6)0Rzd, 2.545(Q QED, 2.778(' (N2d, R.726 6) Q014,224R. Ie Nom

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6)0Rzd, 2.545(Q QED, 2.778(' (N2d, R.726 6) Q014,224R. Ie Nom Canadian Mineraloslst Vol. 14, pp. 387-390 (197Q ZEMANNITE,A ZINGTETLURITE FROM MOCTEZUMA, SONORA, MEXICO J. A. MANDARINO Department of Mineralogy and Geology, Royal Ontario Museum, L00 Qaeeds Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada E. MATZAT Mineraloglsch-krlstallographisches Institut, University of Gdttingen, Gdttlngen, Gennany S. J. WILLIAMS Pera State College, Pera, Nebraska, U,S-4. ABSIRAG"I fesseurJosef Zemann,de I'Universit6 de Vienne, qui a contribu6 tellement i nos connaissancesdes struc- Zemannite occurs as minute hexagonal prisms tures des compos6sde tellure. terminated by a bipyramid. The mineral is light Clraduit par le journal) to dark brown, has an adamantine lustre, and is brittle. It is uniaxial positive: <o-1.85, e:1.93. The density is greater than 4.05 g/cm3, probably about INtnopucficyt* gave 4.36 g/cma. Crystal structure study the fol- Zemannite was first recognized as a possible group P6s/m, a 9.4t!0,42, c 7.64! lowing: space new species by Mandarino & Williams (1961) tellurite 0.024, Z:2. Zemannite is a zeolite-like who referred to it as a zinc tellurite or tellurate. with a negatively charged framework of lZtu Problems involving the determination of the GeOrLl having large (diam. : 8.28A) open chan- nels parallel to [0001]. These channels are statis- chemical formula delayed submission of the tically occupied by Na and H ions and possibly by description to the Commission on New Minerals H:O. Some Fe substitutes f.or 7m, Partial analyses Names, I.M.A. After the structural determina- and the crystal structure analysis indicate the for- tion by Matzat (1967), the description of zeman- mula (Zn,Fe)2(feOs)sNafir-']HzO. Strongest lines nite was submitted and both the mineral and in the X-raL powder pattegl (in A, for CuKa) are: name were approved.An abstract of the descrip- 8. l5(1 0) ( 1010), 4.07(8) (2020), 2.96(6) (1122), 2.845 tion of zemannite was published by Mandarino 6) QLTD, 2.778(' (2frD, t.726(6)QO.4,224r. et al. (L969). The mineral is named in honor The name is in honor of Professor Dr. Josef Ze- of Professor Dr. Josef Zemann, esteemedAus- 6snn, IJniversity of Vienna, who has contributed trian crystallographer who has contributed so so greatly to our knowledge of the structure of greatly to oul knowledge of tellurium and sele- tellurium compounds. nium oxysalts. Type material (milligrams) is preservedin the mineral collections of the Royal SouvrernB Ontario Museum. The type specimen is ROM La z6mannite se trouve sous forme de petits Number M25933. prismes hexagonaux bipyramidaux. Ir minlpl y6- rie du brun pile au brun fonc6; son lustre est ada- mantin. Il est uniaxe positif (@-1.85, e-1.93) et OccrrnnrNcs AND PrrysrcAr, PRopERTEs relativement fragile. Sa densit6, sup6rieure b 4.05 g/cm3, se rapproche probablement g/we. de 4.36 Zemannite mine, Une 6tude de sa structure cristalline r6vdle le groupe occurs at the Moctezuma near Moctezumao Sonora, Mexico. Although the spatial P6s/m, ayec a 9.4L!0.02, c 7.64+0.021\ Z:L La z6mannite est un tellurite'26olitique" qui individual crystals are very small, zemannite is consiste d'une trame lZng(feOs)s] ] charges n6ga- widespread at tle locality. The occurrence is tives et de canaux d'un diamdtre de 8.28A paralld- described by Gaines (1965) who has also sum- les d [0001]. Ces canaux contiennent des ions Na marized the mineralogy of the locality (Gaines et H et m6me peut-Otre de l'eau. Le fer substitue 1970). pour le zinc. Des analyses partielles ainsi que l'ana- Zemannite occurs as small crystals, usually lyse de la structure donnent la formule suivante: less tlan one mm long, which consist of a prism (7n,Fe)r(IeOs)sNa,H2-.yH2O. Les raies les plus in- and a bipyramid. The crystals are translucent to tenses dans un ctch6 de .goudre (en A, _radiation transparent, light to dark brown, and have an (1010), C\rKa) sont: 8.15(10) 4.07(8)Q020), 2.96 adamantine lustre and a white streak. Zemannite 6)0rzD, 2.545(qQED, 2.778('(n2D, r.726 does not fluoresce under short- ot long-rpave 6) Q014,224r.Ie nomfair honneuri M. le pro- ultraviolet light. No cleavage was observed. The 387 388 TTIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST hardness was not