisa Sitorus,

Ade Putri, Surta Deviana Pasaribu, Sweetly, Erydha Pratiwi, Rizki, Budi R Hasibuan,

Fatra, Anisa Fitri and all my friends in Extension 2016 that we‘re mutual supporting, motivating, helping each other, and much sweet time we share and spend together certainly.

I will never forget to express my best appreciation to my friends at Biro Rektor USU office: Syamsir Mei Syawaldi, M. Faisal Dalimunthe, Ilham Syah Lubis and Salamullah who always color up my life, give me support and motivation in struggling and living this life journey. Thank you so much for being always part of my life. And thanks to the head of

Senat Akademik USU and secretary (my two bosses) Prof.dr. Chairul Yoel, Sp.A (K) and

Muhammad Arifin Nasution, S.Sos.MSP who gave me permission to occasionally leave office to continue my studies.

Finally, as the writer I would like to admit that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome the constructive criticisms and suggestions. I hope this thesis can be useful to everyone.

Medan, July 2018 The Writer,

Anita Yuningsih Reg. No: 160721027 iv

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled "Success as Portrayed in Kuroyanagi's Totto-Chan: the Little Girl at the Window and Hirata's The Rainbow Troops: A Comparative Literature Analysis". This thesis contains a study of comparative literature which involves two novels of different nations with similar motifs, which is a proses to achieve success. The purpose of this study is to find out how did process to achieve success in the two novels and to find similarities and differences related to the two novels. The study also involves looking at the intrinsic elements to look at the similarities and differences found in the two novels. In completing the analysis, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method which represents all the data in forms of words and sentences as well as including tables to show the similarities and differences more clearly. The writer collects data from various sources including the novels Totto-Chan: the Little Girl at the Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, The Rainbow Troops by Andrea Hirata, relevant books, articles and journals to support the analysis. Based on the analysis it can be found that the novels show similarities and differences regarding the process to achieve success. Totto-can and Ikal undergo a childhood in elementary school that is so memorable for them. The valuable experience of their school leads them to success.

Keywords: comparative literature, success, education


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRAK Skripsi ini berjudul ―Success as Portrayed in Kuroyanagi‘s Totto-Chan: the Little Girl at the Window And Hirata‘s The Rainbow Troops: A Comparative Literature Analysis‖. Skripsi ini berisi tentang studi sastra bandingan menggunakan dua novel dari negara yang berbeda dengan motif yang sama, yaitu penggambaran sukses. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses meraih kesuksesan dalam dua novel tersebut dan menemukan kesamaan serta perbedaan terkait masalah pendidikan yang dilalui dalam kedua novel. Studi ini juga melihat unsur intrinsik untuk melihat persamaan dan perbedaan yang ditemukan dalam dua novel. Dalam menyelesaikan analisis, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif karena semua data disampaikan dalam bentuk kata-kata dan kalimat. Penulis mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber termasuk novel Totto-Chan: the Little Girl at the Window oleh Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, The Rainbow Troops oleh Andrea Hirata, buku, artikel dan jurnal yang berkaitan untuk mendukung analisis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua novel menunjukkan persamaan dan perbedaan mengenai proses meraih kesuksesan. Totto-can dan Ikal menjalani masa kanak di sekolah dasar yang begitu berkesan bagi mereka. Pengalaman berharga dari sekolah mereka mengantarkan mereka pada kesuksesan.

Kata Kunci: Sastra Bandingan, sukses, pendidikan



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 4 1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 5 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 5 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 2.1 Theory of Literature ...... 6 2.1.1 Novel ...... 6 2.2 Comparative Literature Analysis ...... 7 2.2.1 The Elements of Comparative Literature ...... 9 2.3 Success ...... 11 2.3.1 Success in Totto-chan the Little Girl at the Window ...... 14 2.3.2 Success in The Rainbow Troop ...... 15 2.4 Review of Previous Researches ...... 16


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...... 19 3.1 Research Design ...... 19 3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 20 3.3 Data Collection Procedure ...... 20 3.4 Data Analysis ...... 21

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING...... 23 4.1 Success was Achieved in Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window ...... 23 4.2 Success was Achieved in The Rainbow Troops ...... 28 4.3 The Similarities and Differences in the Two Novels ...... 33 4.3.1 The Similarities ...... 34 4.3.2 The Differences ...... 39 4.3.3 The Similarities and Differences of the Intrinsic Elements 43

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 45 5.1 Conclusions ...... 45 5.2 Suggestions ...... 46





1.1 Background of the Study

Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window is written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. It tells

a story about a six years old girl who lives during the Second World War. Her name is

Totto-chan. In her daily life, everything that she does or she asks is always approved by her

parents. Her attitudes as a girl is different from other children in Nogisaka. In her old

school, she always makes mistakes, makes some unusual activities, likes standing on the

window while the teacher was teaching, etc. This unusual behavior makes the teacher

frustrated and Totto-chan has to be expelled from her school. Then, she en-rolled at Tomoe

Gakuen. The unique school was headed by Sosaku Kobayashi, a teaching method that is

different from the conventional school. Tomoe school emphasizes a 's curiosity, and

there are many varieties of interesting things at this school; like wagon trains classes,

beautiful gardens, and a teaching method where students can choose what lessons they

want to learn today on an individually, etc. Every student from one class can have different

activities and different interests.

The Rainbow Troops is the first novel of Andrea Hirata's tetralogy series. The

Rainbow Troops set on Belitong Island, Indonesia, tells the story of a tight-knit group of

students and their teachers fighting for education and dignity, even as they face continual

hardship. Fabulously rich in natural resources, Belitong is also home to chronic poverty and educational discrimination. This amazing story tells of a persistent young teacher and her tireless efforts to fight for her ten students‘ right to an education. Together, they take the

reader on a journey through the beauty of childhood friendship, the inspiration of love, and

the power of education. The students‘ magnetic personalities and unflagging determination

are sure to inspire. Andrea Hirata begins with a sad story of the educational world in


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Indonesia where a school with a lack of students is about to close. The school is SD

Muhammadiyah in Belitong. However, since the enrolled student is even 10, the school

with the same building is still allowed to perform as usual. The ten students are the rainbow

troops. The name given by their teacher, Bu Mus or Bu Muslimah, because of their

fondness for the rainbow. The characters in this novel are Ikal, Lintang, Sahara, A Kiong,

Syahdan, Kucai, Borek (aka Samson), Trapani, and Harun.

Kuroyanagi was born in Nogisaka, in 1933. Her father was a violinist and a

concertmaster. Her nickname as a child was Totto-chan, according to her 1981

autobiographical memoir. Kuroyanagi went to Tomoe Elementary School (Tomoe Gakuen)

when she was young. After that, she studied at the Tokyo College of Music, majoring in

opera, as she intended to become an opera singer. After graduation, however, she was

drawn to acting and the entertainment industry by her joining Tokyo Hoso

Gekidan and training at the Mary Tarcai Studio in New York. Subsequently, she became

the first Japanese actress who was contracted to Broadcasting Corporation (NHK).

1981 marked a turning point in her career, as Kuroyanagi published her children book

Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window, in which Kuroyanagi wrote about the values of

the unconventional education that she received at Tomoe Gakuen elementary school during

World War II, and her teacher Sosaku Kobayashi. The book is considered her childhood

memoir, and upon release, it became the bestselling book in Japanese history. The book

was first translated to English in 1984 by Dorothy Britton, and it was published in more

than 30 countries. ( (November 2017))

Andrea Hirata was born in Gantung, Belitung. While he was young, his parents changed his name seven times. They eventually settled on the name Andrea, while the name Hirata was given by his mother. He grew up in a poor family not far from a government-owned mine. Hirata started his tertiary education with a degree in economics


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA from the University of Indonesia. After receiving a scholarship from the European Union, he did his master's degree in Europe, first at the University of Paris then at Sheffield

Hallam University in Britain; his research dealt with telecommunications and the economy.

In 2004, he volunteered for tsunami disaster relief in Aceh. In so doing, he saw ruined schools that reminded him of his old promise to his elementary school teacher, Muslimah.

Back then, when he was in the 5th grade, he made a promise that one day he would write a book for his teacher. And thus he started writing his first novel. The novel is called Laskar

Pelangi: The Rainbow Troops. The novel was based on his childhood experiences in

Belitung. It also spawned three sequels: Sang Pemimpi (The Dreamer), Edensor and

Maryamah Karpov. He also worked at the telecommunications company Telkom

Indonesia, eventually quitting to focus on writing. Afterwards, Hirata opened a library in his hometown. He later published his first English-language short story, "Dry Season", in

Washington Square Review. ( (November


Comparative literature is the academic subject that concern with comparing the literary works form different nations. The purpose of comparative literature is to identify the literary works based on the literary elements either in intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements, it does not only concentrate on the literary elements but also another aspects that deal with the literary works, they are: history, religion, knowledge, society, etc.

Darma (2007: 53), says that comparative literature is born out of the realization that literature is not singular, yet the literature is plural, as well as all the literature there are similarities and differences. Equality can occur because human problems, as recorded in literature, are essentially universal, and differences occur because literature is inevitably dominated by local situations and conditions.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Success is the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for.

( (November 2017)). Success is

different for everyone. What success is for one person might be completely different for

someone else, much like happiness.

The two novels are a memoir of their respective authors. Both of them tell us how

they passed through childhood in elementary school that that have many valuable

experiences that affect their success in the future. Today Tetsuko Kuronayagi has become a

famous artist and TV show host in Japan. Besides that, she is also a UNICEF Goodwill

Ambassador because of her concern for others, especially for children. Kuroyanagi is known internationally for her charitable and fund raising works. She founded the Totto

Foundation, named for the eponymous and autobiographical protagonist of her book Totto- chan, the Little Girl at the Window. The Foundation professionally trains deaf actors, implementing Kuroyanagi's vision of bringing theater to the deaf. As well as Andrea Hirata who is currently a phenomenal author with his writings, such as Laskar Pelangi (The

Rainbow Troops), Sang Pemimpi (The Dreamer), Edensor and Maryamah Karpov. He also

granted an Honorary Doctor of Letters (Hon DLitt) from University of Warwick, UK in

2015. For his contributions to international literature over the past eight years.

According to the exposure above, this research focuses on success as portrayed in

Kuroyanagi‘s Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window and Hirata‘s The Rainbow Troops:

A Comparative Literature Analysis.

