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IFRS CONSOLIDATED INTERIM CONDENSED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) 30 June 2019 Moscow | 2019 PJSC GAZPROM IFRS CONSOLIDATED INTERIM CONDENSED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) 30 June 2019 Moscow | 2019 Contents Report on review of consolidated interim condensed financial information ............................................................ 3 Consolidated interim condensed balance sheet ......................................................................................................... 5 Consolidated interim condensed statement of comprehensive income .................................................................... 6 Consolidated interim condensed statement of cash flows ........................................................................................ 7 Consolidated interim condensed statement of changes in equity ............................................................................. 8 Notes to the consolidated interim condensed financial information: 1 General information .................................................................................................................................. 9 2 Economic environment in the Russian Federation .................................................................................. 9 3 Basis of presentation ................................................................................................................................. 9 4 Summary of significant accounting policies and critical judgements and estimates in their application ............................................................................................................................................ 10 5 Segment information .............................................................................................................................. 13 6 Cash and cash equivalents ...................................................................................................................... 17 7 Accounts receivable and prepayments ................................................................................................... 17 8 Inventories ............................................................................................................................................... 17 9 Property, plant and equipment ................................................................................................................ 18 10 Right-of-use assets .................................................................................................................................. 19 11 Investments in associates and joint ventures .......................................................................................... 20 12 Long-term accounts receivable and prepayments .................................................................................. 22 13 Other current and non-current assets ...................................................................................................... 22 14 Long-term borrowings, promissory notes .............................................................................................. 22 15 Profit tax .................................................................................................................................................. 25 16 Equity ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 17 Sales ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 18 Operating expenses ................................................................................................................................. 28 19 Finance income and expense .................................................................................................................. 28 20 Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the owners of PJSC Gazprom ............................. 29 21 Provisions ................................................................................................................................................ 29 22 Fair value of financial instruments ......................................................................................................... 30 23 Related parties ......................................................................................................................................... 32 24 Commitments and contingencies ........................................................................................................... 38 25 Events after reporting period .................................................................................................................. 45 2 Report on Review of Consolidated Interim Condensed Financial Information To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom Introduction We have reviewed the accompanying consolidated interim condensed balance sheet of PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries as of 30 June 2019 and the related consolidated interim condensed statement of comprehensive income for the three and six months ended 30 June 2019, consolidated interim condensed statements of cash flows and changes in equity for the six months ended 30 June 2019, and notes to the consolidated interim condensed financial information. Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this consolidated interim condensed financial information in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this consolidated interim condensed financial information based on our review. Scope of Review We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 3 (pБK Conсlusion Based on our review, nothing has сome to our attention that causes us to believe that the aсcompаnying сonsolidated interim condensed financial information is not prepared, in all material respeсts, in aссordanсe with lnternational Acсounting Standard 34, lnterim FinanсiaI Reporting. S.M. Shapiguzov President of FBK, n certificate 01-001230) fi tO 'l .,1 К.S. Shirikova, AссA Еngagement partner (audit qualifiсation certifiсate 01-000712) Date of the Report on Review 28 August 201 9 Auditеd entity Auditor Name: Name: PubIiс Joint Stoсk Company Gazprom (PJSC Gazprom). FBK' LLо. Address of the legal entity Within its loсation: Address of the legal entity within its loсation: 16' Nametkina st., Mosсow,117420' Russian Federat;on. 4411,2^8, Myasnitskaya St., Moscow, l01990, Russian Federation. offiсial registrаtion: offiсial registrаtion: state Registration сertifiсate No'022.72в, issued by Mosсow state Rеgistration ceгtifiсate No. 484.58з issuеd by Mosсow Registration Chamber on 25 February 1993. тhe registration entry Rеgistration Chamber on 15Novembеr1993. тhе registration Was made in the Unified statе Register of Legal Еntitiеs on entry Was made in the Unified state Register of Legal Еntities on 2 August 2002 under prinсipаl state registration number 24 Julу 2o02 under principal statе registration number 1027700070518. I 027700058286. Мembership in self-regulаtory organization of auditors: Member of Self_regulatory organization of auditors Аssociаtion "sodruzhestvo". Principal number of rеgistration entry in the register of auditors and audit organizations of the self-regulatory organization of auditors 1 I 50603048 1 . 4 PJsс GAZPRoM сoNsoLIDATЕD INTЕRIM сONDЕNSED BALANсЕ s}IЕЕT (UNAUDITЕD) As oF 30 JUNЕ 2019 (in millions of Russiаn Rublеs) 30 Junе 31 Deсеmber Notes 2019 2018 Assеts Current assets 6 Cash аnd сash еquivalents l'|5з'970 849,419 Short-tеrm fi nаnсial assеts 5t,117 26,859 7 Aссounts rесеivablе and prеpaymеnts 9s6,328 l,222,7з5 8 Inventories 8'72,715 909,671 VAT rесоverable 134,277 150,425 13 other сuffеnt assets 792.793 1.053.1 15 3,961,800 4,212,230 Non_сurrеnt assеts 9 Propertу, plаnt and еquipmrnt 14,008,873 13,809,4з4 l0 Right-of-use assеts 2|8'з|2 Goodwill t07,596 108,097 l1 Invеstmеnts in assoсiatеs andjoint vеnturеs 1,160,169 1,09'7,446 t2 Long-tеrm aссounts rесеivablе and prеpaymеnts 877,113 6з6'з05 22 Long-tеrm fi nanсial assеts 464,42з 416,666 13 othеr non-сurrеnt assrts 483.762 530.262 17.320.848 16.s98.210 Total assets 21,282,648 20,810,440 Liabilitiеs and equity Current liabilitiеs Aосounts payablе, pгovisions and othеr liabilitiеs |'6'7з"705 t,522,101 Currеnt profit tax payable r0,628 з4'708 Taхеs othеr"than on profit and fеes рayablе 287,92s з47,825 Short-tеrm borrowings' promissory notеs and сuшеnt portion of long-tеrm borтowings 415.197 569.061 2,447,455 2,473,695 Non-сurrеnt liabilitiеs t4 Long_tеrm borrowings, promissory nоtеs з'2з5'416 з'294,761 21 Provisions 451,881 406'з22 l5 Dеfеrrеd tax liabilitiеs 786,s52 748,751 Long-tеrm lеаsе liabilitiеs 208,945 othеr non-сurrеnt liabilitiеs 69.633 1 10.758 4,7s2.433 4,s60,592 Total liabilitiеs 7,199,888 7,034,281 Equiф t6 Sharе сapital 325,194 з25'l94 t6
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