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General Interstellar Issue Journal of the British Interplanetary Society VOLUME 72 NO.4 APRIL 2019 General interstellar issue POSITRON PROPULSION for Interplanetary and Interstellar Travel Ryan Weed et al. SPACECRAFT WITH INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM MOMENTUM EXCHANGE REACTIONS: the Potential and Limitations of Propellantless Interstellar Travel Drew Brisbin ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for Interstellar Travel Andreas M. Hein & Stephen Baxter ISSN 0007-084X PUBLICATION DATE: 30 MAY 2019 Submitting papers International Advisory Board to JBIS JBIS welcomes the submission of technical Rachel Armstrong, Newcastle University, UK papers for publication dealing with technical Peter Bainum, Howard University, USA reviews, research, technology and engineering in astronautics and related fields. Stephen Baxter, Science & Science Fiction Writer, UK James Benford, Microwave Sciences, California, USA Text should be: James Biggs, The University of Strathclyde, UK ■ As concise as the content allows – typically 5,000 to 6,000 words. Shorter papers (Technical Notes) Anu Bowman, Foundation for Enterprise Development, California, USA will also be considered; longer papers will only Gerald Cleaver, Baylor University, USA be considered in exceptional circumstances – for Charles Cockell, University of Edinburgh, UK example, in the case of a major subject review. Ian A. Crawford, Birkbeck College London, UK ■ Source references should be inserted in the text in square brackets – [1] – and then listed at the Adam Crowl, Icarus Interstellar, Australia end of the paper. Eric W. 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Chris Welch, The International Space University, Strasbourg, France ■ If a paper is accepted for publication, the Friedwardt Winterberg, University of Nevada, Reno, USA author will be asked to sign a License to Publish form. This can be downloaded at www.bis- WebsiteLicense.pdf. ■ Authors will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which their paper appears. Editor Roger Longstaff Deputy Editor Duncan Law-Green Associate Editors Stephen Ashworth, We respectfully ask authors to adhere to these Keith Cooper, Stephen Gamble, Paul Gilster, Rob Swinney, Production MP3 Media guidelines. Failure to do so will result in the Promotion Gill Norman JBIS Office British Interplanetary Society, Arthur C. Clarke House, delay of acceptable papers for publication. 27-29 South Lambeth Road, London, SW8 1SZ, United Kingdom tel +44 (0)20 7735 3160 email [email protected] Our full Guidelines for Authors can be downloaded DISTRIBUTION from JBIS is distributed worldwide by mail and may be received by annual subscription or purchase of single copies. It is available through membership of the British Interplanetary Society at much reduced rates. Subscription details for members, non-members and libraries are available from the above address. JBIS is a publication that promotes the mission of the British Interplanetary Society. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or the Council of the British Interplanetary Society. Security clearance, where necessary, is the responsibility of the author. Published by the British Interplanetary Society. Registered Company No: 402498. Registered Charity No: 250556. Printed by Latimer Trend & Company Ltd, Estover Road, Plymouth, PL6 7PY, England. © 2019 British Interplanetary Society. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording by any information storage or retrieval system without prior permission from the Publishers. CONTENTS VOLUME 72 NO.4 APRIL 2019 110 POSITRON PROPULSION for Interplanetary and Interstellar Travel Ryan Weed et al. 116 SPACECRAFT WITH INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM MOMENTUM EXCHANGE REACTIONS: the Potential and Limitations of Propellantless Interstellar Travel Drew Brisbin 125 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for Interstellar Travel Andreas M. Hein & Stephen Baxter OUR MISSION STATEMENT The British Interplanetary Society promotes the exploration and use of space for the benefit of humanity, connecting people to create, educate and inspire, and advance knowledge in all aspects of astronautics. JBIS Vol 72 No.4 April 2019 109 JBIS VOLUME 72 2019 PAGES 110–115 POSITRON PROPULSION for Interplanetary and Interstellar Travel RYAN WEED1, BALA RAMAMURTHY1, JOSH MACHACEK1, DANTE SBLENDORIO1, MASON PECK2 1Positron Dynamics Inc, Livermore, California, USA; 2Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, New York City, USA Email [email protected] Current state of the art in-space propulsion systems fail to meet requirements of 21st century space missions. Antimatter propulsion has been identified as a candidate mechanism that could safely transport humans and/or robotic systems with drastically reduced transit times, providing quicker scientific results, increasing the payload mass to allow more capable instruments and larger crews, and reducing the overall mission cost. Propulsion systems based on antimatter have been considered in several manifestations. Despite the substantial performance advantages, significant technical barriers have kept the cost of usable antimatter well outside the realm of propulsion applications. Each design is a trade-off between mass and complexity, but they all share high specific impulse (Isp) well above those obtained from even the most ambitious electric ion-propulsion. We describe a positron-based propulsion system utilizing radioisotope positron sources combined with annihilation-catalyzed fusion and include a basic design for a propulsion demonstration employing the CubeSat architecture as well a scaled propulsion system that utilizes an ‘on-board’ radioisotope breeding technique. Keywords: Antimatter, Positrons, Fusion propulsion 1 INTRODUCTION thrust levels and transit times required for interplanetary and interstellar travel. We present initial analysis of a positron The primary challenge of an antimatter propulsion system is source generation concept based on Deuterium-Deuterium conversion of the annihilation products into propulsive force. (DD) fusion neutron capture reaction 78Kr(n,γ)79Kr [8, 9, 10]. One way to do this is by catalyzing a fusion reaction(s), re- This type of radioisotope ‘breeder’ fuel cycle would allow for sulting in fast charged particle products that can be guided to much higher positron source intensities and thrust levels re- produce thrust [1]. Traditional laser or particle fusion-driver quired for an interstellar mission. systems have high mass and power requirements that are not practical for any near-term space applications [2]. 1.1 Why Positrons? Positrons are the easier form of antimatter to obtain - over Antiprotons have been the antimatter particle of choice for the past 20 years the cost of usable positron production has de- most propulsion system studies over the last several decades creased, and the techniques have become more widely known [11,12,13]. While antiproton annihilation does release approx- [3]. Our solution to antimatter propulsion is based on using imately 2,000 times more energy per annihilation, a large accel- electron/positron annihilation induced fusion reactions, first erator (e.g. CERN, FermiLab) is required to reach the energies proposed in the 1990s [4], but never experimentally meas- required for pair production of antiprotons. Such large systems ured. Recent advances in cold positron production [5], cre- are unrealistic in a spacecraft, therefore, antiproton propulsion ation of dense deuterium clusters on metallic substrates [6], concepts rely on storage of these charged particles in magnetic and measurement of positron catalyzed
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