1.2 Problem of the Study

According to the exposure above, the writer focus on the problem in this research are:

1. How success was achieved in the novel Totto-Chan: the Little Girl at the Window?

2. How success was achieved in the novel The Rainbow Troops?

3. What are the similarities and the differences between the two novels?


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.3 Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem above, the objective of this study are:

1. To find out how success was achieved in the novel Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the


2. To find out how success was achieved in in the novel The Rainbow Troops.

3. To find out the similarities and the differences in the two novels.

1.4 Scope of the Study

In doing this research, the writer has to restrict the fields that are going to be analyzed in order to make sure that the analysis still stays in track. It also helps the writer choose which factors can be categorized into range of the study and which cannot. Therefore, this research focused on process how success was achieved and find the similarities and differences in the novels Totto-chan the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow Troops by comparing the both literary works.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Effective and efficient research should provide significance. The significance that can be given by this research as follows:

1. This research is expected to add insight into the realm of education and of course

for writers as candidates for literature scholars, and for other readers in order to take

the positive value contained in the two novels.

2. This research is expected can add to the literature research reference and add insight

to readers of literary works about moral values contained in both novels.

3. For the world of literature, this research is expected to be a consideration for

literature not only prioritize the selling value of a work, but also should pay more

attention to moral messages that can be conveyed through the literary work.




2.1 Theory of Literature

Literature is one of literary works in which generally refer to the work that tells something in fiction and imaginary. In the book Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and

Austin Warren (1996), stated that literature as one of the imaginary works, literature performs various problem of human and humanity, and the life. They propose their literary work based on the experience and observation on the life of society; in other words, literature portrays the life. It can be accepted in which it is commonly known that authors who write the literary work are also part of society and literature as a social institution, a social creation that represents life.

They also mention two approaches in analyzing literary works; they are intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. The intrinsic approach is also called the textual analysis, because this approach analyzes the literary work based on the text and the structural points of the literary work like characters, plot, setting, theme, style, and point of view. On the other hand, the extrinsic approach analyzes the literary work and its relation with external factors like biography of the writer, the environment, society, history, psychology, and so on.

2.1.1 Novel

Novel is one of the genre of literature. According to Cassidy (1991: 1) stated that literature is a kind of entertainment. However, it is also something much more. Literature is like a house with a great number of windows. As you look out through each window, you see a different part of the world. People create literature to express their emotions and ideas about life. Since literature comes in several forms, writer must decide which form of literature to use.

Novel is a story in prose that is quite long, which is described in a fairly complex plot. Prose novel, the disclosure of the story in a straightforward manner, without meter or rhyme and without a regular rhythm. Novel narrative, telling and explaining things in 6

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA detail, from a description of the figure of a person, scenery, home and so forth. The explanations that can make the reader visualize clearly the object in their minds.

The genre encompasses a wide range of types and styles, including picaresque, romantic, realist, and historical novels. In general, the intrinsic elements if literary works including novels include theme, plot, characterizations, setting, tension, the atmosphere, the central narrative, and style. The full length of the novel may consist of over 100.000 words, contain a number of characters, some of them are fully developed, have a more incidents, scene, or episodes, have a number of settings, and may take a place in a long span of time.

It may have more than one theme, may have both minor and major crises (conflict), and climaxes.

Watson (1979:4) stated that a novel is a way learning about how things were or are- cognitive instrument; and those who distruct stories as evidence should consider how often in conversation we use them to make a points or answer question. It means novel has many function to inform or make a points or in some subject of distruct stories.

2.2 Comparative Literature Analysis

Razali Kasim (1996: 26) mentions that comparative literature is an analysis that includes a comparison of literary works form different national literature, the relationship between literary works and science, religion (beliefs), and arts as well as about theories, history, and critics.

The purpose of Comparative Literature is to identify the literary works based on the literary elements wither in intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. It does not only concentrate on the literary elements, but as well as other aspects like history, religion, knowledge, society, etc. As David Damrosch (2009: 46) mentions that, reading world literature gives us the opportunity to expand our literary and cultural horizons far beyond the boundaries of our own culture.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In this research, the writer looks at intrinsic elements of the novel to look at how the novels are similar and different to each other. This involves looking at the characters, plot, setting, theme, style, and point of view. Moreover, the study also involves looking at other aspects like history, background of the author, society as well as religion to support the idea how those aspects affect the whole idea of the novels.

Razali Kasim (1996: 16, 17) mentions that American movement shows a wider scope study on comparative literature. Comparative study is not only about ‗comparing‘ literary works or the authors, but also talks about various other fields. Broadly, comparative literature includes:

1. A study of comparing literary works as well as the authors.

2. A study about the relationship between literary works and other sciences (such as,

philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.), with religion and beliefs as well as arts

(such as paintings, music, architecture, and sculpture).

3. A study of theory, history, and literary criticism (more precisely ‗literary criticism

theory‘) which covers more than one national literature.

The scope study of American movement classified above shows the extensive study field because it is not only about literary texts. Needless to say, various studies are not included in one national literary, ‗taken over‘ by comparative literature. For instance,

Rene Wellek and Austin Warren‘s book Theory of Literature, does not belong to the US national literature, even both authors are American; similarly, Northrop Frye‘s Anatomy of

Criticism, Tzvetan Todorov‘s The Fantastic, or Robert Schole‘s Structuralism are not part of any one national literature.

Based on the view above, a study that compares Indonesia‘s and Malaysia‘s literary works, for example, are not included in the comparative literature scope study.

Indonesia and Malaysia, likewise England with America and Australia, have similar 8

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA cultural background; in this case, if there are similarities found in their literary works, this is a reasonable case. In this research, the writer uses two different novels from different nations which are from Japan and Indonesia which has different cultural background as

Totto-Chan: the little girl at the window is from East whilst The Rainbow Troops is from Indonesia, Southeast Asia. However, they are similar to each other in case of a motif which is education.

Then Razali Kasim (1996: 18, 19) mentions in the book that an author can probably create a literary work with location outside the cultural scope of where the author lives.

Even the characters in that literary work are probably the people who have a different cultural background from the author. Classic examples can be seen in several William

Shakespeare‘s works. Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Antony and Cleopatra, and The Two Gentlemen of Venice are all have the same setting of place and all characters outside England, which is Italy. However, all works are still considered as English national literature.

Regarding the theory above, the writer uses an English translated version of the novel Totto-Chan: the little girl at the window. Though the novel is written in English it still belongs to Japanese literary works as it was originally written in Japanese language and by a Japanese writer. As well as the novel Laskar Pelangi, a literary work of

Indonesian writers and written in Indonesian language. The writer uses an English translated version with the title The Rainbow Troops.

2.2.1 The Elements of Comparative Literature a. Theme and Motive

The word ―theme‖ includes the meaning of ―motive‖. The motive has several meanings, such as:


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1. The smaller unit of theme and also as plot (Elizabeth Frenzel in Weisstein, 1973:13)

and Francois Jost (1974:183).

2. The spiritual phenomenon of human which has repeated and will always repeat by

its self (Goethe in Weisstein, 1973:138).

Goethe‘s opinion is about the motive has the similarity with other meaning of motive that motive is the main of the story which is universal, traditional, and appears repeatedly in the two literary works. a. Ideas

Thematic analysis that involve the idea is called the abstract theme by A.Owen

Aldridge (Kasim, 1996:66), that is the analysis of literary work which is focused on abstract ideas in that literary work. This abstract theme may have link with the social problem, philosophy, and psychology in a literary work. The abstract theme can be related to the social problems, philosophical, and psychology in literary work. For example,

―unrequited love‖ and ―the bitterness of beggars‘ life ―are the abstract themes.

The abstract theme can be done between one literary work and another literary work, or between literary work and socialists‘, philosophers‘, or psychologists‘ ideas. The idea of a philosophy movement may be described in a literary work. Moreover, the abstract theme is not only can be done for the prose or the drama, but also for the poem. b. Description of Personality

The theory that related to personality description in a literary work, to A. Owen

Aldridge (Kasim, 1996:70), is called personality theme. The analysis of personality theme

focuses on the analysis of the characters especially the protagonist characters of the literary

which is discussed. Those character usually have the special personality, for instance the

firmness of faith (e.g. Antigone), the great faithfulness (Romeo and Juliet), and the special


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ability to attract the pair (e.g. Cleopatra and Don Juan). The specialties that exist in themselves make them as the prototype of human‘s certain personality. c. Plot, Episode, Setting

Episode is the part of plot. The similarity in plot perhaps also related to the setting.

In comparing a literary work with another literary work, both of the literary works do not have to own close similarities from the entire plot and the core of story. The similarities which are found perhaps only in one episode of the story, this may happen because the events which is portrayed by the authors in inserting the episode in his literary work either they realize or not. (Kasim, 1996:74). d. Expressions

The expressions here mean the specific and phrases which are found in literary work, in which if it is compared in its usage with another literary work, have the similar meaning on the content of the story. There are expressions which show stereotype, in traditional form, but there are also the expressions which are composed by the author. The analysis about expressions in stereotype and traditional are usually called topology, while the expressions are called topoi (Kasim, 1996:75).

2.3 Success

1. Success is the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for.

2. Something that achieves positive results.

3. The achieving of desired results, or someone or something that achieves

positive results.

( (November 2017)).

Success is different for everyone. What success is for one person might be completely different for someone else, much like happiness. Because Success is the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for. Broadly speaking, success in life can be 11

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA obtained by applying a number of steps right within us. In article 10 Cara untuk Meraih

Kesuksesan dalam Bisnis dan Kehidupan, Boby Chandro Oktavianus (2016) conveys some ways we can do to achieve success in life:

1. Strong commitment to be a better person

The first thing that must be owned within the self is a strong commitment to achieve

success itself. If you have that from the beginning, we already have some great

capital that can be sold within us. Commitment will make us always have a great

desire to move forward and achieve success in our lives. We will not easily give up

and leave it without real success.