determined, but the mineral Zemannite is uniaxial positive with or=1.85 is quite soft and is very brittle. Although the and e-1.93. The mineral is dichroic with or red- density could not be measured, it was calculated dish brown and e yellowish brown; absorption, to be about 4.36:L0.08 glcn8. The method of .ole. calculation is given in a later section. Cnvster.r.ocnepgy Zemannite is hexagonal, space gf,oup P6s/ m - Cab a 9,4I:O,02, c 7.64f.0.O2A, c;a = 0.8119, I/-585.9A8, Z=2. T\e crystals are moryhologically simple and consist of only two forms: {1010} and {10i1}. The habit is usually prismatic, but a few crystals with a very small prhm development have been seen. No twinning was observed. The angular relations of the two - forms are: {10f0}, O 30' oo,op = 90o 00t; - {1011} 0 30' OO',p 43" O9t.A typical crystal is shown in Figure 1. Full details of the structure of zemannite are given by Matzat (L967). The X-ray powder dif- fraction data are grven in Table 1. CHEMTcaL CotvtposrtroN A complete chemical analysis was not per- formed. Partial XRF and electron microprobe FIG. 1. A typical crystal of zemannite showing the analyses indicated that the atomic ratio of Zn forms ane {1010} {10T1}. to Fe is between 3:1 and 3:2. The atomic ratio 'I. of (Zn*Fe) to Te is about 2t3. Small amounts TABLE X.MY POI{DERDATA FOR ZEMANNITE of Mn, Mg, and Na were detected, but do not exceed one percent each. 'r '10 'l0Trolo 8.r50 8.15 3143 4 The structural determination by Matz.at (1967) s.5i4 3282 rr!o 4.705 showed that zemannite is a zeolite-like tellurite \z so50 'I 2020 4.075 B 21tr4 with a negatively charged framework of Zna rrZl 4.006 4'152 1 00!2 3.820 3.80 3 soSt (IeOr), with a large (8.28A diameter) sftannel 2021 3.594 40tI3 2 running parallel to [0001]. These shannels are r oT2 3.458 3.44 1 336-0 2r30 3.080 3.07 4 30-34 \z statistically occupied by Na and H ions and 1122 2,966 2.96 6 4260 possibly by HeO. Partial analyses and the 2r3l 2.857 I .645 6 JJb I \z zo72 2.788 2.178 9 4261 crystal structure analysis suggest the formula 3o3o 2.717 SaaJ (Zn,Fe)z(IeO:)aNa"Hr"'IHrO, where .r can vary 3o3r 2.560 ? 1oJ5 r ol3 2.431 5052 from 0 to 2. Type material is ferroan zemannite. 21i2 2.398 ?.390 3 2244 zz4o 2.352 z.J4a 5 5rq0 3i40 2.260 3r94 1.459) 2241 2.248 4153 1.4581 I .455 Celcur,lrroN oF DENsrry lr 23 2.240 2.242 rlz 1.453) 3032 2.214 2.207 4 3&2 'I1.451 Because of the small size of the crystals, it 3rlr 2,168 5r0l .438 2023 2.I60 2.160 5 r.431 was not possible to measure the density of the 4oEo 2.038 4zdz 1.428 2242 2.003 1 1.393 mineral. A crystal placed in a liquid with a 4oAr r.969 t3g3'I1.373 density of 4.05 g/cm3 sant, thus establishing 1.963 2115 'I.369 3rf2 1.946 Y; 5192 .367 the fact that the density was greater than 4.05 0094 'II.9t0 2 6060 I .358 glcml. The density of zemannite was calculated 3250 .870 4370 I .340 r oI4 r .860 6oEl in the following manner. 'r I J 'I 3013 .858t 3254 'I.336 From tle unit cell dimensions and the formu- 325r 1.8i6 'I.336 4042 I .798 4 3035 '|.332 la (Zn,Fe)z(IeOs)aNaJIz*'yHrO, it is obvious 415o 1.778 $71 .320 that a range in densrty can be calculated for nA 1.770 v" 4263 'lI .318 I .316 4t5t '11.732 szlo 305 each value of y varying the value of .r between zo14 .7301 1.728 | 0 and 2. The lower limif sf this range is 3.705 g/cme .r=0 y-0; i.e, the formula Cu.traradiation, camera dlam. ll4.6m, m€asurenents corrected where and for film shrlnkago, RoMspeclnen numberltl?5933, fllm No, 3477. is (Zn,Fe),CIeOa)'H, (the amounts of Zn and ZEMANNTTB, A NEV/ ANC TELLURITE 389 TABLE2. SAmPLECALCULATToN 0F THE DENSITy 0F (Znr.ruFeo.uu)(reOr)rNatr.SHrO Constituent 1,1t.%=p k pk/100 Denslty frcm Gladstone-Dalerelationship 'I 'l Zn0 4. 35 0. 58 0,0227 o -';t " - 4.g8s/cm3 Fe0 6.10 0.188 0.0115 ## TeO, 62.55 0.183 0.'l't45 Density from unit cell NaZ0 4.05 0.190 0.0077 o-ffi- l!!8#- 4.34s/cm3 Hzo 12.95 0.340 0.0440 u - nolecularweight Total I 00.00 0.2004 z - numberof formulaunits per unit cell tp765.45 x-0.200 Y - volumeof unit cell 4 = Avogadro'snurnber (0.6023x1024) Fe in the formula ate, respectively 1.35 and of various compsitions in two ways. First, the 0.65 throughout this discussion. This is equiva- density wascalculated in the usual way from the lent to an atomic ratio for Zn:Fe of about 2 to unit-cell parameters.Next, the density was cal- 1).
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