CONGO MISSIONARY TEXTS CLIVE FARAHAR RARE BOOKS 11 Middle Street Montacute Somerset TA15 6UZ U.K. +44(0)1935 593086 +44(0)7780 434713
[email protected] www. Vat Number 941496700 baNk Nat West acct 50868608 sort 60 02 05 CONGO MISSIONARY TEXTS 1. CONGO. As Parabolas e os Miragres do Senhor Jesus, Yingana Yo Masivi Ma Yisu,Nova Ediçao, 96 pp. text illusts. cr.8vo, original cloth, Lisbon & London, Imprensa Limitada, B.T. and L.A. Baptist Missionary Society, 1924 [Stock ID: 13468 ] £50 2. CONGO. Ekangu Diampa Dia Mfumu Eto Jizu Kristu Wa Mvuluzi Eto, Disekwelo Muna Kingrekia Yamu Kisi Kongo, (Congo New Testament)3 unnumbered pages tipped in with further vocabulary emmendments,1 gathering sprung, cr.8vo, leather binding, joints cracked, London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1903 [Stock ID: 12770 ] £150 3. CONGO. Kasa Ya Ngela Eyai The New Testament in Kele (Congo),cr.8vo. cloth, London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1939 [Stock ID: 13467 ] £55 4. CONGO. Luwawanu Luamona Ye Minkunga, The New Testament and Psalms in Kongo (Buene or Fioti),372 + 7 pp. some slight marginal worming, 8vo, original cloth, inscribed H.Ross Phillips on front endpaper, London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1926 [Stock ID: 13472 ] £75 5. CONGO. Nkand’a Nzambi I Sia Vo Luwawanu Luankulu Y’olu Luampa, The Bible in Kongo (San Salvador)8vo, original morocco style cloth, aeg, title creased, London, British and Foreign Bible Society, 1926 The first issue of this Bible was in 1905. [Stock ID: 12697 ] £80 6. CONGO. Nkunga mia Yimbidila Nzambi, [Congo Hymn Book] annotated throughout, 12 pp of a typed index of hymns tipped into the rear paste down endpaper, cr.8vo, original leather, joints cracking, London Baptist Missionary Press, 1917 [Stock ID: 12714 ] £60 7.