2. The way you behave with others

How we behave with others will greatly affect our success in life. It's important to

always have an ethic and also a polite attitude to everyone in our environment, be it

family, friends, and those who work for us. Most people will have difficulty doing

so. Because it is really depends on the character and habits of someone in their life.

3. Loving and caring for yourself

Put yourself as something of value, including our health and our salvation. Do not

underestimate this. Because if something happens to us, we can be sure all activities

and also life will be disrupted or stopped immediately. we must have the right

portion to honor others and our personal interests so that both things can work in


Always strive to always do the best for ourselves. However, certainly by not

ignoring the various interests of others around us. Consider the level of comfort and

security we need so that things in life work smoothly and properly.



Most people will forget this. After achieved success in life, they are lulled and

reluctant to simply help others in need. Do not be someone selfish and stingy

personality. Because we would be much happier if we could help and give some of

our belongings to others.

5. Always learning

Learning is not always identical to a degree, but it tends to the process and

achievements that can be achieved in life. We must keep learning and knowing new

things in the life we live. Later we will have a number of opportunities to grow and

become more successful than now.

6. Increase knowledge with Reading

A book is a storehouse of knowledge that will never run out to be read and studied.

So it's amazing how we feel enough and then stop to always read. Diligently read

and search for various information and science so that we have the ability better

every day. There are many books that we can find and take home. Certainly in

accordance with the interests and needs as well.

7. Reading and Finding More Information

After the book and various other media, the internet is also one of the things that

can be relied upon to increase our coffers of science. Do not underestimate this.

Because internet is not just providing games and entertainment only. However,

valuable information and knowledge can be found there. Learning and pursue

various fields of knowledge will make us more rich and happy every day.

8. Have the open minded to the latest knowledge and Technology

Times will always flourish. So should the perspective we have. It is important to

know the development of science and technology so that we can use it and accept


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the changes as a positive thing. This will greatly help us to keep walking and easy

in developing success in the future.

9. Want to self-introspection

Never get tired to always "reflecting" and looking back inside you. That way, we

will know clearly what changes and also the actions that are needed in our lives.

This will help us grow and have a better chance from now.

10. Always learning from experience

Experience is a reliable teacher. We can find many lessons and also knowledge

about this life. Do not forget to always observe the environment and also the people

around us. Especially learn from the various things that we find there. Learning

from experience will make us more mature and mature in the face of life.

2.3.1 Success in Totto-chan the Little Girl at the Window

The book begins with Totto-chan's mother coming to know of her daughter's expulsion from public school. Her mother realizes that what Totto-chan needs is a school where more freedom of expression is permitted. Thus, she takes Totto-chan to meet the headmaster of the new school, Mr. Kobayashi. From that moment a friendship is formed between master and pupil.

The book goes on to describe the times that Totto-chan has, the friends she makes, the lessons she learns, and the vibrant atmosphere that she imbibes. All of these are presented to the reader through the eyes of a child. Thus the reader sees how the normal world is transformed into a beautiful, exciting place full of joy and enthusiasm. The reader also sees in their role as adults, how Mr. Kobayashi introduces new activities to interest the pupils. One sees in Mr. Kobayashi a man who understands children and strives to develop their qualities of mind, body and his concern for the physically handicapped and his emphasis on the equality of all children are remarkable. 14



Sasuko Kobayashi (1893 – 1963), the Principal of Tomoe has succeeded in creating and implementing an educational way that can elevate each student's talents and interests without ruling out moral education and courtesy. Mr. Kobayasi had been successfully in guiding his students to explore the potential and live the life to achieve success.

In the epilogue also told that most of Totto-chan's friends became successful people including Totto-chan who became a famous actress in Japan who cares about education. Success is not only in the form of money and position, but in any form. And these former students are a handful of those who are helped by the motivation provided by the educator.

2.3.2 Success in The Rainbow Troop

The Rainbow Troops is narrated by Ikal, and is mainly an account of his school- years on Belitong (Billiton) Island in Indonesia. Almost all the action revolves around the tiny school he attended, Muhammadiyah Elementary School, and his classmates -- a ragtag bunch nicknamed 'Laskar Pelangi' (The Rainbow Troops) by their teacher. From the beginning, the school's very survival and with it the possibility that these children can even get an education is in question: the story opens on their first school day, when everyone desperately waits to see whether the necessary minimum of ten children can be found to even keep the school going.

Muhammadiyah Elementary School isn't so much a place for the rest as it is the last possible option, and the few children who go here come from extreme poverty and even then it is a great sacrifice for their families and them, with one of them bicycling huge distances daily just to get there.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Led by an idealistic new teacher, Bu Mus -- herself just fifteen and just out of junior high school -- they are united by a commitment to the school and to learning. It turns out that one among them, Lintang, is exceptionally bright and he becomes their star student; another, Mahar, is artistically very gifted (though he and another student -- the girl

Flo, a later addition who fled the PN School -- become rather obsessed with mysticism and the like, eventually losing some of their academic focus).

Some of the Rainbow Troops is about perseverance and overcoming obstacles, and there are small triumphs on larger stages, in academic contests with other schools and the like. The students, who range in age and ability, are driven to succeed largely due to the unflagging efforts of their teachers, Pak Harfan and Bu Mus, neither of whom receives any remuneration. Together they embody an example that underlies the entire story: the pursuit of education transcends everything.

( (november 2017))

Ikal finally succeeded in continuing his education abroad, it did not escape his persistence and also encouragement from his teachers when he attended school at

Muhammadiyah Elementary School.

Both Totto-chan the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow Troops have a resemblance about success. Therefore the writer is interested to analyze the success portrayed in the two novels.

2.4 Review of Previous Researches

In this research, the writer would like to analyze the comparison success as portrayed in Tetsuko Kuroyanagi‘s Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window and Andrea

Hirata‘s The Rainbow Troops by using library analysis. To make sure that this research is original, the writer would like to present other research that has close relation with the study of ―Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window‖ or ―The Rainbow Troops‖ 16

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The First researched is A Brief Description of the Intrinsic in Andrea Hirata‘s

Novel The Rainbow Troops written by Muhammad Hanafi (2011). In his research was describing about Intrinsic Element that found in ―The Rainbow Troops‖ Novel. The intrinsic elements are described about theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view.

The second researched is An Analysis of Educational Values in Tetsuko

Kuroyanagi‘s Novel Entitle Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window written by Fardhian

Hartanto (2012). In his research, he concluded that the value of education found in the novel is divided into two parts, the first is values of being are: honesty, bravely, peace, confidence and capability, self-discipline and moderation, purity and pureness. The second values of giving are; loyalty and trustworthy, respect, love and affection, sensitive and not selfish, kind and friendly, fair and humane.

The third researched is A Brief Study of Characters in Andrea Hirata‘s Novel

Laskar Pelangi written by Rizky Amalia (2009). In her research, she concluded that character is a fiction or non-fiction person who takes important role in literary embodiment.

It may be a man or a woman that bring a story from the beginning up to the end. The character is essential in literary work, without it the story is not interesting. As important ingredient, character divides in to main characters and minor characters. In Laskar Pelangi, there are three main characters, Ikal, Lintang and Miss Mus. They are all have a pleasant personality and they are all is a very kind person. All the character in Laskar Pelangi are very educated and can be followed by other people.

The fourth researched is Nilai pendidikan ‖Laskar Pelangi‖ karya Andrea Hirata dan ‖Totto-chan: gadis Cilik di jendela‖ karya Tetsuko Kuroyanagi written by Yarno

Lecturer of FKIP UM Surabaya (2009). In his research, the writer concluded that between the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata and Tottochan: Little Girl at the Window by

Tetsuko Kuroyanagi contains educational values. These values are: plurality, fighting


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA power, holistic intelligence, responsibility, hard work and attitude of life, character, and


The writer also wants to emphasize the difference of this research with the research

in the written by Yendri Amela (2009) ―Perbandingan Novel Madogiwa no Totto-Chan dengan Novel Laskar Pelangi: Analisis Struktural dan Sosiologi Pendidikan‖. In her analysis, presented after the two novels analyzed structurally, then the two novels are searched for similarities and differences in the structure of the story by using the theory of comparative literature. Amela explains there are similarities between the two novels under study that in education is the right universal education strategy that is education democratic.

Although the theory that writer and Yendri Amela use is equally comparative literature analysis, but the motives chosen are different. The writer uses success as a motive to compare two novels, but Yendri Amela uses sociology of education to compare Totto- chan and Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops).




3.1 Research Design

In this research, the analysis using descriptive qualitative method. Bogdan and

Taylor (1975:5) explains that qualitative method is a research procedure that descriptive data such as written word or verbal expression from the people and their behavior that have been observed. The analysis is done by analyzing words and sentences which are related to the topic of this study about success portrayed in Kuroyanagi‘s Totto-chan:

The Little Girl at The Window and Hirata‘s The Rainbow Troops.

Neuman (2006:331) in his book Social Research Method Qualitative and

Quantitative Approaches explained that there are six characteristics of a qualitative research, they are: a. The importance of the context, it is emphasized for understanding the social world.

The researchers hold the meaning of social action or statement depends, in an

important way, on the context in which it appears. When a researcher removes an

event, social, action, answer to a question, or a conversation from the social

context in which it appears, ignores the context, social meaning, and significance

are distorted. b. The case study method, the researcher may use a case study approach. He or she

might gather a large amount of information on one or few cases, go into greater

depth, and get more details on the cases being examined. c. The researcher‘s integrity, qualitative researchers ensure that their researcher

accurately reflects the evidence and have check on their evidence.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA d. Grounded theory, a qualitative researcher begins with a research question and little

else. Theory develops during the data collection process. This more inductive

method means that theory is built from data or grounded in the data.

e. Process, qualitative researchers look at the sequence of events and pay attention to

what happens first, second, third, and so on because qualitative researchers

examine the same case or set of cases over time, they can see issue evolve, a

conflict emerge, or a social relationship develop. The researcher can detect process

and casual relationships.

f. Interpretations, the data are in forms, including quotes or descriptions of particular

events. The researcher interprets data by giving them meaning, translating them, or

making them understandable.

3.2 Data & Data Sources

Data are material which is used in some researches. Data is information of parts, to be analyzed that the data can be obtained from magazines, newspaper, books, etc. The data in this research is all of quotation (sentences or utterances or phrases) that is related to the topic about success as portrayed in Kuroyanagi‘s Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the

Window and Hirata‘s The Rainbow Troops: a comparative literature analysis.

The source of the data refers to the subject from which the data are obtained. The data sources are the novels Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window by Tetsuko

Kuroyanagi which has been translated into English by Dorothy Britton and The Rainbow

Troops by Andrea Hirata which has been translated into English by Angie Kilbane.

3.3 Data Collection

In collecting the data, there are two kinds of data, primary data and secondary data.

Primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA be original in character while secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process.

(Kothari, 2004: 95).

In order to collect the primary data, the writer read the two novels several times in order to get more understanding about the two novels, underlined the important data in the two novels that related to success. The important data must be selected in order to support the analysis of success in the two novels and secondary data was gathered from several books which are related to the topic of this thesis. The writer collected the data which give understanding with the problem and objective of this thesis. Some of data and information are also found from internet to support the analysis data.

3.4 Data Analysis

After all the data and information that related to the topics of this thesis are collected, then data will be selected. The data will be selected and only the significant data are used in the process of finishing this thesis. The data that will benselected are related to the topic about success. All the collected and selected data which related to the topic are analyzed by using a comparative literature analysis theory to achieve the objective of this thesis. The writer makes the interpretation based on the data which has been already taken and finally the writer can create the conclusion for this thesis.

The whole process, from collecting data until analyzing data, will be clearly described in the scheme on the next page:



The writer makes chart below that shows the whole process from collecting data until


Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The Window by The Writer Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, The Rainbow Troops by Andrea Hirata and some books and articles relate to the study

Text selection Conclusion and Suggestion

Data: Interpretation & analyzing selected text with comparative All the text in Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The literature analysis Window and The Rainbow Troops related to success as portrayed in it




4.1 Success was Achieved in Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window

Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window's story is about Totto-chan's childhood life who was school in Tomoe Gakuen, an unconventional school at the time that allowed the students to choose the lessons they liked. a school with diverse children, and it make them respect each other. Narrated in this novel, Totto-chan not only goes to school with normal children physically, many of his friends have congenital physical defects, but they still confidence and spirit to go to school to gain knowledge. Totto-chan almost became a child who was labeled weird by her surroundings if she had not found the right school like

Tomoe Gakuen and her principal Mr. Kobayashi. actually, she was only the girl who had a great curiosity and very active. Fortunately Totto-chan found the right school, meet the headmaster who so understood of the children, and of course she had a mother who always supported her so she could achieve succeed. As for the various kinds of how to achieve success as portrayed in this novel:

1. Strong Commitment to be a Better Person

The first thing that must be owned within the self is a strong commitment to

achieve success itself. If you have that from the beginning, we already have some great

capital that can be sold within us. Commitment will make us always have a great desire

to move forward and achieve success in our lives. We will not easily give up and leave

it without real success.

Character of Totto-chan in the Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window also

have Strong Commitment to be a better person and never give up. In the novel in

chapter The Great Adventure was told that Totto-chan tried to invite her friend Yasuaki


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA to her tree house, Yasuaki was a child with polio. All the children at Tomoe Gakuen

have their own tree house, but because Yasuaki cannot climb so he did not have a tree

house, therefore Totto-chan really wanted to take Yasuaki to her tree. It was seemed

impossible to bring Yasuaki to the top of the tree, but with Tottochan's strong

commitment was able to bring Yasuaki to her tree.

……And Totto-chan was risking her life for him. With her tiny hands clutching his, she pulled with all her might. From time to rime a large cloud would mercifully protect them from the blistering sun. At long last, the two stood face to face on the tree. Brushing her damp hair back, Totto-chan bowed politely and said, "Welcome to my tree." (Kuroyanagi,1984: 30)

From the quotations above describe that Totto-chan has a commitment to not

give up quickly, with her tiny hands clutching his, she pulled with all her might, she

tried very hard to bring Yasuaki to the top of the tree, and it was not in vain, she

succeed to do it.

2. The Way the Character Behaves to Others

How we behave with others will greatly affect our success in life. It's important

to always have an ethic and also a polite attitude to everyone in our environment, be it

family, friends, and those who work for us. Most people will have difficulty doing so.

Because it is really depends on the character and habits of someone in their life.

School life in Tomoe Gakuen made the students had a polite attitude to

everyone wherever they were.

The Tomoe pupils had never once been told they should get in line and walk properly and keep quiet on the train and not drop litter on the floor when they ate their food. Their daily school life had somehow instilled into them that they mustn't push people smaller or weaker than themselves; that unruly behavior was something to be ashamed of; that whenever they came across litter they should pick it up; and that they should try not to do anything that annoyed or disturbed others. (Kuroyanagi,1984: 35) Totto-chan's character was told have a way of being kind to others. The

affection that Totto-chan received from her closest people, such as the Principal at her


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA School and Mother at home, made Totto-chan a caring and affectionate child. She tried

to make everyone happy by distributing bark which she bought from street vendors to

identify the health of someone.

But the headmaster thought it was nice for Totto-chan to be so glad to find that everyone was healthy. He was happy that Totto-chan had been brought up to be the kind of person who would have been worried and concerned about anyone who might have said the bark tasted bitter. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 80)

From the quotations above it is illustrated that Tomoe Gakuen's students apply

courtesy in behaving. Queuing habit, not littering, and not disturbing the comfort of

others is a culture embedded within them. Besides that, Totto-chan is described as

having a very warm heart, she loves others, and she wants to make sure her friends are

healthy by biting the bark that she bought. The writer assumes that the attitudes like

that had help Totto-chan to achieve success in the future. People will be happy to help

us when we also treat people well.

3. Give Back

Most people will forget this. After achieving success in life, they are lulled and

reluctant to simply help others in need. Do not be someone selfish and stingy

personality. Because we would be much happier if we could help and give some of our

belongings to others.

Totto-chan when she was an adult and success has been doing many charity

activities outside her activities as a famous artist in Japan.

―I have been able to realize my long-cherished dream of founding Japan's first professional theater of the deaf, thanks to royalties from the book—for which I received the Non-Fiction Prize as well as three other awards…… And last year, I received a commendation from the prime minister to commemorate the International Year of Disabled Persons.….‖ (Kuroyanagi, 1984:101)

Kuroyanagi or Totto-chan is known internationally for her charitable and fund

raising works. She founded the Totto Foundation, the Foundation professionally trains


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA deaf actors, implementing Kuroyanagi's vision of bringing theater to the deaf. From the

quotation above shows that success does not make Totto-chan to be arrogant but instead

makes her be a person who happy to share.

4. Always Learning

Learning is not always identical to a degree, but it tends to the process and

achievements that can be achieved in life. We must keep learning and knowing new

things in the life we live. Later we will have a number of opportunities to grow and

become more successful than now. It was shown by Totto-chan when she started her

school at Tomoe Gakuen, she was very excited to go to school.

After the headmaster had said, "Now you're a pupil of this school," Totto-chan could hardly wait for the next day to dawn. She had never looked forward to a day so much. Mother usually had trouble getting Totto-chan out of bed in the morning, but that day she was up before anyone else, all dressed and waiting with her schoolbag snapped to her back. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 9)

School is a place of learning; Totto-chan shows that she really liked school,

unlike most elementary school children, some of them difficult to be awakened in the

morning to go to school. But that day Totto-chan was up before anyone else, all dressed

and waiting with her schoolbag snapped to her back.

Totto-chan was so happy and liked the school so much, she made a firm decision to come to school every day and never take any holidays. (Kuroyanagi, 1984:11)

Totto-chan had been expelled from school because she often made noise during

classes, one of which she often stood at the window and called out street musicians, It

made her classmates did the same, and it made her teacher very angry. But after moved

to Tomoe Gakuen Totto-chan changed slowly. She had learned many more things

around her.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA It had been an eventful year for Totto-chan, and she had eagerly looked forward to every single morning of it. She still liked street musicians, but she had learned to like many, many more things around her. The little girl who had been expelled for being a nuisance had grown into a child worthy of Tomoe. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 64)

The quotations above show that Totto-chan has a great curiosity about new things

and it leads her to learn many things. the basis of learning is finding new things to

master, and Totto-chan has that foundation. By always learning Totto-chan succeed to

be a good girl. The little girl who had been expelled for being a nuisance had grown

into a child worthy of Tomoe.

5. Increase Knowledge by Reading

A book is a storehouse of knowledge that will never run out to be read and

studied. So it's amazing how we feel enough and then stop to always read. Diligently

read and search for various information and science so that we have the ability better

every day. There are many books that we can find and take home. Certainly in

accordance with the interests and needs as well. Mr. Kobayashi the Principal of Tomoe

Gakuen in also taught his students to be diligent in reading.

"This is your library," the headmaster said...... You can come in here any time you like. If you want to borrow a book and take it home, you may. When you've read it, be sure and bring it back! And if you've got any books at home you think the others would like to read, I'd be delighted if you'd bring them here. At any rate, please do as much reading as you can!" (Kuroyanagi, 1984:61)

Mr. Kobayashi asks the children to read as much as possible "please do as much

reading as you can". He also did not want to burden the students by saying that it was not

a school assignment "You needn't fear that some books are reserved for certain grades, or

anything like that", it was done in order to the students freely read books they liked.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Children will be more comfortable if given the freedom to choose what they like and will

more easily absorb the knowledge in the books.

When there was a new student in Tomoe from America named Miyazaki.

Miyazaki still had difficulty speaking in Japanese but he was good in English speaking.

Then Mr. Kobayashi asked Tomoe Gakuen students to teach Miyazaki Japanese and

they could learn English from Miyazaki. Told that they became close friends, every day

Miyazaki brought books in English to read in front of his friends.

Miyazaki and the other children soon became good friends. Every day he brought various books to Tomoe and read them to the others at lunchtime. It was just as if Miyazaki was their English tutor. At the same time Miyazaki's Japanese quickly improved. And he stopped making blunders like sitting in the tokonama, the alcove reserved for hanging-scrolls and ornaments. Totto-chan and her friends learned lots of things about America. (Kuroyanagi, 1984:82)

The quotations above show that Totto-chan and her friends was taught to read

diligently, so they could increase their knowledge. Totto-chan had increased her

knowledge from the books which brought by Miyazaki to school ―Totto-chan and her

friends learned lots of things about America‖.

4.2 Success was Achieved in The Rainbow Troops

Actually the story of The Rainbow Troops is how an education is built. It was mixed with an effort to give each child of The Rainbow Troops how to get the freedom to grow with their curiosity about the nature around them. Apparently they are capable transformed into successful children by through of education. The deficit of their materials make them so appreciative of the limited education they have, and the lack of material also makes them learn a lot from the nature and environment. The Rainbow Troops can be a portrait of our nation's education. The uneven system of education makes those who are


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA unlucky, and only can get a modest education. But within the limitations there is still hope

for success, and that is what is described in the Rainbow Troops.

As for the various kinds of how to achieve success as portrayed in this novel:

1. Strong Commitment to be a better person

As well as Ikal in The Rainbow Troops novel, even though he was born poor

he did not give up on the situation, with the will and hard work he finally got to study


But what I know for sure from my experience at the poor school is that a hard- working life is like picking up fruit from a basket with a blindfold on. Whatever fruit we end up getting, at least we have fruit. Meanwhile, life without hard work is like looking for a black cat in a dark room with closed eyes, and the cat is not even there. (Hirata, 2009:461)

These simple grains of wisdom, I believe, is what made me always want to learn and to work hard. I am convinced that my belief, not the fact that I was a smart student, I was studies in Europe. I came back to Indonesia and worked for a telecommunications company. (Hirata, 2009:461)

The quotations above show the strong commitment of Ikal to be better person.

The experience of living as a child from a poor school made him committed to not give

up easily, always wants to learn and work hard. His hard work had gained a sweet

result, he could study abroad and return to Indonesia and worked in a communications


2. The Way the Character Behaves to Others

In The Rainbow Troops there was Lintang as an example of a smart but not

arrogant person, he is humble, care to others, and therefore he was cherished by his


God didn‘t just bless Lintang with brains. He also blessed him with a beautiful personality. When we had trouble with subjects, he helped us patiently and always encouraged us. His superiority didn‘t threaten those around him, his brilliance didn‘t cause jealousy, and his greatness didn‘t give off even the slightest hint of arrogance. We were proud of him and fell for him both as a


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA humble friend and an extraordinarily intelligent student. The poor Lintang was the most precious pearl and galena of our class. (Hirata, 2009: 107)

The quotations above tell that he had beautiful personality. He was happy to share his knowledge. So no one who hated him, all his friends loved him. That‘s life, if we want to be treated well by others then we must also treat others well. It is one of the keys to achieve success.

3. Give Back

SD Muhammadiyah taught the Rainbow Troops children to give more than

receive. Mr. Harfan and Bu Mus embed good manners especially to love one another,

friendships and rich souls, something priceless, even more valuable than aspirations.

We had learned the spirit of giving as much as possible, not taking as much as possible. That mentality made us always grateful, even in poverty. The poor Pak Harfan and Bu Mus had given me the most beautiful childhood, friendships and rich souls, something priceless, even more valuable than aspirations. (Hirata, 2009: 459)

It makes the adult Ikal (Andrea Hirata) much devoted to social activities. Such as

he volunteered when Tsunami Aceh 2004 and others.

When I was working at the company in 2004, a disastrous tsunami struck Aceh. Hundreds of thousands of people died. I signed up to be a volunteer and was in Aceh for three weeks. (Hirata, 2009: 462)

The writer assumes that the quotations above show that the education received

by Ikal at the Muhammadiyah Elementary School when he was a child had made him a

generous person. Most people will forget this, after achieving success in life, they are

lulled and reluctant to simply help others in need. But different with Ikal, after he

became a successful man he did not become selfish and stingy. He loved to reach out to

help others.



In The Rainbow Troops was told that the Rainbow Troops children were very

excited to start school, even though they were only in poor schools like

Muhammadiyah Elementary School. When school can only be opened if the number

of students reaches 10 people, Harun a child with a bit behind mentally rescue them,

so that school can be opened.

―It makes ten,‖ he said. Harun had saved us! We clapped and cheered. Sahara, who couldn‘t sit any longer, stood up straight to fix the folds on her jilbab and firmly threw on her backpack. Bu Mus blushed. The young teacher‘s tears subsided, and she wiped the sweat from her powder-smudged face. (Hirata, 2009: 8)

In fact all members of the Rainbow Troop had their own experience in

achieving the goals, but Lintang became very special because he had extraordinary

intelligence, not arrogant and humble. Despite being born poor and had to go through

40 kilometers to get to school, never once day he skipped school, not rarely he

experienced obstacles on the way, such as be blocked by a crocodile and his bicycle

chain broke.

―I was already more than halfway here. I wasn‘t about to turn around just because of that stupid crocodile.‖ (Crocodile Shaman: P. 71, Par. 6, Line 12)

……… But he wasn’t willing to give up. He pushed the bike about a dozen kilometers by hand. By the time he got to the school, we were getting ready to head home. The last lesson that day was music class. Lintang was happy because he got to sing the song Padamu Negeri (“For You Our Country”) in front of the class. (Hirata, 2009: 86)

Also mentioned that Ikal who the main character in this novel was very diligent

to study even though he cannot defeat Lintang, he always study hard every night.

I studied hard every night, but never was I even a little close, not even a little, to surpassing Lintang. My grades were a tad better than the class average but way below his. I was always in Lintang‘s shadow. (Hirata, 2009: 107)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA From the quotations above shows that the Rainbow Troops children especially

Ikal and Lintang very diligent in study, Therefore the writer concludes that the spirit of

learning is one of the things that helped Ikal to achieve success in the future.

About Lintang, It was not told whether he became a success man in the future

or not, because he had to quit school to help his family after his father died. No more

communication or news from Lintang after that.

5. Increase Knowledge by Reading

Increase knowledge by reading was also shown by Ikal in The Rainbow Troops

when he wanted to get a scholarship in Europe.

I read as many books as I could. I read while I sorted letters, while I ate, while I lay on my bed listening to wayang stories on the radio. I read books on the angkot, the public transportation minivan. I read them in becaks, little pedicabs. I read them while I was in the toilet, while I did laundry, while I walked, while I was being yelled at by customers, while my boss threw masked insults my way, and during the flag ceremony. If humans could read while sleeping, I definitely would have done that too….…... (Hirata, 2009: 434)

When Ikal wanted to reach his goal to study abroad, he tried to increase his

knowledge by reading. he read many books anywhere and anytime, he known that a

book was a storehouse of knowledge that never run out to be read and studied.

Diligently read and searched for various information and science so that he have the

ability better every day. Then the writer found that increase knowledge by reading is

one of the processes did by Ikal to be successful.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.3 The Similarities and Differences in the Two Novels

Razali Kasim (1996: 26) mentions that comparative literature is an analysis that includes a comparison of literary works form different national literature, the relationship between literary works and science, religion (beliefs), and arts as well as about theories, history, and critics.

The purpose of comparative literature is to identify the literary works based on the literary elements wither in intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. It does not only concentrate on the literary elements, but as well as other aspects like history, religion, knowledge, society, etc. As David Damrosch (2009: 46) mentions that, reading world literature gives us the opportunity to expand our literary and cultural horizons far beyond the boundaries of our own culture.

Therefore, on this occasion the writer place Andrea Hirata and Tetsuko

Kuroyanagi as the authors who certainly cannot be separated from the influence of the environment, particularly about the way they look at educational issues in their respective countries and in their era. Kuroyanagi is a writer and artist from Japan, while Hirata is the author of Indonesia. That fact is represented by Andrea Hirata in the form of an autobiography novel titled The Rainbow troops which first appeared in 2005 that told of his schooling at the Muhammadiyah elementary school in the 70s. As Tetsuko Kuroyanagi poured it into a novel entitled Totto-chan: Little Girl in the Window. This novel was first published in 1981 and that told of her schooling at Tomoe Gakuen school around 1938-




After the data were taken from the novels and analysed based on their succces through some identification and classification, there were found the similarities between two novels based on their own characteristics;

1. The two novels told the role of educators in their process of success.

The principal always says that Totto-chan was a good girl, though it's simple

words, but it could grow Totto-chan's confidence, that she's not a naughty girl and she

kept trying to be a good girl.

……… I find it impossible to assess how much I have been sustained by the way he used to keep saying to me, "You're really a good girl, you know." Had I not entered Tomoe and had I never met Mr. Kobayashi, I would probably have been labeled "a bad girl," becoming complex-ridden and confused. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 96)

The quotation above explains the author's gratefulness for had ever school at

Tomoe and met the headmaster who had changed her so much, Had I not entered

Tomoe and had I never met Mr. Kobayashi, I would probably have been labeled "a bad


But deep down she felt she was considered different from other children and slightly strange. The headmaster, however, made her feel safe and warm and happy. She wanted to stay with him forever. That's how Totto-chan felt about Headmaster Sosaku Kobayashi that first day. And, luckily, the head- master felt the same about her. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 8)

The quotation above portrayed how Totto-chan liked Mr. Kobayashi, because of

the warmth and friendliness of the headmaster in treat Totto-chan, until she wanted to

stay with him forever.

She was satisfied she had done all she could. Totto-chan's satisfaction was undoubtedly due in part to the self-respect the headmaster made her feel by not scolding her and by trusting her. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 21)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The quotation above portrayed that the headmaster did not educate Totto-chan by scolding her but by giving her trust. So Totto-chan had grown with confidence.

Mr. Kobayashi gave his students a sense of comfort and security especially to

Totto-chan, it fostered Totto-chan's confidence. Totto-chan's confidence led her to become a Famous artist in Japan.

As well as in the novel The Rainbow Troops, the characters of Bu Mus and Mr.

Harfan teach many moral values to their students. The moral value instilled by the teacher influences their success especially for Ikal in the future.

For us, Bu Mus and Pak Harfan were true patriots without medals of honor. They were our teachers, friends and spiritual guides. They taught us to make toy houses from bamboo, showed us the way to cleanse before prayer, taught us to pray before bed, pumped air back into our flattened bicycle tires, sucked poison from our legs if we were bitten by a snake, …. (Hirata, 2009: 57)

The quote above told the author's proud feeling to his teachers, the author considers Bu Mus and Mr. Harfan as true patriots without medals of Honor, for had provided such valuable learning to him and his friends.

We had learned the spirit of giving as much as possible, not taking as much as possible. That mentality made us always grateful, even in poverty. The poor Pak Harfan and Bu Mus had given me the most beautiful childhood, friendships and rich souls, something priceless, even more valuable than aspirations. ……., this is actually the breath of education and the soul of an institution called a school. (Hirata, 2009: 459)

The quotations above show that many moral values were taught by Bu Mus and

Pak Harpan to the Rainbow Troops children, ―For us, Bu Mus and Pak Harfan were true patriots without medals of honor. They were our teachers, friends and spiritual guides‖. They were taught spirit of giving as much as possible, they taught the students to make toy houses from bamboo, showed they the way to cleanse before


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA prayer, taught they to pray before bed, pumped air back into our flattened bicycle tires,

sucked poison from their legs if they were bitten by a snake.

Bu Mus and Pak Harfan also made his students became diligent in learning.

Bu Mus and Pak Harfan made us fall in love with school, and more than that, they made us fall in love with knowledge. When the school day was over, we complained about going home. When we were given ten homework assignments, we asked for twenty. When it came close to Sunday, our day off, we wouldn‘t wait for Monday. (Hirata, 2009: 60)

The quotation above show that Bu Mus and Pak Harfan made the Rainbow

Troops became fall in love with school and fall in love with knowledge.

Besides that, to commemorate the kindness of his teacher when he was in

elementary school Andrea Hirata wrote The Rainbow Troops.

……the promise I made back in the sixth grade when I saw Bu Mus crossing the schoolyard, protecting herself from the rain with a banana leaf as her umbrella. Deep in my little heart, I promised I would write a book for Bu Mus. The book would be my gift to her, proof that I truly appreciated and valued all she had done for us. (Hirata, 2009: 462)

The quotation above show that he presented this novel to his teacher Bu

Muslimah as a form of gratitude for her kindness, ―The book would be my gift to her,

proof that I really appreciated and valued all she had done for us".

2. The two novels told a valuable experience in their elementary school that affects their

future success.

Totto-chan or Tetsuko Kuroyanagi told this in the Postscript chapter, that she

wanted to write a book about Tomoe Gakuen as a redeemer of a promise that she

could not to fulfill, because Tomoe Gakuen was destroyed when the second world war,

so her promise of being a teacher at school never materialized. That‘s why she wrote

novel Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window.

....They are all events that really happened...... Besides wanting to write them down, I have been anxious to make amends for a broken pledge...... , I 36

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA made a solemn promise to Mr. Kobayashi that I would teach at Tomoe when I grew up. However, it was a promise I was not able to fulfill. Instead I have tried to reveal, to as many people as possible, what sort of man Mr. Kobayashi was, his great love for children, and how he set about educating them. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 96)

The quotations above show that the story in this novel is based on the true story that she experienced by herself "They are all events that really happened and, thankfully, I have been able to remember quite a few of them". In addition, this novel is a form of remorse for the promise that she could never fulfill to become a teacher at Tomoe because the school had been destroyed when the Second World War. Instead she had tried to reveal, to as many people as possible, what sort of man Mr. Kobayashi was, his great love for children, and how he set about educating them.

Besides that, Tomoe Gakuen had a different learning system from the learning system in Japan in general at that time; students at Tomoe could start lessons from the lessons which they like first, as portrayed below.

Schools normally schedule one subject, for example, in Japanese, the first period, when you just do Japanese; then, say, arithmetic the second period, when you just do arithmetic. But here it was quite different. At the beginning of the first period, the teacher made a list of all the problems and questions in the subjects to be studied that day. Then she would say, "Now, start with any of these you like." (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 12)

In Tomoe Gakuen (Totto-chan‘s school) children were not forced to learn what they do not like. But they were free to start learning from the lessons they like. This method of teaching enabled the teachers to observe as the children progressed to higher grades, what they were interested in as well as their way of thinking and their character. It was an ideal way for teachers to really get to know their pupils.

Little did the children realize then that these walks--a time of freedom and play for them--were in reality precious lessons in science, history, and biology. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 17)



As well The Rainbow Troops, this novel described the experience of Ikal or

Andrea Hirata himself when he was schooling at SD Muhammadiyah. Many valuable

experiences that he experienced that affect his success in the future.

I felt unbelievably lucky to be there, amidst these amazing people. There was a beauty in this poor school, a beauty that I wouldn‘t trade for a thousand luxurious schools. (Hirata, 2009: 35)

The quotation above shown that the author was feeling proud and lucky had

school at SD Muhammadiyah, even though it was a poor school but it was so valuable

to him. It school gave him a meaningful experience and made him met with the

amazing people. So he described as a beauty that he wouldn‘t trade for a thousand

luxurious schools.

But what I know for sure from my experience at the poor school is that a hard-working life is like picking up fruit from a basket with a blindfold on. ………, life without hard work is like looking for a black cat in a dark room with closed eyes, and the cat is not even there. (Hirata, 2009: 461)

The quotation above shown that one of the valuable experiences that he

gained in the school was hard work. The hard work that had been embedded in

him since elementary school had influenced his future success.

3. The two novels are able to illustrate that useful education is not only education which

is counted on the material only.

Tomoe Gakuen School did not have such a grand building as a typical school in

Japan at the time. It was Depicted that the school which became the place Totto-chan

and her friends seek knowledge was a place far from the impression of luxury.

…… The gate of the school she used to go to had fine concrete pillars with the name of the school in large characters. But the gate of this new school simply consisted of two rather short posts that still had twigs and leaves on them. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 5)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Totto-chan‘s school was made up of only a few abandoned railroad cars, as portrayed in the quotation below.

"Mother, is that really a train! There, in the school grounds!" For its classrooms, the school had made use of six abandoned railroad cars. To Tottochan it seemed something you might dream about. A school in a train! (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 5)

Though unlike most schools in Japan at the time, because that school only consisted of modified train cars but it was giving Totto-chan a sense of comfort.

Studying here would be like going on a perpetual journey. The windows still had baggage racks above them. The only difference was that there was a blackboard at the front of the car, and the lengthwise seats had been replaced by school desks and chairs all facing forward. The hand straps had gone, too, but everything else had been left just as it was. Totto-chan went in and sat down at someone's desk. The wooden chairs resembled those at the other school, but they were so much more comfortable she could sit on them all day. Totto-chan was so happy and liked the school so much, she made a firm decision to come to school every day and never take any holidays. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 11)

The quotations above described that although the building of the school was not magnificent, Tomoe Gakuen School had a fun teaching method for kids especially for

Totto-chan, so that if many kids in other schools were lazy to go to school, Totto-chan was excited ―Totto-chan was so happy and liked the school so much, she made a firm decision to come to school every day and never take any holidays‖.

As well as the depiction of education in the Rainbow Troops, although SD

Muhammadiyah was a poor school, but did not reduce the value of education taught in that school. It is much imprinted on the heart of the author, Andrea Hirata.

The current world of education no longer saw school like Pak Harfan saw it— …... That school doesn‘t have to be merely a means toward getting to the next level, making money and getting rich. Rather, he saw school as a celebration of humanity, one that stood for dignity, the joy of learning, and the light of civilization. School nowadays was no longer a place to build character, but a part of a capitalistic plan to be rich and famous, to show off academic titles and gain power. (Hirata, 2009: 462)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Neither Tomoe Gakuen nor Muhammadiyah primary schools had school

building in general, but both schools provided comfort to students to learn. Tomoe

with train class and Mr. Kobayashi who loved children very much, while

Muhammadiyah elementary school with shack class and Bu Mus and Pak Harfan who

were very kind and patient to educate the Rainbow Troops children.

4.3.2 The Differences

1. Success as portrayed in Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window is

Tottochan was no longer considered as a ‗strange‘ child who could not be

arranged when she had moved to Tomoe Gakuen, the little girl who had been

expelled for being a nuisance had grown into a child worthy of Tomoe.

(Kuroyanagi, 1984: 64) and when she had an adult, in addition to being a famous

artist she had been able to realize her dream of founding Japan's first professional

theater of the deaf, I have been able to realize my long-cherished dream of

founding Japan's first professional theater of the deaf. (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 101)

While, success as portrayed in The Rainbow Troops isfrom a poor child

Ikal succeeded in obtaining a scholarship to school abroad then came back to

Indonesia and he worked in a telecommunications company.

These simple grains of wisdom, I believe, is what made me always want to learn and to work hard. I am convinced that my belief, not the fact that I was a smart student, I was studies in Europe. I came back to Indonesia and worked for a telecommunications company. (Hirata, 2009: 461)

2. Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window told the story about a little girl

who was considered to have a strange behavior, but in fact she was only the girl

who had a great curiosity. However it was contrary to the education system in

Japan in the past.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The reason Mother was worried was because although Totto-chan had only just started school, she had already been expelled…… …….. Mother had been sent for by Totto-chan's homeroom teacher,…. "Your daughter disrupts my whole class. I must ask you to take her to another school.‖ ―I'm really at the end of my tether.‖ (Kuroyanagi, 1984: 2)

The quotation above told that at first Totto-chan went to general primary school in Japan, but she was expelled from the school because she often interrupted the class during the lesson, "Your daughter disrupts my whole class. I must ask you to take her to another school".

…. and she had eagerly looked forward to every single morning of it. She still liked street musicians, but she had learned to like many, many more things around her. The little girl who had been expelled for being a nuisance had grown into a child worthy of Tomoe. (Her Second Year at Tomoe: P.64, Par. 6, Line 17)

Then her mother moved her to Tomoe Gakuen School that had different learning system than the most general schools in Japan at the time. After moved to

Tomoe, Totto-chan was no longer considered a child who could not be arranged in the classroom ―The little girl who had been expelled for being a nuisance had grown into a child worthy of Tomoe‖.

While, The Rainbow troops told the story about the life of Belitung children who were not able to economically, but have a strong commitment in education to achieve their goal.

….. we were Belitong-Malays from the poorest community on the island. As for this school, Muhammadiyah Elementary School, it too was the poorest village school in Belitong. (Hirata, 2009: 4)

From the utterances above the writer found that Muhammadiyah

Elementary School was the poorest village school in Belitong with very poor

facilities. Mentioned that there were only three reasons why parents enrolled their

children there. The first, the school didn‘t require any fees. The second, the

parents feared that their children had weak character and could easily be led 41

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA astray by the Devil, so they wanted them to have strong Islamic guidance from a

young age. The third, their child wasn‘t accepted at any other school. (Hirata,

2009: 4)

In Muhammadiyah Elementary School there were characters such as

Lintang son of fisherman who very smart, Ikal who have a strong desire to realize

his dream, and also Mahar who was good at art. They were poor children who

attended school at Muhammadiyah Elementary School.

God didn’t just bless Lintang with brains. He also blessed him with a beautiful personality. (Hirata, 2009: 107)

The quotations was explained that Lintang described as a very smart and

had a beautiful personality.

Mahar lowered his head. He was a handsome, smart and artistic young man, but he was very stubborn about his convictions. (Hirata, 2009: 277)

Then Mahan described as a handsome, smart and artistic boy. Though he

was also stubborn about his convictions, of course it was not always bad, it could

also mean he had perseverance and strong commitment.

I studied hard every night, but never was I even a little close, not even a little, to surpassing Lintang. My grades were a tad better than the class average but way below his. I was always in Lintang‘s shadow. (Hirata, 2009: 107)

While Ikal described as a diligent and unyielding boy. He still studied hard even though it was difficult to defeat Lintang. In the end, studied hard that he did had led him to the gates of the success. The writer concluded that although Ikal and his friends school in a poor school but they had strong commitment to achieve success.



4.3.3 The Similarities and Differences of the Intrinsic Elements

The writer also analyzed the similarities and differences of the intrinsic elements presented in the two novels. It can be seen in the table below:

No. Intrinsic TOTTO-CHAN: THE RAINBOW TROOPS Elements the little girl at the window

1 Setting Tomoe Gakuen School, Tokyo, SD Muhammadiah, Belitong, Japan 1938-1945 Indonesia, 1970‘s

2 Plot chronological plot (linear) chronological plot (linear)

3 Main Totto-Chan (a hyperactive girl) Ikal ( a boy from a poor family) Character

4 Point of Third Person First Person View

5 Theme The values of the unconventional Education in the limitations of education, friendship poverty, friendship

6 Motive the process of achieving success the process of achieving success

The table above will be explained below:

1. Both of the novels in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow

Troops have difference in setting of place. Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window

happens in Japan while The Rainbow Troops happens in Indonesia. Both of the

novels in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow Troops have

difference of setting of time, Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window happens

around 1938-1945, while The Rainbow Troops happens 1970‘s.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. Both of the novels in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow

Troops have the same plot namely, chronological plot (linear).

3. Both of the novels in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow

Troops have different of character. Totto-chan in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the

Window is a hyperactive girl while Ikal in Rainbow Troops is a boy from poor


4. Both of the novels in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow

Troops have different point of view. The point of view in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl

at the Window is third person while The Rainbow Troops is first person.

5. Both of the novels in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window and The Rainbow

Troops have similarities of theme namely education and friendship, but more

specifically education in Totto-cahn: the Little Girl at the Window is the values of

the unconventional education, while in The Rainbow Troops is education in the

limitations of poverty.

6. Both of the novels in Kuroyanagi‘s Totto-Chan: the Little Girl at the Window and

Hirata‘s The Rainbow Troops have similarities of motive namely, the process of

achieving success.




5.1 Conclusions

Base on the analysis the writer makes conclusion as follow:

1. Success was achieved in Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window by strong

commitment to be better a person, the way the character behave to others, give back,

always learning, and increase knowledge by reading.

2. Success was achieved in The Rainbow Troops by strong commitment to be a better

person, the way the character behave to others, give back, always learning, and

increase knowledge by reading.

3. The Similarities and the Differences in the Two Novels

a. The similarities in the two novels are both novels told the role of educators in their

process of success; both novels told a valuable experience in their elementary

school that affects their future success; both novels are able to illustrate that useful

education is not only education which is counted on the material only.

b. The differences in the two novels are success as portrayed in Totto-chan: the Little

Girl at the Window is Totto-chan from a ‗strange‘ child became a worthy child and

when she had an adult, she became famous artist and able to realize her dream to

founding Japan's first professional theater of the deaf. While, success as portrayed

in The Rainbow Troops is from a poor child, Ikal succeeded in obtaining a

scholarship to school abroad then came back to Indonesia and he worked in a

telecommunications company; Totto-chan: the Little Girl at the Window told the

story about a little girl who was considered to have a strange behavior, but in fact

she was only the girl who had a great curiosity. While, The Rainbow troops told the 45

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA story about the life of Belitung children who were not able economically, but have a

strong commitment in education to achieve their success.

Comparative literature would help readers to open up their eyes and look at different national literary works which represent the respective society which possibly have the same social problems. Finally, the writer can conclude that similar things happen in different places, yet only realized it if tried to look at them closer and wise. Therefore, the authors of the two novels help people to see that education is very important and success can be achieved by anyone as long as the person never gives up.

5.2 Suggestions

Finally the writer expects that the readers eager to study about literature, especially in understanding motif of passion to achieve success. The writer hopes that the reader can understand and apply kinds of how to achieve success found in these literary works. The writer hopes this analysis would be useful to readers such as to enlarge their knowledge especially for literature student who have interest in analyze comparative literature and know how the differences of the both literary works. The writer also hope from this analysis of this two literary works the reader can take the messages and wisdom, any kind of limitations we have, any kind the problems we face do not ever give up, keep trying, keep hoping, and make success happen.




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Appendix 1: Biography of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi

Tetsuko Kuroyanagi (born August 9, 1933 in Tokyo) is an internationally famous Japanese actress, a talk show host, an author of a best-selling children's book, a World Wide Fund for

Nature advisor, and a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. She is well known for her charitable works, and is considered as one of the first Japanese celebrities who achieved international recognition. In 2006, referred to Kuroyanagi in his book Japanese Portraits:

Pictures of Different People as "the most popular and admired woman in Japan.

She founded the Totto Foundation, named for the eponymous and autobiographical protagonist of her book Totto-chan, The Little Girl at the Window. The Foundation professionally trains deaf actors, implementing Kuroyanagi's vision of bringing theater to the deaf.

In 1984, in recognition of her charitable works, Kuroyanagi was appointed to be a Goodwill

Ambassador for UNICEF, being the first person from Asia to hold this position. During the late

1980s and the 1990s, she visited many developing countries in Asia and for charitable works and goodwill missions, helping children who had suffered from disasters and war as well as raising international awareness of the situations of children in poor countries. Kuroyanagi has raised more than $20 million for the UNICEF programmes that she has been involved in,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA through television fund-raising campaigns. She also used the royalties from her bestselling book, Totto-chan, to contribute to UNICEF.

In 1997, Kuroyanagi published the book Totto-chan's Children, which was based on her experience working for as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador from 1984 to 1996. Kuroyanagi is a director of the Japanese branch of the World Wildlife Fund.

Kuroyanagi has twice brought America's National Theater of the Deaf to Japan, acting with them in sign language.

For her involvement in media and television entertainment, Kuroyanagi won the Japanese

Cultural Broadcasting Award, which is the highest television honour in Japan. Since then, she has been voted 14 times as Japan‘s favourite television personality, for the show Tetsuko‘s


In 2000, Kuroyanagi became the first recipient of the Global Leadership for Children Award, which was established by UNICEF in the 10th anniversary of the 1990 World Summit for

Children. In May 2003, Kuroyanagi received Order of the Sacred Treasure in recognition of her two decades of service for the world‘s children.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 2: Summary of the novel: Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window

The book begins with Totto-chan's mother coming to know of her daughter's expulsion from

public school. Her mother realizes that what Totto-chan needs is a school where more freedom

of expression is permitted. Thus, she takes Totto-chan to meet the headmaster of the new

school, Mr. Kobayashi. From that moment a friendship is formed between master and pupil.

The book goes on to describe the times that Totto-chan has, the friends she makes, the lessons she learns, and the vibrant atmosphere that she imbibes. All of these are presented to the reader through the eyes of a child. Thus the reader sees how the normal world is transformed into a beautiful, exciting place full of joy and enthusiasm. The reader also sees in their role as adults, how Mr. Kobayashi introduces new activities to interest the pupils. One sees in Mr. Kobayashi a man who understands children and strives to develop their qualities of mind, body and his concern for the physically handicapped and his emphasis on the equality of all children are remarkable.

This was especially remarkable in light of the fact Japan was in the throes of a regime not unlike

Nazi Germany. Handicaps and religions that were different from the worship of the Emperor

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA were not tolerated. But, we see that "Totto-chan" making best friends with a boy who has polio.

And to top things off, this boy is raised in a Christian family which could have jeopardized everyone who associated with them. Another boy that has joined the school was raised in

America for all his life and cannot speak Japanese, let alone know some of the basic rules of etiquette. But the headmaster tells the children to learn English from him, despite governmental restraints against using the "enemy's" language.

The headmaster should have been reprimanded for such actions. But in the epilogue, we find that Headmaster Kobayashi had good connections with leaders in government. This connection is hinted when one of "Totto-chan's" friends is mentioned as having an aunt who was a poet laureate of the Imperial Court. That a child with such heritage would be in such an unorthodox school would have been unthinkable during this time. There had to be something special about

Headmaster Kobayashi.

But in this the school, the children lead happy lives, unaware of the things going on in the world. World War II has started, yet in this school, no signs of it are seen.

There are hints of something awry when "Totto-chan" cannot buy caramel candies from the vending machine on her way to school, and it becomes harder for her mother to meet the requirements for a balanced lunch. In another scene, there is a boy who is bawling his eyes out at being removed from the school by his parents, with Headmaster Kobayashi helplessly letting the student vent with tears forming in his own eyes.

But one day, the school is bombed, and is never rebuilt, even though the headmaster claims that he looked forward to building an even better school the next time round. This ends Totto-chan's years as a pupil at Tomoe Gakuen.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Totto-chan was originally published in Japan as a series of articles in Kodansha's Young

Woman magazine appearing from February 1979 through December 1980. The articles were then collected into a book, which made Japanese publishing history by selling more than 5 million before the end of 1982, which made the book break all previous publishing records and become the bestselling book in Japanese history.

An English edition, translated by Dorothy Britton, was published in America in 1984. The book has been translated into a number of languages, including, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French,

Italian, German, Korean, Malay, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, Russian, Uyghur,

Sinhala, and Lao, and many Indian languages including Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu,

Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali and Oriya.

A bilingual collection of stories from the book, entitled Best of Totto-chan: Totto Chan: The

Little Girl at the Window, was published in 1996.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 3: Biography of Andrea Hirata

Hirata was born in Gantung, Belitung. While he was young, his parents changed his name seven times. They eventually settled on the name Andrea, while the name Hirata was given by his mother. He grew up in a poor family not far from a government-owned mine.

Hirata started his tertiary education with a degree in economics from the University of

Indonesia. After receiving a scholarship from the European Union, he did his master's degree in

Europe, first at the University of Paris then at Sheffield Hallam University in Britain; his thesis dealt with telecommunications and the economy.

Hirata released Laskar Pelangi in 2005. The novel, was written in a period of six months, and was based on his childhood experiences in Belitung;[4] he later described it as "an irony about a lack of access to education for children in one of the world's wealthiest islands.". The novel went on to sell five million copies, with pirated editions selling 15 million more. It also spawned three sequels: Sang Pemimpi (The Dreamer), Edensor and Maryamah Karpov.

Laskar Pelangi was adapted into a film of the same name in 2008 by directors Riri Riza and

Mira Lesmana; the film became the most-viewed Indonesian film of all time, being seen by 5 million viewers during its theatrical run. He also worked at the telecommunications company

Telkom Indonesia, eventually quitting to focus on writing. In 2010 the international rights for the Laskar Pelangi tetralogy were bought by American agent Amer & Asia; the rights were later

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA acquired by Kathleen Anderson Literary Management. Afterwards, Hirata opened a library in

his hometown.

By 2010, he was spending weekends in Belitung and weekdays in Java. He later published his

first English-language short story, "Dry Season", in Washington Square Review. That same

year, he spent three months attending a writer's workshop at the University of Iowa.

In 2011, television network SCTV announced a 15-episode serial adaption of Laskar Pelangi;

Hirata had previously said he would not allow such an adaptation, but later relented as he felt

the network could guarantee quality. By 2012 the English translation of Laskar Pelangi had

been picked up by FSG, Penguin Books, and Random House for sale in twenty countries; Hirata

was the first Indonesian writer to be published with FSG. That year he was a speaker at the

Byron Bay Writers Festival.

List of His Works:

1. Laskar Pelangi (2005) 6. Sebelas Patriot (2011) 2. Sang Pemimpi (2006) 7. Laskar Pelangi Song Book (2012) 3. Edensor (2007) 8. Ayah (2015) 4. Maryamah Karpov 9. Sirkus Pohon (2017) 5. Padang Bulan & Cinta di Dalam Gelas (2010)

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Appendix 4: Summary of the novel: Rainbow Troops

The Rainbow Troops is narrated by Ikal, and is mainly an account of his school-years on

Belitong (Billiton) Island in Indonesia. Almost all the action revolves around the tiny school he attended, Muhammadiyah Elementary School, and his classmates -- a ragtag bunch nicknamed

'Laskar Pelangi' (the "Rainbow Troops") by their teacher. From the beginning, the school's very

survival -- and with it the possibility that these children can even get an education -- is in

question: the story opens on their first school day, when everyone desperately waits to see

whether the necessary minimum of ten children can be found to even keep the school going;

later, it is imperiled by the local mining company's interest in the tin on the school grounds.

The small island -- which, after all, gave mining giant BHP Billiton its name -- is

dominated by tin mining and by PN Timah (now PT Timah), to the extent that Belitong has

become more or less "a corporate village". The company staff live in a walled-off and guarded

part of the island called the Estate, which is also where the PN School is -- "a place for the

best", with all the amenities. Muhammadiyah Elementary School isn't so much a place for the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA rest as it is the last possible option, and the few children who go here come from extreme

poverty -- and even then it is a great sacrifice for their families and them, with one of them

bicycling huge distances daily just to get there.

Led by an idealistic new teacher, Bu Mus -- herself just fifteen and just out of junior high

school -- they are united by a commitment to the school and to learning. It turns out that one

among them, Lintang, is exceptionally bright and he becomes their star student; another, Mahar,

is artistically very gifted (though he and another student -- the girl Flo, a later addition who fled

the PN School -- become rather obsessed with mysticism and the like, eventually losing some of

their academic focus).

Some of The Rainbow Troops is about perseverance and overcoming obstacles, and there

are small triumphs on larger stages, too, in academic contests with other schools and the like --

the long empty trophy case doesn't remain entirely empty -- but it's not entirely a feel-good novel of anything being possible. It is a realistic account -- clearly also autobiographical -- and

not all the triumphs are complete, and this attempt to get an education isn't enough to change

some of the island fundamentals for the students.

The account is very loosely episodic, with little sense of the years that pass. Chapters focus

on different events and episodes, with some of the action stretched out over several chapters,

but there is only a limited and occasional sense of continuity or personal growth. Along the way

there is a variety of action -- encounters with crocodiles, first love, the challenges the school

faces just to survive, and more -- even as there is little sense of gradual individual progress, as

the story simply jumps from one set of circumstances to the next. The students generally aren't

described in much detail, and Ikal's own family and familial circumstances remain almost

entirely obscure. While the novel revolves closely around the school (even as quite a bit of the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA action takes place apart from it), even the teachers come across more as idealized figures rather than tangible characters.

The last forty pages of the novel leap ahead -- to 'Twelve Years Later', as Ikal describes his second push at advancement through education, as well as some of what became of the others, a mixed bag of successes and setbacks.

As a novel, The Rainbow Troops is a bit of a mess. Structurally it is frailer than the barely- standing structure that houses Muhammadiyah Elementary, especially by the standards of carefully blueprinted MFA-honed American-style works of fiction. Yet there's considerable charm to the irrepressible narrative, too -- winning enough that it, and the colorful exoticism presented here, prove quite captivating. Hirata's controlled tone helps: despite the occasional cliché -- in both style and substance -- there's an agreeable liveliness to the writing. It helps too that it is almost relentlessly upbeat, with little wallowing in any of the abject misery (as would be easy enough to do) or depressing turns (though arguably a bit more focus on the sadder turns might have helped, as this is a story where people who are out of sight are immediately more or less entirely out of mind, and there's practically no long- (or even medium-)term reflection on loss).

Ikal is an avid reader, but as with everything else, Hirata does not go into much detail about that. Someone speaks of "the power of literature", but Hirata more or less leaves it at that, Ikal just briefly noting: "Literature, asked my heart, what's that ?" but not dwelling on it then. And while he dabbles in poetry (sending them to his first love) and admits to: "an affinity for writing", Ikal is not one of these characters who lose themselves in fiction (and go on and on about that):

I occupied myself by reading practical psychology books on self-development and becoming more fanatical about John Lennon's inspirational sentence.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA (The sentence is: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans !" which Ikal came across in an interview by Lennon in a newspaper clipping.)

Ikal believes his strengths are in playing badminton (though that hardly figures in the book) and writing; an amusing aside from the last section of the book describes a last-ditch effort to tie that all up into one big project:

I studied pop culture and trends of personal development to enrich my book. Even its title was impressive: Badminton and Making Friends. Indonesia had never seen a book like that.

Unfortunately, based on commercial considerations, there were no publishers willing to print the book. They were more interested in pornographic books full of words like condom, masturbation, and orgasm. Those were more profitable.

That even the adult Ikal would not only think of writing but actually complete a book on

Badminton and Making Friends gives a good sense of where this novel is coming from. Not quite so far-fetched, The Rainbow Troops is nevertheless equally sincere and idealistic, presenting a world in which everything may not quite be possible, but everyone sure is going to try their darndest. (It also remains the antithesis of those 'pornographic books' that do get published: Ikal feels youthful passion for a girl, but this is a very decorous book, and there's no adolescent lust or adult activity to be found here, as a childish innocence is maintained throughout the book (another reason why there's little sense of the characters growing or maturing).

Yet for all its apparent ingenuousness (and near-relentless good cheer), the novel does not shy away from the reality of the consequences of the lack of educational opportunities in this society. These characters make the best of what is available, idealistic teachers and ambitious students making do with whatever they have -- but that isn't necessarily enough. Hirata (and

Hirata-as-Ikal) offer this book as tribute and fulfilled pledge to their teachers, and if its basic

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA message of the importance of education is a familiar one, it is nevertheless presented with more than enough heart, exotic frills, and appealing writing (rough around some of the edges, but still quite winning) to not seem simply a didactic social-moral tale.

An interesting glimpse of a slice of (fairly) modern rural Indonesian life, The Rainbow

Troops is somewhat basic but also undeniably appealing. http://www.complete-